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November 5, 2020 27 mins

It's The Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker! Chris and Rob open things up by letting the callers decide if Tom Brady really has ulterior motives for being so nice to Antonio Brown these days, and the Odd Couple Crew drops the debut edition of Teichert's Tower of Trivia to help prove that you don't need to actually like sports to work in sports media. Plus, the guys close things out by explaining how Lamar Jackson's recent comments accepting blame for Hollywood Brown's unhappiness will only endear him to future teammates.

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Episode Transcript

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Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcast. Be sure
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R party. You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. It is
The d Couple. I'm Chrissy's Ride. We're coming to you
live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes
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check this out. At the bottom of the hour, we
are debuting a new segment. It is going to be hilarious.
All right, y'all know of our DJ. He's world famous,
internationally famous, world famous, all that DJ j Alex type.
Trying to get a memo on this. You were you

you Rogie told you about this show. This isn't the
first year here, this is the first year hearing of it. Yes,
tight shirts Trivia who It's gonna be hilarious. I can't wait.
But that's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
I've told you this before, you Lucky. I don't like
sports on the radio, right man, We're gonna find out
just how little you like sports in this h in

this segment. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Was
this a request? I love it like I dude, tell
me who this is? I think this is the Yeah,
hopefully not. I think this is the second week in
a row we've gotten if this if this show was
about us, it would be mad at you, not mad
about right? That's actually very good? How about that? Mad

at you? Yes? Yes, this is a good So what
not a great would be a good name, Chris for sick?
Mad at you? Mad at you? Do like a black urgin?
IM make it mad at you instead of mad about you. No,
I'm thinking somebody driving about Hollywood going you know what?
Maybe that should write that script. Hey, you never know,

You never With the Eye Couple on the TV theme
show Thursday, Coming to You Live from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio Studios, Rob you went off on Tim Brady
and h Let's see what the callers think eight seven
seven ninety nine on Fox. Do you guys think that
Tim Brady had ulterior motives in bringing in Antonio Brown

or you know, like that's his major focus, is just
using this dude talent legacy, Whereas I think, yeah, of
course he wants him to help him win. It's a
little selfish just there, but everybody's got that, so I
ain't mad at him. So let's see what you guys
think A seven seven. All right, let's start with Chad
in Cincinnati. You're on the odd couple of Fox Sports Radio.

What's up, Chad? Hey, what's up? What's up Chris as well? Hey,
I'm feeling strong. Hey, I didn't hear Marvin Sap yesterday
worship Wednesday. I was looking for some of that Marvin
sj Alex Tysher. We gotta get some Marvin Sap up
in here. Marvin sat you, Yeah, he's an app. I

haven't heard of him. I haven't heard a lot from
him after the NFL network. Is he still around? I'm
as guy as you know, even though I went to
fit some OSU guy scarlet and great believes in my
vague my grandparents went through there, and I have to

give it to you straight up. I think Brady is
being genuine. He played with a lot of African American
teammates at Michigan and with the Patriots, And I'm not
at any level above like Division one or NFL. You're

playing with a lot of brothers, right. That don't mean
yes she would go, she would? You got players right, um,
that he played with the England that Randy mad right now,
Chad Johnson, Yeah, we get all that. I'm just saying.

I just think I agree. I think it's I think
it's an odd couple and he's only using him for
his talent because he thinks that he can. I don't
think if if if he wasn't the play art, I
just don't think he's mother Teresa. But I think, of course,
if he wasn't a player, why not. You don't get
pushed back on that. But what if he wanted a player?
He is? Well should they? Whyn't He opened up his

house to everybody, Why, you're right, he's got plenty of
matter and let everybody come stay. There's a lot of
people need help. Just because you can catch you know
this guy can help you be a better football team.
Doesn't mean that you know you're wrong for opening up
your home to him. I didn't say he was We
could do whatever he wants. I'm just telling you it

is a negative thing. That's all Kirk in uh Nashville.
You're on the couple first Fox Sports Radio? What's up? Hey,
how you guys doing? First time? I'm calling Love show?
Thank you Man? Were you the last for show? Hey?
Rob Man? I don't think you would say that in
Tom Brady was black. Um, I just think, are you sure? Yeah?

