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May 10, 2024 40 mins

Jason and Mike put on their detective hats and get to the bottom of who was moaning during the Luka press conference.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Greetings, Welcome inside final hour tonight, The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon, Live from the Tiraq
dot com studios tyrack dot com. I'll help you get
there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hats protection,
over ten thousand recommended installers, tirack dot com the way
tire buying should be. They didn't even play today. That's

an excited utan there two days off. I'm telling you,
we gotta find something else to go with Crisprus up
next to Jason and Mike. They bring the fire without
the racism, like we gotta we gotta find something going
with that a little bit more than just the Mets
are going to the World Series.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
We could just do dramatic readings of some of the
burner accounts that send us stuff on Twitter.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
Uh, the night in the NBA is over. We didn't
really see either game close. And just for a second
to talk about why the Knicks get so much attention,
just for a second, Yes, they're a big market team.
Oh you like how he said that Rick Carlisle big
market team like the Knicks Pacers series is getting a
lot of attention. Why, Yes, you have controversy with some

of the calls, but also because it's close. Right, these
games are close, they're fun to watch. All the other
games are blowouts. The Celtics win Game one against the
Cavaliers by thirty, Cavaliers win Game two by twenty five. Right,
Thunder blowout the Mavericks in Game one by twenty five.
Mavericks win in Game two by ten. It's like, you know,

you can only have so much drump if the games
aren't close. It's okay, I saw the game Team one.
What do we do if you play close games? That
inherently brings more attention, more eyeballs, more interest in the series.
And the Knicks Pacers happens to be close, So that's
why it's getting all the attention is because it's the
close one. The other ones are the Timberwls beat the

crap out of the Nuggets twice. The only reason we're
talking about that series is because, hey, the Nuggets are
the champs and they lost, and Jamal Murray's throwing heat
packs on the Florid players because he's upset about losing, right, Like,
outside of that, Like those are your topics of the playoffs.
Right now, it's all Knicks, pacers, Murray, heat pack and
then everything else. Right, So, do you want to know
why all all the knick stalk pasers talk? It's because

the games are close series.

Speaker 4 (02:40):
Yeah, I mean, and you're still a Knicks guy.

Speaker 5 (02:42):
But the point of that, we're the only ones, the
only ones talking about this.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
We're the only ones. Really, we're the only ones.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
Well know that you're the only one I have to
listen to. But the fact of the matter is York
are close. The fact that Carlisle, even if you think
the seventy eight is ridiculous and it should be a
fifth of that and eighth of.

Speaker 4 (03:02):
That whatever FRACTIOND you want.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
Maybe should be fifty more, maybe should be one hundred
and thirty calls, But maybe it should be because maybe
the Knicks have fifty of their own.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
So let's go. We're at one hundred and twenty eight.
Keep growing so serious just.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
For a second with the Carlo So the Nicks, I'm
sure could put together a bunch of calls that they
think were missed short So you think, okay, so do
you think so? You're honestly saying that here's in the
NBA that officials missing or missing, let's say one hundred
calls a game. They're missing one hundred Each officiating crew
is missing one hundred calls a game.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
May maybe that's true. Right now, we're going to letter
and spirit of the law. We're going letter spirit game flow,
interrupting said game flow. What's reviewable, what's not reviewable, Go
all the way down those permutations, and we get ourselves
into that one hundred plus missed or on made calls

as I'm doing air quotes sitting here in the home theater.
But the idea of being that for Carlisle, since the
games are close and are in the margins, jumping up
and down like Lebron remember when he was stomping and
because he didn't get that challenge, That's kind of what
I see him just doing. For the most part, I
like what the New York Post did the backpage with

him as a whining baby. But when you're talking about
a few calls here and there, not the seventy eight,
but if a few of those and you say, all right, well,
this is how you should be officiating this type of play.
Whatever feedback gets back to the officiating crew, maybe that
wins you enough calls in the next game to get

over Maybe you should actually hit your free throws in
the fourth quarter.

Speaker 4 (04:44):
But I digress, you.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
Know, and you know, close out on guys and not
let them shoot fifty five percent from the field.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
Put out coach by Tom Thibodeau. That's exactly what's happening.

Speaker 6 (04:54):

Speaker 4 (04:54):
Well, Timbert did really have to do much. I mean
he's now he's substitute.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
Yeah, you're right, there's not a lot of sequences other
than keep playing your ass off.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
I mean that's about all he says.

Speaker 7 (05:05):
I think it was more than more like one hundred
and seventy eight calls. It could have been it could
have been the I mean, how else do you explain
the next winning two in a row.

Speaker 5 (05:11):
No, it's difficult.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
It's difficult, man.

Speaker 8 (05:13):
I can't figure it out.

Speaker 4 (05:14):
I know, it's an alternate universe.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
We've entered gentlemen outside of Jalen Brunson being the best
player in the playoffs. I mean, it's hard man and
Villanova turning into an overrated college basketball factory because they
should have won easily three more titles with it.

Speaker 3 (05:26):
Jay Wright actually saying that Jesus see that quote from
the podcast.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
What it means?

Speaker 3 (05:31):
He goes, well, I knew he'd be good and maybe
he'd be able to link up with Luca or whatever.

