All Episodes

November 23, 2024 205 mins

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Amazon Wishlist⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Listen to the Black Guy Who Tips podcast because Rotten,
Karen or hut Hey, Welcome to another episode of the
black Out Tos podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
I'm your host, Rod joined us always on.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
My co host Karen, and we are live on crowdcast
dot io. Uh, doing some podcasts and it's a feedback show.
It's where we talk about all the things that you
had to say, well most of the things. It's a
there's a lot of feedback this week. You can find
us everywhere. If you find podcasts, search the Black Guy Tips.
Leave us five star reviews on Apple podcasts. We like

to read them on the air. The official weapon of
the show is and the unofficial sport and bullet ball
extreme extreme extreme and uh, just you know, programming note
all that stuff. Black Friday self still going on. It's

until December, I think the sixth. Don't forget. If you
signed up already in the past, it's gonna auto new.
You're good to go. If you have questions about any
of that stuff, you can always email me the black
Out Tips of Gmail. If you don't have PayPal, you like,
I need to find another way to take care of this,
you can always hit me up the black Outips of Gmail.

I've taken care of quite a few people that you know,
pay through other means and stuff zel, cash, app, Venmo, whatever,
so that can be taken care of. It's no problem.
Holiday cards. We're still gonna planning on sending those out
this year. We're still collecting addresses. We're at eighty seven,
as y'all are not playing.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Yeah, we're eighty seven, you know.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
Like I said, we typically get about one hundred cards
and that takes care of us. But maybe we gotta
get more this year. I don't know. I'll find out.
It's kind of be up to how many people want
to get the cards right.

Speaker 3 (01:48):
And the only thing Rod asks is when y'all email,
please put it in the standardized US yeah, fullmat. So
if y'all side of the United States, just Google. You
know what's the best way to send it in that format?
Because it's no even if you're in the United States.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Oh google how it looks. I just know how it looks.
Some of y'all don't know. Some of y'all forgot some
of y'all didn't pay attention in class. I would like
it so I can just copy and paste it onto
the onto the labels makes the press quicker. Yes, so just.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Go ahead and take care of that if you're one
of those people. We appreciate y'all. And what was the
last thing?

Speaker 1 (02:24):
We have? Our Amazon wish list that is in the
show notes. Every episode someone was asking on YouTube, like
I can't click on the links. I don't know how
to make hyperlinks on YouTube. Maybe they don't allow it.
I don't know how that works. But go to the
black guy whotips dot com. Don't copy and paste. Go
to the blackout tips dot com or if you're listening
to this podcast on a podcast device, just click on

the hyperlink. It's right there. Every single episode has that
at the end with the show notes, where it's like,
here's our Amazon wish list, so if you would like
to send us something and we would take it. Honestly,
it's a literally with things, a list of things we
wish for. Send that joint, you know. And if they
need our meiling address, the blackout tips dot com slash

about is our meiling address so that we can get
stuff like your holiday cars.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
Because people send us holiday car as we read them
and I hold on to them like old great grandma.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
So so I love the cards. Yeah, so there you go.
All right, that's it. That's uh all the upfront stuff.
Let's get into the shell stuff. There are people that
took the time out to just give money to the show. Okay,
they go to the blackout tips dot com. They look
on the right hand side. It says, hey, you can

donate to this show. And some of y'all go, you
know what, that sounds like a good idea. I would
like to donate to this show. And for y'all, we
give you a nice little shout out. We had to
apply to a choir, play a number for you, and
then we uh we let you know how we feel

work listening to chat Rod and Cam.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
You welcome the good folks who tied to the black
lid tips.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
That's right, new salutation, new the domino, the new denomination.
Uh Dana R says, I mean hits up with the
recurring donation. Thank you, Daniel julian En recurrent Bomani Jones,
we all know him, uh Noel W. Laura E. Nicholas Z,

don G, Pete B. Douglas, R. Johanna M. Laura F.
Chris from Hawaii, Tabitha M April G. Cory the Tickler
Alexis h Wonga from down Under. Good day mate, Jeffrey M.
Marlon B. Yes, Marlon B. Got a one time donation

from Nadine R. They thank you for visiting. Thank you,
Tiffing and B. We got a one time donation from
Delasha L who says, I got five on it. A
nigga made a little money from corporate malfeasan, so I'm
giving it to my black ass community.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
Love y'all.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Thank you, Hey, thank you.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
We love corporate malfeasance money.

Speaker 1 (05:19):
Yes we do. We'll take it. Uh. This is from
I Believe y r D. That's just that's what it
says for their name and their brand new recurring donator.

Speaker 2 (05:31):
Welcome to the new members class.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
Thank you. Uh Palmetto Stone Magic Alfonso m J four.
One time donation from Kate As who says, thanks for
everything you did this year to support the right Side.
Love Kate the Great. Well, thank you, Kate the Great. Also,
that's a that's a great nickname, ain't it though. I'm
call Rod to God Okay, Jasmine J. Kyle K, James C.

David C. Arianna send us a nice little donation. Thank you,
arian Thank you baby. We appreciate you. We do Linda
l put just the tip one time donation, thank you,
And last week got a last one time donation from
Cassie f thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
Wow, y'all really came through. Maybe it's because he took
two weeks off.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
I don't know, y'all come back. It was a lot
of one time like end of the year bonus donation.
Thank you everybody. We will take it. We thank you, y'all.
We needed that break break. I don't think we made
it to this part of the song before. Damn, that
was a lot of money. We got to the to

the new breakdown. Y'all really care. We appreciate y'all. All right,
let's get into five star reviews. We got a few,
all right. We love a five star review around these parts. Okay,
it makes us happy. It lets us know, y'all listen
to the show. Y'all appreciate at the show that were
not just out here toiling in vain, out here just

hoping somebody somewhere listening.

Speaker 2 (07:07):
We know, we know y'all listening.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Okay. Uh So we got four new ones. The first
one is yeah, I think it's four newings. The first
one is, oh man, it's five newings. I'm sorry. Five news.
The first one is just five stars, and then five
star emojis, and then nice from ernest dot com. Take
that you ain't got a man A few words, We'll

take it.

Speaker 5 (07:30):

Speaker 1 (07:30):
This one is from but Diessy crew.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
That's hilarious, regidd You're right this that's hilarious.

Speaker 1 (07:40):
Crew, all right. A bomb in the storm riding carring
out the absolute realist in the game of warm, insightful,
cond and thoughtful hug amid the current world state. Okay,
so I'm here to confess my undying love for Rod.
You my boo on my head, and if you ever
need some hey's Okay, I'm sorry. I love you all deeply.

Speaker 2 (07:59):
Oh God, there's a lot going on with.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Yes, it is turn left. Thank you, you know we left.
I think thank you. That's that's the appropriate thing to say,
is thank you.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
I'm gonna go with thank you.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
Yes, move on. I appreciate the love always. Five stars. Uh.
This is from Jae Boy eight two six, who says
I had to make sure I came and left a
five star review because I'm not a hater. I love
the show and it's part of my nightly ritual. I
have to work it's to the point where I'm disappointed

that I have to find another pot when there is
a new episode. You Wow, that's saying a lot because
we make a lot of content.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
We do.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
We make a lot of content.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
We run out of our ship.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
I'm like, I don't even know what to tell you
either that I can't keep up with our ship. I'm surprised.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
It's a handful of y'all that but like, yeah, I
listen to every episode.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
I'm like, whoa child? Who to you? Usually my substitute
is rain on your Parade. Shout out to Jail and Mike.
Shout out to Jail and Mike. I listened to Rain
on your Parade. I'm not gonna lie. After the election,
I had to take a cople weeks off because I
was so like, I was whatever, And you know, it's
a show that's typically heavy on the politics. Mike likes
it to be heavy on the politics, and I just

was like, I can't deal if Mike is on there
being like I told y'all, i'm gonna be like, I'm
gonna have to find Mike and I'll not have to
let him know. But he wasn't like that. Honestly, I
listened to it, it wasn't that bad. And you know
Jail's tea spoon and sugar man, cause he can make
it funny even in adult rooms of it. And I

need I personally need that same reason. Some of y'all
listen to us, and y'all are like, man, y'all can
make something funny that is kind of like not funny
to me, y'all.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
Can help it, and Jail does that for me. Looking
forward to seeing you to it the live Pie here
in Charlotte.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
Oh okay, you from Charlotte. Let's go have to cop
some VIP tickets key or to go work. All right,
we'll let you know when that's on sale. I actually
need to email them and be like, when is this
ship going on sale? I mean, y'all got plenty of times.
It's not till like the literal last day of February
that year. As soon as as soon as we can
so I got y'all, I'll figure that out. But now

we're looking forward to and speaking of Jail Covin, that's
who will be opening for us at our live show
in February in Jail is hilarious. He y'all are in
for a treat.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
It's gonna be great for me either way.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Like if if if no one shows up and it's
because of Jail Jinks and he has to do a
show in front of nobody, you think the least, the
way I work the shot and foward kicking, I will
still have a good time even if it was just
me and Jil and the only two people in the arena.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
That not won't happen.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
That won't happen. But if it did, I will be
just fine. And if you know, and the people streaming
would be just fine, Yes.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
Karen wouldn't. Karen would not be just fine.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
She's lying. She will keep trying to make him feel
better and tell them to keep going and all this,
Oh yes I would. I would just be laughing like,
oh god, Okay, how strong is the Jinks? Okay, okay, yes,
now that is the truth, because this is something because
Jail give up.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
I'm like you, I refuse to give up on you,
Jail Jail, like, let me die, let me jump off
the cliff. I want to kill myself my comedy career.
And I'm like, no, Jail, don't jump. I don't know
why I'm like that.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
I can't help myself. Yeah, you're the people that kept
Terry Ship on life support and I'm just trying to
help him get to a compassionate release.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
Roger is like, if you're gonna kill yourself jumping doing
expecistically expeditiously, what do you wait, folks jump?

Speaker 1 (11:57):
Well, it is what it is, says Joe that dude.
Love y'all show still five stars plus. Election night was
like waiting for a STD test and we all found
out we caught the Trump again and it burns anyway,
Love you guys. Yes, we did cut the Trump again.
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Five stars. This one is from g Bench in fourteen.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
The last one it says five hard emojis, still loving
the show, five flame emojis much need in these trying times. Yeah,
this is always the conflict with doing our show is like, shit,
that is bad for the world. Sometimes people feel like
they really need each other in times like this, and
they really seek each other.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
Out and they go find places.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
And I'm not a part like there are some opportunistic
type of people that really thrive off of that where
it's like, and I don't think they think directly, I
hope they don't think directly like this, but some of
these niggas might I don't know, people motives all over
the place. Yes, I know what's going on the Sean
King's head, but you know those type of people that's like,
tragedy is happening. Everyone is gonna come listen to my podcast,

read my books to do this thing. And I honestly
I could live with the world being a better place
and us not having a bunch of panic listeners. Ain't
that the truth?

Speaker 2 (13:16):
You know, I'm okay with that. I don't need to
be rich and famous.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
I'm totally fine with people just not needing to hear
me or caring as like some beacon of hope and light.
But you know, it is what it is. We didn't
do this ship. We did every fucking thing we could
to make it. Notice, we were adamant about it. So
you know, we are going to We're gonna get a
lot of people that are like, you know, I need
this ship right now, and honestly I need this shit too,

So we just gonna need it together for hoever long
we need it, you know. But yeah, all right, that's uh,
that's pretty much everything there. We can get into some
of the feedbacks and commentary. I do have just a
random thing I have to bring up though. On our
YouTube guys, we have have now YouTube shorts now. I
think the rule is that have to be sixty seconds

or shorter, which makes it kind of hard on our
people to edit our content, y'all. Okay, so we have
all kinds. We don't know what the fuck is going
to work over it. We don't know what's gonna work
on any of the social media fil all over the place, y'all.
So you know we got Instagram, Blue Sky now, TikTok,

we have TikTok, we have YouTube shorts, we have obviously Twitter,
I said Instagram first, So I think that's that's the
ones we have right now. Right before the other day before,
like two days ago, our highest number one played clip

was Karen talking about snap wraps or wrap snacks, just
something ridiculous, And I want to show it to y'all
because it's so far honey, Yes, no.

Speaker 3 (15:01):
Matter how high mighty you get your negro.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
Oh, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Let me know if y'all getting an echo in the chat.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
Real chat room, when y'all get the echo, yeah, I'm sorry,
because I sometimes it gives an echo and sometimes it doesn't.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
If it's not giving an echo.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
I'll just keep playing it right it is given an echo,
then I'll change this. I know it's a delay that
says echoing. Okay, give me on a second, guys, I
don't want you try to get this echo. All right,
here we go now it should work, all right. So
this is this is a funny clip. And and like
they put a lot of work into this. They put
like they added it obviously, but they add like little

pictures and all this stuff.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
And these are so funny.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
They get us. We went to the convenience store.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
No matter how high and mighty you get, your Negro
senses always tingled. And when I got in there, I
immediately went for the grape soda and I got some
snap raps chips, some no wrap chips whatever them chips
is copped.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
Three of me goals on it raps. How would you
not know that? I just know that I got the
three on them. It don't make it. And it's the
it's the migos, the three amigos. What y'all know what
I'm doing about the rapping dudes? Damn, oh my god,
I have to take care of you because of demension ship.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Right this ain't gonna be as funny to everybody.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
When I had to post videos from the home. She
can't remember anything, guys, snap raps. So that was our
number one clip and I like that. That's the spirit
of the clip. Everybody leaving cause of comments, that's that's awesome. Okay,
all right, we now have a new number one. Oh shiit?

What's the new number one? It's the Baby me talking
about the baby me us talking about the baby wanting
to collaborate with Megan the Stallion. This ship has like
six thousand views. Well damn, it's only been up like
a couple of days. Yeah, I know, like this is
like the most recent. But what's crazy? It's got nineteen comments.

I say a good fifty to sixty. Are mad? They
mad at us? Like they're upset. How do we get
in the algorithm? I didn't do it. I didn't fuck
his career up.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
I didn't you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (17:26):
Like this on him? What? What are you mad at me? For?
All I did was notice it's a ridiculous thing for
him to want to work with Megan the Stallion at
this point, after all the shit he's done and said,
wall you wants to collaborate with Megan the Stallion again,
despite previously claiming they slept together. He said this on
the Drink Chaps podcast. I a person with the I

love how they edit Karen's facing.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
I didn't even realize I was making them faces because
I seen and I started laughing.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
I say, oh, that that's not all all he did.
There's a lot of what I mean, he slept with
her was only one of the egregious things he did.
I'm not even counting just the fact that he burned
his career, put it on fire, trying to be like
I ain't no.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
I ain't with them gabies or whatever.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
The fuck he was saying, like, yeah, shit got canceled.
He ain't never come back. He threw his career away
just because he the homophobia kick. Then Baby is calling
on his former frequent collaborator, Megan is Stallion to come
home and get back in the studio with him despite
this and her just say come home. I got love
for Meg, he said. Me and Meg did some dope
shit together, and it's good to see her rise amongst
the obstacles. Nigga, you was one of the obstacles, So

I'd always be a hurdle talking about good on you
for jumping over him. You the hurdle, the base. So
these comments, y'all, like a lot of them, are good,
the audacity, totally thank you. I'm turning down. If turning
down gay mean no career, I'm all for it, y'all weirdos.

And this is from someone called mine your business, not
minding their business. I won't even go over the ones
that agree, just because you know, obviously you know the
baby is a good rapper.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
He just got anger issues.

Speaker 1 (19:12):
Made me laugh, not because I'm not saying he's a
bad rapper, but yeah, obviously he got angry issues.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Yes, like whatever.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
Regardless of what he said, they did make God music together.
M Okay, they did, that's true. I did like some
of their songs. Bro didn't ruin his career dead emoji.
People definitely still listen to him. I didn't say people
don't listen to him, but his career is not on
the trajectory that it was before this, and anybody that
that doesn't see that, it's just lying. I don't know

he was. I think he was gonna be a Megan
the Stallion level big rapper. He was on that.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
I mean as mothers fucker was everywhere.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
You know.

Speaker 1 (19:52):
They used to at the Hunters games. They used to
like stop the game to be like he here, y'all
just every single game. Yeah, like it was a big deal.

Speaker 5 (20:00):

Speaker 2 (20:00):
I mean, I'm from Charlotte.

Speaker 3 (20:02):

Speaker 1 (20:02):
I don't like, I'm not rejoicing in this motherfucker's like
downfall or whatever. You know. I just think he got
put on a pedestal that he wasn't necessarily about with
a certain type of fan, like the people that were like,
we love him. He's such a positive inclusives like this
type of guy, And I'm like, I don't think. I

think he's just a street dude that can he rap
real good. He's not trying to be this political activist
shit that y'all throwing on him. And of course he's
gonna let y'all down because he not. That's not his
lane and that's not what he wants to do so
because it's all his choice. Yeah. Anyway, So people disagree
with that, he must have offended your community. I guess

they're trying to call me gay. Why would I be
offended by you calling me gay? As I'm saying, like,
homophobia is whack, bro. I don't care that you who
gives a fuck, And honestly, it doesn't change anything for me,
cause nigga, I know I'm meant, but I think it's
like it's an insult to you. You're leveraging as an
insultcause as an insult to you, like someone is gay

as bad. Thank you for proving my point. That's that's
my point, is that you think like that. But that
didn't kill his career. He kept going that. I think
that's another thing that happens to in life lately. If
you say somebody got quote unquote canceled or the career
is killed, people really think you mean like this nigga
can't go to seven to eleven because they don't have

five dollars to get a gatorade. No, he's all the
everyone's gonna continue to exist. He got his core fan base.
He's I mean, he's on the drink chance because he's
steal somebody. It's not like it's just it's not the
trajectory it was gonna go. He had a controversy. Maybe
it'll come back, I don't know, but yeah, he kept
going that petty mess with his kids mom. Then he

put Meg on blast like a bitch ass nigga meg
on top don't go backwards. So I don't know if
this person is trying to say it's like the other
things killed his career or just his careers and dead.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
I'm not saying his career is dead dead.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
May God open your eyes. Brother, Your energy breeds pandering
and weak blessings from the stabilizer. What a bunch of
number grand rising. I'm gonna be a king and queen.
What is happening here? How come God gotta come into it?
I find the odd that God comes into homophobia only
because we're talking about a rapper named the Baby that

even when he was rapping, nothing Holy was in the merds, Like,
just ain't Jesus ain't involved in this one, brother either.
It's like he just don't like gay people because God
told him the shirt. He's not homophobia. I really that's
not That's not how out of context I.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
Think you mean homophobic.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
He's not homophobia. I really doubt he's scared of a
punk that's homophobia. This world is so stupid now shaking
my head emoji. If you think homophobia means literally you
are scared, like physically scared, then you don't. You don't
know what homophobia is.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
And I do agree with you.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
This world is very stupid, so I guess we have
to we have to agree on that one. All right, Now,
let's get into these but yeah, we don't know what
a govira. We got people mad at us on TikTok
because and by the way, it's never about what the
clip is about. Nope, it's about other shit sometimes shit.
We ain't even say all them people mad. I'm not
saying I didn't say it, but those all those people

are mad because of a throwaway line where I'm like,
he fucked his career because of homophobia, and they're like.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
What yeah, And just like on TikTok, they mad about
that one with the flag and I'm like, all we said,
like literally we said American flags, went on and were
talking about cowboy flags, and like you said, they found
that one phrase and that was the talk of the town.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
Crazy. Yeah, they don't make sense. All right, though we've
been tested, We're gonna make it. Y'all can't stop us.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
Let's get into Let's get to I holler every time
that clip checks me out.

