All Episodes

October 26, 2024 89 mins

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I listened to The Black Guy Who Tips podcast because
Rod and Karen are hot.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Hey, welcome to another episode of The Black Guy to
His podcast. I'm your host, Rod joined is always on
my cost and we are live on us Saturday slightly afternoon.
Ready to do some podcasts and find us everywhere you
get podcasts. If you want to hop on the live show,
get involved with the chat, see what everybody's up to.

You can follow us on crowdcast dot io, put in
TBGWT or click the link in the show notes. This
episode is all about the show notes, because it's all
about you, all the people that took the time to
leave us feedback throughout the week so we could see
what you thought about our stuff. That's what this episode
is about. It's about the people that leave comments on

our website, voting our post, leave voicemails and emails, and
a bunch of other things.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
The official weapon of the show.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
Is folding chair, excuse me, okay, and the unofficial sport
what about bullet ball? Extreme? All right, let's get into it,
uh right away? Who gives damn okay?

Speaker 4 (01:10):
About to take you out?

Speaker 3 (01:11):
Let's get the people who gave us money some shoutouts.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Man, we're down. Listen to Charlottan and.

Speaker 2 (01:27):

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Welcome to good folks who tied.

Speaker 4 (01:29):
To the tips.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
Oh yes, new day, new pay. Let's talk about people
that put some money on our books. Asia D thank
you so much for the recurrent donation. Say say with Krisheale.
Don G is a brand new recurring donator. Thank don G.
Go to the new members class. Okay, welcome to the club.
All right, they're gonna induct you walking through that and

a p and it help you. Okay, all right, David
from Brooklyn, Tom W Junior, Michael S, Julian N.

Speaker 3 (02:03):
Thank you very much, Julian, Dana R.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
Noel W. We also got Bomani Jones. You guys may
know from the right time with Bomani Jones.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
Laura E.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
Nicholas Z, Pete b Alexis H, Johanna M.

Speaker 3 (02:19):
And Doug R.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
Round out everybody that put in for this week. That's
your shout out. We appreciate y'all. Love when against funky.
Of course, we also have a couple of new five
star reviews. You can leave these on Apple Podcasts. You

don't have to have an iPhone, you don't have to
have a tablet, y'all. You can go directly to their
website now, search the black out tips and boom the
stuff will come up and we'll appreciate you, sir. The
first one is got new phone, new review just from
Boca R says, got a new for our phone. I
had to break it in with a five star review.

People should also check out older episodes to get hip
to the Karen and Rod Lord. Yes, check out the
old episodes. I was just saying this on Karen Hunter
Show yesterday. They brought up tantrick Yoni Massages, and I
brought up that we had an episode I believe it
was episode sixteen oh three chopping Chokras the smither Rings

when we talked about how the guy who used to
be Barney yep is now was a sex therapist. I
don't know if he's still a sex therapist, right.

Speaker 4 (03:34):
They were writing reviews and everything.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Yeah, he had them ladies, you know, going crazy.

Speaker 5 (03:39):
They was like, look, I got a personal experience.

Speaker 4 (03:43):
I like to ship with the world.

Speaker 2 (03:44):
Yeah, they appreciated that, so make sure you check that out.

Speaker 4 (03:48):
And then.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Yeah, the next review was keep shining this from six
days ago by it looks like thhr Okay who says,
oh theta oh who said I'm not Ai l O
L because she wrote two messages last week and there
was one was an email and one was a comment
on the website. And I was like, what's going on?
And they were both worded the same and the word

was a little awkward to me.

Speaker 4 (04:14):
Wanted to be sure you ain't trying.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
To scam us. Yeah, and I said, this is Ai.
They finally gonna figured out who we are, what's going on?
But she says she's not Ai, which is exactly what
AI was saying.

Speaker 5 (04:27):
You can't trick us just because you can check the rope.
The boxer says, I am not Ai.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
Nice, try we see what's happening.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
Can't trick us?

Speaker 2 (04:42):
Almost got me.

Speaker 3 (04:47):

Speaker 5 (04:48):
We see one zero zero zero one.

Speaker 4 (04:51):
I never.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Let's see. We had three episodes this week. Okay cool
two nine two nine nine seven. The best podcast in
the world was our feedback episode that has twelve comments. Oh,
let's see what's going on? IP be a hopsin, she says,
ooh a cookout. Great. They might actually be spicy foods,

and that's what I love. I do not really like
typical white people food. Besides Italian, it often tastes so boring.
Wild spice food makes me feel alive. And I promise
to do more than the least. Listen, i'ma be honest
Set your goal for the least, and if you do
more than the least, let everybody be surprised, like, oh ip,
you're a real one.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
She did more than the least.

Speaker 4 (05:38):
But we know to cook ice plates, cups.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
No, well, the way to cookout words. She's not talking
about food, she's just talking about as an ally, I'm
saying the way the cookout works.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
White people get invited for doing the least.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
Yeah, the least.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
You can get in the door, just like off of
just some basic shit like oh she's not.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
She don't seem so racist.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
You know, and then if you do beyond that, it's like,
oh wow, she's what a surprise. So I would not
promise to do more than the least. Let us let
us just be amazed by And that way, if something
goes wrong and you do end up having to do
the least, nobody can hold it against just like she did.

Speaker 3 (06:14):
Say you know, she was just gonna do the least.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Book and shoe Base says not someone thinking my thoughts
are insightful loll no pressure. I love Apia's comments. What
feedback If Opia is not in the house, Ippi put
a hard emoji. She says. Now, Apia says, now, this
terrible experience really turned into a great one, something I
didn't expect at all, Like when I didn't get one
job and I cried in my car, felt shitty, applied
for another one two weeks later, and this one turned

out to be much better and more fun like this.
Only would love feeling accepted and really finding out how
great this community is. I was so sad last week
because I noticed how much this show became a part
of my life and how much I love it. No
other show was so smart and funny at the same
time and also empathic to people. It's the best podcast
in the world for real. Oh thank you, I feel you,

And that's really what I was in it for. Honestly,
I was waiting for that compliment to come back to us.
So it all goes full cycle from a listener that
didn't like your comment to you finally saying we're the
best podcasts in the world.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
Brooklyn shoe Babe says.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
As your official public librarian in Brooklyn, I was so
excited to hear listeners using hype and Hoopla and libby.
My library system did allow folks to apply for e
library cards at the height of the pandemic, but required
folks to replace them with traditional library cards once the
e cars expired, usually after one year. Having folks get
traditional library cards increases foot traffic to the library and
the courages in the barrow both paper and e books,

because the library card allows you to do both number
of library cars distributed, number of people who come into
the library, and the number of materials check does equal
money for the library because you can't prove to the
government how much the library's worth without these stats four
times a year. We have to keep track of all
questions we answered for a week and for the same reason,
it's crazy. We know why libraries are important, but that's
an abstract thing. You can't touch. SI vote blue, don't ban.

Speaker 4 (07:59):
Books, agreed. And it's not only with what you do.

Speaker 5 (08:02):
It's amazing how a lot of jobs, particularly if your
job is like a computer job, particularly with like Microsoft
teams and they have like all these programs they like
track when you're online and all that.

Speaker 4 (08:13):
Stuff depend on what you do.

Speaker 5 (08:16):
Everything isn't always be glued to my computer all of
the time. But that's what they can track, so they
make you do this abstract shit. They be like, well,
how many emails do you send in a week? You know,
how many phone calls? And you be like, I don't
really keep track of that shit because you're just normally
just doing your job. But a lot of that is
metrics to kind of figure out if the amount of

people on their staff is worth it, how can they
adjust the budget, if money to be more, money to
be shifted to other departments and things like that. It's
wild and crazy the way jobs are kind of structured
to kind of get out of that interpersonal thing and
be like, what are your stats and statistics only? And
for some people it costs them to adjust how they

do their job sometimes and the people interaction or the
personal touch and shit goes down sometimes depending on the job,
and they're be like, well, that's not counting.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
Nobody cares.

Speaker 5 (09:06):
Why am I investing my time to be the best
in these inter personal skills when y'all don't give a
fuck about that.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
All y'all care about my Excel numbers.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
Facts running Rafael says, you just reminded me I gotta
renew my library card. You're one of my superheroes. By
the way, I did see you once at either the
Central Library or Park Slope branch, but I was on
Niger time to a meeting and forgot to find you afterwards.
I blame folks who dislike middle names. I'll say hi
next time. See, that's one of the problems with the
middle name people. They start blaming shit on the middle names,

and so if you think about it, the vast majority
of people have middle names, which this running ra feel
at this point is like how white people say they
the real victims or somebody without too without a middle name,
like me and Karen just pointing out the middle name
supremacy and the middle name privilege that these people been
existing with. You know, Oh, it's not us shooting up presidents.

So I don't understand why we keep catching strays. It's
starting to feel it's starting to feel like the Lady
Duff protests too much, and like Ronni Raphael might be
thinking about assassinating somebody or some shit with the way
that he keep you know, every week, trying to bring
up here and having middle names like good for you
and everything that you got middle names, but you know,
maybe talk amongst your middle name brethren and sistering about

you know the crimes y'all do, because I don't. The
last time I checked two names. Serial killers is not
killing up the conference, Okay, hustling up. Flow says, on
top of all the trash that you all mentioned about,
Charlemagne to God forty five is chopped up a clipping
him and envy from the Breakfast Club about trans surgeries
on inmates and added it to his ad that he's

running seemingly every commercial break here in Georgia, here in
North Carolina.

Speaker 5 (10:49):
North Carolina toa that it's on Amazon, it's on Hulus,
like fuck and Charlemagne.

Speaker 2 (10:56):
I think we covered it later in the week, but
Charlamage sent a cease and desist to Donald Trump. But
that's my point really, because Donald Trump, those ads are
still on and he's still in them.

