All Episodes

January 17, 2025 39 mins

Kelvin Washington & Rob Parker talk shop on why Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson need rings for All-time Great status. Plus, the guys talk more on the Eagles ground attack, Lions coordinators possibly leaving, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Odd Couple podcasts.
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Speaker 2 (00:19):
You're listening to the best of the Odd Couple.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
That's right, Enter, enter, enter, enter, and guess what what's that?
We now have full access to this fine radio program
for the next three.

Speaker 4 (00:41):
Hours, not two.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
That's all right, that's right, that's right, no matter how
you listen in Fox Sports Radio, Fox Sports Radio dot Com,
the iHeartRadio app, or Serious XM Channel eighty three. Wow,
say my name, Rob Parker, say his name, and we
are indeed the Odd Couple and we're broadcasting live from

the tire rack dot Com studio. Thank you, Bill, tire
rack dot com. I'll help you get there. An unmatched selection,
fast free shipping, free road haads, a protection and over
ten thousand recommended installers. Wow, that's right, tire rack dot
Com the way tire buying should be. And man, what

a show we have for you on this funky flashback Friday.
So much to do, so little time. Eagles tight end.
Oh and always remember this, sweetie. That's right, Always remember
you remember us. That was a rare chance. I was

so excited. Eagles tight ends. God, you're only you man, Okay,
thank you. He will join us here on the odd couple, Ye,
Covino and Rich. They've interviewed him, so that'll be great
to look forward to in about twenty seven minutes, so
stick around for that. Our number two, Sean King will

be down with the King, the former NFL oh boos,
right there.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
So I'm on a subway right now, right, costs me
two ninety to get on, that's right, And that's why
I jumped the turnstile.

Speaker 4 (02:21):
I jumped it, and the ratch just ran across your feet.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
It's okay, I'm getting a slice of feata.

Speaker 4 (02:26):
That's overrated, baby, I mean you're se rated.

Speaker 3 (02:30):
Pizza is great in New York, all right, all right,
that's right, all right, former NFL quarterback Sean King and
of course Fox Sports Radio NFL analyst also Lamar Mitchell
bet MGM, the director of Trading Pigskin Pickoff and Last
Call all coming it coming up. In our number three,
let me. Welcome in my partner. He is Kilson, my guy.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Happy Friday to you man, looking forward to this weekend.
We got some great football games, you know what I mean? Yeah,
so looking forward to it, man, chill watching football continued.
My January clean shopping?

Speaker 4 (03:05):
No, no shopping? What day are we on? What's today?

Speaker 1 (03:07):
January sixteenth? Because yesterday you know whose birthday it was?
I have a dream it was Martin Luther de.

Speaker 4 (03:13):
King you know what?

Speaker 3 (03:14):
We always do that because now we do it on
that Monday, so you kind of forget about the actually.

Speaker 4 (03:19):
Shots my boy Vic, my best friend, was his birthday.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
Too, But yes, but never this is this what sixteenth
you said? Or today's the seventh?

Speaker 4 (03:25):
Sixteenth? Sixteen seventeenth?

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Now you got me thrown off seventeen seventeenth to seventeenth,
thik you three.

Speaker 4 (03:32):
And seventeen days.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
I have not bought anything in twenty twenty five.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
You left out the qualifier. What you did?

Speaker 3 (03:42):
Shot with a gift card? No, but that's not my money.
That doesn't count.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Okay, No, no, no, no gift I just want you to
acknowledge that.

Speaker 4 (03:49):
Yeah, Rober, but that would be like this, ao Alex.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
No, that would be like I'm not smoking weed no more,
and any say smoke the joy.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
But it wasn't my weed, no is it? My weed
was contact high. It was here's weed. I hit it,
but I didn't buy my own back.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
And we mouth, yeah it was shot he shot gun
and use that use that drops.

Speaker 4 (04:13):
Okay you might. We finally got you, Alex. That was
got you, Alex. I need to drop button over here.
We need one goot.

Speaker 5 (04:21):
Y'all had a few flagger ones too. That's the one
is for two ten seconds. That's all you get there.

Speaker 4 (04:25):
You go all right?

Speaker 3 (04:26):
Uh so yeah, no, robbed, you gave me a gift
card and that was.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
It what you got your fixed though you were in
there scratching like Pooky from.

Speaker 4 (04:33):
New tax City.

Speaker 3 (04:34):
I was in there, like at the store open at
nine thirty, nine thirty five.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
That was my first chance to buy something to do.
Soon they turned around and open the gate. You were there, sir,
like I heard y'all opened. All right, let's walk on
the deals.

Speaker 3 (04:47):
Let's welcome in the odd couple crew, because you wouldn't
be able to do this fine radio program without them.
Rob g is out today mending with the kids. Yeah
that life, Yeah, corporate Rob he is. Alex is our
engineer in for Rob g.

Speaker 4 (05:01):
Patrick. What's up? Patrick? Guys, what's up? Are you doing?
We're doing good? That's right.

