Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Odd Couple podcasts.
Be sure to check us out live every weekday from
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Speaker 2 (00:19):
You're listening to the best of the Odd Couple.
Speaker 3 (00:25):
This is a day we do honor Martin Luther King,
but for this day and all the great stuff that
he did, so that we can host his radio show together.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
No, I do not today, but today any other Monday.
Will you know any other Monday?
Speaker 3 (00:42):
Rob Parker, Yeah, and he'd understand because he understands that
when a brother is so out there and he can't
acknowledge and understand the experience and the knowledge sitting next
to him, and he's going.
Speaker 4 (00:59):
To discount appreciate this experiencing next song, I ain't talking
about that.
Speaker 2 (01:03):
Speaker 3 (01:03):
Let's get to with the Lions and the Washington Commanders.
You had to nerve the audacity to gall to sit
here and try to discount my thoughts on the Lions.
Everything I said. You tried to make it like I
was a hater and what hold, No, I'm a hater.
That's why I'm saying what I'm saying, Okay, And you
couldn't have been more wrong about the Detroit Lions.
Speaker 4 (01:34):
And despite all the stuff I pointed.
Speaker 3 (01:36):
Out all year long, you just kept acting like you
didn't see it, or that I was some deranged old
man who's living in the past. Oh, that wouldn't pad.
You're talking about the old stuff. I'm talking about the new.
No matter what I told you on this very radio show.
I told you about Russell will and Justin Fields.
Speaker 4 (02:01):
Did I tell you you want to go there? I'm
gonna go there.
Speaker 1 (02:05):
Speaker 3 (02:07):
I told you about Ronald McDonald and the Vikings, you
were wrong. I told you about Aaron Glenn and that
he didn't work up some magic defense that it was
Sam Donald not Aaron Glenn.
Speaker 4 (02:24):
You were wrong. And I told you about Jared loss
not Jared Garth.
Speaker 3 (02:31):
I told you I sat here and told you you
could throw three interceptions and lose a big game.
Speaker 4 (02:38):
I told you the.
Speaker 3 (02:39):
Reason that the Rams traded him was because they didn't
think he was good in big games, and you discounted.
Speaker 4 (02:46):
You were wrong.
Speaker 3 (02:49):
And then I told you the Lions all year. I
didn't buy in fraudulent. I gave you all the reasons
why me. The NFC North forty and eleven. Yeah, because
they played the AFC West zero and three in the postseason.
Speaker 4 (03:05):
Ten interceptions from the three quarterbacks.
Speaker 3 (03:08):
I told you that the Lions your revenge tour. All
you talked about running up the score, right, A bad
coach putting his players.
Speaker 4 (03:19):
In harm's way all year long.
Speaker 3 (03:21):
For no reason to beat up also rans. And there
you go.
Speaker 4 (03:26):
What happened? You didn't have enough bodies, enough people at
the end.
Speaker 3 (03:31):
And then I told you time and time again, Dan
Campbell's not a good coach.
Speaker 4 (03:36):
And we saw more of that.
Speaker 3 (03:38):
We saw twelve men on the field when the game
was in reach ten points and they give them a
first down and goal at the one because they don't
have a they have too many men on defense. They
got a wide receiver throwing in a crucial point of
the game, making a throw to another receiver. Guess how
many throws at that wide receiver thrown in his career
in collegen and the pros zero that's the spot you
picked to be cute. Come on, man, it doesn't get
any worse than that. No, I'm not done. I've been
telling you this franchise wasn't going. You ignored all the signs,
all the signs all year about Jared Golf, about the defense,
about this team. I'm not shocked when I sat here
on Friday, you stuck out your chest and told me
how you don't believe what you just said, that the
commander is gonna win. You somehow think that I'm gonna
sit here and just I'm just saying something to say
it you for three hours, and I told you I've
been covering this league since what year?
Speaker 4 (04:53):
I forgot nineteen number one.
Speaker 1 (04:58):
And rush You're wrong, Yes, clearly they lost, but you
are Are you going to admit you were wrong fifteen times?
Speaker 4 (05:05):
Speaker 1 (05:05):
Are you going to admit you were wrong fifteen times?
Because Rob g knows for fifteen weeks you said they
were gonna lose, so.
Speaker 4 (05:12):
You weren't wrong the other fifteen times I picked him
to lose. Every week.
Speaker 1 (05:15):
You know that I ain't true. Twelve out of the
fifteen I did not. No, I did not twelve.
Speaker 4 (05:19):
Out of the fifteen.