Speaker 4 (11:06):
Yes he is.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
Because the season and assistants of lawsuits is basically like, hey,
take this out or I will see you, and Donald
Trump doesn't respect him, doesn't respect that, and will basically
be like, well, then see you in court. It's two
weeks out from the election. Fuck you gonna do? And
that's the reason that you don't play in those streets.
Don't be a youthful idiot for people. We talk a
lot on this show, but if someone took a clip

from this show that sounded like it could be using
a Donald Trump ad, you would truly know it was
completely out of context. Yes, like you would know because
everyone knows what we stand for. This last few days,
Charlemagne has been doing a lot of cleanup, doing interviews
and going on people's shows and being essentially a Kamala

advocate It now and stop criticizing her and trying to
talk down on all the Democrats and shit. And the
reason I think he's doing it is simply because at
this point he is associated with Trump and locks up
with these ads.

Speaker 3 (12:03):
Everywhere in America that people are going to the post.

Speaker 5 (12:06):
Yeah, and also you're getting he's getting introduced to a
whole other group of people who may not even know
who he is.

Speaker 4 (12:12):
They's like, who the fuck is this dude?

Speaker 5 (12:14):
And then they finding out you know about him, and
all of a sudden, it's like the spotlight became hotter,
and it's like, are you willing to deal with this?
Are you willing to stand behind what you've been saying
like like like, decisions have got to be made at
some period of time, So decisions were made, and decisions
were made for him.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
To separate hisself.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
Yeah, that's definitely some people that would not have listened
to him under any other circumstance that now that they've
seen that clip is like, he's on our side, And
to be honest, I would not put it past him
being on their side. Except decisions so embarrassing, and everyone
is so fed up with these type of ops within
from within the black diaspora and within the democratic side

of things. Everyone's so fucking mad and fed up. I
could see him being like, well, this is too hot
right now. I need to just get away from this
as much as I can. And if she loses, I
don't want to catch the hell that's gonna be the
seven fires of hell that everyone who was who was
detracting from the momentum is going to catch. So I
think that's why he's cleaning up.

Speaker 5 (13:17):
And also another point with him being with the Breakfast Club,
just the whole unit being introduced to this new audience.
They come over there, they find you, and then they
kind of come into your culture. So it would not
be surprised, particularly if online they're arguing and fussing with
people and things like that.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
But them people like to say, I don't think. I
don't think that part is happening. Okay, yeah, I don't
think it's like if there's a new audience. I think
it's the people seeing those commercials. I don't think MAGA
people are going to listen to the Breakfast okay with
I don't think that. And I don't think Charlemagne or
DJ Envy would ever be on Twitter going back and
forth with those Maga people.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
The fan base, yeah, even the fan base.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
The fan base is an ignorant as fan base for
the most part, or they've accepted a lot of ignorance.
I shouldn't say that fan base is many of them
listen to our show too, but there's a level of
like acceptance of that shit that goes on over there
because they say a lot of regressive type shit. And
I'm not saying they need to be woke all that,
but I am saying they play around and co sign

a lot of negativity, a lot of conservative ideology many times,
and it's been a flash in the pan for ratings
for them. We're like, oh, they go a little bit viral.
Everybody's like, ooh, dj Envy and Charlemagne sound like Republicans
one day, but they didn't want this where the actual
Republican presidential candidate is like, these guys agree with me.

So that's I think that's the difference. But I don't
think the audience would ever support them, and I don't
think they would ever enter their space. But they are
now aware of them, the same way they're aware of
every black avatar that Trump throws up. They don't go
on to become fans of Le'Veon Bell. They're not fans
on your brown. They're fans of the fact that they

can be racist, and these black people will say it's okay,
it's not racist to me.

Speaker 3 (15:07):
I agree with your racism. Hustle O Flow, thank you
for right now.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
He also says, oh, I'm sorry. He's really he's really
a perpetual ARP. Because the commercials getting much more visibility
than the clips from his interviews with Harris Yep running
Rafael said, well they were. I think now he may
have alleviated that some of his he's because he's really
good at going viral.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
You cannot take that away from him.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
And I think the appearances he's done with Anderson Cooper
and a couple other places he's he's designed them so
that they would go viral by being extremely like making
sure that they had a conflict on air. And so
I think maybe he's doing some damage control that is effective.
And I've seen people that don't fuck with him, who

do understand what time it is that we need everyone
on board the ship sharing his stuff and going I
hate to agree with Charlamagne, and I mean that's really
the point. Then that means it worked running Aroundael said,
shout out to Eve for recognizing the multi universal brother
love right back to you, my sister, as a multi
dimensional traveler. If you get three early tickets to my
winter cruise in Germany, I'll allow one RV chef in

a special section.

Speaker 5 (16:16):
Just for you.

Speaker 4 (16:19):
Don't you agree to go on that trip?

Speaker 2 (16:21):
Were calling them chefs now ce ce ce the brother
Rod will not hook you up like this, but I
will you all right ride. If the GLP buys all
my tickets apart from me sponsoring the next live show,
y'all get the sequel to the Titanic and the ship
will never be found.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
All the Black Guy Tip family will be flown for free.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
Instead, I accept the terms of the truth.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
Mm mmmm mmmm hmm.

Speaker 5 (16:41):
I mean, ev, we want to see you be around
for a long time. I don't think you're gonna make
it if you go on that trip, so don't go.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
Evee says, I don't have an update on that black
Maga guy who got his ass with at the rally.
But there's a black gay Republican on TikTok who is
ten times ten toes down for Dump. He went for
a turning point event, got a I'll staid by twenty
five nazi shout and racist homophobics slurs of him, and
on the video you can see him trying to laugh
it off and joke with them, but those white people
weren't having it, so it went on. He went on

CNN to cry about it. But that fool is still
saying he's a Dump supporter. Well he's not a victim. Okay,
just because he cried, went on CNN, was called racial slurs,
the homophobics slurs. He would never be a victim, so
he had to support Trump. I bet the guy who
got beat up probably hasn't changed his mind either. But
the most telling part is not one Republican that's come
out to disavow this behavior because that's who they are.

Speaker 3 (17:30):
But hey, who said Coonan was easy?

Speaker 4 (17:33):

Speaker 2 (17:33):
I was listening to Rain on Your Parade Jail Covan's podcast,
and I think the latest episode he had a theory
about like the marginalized people that support Trump, like your
black people, your black men, your Latino men, and stuff
like that. You know those people that we look over
there and like your chicken and the chicken coop and

you're voting for the wolf to run the chicken coop.
But he had a great theory on there how they
work backwards from I'm not a victim to a victim
would be scared of Trump and wouldn't vote for him.
But since I'm not a victim, I will vote for
Trump because I'm not like the rest of y'all. And
I think that explains it as much as I'm able
to grasp it. Ms Smart says, I think the e

faan would come through and lift Oh, I knew the
e fam would come through and lift Apia of all
the good things to comment about all the scams Rafael
writes about, and that Collar felt the comments from a
known fan who was who was the was the thing
to focus on of all the sism from GTR guess
the race. Appia's comment was the tipping point. Now let
me catch up on these shows before I get the

we Live alert. Yeah, man, that's funny. People. It's been
weeks now, people still right now? That really sets you
all off. Many people catch up. Yeah, And it's very
much a family environment for though for this show, the
feedback show, I think is the most familiar feeling show
because you get to know some of the names and

and and some of the people's like comments, and you
look forward to Raphael trying to scam us, You look
forward to sell script on some shit. Yeah, you look
forward to you know, Eve, big Enough, Arbis and shit like.
It's so it's just an oppist part of it. And
so I have somebody come in. I mean, I'm this,
Like I said, I was never really worried about the

ship because I knew I just like, I know how
this goes. When people like somebody and someone takes a
shot at them, even if they don't mean it to
be the worst thing in the world. It's just people react,
you know, and it just is what it is. Erica said,
shout out the Appia meant to write in sooner. I
didn't appreciate that voicemail. What's great about the blackout Tips

is the inclusivity gone somewhere with that hater bullshit. Yeah,
I mean, like I said, for us, it's been years.
This is literally our three thousandth episode today for real,
we don't be Yeah, this episode three thousand and that's
just the main feed. We got it.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
We got it.

Speaker 2 (19:59):
Like, if somebody is really being disrespectful, if somebody is trolling,
if something like, we will handle it as we see fit.
Like we typically do not broker that type of disrespect
with our show. So I you know, I mean, unless
somebody is catching on some shit we don't understand, then
we're gonna call it out. I've just said so cool

that you also like Flight of the Concords. I enjoyed
the songs endlessly. Some of the lyrics have burned it
into my head and I think about them randomly and laugh. Like,
you know, you're not a high finance considering secondhand underpants
good point, Or he sells cheap thrills to pay expensive bills,
but check your resume. You must have other skills like typing. Yep.
I love flight Concords think about them often. Let's see,

we got comments on YouTube. Welcome to the Cookout is
a jam every time, says jinks Full just saying three
one six one says it was me that complained, and
I said the music interluds is good. Now, okay, thank you.
Now the problem is just saying I think that only
is gonna apply with me and Karen buy ourselves and
I remember to hit that button any other time. It

seems like it's kind of phase in and out and
it's weird. And I'm sorry because I'm just I'm not
a robot, and the equipment and the site we use
is kind of limited and what I can do with that,
so unfortunately it won't always sound great, but I will
try my best to remember to do that. Yes, Jvcity
just leaves a heart emoji, So thank you for the
comments everybody. The poll on the episode was do you

still get it in, yes, every once in a while
or not at all? Twenty eight percent say yes they
still be getting it in, thirty one percent get it
in every once in a while, and forty two percent
say not at all. They are not getting it in,
So what's getting it in mean? I don't know whatever
you think it mean. Sometimes I don't have an idea

for a pole, and I'm just like, that's what we
got getting it in. That's what we're gonna do today.
All right, Let's get to some some music and then
we'll come right back, all right. I think that's Jerry

and Dean. I'm pretty sure that's d J. Jaffa two
nine nine eight page still was the episode Ronan Raphael says,
thank you for that anti gov government point, bench getting
away all this time, people killing me. I remember the point.
Matt Nashville says, Hey, Rod and Karen's y'all talk about
Trump and the grifters that roll in with him. There's

also anti governments, psycho fans, sickle fans like my father
who see Trump is the perfect candidate. My dad is
convinced that Trump is the one who will stop the
evil government from taking all his money. Last time I checked,
I'm not slated to inherit much. Well, that's why he's
got to protect it.