Speaker 1 (24:04):
I'm sorry. All right, let's get into the some of
the show comments, but let me play music first so
we might can get paid. All right, we did get

some comments, y'all know how it do, y'all know how
it goes. Uh, we had so we took a week
off because just to take a break out of the election.
But we did do a feedback show. I don't, honest
to god, I don't even know if it's possible for

me to read all the feedback from the feedback show. Oh,
because so many people have so much to say. It's
so much because it's about the election. Obviously, y'all kind
of know how everybody feels on this, but like, we've
never had this kind of response before where I'm like,
I don't even know how you can get through read

all this shit. Like we have forty comments on YouTube,
we have twenty seven on our website. And these ain't
all like one sentences. Some these are long ass, like
y'all paragraphs. I was like, I passed something to say, but.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
I'm gonna listen. I'm gonna try to go through it.

Speaker 1 (25:43):
We're gonna see what it looked like, cause you know
that's how much love we got for y'all. I'm definitely
not gonna read the responses on the pregame, which we
got eleven comments on that one, which is about kind
of the same thing right as this where and I
did put this on YouTube, so how may we get
for that? We got forty one comments, so yeah, I

literally can't do all of them pregame that's probably paywhile
y'all got a little simple All right, now, let's get
to this three thousand and eight Racism Undefeated.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
That's our feedback episode.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
We got, like I said, twenty seven comments. Here we go,
Here we go, Here we go. Lord Jesus. Dizzy Lizzie
Gal says, thanks, y'all. I know we're all feeling a
lot of emotions right now. I woke up to catch
the final hour this live and re listen later. His
first election took me out. I was down really bad,

like Karen this time. I was very worried because I
know how deep racism misogyny runs here. But let myself
be hopeful after seeing all the zoom calls and the
joyfulness at the DNC, Now we will all reap what
half this country is so Bisola says hi riding Karen,
thank you for another insightful show, even during this devastating time.
I'm in Canada, and the news of her loss hit

me very hard. I was in a daze on Wednesday,
and I had to watch old episodes of Sex in
the City as a form of escapism. I was speaking
to my sister, who lives in a blue state and
city and voted in the election, and I think your
point about people living in a bubble has lots of credence.
I was shocked that she said that people were not
scared of a second Trump presidency but were more upset
about inflation under Joe Biden, and that Kamala being his

black vice president hurt her chances. Yeah, I mean the
fact that.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
And Donald Trump just understands the soul of the country.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
In this way. That the fact that he can just
say she's a di president and everybody knows what that means.
And there's people that aren't ashamed to vote against that
or voice those opinions. Like you know, these people are
not They're not hiding, they're not shrinking, they're not saying basically,
as long as they don't blatantly just say the hard

are inWORD, these people are allowed to be racist, and
none of us are allowed to say it is the
racism It's just it has to be something wrong with
the Democrats, something wrong with the camp excuses. I don't
want to hear it. So it's something wrong with everybody,
but these people that keep voting for this shit, right. Uh,
she has always been a bit conspiratorial. Thing she's talking

about her sister, so I'm not surprised she failed for
the Kamala disinformation campaign.

Speaker 2 (28:15):
This is the first time I heard her say.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
I know she most likely voted for Kamala, but the
fact that I have to eat that, I have to
even wonder words me wish you you both love and
like during these times. Dizzy Lizziey'll respond to this said,
I live in the Blue state too, like your sister.
But maybe because I'm an attorney, I can appreciate how
the federal government takes president over the states. I know
my governor will do his best to insulate us from
the effects of this man's administration, but that can only

last so long and go so far.

Speaker 2 (28:39):
Right, we will all feel the effects of his and
competence nationwide.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and I will say yes to
that again. The biggers.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
Why people that are in these quote unquote safe Haven's
Blue states or whatever you.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
Want to call it. It don't mean you're safe.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
Like like like your impact may felt less, but you're
still gonna feel the impact. Your daily life will be impacted.
You're gonna see shit change around you to You're gonna
see laws change around you too. As these people get power,
they're gonna start impact impacting these places, places that you

quote unquote claim safe, like up upstate, down south, for
your state, wherever it is.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
These people are gonna come out. You're gonna suck around.

Speaker 3 (29:23):
You're gonna start seeing more flags because I think Trump
make these people bold. So all of a sudden, these
people that's been living in in all these places across
the country that people just think as a joke and they.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
Just go, we live in a big city.

Speaker 3 (29:33):
They gonna come marcha through your big city and then
you ain't gonna be even do a motherfucking thing.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
But just look at them. Yeah, I hear y'all.

Speaker 6 (29:40):

Speaker 1 (29:40):
I think also, uh, politically purple states, we have to
be careful because like in North Carolina recently, I think
last night Republicans that are still in power in our
Congress passed the law where like the or Try Pass

pushed the bill towards that since they still have a
veto proof majority, and I want to say it's something
where like I want to say, it's governing our elections. Yeah,
they ripped the powers from the governor and ripped the
constitution again. They this person's editorializing line. What did they do? Oh,

this is one hundred percent opinion. Just give me the
fucking news, nigga. Okay, Yeah, they're stuck an outrageous undemocratic
power grab into the hurricane relief bill. So let me
just look at the date on this, November twentieth. Yes,
so it was a couple of days ago. But yeah,
so we know we have a hurricane relief bill, which

is funny because a lot of the money for the
bill is not in the bill. Like they didn't pass
a lot of money and help to the state, but
they wanted to sneak in this power graph. So it's
a massive power graph, says Melissa Price Crome, executive director
of the Pro Democracy Group North Carolina.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
For the People Action, they didn't like what happened in
the election.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
They want to overturn the will of the people, and
that's not how democracy is supposed to work. It changes
how elections are administered. Is the way the bill works Democrats,
because Democrats won everything but Trump here. So we won governor,
lieutenant governor, attorney general, Secretary of State, and school superintendent,

and they're leading in the Supreme Court race, which is
headed for a recount. So Democrats may have swept everything
but the office where a black woman was up in
North Carolina. Right, So we also broke the GOP supermajority,
which means that our governor next time will have next session,

he will have the ability to veto these draconian Republican
law and stuff like that. Well, they don't like that,
so they're like, fuck that shit. The bill prevents the
governor from appointing members of the state Election Board and
transfers that authority to the state auditor, who, for the
first time in more than a decade, is a Republican.

So they literally went and found the one Republican and
was like, this is the new person that decides who
will be on the election. The state Election Board under
North Carolina, a lot of governor position held by Democrat
Roy Cooper for the past eight years, appoints the majority
of the members of the state on the state Election
Board and county election boards. The auditor will now have

that authority, giving Republicans the power to appoint majorities on
the state Board and one hundred county election boards. These
appointments will likely have major ramifications for elections in the state.
The state Board administer's elections and issues guides to county officials,
who in turn out the power to decide where Poland
places go and a number of early voting locations. In addition,
both the county and state boards must certify election outcomes.

So basically they're just trying to do the same shit
that they were doing, like, well, we couldn't steal it
for Trump, or we you know, we couldn't steal the election,
but Trump still won. But we're embolden by the fact
that Trump is in office. So you have Republicans that
are in our states like ours, that are now more
bold than they would have been.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
Yes, and this is the biggest reason why I want
people to really really understand. And I've been saying this
and people would be like, well, why she ain'try and
I think something even and I remember who the person
need to even wrote in and was like, why don't
you just move like I said, People think I was
motherfucking joking, where can you move to Because a lot

of these people who think that they won't be touched
this shit is getting ready to impact you.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
They're getting ready to.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
Take up with your boards, your school boards, your local elections.
They're getting ready to come in like ever before, and
they gonna change your laws too. You move now, just
like y'all tell people from the South, how can y'all
stay down there and just deal with them making up
them fucked up as law? Why don't y'all just move? Well, then,
when it's your turn and somebody looks at you and
they just tell you to pack your shit up and move,

you're gonna be like, well, why should I move? Well, bitch,
that's how I feel all the time. Why should I move?
Why should I move? These laws shouldn't be there. We
should fight against this bullshit.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
But the thing I've.

Speaker 3 (34:16):
Realized about human beings, people don't give a fuck about
shit unless it directly impacts them. They don't care about
people that's poor, they don't care about people that don't
have They just don't care. They don't care about any issue.
A lot of people you don't.

Speaker 1 (34:31):
Care about gays, lgbtqs.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
You don't care about this shit until they directly packed,
until your daughter or your child or somebody in your
family call, all of a sudden, your eyes are open.
You don't have that compassion, you don't have that empathy.
You don't understand why these people down here, particularly down South,
have been raving for decades about how fucked up it
is and what we should do, and how I've been
fussing about all the time, how the Democrats shouldn't just

fucking give up on the South and not pour money
down here and just say fuck it. Let whatever happened
happened to them niggas down there. You know what happens
when y'all give up on us. The rest of the
country is fucking impacted. So I'm not trying me for that.
I don't want to hear nothing from nobody in the
next few years when Trump and them start trumping across

the country and start changing laws in your states all
of a sudden, when y'all be like, I wouldn't move
down south. They got guns everywhere, well, bitch, wherever you are,
they get ready to change them laws. They get ready
to be walking around with guns everywhere there too. Why
because they can do this. Now, they've been empowered and
they've been emboldened by Trump. Trump has told them be
quiet no more. Trump has told them it's time for

you to come out, it's time for you to be loud.
And they ain't shit the law can do about it.
They gonna let you do whatever the fuck you want
to do across this great land. That's what's happening here.
But it's not gonna but for some people it's not
gonna be until their neighborhoods get fucked up, until they're scared,
and then they're gonna be like, well, where can I
run to nowhere?

Speaker 1 (35:57):
Bitch? Why? Because when it was happening down here, you
fucking ignore work it.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
Nev says a million thank you for everything you do.

Speaker 1 (36:03):
Since twenty twenty, I've had to make some big changes
in how I get information, and a big part has
been cutting down on social media and getting more information
from podcast, radio, news articles, and talking to people in
real life instead. Your podcast has been a big part
of that for me and has helped me keep my
head on straight and form without going crazy, and it's
helped me a lot, helped me be a lot more

effective activists and organizer I've been able to put in
a lot of work in my local community lately, and
thank you for helping me get to that point. Please,
for the love of all that's good, take care of yourselves,
and you should be proud. I refuse to believe that
any of the work you put in is going to waste.
Even if this election went bad, I can at least
say you've had a positive influence on my life and
there for my community. And I'm sure I'm not the
only one, oh for sure. And I don't feel like

the work was wasted. I don't feel like I would
have done it one hundred times out of one hundred
if I had to do it again, even though in
the result. And the other reason I don't think it
was a waste is because I think there's a lot
of re framing of the election results that isn't true.
This was not a landslide, this is not a mandate,

This was not a rejection of Democrats and Democrat policies.
In my opinion, that's just the way people want to
frame it. But it's gonna turn out to be a
very close margin now that all of us have been
counted in the popular votes, and it's still gonna turn
out to be that a lot of motherfuckers chose Democrat

people that were up that just weren't Kamala Harris. And
my big thing is it's just racism and misogyny that
they wouldn't do it for Harris. But they do want
democratic policies in their states and their local government and
their local initiatives. So yeah, I mean it's damning in
that there's no other excuse. I think that is the

biggest part for me, and I'm just not interested in
people making excuses. But to me, it's a very sobering realization,
which is like, oh, okay, so it's just she's a
black woman. It's not really you can go back and
have all the plans and all the episodes and podcasts
pontifications about what the Democrats should and shouldn't do, what's next.

This is a very close loss that just comes down
to if you run a black woman, you're gonna lose president.
If you want a woman, you're gonna lose president. If
you want a black man, you still might lose. I
don't know that, like people saying Wes More and shit,
I don't know that that would happen or not. It might.
I mean, I'm not gonna We've only because we've seen
it before that it might, but we've never seen a

woman win, and it sounds like that's what America is
saying they won't deal with. On a personal note, I
was surprised at how surprised I was with the results.
I hadn't realized I until I checked the results, how
much I was expecting her to win. I'm a white woman,
and most of my social circles are other white women,
and I truly got the sense that most of us
are gonna do the right thing. People I knew and
people around them, even those who learned lean conservative or

didn't vote for Hillary, seemed like they were going to
flip this time. But I guess my circles honest representative
of the countries I thought, which is extremely disappointed and frustrate.
I feel like I should have known better. But at
least I know that I did everything I could.

Speaker 3 (39:08):
Yeah, yeah, that's all that for me. I did everything
I could. Me and Roder we talked about before. We
was like, oh, no, we're not.

Speaker 1 (39:16):
Doing what we did for He'll be Clinton. This that
knowing I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (39:19):
I was like, no, we all in we're gonna go
all in, we're gonna talk about it, we're gonna push hard,
we're gonna encourage people to vote like we're not going
to do that, and so all the the side. As
long as I feel like I did everything I did,
I am satisfied. Like I'm satisfied, And me being satisfied
does not mean I'm not angry, mad, or upset or
anything like that. Me being satisfied means I did everything

that I possibly could do. But like I said the
day before, the legs is a group project, and the
group decided for the ELF.

Speaker 1 (39:49):
Yeah, it's funny because people kept saying like or not,
people kept saying. A person on our who I think
misunderstood the clip that we put on social media was like,
why if he why are you surprised Trump one, I'm
not surprised. I'm black in America. I'm never really gonna
ever be surprised by some racism popping up.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
That's not the problem. But it doesn't, I don't. But
surprised is.

Speaker 1 (40:15):
Actually not an integral or it is not a necessary
element of being upset with the outcome of something. You
don't have to be surprised to be upset with the
outcome agreed, and so I think I'm not surprised, but
it is upsetting, and I don't I don't need to
lie to people and act like I'm not upset or

I'm over it, or just don't bother me. It bothers
me tremendously. I believe this man when he said all
the shit he's gonna do, and I believe it will
come to pass. And I believe this country is not
equipped for fighting back in general. I know certain conclaves,
certain groups, certain certain people that exist in certain marginalizations.

We used to fighting, so we know, like buckle down.
We come from a long generation on people that had
to take care of themselves through some horrible times. But
you know, I was hoping we could avoid that. I
was hoping not to have to do that. I was hoping,
you know, my niece and nephews and people like that,
will I have to pass, have the torch passed to

them through the generational trauma that is America for black folks.
But yeah, it looks like they're gonna have to go
through it too.

Speaker 3 (41:26):
Yeah, and it's sad. And I talk about like my
mama's generation all this stuff, But people in there even
people in their forties, possibly thirties, y'all. Do know, once
a lot of this shit start passing, you would have
had more freedoms as a child than you do right now.
Like consider that, like you ain't that old thirties and forties,

like they getting ready to pass laws where you're going
to like, well, damn, I could do more as a
kid than I can do right now as an adult.

Speaker 1 (41:55):
And if you're fucking heartbreaking, if you're a grown woman
and that's been a lot for four years, that happened already.
If you have the reproductive organs necessary to create life,
you have lost some rights in the last two three
years and it's not gonna stop. If you're black and

want to vote, you've lost some rights in the last
ten to fifteen years. Anyway, sounds like you have a
similar feeling about having done your part here, and you
express that was pretty validating for me. We'll just have
to keep on keeping on, I suppose Landorf. Yeah, we
always keep on keeping on. Man. Look, every day we
wake up, it's another day that you can keep moving.

That's it. You don't like it's not. I think a
big part of this is the psychological element of wanting
people to feel defeated and like I give up, fuck
it whatever. Now it's always been a fight with the country.

Speaker 3 (42:55):
Yes, yeah, yeah yeah, And like I said, it's always
been a fire. Is something that happens. How they say,
quote unquote, you're win some, you lose some, like that's
just life. I've been long enough to see to be
I've been around long enough to know that every time
I vote for somebody, it does not automatically mean they're
going to win, like like I've kind of kind of
experienced that, and this, you know, one of those things

where it's a lesson learned, but also it's like what
are people gonna learn from? The lesson is the most
important part. And also particularly a lot of the democratic side.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
We are rule followers.

Speaker 3 (43:30):
And that's one thing about a lot of these people
on the left that was going crazy. I was like, motherfuckers,
you follow rules, like whatever rule they make, but you're
gonna follow them. You ain't gonna go against them, you
ain't gonna break them. Why because you don't want to
fucking go to jail. And the thing is about fighting
and things like that, about protests, about actually doing the
grunt work. Sometimes you got to look at the law
and be like, hey, I have to go out here

and do this thing, and I might get arrested.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
It's part of it.

Speaker 3 (43:53):
So I'm like, Okay, you cozy in your home, don't
got a gun. I always want to follow the rules.
Talking about just let whatever may. You're gonna be impacted
the most because you would, because you're gonna follow the rules,
like you're not gonna buck against the change. You're not
gonna really a lot of them aren't really doing to
do anything.

Speaker 1 (44:08):
You're just gonna sit and complain online. That's not your funny.

Speaker 3 (44:10):
That's the shit that piss me off because y'all all
the ones talk about the Revolution, y'all, all the ones
talk about Civil War, y'all all the ones talking about
that shit, when at the end of the day, you're
not You're not made of the ship that you're talking about.

Speaker 1 (44:21):
It's a fantasy world that you have. It's not reality.
Let's see. Nattie Best says, I've been planning to get
behind the paywall for months, but rod sharing is good
yet embarrassing. Rap made me spend that dough Uh. One
of us, one of us. One of us, said Sean
and Nattie best put heart emoji. Well, shout out to

you and thanks for coming behind the paywall. Mm hmm.
Apia says, I know I don't live in the US,
and I'm very happy about it, especially now. But I
was very depressed the morning after, and I had to
take a train to Berlin for Congress for three days,
for Congress for three days.

Speaker 2 (44:56):
Anyway away from home on the extremely.

Speaker 1 (44:57):
Important work, meaning people chose Hay over Hope. On the
ride train ride, I fell out the feelings and I
tried to think how to handle the future best.

Speaker 2 (45:04):
Again, I know I don't live in the US.

Speaker 1 (45:06):
What I will not do is doom scrolling and following
his every move and feeling terrible every time he would
do crazy things and there will be no consequences. But
I also had to unsubscribe to a podcast that came
called it the same as Germany in nineteen thirty three.
This is also not it. Hitler wanted to create living
space in the East, for example, and for that killed

the people who already lived there and was voted on it.
I'm not great in geography, but I don't think lacking
space is a problem in the US. You have lots
of space. I've seen it, Hey, something positive, not like
our highly populated Europe. Yeah. I think what's interesting about
that Apia is that him and JD. Vance still made
these promises as if we don't have enough space in America.

And part of the promises does feel similar to Hitler's
Germany stuff, because it's very much about the other and
moving them out of the country and in the ways
at least that I understand it. Obviously, I'm not from Germany,
and I know that I'm not. I am not saying
that is the same, So just understand. I think you

understand that as I say this, right, right, but I'm
not saying it's the same. But the ideology of these
immigrants are the reason you don't have jobs. These immigrants
are the reason how housing costs are so high. These
immigrants are the reason life isn't going great for you

as a person in America. And we need to put
them in camps, imprison them, force them out of the country.
We need to strip birthright citizenship, which is when you
are born on American soul, you become an American. That
is a I think the fourteenth Amendment. I'm not mistaken.
They want to strip all that shit, and so in

those ways, it has this leanings of this beginning of like,
you know, there's a war on the other and so
I think those might be that might be what that
podcast is talking about. But also, you know, you gotta
both both sides of that quation understand. As a listener,
you need to have your mental space to be like,
I don't want to hear this right now, and them

as a podcast they need their mental space to be like,
this is the worst thing ever. Can't imagine this is happening.
So it happens, she says, Uh, making it even worse
than it already is is bad enough, only increases the panic.