I do, because I don't. I don't agree with referring
to him as the devil. And I said that. I
didn't say it. No no, no, no no no. I mean,
let's let's not We're gonna start off on a bat speech. Yes,
it was a figure of speech. And I even said that, Chris,
I said, yeah, I said it's a figure of speech.
And I was talking about making a deal to do

whatever you mean do? I say this, though, Rob, I
didn't call him a devil if he if Brady was black,
then you wouldn't. I don't think you call them an
odd couple. Yeah, I would if if if Brady was
you and and I mean you and your virtues and
your character, yes, and and and what you outstanding virtues

and character would make you feel like I was doing
it for no no, But I'm saying if it would
be opposite of what you're about, of of what you
of how you live your life, and then other people
and how they live their life. I'm not saying that
you wouldn't help anybody, but I would call it an
odd couple, and I would wonder if you're what your

real motive. Is it really to help ab or is
it because he can still play and you hope he
can win. That's actually do reach out. You're supposed to
reach out in here, I agree, but Chris, that's not
always the case. I agree with that you're supposed to
help people when they're down and out and they need
people the most. Anybody can be friends to help you

out when life is good. It's when things are really bad.
Sean and Sacramento, you're in the odd couple of Fox
Sports Radio. My uncle's from another mother. Man, Hey as
good as Alex ty Shirt's voice when he does Marcus
Suckermento and w Chad from up from the natty kind
of lightweight. He sound like Antonio Brown himself. Man, y'all
might have to run that back one time. But they
both talked very slow. Yeah, say that what's going on?

What's going on? We got we gotta get you shown.
I wonder if Alex could do you. I'm working on it.
I got Sean coming up. Ye, Alex is my guy man.
Shout up to Alex. He's my only follower on Twitter
that sat of that sound forever. You must follow up
his anime, weak things, good stuff. I'm just saying, to

be honest, To be honest, y'all. I only got on
Twitter because y'all advertise y'allself so much. I got to
be part of our family. But following with Alex tisher Man,
I finally realize how good Twitter actually is. Ain't got
a lot of good stuff on there. Yes, all right?
What you got you thinking about his picture and his
speedos in the break? Worry about them? Hey, just don't

screenshot what I'm telling you that I was so my
take real quick feller, I ain't rob stop with all
the wildy wildy woo woo baby. Hey, this is football.
This is a professional football league. If you ain't using somebody,
they're gonna use you. And all this talk about Tom
Brady having a good heart. He's such a good dude. Hey,
ask Bridget moynahan how good his heart is? Thank you?

Ask his wife with how good his heart is when
he's wearing a Maga hat and his wife is from
out of his country. Come on now, man, this guy
is not a good person. He cheated his way through
championships in New England. He's gonna say whatever it takes
to Tampa Bay to continue getting another ring man. No
doubt this, no doubt. He's a cheater. He's a convicted cheating.
He was suspending four games, cheat calling. Sean, you are

my man, back and shot folks, Real talk, real talk, Sean.
I love it. That's why Sacramento. You belong there in
the capital. Citter nothing ever? All right? At you in Florida?
You're under ya A couple of Fox Sports Radio? What's
up at you? Hey? How are y'all doing? Good? Man?

What's up? So? I'm thinking, you know, I'm from Jersey whatever.
I don't like Tom Brady, but I respect him because
he is smart. You know what he's trying to say,
Where was Antonio Brown before this New England. He's trying
to say, this divorce with Bell Belichick is gonna get
you in Twitter because I can be the one to
make Antonio Brown great again. Basically trying to say Belichick

couldn't do it. I can do it. Well. Look if
somehow if Tampa Bay and I think you well, I
don't know. I was gonna say I think Rob would
even admit that, but I don't. I don't think he would.
If Tampa Bay wins the Super Bowl this year, and
let's say a B plays great, you know these last
eight games or whatever, man, that would be sticking into Belichick.