Speaker 4 (23:13):
And the Democrats got it off so they can make
sure you get nothing now.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
I suspect most I suspect most of the folks actually
voting for Trump, or like my father, I think it's
probably what people want to believe, but he's not my father, Matt,
and so I don't know.

Speaker 3 (23:33):
I cannot assume that of your dad. You know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I can't err on the side of, oh, well, this
guy is thinking that because you know, he's scared that
the government's gonna take his money because one's anti factual, right,
Like Trump raised taxes on us the middle class and below.

So your father, if he's in the middle classes below,
is actually paying high taxes because of Trump's policies. Yes,
which I'm supposed to believe. Your father is either just
ignorant to that or just doesn't believe that. But whenever
the money, whenever it's time to pay taxes, the money
is the money, and it went up under Trump. So

I don't have an emotional connection. This is what I
was saying about what I realized about the Confederate soldiers
and old white people and how the young white people
end up passing it down to carrying out for generation
at the generation. There's nothing inside of me that has
to respect anything your father's ever done for you, But

there is something inside of you that if he's been
at least a decent or good parent, you intrinsically should
and will respect things like he's never fed me, he's
never looked out for me, he's never helped me go
through school, he's never given me a talk, he's taught
me no life lessons. So I despite like I would

have to take your word for what you saved for
your father, but I well, actually, no, I don't have
to take your word. I don't think I'm capable of
taking your word that your father is just like, oh,
it's just the government. I think if you went to
therapy and you drill a few more layers down, there's
something inside of that that even the hatred of the
evil government that will eventually come back to the government

aka the people that free black people or aka the
people that their programs benefitt black people. And my real
anti government stuff, the generational stuff that my dad told
me and the dad for him told him. A lot
of that stuff comes down to not agreeing with what
the government saw as fair. Whenever it starts divvying out stuff,

you know, that's what I think happens. I'm not saying no,
and so let's say that's my guess, right, but let's
go with your version. I think if your father is
a genuine died in the world, I just don't trust
the government type. I think he still doesn't represent the
vast majority of Trump voters. No, I think because of

what Trump says at his own matter and what he represents,
I think the vast majority of Trump voters like the
things he says.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
And it's not just the government.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
It's a lot about race, it's a lot about gender,
it's a lot about sexuality, it's a lot about sexual orientation,
it's a lot about hatred, bigotry, it's a lot about foreigners.
I don't I refuse, honestly and will not accept the
reasoning of oh these guys just you know, it says
they don't like the government, then they kind of get

caught up. I don't think it's that, And you know,
obviously I understand why you might feel differently, But like
I said, this motherfucker didn't raise me, so to me,
I'm just like, you're in the way, and I assume
the worst of you, especially at dis juncture. You might
could have made this argument twenty sixteen, twenty four. There's
literally no room for this argument anymore. This is who

he is. The worst things he's not. He didn't do
the things that he promised to do for all of
us and stand up against the government and shit, he
didn't do those things. He only took for himself, and
he made things worse for the rest of.

Speaker 4 (27:17):
Us, and also for most people.

Speaker 5 (27:22):
We all heard the same message, but we all didn't
come out with the same conclusions.

Speaker 4 (27:27):
And it's one of those things. But I'm actually listening
to what he says, and they are too.

Speaker 5 (27:33):
And I think that for most people, they understand what
he says and they want him to say it, but
they like in personal conversation with their family and friends
and loved ones, aren't bold enough and aren't strong enough,
or for a lot of them, Trump hasn't emboldened them
enough to come out and to tell the truth.

Speaker 4 (27:55):
Some people have, but for most people. Know most people
will use.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
Every excuse in the book except for the reality is
they like his shit. They like what he's selling, They
like it, they enjoy it, they love it. They might
hold on to different strings of what he's saying, but
all the strings lead to the same source, which is him,
And so at the end of the day, you can
not erase him from the source of the string. That

they're putting on to trick themselves or however they want
to do to navigate it, to not justify them being
a shitty ass person because he's a shitty human being.
And so if I really say what I think out loud,
people are going to judge me, and I'm gonna be
considered a shitty human being too.

Speaker 4 (28:37):
Yes, And that's the part nobody wants to accept.

Speaker 5 (28:41):
They want everything else, but they don't want the judgment.
They don't want to come to nation. They don't want
people saying the same right now. They don't want that
part of it. They'll they'll let Trump go out there
and do that bullshit. But yet they will sit by
and allow it to happen because they one hundred percent
agree with it. It's something in it that they like,
love and enjoy.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
The thing for me is what is the truth you
want to admit to yourself, because that's what I keep
bumping into. And whiteness and the benefit of the doubt
that we attribute to whiteness and white people in America
has hindered this country every step of the way because

I would be considered the one who's out of pocket
and biased. If I just say, if you're supporting Trump,
it's because you're either racist, you hate LGBTQ people, you
hate foreigners, you hate women. You just want power. You're
tired of looking around and seeing anyone get anything that
isn't a white person. And you're blaming you're angry about it,

and you're blaming all that on the government and Democrats
and all this shit. What is a lie? What is
a truth? You want tell to yourself because you're lying,
Like if you're lying to yourself meaning I, hey, no,
I just don't want to go. I just I don't
want the government. That's the problem. Government need to stay
out of my business. You mean like saying you can't

have an abortion? Or do you mean like telling you
what books you can read?

Speaker 3 (30:10):
Or do you mean, like, you know, interfering in an election.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Tell me what you mean when you say you want
smaller government or you say you're anti government and you
don't want them in our business. What do you mean
by that? Because what you're not going to say in
any surveys whenever they pick up like an undecided voter
or a Trump voter, and they're just like, you know,
it's the world righte Americans who just have a lot

of animosity, and you know it's the economic anxiety and
shit like that. What the reason they ascribe those virtues
to folks in ways they do to no one else
is that they're not gonna say I just I'm racist.
I don't like trans people, I don't like LGBTQ people,
I don't like foreigners, I don't like women, I don't

like other religions.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
I just like white people.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
And I want to feel like a white person's in
charge and making all the fucking decisions, and not a
white person that thinks about other people, just one that
thinks about themselves. I was, Man, it's a whole ram,
but I'm just gonna I'm gonna quickly wrap this up
because I do want to move on. This is the
last thing I'll say. I saw this ad, the ad

that for Charlemagne in it that keeps going. Kamala Harris
said transgender inmates could get sex changes.

Speaker 3 (31:32):
Kamala Harris, she's for they them.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Trump is for you. And I said, you know what,
you know what though, Trump's not for you, and and
and so what a what a person that isn't as
cynical as methinks is. Yeah, those people think Trump is
for them. He's not for they them. He's for you,

the voter that I don't think they think that. I
don't think he needs to be for them. I think
they just need him to be against them. Yes, that's
what he sells. I'm against them. They know he's for himself.
What they're saying is anyone who's against them. I will

excuse that he's for himself, Like, I don't care. It's
not like he's clever. It's not like he hides his grifting.
It's not like he hides his narcissism. It's not like
he hides his hatred and bigotry towards other people. He
doesn't hide any of it. But that's the point. They
like that shit, right, and so they know it is

to their detriment. It's when people say stuff like white
people vote against their own self interests. I say, no,
they don't. Only only if you think they're not interested
in bigotry. That's the only way that works, because many
white people don't do that shit. Those are white people
that don't aren't interested in you, Like, you're not selling
me in anything when you tell me like, oh, yeah,
I got a plan. The plan is to stop people

from coming into country. That's not the fucking that's not
my issue. So you know, we always talk about the
fifty three percent and whatever percentage of but there's a
lot of white people who are like, no, cause those
things aren't their issue, right, So it is their issue
whenever they decide, I'm I'm voting for this thing. So
that's what I'm saying. I won't allow your father or

any white person or any person in general, not even
white people, anyone who's supporting Trump in twenty twenty four.
I'm not allowing them. Some it could just be this.
It is the other shit that I just said. Lastly,
don't worry. My wife and I already roted them all
the way despite Ashville being a detied disaster to be well,
love y'all. Yeah, I heard that they didn't get a
lot of stuff up to the point where people can vote.

And Trump's been touring that area and literally talking down
on FEMA and the government and body and Kamala lying.
And the saddest part to me, I listened to this
podcast Charlotte talks about local politics in our area. The
saddest part to me Republican politicians that got elected out
there who are on the record saying, you know, Kamala

called us, Biden called us females out here. We're working
with people. This is the reason that we're able to
get things back up and running. When Trump comes out
to speak, they lie. They sit up there and say
I heard from Trump, I ever heard anything from Kamala.
The media will then question their office, and later, when
it's not a press conference, they'll release a statement like, oh, yeah, yeah,

we did talk.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
The Kamla called us and the Biden called us.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
Of course they did.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
That's why I said, I can't allow excuses. I can't
allow any reasons. But the obvious to me. No one's
getting the benefit of the doubt from me. And I'm
you know, your father don't listen to this. But you know,
I'm sure if if a man like that raised me,
it would make me conflicted. I think that's a very
human thing to have. He ain't raised me, so there's

no sympathy, it's no reason, and there's no excuses for me.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
Be well loved, y'all. Also follow up, Appia, how did
I beat you to this post?

Speaker 5 (35:05):

Speaker 2 (35:05):
Okay? App your reply. I have mixed feelings. I'm happy
for you, but I wish I was faster this week.
I told my appier businesswoman it isn't easy. It was
often coming home at two third at eleven PM and
driving somewhere else at seven am at least sleeping at
home as possible.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
Yes, Friday, I have mixed. Oh that was She just
posted it twice. All right, Matt, thank you.

Speaker 2 (35:27):
Mature young lady says very much looking forward to the
end of selection. To disrespect towards VP Harris. It's been
incredibly disheartening, especially upsetting when it comes from black men.
Don't convinced anyone who was against her as both sexes
and racist, saying and don't forget LGBTQ an tie them
and two don't I too don't like daylight savings time.

