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October 14, 2023 41 mins
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For thirty five years, Cindy Stumpohas been a female home builder with a
passion for design, a mastery ofdetail, and a commitment to her crack.
With daughter Samantha Stumpo by her side, I don't need my whole family
on a date with me. That'sa good note. It's goddemn weird.
See. Stumpo Development is the onlysecond generation female construction company in the country.
You're crazy, You're a wacko,You're insane. I mean, it

just doesn't end together. Cindy andSamantha welcome guests to explore the world of
construction, real estate, development,design and more. I'm predictable. Every
time I think I know what youwant, you switch it out. But
that's what makes your houses all yourday. Discuss anything that happens between the
roof and the foundation. Nothing isoff limits. You truly do care about
everybody. She can yell at chickenscream, but when you get her alone,

she's the best person on the planet. Cindy Stumpo is tough as nails.
Hey, welcome to Cindy Stumpo Toughhis nails on WBC News Radio ten
thirty and I'm here with my sonChad Stumpo, and we have two guests,
and your names are gentlemen. Iam Jonathan Jamalis and I'm Jeremy Jamillis.

Okay, brothers, brothers, Yeah, really good, this is fun.
Brothers. Can you believe it?I'm trying and see different milk.
Mean, what happened? We don'tknow, we don't want to. We
don't want to, we're afraid toask. Brothers's just assuming we'll just keep
it as brothers, right, justwell, that's okay. Yeah, I'm
six seven, My brother's five two. I'm lucky six seven seven. What

happened from five ten? Come on, I'm an average is five just because
he's a freak. Don't don't takeit. He's the freak. Wait a
minute, I'm one inch below freak. Okay, maybe so my son over
they always want to be I thinksix to four or something. I think
five ten is a good size formen. Five inches. You sure want

to go? How tall are you? I'm five four and three quarters four
three quarters. I'm like the kidthat says I'm ten and a half and
hold off those three quarters. Allright, I don't screw with that three
quarters, But that's right, cool, okay, tell my listeners, what
do you guys do we are?We have a business in Brockton, massach
It's called the Cafe and what weprimarily serve as pizza. So we've been

around four over eighty years now overeighty years, yes, eighty years since
nineteen thirty nine, so eighty yearswould be your grandfather started Our grandfather started
it. Yes, yep, myfather, my mother and now my brother
and I are running the day today. My parents are there to a
couple of times a week just toyell at us and tell with third generation,
With third generation, do your parentsever stop telling your kids how to
run the business? Not ours?And you grew up an Italian family,

it's this Creek Greek, so youguys do Greek pizza Italians with better food.
I gotta be honest with you.I love Greek pizza. I love
Greek pizza too, but it hasto be the right Greek pizza. Like
there's one place in Newton that I'llgo to called Newton Town Pizza. We
live right around there, so butthen I don't like the other one around
the corner. It's the way theydo the crust, they do the cheese.
Yah. Yeah, and they're like, we're not Greek pizza. Where

bar style pizza? So what isbarstyle pizza? Oven cooked? It's cooked
in an oven. It's cooked ina pan ten inches, really thin crust
and like you notice a Greek pizza, the cheese won't go to the edge.
You'll have a thick crust to it. So you long before ice and
coal, like not ic and coal? What was his name? So I'm
getting hungry over here talking about thisguy from Florida Food that brought it here,
The guy from Florida. Oh,Anthony's cold fire? Yeah, so

is that what we do? Coldfire pizzaza? You know, I know
how to cook. I can buildthe meanest kitchens you've ever seen. You
can't use it. Oh God,I cooked for no, no, no.
A coffee machine. You want tomake your coffee? But what is
that? You might want to goon Instagram see some of my kitchens.
Kidding? Oh, an average buildout of one of my kitchens could be
six seven one thousand, and theonly thing I know how to use that

massive sixty seventy thousand dollars range.It's a big cigarette lighter. When I'm
really stressed out from one of mykids. The manual inside. Absolutely,
I still absolutely stills the manual andyou can't use it go outside, use
the prep kitchen or the outside kitchen. Right, there's two kitchen. But
you stress her out? Is thatwhat she has said? I mean,
isn't that the sun's job? Oh? God, when you stop? When'd

you guys stop stressing you mama?I don't think. I don't think we've
ever stopped. Yeah. I pissedher off good last week. She didn't
talk to me for two days.Two days. Yeah, yeah, I
don't even know what I did.That's my father, What did I do?
He's like, she's pissed you.I mean, she's pissed and you
just go with it. Yeah,I just ride it out. And then
I saw her a couple of dayslater, and you know, she gave
me a hug. So I knew, I knew you. I knew it

was. I was in the clear. Yeah. I think we've decided,
after every episode we've ran today thatall mommy's are cuckoo crazy, right,
But we just don't get there.I just want you know that. So
something's causing it, right, Yeah, you guys it's the kids. Yeah,
we keep taking it with us right, But I think that maybe she's
run that business for so long thatyou guys probably took it over and maybe

