Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcast. Be sure
to check us out live every weekday from four to
seven pm Pacific seven to ten pm Eastern on Fox
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on Fox Sports Radio dot Com, or stream us every
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Speaker 2 (00:19):
Aleas give this Parties.
Speaker 3 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 4 (00:27):
You are officially granted access to The Odd Couple on
this Halloween Night and TV Themes Song Thursday and no
matter how you listen to your find radio entertainment being
Fox Sports Radio, Foxsports Radio dot Com, the iHeartRadio app,
or Serious XM Channel eighty three, you got us locked in.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
Yeah, say my name.
Speaker 4 (01:00):
Rob Parker, say his name Kelvin Washington, and we are
the Odd Couple and we're broadcasting live from the tire
rack dot Com studio.
Speaker 5 (01:10):
Good Lie.
Speaker 4 (01:11):
Tire rack dot Com will help you get there, an
unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection, and
over ten thousand recommended installers. Wow, that's right, tyre rack
dot Com the way tire buying should be. And we're
gonna put a nice bow and wrap up the world series.
Talk about a lot of angles a lot of stuff.
We're gonna talk with JR. Gamble, a little foul affair
that's coming up in about twenty seven minutes. Also wife's advice,
little football Thursday Night football Texans and Jets. That's gonna
kick off pretty soon. Jerry Harriston Junior also will join us.
Of course, a World Series champion, he won it with
the Yankees, but is a analyst for the Dodgers on
Spectrum Sports NETL. And a little Tyshu's Tower of Trivia
that comes in our number three along with the last call.
So so much to do so the time. Let me
welcome in my partner, he is mister kelvin Washington.
Speaker 1 (02:12):
Feel a bit offended that in that new intro that
Alex or whoever did you write that?
Speaker 2 (02:19):
Alex, me and Ricky a team effort.
Speaker 6 (02:21):
Speaker 1 (02:21):
First of all, First of all, first of all, I
feel offended, as it said one of them has his
latte and I'm sitting here holding my latte here.
Speaker 2 (02:28):
Yeah, I did not appreciate that. Well, you've never seen
a latte in my hand, Alex and six.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
No, we just see the same soda die coke, diet
coke from ult somewhere else. You didn't go to get
the big gop or wherever you get there.
Speaker 2 (02:42):
Usually I didn't have time, you know.
Speaker 4 (02:44):
That's only Oh so you spent the extra eighty centen No,
I did not, because I got the combo. Rob g
knows the only way I could get a drink from
there with the combo.
Speaker 1 (02:52):
Because and you still frown at when you do it. Yes,
I guess I'll get the combo.
Speaker 2 (02:57):
Because after combo, I'm not paying that extra price. I
ain't paying.
Speaker 1 (03:03):
This is the guy who has on a Gucci not
today with a Gucci hoodie had This is out rich
Wiscon's kicks, right, Travis Scott kicks for that extra ninety
two cents, boys set you.
Speaker 2 (03:13):
Back a six digit car.
Speaker 1 (03:15):
Yeah, come on, man, what but I get it though
we all have our you get to.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
Pay for the other extra stuff saving them extra money
on this.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
But if you save that dollar every single day, that's
three hundred and sixty five dollars.
Speaker 2 (03:26):
You still didn't save nothing. That's like one fourth of
your note. Yeah, but it makes so.
Speaker 1 (03:31):
Like I don't think you did anything saving three hundred
sixty So it makes me feel better now that I
will concede. And I know it didn't make you feel
better that epic collapsed last night.
Speaker 4 (03:41):
Yeah, well we were here. We were here, I mean
and not like we didn't talk about it. We were
here when that went down. But we'll get into that.
Let's welcome in the odd couple. Cool, because we wouldn't
be able to do this fine radio program with Donald.
Rob G is our producer. Alex of course, is our
engine up. Mister Steve the Saga is at the anchor desk.
He'll keep us updated throughout the program. And of course Elijah,
our social media guru, is on duty as well.
Speaker 1 (04:08):
So you know what Rob I found out something about
rob G. Rob G loves like success for all. He's
kind of like the anti U.
Speaker 2 (04:20):
What he talking about? ANTIV? He loves success for all?
Why don't I want success for all?
Speaker 1 (04:26):
No, you want successful like the average human, like the
regular people. But athletes you cherry pick. You're like, nah,
not that guy, not that guy, No, not him, not him.
Rob G like live and die to live and die
in La like he if he was a Tupac song yesterday.
I'm in there and the last couple of times I
go into the other control room there and I'm hanging out.
He goes, man, I just want to er judge you
get one. You know, I hate to see people struggling.
I really want he's a good guy. Then he did
that like last series, whoever it was, there was somebody,
you know, I just really wanted to Then it was
like a football guy wan him to throw three touchdowns.
You know he deserves it. Rob When I first met
you, you kind of got a little tough guy of you know,
a little vibe to you. A little tough guy.
