All Episodes

January 24, 2025 37 mins

Rob and Kelvin explain why the Las Vegas Raiders made a mistake by hiring 73-year-old Pete Carroll to be their next head coach and tell us if it’s fair to say that the Kansas City Chiefs are the new America’s Team. Plus, former NFL quarterback and FOX Sports Radio NFL analyst Shaun King swings by to preview Championship weekend in the NFL.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcast. Be sure
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Speaker 2 (00:24):
Listen to parties.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (00:31):
Welcome in our number two of the Odd Couple, and
we're broadcasting live from the Tirak dot com studios. You're
listening to us now, but guess what you can also
see us. Be sure to check out the Fox Sports
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Speaker 2 (01:01):
Coming out. You're looking at numbers lately in twenty eight
No have you?

Speaker 5 (01:06):

Speaker 2 (01:06):
No? Just checking?

Speaker 4 (01:07):
No, no, no, no, I'm out of I'm out of
the numbers business.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Is that who? Calvin?

Speaker 5 (01:12):
You are? Right?

Speaker 2 (01:13):
Yeah? I'm good, okay, oh good.

Speaker 4 (01:15):
I'm out of the numbers business. I just work here.
I don't know what's going on. Rob Gi will have
to help us with that. Okay, twenty eight minutes, we'll
be down with the King Sean King, former NFL quarterback,
Fox Sports Radio NFL analyst and Rob g Let's start
this hour number two with the news of the day.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
And it was pretty big news.

Speaker 6 (01:37):
It's not only the news of the day, Rob, it's
the news of the weekend. It's the news of the
football season. And that's because my Las Vegas Raiders. Listen
to you, I have fired there, or excuse me, I'm hired.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
Look at you.

Speaker 6 (01:52):
Their next head coach, Pete Carroll, who at age seventy
three is already old enough, but by Week two of
the NFL season, not only would he be the oldest
active coach in the NFL, besting Andy Reid by a
solid eight years, he will be the oldest coach in

NFL history. The Raiders trendsetters once again.

Speaker 7 (02:21):
Wow, I mean, if the Raiders ain't gonna do nothing,
the Raiders are gonna raider, Rob, The Raiders are gonna
raider like if you would have been in a coma
and woke up and Rob, Jesus told me that, and
this was circa two thousand and eight, twenty twelve. I'm like, oh, okay,
all right, Raiders, I see what we're doing twenty twenty five?

Speaker 2 (02:43):
What we doing?

Speaker 5 (02:43):

Speaker 7 (02:44):
All right, So let's talk about this a little bit.
Rob number one, Pete Carroll. You mentioned the age, and
in life you would like to think age ain't number
the number. But the fact is the Raiders are not
a good team right now. The Raiders have struggled for years.
So the Raiders, you know, it's gonna take some time
to get it right. I don't care if you hired

Sean McVay. It's gonna take a couple two three years.
So are you telling me that you're still gonna have
Pete Carroll? They're at seventy four or five six years
old when maybe things start to turn.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Around a little bit. I highly doubt that.

Speaker 7 (03:17):
So what this must be is you are hiring somebody
to be a fixer. Like you ever seen pulp fiction,
Remember the wolf Man. The wolf came in fixed the situation.
This must be where he's coming and set the tone,
to set the culture, to bring that vibrant personality of his.
Obviously defense is a specialty. To maybe build that up

and then pass this along reminds me of somebody else
that's Dagnaire in their mid seventies. Bill Belichick what he's
doing with UNC. I'm not here for the long run.
I'm not here for the long time. I'm here for
the you know, for the quick fun. And he's gonna
go there, build it up, get some things going, pass
it on down to his son. So I believe the
Raiders what they're doing with Tom Brady is trying to

do a set of culture. Get a guy to come
in here, do some good scouting, get some good defensive players,
get something going, and then say I passed the button
to coach X and move on. He's gonna be like
a fixer or when these big companies hired the CEOs
to get them right, Bob Iger or Tim Cook or something.
Come get us right for a couple of years, and

then you go move on to do something else. That's
what he's about to be, because surely he can't be
the coach of the future.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
It is an absolutely terrible hire by your Las Vegas Raiders.
Rob g I'm Robb, you know it. It's a bad hire.
He's gonna be seventy four. Basically when the season starts.
He's a pork chop away from not being the head coach.
I'm just saying. And the bad part is he's for

he's here for the short run, Like like the idea
that you're gonna hire somebody and then go, well, he'll
fix the culture in the next guy.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
No, that's not how it works, okay, because.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
Once he's no longer there, whoever the new guy is,
that's gonna be his culture. Stop it, Okay, Now we're
passing down culture?

Speaker 7 (05:13):
Is that what we're doing? I can't rob that's me
reaching to find something they're.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
I'm doing what I'm saying, Like.