Speaker 1 (05:20):
So against Johnson, against Jackson, Okay, there's your one, there's
your one.
Speaker 4 (05:25):
I just said twelve out of fifteen.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
So a team that is fifteen and two is fraudulent
that you pick every week to lose and they don't
lose that.
Speaker 4 (05:32):
Let's just start there.
Speaker 1 (05:33):
And you brought up Russell Wilson who lost five straight games,
who got blew out in the playoffs.
Speaker 4 (05:38):
And that's the guy you hanging your hat on.
Speaker 3 (05:40):
Yeah, because I told you he would be the starter
when he came back and he looked and he looked
terror did he come back? Was he just started for
the rest And I told you that and he looks terrible. Okay,
whatever you want to see, I told you, so watch
how you do this. This is the best part about it.
See let me break down the lines real quick to
prove to something. I am a fan of the Lions.
Watch how I can be critical of something. I'm a
fan of something. I'm gonna school you on real quick.
Number one, Ben Johnson made a horrible call. Absolutely, you
can't have Williams throw in that pass when you're down
ten with the chance to go down to score easily
because the offense was moving, and he gives him the
ball and gives it in a kid who is always
a hot head, who's immature.
Speaker 1 (06:18):
You cannot do that. Absolutely. The one big glaring flaw
from Ben Johnson throughout that game, Jared Goff, I even
got a better name than you. Just came up. Jared lost.
Jared Kauff. He did cough it up three times. Absolutely,
he threw those interceptions. You can't win when our best player,
our quarterback, our star player, I just say star quarterback,
is given the ball the way.
Speaker 4 (06:38):
Absolutely, you can't play like that.
Speaker 1 (06:40):
But for you to act like they didn't have all
of these injuries that you were baking, nothing to.
Speaker 3 (06:45):
Do with that, that had nothing to do with this game.
They had nothing to do with this game.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Sorry, they did the defense not stop the Daniels in
that you sat on this very show, and when they
stopped the Minnesota Vikings, you gave ten times credit to
Home to Gary.
Speaker 4 (07:01):
No to Aaron, yes, he no, he did not said here.
Speaker 1 (07:06):
And I told you first of all, this is what
I can is what I told you. We both one
of us can't admit when they're right or wrong and
the other can't. Like you, you you, I'll let you talk.
You can never be wrong. Aaron Glynn doubted up. What
was wrong with that? It's okay, I asked, you once
very simple. The Lions aren't fun to watch. It don't score.
You couldn't answer that. I have no problem coming in
here and tell you that Jared cough he coughed it up.
He threw a terrible interception. The fumbling the red zone
might have changed everything. They might have gone up fourteen
to three in the first quarter, and that might have
a whole different ball game. Jared Goff was a large
reason why the Lions problem lost.
Speaker 4 (07:45):
I have no problem that.
Speaker 3 (07:46):
Oh yet, yes you did, because we sat here on Friday,
and when I said that he would throw three interceptions,
you said you gotta.
Speaker 4 (07:53):
Be the extreme. No, I was telling you extreme.
Speaker 1 (07:58):
I was telling you I'm not letting you do this,
telling you I'm trying to tell you to talk.
Speaker 4 (08:03):
Thank you. I'll let you talk for ninety seven percent
of the segment.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
You can't do extremes every week and be right once
and expect somebody to give you a cookie.
Speaker 4 (08:11):
That's what I'll never do.
Speaker 1 (08:12):
You can't say somebody sucks, they're gonna lose every week
and they don't, and then when they finally do once.
Speaker 4 (08:17):
Expected because I want you to sow the tape.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
You do that every week when does it not go
to the extreme every week we literally.
Speaker 4 (08:24):
Make a joker segment of it.
Speaker 1 (08:26):
So what I'm saying to you, you finally got it
right with Jared Goff had a bad game and still
had a chance to be in that game. So there's
no denying that. Deny what is obvious. I have no
problem doing that. They lost. The Commanders were perfect. They
were literally flawless. He didn't get sacked, he didn't throw
any he being Daniels, no interceptions, didn't get sacked, ran
the ball well almost three hundred yards. Couple tell them
they literally were flawless. When they get an interception, they
didn't just get it in full. They picked sixty. They
were flawless. Congrats to the Commanders. They played an amazing game.
It ain't no congrats. It was an ultimate choke job
by the Lions. Don't give them no. They played an
ultimate joke. It is an ultimate show job. It was
not and a half point favorites at home and so
would who played amazing?