Speaker 2 (05:04):
He does. He has a little like hey, what's up?
Speaker 1 (05:06):
You know, a little short, you know, not vertically challenged short,
but like short, like hey, hol's up?
Speaker 2 (05:10):
Hey you cool?
Speaker 3 (05:11):
Speaker 1 (05:12):
I know you you're such a girl. Dad welcome. He's
like totally in the club.
Speaker 2 (05:15):
Brother. He was like, you know, Aaron, judge Man, I
don't want to judge him. Kevin. You know, we all go.
Speaker 1 (05:20):
Through things signs we're not succeeding. Let's just hope we
can win the game. However he can go three for four.
I was like, okay, Frob G's a really JEEF stands
for good guy.
Speaker 4 (05:31):
He is a good guy. There's no doubt about it.
Where do you want to start. We're gonna talk just
about meltdowns in sports history, and we can definitely do
that the Yankees meltdown. We all know it's been thrown
around five on earned runs in the fifth inning.
Speaker 2 (05:49):
I call it the fatal fifth. The fatal fifth is
what it was. And just Aaron Judge gets some many
errors he made all year. I'll top my Ham's gonna
go thoutle three wow, gooseg none.
Speaker 4 (06:01):
Can you imagine that being his first Like, he's not
a bad outfield of from guy six foot seven at
the catch about to catch he made in left center
field against the fence, so he doesn't make arrows the
easiest ball. But if you watch the video, takes his
eye off of it and talk about it all the time,
you gotta watch it into your glove. He took his
eye off for a millie second sold short and it
wound up hurting him. Volpi, who of course had the
Grand Slam, had a big moment. Kid always wanted to
be a Yankee shortstop. He has to play the third base.
You have the pressure of making it throw throws it
into the runner. There's a mistake, and then of course
two people making a mistake. And I thought, but I
thought it was unbelievable. If you remember, the bases were
loaded and Garrett Cole was able to strike out o
Tani for the second out with no run scoring, and
then he gets Mookie on a meek ground ball of
first base. Easy, okay, easy if you execute. And both
guys didn't do what they're supposed to. Garrett Cole did
not run the cover as the picture does all the time.
And number two Rizzo doesn't charge the ball. He waits
back on it, which makes no it didn't make Yeah,
what a runner you have every time somebody comes up,
you like, this guy got no wheels. This guy got
wheels you all know has reels right, and he's back
on the ball, and when Mookie makes it, it just oh,
that was it. They got the one run and then
a couple of hits. Freddy got to hit, Hernandez gotta hit,
and before you know it was.
Speaker 1 (07:35):
Todd five to five. Yeah, all right, folks, that's our show.
We'll get with you tomorrow. But you know what a meltdowns.
There's a lot of meltdowns in sports. I don't know
what comes to your mind. Well, I mean, listen, I
think the reason why I don't want to say I
liked it.
Speaker 2 (07:49):
Obviously, I'm just pulling for the Dodger.
Speaker 1 (07:50):
But what I mean is sometimes there's meltdowns where like
you just can't make a shot, or you just can't
you know, you just you guys couldn't score.
Speaker 2 (07:58):
If it's football or what have you. I think I ain't.
Speaker 1 (08:00):
The thing for me that made this one interesting was
you literally saw a mental meltdown. You know, this wasn't
just and for the rest of the game, we shot
five for twenty five and we just couldn't hit. When
that happens in baseball terms, we just couldn't hit. The
We saw that with the Rockets. You remember when.
Speaker 4 (08:17):
Oh they could not they were like they oh for
twenty seven from like they missed twenty seven straits the
week couldn't if you tried to do that, you couldn't
do it. Yeah, it was the most unbelievable thing. That
was one of those moments. And so that's what I
mean when it's like, all right, so this happens the
actual physical end of it. Judge couldn't hit. The Yankees
couldn't hit the rest of the game, and the opposite
the Dodgers could hit.
Speaker 2 (08:42):
Okay, that's that's sports.
Speaker 1 (08:43):
That happened, right, but the mental meltdown and how the
one thing led to the other thing that led to
the other thing, and it reminded me, and the stakes
weren't the same. They're not apples to apple because football
is a you know, a one and done. If you
lose that game, you're out on the playoffs and specifically
the Super Bowl. But it reminded me of the Falcons
twenty eight to three, or the Lions NFC championship last year,
where once a thing happens, then another thing and all
of a sudden, the Lions receivers they didn't drop anything
for an entire half or really all season, but then
you start to see they're catching up, and how you
catches the crazy pass and now the pressure's on you.
And then you got I'm on Saint Brown who never
missed this thing dropping passes. You got Reynolds Draymond dropping passes.
You got coaches over thinking, no, we're not gonna kick
it like we should it.
Speaker 4 (09:28):
Okay, And if they would have kicked it, they would
have been in positions and kick a field goal and
win the game had they had those other.