Speaker 4 (05:21):
Really, where would they give this guy? Right, a seventy
four year old man with no quarterback in that division?

Speaker 2 (05:32):
What are they trying to do? Pete Carroll?

Speaker 4 (05:35):
Just you know what, when Pete Carroll goes for the
press conference, Rob g.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
He should have a scheme mask on.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
Because he just robbed the Raiders of his retirement fund.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Like that's what this is. This is being nice to
a guy.

Speaker 4 (05:56):
They couldn't wait for him to get out of Seattle, okay,
and this guy took him. The two back to back
Super bowls had a chance went both okay, but they
couldn't wait to move on and all you're doing is
taking a pair of old slippers with holes on the
bottom because they're comfortable, because you know what they look

like and you know what they feel like. He's not
the future, he's the past. The Raiders just hired a dinosaur.
Fred Flintstone got hired with the Raiders.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
What is this? Are you serious? In this day and age?

Speaker 4 (06:35):
This is what we're doing as you move forward, Kelvin,
think about this. And I'm not dude, I'm not against
people of advanced age or older people or whatever in
this sorting, but in this situation, this is just ridiculous.
You mean that there's nobody else out there. Here's what

nobody else.

Speaker 7 (06:56):
I think Tom Brady was trying to put a splash.
I think he missed with Ben Johnson. Everybody knows he
was coming. Remember Robin Bob Robbs when they were calling
the game not too long ago, Lions and the UH
and the Commanders, And every time they put what Ben
Johnson had to be on camera fifteen times, Tom Brady

would act like he didn't see nothing. He was Ray
Charles Stevie Wonder out there because he didn't want anybody
else to like. He didn't want to be like Oh,
Ben Johnson's such a great guy. Whoever gets him, they're
gonna be a happy organization because he wanted him.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
We know that.

Speaker 7 (07:30):
So I think him missing Ben Johnson, not getting Bill Belichick,
you know, not getting maybe if he wanted Mike Vrabel.
I think this is him saying, shoot, I gotta help
make a splash, help a name something. I'll tell you why,
because it's a name, simply because it's a super Bowl
winning coach and a National championship winning coach. That that's

the you know, that's the reason. I think Tom Brady
and the team said we can't go higher Shottenheimer.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
You know, we gotta go hire somebody with a name.

Speaker 7 (08:02):
And I think they went and hired Pete Carroll, who's
got a name, who's you know, had success. So they
can say, see, see, look what we're doing. Because that's
the only thing that makes sense. There's nothing else that
makes sense.

Speaker 4 (08:15):
Rob g you could jump in, okay, cause the one
thing I like, oh, the one thing I've always respected
about the Raiders, and I will say this before you
jump in, is that they have been trend centers, okay,
and they have hired the first black coach, you know,
Tom Floyd's the first Mexican coach to win a Super
Bowl like they've had Al Davis may rest in Peace

was a game changer. Okay, But this here, to go
backwards and just get somebody who's comfortable and who you
feel good about doesn't make any sense, rob g.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
It just doesn't let me educate you. You guys that
y'all don't watch football like that. Yes, it's clean, y'all.
Y'all don't know, we don't want, we don't know bad ball.
You're right, we don't watch the Raiders. All right.

Speaker 6 (09:05):
Here, there's two big reads here, two big reasons why
this is a great hire. Great even one of them
because the biggest contractor the people that say, is you're
hiring a seventy three year old man to a team
with no quarterback. Here's the problem with that argument. There
are four coaches left in the playoffs right now, Andy Reid,

Sean McDermott, Nick Sirianni, Dan Quinn. All four of them,
when they got the job they're at now didn't have
a quarterback. But Andy Reid had to turn chicken blank
into chicken dinner with Alex Smith, who was a journeyman.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
He wasn't Rob Parker. Let me finish. I'm about to cook. Okay,
I'm warming up right now. Got to come because you
better shop.

Speaker 6 (09:51):
McDermott had the corpse that is Tarad Taylor as quarterback.

Speaker 2 (09:57):

Speaker 6 (09:57):
Go ahead, okay, that's number two. Number three dan Quinn
didn't even have a quarterback. They had zero quarterbacks on
their roster, legitimately zero. When he took the job, they
drafted Jaden Daniels. It worked out beautifully. Last, but not least,
Nick Sirianni. Lest we forget that when he turned over

the keys to Jalen Hurts. We had Philadelphia personalities on
this show say that was a terrible idea. This guy
can't throw the football. Fast forward a couple of years.
All four of those guys are considered among the best
in their profession because their teams win because they identified
a quarterback and they got around him.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Here's the other one, and this is what that really
discussed me.

