Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I listened to The Black Guy Who Tips because Rod
and Karen are hot.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
Hey, welcome to another episode of The Black Guy to
his podcast.
Speaker 3 (00:07):
I'm your host, Rod joined us always by my.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Co host, and we're live on a Sunday morning because
you know we got a daylight savings time. Okay, we're
live on a Sunday morning, ready to give you some
podcasts and find us everywhere that you get podcasts. The
official weapon of the show is vota chair. The unofficial
sport is a bullet.
Speaker 3 (00:32):
Ball extreme extreme extreme?
Speaker 2 (00:36):
Uh. Do you haven't banter?
Speaker 4 (00:40):
Speaker 5 (00:41):
Do you have any? Do you have any? Do you
have any banter?
Speaker 2 (00:54):
Speaker 6 (00:55):
Speaker 2 (00:55):
Banter? Anter? Do you have any banter? Talk to me?
Speaker 3 (01:10):
Do you have any?
Speaker 2 (01:13):
All right, buddy, hit me with that banter banter?
Speaker 4 (01:17):
All right, I got you. Shout out to the NBA.
Speaker 6 (01:21):
For the past few days, everybody ass across the league.
I think it started Friday, if I'm not mistaken, it
may have started before that, but the first time I
seen it was Friday when I had went to the
one game. And all the teams across the league are
wearing vote t shirts. And I appreciate that because voting
is very very important. And I know it might not
sound like a big thing to anybody else, but for
me that mattered looking up seeing them wearing them vote
t shirts, having players actually speak being like, hey, no
matter who you vote for, you know, voting is important,
and talking about those types of things. And I think
some of the NBA arenas at one point in time,
particularly during the pandemic, were used as like voting places
and COVID places.
Speaker 4 (02:05):
And things like that.
Speaker 6 (02:07):
And so for me, I think it's very important because
it's one way to let people know who don't keep
a track or don't pay that shit attention and it's
time to vote. And so I appreciate them for that,
particularly here in North Carolina.
Speaker 4 (02:22):
I think ours ended yesterday.
Speaker 6 (02:26):
Because the Republicans basically came early voting early voting ady yesterday.
Speaker 4 (02:30):
Yeah, And that's the only reason why.
Speaker 6 (02:31):
Because Republicans came in is why voting matters, and slashed
and cut and chopped the fuck out of early voting
because we normally would have.
Speaker 2 (02:39):
It's interesting though, because that's I don't like. I'm sure
it affected the end too, but the biggest way that
actually affected it is the beginning. It used to be
long a longer period of time. Now it's only like
two to three weeks. It used to be every weekend
till Sundays and stuff. Then they started living in it
hours on that. They also made sure that it closed
at three pm yesterday instead of like a five or
seven or whatever.
Speaker 6 (03:05):
It sounds like everybody else, right, Well, I don't know
about everybody else.
Speaker 2 (03:09):
Every state has different laws, but it just used to
not be like that. But I can't say for sure
if if the end is that, like if it was changed,
maybe it was like instead of Sunday, it's Saturday, but
it's not.
Speaker 4 (03:24):
Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, because it normally is the Sunday.
Speaker 2 (03:27):
Because it's not like you can early vote on Monday,
like not only early vote until about the weekend before.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
But yeah, man, people are early voting.
Speaker 6 (03:35):
Hopefully breaking records all across the country. Shout out to Georgia.
They were saying, over a million black people have voted
in Georgia, and like people are like breaking like personal
like records and all that shit.
Speaker 4 (03:48):
So shout out to y'all.
Speaker 2 (03:49):
Yeah. My main problem with the voting T shirts for
the NBA is I think it should very depending on
what state and what team it is so like, if
you're in Utah, don't don't worry about it.
Speaker 3 (04:01):
You know, Boston and we're good, don't.
Speaker 2 (04:04):
Need to work.
Speaker 3 (04:05):
We wear regular shirts.
Speaker 2 (04:06):
You know, we don't necessarily need those guys getting to
encouraged to vote, you know, you know kind of stuff
they believe. Certain places just chill out. You know, Atlanta,
we're two shirts.
Speaker 3 (04:19):
I don't give a fuck. We're a jacket, shoot around.
Speaker 2 (04:23):
With vote on it, come out, put vote on the basketball,
Vote on your shoes.
Speaker 3 (04:27):
Yeah, socks.
Speaker 2 (04:28):
Certain places though, Minnesota, I don't have any banter really.
Oh well, it's kind of banter ish.
Speaker 3 (04:39):
I guess.
Speaker 2 (04:41):
I just have to bring it up because it's something
that piques my interest. We're getting older and we see
rappers getting older with us. Our generation was born in.
Speaker 3 (04:55):
The hip hop.
Speaker 2 (04:58):
And my man Willard Smith dropped a freestyle okay in
his car in the car the other day.
Speaker 4 (05:09):
Oh shit, okay, okay, you're gonna play it.
Speaker 2 (05:10):
I'm gonna try to adjust this so that hopefully there's
no echo. But you guys, let me know if the
sound is fucked up somehow.
Speaker 3 (05:17):
But it's only.
Speaker 2 (05:19):
Thirty second clip and I don't know what it's from
exactly but I understand Will Smith is probably like a
sixty year old man almost l COOLJ just did one
of these freestyles and dropped the whole last album, Met
the Man. I saw a freestyle with him the other day.
They're not losing the recipes, and it's honestly child's play
for them to just pick up the mic and do
something like this, and I'm so proud of it. I
think hip hop used to have an issue where it
was like it's the young people's thing.
Speaker 3 (05:49):
Yes, and I agree, and it probably could.
Speaker 2 (05:52):
Have stayed that way, but young people coming into the
culture kind of take it for granted and feel less
about out. And I know I'm painting with a broadbrush,
but just in general, there's less of an era of
like I need to prove that hip hop is a
true art form and belongs therefore, I need to be
excellent at it. I need to dominate. I need you know.
It's like it's like a kid born in the generational
wealth versus their parents who earned the money. Like it
doesn't mean the kid's gonna be a bad kid, but
they can never truly appreciate that there was a world
without hip hop before. And then the first twenty years
of people talking about hip hop was this shit needs
to be shut down. It's not real, it's not good,
it's not music. It'll never last. It's gonna be a fad.
And so a lot of those people that came up
at that time, like us, We're like we have a
militancy inside of us. It's like, yes, it's not it's life.
It's art is as respectable as anything else. And so
you can hear the skills, the diction, the delivery, the timing,
the wit, the word choice, you can hear all of
that that will never get old.
Speaker 4 (07:02):
It won't.
Speaker 6 (07:03):
And I know, just like every other genre of music,
it evolves, it changes it more into other things, but
the foundation of it normally stays, you know, the same.
Speaker 2 (07:13):
Well, it went from counterculture to culture, and that's a
bigger discussion about that and why you know the kids
now are more like fuck it, getting I'm doing.
Speaker 3 (07:22):
Drugs, I'm ganged up.
Speaker 2 (07:25):
It's more revolutionary to be at the top but not
care than it is to care. I have a huge
amount of thoughts about how much Drake influenced that, you know,
the idea of not giving much to your audience, not
giving your life, not giving your skills really and being like,
but I'm still on top, and that's how cool I am.
Speaker 3 (07:45):
And that's how easy this is.
Speaker 2 (07:47):
There's something different about the generation before that was like
trying hard is cool because whoever tries the hardest and
is the best is the best, and we all want
to be the best. Anyway. The fact that they can
just do this shit it pop up and just do
this shit is amazing to me. So this is only
thirty seconds of it.
Speaker 7 (08:12):
Look at this code on me. Tell me who cold
this me? I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I mean,
I'm right where that supposed to be. Save all the
jokes for me, because it ain't a joke to me.
Speaker 2 (08:21):
I'll pull up with gang game.
Speaker 3 (08:23):
They're gonna turn around and make a toast to me.
Speaker 4 (08:25):
Straight out of Philly came I forgot.
Speaker 2 (08:26):
I still have the city with all of my brothers.
Speaker 7 (08:28):
I might go to Overbrook, get me a cheese steak
because I got all this bread and butter. They trk
to call me he may hit the body double, but
I promised.
Speaker 2 (08:34):
It won't be another. I had enough. I ain't with
your tough talk.
Speaker 7 (08:37):
I mean, get us just to start up.
Speaker 2 (08:39):
It's oh, let's go. It's just the fact that they
can still just do that, yes, because like that's the
other thing. Will ain't rapped. It's like coming to Miami basically,
like you know what I mean, Like he's been an
actor and more of a star star than a rapper.
Speaker 6 (08:55):
Yeah, it's a whole generation that don't even know him
for rapping.
Speaker 2 (08:59):
Yes, we Ll went off and became a fucking actor
for years.
Speaker 6 (09:05):
Say for you say with him? A whole generation look
at him like this nigga raps.
Speaker 2 (09:09):
I'm not like, yes, I'm not over exaggerating because I
know many of y'all probably have missed have different perceptions
based on like history and all this stuff. And I
don't blame y'all, but I can't. I cannot stress y'all enough.
The new l COOJ album is a banger.
Speaker 6 (09:25):
I've been hearing people say, I'm telling y'all go let
them to it, don't just listen to me and go
or I heard you say this, or I heard someone say, right,
go here for yourself, like cause I had the same Like, yeah,
but how do how good.
Speaker 2 (09:39):
Can an ll? I'm really be in twenty twenty four,
It's been so long and I'm not, you know, I
don't even think you're wrong to say to yourself like, yeah, man,
like I haven't really fucked with him since Mama said
knock you out, mister Smith something like, I get I
get it.
Speaker 3 (09:58):
That's not a wrong thing to think.
Speaker 2 (10:01):
He hasn't put an album out of see Authentic Deluxe
Edition Is twenty thirteen, Exit thirteen twenty eleven, Like, yeah,
I get it. Trust me when I tell you that
motherfucking album goes though it goes, and I'm like, he
has no business being as good at rap after taking
that much time off, after just being like, yeah, I'm
I'm gonna go be rich and be a great actor
or whatever, get paid on NCIS, I'll see y'all later,
and then come back like, oh yeah, I also am
one of the greatest rappers of all time, just in
case y'all forgot so yeah. Anyway, that was my whole
thought was just, man, that shit will never get older.
And maybe I'm just showing my age, but I'll never
tire of just the fact that somebody can do that shit.
It's not like a young thing or a shame thing
or any of that stuff to it.
Speaker 6 (10:53):
To me, agreed, I just a at the talent because
I can't rap, and so it's just I love to
see rappers rap at like at like I'm gonna put
in the effort. I'm gonna put in the work. And
my thing is there's different styles around. Some people rap
own b some people off beat. Whatever it is, Like
I am here for and like everybody else, I just
have my own personal prefaces own things.
Speaker 4 (11:18):
But you know, for me, I'm like, hey, if you.
Speaker 6 (11:21):
Are like like up there, no matter the age, I'm
not gonna call you whack or whatever, just because I just.
Speaker 2 (11:28):
Think the thing in hip hop that kind of we
lost or just didn't happen. And I think it's part
of the fear of aging, that everyone has the fear
of old shit, you know, the you know how people
like flip out on politicians and just retire you're old.
Speaker 3 (11:47):
You know, it's like old people just supposed to go
off and die.
Speaker 2 (11:50):
The point being, though, I think the what we missed
in in covening that mentality with hip hop and being
like thirty is old. We missed the idea of like
passing the torch of like mentorship in a positive manner
as a bridge as generations like to honor and celebrate generations.
We kind of missed out on that chance to really, like,
I don't it's not too late, but like there you
you would think almost and maybe these and it could
be working both ways, right. I'm not saying this anyone's
fault older generation, people like Andre three thousands saying, why
would any want want to hear a fifty old got raped?
You know what I'm saying, it's Andre three thousand. I
listened to this nigga wrap the toothpaste ingredients.
Speaker 4 (12:43):
Ain't true.
Speaker 2 (12:44):
The fact that someone as great as that can say
and whatever. And I know, it's just different mentality. There's
people that think Lebron should have retired five years ago.
That's like everyone's different about what greatness is and how
to And I'm not judging them for that, but that
that mentality does kind of he like they think they're
making room for a generation, but honestly, I wonder how
much this generation would have actually been better off having
like some guidance and mentorship and some torch passing to
be like, yo, this is this is a like having
nas on this track with you and your twenty three
means something as opposed to just being like you know,
Nas need to hang it up, and I'm gonna go
be do my twenty three year old rap. And I
think there's a reason that a lot of the rap
at the at the forefront, for like a certain certain
age group is about a lack of effort and not
a and not about effort and impressing and stuff like.
Speaker 3 (13:45):
People can feel how they feel about J Cole.
Speaker 2 (13:47):
But one thing I always liked about J Cole is
he openly admitted to like wanting to impress jay Z
and Nas and stuff like that, Like he wanted to
try hard, he wanted to be good. Like you can
call it corner, you can call it whatever. You don't
have to be a fan of his, But there was
something about that that was like, Okay, yeah, this dude
is trying to be one of their ones, as opposed
to the idea of like shut your old ass up,
your old man.
Speaker 3 (14:11):
How you know, Tyler Crator came.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
In on that shit, all these old motherfuckers, and they
took him being thirty two, yes, to start being like, oh, actually,
we might have played this wrong. And I get it
now that I got so much more to say at
thirty two than I had to really say it twenty three.
Speaker 4 (14:27):
Yes, and he's came out and was like, my bad job.
Speaker 6 (14:29):
I you know, because it's one of those things where
young people don't ever think they're gonna get old quote
unquote old like, so it's hard for them to imagine,
you know, you being around, You're not floating somewhere and
dying and they're like.
Speaker 4 (14:39):
Oh shit this.
Speaker 6 (14:40):
Then once you get the age that you consider old,
you realize that shit ain't that old because it's you now.
Speaker 3 (14:45):
Yeah, And I don't want these guys to go away.