I hate waking up to darkness and it being dark earlier. Yeah,
telling you man, give me that daylight savings time. I
need to say some daylight. This this shit crazy? Uh?
That Gloilla album is fire. I listened to it three
times back to back on two. I'm confused about how
album stuff works. Is Rod stated at what kinds of
the album? The mixtape is confusing they've been, especially since

everything went to streaming. I used to know what kind
of as a mixtape because I went to the store
and they wasn't for sale, and some nigga outside was
like fired all those fed all. I got that new
DJ Clue and I said, that's a mixtape right. Then
one day DJ Clue put out an album and I
said what the fuck?

Speaker 5 (36:25):
Right, particularly with the Glorilla because her last that was
the Bomb, and I was like, that's now.

Speaker 4 (36:30):
But it was like my first album was like, bitch,
what the other album? I don't get it?

Speaker 2 (36:35):
Yeah, what isthing? Everything?

Speaker 4 (36:37):
Then I listen, I listen and it's Flames.

Speaker 6 (36:40):
What is it?

Speaker 5 (36:40):

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Uh, they've been rolling these mixtapes out like actual little
albums whatever that whatever?

Speaker 1 (36:45):
This is?

Speaker 2 (36:45):
Glow did a thing. I actually think her album is
better than Megan's. But I do enjoy both, which Megan out?
Which one is a Megan's album? Yeah, like how many?
I don't know how many she got because I got
a bunch of lists and a bunch of albums saved
on my Spotify, but I don't know which one is
an actual album to compare it to. The Thing I

do like about this Glow though, is she she's she's
such a throwback to to like the rappers of my time,
which is so interesting to say about so and so
young and so with it for today's people and stuff,
today's youth. But she's such a throwback. She got a

fucking gospel song on there with with Kirk Franklin. Nobody
else is doing that. But that used to be like
a write a passage on all my hip hop back
in the day. Everybody threw that one fucking church.

Speaker 4 (37:38):
Song on there, and that shit is charting on the
gospel side too.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
Yeah, everybody used to do it. Now why he does
it anymore? Maybe she's gonna bring it back. I actually
think her I am better than make by doing Joe Bo.
For those complain about the girl rappers tech talk about it,
is that Johanna shout out the glow for her song
about domestic violence. Well, I think it's a domestic violence song.
Put your hands on me and we'll be smoking on
his next Uh Yeah, I definitely. I mean she got

It's cool hearing her rap about some shit and being like,
don't let these niggas get you pregnant, don't let them
put their hands on you. Let make them respect you.
It's I know. It seemed like a bare minimum type
of thing. But I just love her that she's so
adamant about that.

Speaker 7 (38:19):

Speaker 2 (38:19):
She did later go on and post some pictures of
her appearing to be pregnant. I don't know what that's about.
I'm assuming it's some sort of stunt. I know a
lot of these people when they drive albums do stunts
like that. I know Little nas X did that. I
don't know. Hope everything's okay. I hope she wasn't rapping
like that and then really popped up pregnant, because then
everybody's gonna be making it a thing. But whatever, long

she happy, I'm happy. I'm here for everybody keeping their
hands to themselves, she says him, Deal says damn Rod,
quit being a scary bitch and put your proton pipe,
garlic necklace, silver bullets, holy water, and now baby oil
to fight these ghost vampire well Will's demon and Diddy
like everybody else, bring your black ass on in the
morning with the rest of us, grown ass but appropriately

prepared adupe people's when the sun ain't shining.

Speaker 3 (39:04):
I'm sick of this.

Speaker 2 (39:05):
Daylight Savings is for children and will remain much like
the Tired twenty six hundred for children it's for children's, Rod,
do you hate the.

Speaker 3 (39:12):
Children's Well, well, well no, you hate the children.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
Cause if I'm for daylight savings time and you say
it's for children, then that means I'm for the children.
You the one that hate the children's. M deal, you
gotta figure, you got to follow your logical to the end.
So I'm sorry that I want the children not to
have to go to school in the darkness I hated
with all the little predators out there and all that shit.

I'm sorry that I care more about children than you do.
That I mean, I guess you're a six sick man. Also,
speaking of reality T and V, the Dumps, reality trash,
How am I supposed to know how how the kids
be dating and all about what's good?

Speaker 3 (39:54):
Bant if I don't keep up with love allan and
too hot to handle?

Speaker 2 (39:57):
Huh? What about that?

Speaker 7 (39:59):

Speaker 3 (39:59):
Why is only the rest of me Karen?

Speaker 2 (40:01):
Don't watch that shit? How am I to confirm what
white people still love to be both naked and afraid
while also staying starving. They dumb their fun asses outside
when they don't have to. Where am I going to
see go see the white people down?

Speaker 4 (40:17):
Bad Rod?

Speaker 2 (40:17):
Reality TMV y'all the best. Thanks him deal. I mean,
you can watch that shit without me. I don't know
why you would need me and it. I have not
judged anyone for watching reality TV. I just don't do it.

Speaker 3 (40:30):
I just don't do it.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
It's not for me. I actually say the reality TV
that I watch, I think it's sports. I think sports
is the biggest reality TV program in the world, and
very little of it is about the actual games being played.
We spend much more, We spend much more time talking
about who don't like each other, who, baby mama? Is this?

I saw a shot last night were like, I think
brandon Ingrahad a jumper to win the game over Anthony Simons,
And I was like, don't they got the same baby mama? Like,
That's what I'll be looking at during the game. Ah,
that's what's interesting to me. So I you know, I'm
not judging people. I just there's so much reality TV.
It's too much to keep up with. And I'm good

on the other shit. Runner rath Feel says she does
sound like a page wanna be. To be honest, Ride,
I'm with you on this daylight thing is why I
couldn't stay in the Scandinavian lands, except they.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
Quadruple my acceptance fee.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
I never recovered from my twenty twelve visit to a
small town in Finland. Sunshine almost all day except for
like two hours between two am and five am. I
couldn't sleep with my blinds open and flash my sexy body.
Then locals were like, I should visit during the winter.
It's the opposite eternal darkness. I said, well, you shouldn't
have told me that, so long side of nor of

my vikings.

Speaker 4 (41:51):
I need my weather.

Speaker 2 (41:51):
Well behave you feel me? I do need it. Balanced
Tyanya W forty two says, I'm with you, Ride. I
can't stand getting up out of bed when it's still dark.
I can't deal with it being dark in the evening.
It's supposed to be dark in evening. That's all I'm saying.
Like people be trying, and I get it. I don't
have seasonal depression, and I hope that this isn't triggering
anybody's shit that Like it's mostly jokes, but for me,

it's easier for me to rationalize. Okay, it's five, it's six,
the sun's going down. Okay, Like it's not that I
like it, but it's like, if I have to give
up something, giving up it's it's not sunny in the
morning or giving up sun sun in the morning or
Sunday night.

Speaker 3 (42:35):
I'd rather give it up at night than in the morning.
I need that morning shit.

Speaker 2 (42:38):
I used to hate when I'd be at work and
the sun was up before I and I was clocked in.
It's like, what the fuck is today? That's not but
the promise was us. Also a late comment for on
the Appia kurfer Full, I m team Appia, and not
only because I'm the only other white I'm the other
white lady that listened to black out test I was
gonna say, you definitely not the only other one. It's

a lot of them. That's my fault. You didn't take it.
I'm the other white lady listening to the black out test.
Opia has very thoughtful comments, and I enjoy them. I
just appreciate that it wasn't a white lady mutiny, Like
wasn't a bunch of white ladies coming in to defend her,
thinking that we were just gonna sit back like I
appreciate because it could have got ugly, like it would
have proven the point of like all if all the

twelve white women that listen was like, she is a
avatall and I and.

Speaker 4 (43:27):
You want to know Queen, you will not dinegrate shees.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
Are we right to.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
Classic arm and be love? Since I prefer daylight saving
it's time.

Speaker 2 (43:36):
I hate it being pitch black when I leave for
work and pitch black when I leave from work. It
makes driving dangerous, at least in my opinion. Also the
lack exposure to the sun to poleasee your vitamin D levels,
leaving your feeling drained, and conditions that require you to
be more alert than ever iv. He says, sometimes I
almost feel sorry for people like say still, because they
do all that coon it just to be dispect to
their face and they have to keep smiling about it.

But then they open their mouths say something stupid fuck
her and the rest of them tap dancing coons. Yeah,
basically I don't. I've been able to give up my
empathy for coons so long. That might've been my first
step to being able to be like not for you.
Like I got empathy for a lot of people and
a lot of shit, but not this coon and shit
that's on you. Comments on YouTube got six Shelley seeking

the truth, said Shelley Winter has always been an idiot.
He is a conservative Atlanta radio host who know one
respects Atlanta. Wow, that's crazy. He is trying to make
a name for himself seeing it should be a shame
of putting them on. That's why the raidings are descending.

Speaker 6 (44:35):

Speaker 2 (44:37):
Yeah, a lot of this stuff just lays at the
feet of CNN and MSNBC and the people that put
that programming together. They act like we're supposed to care
about the truth and facts, but they editorially don't because
they allow liars on their airways with the same difference
that they allow people that are studied and learned and factual.

Speaker 5 (44:57):
Yeah, and it's also one of the things to where
and me and Rode just said this before. The people
that are listening, you audited and edited your programming to
run a lot of them away, and then the audience
that you're trying to get chat they going to something
that's much more extreme than you. So guess who you
satisfy Nobody? So your ratings dipped, So you lost those people.

They're not coming back, and you're never going to get
the people that's watching enough Foxes in the ofa inns
whatever the fuck that is.

Speaker 4 (45:26):
They're not coming, so then you just have lower numbers.

Speaker 2 (45:29):
Now, right, let's see. The next comment is Jane, who says,
Rod love hearing your fitness progress. The raw machine has
to come on my favorites over time with you, all right,
there's no joke. It's a great way to measure your
progress on how much faster you get at the same
distance over time. It's really cool hearing about your journey.
Thanks for sharing.