Speaker 6 (10:44):
Rob Parker, you want to bring up his age, like
old people doing stuff isn't easily the number one genre
in Hollywood, Like Last Vegas isn't the greatest movie of
all time. We've talked about the show. We have talked
about it on this show when the buddies in classic
Rob Parker like, we don't have old people doing stuff

on the odd couple. If there was an age limit
doing great things, you would.

Speaker 2 (11:13):
Not be in this business right now.

Speaker 6 (11:16):
You would have aged out in two thousand and six.
Fight right, Pete, rob wasn't your choice. He's gonna right
the ship and the Raiders will be back to prominence
in short order.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
Okay, your order? Come on short order? What what is that?
What is that? What's short order to you? Two years?
Two years? Okay?

Speaker 6 (11:38):
Because getting out of applause. If I didn't cook right there, well,
how did that happens?

Speaker 7 (11:42):

Speaker 2 (11:43):
You prompted an a to give you applaw. I'm looking at.

Speaker 5 (11:50):

Speaker 7 (11:50):
The best you did? You put a hot pocket in
the microwave. That's the best. Let me let me tell
you something, rob Ga. I feel bad for Pete Carroll
because by all accounts, Pete Carroll's is an amazing shape.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
He looks great, he's energized. Boy, he's about to age.

Speaker 7 (12:05):
Like how the President's go in the White House and
come out old. They about to age that man instead
of seventy five next year, he's gonna be eighty messing
around with them Raiders.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
That means, let me start you there.

Speaker 7 (12:15):
Secondly, you brought up all these guys, well, they in quarterback.
First of all, Andy Reid is a quarterback whisper, that's
a fact. Pete Carroll is a defensive mind. Let's start there. Secondly,
you mean there's no time for him to grow with him.
He literally is going to age out before the quarterback
who might end up being good in a two or
three years.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
He ain't got no time for that.

Speaker 7 (12:35):
You acting like he can Sean mcvegas or ten twelve
year ago, Andy Reid. This as you mentioned Nick Siganni.
I think I'm older than Nick Sirianni. He has no
time for that. He's about to come out here looking
like how Bill Clinton left for the White House.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
And for you to say I would have aged out
in two thousand and five or six, two thousand and sixty,
I'm doing the now.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
Let me see you fix you crazy.

Speaker 4 (13:02):
I am not seventy four years old. I don't want
to say that Pete Carroll's old.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
Oh here it comes. Just wait till Rob her in
seventy three. We don't know what they're not gonna be
anymore be here to Robbie.

Speaker 4 (13:14):
No, robb G, you don't have to call me because
I'll be on vacation in Europe.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Okay, Rob, you'll be hosting the Nights Show Manet. It's
Crazy Rucks in Rome, rob G.

Speaker 6 (13:26):
I know it's overnight, but for me, it's midday because
I'm just amazing.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
Okay, you guys have you guys don't know me, ro Gi.

Speaker 6 (13:34):
They have a rops here too. They got the best
ribs and chicken ever, but they raised the price twenty
eight cents. I might go across there.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
No, I gotta go to I gotta go to Berlin.
Eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox The Ben Maller
Show with Rob Harter.

Speaker 4 (13:51):
That Ain't Happening eight seven seven nine nine six sixty
three sixty nine. Did the Raiders make a mistake with
Pete Carroll? We both believe they do. Where are you
on this? And uh, we'll continue that conversation next with you.
It is the Odd Couple on a Funky Flashback Friday,
Rob Parker kelvin Washington right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Stick and stay.

Speaker 6 (14:15):
For more development in the new retirement home opening up
the Raiders Camp of Us Avey tell us how it is,
Rob G.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
When you go visit.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 7 (14:37):
The Acht Couple Robin Kelvin hanging out on a funking
flashback Friday. Shout out to MJ rest in Peace. We're
coming to you live from the tire Rack dot Com.

Speaker 2 (14:44):

Speaker 7 (14:44):
Rapid Radios are the walkie talking for the playoffs and
they are instant pushed to talkoff for national LTE coverage
and no subscription ever. Perfect for instant contact with your friends.
We use them at the show. Go to Rapid Radios
dot com now for sixty percent off and you're gonna
get free shipping. That simple. We're talking about Pete Carroll.

Rob G is trying his best to act like he
likes his hire.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
Uh. Rob Parker and.

Speaker 7 (15:10):
I we ain't seeing it bad higher we don't get
it doesn't make any sense. I think Tom Brady's just
trying to get a name of what's a splashy hire.
What's his name to it? That's the best I can
come up with what say you? Eight seven, seven ninety
nine on Fox, Rob who we got?

Speaker 2 (15:23):
All right?

Speaker 4 (15:24):
Jake in Kansas? You're in the odd couple Fox Sports Radio.
What's up, Jake?

Speaker 5 (15:28):
Hey, what's up? Guys? I got good news and I
got bad news.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
Huh Okay.