Speaker 4 (05:35):
I couldn't have imagine you'd be.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
This girl now speaking of Luca. Uh, this falls under
the category of when press conferences go wild.

Speaker 4 (05:48):

Speaker 1 (05:48):
The win tonight by the Mavericks. We talked about it
one nineteen to one ten Luga Doncich had a big game,
you know, another big night for him with twenty nine points,
leading the way alternately hurt and then looking good, and
then hurt and then looking good, and then hurt and
then looking good. But here's how the press conference began,
and again under the category of when press conferences go wild.

Speaker 9 (06:13):
Im just how sharing the ball and our energy was.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
Wait, what do you think?

Speaker 6 (06:18):
Okay, Okay, his reaction, Oh my goodness, just puts his
head down.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
Yeah, let's play it again. Listen here, you're you're not
listening for anything. Lucas says, you're listening for the background.
Go ahead.

Speaker 9 (06:39):
We were open shots, So I'm just how sharing the
ball and our energy was. Wait, what do you think?

Speaker 2 (06:46):

Speaker 7 (06:50):
Only two possible scenarios, guys, Okay, one somebody was knocking
boots live sure, or somebody had an a dull website
on their laptop.

Speaker 4 (07:02):
No, yeah, I mean Lucas did say, I hope that's
not live.

Speaker 5 (07:06):
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
But the way it sounds like if you were in there,
if you were in the room, you would know if
that was live or off somebody's computer. Row you'd be
able to tell if the sound was was coming from
like behind you were behind the curtain, or if it
was coming from someone's computer. Like you would know that
if you're there. Like That's how I'm waiting for some
reporters to get out here and say, hey, I heard it.
It was here, was behind me, behind this curtain. I

don't know what it was, or it was on somebody's computer.

Speaker 4 (07:32):
You know.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
I'm waiting to get that kind of confirmation because here
it sounds like it's it's like behind Luca or like
behind a curtain where hey, super people, Hey, let's go
at it man, Lucas probably celebrating winds right now, Lucas
pres Collins is right here. I mean, I don't know
if you're celebrating away. Maybe you're celebrating a gambling win. Hey,
I had Luca over twenty seven and a half points.

Let's get let's get freaky.

Speaker 7 (07:56):
Maybe Dirk was hitting a fade away if you know
what I'm meant for, Reky with you. No, there's only
two possible scenarios. Okay, yeah, we we just decided, right,
so which one is it?

Speaker 4 (08:09):

Speaker 1 (08:09):
It sounds to me like it was live.

Speaker 4 (08:13):
I'm hoping the former. I'm hoping it's live.

Speaker 1 (08:16):
His reaction, I mean, Luca's reaction is just priceless, like
all of a sudd He just stares up, like, hey,
is is there? Is there porn happening? Is their sex happening? What?

Speaker 4 (08:24):
What's going on?

Speaker 1 (08:25):
What is this? What is this?

Speaker 3 (08:27):
Like I said, he didn't say, I hope it's not life?
So he uh he leaned into it, and the laugh
from the assembled media.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
Boy, I tell you.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
As looks like it almost looks like that video of
Adam gaz or the Tacos flying around with his eyes
going like.

Speaker 5 (08:50):
Like just see him look up, going what am I saying?

Speaker 1 (08:52):
What am I looking at? What's happening somewhere? I mean,
we're what.

Speaker 4 (08:55):
Great is that?

Speaker 3 (08:55):
Now that's not the first question at any media availability
for Luca going forward.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
Yeah, now you can't really uh you know, I mean,
now you can't really just uh, you know, go on
and answer questions.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Yeah, for the game, he had a lot of great
answers about what Kyrie Irving's meant to him as a
teammate and mentor and learning from him, what some of
the other guys and PJ. Washington stepping up or whatever,
doesn't matter. None of that matters. All great basketball analysis.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
Who cares?

Speaker 1 (09:26):
Where? Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa?

Speaker 4 (09:33):
What is this the roast?

Speaker 8 (09:36):
That's a fair question.

Speaker 5 (09:38):
It's not a fair question. Come on, man, go on, man,
you can't.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
I mean, there's so many people who have different reasons
for why this happened, and and there's just some of
the stuff throwing out there because this is just what
it could be, right, we talked about it could be
could be people having sex, it could be on somebody's computer.
But here's a couple of other things that people have
seen from either people who were there or watching the

press conference, that somehow they had something on one of
their screens, what they had connected to their bluetooth. It
could have been someone who was trying to record the
press conference with their phone and accidentally pressed play on
a video instead of of of instead of recording openly.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
So those could have been as well.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
Yeah, they got bored by the ok CEE effort in
the final minutes, so they decided to find a more
entertaining venture for their viewing experience.

Speaker 8 (10:32):
The NBA after Dark.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Yes it is. Yes, Yeah, I'm glad we can. We can.

Speaker 5 (10:36):
We can only play this after ten o'clock. Now, luckily
where that is.

Speaker 8 (10:39):
Not true, I'll play itself, Harbor.

Speaker 5 (10:42):
You're gonna straight that home and listen to it all
the way home.

Speaker 8 (10:46):
My life doesn't suck that much.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
Oh my goodness. I And really that's what I'm waiting for.
Someone to make the Adam Gase taco thing with Luca's eyes.
That's the only thing that's missing from this story right now.