Speaker 3 (09:15):
That was not a children did Vegas give money and
just go oh, yeah, we're gonna give not and a
half points to Washington?
Speaker 4 (09:21):
Not in a governess since eighty whatever? You know, it
right all the time, right, And I'm telling you that
was your choke jobs a lion. What happened? Free path
to the.
Speaker 1 (09:30):
Super It was not a free pass. They got to
they would have had to beat them. They would have
to possibly now we know it would have had to
beat the Eagles. It's not free pass. What are you
talking about?
Speaker 4 (09:37):
Yes, everything had to come through Detroit and free that's
what that is. An easier pass. That's exactly what.
Speaker 3 (09:42):
Just like last the same coach you had, Dan King,
how you last year?
Speaker 1 (09:47):
The same coach that is that has an amazing record
is a terrible coach.
Speaker 4 (09:51):
You know what his record is?
Speaker 1 (09:52):
Oh, and you're a terrible Rochester because you're wrong on
the time you make it makes on your standards that
don't make any sense.
Speaker 4 (09:59):
Se is fifteen to two bags up. His record is
owing to he chose.
Speaker 3 (10:06):
He literally won the forty nine ers game and he
lost to the Washington Comes he won.
Speaker 1 (10:11):
No, No, those are the two biggest games with the
Cherry Piggy.
Speaker 4 (10:15):
He lost them both.
Speaker 1 (10:16):
She's going to let me know when you're done, because
are you done now? Because we got a whole another
two hour, fifteen minutes. I would like to get away
to show.
Speaker 4 (10:25):
Just let me know you could talk to the show
because my voice will be done. So I had to
make so inconclusion.
Speaker 1 (10:32):
So again I just set up here in discussed and
broke down all the ways the Lions lost the game,
Jared coughing it up, Ben Johnson with a terrible play
call that was absolutely horrible, and finally the injuries caught
up to him.
Speaker 4 (10:44):
There's absolutely no way you can watch that game and
not see that.
Speaker 1 (10:46):
And if they if they had seventy just seventy percent
of their defensive guys, we're talking about a whole different game.
Speaker 4 (10:52):
But that's why when the quarterback throws the ball and five, oh,
you're not.
Speaker 1 (10:57):
Absolutely we're having a different game. This ain't a defense. Wait,
here's the best part about it. All you've been talking about.
Speaker 4 (11:05):
I don't like the.
Speaker 1 (11:05):
Lions defense now is not about defense. I just need
you to stay consistent. Please do that for me. I
am con chop down all your point.
Speaker 3 (11:11):
All I want to say to you is you the
guy who sat here he said, fite watching all the
other issues and problems, and I tried to warn you
about Aaron Glenn.
Speaker 4 (11:22):
I don't understand what you're talking about. Fifteen to two.
Speaker 3 (11:25):
That's nice against the AFC, sound against every single tea.
Speaker 4 (11:29):
Here's what I told you.
Speaker 3 (11:30):
The idea that you really thought they were going to
the super Bowl is laughable.
Speaker 1 (11:33):
Yes, and as they continued to get injured, that became
a very difficult thing to do. But why, okay, you
just here's what going bout your logic again? Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?
Who had who that Vegas had the odds to win
the Super Bowl?
Speaker 4 (11:44):
Who had who? Did Vegas have the guys favorite to
win the Super Bowl? All the Chiefs? They had the Lions?
No they didn't, they had the Lions. Rob Gie, am
I lying? No, you're not lying.
Speaker 1 (11:54):
So he wanted to go by Vegas, But now you
don't want to go by Vegas. This is what I'm
telling you, this is what I'm dealing with. I'm telling
you I sat here and try when I lost five straight,
might not even have a job.
Speaker 4 (12:04):
He won.
Speaker 1 (12:04):
He won five straight after he took over, and he
lost five straights when it mattered, all right, Aaron Rodgers,
the horrible season.
Speaker 4 (12:10):
You make up all the excuses in the world for
Aaron rods There you gotta go.
Speaker 1 (12:13):
You gonna go to aas cat. My point is to
do not even know to prove that I can break
it down the Lion's way.
Speaker 4 (12:19):
Bet you can't. You can't because you're you're deep down,
You're so caught up.
Speaker 3 (12:24):
You had your Lions glasses on and you didn't want
to hear anything that I tried to tell you anything.
This I did, And I told you about Jared loss
on Friday, and when I picked them, you're picking.