Speaker 2 (09:34):
Three mental that's the other part of sports.
Speaker 1 (09:37):
We don't often talk about that guy can't make a shot,
or he can't get it hit, or that guy can't
complete a pass. In football, the mental aspect, you see
how crucial critical it is and why some guys get
the yips, and why some guys can't deal with they're
not as good as they thought they would be once
they got to the league, because now you're in a
pro sport with a bunch of guys who were great
in college and great in high school, and they mentally
can't get passed that I'm just an average player. They
never really succeed. The mental aspect of sports is so underrated,
or at least understated, and we saw that they mentally
started the melt.
Speaker 2 (10:10):
You got the pitcher. I think it was Weaver with
the me of the ball.
Speaker 1 (10:12):
He just kind of forgotten the new rule you can't
throw it three times, and it just they started to
make the catcher interference and just small little things start
to unravel. And what you do for the other team
is you give them life, You give them hope, you
give them a chance. They say, all right, if we
do this thiscount, All right, man, if I can get
a run here, and that starts to amplify and they
start to believe. You start to play what scared and
for what not to lose. That happens in every sport
where you start playing not to lose, you start watching
the clock or counting the innings, like okay, so please
come on, come on, come on, come on, and you've
lost that thing that had you winning. So to me,
that was the more remarkable thing. It wasn't just man
show Hey just really couldn't hit, or Man Mookie went
back cold. That the mental meltdown that the Yankees had,
I thought it was just remarkable to see and reminded
me of that twenty eight to three where the Falcons
just started to unravel and make dumb plays and dumb
coaching calls, and then the Patriots start believing, start believing,
start believing, and then you get the outcomes that you get.
It was just it was crazy to be here with
you to see, and then it'd be driving home and
still hear it and see it like, oh, this is
still happening. They're breaking, they're starting to unravel.
Speaker 4 (11:18):
Then you gotta remember, like I've been covering baseball for
thirty eight years. I mean, my first World Series was
nineteen eighty six, and of course it was a ground
ball of first base that went through Bill Buckler's legs.
And then last night there was a ground ball of
first base. Vince Scully has the iconic call slow roll
up along first behind the bag, it gets through Buckner.
Speaker 2 (11:38):
Here comes Night and the Mets win it.
Speaker 4 (11:41):
And here's what I'm gonna say that Red Sox one.
Remember they were two outs, nobody on and the three
batters who got hits all had two strikes. To me,
like a moment like that the Falcons when you're up
twenty eight to three, when you're first and ten at
the twenty two and all you need to do is
run the ball three times, kick a field goal, you're
up by eleven and Brady can't beat you. The reason
I look at those games as bigger meltdowns. The Yankees
yesterday were trying to just survive to play another game.
The Falcons was for the Super Bowl like that was
there was. The Red Sox was for the World Series.
Had they won that game from the Fox, they're champs,
you know what I mean? Like so yes, major meltdown,
but not at the scale of if this was Game
seven and there were a five.
Speaker 2 (12:35):
Am I right, without even thinking.
Speaker 1 (12:37):
That's why I was saying, it's not apples to apples
as far as the actual outcome, meaning, well, I mean,
obviously the Dodgers won. It wouldn't have meant that the
Yankees won. I just meant in a singular game, saying
things keep unraveling, unraveling, unraveling, not making sense, box catcher interference,
easy outs the third, don't become not easy outs the third. Oh,
that's a simple just cover first base. Oh wait, no
you go, No, you go? Now, I gotta know you go.
Speaker 7 (13:00):
Speaker 2 (13:00):
It's like it was remarkable to see.
Speaker 1 (13:02):
And you gotta credit the Dodgers again for making the
hits or still coming back to score.
Speaker 2 (13:06):
Right, they could have lost. They could have lost seven
to five.
Speaker 1 (13:09):
Okay, you got that five run inning, but you didn't
score again, and then you lose six to five or
seven to five they got. They still had to get hits,
they still had to make plays, and they were able
to do that as well. Man, And so it was
it was just crazy to witness without a doubt.
Speaker 4 (13:20):
All right, eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight
seven seven nine six sixty three sixty nine. Where does
the Yankees game five? Rank amongst the biggest meltdowns in
sports history. We'll continue this conversation next with you. It
is The Odd Couple on a Halloween Night and a
TV theme song Thursday, Rob Parker, kelvin Washington, Right here
on Fox Sports Radio, Stick and stay.
Speaker 2 (13:45):
If you also think the better baseball team lost bet Wow.
Speaker 3 (13:49):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Odd Couple
with Chris Brussard and Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm
Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the
iHeart Radio Whip.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (14:03):
It is The Odd Couple, Rob Parker, kelvin Washington and
a TV theme song.