Speaker 1 (05:06):
Steve checking on Patrick's mom. That sounded crazy, but you
know what I mean, I know what you mean. She
makes cookies. Yes, shout out to his mother. Happy New
Year to your mother.

Speaker 4 (05:14):
Patrick. Oh yeah, YouTube, Patrick, you know.

Speaker 3 (05:16):
I'll take care.

Speaker 4 (05:17):
I got you there, Pat, It's more important anyway, that's right.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
Steve De Saga's at the anchor desks. And of course
Elijah is our social media.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Is getting even faster, like you didn't even get to
the Jah and Elijah before he heard them.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
There you go?

Speaker 4 (05:29):
All right? Hey?

Speaker 3 (05:31):
Uh. Of course the big matchup this weekend, the biggest
of all might be really like the Super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (05:37):
I mean it could be.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
I'm gonna say there was no such thing as conferences.
This would be an amazing super Bowl because it's a
big game. Of course, the Ravens in Buffalo, very cold Buffalo.
Who's coming supposed to be frigid Sunday.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
It's the big It's the last game of the after
of the afternoon on of the weekend, I should say,
where everybody will be watching Sunday, everybody night at six.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
Thirty eastern, three thirty uh Pacific.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
And uh you know when we talk about Lamar Jackson
and Josh Allen, And I think this goes without saying
because I've said this to you a million times. In
order to punch your ticket and be considered one of
the greats all time greats, you have to win. You
just you can talk about Marv Levy for super Bowls

in the row, Bud Grant. I can tell you a
list of people who have done some amazing things and
they get credit for that, but they can't be on
that list.

Speaker 4 (06:32):
Damn Marino.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
A lot of people thought at one point, were like,
he's the good he's the great quarterback, and you got
to pump the brakes because as good as a long
career to not get one, didn't win one, and he
went to the super Bowl his second year, he'll be
I thought, oh yeah, And that's what I try to
tell people all time. It ain't that easy, like people
think it's that easy to get Oh yeah, you'll get back.

When Aaron Rodgers won in twenty ten, you couldn't have
told me that they wouldn't And they had a week
of chances who saw him some times a year, they
no way what what you know? On side kick in Seattle,
they lose the on side kick, they lose that game.
A couple of playoff games he throws the game winning
gay times go down score, they never get the ball back.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
It just happened, and you look up one day and you.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
Know he might be gone now ten years, ten years
Agne Tom Brady. Uh, he got back, but they didn't win.
They went nine years without wanting. You think of his
career in six but there's a gap there of nine
years when the Patriots didn't win.

Speaker 4 (07:34):
You wouldn't think that, right.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
So so it is hard to get there and even
harder to win. But I don't I don't think anybody
will deny that. And maybe you're different. Uh, maybe you
think you don't have to win to be considered great
eight seven, seven ninety nine off Fox, Where are you
on that?

Speaker 1 (07:55):
I think you have to win at least once. I
agree just had the one. If Dan Marino just had
the one because of his talent and it was one
to oh and never got back, he still would be
because sometimes you see pure talent and if icking combine
it with the win. Because for those who don't know,
maybe a little younger, go look at Damn Marino fling

that thing to this day, still one of the prettiest arms,
most accurate arms, just amazing.

Speaker 3 (08:21):

Speaker 1 (08:21):
But again, we hold that standard for certain people. So
we hold that standard for coaches, we hold that standard
for quarterbacks, and we hold that standard for star basketball players.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
Baseball it's a luxury. It's a cherry on top you
don't have to have. Now you look at Barry Bonds
and say, the best player for twenty something years, right,
but you understand that there's a lot of other things
in baseball.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
You get an at bat, that's it. You can't help
the other person run. You can't set a pick for him,
can't catch the ball for them. The pitcher gives up
a walk off home run. Remember the Giants lost to
the Angels in Game seven of a World Series.

Speaker 4 (09:03):
That was his chance and he was hitting the home run.
I thought, no, he that Yeah, he hit like almost
five hundred yea in the World Series.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
Baseball is the only sport where you can be at
Barry Bonds of Mike Trout, Ken Griffy or you know,
he never wants what I'm saying, naming all these great
players who will say is a historical great And then
when they don't think about that part, and when you
look at other players and you looked at Derek g
To won five, it enhances him because right because then
you look and go, he might not have been as
talented and as naturally gifted as other players, but he

won a whole bunch. He literally won title after title.
Make cuch plays and it puts him in a higher ranking.

Speaker 4 (09:38):
So I agreed. I was interesting about this story. Rob.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
This is an end depth story that we got from
in the Athletic and this was from I want to
make sure I credit him. Jeff how Jeff Howell wrote
a whole long piece about how he spent some time
with some NFL execs, NFL former players, and these anonymous
executives and coaches and players, and they all said those
two are great, and but they echoed the same sentiment.