she wants to still be It's goingto be hard they sing to me to
do that micro manager. You knowwhat. I will say that we're pretty
lucky. We come up with anidea, or in the past we've come
up with ideas. My father letsus wrong with it. Yeah, I
try it. Yeah. You picturethose old g Weeks or like Italians and
stuff, very stubborn, and Idon't want any new ideas. I don't
want new ideas. We're very luckyand are very open to new things,

and you know, technology and allthat stuff. Kind of me, I'm
fifty nine, Like, why dowe want to try new products? This
has been working. My brand isgreat, my house are great. They
sell. But what what do youmean you want to do what? Yeah?
What didn't? No? I'm notno, right, So my daughter
is always trying to go mom,we gotta try this to try that.
Okay, So talk about your companyaround a long time. You guys are

basically get out of Weir Brockton,Massachusetts, Brockton that's with a home basis
and how many locations now we havefour Brockton is the main storem and we
have smaller pizza shops and Randium,Bridgewater and Halifax. And then we have
a Italian business Italian what's the Italianlike you lend the money on the streets.

I don't know. Yeah, welldon't here. We have that nothing
that the Greeks didn't do back inthe day, by the security day.
And what's that that restaurant called theTime Wrestleds Company, Talian kitchen, kitchen,
small lunch, lunch place, neighborhoodjoint, red sauce. You know,
counter service, no no wight stafffor anything, order to kind of
pick your own seat. That's it. You know. Spaghetti and meatballs,

chicken par and lasagna. Old school, old school, old school stuff.
It's really nice, nice little marketattached to it. Do a lot of
catering out of there. It's good. And where do you guys want to
go from hand? Now, well, we just anyway, our parents always
kept teaching us how to push,push, push, so we're just gonna
keep pushing, maybe opening up allthe restaurants or so basically you both are

over achievers. Yeah, well he'sgoing to pretty bad gambling problem. So
we have to. By the way, that's a great thing. By the
ways, that's how I didn't makeit in It's fun. Listen, everybody's
gonna have something to do to buildout right. We all got our advices.
Well, we always just want more. You know, get you get

a nice car. You want anicer car. You know you fly first
class. Now you want to flyin a private plane. You another star.
You just want more work Codplay hadno David for a rady day.
But go spend some of it becauseyou know it. In a blink of
anoia, you're gone, like yo, bye, your kids, get all
my money. I didn't enjoy it, but that's all great, okay.
So then you started one down theCape? Is that what you did?

No, no, no, justour name is Capeackafe. That's interesting,
interesting the Cape. Nothing down theCape. So when we started back in
nineteen thirty nine, were located onRoute twenty eight twenty eight. So back
then there was no four to ninetyfive to get to the Cape. So
people from Boston to get to theCape would have to take twenty eight and
they drive right through Brockton. Soback then there was a lot of businesses

in Brockton with the word cape init. Unfortunately most of those businesses are
gone where all that's left, Sothat's why it was the cape cock ife.
Are you kind of amazed at youthe only two sons? Yes,
yeah, that we know of that. We know I love you that,
we know we'll find out we'll doancestries. But with that being said,
you both decide you wanted to getin the family business, which is sometimes
unusual. Well, at first ourfather didn't want us. He wanted us

to go out in the rail worldand get other jobs. We kind of
did that a little bit. Andwhat was to him a real job back
then a doctor lawyer? Yeah,I was a hot surgeon. Go ahead,
just try something else. This willbe you know, go try something
else. Then we did for afew years, and you decided we're coming
back smart endum and came back tothe business smart and not be sure about

that. No, not all thetime. Yeah, you knew it was
there to fall back on, andyou tried other things. Yeah it was
nice, it was nice to havethat. And yeah, yeah, safety
net. You know, we neversaid you got to go work for the
business. You have to work forthe business. Do what you want.
Business is here and back then itwas just that one restaurant. But you
had to have a purpose growing up, and you had to have a job,
right Well yeah, yeah, ohyeah, we've worked. We started

working in the I started working atthe restaurant when I was fifteen. Yeah.
I had to stand on a milkcrate because I couldn't reach the benches
to make on the shop. Yeah, those, I love this. This
is great. So having a Greekyou know, piece of place, cape
card cafe. But what made youguys open up? Okay, telling restaurant.
So it's always been it's been aroundfor sixty years, okay. And

it's only two blocks from our restaurantin Brockton, yep. So it was
a and it's also a Brockton institutiontoo, where everybody from Brockton knows about
the Italian Kitchen and people in thestrimming areas know about the Italian Kitchen.
So it was more of a nicefit. We don't want to see it
go away. You hold that thought, I gotta go to break you.
Listen to Cindy Stumble to his nailson WBZ News Radio ten thirty. Would
be right back. Sponsored by Floorand Decor, National Lumber and Village Bank