I'll tell you that much. All Right, we got the
debut edition. You've been hearing about it all show. What
does this tell me about of trivia? We're gonna eat.
Rob G's gonna explain it when we come back. Tyson's
Tower of t were involved in this on This a
solo thing for just we are. We're gonna get. We're
gonna get the uh the instructions. Fox Sports Radio has

the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all
of our shows at Fox Sports Radio dot com and
within the iHeartRadio app. Search f SR to listen live.
And we are coming to you live from the Geico
Fox Sports Radio studios. It is easy to say fifteen
percent or more on your carn shorts with Geico. Go
to Geico dot com or call a hundred nine four

seven Auto. The only hard part is figuring out which
way is easier. The debut of ty Shirts Tower of
Trivia and No No Ladies and Gentlemen, Vegans and Metidas,
Tale Chip Lovers, Ruffle Chip Lovers. It's time. This game
is so easy for Tish's Tower of Trivia. That's right,

it is tight Shirts. Tower of Trivia, the game designed
to prove you don't have to even like sports to
work in sports media. Now, this game is kind of
like a mashup of the old game shows. You guys
like this, Rob, pyramid and password. Okay, I got ten
sports questions, all missing one word a one word answer.

You guys need to help Alex get it right. Okay.
So if I say, for example, Kobe Bryant played his
entire career for which team, Chris or Rob, You'll be
able to give one word clues to Alex to help
him get it right. Okay, Okay? Whoever, goodn't any rules
what you can cannot use the exact word? Obviously you can't, right, yes, okay,

And so each round is going to take one point away.
So the first crack, let's say it's Chris. If he
gets it on the first time, it's worth ten points.
If the next one goes to Rob nine points and
back to Chris eight points. But if you don't get
it by the fourth time, it's worth seven points. Then
we just move on to the next question. Okay, is
that easy enough for you? Guys? Rob, you feel like
you look confused, So it's kind of like it's kind

of like, um uh, trivial pursuit. Kind of no, not
trivial pursuit, taboo, taboo. Oh okay, yes, yes, yes, okay,
I think I think you're gonna get it. But we're
gonna try it anyways. All right, all right, again, Alex
doesn't know anything about sports. He doesn't know anything. So
I flipped a coin during the update, and Chris, you're

gonna get the first crack at the first question. All right,
So you all you, all the questions and the answers
in front of you, except for Alex. Yeah, I email
it to you, but you should know it anyways, all right.
In the NBA, Chris, if a player is hit with
a technical foul, the opposition gets to shoot how many
free throws? Chris, You're gonna give Alex one word clue? Oh? No,

is that too close? I'm gonna go with one on
that one. Let's go. I mean that's really easy. Okay, yes,
maybe next time we'll switch it out. I didn't get
your email anymore for the debut episode. We'll let it slide.
Maybe next time we will make it that easy. All right?

Number two? Rob, your up first in the NFL. If
the defense forces the safety, how many points do they get?
Get a one word clue? Um, one word clue? Pooh?
Can I get another one? No? No, you gotta give
an answer. Wait a minute, think about what the question is.

How many What did he just say? How many points
do you get? Yeah? For a safety? Rob, I heard
the question. I'm trying to get the answer for you,
and he said, pooh how I said, well, if you
say okay, hold on, hold on, let me use Rob
Parker analogy here, pooh pooh, king you say twice, I'm
go to let's go all right, let's go wrong, We're

gonna go dose. That's cheating. You gotta stop with these.
Now that's a little bit harder. Now we're in the
second level. I'm right back to Chris. In baseball, if
a batter hits a ball that has flown outside the
field of play, it's called a blank ball, and I'm
gonna use one word, one word, only one word, only
one word. Come on, man, that hard. Jason Smith is waiting,

all right, come on up, um hack. For some reason,
I keep thinking that fouler fair. I'm gonna say foul.
Is that count? I'm out of We have a terrible
like that woulded ball? You got help? That was terrible.