Speaker 2 (14:06):
Speaker 1 (14:09):
We're coming to you live from the tire Rack dot
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eight seven, seven ninety nine On Fox, What you saw
last night that collapsed from the Yankees?
Speaker 2 (14:49):
Where does the rank? Who we got?
Speaker 4 (14:51):
All right, let's go with Jay in Georgia. You're on
the odd couple Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 2 (14:55):
What you got?
Speaker 3 (14:55):
Speaker 7 (14:57):
Speaker 5 (14:57):
What's what's up here?
Speaker 3 (14:59):
What's up? Jay?
Speaker 5 (15:00):
How you I'm doing pretty good things? First of all, Rob,
I argue with your brother and Lee on Quarter last
night about Dave Roberts. Don't don't he got the easy
job in baseball? Those super far and out and something.
Speaker 2 (15:15):
Man, Well, that's all.
Speaker 4 (15:17):
Well, that's why he's under a lot of pressure because
they expect to win. They don't want you know what
I mean, Like he doesn't have that much wiggle room
like the last two years when they got knocked out
in the first round. Had that happened again with the
when they came back against the he would have lost
his job.
Speaker 1 (15:30):
Every That's what I'm saying the hardest, because if you
don't win, everybody's calling for your job every year.
Speaker 5 (15:35):
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, Like like Ron Kill, you
know what I'm saying me and you I was, But yeah,
I'm a Georgia sports fan, so man, I got so
many down.
Speaker 4 (15:47):
Oh yeah, I was gonna say in Atlanta, Atlanta's got
like probably in the top five, might have three.
Speaker 5 (15:53):
Of them, right, Yo, Man, we got to Georgia Bulldogs
second and twenty kids. I'm still a hundred by the
twenty eight to three the Braids, don't the Braids wanted
to be in fourteen years in the Row one World Series.
I mean, he's so hard being a Jordan fourth band.
I don't know, it's like it's crazy, but that was
a hill of the game last night movie bit man,
they got I'm made a lot of words. He's dif
with Hall of Fame, but yeah.
Speaker 2 (16:25):
Oh yeah, without a doubt. No, Hey, hey James, he's
one of the for sure.
Speaker 1 (16:28):
If don't fret, man, you got Kirk o Bang's going
crazy down there.
Speaker 2 (16:31):
He got Kirk Cousins going crazy for y'all. Y'all be
I'll be all right.
Speaker 4 (16:36):
It might be a step nephew by the time the
season shakes out.
Speaker 1 (16:40):
I'm just saying four or five, last five, and he's
almost three hundred yards a game.
Speaker 4 (16:44):
I know, but I just sided. You've seen his act.
We'll see Andre in Massachusetts. You're on the couple of
Fox sportsuating. What's up, Drake ye?
Speaker 6 (16:52):
How you doing?
Speaker 7 (16:53):
Thanks for taking a call. I can't put that collapse
up there, you know with the greatest of all time.
We go back. You know, Houston Boilers give up a
thirty two point lead at the Buffalo.
Speaker 4 (17:02):
Bill I was watching that game, and that was a
Frank Reich was a quarterback.
Speaker 2 (17:07):
Speaker 7 (17:09):
Indeed, indeed, you know what I mean. And you talk
about Greg Norman, you know, the back nine and the
Masters and of course the Yankees, you know in four
when they was up three to zero, you know, with
a team of destiny for the Red Sox. So it's
not up there at that level. To me, it was
just embarrassing. That's the real pinnacle that they reached. In
terms of everybody. I called it in the show last night.
We were all looking to get forward to Game six.
Everything right in their favor, and you know a lot
of this, I mean, it just shows you. The bottom
line is this, You lose concentration for one split second
and you never know what could happen.
Speaker 4 (17:45):
I was just gonna say, and that's the one hold
on dre uh uh. He didn't make an era all year.
You know, he's not a bad outfield though, right, not
at all.
Speaker 7 (17:55):
And it just seemed like he was just too calmon,
you know what I mean, You just you lose that
peak focus and he just it was just relaxed. It
was nonchalant, and he muffed it and that opened Pandora's
box and then it was one thing after another from there.
And once they lost the lead and the Dodgers pulled
even you could just see it in the Yankees eyes.
Speaker 2 (18:13):
Oh yeah, and you know, and you know what, and
thanks Dra for the call. Appreciate you.
Speaker 4 (18:18):
Speaker 2 (18:19):
It's hard to overcome an ending like that.
Speaker 4 (18:21):
I don't even care what your brain like that, when
you make three errors and you give up five on
ourned runs to win that game would have been a miracle.
Had they you know what I mean, rally to somehow
win that game. I knew they were in for it.
Once you give up a lead like that.
Speaker 1 (18:37):
I didn't even think if they gave up all five
and they gave just the three and the way it
happened that the Dodgers had a chance just because of
the definitely had mentally the Yeah, that five piece was different.