Speaker 4 (10:58):
It's really really quite good. Good for Luca. You get
a win and then you get that moment of levity.

Speaker 3 (11:05):

Speaker 1 (11:05):
Well I don't know how much levity there. Well, for
for those people it was for.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
So he laughed pretty heartily. It's got nothing to do like, yeah,
he's sitting at a table. He cannot be called out
for doing or participating in anything.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
But for other people, a little bit more concentration I
think is going on.

Speaker 7 (11:22):
So without this audio and this happening, we're not talking
about these two teams.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
Uh No, this is definitely a thing. Now, this is
this is definitely a thing. And I really I'm waiting
for well a the taco thing. Uh, but I'm also
waiting to find hey, this is exactly what it was
or whatever whatever, because the person's not going to own
up to it. If it's something that was on their
phone or on their computer.

Speaker 4 (11:42):
Why would you not. But if we're all consent to adults, A.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
Dude, that's embarrassing though. Man. I went to I went
to the Luca Dodgers press conference and I pressed a
and I pressed a button on my phone and and
sex noises came from it. Yeah, you're not getting credit game,
you know you got you gotta be a professional. Greg
Doyle catching strays right now. You gotta be a pro man.

That can't happen.

Speaker 4 (12:10):
We know somebody would have been a big night for him.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
I mean they had they had a preseason game and
then I guess they took fifty two minutes to come
out to meet the press.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
Happy. It's a long time. Well, because they were, they
had to count all the fouls that were called or
not called against them, because that's what you do in
Indiana now is you count all the fouls. You put
him towards WNBA and say, look, these were not called
for us. That's what it is.

Speaker 8 (12:32):
Come on, people in Indiana can't count that high.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
Oh everybody's catching strays from Prosberg exit out bout of
Fresca exit swollen down The Jason Smith Show with my
bes friend Mike Harmon Uh coming up next.

Speaker 5 (12:45):
I'll let you know if someone.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
Does because I put that that out there. I mean,
we need the Taco Adam Gayse thing with Luca. But
straight ahead, we have big coaching news out of the
NBA and a hot take involving Jalen Brunson. You're gonna love.
That's next right here, Jason and Mike. But first we're
gonna wait because you're gonna hear Nicholas Cage's voice coming

up in about ten seconds nine eight seven six five
four three two.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 10 (13:31):
Hey, I'm Doug Gottlieb. The podcast is called All Ball.
We usually talk all basketball all the time, but it's
more about the stories about what made these people love
their sport and all the interesting interactions along the way.
We talked to coaches, we talked to players, We tell
you stories.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
You download it, you listen to it.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
I think you like it.

Speaker 10 (13:52):
Listen to All Ball with Doug Gottlieb on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon
live from the tirect dot Com studios where uh, hey,
speaking of playing one on one, can we play the
audio of Luka Donc's press conference from after the Mavericks wins?
Say we have the audio again? No, No, let's look great.

Speaker 5 (14:24):
I know, but let's hear the real audio from Luca's
press conference.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
That let's see it is that might have been the
next line of dialogue.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
I don't know, you man, Oklahoma City, they know how
to party. Uh. This is from the postgame press conference.
Luka Dontic comes up, Look Mavericks win by nine. Uh
and he answers one question and then suddenly take a
listen to what you hear behind Luca.

Speaker 9 (14:51):
We're open shots. So I'm just how sharing the ball
and our energy was great?

Speaker 1 (14:55):
What do you think you okay, okay, I.

Speaker 4 (15:03):
Like you said that our energy was great, and then
you hear the mode, Well.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Yeah, I gotta think, well, hey, if you're hearing that mode,
the energy is pretty good. That's not bad energy, right,
that sounds like pretty good energy.

Speaker 4 (15:16):
Because I'll tell you just and I know what that
noise sounds like.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
That's something of Joey TRIBBIANI. I know what that voice
sounds like. Okay, Rach, I wouldn't know from experience. I
really am stunned that we still don't know if that
was live somewhere around the press conference or off of
someone's device, phone or computer. Like there's so many people

talking about it, but it's like, so, what was it?
What was it on somebody's fault, Like do we not
know this?

Speaker 3 (15:46):
But oh no, this is like getting to the center
of a TUTSI roll pop man.

Speaker 5 (15:50):
Yeah, but this world may never know.

Speaker 4 (15:53):
That's good. We need mysteries.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
This is pretty easy, man, I mean, this is pretty easy.
We could find just somebody.

Speaker 3 (15:58):
There's someone's neck or they weren't I get it. But
come on, oh, just enjoy it for what it.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
Is, man.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
Oh well, and imagine what what might have been causing
that noise. I mean, your imagination can run wild like
Holtonmania in the eighties. Sure, yeah, and that's to you Smith,
you frostbur you ty Shirt, you Monsey Belangos, hit all
of you across the globe, listening wherever you may be.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
It could have been somebody just very It could have
been an Oklahoma City thunderfed who didn't see the end
of the game and just saw the final score on
the scoreboard. Let's see if that plays. Let's play a play.
Does it sound like that could have been it? And
they saw the final score on the scoreboard and we're
very upset. Let's listen.

Speaker 9 (16:40):
Shot. So i'n just how sharing the ball and our
energy was great?

Speaker 8 (16:44):
What do you think?