I was gonna say, I mean, I was gonna say.
I was gonna say chicken. I would have said chicken, chicken.
There's no way you would have got TI. I should
salary trivia, Chris. We saw it up twenty to ten.
It's okay, plenty of time. Question number four the goat
or the alleged goat Tom Brady, which famously selected in

which round of the NFL Draft? Rob Parker one world clue? Okay,
So I can't say blank something. No, it's got to
be one word, one word out here? Rob okay, Pat,
think about what a hold on? There's usually six Ryan,

that is correct. Let's go sick back. What do you mean?
Bad clue? Chris, Let's go No. I say that was
a good clue, Rob, Rob can he can only say pack?
He can't be think about think about what it Okay, yes,
the king what I was trying to figure out? I know,

I don't want to say no because in those games, Chris,
they say blank, so and so do you know what
I mean? Like so, I was wanted if I could
say even games you're talking about. We know again, this
is the first time. We'll figure this out as we
go on. Oh, elaboration. I can't say with confidence Alex
did not know at least two of these and if
we're not for good clues, So good job by you guys, CB.

I feel like I can fill in for one of
you guys. Now this is good. All right? Question number
five will be at last year. I'm sorry, I don't
know how to answers in front of me. We're on
the next tower. Mookie Bets just won his fifth straight
Blank Glove Award, usually given to the best fielding player
at their position. Um, all right, um read that question again, Robs.

Mookie Bets just got his fifth straight blank Glove award. Um,
and I'm only use one word, uh folding folding performance.

Rob go for chat at nine points now nine points
in one word, I'm ready, I'm ready, Rob. What you
got for me silver. Okay, hold on, no this gay again? No, no, no,
Rob can't beat no one word, no one word after
the second time. Then then we'll read the question again.

But Alex, one word blank glove. You said silver, I can't.
I'm a gold gold glow. All right, let's go. So
Rob is leading and he gets a chat and put
some distance. He's up first again. Yes, come on, Rob,

let's go. Shack yep, Rob's up first. Shack and Dwight
Howard were both drafted first overall by the Orlando Blank.
I know the fat listeners are like, he don't know that?
Oh boy, um you got for me, Rob, I got.

Let's see, let's say um tragic. I feel like you're
trying to get me to rhyme here Rob, oh man,
he already knew because that's a horrible clue. Nod ain't no,
it ain't. Come on, that's interesting. You got three seconds, Alex.

You know what I'm saying, tame, Yes, come on, Alex,
you're on the right track. Just don't say one. Okay,
why a minute, why didn't you make a guess? Trying?
Here we go? Here we go, Alex? All right, what
do you got my clue? Who Deny who Denie, Oh, okay, magic,

let's go here you that's I know. But but but Alex,
you know a team is name is not tragic, so
it would have to rust with it. Yeah, this is
a little this is it. This is the champions fourth level.
Former Supersonic Superstar Sean Kemp used to be known as

the blank Man. Chris, you're up firstly, storm storm Storm.
I almost want to say, like quiet, um and that's
a buzzer? Wasn't his at all? Right? Here we go

my bad precipitation, Alex, don't overthink it. What is what specific?
We're gonna have to fix this for next time? One
word this HASTI splash so I get to go again,

back to christ I need the question, repeating the question
one question, hold on. Supersonic Superstar Sean Camp used to
be known as the blank Man. Puddles you get my
music ready, give my music? He knows it, you know it. Ques,
be quiet, be quiet. We have to refute all your

minds Mikes during this segment. Three seconds, alleg come on three,
come on, dude, one times up. Last line last one
is the last one of these technicals ran at the time.
I'm man Parker. One word clue. Now, think about all
the let words that he already we go here, we go?

Really adds Alex, yes, pain, think of the other clues.
Alex just presut it in his face. He showed out pain,
puddles five. Don't be using my hits. I'm gonna feel

bad for this one. Rain. Oh no, come on, puddles
and episode that's rain? How did I get precipitation? And
how did I get pain after all the other people rain? Snow?

