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It will be a light schedule in the NH Legislature this week, but we have a heavy topic to discuss: “Provisional Ballots”.
Senate Bill 418 had a hearing a few weeks ago and is coming up for a committee vote on March 7. One of many “Stop the Steal” Big Lie bills this term, SB 418 aims to do away with New Hampshire’s system allowing a voter who doesn’t have all the necessary domicile documents or acceptable ID to sign a “Qualified Voter Affidavit,” vote, and have that vote count. Doing so means you are subject to investigation by the Attorney General’s office, and potential fines or imprisonment if you lie.
SB 418 throws that system out, requiring any voter without those documents to fill out a “provision ballot” which does NOT count, unless you return within 14 days, incidentally after most elections have been called. It also makes the ballot a different color and numbers it, ending the anonymity of the ballot. AND, all voters who register same day, which in 2020 was just over 99,000 Granite Staters, would be subject to the same rule, as the town or city clerk verifies the registration information after the fact.
What’s this all about? Who would keep 20% of voters from voting? This voter suppression tactic targets young voters, particularly college students, to keep them from exercising their freedom to vote.
NH Senators’ phone numbers can be found at the NH General Court website at
As Granny D said, “Democracy is not something we HAVE, it's something we DO.”
For the Open Democracy Minute, I'm Brian Beihl.