and welcome back to Tupes Nails onWBZ News Radio ten thirty. And I'm
here with my son Chad Stumpo.I'm Cidney Stumpo. We're here with Jeremy
and Jonathan. Let's go, guys, let's pick it up. You guys
are just shooting the shooting the breezeover there. On a second, I
gotta try one of these slices oftheir pizza chat. They don't have time.
Yeah, cheese, obviously you gottabring you gotta try cheese. I'm

having. I'm having the pepperoni.Can you talk? Can you eat?
And asked the question you were justeating at the same time. Please people
solid let me say, okay,let's go. What you're notice about that
pizza too, It's not where youthink it's. It's cheddar cheese. It's
a lot of pizza. We usecheddar blend. Okay. The whole student
is having a piece. Our dosemade by hand, Our sauce is made,
and we buy their own cheese.I love it. Yeah, we

don't cut any corners. They doit the old fashioned way, and the
cop the pepperoni is yeah, it'sa nice places real pepperoni. Now these
little round things. I don't knowwhy most pizza places don't use pepperoni like
that comes our great. It cupsup a little bit and you have a
little bit of grease in there.So good, so good, so good.
Okay, what was what we're talkingabout before we started shoving food?
Not pass Uh they're italire restaurant.Oh yeah, we're talking about Italian food

about were eating pizza. Yeah,so the Italian place was. The Italian
Kitchen was right down the street fromus, two blocks away. It's a
Brockton institution, just like we arewhere everybody in Brockton nose because we've been
there forever and the owners are juststarting to move on. They wanted to
move on, and we didn't wantto see it go anywhere, so we
asked if they would be interested inselling to us, and they seem to

be happy with it. That's all. It's good. They're there for support.
The owner still works on Saturdays,so you can still come in and
see Gus on Saturdays working working thescenes, behind the scenes. I can
in my head. Yeahs a greatyeah. So it's it's a great place.
It really is a nice feel toit. I asked questions. But
I'm most full of pizzas. Okay, I'm gonna put the pizza downright.

So it's really convenient having the ItalianItalian kitchen two blocks away and from our
restaurant. It's nice to be ableto walk back and forth through each guys.
First generation, my parents, myparents, my father's second generation,
third generation around for a while.Yeah, my mother's Irish, so we
don't talk about that as much.We won't hold that again. No,

I'm playing. So Greek's never marriedout of Creeks back in those days.
You're right, that's true. Itwas very unusual. Yeah, that was
because Greeks still Greeks, like mymother is the best Greek cook there is,
though you know, she's Irish.Even though she's Irish, and if
my grandmother were alive still, shewould tell you that she has all my
grandmother's recipes and she's the best Creek. She was close to her mother in

law. Eventually she had to winher over, you know, the Irish
girl had to win her over.Okay, I understand that. And then
tell us a little bit about yourupbringing that you know. I like to
know about people's upbringings. I wasgrounded a lot, but he was you
know, I had him on icecream, but a bit was the favorite.
You are the favorite. Yeah,he used to pampered one. I

have a question. Why is Italianfamilies and Greek families the older boys always
the king. I don't see Idon't see it like that, but I
see other families. It wasn't likethat in your family. I feel like
we're equal, very equal. Ithink so. But you just said you
were the favorite. That's what hesees. If there's like dangerous stuff to
do, they have me do it, like if you're working on a machinery

or something, because we don't wantJonathan to get her. Put your fingers
in this. Okay, okay,I'll be the one. I'm the I'm
the dumb dumb that tries it inthis. In the six four Giant,
he just sits there and like,yeah, I wish I was six four
six seven six seven. How doyou buy sneakers? Barely close? We

have to go showers, cars,airplanes, houses. I have a pickup
truck. Okay, that's probably agood thing. Do you have any more
plans to open up any more stores? I think if an opportunity comes around
where where it's a place where we'rewell known and in the areas. Is

is good? I think? Yeah? Of course, you know, we
don't we we don't know the fullpotential of of of this yet. You
know, we're over every businessmen cometo you and say, look it,
we'd like to take your brand.Has that ever happened any anything like that?
No, no, it hasn't.We have people asking if they can
open in their own stores. We'vestill on the frozen pizza business, selling

franchises on on the restaurant side.Yeah, some people want to go to
pen North Carolina, Florida at Westyou know, remember Kelly's right down Revia
Beach. They would they would neverfranchise, never open up Kelly's this And
now they're coming to dead him.They they've tried different locations. Now they
going to Los Angeles. Oh yeyeah. Is it a new generation of

That's right, that's a smatic youcan't beat but on down the beach.
Yeah, you'll never beat that one. But again it's now Kelly's probably going
on. I think Kelly's opened upin nineteen seventy something, so it's probably
the second generation that said, ormaybe the kids of I don't know,
depending on how all the parents werecome on, like, we're going to
cash in on this. Okay,we've had Kelly's rose Beef here for since

you know, I think it wasnineteen you have to google it, seventy
something. But you guys have beenaround for a lot longer than that.
Well, we've been around for radios. But I still feel like we're we're
a new company just because we're evolving. When it's like the frozen pizzas and
so you're moveing with the frozen pizzasand you're going to places like costcos,
BJ's picking them up. So thoseof the two you're not in. Okay,