Speaker 2 (47:30):
And I can't deal with it.

Speaker 1 (47:31):
Sounds so soft. Can't deal with I really can't. I
can bring myself to the edge of panic. And who
does it serve? Probably the media, No thanks. I try
to be the best human in my life, and I
can be a nice and helpful of love and the
others is my opposition to evil. That's the best idea
I have. Overall, it was good to be away. In hindsight,
my work is pretty a pretty non political. There was

lots of new science in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
presented a disease that attacks people no matter what their
political views, even if more women are affected. There's lots
of new development. People effect they can pretty much live
normal lives that they can get medication, and even for them,
drugs will be generic and maybe seven years and the
prices go down lot for everyone. There was so much
happening on the Congress in Berlin, six thousand people. Almost

no one talked about the American election. When my colleagues
started doomed talking in the cab on the first day,
no one heres pro Trump. I asked them to stop
because it made me extremely sad, and they did so
that's good. Yeah, everybody gotta protect themselves how they can.
I feel the fileout was pretty bad, as he says Karen,
I felt all that rage. I agree with you, and
Ride America wanted this and says Project twenty twenty five

has been the plan since reconstruction. They never wanted to
change this country. Ironic that the personal responsible for this
plan succeeding as an African born German Man married to
a man with children born via surrogate. Guess he feels
safe and it's Peter till Sean says, oh sorry, and says. Also,
people should check Reddit for a Project twenty twenty five discussion.

There are spread She's explaining what each part of the
plan means and how it might be implemented. Best case scenario,
we spend four years in hell with a bad economy.
Worst case, we become a dictatorship that resembles Russia. Keep
in mind that Russians have been immigrating to America to
escape Russia.

Speaker 2 (49:12):
Ipp you says, or maybe don't?

Speaker 1 (49:14):
Can you change it?

Speaker 3 (49:15):

Speaker 1 (49:15):
Can you absolutely destroy your mental health? Yes, she means
going on Reddit, Well, you gotta chill out. Though if
somebody else want to go on Reddit, that's domb. You
get to control what you can sell. But if these
motherfuckers want to go learn about Project twenty twenty five
on Reddit, the fine. They might want to know what
possibly can happen. They might want to know what to

prepare for. We have to live under this so us
being in foreign I don't think it's the worst thing.

Speaker 2 (49:42):
I'm not a doom schroller.

Speaker 1 (49:43):
I'm not a person that's gonna do I've listened to podcasts,
but I'm not gonna be on here. Going through the
Project twenty twenty five page by page, like some podcasts do.
It just doesn't feel like my lane or comedy or fun,
and it would lead to me feeling that way. But
if ann want to go do that, and if people

want to go do that and ready as a resource
that will help, I don't yeah, let them do it.
Sean says, you forget about Trump's one redeemable quality. He's
absolutely inept. Even with supporters support he is likely to receive.
His presence makes their success less likely. Yes, we are
likely to see a second Trump recession. But whatever you start,
whenever you start catastrophizing, just remember neither Trump nor Dvance

have shown any competence in their over long time on
this earth. They have the confidence of mediocre white men
because they are that or slightly less but less mediocre
white men. They are completely inept at everything they say
they are competent at. It will be bad, there will
be an increase in racist attacks. Probably, the economy will

likely go to shit it always does under Republican presence.
But the people put in power by a bunch of
fucking morons who haven't learned the proper way to wipe
their asses are by their very nature inept, which should
protect us from much of their worse.

Speaker 3 (51:00):
Yeah, and baby, I had to be like this, I
kind of disagree with you. And the biggest reason why
is because Trump learned for the first time. He learned
from the first time, and so this time, anything that
he wants to pass, he's gonna be shure.

Speaker 1 (51:15):
He has people around him, they don't.

Speaker 3 (51:17):
Give a fuck about your laws, ain't gonna try to
stop him. It's literally gonna allow him to do the
ship that he said he's going to do. Like literally,
that's the whole purpose. He basically got people that's gonna
swear their allegiance and and and pledge to him, and
so they're not really that stupid.

Speaker 1 (51:39):
You know.

Speaker 3 (51:41):
No, Trump is not a smart man, please don't get
me wrong. But at the same time, he's smart enough
to know that I don't need people in here that's
gonna push against me. I don't need people in here
and gonna tell me the laws. I need for people
to just gonna do the shit and if we get sued,
fuck it, we'll get sued.

Speaker 1 (51:55):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (51:56):
He's like, you know, ask for forgiveness later versus before.

Speaker 1 (52:00):
People would go that's against the law.

Speaker 3 (52:02):
Like he had very smart brightened and telling to people
that actually knew how the government ran all the positions
that he's putting in.

Speaker 1 (52:08):
Now, these are.

Speaker 3 (52:08):
People that are literally opposite of whatever the fuck the
board he got him, they he put them on, so
they're gonna go in and tell the shit up. So
it's going to impact us a lot more than people think.
I agree with you, he's not smart, blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah. But my thing is, the point
is he's going to be a lot more effective than
he was the first time.

Speaker 1 (52:30):
Yeah, I agree with Karen completely. I'm just saying, says,
whoever this earl guy on YouTube, Sir, you are hilarious
the way I full belly laughed in front of my
computer while doing work. Perfect show title, Never lost because
the title was racism, Never lost. Shoe Booty says, caring
is right just because you think you're safe in the
Blue State. No one is free, No one is free

to everyone is free. Racism and radical conservative politics is
a disease and is infecting so many so called safe spaces.
My blue state was not blue by a landslide like
it usually is. It was blue by a smart margin,
and that is frightening. Karen is outraged at going back
to Bologney. Soundis after she's been spoiled by Chef Rod's
gourmet meals. Very justified rage, Yes it is.

Speaker 2 (53:09):
MS Barr says, Hello, Rod and Karen.

Speaker 1 (53:11):
Karen was fucking cooking From the one twenty four to
one twenty seven mark on this she is me at
this moment, I put my hands together that screened Amen
yay tune Day says I Kaka when Rod said we
will not have it or like Imbaku, I absolutely loved it.
Love it. When I see my culture Nigerian making appearance
in American pop culture, I feel seen. I think this

goes perfectly with your point about cultural appropriation. We should
be happy to see our stuff in the zeitgeist unless
it's being disrespected. Also, I apologize for insinuating that y'all
didn't say enough about the election stuff on the show
from election night. My comment about Nian Karen see the
furnace of rage. I realize how it comes off now,
Like I want you to be my own personal anger translator.
I was just sowing my feelings and looking for you

right minded folks to discuss it. I appreciate you taking
the time to really sit with it a couple of
days for fully going in during the feedback show. At first,
I was desponding and everything felt pointless. I didn't even
feel motivated to make art, like why even bother Then
I went back into my art studio after about two
days and released all my emotions onto the canvas and
the piece soul within two days of me finishing it.

So I guess I'm saying that terrible election results was
good for my art.

Speaker 7 (54:19):
Ha ha.

Speaker 1 (54:20):
No really, I'm saying all that to say, please keep
doing what you do. We need your voice, not more
than ever. IBr says, thank you for saying this about culture.
I wanted to comment also, but this is a mind
felt for a white lady and I agree with right here. Again.
People want to imitate what they see on TV and
hearing music. This is normal. This is the way people learn.
They don't ask first, is it okay to want to
sound as cool as this person on TV? That is

what my brain does. And would it be helpful to
have fully divided cultures? It not like is the world
not divided enough? Wouldn't want to be only allowed to
consume German and Polish culture just because I was born here,
and I'm sure I learned some expressions from this podcast alone,
like welcome to the cookout. Yeah, Like I said, I'm
not one of these purest extremists. I actually don't understand

the the I don't even understand why people get so
caught up in that other than for rage bait, because
it's something that's gonna happen anyway, and then you can,
I guess, eternally have a thing to be mad about,
like why is a person that is not black ever rapping?
And I'm just like, I don't That kind of shit
is just a waste of my time to even be

That's a waste of emotional energy. And at the end
of the day, I actually support and want that. I
want people seeing our culture is dope, and I want
it spreading and I want people trying to participate. And
there's gonna be growing pains and learning pains, and some
people will be fucked up towards it. But that's but
some black people are fucked up towards our art, like

exploitative and manipulative of it. So it is what it is.
It's just those are human beings and this is life.
I think pretty smart says, even if VP has had
a stack of evidence, there's nothing she could do because
the Dems have not given us any indication that they
would do anything about it, right and when he refused, Right,
so you agree with that, okay? And and I do
not agree with that.

Speaker 3 (56:06):
And the reason why it is one of those things
where it put like this, it would depend It's like
they would it would be a fight.

Speaker 1 (56:17):
And they would go in and.

Speaker 3 (56:23):
But like this, it would be interesting if she had
a stack of evidence and she came in and actually fought.
It would actually uh people fight, But then who would
decide the Supreme Court like like like you know, like
like like where would this line go?

Speaker 1 (56:39):
All I'm saying is this. I don't forget who would
win the fight. I refuse to believe that Vice President
Harris and her people that had this huge election operation
that monitored all this shit have more information than any
of us have with our conspiracies and our hopes, would

see evidence that they literally got cheated out of a
fucking election and just be like, oh, well, when some
you lose some. If we got cheated, we just get cheated.
I don't believe that. I won't let y'all put that
on her. I won't let y'all put that on her people.
I won't even let y'all put that on the Democrats
because I don't believe that they were prepared to fight.

And also, this takes, this takes, in my mind, the
onus off of what really fucking happened. White people voted
for this shit. They wanted this, more of them voted
at a higher percentage for this shit. Let that sink in.

These are our fellow country people, this is the country
we live in. They didn't need to cheat to do it,
because the rules already set up for if they wanted
bad enough, if they will get it. They know what
kind of man this is. They wanted that more than

all the good people who claim to be good wanted
to get off their ass and vote. They wanted that
more than the people that have like one issue. They
wanted it more. That's it. Look at your fellow neighbor
that that's like, I just couldn't do it for some reason.
That motherfucker right there. Don't give them no excuses, don't,

but they must have did something. They didn't need to do. Shit.
The only thing they need to be hacked was whiteness,
which is just hey, guys, brown people come to take
your shit. I'll better get up and vote, not again,
you know, like it is what it is. We gotta
stop acting like Kamala was some weak ass person in
her campaign was bad. The Democrat apparatus is just like whatever.

If that was the case, they would have the reason.
I won't give them. This is what was twenty twenty.
Then what was twenty twenty? Joe Biden lawsuits, Democrats fighting
to the last day they ran up on the Capitol.
Mike Pence still confirmed that election. If they had the
bullets in the gun, they're firing them. No, Ashley Babbitt,

they are firing like they We didn't we the voting
populace did not give them enough to fight on. And
that's damning in the face of knowing what kind of
campaign this man ran. So nah, no excuses. No, you know,
I think they might have got cheated, but they just
won't say it. Why the fuck wouldn't they say it?

Who the fuck? Everybody will be saying? Nobody would leak it.
All the people that spent their lives, hours and hours
and hours of their lives phone banking, canvassing, campaigning, flying
people out, They would see this evidence and be like, well,
ain't my business. No, they'd be everywhere like, nah, the numbers,
this is not adding up. It's just it is what

it it is. Man, we need to accept this because
you can't fight back a truth you won't tell yourself.
These niggas wanted this shit. That's the real truth. Now,
how you combat that? That you can start the next day,
But the first thing you gotta start with. These motherfuckers
really did show up and vote for this motherfucker. It

was not a mandate. It wasn't. It wasn't like just
because the Electoral College makes it look like a mandate,
that don't mean shit. They won by thin margins in
a lot of these states, but they did win, and
many of them won specifically for Trump, meaning we came
out the house to vote for Trump, nobody else, right,

because we just want to make a fucking statement for
this motherfucker, because he the only one talking like this
and this is what we want. So we got to
accept that if we're gonna If not, we just gonna
be like, well, they just cheated us, and I guess
we'll run it back and we'll win, because they hopefully
they won't cheat next time. That's not how this works anyway,
that's my belief. But yeah, so and when he refuses

to hold what should be the next election, I have
three percent faith this country, including the folks who voted
for him, will do a single thing. And on and
off chance he takes his last breath, I doubt jump
that just dumb Vance won't install himself. Yeah, I don't
know about all that. We'll see. I really don't know
what I like. I would not be shocked if they
try to change some election rules, but I'm just not

giving them the They must have cheated. No, they gave
the game to a cheater. You know what I'm saying,
Like we playing Monopoly, we know this nigga cheat, and
they was like, let's let him run the game.

Speaker 2 (01:01:35):
That's what the fuck just happened.

Speaker 1 (01:01:37):
So if he does cheating, if he goes to cheat
after this and rig the system, that is a system
that was handed to him by a lot of our
fellow country members, I agree. Fl Dutch of sixteen says
Dear Karen, same girl saying. Ronan Raphael says, I believe
that all I needed, all they needed to be said,
has been said, and extra love of both of you
for putting words to the rage within me. However, I

just wanted to give a special shot the Blackout Tips
Nation for showing love to my Blue Sky tweet. I
think they call them skeets. Uhclude introducing myself to the
streets as a Blackout Tips fan. Almost everyone who loved
responding and following me had a PhD. I got to
cook PhD levels of hustling a pre PhD unleashed uh

on Blue Sky did create a Blackout Tips list for
fans of the show, So if you want to be
added to it, you know, follow the Blackout Tips on
Blue Sky. And I think one of our skeets, one
of our skeets says, right, one of our skeets says, like,

use this hashtag. It's like add to the Blackout Tip
Sky or something like that or whatever like then we
will add you. So it's that simple, and then you
get the follow a list of cool people that listen
to the show, said la Agney says wonderfully said by
you too, love this episode? Which things are better black?
He said on pre game about being sober minded about
this country. I'm right here with you. I feel much

better after November fifth, but it's still hard to just
get out of bed and perform my job, and I
just hate it again. Love the show, keep it up. Yeah,
thank you. You know, glad to be a resource for
people in the time like this. Sofa King says, well,
at least y'all taking the week off gave me a
chance to catch up. I've been a week behind for
almost three months now.

Speaker 8 (01:03:25):

Speaker 1 (01:03:25):
I heard you tell one of your other listeners that
ads were determined by the algorithm, to which I say,
the algorithm is a goddamn lie. I'll be hearing ask
for shit that I don't look up on the internet,
I don't use, and in some case I ain't never
even heard of. Meanwhile, I ain't heard nanad for RBS yet,
which tells me the algorithm be bullshit. A you got

your GPS turned on? Yeah, I don't know that the
ad that the algorithm looks as far as like what
exactly you buying, purchase and stuff? But I mean, Mike,
but I think it definitely is. Like you listen to
political podcasts, here's a political ad.

Speaker 2 (01:04:04):
And we can only turn off like topics.

Speaker 1 (01:04:07):
Like we can be like no political ads, but we
can't be like only democrat political ads. So it's either
you get to hear a political ad or you don't.
You get to hear about some jeans or you don't.
So it is what it is, switching gears to something
less funny. One of the things that annoys me the
most about how the selection went down was a continuation
of the bullshit that tried to feed us in twenty sixteen.

In this specific case, I'm talking about how Kamala was
the perfect candidate until she became the candidate. When I
was on active duty, one of the things I used
to hear all the time was that the only perfect
duty station is your next duty station. I'm old enough
to remember when people were out here saying they wouldn't
vote for Hillary. Oh but I vote for Kamala though
were It's like you and Kara keep saying, these motherfuckers
were grass with straws, find any reason why they wouldn't

vote for her except for the obvious racism and sexism.
Though even off you skate by naming some other woman
that they say they would vote for if she were running,
just so that you can continue to play like misogyny
wasn't a factor. Yeah, big gretch is over for her.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's over her. That's what's
so sad about this. People that were like, if we

were to ran big gretch, Well, now you fucking can't
deny it. It's obvious she can't run next time. She
gotta be VP. That's the glass ceiling for women, apparently,
because Kamla Harris the only women VP ever, so now
the next woman in the run gotta be VP. It's
usually someone who's never accomplished anything in the political career, which,
in a roundabout way brings it to jail Stein. The

frustrating thing about populism and his tendency to undermine and
fight out disregard competence, not even just regard, but with disregard,
but actually penalize you for it. What people seeing to want,
or at least what they claim to want, is someone
who talks cast shit about the things they would do,
like Jill Stein, without having anything on that resume that
would support the idea that they could actually get any
of the shit done. Jill Stein has never been held

elected office. She ain't been nobody's governor, she ain't been
nobody sent her, she ain't been nobody congressman, State Assemblement,
mayor surge in general, County Clark, nothing court clerk, nothing,
not even a dog catcher. And what makes me angry
is that that seems to be part of what they
like about her, the fact that she hasn't ever done anything,
which I guess is supposed to mean that her hands
are clean, which is an ass backward way of looking

at politics. From my point of view, it feels like
the only people that can be elected president today's America
are people who ain't got no fucking business being president, right, Yeah,
you know it's funny though, Trump undermines even this point,
right because Trump was president and now they're using him
being president as the reason he should be able to
be president. Yet he was president. It wasn't that bad,

that's what they're saying. So like I would say, even
that is just a remix of that white supremacist shit
of being like, we want to vote for a white supremacist.
The first time, it was because he has no experience,
and that's what we need now is he has experience
and she doesn't have enough. We don't even know who
she is. Whatever it needs to be is what it

will be to support him, agreed, And this one of
those things.

Speaker 3 (01:07:02):
Where Hillary Clinton was more smarter, more educated, had more
government background, Kamala basically has been in all three branches
of the fucking government. And people still said no. Both
of these people were overly qualified for the job.

Speaker 1 (01:07:20):
And we said no.

Speaker 3 (01:07:21):
But then my thing is, you can't look me in
my eye and tell me it ain't for the fact
that she has a vagina and titis that you didn't
vote for her.

Speaker 1 (01:07:28):
Get out my hole and she back face and she's black.
Kalin was one of the most commonent, most qualified, most
accomplished presidential candidates in my lifetime. People went out their
way to nitpick her career, hold her accomplishes against her.
And that's going to happen again on the next candidate
that's not a white male, and the next one, and
on and on and on. And maybe the most maddening
thing about that is that a black woman who's less
accomplished than Kamala Harris couldn't even get nominated. There's no

black equivalent to Jill Stein that could make it out
of a primary. Hell, there isn't even a white woman
equivalent to Jill Stein that could make it out of primary.
Only white men are allowed to be that medium, un
accomplished and still winning this country. Right. My comment was
running long, so I decided to split it up. Honestly,
this changes nothing for me. You might as well left
the comment all. What I'm saying now, it's just an

extra sentence. I gotta something else that's been bothering me
for years is a notion that we should rise up
in mass and lead a democratic plantation. First of all,
as if there's any political party that's better for us
than the one we spent sixty years as the backbone us.
Second of all, the only thing that would accomplish is
guaranteed Golp rule for the next two hundred years, because
conservatives are always going to be united under the common

cause of uplifting upholding white supremacy. If we organized some
sort of blexic functionhit and left the Democratic Party, even
if we actually were a monolift, the one hundred percent
of the black people in this country all joined the
same independent political party, that party would not have the
numbers to get anything done.

