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October 29, 2024 49 mins
We discuss the finale of the Venom trilogy - 'Venom: The Last Dance'

What did you think of the movie?  Where does it rank against the other Venoms?  Do you want more?

Directed by Kelly Marcel and Starring Tom Hardy, Chiwetel Ejiofor & Juno Templ - Eddie and Venom, on the run, face pursuit from both worlds. As circumstances tighten, they're compelled to make a heart-wrenching choice that could mark the end of their symbiotic partnership.

Mac's Sack - We discuss episode 6 of 'The Penguin' and episode 7 of 'Agatha All Along'

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I mean this in the nicest possible way. Mac, you
look like someone that for Halloween at one point in
your life went as a guynecologist, so or a federal
body inspector. I'm sorry, a female body inspector.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Sure, sure, yeah I never did. Really, you know me,
gu Almost every Halloween costume I've ever worn in my
adult life has all been as convenient as could possibly be.
I'm not wearing some outlandish type of shit. The most
outlandist thing I wore I was a kissing booth my
junior year of college. But I didn't make it. Some

girl volunteered. She had the idea. She said, if I
make this, will you wear I said, absolutely, no doubt
about it, So that worked out pretty well.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
The kissing booth is not that far off from the
better of the female body inspector, though, right, it's more creative.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Though the kissing booth, no, I wasn't my creativity. I
just benefited from it. One good three yeah jos three,
King of Queen and.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
Marl Street.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Entertainment that tooks so long, That tooks so long for you.
I'm Mac, and we are the Magic Program. We're friends,
we are venom. If you are listening, to this and
don't have access to anything with a screen on it.

You just spent about thirty five seconds struggling with some
sort of sweatshirt.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Deal spandex to full spandex suit.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Okay, Yeah, and he had a venom face there for
a second and did an a plus tom hardy venom impression.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
A venom A symbotes just jumped into my skeleton and
turned me into a venom.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Now here's a good question for you and the folks
at home. If you had to be any color, Simbaio,
which color would you be?

Speaker 1 (02:01):
I mean, black is the sleekest, Maybe red.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
I didn't mind. I didn't mind, like the greyist looking
one that we maybe or maybe didn't see in this
movie Go. You know, I'm a sucker for gray.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
I know when I do Mario Kart and I pick Yoshi,
I always do black and white Yoshi, nice little Oreo Yoshi.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Yeah all right, yeah, I guess. I guess black is
probably the most popular answer. But maybe red for carnage too,
who knows?

Speaker 1 (02:23):
There you also, I had that costume. I don't I
used to go as a character for my nephew's birthday
every year, and then for his seventh or eighth birthday
when I wore the Venom costume, him and his friends
hit me with hockey sticks and that was the end
of that chapter.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
You got pumped.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
It was all a big Ashton Kutcher prank.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
Go. Yes, today we are discussing the latest and not
so greatest entry into the Sony Spider Verse, the Venom verse,
whatever you'd like to call this this movie universe. Of course,
we were discussing Venom the Last Dance, which I must
say is a terrible name for this movie. I really

didn't care for it, and they also leaned into that
a couple times, which I didn't care for.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
How did they get none of the Chicago bulls in
this movie?

Speaker 2 (03:17):
You should have been able to get Rodman in because they.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
They're in Vegas for a scene or two of this movie.
How is Rodman not in the background or okay, what's
the character's name? He dances with her in Vegas?

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Missus Chen, missus Chen.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Rodman should have walked out of the bedroom half naked
as if they had just made love.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
That that scene alone would have bumped this movie up
about five dogs.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
All right, So we just fixed it. Do you think
they should reshoot it? And then re release it goo.

Speaker 2 (03:44):
Yeah, this movie made one hundred and seventy five million
dollars worldwide box office opening weekend, fifty one million domestically,
which isn't great comparatively, but still pretty good in general.
And this movie was made on a budget of one
hundred and two million, which is pretty low when you're
comparing it to a lot of recent superhero comic book movies,

So this movie is gonna end up making money in
an aduced amount. The first movie made eight hundred and
fifty six million worldwide, very very successful. The second one
did not do nearly as well five hundred and six
million worldwide, but still made money.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
That was also Venom two was one of the first
big theater movies out of the pandemic, so Venom two
is the reason why Top Gun two was so good.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
There you Go, There you Go. This movie is unfortunately
PG thirteen. Like the first two, it is an action adventure,
sci fi and thriller, and also the sub genres we
get here go, alien invasion, Kaiju, road trip, and superhero
How about that?

Speaker 1 (04:46):
Yeah, it's an alien buddy movie.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
Yeah yeah, alien buddy cup.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
That's also you could tell from the get go that
this movie wanted to be rated R. This movie wanted
to be Deadpool, but it couldn't do it.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
I don't know if they had the makers of the
movie capable of making this a proper R. But this
is a sentiment we've echoed through the first two movies.
These a Venom movies should be an R rated movie.
Just simple is that, if not even for the jokey jokies,
just the blood, the gore, like that type of shit,
we should have an R rating. It would just be cooler.

Go on, roddy tease. This has thirty eight percent it.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
Was rated R. Do you think Tom Hardy would shave
swears into his head?