Tom three. So we're in everymajor sup marketing there and then we
started to expand it to New Yorkin Pennsylvania. All right, so here
comes the money. Well, it'sfor the business. Yes, it's not
like we put it in our parking. I get it, you'll be investing
it. But here comes the generationalYou're not just sitting there cooking, making

that's right. That's well, yeahexactly, this is our baby, right,
So eventually you want to get toa point where you're not there every
day and you're making money, andit's is this the frozen pizza that meeting.
No, that's the fresh pizza.That's a fresh pizza. But then
it gets frozen. Yeah. Well, I say this all the time.
I say, we didn't make setout to make a frozen pizza. We

just made a pizza and frozen.Okay, but I can't imagine that's not
good when it becomes unfrozen either.Right, great, that's an amazing And
let me tell you something. I'ma really like firm believe on stiff pizza.
So like, I like it niceand crispy. I don't like when
the pizza falls over. So whenI go to Newton Pizza, I will

not buy a large pizza. Ibuy the smalls because they say I don't
like a floppy pizza. Yeah.Yeah, that's what he said. That's
what he said, she said.But at the end of the day,
no, I want my pizza stiff. I want it well done. That's
how I like it. So ifI was to buy this pizza, it's
perfect. You throw in the ovenfor how many minutes? Not that I
would how to do the frozen Yeah, don't throw it in your let's stuck

at the manual. Yes, andwe'll catch up, but I'll send me
outside. You can throw it inthat oven, right, yeah, ten
minutes, depends on how you likeit. Yeah, and then you can
make this crispy as you want.Absolutely, guys, you know for the
restaurant and you know the cave carcafe for being over so long. And
I have friends in the restaurant business, and it's not the easiest thing in
the world. What are some ofthe struggles you guys face? Well,

gus, any business has a lotof struggles, right, we correct right
now. We face things like theyeah, supplies, right, trying to
get supplies, or the product priceincreases, so we have to to you're
truck going to build it? Rightnow? I want to take everything I
have. It's board against the wall. We can't get transformers, we can't
get elected, we can't get it. It's insane, isn't it. And

we can't get we can't get peopleto work. And our customers don't take
excuses, nor do they deserve sillyexcuses. But that's all I hear from
vendors is excuses, excuses, excuses, and it drives me absolutely crazy.
And I'll tell them I said,I'm not gonna. I don't give these
excuses to my customers. You shouldn'tbe given them to me. Get the
driver here. You know, driver'scalled in sex, so you're not getting
your delivery. Are you kidding me? Imagine me saying saying, that's our

customer, but you'll never have customers. So we're sitting here with old school
values. But then our vendors arelike, we don't care. We'll get
the pillow windows to you nine weeks, nine more weeks. I needed them
seven weeks ago. What do youmean somebody's trucks right now? I literally
have a truck going to Nevada topick up glass cases for a year min

store we're building, right. Wedo role ex German. We do a
lot of commercial that stuff too.Mostly what we do is speculation. I'm
driving a truck, have a truckgoing out to Rio as we speak.
Wow, because I won't have thesefor another another two months. Picked up
a truck, talked to a coupleof drivers. Boo a boom, we'll
go right to Rieo. We'll bein Reo by Saturday. We'll turn around

and bring them right back to you. So you gotta do what you gotta
do. What you gotta do.And that's the problem is like we're doing
their jobs. Yep. So theguy that's making all the glass, he
should be getting into me. Youthink, oh, we'll get him to
you, like two more months,dude. The stor's got open the end
of the month, like wet theygot millions of dollars with a Julie that
they're paid interest on. Like,we got to get it open. We'll

send the truck to you when thebuck stops with you. It's a lot
different, absolutely, one thousand percent. But that's you know, that's the
stuff that this next generation has tofeel. I'm fifty nine, so I
think I'm older than you a littlebit. Yeah, by probably ten years,
not more fourteen, fifteen, fortyfour, I think forty seventy nine.

It gets tough to do the mathwhen you're born in seventy nine and
now you're in like twenty twenty three. Yeah, if you're born in nineteen
eighty, it would be a loteasier. Okay, So think about this
and your forty four so you havepatience, bucket's still a lot bed than
mine. At fifty nine. I'mway to murder people, do you know
what I'm saying not as much asyou, but I get it a little
bit. Mostly that's all your fault, right, all right? What cons

back to you? What's everybody's nameon my job sites? I don't know
if I can say this on air, but yeah, it's just an idiot,
an idiot. Okay, we're goingto break. I'm siddy stopping and
listening Toughest Nails on WBZ News RadioTenthory'll be right back, sponsored by Pillow
Windows of Boston, Next Day Moldingand Kennedy Carpet Down. Wait and welcome