Speaker 4 (12:37):
To lose another game. You're to lose Minnesota, Minnesota. You're
not to lose every week.
Speaker 1 (12:44):
So I did not, and I literally no, I did
not out of the sixteen seventeen game, absolutely not eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine
say it right with three sixty nine did Saturday's loss
to Washington to prove that the Lions were.
Speaker 2 (13:02):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.
Speaker 4 (13:16):
Rob G.
Speaker 3 (13:17):
Can we get to the news of the day? Rob
the news of today, Rob G, the news of the day.
We need you as our news of the day anchor.
Speaker 4 (13:23):
Yeah, I'm done with the news. Yes for the day.
Speaker 5 (13:25):
I did that earlier this morning, and if you missed
Manti's award winning up to the top of the hour,
then you would know that Jimmy Butler has been suspended again,
this time for two games by the Miami Heat.
Speaker 4 (13:38):
He reportedly skipped a team.
Speaker 5 (13:40):
Flight and as a result, Pat riles like, we're not
having it. You're suspended again two games. Jimmy Butler, as
his ongoing trade demands still linger.
Speaker 1 (13:50):
You want to start, because I got something to say, Yeah,
you start, I know where you're going. Mine is more
of a rebuttal to you.
Speaker 4 (13:57):
Okay, uh.
Speaker 3 (13:59):
I love what's doing here, because at some point there's
got to be a grown up. There's some point that
you have to be professional. They pay Jimmy Butler every
pay period, all the money that he signed and agreed
to a deal. I get it if you don't want
to play there, But guess what, you don't get to
dictate that.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
Speaker 3 (14:21):
If they held your paycheck or they didn't pay you
all your money because they said you put in a
poor effort, you'd be crying like a baby that it
ain't right and it's.
Speaker 4 (14:30):
Unprofessional and you signed a deal.
Speaker 3 (14:33):
I'm all for free agency and going and doing what
you want to do and being happy. But once you
sign a contract, be damn professional. These guys are all babies.
I applaud pat Riley only from the standpoint that at
some point somebody's got to stop the madness and let
people know that that's not how it works in the
business world.
Speaker 4 (14:57):
You work for somebody else.
Speaker 3 (15:01):
Most people, if they if they win against their balls
or the places they worked, they wouldn't be working there.
And I understand athletes are specialized and that's why they
make that much money. But if ownership did that, people
would be crying and going crazy on the owners. You're
going against the contract. I signed the contract. You said
you were gonna pay me a certain amount of money,
and now you're renigging.
Speaker 4 (15:29):
You know how many guys aren't.
Speaker 3 (15:32):
Playing and getting paid millions that don't play that it's ridiculous.
Speaker 4 (15:40):
We get it.
Speaker 3 (15:41):
When your contracts up, go and turn down the option
with the heat and go sign where you want to go.
You can't put a gun to somebody's head and say no,
you gotta pay a thirty five year old who's always injured.
You ain't win no championship in Miami. They don't owe
you anything, what they owe you, the money that they've
paid you. Thank God, there's a pat riley. All these
other owners buckle. That's all they do. I wish somebody
would if I own the company, said that they're gonna
do what they want to do. Missing a flight, unprofessional,
saying the stuff that he said.
Speaker 4 (16:25):
That's a distraction to a team. Unprofessional. Talk to me.
Speaker 3 (16:30):
I'm in charge, Come into my office, yell at me.
Don't distract the other the rest of the team and
make the fans turn on the organization. That's what I
don't want you to do. And if I'm the other
owners watching Jimmy Butler, who also did this in his
previous stop, didn't he do this?
Speaker 4 (16:50):
I'm not the Minnesota Minnesota. I would not.
Speaker 3 (16:55):
After Jimmy Butler is done with his contracts and turns
down the option in Miami, I wouldn't touch this guy
with a ten foot pole.
Speaker 4 (17:03):
I wouldn't give him anything. I don't care.
Speaker 3 (17:06):
Who would want to go and sign up and get
in bed with somebody who's done this and the other
stops that he's been. He's unreliable, unprofessional and as a
big baby when he doesn't get his way, it is awful.
Speaker 4 (17:21):
I'm to be honest, I didn't know you was this
passionate about Jimmy Butler. Like you you really had a
a I'm.
Speaker 1 (17:25):
Passionate about this, dnet on it. I'm going to be
I know, But jim here's the thing though. Number One,
you were just mentioned a couple of things. When you
sign up for the Jimmy Butler experience, this is part
of the experience. Jimmy Butler has been doing this to
the last two or three franchises.