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Probably? Yeah, that'd be a pretty cool, steep, big sea
bomb on the side of his head there.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
That'd be tough for the commercials.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
Thirty eight percent from the critics, eighty percent from the audience. Uh,
virtually identical to the first movie, which had thirty and
eighty percent. The second movie somehow scored higher than both
of these two and the second movie Goo. Before we
get into spoilers here, I think is definitively the worst
movie of the three.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
And I think that is all on the back of
Woody Harrelson fair enough.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
That is fifty seven percent and eighty four percent, So
maybe that speaks to the thirst for that movie at
the time, time and place.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
It's saved movies, it's save cinemas. I get it.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
On Metacritic, this has a forty one the first and
a thirty five Carnage and a forty nine. I don't
know where people are coming off with that second movie.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
It's really but I do understand why people do not
like this one.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
Sure, I think we understand why people. Well, first of all,
the audience has liked all three movies. I think we
whole hardly understand why the critics haven't really liked any
of these.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
A good portion of this movie is half assed generic gobbledegook,
where it just looks like slime all over the screen.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
You're not entirely wrong, don't. I don't disagree with that. Goo.
Speaking of the makers of this movie, this is written
by Kelly Marcel and Tom Hardy. Tom Hardy's only writing
credits or This and Let There Be Carnage. Kelly Marcel
Goo has writing credits on Saving Mister Binks, fifty Stage
of Gray, and then the first two Venom movies. This

is directed by Kelly Marcel.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Great portfolio, I'll tell you that much.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Very bizarre. This is her first ever directing credit. You're asking,
maybe where did she come from? I got a nice
little fun fact for you here.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
I'm all ears.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
She is a co artistic director of the Bad Dog
Theater Company, founded in twenty ten alongside Tom Hardy and
Brett C. Leonard. So she's been a long time Tom
Hardy friends, that's how she got to where she's at
for this movie. But a nice little fun fact about
her ago separate from where she came ahead. This is
my favorite fun fact of the whole podcast. So after

this you can you can shut us off. Kelly is
primarily a writer for film and television, but she started
her career in musical theater with the UK version of
Debbie Does Dallas the musical.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
You know what.

Speaker 2 (07:53):
I like? Kelly Marcel based off that one fact and
then that one fact alone, Kelly Marcel thumbs up, thumbs goose.
Synopsis of Venom The Last Dance, Eddie and Venom on
the Run face pursuit from both worlds. As circumstances Titan,
they're compelled to make a heart wrenching choice that could

mark the end of their symbiotic partnership. Yeah, all right,
I guess that's actually pretty accurate.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
After watching this movie, I also said to myself, the
trailers really didn't tell us anything. It's Venom, it's Tom Hardy,
and they're gonna jump into animals.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
It was just Venom with jazz fingers kinda here he is, Yeah,
well he was in Vegas. I hated that fucking scene.
This movie stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock, and through
three movies. Other than Michelle Williams of the first movie,
I would say that Tom Hardy is the only bright
spot in this trilogy.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
He's still sweating, he's still mumbling, He's not that coherent.
But you know what I will say this is that
Eddie Brock Venom, the twenty to twenty five minutes of
them just doing a buddy road trip. If you gave
me a full movie of that, I might have enjoyed it.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Eh, was it for me?

Speaker 1 (09:13):
That was fun and silly. It was lighthearted.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
She would tell Edgie of four as General Rex Strickland,
we've seen him a number of times now over over
the years in comic book movies. If he's he's fine
in this he's he.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
Does what he's a generic army leader.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
Yeah, angry general in the army. That's he played it
to a t.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
He took five of the men.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
Judo Temple. Also not her first time in a comic
book movie. She's in the Dark Knight. We all remember
her in The Dark Knight. Of course, she plays doctor
Teddy Payne in this. Rhys Eifensku is in this as Martin.
He plays the father of a road tripping family. And
I think this is bizarre casting considering he plays the
lizard in the Andrew Garfield Spider Man universe, and it's

there's still a chance that this Venom verse operates in
that Garfield universe, and that's really really bizarre cast.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
Hear me out, None of this matters.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
I mean, that's that's probably true. Stephen Graham is back
as Detective Mulligan. Peggy Loo's back as Missus. Chen Clark
Baco plays Sadie. She's the scientist with the Christmas Tree.
A lot of you back as Nova. She's the mother
Terese Iphens's father. You would know her as the gross

waitress from Waiting or as Sidney Sweeney's mother in Euphoria.
Christal Fernandez is back. He's Danny Rojas Goo as the
bartender in the tropical bar that we see Eddie Brock in.
And of course this movie introduces Null, who is green
screened by Andy Serkis because apparently he's the only guy
that does that goo. When you saw this movie, you've

been sitting on it for about six days. Now, what
was your rapper reaction and what has changed since number one?

Speaker 1 (11:04):
You just mentioned Null. He looks like trash.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
He does not look good.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
He looks terrible. And it's good that they only had
him in roughly three scenes. We didn't need any more.
And I'm not even sure what. There's no bad guys
in this movie. It's just these alien dog creatures. It's
it's a faceless bad guy that it's just fodder and
it can't be destroyed, and it's just constant blasting and whatever.

It felt a lot like when you're watching the action
in Black Adam and you knew that nothing could hurt
any of those heroes. That's what all of the fights
were like in this movie, between the venoms and the
alien dog creatures.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
Yeah, but the alien dog creatures had that wood chipper
in the back of it, said that could hurt the.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
Venoms, right, But did it?

Speaker 2 (11:53):
He got a couple of them. I think, Were.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
They any venoms that we actually cared about? No, not
really any, And there were a bunch of others.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
And you and I don't know enough about the venoms
to speak on whether they're meaningful or not. We'll get
we'll get into that more later. Goo. In regards to Null,
so apparently in the in the Marvel comic book universe,
Null operates in the void. And we've seen the void now,
we saw it in Deadpool and Wolverine. In this instance,

he is stuck in this world or prison known as
Clintar and he was he's stuck there by the symbiotes.
And that's sort of the whole impetus for the plot
of this movie. And like that's okay, But that thing
we've seen a thousand times over in every Marvel and
DC movie too, Like Big Bad off World sends his

like his shitty fucking attackers to Earth to try to
do the dirty work, and then they're gonna have to
come and do it themselves. We've seen that way too
many times to refresh people's memories here for this movie,
of course, we saw riot in the first movie. He
was the big bad at the end of that carnage
in the second, and these movies all three take place
roughly over one year. That alien dog race that that