Speaker 8 (15:33):
Good news is they hired a good football mind.

Speaker 5 (15:36):
Bad news is they've got as.

Speaker 8 (15:37):
Many coaches under contract as the rest of the ANC West.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
You ain't lying, that's for sure.

Speaker 8 (15:43):
Parker's are gonna charge her, and Raiders are gonna Raider.

Speaker 5 (15:46):
I even being a Chiefs fan, I can respect the
origins with with Al Davis and.

Speaker 8 (15:51):
Everything else, but the only thing they.

Speaker 5 (15:53):
Can boast about is the same as Jerry Jones.

Speaker 8 (15:56):
Nowadays, they got this pocket.

Speaker 4 (15:58):
Hey, Jake, I just found what the uh the Raiders
are changing their pregame meal to now that uh Pete
Carroll will be the head coach, Peece, So it's uh
sodium free bacon, DCAF coffee and a chest x ray.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
I mean that's where they're going.

Speaker 7 (16:14):
I told you they gonna have that man walking out
of there in two years looking like how the President's
come out Hair White.

Speaker 4 (16:19):
I can't wait to Rob g what night is Hurriycane
night when they give out the Hurricanes.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Is matter of fact.

Speaker 7 (16:27):
You know what, Rob, Rob k next thing, you know,
we're gonna see Pete Carroll on the next Golden Girls
cruise with Rob Parker.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Dude, y'all gonna be hanging out to him, even he's
too old for the Golden Nah, he gonna be with
the mom, the mom. I forgot to know. He gonna
be with the mom Sofia.

Speaker 4 (16:43):
So yeah, Dion in Texas, you're on the couple of
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
What's up, Dion?

Speaker 5 (16:48):
Hey, what's up? Guys?

Speaker 8 (16:49):
The first of all, shout out sign King, I know
you got him coming up. He called it, Jadon Daniels.

Speaker 5 (16:53):
I got the.

Speaker 8 (16:54):
Commanders versus the Chiefs and the Super Bowl. Kansas City
gets done. They've created history. Second, let's talk about Oakland
or the Vegas Ready to listen, man? Uh you called it, Rob,
You just said they have a quarterback in that division.
So what was the point of even firing Antonio Antonio Pierce?
He did not have a good roster.

Speaker 5 (17:14):
Okay, so what they're going to do?

Speaker 8 (17:15):
They got a coach here, It don't matter. You could
be the best coach in the world. You cannot win
with Gardner Minshew and Doggne Desmond Ritter, who got his
last coach fired in Atlanta. He's offensive coordinator now for Pittsburgh,
so they got to fix the roster. I think it's
okay her, It's okay. They just got too many coaches
on the contract. But I think this guy knows what
he's doing. He's going to get the organization. He's like

a stopgap coach. He's not obsolutely going to be there
very long.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
Where's Jim Caldwell.

Speaker 3 (17:46):
Where's their at home retired?

Speaker 2 (17:48):
Okay, me at home retired.

Speaker 4 (17:50):
He was sixty three when they pushed him out at
the firing with the Lions. He didn't get another job,
and Lovely Smith and all these other coaches.

Speaker 2 (17:59):
Seventy four four years old.

Speaker 8 (18:01):
Seriously, yeah, Rob, that's pretty old. And I must have
been a aged just number. I mean, in the case
of our last president, he was kind of out of it.
But you know, you can't perform at a high age.
Look at Nick Saban. I don't think he needed to retire,
but he did different there.

Speaker 7 (18:16):
College is much easier. Once you have the system in play,
you're almost black play. I get I get Nick Saban
all you have to do?

Speaker 2 (18:21):
Hey, how you doing? I'm Nick Saban? Wanna come play
for me? Yes? Like he's gonna get the absolute best
players in the world.

Speaker 7 (18:26):
And I'm not saying he didn't have to coach it up,
but this is a program has to be built. Alabama's
already built and what's built when Nick Saban was there?
And I don't know if Pete Carroll has that in him,
what it will take? What if they go four and
thirteen again? They're struggling to find their way through. Similarly
that the Lions were one to nine at one point
they kept like, does he have the build up in him?

Speaker 2 (18:44):
Does he going to really have that in him?

Speaker 7 (18:46):
He's used to competing for Super Bowls or at least
playoff runs. Ten out of fourteen years with Seattle, he
was at least made the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Doug in New York, you're on the couple of Fox
Sports Radio. What's up, Doug?

Speaker 8 (18:57):
Hey, how you doing?

Speaker 5 (18:58):
Love the show?

Speaker 9 (18:59):
It's my favorite show.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Thank you, Boddy. You don't appreciate you.

Speaker 9 (19:02):
So I'm in New York and not the city, but
it's the city that never sleeps. And Las Vegas is
the second city that never sleeps, and they just hired
the oldest coach who'll be in bed by.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
What right exactly every night?