Speaker 3 (45:48):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (45:49):
Yeah, it's interesting, Jane, because I remember one time I
was in there, actually the week I was doing the
rowing machine and just dying every time. There was a
dude that, like I was doing it five six minutes
or whatever to do it to eight hundred meters and
and and I was like dead to the bed for

a little bit after I would have to, like, you know,
catch my breath. There was a guy in there that
was rowing the almost entire time, like I was doing
my first three or four sets, and every time I
looked over at his ass is still rolling, and I
was like, God, damn boy, what are you training for
the fight Captain America?

Speaker 4 (46:26):
I want to sit it out of So he was
keeping the same steady pace.

Speaker 2 (46:29):
Yeah, he was just in much better shape and he
was able to do it. I mean it's like every
machine you know, you do it enough. I'm sure he's
I just say, I'm not even close to what he
was doing. He was just like the whole time he
was getting it no breaks. Let's see. Uh, Tabitha says,
a little bit of slavery will be fine with me.
And they think they are going get to get reparations

out of that man, right right, And I don't even see.
That's another thing. So it ain't just the white people,
like I was saying to Matt and Ashville or Sad,
the black people that fuck with Trump. I think the
same shit, like like no, you just there's the bigotry
and all that shit is what you went too, because
it's no way you believe a word out of this

man's mouth. And you know you like you can say
something to me like, oh you know what, Biden them
main't give us reparations. I'm gonna vote for Trump for
reparations because you think he gonna give you reparations.

Speaker 3 (47:26):
No, you're an OP.

Speaker 2 (47:28):
The best thing I can say about you is you
a OP. Actually, the best thing I can say about
you is that you're dumb. But I don't think you're
that dumb. I think you know that you ain't getting
it and you just want to justify with some bullshit. Yes, sir,
you know, give me dumb. It's almost a compliment to
at that point, because I don't think he's stupid. I
think you're complicit. Uh, they really think this whole time,

Democrats been lying on the Klan. They are the actual
good ones, right, Alexandra Diary says, ever since the new
channels came out about profit, the news channels became about
profit over information, they all look like jokes. Lives on
the line, Yes, Jason J says, A small part of
me feels bad for Page still, since we all know
Trump is infallible, She's now gonna have to legally change

her name, new driver's license, new credit cards, new voter.
I d it's a whole lot of white man paperwork. Yeah,
I mean, don't feel bad for it. She love white
man paperwork. That's like her favorite thing to do. She's like, ooh,
the man. Finally I can get to go to the DMV.
All right, let's go to the next and final episode

of the week. Before we go to Voicemails two nine,
Tyler Perry presents Marvel's Blade of Medea Blood Hunt Part three.
We had none comments, Let's see shoe Boody says, adding
prayers down and get well. Never to my repertoire of dises,
I just says.

Speaker 4 (48:48):
My new one is.

Speaker 2 (48:50):
When I think something is in my job, I don't
want to take away your opportunity to self improvement and
personal development. I said at work, but also to my kids.
And they lead dirty socks on the floor. Yeah, I
think you know. Prayers down. I love that. I love
when people take the emoji for the prayer hands and
then turn it to where instead of up, they go down.

Speaker 4 (49:13):
I didn't know there was an option.

Speaker 2 (49:15):
No, you have to take a picture and rotate. I've
seen it a few times. I use it to get well.
Never was off the top of the dome. But I'm
sure I'm not the first to say that. And then
my other one is out Shallah love a good outshala
instead of in salah that's a good like death. Uh,
well out. So you know what ina means, okay, So

in shallah means if Allah wills like God will it.
And people often say that, you know, like if someone passes,
or when you have hopes for something good happening in
the future or something you like if God wills in shallah.
Christian people say it too, but outshot is like I

hope something bad goes Okay, thank you very much. A
shoe Boody says also in White People News, I'm the
one in the neighborhood who got in trouble for feeding
the deer. No unless would be great defund to h
o A. Yeah, okay, shoot Boody, you keep doing that when.

Speaker 4 (50:14):
You have hit the den in your backyard beating down
your siding.

Speaker 2 (50:20):
Yeah, this shit gonna look like that maharschal Ali.

Speaker 4 (50:23):
They don't be jumping through your house.

Speaker 2 (50:25):
Uh yeah, that shit's gonna look like that. Myherschal Ili
movie where on that came on Netflix, where the fucking
the deer was just standing around looking at their ass
and staring at him. It was called Lea the world
behind it was just like seventy deer looking and they
was like maybe humans taste like trees. I don't know,

Like that's what's gonna happen to you. Not to mention
things that eat deer gonna start being at your house too, So.

Speaker 4 (50:53):
Because the den there. Yeah, the things to eat them
show up to.

Speaker 2 (50:57):
We're gonna miss you. I can't wait to cover your
story on White People News.

Speaker 3 (51:01):
Him Deal says, uh huh, I knew it.

Speaker 2 (51:02):
Roder has been nutritionally abusing Karen with his salacious meals,
in tantalizing treats and confectionary delights for at least the
last two years, and now we all know he's been
dragging her into healthier living and I for want of them,
Paul Karen blink twice. Now, I stop chewing. To drop
your fork if you're in danger, girl, real talk, though,
Rider's the primary cook in my home, oftentimes not wanting

to sacrifice taste for a healthier option.

Speaker 3 (51:27):
It truly is an exploration of new flavors and ingredients.

Speaker 2 (51:30):
So I just want to give your flowers following your
wife down to beating her, but only with love and
healthy food options.

Speaker 3 (51:35):
All right, that got a little dicey.

Speaker 2 (51:36):
But yeah, I didn't know how that beat was gonna go.

Speaker 6 (51:40):
Uh you know uh.

Speaker 2 (51:42):
And I like to try new stuff or like create
meals that you know, mimic the things that I like
to eat. Before you know, I started trying to like
eat a little healthier and most of the time and
it goes just fun like most of the time and everyone.
So I you make something and it just don't hit
like how you wish it would have hit. And that's

fine too.

Speaker 6 (52:04):
You know.

Speaker 2 (52:04):
It's like my piece of tacos.

Speaker 3 (52:06):
They wasn't hitting the way I wanted them to hit.
They was hitting enough.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
But you know, I'll keep experimenting, or I'll just you know,
move on or whatever. It's fine. Michael says. E Coli
at McDonald's starts spreading right after Trump goes behind the
counter for fifteen minutes. He said he always thought they
were handling the food with their bare hands the whole time.
Think about it, love, a good think about it. That's underrated,

A good think about it. Think about it up. There
were like, wake up, sheeple. You know you don't find
that suspicious.

Speaker 3 (52:46):
You know that kind of shit?

Speaker 2 (52:48):
Think about it? Okay, yes, y'all you didn't say nothing extra,
But if I think about it, maybe I make something
up extra for your mind. Rona Rafaiel says, I'm still
holding hope for that Blade movie. Didn't it take eight
years for man to happen? And Twitter acted like the
world ended at the marble dropped the first director attached.

Speaker 3 (53:05):
That's true.

Speaker 2 (53:06):
Now, how now about them coons? Upon further investigation, I
believe that it was Donald, Page and Whitlock, all while
being all being fed by the benevolent woman without sharing.
But they hadn't gone been going to the annual Conviction
convention all these years. They forgot after their host added
some fermented nuts to their cuisine, and Marjorie saw them

and said, hell, nah, we eating where you're eating, And
every coon marched along with the round three. So that's
how all the coons were brought to the yard. Now
for one k an hour, I can help that woman
won't be a coon in sight after one week. Put
me in touch dry. I'm not gonna lie. I don't
know what the hell I just read. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (53:49):
You got confused too. I know I'm talking about that
woman with the coons in her backyard, right right?

Speaker 2 (53:54):
Okay, okay, So she she must have fed Donald Is
that Donald Trump? Is that the Donald? Because is he
countess one of the coon? Page and Whitlock. I get
that they definitely two of the coons. So she rounded
them up in her backyard and he can help her
get rid of the dare cooning, Okay, scam, all right,

I think I got it now right, I fail? Thank you,
I'm sorry I missed. I'm sorry I didn't get it
in real time.

Speaker 4 (54:20):
No, like the way he was reading that, I was like, yeah,
he was pinned, Yeah it was.

Speaker 2 (54:23):
I mean, I know he always writes clever, funny things,
so I knew it was I was missing, not him.
I'm just like, damn, that went over my head. That
no only doesn't happen to me. Ramsey d Jingen says
five Stars. Appia says, I punished the Panthers by convenient
to ignore all sporting events unless I'm actively participating. But
I take them ten times over your former president, no
matter how bad they are. Even he says, I was

actually kind of sad to hear Harvey Weinstein was getting
treatment for his cancer in prison.

Speaker 3 (54:48):
He doesn't deserve treatment.

Speaker 2 (54:49):
Hope's painful because for him, this segment of white people
knew it was a chef's kiss, because it was bad
things happening to bad people. I also hope the Abri
Kamie and fish dude never has a RESTful sleep for
the rest of his life. For the piece of shit
I'm glad you enjoyed that. Even I know you like
enjoying bad things having bad people.

Speaker 7 (55:05):
I do too.

Speaker 2 (55:06):
Yes, I actually saw an article the other day, and
I'm sure we'll cover the white people news, or maybe won't.
I don't know, but it was James Franco talking about
how much the at least the quote that they had
on Twitter about the article was how much he misses
Seth Rogen chat.

Speaker 4 (55:22):
Seth Roban like, you ain't fucking killing my career. He
was like, we had a nice run. I believe women.

Speaker 2 (55:28):
I'm like, I stand a moral and business savvy, business
financial king and Seth because Seth was like, nah, bro,
that shit's on you and I'm not fiting to be
explaining my association with you for the rest of my
life agreed.

Speaker 5 (55:44):
When this shit first happened he was getting questioned about it,
he was like, oh no, no, no, no, I got
the end of this fucking relationship.

Speaker 2 (55:49):
I ain't didn't do any of that shit. So I
don't know what y'alls want from me as far as
like explaining his bavior, and I don't want to be
having explain to the rest of my life. Right, all right,
let's get to the comments on YouTube, which this one
got uh eight comments.