Goo and I were talking about is called zenophages. I
guess we just rip it off all the time.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
Now credit to this movie. Venom didn't just fight another
pile of splooge.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
Okay, true, they really swear us here kind of And again,
the essentially the premise of this movie is that Null
is trapped in this prison and in order to escape
this imprisonment imprisonment, he needs to find a codex, and
the only way places you can find a codex is
in the bodies of a symbiote that has become one

which is with its host, and that only happens when
the host dies and the symbiote saves it fusing their souls.
So Aka, Eddie and Venom have a codex. These alien
dog races come after them after Null dispatches them. But
I this brings into question everything about Null, because if
he can just pop open a portal with a snap
of a finger, he really should be able to get

out of that prison. Right.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
A lot of like the I don't want to get
into like the spoilers. We can talk about that in
a second at the end of mid post credits, but
like just the end of the movie, the end of
that character is just so stupid because also, like, what
are the plans for this universe? Are we just gonna
leave it at this and I guess Nel's gonna take

over type of stuff.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
I don't know, it's a great question. We're also operating
in this movie with Area fifty one. It's being decommissioned,
but they introduced something else, Area fifty five, which is
alive and well and like one hundred feet below Area
fifty one, so that's a thing as well.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
I prefer Area sixty five where Eiffel reign supreme.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Yes, that was the joke. Didn't make any sense, but
I understood what you were going for.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
If you take what I just said, chop it up
a little bit and mix the words around, it kind
of makes sense.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
There's something there.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna work shop it for a while.
You can talk for the next half hour.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Would you like to get into the octagon here?

Speaker 1 (15:04):
I'm thinking that that we cut some of these soon
because some of them are.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Only have eight. We only have eight listed here, so
you cut something.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
No hot dogs? No, oh no, you're right. Maybe I'll
think of it on the fly. Fun factor, and I
think you and I had fun with different parts of
this movie. I enjoyed the alien and his buddy going
across the country. I would have liked it if it
was just them going from Mexico to New York and

ending up at like the Statue of Liberty, going from
city to city and doing it that way. But what
we got was about fifteen to twenty minutes of that
the high jinks, and then the rest of it is
just this boring garbage area fifty five stuff.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
Yeah, there's movies not that fun. It's not. However, the
Eddie and bra are the Eddie and Venom stuff is
like inherently kind of fun, and you still obviously still
get that in this movie. So is not fun. As
this movie was, it was fun enough to like keep
me somewhat locked in during the run time, Like I
wasn't I didn't hate myself at the end of this movie,

Like I wasn't. I wasn't I wasn't smashing my head
off the seat in front of me. Like it was
watchable right.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
But I think as soon as we get into that
final scene at area fifty five, that is just stop.
The entire movie stopped for me, and it just went
on forever.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Yeah, but I liked, you know, all the powers being shown.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
I didn't really like it because they I thought it
was boring.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Well, you just you just you just don't have a
good imagining.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
I guess we'll do imagination. They show you everything. There's
nothing for imagination. It's not like they're like if they
they cut to Juno on the sideline going that one's green,
and now they have clause.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
She's narrating the final fight right the theater of the mind.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
I guess we'll do borometer.

Speaker 2 (16:55):

Speaker 1 (16:55):
I was very bored in this.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
I gotta be honest. I didn't find myself off that
board it's tied into. I just think Tom Hardy is
really good always, and so I wasn't that bored. I'm
not saying I had fun or and really enjoyed necessarily
was on screen. I just wasn't bored, if that makes.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
But that on the movie poster. I wasn't bored coma.
It's not like I had.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
But I was distracted the whole movie. One way or
the other.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
Okay, let's go back to Satisfactor. And this is supposed
to be the final of a trilogy, and they really
went out of their way to try and make this satisfactory,
and by the end of the movie, I was the opposite.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
Yeah, there's really nothing to be satisfied now about at
the conclusion of this movie. And it's one of those
things where at the end of this trilogy, we're sitting
here thinking, it's been six years, you know, six year run.
Venom was came out in twenty eight. Now, did we
really need to do this? No?

Speaker 1 (17:50):
I think you know what not to get poly charged here. Okay,
but if either of the presidential candidates made it a rule,
made of a law that you can't put mid in
post credit scenes in there just to be silly, I
would vote for them. Post credit and mid credits need
to have a purpose. Again, it's not funny. It's not

funny any.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Mad movie to make that point with These are both purposeful.
Whether you like where it's going or not.

Speaker 1 (18:21):
Were they truly purposeful? Yeah, you got an I'll do
it myself and you got come on spoilers, man, look man,
just put everything Because also these were the longest credits
in the world. These were I sat around for roughly
ten minutes waiting for the complete post credit. I know
who got Tom Hardy as coffee, and I'm very excited

to know everyone's names, but I am so sick of
the post credit stuff. Put it in the run time.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Well, let's it's er your ten minutes to decompress and
start taking notes into notes out. That's really what I
use it for.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
No, you know what I did. I'm I made fun
of Juno and her stupid character. That's what I do
with my ten minutes.

Speaker 2 (19:02):
Started to started a tight five on Juno Temple. Oh
my arm? Does it work?

Speaker 1 (19:07):
I hope I get venom.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Let me see you get struck by lightning. See how
you look at Let me see.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
You hold your brother's hand while being struck by lightning
and then he gets exploded, and then you have to
live with the guilt and a dead arm. Oh you
know what, I bet you would love that Constant Strangers.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
You can figure out an attachment there. You know, probably
wouldn't have a good grip.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
Dead weight A quarter worlds. This is below water World.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Uh, this is below water World and below Aquaman.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
It really is it's not as bad as hell.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
Boy, m no, it' stop stop. I don't know, it's
not even as bad as the second movie.

Speaker 1 (19:52):
I just think that this was this all felt so
lazy and like none of it really Like, at least
with the second one, you have those like scenes of
Eddie and Venom going out and causing chaos. This one
you had a little bit of that, but it was
like it was pulled back. There wasn't as much.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
That's true, that's true, But again, when you're when you're
in your third movie in and you're still not able
to use certain things because you're stuck in your own
little corner of the universe, You're just like, what else
are you gonna do besides introduce all these venoms?