In order to be up there with the guy their generation, Mahomes,
who is you know, are Gouaba be competing for the
Brady You know, the Montana, the Brady era, say Montana
for sure, competing for that is Mahomes In order for
hit them to get there, even with the MVPs might
be three in a row. For Lamar, he's gotta win
a couple.

Speaker 4 (10:20):
In a row. Even I said it might be three.
Untwo said three in a row.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Rob saying if he wins this year, I'm saying I'd
be three. You said, I'm sorry, He'll be three totally right,
three total If he's got three m vps and let's
just say old, let's say he gets no more.

Speaker 4 (10:35):
But if he ends up with.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
Three m vps and two rings and just keeps doing
amazing things and as the all time leading rushers as
a quarterback too, now you start to be able to say,
Mahomes Jackson.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
If he wins this year and then has the three
m v P. Now he wins once more. That's now
you're starting to change where he fits in, Like, oh, yeah,
Mahomes now has a rival for his era. He was
a Brady uh Peyton Manning era. It was their era. No,
that that becomes a definite because then you were looking, go, okay,

well Mahomes won three, he's already got two.

Speaker 4 (11:13):
He won.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
Now it's a conversation right now that not as a
different conversation. That's how quickly it could change. But you
gotta win.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
You gotta win, and so we're not saying they have
to win this year, but in the next handful of years,
Josh Allen, Lamar Jackson as gifted as they are, as
great as their careers are.

Speaker 3 (11:31):
Because look at John Elway's the perfect example. He won
his last two years in the league. Took him all
all those years, but that changed the way you looks
at him. Now he's two and three, right, but the.

Speaker 4 (11:41):
Two is on you.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
But he won two super Bowls, went out on him
one out, winning on both of those. Looks at him
different and it validates what we heard about that talent
and this man, he's gonna be the most gifted.

Speaker 4 (11:51):
Of all time.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
He went the three Super Bowl but their defense was bad.
They used to get blown out.

Speaker 4 (11:56):
Like it was. It was bad.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
It was all on him and that was it, you know,
And so he was able to finally get those They
had a complete team right that, those Broncos defense was great.

Speaker 3 (12:04):
And then it was a great running game. I was
the one game to do his part.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
They had, of course, such Shay Sharp and all that
had a really really good team. Obviously they win too,
So you have to win if you're a star player
in the NBA. Lebron doesn't start winning, if KD doesn't win,
Steph doesn't win, Jordan Kobe Shack, you can't be on
that list. Steve Nash with a couple of rings, we
might think about Steve Nash differently. You know, Chris Paul

with a couple of rings, We might think of Chris
Paul differently. So, quarterbacks, star, superstar, NBA players and coaches.

Speaker 4 (12:39):
You have to win titles to be herald at where
you want to be up there.

Speaker 3 (12:43):
No doubt, all right, eight seven, seven ninety nine on
Fox eight seven, seven, nine nine six sixty three sixty nine.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
Where are you?

Speaker 3 (12:51):
Do you have to win to be considered great? Barry
Sanders did not win a Super Bowl? But running backs
a little different, don't you think?

Speaker 1 (12:58):
Yeah, compared to a specifically, quarterbacks, superstar, NBA and coaches,
those are the three people you have to win.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
So right, more so than nobody looks at Kelvin Johnson.
Kevin Johnson, No, Calvin Johnson all right, just well received. Yeah,
nobody made it into the first ballot Hall of Fame.

Speaker 4 (13:19):
He was just talented. No playoff wins, like his tenure
with the Lions was bad.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
Like, let's just face it, you want to we lost
a bunch of games, but broke records but did nothing else.
But you saw him and you knew it wasn't his fault.
But quarterbacks, you gotta win. You can be a good one,
we can really like you. But to be a Hall
of Famer, to be one of them ones, you gotta
have a run.

Speaker 4 (13:40):
Right, So do you does somebody have to win to
be considered great or no? Where are you on this?

Speaker 3 (13:46):
The obvious answer is yes, But there are people who
might not look at that true look at things like
that and say, well, it all depends because.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
It's eleven players for each team, all right, eight seven
seven ninety nine.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
On Fox it is the couple on a Funky Flashback Friday,
Rob Parker kelvin Washington.

Speaker 5 (14:03):
Right here on Fox Sports Radio, Stick and stay if
you also like to elevate mediocrity in the US of A.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live Our.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
Number two on a Funky Flashback Friday, Rob Parker kelvin Washington,
and we are indeed the Odd Couple broadcasting live from
Thetirak dot com studios.

Speaker 4 (14:38):
You're listening to us now, but did you know that
you can also see us? That's right. Be sure to
check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Just search Fox Sports Radio on YouTube and you'll see
a whole bunch of video highlight from our shows. Be
sure to subscribe so that you always have instant access
to our videos. Coming up in about twenty eight minutes
and it's Sean King will be down with the King,
the former NFL quarterback Fox Sports Radio NFL analysts.