Speaker 2 (01:08:49):
Ever, and instead of general elections being fifty.

Speaker 1 (01:08:51):
Five percent versus forty five percent, with voter suppression making
it seen closer to fifty to fifty, it would be
more like fifteen percent versus forty percent versus forty five percent,
with voter suppression making it end up being like ten
versus thirty. Okay, you got a lot of this is
like nas versus and one day, but at least we

would have all the power in a completely powerless political party.

Speaker 2 (01:09:16):
Is that's something really something.

Speaker 1 (01:09:17):
These niggas want. Even he says the results left me
so sick to my stomach. I'm hoping dumps ineptitude will
keep him from pulling off some of the most his
most hateous plans. Maybe in next two years Dems can
reclaim the House and send it otherwise gonna be a
long ast four years. I'll just say this, if you
want some level of feeling like optimistic and hope for
the future, it's it's some doldrum shit. And maybe this

is too dark and some of y'all won't like this,
But the real thing I've only really seen unified people
is Republicans winning you Because when Republicans winning, they truly
do have the authority to govern in every single way
that they want to govern, and they actually can pull
off some of the shit that they've been threatening to do.
All of a sudden motherfuckers get a taste of it
and go oh, I don't like.

Speaker 3 (01:10:01):
This yep, and then it goes back the other way.
But that what was happening with the first bush, the
second bush, all them people like yes, yeah, it's like
she just got so fucked up whatever like, And it
was like.

Speaker 1 (01:10:16):
People don't have short term remember. They don't give a fuck,
because if.

Speaker 3 (01:10:19):
You know a lot of people, it's like, well, you
were here four years ago, How the fuck you not
remember how fucked up the economy.

Speaker 1 (01:10:26):
Was like before you was here eight years ago. You
ain't forget.

Speaker 3 (01:10:29):
You just don't give a fucking Racism outthinks that logic.
So we got to keep going through this fucking back
and forth instead of having to continue.

Speaker 1 (01:10:36):
To continually continually push forward. All right, YouTube, man, sorry
getting tired. Uh, Wendy says, go off, Karen and thank you.
Jim Brett, Jim Brick, Jim Brough, Tilla Tilla, Jim Bratler,
Jim brat La says she went off, as Carter says,

sad thing.

Speaker 2 (01:10:59):
And then this will not change my mind.

Speaker 1 (01:11:01):
But needs to be noted is that when and if
black people do not galvanize behind the next Democratic candidate,
and then they lose again, it will be our fault
that they lose. But it's because we are being selfish
and petty. We are forever taking for granted and blame. Yeah,
but here's the thing about that, guys. Okay, this might

this might change some of you'll view, it might not.
I don't give a fuck. They blame us anyway. They
blame us when they win, that they blame us when
they lose. They escape go to us when they lose.

It's it's everybody's fault with these fucking white people voting
for this shit. Right, every fucking white boy podcast got
the same bright ass idea after this, Well, we better
not run no more black people than women. That's enough
of that, only white men. And I'm not even mad
at them, cause you know who had that idea first,

us US Southern black voters that told y'all, y'all need
to just fucking run Joe Biden and stop acting like
y'all better than this, right, you did. You're fucked it
up with Hillary. Y'all not better than us. That that's
who y'all are. And what did y'all call us stupid?
Y'all called us the dumb y'all, y'all a lot of

niggas actually, Oh, jam Jim Collburner, motherfucking apology. Yes, they do,
a lot of them owe him apologies. They've been talking
about him, and they're wrong. He was right. You not
gonna win with nobody but just old ass white man.
And if it don't happen for him, then it ain't happening.
It ain't happening.

Speaker 2 (01:12:46):
I don't tell you.

Speaker 1 (01:12:47):
Wish they raised the wish we had better white people
in this country, but we don't. We used the people
we stuck with. And so now I'm not even mad
at them for being like, it looks like we gotta
go with a white man. Yeah, we accepted that years ago.
We didn't like it, but we accepted it. It's the truth, right,
So yeah, anyway, I'm not it's funny. It's funny watching

them anyway. I don't care if they blame us. It's
my point, like it only bothers you if you care.
I don't care if they could if they come back
to this four years from now, if there is an
election and they're like, hey, we're gonna run this candidate
and it doesn't seem like black women and black people
are really like jumping up to voluntarily the backbone of

the party this time.

Speaker 2 (01:13:29):
What's going on. I'm gonna be like, you know what's
going on?

Speaker 1 (01:13:33):
You got it. Remember you had all the ideas. Y'all
told us we was a problem, we was in the way,
we was inconvenient.

Speaker 3 (01:13:40):
Yeah, we'll vote, but we're not going to We're not
doing the neighborhood reaches.

Speaker 1 (01:13:44):
We're not doing none of that shit. They gonna realize.
I'm not saying we're not. That's you saying that people
might do that. There are black people I know, like
Ljroy Williams who are even more committed to making it happen.
I don't expect black voters matter to like give up
their cause now. So I'm not gonna say we're not
gonna do that stuff because you said you said it. Well,

put like this, I'm not gonna do it. I weren't
doing that stuff already. You weren't doing that stuff already.
So that's not a loss for them. I'm saying, if
that comes to happen, or if they just want to
blame us, we don't have to give a fuck, that's all.
We don't have to spend any time fighting, going back
and forth. Who fought was this? Who fought was that?

This is what y'all need to do. This is what
y'all should do. We don't need to participate in that.
If they want to blame us, then neverdis they were
gonna blame us anyway. So be free as card is
what I'm saying. Be free of that burden on your brain.
They're gonna do it anyway, but it don't make it true.
That's all. Like, I'm not penalizing them. I have nothing.

I don't have any reason to want the Democrats to lose.
I don't like it won't help me to see them lose.
But we lost.

Speaker 9 (01:15:05):
So y'all go through this crisis of coming up with
new ideas, realizing that just really the old ideas of
going back to whiteness, and I'll go.

Speaker 1 (01:15:15):
Oh, you met me at the spot that all started at.
I've been told y'all, y'all should probably just keep stick
with these old white men.

Speaker 2 (01:15:24):
Not my not my number one choice.

Speaker 1 (01:15:28):
But if I just want to win, which I've always
said I do, that might be what it takes. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:15:33):
Yeah, because y'all learned throwing up this other shit America
as a mask ain't gonna bote.

Speaker 1 (01:15:38):
They just ain't gonna go forward. And so it is
what it is. And if you.

Speaker 3 (01:15:43):
Want to get these other candidates even being considered, America
got to show you that his heart has changed. And
so far it's had like two times and each time
it said.

Speaker 1 (01:15:55):
No, usually a luker, but I had to post Roderick,
you are wonderful. Hats off to Karen's today. That rent
is exactly our feel said windy days. Alice replied, ditto.
Ella says thank you Karen for the nineteen minute mark.
Someone replied lol, Which I don't know if they are
being a jerk or what, but or I think it's

funny because you put prayer hands for Karen because Karen
got went off. Joe says, go off, Karen, you told
nothing but the truth. The only consolation might be the
Republican Party no longer needs a Trump. This is his
last term. Now maybe they can't will go back to
regular politricking. They don't have to move lockstep with the
devil Trump. Everyone will get to we'll have to get

re elected on their own. I mean, if he doesn't
and they don't try to change it so he can
run for a third term, or that there's not an
election next time. We don't know. We don't know what
they got in store for real, though. Joe says, also,
I love Kamala, but I hope she doesn't run again
like Hillary. One day, a qualified woman will win, but
it won't be heard seeings Kamlass go and live her

best life. Ella says Derek Bell's essay Space Traders still
rings true. Joe also says, I think Biden might have won.
Then he could have stepped down at the inauguration and
will never know. They forced them out. Romey says, I
wonder if the Dems would fight back if there was
something wrong with the vote, because they don't want to

be like Trump, or they don't want to continue division
in the country. If there was something wrong with the vote,
they will fight. I just don't even understand, honestly, the
account of coordination that would take to make these people
that fought tooth and nail to win this election to
stand down. There would be evidence, guys. There would be
a memo, a directive, a phone call. Too much shit

leaks now, someone would be like Joe Biden on the
phone call told Democrats not to challenge it. Y'all do
realize also there are challenges recounts. There's money that was
raised for recounts and stuff, just not for the presidential election.
Like it seems for obvious what happened. White people wanted
to vote for Trump and they went out and did it. Hey,

black women from NYS New York state here, many of
us up here that are clearly understood whether it was
on the line. Please don't believe all of us up
here thought it was going to be a South issue.
This flip was playing out since twenty twenty, and this
moment will be eston stone. Unfortunately, this election was about
those who want to replace us striking while the iron
was hot. They opened a black hole in this country

and they're going to end up in it. To those
that who set up and smiled in our faces, welcome
to our world. My thing is this, and I will
continue to say this.

Speaker 3 (01:18:37):
It's one of these things where if that comment didn't
apply to you, don't worry about it. I'm talking to
the podcast is the people I see no line.

Speaker 1 (01:18:45):
In social media.

Speaker 3 (01:18:47):
If you were in the bubble where you didn't see it,
don't worry about it. I know what I saw online.
I know the harassment. And I do know that people
that were very, very safe in these safe liberal places.
This is what they were saying on line. This may
not have been your experience. I get that, But what
I'm saying is a true statement. Though like like it
don't erase it not being a true statement. You might

not be one of the people that might not harbor that.
Like you said, you understood the assignment, but a lot
of people did not, and a lot of people continue
to think they would say they thought they were safe.
In twenty sixteen, That's why hillaruy Clinton lost. Like, it's
too many people and too many states that just are
like they are under the illusion.

Speaker 1 (01:19:26):
They are under the illusion.

Speaker 3 (01:19:27):
Bad that they will always be safe and their rights.

Speaker 1 (01:19:31):
Will never be stripped.

Speaker 3 (01:19:33):
They are under the illusion that the rest of the
country outside of them fuck them. They are under the
illusion that these bumpkins down south, with these fucked up
ass you're calling your lost. It is their problem and
it ain't mine. Like what I'm saying has always been
true about history. It's a lot of times when the
people down south migrated up north, it's people up north

that thought they were better than niggas down here, Like
like they actually look down upon us because of where
they were, and they thought.

Speaker 1 (01:19:59):
That they quote unquote safe. You know, it.

Speaker 3 (01:20:04):
Took you know, things happening to them to realize, oh,
we're not safe either. You ain't never been safe, dog,
you ain't never been safe. You're under the illusion that
you are safe. And that's not everybody up there.

Speaker 1 (01:20:17):
I understand.

Speaker 3 (01:20:17):
Some people do understand, but some people are really under
the illusion because they quote unquote not from that that
they are safe and they're not.

Speaker 1 (01:20:26):
That's all I'm puting now. I'm just pointing out of truth.
Lucky Ego says black people are Team black People now,
and that's the silver liner. As a New Yorker, what
you're saying about the safe states are true as cancer.
It looks different here, but it's the same disease. Black
people shouldn't give up the fight. We should just stop
fighting for anyone who is not us. But much, dude,
how much do you think the transagenda effect that folks

voting for Trump. I'm a real for a real Democrat,
and I can't stand that agenda. I still voted for Harris,
but I know there are lots of people who want
to keep mentally ill men out of women's spaces. Most
of the vote was raped, But do you think part
of it was anti trans? I like how you like,
I'm anti trans and isn't that whatch they lost? And
I can't wait until they start deporting these Latinos and

Asians for Trump agents already destroyed affirmative action. There's going
to be a lot of slow swinging and slower bringing
when ICE starts ringing. They're gonna hurt. We're gonna hurt
as black people, but you hurt first. Here's what I
would say to everything you just said.

Speaker 2 (01:21:28):
The anti trans.

Speaker 1 (01:21:29):
Stuff may have emboldened a certain type of voter and
may have kept a certain type of voter from voting
for Democrats. I can't say that they didn't, but even
your characterization of this is anti trans. So you just
agree with the anti transshit, but you voted for Kamala

despite that.

Speaker 2 (01:21:53):
That's basically what you're saying.

Speaker 1 (01:21:58):
It like mentally ill men lot of women's spaces is
a very like loaded way to put all this stuff right.
And it's never about.

Speaker 2 (01:22:07):
Transwomen right or trans men right.

Speaker 1 (01:22:10):
It's never like we're never worried about a person with
a vagina physically but identifying as a male outwardly coming
into a male bathroom. We're never worried about that, right,
So it's not really about fairness or any of this stuff.
It's not about danger. If we were worried about danger,
you wouldn't have put a fucking rapist in the White
House and then appointed a bunch of people that's actually

saw the folks so hard for me to believe that
you care about women and it's all that stuff. You
guys are just weirded out about trans people existing and
there's a lot of transphobia that's coming out. I don't
know how much it affected any of it. I don't

and we'll never know. That's just the facts. I don't
know how many people truly voted on that. It's just
a lot easier to believe that it wasn't the trans
agenda stuff because you look down ballid, right, you look
down ballot other Democrats who also are pro LGBTQ, who

are pro inclusivity, who are pro go live your life.
They won. Now, why did they win? Why did they win?
Because they stand for the same shit. It was not
a referendum on the party. The party didn't lose everything.
They won a lot. They just didn't win, like there's

a certain office. They just couldn't win in the swing states.
In the Purple States they won a lot. So I
don't know that it's the trans stuff or whatever. I mean,
it might have been effected, but we'll never know. And
I think the whole point is that, And I think,
what's funny you're saying this about trans people. White people
are saying this about your black ass. The white Democrats

are like, you know, what really fucked us up was
as black shit, Like we need to get rid of
these black people.

Speaker 2 (01:24:02):
Let them go fit for themselves, go be.

Speaker 1 (01:24:05):
Teamed black people doing their own thing, and leave us alone,
leave us back to our party. We don't care about
your issues and we don't want you. And that's why
the Democrat coalition falls apart. It's not the politicians, it's
the voters. It's y'all.

Speaker 2 (01:24:20):
Y'all ain't got it. You're not heroes, you know.

Speaker 1 (01:24:25):
Fundamentally, it's a bunch of selfish people that just care
about their own shit, their own community, and they can't
stomach trying to just coexist with other folks. Now, I'm
not at the end of the day, I'm not putting
you in the like you're a bad Democrat person. You
are actually an example of what needs to happen for

Democrats to win. You voted for Kamala despite being transphobic.
I can't change your heart in your mind, but you
were willing to at least be like, this gives black
people or myself the best chance at a better country.

Speaker 2 (01:25:07):
And if that means trans.

Speaker 1 (01:25:09):
People also get to have rights, oh, I guess I'll
pull the lever for Kamala. They need to figure out
that math. If there's a path to winning, it has
to be with that math. What is it that other
people row their eyes at because white democrats roll their
eyes at all this we don't need police and black

people getting killed, Black lives matter. They roll their eyes
at that bullshit. They call that identity politics. Right, Gay
people roll their eyes at transagender. There's gay people who
are like, but this trans thing is crazy. But you
need to pull that lever. You know, there's a bunch
of people that don't like immigrants who are like, yeah,

but now I'm in a union and I want my
union job. They need to figure out how to trick
people's minds into seeing that logic and not this other logic.
Where it's like Trump say he don't like trans people.
I'm with him, and I don't know how they fix that.
But anyway, I don't you know, I don't think it
was that what cost them. I just think that's what

people want you to think. And Naguall says, hey, Rdan
Karen has always a loveed to show. I appreciate your
coverage of the election. And while I was very, very
angry with the results because I was hopeful, I know
I did my part. I voted, donated, volunteer, and talk
to anyone who would listening about VP Harris. I'm proud
of the campaign that she run, proud of my participation
in and my spirit is free. The results, We're not

surprised because I know how the country operates. But now
all pretenses are off. I'm not going to entertain any
reasons for why he want other than people could not
accept that a black woman would be in charge. People
would rather tear it all down. Now have to accept
leadership from a black woman into his supporters voted for
Trump is patrioty because to them, America is whiteness. If
I cannot be, if it cannot be for whiteness, then

the whole thing should be set the flames. Yep. Black
people are characterized as low information voters in the media,
but in my opinion, black people are some of the
most politically do people in the country. We're infantalizing political conversations. Sometimes.
To me, though, it seems awfully immature and petulant to
want to burn something to the ground where you don't
get your way, and this is exactly what the other
side was prepared to do. Finally, I would love a

deep dive into the wind with black women slash men movements.

Speaker 2 (01:27:16):
Apologies for the long post states. Again, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:27:19):
I think maybe Roland Martin and them could do a
deep dive into that. I wasn't really part of those movements,
not that I was against them, right, but I wasn't
deep enough into it to give you any perspective that
you wouldn't get from the surface. Right. Quiet Storm says, Whoo,
you guys are correct, three heart emojis. Mail p says
just saw TikTok videos stating that swing states use smart
link to tally votes. Yeah, that's the conspiracy that they

want you to think happened, And I'm just saying they
did not tally votes with smart Link. They just communicated
the numbers, They have backups for the numbers locally in
the machines, and they.

Speaker 2 (01:27:57):
Always had an evidence with the physical being.

Speaker 1 (01:28:00):
So once again, if those discrepancies were like we if
the discrepancy was we sent three million votes to Spacelink
or smart Link or whatever, and smart Link reported three
million and three hundred thousand votes and those three hundred
thousand extra votes all went to Trump, then yeah, somebody

would have caught that, looked into it, and we would
be fighting in courts right now. I just don't think
that happened because I don't think anyone's fucking dumb enough
or not even dumb enough part of the parlance. I'll think.
I think y'all think Democrats are just like pussies, like
they just like I guess they's doon. They not.

Speaker 2 (01:28:44):
They not gonna let this man steal an election.

Speaker 1 (01:28:47):
They not. That's a whole point of twenty twenty. So
why all these motherfuckers in jail now, that's why they
had all these trials they're fighting. Our system is fucked up.
It's not really designed to prosecute and fight this shit
in a fast fashion. The loop holes and his appointment
of judges allowed it to be delayed enough for him

not to face the consequences of trying to still an election. Right,
But a lot of people didn't feel they didn't They
made it so he didn't have to steal election. That's
just the facts. Caring that anger is.

Speaker 2 (01:29:22):
So many of us.

Speaker 1 (01:29:22):
Thank you, Rob. Beautifully spoken words x M one twenty
six has extreme Vaz Big Tone says, I turned our
living room into a mini gym because I've been boxing
since I was in sixth grade. At the AP called
election for Trump, I was so fired up. I worked
my punch back for an hour at least Roderick and
my soul. I believe this election was the finesse of
the century, and I stand by that. Well, y'all gotta
believe what y'all gotta believe. Bruh, Kylie Bruh says Caring,

I feel what you're like. You're saying that the black
people in the South are once again supposed to sit
to shit together. Not the South itself, like the racist
bike motherfuckers, but the black democratic, down the earth, liberal thinking,
fair mind, the smart people with black people.

Speaker 2 (01:30:01):
I don't understand what this sentence means I don't understand.