Speaker 4 (18:47):
Bruno, Bruno, and you're in the you're in the odd
couple of Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 8 (18:51):
What's up beat, gentlemen, brothers, Good evening. I gotta tell you, man,
there was one thing you would go. Didn't get beat.
They beat themselves. They didn't lose, they beat themselves. And
the wildest thing is this. You get five on the
board and then you do all this stupid stuff that
basically allows these guys to get back in the game.
It's it's it's it's atrocious. As a yank, a fifty
eight year Yankees fan, and.
Speaker 4 (19:19):
Bruno, you notice you watch him, Aaron Judge doesn't do that.
Speaker 2 (19:24):
I mean, that was the most shocking thing. We were
doing the show each other was like, he dropped that.
I mean, what was your reaction?
Speaker 8 (19:33):
No, it was insane because what it did was it
opened the floodgates to what happened next. How about Cole
not running the first.
Speaker 2 (19:41):
Okay, charged the ball, Mookie's running.
Speaker 8 (19:48):
Yes, it was No, it was out of control. In
the bottom line, is this five run, five run lead
and you give it all up for a single ding.
Speaker 7 (19:58):
What is that?
Speaker 5 (19:59):
Speaker 1 (20:00):
All right, Bernald, thank you for the call. Yeah. The
worst part about it is Aaron Judge. It finally got
I got a home run. He was looking good, making
a spectacular catching any or so before, and now people
are gonna remember that that's the play and they're gonna
blame a lot of it on him because he sparked it,
he started the run, and so he's gonna get a
lot of blame for that. All right, file or Fair,
We'll have some more baseball conversation with JR.
Speaker 2 (20:22):
Gamble, But right now.
Speaker 3 (20:24):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live. That ball is It was a big week
in the big leagues.
Speaker 2 (20:41):
Who's a.
Speaker 3 (20:46):
Is it foul? Or is it fair? And now from
mlbdbro dot com here's JR. Gamble.
Speaker 9 (20:54):
That's right, it is Fowler Fair here on the okable
Fox Sports Rights and we go around the time and
he's got all the biggest headlines in Major LEA baseball.
The last one of the season. He had to do
it properly with the man, the mid the legend, the
star of mlbbro dot com.
Speaker 2 (21:06):
JR. Gambell, what's up?
Speaker 3 (21:08):
Speaker 7 (21:08):
Speaker 6 (21:10):
What's up? Fella? What's up?
Speaker 7 (21:11):
Speaker 6 (21:11):
Rob? Galvin? We are coming to the end of another
great season and I'm happy that I made it.
Speaker 4 (21:16):
And he was in the Boogie Down Bronx all three
games for MLB broa dot com.
Speaker 2 (21:21):
So he was there.
Speaker 9 (21:22):
He saw the moutdown personal he did all right, guys,
Let's get to it.
Speaker 2 (21:28):
Speaker 9 (21:29):
Star the same against the first crack at every question.
Here we go now to no one's surprised. Freddy Freeman
took home World Series MVP last night. He had three
hundred for the series, four homers, twelve RBI. He was
killing it.
Speaker 2 (21:39):
But there's more, all right.
Speaker 9 (21:41):
Freeman has had an RBI and seven straight World Series games,
tied for the third longest stretch in history. He also
has at least one hitting every World Series game he's
ever played in, and for his World Series career, freemanton
three ten and eleven games, six homer, seventeen RBI, the
most by any player.
Speaker 2 (22:00):
To his first two World Series appearances. I'm already saying
foul already? Are we already know? Fair? To say that
Freddie Freeman is the real mister. I don't even see
the notes.
Speaker 6 (22:12):
I knew that that's a good question, but foul that
is a foul ball, and that's why you couldn't even
get the question finished. There's only one missed October and
that's Reggie Jackson. As lethal as Freeman's been, I don't
think he's accomplished the power performance of a Reggie. He's
been the most consistent October hit of maybe, but if
you look at the record books this guys like Gary Jeeter,
Bernie Williams, of course, mister October himself, Reggie Jackson, who
have slightly better I think statistics that have been there
more often and more consistent. But Freeman has ascended to
that class. So you know you have to find another
nickname for him, though, because Miss October, Mister November take it.
Speaker 2 (22:58):
I'm with JR.
Speaker 4 (22:59):
Found that we know, no, no, no, it's because Reggie Jackson.
Let's Freddie Freeman has been tremendous. Reggie Jackson won three
World Series with the Oakland Ages before he ever.
Speaker 2 (23:10):
Got to New York, right, and then hit.
Speaker 4 (23:13):
The three home runs off of three different pitchers on
three consecutive pitches like that will never be done by anybody.
You talk about hitting home runs in all these games.
Reggie Jackson has missed October to me, and that doesn't
take anything away from Freddie Freeman.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
No answers file, but to.
Speaker 1 (23:32):
It is awesome to see, like, you know how we
always have things from the past, and like we make
it like that. It can never change, it can't. He
is mister October. But Freddie has definitely created his own lane.