Speaker 1 (20:24):
I also liked in the first scene or the second scene.
I don't know how scenes work, but when Venom made
a point of making a joke cut out the multiverse. Shit,
it's like, dude, we've done this joke in every movie
the past three years, the exact same joke.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
So you're saying, the Type five you have Juno Temple
is funnier than that.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Oh yeah, she's got that dead arm. I just did that.
Sweet stranger joke. You guys all heard my set right
pants tensity excite bike mania. Did anything in this movie
get you going?

Speaker 2 (20:58):
No, I don't think so. I don't think so.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
Did you like this movie? I can't even tell. You
keep talking it up and then like walking it back.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
I was hoping for a little new de tay from
Juno Tepla.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
Didn't get that, you knew you weren't getting that.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
I didn't necessarily know that, I figured.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
And then Max like it, wouldn't mind trimming her Christmas tree.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
And then even I can get her one of those uh,
one of those ornaments from Target. Yeah. No, there's really
nothing to excite you in this In this one.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
For a movie that you are so met on, you
are just defending it, NonStop, defend all. You are defending
it like a Madman Halloween. I will never think of
this movie ever again. I don't think I even think
of this series ever again.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
Yeah, it's a pretty forgettable movie, no doubt.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
Like the Venom movies are supposed to serve as a
palate cleanser, or like the one off that isn't connected
to anything else. For the people that don't like the
tie in with the mcu and they don't like the
running story of the forty movies coming together, and this
movie is just it's not interesting.

Speaker 2 (22:11):
I agree with you. But there is the possibility that.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
It's a part of Garfield or tobym wers Null here.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
And maybe null does matter at some point.

Speaker 1 (22:21):
And yeah, because you heard that Null and other symbiodes
might be a part of the Tom Holland for movie.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
Yeah, there's all sorts of chatter and shit. But so
in that respect, I guess it could become more significant
than it is at the moment. But do we want
it to know?

Speaker 1 (22:35):
I wouldn't mind if they actually renamed the Spider Man
movies Tom Holland instead, But then you can still let
him be Spider Man. It's just that now it's called
Tom Holland, and it would let us know who Spider
Man is in the movie.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
Yep, yep, no doubt.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
What else we got? Max credit? Union? Do you have
credit for anyone besides the director? Actually just give her.

Speaker 2 (22:53):
I'll give her credit for the Debbie does Dallas musical.
You know what, No, you know, I'll save this for
the next thing. I won't give credit to the person
there's other than Tom hardy. There's no real credit to me.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
I'm about plemonade. When life gives you lemons or plemons plemonade.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
I think Greese Iphen's kind of made plemonade. His family
and his characters should have never been in this movie.
But Reese Iphen's kind of had fun, and I kind
of had fun with him.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
Did you like the line aliens suck?

Speaker 2 (23:20):
Because his whole life, you know, has been building towards this,
and he was like, fuck that. Oh, we gotta swear
in this movie. We got a motherfucker in this movie.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
I've always said to you, while I believe that aliens
are real and everything that goes along with that, I
never want to meet one. Never.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
Oh. I here's where I stand on the aliens thing. Clearly,
aliens exist. I don't think we're ever gonna see an alien,
but the universe is too large for aliens to not exist.
I could be further away on the ghost front, I don't.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
I guess the question now is do you believe that
there are already aliens among us?

Speaker 2 (23:57):
No? Absolutely not.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
Maybe they are as human beings.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Aliens want to live on this planet.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Have you seen a platypus? Have you seen half of
the creatures in Australia, they might be aliens.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
The only thing this planet could possibly offer aliens is
a litany of pornography. It's it. But would you want
to watch pornography of a species that's not yours?

Speaker 1 (24:17):
I guess we can test it out. Okay, do you
believe in a us os as opposed to flying objects?
They're submerged.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
I'm not going to rule it out. The ocean is vast,
there's a lot of ocean. Yeah, as we've seen though,
you can only go so deep before a ship is
going to implode. So there's only so many hiding spots.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
Well, what about alien technology?

Speaker 2 (24:37):
You're right, you're right, But is alien technology? Well, so
here's a question. I'm questions for someone brighter than the
both of us. Yeah, are is the vacuum and the
pressures of space greater than or less than the bottom
of the ocean?

Speaker 1 (24:53):
I would like one of our scientist listeners to please
reach out to us.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
Yeah, there's got to be an answer to that somewhere.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
Is that all the things? I guess we're on hot dogs?

Speaker 2 (25:01):
Huh we are? We have reached the reach the hot dogs.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
For those of you tardy to the Mac and Goo Party.
We rate everything on a forty hot dog rating scale.
While I don't think this is the worst of the trilogy,
I still I hate the second one, and I understand
that the second one might have higher highs than this
movie does. But Woody Harrelson in that movie is just
an abomination to my eyes and ears. The end of

the movie too. I hated that. But the end of
this movie is not good either. I enjoyed our twenty
to twenty five minutes of our Buddy Alien road Trip.
I would have loved an entire movie of that. We
did not get that. I thought that every side character,
every other starring character in this movie was completely useless
and generic. The story in general was pretty useless and generic.