Speaker 4 (16:47):
Okay, yeah, added a really good sandwich na deli.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, like, how would I reit
if I didn't watch the next game and I see
Hey Pacers one twenty eight Nicks eighty nine tomorrow night,
Like I I think I might react somewhat the same way.

Speaker 8 (17:03):
They sound like that when you eat a big mac.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
I mean, we'll watch it live and in living color
in the studio and make sure we've got the video
camera roll.

Speaker 5 (17:13):
It could have been that, you know, it could have
been that.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
It could have been it could have been someone finding
out that Frank Vogel got fired.

Speaker 5 (17:19):
They're a Suns fan. I mean, that could have been
it too.

Speaker 3 (17:22):
You never know, you never you never know what's gonna
you know, push people's buttons.

Speaker 5 (17:26):
Could have been someone reacting to my Jalen Brunson hot take.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
Could have been that they would be to that. Maybe
it gets a great hot take. That's a great hot take.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
It, I mean, in the face of established media, credentialed voters.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
While we still try to figure out just what was
that the crux of the moaning press conference. Uh yeah, look,
this Jalen Brunson hot take is not really a hot
if you're honest with yourself. It's not a hot take, right, Well,
it is because I've got the results right here, because
I threw this.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
Out there Touch Player Awards.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
Look, it's who would you rather have with the ball
in the final minute of the game, Jalen Brunson or
Steph Curry? Right? And the correct answer is Jalen Brunson, right,
because we have seen both of these guys. Right. You've
seen Steph Curry for a long time at the end
of games. He does not have a long list of

game winning shots, game winning assists, game winning plays. Does
he have buckets in the final minute? Sure he does.
But you're talking about when a game comes down to
it and the Warriors need a shot, they need something.
The guy you want with the ball is Brunson. And
why do I pick Brunson to Steph Curry? And because
this is really about Steph. They're both the same height,

they're both six to two. Now, Brunson probably has Steph
by about ten or twelve pounds, I would say, right,
they've listed at one ninety one eighty five, But I
think Brunson's got him by a little bit more So.
Brunson's not nearly as physically fast as Steph Curry. But
the reason why you want Brunson with the ball is
because I've seen Jalen Brunson with defenders draped over him,

and he can still get his own shot whether he
has the ball or he comes around, but mainly he
has the ball, he can create space and get his
own shot. He can hit a three, he can get
the ball to the rack. He can do what he
needs to do. Steph Curry can't do it right. You
see the end of games when it comes down to
it and the Warriors need a bucket and there's a

defender out on Steph Curry and it's somebody big and
he can't get around him, or they throw two defenders
out at him, which is normally what they do, and
Steph Curry has to find a way around it. And
the other part of this argument is is that Steph
Curry gets bottled up and can't make a big pass
out of it right. And we've seen that happen to
the Warriors all the time. Whereas Jalen Brunson when they
double him, he does the right thing. He passes early.

He doesn't wait to see if he can keep dribbling
around everybody, which is what Steph Curry does no, he
makes the pass out of the double team. The Knicks
react very quickly. They don't try to get the ball
back to him. The Knicks are very decisive with the ball,
and they go in and take advantage of the odd
numbers because when you have two guys out on the perimeter,
obviously you have the numbers down low and it results
in Hartenstein dunk or a josh Art dunk, or a

Devincenzo three or something like that. I know those can
happen with Jalen Brunson. They don't for Steph Curry. And
we've seen and this is why, going back to the
beginning of the Warriors dynasty, they won the first championship. Look,
Steve Kerr system changed the way basketball was right all
of a sudden, with the Warriors going up and down
the floor, hitting shots, opening up from threes, coming off

of screens, everything they did. Hey, this system Steve Kerr
put into place took advantage of everybody's talents, right. It
made Steph Curry a super duperstar, made Clay a superstar,
made Draymond a superstar, whether you subscribe to his podcast
or not. And then when the league figured it out
a little bit. You get to the second the second
NBA Finals, when the Cavaliers came all the way back

from down three to one. What happened in Game seven
when the Warriors absolutely needed a bucket in the final seconds.
Kevin Love came out from his position to guard Steph
curR and Steph couldn't get a shot off. Right.

Speaker 5 (21:02):
That was the watershed moment for the NBA.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
Who knew, Hey, if we put somebody big who can
move out on the perimeter, it makes Steph. He can't
get his shot off because he's too small. We got
to make him pass out of it. And the Warriors knew, okay,
we can't rely on stuff. We had a three games
to one lead, and then things got more difficult when
Draymond got suspended and we couldn't win. We couldn't close.
So what did they do. We went out and got
Kevin Durant. Problem solved, the guy that can get his

own shot at any time possible. They went to the
next three championships, they won two of them. They probably
have won three if Kevin Durant didn't didn't get hurt
and blow out his achilles. So they knew right then
that you needed that if you were going to find
a way to win. And we've seen it with Steph Curry,
you know, you know, you see some of the great
players all the last seconds. Even Lebron's got a bunch

of late second shots that we know about. But Steph
just can't get his shot off. And it's it's really
really difficult. It's and it's not it's not something that
you can say, well, this turns him into a bad player.
This just kind of puts it more into perspective of
what he can do and what he can't do. Because
Jalen Brunson being six to two and getting his own
shot off, you wouldn't think that, but he can get
his own shot off and stuff can't.