back to his Nails on WBZ NewsRadio ten thirty. And I'm Cindy stump
on him here my son Chad stumpout and I'm here with Jeremy and Jonathan's
and we're talking about finding good laborimpossible. Okay, have a lot of
good people. I try to levelup new people's getting hard. We have
a lot of good people too thathave been with us for decades. But
again, the new kids don't wantto work right. Yeah, they want

to work differently. Oh what's thatdifferently? Tell me the different phones.
And they like their air pods andthey like their brakes and yeah, take
the fune they don't like the pressuretoo much. And the guy came in
my job site the other day withit. I swear to a stop now
went to Stopbucks coffee right when usedto come on the job. When I
started, it was thermoses that yourwife made you a lunch. Then it

went to donkeys. Now that prettyboys come on with Stopbucks and the phone
in the hand. I really lostit. He had the cup and the
phone like this. I literally didit back here with my hands and the
Stopbucks coffee went flying, and thenthe phone went flying. Put it all
the way. It's eleven o'clock.You just come in to work. You're
kidding me? What's wrongs? Twelvedollars coffee through everything? Yeah? Probably

eight? Who knows? I wentout coffee? That food We do it
ourselves now when somebody comes in late, but they still have time to get
that coffee. Yea. You knowthey breakfast threat, you know, shaking
cheese by the way. Brocton's good. Good, it's good. It's yeah.
Rocton has always been a tough,tough city. You know, it's

always been that. And you andyou and you, you know, people
say, oh, it's getting sobad. It's it's that people have been
saying that for forty years it's gettingbad. It's always been just a tough
city. And no, we loveBrockton, brox has been good to us.
And yeah, it's a great city. The media makes it out like
Brockton's bad. It's not. It'sit's it's good. And what's good.
Yeah, it's really good. It'sreally not a bad I don't feel worried

about walking down the street. No, we're constantly doing that two block walky
in kitchen, you know, wedo that ten times a day. So
and the people that come in thereand they're locals that know you guys,
have known you guys for years.Not they to cause trials. No,
No, we love a good mixof customers too. If you look out
there on a busy night, you'llsee older people, you'll see younger people,
you see kids. So we havea good mix. And I think

we get some people from Brockden,but we get some people from the from
the outside towns who used to waterand things like that. They might use
cashing. Why we use credit cards, Well since COVID, he used to
be fifty to fifty. Now it'slike twenty credit cards. So it's credit
cards are way through the roof.They have to say, can I VEMO
you the money? These kids.To be honest, I think I'd rather
tive credit cards now in the handlecash, then he handle cash. Yeah,

it's it's a pain because you knowpeople, we have to count it,
right, they have to cashier hasto take Yeah. I've noticed recently,
like when I use cash, ittakes a little minute to get change
back. They don't have change.Every one has change. Actually went to
see yes the other day didn't havechange for one hundred. But you know,
maybe right now it's a little saferand not to have a lot of
cash in your business either. Well. Yeah, and then plus it's it's

easy I have I don't know ifto make a deposit and we don't have
to just comes in run our accountto yars later. Yeah, it's fine.
They take a percentage, but what'smy time worth too? Exactly?
I'm tying with it with that one. Okay, talk about some of the
behind the scenes running a successful familybusiness, because we have that going on
right now in the Stumpo world.So my daughter and my son just got

downe building their first house together.How'd that go? I would say not
good, okay, because I wastrying to teach them how to work together,
and it's going, why we haveto spend so much money? This
is not eighteen million dollar home,And try to make him understand that this
is your your stumpo. And evenyou're doing entry level, which is three

and a half million, is entrylevel new construction in Newton. You're going
to give the bells and whistles.Yeah, but yeah, I, me
and my sister and I we killedit. The house came out absolutely stunning.
Did you have free range to designit and everything? Actually? Yeah,
the house the exterior was my design. Oh cool, yep. So
yeah, so he modified one ofmy big ones and he's great at that.

But and I just I lived inFlorida most of my life, so
I brobably kind of like that modernaspect, completely modern. Actually this one
to open front to back. Butyou've been watching down down that road.
I don't lie. I'm I'm thehonest one. The family. I did
all the heavy listening, okay,something that I was supposed to go by

and visit like five minutes a daywhen they weren't around, did work that
way? Okay. Brought to closingsoon as I got showings and Chad's m
I A, I'm like, wheredoes this become my job? Like,
where does this become my job?Job? Correct? But you know what
they had to learn, Like Icould have just wrote the check. I

want them to see every day thatyour job greeps going interest money. And
these guys when they see that,they like to beat around the bush,
beat around the bush. It's likewhen we and you got to get on
them. And you know, unfortunatelymy sisters unbelievable at this, and but
they need me to, you know, tell the guys, hey, together

here, what are we doing ina nice way? Yeah? No,
just like the actually I'm saying thatnice right now? Terror And she's a
terror. I'm the enforcers. Andif you don't take care of this,
my mother is going to be downhere right Oh. I tell them that.
First, I go, do youwant sendy or me to get mad
at you? Which one? Igo? She's going to pull that thirty
eight out. I'm just going toget in your face and yell. That's
a big difference. You tell mehow you want this to go. I

think for the next couple of yearsgoing to take two of them to make
one of me, and that's okay, but his his passion is golf.
He's been here making them back toa nice professional golf. He played the
European Tour so and then he losthis mind out there. So I don't
know if you have a golf Igot that you listen. I got the
yipst GPS in your brain. Yougot hips in your That's where they start.