Speaker 2 (14:47):
And at the same time, they don't have to like
hop in the booth and make a whole album if
they don't want to.
Speaker 3 (14:51):
If they right, no L wants to do that's dope.
Speaker 2 (14:53):
But I love when they just pop up like, oh no, no,
I still can do this, and I'm very.
Speaker 3 (14:59):
Fucking good at it.
Speaker 2 (15:00):
And know, you're a lot of these motherfuckers that you
hear when you hear people say shit like do these
new rappers da da da da, and you think they're
just being old people and being yelling at the sky.
Sometimes they're right in that, look, these skills that are timeless.
Some motherfuckers do not possess these skills and they're quote
unquote on top of the game right now, but they
don't have what it takes to really impress beyond just
you know, already have being at the top.
Speaker 6 (15:30):
Go ahead, and my next thing is with our seats now,
we actually are close enough to get T shirts. So
it's been really cool to see the T shirts wheezing.
Speaker 4 (15:41):
By your head. T shirt came my direction.
Speaker 6 (15:44):
I actually was like I don't want it, and the
people to butt my head was tackling for it.
Speaker 4 (15:48):
I was like, y'all can have a T shirt.
Speaker 6 (15:51):
I'm like, I'm good and I ain't trying to take
nobody out for a T shirt. And one dude was
like I had already determined I was gonna get it
in the uther Dude, It's like, yeah, dall, it's yours.
It was just hilarious watching him go at that T shirt.
Speaker 2 (16:06):
It is weird that the T shirt giveaway has that
effect on people. It is weird because like a T shirt,
the T shirt that they throw around at sporting events
aren't really T shirts for real, Like they're not like
it's not like you're getting a Lamello ball jersey, You're
getting a shirt that says like guy roofing roof with
the best raised the roof and a small little hornet's
logo or something like that, and it's cheap and they're
all the same size. Don't matter if your kid a woman,
whether you're a man, whether you're big, whether you're small,
it doesn't matter. It's not what you would have went
bought in the store. You would have never spent your
own money on the T shirt. But something about them
throwing that shit in the crowd and shooting it out
of cannon just make motherfuckers lose. They goddamn mine.
Speaker 6 (16:56):
Yeah, somebody was asking about it and the thing about
the T shirt. But those that don't understand, like they
I know now they do it twice and so when
they come in it's like a T shirt toss And
I think most.
Speaker 4 (17:07):
NBA ringas do some form of this and they.
Speaker 6 (17:10):
Like toss it and like shoot cannons and things like that,
and like right to say, they just have random ass
logos or sponsors on them and things like that. But people,
and it don't even matter if the people are for
the home team of the wait team, and like everybody
jumps arena.
Speaker 3 (17:25):
Yeah, it was mostly Celtics fans in there.
Speaker 2 (17:26):
Yesterday and they were fucking going crazy to get hornets
Guy Rufin T shirt.
Speaker 4 (17:31):
I think it's something about it being free.
Speaker 6 (17:33):
I don't know, it's something about it the day like
I got to get my hands on one.
Speaker 2 (17:38):
It's weird and we're not talking about ourselves. We weren't
jumping up. I don't give a fuck about them t shirts.
And you're right, we do get a bunch of gummeas
and stuff. It's for season ticket holders, but like they
gave Karen A.
Speaker 3 (17:53):
Brandon Miller jersey and.
Speaker 2 (17:55):
All this stuff. But yo, I it's just interesting to
me that people lose their mind about it.
Speaker 6 (18:02):
So yeah, yeah, and it just it was just hilarry.
That was just something that thought that I thought of.
Oh and also we probably ended up talking about this
on lip Smacking Good. I had some banana putting popcorn
that was absolutely delicious. I like to try random ass ship.
We were standing in the line for some drinks and
not seeing this thing was like banana put That was like,
what is that banana putting popcorn?
Speaker 4 (18:24):
It was delicious.
Speaker 3 (18:26):
We've had that before.
Speaker 2 (18:27):
I've ordered it online during the pandemic. Okay, we've had
it around the house, just not that brand. But yeah, okay,
it was really good.
Speaker 4 (18:35):
It just I like stuff like that, does it?
Speaker 2 (18:38):
Okay? I thought I was just gonna talk about my
spilled eminems. Oh okay, it's okay. No, you don't have that.
Speaker 3 (18:46):
You don't have to talk about that.
Speaker 4 (18:48):
That was hilarious.
Speaker 6 (18:50):
We got some eminem's of Rojic was trying to open
it up, and I guess he you know, him going
to the gym, you know, gett out of them bows
and ship. He realized, you know, bitch pressing his ship.
He realized how strong he was. He ripped that ship
up like hercules. It was so funny, and I was like,
what is that the old back road?
Speaker 8 (19:21):
Speaker 2 (19:22):
It was right as a woman was asking the like
us the mood to get in her seat, and I
had been struggling with these eminems trying to get the
package to open. I didn't want to just bite into
it like I normally do, like a savage or whatever,
so I.
Speaker 3 (19:35):
Just tried to do it like this.
Speaker 2 (19:36):
And I was high, so I think my brain was
working a little slow. But then it's like instead of
it slowly pulling apart, when it when it when it
finally broke, it just ripped the entire bag. Eminem's went spraying,
except for like maybe thirty percent in the bottom.
Speaker 3 (19:52):
They everywhere they.
Speaker 2 (19:54):
Was, and then everybody kept asking me the same questions,
like how much you pay for them?
Speaker 9 (19:57):
Speaker 2 (19:58):
I guess because they know that they got the arena
price on it, and i'mna be honest, I don't know
how much I pay for them M and MS. I
have no idea, because once I'm at the arena, I've
given up. It's like going to the airport. If you
eat food in the airport, it's best not to even
look at the fucking receipt because whatever it is, it's
too fucking much, So it's just gonna either piss you
off or you're gonna go. I don't want it, I
don't need this. I'm at the arena. I do want
to die code, I'm at the arena. Fuck it, I'm
gonna get some M and m's.
Speaker 3 (20:29):
I'm already snacky, I'm high.
Speaker 2 (20:31):
Let's do this.
Speaker 3 (20:32):
And it's fucking and it's thirty dollars.
Speaker 2 (20:34):
I don't even know how the thirty dollars breaks down
for like Karen's beer, my drink, M and MS and.
Speaker 3 (20:43):
Popcorn. Somehow thirty dollars.
Speaker 2 (20:45):
I don't know. It could have been could have been
twenty nine dollars and everything else, could have been a
dollar together. I don't know. I don't want to know.
It shouldn't even fucking matter. They they was trying to
get into my head to be like, you know, like, man,
that costs a lot, bro, I can't believe that man
brows You're gonna try to get your money back. I
was like no, and so I took. What happened was
if the bag broke so bad, it left me with
just like a handful of em and m's in my hand.
So I took the M and m's in my hand
and I put them in the banana putting popcorn and
shook it up. And then we had banana putting popcorn
with them. And I'm not gonna lie, y'all was good.
It was so goddamn good.
Speaker 3 (21:28):
So we discovered something.
Speaker 2 (21:30):
It was fun. It worked out, guys, don't worry about it,
all right. Uh oh? And then also Karen ganked my
food too. Karen stole my food. That ship was good.
We went to a sushi restaurant and I've been on
a this winter, this fall, this far, I've really been
on a soup type kick.
Speaker 3 (21:56):
I love.
Speaker 2 (21:57):
I've been eating a lot of fuff, being a lot
of uh fuck from different restaurants. And so I was like, oh,
you know what, ramen. You can get ramen with some broth.
That'll be good because I just like it. You know,
it's getting it's getting a little chilly, it's a feeling,
it's not too calorie, dance or whatever. It's delicious. So
we go. Karen orders a sushi roll that she's never
had before, and I ordered my ramen any style, which
is like a brothy ramen, and uh. Karen was like, uh,
you know, looking at mine or whatever. She was eating.
She ate like two pieces of her sushi and then
next thing I know, the whole fucking bowl is on
her side. I wasn't done.
Speaker 3 (22:47):
She got the whole.
Speaker 2 (22:48):
Boat, acting like she's just trying to learn how to
use chopsticks. But the bowl was over there for a
long time. It was and I was eating it, dude,
she was enjoying it. I was taking a picture. The
picture you took us goddamn hilario. I didn't realize I
was enjoying that much.
Speaker 3 (23:06):
Yeah, I put a picture on Instagram.
Speaker 2 (23:09):
Because Karen was Karen was was in her bags. I
don't even know if she noticed that I put the
picture on Instagram.
Speaker 5 (23:16):
I did.
Speaker 2 (23:18):
It took me a while. This is this is the
picture of my of my delicious anti style.
Speaker 3 (23:25):
Notlebl Look at that broth, y'all.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
Look at that.
Speaker 3 (23:28):
Look at them them beef pieces.
Speaker 2 (23:30):
Okay, look at I don't know if that's like zecchini
is in there or something.
Speaker 3 (23:34):
It was delicious.
Speaker 2 (23:35):
It was the broth was brothing. I put a little
siracha in there to get a spicy. I'll like a
little spicy. Then she's trying some Look at this. Look
at how far it is over there. You would think
she ordered the food. It looked like it's her food.
Now I zoomed in because that's look at the joy.
We didn't swap plates. She took my plate, was like, oh,
you can have mine, like I didn't order yours because
I didn't want that. I wanted something delicious. I ordered
something delicious. But yeah, it was delicious.
Speaker 4 (24:12):
I'm like nder that next time.
Speaker 3 (24:14):
Yeah you should.
Speaker 2 (24:18):
All right, let's let's do the show. I guess we needed.
Ship is the whole thing gonna be about? The fucking election?
Let's just go ahead and do it.
Speaker 10 (24:29):
Kamala, Kamala, hast president. We're not going this president. We're
not going that. This president, we're not going that. So
let's be clear about that. Give me running against at me.
Speaker 3 (24:47):
All right.
Speaker 2 (24:47):
So election stuff is happening. Oh great, Just as I
started trying to do that. The website I used to
keep track of our articles besides to not work. Oh ship,
let me see if I can go to a like
election News. No, sir, okay, it works in it works
in a different browser. That's weird. All right, we'll use
this browser. So there's a couple of stories I think
are important because these are election stories that I don't
know if people see them as election stories or not,
but they're very they're very important. A Georgia mom denied
immediate life saving care due to an abortion band Avery
Davis Bell, a thirty four year old mother from Atlanta.
Uh And I think it's important to note that she's
from Atlanta. Not not no, not a racial issue any
but because Atlanta is something that is seen as a democratic,
liberal space, a progressive space in a in a red state.
But the state laws affect everybody. Yes, So the same
way that we live in Mecklenburg County. When they passed
the trans band on bathroom, the bathroom bill in North Carolina.
It was started because North Carolina, Charlotte, our city, past
a law saying, listen, don't worry about what gender you've
been assigned at birth. You're free to use the bathroom
wherever you feel comfortable, and we want to be an
inclusive space. And so then Republicans reacted to that passed
the law in.
Speaker 4 (26:16):
The middle of the night, the middle of the night that.
Speaker 2 (26:18):
Banned trans people from using bathroom. That became the law
of our state. So even in Charlotte, the place that
was trying to be welcoming and inclusive, we still are
beholden to those laws. Yes, this is why you're above
ballot and down ballot races matter so much. And I
know people are going to try to tell you this,
like fifty to fifty shit, this like compromise stuff to
make some of y'all feel better morally, or like you're
I'm not gonna lie to you if you vote down
ballot Democrat, liberal progressive things, but leave the top blank,
your mother fucking idiot, and you just and you just
wasted every everything because the people at the top can
supersede the ship at the bottom. What you would like,
ideally is someone at the bottom in your local area
working on issues for you, and someone on the top
who at minimum won't stop them. That's what you would like,
won't stop them at minimum, won't stop them. At best.
Our best hope is to work with people and be like, yo,
how can we make this a federal thing? How can
we make you know? We would like that. But if
you think you feel safe because you live in like
a city that you think you're not really safe. So
this person is from Atlanta and this is not me. Obviously,
I'm not blaming Atlanta. I'm not blaming these people. I'm
not blaming her. I'm just breaking down the power dynamics
to the laws. So, this life threatening situation arose during
her second pregnancy when she has a complication. Her condition
delayed access to an abortion dude to a Georgia restrictive
laws has left her dealing with lasting health issues. So
people will go, well, she didn't die, she has lasting
health issues that she didn't have before.
Speaker 6 (28:04):
Yeah, and and and some of these cases depend on
the situation. These are people that want children and for
some of them to end up not being able to
have any more children after they go through these incidents,
they end up disrupting things that end up having debilitating
diseases that they have to live with for the rest
of their lives because they had to wait. And a
lot of times because the doctors are so scared they
and they purpose, they personal, They on purpose make the
laws fucking vague.
Speaker 4 (28:38):
Ass shit, they don't have anything written.
Speaker 6 (28:40):
They make them fucking vague to scare everybody so that
the doctors are not sure so and so anything that
the doctors do that they don't like, they can come
back and basically hold the doctors accountable. So basically people
have to be at fucking death's door, and some of
them literally they have to watch them die because it
was like, we rather you die than us be held
accountable for. Oh, by the time they give you the
subjecce that you need, you're so far going. They can't
do anything for you to stay you and.
Speaker 4 (29:05):
Or the child.
Speaker 2 (29:07):
Yeah, and I always thought to vote local, but don't.
But don't worry about what's at the top was one
of the most selfish naval gays and ass points of
view out there because what you're really.
Speaker 3 (29:19):
Saying, is I think I'll be safe in my neighborhood.
Speaker 4 (29:22):
Speaker 2 (29:23):
Fuck the rest of the neighborhoods across America though, Fuck that.