Speaker 3 (22:08):
Well up to twelve game winning shots in his career,
and this year he was the Kia Clutch Player of
the Year. Forty five first plays votes for Steph Curry,
second place, DeMar DeRozan, third Sga Jokic, then your guy

Jalen Brunson coming in fifth.

Speaker 4 (22:33):

Speaker 3 (22:33):
I mean you watch the way Brunson plays and certainly
able to create space. Think for Steph. You know, part
of it becomes a little bit of the uh now we're.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
Done with Steph at this point.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
He's old. Got to put him out the past year
because that's kind of where you're at in your process,
break them all up and send him to Holy Moly,
full time.

Speaker 4 (22:54):
Still get a.

Speaker 3 (22:55):
Shot, still get get to the lane. But when you
look at what Brunson's been able to do right now,
maybe somewhat of the prisoner of the moment kind of
thing because we are seeing the heroics over these look
he had a great season, there's no no denying it.
But you want to talk about, you know, rising to
another level. You've watched Brunson's game the last couple of

weeks in these playoffs, this early return from the playoffs
where he got eight games as a sample size, or
he's just been fantastic, right or nine games I guess
at this point, but he's or no, it was six
and two, so eight I can still count. But it's
the the idea that going forward. Yeah, I mean Steph's

slowing down, right, He's gotta keep extending his range to
get the shot off. With the hierarchy guy, I want
to see Wemby close out on him. What's that got
to look like? But that no, I don't think he
would just he would just put his head.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
He wouldn't eve jump, he just put his hand up
and go, just give me the ball or try to
pass it between my legs. Let's see if he can
do either one of those.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
So if you can do that, sanso whole new world
that they're navigating with the the athletic big men in
the West getting out after it. But no, I mean, look,
bruntson is it's a bit controversial, but certainly we can
go side by side and pick out some highlights from Steph.
We're trying to get the ball away. Trying to pass
out has has been a difficult proposition, you know. And

again you know folks reacting in the Twitter verse at
swollen Dome and how about a Fresco at Fox Sports
Radio getting mad about it. It's like it's not a
be all and end all. It's like I wouldn't take
either of them from my guy. It's like, well, as
much as a slim reaper kills more coaches than anything else,
I'll still give it to him because he's gonna.

Speaker 4 (24:38):
Shoot over people.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
But let me let me just tell you this, because
this poores cold water on your clutch player, Steph Curry thing, Hey,
won't we award you know what this is? This is,
this is but this this is It's what shows you
not all awards are real. Do you know what Steph
Curry is? I'm asking do you know what Steph Curry
is on? Show ahead go ahead shots in the final
forty five seconds of a game in the play playoffs

in his career four fourth quarter in overtime? What is
Steph Curry on? Go ahead shot? Fourteen? Oh for thirteen?
There you go, oh for thirteen? Right, can't give him
the ball in the final seconds. It's one thing to say,
we can give him the ball in the final seconds
of a game. That's you know, game forty three when
we're playing at Sacramento. Yeah, that's sometimes we can get

his shot off. In the playoffs, he can't do it.
We're talking about the playoffs, right, this is the big thing.
In the final minute of a game you need to
win to move on. You can't give the ball to
Steph Curry. Right, Oh for thirteen?

Speaker 3 (25:33):
Hey, thirteen is not a full sample size for mathematical purposes.

Speaker 1 (25:37):
Oh for thirty. All I could do is all he
could do is get the number he's taken.

Speaker 3 (25:41):
Hey, soot and if we're not, if we don't get
to thirty, I mean, we just have to look at it.

Speaker 4 (25:45):
Go all right, I need more.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
He can't he can't get it off, he can't get
a great shot. He doesn't make it. I don't.

Speaker 5 (25:51):
I don't want him taking the final shot of a game.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
I don't. I don't.

Speaker 5 (25:54):
I don't know where he gets this.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
So I feel like this is something made up to say, Hey,
let's make sure that people know Steph is clutch, because hey,
people know this, this wild stat that came out last
year about him not making shots makes him look bad.
Let's just say he's a great clutch player. Really, this,
he's a great clutch play. Really, Okay, he's got ten
winning shots I think in his whole career, I mean really,
and none in the playoffs and none in the playoffs.

Ten winning shots his whole career, which is how he's stay.
We're twelve.

Speaker 5 (26:21):
Come on, you're talking about one a year he makes
one a year. That's one a year. Come on, man,
that's one a year.

Speaker 4 (26:26):
I was just doing everything in terms of awards and.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
Not in the playoff. Good guy that you try to
get you off your knicks. The Clutch Award could be
something given out by Clutch Sports. Hey, we're gonna give
a clutch sports. I won a clutch Award. Yeah, but
it's clutch sports. Like Rich Paul gave it to you.
He wants Lebron to play with you next year. I
got a clutch award. I got a clutch award. A

clutch award. Seriously, Uh, time to find out what's trending
right now the wide world of sports. For someone who
is always clutch, it's Monty Blagos with what's trending? Moncy Ugh, I.

Speaker 11 (27:00):
Would love to be clutch better than Steph.