Speaker 8 (19:16):
I will give Pete.

Speaker 9 (19:17):
I'll give Pete his that he knows. When he was
with Seattle, they took the flint kid from the Packers.

Speaker 8 (19:24):
They gave him a three.

Speaker 9 (19:25):
Year deal, and in the training camp he knew that
Russell was the guy that was right.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
But he also when you think of Pete Carroll, let
me ask you this, Doug.

Speaker 4 (19:33):
Yeah, do you think of the championship that they won
when they blew out Denver?

Speaker 2 (19:38):
Or do you really think about.

Speaker 4 (19:39):
The terrible call that cost them back to back and
the loss to the Patriots. I mean, that's what I
think of Pete Carroll. I think of that. How did
that happen?

Speaker 9 (19:51):
I had money on that game, and I had the
Patriots and I did win, and all I picture if
I were to be I'm thirty eight years old. So
if my nephew were to tell me when I'm eighty
years old, what do you remember about that game?

Speaker 7 (20:05):
It's Richard Sherman's face, yeah, oh yeah, sick, want to throw.

Speaker 9 (20:09):
Up on the sideline, and then Marshawn Lynch just walking
off and apparently he laughed at him, and you know
that rubbed a lot of people wrong, whatever it was.
But you know, I I think if they I don't
know why they fired Peers, they should have just kept
him going because they had nothing to lose. And ano
they're paying another coach.

Speaker 4 (20:27):
Right, another coach. I don't what are they paying Pete
Carroll and pistachio nuts. I just don't get it.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
I don't And werethers a what is the tea? What
is the tap of the little rob g? I don't know?
What are the rules? Can can you have a wheelchair?
Hey man?

Speaker 6 (20:47):
If he wants to coach the game sitting on a
chair with an oxygen tank and.

Speaker 7 (20:52):
Phil Jackson you're trying to do you remember Phil Jackson
wanted to coach and have a child man that I
had to recline, and the league was like, dude, you
can't have a recliner on the side.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
You know, they were like, people, if you need a
thrown See how I like that?

Speaker 6 (21:07):
Because people were up said about Phil Jackson in a
special chair that he had. But remember there was a
college football coach who was in a hospital bed in
the press box and everyone was like, oh man, that
got dedicated to the game. I thought that was like, well, come,
why is that? Why is that different? I don't like it.

Speaker 4 (21:21):
If I was in the press box, I would have
had a buffet laid out straight on top of that.

Speaker 2 (21:27):
You literally would have.

Speaker 3 (21:28):
To Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup
in the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports
Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR
to listen.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
Live comedy Livefrothtirerack dot com studio.

Speaker 7 (21:42):
It's the I couple, Rod Parker kelvin Washington on a
fucking flashback Friday. Speaking of Friday, you know what we
do around the side, It's time for Sean King, former
NFL quarterback Fox Sports Radio NFL analyst, Real Sean King,
And I'm gonna ump out here and say it for him.
Somebody that called Jalen Daniels the guy Jaydon Daniels, the
guy from day one. You caught it, and here we

are right now. He's in an NFC championship game.

Speaker 5 (22:06):
Sean, Can you say, I mean super talented?

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Wait a minute, what can you say? You said that
the Lions couldn't lose to Uh?

Speaker 4 (22:20):
I mean, Sean, do you remember that we had that conversation,
did you.

Speaker 5 (22:24):
So, listen, the best team doesn't always make it.

Speaker 2 (22:30):
I agree.

Speaker 4 (22:31):
I'm just saying, when we talked last week, you told
me that the Lions couldn't lose.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
That's all I'm asking.

Speaker 5 (22:36):
Well, based on what transpired, I got a less mature
version of Ben Johnson because last year he turned down offers.
This year, he obviously had been heavily invested in the
Bears process because he took the job a couple of
days after the loss. Jared Golf turned into Sam Darnold
and some kind of way America got cool with Colin

Washington Redskins against I mean the fourteen games for the franchise.
Like everywhere I've gone, people are referring to Washington as
the Redskins.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
That is true, terrible. Well, let me ask you this.

Speaker 4 (23:14):
You played, You were a rookie, got into a championship game.
Like everybody thinks that jayde Daniel was the first guy
to ever do this, and actually he's the fifth. What
do you remember about your your uh championship game? And
what was the score in that game? Steve de Sega
and I was trying to figure it out. Oh it
was it was like eleven to what seven eleven to

six six?

Speaker 2 (23:37):
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out who was pitching that game?
What kind of football game is that?

Speaker 8 (23:42):
I mean, I didn't know.

Speaker 5 (23:45):
I didn't know anything about spreads. But in hindsight, I'm
the only rookie quarterback to make it this fall whose
team covered. But look, we were very disrespectful plus fourteen.