He said, Yo, real talk though, good good game, Rob,
that was funny. That's funny. It's a good game. I'm sorry. Well,
it's the Couple. Fox Sports Radio, keep it live. What's
going on? Gentlemen? Be sure to catch live editions of
The Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker weekdays

at seven pm Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox Sports
Radio and the iHeartRadio app. Isn't this the A Team?
Is this the A team? I'm right on that. I
pitied fool who didn't bet some shekels on the Packers tonight. Well,
you're looking good right now. They're up twenty one to three,

just less than a minute left in the first half. Yeah,
this one got out of hand quickly, but they did
what they were supposed to do. Chris punch him in
the mouth. Tell them out winning tonight and that's it, right,
This will be a history making win rot first time
in NFL history. Now, remember the league is one hundred
years old. First time in NFL history that a team

one the team went from the Midwest to the West
Coast for a Thursday night game and won. That's that's impressive.
So all right, speaking of impressive, now, you you remember
Rob after Sunday's Baltimore Ravens game, Hollywood Marquis, Hollywood Brown,

he tweeted something the exact tweet. Rob g correct me
if I'm wrong, but it was it was like, what's
the point in having soldiers if you never use them?
And then never with exclamation points and um he took
it down quickly. But you know, we've talked about it,

how Lamar Jackson and the Ravens do not throw the
vault ball very much outside the numbers to their receivers.
Lamar throws a lot to his tight ends and his
running backs, and mostly in the middle of the field. Obviously,
those throws and outside are tougher to make but Lamar
took the high road today and he was, of course

asked about this and he took all the blame. He
put it all on himself. I'm trying to find this
quote that he said, Oh, where's it? Right? I'm you
got the quote? Robe, do we have it? But he
basically he took it all on himself. I'm gonna find

this quote in a moment. All right, go ahead and
read it, Rob. You he said, quote, that's one of
the keys to our offense. I want to get him
the ball the easy way and the fastest way we can.
I have to do a better job of getting it
to him. See Rob, I think that is a great
answer from your quarterback. And I think you've heard the

stories of how much the players love Lamar Jackson. You know,
obviously his first year, they were defending him against Actors Nations.
He couldn't throw. We saw mark Ingram just you know,
pushing for him to be the MVP, campaigning for him
to be the MVP last year, and it just seems
like everybody in that building really respects and loves him.

And this is the type of thing that leads to that.
We've seen quarterbacks before, you know, call out guys or
say they didn't run the right routes or you know,
they gotta get open or whatever it might be. And
Lamar could have easily. I mean, because you know, there
are some people saying he needs help as he needs

better receivers, and he's not, you know, implying anything like that.
He took the high roads said, Yep, it's on me,
even though it probably isn't. Yeah, some of it's on
him because he does after improving that area. But I'm
sure some of it's on the receivers because they have
trouble creating separation. Some of it may be on the

coaching Staffy, you can put it on the coaching staff
for not calling those plays and um, but he took
it on himself, and I think Rob that's a good sign.
I think it's one of the intangibles I like to
talk about with quarterbacks that are so important and it'll
make your teammates work that much harder for you than
you know, when when they see their quarterback come out

and do this. Yeah, I guess, I just you know,
I mean, what is he gonna say, played poorly? Uh?
You know you have four turnovers? You know what I
made he throw the ball around them and to the
other team. So I think that's just the smart thing
to do. What are you gonna be defying what every
quarterback says that we've seen me Roethlisberger, I just the

receivers the wrong way. Aaron Rodgers's red receivers the wrong way.
He does that. Yeah, I just think that. What else
could you say coming off such a poor performance there.
But if that's MVP, he could say a lot to
Hollywood with with four interception of Lamar Jackson. Can't say
nothing to Hollywood Brown. Yeah, yeah, he can before I know,

but he's you always say it. He was unanimous MVP.
He can say whatever he wants, but he took the hiro.
When they go low, we go high. That's right. See
you tomorrow, peace,
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