Y'all got to deal with Trump. But for me, I
think I'm gonna be able to carve out a little
space over here where I'm gonna be cool in my
little Neckati Woods, a Texas woman dies after delayed miscarriage
treatment under the state's restrictive abortion law. So yeah, it's
let's see. September twenty twenty one, twenty eight year old
Joselli Barnico was admitted to the Houston Hospital with a
miscarriage and progress in seventeen weeks. Although her service was
dilated her uterus at risk of infection. Doctor Chipoli told
her they cannot intervene into the the heartbeats stopped due
to their restrictive abortion laws. For forty hours, she remain untreated,
development severe infection the lab to her death three days later.
So I'm guessing the news places because this article's from today,
but this cases from September twenty twenty one, I'm guessing
they're highlighting these parts these Okay, yeah, pro public is
highlighting these these these cases because voting is Tuesday and
people are trying to make you forget what's on the
ballot and forget what's at stake for real.
Speaker 6 (30:28):
Yeah, And also it's one of these things too, if
people don't think this shit affects them till that does.
You also have people who your body naturally for some
people naturally go through miscarriages, and if the doctor can't
tell the difference between your body naturally going through its
own miscarriage and or you know, some form of abortion,
a lot of times they won't touch you because they go,
we can't tell the difference or whatever the case may be.
So it's like, no, my body is going through where
it naturally goes. And because they just don't want no problems,
they could run to the same problem. And you ain't
done quote unquote done nothing wrong. Your body is just
going through the process. But they will still fight you too,
for nil. The best thing for everybody to get these
laws off the books. The best way to do that
is to elect people that will take these laws off
the books.
Speaker 3 (31:14):
I agree right now is.
Speaker 2 (31:16):
Leaving is leading to people losing their lives, and it's
not saving the quote unquote babies lives.
Speaker 3 (31:23):
Speaker 2 (31:24):
So none of these stories, none of these stories have
we seen like, well, yeah she was pregnant, Yes she died,
but the child lived on it. If that's what it
takes for a child to be born, No, we're just
wasting life. Conservatives are freaking out though about this, about
these issues that are coming up. Why because they have
this feeling that women are gonna undermine their conservative husband's votes.
M Conservatives across the web been freaking out over Julia
Roberts ad that encourages women to vote their own beliefs
and not how their husbands say.
Speaker 4 (31:53):
Right, fuck the man.
Speaker 3 (31:56):
It's interesting though, because.
Speaker 2 (32:00):
Depending on how you vote in your area, it's not
hard for people to see voting. Like I wonder if
pole workers are thinking about this and kind of splitting
husbands and wives up, you know, because I notice when
we go to vote, we always go to vote together.
We never vote side by side. Nope, they always take
you one place to take me to another.
Speaker 4 (32:24):
I bet you.
Speaker 2 (32:25):
In some of these states you actually have to submit
a paper ballot, so princeship ballot out and you can
see who people voted for on the ballot. But from
my I know when I turn mine in you can
turn it in face down. You don't actually have to
hold it up, and it just says at the end
your voter's been county.
Speaker 3 (32:41):
It doesn't say who you've voted for, but it is possible.
Speaker 2 (32:45):
And I just wonder if Pole workers will I mean,
I imagine they had to without talking about it. Maybe it's
a wink wing nuts thing, nuts nuts thing, but I
imagine they have taken these things into consideration.
Speaker 6 (32:55):
Yeah, because I didn't think about that, but yeah, every
time we went to go vote, because we normally go
up there together, we're basically giving the same mag if
the same name, So they probably like, oh, y'all live
in the same household.
Speaker 4 (33:05):
We're just gonna literally.
Speaker 6 (33:06):
I'm gonna win. And Roger I've never been side by side.
I've been on one side of the room. He lives
on the opposite side of the room.
Speaker 2 (33:12):
Here's the ad though your current Honey, Oh wait, are
y'all getting an echo? I'm sorry, did y'all get an echo?
Speaker 3 (33:21):
Just now?
Speaker 2 (33:23):
Y'all let me know, and if so, I'll keep I'll
stop playing it. If you're not getting an echo, I'll
keep playing it, just trying to figure out if we're
gonna because I don't want it to be an issue.
Speaker 6 (33:34):
Right right with them being able to hear it or
something like that. They probably let us know. Knowing them
is probably like a little delay.
Speaker 2 (33:40):
Yeah, sounded fine. Okay, Well, I'm gonna keep playing it.
Speaker 8 (33:44):
In the one place in America where women still have
a right to choose. You can vote any way you
want and no one will ever.
Speaker 3 (33:56):
Know did you make the right choice?
Speaker 8 (34:01):
Share in honey, Remember what happens in the booths stays
in the booth cloth.
Speaker 4 (34:06):
Harris wafts right.
Speaker 3 (34:09):
The way though white women look at each other is hilarious.
Speaker 4 (34:12):
Girl, I got you, You got me right now.
Speaker 2 (34:15):
The way that they looked at each other, Girl, they
face that girl, did you vote the right way?
Speaker 4 (34:23):
Speaker 2 (34:23):
Did we? But yeah, conservatives are freaking out because there's
been new Poland coming back. I think Iowa just had
a poe where even older women two thirds of them
were voting Kamala and that that's a huge red flag
because a lot of these people are a lot of
the calculus for Trump and the evangelical movement behind overturning
Roe v. Wade was this calculation that especially white women
but also older women would be like, I don't have
a lot of skin in this game. I'm not playing
on having kids. It doesn't matter to me. It's not
you know, like I'm out of the baby having games.
So who gives a fuck? And on multiple levels that's
stupid obviously as we're seeing. I mean, I said when
Roe v wave was overturned, like, that's a huge mistake
because a lot of white women that were privileging could
kind of sit out. A lot of our electoral politics
now feel like amped up and charged up. There there's
more women early voting than men, like fifty three percent.
I think it is what it's at. But in these polls,
women are of all ages are like, fuck Trump, we
rather have Kamon. Though this is about essentially getting rights
to our bodies.
Speaker 3 (35:38):
Back, and and I think it's freaking.
Speaker 2 (35:42):
These guys out because they're like, Okay, are women lying?
Speaker 3 (35:46):
Are they telling their husbands one thing?
Speaker 2 (35:48):
Are they pretending to be in our social circles and
agree with this shit? But in that booth, they're not
going to be in our social circles. They don't agree
with this kind of shit, which of course makes perfect sense.
And I think that's why they're freaking out. And in
addition to a lot of them just feeling like Trump
is about to lose and feeling like he is a loser,
and so it's abandoned ship time.
Speaker 6 (36:09):
Yes, I have one hundred percent agreeing. Also, it's one
of these things. But this is kind of something that
a percentage of them have always done, but now more
of them are starting to do this. And particularly when
you talk about the older women, it's stupid because them,
a lot of older women have been through things, and
a lot of them older women.
Speaker 4 (36:27):
Have had abortions themselves.
Speaker 6 (36:28):
So they'll start thinking about their granddaughters and their daughters
and shit like this, and they'll go, no, you know,
I don't you know, won't I want them to have
the rights that I had And depending on the age
you were old enough to be around, you know where,
particularly my mama and some other people where women didn't
even have the right to a bank account till like
the nineteen seventy is the right to drive like shit
like that where they're going the fuck No?
Speaker 2 (36:55):
Yeah, And I don't think they anticipated how pissed doff
they were going to make these white women. They did
because they had white women in their hip pocket for
a long time. The number went up the second time
around for Trump and for white women specifically, it went
from like like fifty five percent. So white women, we
were feeling pretty good about just having Trump in office.
But I don't think they anticipated Roe v. Wade actually
finally coming down that this was a It was a
dog chasing the car, and they never thought it would
catch the car.
Speaker 3 (37:29):
And then the dog caught the car, and.
Speaker 2 (37:30):
Now they're like, oh, abandoned ship, and they're panicking. The
energy is different. You know, when Hillary was running, we
had pants suit Nation. It was and I don't know
if y'all remember pants Suit Nation, but it was like
white women online and they were like going on Facebook
and they were secretly gathering and telling each other like, hey, hey, Hillary, right,
we're kind of excited about this allything. I know our
husbands expect us to support, you know, Donald Trump, but
Hillary is where it's at, right, And now the energy
is different. I saw a white woman yelling at a baby.
Speaker 4 (38:06):
A baby.
Speaker 2 (38:06):
I saw a white.
Speaker 3 (38:07):
Woman yelling at a fucking baby.
Speaker 2 (38:09):
They were at a they were at a rally, and
this conservative man brought his child out there.
Speaker 3 (38:16):
I'm assuming to be like, my child.
Speaker 2 (38:18):
Wouldn't have been born if it was allowed for abortions.
I guess said, y'all gonna yell at a fucking baby,
and this white woman said, absolutely, I will. She yelled,
I don't interest from the baby's face, loud as hell.
Speaker 3 (38:38):
I don't give a fuck about the baby.
Speaker 4 (38:44):
Guess he said. What she's like, why the fuck you
bring this baby in here? That don't matter to me.
Speaker 2 (38:48):
What I like most is at this point the father's face,
because he looks shocked.
Speaker 3 (38:54):
He's like, I brought this baby out.
Speaker 2 (38:56):
Here as a human shield to keep y'all from from
going in on me and allowed me to spit my
venom and tell y'all that I get to control y'all ovaries.
I didn't think anyone would trump my baby privilege with
white woman privilege. I thought I had the big privilege
car here of no one would ever do something like
this in front of a baby. Now, the black women there,
they kind of folded. Okay, now, I know a lot
of y'all don't want to hear this. I'm a lootle
disappointing the black women because they scolded the white lady like, hey,
it's a fucking baby. It's a reflex.
Speaker 3 (39:29):
We have it in us.
Speaker 2 (39:30):
We have decency will never be as harsh as the
things that have been done to us in American and
I respect that.
Speaker 3 (39:36):
But he brought this baby out here for that reason.
Speaker 6 (39:43):
Yeah, because he knew somebody was gonna try to protect
that child. I wouldn't have jumped in.
Speaker 2 (39:47):
Now, I wouldn't have helped her. I'm be honest. I
would have looked at him. Yes, I would be like,
you're gonna get your motherfucking baby out of here, or
you gonna keep letting her yell at it, because you
shouldn't be bringing your motherfucking baby to tell somebody they
can't be pregnant, or they can't be having abortion, they
can't have IVYF or whatever. The fuck is not your
motherfucking business. Nobody made you or have or not have
your baby. That was a choice. We don't have. You
don't have reproductive organs in the way that these women do.
So what are you? What's your problem? What is your problem?
Of course, as the black women was like hold up, Becky,
what the fuck? Because she went too hard. I also
love how she sized up the situation and the baby.
She steps through with the intendo I'm yelling at this
fucking baby. She sees what's going on?
Speaker 4 (40:36):
Yes, she see it set up.
Speaker 2 (40:37):
And the reason that I that I really respect what
she did is because this is how it works as
a white privileged person. She knew what he was doing.
Speaker 4 (40:47):
Yes, she seen she she seen the game.
Speaker 9 (40:50):
She was on.
Speaker 4 (40:51):
She was on to his She's I'm gonna stop this.
Speaker 2 (40:53):
She said, Oh, you trying and to use little white
girl privilege as the big joker. But you unders white
girl privilege is the little joker to white woman privilege. Okay,
white woman privilege is the big joker. I got the
little writing on my shit. I'm fitting to go big
joker on, y'all take that. I'm like what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (41:27):
That's a baby.
Speaker 4 (41:29):
And you know what he did.
Speaker 6 (41:30):
He pulled that baby and move right, get the fuck
out of here. Guess what she made him move, which
was the point.
Speaker 3 (41:35):
It's like a subway too. They must have been in
New York for for something.
Speaker 4 (41:42):
She made him move food.
Speaker 2 (41:46):
And the black woman tried to be like, you gotta
get out of here. That white woman went right back
to that man that baby like, man, fuck that baby.
The baby could get it too. Now, you can't take
my rights and put a little cute baby in front
of me like that, make it okay.
Speaker 3 (41:57):
It's not okay, it's not she calling him on ship.
Speaker 2 (42:08):
She stood ten toes down someone We was on three
Guys on yesterday. Someone in chat was trying to be like,
I'm not impressed you didn't. Well, I guess they cut
the clip off too early, because she went right back
in that man's face too, like, nah, you too.
Speaker 3 (42:20):
Bitch, get your fucking baby out of here. Like I
and H for any of y'all that's.
Speaker 2 (42:25):
Feeling a little squeamish, and I get it, y'all soft,
and that's good.
Speaker 3 (42:28):
I like having a soft audience.
Speaker 2 (42:30):
With I don't want to. I don't want an audience
for the fucking just just heartless bastards. But listen to this.
Imagine if.
Speaker 3 (42:40):
They said the N word. Are you still feeling so
squeamish about?
Speaker 4 (42:45):
Speaker 2 (42:45):
Was the baby there? And I don't want to We
shouldn't cause any records in front of a baby. If
that man went out there and called them black women
the N word, I don't thive a fuck if the
baby was there or not.
Speaker 3 (42:55):
And I'm and I'm telling you, maybe people just.
Speaker 2 (42:57):
Don't believe the way I believe what this election is
is essince you're calling us all the N word.
Speaker 3 (43:04):
He hasn't run on anything else, He has no policies.
All this election has been as one big All of
y'all are.
Speaker 2 (43:10):
My in words, All of y'all black people, women, immigrants,
gay people, trans people, even.
Speaker 4 (43:18):
The Republican Party. He don't care.
Speaker 2 (43:20):
All of y'all are my in words. That's all this is.
And I'm that furious. Yes, okay, So it's so to me.
Yelling at a baby to me is like why you
bring a baby out here knowing you was about to
call all these people the N word.
Speaker 3 (43:32):
That's how I'm viewing it.
Speaker 2 (43:34):
So I don't have the uh whatever it is that's
supposed to make me be like, oh man, whatever. I
turn that shit off when it comes to this kind
of stuff. And I know it was a stunt. That's
why he brought the baby.