It's I don't have a mental block. That's what it is. Golf
is my escape from from all ofit. That's what I liked. Yeah,
that's what you might want to callyou an work golf. I would
had the work to play golf.I tell everyone I go, you guys,
play golf of fun. I toldyourself for five hours, and you're
spending god knows how much money justto torture yourself. Yeah, I walk
in eighteen holes is like a walkI walked. I walked nine holes yesterday.

And he's been in tournaments. Soyou have to go into golf cut
Yeah. Yeah, oh my god, I'm so bored. I could be
out there building right now, andthen it's not like a two hours.
It was like his baseball and hisbasketball and his hockey and his football this
is like a whole day. Oh, golf is completely boring to work growing
up racing motocross and all this stuff, playing football and nice skydive. I

had to really train my brain tobe a golfer to count. Yeah,
and it took. That took awhile, and it also took just getting
older. Is maturity golf twice?First time pretty good? Yeah, and
I'm like, I'm gonna do itagain. Second time, I'm like,
I'm never doing this again. That'show it gets you chase ball around,
but he likes to chase a littleball around. Are you married? Yes,
I'm married. Yes, you married, I'm married. Yes. How

the wives get along good? Yeah? Yeah, that keeps brothers in business,
so that's very important. Yeah.Yeah, we're very lucky to have
support at home, so you know, we can do what we need to
do. WI you must be good, ladies. And I just want to
let you know that. So youhave what three kids each? So you
both have three each? Thanksgiving football? I have five. I have five.

I have I have two step sons, all the step sons, yeah,
and three and three small kids andyou three three kids? Yeah,
sixteen, thirteen and eleven. Andwhat's Thanksgiving, like at your house.
Thanksgiven's amazing. That football game somuch fun, you know big, you
know food, you know, ahouse full of people, laughing, smiling.
So what is it when the Greekscame here? They other went to

pizza joints. We guessed. Yeah, it seems that way right. All
the Italians went to masonry, allthe Irish went to Plasta. Yeah,
it's weird, but we got weall have to meet one thing. I
know a lot of we're in throughtwo states, but there's nothing like Boston.
There's nothing like it. We gotit all here. Yeah, the
best part of all going away iscoming home. Exactly. I agree,

except the weather. Not a statement, but no, Chad, you know
what you will someday. You justdon't like the weather here. And I
get that. I mean, Ilove the South. It's just guys,
when you say to Southeast Florida,yeah, Texas being golf yere around.
Yeah, I just love the Southernhospital. Chad's not walking around the six
foot Instagram model. We don't know. I have to go like this,

Hi, upstairs is just furniture.I'm sorry, upstairs, no furniture.
Listen. Trying to breed athletes here. So okay, what is the next
plans for you guys? Well,we like we weren't to the frozen pizza
thing pretty good right now. Tellme where we're going with that? Well,
we just got Walmart, So Walmartin New England. You keep up

with the supply. That's that's atricky part right now. To we're a
crossroads right now. We're kind ofbulging at the seams at our at our
facility, and we make all ourfroone frozen pizza, so I'll busting get
the seams right now. So we'retrying to figure out what to do.
Do we move, do we rebuildthings like that, or do you get
another facility just for the frozen frozenpiece. We do. We have one
actually right across Sree from the restaurant, which works out really nice. And

the squift footage there it's about sixtyfive hundred, but we need to triple
that right now. And investors,you guys looking for investors. That keeps
us to the family. I thinkwe should. We have kids coming up
and things like that, we shouldkeep it in the family. But if
anybody wants to give us money,yeah, we'll take money. We'll just
anything You just never know who's listening. Right, We're not giving a flat

out off of the right amount ofmoney. Would you sell outay? So
never say you're not looking for investors. You never know who's listening. They're
listening. Okay, all right,we're going off to break Comsitny stump when
you look listening to Tampa's Nails onWBC News Radio, Timp therety and be
right back, sponsored by new BrookRealty Group, Boston Wood Smaller Insurance,
World Auto Body and Tasca Drive AutoBody and welcome back to Toughest Nails on

w b Z News Radio ten thirty. And I'm Sidney Stumpo and we're here
with Chad Stumpo and Jeremy and Jonathan. Okay, boys, tell me about
where were going. So we talkeda little bit about Walmart and New England.
Well that's going to bring us inNew So let's let's let's let's leave
thet it in Walmart and Walmart.Uh roach brothers, Yeah, turkeys,
shawls, basket, stop and shopin good places, whole foods, old

foods. They weren't whole foods.That means you were very healthy. Think
we're in a couple of Wagmans.We're just two Wagmans. A little tough
on us, but yeah, we'llget there. Here's my question. Does
it still work in the day likewhen my uncle was a rep. Do
you have like good eye view,because that's important. Do they put you

up too high too low? Well? Still the reps when you first get
in, Yeah, there were whenyou sometimes you get hitting them the bottom.
Yeah, well hidden way on thetop. You know, we have
a good so it still works thatway, it does. Yeah, we
actually have a good package, thoughwe don't. We don't put our frozen
pizzas in a box. We're justhaving a film so you can actually see
what you're getting instead of a pictureof the pizza. I never understood that.