Speaker 4 (15:08):
He'll break down some of these games coming up.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
Four big football games coming up this weekend Saturday and
Sunday in the National Football League.

Speaker 4 (15:18):
All right, let's stay there as we get ready for football.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
And yeah, some good ones this weekend, man, you hope,
because it's been blowouts, great point like on paper, right,
don't already?

Speaker 4 (15:33):
Oh we got all these great matchups.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
And then the Ravens scored forty two to seven over
a Buffalo No, no, no, no, because they've.

Speaker 4 (15:41):
Been only one good game and that was the Washington game.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Yeah, well they have another one with the line this year.
You let me write to a conversation earlier this week.
Remember we were having with Rob g We're talking about
like who has the most pressure and you know, I
mean this was last week. She said, I'm sorry, you
know it is it the Eagles? Because at that point,
remember Nick sare y'allne might be on the hot seed
if he did. Is it Mike Tomlin on the hot seat?

Or Russell Wilson? Could this be his last game? We
kind of have the conversation about the state of Pennsylvania.

Speaker 4 (16:12):

Speaker 1 (16:12):
Another one that you got to consider that this this
game and ultimately this postseason run and you're gonna be shocked.
And I say this, there is a lot of pressure
on the Lions. Man, there's a lot of pressure on
the Detroit Lions because it's not so much Oh, you
got to redeem last year, which is a very true fact.
That's a fact. Like, let's not forget that they had

a big lead. How can we and one of the
greatest meltdowns in the last twenty thirty years in any sport,
right where people really seventeen you know that they're going
to the dude, you heard the stories they talked about
how many airline tickets that got refunded because you get
twenty four hours and people got their money back to
I have personal friends and family. Man were going to bed, No,

we're not going to vat you know. It was crazy.
So not only the pressure of man, we gotta redeem ourselves.
We got to get back, we gotta do That's that's real.
And you and I've talked about it. It will be
disappointing if they lose this second. Yeah, if they don't
even get back to the NFC, CHA would be disappointing
for sure, know without a doubt. But I'm gonna tell
you what else is the guy that pressure. What makes
this team great is what the ethos and the way,

and Dan Campbell has constructed the team and created an identity.
I was reading a great article in The Athletic about
David Montgomery, the running back who was supposed to be
out for the season opted did not have the surgery
and just rehab and he's gonna be back.

Speaker 4 (17:29):
He's gonna play a role this Saturday.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
But they talk about how he's one of the handful
of guys who were like the absolute leaders, been there
all this time, and Dan Campbell just believes in them,
trusting them and like they had created this whole. We
only want guys that are tough mentally physically. That's that,
and part of that also is having a great cast
of assistants and Aaron Glenn and Ben Johnson. The scary
part is last year they have an amazing offense to

go twelve and five. There's so much fun. People love them.
And then they get to the NFC Championship game. They're
doing great things, they're scoring all over, then ultimately losing
and everybody thought, man, they might lose Ben Johnson. And
people kept saying to me, you guys will be back,
You guys will be back. I said, not if they
lose Ben Johnson. He comes out and says, I know,
I get a lot of interview requests.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
I'm coming back. We got unfinished business.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
Well, as you know, in this business, in this business
coaching anything, you can't keep passing up opportunities.

Speaker 4 (18:21):
So Ben Johnson, you know, the phone is ringing. He's
already in line for some of these jobs.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
He's aren't gonna interview with the Bears, He's gonna interview
with a couple other teams. So they're probably gonna lose
Ben Johnson offensive coordinator, which makes this team had the
largest point differential. You see the offense, you see the
numbers that Jared Goff put up, you see what Jamier
Gibbs is putting up all that, and they might lose
Aaron Glenn, their defensive coordinator, and so they gotta get

this thing done this year. Because yes, that's not to
say the team will all of a sudden be trashed
next year. But a part of what makes this team
great is these two coordinators. And if you lose both
at the same time, there's no guarantee. You min you
might be good, but not this that's good again, you
know what I mean? You might be an eleven and
six type ten and seven.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
You don't know.

Speaker 1 (19:04):
And so they gotta capitalize and finish this at least
this run this season, this redemption tour, if you will.
Otherwise you just don't know. And as you are, we
talk about Dan Marino and others. It ain't a guarantee.
It ain't a guarantee. And that that's what is so scary,
is you think, oh, yeah, we'll be back next year.
I remember Dan Campbell told the Vikings, we'll see you

see you in two weeks, all.

Speaker 3 (19:30):
Right, Remember going golfing or something. I was the Kids
of Death right there. I will see you in two.

Speaker 4 (19:34):
Weeks, thinking like, oh yeah, you'll go there and handle whatever.
That's what I'm saying, right. That was like his uh,
Rex Ryan like hey what are you saying?