Speaker 2 (23:59):

Speaker 4 (24:00):
Well you guys couldn't score though, like Sean, I mean,
I'm not trying to like that one, do you guys?

Speaker 2 (24:06):
The defense was so good right for the ball like
a historian.

Speaker 5 (24:11):
Let me, let me, let me be honest with you.
Here's here's the predicament I was in. I was a
dual threat quarterback my senioror at Tulane. I threw for
almost four thousand, thirty six touchdowns. I ran for eight
hundred and something eleven touchdowns. And I get to Tampa
and we're under center, fullback, tight end, run the ball

first and second down, throw a slant on third down
like it was before the NFL had kind of start
catering to the caliber and type of quarterback coming into
the NFL.

Speaker 2 (24:43):
So Tony Dungey didn't know how to coach.

Speaker 5 (24:45):
Is that was just saying, no, it's weird. Like my
first four years in Tampa, we changed offensive coordinators, Like
Shula was the coordinator year one. Then we had Lets
Stuck a year two, then Clyde Christensen year three. Then
John Gruden came in year four. Remember it was four.
It was four future Hall of famers on that defense, John.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Lynch, that defense is everybody.

Speaker 4 (25:10):
Yeah, that was ridiculous. All right, let's get into these games.
Uh do you like Washington against Philly?

Speaker 5 (25:16):
No? Okay, you know I'm taking I'm going to two
team parlay Philly money line with Kansas City money line
that brings back I think plus one five. I'm gonna
I'm gonna do that, and I'm gonna sit back and
get ready for a repeat of the Super Bowl two
years ago.

Speaker 4 (25:33):
Why don't you like Washington in this spot? But this
kid has played well. Granted they got a lot of
gifts from the Lions and the big turnover against from
Tampa Bay, But still, why don't you like Washington here?

Speaker 5 (25:47):
They could win, but I feel more comfortable about them
if they had won in different form. They've won because
their opponent has self destructed. A la Baker snaps the
ball late ye the handoff to the receiver game Tampa
was winning at the time, or what kind of fell apart.
I don't think Ben Johnson was locked in Jared gonna

play the bad game, and also think Dean Quinn has
gotten some very favorable results with his fourth down decision making,
just like Campbell last year.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
Right right, it worked until it didn't work.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
Even at start of the game they went on a
fourth down and didn't get it.

Speaker 5 (26:28):
I think Washington made me headed for that same kind
of regression.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
Yeah, they were. They were going crazy with the four downs.

Speaker 7 (26:35):
He is Sean King our guests joining the id cup
of Rob Parker and Kelvin Washington on a fucking flashback Friday.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
Uh oh.

Speaker 7 (26:42):
So let me ask you this though, if you if
you're the commanders, even though Seawan says that even though
Rob feels that way, I gotta still try to beat
the Eagles. How do you attack this Eagles team when
Sakwan is rushing all over them. He's had over I
think over four hundred yards against him in two games.
He just had over five five hundred yards a couple
of games against the Rams. What's the game plan to

stop the Eagles? Is it just forcing it to be
in the hands of Jalen Hurts.

Speaker 5 (27:08):
I would make Jalen beat me throwing the ball. I mean,
Jalen's winning. That's really at the end of the day,
what's your greater quarterback on? But when you watch the
All twenty two, I mean, he's bottom third of the
league right now from a comfortability standpoint, throwing the ball
from the pockets. I mean, he's just not comfortable doing that.
And I force him, you know, I keep you know,

I keep a guy like in the box to make
sure that we account for the QB, we don't get
out numbered and some of that zone read stuff, and
I'll make Jalen throw. And here's the thing, Philly's never
really played from behind. That Washington comes out fast. They
gotta force Philly to kind of feel some stress, to

feel some discomfort, to play from behind. I think that's
Washington's pathway to winning. But don't forget that the third
time they played this.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
Year, you know, right, how about the Chiefs Bill's game.
They never met.

Speaker 5 (28:08):
Against light Skin? Is that what ever, ever, never ever
bet against light Skin last time that the last time
he lost one of these games. It took Tom Brady
playing for my Bucks with the Super Bowl being at
Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, for him to lose, Yeah, but.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
He's lost other games. He lost to Joe Burrow at home.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
I mean he threw the game winning game losing interception
that they kicked the field goal. Let's not make like
he's never lost a big game. That was to get
to the super Bowl. I'm just saying they have not
played that well. He hasn't played that well. Do you
How do you have a team that's fifteen to two
and your quarterback gets no votes for All Pro?

Speaker 2 (28:48):
How did that happen?

Speaker 5 (28:50):
Well, here's the thing, and words matter, and I've told
you that a lot of time at some point, like
I mean, come on, like my intelligence has the rub
off on how you say things.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
Right, I'm listening.