Speaker 4 (17:45):
He's been a part of.
Speaker 1 (17:46):
Now what you get with Jimmy Butler is you get
a guy who win plays probably gonna miss you know,
a third of the season. As you mentioned, he's out,
whether injury management or you. The team just says, let's
just keep him out. He's going to be your best
player in the playoffs. You won't have to worry about
him compete, you don't have to worry about him bringing
it at night in night out.
Speaker 4 (18:02):
I'm with you.
Speaker 1 (18:03):
It is a distraction. It is unfortunate at times that
you got to deal with this with star players. But
when you sign up for this and the business we're in,
when you sign up for this, if you're running this,
if you've got TV stars and radio stars.
Speaker 4 (18:15):
You know what comes with it.
Speaker 1 (18:16):
You know what some diva attitudes, you know what some
person at why I can't do this, why he gets
to work with me, you know all that that comes
with it. My concern and disappointment with pat Riley is
at a certain point, he's done this before. Are you
costing your team just to hold it down? Are you
costing your team just to be like I'm not budgeting
because you know who's been the best player for the
Heat the last three four years. Jimmy Butler. You know
who's gotten him to the final? Hold on, I'll let
you rock. You know how many Tier roll you know
who's gotten in the finals even have a chance to win.
Jimmy Butler. Jimmy Butler's gotten him to the finals twice.
Pat Riley hasn't done anything outside of lebron.
Speaker 4 (18:54):
In a long time. What are you talking about? Did
Dwayne Wade win?
Speaker 3 (18:57):
Speaker 1 (18:58):
I'm saying since then, no. But I'm just saying I'm
saying no, No, pot was Let me hear me out.
Pat Riley is a great But what I'm saying is
he went on Dan Lebotard Show because Daan LeBatard have
known him for obviously decades, called them out and he said,
maybe I am washed. Maybe he said, maybe I do
need to go put my feet up somewhere. But he said,
but this is how I am. And if I would
be this compulsive with something else, point being pat Riley
trying to have a monoy mono ego ego stand off
with Jimmy Butler. Even if Jimmy is wrong, you're costing
the other eleven to fourteen guys on the team. You're
hamstringing Eric Spostra, who's saying I need help. And you
know what they keep doing. They keep missing big Star
because they're holding out for the big star. They're not
getting them and so now they're stuck with the same roster,
acting like Tyler Hero is that guy. Tyler Hero is
a solid piece, but he is not one of them.
You can spam out of by you ain't one of them.
So then if you.
Speaker 3 (19:51):
Win a business, if you ran a business right, you
could sit here and say all that and that was
your business, and you were president of the organization, you
would have a different tune.
Speaker 1 (20:01):
That's easy for you to sit now, It's very simple.
I would as a business none of no would as
a business owner year row one hundred.
Speaker 4 (20:11):
Here's what you're missing.
Speaker 1 (20:11):
Then you can say the one you jack and you
can't and you ain't did Jack without him?
Speaker 4 (20:16):
But he has been by far your best play. He
has been. And what what are you bringing up? He won? Okay,
he won the Lakers in eighty seven. What does that matter?
He won with Miami without him, and what does that matter? Lebron?
Speaker 1 (20:28):
And so he has done nothing you can't. So did
you sit there screen that the high have is what
you did? You tell me what you did back in
the day. All I know is Jimmy Butler. All I'm
Jimmy Butler. Done what I'm saying, you're missing the point.
I'm not sitting here advocating for Jimmy. What I'm saying
is get something for him, make a move for.
Speaker 4 (20:47):
Your team now.
Speaker 1 (20:48):
So I'm not saying you gottas and then you sit
there and be and you be with you, then you
go ahead and sit there and be nothing. What I'm
gonna do be nothing nothing with him? I'm not can't
win a championship with him right now? That makes non
get something you want? No, okay, they don't. Didn't be
bad didn't just be bad. You didn't just get bad
and you're seventy nine years old and be bad when
you're eighty They got me bad when you're eighty one,
bad when.
Speaker 4 (21:14):
Eighty two they named the court after him? What does
that They can then retired? Did you keep living in
the past, retire? Retire. I'm not gonna allow something to understand.
You never want anything in his life, your hands string
and your team. This isn't about him. This is about Eric.
This is about the team, about Jimmy Butler, you being.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
A personal battle, you being a personal chicken battle with him,
and y'all just continue there to be a bad team.