Speaker 12 (27:02):
You know, when you put it like that, you're like, man,
he really he hasn't hit a shot in the playoffs
in the fourth quarter, in that final forty five seconds,
Like that's crazy? Is it just because he's made so
many other shots and he's won chance.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
He's too small and he can't get his own end
thirteen don't lie, that's.

Speaker 11 (27:22):
Right, No, that's just that. I didn't know that. That's crazy.

Speaker 5 (27:25):
But you're more reliable.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
Because when I say Monte Bolanos has what's trending, you
have what's trending. That's true even if you're upset, your Clippers,
playoff losses, your gambling losses. You have what's trending.

Speaker 11 (27:35):
You're right, and I have it for you.

Speaker 12 (27:37):
Now we're gonna continue with a little bit of NBA
talk here as we had. The playoffs continue the MAVs.
They beat the Thunder in Game two of the Western
Conference Semifinals, went nineteen to one ten, so that series
is tied at one apiece. Luka doncej PJ. Washington each
had twenty nine points. The Cabs dominated the Celtics in Boston,
won eighteen to ninety four.

Speaker 11 (27:57):
That series is tied.

Speaker 12 (27:58):
At one apiece. Donovan Mitchell to nine points eight assists.
Celtics assistant Charles Lee will be the hornets next head coach.
The Sons have fired Frank Vogel after one season as
a head coach. ESPN reports that Mike Budenholzer is the
front runner for the job. You do have the Pacers
and the Knicks playing Tomorrow Friday, depending where you're listening from,
it's game three. New York will be without their forward

og Onunobi because of a left hamstring strain.

Speaker 11 (28:23):
Jalen Bronson is questionable currently in the NFL.

Speaker 12 (28:27):
The Raiders and first round pick tight end Brock Bauers
agreed to a four year, eighteen million dollar rookie contract.
Deadline reports that Lionsgate is developing a scripted series about
the gambling scandal surrounding Dodger Star show hey Otani. In
baseball scores, the Diamondbacks completed a sweep of the Reds.

Speaker 11 (28:43):
The Astros beat the.

Speaker 12 (28:45):
Yankees in the Bronx, the Brewers defeated the Cardinals. Victories
for the Royals, the White Sox, and the Twins on
the golf course. Xander Schafflee has the lead after the
first round at the Wells Fargo Championship at seven under
par on the ice. The Rangers remain undefeated in the postseason.

Speaker 11 (28:59):
Seven and know. They beat the Hurricanes three to two
in overtime.

Speaker 12 (29:02):
New York leads that series three zero, and the Stars
beat the Avalanche five to two to even the series
at one apiece. And Caitlin Clark Fellas had her home
court debut with the Indiana Fever for a preseason game
against the Atlanta Dream. More than thirteen thousand people were there.
Indiana averaged four thousand people per game last year during

their twenty regular season games.

Speaker 11 (29:25):
The game was rescheduled.

Speaker 12 (29:26):
It was supposed to happen on Friday, but because of
the Pacers and the or it was supposed to happen
yes tomorrow, but because of the pacers in the next game,
they moved it.

Speaker 5 (29:34):
Going to need Caitlyn Clark to play tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
I really thought you were going to throw in a
different term than Nicks. I thought that's what you were
searching there.

Speaker 12 (29:41):
No, no, you know, I didn't write that down, So
that just came out.

Speaker 11 (29:45):
You know, sometimes you just go with the flow.

Speaker 4 (29:47):
Oh sure, you know what I'm saying. So I don't know.
She wrote down a punchline, where is it? And I
did it?

Speaker 11 (29:53):
I did it, and so that just came out. I
was like, who was playing there?

Speaker 2 (29:56):
Hello, idiot.

Speaker 12 (29:58):
The capacity for this play is eighteen thousand at Gainbridge
Field House, so thirteen thousand was the amount of people
that showed up.

Speaker 11 (30:06):
She had twelve points, eight rebound, six assists.

Speaker 12 (30:08):
They have their official regular season game, the first one
Tuesday against the Connecticut Sun.

Speaker 1 (30:14):

Speaker 11 (30:15):
It's been fun. Let's do it again tomorrow.

Speaker 5 (30:17):
Thank you very much. Monce.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
We'll talk tomorrow. Where your knicks colors tomorrow? That's blue
and orange.

Speaker 11 (30:21):
O orange.

Speaker 8 (30:22):
Oh gosh, I'll.

Speaker 5 (30:23):
Try to trust me. I know my whole life.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
Orange is a really tough color to pull off, but
you gotta try.

Speaker 3 (30:29):
Okay, I'm more likely to buy off by food if
there's no Knicks representation.

Speaker 1 (30:34):

Speaker 11 (30:36):
Wow, Wow, that's an easy answer for me.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
But yeah, you.

Speaker 4 (30:41):
Didn't say it was a guarantee. It just said it
was more like, you know.

Speaker 11 (30:45):
You know how to get to this girl's heart with food.

Speaker 12 (30:47):
So that really made me think twice Blue an orange.

Speaker 5 (30:51):
Look, the orange can be an accent.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
It can be an.

Speaker 11 (30:53):
Accent, the same as the Mets.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
Yeah, and the Mets and the Knicks.

Speaker 5 (30:59):
Yeah, blue an orange.

Speaker 11 (31:01):
That the Rangers aren't orange?

Speaker 1 (31:04):
What right now? Ranges? Come on?