It was a let's look for a key. It happens
to be in this character that they can hide the
key if they do a certain thing, which by the
end of the movie, the reason why they would still
do this thing didn't even really make any sense. At
certain points. I didn't like how they got to the base.
I didn't like anything at the base. I didn't like

the enemy. I did not like the villain. Eighteen hot dogs.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
Okay, all right, uh to give the folks some perspective here.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
You should have given me perspective before I just did
my little thing.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
Yeah, I was gonna, but you were you were, you were,
you were vibing there, you were rolling.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
You saw me turning the key, and you're like, I
don't want to give.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
Him a false start reving the engine here.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
I didn't want to have a bock.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
The first movie I gave thirty, you gave twenty seven. Yeah.
In our podcast for the second movie, you wreckcon you're
twenty seven to twenty three makes sense. I agree. It
probably came down a couple For me. I'd probably be
at twenty seven or twenty eight on them.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
I'd probably say twenty four to twenty five. But go ahead.
I'm very sorry.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
Okay. So, so you've got up one or two the
first one, yeah, the second movie I gave twenty four.
Initially you gave eighteen. I think you're probably spot on
with the eighteen. On the second one. I've I've got
to come down substantially from that second one. I just
the more I think, the more I've thought about the
second one in the years past, just really didn't enjoy it,
and giving a twenty four I didn't enjoy it in

the first one.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
The first one deserves more credit now seeing what we've
gotten with the last two movies, that that was the
best case scenario.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
I totally agree this movie. Gu I gotta say, as
not good as this movie is, it didn't feel like
a task to watch, and I think that's exclusively because
of Hardy. I do like the number of like power
sets in symbiotes we see in this movie. I guess
that's cool. However, once again, I'm.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Just so middling on all of your praise. I guess
that's cool.

Speaker 2 (27:37):
I don't understand the whole null imprisonment thing. Like again,
that makes no sense to me. If he can create
these portals, I don't think.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
Do you think he was fake in jail, like he
wasn't even tied up?

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Yeah, I don't. I don't really get.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
Guys, I can't get up in these scratches his head.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
The conversation with the little kid in the van is
possibly the worst scene in any movie this year. That
was really fucking bad. That was that was terrible, really
incredibly stupid. Uh yeah, kid, ilions aren't well. And then
the kid just lays down on this fucking street.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
To him, yet he could be a good dad.

Speaker 2 (28:12):
Uh again, I'll echo the sentiment about this not being
our that hurts it. That family being added in general
is so fucking stupid. And this is always one of
our major complaints with movies, these Kaiju movies and these
big monster movies. We don't need bullshit families added strictly
to give us some like emotional attachment. No one wants it,
no one asks for it. It does not make the movie better.

It's just it's dumb, dude. This movie feels like a
really poor version of the two thousand and seven Transformers movie.
Like a lot of the same notes are hit. You're
dealing with a lot of the same themes. However, that
was two thousand and seven and it had two thousand
and seven Megan Fox seventeen years later, that movie, especially
with Hew Megan Fox, does not hit. Does not work.

And like, there's also nothing in here to like invoke
the satisfying stuff that's in movie like Transformers or the
nostalgia or anything like that to prey upon. There's nothing
like that in here. So I have this at twenty one.
Hot Dogs Cool. It's my number twenty six movie on
the year. I think I've seen thirty two, So again,
there are definitively worse movies so far this year for me.

But again, it's not good. It just lacks a punch.
But it also could have been a lot worse. So
I've come back and forth. This could have been a
lot worse. It lacks a punch. I don't I didn't
hate myself for watching this movie. That's that's that's my
thoughts on this movie.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
I have this movie bottom eight on the year.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Yeah, it's bottom seven for me. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
Yeah, you know what I saw recently? What trap?

Speaker 2 (29:41):
Did you like it?

Speaker 1 (29:41):
It never ends?

Speaker 2 (29:43):
I almost pulled I almost I almost started it the
other day.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Actually, I think that you because you really like, you know,
movies following like how life is supposed to be, like
the technicalities, especially with like police's work, FBI and all that.
This movie is so ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
When it comes to that, God damn it.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
I would argue that Josh Hartnett would have been found
within the first three minutes.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Oh well, now I gotta watch it. Okay, now I
have to watch it.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
It's just gonna upset you.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
Yeah, how many movies are up to by the way,
thirty two? Oh so we both get thirty two. I
would like to get to fifty once again. I think
I should be able to get there by the end
of the year.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
Yeah. I don't know what's coming out for the rest
of the year, but we'll figure it out.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
There is a handful that I've that I have been
meaning to watch over the last couple of months, though,
So I should get to forty with these.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
But you can put this on the trap poster carrot
sign facing over Garfield.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
Okay, two movies I haven't seen, so.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
M night, Shyamalan. Put that in your pipe and smoke.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
It, Spilers, Spiler. So at the end of this movie,
the big grand conclusion, Venom sacrifices himself the symbia Venom
in order to destroy the Codex and all these sino phages.
He like consumes them all and kills himself.

Speaker 1 (30:59):
With that sentence that you just said, if you didn't
understand what was going on, you would think that you
are a fucking lunatic.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
How did you feel about the emotional moment between Eddie
and Venom at the end there?

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Zero? Okay, zero, I'll ask you, because you're you know,
more into fire and whatnot. If you're just covered by
a door, and that's obviously it's a very protective door.
But would Eddie survive that.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
Yeah, I think he could survive. I think he could survive.
I think he'd be like severely concussed and like pretty injured.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
But I would argue that he's always severely concussed.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
Yeah, that's true. That's true, and he is hospitalized. So
I don't know, Like I.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
Guess if so, if you have one concussion, but you
just keep getting concussions during that concussion, does it count
as one concussion?

Speaker 2 (31:45):
Yeah, because it never really ends. I think it's I
think it's kind of like pooping, right, It's exactly like that.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
If you don't get up, it's one poop.

Speaker 2 (31:52):
It is exactly like.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
I thought that the Healey's storyline, Juno Temple is the
scientist from the get go, by the way, but from
the first scene with her, I was like, what are
we doing? What is this scene in the Venom movie
of these children running on the beach. One kid has
struck my lightning, the other one's got a dead arm.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
It was a nightmare.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
It wasn't a nightmare. It actually happened.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
Yeah, I guess memory.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
But then that scene then rolls on into her going
to area fifty one to area fifty five, and we
that scene was so long, and they kept on flashing
back and showing us more stuff like why should we
care about this character? And then you know that she
is either gonna be a bad guy by the end
or she's gonna cure her arm with venom.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Yes, she becomes agony in her sweet fucking purplish pink
suit there with the hair.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
What do you think about that? Didn't make a move,
but I was gonna ask you do you think that's
the most attractive venom?