Speaker 3 (56:05):
Big Tom said Charlamagne talks way too much.

Speaker 2 (56:08):
This can train. Talking points is usually what gets them
in trouble. But hey, that paycheck looks good right?

Speaker 6 (56:14):
Uh yeah?

Speaker 2 (56:16):
Lynn Pittsburgh says tree Beard, like, my time has come.
I don't know, tree Beard, buy something you. Tree Beard
feels like a Lord of the Rings character. That probably
making jokes and I don't know. I'm googling to see
who the fuck is tree Beard? Uh yep, it's Lord

of the Rings. I don't know. Lord of Rings good enough?
Like I'll be listening to Joan and quote that ship
on Rain on your Parade and I'll be like who,
I'll just be sounded like Karen who news See.

Speaker 4 (56:52):
I'm glad I'm not the older one out here.

Speaker 2 (56:54):
Uh JV City, says Martha Stewart out here running them up.
Glad she living in her truth, ain't she? At least
says at the fifty minute mark, they're probably terrified the
need to show support publicly so that their dad ever
gets out, they won't be punished for not having done so.
She's talking about Ditty's kids.

Speaker 3 (57:11):
I hear you could be that could be that.

Speaker 2 (57:14):
Simple, like it's easy for us who have never been
around this s mother for going to be like dis
own your father. But I don't know what how He
also controls and manipulates their lives in ways that we'll
never see.

Speaker 4 (57:25):

Speaker 2 (57:26):
Rashad says the film Diddy, that's why I called Harvey
Weinstein and he put a bunch of laughing emojis flu
Diddy says, didn't Jada Smith play fish Maarony on Gotham?
Fish and cook must be related? That makes sense. Yeah,
I do like cooking fish too. Memi says, first time
writing in so excuse the length. I listened to this
episode three times because Karen had me crying. Then I

had to come watch it to see if it was
funny on screen as I heard it. Karen's use of
the word bitch or bitches had me literally laughing out
loud at work when she said, you know what the
rule is? Pay bitches? I lost it. It was so
unexpected and funny, not necessarily in context, but I immediately
imagined that in other situations and on the T shirt.
She has really mastered the word and has really been

in her bag this month. I know, she says it frequently,
but this episode was so great. Also, I love it
when Rod reads the story it comes across a job
that you have considered and qualified yourself.

Speaker 3 (58:18):
For, like being Diddy's lawyer.

Speaker 4 (58:21):
I could do that.

Speaker 2 (58:21):
I'm sure of it too. Just good stuff all around.
I appreciate you both, the love the show. Look forward
to the next episode, Misha, Thank you, Misha. And lastly,
Alexandria said, screaming at the pay bitches their money, Kiera
with the advice of the Karen with the advice of
the century. People being angry at Ditty's kids is weird
to me because that's their father. We should give them
a grace to work through their own.

Speaker 3 (58:42):
Relationship with him.

Speaker 2 (58:43):
Yeah, yeah, I don't even know why people get so
upset about it. Here's the thing, and maybe that's all
help cool it has prevailed. But let's say you have
a deep distaste for his kids supporting him, and I
don't blame you if you do, Like that's totally rational.
Can you kind of limit the anger by understanding they

have zero shit to do with the case or the trial,
meaning that statement will not convince a jury to look
those over one hundred people in the odds and be like, yeah,
no justice, because his family supports them doesn't mean shit.
It's just another to me, another manipulation that a lot
of these abuser people do is they keep people around

them that they don't treat that way. Who wouldn't be
able to just see a video and disassociate right away?

Speaker 1 (59:36):
You know?

Speaker 2 (59:37):
It's Matt from Asheville. Sorry, man, I don't mean to
bang on you like this, but it's Matt being like
my dad just don't like the government, Like sure that
you have to believe that, because who the fuck won't
be like my dad race piece of shit? Hey, gay
people are this, No one won't believe that shit. Like
your mind does things to protect itself. And I've never
been in that situation where someone so close to me

did something so heinous and unforgivable that I could pass
it that I and then people expected me to to
like say something to condemn them or to support them.

Speaker 5 (01:00:09):
And I hope I'm never in that situation, agreed. And
so that's a lot of times in these situations, particularly
if the family hasn't been charged or hasn't done anything,
you know what I mean, Like they are separate individuals.

Speaker 4 (01:00:23):
They have a right to forgive, not forgive.

Speaker 5 (01:00:24):
They have right to speak not to speak out like
they have all those rights and all those options, just
like you.

Speaker 4 (01:00:30):
But I think because of the Internet and it's a lot.

Speaker 5 (01:00:32):
Of I wish your motherfucker would type of people out
there than in reality if this shit was to happen
to you, you most the average person is not as
big and bold as they claim to be online, and
they would want empathy and compassion and understanding for whatever
decision that they make. So I try my best to
extend it to people that have nothing to do with
the children are not on trial.

Speaker 2 (01:00:53):
That that is right, all right. She goes on to say,
like you said, could people flip the switch when it
comes to the person they love so quickly?

Speaker 3 (01:01:05):
We don't know what is happening behind closed doors.

Speaker 2 (01:01:07):
Yeah, like I said, I mostly just think about how
it's inconsequential. I'm sure it's another thing that hurts the victims,
but everything would hurt as a victim any defense that
he's gonna muster, And yeah, I'm just I'm prone to
just look at the kids as victims of this person

as well. Agreed. Maybe they weren't sexually assaulted, but they
were very much manipulated the whole time.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
All right, let's get into the voicemails.

Speaker 2 (01:01:39):
Play another beat just in case we decide to and
start a commercial here. Oh well, okay, cool, already beat
came up. There we go.

Speaker 3 (01:02:26):
All right, voicemail times. I believe four people called allgo
call twice.

Speaker 1 (01:02:33):
Hi, you too, It's Alegrant. I'm just listening to the
feedback episode twenty nine seven and it's the Apia Appreciation
Part two. Yeah, that's color was coming off the rope,
and I just wanted to quickly point out, which you

will probably point out because I'm just starting to listen
to your feed But what I want to point out
is the same thing that that other right, the person
who vote in ask me about the sound quality, or
rather criticized in the sound quality. It's interesting when people
have these don't take a breath. I'm sure I called

and mentioned.

Speaker 6 (01:03:16):
That earlier.

Speaker 1 (01:03:18):
Before, But people don't take a breath. They just hear
a word or a phrase and don't listen to the
full thing or see the big picture and just freak out.
And then you guys resprong and everybody lovingly responded, I
too love hearing obvious take for a lot of the

same business that everybody else mentioned. But that person didn't
call back and say, you know what, I'm sorry, or
I was wrong, or you know, fuck y'all whatever, you know.
And it's interesting to me when people do these things.
They don't ever want to come back and you know,
follow up. They just want to drop this bomb and

keep it moving, and everybody's just supposed to like what agree.

Speaker 7 (01:04:04):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:04:05):
It's interesting. People are weird, but I love you guys.
She did call back, Hi, Ron and turn until later
again I had to call back Clinton Afia was asking
about Flight of the Concerts. You know what Alfia on
that you are now kicked out at the club, just kidding.

I had to chime in with making love making looks
extreme minute. Yes, yeah, it's Flight of the Concerts of
the jam.

Speaker 2 (01:04:44):
Yeah. So the thing I would say is the person
didn't call back, but it's fine because look, they might
have disagree. They might really be like, man, fuck that
I said what I said, and I don't feel away
and I want her to stop comment. You know what,

They're allowed to feel how they feel. The other thing
is they could feel a little embarrassed because some people
came back kind of strong with the like I'm gonna
match your energy and say your voicemail was out of
pocket and you were out of pocket. You know, it's
not something we really can control one way to other
how people feel. And you know, some people only just

tap in every once in a while. They don't really
be like every week, like holler at the show. Type
of person. They could have just wanted to say something
to the feedback show. They could skip the feedback show.
They could get behind by months. You never know, so
I don't try not to get too hung up on it.
I personally am the kind of person that would have
a follow up, because that's just the kind of person

I am. So if it was a misunderstanding or I
felt I was being taken out of context, or even
if I just felt bad and wanted to be like, damn,
I was tripping, y'all, I'm the kind of person so
that typically does the like I was tripping it, I
feel bad about that and I'm sorry to Appy or whatever.
But that's if I feel that way, and that's just me.
Everybody don't roll that way.

Speaker 1 (01:06:10):
Ama, Hey, run take hands, this is your mind.

Speaker 8 (01:06:15):
Just the quickest woodsmelt when you trinds down. Oh oh, oh,
I still listen to an episode. I gotta go back.

Speaker 2 (01:06:35):
So funny.

Speaker 8 (01:06:37):
Let me think about that all day.

Speaker 1 (01:06:40):
Anybody don't like trends down? Put your heads down?

Speaker 2 (01:06:42):
No oh, I love them mine. I'm glad that tickled her.

Speaker 3 (01:06:53):
The next one is from our dear.

Speaker 2 (01:06:55):
Friend baby.

Speaker 7 (01:07:00):
Nicole from the back living out in poo Kipsie. I
just saw that your last show was Sue nine nine nine,
so I'm calling to preemptively congratulate you on show three thousand,
three thousand and plus those of us who know, we
know y'all have done about fifty eleven more shows than

three thousand. But I haven't written in called in for
a while. I just want to say, hello, I'm out here,
I'm outside. Y'all are killing it. Great commentary. I've always
loved to see the love from the wonderful community of
bluck eyes of tips Nation, and just here's to three thousand.

Speaker 6 (01:07:39):
Most love y'all.

Speaker 2 (01:07:41):
Love you too, nick Ju. You know I think of
nick Ju all the time, you know, text her and
stuff we talked. You know, just one of the good
people in the earth and one of the realists. So
don't forget to check out her podcast that she does
every other month with Reggie. That's the airsight joke.

Speaker 4 (01:08:00):

Speaker 2 (01:08:01):
It's not an insult, but I actually have I have
that shirt sometimes I go walking in the in the
these were These are your announcement shirts from What's the t.