I don't know if they want to come up with
another one. Mister Fall says, his name is Freddie Freeman,
like Freddie you know something, mister Fall or something. But
what he did, Yeah, that's yeah, mister Fall, Freddie Fall
or something like that.
Speaker 2 (23:54):
Freddie Fall. Right, yeah, I like that better than mister October.
All right, but hold on different, Pretend I didn't hear that.
Speaker 9 (24:00):
Well, let's just say, though, if Freddie Freeman plays as
many World Series games as he is, gonna blow his
numbers out of the water.
Speaker 2 (24:08):
Plays a lot. We played twenty seven World Series games.
Speaker 6 (24:11):
Yeah, that is gonna play that many. But maybe we'll.
Speaker 2 (24:15):
See here what Dave Roberts said, it's a dynasty. Go
question number two.
Speaker 9 (24:20):
Now that the World Series overall, I shift and of
course the free agency. No bigger fish in that free
agent pond than Juan Soto. And you know, in fact,
the ESPN's Carl Ravich said this morning on ESPN he
thinks Soda will get at least minimum starting dollar seven
hundred million dollars in his next deal. Say he's gonna
get something start with the seven, if not, maybe even
eight in front of it. Okay, here's the question, j
are foul or fair to said? As good as Sodo is,
a team will regret giving him a seven hundred million
dollar contract.
Speaker 6 (24:55):
Uh, it's a fair ball. If they've been watching baseball
pass twenty years or so, you know, these huge contracts
rarely work out. And I'm still skeptical even on Otani's contract,
because players get hurt, they get older, and they don't
get healthier and better as the contact goes on. So
let's be honest, there's only a few teams who can sign.
So the Rob and I spoke about this on the
Inside the Parking Podcast earlier. Matt Giants, the Yankees, maybe
a dark horse of Detroit Tigers. They have, you know,
gods the money to spend. But come on, the price
is only relevant to the team and how it feels
to constructs the winner around Sodo. I don't think any
players worth that money, but the owners are bursting out
the scenes of millions of dollars, and that's what the
market requires. But of course the team always regrets that
unless they win to championship.
Speaker 2 (25:51):
Fair, it's a full ball.
Speaker 1 (25:53):
No one humans really worth that much, including y'all know
how I feel about sho hate, including show hate. And
it's not as if Soto is gonna out there pitching.
Speaker 5 (26:01):
Speaker 1 (26:01):
And at least you could at least try to rationalize, Hey,
I got a twenty game twenty five games, you know,
starter in show Hey, as well as a hitter. Uh yeah,
that you that back end of that money See Albert
pool Holes, see Josh Hamilton, see so many guys where
you're like, how much it I pay him? So no,
I don't think it's ever gonna be worth it. So
fair to say it won't be worth it. Yeah, I'm
gonna say fair as well. Ball.
Speaker 4 (26:23):
I think I think Carl Ravage was on the deep
end because the only reason to show he got is
because he's a two way player.
Speaker 2 (26:29):
Speaker 4 (26:30):
No, I just don't And and Wan Soto had a
great year of the Yankees, forty one home runs career high.
I think he beat a two eighty eight. He had
a tremendous season. But really seven eight hundred million, I
don't see that six six six, which is ridiculous.
Speaker 8 (26:46):
Speaker 1 (26:48):
That is absolutely ridiculous if you think about the money
money they're making.
Speaker 2 (26:52):
Shopping in the welfare. Six hundred million.
Speaker 4 (26:54):
But that's how much money baseball is taking in. I
don't let anybody tell you.
Speaker 9 (26:57):
All right, last one Fouler Fair Jr. Gamble sitting in
with the fellas. Speaking of Otani, he capped off the
historic fifty to fifty MVP season with the World Series title.
As you know, even though the shoulder injury prevented him
from actually doing anything in the Fall Classic. Even still,
after the game, Andrew Friedman said that this World Series
ring gives Otani quote a legitimate argument as the greatest
player of all time.
Speaker 2 (27:23):
Stop rolling your eyes, Rob Parker, jam I didn't even
look at him and factor in the two way ability the.
Speaker 9 (27:28):
MVPs and now the Championship. Foul or fair to call
Otani the goat.
Speaker 6 (27:36):
For the final time in twenty twenty four.
Speaker 3 (27:40):
Foul that is a foul ball.
Speaker 6 (27:44):
No, that's utterly ridiculous and disrespectful to the real legends
and bricklayers of the game. Stop it, no way, no,
how as Rob Foker would say, let's end the discussions
for the seasons right here on that one.
Speaker 2 (28:03):
Uh No, that is absolutely foul. He is a foul ball.
Speaker 1 (28:07):
The reason why he still has about you know, four
or five legitimate, really really good years. Let's talk then,
But right now it's too early. He hasn't even pitched
for the Dodgers yet. Let's see he goes out wins
him twenty games and has another fifty sixty home run season.