Speaker 2 (32:56):
For sure? Easily by far. Goot I raise you Judo
Temple with the Christmas tree Lady, This fucking lady's character
makes absolutely no sense the first two thirds of the movie.
The way she's acting, so the way she's been written
and directed is implying they're making it seem like she

may kill Venom or Eddie to destroy the codex and
save the world. What does she do instead? The complete
fucking opposite.

Speaker 1 (33:26):
Who is she? John Carrey?

Speaker 2 (33:30):
She has? She takes the venom and saves Eddie with
like that was so so bad?

Speaker 1 (33:37):
She want to take this of that sweet sweet venom?
She just needed more.

Speaker 2 (33:41):
That character was the worst character in the movie. It
was fucking terrible.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
I wish she morphed in it like an actual Christmas tree.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Fucking Christmas Tree shop just didn't did work for me.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
But to be fair, though, Army General Guy all so terrible.
All three of those characters were so boring and boring. Yes,
but ye, so the scenes that Venom weren't in, and
I'm not even saying those scenes are great, but the
scenes that Venom and Eddie are not in are unwatchable.

Speaker 2 (34:09):
Let's speak it. Of those symbiotes in that final battle.

Speaker 1 (34:12):
Yeah, Mulligan.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
So at the end of the first or the second movie,
he fuses with Toxin, which is Carnage's kid. But Toxin
is traditionally like red, like Cartages, I think, and he's
like Teal in this. I don't know if it's a
new one or not, but maybe Toxin Juno Judoh Temple
becomes Agony diffused with Agony. The Christmas Tree Lady gets
with Lasher. Lasher's that cymbiote. Supposedly, all the other ones

are not one hundred percent at least the Internet hasn't
figured it out one hundred percent. We maybe saw Phage,
maybe saw Scorn. We got that hybrid one screen might
be the fiery one. I didn't really understand any of them.
Some of them look cool, some of them didn't. The
biggest miss here is in the comic School, General Strickland
Rex Strickland becomes a t rex cymbia in the comics,

and we didn't get that in this That's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
And then they showed us all of the animal venoms
in the commercial and you're like, Okay, there's gonna be
a bunch in here. No, that's all of them, which
then reminds me of Multiverse of Madness, where there's a
couple multiverses, but we're lacking the madness.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
Okay, no, no, all the phone. We're comparing a movie
that promised multiversal madness to a movie that had thirty
seconds of a venom horse of van fish and venom.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
From a movie that promised us venom going into animals.

Speaker 2 (35:34):
It didn't promise us any of that. We just happened
to see it. I think the major thing in this
movie that makes no sense is we see this dude
in a circular room who has all these screens, all
this technology, and general Strickland can communicate with him, does
communicate with him. This guy's in charge of General Strickland.

He apparently runs this imperium program. We just never ever
get any resolution or reveal with that character. He's just there,
he exists. They don't go back to him. There's no
mention of him. It's really fucking bizarre.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
Do you think he's in Wes Craven The Hunter?

Speaker 2 (36:13):
I just don't understand. Obviously. I'm sure this movie had
some reshoots, or maybe there was something played that they
had the next or maybe they're just setting him off
for the future New rock Stars. Positive that this character
could be Martin Lee aka mister Negative and if you
don't know, miss a Negative. He's the villain in the
first Spider Man game, which he's great, relatively new villain,

but awesome in that game. And once I had that
in my hand, I was like, you know what he
could be? He might be, Well, we just will never know.
We'll never have any idea if that's the case.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
Well, what if he's in the next Spider Man movie.
That's the thing is that all these characters have the
possibility of being in the next actual Spider Man movie.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
I suppose that that that could.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
All be also Craven the Hunter.

Speaker 2 (36:54):
I don't know if we're going to see any of
these these folks. In Craven, he's a lion Boy, which
is the next movie up in this supposed universe. To
the mid credits scene here, Yeah, Noah is free somehow
the movie is set up and the whole point of
the movie is that he needs a codex to be.

Speaker 1 (37:14):
Freed, and the codex is destroyed, the whole.

Speaker 2 (37:17):
Fucking point of the movie. And then apparently he's free
because quote unquote, your champion has fallen. Your planets will
be mine. The King of Black, the King in Black
is awake. I will kill your world. Everyone will burn,
and you will watch. Hold the phone once again, Hold
two phones. Now you don't have a codex. You're not free, motherfucker.

He's still trapped. It's not true.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
Well, maybe he had his fingers crossed behind his back
because he actually he was not in he wasn't jailed.
He was just sitting in a chair. So maybe he
didn't want to do the work.

Speaker 2 (37:48):
He was just charging his phone. He had to wait
till it was done before he could leave. The post
credit is Danny Rojas's character emerges from the bunker area
fifty five area fifty one area, and then we see
a cockroach, which they of course reference earlier approaching that
little symbia vial that was used by Juno Temple earlier

in the movie. And there's still a little sparked there.
So there's still some symbiotic material on planet Earth.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
Let's put it in the fucking movie. Don't make me
sit through ten minutes of post credits for this, or
just regular credits for the post credit. I'm done. I've
had enough of the post credits. It's too much.

Speaker 2 (38:26):
I guess there's still symbiotes on Earth, maybe Mister Negatives
in play, maybe Nules in play. Going forward, Surprisingly, this
universe isn't dead. Of course, we're still getting Spider Man stuff,
but the Sony Verse somehow still hasn't it. It may be,
it may be very soon, but it's not dead yet.

Speaker 1 (38:45):
How much money do you think this movie needs to
make for there to possibly be a fourth Venom movie?
Maybe not within three years, but five or six years.