What I'm trying to do is a business person and
say we're not gonna hate Jimmy. We're not giving you
your money, Okay, Cool, We're not gonna give you what
you want.
Speaker 4 (21:47):
Speaker 1 (21:48):
Jimmy says, I want to trade. I don't trade them
necessarily where he wants you. We figure how to trade.
I do his best for the team. He just sitting
there mino a mono and Pat Roddy has done this before.
He talked about it.
Speaker 4 (21:57):
Maybe I did.
Speaker 1 (21:58):
I shouldn't let Lebron go like that easily. He's talked
about it. Maybe I get my my cheese won't get
to the won two more championships in the in the
next fifteen years. I think pat Rodney did alright with that.
Speaker 4 (22:09):
How manything he win? They won too, and Lebron won too.
I'm talking about after Lebron.
Speaker 3 (22:14):
No, I'm not I'm saying Lebron only won two fifteen
only fifteen years.
Speaker 4 (22:21):
You're not making any right now. They literally haven't won
anything since Lebron.
Speaker 1 (22:26):
No. But and the only person who's competing and gave
them a chance and shot is Jimmy No. And you
don't want to get You're not making any sense right now.
Speaker 4 (22:33):
I'm making more sense. Can break. You're not making anything anything.
You're not making anything but backwards. For God doesn't have
any championships. Get out of here. Just keep screaming at
the Yeah.
Speaker 2 (22:43):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.
Speaker 3 (22:57):
Rob g Let's start this hour number two with the
news of the day, and it was pretty big news.
Speaker 5 (23:03):
It's not only the news of the day, Rob, it's
the news of the weekend. It's the news of the
football season. And that's because my Las Vegas Raiders, listen
to you have fired there, or excuse me, I have
hired look at you, their next head coach, Pete Carroll,
who at age seventy three is already old enough. But
by week two of the NFL season, not only would
he be the oldest active coach in the NFL, best
thing Andy Reid by a solid eight years, he will
be the oldest coach in NFL history. The Raiders trendsetters
once again.
Speaker 1 (23:47):
Wow, I mean, if the Raiders ain't gonna do nothing,
the Raiders are gonna raider rob The Raiders are going
to raider like if you would have.
Speaker 4 (23:58):
Been in a coma and woke up and robbed.
Speaker 1 (23:59):
Jesus told me that, and this was circa two thousand
and eight, twenty twelve. I'm like, oh, okay, all right, Raiders,
I'll see what we're doing. Twenty twenty five, what we doing?
Speaker 2 (24:09):
Speaker 4 (24:10):
All right? So let's talk about this a little bit.
Speaker 1 (24:11):
Rob Number one, Pete Carroll, you mentioned the age, and
in life you would like to think age ain't number,
but the number. But the fact is, the Raiders are
not a good team right now. The Raiders have struggled
for years now. So the Raiders, you know, it's gonna
take some time to get it right. I don't care
if you hired Sean McVay. It's gonna take a couple
two three years. So are you telling me that you're
still gonna have Pete Carroll there at seventy four or
five six years old when maybe things start to turn
around a little bit.
Speaker 4 (24:42):
I highly doubt that.
Speaker 1 (24:43):
So what this must be is you are hiring somebody
to be a fixer. Like you ever seen pulp fiction,
remember the wolf Man. The wolf came in, fixed the situation.
This must be where he's coming and set the tone,
to set the culture, to bring that vibe personality of his.
Obviously defense is a specialty. To maybe build that up
and then pass this along. Reminds me of somebody else
that's Dagnar in their smid seventies, Bill Belichick, what he's
doing with unc.
Speaker 4 (25:13):
I'm not here for the long run. I'm not here
for the long time. I'm here for the you know,
for the quick fun.
Speaker 1 (25:18):
And he's gonna go there, build it up, get some
things going, pass it on down to his son. So
I believe the Raiders what they're doing with Tom Brady
is trying to do is set a culture, get a
guy to come in here, do some good scouting, get
some good defensive players, get something going, and then say
I passed the baton to coach X and move on.
He's gonna be like a fixer or when these big
companies hired the CEOs to get them right, Bob Iger
or Tim Cook or something. Come get us right for
a couple of years and then you go move on
to do something else. That's what he's about to be.
Because surely he can't be the coach of the future.
Speaker 3 (25:55):
It is an absolutely terrible hire by your Las Vegas Raiders.
Rob g I'm robbing you know. It's a bad hire.
He's gonna be seventy four basically when the season starts.
He's a pork chop away from not being the head coach.