Speaker 4 (43:44):
Yes, that's why he about to make it out there
in the first place.
Speaker 6 (43:46):
Irresponsible as fuck, right, you putting your child in danger?
Donald Trump threatens Liz Cheney with execution by firing squad.
Speaker 2 (43:58):
Not a joke, not the onion, AI, So I to
clip myself. Surprised to some extent, he said she's a
radical warhawk. Let's put her with the rifle standing there
with nine barrels shooting back at her. Okay, let's see
how she feels about it, you know, when the guns
are trained on her face.
Speaker 3 (44:16):
Basically, death by firing squad essentially.
Speaker 2 (44:21):
Now, according to the Criminal Division UH, Arizona's looking.
Speaker 3 (44:27):
Into it as a threat, basically was the point.
Speaker 2 (44:33):
Arizona Attorney General Chris Mays basically said, we're looking into
this as as analyzing it for qualities as if it
qualifies as a death threat under Arizona laws.
Speaker 4 (44:43):
Right, you can't just say that shit. We're supposed to go, oh,
he didn't mean it. No, no bitch, no, what do he?
No be accounting for your words.
Speaker 3 (44:51):
And he's running for president.
Speaker 4 (44:52):
Right you and he ain't, no nobody.
Speaker 2 (44:54):
Yeah, this is a big fucking deal. This is not
just some guy saying some shit like this. Motherfucker's running
for president and he's openly making and of course this
and this is the sad scary thing about him and
supporters they'll always hide behind like he's.
Speaker 4 (45:08):
Joking there with the punchline.
Speaker 2 (45:12):
The person running for president or the sitting president does
not get the joke about killing journalists, killing fire they
can do it. Yes, this is not hot.
Speaker 3 (45:24):
Their job is not to be a fucking comedian.
Speaker 2 (45:27):
And this is how shit happens. And you go, well,
just they don't mean it until they do it. Then
they mean it right right now, it's too late to
say didn't mean it.
Speaker 3 (45:35):
This motherfucker is a criminal.
Speaker 2 (45:37):
Yes, he do stuff. He do bad things, convicted of it.
Cardi B now supports Kamala Harris.
Speaker 4 (45:48):
I'm glad.
Speaker 3 (45:49):
Yeah, she uh was at a rally and gave a
speech off her phone.
Speaker 2 (45:55):
People was trying to make fun of her reading off
her phone instead of teleprompter. But I don't know her.
I don't know she might need glasses. I don't know
what's going on. You know, might be more comfortable reading.
Speaker 3 (46:04):
Off the phone.
Speaker 2 (46:04):
Don't matter to me. He still got a point across, right,
She said, I'm gonna be real with y'all. I wasn't
gonna vote this year, but Kama Harris during the race,
she changed my mind completely. She shared in her nine
minute speech.
Speaker 4 (46:15):
I'm glad she adn't meet it that because that shit matters.
Speaker 9 (46:18):
Speaker 2 (46:18):
I did not get paid a dollar for this. I
actually been talking about these topics for the past couple
of years for free on all my platforms. Before I
was a celebrity, I was a product of poverty for
twenty four years. So you're not gonna tell me what
I want to see in my community. She wrote in
one tweet. This is one of the things I also
I wanted to highlight because I I think it's an
oversimplification when I hear people say stuff like well, the
Trump campaign is paying well, they was willing to pay
fifty three million dollars to come perform in his uh
at Trump's rally, and I hear what y'all saying, because
then they go, dwhy isn't a Harris campaign paying all
these people? The reason they're not paying them is because
you don't have to pay somebody when they fucking agree
with you.
Speaker 3 (47:00):
And they're not there as just like a stunt.
Speaker 2 (47:02):
They're there because they actually believe Beyonce's not there to perform.
She's there to tell people this is important and I
agree with this woman and we need to get her empowered, right,
That's what they're there for. So I understand the transactional
parts of the budget, like I would love for them
to spend more money with black media. I would love
for them to try to get some people's platforms bigger
by having her available to go on these platforms, and
they have done that. For the record, this is not
me shitting on them complaining they have done a good
job of that. They may not have got to every
place I like to see them, but they got to
a lot of places that otherwise typically get ignored by Democrats.
You don't only get a Democrat going a Democratic president
candidate going on Roland Martin show. Period. You just normally
don't get that. You don't get them going on all
the smoke for sure. You don't get that. Biden was
not going on all the smokes. So, like, I'm not
knocking her for this stuff. I'm only saying, like, there's
a difference as to spending money and spending time with folks.
Speaker 3 (48:01):
You don't gotta when somebody like HARDI b is inspired.
Speaker 2 (48:04):
By your actual platform, your act, what you actually can
stand for, we don't need to spend time being like,
here's three million dollars, No, come to come, yo, I
want to do it? May I Yeah, they ask, I bet,
how can I help? Yes?
Speaker 4 (48:18):
I bet you.
Speaker 6 (48:19):
It's getting to the point, you know, because so many
celebrities have you know, being with her on the campaign
trailer and things like that. You know, it might be
for some people she might like we just don't have time,
or they might not have could have scheduled something with
a celebrity, could have met with them, you know. But yeah,
get as many people as you can, get as many
faces as you can, Like I say, things are important.
I appreciate DL hugely for going on and basically saying
what he said, like people, the people want to brush
that shit off, like that shit don't mean nothing.
Speaker 4 (48:46):
But no, you publicly said that.
Speaker 6 (48:48):
You need to publicly say, Hey, I was not going
to vote, but I changed my mind because she went
on all her platforms and said that a few months ago.
Speaker 4 (48:55):
The shit matters.
Speaker 2 (48:56):
And we're also at the on your left cap portion
of the like I don't really have time to quibble
over like who's coming through now and why and how
late is it? We talk about that shit on Tuesday,
you know, after we win, you know, let's talk about
it like win or lost. We do a little report afterwards.
But right now, I'm not gonna rode good will. If
Liz Cheney wants to say some shit, say some shit,
Rightfaldo Rivero wants to say some shit.
Speaker 3 (49:26):
Yeah, now's the time. You know, it's not the time Wednesday?
Speaker 4 (49:29):
Ain't that the true?
Speaker 2 (49:30):
Everything? Before then they helped go ahead and help she
also Elon Musk went on Twitter and called her a puppet.
When you know CARDI don't play that. So Elon Musk said,
another puppet who can't even talk without being fed the
words the Kammula campaign has no authenticity or true empathy.
And she quote tweeted him and said, I'm not a puppet, Elon.
I'm a daughter or two immigrant parents who had to
work their asses off to provide for me. I'm a
product of welfare. I'm a product of Section eight. I'm
a product of privity. And I'm a product of what
happens when the system is set up against you. But
you don't know nothing about that. You don't know not
one thing about the American struggle. PS fix my algorithm.
Speaker 4 (50:09):
Not fixed my algorithm. She's like, the algorithm fucked up.
Speaker 2 (50:13):
You don't know nothing about that. But yeah, I love this.
But and that's another thing too. These are fighters that
you want on your side. This is the reason.
Speaker 3 (50:23):
That I was not like get AOC and them out
of here.
Speaker 2 (50:26):
I'm like, nah, don't. If you can find a way
to bring them into the fold, you do that one
hundred times out one hundred, because they're gonna connect with
the youth in a vigorous way that you can't.
Speaker 4 (50:37):
Yes, they are.
Speaker 2 (50:38):
They're gonna say some shit you're not supposed to say.
That's one of the things that nax Pelosi understood that
I just I'm always so disappointed in my liberal progressive
friends that talk about politics and how little they.
Speaker 3 (50:50):
Understand of like, no, no, no, the game is the game.
Speaker 2 (50:54):
If you all look like one thing, you all have
one message, it'll reach one type of person, right. But
if you got that message and AOC's putting her spin
on it, you got that message, and Pelosi's putting her
spin on it, you got that message, Obama's putting his
spin on it. You got that message Michelle Obamas putting
her spin on it. You got that message, Comma was
putting a spin on it, you got that message, Tim
Walls putting It's gonna hit different types of people that
wouldn't have listened to the other people in that group.
There's some people that roll their eyes a ten Walls
that goes, we what's AOC.
Speaker 4 (51:23):
Talking about they will, you know, and you need that.
Speaker 2 (51:26):
You're not gonna get everybody, but you want to get
as many people as possible. So you want to bring
people on message as much as you can and then
allow them the space to do that. And these advocates,
these celebrity endorsements, whatever, it helps with a certain type
of person. I don't think at this point. If your
bar is it needs to move a whole big percentage
of the voting landscape, then I think you're just out
the lunch. Nothing's moving everybody at this late juncture of
the game right now. Like, the only thing that's.
Speaker 3 (51:54):
Really moving people right now off of the Trump shit
is Trump.
Speaker 6 (51:58):
Yes, yeah, nothing doing He is the only one derailing
his train. Literally, He's the only thing derailing his train. Yeah,
nothing else can do it.
Speaker 2 (52:06):
Like if you're like she went on SNL and one
of my homies texted me about like and they were
he was sounding pretty optimistic at this point. He used
to be pretty pessimistic about this whole thing. But he's
coming around and I was. He was texting me and
he said, I texted him back, like, Yo, it looked
like Comma's gonna be SNL tonight. And he was like,
I don't think they can do that, right, because don't
you gotta do like equal toom or somewhere.
Speaker 3 (52:30):
Shit, I don't know the rules.
Speaker 2 (52:31):
I'm like, I don't know.
Speaker 3 (52:33):
They just say she's doing SNL.
Speaker 2 (52:34):
He's like, damn, it is SNL And he's like, yeah,
but if that's I don't even think that's gonna sway
a single vote.
Speaker 3 (52:39):
I said, it's not where at the ViBe's point.
Speaker 2 (52:44):
And here's what I will say about going on SNL
as Kamala Harris right now, it's some winner shit. And
for a lot of people that have been calling her
some form of a loser for years at this point
and still trying to figure out some way to not
only is she going to lose, but it will be
her fault as a candidate if she loses, not not
America's fault, not you know, the voter and electorate's fault,
any not the rigged elections, the rig judges and all this,
Not that it'll be her fault somehow. Well, sometimes you
just gotta do some winner shit. Sometimes you gotta pop
out and show niggas and going on SNL doing a
nice little cute sketch with my Rudolph. That's just winner shit.
It's just vibes. It's just allow America quote unquote aka
the live studio audience at SNL to see this woman
on the screen in front of them, on the stage
and just standing ovation where she can't even get her
line out for a couple for like thirty to forty
five seconds because they're clapping too loud.
Speaker 3 (53:48):
It's just a vibe sting.
Speaker 2 (53:49):
It looks great as juxtaposed by Trump going to these
fucking football games and then everybody fucking booing them. But
his campaign puts out like a video for him from
behind waving like everybody must have loved having Trump out there,
and it's like no vibes checked. The rest of us
got to see what happened, and we're like, ooh, nobody
likes this guy. It matters when people have been calling
her unlikable for her to go to a place where
the essentially her only function in that setting is to
be a person who is being liked.
Speaker 3 (54:21):
Other than that, she's not bringing much to the sketch.
Speaker 2 (54:23):
You know, you can't have her out there doing too
many jokes and she ain't trying to practice and rehearse
all that shit.
Speaker 3 (54:27):
She's running a campaign.
Speaker 2 (54:29):
She's not gonna be in there in a sketch like
she's like coming up next to next sketch is her
own family feud, Like you're not gonna have that, but
just winter vibes of like, look, it's the person we
like America. She's here. That shit does matter, even if
it doesn't sway two percent of the vote or one
percent of the vote, it's not about that at this point.
Speaker 6 (54:50):
Something that you bought up that that that I agree with,
And particularly with the younger generation, they are really heavy
and to the fucking vibes. Like you know, older generations,
we can fucking vibes, you know what I'm saying, just
just because of how some of us I made. But
the new generation they are really into that vibing out. Man,
It's all about how I feel making how look.
Speaker 2 (55:15):
At how TikTok turned around for this administration specifically because
of her, and how much of that was vibes, how
much of that was before she could even lay out
a platform, Like I still remember them calling her, Oh,
forget the I'm old, I forget the TikTok slang. But
they there was like a word they were doing where
it was like, oh, she's this, and then they was like,
here's a video on her talking about the coconut tree thing.
Here's a video on this, and now it's all funny.
Here's how I love her laugh stuff that that that
people were mocking, right just a week before that. Yeah,
but these kids, right, these kids, they they're like all right, oh,
I say kids, but really they're not kids.
Speaker 3 (55:58):
They're like thirty somethings.
Speaker 2 (56:00):
With these younger voters on the spectrum, the people that
were very disenchanted, they like vibes.
Speaker 4 (56:06):
Yes, they love it.
Speaker 2 (56:07):
It might not be the most longsighted, brat, thank you,
It might not be the most longsighted, just clear minded
view of politics. I wouldn't encourage it. I don't participate
in it myself in that way. I don't let it
get too out of control for myself because I don't
believe in that. I know that at some point the
person in charge has to make decisions that kill people,
that have to make decisions that they have to make
decisions about money that like, this is a job, job.
It's not really supposed to be a fun reality TV
show election, but it is what it is. That is
the paradigm that is being played out in front of us.
It behoo's the campaign to understand that and navigate it
as such, to treat this as like we need to
get back too serious.
Speaker 3 (56:56):
People don't want to hear that.
Speaker 6 (56:57):
Shit, and they don't you lose voters, You will lose out.
Speaker 2 (57:01):
So capitalize on the vibes. And part of that is
going on SNL the weekend before the election and them
loving you and you being funny and America going she
was on SNL. It just establishes you as a thing,
as a as like this is a concept that we
are all in America okay with like it's going to happen,
as opposed to she's just contending to try to be
a thing.
Speaker 4 (57:29):
And something else.
Speaker 6 (57:30):
And I agree that for particularly older people, we can
be a little stuck in the mud when it comes
on shit.