Speaker 1 (19:44):

Speaker 4 (19:44):
And Rex Ryan, Oh yeah. But but this is the
point is that you're right.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
Things change and then also maybe there's other people that
gotta be paid all kinds of stuff. We can't we
can't keep everybody. Gotta lose this person, That's how I said.
And then all of a sudden, it ain't exactly the
same team.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
And it's not that you suck or that you're terrible.
It's just you can't ever get back over the hump, you.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
Know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
It's it's huge because I'm with you, I'm not so sure.
You know that Dan Campbell isn't supported by the other
guys the you know what I mean, a bigger role.
Then maybe if you're Bill Belichick and you're doing the
defense and the Patriots had the top five defense every time,

you know, when they when they went to the Super
Bowl twenty years yeah, you know what like that like that,
and you know Belichick has his hands on the defense.
In this case, you have two different guys and it's
not Dan Campbell on either side of.

Speaker 1 (20:41):
The ball, and you don't know, like he doesn't have that.
For instance, you is on the TV in front of
us right now, Bill Belichick. You know he's defense Andy Reed.
He might not call the plays, but you know he
knows that he has his hand, his implant. This is
our philosophy offensively, and with Dan Campbell, his strength is
building the culture, right, mentoring, tutoring the men, getting the

guys fired up, knowing who to put in position. It's
not so much you know, like I couldn't identify he's
a great schemer in X offensively our schemer in this.
So I hope that they would be having Ben Johnson saying, hey,
quarterback coach, you're gonna be next up.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
I'm leaving.

Speaker 3 (21:18):
I'm teeth, here's the keys to everything, here's all the recipes.
You know, here's how I'm cooking up like that.

Speaker 4 (21:23):

Speaker 3 (21:23):
But I'm saying I would hope or that they know,
but that's not how I go. They're gonna take that
with them, or well no, no, he's gonna take it.
But I'm saying, I'm it's like your grandmother teaching your mom.
You know, you're saying grand mom can't cook my grandma.
They'll do mom like that. It ain't It ain't saying
because if you hire a new offensive court, they're not
gonna do exactly what somebody else was doing, right, you

know what I'm saying. But I'm hoping not their strength.
And also the let's just not usual unless you're promoting
somebody who was within that system and they don't have
a system. But if you're an offensive coordinator, you come
with your own stuff and stuff that you've been doing,
You're not gonna be like, oh, yeah, where did Ben what?
Ben Johnson left this for a while, Okay, and I'm

just gonna copy him. They're not gonna do that.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
There GM Brad Holmes, who has been fantastic bringing in
the right pieces, bringing in the right coaches, being a
part of this, and you know, and keeping Dan Campbell
when when they felt like, no, we're building something here.
I hope he has something up in sleeve as well,
you know, like, hey, all right, here's the guy we've
been looking at.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
Knowing, knowing for the last.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
Two years were probably gonna lose Ben Johnson, knowing there's
a you know, throughout this year, probably a chance we
lose Aaron Glynn. Here are some guys we identified that
would that would be great with Ben, with Dan Campbell.
But that's a big part of it, man. So that's
why to me, everybody, oh man, the.

Speaker 4 (22:38):
Lines be back. Listen, Green Bay ain't going towhere. Not
that I'm saying they're gonna be good. Who knows that
they're The division is gonna be good.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Minnesota should be good, maybe not fourteen and three no win,
and then the Bears should be better if they get
a Mike McCarthy, they get a you know whomever, get
a better coach to coach up Caleb because they had
a bunch of games they were in, including the Lions,
the one they beat, the loss of the Lions. Three
games they got the hell married they got the miss
field goal the Lions bad. I mean the bad clock
management with the Lions where they could have tied the

game with the field goal and said, I don't know
what that's what got the coach.

Speaker 4 (23:13):
And then there was another one another game they lost
the Raiders that you had. Another had another like a
field goal issue.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Yeah, I was like three game up and so Kayleb
Williams you, you'd be looking at and saying he's gonna
get better. So and then obviously not to mention just
the conference alone. The Eagles might just still be there.
The Commanders might be there for another seven eight years.
Like so, you want to strike while the iron is
hot and not guarantee.

Speaker 3 (23:37):

Speaker 1 (23:37):
I still believe they're going to be a quality, good
to great team for quite you know, five years, but
getting to that next level.

Speaker 4 (23:45):
And that's why too.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
On the other side of it, you know, if we
talked about it a little bit earlier last hour, if you're.

Speaker 4 (23:49):
Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson, you also don't want.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
To just keep you know, hodg just keep getting the
playoffs but not happening because one day Josh Allen might
look up and he might not ever make it that
far again.

Speaker 4 (23:58):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
There's just no game garantee in this league when especially
all these young quarterbacks coming up. Uh so, you definitely
want to strike with our hand. But that's that's why
I feel like this season the Allions. They could be
really good next year, but you gotta get it done
because you don't want to lose Aaron Glynn, Ben Johnson,
like you mentioned, now guys start wanting to get paid,
Guys get injured, guys.