Speaker 2 (38:54):
I don't think we're getting another Venom movie. I think
we could see Venom and other stuff. I don't think
we're getting another Venom movie.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
I agree. I think that the only way that we
get Venom back, though, is if he's in a Spider
Man movie, not in another Sony Pictures association with Spot
with Marvel.

Speaker 2 (39:08):
Yeah. And it's also they've also gotten to the point
if they're gonna pursue Venom in this universe. He's kind
of a good guy now, so you can't have him
do the Spider Man stuff.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
He's barely been an anti hero.

Speaker 2 (39:20):
He's just killing bad dudes. Yeah, that's all he's doing.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
So we're rooting for him.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Yeah, so you can't put Hm up against Tom Allen
because we're also gonna root for this character.

Speaker 1 (39:30):
I guess we'll have a new Spider Man in what
three or four years, and then we can just you
and watch him with him.

Speaker 2 (39:36):
Yeah, I guess. So.

Speaker 1 (39:37):
I have no other thoughts in this movie. I this
is this was a real and what sucks is that,
like when you go to a movie that you want
to turn your brain off and just watch, you want
it to be more entertaining than what we just saw.

Speaker 2 (39:50):
I totally agree on that front. Yes, that's it lacks entertainment,
It lacks a punch.

Speaker 1 (39:55):
You made a great you know what I'm gonna hear,
good job transform the first Transformers a perfect turn your
brain off. Don't think here.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
Is this yeah exactly, that's not what this was. No,
it's I think it tried to do a lot of
that and it didn't get there. So to summarize again,
first Venu movie, i'd probably give like twenty eight Currently,
second one, I think I had to come all the
way down to like eighteen. I think you were right
about that. This one, I'd give about twenty one. So
i'd rank them one three to two.

Speaker 1 (40:27):
Good. Let's get into Max and MAXAK could be anything.
It could be a boat and Max. Since we are
doing our dump at the end of the week, or
maybe we're doing something else. We'll talk about that in
one second, but I will point out that we just

got our sixth episode of The Penguin on HBO, Max
and Confirm, and we are just truck truck trucking.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Along Beinguino Minuto.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
Mama Mia Miliati.

Speaker 2 (41:01):
Yeah, she is Sylvia Gigante now formerly fell Cone. She
has fully teamed up with uh what's his face there,
Clancy Brown and they're coming after Oz.

Speaker 1 (41:15):
I saw a great tweet earlier. It was the still
of Maroney, uh teaching her how to make that soup,
and someone captioned it marone teaching her how to make
a krabby Patty.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Uh. Good, good, solid little cliffhanger. At the end of
this episode, they're coming after Oz. They coming after Oz's Mommy,
great Victor episode, Great Victor episode. Uh. Someone on the
internet made a point, Yes, isn't Bruce Wayne's back cave
connected to these tunnels that the penguin is now utilizing.

Speaker 1 (41:45):
That's a good point, and maybe the final episode in
a post credit someone stumbles in there. I wouldn't be surprised.
Just uh, picking up on the conversation that Oz Cobb's
mom has been tossing out of us.

Speaker 2 (41:59):
It's fun to say os Cobb's mom she.

Speaker 1 (42:02):
Might commit suicide, and she might not even give them
the satisfaction because she also wants her son to take
that next step and kind of forget about her. Anyways.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
I think there's gonna have to be conflict between Victor
and Oz, and I think something's gonna happen to his
mom that he blames.

Speaker 1 (42:17):
Yeah, we got a little bit of that in there,
because Victor was lying to the mom about the brothers.

Speaker 2 (42:21):
Yes, yeah, so they're kind of setting that up. I
really really loved the scene between Sophia and Oz's lady
friend there her name escapes me. That was a great scene,
very good scene.

Speaker 1 (42:33):
This show is top notch.

Speaker 2 (42:34):
Yeah, I have to fully admit, though, we still need
a really high high at some point in the show.
I guess we don't need it, but for it to really.

Speaker 1 (42:42):
We've had some high highs with Sophie really.

Speaker 2 (42:44):
No, for it to really like stick out all time,
we're gonna need a gigantic finish.

Speaker 1 (42:50):
You didn't like that scene where she was putting her
clothes back on and then she untied the fella who
had his pants off.

Speaker 2 (42:55):
Once again, two weeks in a row, I've been jealous
of someone being tied up by Sophia. I've been thinking
about that red dress from two episodes ago, sorry, yellow
dress from two episodes ago all week one week long.

Speaker 1 (43:05):
So we have two more episodes of that, and we
also have two more episodes.

Speaker 2 (43:09):
Of Oh hitch.

Speaker 1 (43:13):
A long boo I am. This last episode pushed me
over the edge of just really I don't care, I
just agree.

Speaker 2 (43:22):
I am enjoying it.

Speaker 1 (43:23):
I like Agatha. I liked her really much as a
side character, and they've almost made her a side character
to these really boring witches, and I don't care for witches.
Although I will say the reveal at the end was
a decent reveal and it opens up a lot of possibilities,
not necessarily with this show, but Marvel in general.

Speaker 2 (43:44):
Totally agree. I'm very excited hopefully for that character to
pop up in things going forward. And I'm actually glad
that Agtha is kind of a side character because she
shouldn't be a main character. So where they're going with
the story, I enjoy. I like it.

Speaker 1 (43:58):
Do you like the other characters? Sides?

Speaker 2 (44:00):
I like Billy.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
I like Billy. Billy was barely in this last episode.

Speaker 2 (44:04):
I like Billy, and I like the reveal at the
end of the last episode.

Speaker 1 (44:09):
I stayed awake for this last one, though.

Speaker 2 (44:11):
All right, so what are we? What are we? Four? For? Six? Now?

Speaker 1 (44:14):
How many episodes?

Speaker 2 (44:15):
Those been?

Speaker 1 (44:16):
Seven episodes?

Speaker 2 (44:16):
Oh so five of seven? You've you've you've had.