Speaker 4 (57:38):
We don't like change.
Speaker 6 (57:40):
We complained about the young people, but we don't want
to do shit to actually reach them. We ain't trying
to talk their language. We want to keep pumping out
the same old ass, tie ass message. And then and
then look at the young people like if they fault
that they didn't get our message when the message isn't
catered to whatever they're doing so, and so the thing
you were talking.
Speaker 4 (57:59):
About vibes, want to take what vibe is.
Speaker 6 (58:02):
Going on the breakfast club and tell you what vibes
is going out only all these podcasts, like because a
lot of this stuff was non traditional.
Speaker 2 (58:10):
Hold on, I don't actually agree going on to breakfast
clubs is necessarily I mean good vibes, So that breakfast
club is not always good vibes. I mean, when I'm
talking about vibes, it's actually this shit. It's the non
traditional shit. It's the essen l it's the TikTok podcast. Yeah,
some of the podcasts I call her daddy, but it's not.
Some of that stuff's not necessarily vibe checks what I'm saying,
So like when she does a form with Charlemagne, that's
not about checking the vibes. That's about checking his ass. Like, checkmate,
you've been talking this shit. I'm here, now, let's talk
about my issues and platforms. Like you said, you've been
wanting to hear, and he ain't prepared for that. So
essentially it just shows that he's gonna have to go
along with it because he don't know what the fuck
he's talking about, really, and it ends up making him
go out and be an advocate for her because he
don't want to be associated with Trump, like the vibes
are bad with you Trump. So there's also like two
things happening of people trying to abandon Trump ship. But
don't confuse that will happen on Combliss ship, because these
motherfuckers are some of these.
Speaker 3 (59:10):
Are just trying to save themselves.
Speaker 2 (59:12):
Yes, but.
Speaker 3 (59:15):
SNL is definitely a vibe the TikTok stuff to.
Speaker 2 (59:18):
Means, Okay, now there's certain things that are vibes me.
Speaker 4 (59:22):
It's more of a Philly Philly thing. Yes, okay, I'm
with you.
Speaker 2 (59:26):
Speaker 3 (59:26):
Some of this other ship is ship.
Speaker 2 (59:27):
They had been trying to do for years, going on
breakfast club stuff Democrats been trying to do for years.
Speaker 3 (59:31):
It never works.
Speaker 2 (59:32):
They're just scorpions that sting you halfway across the river, right,
this is new.
Speaker 3 (59:37):
Yes, I didn't even know you could do this technique.
Speaker 4 (59:39):
I didn't know you could do this either.
Speaker 2 (59:40):
I thought of a candidate went on sn L S
and L was NBC is like beholding together other candidate sometime.
But at the same time, I didn't know you could
fucking just opt out of a goddamn debate. All the time, right,
and then now they got to do a town hall.
I didn't know and and like Trump turns down these opportunities. Now,
so when you have like her go on CBS or
sixty minutes and he goes, I don't want to be interviewed.
Now they got to do five minutes on why the
fuck he ain't come? Yep, Like so I don't. I
don't know what the rules are. But with past rules,
and even with past rules, and even if this violated
some type of code or rule, fuck it, I'm yelling
at babies.
Speaker 3 (01:00:21):
I don't give a fuck.
Speaker 4 (01:00:22):
Come on, I'm yelling at babs.
Speaker 2 (01:00:23):
It's day turn to feel like the rules being violated,
right that Like, honestly, if if they, if they, if
it comes out tomorrow, and they're like, that was technically
not right. And NBC is gonna be fine for having
her on without Trump. I'm gonna be honest with you.
It'll be the smartest fucking things she's ever done.
Speaker 4 (01:00:41):
Yes, sir, I'll be like.
Speaker 3 (01:00:42):
Great, love it. I'm not trying to win playing fair.
I'm trying to ask yes.
Speaker 6 (01:00:46):
And what irritates me since been on the top of what
irritates me about a lot of people on the left.
They want to always follow the fucking rules. The game
has changed, y'all. The game has changed so much, y'all,
and a lot of times because it's very hard for
them to understand that Republicans that came in and kicked
the board over and say fuck these rules, and they
want to put the board back up. But we got rules.
They go, I don't give a damn about your rules.
They go, but we got rules, They go, fuck your rules.
So at some period of time we got to say
fuck the rules too, and do stuff this is non traditional,
Do stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable.
Speaker 4 (01:01:22):
Do stuff to reach audiences that we otherwise would not reach.
Speaker 6 (01:01:25):
Like we have to do this because at the end
of the day, it's about winning. It ain't aboudy if
we did it right or wrong or indifference. It's about
do you want to win? Because Republicans I wanted to
do whatever it takes to win, But we handcuffed ourselves
talking about rules and regulations and shit like this. If
the rules change, we got to abide by the new rules.
Now we just can't hold ourselves to the same standard
of these old decrepit decrepitated as rules and then look
around and wonder why we lost, because guess what, Once
it's gone, bitch is gone, and it's hard to get back.
And when you get it back, it's not going to
be the same as it was before.
Speaker 2 (01:02:03):
The vibes, like I said, is what it's about, Jlo,
because the Latino people have been activated by that Puerto
Rico joke that Tony Hinchcliffe told, which is so funny,
it's so ironic. Once again, on your left, cap, I
ain't nit picking. Welcome to the party, pal, shout to
the man, Corey, Welcome to the party pole. This is
not me nit picking at all. I don't really give
a fuck at this point. We can be mad on Wednesday, right,
But Trump's policies and words were anti Latino long before
Tony Hinchcliffe got there made a joke. I don't know
why the joke activated people, calling the Puerto Rican island
trash the island of Puerto Rican trash. I don't know
why that activated people, but I'm so thankful that it did.
Because the vibes are so bad. Jlo says every Latino
in this country should be a f is offended by
Trump's Madison Square Garden rally.
Speaker 4 (01:03:03):
J lo.
Speaker 2 (01:03:04):
Ain't that funny?
Speaker 4 (01:03:07):
Yeah, she normally stay completely out like.
Speaker 2 (01:03:09):
Okay, like she's I'm from the block, okay, don't forget
uh and masas the square guarden.
Speaker 3 (01:03:16):
He reminded us who he really is and how he
really feel.
Speaker 2 (01:03:18):
She said of Trump, it wasn't just Puerto Ricans who
are offended that day, okay, it was every Latino in
this country.
Speaker 3 (01:03:23):
It was humanity and anyone of decent character.
Speaker 4 (01:03:27):
All right.
Speaker 3 (01:03:27):
Now, she was campaigning with Kamala Harris. We love to
see it.
Speaker 4 (01:03:32):
I'm glad.
Speaker 3 (01:03:32):
No, oh, go ahead, I'm sorry.
Speaker 6 (01:03:34):
Yeah, I'm glad that she spoke out because that's the
shit that matters. And I'm glad that they are Basically
they've been showing their colors the whole time. But I'm
glad that that's what it took for some people to
be like damn us too.
Speaker 4 (01:03:45):
Yes, bit you too, That's what I said.
Speaker 2 (01:03:47):
Yeah, I don't care. I don't care. Everybody can do
the like. Oh so you was cool with him hating
black people. Yes, they apparently were cool with that. I don't.
It's fucked up to me too. I will be mad
at them on Wednesday. Let's fucking go right, right, let's
go right now. I care about you. Be mad at Trump.
I told y'all, I told y'all, I've been saying it
for years. That's only one thing we all agree on.
Fuck Donald Trump. That's it.
Speaker 3 (01:04:11):
Everything else is just everybody's pet issue. Oh they're not
doing it exactly the right person.
Speaker 2 (01:04:16):
I way that I would do it. He's worse in
every way. Right, So then I don't even understand what
we're holding up our pet issues for.
Speaker 3 (01:04:24):
Well, Democrats didn't get this issue perfect. It's not perfect yet, right.
Is the other person gonna do better? No, they're gonna
do worse.
Speaker 2 (01:04:32):
Okay, So can we all agree we hate this motherfucker though?
Speaker 9 (01:04:36):
Speaker 2 (01:04:37):
We can't all agree. We love Democrats, we love Kama Harris,
we love the Okay, cool, I'm not asking you.
Speaker 3 (01:04:42):
To agree, but this nigga though, right, Okay.
Speaker 2 (01:04:46):
Fat Joe. Fat Joe went on something called breakbeat Media.
He talking about the Puerto Ricans.
Speaker 9 (01:04:55):
Okay, it breaks my heart when I see people talk
about Tell you if any one of you guys got
Puerto Rican friends, When you go over there and you
go visit, the first thing they tell you is my island,
My island. Yo, you went to my island. You enjoyed
my They tell me that, like, like, I don't. I'm
not from Puerto Rico. They'd be like, my island, you
was there, I see the picture my island. How the
hell are they gonna call Puerto Rico and the island
of garbage? Yes? And when I post on my Instagram,
these the guys you're voting for, and I see Puerto
Rican saying no, we're still for Trump twenty twenty four.
That's the house mentally.
Speaker 2 (01:05:39):
Yeah, he blanked it out, but he said that's the
house nigga mentality. Now hmm.
Speaker 3 (01:05:53):
Now see, I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 4 (01:06:02):
I understand fucking.
Speaker 11 (01:06:04):
With black people, fucking with black people, fucking with black people,
walking with black people, and.
Speaker 4 (01:06:20):
I understand it's different in different positives.
Speaker 2 (01:06:22):
I'm not from New York either, and I've always had
to come to a peaceful agreement in my mind in
order to make it make sense. Whatever the black people
in New York allow to go is what goes in
New York. It wouldn't work down here.
Speaker 3 (01:06:40):
I'm just gonna tell you that right now.
Speaker 2 (01:06:43):
If Puerto Rican and you like, I can say niggas
and I'll be rapping and saying calling people. It might
not go well for you if you down here and
you from here, right, But I think there's like some
transitive properties if you got to pass up there and
some there's some stuff for y'all to work out.
Speaker 4 (01:07:03):
Speaker 2 (01:07:04):
But normally when I hear Fat Joe say that anywhere,
I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie it do
bother me zero to one hundred, it's like a twenty five.
This is the first time for me. I can't speak
for none of y'all. First time for me I ever
heard Fat Joe say nigga zero. I don't know it bothered,
It didn't bother.
Speaker 4 (01:07:24):
It didn't bother me at all.
Speaker 2 (01:07:25):
This is the first time you used the rights. This
the first time you used the right. Some other times
I wasn't sure.
Speaker 4 (01:07:30):
I said, no problem is it? Though? I get it.
I get it. He like, get y'all shipped together?
Speaker 3 (01:07:38):
This, dude, Is that really how we're gonna say it?
Speaker 2 (01:07:41):
You a big pun? Is that really?
Speaker 3 (01:07:42):
What? But that right there, that's that's that's right.
Speaker 9 (01:07:46):
You enjoyed my They told me that, like like I
don't I'm not from Puerto Rico. They'd be like my
Ireland you was there. I see the picture my island.
How the hell are they gonna call Puerto Rico and
the island of garbage?
Speaker 6 (01:08:01):
Speaker 9 (01:08:02):
And when I post on my Instagram, these the guys
you're voting for, and I see Puerto Rican saying no,
we're still for Trump twenty twenty four, that's the house
in Tially. Yeah, yeah, you know that, that's the Latino
that wish he was white? Right, Those the guys in
the comments, you know what I mean, change their voice up,
try to sound white, try to fill in those the guys.
You know, those are guys I've been fighting my whole
life because they look at me like, you know what
I am? He from the he from the Mud, and
he don't care because Fat Joe really don't care. I'm
good with steak and lobster, but I'm good with four
chicken wing fried rice. I don't give a.
Speaker 3 (01:08:50):
And I support everything he just said in that message.
Speaker 2 (01:08:53):
I also notice that he's speaking at a forum about
black did this one brown men voting? And what did
I say last week when we were talking going in
on black men? I was like, we need somebody talked
to Latino men, and like, don't like if you're gonna
have a harsh message. It shouldn't be the black man
because eighty percent of us is gonna vote for Kamla Harris.
It need to beating them people that's like sixty percent,
fifty percent less than fifty percent, those groups that think
I'll be all right, maybe I can get some of
this whiteness hopping they shit and so Fat Joe hopping
in they shit. Magnafique, I love it. I love it here,
he said, I've been fighting them all my life. I
love it. I oh, no notes, good job, Fat Joe
zero this week.
Speaker 6 (01:09:42):
With black you know I'm not bothered with at all. Yeah,
them them faue wings and fried rice.
Speaker 4 (01:09:48):
I'm with that too. I like that meal. That's a
great meal.
Speaker 3 (01:09:50):
Let's keep the good vibes going, though.
Speaker 2 (01:09:52):
Let's keep the good vibes going because once again, I
brought this up last week where I talked about Obama
and I said, like, I love President Obama. I'm not
one of these I hate the president. Ask niggas is
not or he ain't the type of black person, the
black type black person. I thought, I'm not the kind
of black person that can be president. You need a
person like this, You need some Jackie Robinson shit. So
and my thing was like, man, I don't mind that
he feels that way about black men who aren't gonna
vote and that will not support Kamala Harris because she's
a black woman. I don't feel I don't mind him
calling those people out.
Speaker 3 (01:10:28):
It's just you're at an event where those are not.
Speaker 2 (01:10:31):
The people you're talking to, right, These people have done
the work as a whole. Black men are only second
to Black women when it comes to supporting Kamala Harris.
So let's not act like we're a problem. If there
are people within the group that are a problem and
you want to call them out, cool, But you could
also say that of the eight percent of black women.
You could say that, you know what I mean, Like,
you could say that of every group, not just that's
not just Germaine the black men. But I was like,
you know, it's it's an odd time to put that
message out there, and mostly because strategically it's gonna give
a lot of these fucking drifters and these fucking ne'er
do wells and these motherfucking like sabotagers and these ops
a chance to be like.