Speaker 1 (01:30:06):
He also wrote back, white people, Mexican people, children, people,
all these people in the country made this decision based
on what they think they are getting, and that they
what the white people are losing out are all based
upon money. To think that Trump disrespected that young girl
who was raped and killed in Portland, Texas and said,
why the hell do you spend that much money on
her funeral? She's not worth that much. They went ahead

and voted for him anyways, okay. In d star Bright
says the Democrats can win if the top of the
ballot is a white person, perfectly a white man and
a class responded, That's why I don't see why people
are surprised it wasn't Harris when Hillary couldn't have got
that position, he y'all said, thank you. I didn't think

Joe Biden should have stepped down either. It needed to
be a white man off and Joe Biden knew it.
It's why he was reluctant to step down, because I
think he knew the white working class supporter. I was
never worried about old Joe because Kamlin was his second.
If Joe Falter is the second term, common steps in nigga,
you're taking the words out of my soul. The mister
Knight says, I've been rocking with you too a long time.
Y'all are shining light and the darkness never changed. Right

or care of my face? Step cousins Daddy girl left
a lot of comments. Let's see, I've been paying. I've
been praying that they're investigating the frog because I'm tired
of being mean to white people. No decorating, just drinking heavily.
Now decorating is drinking heavily. She was giving us like
a running I'm running tap caring. Yes, in that order.

Project twenty twenty five should have been on the news daily.
Black men always have our back. White people spat in
our faces the planing Project twenty twenty five. Yes, I
didn't want Biden to drop out, but everyone pulled out funding. Yep,
these streets are certified platinum. Rod got them barred straight
fire on the mic. That's such a random thank you,
thank you. Christal Son just said all facts to a

certain point in the podcast. The donors pulled funding from
by and the billionaires didn't won't buy it anymore. This
is the biggest reason he got shanked by Belosi and
the rest of the party leaders. That's facts, Timney said,
still devastated by VP Harris's loss. I've been through a
range of motions the piece we feel as black men
and women, knowing we always show out on the right

side of history, but that we no longer need to
go as hard right now. They did this to themselves.
Let them find out. The petty glee I feel, which
is always inevitably fouled up by a strong rage of
maga or Republicans with voters remorse. Finally googling how can
I change my vote? Is Project twenty twenty five real
of terrorists bad? It really does feel like screaming into

the void when people have the nerve to be that uninformed.
The discussed I feel with feeling like we got duped
by all the supporters that said they got us the
vindication when the Project twenty twenty five writers exposed that
it really was the plan and confusion. That it still
feels like fried somewhere to me and that math ain't
mathing where you'd probably stop using that phrase just really

fits right now. Like you said, Rod, I would love
to discover that something that fairy has happened. It would
make more sense than what we are seeing right now.
More than anything, I'm happy to spend time with those
I love and do my best to push through what's
to come. We are strong, We're just helping to move
past where we are. Ris says, you expressed the sentiment

I feel. My grandfather was a sharecropper, and my dad
grew up picking cotton, and he was the type that
wouldn't even let us do yard work. In twenty sixteen,
the first time this happened, it really impacted him because
he could see his grandchildren's futures were in danger. He
passed away from cancer he developed from agent orange poisoning
during COVID, and I'm glad he isn't here to see this.

My main concern is the future for our kids because
they are so young and aren't being raised in the
hood like we were, so they are going to be
shocked by what we are about to endure.

Speaker 2 (01:33:55):
I'm in California.

Speaker 1 (01:33:56):
There's a good deal of veiled racism here that has
only become more of since that man won the election.
I'm disappointed, but not surprised by the exepposed because the
amount of anti blackness and these communities have always been
through the room me personally, I'm not talking to anyone
at work except for my black coworkers some others who
are in the trusted group. Always already selective about who

was around my child, but even more so now that
he is not anyone exception. My family is planning in
case the absolute worst and minded our black business. Turskiene says,
carrying your spot on at the nineteen minute mark. A
lot of people didn't feel enough of the pain the
last time. It feels like they were gambling the election
and ride your right accountability seems to be one sided

for sure. The Republicans have played the long game, for sure,
and they have been clear about what they stand for
many years. And this new administration in particular is not
interested in representing everybody. Many of these Westernized countries are empires,
and the systems in place seen to solidify the status quo.
Rid spot on at two thirty six. Obama did what
he had to do, and he knew what he had

to do because he understood and understand in a very
real way, what America is. Both of your takes, both
of you take your rest is needed. Thanks uh BK
beauty said y'all, said, everything I was feeling can hit
the nail, and they had for real, people fucked around.
Now it's time to find out. That's all the comments
the post did this election cycle take a lot out

of you personally. Ninety one percent say yes and about
nine percent said nah.

Speaker 2 (01:35:27):
Shout at nine percent. I don't know what y'all.

Speaker 1 (01:35:29):
What y'all made at y'all, y'all did that.

Speaker 2 (01:35:32):
I did not do that. It took a lot out
of me. Just reading y'all's comments just.

Speaker 1 (01:35:37):
Took a lot out of it. For a break, Uh yeah,
I play.

Speaker 2 (01:35:41):
A little bit of music and drink some water.

Speaker 5 (01:35:45):
Guys, all right.

Speaker 1 (01:36:14):
The next episode is Cakes, Cakes, Cakes, Episode three thousand
and nine. Let's see classic our Apia says, I don't
care who regrets what everything was clear in the open,
and will be mad forever anyone who voted for him,
you knew what you did, person Classic R and B
Lover says exactly, Apia. They voted about hatred, about hatred

for others and fuck themselves in the process. What's that
old saying about when you dig a grave for someone else,
make sure you dig one for yourself. I don't want
to hear about any boohoos or bis remorse to Apia replied,
that's what I thought too. You want a hateful person
in charge who only hates others, but it's nice to
you even that you belong to a marginalized group. This

is like befriending a scorpion in this story with the river,
or marrying an abuser. It's not and you are not
so special. Class guard Andy Love says, right again, I'm
with Karen. I will vote yes. We'll our film bank,
contribute to campaigns, talk to people about voting no. The
betmentum is all you get from me, and this day,
for good luck America, you will get exactly what you deserve.
You like it, I love it. Our empires eventually followed

the country will continue to stand like Greece and Rome, etc.
But once they're roles as a major power broker of
the world left, it did not return. It is what
it is. I just says, I think this is the
only way to keep some sanity. What I also thought is,
imagine there is no presidential campaign from any side, only
maybe the week before, like it was forbidden to campaign
or something. The results would be pretty much the same

because in America, the winner takes all system. That's how
it works. One side will win or the other without spectacle.
So I think consuming less of the spectacle as an
active rebellion and of course voting the same way in
the end. This is not a both sides argument. Is
the system is bad argument? Yeah? I think what's interesting
is like there's gonna be a lot less people tuning
in to cable news and stuff. And I know Cable

newstart that they were gonna get a boost from the
Trump administration. They've even been reporting these appointments, these cabinet
appointments and the machinations there within, and nobody gives a fuck.
Like the ratings are down because I think people are
protecting their saying it and they're like, I know how

bad it was gonna be. I was watching y'all because
I thought y'all knew how bad it was gonna be.
And so I don't need to tune in to hear
Matt Gates is up or down or out or in.
I don't need to know, like I can read it
in the paper, on Twitter, the blue skyware. But I'm
not helping you benefit off of my panic.

Speaker 3 (01:38:42):
Again, right, I think a lot of people learn from
that disselection. And also it's one of the things I've
said I was stick by this. Some of these caper
news companies are satisfying no one. You had a base,
you changed what you were doing to Rea to a
base that you never had, and they were never coming

over there because they got their extremism and this was
not you. So then you turn off the some of
the handful of people stop watching. From last election, it
was like, I'm out. Those people are not coming back.
And then your coverage continued to continue to move more
and more to the right, so eventually people are like,
why am I here? And when the election come people

are like, I'm here just to be informed. And when
the election ended, they go, I don't have a reason
to be here no more. I don't need to panic
anymore because now I know what the result is. I
think before people's anxiety really not understanding and just watching.
And then when he got elected, people go, oh, I've
been through this shit before. I don't like right to say.

I don't need for you to tell me some shit
that I can get somewhere else.

Speaker 1 (01:39:48):

Speaker 3 (01:39:48):
I might steal panic, but I won't be panicking watching you.

Speaker 1 (01:39:52):
I mean, there was only one legitimate candidate running for president.
She was the one I wanted four years ago. So
no regrets from my vout, said Sean, because of Poe
about regretting your vote. Mary says, thank you, Rod and
camera continuing to cover the post election news. I appreciate
both the pragmatic coverage as well as the opportunity to
get the frustration. Now, Karen, I'm still mad they may
bind and step down anyway. Rod, the thought you put
into the commentary on what this election was a backlash

too had me thinking something I've thought before.

Speaker 5 (01:40:17):

Speaker 2 (01:40:18):
You are a public intellectual.

Speaker 1 (01:40:19):
Your your medium is unconventional, but you are none the
less a unique voice that can translate complex ideas into
an accessible way. This is one reason why The Blackouts
is my favorite podcast. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
That's very nice that you say.

Speaker 3 (01:40:34):
Not that public intellectual over Empire says I agree, Running
Raphael says, on the public intellectuals, put that on the
T shirt ride or better a plaque.

Speaker 1 (01:40:43):
I say, we get the Nobel people on it. Well,
now that Ronning Raphael said it, I don't I feel
like it's a scam me too, Yeah, he trying to hustle.
I don't know. Now he's gonna try to sell me
the plaque or some shit. I don't know. Nah, but
I thank you, I thank you. I don't It's so funny, man,
because even people that mean, well, it's just this is

how caked in all this shit is like what like
not just white supremacy, but like how what we value
in America, what we value in society. I've never been
curious about or really wanted a certain type of validation,
and it's probably ultimately hurt my standing in general. Like

I could probably be a bigger deal. And I'm not
saying that I'm like arrogance or just like some sort
of like entitlement or whatever you call it. Like and
if you feel like it's just an ego thing and
then feel free to dismiss what I'm saying. But I
am one certain I could be a bigger deal, the

same way I was certain I could be good at
writing for a TV show, Like if it's and it's
not disrespect to the people that do that work. I'm
really good at stuff if I want to put my
mind to it and I want to achieve it, you
know what I mean, Like I'm a dog. I'm one
of them ones, I'm all that shit. You ain't dogmatic,

It's okay, I'm rare, I'm all that shit. But I
think my value system is set up that I really
don't covet a lot of that stuff, And as I
get older, I realize, oh, if you covet those things though,
there's a level of respect people, no matter how well

intended they want to be, there's a level of respect
that comes with that, like pat on the back, that
touch on the head, that that nighting, you know, on
the shoulder from whiteness. Meaning if we had been lobbying
to get the a Podcast Award for the last sixteen years,

we've been going to the Official Podcast Award Group every year,
like nominate us. We're a black podcast. We're probably the
longest running black podcast fucking in existence ever. You know
what I mean. If we were like we we and
we're still fucking going, we need our fucking award. We
need to be on that stage. We need to say

our piece, We need to give our fucking speech. We
need to you should hear from our expertise. We made
this happen when nobody was making it happen, especially for
black people, not saying nobody was before us, nobody else
could be successful. But we have done it. Mh. But honestly,
I've never really gave that much of a fuck. They

send an email every year like, hey, give us some
money and we and maybe you should go out for
this award, and I'd be like, so you can take
my money, and then we don't get the award, and
then you asked me for some more money in the
next year. I'm good, you know what I mean. I
just haven't wanted certain things. I'm not saying I'm not.
I do wonder if the those things hurt me. I've
never wanted to, like write a best selling book. I

probably could, and it's not to say it's not hard,
but I'm really that talented. I could do it, you know,
even after the TV shit. It's like people, what you're
gonna do next, You're gonna write a TV show? You're
gonna do I don't really want to. I don't want
to do that. I like what I do, but I
like doing this podcast. I could write a TV show. Yes,

I can write a sketch comedy show. I could do
a lot of stuff. It's why I'm so good when
people ask me to do things for them or with them,
and they're like, wow, you're really good at this. You
could do this. I could. I don't want to, So yeah,
it might hurt because I've never really wanted to be
like I've never taken the steps to be like, what

do I need to do to be on TV next
to Bill Maher with him getting on my motherfucking nerves?
But at least I'm on TV and people go, you
know that Robmorrow, he's a pretty sharp guy. He's this
public intellectual, you know what I mean, Like, what would
it take for me to be one of these motherfuckers
on CNN that zooms in and tells y'all what the
white people need to do. I just don't want it

bad enough. I'm happy, and I think maybe y'all thinking
that is cool enough for me to be like, oh, okay,
some people really respect the things I say and they
think I'm fought for. They recognize this. But you know,
it's never gonna go as viral as other people. It's
never gonna get as many listeners as followers as other people.

And that's okay cause I don't necessarily want the hassle
of that anyway.

Speaker 3 (01:45:33):
Yeah, and also it's one of those things where we're satisfied.
And sometimes kind of the world is society and everything
always make you think you gotta be bigger. You gotta
be bigger, you gotta be large, like like they put
pressure on you to grow sometimes when you like, I
don't actually care about the shit did y'all think I
should care about? Like those things don't move me, nor

do they.

Speaker 1 (01:45:56):
Matter to me.

Speaker 3 (01:45:57):
And I agree if you set down to really put
your mind to it, yes, I one hundred percent agree.
And also the thing is, you like a certain type
of lifestyle and when you start doing these they kind
of impact the things you can do. And like like
people to realize it's more to it than just I'm

larger now I have to sacrifice, my time has to
be divided up and go among up the place. And
you're like, no, I like this.

Speaker 1 (01:46:25):
I am.

Speaker 2 (01:46:25):
Also, it just depends on what kind of shit you
want to do.

Speaker 1 (01:46:28):
Yeah, with your life. Yes, you know, like I'm okay
driving an old car. You know it paid for you.
It's just certain shit that you just gotta you got.
You gotta want it a different way. And people are
kind of hypocritical because people will say you don't need
those things, but they all want those things. They chase

those things. People will say you shouldn't need validation from
an award show whatever, and they're right, but let you
get in an argument with them about music. Damn if
they don't bring up who won the Grammy that year.
So people, you know, people kind of lie to themselves
and say, like it don't matter, but it does matter
if we were a podcast that had won several awards

and whatever the fuck we had, you know, whenever. It's
like when we got on Spotify and there was like
a group of people that don't really listen our show,
but suddenly they were congratulates, congratulations, congratulations, and they saw
us as like a real platform, like, oh now I
want to be down with you guys. Right. That's because
Spotify represents whiteness, which represents a level of approval that

says you guys are legitimate, right and you weren't when
you were just being a black independent space.

Speaker 2 (01:47:39):
We're not legitimate right now you count right.

Speaker 1 (01:47:42):
So you know, my personal makeup is one that goes
the Spotify deal. We were the same people there, We
were the same people before and would be the same
people after. And I'm okay with that me me to
maybe maybe I'll change. Maybe one day I'll look up
and be like, fuck it, I'm gonna go get this bread.
I'm about to go all out. I'm about to go

get I'm gonna do all the shit that that they
tell you to do to be a big name. But
I don't know. It's been forty five years.

Speaker 2 (01:48:09):
I don't want that yet.

Speaker 3 (01:48:11):
So yeah, and at the end of the day, you
actually have to actually because the thing is you have
to get up every day.

Speaker 1 (01:48:16):
So it's like, am I happy with this?

Speaker 3 (01:48:17):
And that's something that you have to be kind of
truthful with yourself about. And so you know, for me,
I do one hundred agree with you. And we've always
said we ain't trying to get everybody. We just want
the cool people. And a lot of times when you
when you have that kind of a motto because we're
not actually reaching out to everybody. Everybody's welcome to come,

but we know we're not going to reach everybody.

Speaker 1 (01:48:40):
Yeah, it's not like I said, it's just a different mentality.
It's not I'm not judging anybody and hopefully they're not
judging me. It's just I'm cool and I'm happy and
one thing. One thing about fitness, like losing weight and
gaining muscle and all this stuff. I've been doing. Whatever
I decided to do is right for me, and so

it and I'm open. My mind's always open, So something
could happen. I mean, look, I wrote a TV show,
so something could happen. Like someone could come to me
and be like, hey man, listen, you need you need
to do this thing, and this is a great opportunity
of this is how we're going to help you accomplish it.

I'm not against it, you know. Drape th Omonias was
a situation that kind of just like fell in my lap,
and I loved it. I loved doing that work. It
was not work I would have thought to do if
no one had asked, you know what I'm saying. So
it's just a validation thing. Is the part that public

intellectual and activists and all these labels people put on
each other. It's the validation that they need from that.
I just try not to need that. I don't want
to ever need that. I don't need. I don't want
people to feel like I like I feel like there's
a certain type of person that feels like I need
to be called a public.

Speaker 2 (01:49:59):
Intellectual and I wait up in the morning.

Speaker 1 (01:50:00):
I need that, whereas I'm like, I don't know, I
feel like I'm in the public and I'm intellectual.

Speaker 2 (01:50:06):
So right, y'all do the math, all right?

Speaker 1 (01:50:09):
So Rona Rafael says, I don't mean to sound this way,
but it's technically still Pumpkin Spice season a breakdown or
the pushbacks to Joe Rogan's and Dave Chappelle's. God, damn,
that was deep. That's why this the numeral number one
numero uno numer EANs podcast in the world. Take that
to the bank, to the world bank. I love y'all.
You made my dad, especially my meal taste good all day.

Anytime I think about this breakdown, Damn, you're good. And
will Condon Accent give us podcast an award? Sign up
for the full package if you ever turn grifter, I
don't know if I could be mad. Left my ass
off Arby's bring the money here, Michael says, I echo
the thanks for continuing to cover the election and fallout.
Like Karen, I made the decision from a mental health
to step back from paying attention to the news every day,

but I agreed that it's important to still stay in
for him getting this news with a spoonful of honey.
Of hearing you both give your thoughts makes it a
lot more vaarable to hear. Thanks for making the best
podcast that's in the world. Sean says, I'm not sure
I would call what Joe Rogan does having a conversation
rather than letting its rent. Also, it's easier to let
igit's rent on the right because they feel hate speech

is acceptable. I just feel like you agreeing with me,
But then you put having a conversation in quotes, like
I wasn't putting it in quotes in my brain. When
I said it out loud, y'all knew what I meant.
Do you know what I'm saying? Come on, Sean, when
I said they have conversations over there, you know having

a conversation is always in quotes. I even said it
several times by saying the conversation, which you definitely know
is in quotes. It's implied, my nigga, it's a TM
on the end of that bitch, it's trading. I would
like to see the media on the left be much
better at being educational or formative and open at the
individual level. I of the five People on the left

are willing to allow people to learn and to have
actual conversations, much more so than people on the right. However,
I think the image of the liberal and public media
is much more of an issue than actual liberals. I
agree on the individual level, I agree wholeheartedly. I disagree

with the framing that is just the image of the
liberal in public. No, let's not gas like each other.
I've experienced it, and I guarantee you've experienced it. Sean
matter of fact, low key, you kind of one of them.
How many times you write into this podcast to like
correct some little thing or to reframe something that we

kind of already expressed in a way that us being
great communicators thousands of episodes are. It doesn't really need
to be reframed, but you would like to get your
point into so you kind of reframing and go what
about this and what about that. I'm not against that.
I read your comments every time. I welcome it. It's
you're part of our conversation that we have here in
the Blackout Tips. The thing is, the Blackoutives is not

really indicative of a lot of left of center podcast
and conversations. There's a lot more allowed here for like, okay,
you said this thing, let's break it down. And even
me and Karen I feel like we're rigid compared to
what happens on the other side.