Speaker 7 (01:08:12):
U t e A?

Speaker 2 (01:08:13):
Uh so, yeah, man, love nick Ju and uh yeah,
I'll see you outside girl. You out here doing your thing.

Speaker 3 (01:08:19):
I love to see it. We be on the ground stalking, okay.

Speaker 2 (01:08:23):
I'll be trying to retweet and pass on the thirst
traps to everybody so they know us up. You know,
forever a fan. The last one is from Blue Wave Rider.

Speaker 6 (01:08:35):
Karen and Ride you know who this is. I just
wanted to share some random thoughts with you. Why don't
you have a corporate sponsor. Why do you make Karen
talk so much? Why isn't your podcast on serious XM.
Why are you not like Joe Rokin? Stop leaning into
your blackness and get some of that sellout money. Happy
three thousand episodes from your boy doub Blue Wave Rider out.

Speaker 2 (01:09:00):
Thanks hilarious, Thank you, we appreciate that. And uh yes,
uh well, you know we need all the help we
can get, so just keep writing in with our list
of suggestions and complaints and maybe one day we'll listen
and well know, we finally blew up. All right, the
last thing we have to do is uh the emails.

So I'm gonna play another beat, uh, and then we'll
come right back. I'm gonna go back and play some
psycho music, good life.

Speaker 5 (01:09:35):

Speaker 3 (01:10:05):
Let that one rock a little longer, Dave right.

Speaker 2 (01:10:08):
Seeing David from the vial, he says, Dear Riding Karen,
I really enjoyed the episodes that y'all have put out
the last few months. Hope you both are comfortable knowing
that you are going down in podcast history. I absolutely
love the show. I love the Dorothea Delegation, come on
doing Thea Delegation, the Southern Charm Comedy and with I
was unable to make it to the last live show

because Uncle Sam had me on a twenty four hour shift. Ooh,
not twenty four. I look forward to the one happening
next year. Yeah, such your calendars. We'll let you know
when everything goes on sale.

Speaker 3 (01:10:40):
Should be soon.

Speaker 2 (01:10:41):
But February twenty eighth, I believe is the date. Let
me just double check because I know it's on the
front day and if I just told y'all to wrong
that day. I'm gonna feel bad. Yeah, February twenty eighth,
it's on a Friday in Charlotte, and when the tickets
go up, we'll start promoting it your link and everything,
and we love to see all y'all there. We're bringing
back the v he meet and Greek things that we

had got.

Speaker 3 (01:11:02):
Rid of during the pandemic.

Speaker 4 (01:11:04):
We had a great time.

Speaker 2 (01:11:05):
We axed up, hopefully y'all vaxxed up. If you want
to wear a mask, be masked up. You know, we
ain't the type to make no problems. Anybody fuck with you.
We got your back. But yeah, we come through. We
would love to see all y'all there.

Speaker 3 (01:11:17):
It's gonna be a good time.

Speaker 2 (01:11:19):
And we're gonna have Jail Cove in there and he's
gonna be opening for us, so you get to see
Jail Coven do stand up the tallest.

Speaker 3 (01:11:25):
Man in comedy.

Speaker 5 (01:11:26):
Please y'all come see and support Jail. Yeah, y'all know, Chad,
we can't have him on his show talking about it.
I went out the way to shut North Carolina and
three whole people came up and two people seeing me online.

Speaker 2 (01:11:39):
First of all, In addition to knowing that that wouldn't happen.
But the other thing is if it does happen, that's
just content. So even if something bad does happen, don't
feel bad, like, don't like he just that he needs
that fuel to curate more comedy. So you know, maybe
give him a backhanded compliment if you see him, like
when he's off stat you know, maybe say something. Try

to punch up his jokes. If you see him trying
to punch up his joke. If you see him after
he gets on stage and you think of something that
you thought was funnier a tag, maybe hit him with
that tag.

Speaker 4 (01:12:14):
You know, like, did know you care?

Speaker 2 (01:12:16):
Did you ever think about doing what if Trump said this,
you know with cheeze? You know whatever. I don't know anyway,
Go wood Peckers. As always, Thank you David from the Ville.
Thank you h our girl Marissa right saying what's going on?
Justice for Rod the feedback. This feedback is actually about

the Nerd Off, but relegate related to the regular show.
So we did the Nerd Off. It's our premium behind
the paywild NERD Show. We talk about video games, anime,
NERD TV, movies, UH, comic books. We talk about a
bunch of nerdy shit, and it's really fun. Karen went
on a journey all the way from you know, in

the beginning, not even wanting to be on the show
because she thought she came so now, sometimes on that show,
when we do the what are we being entertained by? Segment,
Karen can be talking for extremely long periods of times
just about many anime, mini video games and all that
stuff because she's extremely nerdy.

Speaker 4 (01:13:19):
You know, yes I am.

Speaker 2 (01:13:20):
I really have came a long way, so Marissa says
on this week's show, Karen dominated the show and repeatedly
had more to say than Rod spoke over him. And
if you didn't know any better, you think he wasn't
even there.

Speaker 4 (01:13:33):
I didn't boot him out the way didn't know.

Speaker 2 (01:13:35):
Not only is this clearly a side of a marriage
on the Rocks, but it's unfair to Rod, who deserves
to be Her representation of men and nerd them is
so important. Oh God, she going extra with it, and
I wish Karen would be more mindful of this when
she dot dot dot woo. Okay, I made it as
far as I could, but I loved caring shit. Yeah,
I was gonna say this ain't Marissa at all. No,
it's not be like girl, you been hacked? What took

over your account? They ain't got any Gmail or girl.
Well okay, I mean as far as I could, but
love Karen sharing so much cool stuff on the nerd
Off this week.

Speaker 3 (01:14:06):
I tried to stick up for you ride but the
Aguta with they had one out.

Speaker 2 (01:14:09):
I don't blame you. We ain't got enough to fence,
you know. It's like people with middle names, haven't we
done enough? I think the feedback for folks who feel
like they don't get enough Karen on the regular show
is get behind the paywhill you broke bitches. She said it.
I mean love y'all, love the show, and Karen especially
love your book recommendations.

Speaker 5 (01:14:27):
Thank you baby, thank you very very much. I have
a ball doing the premium show. We do like the
movie reviews and all that stuff, and particularly with like
the nerd Off, because like I said, we do them
like every three weeks, and I do a lot of shit,
particularly been on my Issuka phase and I have really

been having a ball.

Speaker 4 (01:14:51):
I don't know why.

Speaker 5 (01:14:52):
I just fell in love with them and I was like,
well fuck it. I like them until I feel like
going to another genre.

Speaker 4 (01:15:00):
This is where I am, and shit, it's hundreds to
choose from cruncher row be like another suggestion. And on
top of that, I'm gonna branch out.

Speaker 5 (01:15:07):
To Netflix and Hulu too, because look like they ain't
fucking around either. I see if Amazon got some shit.
So I've been branching around and I've been having a ball.

Speaker 2 (01:15:17):
Next one. So less says hi Rod and Karen. I'm
not going to be long, just wanting to say to
you both, thank you for the community you built with
your platform. While I'm not able to join the chat
as often as I like, it is a great experience
when I do. Thank you for covering all types of
stories of solid information and humor. I love also when
you both start throwing out those funds. It really cracks
me up. A quick thing about where we collectively find

ourselves as presidential election season is truly a first hand
look at so many aspects of the personalities and character
of those who live here. Maturity versus immaturity to collect
the versus individual backward looking versus forward looking, racist, sexist,
homophobic versus belief in humanity of all, engaged versus apathetic
and frankly smart versus stupid. I'm doing my part going

out to care Everson again in battleground states, which was
largely positive last time. I've donated shared accurate information to
those who will listen, and I have my plan to vote.
It's so interesting if it wasn't so infuriating, it's scary
as that if you look at some of the nonsense
happening now, if forty five was truly having this in
the bag, then why would the capitalists, Avengers, Bezos, the
La Times, God Partheid, Clyde and all of the mainstream

media and foreign adversary adversaries putin, etcetera be throwing everything
at the wall to try to derail VP Harris. Yes,
they're so scared of her, by the way, they're so
scared of her, Like I was on the Karen Hunter Show.
She brought this up yesterday about you know, Jeff Bezos
stifling and we'll talk about this throughout the week, I'm sure,
but stifling the newspaper, yohds. I think the Washington Post

stifling them from doing their annual you know they their
every presidential election they endorse a candidate. Well, they aren't
endorsing anybody this year La Times. They aren't endorsing anybody,
and it's because the owners the bill and their owners
Jeff Bezos, I forget the guy, the other guy. They

made the editorial workers, the people that work in the
paper say you will not be putting out a recommendation,
and some of them are resigned because the intendencis of
what the press is supposed to do. Right, it's literally
stifling the press. It's not freedom of press. And you're

not even Trump, so you're not doing this from a
government situation. Billionaires are telling you what their weak spots are.
They're telling you what the weak spots are. This is
like when you're playing a video game and you're like,
how do I beat this boss? And the video game
has to do like a blinking, glowing spot in the

dragon's chest and you're like, I think I'm suppoed to
shoot that. Yes, that's what they did with this. All
their flame and fury mean nothing, because the one thing
they told you is we don't want our newspaper of
record telling you vote for Kamala Harris because I as

a billionaire asshole, because I don't think all the billionaire Obviously,
this isn't true of all billionaires because Tyler Perry and
Beyonce are speaking at you know, they're endorsing Kamala Harris,
just speaking at a rally, So obviously I'm not trying
to cast the wide net of like all these motherfuckers say.
I think people say that, and I don't really agree
with it because I'm a smart person that doesn't like

broad sweeping statements that aren't either funny or true. And
I think the all billionaires are bad people think is
a simplistic version of it's truthy. It sounds true, but
if you start going individually and being like, first of all,
all billionaires are people, All people are fucked up, so
you're gonna find something fucked up with every single person,

including you and your broke ass. I know, fucked up
broke people too.