Speaker 3 (01:11:12):
Oh told y'all, see this is why they be losing.
Speaker 2 (01:11:15):
And I don't want to hear that shit because we're
too close to the finish line for any like of.
Speaker 3 (01:11:20):
Those type of ongold mistakes.
Speaker 2 (01:11:23):
Anyway, he went and sat down with Win with black
men and they did this video that went out on Twitter,
but it was like a whole sit down. It wasn't
just this, uh, this one clip.
Speaker 12 (01:11:37):
The most credible messengers for this campaign in these closing days, hours, minutes,
it's going to be all of you. You talking to
your friends, relatives, people in your communities, your coworkers, your
ability to speak to them in real talk about what's
at stake and why this is so important. It's going
to make all the difference. And if y'll do that,
I promise you, Kamala Harris is going to be the
next president of the United States and we can build
on the progress we've already made and look forward to
a much brighter future. So I appreciate all of it,
and thank you for the extraordinary work you guys are doing.
Speaker 3 (01:12:23):
I'm proud of you.
Speaker 2 (01:12:24):
I love it. That's not so hard to do, That's
all I was saying. I like, I know people love
to get hyped up on like some like discipline, discipline,
or like because all the gender warshit like yelling at
black dudes, and especially because of all these like ops
that are very public but they're like, I love me
some Trump. It makes you ignore the eighty five percent
of us that are like, no, the fuck we don't.
And so it was that's a much more uplifting message
that makes you want to go work hard. And it's
still said exactly what I said, which is, don't ignore
that they're hold out niggas in the world. You're just
talking to the ones who aren't to be like, hey,
how do we spread what you have to some other folks?
Because I know y'all understand, but I don't need y'all
to understand in private. This ain't paying suit nation. I
need y'all yelling at babies, Okay. I need y'all to
have that energy when you're in the barbershop and you
actually are like, nah, brother, let me tell you why
that that's not actually correct. When you hear some misinformation
when someone says something like, uh, well Biden ain't never
done nothing for no black people, well you can know
a few things and be like, actually, here's some things
he did do like change the setup, the peer pressure,
make it flow the other way. So anyway, I love that,
And those are the messages that I think are on point.
Like that helps everybody out to have those messages. So yeah,
shout out to Obama, appreciate appreciate him or the Swarzenegger
made a rare presidential endorsement. He's another one of these,
like him and Bob Kuss kind of did the same
time of endorsement, which is the like, I don't like
the Democrats, Noah, don't like Kamala Harris, but it can't
be Trump. All right, Fine, what was to the party?
We'll talk, we'll talk Wednesday. We'll see how this thing
goes on Tuesday. We'll talk Wednesday. We'll circle back to
you acting like it's you know, it's kind of both sides,
but I guess I guess her.
Speaker 3 (01:14:23):
You're a Republican nigga. I know you don't fuck with
with her.
Speaker 2 (01:14:27):
I know you don't fuck with Democrats, And I have
a feeling we sit down and talk about what you
think is wrong with the Democrats and what is right
with the Republicans. Probably not gonna get too far mm hmm,
but uh, it's all good. Player, It's all good. Thanks
for coming on board. Nikki Jam retracted his Donald Trump endorsement,
saying he's stepping away from politics because Puerto Rico deserves respect.
Nikki Jam was in Bad Boys for Life.
Speaker 6 (01:14:54):
Oh that dude, okay, So I know you have to
remind me every time you say that name.
Speaker 4 (01:15:00):
Cut that shit don't stick.
Speaker 6 (01:15:02):
We said it go in one end out that my
brain is like, oh, that's not I don't need to
pertain that.
Speaker 4 (01:15:07):
That's why I'm like who every single time.
Speaker 2 (01:15:16):
So Nikki Jam had got on stage at a Trump rally,
probably for a check, but who knows, wearing one of
those Maga hats and champagning for Trump. He's Puerto Rican.
Trump of course has that Honey Hinchcliff moment that the
rally were tony cause the island trash, and suddenly Nikki
Jam says, I think I need to get off of this.
Speaker 4 (01:15:38):
Oh work, So that's what it took.
Speaker 3 (01:15:41):
He didn't find it as funny as Jon Stewart finds it. Apparently.
Speaker 2 (01:15:44):
He says, I believe it was what's best for the
economy in the United States, where a lot of Latinos live,
a lot of immigrants that are suffering over the state
of the economy. Uh, he's playing in Spanish with Trump.
That's a bit being a businessman. I felt it was
the right movement.
Speaker 4 (01:15:58):
They're not that businessman shit.
Speaker 6 (01:15:59):
But but I I'm like, have y'all looked and see
how many fucking feil business he's had, how many chimes
he had to fucking foul bankruptcies.
Speaker 4 (01:16:07):
I did not know this nigga has on airplanes.
Speaker 6 (01:16:10):
This nigga has owned casinos, This nigga had he sold steaks.
This nigga has had so many goddamn businesses, and them
fuckers always flopped in about a year or two within them,
they end up failing. I didn't even know he had
an airplane business. The reason why he had to close
the airplane business down, well, it called Trump Airlines. He
ended up having to close it down was because, like
about a year into it, won of the fucker's crash
because he didn't want to pay to keep the fucking
maintenance on up on it. He's fucking cheap people, Go businessman.
I was like, he's a fucking failed ass businessman. That
is ridiculous when they say that, I go, y'all ain't
did the research on this man anybody else, You'll be like,
I would never do business with this person.
Speaker 2 (01:16:51):
Yeah, name of industry. He's bankrupted himself in it, you know, yes,
the school food, It don't matter.
Speaker 3 (01:16:58):
Don't on something and fuck it up.
Speaker 2 (01:17:02):
And of course the other reason is stupid is well,
a lot of them Latinos live in America.
Speaker 3 (01:17:06):
Not if it's up to Donald Trump.
Speaker 2 (01:17:09):
That don't even make sense. Oh, I just thought it'd
be good for the economy. You know, a lot of
Latinos lived there. And what are his thoughts on Latinos
their rapist They're coming up like, yeah, funk out of here.
Brog Niggy Jam said he never thought, uh, never in
his life thought that just a month after his endorsement
of Trump, a comedian would have piited, criticized, talk badly
about my country. That's why I'm renouncing about support for
Donald Trump stepping away from any political conversation.
Speaker 3 (01:17:35):
Puerto Rico deserves respect.
Speaker 2 (01:17:37):
The big biggest thing I respect out of him saying
this is that he's stepping away from any political conversations.
That's very important because what he realized is I'm kind
of a useful idiot, And what a useful idiot can
do to help most of us is just stop being useful,
stop volunteering to be used. Go away. I told you
I don't have no problem people I disrespect shutting the
fuck up that I disagree with.
Speaker 3 (01:18:03):
I'm sorry. Not people I disagree with shutting the fuck up.
Speaker 2 (01:18:06):
I love it. Will they be like, oh, you know
so and so secret Republican. Good, that's the best way
to be secretly. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (01:18:11):
And also I am the type of person I don't
demand to day come out and say something.
Speaker 4 (01:18:15):
If they don't say anything, I'm like, I'm fine with that.
Speaker 3 (01:18:17):
Like what I'm saying, I don't need. I don't want
to know where I stay with you?
Speaker 4 (01:18:21):
Right, how about.
Speaker 3 (01:18:23):
You just leave it alone before something bad happened. Let's
just leave it alone.
Speaker 2 (01:18:27):
A man who threatened Fulton County DA Fanny Willis gets
nearly two years in prison. Of course, he threatened her
because of the Donald Trump case that she's prosecuting. Arthur
Ray has in the Second of Huntsville made phone calls
threatening her just over a week after Trump and eighteen
others weren't died in Fulton County in August twenty twenty three.
Speaker 3 (01:18:47):
Funny how he going to jail before any of them will.
Speaker 4 (01:18:49):
Mm hm crazy, you don't got the same protection.
Speaker 3 (01:18:52):
Crazy, but yeah, good get him out of here.
Speaker 2 (01:18:57):
Supreme Court conservative justice leaving place for Rginia's purge or
voter registrations. They're literally like trying to purge people's voting
registrations up to like the last day type of shit day. Yeah,
and of course the Supreme Court, anything that can help
Republicans they're gonna try to do. They're gonna try to do.
If you're in Virginia, go and I mean, I don't
know if it's too late now, but you want to go.
This is why you want to early vote, and so
that you can go to the polls and take care
of any issues that might pop up that you don't know.
More than sixteen hundred voter registrations were I believe, let's see, Yeah,
they found the state Okay, Justice, acting on Virginia's appeal
at the federal judge founded the state illegally purged more
than sixteen hundred voter registrations in the past two months.
So like they were going, oh, we're just trying to
get these people off this illegally doing this, and it
turns out they illegally kick some people who had the
right to vote off.
Speaker 6 (01:19:58):
Yes right, I know, you know, And it happened here
in Charlotte. It was a It was actually a white
dude he early voted. We've seen seen something on out
with his news. He early voted, went to go vote,
and the person was like, yeah, you already voted.
Speaker 4 (01:20:14):
He was like, what you mean, I already vote. They
was like, you already voted.
Speaker 6 (01:20:19):
So he basically had to get in touch with the newspeople,
who basically hounded the state to find out that there
is somebody else who lives in the city who has
the same name. They just had a different address and
different birthday. And so they was like, oh yeah, we
got that stuff together and we got your stuff together.
But guess what, he only found out because he because
he early voted. And so could you imagine doing that
bullshit on election day and your shit just not getting
counted or they just looking at you, because like, if
it's election day, a lot of people are gonna go.
Speaker 2 (01:20:46):
The fuck, it's gonna be too late, right, and you're
not gonna be it's a clock and there's gonna be
a long line of people. They may not have time.
They might give you a provisional valid you won't know.
Speaker 3 (01:20:54):
If it's counted. It's why you want an early.
Speaker 4 (01:20:56):
Vote, right, so things like that can be corrected.
Speaker 2 (01:20:59):
But yeah, it's important, and the Supreme Court is not
on our side. Just that shit. This is why we
can't let this election be close. It just can't. We
have to give them many people out there as possible.
A team got arrested for waving a machety towards two
women at a Poland site in Neptune Beach.
Speaker 3 (01:21:17):
Oh, he's an eighteen year old.
Speaker 2 (01:21:19):
He's group of like he's part of a group of
like eight people, and he was waving, of course, maga
people and he was waving a machety around intimidating people,
which is illegal and which is why he got arrested.
And I think a lot of people are worried about
this type of antagonizing harassment in the last few days
because one.
Speaker 3 (01:21:47):
Party is spent the better part of four years at least.
Speaker 2 (01:21:52):
If I would even argue more than that, saying that
elections are stolen and Democrats never win, Republicans should always
win and if don't waiting and it was stolen and
you what are you gonna do about it? Are you
gonna go down to the Capitol. What are you willing
to hurt some people? Are you willing to threaten some people?
We're gonna fight like hell, shit like that. So these
people are worried that these people are prime for these
these type of incidents. This is First.
Speaker 3 (01:22:15):
Coast News on your side.
Speaker 2 (01:22:18):
We begin with breaking news.
Speaker 1 (01:22:21):
That breaking news coming out of Neptune Beach with where
just in the past forty five minutes, police have announced
the arrest of a teenager accused of threatening a woman
with machete outside of a polling place.
Speaker 4 (01:22:33):
Thank you for joining us tonight.
Speaker 2 (01:22:34):
For Ferd also really goes against that whole notion everybody
has with like the youth will save us. Oh you
know the don't worry, the young white people won't be
as racist as the old white people.
Speaker 3 (01:22:46):
It's like he's eighteen with a machete. He's escalating.
Speaker 4 (01:22:49):
First Coast News at eleven. I'm not the prot and.
Speaker 13 (01:22:51):
I'm Anthony Austin. We want to get right out to
the scene of that breaking news tonight, our Christina Burg.
This is joining us live outside the Neptune Beach Police
Department where Christina a news conference just wrapped up.
Speaker 4 (01:23:06):
Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 14 (01:23:07):
We were at a news conference earlier at the police department,
and we came over here to the Beach's Library where
this incident happened earlier today at four pm. At this time,
an eighteen year old his name is Caleb James Williams.
He was arrested for brandishing a machete over his head
right here in this parking lot today around four pm.
Michael Key, who which is the police chief, tells us
that Neptune Beach Police responded to an armed person with
a machete call here at the Beach's Library.
Speaker 4 (01:23:33):
When officers arrived.
Speaker 14 (01:23:34):
On scene, they found eight males, seven of them between
the ages of sixteen and seventeen, and one of them
was the eighteen year old. They were here in this
parking lot where the chief tells us they were protesting
and antagonizing people who were here coming to vote. When
police arrived on scene, they did arrest eighteen year old
Caleb Williams for having that machete. Chief Key tells us
that it was a seventy one and a fifty four
year old woman that made the call to police about
this end.
Speaker 4 (01:23:59):
Of brandishing that machete. In today's press conference, that we.
Speaker 2 (01:24:03):
Threatened old women.
Speaker 4 (01:24:04):
That's crazy.
Speaker 14 (01:24:06):
Five minutes ago, Chief Key tells us that he's pretty
upset and disturbed at what happened today.
Speaker 15 (01:24:14):
The group was there for no other reason but for
ill intentions to cause a disturbance. This is not an
incident of solely a First Amendment protected right, but rather
one where they were simply there to cause a ruckus.
Speaker 14 (01:24:34):
And Caleb Williams was charged with aggravated assault on person
sixty five years or older, and he was charged with
improper exhibition of a firearm or a dangerous weapon. At
this time, Chief Key tells us that that seven other
juveniles have not been charged. And when the Chief was
asked about any security measures that they will be taking
ahead of you know, voting happening right now, he did
say that he has spoke with the Supervisor of Elections,
Jerry Holland to make sure that these poling locations continue
to stay safe.