Speaker 4 (24:16):
You know, it just starts changing. Gods, tire, it's just
not the same team.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
And you look up one day and then you're like, man,
two years ago, we had everything in place, plugged in,
We had a seventeen point lead in San Francisco.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
We went so so capitalize this year again, I expect
them to be good next year, but just never know
how good you're gonna be.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
And then the other thing here in this game, you
know this, the running quarterback is not the best thing
against them.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
That's the one I told you off air on it
the one thing that gives me. That's why they played
the chief saved for instance, it was a Super Bowl
Chiefs Lions. I would feel much more confident our alliance
because the way they can attack that running quarterbacks, man,
you can they could. They can just run around, run around,
and then you're like, we literally have all the receivers covered.
We're good, and they just get out to that edge,

pick up that third and six and pick up eight yards.

Speaker 4 (25:04):
Lamar is so annoying with that.

Speaker 1 (25:06):
Russell Wilson, when he was at his best, was great
at that he was very Patrick Mahomes like as far,
I ain't running running, running, but but I'll get picked
up that third and six, right, you know. Josh Allen
annoyingly good with that. Jayden Daniels annoyingly good with that.
So that would be interesting. There was nine and a
half point favorites too. I was whoh, I was kind
of shocked by that. I think, is it eight and
a half?

Speaker 4 (25:26):
Nine a half? But yeah, it's I.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
Think it's nine and a half. The Chiefs show eight
and a half at least the one I saw will
be interesting. But yeah, the Lions have a lot to
play for and you want to capitalize. You didn't want
to say, no, get him next year. No, you really don't.
You don't eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight
seven seven nine nine six sixty three sixty nine.

Speaker 4 (25:50):
Do the Lions have a lot of pressure on them?
They do. They have to win and get to the
Super Bowl? Too. Is that where they have to date? Right,
they can't.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
It can't be just beating to Washington and then Law
and then losing the NFC Championship game to the Eagles
or somebody.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Right, that's that's not that's not always you gotta get
there because you know you get there. You gotta get
riding this ship of you got there for once, hadn't
been there so long.

Speaker 4 (26:16):
You got to get there right all right?

Speaker 3 (26:18):
It is The Odd Couple eight seven seven ninety nine
on Fox on a Funky Flashback Friday. We'll take your
phone calls Rob Parker, kelvin Washington right here on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (26:30):
Stick and stay.

Speaker 5 (26:32):
If you're feeling a possible early exit like Megatron in
the USA, call for Alex Man.

Speaker 3 (26:40):
All right, our number three on The Odd Couple on
a Funky Flashback Friday, Rob Parker, kelvin Washington, coming to
you live from the tire rack dot Com studios, and
don't forget. Right after the show, our podcast is going up.
If you missed any of today's show, be sure to
listen to the podcast. Search Odd Couple wherever you get

your podcasts. Could also check out Inside the Parker. Did
I say that?

Speaker 4 (27:07):
And be sure you did? Hello and review the podcast
and rated five stars? How they rated five stars? Did
I tell you? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (27:15):
Yeah? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (27:16):
You said two and a half, two and a half, no, no,
I could hear for me and one? Okay, you a
least spread it out a little bit all right, three
for me and two for you. You said two and
a half.

Speaker 4 (27:26):
All right again.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
Just search odd couple wherever you get your podcasts and
you'll find today's show and a best of version posted
right after we get off the air. Don't forget twenty
eight minutes. Lamar Mitchell bet MGM, director of Trading, will
give us some inside scoops on the upcoming NFL playoffs
this weekend Saturday and Sunday. Also last call your chance

to jump in in case you didn't get a chance
earlier in the show on some of the topics we
were talking about and our NFL pigskin pickoff and Patrick,
I am winning, correct, I think I'm winning. Yeah, you're
a one one, yes, yes, one is all you need
to win, and you just need to win by one,
that's all. So yeah, I'm very happy. I was way
behind during the season, and boy have I jumped up.

Speaker 1 (28:10):
So a lot of people obviously looking at the Eagles
and saying maybe they could be the NFC representatives.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
And the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
But when you start looking at something that's a bit
concerning for them, it's Jalen Hurts, and Jalen Hurts has
been hurting the team as.

Speaker 3 (28:28):
Of late, how's he been hurting him? They've been winning,
They have been winning.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
But you heard Sean King we just had last hour,
like he's been playing he himself, not that the team
has been. Look say Kwan was arguably a MVP candidate,
I mean not arguably he is an MVP candidate, arguably
an MVP for some people. He's been spectacular. The defense
has been spectacular. But you just start looking at these
numbers with Jalen Hurts man is it's it's kind of staggering.
Even Martin Weiss was talking about yesterday. We had wife's advice.