Speaker 8 (31:07):
No, come on, no, you know what color you get
when you mix blue and orange.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Blue an orange.

Speaker 11 (31:14):
That was a I could Sorry, I just did it.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
That's all right, Blue an orange Friday, blue and orange Fridder.
She's actually just walking out of the sand. Everything off,
don't go goodbye now? Look orange. Look. You don't know
how many times I bought what I think is the
sweetest orange T shirt, Like it's a SYRACU shirt or
a Mets T shirt, Like, oh, this looks so sweet,
and then I'll put it on and I'll go, oh

my god, all you can see is orange.

Speaker 5 (31:41):
Like I'm in a picture and all you can do
is look at me because.

Speaker 1 (31:43):
They're in an orange shirty else is in dark blue
and everything, and here I am with a with a
goatque or a Q sing.

Speaker 5 (31:50):
It's all orange.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
I go.

Speaker 8 (31:51):

Speaker 1 (31:51):
Orange is a really tough color. It's very tough to
pull off.

Speaker 8 (31:54):
They make orange parachutes.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
Yeah, orange parachute pan short like I could go with that,
but I mean, but shirts all orange, they're difficult.

Speaker 8 (32:02):
Man. That chill over there, MC hammer, that's.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
Really hard to pull off. I'm telling you.

Speaker 5 (32:06):
Exit up about a Fresco exit swollen domes. Just think
about that.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Jalen Brunson. You'd rather him have the ball in the
final minute than Steph Curry. But coming up next, we
got big coaching news today for one NBA team in
search of a head coach. A huge favor was done
for them. We'll tell you what that's all about. Coming
up next right here, Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (32:29):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
Welcome back here Jason Smith Show with Me, Mike Harmon
here Fox Sports Radio. Thanks to Manci, Justin and Alex
making a sound so pretty tonight. All sorts of great
h chatter about the NBA, a couple of playoff games
in the books, one one good, one not so good,
and a lot of Knicks talk.

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Nick yo, nix yo, nick listen. I'm sure and I'm
not being I'm not being a fake about that. I
am sure you will get your revenge tomorrow night when
the when the Pacers win by twenty five, I am.

Speaker 4 (33:10):
Sure many calls will Thibodeau challenge.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Oh well, let's see if if the Pacers send in
seventy eight, you got to send in more than that, right,
I mean, that's the only way you get listened to.

Speaker 5 (33:19):
If you send it like sixty, they're gonna say sixty.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
We're not even to pay attention.

Speaker 4 (33:22):
They didn't even stay up all night to do this.

Speaker 7 (33:24):
Yeah, So, Jackson, if the Knicks win tomorrow, you're not
allowed to celebrate it.

Speaker 4 (33:28):
Oh are you kidding?

Speaker 7 (33:29):
If the Knicks windows' supposed to win, they were supposed
to get blown out. They weren't supposed to win yeah, no,
it's right. But if they win, no celebration here.

Speaker 1 (33:35):
No, there'd be tons of celebration.

Speaker 8 (33:37):
I know exactly what you're doing. It's not it's not
for me doing I honestly, you ask me. Nobody's buying it.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
My honest expectation is the Knicks lose tomorrow is a lie.

Speaker 5 (33:46):
You know how many times have I.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
Said I expect the series to be back to MSG
tied it to a piece.

Speaker 8 (33:50):
You're just saying that though you don't mean it.

Speaker 1 (33:53):
I'm not playing in the game. I'm like, I'm fixing
the game. I'm just gonna keep taking threes and missing.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
That's kind of like those guys that are doing the
Rookie of the Year Betts. It's one of the stories
from today. It's like, hey, you guys can't do that.
Your NFL players don't do that. It's like Jason trying
to speak something into existence, like he's using reverse psychologies. Really, no, no, no,
I finally expect the Nicks to lose the next two games.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
I do expect them to lose. I expect, well, I
definitely expect them to lose tomorrow. Now, if Adam Noby
comes back for Game four and they're healthy. Okay, then,
but it looks like Adam Noboy's out for Game four too.
But let's let's just deal with what one game at
a time, one fight at a time, fellas. One game
at a time, we'll deal with tomorrow. I expect the
Knicks to lose, and if they win, I can't wait
to see what Rick Carlisle's gonna say is the reason

the Pacers lost. He'd be waiting and see the home
crowd wasn't loud enough. Everybody cares too much about Caitlin Clark.
I don't care about us. And all the energy was
in the building yesterday.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
I mean, I've got to see the videos and where
were these people for us tonight?

Speaker 9 (34:55):

Speaker 8 (34:56):
Pat McAfee kicking pun said halftime.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
I think he is and doing an He's doing both.
I think he's punting and interviewing people at halftime. Uh.
Today the Lakers got a gift courtesy of the slim Reaper,
Kevin Durant, who has now slayed six coaches in six years.

Speaker 4 (35:12):
Like you're telling you it's a horror movie him, Jason Man.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
Yeah, but it's yeah, But Kevin Durantz killed and killed,
actually more, He's got a higher body count, like Freddie
versus Jason. It's like KD versus Lebron Like this is
six and six years for for KD. Man. This is
I want to see like a full blooded trailer called
The Slim Reaper, you know, and it's all these all
the coaches that have gotten fired. They're all in a
cabin in the woods and they all go outside, Hey,

KD is there? Then KD just kills him one way,
John missing in the Hey is that Kenny Atkinson?