Speaker 3 (01:25:03):
All right, But yeah, that's that's what we're up against, man.
Speaker 2 (01:25:06):
And I mean, I'm not gonna do the alarm and
shit because I think it's actually people think they're helping,
and I think they're not. And now I know that
their hearts are in the right place, and they got
good intention when they bring up every single issue happening
at one of these place where it's like, yo, a
old man tried to run up in the Poland place
with his with his Trump had on, and he got
into he was like threatening their workers. I understand why
we should share those things, and it is right to
share it, but don't drop to hyperbole and scare people
out of vote and be like, well, you know we
are even gonna be able to vote, Like, no, you
have rights, we have laws, we have people that are
supposed to protect those rights. There are things in place.
In this case, the police came arrested this dude. We
cannot just we can't let the intimidation work, right.
Speaker 3 (01:25:53):
I don't, And I think the way that.
Speaker 2 (01:25:58):
These are the softest versions of white people we've ever had.
Every year they get a little softer this like, these
are not the same white people that was able to
enslave all these black people. They not, these ain't done.
They they they just a peal car copy copy copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy,
copy copy of those people. But what they do lack
in like that sort of brutal efficiency and savagery. They
make up in this bluster of like like, that's what
Donald Trump is. He's a whimpering, sad victim. He's a
pathetic old man, he is. They are propping this dude
up like weekend at Bernie's because it's all they have left.
They're on them the way he would cling on to
a big mac. Okay, And yet it feels scary and
we're supposed to be scared. That's what they would like us.
They want us to be out of our rational minds
and into this terror.
Speaker 6 (01:27:04):
Yes, that's a whole purpose. You don't think rational when
you're like that.
Speaker 2 (01:27:07):
Well, we're so scared that we are, you know, moving
out the way. And I'm just trying to say, like,
don't let a couple of our videos stop you from
being like nah, Like like, well, I guess I can.
Speaker 3 (01:27:18):
I guess we're gonna lose. We can't vote.
Speaker 4 (01:27:20):
I'm going and you fuck with me. I'm calling the
cops on you.
Speaker 2 (01:27:23):
Yeah, So I appreciate that, you know, I appreciate them
coming to get him. And also, like like I said,
I don't know what will happen, but I just know
that these motherfuckers want us to be scared to exercise
our rights. And now you got a little taste for
all y'all not my ancestors' hands got a little taste,
inn't you because they was actually dealing with this shit
at all the locations of them, you know what I mean,
Like they was going to the to the Poland location
and they had to have their rifles. This shit was different.
I don't want to go back to that. I hope
you don't either. Ain't that the truth? But yeah, a
dude had a less go bring in his shirt on
and got into a fight at the Poland station. Luckily
he was he did not hit the black woman that
like hit him, and they were able to break it up,
and I don't know who else grabbed him the like separated.
Speaker 6 (01:28:13):
Speaker 2 (01:28:13):
I did see people trying to turn into a gender
issue and be like.
Speaker 3 (01:28:16):
There was no black men there. This is what I'm
talking about, y'all.
Speaker 2 (01:28:19):
Ain't shit. And I don't know why that always is
to take that takes off. I could see if there
was some black men there going, yeah, beat her up
or didn't participate it didn't help or something like that,
but there was like no black men there at that moment.
I don't know that that means no black men work
at the Poland station. I don't know that that means anything.
Most of the time the poleworker people are older people anyway,
Yes they are, so it was, but the point being
they were spreading that for us to.
Speaker 3 (01:28:48):
Be like these got they these maga people.
Speaker 2 (01:28:50):
They're gonna make it impossible to vote. No, they're not
going there and vote. Go in there and vote. You
got a problem, textion, nephew, He'll come there, hand the
old man for you.
Speaker 3 (01:29:02):
Let's see.
Speaker 2 (01:29:03):
Florida told the d o J that their monitors are
not allowed to be inside the Poland place. This seems
like one of those things they want to go to
the Supreme Court.
Speaker 3 (01:29:13):
I don't know what's gonna happen the Department of Justice.
Speaker 2 (01:29:19):
I'm not sure what they can like, what what is
allowed to be done.
Speaker 3 (01:29:24):
I'm not savvy enough to know these things.
Speaker 2 (01:29:26):
I will say their fear of having the d OJ
in there monitoring that election tells me that Florida people
have been saying for a while, maybe Florida is in
play because they scared. That's some scary shit to be like,
don't even come here and count.
Speaker 6 (01:29:41):
That's their job to oversee the What the fuck y'all
doing right.
Speaker 2 (01:29:45):
So I don't know what will happen with the DJ
and how they'll, if they'll like what they'll do, And
I don't necessarily know that that means any malfeasus is
gonna take place or could take place, But it's a statement.
Speaker 6 (01:29:59):
Yeah, for the FA that y'all don't be like, sure,
come on in, we ain't got nothing to hide.
Speaker 3 (01:30:04):
US official say.
Speaker 2 (01:30:05):
Video Fossley depicting voter fraud and Georgia is linked to
Russian influence actors.
Speaker 4 (01:30:11):
Yeah, they said that shit has been off the chain.
Speaker 6 (01:30:13):
They were saying, particularly this election, they learned from twenty
sixteen and twenty twenty. They've learned a lot, and they
were saying, a lot of them are a lot smart,
a lot of them have AI, a lot of them
are more nuanced with the way they word their shit
now and things like that to make shit go a
lot more viral than it used to. They're not as
easy to spot, because they were saying, the government is
having a harder time identifying some of them now then
they used to, just because they have got more tech savvy.
Speaker 2 (01:30:45):
Video purporting that depict voter fraud and Georgia is fake
and the work of Russian influence actors. US intelligence official
said Friday. This is the reason I think Trump always
attacks the institutional government agencies that are telling us what
is facts, the media that tells us what is facts.
The reason they find the word fact check to be
offensive is that they are trying to purposely gaslight us
and take away confidence and things like this. So when
you read an AP report telling you this shit is
fake in the Republican information silo, that just gives them
more confirmation is real. In addition to wanting to believe
that the election's going to be stolen, they also are
willing to believe that like any amount of quote unquote
evidence works for them, so they won't you know, this
is what happened in twenty twenty when they were when
ran up on the Capitol.
Speaker 3 (01:31:39):
It was a bunch of fake information that they were.
Speaker 2 (01:31:41):
Like nah, and that's why they got so offended with
a few months ago, Trump was saying, like, we lost
by a little bit. We didn't okay it. It wasn't
necessarily stolen at the time, and they flipped the funk
out and you had to go back.
Speaker 3 (01:31:52):
They're like, no, it was stolen.
Speaker 2 (01:31:53):
It was stolen.
Speaker 3 (01:31:54):
Stole. They stole at that time.
Speaker 2 (01:31:56):
So yeah, it is a twenty second video which can
be seen circulating on social media platform x because Elon
Musk wants that to circulate. Of course, show someone who
described themselves as a Haitian immigrant talking about how he
intended to vote multiple times into Georgia counties for Vice
President kam Lars. They also have ones where like they
have a postal carrier and they'll be like they're destroying
votes that are for Trump and shit like that.
Speaker 4 (01:32:20):
Speaker 6 (01:32:21):
Yeah, but y'all, motherfucker's blowing up mailboxes out in Washington State.
Speaker 4 (01:32:24):
Get out my whole ass face.
Speaker 2 (01:32:26):
Speaker 3 (01:32:27):
Speaker 2 (01:32:28):
Trump SU's CBS News over sixty minutes interview with Harris
Network says the suit is completely without merit.
Speaker 3 (01:32:35):
Yeah, that's just part of his playbook. Let's see.
Speaker 2 (01:32:39):
I'm doing a couple more and then we're gonna get
out of here. Oh, Mike Johnson's had the Senate leader,
i mean, the House leader has vowed to kill Obamacare,
if y'all care about that. So that's another reason you
don't want Trump in office, because that's the thing people
keep as something just like Roe v. Wade. It's real, yo,
you thought he wasn't gonna do it. I think that's
what the threat that people are starting to learn now
was like, Oh, when they say they gonna do some shit,
we gotta stop acting like that means they might not.
They gonna do.
Speaker 6 (01:33:10):
It, And but I just that's if the general publican
mass allows them to.
Speaker 3 (01:33:16):
That's what I'm saying. You gotta go vote because they
gonna do it.
Speaker 2 (01:33:19):
You think they gonna get in there and be like
that was just the thing they said. He was just
joking or some shit, and then you're gonna look up
and be like, oh, I didn't know Obamacare did all that.
Speaker 4 (01:33:29):
And not only that.
Speaker 6 (01:33:30):
The thing is, I remember, I've been around long enough
before Obamacare, insurance just got higher and higher and high,
like every year, higher and higher and higher, just for.
Speaker 4 (01:33:42):
No goddamn reason, you know.
Speaker 6 (01:33:44):
And it's one of these things when Obamacare some of
your some of the rates because you got more people
in the pool. And so when you do that, it matters,
like that shit matters, and people forget. It was a
ship show before Obamacare, like literally a shit show.
Speaker 2 (01:34:02):
Two women got into a fight over a Maga hat
on British Airways flight.
Speaker 3 (01:34:05):
Both of them got kicked off.
Speaker 9 (01:34:07):
Speaker 3 (01:34:08):
I think one of them was like, could you take.
Speaker 2 (01:34:09):
Your hat off? And so she, of course no, because
they wear that hat hoping that some shitill happened so
they can be like, I'm the real.
Speaker 4 (01:34:20):
That's why they was a hat that that has a sign.
Speaker 2 (01:34:23):
Yeah, and so the one woman was forty, the other
one was sixty one as the other to remove her
maga hat, sparkling a conversation that escalated the punches in
the cabin.
Speaker 4 (01:34:34):
Oh damn that death. Seriously, best thing I say, take
their hat off.
Speaker 2 (01:34:39):
Judge rejects Elon musk bid to move one million dollar
giveaway lawsuit the federal court amid allegations of illegal lottery.
Speaker 4 (01:34:50):
Yeah, you can't do what he was doing. Like, I
don't know what made him think that was.
Speaker 3 (01:34:54):
Okay because he ain't from here and he don't know
the struggle.
Speaker 2 (01:34:58):
Mark Marin calls out comedians who joke around with white
supremacists and fascists on their podcast. All it does is
normalize fascism. Yep, Mark Marin ain't wrong.
Speaker 4 (01:35:08):
Facts Uh.
Speaker 2 (01:35:10):
He said, they joke around with shameless self promoting white
supremacist and fascists on the show. All it does humanize
and normalized fascism. When someone used that platform for that reason,
they're facilitating anti American sentiment and promoting violent at autocracy.
They wrote it in a blog post share the social media.
I agree with him, and that's why I don't understand. Yeah,
I don't understand. And it's just.
Speaker 3 (01:35:36):
Okay, I don't understand it.
Speaker 2 (01:35:37):
People feel how they want to feel.
Speaker 3 (01:35:39):
But when I see people talking about, you know.
Speaker 2 (01:35:41):
Your Andrew Schultz's and your your Joe Rogan's and these
other people that, you know, even the legion of skanks
dudes that had malayan Anopolis on, I don't understand it.
I don't know what it's so funny about it, and
it really does seek to legitimize these people people, even
as they say it's not they It's like, just because
you deny your responsibility in something doesn't make you not responsible.
Speaker 3 (01:36:07):
It's like saying to yourself.
Speaker 2 (01:36:09):
Like I felt fine to drive, well you on the
wrong side of the road and you're over the legal limit.
Speaker 3 (01:36:16):
You don't have to feel responsible to be responsible.
Speaker 2 (01:36:19):
And I appreciate Mark Marin saying something because too many
of these comedians are fucking cowards and they'll sit up
there and act like they got some level of principal
and shit, but they ain't no better than anyone else
when it comes to like sitting down with each other
and being like, well, what we're not gonna do is
ever criticize comedy.
Speaker 3 (01:36:37):
I'm you know. A perfect example is John Stewart. John
Stuart seemed.
Speaker 2 (01:36:44):
Like a pretty righteous dude in his own personal politics
and shit, but at the end of the day, he
believes that Bill o'reiley is his g and whatever he
did to them women don't matter. Come on my show,
Let's kick it and pal around. I just want to
show people that I could be cool with people on
the right. That's really all that's a display for. Look
how cool it like. Go find a new right wing buddy.
Then I don't know why I gotta be the dude
that got kicked off of Fox News because that's how
many fucking women he asked. I don't know why that's
the I don't know why that's gotta be the homie.
But okay, he defended Dave Chappelle's trans jokes, and shit,
he wouldn't make those jokes. John Stewart knows better than that.
But also, just to me, I honestly believe I'm if
I was a fucking lot of detective test and I
made him take it, I believe he would. He would have.
Speaker 3 (01:37:25):
He will say that shit, really, ain't that clever?
Speaker 2 (01:37:28):
Funny? That's my true belief. Maybe I'm wrong and he
thinks it's all funny. Same thing with him defending Tony Hinchcliff.
He's defending him because just like fucking cops, comedians have
the thin blue on all the silence where a comedian
does it, and therefore it ain't wrong, therefore we must
defend it. Mark Marin said, fuck that shit, I'm yelling
at babies. Fuck that. You're wrong. You're piling around with
Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, Andrew Schultz. You're making it seem normal.
You're making it your humanize him. You're Jimmy Fallon rubbing.
It's tough to hair like, oh so cute this dictator
for a day, this guy that that that.
Speaker 3 (01:38:07):
Otherwise I'd be like.
Speaker 2 (01:38:08):
Well, Noah, I don't agree with that, and I don't
agree with that, and yeah, he shouldn't have waked those women,
and no, he shouldn't.
Speaker 3 (01:38:12):
Have did that. And then other than that hilarious fuck
out here, he says, even.
Speaker 2 (01:38:19):
Though I do not do a political show. I have
very clear in my in my specialis in a podcast.