So we can actually see what you'regetting. So so stofers must pay
them the most money because they're alwaysin the middle. You ever notice that
there's not a lot of stoveers.That's okay. So eventually it's like all
businesses, you've got to get toknow guys and in them and whatever.
Yeah, we have good relationships forthem. If they ask for things,
we try to give it to themand and we ask the things and they

give it to us. So theywe have a good relationship with these cays.
Yeah, I mean as long aswe're selling thing like using So you're
you're in some of the best markets. Yeah, we're if I missed any
Haniford. But now, would youreach out of Massachusetts and do the New
Hampshire too, we'd love to.We're in yeah right now with New Hampshire.

I don't know I have going toHampshire. Yeah, Hampshire, a
terrible press, a part time smok, Connecticut, from ont Island, New
York, Pennsylvania. So you're goingin all those areas we're in. Yeah,
we're moving into New York right now. We're all through New England right
now. So it's gonna be anationwide so well time. Yeah, So

you're basically the goals to keep comingYeah yeah, well up to Long Island
and then one might get us intoWest Virginia High a little bit. But
the goal is to keep going.How far can you go? You know,
I don't want to go as faras you want, buddy. Yeah,
we don't want to stop. We'renot We're still motivated driven his gambling
addiction. You know, we loveto love that. We love the business's

go play top doll. You andI together, let's go find a top
doll machine. So you can justkeep going publics down south all these may
Again, you have to have enoughsales reps to go out there and push
the product too. How much canyou guys do yourself right? Right this
this we have to evolve more andwe have to grow smartly wisely. Just

can't go into publics and say,okay, we're in publics. That's it.
You've got to support it, right. You gotta gotta nurture that business.
Every supermarket is a different business.You have to nurture everyone differently.
So that's that's that's the challenge.And what part that's a challenge. Making
sure they'll filled their cabinets. Frozencabots are filled, stocked, supported there,

the display looks good, rotated,rotated, yep, yep. When
they want it, we get itto them. No out of stocks.
There's a there's a lot to it, making them, making the grocery store
happy pretty much. So do youever think you get into frozen pieces?
That's a good story. Yeah,it's start Yeah, sure, I'll tell
it. He loves to tell thestory. If he starts along, just

say something else. And I'll takeover. Okay, we started to do
just poke you. I'm just gonnaship pizzas to customers. Moved outside the
area and I was at the barone night talking to one of the customers
and he's like, I might beable to get you into a supermarket or
two. Like, wow, that'sinteresting. So we found a broker.
She took us on. She gotus into a supermarket. One supermarket,
and the first night we had tomake fifty pizzas. I don't think it

was that many, thirty a fewcases of pizzas. So we did.
We had to go in after therestaurant was closed. This is before we
had the facility to make them.So we were doing them in the restaurant
third shift, so in the middleof the night, basically in our restaurant.
You guys are working like all hours. Yeah, but at first it
was just a fun you know,we had young kids at home. We
wanted to get the hell out ofthe house. So the first time,
the first couple of times, itwas fun. Yeah, I'll go make
pizza with you. Two in themorning. So we cooked pizzas right and

then we had to let them cool, so we go to the bath to
the bar and nobody's there. Havea few pitches of beer. Watch Conan
more in the morning. Half fromthe wrap he drank pay pretty much,
and half of the wrapper wrapping thepizzas. Yeah, the pieces at the
end of the night got a littleslote. And then from there, I
mean there was a couple hundred pizzasand then we're then we were working a

few hours every night and bringing onanother employee and then another employee for you
know, we had like ten employeesworking in the restaurant overnight and it became
a job. And then we hadto stop drinking. And then you had
to grow up, right imagine that, and that was that was That's when
you became adults, right then andthere, and that's how it's done.
Then we opened the facility across thestreet, and we got to make them

during the day. No, we'rerunning two shifts. And as you were
doing this was mom for this.So was she like, I know,
boys with us, with us rightfrom the get go. Yeah, like
I said, he was. They'rethey're both very supportive, very I mean,
he comes in and tells us we'redoing a bad job sometimes, but
I think we've all learned that it'shot sometimes. You know, he's been

doing it his way for so long, and I would say at fifty nine,
this leopard is not going to changeher spots either, right, right,
It's going to be hard, butwe all need a kick in the
ass every now. And on yourgeneration, well, no, you guys,
not even your generation sure of themodern house is she was always not
going to be great in New England. I go, it's going to come
around because the generation. Can youpush me in that direction? But your