Speaker 5 (35:45):
Oh my goodness, what just having Kenny Atkinson?

Speaker 3 (35:49):
Has there really never been a movie called The Slim Reaper.
I can't believe that.

Speaker 5 (35:52):
Oh I think you got a pay I'm sure Kevin
Durantz got that.

Speaker 4 (35:55):
Uh, you got the Grim Reaper becoming the Reaper. Don't
fear the really don't fear the Rea.

Speaker 8 (36:02):
He has killed off more coaches than he has playoff wins.

Speaker 5 (36:05):
Ooh U no, no, come on. The guy's got two
titles with the Warrior. It's close, but he's got.

Speaker 4 (36:12):
Inside of those Warriors runs. You might be right.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
I think he's killed off more coaches since he's been
a Warrior. I think you say that is a Warrior
playoff wins. But look, this was a gift for the Lakers.
This is an absolute gift because the Lakers are looking
for a head coach, right, you hear all that you
here Kenny Atkinson, maybe he'll work. Mike Buttenholzer was in there,
but now it looks like he's going to take Frank
Vogel's place with the Phoenix Suns. JJ Reddick's name is

out there a lot. He and Lebron are friends know
each other. This is a gift that Frank Vogel has
become available for the Lakers because everybody else is a
question mark. You have no idea. You're throwing a dart
trying to is this guy gonna work? Is this guy
gonna work? Is this guy gonna work? Right? You have
no idea. Frank Vogel is a guy that has worked.
They won the title in twenty twenty. Frank Vogel will

make the Lakers better defensively. I know this because I
actually saw it happen. He thought three times his team,
his teams have led the league in an overall defensive efficiency.
And I saw him do with the Lakers, and I
saw him win a title. Right, And if you're the
Lakers and you don't have a path to new personnel.
How do you get better? You play better defensively. Right.
What turned the Knicks into one of the best teams

in the league. They got Oganunobi. He's one of the
best defenders in the league, and all of a sudden
their metrics went from two thirds of the way down
to the top of the league. Right, that's how you
improve if you can't sign new players. And I know
Vogel will get them to buy in because he's got
the cachet. He just won in Los Angeles, He's got
everything you need. He's won in LA. He knows what

it takes. He'll make you better defensively. And Lebron and Ad,
no matter how reluctant they are, they got to buy
in to some extent because it worked. I don't care
what happened before, what happened to cause the divorce and
why Vogel had to go and Ad and Lebron. This
is where you get everybody together and you go, Okay,
you guys, suck it up, because Lebron, you only got
a couple of years left. We won the title with

Frank Vogel, and we were the best team in the
NBA that year, even though we won in the bubble,
this is what's gonna happen. Are you guys okay? Can
you guys all get together and buy into each other?
And the answer has to be yes, because that's the solution.
Anything else as you're taking a huge chance and you
have no idea if it's gonna succeed or not. But
this I know has succeeded, so maybe it can succeed again.
Now maybe it doesn't rightfully behave Maybe Lebron and ad

are just completely Hey, we do what we want. Doesn't
matter with the coaches, but I know this is something
that worked and likely it'll get them to play better defensively.
So why don't you go do this? This is a
gift for the Lakers and you continue to.

Speaker 3 (38:36):
Build out the rest of the roster with it. I mean,
we saw success before the playoffs, Rui Hachimora once he
hit the starting lineup, and Austin reeves and theory will
be better than he was this year because he regressed
a bunch after the deal. But you know, for giggles,
you know, and Atkinson like, look, you're Frank Vogel.

Speaker 4 (38:54):
I mean you've got proof, right, you've got you've.

Speaker 3 (38:57):
Got evidence that this can work, so you know we've
proven concept. But I'm gonna go off the wall for
you too. With two guys here, both in executive positions.
If and when the Celtics fails spectacularly, Brad Stevens comes
back to the bench or or we get real crazy
because he's pissed and how soft Tyler hero is and

that Jimmy Butler don't shut up? Pat Riley returns to
the Lakers. Let's go who's with me? Hey, dude, those
those long shots that you're those are awesome? Aren't they
more entertaining than what you just put out?

Speaker 1 (39:34):
Theo's absolutely awesome? But are they realistic? Honestly? I would
I would think I don't know who's more realistic because
pat Riley is is he old enough that he can
still coach? Probably not? But is Brad Steven's gonna leave
the Celtics to go back on the sideline with the Lakers? Like,
really did a pretty good job running the Celtics down.
Good team. He's not coaching him, he's you know, he's

buying the groceries's but a lot of great groceries. Man.

Speaker 5 (39:57):
I'd love to see it, but you know realistic, It's like.

Speaker 1 (40:00):
Are they really gonna go?

Speaker 4 (40:01):
That's why I wanted to go crazy. Man, let's go.
Let's get a little nuts. You want to get nuts.

Speaker 5 (40:06):
Exit out bouta Fresca, Exit swollen down.

Speaker 1 (40:08):
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmen
Live from the tyreck dot Com Studios. We got mix
pacers tomorrow, Game two, How many fowls Won't be Called?
The Ben Mallin Show's coming up next Fox
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