What I believe, and I believe for years. What is
brwing in his country is in the American fascist movement
rude a half in grievance and half in Jesus and
enabled by tech ollocrats and an inundation of propaganda for
many sources. Well, it's fully percolated and pouring into the
minds of all of us. Is shameless and proud. Culturally,
the combination of blatant racist fear mongering and the anti
woke movement has delivered their message for the future, a
future that marginalizes almost all voices.
Speaker 3 (01:38:49):
Yeah, I fuck with Mark Man for saying that shit.
Speaker 4 (01:38:52):
Say it with your chest, with your whole chest.
Speaker 2 (01:38:54):
All right, last article. Dating is rough for gen Z,
especially for men who support Trump.
Speaker 4 (01:39:04):
Oh oh so you oh d Trump drove puts it up?
Were who would a dunk Dad?
Speaker 3 (01:39:11):
Maybe that's why he gotta grab him by it because
they drive.
Speaker 2 (01:39:14):
I don't want to be.
Speaker 3 (01:39:17):
Yeah, I'm not surprised.
Speaker 2 (01:39:19):
I think we all knew this, and I think that
ro V Wade shit just made people have to realize
that sometimes you can't just chalk it up to a disagreement.
Speaker 4 (01:39:28):
Right, we can't agree to disagree on that.
Speaker 2 (01:39:30):
You disagreeing about my rights? Dog like you sit up
here and lay with me. You sit up here and
don't they with me. You want me to believe that
you respect me, and then you're going. But you can't
make that choice with your body. No, that's not up
to you. And it's getting worse because the red pill
right wing man of spirit bullshit is as i as
I said Saturday, a lot of that is the future
leadership called quo of the Republican Party, meaning that you
don't even need to be a politician and elected official
anymore to have a strong voice of control over the
Republican Party right now it is your podcasters. And that's
an untenable situation for a party to have, because now
you got people that their only job is getting you
to listen to the next out for brain commercial, you know,
like that's their next Their only job is essentially to
get you to a point where you're like, oh, y'all, bother,
this product not our passes policy not so they don't
have to worry about being re elected or even elected
the first time, Right, y'all sold your party outter that
shit's and you gave a whole generation of men over
to these people who specialize in taking well your old job,
specializing brainwashing these young men into a period of grievance
to where they believe in a lot of conservative Rhetorican shit.
But online gets so extreme because it doesn't have to
live in the real world. So you have people saying
things that any woman with a working fucking brain, even
one who might lean conservative, is like, but that's crazy, right,
Like y'all want some handmaids.
Speaker 3 (01:41:16):
Handmaids tell shit, like what is this?
Speaker 2 (01:41:21):
So, yeah, I'm not I can't say I'm surprised by it,
just because I feel like.
Speaker 3 (01:41:29):
This has been a long time coming.
Speaker 2 (01:41:31):
I'm more I'm more surprised it took so long for
people to go, oh, yeah, I'm starting, and I guess
you gotta do the counting so you start to notice.
But I'm more surprised people are like, oh shit, yeah,
if you keep saying horrible shit about women, there's a
really good chance that women are gonna be like, I
don't want to fuck you anymore.
Speaker 6 (01:41:55):
Right, A lot of men will talk themselves out of
pussy because just just just stupidness like it I come
here and sometimes I've already may have made up my
mind I'm gonna fuck you tonight, But then you gotta
say stupid shit and then be like don't want to
fuck me?
Speaker 4 (01:42:11):
Yes, cause you're running the hose away.
Speaker 6 (01:42:13):
You're running the bitches and holes off, Like like saying
I vote for Trump, you're basically saying, hey, if we
fucking you get pregnant, you know, if you're gonna have
this bad like like you are saying a lot of
shit to me without saying it to me, and you
act like I'm stupid enough not to realize what you're doing,
So why would I waste the time to fuck you?
Speaker 10 (01:42:31):
Speaker 4 (01:42:32):
That doesn't make sense?
Speaker 2 (01:42:33):
You aligned with a rapist, That's who you're aligning yourself with.
Speaker 3 (01:42:39):
You're aligning yourself with with with uh.
Speaker 2 (01:42:43):
Jd Vance who said horrible things about women, Like that's
who you align yourself with.
Speaker 3 (01:42:48):
Why would that be attractive.
Speaker 2 (01:42:50):
To any right thinking woman right who's into that?
Speaker 4 (01:42:56):
Who thinks that sex y?
Speaker 2 (01:42:57):
And the fact that other men have been telling you
are this time, like no women should be into that,
and secretly they are into that. You just need to
exude these things and it's like, well, let's look at
the facts, let's look at the numbers, let's look at
the analysis.
Speaker 3 (01:43:09):
Oh, they don't want to date you interesting?
Speaker 6 (01:43:12):
And I bet you particularly after Roe v Way and
the IVF, all of a sudden, all these matches started
going because.
Speaker 4 (01:43:21):
It sounds like prior to that they didn't have a problem.
Speaker 6 (01:43:23):
Now all of a sudden, you know, you know, they
started disappearing, right, you know, all of a sudden, you
don't get no left swipes, All of a sudden, you
don't get no callbacks, no second dates, you know, because
ours are people probably stop putting a out of that
shit in their profiling and stuff now.
Speaker 4 (01:43:42):
But when y'all get.
Speaker 6 (01:43:43):
Face to face, they go and I ain't put it
on my profile, but this is what And they be like, no, baby,
ain't no, there ain't gonna be no second date. Right,
they go check please, or they leave, They leave you
there and go to the bathroom and to never return
on some bullshit because now all of a sudden, it's
scary to them because the thing is, you're supporting a rapist,
You're supporting somebody that doesn't care about women. You're supporting
somebody to say, here gonna grab me by my pussy,
like you're supporting this dude and you want to fuck me,
get out of my face, right.
Speaker 2 (01:44:11):
And we're just talking about fucking, which is not really
fair because if I'm being like, if we're being if
we want to take it to the totality of what
they've done, women don't want to be in relationships with
these men, right. It's ae men are people are already lonely.
Men are already extremely fragile, emotionally white men. There's an
epidemic of like suicide and shit with them. They they
don't realize how much of the call is coming from
inside the house, inside their control. This mentality is one
that does not attract any right thinking woman to you.
Even I would even venture to guess even these women
that sell that they're into this shit. It's a brand.
Like I have a hard time believing you could tell
Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Bowbert what the fuck did
they gonna do with their body? Have a hard time
believing that if you if you've really set them down
and say y'all gonna live under these laws that y'all
keep promoting, they would be like, no them.
Speaker 3 (01:45:09):
Lost for y'all that's what I have y'all elected.
Speaker 2 (01:45:13):
As far as like, what the fuck I'm gonna be
doing in my house if my daughter gets pregnant, none
of your motherfucking business, I think that's exactly what they
would say, Yes, all right, And then uh, this last,
this last video. I hesitate to play it almost not
because it's offensive or anything, but just because I don't
like giving these people shine. But I'm trying to illustrate
something about vibes, so I'm gonna play it anyway. Nick
fuentt As, who's like a white supremacist Trump supported person,
put out a video.
Speaker 3 (01:45:41):
Where he's kind of abandoning ship of.
Speaker 2 (01:45:44):
Trump garbage.
Speaker 16 (01:45:48):
And at the Trump rallies, they're yelling trash for Trump,
trash for Trump. And I saw other people. I saw
white guys, I saw Hispanic guys, Hispanic guys inside cans
jumping out of them with Trump signs, white guys with
garbage badge that say trash for Trump twenty twenty four.
Speaker 2 (01:46:10):
And that was kind.
Speaker 16 (01:46:11):
Of like to me, that was the moment when I
realized Trump is and was a cult. That was the
moment when I realized liberals are right. That was the
moment when I realized it has gone too far. It
is Frankenstein's monster. We have created a golum. It is
a problem.
Speaker 2 (01:46:31):
I'll stop it there. But yet, like one we've been
saying that for years. I don't put it past him,
like I can't give credit to this, like, oh man,
it's good to see him do this on your left
cap and everything, but he ain't on over Kamla. But whatever,
I appreciate him devoting eroding some goodwill towards Trump.
Speaker 3 (01:46:51):
But what wasn't I say is I don't look at
this as a sign of like.
Speaker 2 (01:46:56):
We were right. Nick Fintes came around, welcome to the part,
tardy pal, come on in the club. No, I don't
think he will come in the club. There's gonna be
some dumb ass, probably white liberal type people that will
welcome him in, and he's gonna stab him in the
back at some point because they're gonna think that you
can work with his guy because he had some type
of epiphany. But the good news is, and why I
see this is good news. He pivoting a lot of
hopping off that ship, and not just not not because
they're scared, No, hopping off that ship because they're like
this ship going down, Like the money ain't gonna be
here after November, Like whenever this dude loses, whatever chaos
comes with him denying he's losing, whatever fuckery we have
to endure. I'm not doing another January sixth. I'm not
running up on the capitol going to prison for this dude.
I'm not like the dude is making he looks so bad,
he's saying so much dumb shit. We don't even play
the dumb shit clips on here. There's a clip of
him looking like he's sucking the dick of a mic.
I don't play that stuff, mostly because it's because it's
gonna make people laugh and it will be funny, but
it's honestly to me, it just makes the threat seem.
Speaker 4 (01:48:10):
Not as real and.
Speaker 2 (01:48:12):
People get so caught up and like, look he ha ha,
And I'm like, and the dick sucker in chief could
be the fucking president Tuesday if y'all don't show up
the vote.
Speaker 4 (01:48:21):
Ain't that the true?
Speaker 2 (01:48:22):
So we always get the country we deserve with the
way we vote. But at the same time, I'm not
I'm not here to tell you it's cute, you know
what I mean. But these motherfuckers see it, and they
see what we see. They see them to him struggling
to open the door to that garbage truck, and they're like,
oh no, not this dude. He this ain't the strong man.
Speaker 15 (01:48:45):
Speaker 6 (01:48:45):
It's time for y'all to deal with the same thing
we were dealing over here with Joe Biden. It's time
for yall to deal with people looking at him, calling
him old, calling him decrepit, you know, saying that he see.
Now it's time for y'all to deal with the panic
on y'all side, like our side, fucking paniced and ship
like this when he did that debate.
Speaker 4 (01:49:02):
It's not for y'all to deal with that.
Speaker 2 (01:49:04):
Yeah, And so, uh, this guy is just pivoting, in
my opinion, to his next grift, which is gonna be
whatever the fuck he's gonna figure out about politically where
to be. I would not put it pass on the
state in a in a white supremacist lane, because that's
the fuck he been on and any epiphany he gets
is just another grift to keep that shark swimming so
it doesn't drown.
Speaker 3 (01:49:26):
But uh, some people are gonna fall for the ship.
It just won't be me.
Speaker 2 (01:49:31):
But but yeah, I just I like the tailtale sign
that is saying in the wind is shifting. They're going,
m I get off of this garbage vessel, this garbage barge.
We gotta get the fuck off of this because look
at this, these losers are now putting on garbage. This
guy is going to lose and we're gonna We don't
want to be around for that moment.
Speaker 8 (01:49:52):
You know.
Speaker 2 (01:49:53):
Uh, they've been trying to do it the whole time.
They've been sensing it deep down. When Joe Rogan said
he was an RFK junior guy when.
Speaker 6 (01:50:02):
He was trying to get off the ballance in some states,
some states, that ain't no bitch, you don't hear you're
gonna stay. We're not gonna de ley it because you
won't take your name off.
Speaker 3 (01:50:09):
Speaker 2 (01:50:09):
What's the dude's name that shot up the rally, Uh,
the one that Kyle Rudolph When Kyle Rudolph said he
was not voting for Trump. Kyle Rittenhouse, thank you, thank you,
you're right. Sorry, that's my fault. But yeah, that kind
of ship those telltale signs to me, that's that's good news,
is to look up and be like, oh, okay, y'all
don't want to deal with this, shiit, y'all see a
fallout coming that you don't want to be on, be
part of right. And that's I said this a long
time ago, and I mean it was looking pretty dicey
this year.
Speaker 3 (01:50:45):
We'll find out if I'm right.
Speaker 2 (01:50:48):
Uh, if Trump loses, will find out if he wins,
will never find out, or I'll just accept that I'm wrong.
But I did say when he was leading and about
to win the first time, when it was still in
the primary, I said, Donald Trump is the kind of
man that if he loses, we will look around and
we will see people basically acting like he went out
of nowhere, like he like like if he like he
wins this twenty sixteen right, but in twenty twenty, if
he loses.
Speaker 3 (01:51:24):
Ten years, twenty years from now.
Speaker 2 (01:51:27):
It will be like no one voted for him.
Speaker 3 (01:51:29):
We wasn't fucking with Trump.
Speaker 2 (01:51:30):
He's a racist, he's a fascist, he's a rapist, he's
a criminal. Why would we ever want him to run
the country. I don't know where those people were, but
I'm not one of those people, and I don't know
any of those people. And it's gonna be.
Speaker 4 (01:51:41):
Like, that's not true, that's not true.
Speaker 3 (01:51:44):
That's not true.
Speaker 4 (01:51:45):
The vision is history because you don't even be held
accounta bowl.
Speaker 2 (01:51:47):
You know. It's like y'all are going to try to
act like this shit just happened and we don't know
how it happened. And I hope for all of us,
I hope we get to see that day. I hope
that's what comes up pass on Tuesday and beyond, because
I don't think it's gonna end on Tuesday, but I
really do hope that comes the past, that we can
all look back and be like, y'all full of shit.
But yeah, I'm glad he's not in power anyway. That's it, man.
We talked about a lot. It was rambling, it was
mostly politics. It was still almost two hours. We'll try
to do some fun things later on in the week.
We still have hundreds games to go through this week,
so I probably won't get all the shows. But that's
it until next time.
Speaker 3 (01:52:28):
I love you, wh