Speaker 2 (28:20):
He's gotta do some more.
Speaker 1 (28:22):
You gotta give me another ring, another two or three
amazing season. Then we can start to have the conversation.
But no, even as a fan. Now then we got
to settle down, pump the brakes, hold up. It's a
little too early for that. Yes, foul of course, is
there any potential. We know you're gonna say five, But
at least for me the window is open.
Speaker 2 (28:40):
Well, but I just need a lot more.
Speaker 4 (28:42):
And when when people start saying that, and I get it,
prisoner of the moment, But the disrespect to god like
Hank Aaron, who played twenty four years averaged one hundred
RBIs okay if you take away yeah, if you take
away Hank Aaron's seven hundred and fifty five career home runs,
he still had three thousand hits.
Speaker 2 (29:03):
Like like, you cannot discount.
Speaker 4 (29:06):
How many years and and his production and what he
was able to do. And then you got Willie Mays
and Barry Bonds. Like to just say that this guy
after four years is the greatest player ever is ridiculous,
especially when he didn't win the World Series MVP and
then hit a Grand Slam home run in the bottom
of the ninth to win.
Speaker 2 (29:25):
You know what I mean, you gotta give me more
of night. It is Baloney's I'm not saying BLONEI with a
little mustard. I ain't mad at that. It depends. Is
this the seventies? What I know you're not talking. I'm
just saying Jen when we were kids. Maybe Fried Baloney.
Speaker 3 (29:40):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (29:41):
First of all, I'm not convinced you don't eat f
Baloni Right now, I watch you eat every day, Alex,
and Fon is gonna stretch for Rob no Roy.
Speaker 4 (29:52):
What do I eat, Alex? Alex already knows. When I'm
at home and I'm making something.
Speaker 2 (29:56):
For a snack, o Me's and mayo. Baby, that's right,
But it's maloney is the meaning. Oh, it's not bolow.
It's usually ham with a little mao and cheese. Okay,
whoa exotic? Al Right, well, j for everything this year.
This is your last appearance for the baseball season. My man,
great job.
Speaker 1 (30:12):
It's so ha Tuesday. Goodbye to Jay A thank you brother.
It's been a blast, all right, appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (30:24):
Yeah. By the way, you know, it's funny.
Speaker 1 (30:26):
If you just would have trusted your gut and just
stuck with the Dodgers your prediction, you would have been right.
Speaker 2 (30:32):
You jumped the ship, you know what I mean, and
you kept complaining about it.
Speaker 4 (30:35):
I know I picked the Dodger in Yankee before started playing.
But when I look at stuff, I do make all changes.
Speaker 2 (30:42):
All Right. I'm not mad at that.
Speaker 8 (30:43):
You go.
Speaker 2 (30:43):
You had it.
Speaker 1 (30:44):
You just just stuck with it, man, your first instinct
was your best. Shekel City also contind you conversation about
jan Soto seven hundred million.
Speaker 2 (30:52):
That's crazy. We'll do that.
Speaker 1 (30:53):
It is the eye couple, Rod Parker, Kevin Washington, Fox
Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (30:56):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.
Speaker 2 (31:10):
Why Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (31:11):
It is the Eye Couple, Rob Parker, Kevin Washington TV
themes su on Thursday. Oh, by the way, it is
Halloween out there. Are you some bugish or do you
get kids?
Speaker 2 (31:22):
What do you do? I do? I give them?
Speaker 1 (31:24):
Uh, you know cakes? That's hey, hold on wait wait
wait kids to corney. Wait wait, I got some spare ribs.
Speaker 2 (31:34):
You give it some spare muffin. Who wants to break?
Speaker 1 (31:39):
No, you probably get all the seventies candies to like,
candy corn, lemonheads.
Speaker 2 (31:44):
Candy corn stick, candy corn. She goes sticks, which, by
the way, those kind of good.
Speaker 4 (31:49):
But but if you know, and then in the neighborhood,
if there was a person or neighbor who gave out
the full candy bars, everybody rand like she gives out
the full nephew mines.
Speaker 2 (31:59):
If you want it to be the person on the block, Yeah,
do that. She gives out full candy ball. Oh, scot
that sounded a little crazy.
Speaker 1 (32:06):
Actually all right, Coming to you live from the Tireck
dot com studios. Hey, shortly after the show, our podcast
will be going up, and if you miss any of
today's show, folks, you can be sure to check out
the podcast there. Just search Odd Couple wherever you get
your podcasts. Also follow us rate and review the pod. Again,
just search our couple wherever you get your podcasts, and
you're gonna see today's show. Post it right after we
start yapping right now. Shekel City, come two.
Speaker 3 (32:33):
Shekel City, the whole base for Rob Parker's day Dicks
against the spread.