Speaker 2 (01:53:20):
We're a lot more rigid than conservatives.

Speaker 1 (01:53:25):
Conservatives let you come on there and say some wild
fucking shit that they disagree with. By the way, they
will let you say that wild shit just to kind
of later try to find some common ground, because the
only thing they care about is the numbers and getting
you on their side. If they can find your whatever
it is, your one thing that you don't like about

the liberals or them, or whoever's telling you what to do,
they will allow you to stay and wholeheartedly disagree. They
will have a and I've seen it, Joe Rogan will
have a white supremacist on this podcast and a week
later have a whole TEP on this podcast. A HOTEP
and a white supremacist don't actually agree on much. If

they sat down and said the reasoning for why they
got to their stances, they wouldn't completely be a ven diagram,
but their circles don't touch.

Speaker 2 (01:54:16):
But if you only concentrate on the stances.

Speaker 1 (01:54:19):
They arrived at, right, we need to be separate from
each other.

Speaker 2 (01:54:24):
No interracial mingling.

Speaker 1 (01:54:26):
Now, these motherfucker's cooking with grease on both sides. That's
what they do over there. Liberal people, we're a lot different.
We're like, we can have a vent diagram where we
are mostly in that circle together. But then you express
some transphobia to me, I'm like, get the fuck out
my circle, bitch. Whereas to win, you actually need that

person to go. Yeah, I'm transphobic, but I'm a vote
Democrat and you need to be able to go. That's
good enough for me. Fuck it, because trans people are
gonna get rights. You just ain't gonna lie. But at
least you didn't vote against their rights. I, as a
black person in America, have been on that page of like,
I know these motherfuckers is racist towards me. I just

don't live there, you know what I'm saying, Like they
racist and they know we all know they racist. They
don't they feel like a little comfortable. Okay, a lot
of black people from my neighborhood. I see, if I
get my kid to a private school, maybe I don't
know about going to prim school anymore. Oh, maybe we
can drive Jonathan to the bus you know what I mean,

not no longer catch the bus. It's getting a little
dark out here in the suburbs. We been having to
coexist like that, and I just go, how long as
the motherfucker don't vote against my rights. They can drive
a little Jonathan to the goddamn school. Thinking saving them
from racism. Well, you know, they can move out the
neighborhood and to the white side of town. But collectively,

we need to vote together. That's the point I'm making them.
Conservative motherfuckers are desperate and they don't give a fuck
about the principles. Oh you anti vaccine? Good good? Yeah,
come on, yeah, that's enough. They like, they not gonna
ask go down your list and be like, wait, but
aren't you pro gay marriage? They're not gonna They just like, no,

that's good. It's like on pro gay marriage, on anti vaccine, yea, sure, whatever. Well,
I mean, come on in party, whatever, put the hat on.
I won't give a fuck. That's that's how they get down.
That's why they had that majority. And we lose, we
erode people because our people tap out. Yes I didn't

get my one thing, all right, I would get my
one thing, but it's not gonna be completely, one hundred
percent mind one thing, and then other people gonna get
day thing, and I don't want them to get day thing.
I'm gonna stay home. That's why we love YEP. Well,
CNN is considered left the center based on what I've seen,
they tend to lean center right, and Harris has to
be flawless while Trump can be lawless. To pay for

is van Jones not not paraphrasing van Jones? Uh, It
is very difficult media environment for centrist or leftists to
move forward. I agree with that, Sean completely, and thank
you for allowing me to reillustrate my point because I'm
not when I say having conversation, it's in quotes every time.
It's not. I'm not genuinely saying conservatives of having conversations.

I think I pointed out many times as I said
it was, it's not a real conversation. It's just that
our side has the We we don't even fucking have
the illusion of conversation anytime, Like we don't. We are
so like obsessed with well, we act like we're having conversation,
but we're telling you what the fuck you're gonna do

and think and if you don't you gotta get the
fuck out. But what polite about it? We make it
seem like, hey, we listened to we didn't listen get
the fuck out. And I'm one of them, so like
I am a get the fuck out person now. Luckily
for y'all, I'm not in charge of them planning or
the party or any of this shit, because the party

be small as fuck. If Rod was in charge, charging nothing,
you know, if I had to put my personal prickadillos
at the front of the no, nobody's getting in. I'm
a very rigid motherfucker. But if I had to run
the party and that was my job, I'll have to
look the other way on a lot of shit. Yep,
there'd be some pro there'd be some uh pro life

Democrats that would be in the party if I had
to run it, because I know what the numbers are.
Joe Managine is in the party if I have to
run it, because if not, it's just a Republican seat.
Everyone got fed up with that and went home. Not everyone,
but enough right that we ended up with this bullshit.
Evi says. Anyone who can claims they regret that vote

is lying or extremely stupid. They know the first term
was like, but they didn't care. So even though most
of us will suffer, I hope they suffer the most.
Fucking I hear you girl all right? On YouTube comments
on this one eight Okay, it's funny. How I like
now that I read sixty seven comments, I'm like, eight,

ain't shit, we can do eight Jvcity heart emoji. Thank you,
Juanita says. The elephant in the room is the black women.
Black woman yep, Rebecca says consequences laughing emoji then crying emoji.
It do make you on laughing cry. Juanita says, rod
I felt the same way when I saw these commercial
Stay tuned for more inhumane incidents. Yep. CPJ. Morgan says,

Oh my god, thank you for keeping us laughing throughout
this foolishness. Appreciate y'all. Yep. Don I t O three
five h six says that thing that burns my grits
is how some people, the same people who said she
was going to win, had an analysis of why she
lost the next day. How how can it I take
them seriously when they were so confident yesterday. Take a
week or two to think about it, get some numbers,

then come back with coherent analysis, right, That's why I
didn't want to do it show the day after, and shit,
I ain't have nothing for y'all. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:59:59):
Yeah, regardless of who won and who lost, I was
gonna have to decompress, like it was just too much.

Speaker 1 (02:00:04):
Yeah, I mean, if she won, I might have came off.
I would have been talking shit too. I ain't gonna lie. Uh,
it wouldn't have been I wouldn't have been any more
informed if she won, by the way, I just would
have been out here like, ah, you know, Gina Dalle says,
thank you for the conversation about having a conversation that quotes.
See what I'm saying, Sean, Gina knew I was speaking

with the quotes around it. She didn't need to correct it.
She understood always put quotes around it. I know what
I'm doing. Thousands of episodes, nigga, I'm a public intellectual. Okay,
the people know who I think? What Mary name you
that public intemactuals.

Speaker 2 (02:00:44):
Yeah, I'm getting the shirt.

Speaker 1 (02:00:46):
I listened to the article saying so many young men
voted for dump because they felt talked down to it,
like they were being blamed for being men. But where's
the line between Molly Colleen coddling Molly coddling the supposed
economic anxiety and protecting ourselves. I'm tired of being an
alligator in the river with scorpion the back, hoping for
better angels when they don't have any Gina. I'm with you.

I two things are happening at once. For me, I
accept that people felt this way so they like, I'm
going to go vote for Trump. Fuck y'all.

Speaker 2 (02:01:19):
I accept that that is how they felt.

Speaker 1 (02:01:22):
I don't give any credence or value to the fact
they some bitch ass niggas. That's just what it is.

Speaker 2 (02:01:32):
Two things gotta exist at once.

Speaker 1 (02:01:34):
Y'all went over there because your fee fees was hurt
because you didn't like the me too movement and you
don't like the way people talk to you. You didn't
like people say google it instead of like sitting down
and sending you the fucking I'm just a bo video
for the seventeenth time. You didn't like that. People ultimately say, hey,
this thing with Palestine is only gonna be worse. You
gotta pick the lesson of you with evils we I'm

tired of it. Okay, your feelings got hurt and you
walked away and this was the result. I don't have
to I can understand that that's what happened. I don't
have to have a lot of respect for it. And
it ain't my job to rebuild the Democratic Party or
whatever else people are phrasing this ass Nope, So it

really shouldn't matter that I'm like whatever, because I'm I'm
definitely like whatever. Yeah, I just don't care the poe.
Do you regret your voting decision this year? One people
say yes, ninety five percent said no, and three percent
said I couldn't local legally vote in this election. All right,

I don't wonder who that one person was. All Right, well,
the next episode is The New York AO Mars.

Speaker 2 (02:02:46):
But I need to go pee. We've been going so long, guys, So.

Speaker 1 (02:02:49):
I'm gonna play one of these got to you, Yeah,
I'm playing. I'm gonna play one of these beats, and
then we're gonna come back, hopefully less than a minute
or two because having round all right, man, there was

a lot of pep. All right, here we go, guys.
Episode three ten, The New York AO Moms three comments
Ron and Raphael says Karen was right about I'm divorced
being a line, although secret services isn't DD. Back when
I was stationed in the Middle East, there were quite
a few entanglements that always began thanks to a sailor
claiming to be divorced or going through a separation on

and OG used it on my last boss, and she
asked me what I knew about him. I had zero
clue if he had been married in his life, not
to talk about divorce. It did backfire a couple of
times and made the Navy Times. The White Black Latino
agent sellers all used the line too, Oh the scandals.
Maybe y'all should have an app for that market. Hm, though,
through the fire is back the play. They got to

play that song at the wedding, so Jonathan Majors can
at least the sweat won't do it. Here's the thing,
ron in Raphael, I'm divorced is not a line. I
stand by that. I put that on everything because a
lie is not a line. Nigga. Now you be lying

a lot when you're right up here, because you be
hustling and scheming, so you might think it's a line.
That's just a lie. That's it. A line is Oh
do your does your back hurt because it must have
been alone far from heaven because you are angel or

some corny some ship like that is a line, you know,
do those legs go all the way to the top.
That's a line. I'm divorced. It's just a nigga lion
about not being divorced. What them ain't my kids? It's
not a line. No, you're a liar. You're a bad person.

Your kids like, what are you doing? That's my sister? Wow,
this guy, what a clever pickup line. No, it's cheater.
Rona Rafaiel says, I was waiting for the cookout music
to drop after Alan Lickman, you let me down roder
king with and that's making good and don't he got
a middle name and vite Alan Lickman, and he could
see right next to me. I just says, you have

a point. But it was explained to me that this
music is for doing the least, and he did more exactly.
You understand the show A white woman from Germany putting
in shame? Have I mentioned that I will be mad forever?
The patriarchy is sticking back. Yep. Let's see comments on YouTube.

Cuter song Karen be knowing Karen be knowing, says Christophe
at the thirty six minute and twenty second mark. Don't
know what's happening at that mark. Let's see what was happening. Oh,
we were talking about Alan Lickman and what did he say? Oh,
I gotta put it on screen. See I can hear it.
Hold on, Uh, I'll be giving me work all right,

thirty six So somewhere around here.

Speaker 10 (02:08:11):
Matter before and I've studied politics since the founding, and
we saw Biden's approval rating plummet as.

Speaker 1 (02:08:17):
They were doing that.

Speaker 7 (02:08:18):
I think that extended beyond Biden to weaken any Democratic candidate.

Speaker 1 (02:08:24):
Since the Okay, yep, yep, careen do be knowing? She
did say? We said, uh, Jvcity just said heart emoji.
Big Tom says, I'm not declaring Trump the winner until
Harris calls for a recount.

Speaker 2 (02:08:35):
Something stinks in this election.

Speaker 1 (02:08:37):
Fan, real talk. Yeah, y'all find to be like that
for the rest of y'all lives. Good luck, good luck.
I've moved on already. They say one one. I can
accept it, and I can accept this country is what
it is. Ao Mom's aka Nick City Dancers. Put some
respect on my hometown, says BK beauty. Oh they called
the Nick City Dancers. That's I've never heard that. That's it. Ah,

that's kind of whack. Oh. Shout out to my cowork
former coworker Elena who she listened to this episode and
she said, Uh, the Utah Jazz Dancers should be called
the Salt Lake City Sister Wives. Best fucking hilarious. She's

so funny. That's why I loved working with her. She's hilarious.
Karen saying beautiful gals in response to Jonathan and Major
Megan is engaging was hilarious. Hashtag Sperience Animals says none
of your biz. Rashad says that through the Fall your
clip gets me every time. Me too, baby. I don't
know why because it's always unexpected. It just Yes. Tiffany

Sharissa's I one hundred percent agree with that white man.
Quoting Karen, she says, Karen is the goat. I know
he is white, all right. And the poe was, do
you celebrate National Unfriend Day? Yes? Seven No, thirty one percent.
Everyone is unfriend day. Every day is unfriend day over

here sixty two percent. Yeah, you could get it any day.
I don't need to celebrate the holiday.

Speaker 3 (02:10:11):
Yeah, I don't even be there that often. But if
I see something that ain't rhyming, you can go.

Speaker 1 (02:10:15):
If you got the spirit in you, you know, it's
Christmas every day for me.

Speaker 2 (02:10:22):
All right, let's get to the next one.

Speaker 1 (02:10:23):
Thirty three, threeenty and eleven, King and Coretta and Antebellum
affair eight comments. Shoe Boody says, see, I thought the
controversy and white people knews and Dave Kalier was gonna
be fuck that guy. He was dated alnas more Set
when she was a teenager. He was allegedly the guy
she wrote you ought to know about. Yeah, I don't

that would require competence in white people that me and Karen.
I'm sorry, y'all. I'm I'm sorry to let you down.
We don't know that. Here here's what, here's here's what
you will get a kick out of. Shoe Booty. I
knew that Dave Collie, yeah, had dated some white woman
who wrote an angry song about him. That was a

big deal. But since I am so inept in white culture,
I googled Dave Collier Sheryl Crow.

Speaker 3 (02:11:18):
We don't know, y'all, child, I don't be knowing nothing. Yeah,
all them blating together looking like sometimes I don't know.

Speaker 1 (02:11:27):
Yeah, I don't know white people, and I don't even
feel so bad. I think. Me and Roger was at
a Onnies game and one of the players came up
me and Roger.

Speaker 3 (02:11:43):
No, no, no, no, it was somebody that was theren
They was like rapper, actor, producer, and me and Roger
said who and they had him up there as big
as day. I said, I have no idea who that
nigga is, so y'all, I don't know nobody. I cried, like,
we need to stay away from these I don't be

knowing nobody.

Speaker 1 (02:12:06):
Nettie Best says, I have a piece of hut one
block away from me, and it is really clutch when
I want to eat and get a tiny amount of exercise.
I work from home and I don't want to pay
delivery fees. I just says, with all the terrible men
in the cabinet, there will be lots of stories that
create huge buzz, outrage and no consequences. With so many
egos involved, they will be busy with themselves mostly. I

never lived in a time that was not a trying
time while we were in it. Only would time passing
by the past time seem easy compared to the day
because they are over and not in active danger anymore.
But maybe it's just my personality. Uh, I guess I
don't know, man. I read a lot of black history,
so I'll be looking at that shit like that was worse.

Speaker 2 (02:12:46):
Like I don't know what it's like in Germany.

Speaker 1 (02:12:48):
But objectively, if you read history, you be like, this shit,
I'm glad I ain't gotta lived through this shit. Yes,
and unfortunately we're about to have to go through some
of this shit. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:13:01):
When you start actually like listening to like podcasts and
like right to say, going back and watching documentaries, you
were like, oh, that shit is scary.

Speaker 1 (02:13:10):
You know.

Speaker 3 (02:13:10):
That's why I was very adamant and I would continue
to be very adamant with the particularly when he ran
the first term.

Speaker 1 (02:13:17):
Taking it back back to what bitch? Back to what?
Back to?

Speaker 5 (02:13:20):

Speaker 1 (02:13:20):
How far? Where's back? I don't want to go back nowhere,
Like I'm like, no, I understand the terms behind that. Yep.
Runner Rolphiel says, all I know is that all my
comments went out the window with that life story. I'm
flying to Apia's neck of the woods on Friday. I
got to add X ray vision to my third during
the third during my flight. Bringing lights on a flight

a equal declaration award. Now, if it's a wealthy person,
I'm a minimal to discussing reparations for emotional, psychological, spiritual,
sexual and usual healing sexual or at least go on
to flight. He said, We're going down the whole board.
He's so crazy, or at least going on apparently at
least going to flight with them evil Whites and Trump's

cabinet and infect them all with lights. Our grant forty
percent discount in the settlement here. I was happy with
the amount through the fire that we got in this
episode until lights messed it up. Hit me up, Apia.
I just says, oh, yes, where are you? And how
long part of the woods means pretty sure? Frankfurt, I
hope that's really close, like thirty minutes. And she's put
her Instagram name on here, and he says John Frankfurt

Ibert Fluke Hoggen fire and have its Beck departing in
a few hours. Arriving tomorrow. Morgan heard this about three
hours drive. I'm Raphael on LinkedIn if you want to
stay in touch. Ah, they gonna end up taking a
picture of something. Oh if y'all do, let us the
blackout till us worldwide, and be careful, check your pockets,

your wallet, don't sign nothing, field, don't sign nothing. Don't
agree to anything. Bring your husband and kids with you
so you know you are real person with a family
and not just a person to get scammed, right, and
don't be writing into us three weeks from now, Like
have y'all seen Raphael I gave him a six thousand
dollars investment for some for a cruise that he said

was officially the blackout tips license. He ain't got no
official license anything with us Apia was not too late
because I know you already living in the future.

Speaker 3 (02:15:21):
It might right, it might be tomorrow wherever you are.
You a wongam y'all in tomorrow?

Speaker 1 (02:15:26):
Oh lord, this BK Beuty says that King and Correct
away and gonna be on Django and chain Plantation. I
was watching your YouTube today at work and busted out
laughing when you talked about JM and MG's engagement. Hilarious.
Thank you, I worked on that. Eve says. I'm hoping
Megan changes her mind before they make it official because
I have a feeling this man gonna drag her down.

Everybody says that, but what do you do to somebody
that want to be dragged down? Okay, YouTube Goodwill blurred
and said, I hate Texas so much Sauces a Texas rapper.
I doubt he gotta check the street. Dudes here are
so ignorant. A lot and I mean a lot of
them support him or don't vote. I've been explaining to

people I personally know for months while both are troubled mindsets,
I really hate living here. Mom said, great show, Jav said,
he said heart emoji. The problem with Maggie Faithfuls is
that they will dig into the hate rather than except
they made a mistake. Thank you both for shot shot
in the light in these dark times. Z Mom says.
I talked other platforms like the Majority Report and the

Young Turks and that progressive liberal, leftist, overly nuanced analysis.
Wish you guys could get on these shows to state
that case. Man, So this is what I was talking about.
I don't want to. And it's not like I'm intimidated
or I think I couldn't hang with them or whatever.
I mostly think it would be a waste of my time.

They make their money a certain way, and I would
be fucking the money up if they started feeling like
if they adjusted their point of being viewed to mine,
it would just fuck up that point their money with
their people that are very invested in their sort of
anti Democrats because we're so progressive stands right, and I'm

sure they've had people on there. But I would get
some out of it, which is I'm the kind of
person you call to be on a show like that,
so there is something in it for me.

Speaker 2 (02:17:27):
The last step is I don't really value being.