Speaker 4 (01:18:56):

Speaker 2 (01:18:56):
But the bigger point is because I'm not saying this
is to defend billionaires, they let you know when they
fucked up. Eli Musk has no problem, and you know,
I'm a fucked up person like Mark Cuban goes out
of his way to be on the right side of
a lot of shit. I'm not gonna just lump him
in there like it's just a function of having money.

It's not just a function of having money.

Speaker 6 (01:19:20):

Speaker 2 (01:19:21):
You can make an argument about generational money though, that
I'm willing to listen to, because a lot of motherfuckers
that I think seem to be doing it right are
people that made their money in their lifetime and somehow
either lucked up or things fail right, or they're just
so talented that they made a billion dollars first generation
on They not on their own completely, but you know
what I mean, Like, it wasn't first they weren't given

one hundred million dollars and then turned into a billion, right,
Beyonce wasn't like, oh I inherited five hundred thousand made
a billion. So like, there's I think there's something about
that work ethic, connection to working people, connection to the culture,
and also how much those people end up giving back
and lifting up people from within their communities and stuff.

That's a different conversation for a different day. And I'm
sorry I got in that tangent, but I just needed
to mention it anyway, My point being, when when Jeff
Bezos is telling you, I'm afraid of Kamala Harris, you
know what it makes me do. It makes me want
to go vote for Kamla Harris twice. You know what
I mean, Like I want like thank you for letting

me know this is the weak spot. They ain't saying
that about Trump. They're not scared of Trump.

Speaker 4 (01:20:32):
And what we know is that they.

Speaker 2 (01:20:34):
Shot down the editorial boards endorsement of Kamala Harris. They
didn't shoot down a endorsement of Trump. They didn't shoot
down a neutral like, hey, we're not gonna hop in.
They shot down a clear, concise endorsement. And it would
make sense that people that work in that field would
be pro Kammala because whether they may feel that as

president or as a candidate, she's lacking in some area,
or she's not in answering every question I won't answer that,
she ain't doing every interview I want done. You know
what that she isn't doing though, She's not stifling their freedom.
She gonna let the press stopping them from criticizing her.
She's not taking people against them. She's not doing the
things that Trump is doing. She's not threatening to lock
anyone up because it's something they say in the press.

She takes the slings and arrows, be they fair or
not fair, be they outrageous, or not. She takes it
that when someone has a critique that doesn't even make
sense to me, she doesn't start to stop it. She
doesn't send everybody to go get them. One motherfucker does
do that. So who did you think the people that
worked for you in the press, that committed their entire
life to journalism, who did you think they were gonna

side with? Whose side? Did you think they were gonna
ultimately fall on the side that's gonna give them the
freedom to express some shit or the fascist right.

Speaker 5 (01:21:49):
That's like, motherfucker, I don't want to get locked up
to doing my goddamn job.

Speaker 2 (01:21:52):
So in the one hand, they've told you what they're
most afraid of, because everyone's I saw people pitching it
this way, and maybe this is maybe I'm wrong, but
I think about if they took a lot of tech
to test, I think I'm right. People were saying, oh, no,
they're afraid of Trump, and they don't want to say
something now that if he does become president he will
want to retaliate against them. No, I disagree. I don't

think they're afraid of Trump, especially these motherfuckers that are
that rich. They definitely ain't afraid of his ass. Jeff
Bezos is not afraid of Trump. Jeff Bezels basically runs Americas.

Speaker 4 (01:22:27):
That beneficial to them.

Speaker 2 (01:22:29):
They're not afraid of him, They're rooting for him. Yes,
they are afraid of Kamala Harris, they're not. They're not
capitulating the fascism in advance. I know that's a take.
The Coolehona Jones had that take. She's a very smart person.
I would not detegrate any of her great work. But
I am more cynical. This is what I say when
I when I be like sometimes I think people here

where I fall on issues, and they think I'm more hopeful,
I'm more cynical, meaning I won't.

Speaker 3 (01:22:57):
I don't think they're afraid.

Speaker 2 (01:22:59):
And capitulate and going, let's just if we just cooperate
with the fascism, it won't be so bad. No, no, no,
they want it. They want it too.

Speaker 4 (01:23:06):
They're gonna benefit from it.

Speaker 3 (01:23:07):
But look at how they make their money.

Speaker 2 (01:23:09):
If they didn't have to pay nobody, they would, right,
So like these specific people I'm talking about, So that's
why I'm I don't even look at it as a
as anything other than them letting us know how to
hurt them. Also, while I was canvassing, even some independence
or just lean dims, they didn't have me out talking
to Republicans. Thank god, because I don't have to bail money.

People are tired of forty five and that is important. Anyway,
saw your picture of you and caring early voting and
shout out to y'all.

Speaker 4 (01:23:37):
We have it here.

Speaker 2 (01:23:37):
But it's basically doing your absentee batty at a designated location,
which for me and my family not what I wanted
to do. I wish we had actual early vote stations
like in other states, which I would absolutely do. The
other interesting thing I learned canvason and we'll see if
it's to save Today most people are voting in person,
so this looks will look different than twenty twenty.

Speaker 3 (01:23:57):
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I mean there's a lot of stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:24:00):
And also like it's so funny Republicans are so late,
but they're trying to shut down mail and voting and
be like, if it's not at the post office, if
it's not counted by the voting office before the election day,
we will not count it.

Speaker 3 (01:24:14):
So basically, if they have not received the mail, they
not count it.

Speaker 2 (01:24:19):
Used to be if it was as long as it
was stamped yes, and postage was confirmed that it was
before the election. They would count it even if it
arrived up to three four days after the election.

Speaker 4 (01:24:31):
Right, because of them were still counting them.

Speaker 2 (01:24:33):
States are getting rid of that because that typically benefits Democrats.

Speaker 3 (01:24:37):
But I mean, people ain't dumb. They just gonna go
vot in person.

Speaker 4 (01:24:40):
Yes they are. They just gonna vot.

Speaker 2 (01:24:42):
Then I won't take a chance like this is not
and it's voter suppression. But this is not the Jim
Crow South. How many jellybeans and the jar ass shit,
This ain't white men sitting around with rifles before the
you know, and then being like read these words, boy,
this ain't that. Okay, Then I'll just go in person.

Then we just have to want it more than them.
That's all this is gonna come down to. And if
Kamala Harris doesn't win, we failed the American publicist. Did
the voters failed the country? Yes, I'm not even saying
failed her failed ourselves? Yes, So yeah, I'll stand in line,

y'all shall see. But I'm optimistic. I think she is
a fabulus candidate and we shall see. Yeah, it has
run a great campaign. If Americans don't do the right thing.
It's not on her or the dims or any nonsense reason. Yeah,
and I don't want to hear it. Y'all gonna be
like y'all people gonna be complaining. I ain't gonna hear it.
I don't want to hear it. Oh, she would have
just did no, nigga, you knew, Yeah, the same way
you knew when Hillary told you that. Yeah, I really do.

Speaker 4 (01:25:51):
I'm very optimistic. I want her to win.

Speaker 5 (01:25:54):
I have a great feeling that she is going to win.
My thing is that I wanted to be so overwhelming.

Speaker 4 (01:26:01):
That we don't have to do with the bullshit.

Speaker 2 (01:26:03):
Yeah, y'all knew the same way that Hillary was running,
and we knew a Supreme Court justice seat was open,
and motherfucker's talking about some what about RBG? What about her?
You knew a fucking seat was open when she would
the same ship, we all, we all had the same information.
I knew what to do. I didn't have a problem.
I'm not on the podcast spreading misinformation and telling people

not to vote. Some motherfuckers just failed. You failed to
passor fail test, and we're not listening to you no more.

Speaker 4 (01:26:34):
And you're gonna have to hold.

Speaker 5 (01:26:35):
You're gonna have to hold that F and take the
consequences of repercussions of the F that you received.

Speaker 2 (01:26:40):
It's white people snorting that poor pure white supremacy drug
and others. As Rep. Cliburne said the other day, won't
in favor rather than freedom. Well would that take care?
Thanks the last freedom. I appreciate you out there doing that,
you know groundwork. Uh. The last one was from Raquel
or Roquel, who says, I hope this makes the feedback

show you made it before your three thousand episode. I
started listening after you first your first time on Caaren Hunter.
Ever since I beinge your pie every weekend. I love
your show and I'm plan to become premium remember as
soon as I get my money right, keep up the
great work you are the blueprint. Thank you. PS. I
live in atl now, but hell Columbia, South Carolina, so

good to know good things are coming out of Carolina's well.
Thank you, Rol, appreciate you. This has been episode three thousand.
You know, who would have thought we would be making
three thousand of these when we first got together and
took us three times three tries to make number.

Speaker 5 (01:27:40):
One recording that midnight because everything went wrong, new computer
two or three times.

Speaker 4 (01:27:46):
Child, I'll looked at it right, I'm like, you know
you can replace me. Ain't any time. I ain't got
to be here.

Speaker 2 (01:27:52):
Yeah, but I'm very proud of what we've built and
proud of what we're doing. We don't plan on stopping
anytime soon. And you know, we love that y'all love us,
and we love that this community we've built and we built,
especially in the Feedback Show, like these are the real
fans that chime in and put in on things and
want to be heard and care about our opinions. And

we have like a rapport with y'all every week. And
I appreciate y'all.

Speaker 5 (01:28:17):
Yes, And the Feedback Show has came a long way,
particularly for the people that are kind of new where
that when we first started, we used to have to
We used to go online like Facebook and Twitter and
stuff and post them and read it doing the show.
It wasn't always a separate show. I ask more people
began to write end it began to be its own

separate thing. We was like, hey, we're talking an hour.
We had an extra hour just with a feedback, and
so that's when we decided to kind of branch it
off and have its own dedicated show, and we've been
going a long and strong. We're doing it forever now,
and I really do appreciate that. I am very grateful
and I'm very thankful for the people that do lead
the comments on the feedback show, because there are a

lot of people that do podcasts. They're talking to forward
and nobody leaves them anything but y'all come through. Shout
out to y'all and thank you very much. It matters
all right, y'all.

Speaker 2 (01:29:07):
We'll talk to you later. Until next time. I love
you you yah.
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