He's turned into more of a runner the last year
and a half than a thrower. Since twenty two or
twenty twenty two, that since they started the whole Brotherly Shove,
Hurts has a league leading one hundred and twelve rushes
when they needed a yard, So they're doing that all
all the time. You start to look at the fewest
passes attempts per game they had this year thirteen he

had thirteen against the Green Bay Packers. And if you
look at the passings that they've had this year, the
fewest they have a twenty five pass attempts that's it
the fewest since nineteen seventy eight. So one end for sure, Right,
Saqua's cooking? Why would we what's wrong with that? Would
you get away from them? But here's the issue, here's
my challenge to that. Dereck Henry was cooking to an

MVP candidate status. Do you know who else was cooking?
Likely the MVP, Lamar Jackson. But he's he's not Jared Goff.
He's not cooking. Great year. The Lions rushing game is insane, Montgomery, but.

Speaker 4 (29:56):
It is ain't it ain't, say Kwon Barkley.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
That's what I'm saying is you have teams that are
running the ball very well, great top three, four five,
yet the passing is also top three, four five.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Well, what if they done when you look at the
winning I'm just saying when you talk about the Eagles,
and you can sit there and I hate.

Speaker 4 (30:13):
Win the winning of it.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
But you know, when we get to this status, this
is where we have to nitpick, right, this is where
I have to nitpick. You could argue, ah, man, it
still has overad a good season. No, I have to
excuse me nitpick you because you're in the postseason now
and you're trying to win and what's going on, Mike, Tommy,
you haven't won in eight years? Right, So all right,
we're talking about the now we're talking about the Eagles. Okay, yeah,
you hey, Now I have to nitpick you because you're

going up against the RAM teams that look good Week
one in the wild Card, a RAM team that have
won the Super Bowl a couple of year, few years back.

Speaker 4 (30:43):
So that's where we get to.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
Okay, well, I'm starting nitpicking some because we're saying, what
makes this team beatable?

Speaker 4 (30:49):
What are some of your concerns going into the game.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
But here's what I'm looking at. Quarterback rating against the
Packers one hundred and eleven. So the numbers, one hundred
and thirty one yards, right.

Speaker 4 (31:00):
But he only rushed was it fifteen times? Thirteen times?
I mean a pass? I'm sorry passed?

Speaker 3 (31:06):
They had one hundred and thirty one yards with two touchdowns, right,
Okay against the Steelers a one to twenty five. Quarterback
rating against the Panthers one ten. Not a lot of yards,
but look at the numbers. He's not throwing the ball,
not no interceptions. He hasn't had an interception since November
against the Cowboys, I think that's November.

Speaker 4 (31:28):
What is that tenth?

Speaker 3 (31:30):
He hasn't had an interceptions to get picked. Well, what
I'm saying is he's not hurting his team. But the
issue Rob, this is why I agree, Like, can I
look at it like that? Like sometimes you don't have
to put up big numbers. You got a running back.

Speaker 4 (31:46):
We just saw.

Speaker 3 (31:48):
The Ravens rush the ball thirteen straight times right for
a touchdown. Like and I'm not mad at I'm not
saying that you don't he doesn't need to throw a
pass at some point of breaking up. But I just
don't see Like if you told me he was throwing
interceptions or not playing well or missing or or as

completion percentage was really.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
Low or something like, here's the concern, I would buy that.
So here's the concern. You're going up against the team
when the Rams where if they need to get going
with the passing. You know, Matt Stafford has been capable,
He's insane in the playoffs since he's been with Matt
Sean McVay.

Speaker 4 (32:25):
He's actually been ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
Think he's five and one and like eighteen touchdowns or
two intercepn something crazy like that. Then you look at
Let's say let's say the Eagles win. Where now, just
like Sean King was talking about, you look at the Lions.
All right, the defense is going to be solid and all,
but you know the Lions are going to score points
if they got down ten to nothing and still have
to start passing. Aj Brown? Is Aj Brown reading books?

He ain't even catching passes. He's reading more pages than
he caught passes. And you look at the offense and say, oh, man,
if they struggle to score initially, they'd struggle with scoring
early in games if they get down to the Rams,
if they get down to the Lions, that's.

Speaker 4 (33:03):
Where the concern comes from.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
Can Jalen her can you say, hey, man, for whatever reasons,
Sakuan's having a solid game but not great. You know
he's bloating fifty our runs. Can we put the ball
in your hands and can you get it done? And
that's where the concern comes in. Whereas with again, if
we got to go up with the Rams, we know
Matthew Stafford different, We know Jared Goff has done that.

Speaker 3 (33:23):
But here's the issue. Yes, I believe that he'll be
able to pass the ball. Is he as prolific as
some of these other guys know, but it's not like
he's throwing the ball a lot and he has a
terrible completion rate.