Speaker 1 (44:19):
A suize, But I've stayed awake for two.

Speaker 2 (44:21):
All right, So hey, we're on the up and up.

Speaker 1 (44:23):
I haven't fallen asleep during Penguin so hm hmmm, which
is also released late at night almost midnight.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
You're watching it every Sunday night, every Sunday night. Oh god, No,
I got to switch football to watch it.

Speaker 1 (44:35):
And when I say midnight, I mean nine o'clock feels
like midnight, Tody.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Sure I get that. No, I'm busy watching football on Sunday.

Speaker 1 (44:42):
I Campaday night football. I've I just watched eight hours
of football.

Speaker 2 (44:45):
I had. I had a matchup coming down to Ceed
Lamb last night. I had Ceedee Lamb. He crushed it, Banger.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
I do DraftKings during the afternoon. My games are over
at seven thirty, and then I just closed my eyes.

Speaker 2 (44:55):
I've had an awful DraftKings season.

Speaker 1 (44:57):
I've had a bad Draftking season. And yes, I had
a day for myself with all of my parlays because
everything was linked to Drake may.

Speaker 2 (45:09):
Fun. Gambleing's fun.

Speaker 1 (45:11):
You know what I did is as soon as he
walked off the field, clean my attic. I turned my
TV off and I cleaned my attic.

Speaker 2 (45:18):
Yeah, you had nothing left to watch.

Speaker 1 (45:19):
I'm like, I'm good. I don't need to watch any
more of this.

Speaker 2 (45:23):
Yeah, just feel so all right?

Speaker 1 (45:25):
Where can the people find us?

Speaker 2 (45:27):
They can find us on Twitter and on Instagram at
Macangoo podcasts every their platform. We're Macamber stand good, it's
mac Shift seven good. That includes Facebook's ttrit tuning, cast works,
Google Play. We're at Spotify. More importantly, we're on Apple Podcasts.
Get on there, rate review, subscribe five stars. If you
do that, we'll get your free Mac and gooo tea
shirt from folks over at Watertown Sports where Watertown Sports
were at thirty four mod Auburn Street in Watertown. Watertownsportswear

dot com expert screenprinting and embroidery.

Speaker 1 (45:53):
Tepublic dot com check us out at the end of
the week. So I guess if we both finished Agatha,
we should do that.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
At the end of the week, Okay, all right.

Speaker 1 (46:05):
If we don't, we'll do a dump.

Speaker 2 (46:07):
Yeah, we could do that. I do. I do enjoy
doing the dumps for the Monday coming off the weekend.

Speaker 1 (46:13):
I do too.

Speaker 2 (46:14):
But if you don't finish Agatha, we can, we can push.

Speaker 1 (46:16):
I'll power through it. I'll do it.

Speaker 2 (46:18):
I mean, I'm definitely gonna fetch it.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
Oh, I'm sorry, you bro I'm sorry. All right, So
we'll do that.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
Then I think there's gonna be like a pretty big reveal.
Well maybe we already had one, but I feel like
this two episode finale. By the way, it's a two
episode finale this week for anyone listening, I think we're
gonna get like a pretty cool reveal.

Speaker 1 (46:40):
No, I have a sneaking suspicion that the finale of
this show is gonna be people throwing lights at each other.
That's usually what ends up as magic.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
That's magic, baby, that's magic. You know I got the
magic stick?

Speaker 1 (46:59):
How many songs? What magic can we do? Those are
the only two I know.

Speaker 2 (47:04):
I actually had magic stick until you sang that one.

Speaker 1 (47:07):
There's definitely more songs. I'll give magic six point seven
songs about magic.

Speaker 2 (47:14):
Ooh, witchy woman, there.

Speaker 1 (47:18):
You go, Magic carpet ride. Yeah, you can do magic
by you from the ground, black magic woman, Oh, great one.
That's a great one. Puff the Magic Dragon, which I
figured I found out it's about smoking marijuana. Come on,
A kind of magic? By who a kind of magic?

It's their titular song, Abracadabra by Abracadabra. All right, you
know that song Abrabra? No, that's the Steve Miller band.

Speaker 2 (47:53):
We talk a pokemon Now get in my b That's
all I got.

Speaker 1 (47:57):
Bad pretty good magic stick magic, bus range magic. Do
you believe in magic? All the magic? This magic moment?
We know that one.

Speaker 2 (48:05):
So it's not listing Witchy Woman though, it's about witches.

Speaker 1 (48:08):
Riannon from Flee Mac.

Speaker 2 (48:13):

Speaker 1 (48:14):
Now, so hold up, so you like Fleetwood Mac love
Fleetwood Mac. It's telling me here that Rhiannon is about magic.

Speaker 2 (48:22):
Rhiannon same thing that would that would be? Uh, yeah,
maybe it is. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (48:26):
All right.

Speaker 2 (48:27):
The Eagles sing Witchy Woman.

Speaker 1 (48:29):
Come on, come on, come on, Mac. You like music,
don't you.

Speaker 2 (48:34):
I saw the Eagles, but uh, did you realize Glenn
Fry was already dead? So it was his son instead?
Jeff for a Red Sox great for red Sock and
Blue Jay great and Phillies. Maybe Rangers hit for.

Speaker 1 (48:47):
The cycle for the blue Jays so hard?

Speaker 2 (48:50):

Speaker 1 (48:50):
Is that what the socks? No? You know what happened.
He hit a home run triple double and his final
at BT could have hit a single but instead went
for two.

Speaker 2 (48:58):
I mean that's the thing you should do.

Speaker 1 (49:00):
Yeah, No, you want a meaningless cycle. You want that
brock Holt status.

Speaker 2 (49:07):
Yeah, of course, all right.

Speaker 1 (49:09):
Whatever Tuesdays or Goose days. I have used Kangaroos by Burton.
Please flip the cassette over to side B to continue
the adventure. Now it's not for girls jumping on trampolines.
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