Speaker 5 (29:02):
They have arguably the best defense in football. So you
can't say.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
Are they number one? Are they number one defense?

Speaker 5 (29:09):
When by the eye test, I don't know stetistically they're
top five, but the eye tests they have made everybody
a lesser version of themselves. The offense is so, what.

Speaker 4 (29:21):
Did the defense do when they miss field goals or
when they had a bad snap?

Speaker 2 (29:25):
That was the defense just scared of the defense.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
Well, look at the scoring those games, when those mishaps
and those good calls happen, it's not because Mahomes and
the offense are clicking on all cylinders, you know, and
they're playing this unbelieva level. The defense is playing great.
And listen, I just know, even though Mahomes in my opinion,
is not playing his best football, I'm not gonna better
get the most he makes the play, whether it's scrambling,

you know, whether it's extending a play, and.

Speaker 4 (29:54):
When they lose, and when they lose, this is what
your conversation will be. Well, if you really even want
to be honest, all year they really weren't that great.

Speaker 2 (30:02):
Mahomes really didn't play that well. That that better be.
That better not be your conversation. If they lose, that
better not be.

Speaker 4 (30:10):
If they lose offensively and don't score in the red
zone or whatever it is, or they get a missfield
goal at the end and they don't win, I don't
want to hear that.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
I want to hear you tell me.

Speaker 5 (30:22):
Okay, here's something else to look at. It's not like
Buffalo and Josh Allen offense had a great game against
the Ravens.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
No, they didn't. They had six points in the second half.
I agree with that.

Speaker 5 (30:32):
I think they have as many question marks as the
Chiefs do. Chiefs are at home. I think Chiefs have
an overall better defense. That's what my opinion resides where
it's at, which is Kansas City to win.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
Yeah, I mean, that's you brought up a great point.

Speaker 7 (30:47):
I think we keep we harp on Patrick Mahomes in
the offense so much because it was great for so
many years. But the fact of the matter is the
last two years they've been laid by that defense, and
that's kind of where they hang their hats, and it
forces Patrick Home to not have to be the twenty
twenty version, twenty twenty one version of himself.

Speaker 4 (31:03):
It's not even about when nobody's expecting fifty touchdowns.

Speaker 2 (31:06):
He just hasn't played that well.

Speaker 4 (31:07):
And I don't know why people can't acknowledge that the
last two years, Sean, he hasn't played that well.

Speaker 5 (31:14):
But I don't know how you can say it. I
don't know how you can say a guy and play well.
He's a defending Super Bowl champ. He played better than
everybody he was put again.

Speaker 2 (31:23):
And Rob, I mean listen.

Speaker 7 (31:25):
Basically, four thousand yards, twenty six touchdowns and eleven Touchdowan interceptions.
It ain't great, but you acting like it's trash. It's
not up his standards. But he got towards the end
of the season, he got right. So hey, Sean, real quick.
So's so what are your predictions?

Speaker 5 (31:43):
So if you want to make some money this week?
Two leg parlay Eagles, money line, Chiefs money line thinkers
plus one forty five, thank me next Friday.

Speaker 7 (31:55):
All right, I see how you fare next Friday. We'll
ask you next Friday. Then, Sean, I'm ABC. Anybody but Chiefs.
That's what I'm on ABC.

Speaker 5 (32:07):
What about your Lions? Who loves both coordinators?

Speaker 2 (32:09):
Hey that's Kelvin. Kelvin's been crying off shine.

Speaker 7 (32:13):
Come on, Seant, Sean, I was telling you have a
great weekend.

Speaker 4 (32:16):
I was rooting for you know that. Don't do Sean,
that windows closes in Detroit. The windows closing.

Speaker 5 (32:23):
Our relationship is rather new. So when I when I
take shots of Detroit, it's because I'm mean ever and
he's the guy that I attext and associated with Detroit sports.

Speaker 4 (32:35):
Right, People always do they think I'm from Detroit because
I worked there twenty years all they got, but all
they got.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
To really do is read anything you wrote or listen
to anything you say.

Speaker 7 (32:42):
They should definitely feel differently because if if I'm if I'm.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Writing, I'm ripping all day. You know it?

Speaker 7 (32:49):
All right, Sean, Yeah, I'm gonna ask him next week.
And the window ain't closed. That window is still open. Okay,
you can still get up in that window with the Lions.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
All right.

Speaker 7 (32:58):
Uh, we're talking about these quarterbacks and how they've been
able to have some success. Want to get your thoughts
on that rod because for me, I kind of gave
you my reasons on why I think we've seen that
so far.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
We'll do that. Coming up.

Speaker 7 (33:12):
It is the I Couple, Rob Parker, Kelvin Washington, The
Fucking Flashback Friday, Stick with your Boys, Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (33:17):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 7 (33:30):
Rob Parker, Kelvin Washington, Fucky Flashback Friday.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Actually don't notice when Alex, what's this one?