Speaker 2 (32:43):
For sure.
Speaker 4 (32:43):
I thought I was gonna be two and one last night,
and then that fifth inning, the fatal fifth showed up,
So I was one and two last night. Here we
go a little Shekels Hey, thanks Lebron Hollow Jets minus
two and a half enjoys taking on the text. And
I'm just gonna say that not based on anything other
than they're not gonna lose six.
Speaker 2 (33:02):
Games in a row, you know what I mean? Like, seriously,
they're two.
Speaker 4 (33:05):
And five their favorite Yeah, you know, two and a half,
but just a few, just something, thank you?
Speaker 2 (33:11):
All right?
Speaker 4 (33:12):
The Bucks things are bad, Milwaukee Bucks. But I'm taking
the Bucks minus six and a half. They're in Memphis
taking on the Grizzlies. I'm gonna take that. The Bucks
again will get it right. They got two really star,
big time players they had just it ain't working out.
But I'm gonna go with the Bucks tonight minus six
and a half on the road taking on the Grizzlies,
and the Mavericks are hosting the Rockets. Mavericks minus six
and a half as well, So again Jets minus two
and a half, Mavericks minus six and a half and
the Bucks minus six and a half. And Kevin remember
what's that I'm not telling you who. I'm telling you
who I bet on. Well, you know who's betting on himself.
Speaker 1 (33:53):
Why so though, uh, one thing about baseball you can
just straight up be like, hey, fans, people who like me,
I'm getting to the bag, all right. Juan Soto, they
made an observation yesterday or getting at the end of
the game. Four was the first time that he wore
nothing like Yankee affiliated. He had a hat on that
was just his number and that was it, and it
was like in Dominican colors and stuff and kind of signaling, hey,
I'm trying.
Speaker 2 (34:24):
To win it all. But whether we win or lose
or whatever happens.
Speaker 1 (34:28):
You know, I'm a free agent, and so he's trying
to get to the bag we were just talking about
with j R.
Speaker 2 (34:32):
Speaker 1 (34:33):
Rob g threw out their reports of possibly seven hundred million.
Speaker 4 (34:36):
That's crazy even for somebody to throw eight hundred million.
I just come on, I mean, I love one, so
I think a really good player. Eight hundred million.
Speaker 1 (34:45):
Stopped and he when he went to San Diego, he
was less than than he normally is. And my point
is he's gonna fluctuate, right, That's that's just human.
Speaker 2 (34:53):
At the show.
Speaker 1 (34:54):
He is gonna have a season where was good, it
was all star level, but it wasn't great.
Speaker 2 (34:57):
So you're never knowing what that value.
Speaker 4 (34:59):
And playing in the like it worked for him better
than when he was in San Diego.
Speaker 1 (35:03):
Reed, but seven hundred eight hundred million dollars again is crazy.
I know baseball makes all the money they get three
four five million people at the ticket gates and all
of that, but at some point I don't want to
pay you just because it doesn't make sense. Not that
I don't have it as much as that's just a
crazy deal for me to pay you ten years, seven
hundred million, six hundred, six hundred, which is crazy.
Speaker 4 (35:23):
That's but it'll be a thirteen year deal, you know
what I mean. It ain't a five year and they don't.
Speaker 1 (35:28):
Know in the back in the last six years were
probably he's.
Speaker 2 (35:32):
Only twenty five or six.
Speaker 4 (35:34):
So even if if he's twenty five, yeah he does
seven years.
Speaker 2 (35:38):
That's thirty two. He's still in this problem, do you
know what I mean?
Speaker 4 (35:40):
Like, that's a great deal because he's so young and
the way inflation is going. Yeah, you don't know what
it is like when Judge signed his Dale was an
older he's like thirty or thirty one. There's a big
difference in baseball years at thirty one compared to twenty five.
Speaker 2 (35:54):
Yeah, and show, hey, you know he and his spring Chicken.
He's not old.
Speaker 1 (35:56):
But you know, it's not like he's twenty four and
got that seven hundred million dollar deal. But yeah, baseball
just be throwing around money. Let me, I had dreams
that a twelve year old kid to play in the NBA,
dagd I had the wrong sport. I should have tried
to become a baseball player, because even if I don't
get that, say I got a ten year you know,
forty million, fifty million dollar day. I could have got
some one hundred million something. And you know you don't
have to be any size to play base.
Speaker 5 (36:19):
Speaker 1 (36:19):
Man, they're giving out bags out there, man, so I
definitely missed that, but we'll see it.
Speaker 2 (36:22):
Keep an eye on what happens there. We got Weiss's advice.
Speaker 1 (36:26):
Martin Weiss, Fox Sports Radio Weekend host is going to
be joining us, getting us ready for that. We'll see
where we are. We can't keeping tabs on him, see
how he's doing too. It is the odd couple. Rob Kelvin,
Fox Sports Radio,