I'm just saying. And the bad part is he's for
he's here for the short run, like like the idea
that you're gonna hire somebody and then go, well, he'll
fix the culture in the next guy. No, that's not
how it works, Okay, because once he's no longer there,
whoever the new guy is, that's gonna be his culture.
Speaker 4 (26:35):
Stop it. Okay, now we're passing down culture? Is that
what we're doing? I can't rob that's me reaching to
find something there. I'm doing what I'm saying, Like, really, literally,
where would they get this guy? Right?
Speaker 3 (26:52):
A seventy four year old man with no quarterback in
that division? Du what are they trying to do? Pete Carroll?
Just you know what, when Pete Carroll goes for the
press conference, rob g he should have a sche mask
on because he just robbed the Raiders of his retirement fund.
Speaker 4 (27:18):
Like that's what this is. This is being nice to
a guy.
Speaker 3 (27:22):
They couldn't wait for him to get out of Seattle, okay,
and this guy took him the two back to back
Super Bowls, had a chance and went both okay, but.
Speaker 4 (27:30):
They couldn't wait to move on.
Speaker 3 (27:33):
And all you're doing is taking a pair of old
slippers with holes in the bottom because they're comfortable, because
you know what they look like and you know what
they feel like. He's not the future, he's the past.
The Raiders just hired a dinosaur. Fred Flintstone got hired
with the Raiders.
Speaker 4 (27:57):
What is this?
Speaker 1 (27:58):
Are you serious in this day and this is what
we're doing as you move forward, Kelvin, think about this,
and I'm not dude, I'm.
Speaker 3 (28:08):
Not against people of advanced age, of older people or
whatever in this world, but in this situation, this is
just ridiculous.
Speaker 1 (28:19):
Nobody else out there, here's what nobody else. I think
Tom Brady was trying to put a splash. I think
he missed with Ben Johnson. Everybody knows he was coming.
Remember Robin Bob Robs when they were calling the game
not too long ago, Lions and the UH and the Commanders,
And every time they put what Ben Johnson had to
be on camera fifteen times, Tom Brady would act like
he didn't see nothing. He was Ray Charles Stevie Wonder
out there because he didn't want anybody else to like.
He didn't want to be like, oh, Ben Johnson's such
a great guy. Whoever gets him, they're gonna be a
happy organization. Because he wanted him.
Speaker 5 (28:55):
We know that.
Speaker 1 (28:56):
So I think him missing Ben Johnson, not getting Bill Belichick,
you know, not getting maybe if he wanted Mike Rabel.
I think this is him saying, shoot, I gotta help
make a splash, help a name.
Speaker 4 (29:10):
I'll tell you why.
Speaker 1 (29:11):
Because it's a name, simply because it's a super Bowl
winning coach and a National championship winning coach.
Speaker 4 (29:17):
That that's the you know, that's the reason. I think
Tom Brady and.
Speaker 1 (29:21):
The team said we can't go hire Shottenheimer, you know,
we gotta go hire somebody with a name, and I
think they went and hired Pete Carroll, who's got a name,
who's you know, had success, so they can say, see, see,
look what we're doing.
Speaker 4 (29:37):
Because that's the only thing that makes sense. There's nothing
else that makes sense. Rob G.
Speaker 3 (29:42):
You can jump in, okay, cause the one thing I know, like, oh,
the one thing I've always respected about the Raiders, and
I will say this before you jump in, is that
they they have been trend centers, okay, and they have
hired the first black coach, you know, Tom Floyd's the
first Mexican coach to win a Super Bowl like they've
had Al Davis may rest in Peace was a game changer.
Speaker 4 (30:08):
Speaker 3 (30:09):
But this here to go backwards and just get somebody
who's comfortable and who you feel good about doesn't make
any sense, rob G.
Speaker 4 (30:18):
It just doesn't let me educate you. Two guys, I
know that y'all don't watch football like that. Yes, it's clear, y'all.
Y'all don't no ball, y'all, No, we don't know bad ball.
You're right, we don't watch the Raiders. All right.
Speaker 5 (30:32):
There's two big d here, two big reasons why this
is a great hire. Oh great, even one of them
because the biggest contractor the people that say, is you're
hiring a seventy three year old man to a team
with no quarterback. Here's the problem with that argument. There
are four coaches left in the playoffs right now. Andy Reid,
Sean McDermott, Nick Sirianni Dan Quinn. All four of them,
when they got the job they're at now didn't have
a quarterback. Andy Reid had to turn chicken blank into
chicken dinner with Alex Smith, who was a journeyman.