generation is still good. You're fortyfour, he's sixty two, forty six.
Yeah, you guys are still thatgeneration that you hard working, you
purpose, get up in the morning, responsible, reliable. It's like the
thirty two and down. That's that'shaving a tough time. Thirty three,
I just turned thirty. Get tothirty three? Can we get to No,

it's because their generation, I stillthink is up until it gets I
think my daughter she came out ofthat around thirty. No, I'm sorry,
like twenty eight, the foremost stagefear of missing out. Now she's
very comfortable, like I get towork like I'm going to bid eight o'clock
and I want my that thing thatshe is on a rested tellers she sleeps

the whoop. She's in competition withherself with this whoop thing. She wants
to make sure she sleeps the rightamount of hours and you know, nice
hyper Yeah, but it's it's thenext generation that's going to be like the
rest of us in construction. Ithink the good thing about the younger generation
is if you get just a fewof them with that, with work ethic,

they're going to crush it. They'regoing to be real successful because the
competition is not They have tenacity andthey're overachievers. They will especially demand coming
up the rest won't. The restwon't. I all think if you grew
up in a household with hard workersand you see how hard your parents work,
you kind of emulate that and gothat path, I would think,

so, I hope so, Butthat's for uh, you're probably the last
of that generation, maybe, Samantha, is it because they're not competitive,
like I'm wicked competitive. I'm sureyou are competitive, right, So you
just want to you want to dobetter and do better and more and more
and more. That competitive me anyway, I think we I can speak for
me. For me, I alwayswant to make my parents proud. Right.

So if you're an underachiever in schooland then you find what you love
to do, you become an overachiever. Right. So, I think the
first thing is you want to makeyour parents proud. That's just the generation
I grew up in. I hadgood parents. I want them to be
proud of me. Maybe you havethe same. Oh I love a good
ady for my parents. Ye so, and that felt good early on,
right. So, I think onceyou start feeling that they're respecting you as

grown men and you're not little boysanymore, that's a feeling of accomplishment.
Now you start to feel that nowyou get married, your wife, your
children, they are proud of you, and then you get to a point
where I'm finally doing it for myself, right, Like I'm proud of me.
I think that's the start of wantingto make our parents proud. And
I think there is where the it'schanged for the next generation coming up.

I don't think they care about makingtheir parents proud. I don't know what
it is. Yeah, that's unfortunate, but our parents are probably little tougher
on us than we were. You'regoing to be easier on your kids than
your parents. Were in you andthat's the problem. So it's us doing
it all wrong. You do knowit's a fault. So no one cuddled
us. No, I know.I went on my bike, drove my
bike, fell down, skinned myknee, drove my bike all around the

city until I knew the It wasa whistle. I didn't even hear,
but I knew I had to gethome. It was getting dock. Street
lights were coming on. Like wedidn't let our kids do that. I
don't have that anymore, No,because we're afraid. Well, when I
was a kid, I used toused to leave the house in the morning
and come home at night. Ican't. And no contact in between,
right, no contact with your parents. We used to kill each other on

the football field. No paths,just hard tackle. I once asked my
mom, how come you never punishme? She goes, I would I
punish you and be punishing myself.Wait, you want me to make you
stay in after school. No,that's a punishment to me. Go to
play with your play clothes on andgo play. Now you see these kids
as Xbox This that is social media. That's why I pushed my kids.

Don't play video games. Don't giveit to them. They don't. Don't
give it to them. You guysplay video game that must have been.
But it's nice to see two hardworking guys taking the bit the parents generation
that started this company to a wholenother venue in a whole other world.
And that's awesome to see. Thankyou. I got to give you guys.
Guy, thank this pump it?Can you reach me? Six seven
ages? Okay, going out tobreak. I'm Sinney stumble and listened to

his nails and w BZ News Radioten Third'll be right back and welcome back
to Toughest Nails. I'm Sidney stumpOn. I'm here Chad Stumpo. He
listened to Toughest Nails on WBZ NewsRadio ten thirty and I'm here with Jeremy
and Jonathan. Okay, guys,how do people reach out? We even

get into the catering end, whichI need to know back wee because I
don't how to cook. But goahead. Yeah, you can find out
frozen pizzas in any supermarket in NewEngland, any major marketing and the small
mom and pops also anywhere in NewEngland. And how they find the stores
capecocafe dot com and will list ofall the grocery stores. Again, slowly,
Capecodcafe dot com we'll have a listof all the grocery stores that we're

available in and also, you know, see all our Capecocafe locations on that
website. Order online. Check outItalian Kitchen of Brockton dot com for our
catering menu and also our menu forthe Italian Kitchen. Okay, that's very
good. Did you get all thatchat? We're going to use it.
Okay, everybody, have a great, safe weekend. This is City Stump
and we'll see you next week.WBZ News Radio ten thirty Toughest Nails
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