Speaker 1 (02:17:30):
The kind of person you call it go on a
show like that, so I that's that's But that's a
perfect encapsulation of the like. I could do it. I
don't want to do it, but if I did do
it, it would change how certain people see me, even though
it would not change I'll see myself. Yeah I can,
I can. I can see that. Yes. Rasy dphd Phdne

says five stars for the show and how Karen Loves
Mama tips. Miss Sewell says Amazon wishless isn't clickable link.
I can't see anything, I said, go to our website.
The blackoutis dot com and that link works on here,
so the comments you can put a link with the
show description. You can't, motherfucker. I'm sorry, So can I

put our wish list on here? I'm gonna try, guys.
We're gonna see if this works. I don't know if
this is gonna work. I'm gonna copy and paste our
Amazon wish list onto the comments and YouTube. Let's see
if this motherfucking works. It, Miam, may not. Everybody got
real weird rules with that. Most of them you can,
some you can't. All right, I just shared it. It

looks like it's working, all right. Jason says, your ride,
your rids. I hope he got a check. I hope
he got a check. Chat might be the only thing
that gets me through the next few years. In fact,
that could be its own segment on the show.

Speaker 5 (02:18:45):

Speaker 1 (02:18:45):
It could be ha ha. With regards to the lady
with lights on the flank plane the park, to me,
that was wild. It wasn't just she got on the
plane with lights. It wasn't just that she told everybody.
It wasn't just that she had the black woman take
the lights out. It's that she thought this was the
time to have some jokes that's another great point. Ain't

nothing funny to me? If I got lice, I'm gonna
be a humorless motherfucker that day if I got lice, Nigga,
I don't. I can't even watch a stand up show
like nothing's funny to the lights out of my body?
Ain't that the truth? A simply g inc says Hay
episode all right, dude is the new act man. I

don't know what any of that meant. Thank you, thank
you for writing. Then the poe who can out piece
of the hut? Nobody, A few people and businesses can
or pretty much everybody? Seventeen percent say nobody can out
piece of the hut? Nobody, Twenty seven percent says a
few people in businesses can out piece of the hut,

and fifty five percent people say everybody pretty much out
piece of the hut. Not everybody.

Speaker 3 (02:20:02):
Wow, you know, and I could see some people over
the years because they all have like seeing like changes
and ingredients and things like that. But for some people
that go, oh, you know why. I think I think
this too, because I think as time went along, people
had access to things outside of Papa John's, Domino's, I'm

you know, other parts of the country, but down here
you could go to like the local shit with like
door dash or for a lot of people.

Speaker 1 (02:20:28):
That are like, oh, I don't have to get the
ship up.

Speaker 3 (02:20:30):
The street now I can get the the specialty pizzas
and shit like that. So I think for a lot
of people that was like, yeah, other people can have
a piece of hut, I just never had access to them.

Speaker 1 (02:20:40):
All right, let's get to these voicemails, guys. All right,
there's a lot of them. Six people called it, uh
this person left three voicemails. Okay, okay, it's not playing
for some reason? Uh load or has it been too long?

Speaker 7 (02:21:07):
And Karen, it's a mirror I called me like once
like four years ago.

Speaker 11 (02:21:11):
But that's smooth.

Speaker 7 (02:21:13):
Yeah, everything y'all are saying about like the electron.

Speaker 11 (02:21:17):
Results are just it's one completely true. The especially the
white liberals for the Democratic Party are just they don't
understand the soul of this country or white people, and
it's just come to pass again and again.

Speaker 7 (02:21:35):
They will ignore black people and pretty much gaslight us.
The I remember when Biden was pretty much they just
were like, Nope, he's not going to do it. He said, well,
I'm not going to do it and it better be Kamala.
Okay whatever. I just remember thinking at that moment, oh
my god, we might lose this. But then with Kamala,

obviously people donated who never donated before, people who are
black people, who were just everything. And to have this
result over of an election when this is probably the
best campaign the Democrats have ever done since I have
been alive, and I've at least noticed campaign since Bush
because that's when I came sentience as a child. It's

just like, wow, Okay, I just see y'all, I see this,
and y'all need to keep black people's name out of
your mouth because y'all truly don't really want to hear
or respect us within this space. We told y'all how
this could be. We were telling you about the voting

populous and how they would vote. We were telling y'all,
it needs to be a white man, and y'all are like, no,
you know what, they can't be that bad.

Speaker 1 (02:22:53):
We can run.

Speaker 7 (02:22:54):
We can run Kaala. She's a black woman and will
be fine.

Speaker 11 (02:22:58):
Look everything fine.

Speaker 7 (02:23:00):
And election day, all of the school stated.

Speaker 1 (02:23:06):
Yeah, and it's wild because she left two more messages.
But it's wild because like there's no true mayor copa
of recognition of like, oh, y'all were right again, Like
with Joe Biden the first time, they said we were
wrong and we were gonna lose, and we were right.
Black people made that decision for America, for Democrats, and

we were right. And there's just no difference ever given
to us. There's no idea that we could know the
country and that we could know the country as much
as Donald Trump knows a country. There's never a recognition
like maybe we should listen to them. We just gotta
go through this over and over again. I'm tired. Y'all
don't want my advice. Fuck it. I know what I

wanna do with my vote. I know the right thing
to do. I'm gonna do it, and if y'all want
to hop on board, so be it. But we get
in another situation like this, we just gonna have to
force y'all on board again. As long as that South Carolina,
if they have another election and the South Carolina primary
is first, that were gonna have to do it again,
y'all because these motherfuckers. Everybody thinks white people are better

than they are because they got really good pr but
they're not. They haven't been not in America anyway.

Speaker 7 (02:24:21):
Hi, it's Tuberrigan.

Speaker 11 (02:24:22):
Yeah. Like I said, all the swing states go red.

Speaker 7 (02:24:25):
So you were telling me that you gaslighted us out
of the current city president who might have had a
better chance. I don't know at this point, who knows
like hindsight twenty twenty. But y'all, this is such an
absolute betrayal to black people, and I don't think the

Democratic Party other non black minority groups and ethnicities understand
what they have done to the soul of Black people
this country. It will take, if not decades to repair this,
to repair the loyalty they have lost from us. They
should expect very little to nothing from us going forward

outside of just Okay, we're gonna vote. Don't expect donations,
don't expect us helping with your campaign, don't expect us
helping us with whatever issue. We are going to buckle
down into our communities because unfortunately, we are the people,
especially Black Americans, are the people who were who were

built up from being ensleeved. We know how bad this
can get. Our ancestors know how bad this can get.
This is unfortunately our blood and if everyone else has
to feel this to get on board with how it
used to be. Okay, but I mean outside of literally
coming into the community and paying people to do certain

things like Liverpool ways, I cannot see so many black
people participating in the political gaming party so much anymore.

Speaker 11 (02:26:08):
This is such a.

Speaker 7 (02:26:09):
Betrayalmail yeah, go ahead, can yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:26:15):
And I one hundred percent agree, I do. I agree
with you, Roger. There are gonna be people like el
Joe Williams Wis things like that, like those people are
gonna do that no matter what. But it's gonna be
a higher percentage than what people people. A lot of
people do not they underestimate how insulting this was, specifically
to black women, to black women the backbone like it
is a smack and the motherfucking face to us.

Speaker 1 (02:26:37):
And and I will not.

Speaker 3 (02:26:39):
Let people forget how insulting to us, because yes, you
motherfucking gas lit us. Because when Joe Biden stepped down,
you know who is Black women were the number one
people online that were fucking outraged, and and and even
l Joe.

Speaker 1 (02:26:51):
William said this.

Speaker 3 (02:26:52):
They say, I'm gonna fight for her, but I will
not forget a lot of them were saying if she loses,
it's gonna be y'all, and people underestimate how furious black
women was.

Speaker 1 (02:27:04):
Did Joe Biden step down? All the other.

Speaker 3 (02:27:06):
Groups was yay, yay, rah rah rah, But I know
I was one to know. Mama's like, bitch, no, what
are y'all doing, like like like you have to understand
how white people function and y'all not your And the
thing is, I do I feel fucking gas lit because
y'all motherfuckers. Y'all was like, we'll taking his funding, we
don't believe him, and blah.

Speaker 1 (02:27:26):
Blah blah blah blah blah blah and y'all.

Speaker 3 (02:27:28):
And y'all made me think I was mother fucking newsing.
I got their mind when I was like, this shit
don't make no sense, y'all, This don't make sense. Why
are you doing this? This doesn't make sense, y'all, like
like like asso of you losing increases with this decision.
But y'all made me think that I was a motherfucking
food Okay, I went with the program because I'm not
against the program she lought. Okay, we know what happened

when she ran, so you got to deal with the
consequences of that, not me, Because this is the decision
that I didn't I was not privy to. I didn't
get a vote in my say so not in this
Joe Biden could have lost too, but not turn funny,
I personally.

Speaker 1 (02:28:05):
Would have been cool with Joe Biden losing.

Speaker 3 (02:28:07):
Because I was like, at least it was a white
man off and this just just me and this is
something that I will never forget.

Speaker 1 (02:28:13):
So yes, I one hundred percent agree with that caller.

Speaker 3 (02:28:16):
With trust in a lot of these states and cities
and municipalities, these white folks are going to be fucking
shocked when they go there, and motherfucker's gonna be like,
I'm not showing up, I'm not phone banking, I'm not
doing a motherfucking thing because y'all stuck y'all middle finger
at me and told me to kiss y'all glasses.

Speaker 1 (02:28:38):
You knew what was right for the party, bitch, you
got it, You got it. Yeah. I think Biden stepping
down was an inflection point. And I said it first.
It was like the first fucking thing out of my
mouth was it better be Commla. And if it's not Kamla,

you're gonna lose black women. And if she loses, there's
gonna like, people are gonna remember this because that Democratic
Party is not capable of holding firm and being like, look,
we did what we did, We ran how we ran,
and we just lost. We ran up the race that

we were supposed to run, and just the numbers came
up a little bit short. We were not able to
do what we were supposed to do. Nah, it always
has to be someone's fault, and most of the time
it can't be the fault of white people. So we
gotta have this long ass drawn out lie in session
about she didn't run the campaign good, or hey, look

they didn't get to the working class voter, and it's like, no,
it's obvious these white people are racist and they're never
coming back to your party. Well, no, you made en
rolls with Latinos and black men, and you know, you know,
not in any way that made them win the election.
There's not enough numbers white people showed up in for
a force and they voted for this man. Can we

have that conversation. No, So that's why you got all
this anger and backlash and shit. But yeah, I felt
this Similarly, I was advocating for him not to step
down the whole time. I saw the debate and I went,
he's gonna have to step down, and it's just that sumple.
Karen has never watched that debate, so it's there's a

cognitive dissonance. That's just like it's all theory. People that
watched the debate, it's easier to understand, like fuck, like,
it's not a y'all watched it was like you step down, bitch.
I watched it and I went, these white people will
now use this against him to say, well, that's why
I'm not voting. They won't like they were out basically,

and the job from that point on was how do
you get them back in? It was like, well, if
you have a very enthusiastic campaign run by very savay
candidate that hey, you got what you wanted.

Speaker 2 (02:31:01):
You said, anybody but Boden you said that.

Speaker 1 (02:31:05):
That's what y'all made a promise. And the whole time,
you know, you can go back to conversations we've had
on the show, conversations we had with our friend Keith
Malley on the last week on Keith and the Girl, like,
you can go back to those conversations and you're gonna
hear me and Karen being like I don't know if
these white people can be trusted, Like, it ain't about

you personally, Like obviously, if you're a white person listening
or talking to us, you not the people were thinking about.
I was never worried if, like, if Keith Malley was
gonna be like, man, I don't know. I know that
at the end of the day, even if it was Biden,
he would have pulled the lever for Biden.

Speaker 2 (02:31:42):
Even if he was like, I don't know, man, this
motherfucker's out of it.

Speaker 1 (02:31:44):
Agreed, But that was the point. That was my point.
You would have pulled the lever for Biden. But in
that circle, there's a lot of fringe people who wouldn't
pull it for Kamala, who would pull it for Biden.
And they didn't have a voice in the conversation because
they're not outspoken. They're not gonna come up. They don't

want to say that. They don't live in New York
City or Charlotte, North Carolina. They not they live in
rural Pennsylvania, and they're like, I don't know, man, Biden's
getting old. He's like my grandpa, I'll vote for him,
and he don't. He don't, you know, he's just he
don't mean no harm. And that same person is like

this Kamala Harris, I don't even know who she is.
She's dangerous, she's DEI I don't just something about it.
It's just inauthentic. And they can't say they're not racist
in their minds, but they ain't voting for no black women.
And that is ultimately what it came down to.

Speaker 11 (02:32:39):
But I feel your mayor, Okay, I swear this is
my last message, but just.

Speaker 7 (02:32:44):
I mean in regards to everything that has been going
on will be on like social media and we're talking
about Israel Palestine and then other issues. So many people
are ready to you know, the whole thing. When if
you're on a plane and they tell you, okay, put
on your gas, put on your mask first before you

help someone else, that's like what no one what So
many people just did not.

Speaker 11 (02:33:11):
Do with this election.

Speaker 7 (02:33:12):
They decided either to.

Speaker 12 (02:33:15):
Not vote for president and vote down ballot and or
just vote for the plane craft that is Trump, thinking
that for some reason that would save them. But they
didn't try to save themselves. They tried to either save
someone else i e. The whole Israel Palestine thing and.

Speaker 7 (02:33:35):
Not try to even look towards what was best for them,
and that's actually perfectly fine as a decision if people
accept it. But you can't go on and write articles
and articles and articles about, Okay, what happened, what happened,
what happened without realizing the truth that is, white people

didn't want to vote for a black woman, and that
is the ing no war one is writing about that.
That's actually making me angrier than anything that they are
willing again to ignore what the soul of this country is.
It is misogynists, it is racist, it is capitalists, it.

Speaker 11 (02:34:16):
Is It's just it's too much.

Speaker 7 (02:34:18):
But I guess if they're going to continue to enable
gaze and live within their own hubris, this is what
we're going to continue to have, all right. KVII thinks
I was trying not to end this on a downer,
but whatever.

Speaker 1 (02:34:32):
Thank you. And the only thing I'll say is where
I kind of wonder if you and Karen may be
proven wrong about this whole like black women opting out,
is that all politics is essentially local, and I don't
know that black women who have been organizing and doing

the actual work locally for their communities, which are mostly
going to be black communities are going to like step
down for their positions, quit, stop, stop doing stuff. So
I don't know that four years from now this party
will see like a d blackening where it's like, oh,

black women just abandoned the Democratic Party at every position
their communities. Like now white people are the council members
in Charlotte, North Carolina, where we have you know, all
these black council members and stuff. Suddenly it'll be like,
no white people hold those positions. Black people basically have

stayed away from Democratic politics. Say y'all do y'all, I'm
not organizing, I'm not campaigning, I'm not doing it. I
don't know, because this is a fraught time that is
very close to the hurt I we as black people
have rebuilt ourselves from worse injuries than this, and so

historically I can't and maybe I'm totally open minded to like,
you know, a couple of years from now we have
the off cycle elections and you're like, oh, no, black
people never came back. Eric Karen was right, A mirror
was right. But right now I think people are so
hurt and it's so much pain and anger and they
want it's like everyone going to blue sky they want

to prove something today with their actions, but it's only
consistency that will prove those actions. If you consistently stay
on blue Scott and post and never come back to Twitter,
you will be right about blue Scott's.

Speaker 2 (02:36:34):
The future in Twitter is not. But if you just go.

Speaker 1 (02:36:37):
On there for a week because you're upset, and you
start tapping back into Twitter, and then a month from
now it's the super Bowl or whatever, and you live
tweeting it on Twitter not on Blue Sky, then your
actions don't align with what you thought was gonna happen. Politically,
things are going to continue to happen that affect black people,
and the fight within us and in our communities is,

don't have to be strong because these motherfuckers are coming.
And I don't think your democratic strongholds, your democratic backbones
are I don't I can't say I don't think. I
don't know that those people are just gonna walk away
like fuck it. I guess we don't got rights. Like
I think there's gonna be some fighting. My point has

been I think black people are some of the only
people in America that are prepared to fight all the time.
I can agree that I think you may see an
exodus of white people and privileged like classes of people
faster than you see Black people come off of just

the Democratic Party as like an apparatus, because the only
progress and protection we've seen has been through the government
and laws. In America, black people have never really been
afforded the rights to just like arm ourselves and be like,
fuck it, We're gonna go live on a combine. I'll
better not come fuck with us. Blah blah, They'll blow up,
They'll blow up your city.

Speaker 2 (02:38:05):
They don't let black people live in peace.

Speaker 1 (02:38:07):
So we've had to get the government and authorities involved
to protect ourselves. So I don't know that it'll I'm
just allowing everybody to feel their feelings, because we're all
feeling feelings right now. But if you're telling me four
years from now, after experiencing four years of Trump, black
people are gonna be like, nah, this is fine, this

is the future, this is what we're at. We're just
gonna live through this. And if it's Trump for the
rest of our lives, it's Trump for the rest of
our lives. I think I don't. I think black people
are gonna be the only people that still got resiliency
to fight. I just don't know what that looks like,
and we're gonna find out together, because only time's gonna
tell us what it looks like. It may see, you
may see even more of a power graph. I don't know.

But the fighting for the leadership and the soul of
the Democratic Party is gonna happen whether we're involved or not,
and it probably will black people to be involved rather
than not involved when it comes to the future of
what Democrats decide, because if we let the white people
completely decide by themselves, they will just decide without us.

Speaker 3 (02:39:14):
I have one hundred percent agree, And like I said,
it's it's not the fact that I'm like fuck it.
I'm like, yeah, you donna get my vote. But all
that extra stuff.

Speaker 1 (02:39:26):
Right, But you weren't doing that, Karen saying it like
you're taking something away from them. You're not. You're very upset,
and you're saying things that would be hurtful to hear
someone say if they were doing those things. But this
is like when conservatives like, I'm not buying no more
rainbow flags. You weren't buying any. That's so you weren't
buying any You weren't canvassing you weren't making phone calls,

you weren't marching. You did donate, Yes, and I and
I will once again say, we got four years to
see if you hold true on that, if you never
see a candidate or a cause that makes you go,
I want to give money to this cause because it's
that important to me. Everyone's mad and hurt right now,

So maybe you will be this way. Maybe like they'll
nominate some candidate and Trump will be in office and
it'll seem like Donald Trump Junior's gonna or jd. Vance
is the next president, and you may really be like,
fuck it, I don't care, like I'm gonna go vote.
That's all y'all getting from me, or I don't know.

I know you all all our lives. I don't think
the person that was just yelling five minutes ago into
the mic doesn't have passion.

Speaker 2 (02:40:40):
I don't think you've really given up. I think you're upset.

Speaker 1 (02:40:43):
I'm very upset, and I think it's just okay to
be upset. You know. I think you've been watching It's
a car Anime on loop for two weeks now because
you're upset. I don't think it's just a half. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (02:40:55):
I think that that doesn't go anywhere.

Speaker 1 (02:40:58):
Just because we don't voice it or just because we
want to admit to it, it doesn't change anything. It's like,
you're angry, I'm angry. Everybody calling is angry, everybody listening
is angry. It's a very you know, upsetting thing we're
about to go through and that we're currently going through. Yes,
but I don't I while allowing that I'm not and
I'm not challenging and trying to correct. No, I'm just

saying my personal belief is we're gonna have to see
because I think the fight is too strong in a
lot of us to really truly be like, yeah, fuck it.
I think a lot of us are just we're motivated
by injustice and we're about to see a lot of it.