Speaker 4 (33:36):
He makes Hay and Kirk your cousin, my cousin, do
you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 3 (33:39):
Myus, No, he's not doing that, And that would be
the concern, is that they're actually trying to attempt to
throw the ball and he's not completing passes. That would
bother me way more than the idea that he's not
throwing the ball a lot, because they have you're eating
up clock, your ball controlled. That's the best if I
limit you and you're the rams And Stafford only gets

the ball twice in the in the first half because
Squan is moving to change and eating up clock. And
we have two drives or three drives and they're seven
minutes each. Do you do you see them see? But
just it is a formula. But the way their passing
game has just been really slow, really bad. And you
got the players. You look at Vante Smith, you look

at A. J. Brown, You're like, even, what's the issue?
I think that it's I think that it's Saquan in
that he's been so good for them and he you know,
Jalen Hurts is in the same player from a couple
of years ago when he went to the Rite and
superl he was insane that that was like that was

a one off. But that season last year he wasn't
even So that's and this is where the issue they had,
the reports are they had beef over the summer. They
had to have a come to Jesus Kumbaya moment because
they were getting upset. Jalen was saying, put more on
my I want to pass the ball more. What's up
with this offense? Throughout the season? You got aj Brown

getting mad? What's wrong with you guys right now? Passing games?
I ain't getting the ball.

Speaker 4 (35:08):
Hard to argue with winning though, that's true.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
But you can sit there all you want and talk
about it now if you tell me that they they
didn't win the division, or they were losing or you
know what I mean, or that.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
But to be fair, Robert Lee Parker, that's the same
thing with the Chiefs. They were still getting it done
and you were on their head all year. Difference is
the difference is Patrick. We've seen Patrick Mahomes two point
zero and he was outstanding throwing the full Yeah, yeah,
I mean, but now he's not the same quarterback the

last two years. Come on, let's be honest.

Speaker 4 (35:42):
He hasn't been. But Jalens only had the one year
before that.

Speaker 3 (35:46):
There were questions already about him throwing the football even nowhere, right, Yeah,
he had this unbelievable season, right, and that's all I'm saying,
Like this is more like Jalen hurts more so than
the year two years ago.

Speaker 1 (35:59):
Would you agree with that? That seems to be what
we saw in college where he's good, he's capable. But
the problem is, I don't know if that cuts it
versus the Rams, and really don't know if that cuts
it verse the Lions where they able to score a
bunch of points.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
We've also seen Stafford that bad game to watch exception
with the Rams, it's been his that's what the Rams
are crazy.

Speaker 4 (36:17):
But but we've we even even in the super Bowl, all.

Speaker 3 (36:20):
Right, they didn't catch it wrong, No, not even but
not not That would have been his third in that game.
He threw two, Like that's why wasn't he Piose are
the two I'm saying that is his his Ram club?
But he threw two in that game and a third
that was dropped I'm I'm just saying, like that was
the game. That was the Stafford game. He didn't get
the last one, which would have sealed his fate, but

he had two interceptions in that game.

Speaker 1 (36:44):
All right, Well, we were definitely I think the Eagles
are the concerned. This is why kind of I can't understand,
Like the Eagles in Philadelphia against the Rams. Do you
know how people that felt like something off with the Chiefs,
Like they're winning, but something's off. That's how I feel
with the Eagles, Like I'm been saying all season, they
like they're winning, but something they right. Nick Sirianni beefing
with them, he might have something right there. Jalen Hurts

don't like him, and something's awful about them that I
think might show its head in the postseason.

Speaker 4 (37:10):
That's how I feel.

Speaker 3 (37:11):
I just think, man, look at some of the games
that they won and the teams that they beat. They
were impressive to me, like they just kept running, kept
running the ball, do what you do best, and don't
play around like you have a one year.

Speaker 4 (37:25):
This might be sa Quand's only year where he plays
like he's insane. Ride him, you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (37:29):
You gotta ride him and it's been insane for him,
and there have been games where he's just been a
man amongst boys, been impressive.

Speaker 4 (37:38):
All right, what do you feel? How do you feel?

Speaker 3 (37:40):
Eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven
nine nine six sixty three sixty nine. It is the
couple on a funky flashback Friday, and we're trying to
figure out are you worried about the Eagles against the
Rams because Jalen hirschesn't have an eye popping throwing stats.
But the Eagles just keep winning and they get it

done and people keep doubting them. I just like the
Saquan offense that they're running, and I think that Jalen
Hirtch is doing just what he needs to do. I've
seen other teams win without quarterbacks having to have the
bulk of it, mostly because a don't make a big mistake,

don't turn the ball over. Go back to when the
tap when Tampa Bay lost to Washington. Why did they
lose that game? Baker Baker fumbled, but Buddy fumbled. Baker
threw like forty touchdowns during his year. Was all about
the offense. He fumbled and they took advantage of it.
And that was the game that really was. It was
one turnover in that good game. Do you see what

I'm saying? And Baker was you looked at him offensively.
I'm like, man, Baker went off this year. He was great, yep.
And he had all the receivers and forty touchdowns passing
touchdowns and it didn't work.

Speaker 4 (38:54):
Eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox.

Speaker 3 (38:56):
It is a funky Flashback Friday, Rob Parker kelvin Washington
right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (39:02):
Stick and stay for a possible fly. Eagles fly in
the US of a
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