Speaker 3 (33:37):

Speaker 2 (33:39):
It sounds like Janet.

Speaker 5 (33:41):

Speaker 4 (33:42):
This is when Kelvin always thinks he's black. But this
is a good example right here. He's nothing more than
Chris Broussard with peanut butter skin. Now you want to
drop to your knees of all. Don't be a couple
of men on my complexion.

Speaker 7 (33:54):
Okay, let me, I will call me here peanut butter
sauce sexy out here.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
No, that was to refer to.

Speaker 7 (34:01):
Her, and you know what she liked, rod, she was
peanut butter complex Let me talk about my.

Speaker 2 (34:06):
Like that. Who is that? I hate to say his name?
Who said that about Joe Taylor, Rob Parker? Who was that?

Speaker 5 (34:14):

Speaker 2 (34:14):
No, oh yeah, but that's what I was actually.

Speaker 7 (34:18):
Okay, God, but now that makes it even worse coming
to you.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
I wasn't telling about that copy of that copy. I
feel better now. Football season's heating up, and so is
this show.

Speaker 7 (34:30):
Clearly, Prize pix is the best place to get real
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Visit prize picks dot com for restrictions and details. With
that skin, I'm just getting I ever want you. That's
the second thing. The first thing is you still got

a screenshot of my wife. The second thing you talking
about what you're talking about complexion.

Speaker 2 (34:54):
I deleted it.

Speaker 7 (34:55):
I asked one more strike and we're gonna be in
here and we're gonna see this furniture.

Speaker 2 (35:01):

Speaker 7 (35:01):
Rob g was saying that this uh Bill's Chiefs game
maybe the most watched AFC Championship game ever. While I'm
anticipating it's a prediction, but I'm like, way, I would
have thought it was Peyton and Tom Brady.

Speaker 4 (35:17):
No, because the numbers keep going up. Because last week's
Right Bill's Ravens was the highest rated right game.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
That was great.

Speaker 7 (35:26):
Yeah, we kind of that was a big anticipation. You know,
you got these two rivals if you will so yet.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
But all these games, most of a lot of them
are going up numbers wise. That's just interesting.

Speaker 7 (35:35):
That was always a sport like that, like like because
they you know, the NBA was on ABC or whatever
back in the NBC back and like that. Everyone they
didn't have all these cables and Hulus and Da Da Dad.
So people like the numbers are crazy. It's like why
Magic and Bird?

Speaker 4 (35:47):
But those are the games that are on free TV
because a lot of people can't watch the other one.

Speaker 7 (35:52):
Right, And that's what I mean, so for me to
you know what I mean, like it's gonna be. But
they're saying of all time meeting when it was on
free TV in nineteen seventy eight or nineteen ninety nine, right.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
But what I'm saying, yeah, yeah, I get it.

Speaker 4 (36:03):
But I'm saying, as the numbers continue to go up,
that's why when you look at what the NBA has
had happened, it's a bad sign, you know what I mean,
Like really that their numbers are going to the really one.

Speaker 7 (36:15):
I mean, that's just football, just as a bohemit that
just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Speaker 2 (36:20):
So this will be, but this will be a fun
with man, I think.

Speaker 7 (36:22):
Uh, obviously they're four and four up against each other,
except the bad, bad version of that goes to Patrick
mo Or. You know, Josh Allen losing in the playoffs
when it matters most so obviously he's trying to write
that ship. But I don't know, man, that's just gonna
be tough. Well obviously do pick ums here in about
an hour or so, but uh, yeah, I was like, man,

that's interesting, but I think again, when you look at
we've talked about this before, America's team now viewership wise,
has become the Chiefs because it's either you love them
or you hate them. But they keep having the highest
rate of games the last two or three years. So uh,
this is just another example of that.

Speaker 2 (36:56):
Well, but they were in the big games. I mean,
is it the chief that is the for the team
to go to the Super Bowl? Do you know what
I mean?

Speaker 7 (37:03):
I mean even regular season, robbed g was, we were
going over all these numbers and and they keep having
the highest rated game.

Speaker 2 (37:09):
Yeah, by far.

Speaker 6 (37:10):
It's like other than like the Thanksgiving Black Friday game,
It's like it's the Chiefs and yep, they're one every time.

Speaker 2 (37:16):

Speaker 7 (37:17):
And it's that's why they're saying, is this America's news
team and that they're just.

Speaker 4 (37:20):
But the Dallas Dallas thing wasn't just based on TV ratings.
It was just the idea that they were to talk
no matter what win, loser, draw. I think that's what
made them.

Speaker 7 (37:31):
Yep, Hey, you said Tom Brady gonna be who Rob
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