Speaker 4 (31:10):
He wasn't.
Speaker 5 (31:12):
Rob Parker. Let me finish. I'm about to cook. Okay,
I'm warming up right now.
Speaker 4 (31:15):
Got to come home because you better shop.
Speaker 5 (31:17):
McDermitt had the corpse that is Tarad Taylor as Quarterbackted
go ahead.
Speaker 4 (31:23):
Okay, that's number two. Number three.
Speaker 5 (31:27):
Dan Quinn didn't even have a quarterback. They had zero
quarterbacks on their roster legitimately zero. When he took the job,
they drafted Jaden Daniels. It worked out beautifully. Last, but
not least, Nick Sirianni. Lest we forget that when he
turned over the keys to Jalen Hurts, we had Philadelphia
personalities on this show say that was a terrible idea.
Speaker 4 (31:56):
This guy can't throw the football. Fast forward a couple
of years.
Speaker 5 (32:00):
All four of those guys are considered among the best
in their profession because their teams win because they identified
a quarterback and they got around him. Here's the other one,
and this is what that really discussed me, Rob Parker,
you want to bring up his age, like old people
doing stuff isn't easily the number one genre in Hollywood,
Like Last Vegas isn't the greatest movie of all time.
We talked about it, We have talked about it on
this show in the hog Buddies, in classic Rob Parker, like,
we don't have old people doing stuff on the odd couple.
If there was an age limit doing great things, you
would not be in this business right now. You would
have aged out in two thousand and six. Wasn't higher choice.
He's gonna right the ship and the Raiders will be
back to prominence in short order.
Speaker 4 (32:56):
Okay, short order? What what is that that? What's short
order to you? Two years? Two years? Okay? Flip right that?
Why how did that happens?
Speaker 5 (33:08):
Speaker 4 (33:09):
You prompt an Alyx to give you applause. If I'm
looking at you, yeah, I'm looking the best you did?
Speaker 1 (33:17):
You put a hot pocket in the microwave. That's the
best you mean. Let me let me tell you something,
rob g funny. I feel bad for Pete Carroll because,
by all accounts, Pete Carroll's is an amazing shape.
Speaker 4 (33:28):
He looks great, he's energized.
Speaker 1 (33:30):
Boy, he's about to age, Like how the President's go
in the White House and come out old. He's they
about to age that man instead of seventy five next year,
he's gonna be eighty messing around with them Raiders.
Speaker 4 (33:40):
That means, let me start you there.
Speaker 1 (33:41):
Secondly, you brought up all these guys, well they quarterback.
First of all, Andy Reid is a quarterback, whispered, that's
a fact. Pete Carroll is a defensive mind. Let's start there. Secondly,
you mean there's no time for him to grow with him,
he literally is going to age out before the quarterback
who might end up being good in a two or
three years.
Speaker 4 (34:00):
He ain't got no time for that.
Speaker 1 (34:01):
You acting like he can Sean mcvegas or ten twelve
year ago, Andy Reid. This as you mentioned Nick Siganni.
I think I'm older than Nick Sirianni.
Speaker 4 (34:10):
He has no time for that. He's about to come
out here looking like how Bill Clinton left the White House.
Speaker 3 (34:16):
And for you to say I would have aged out
in two thousand and five or six, two thousand and six, yeah.
Speaker 4 (34:24):
I'm doing the now you serious? Are you crazy?
Speaker 3 (34:28):
I Am not seventy four years old. I don't want
to say that. Pete Carroll's old. Oh here it comes.
Speaker 4 (34:35):
Just wait till Rob turn seventy three. We don't know.
Speaker 3 (34:38):
They're not gonna be here to Robbie, robb G, you'll
have to call me because I'll be on vacation in Europe.
Speaker 5 (34:44):
Okay, Rob, You'll be hosting the nights show Man's.
Speaker 4 (34:50):
Rooks in Rome.
Speaker 5 (34:52):
Rob G, I know it's overnight, but for me it's
midday because I'm amazing.
Speaker 4 (34:57):
Okay, you guys have you guys, don't don't be gee.
They have a raps here too. They got the best
ribs and chicken. Ever, but they raised the price twenty
eight cents. I mightily go across, so I don't go there. No,
I gotta go to.
Speaker 3 (35:09):
I gotta go to Berlin eight seven, seven ninety nine
on Fox, The Ben Maller Show with Rob Harter.
Speaker 4 (35:17):
That Ain't Happening