Speaker 3 (02:41:37):
Yeah, you know, yes, baby, and and and truth. And
the truth of the matter is when I look at
America and what they voted for, I'm very sad. I'm
very depressed. I'm very aggravated, I'm very upset. Like I
have a bunch of very very strong emotions rolling through

me on morning, like like like like, I have a
lot of things rolling through my head and it's very
very frustrating for me. Personally, when you're looking and you're like,
all of this shit could have been motherfucking prevented, and
I and I think that's what my rage.

Speaker 1 (02:42:19):
And that's when you've been going off the whole show.
And I just know you we're not gonna be on
here talking about everything that's happening to trans people, what's
gonna be happening to children, what's gonna be happening to
our schools, what's gonna be happening to education, what's gonna
be happening to public funding, what's gonna be happening to healthcare?

Speaker 2 (02:42:37):
And you just gonna be like, well, fuck it.

Speaker 1 (02:42:40):
Now. There are some people that are like that. I
don't think you're gonna be one of them. We'll find
out together, you know, maybe we'll be on this show
year a year from now and being like, well they
took all the black history books out anyway, we don't care.
Next topic, Jonathan Majors got married, Like, maybe we will
be like that, but I can't see it. I just
think we need to everyone need a time. I'm out,

we mad, and I'm every feeling is valid right now.
I agree. I'm not holding anybody to anything they're saying
right now. I fluctuate daily. Yes, I'd be like the
amount of times I'm like, okay, you so fucking smart,
you got time, y'all come up with it podcast. Bro,
when you find out that these white folks don't care,

then what we Then let's go back to the drawing
board and realize you can't do it. But yeah, we're
gonna fight, because we always fight. So I don't know,
like I'm I feel everybody's mad, and I don't blame
you anyway. This show is gonna fucking so long.

Speaker 4 (02:43:36):
Come hello, Karen and Ride. I'm listening to the feedback episode,
the post election episode three thousand and eight, and everybody's
saying the things that I would say. But I just
want to remind people who are doubting that the whole

reason was actually a black woman. That this motherfucker won
the popular vote for the first time since he's ever run,
and then of course subsequently won. He won the popular vote,
and that says it all to me because any other

argument that could be made can't be made anymore. He
the populace voted for him, period and end the story.
So like, and I knew this when Biden dropped out,
I kept saying America doesn't like black women. And I

wanted to have hope, and I was excited and all
of this stuff. But at the end of the day,
they did exactly what my gut said that they were.

Speaker 1 (02:44:56):
Going to do.

Speaker 4 (02:44:58):
And that's very pressing to me. Not shocked, just depressed
because it just means that everybody was full of shit
and no one was being honest about who they were
and what and what they were going to do. And
that's very disheartening. That's all I need to say.

Speaker 1 (02:45:22):
All Right, you know, allow me to hearten you a
little bit because I feel you. But let's let's stick
to the facts on this. Kamala Harris got the third
most votes ever, ahead of twenty twenty Donald Trump. Even
the only people that ever ever gotten more votes than

Kamala Harris is twenty twenty Joe Biden with eighty one million.
Donald Trump this year was seventy six point eight million,
and then she got seventy four point three million in
twenty twenty. He got seventy four point two million when
he lost to Biden. Right, the reason that I think
is important to bring this up is they weren't lying

to you, those people that said they were gonna vote
for her, did it? They meant that the real lie
is in the cover up. The real lie is in
the excuses when she lost and being like, well it
wasn't listen, she ran a bad campaign. Uh, nobody wanted her.

They should have had a primary. That's where I get mad.
That's where the because you're lying now. You're lying to
me now if you just want to say, look, there
was a lot of enthusiasm, there was a lot of money.
There's a lot of turnout, like to her, to her
campaign events. They ran a hard campaign. They want every

fucking where they're supposed to go. At the end of
the fucking day, they were just a certain amount of
people that said I'm not voting for a black woman.
And whatever number that is that it's the number that.

Speaker 2 (02:47:00):
Either stayed home.

Speaker 1 (02:47:03):
Or the number that was Just like I said on
the show, there's a number of people that actually were
just more motivated to vote for Trump this time. To
stick it to us, there are people, there's a lot
of people that came out in this country and voted
for one man and nobody else and no one else.
Insane thing to do, yep, because.

Speaker 3 (02:47:21):
All these states like right to say Trump run and
everybody up benerneath them was just about.

Speaker 1 (02:47:25):
Get crack in the swing states. So those are the
real facts. So I'm saying this to hearten you to go.
It just looks worse than it is. They want you
to feel like there's a mandate to referendum. We gotta
stop black people, we gotta stop women, we gotta stop
LGBTQ people, and a lot of weak minded motherfuckers are
gonna think that and go, Yep, that's it. That's the

lesson we learn. I think we kind of learned. We're
about two million, three million votes away from being able
to pull this off. The question is what are we
willing to do for two to three million more votes.
I know what I think is gonna happen, but we're
gonna have to see. My guess is if you if

you have another election, my guess is four years of
Trump and Republicans governing is the thing that swings two
to three million votes in America. Now, we don't maybe
that won't happen, but it's only if they govern and
do a bad job and people start feeling like I
don't want this anymore. It's the only thing I've really

seen work it's like, oh man, it's George Bush thing.
I don't know, man, they fucked up the economy. I
guess we'll move on, right. They don't be moving on
for the right reasons. They be moving on for selfish reasons.
So anyway, that's what I would say. I got a
couple more voicemails.

Speaker 8 (02:48:53):
Hey, Karen and Rod, this is Shard.

Speaker 6 (02:48:55):
I'm aged nineteen on Twitter. So I just want to
listen to because I've been taking time going through all
of like the political podcasts that I listened to, like
three Guys On and all my other ones and whatnot.
And also I listened to War Report too. I love
them too, so for those that haven't listened to them,
you should listen to them too. So I've been taking
my time going through and so I just started listening

to the feedback and Karen, I have to tell you,
my god, I have been listening to y'all since twenty sixteen.
So this is our third election that we've gone through together.
Like we're friends, you know in my head, but this
is a third election, and y'all have been spot on
exactly how I've been feeling inside. And the rays that
you feel now is exactly how I feel. And my

husband says the same thing to me about being a
fiery cauldron, of being a fiery cauldron.

Speaker 4 (02:49:44):
And so I'm the same way.

Speaker 6 (02:49:46):
And I just want to let you know that you
were not alone and I feel the exact same way
as you. And I want to tell both of y'all
thank you so much for everything that y'all have done.
Because all these years and pushing ten years now, eight
solid eight years that I have been listening to y'all. Y'all,
I just I can't even I don't have words for it,
but I just appreciate it, and I just I'm thankful

for y'all.

Speaker 4 (02:50:08):
Because you make me feel like I'm not crazy.

Speaker 6 (02:50:11):
So and you give stuff, you you explained stuff in
a way that helps me not be rageful but also
know what's going on. And just want to let y'all
know I love y'all. And also I'm a Premium member too,
so I'll be listening to everything else too, like the
nerd off y'all have a wonderful day.

Speaker 1 (02:50:29):
Bye Rye, thank you, thank you, sweetie. Appreciate you. Glad
you got something out of the work we did, and
I'm glad to be you know, a voice for people
out there listening, because I also sometimes I listen to
shit and I'm like, I'm not crazy. Yeah, this is
not what the Daily and these niggas talking about. It
should have been a primary. That's not what happened. And

y'all are delusional to think that shit makes a difference.
It don't make a difference. Just say why won't you
say it? It just wouldn't have been a black woman,
That's what you should. Just say that. That's more honest, right,
And if they would have had a primary, No, if
they would add a primary and picked not a black woman,
then you would have made up some other reason that

they would have won. But they probably would have lost
that shit too.

Speaker 5 (02:51:14):
I agree, j Rod.

Speaker 8 (02:51:18):
Hey Karen, it's nicky and hopefully I'll see you guys
at Saturday on three Guys on. But AnyWho, Yeah, I
wanted to, like, I forgot to tell you guys this
a while back, something that I seen online when you know,
during the election, you know, you know, you know, when
everyone was trying to you know, get the votes in here.

I live in Arizona, and one there was like these
Instagram accounts that like, lets you know, what's going on
with black people in Arizona. You know, I noticed that
it started publishing a lot of right wing things, like
about a month ago, and it was like very much
like black Republican ish stuff. And I was like, wait,
this is weird because it from like showing you, like

where all the black events blah blah blah, to all
of a sudden it got really right wing. And I
looked after I noticed it, after a while, I actually
clicked on it, and whoever owned that Instagram it was hidden.

Speaker 13 (02:52:14):
I found it.

Speaker 8 (02:52:15):
He put I no longer own this. Uh, such and
such owns it? And I looked at that account and
basically it was some white right wing account, and I
was thinking, so this is where they get like black
men are Republican, YadA, YadA YadA, because you know, because
they're they were really trying to get the black man.

But now that the results are out, like I was
telling my husband, I was like, I guess the only
people in their right minds are black people and Jewish
people because we voted Democratic overwhelmingly. I was like, but
we are two very oppressed groups from the game of time,
so it makes sense that we would notice oppression before
everyone else does. So yeah, that was my tidbit about

the election. You guys can put out any shows in
any week. This week, I hope you guys enjoyed your rest.

Speaker 1 (02:53:02):
Bye, and Latino women, they did the right thing to
just make sure everybody get their props to understood the
sign that everybody else can suck or word.

Speaker 13 (02:53:13):
This is Christopher Rod and Karen Love y'all. But I
just want to say I'm listening to mister Morale and
the Big Step. That's great album. Love the album, great album,
love it perfect, And I just want to say, bab

Keith is the future of the rap game. M I'm
just gonna say that. I'm gonna leave you sit with
that and let y'all sit with that.

Speaker 1 (02:53:45):
Got it?

Speaker 13 (02:53:47):
Love y'all, love the show.

Speaker 1 (02:53:49):

Speaker 2 (02:53:50):
You know what, christ I funk with. I funk with
Baby King.

Speaker 1 (02:53:55):
But you know what's weird. I thought he was gonna
take off after mister Morale, and it seemed like it
still ain't happened. And I don't know why, because he
got all the tools, so don't I mean, I'm with
you and that I'm a big Baby King supporter and fan,
but I don't know why he ain't really like charting

and like really taking over the game like that. Maybe
it's still like baby steps things for him, and I know,
like he was, he hangs with Kendrick when he collaborates
with him, and not everybody can do that, you know,
So I yeah, but now I love baby Kingan. I
was saying he was the future years ago. I just
maybe I was wrong. I don't know. It happens sometimes,
but maybe he'll be the future soon, all right. Last

person left three voicemailsky.

Speaker 10 (02:54:42):
Ding Karen, this is a long time listener, first time caller, period.
My name is Ria, and then she hung up.

Speaker 5 (02:54:49):
Call back, kay.

Speaker 10 (02:54:50):
Ryding Karen, this is Rio calling back period. I don't
know why I keep saying period. I think I'm doing
talk to text anyway, long time listener, first time caller.
I'm trying to be sixteen and to the point, and
I'm failing miserably. I thought I would call to say

thank you for doing the auto renewal on the Black
Friday sale. Makes life easier for me. I appreciate everything
you guys do. Have a blessed holiday season.

Speaker 1 (02:55:22):
She called back again. I do like the DESA short though.

Speaker 10 (02:55:25):
Hi, this is Ria again. I'm calling back for the
last and final time, just to say that my daughter,
who listened to the show is probably going to be
embarrassed that I'm being such a boomer about loving Fords.
Mail Sory, I'm sorry riding, Karen. Thanks for letting me
get that out to my daughter. She'll get a kick
out of it.

Speaker 1 (02:55:47):
I love it. That's hilarious. I love that.

Speaker 3 (02:55:50):
I thought I was talk to text. That's hilarious. I
could see I be doing some shit like that, and
I just I know your daughter is somewhere shaking her
head embarrassment.

Speaker 1 (02:55:57):
But I'm my mom.

Speaker 3 (02:56:00):
I'm gonna love you, baby. Mama's embarrassing, but they love you.

Speaker 1 (02:56:03):
You gotta cool, mom, right, real cool. I'll both listen
to the show. Ain't too many out here like that.
All right, let's get into the last thing. Emails Yeah wrong,

me right up? Smeno in the chat yep, I thought
was gonna be it. I don't be.

Speaker 2 (02:56:51):
Maybe I don't know. Maybe I just ain't a good predictor.

Speaker 1 (02:56:54):
Who's gonna be next? You know? All right? Okay, I
think Kay Bernards says, Hey, Rod and Karen, I love
you guys. Been listening about thirteen years since I moved
to atl This is my first feedback. I need to
speak to my cousins in my head because y'all get it.
I was born in Alabama, I grew up in Michigan.
I moved to Atlanta at the college. The racism is

the same in all these places. Michigan is more covert,
but to the point, Michigan is the most segregated state
in the country. There were places in Michigan where we
didn't stop because it wasn't safe. And there's no safe
place in the country for black and brown people. And
for those who think there is, they have drunk the
kool aid. The disappointment I feel about this election isn't
even for me. It's for my kids. The things that
are going to take place will directly affect them as

they grow up. My dad and every other every older
black person I know say saw the results, shrugged the
eight breakfast the next day because they know this country.
We are the first generation to experience civil rights and
totality for our entire lives. But we Black Americans were
raised by people who have fought with this country and
survive for generations, and we will be okay. The immigrant
population and white women have no idea, what has happened coming,

what our asset has fought for, and that their fight
is the reason they are seeing progress. When white men
learned that their fight is actually with capitalism, not with diversity,
and other minorities realize that proximity the whiteness will never
be enough, maybe the needle will move until then we
got us. Yep. Oh, our girl Katherine Heller, hey b

She says, hello you two beautiful people. HI just want
to say thank you for the affirming grief in this country.
After Tuesday's election, episode of The Blackout tips much love, Catherine,
with much love right back to you, Catherine. You know
we love you. Alicia says, hey, y'all, so many things.
I won't even try to bring up the stuff I've
been meaning the right to y'all. It's my own fault
for waiting too late to get a feedback email in.

I'll just stop my see how y'all was doing. Anyway.
Something from a few weeks ago that I've been meaning
to let y'all know I agree with. The Daily podcast
has been getting on my damn nerves. I used to
listen to them every day on the Martyr commute to work,
but since Biden's last debate. They have been working my nerves.
I've been down right skipping episode since the Harris Wallace lost.

They are doing exactly what Rod said they would do.
Start up the ride was right music, girl, you know
I can't wait. Okay, let me pull up my roder
was right music. Uh one second, I'm typing the wrong
letters on the keyboard. Oh you're good. Get my fingers
on this R real quick. There we go. Boom, yep,

yepy pray. What was that again? Yeah? Right, bru.

Speaker 3 (02:59:34):
As somebody that's a fan of this show. When they
it's wild though, when they cover international news. Not trying
to me funny, what I realized that when they cover
international news, it is fucking great.

Speaker 1 (02:59:47):
When they start covering the news.

Speaker 3 (02:59:49):
Here, sometimes you're like, oh, and so for me, yeah,
I've been like that for a while. I look and
sometimes I look at the show title and just automatically skipping.
It's some certain titles and phrases and stuff like, oh,
this is clickbait.

Speaker 1 (03:00:06):
I was like, Oh, there's gonna be some bullshit, and
I haven't listened in a long time. It's just it
got too brazen, Like once it got to the point
where every episode was Biden and should stepped down, and
it never really came around on the Trump stuff, and
then there's never an admission of any level of like ineptitude,

complicity or whatever. I'm just like, I can't do it.
I can't do it. Yeah, I haven't listened in weeks.
I think I may even stop following it. There's other
shows I can get news from it. It's damn right
insulting because they're one of the people, and there's many
people that complicit. But that just made me realize, Oh,
we can never have a conversation about white people vote

for Trump because of the racism and bigotry and stuff.
Since we can't say that, I can't exist in a
world where we have a conversation that that leaves that out.
So I'm not willing to talk about these marginal improvements
democrats can make in other areas if we can't talk
about why there's no movement in a white fan base

that likes this stuff. Da da da. These motherfuckers have
been acting like Kamla was incompetent candidate who only focused
on French topics and was out of her depth a
stead Herndon even got his ass on the Mica said
we should have had a primary to select the better candidate.
But if you re wind back a few weeks, they
were sucking Kamala's dick. Yep. I remember them talking about
her being a breath of fresh air, how popular she

was and champion, and how much money she raised in
such a short period of time. She was a ball
of hoping sunshine and exactly what the Democratic Party needed.
Until she lost. They act like it was her fault
that white Americans wouldn't vote for a black and Asian woman.
They act like that tangerine asshole. Then to be racist
hating nonsense that black white people ate up, white people
who mostly voted for him, White people who, although they

think they aren't, are still the majority in this country. Uh. Yes,
And she didn't run on the That's why I say
it's a lie. She wasn't running on divisive fringe issues.
Trump told y'all she's she gonna make trans people get
surgery in prison. She didn't talk about that at all

during her campaign. Zero times there were trans people that
who were actually like, I wish she would say something
more affirming and positive about trans people, But even transactivists
understood I remember reading an opad from a transactivists like,
I kind of understand why she's not talking about it,
and we still need to go vote for her ass
cause one person is gonna take all our rights and

try to destroy us, and one person is gonna further
our rights. They just ain't gonna campaign on it because
they know it's a third rail, right, But nah, leave
it to listen. The Daily'll figure it out. They got
all the goddamn answers. They don't need my nine dollars
a month again. Anyway. I had someone punch up one
of my comments on the threads this past weekend. I

don't think I'm a comedic genius. I could take it
stract the criticism, but but what the hell? I commented
an adorable video of a grown man getting the puppy
he wanted since he was a kid. The guy in
the video created the puppy and cried. He asked his
friends that they were dead ass, pure sweetness, right, I commented,
all that dog is gonna be so spoiled, They're gonna
be insufferable. One person commented inseparable, I got you, lol, No,

just call me Kamal underscore you don't get me. I
said what I said, that grown ass man, that cute
puppy are gonna have matching outfits. The dog's gonna have
birthday parties. He gonna refer the dog as his son. Hell,
he might even give that dog adorable middle names. I
said he was gonna spoil the dog, and based on
his reaction to history of wanting a dog and how
he finally has one, he probably gonna go overboard. And

you know what, No, I do not need to explain myself.
That's how they get you. They punch up your joke.
Then you gotta explain why your shit was funny and
didn't need no help. Right now, it's not as funny
because you had to explain it. One hundred and ninety
seven people thought the shit was funny, But no, not
mister just called me kamal underscore to this fun unfunny
ass nigga. I need a little something. I have a

deeper level of understanding the jail's rage. See, this is
what we were talking about, this being jail text about.
See this is the start of the supervillain. This how
me and jail text punchdowns and then me complaining about
his podcast cast. That's it. That's all the text anyway, y'all,
I ain't really want nothing. I was just stopping by

to see how y'all doing. Love y'all the other lisha
they used to write, and shall thank you. KCT says,
I'm sorry if this is long, I'll only send emails
once a year. Hello, lovely listen. This has been at
dark week for most of your listeners, including me as
a black woman in America. I cried for obvious reasons,
but this episode was truly a highlight of my week.
The feedback episode always late, so I was actually on

two nine nine two right before the election, but as
soon as the election got done, I knew I had
to skip to the latest. You both were and are amazing.
I appreciated the foot on the next that you've had
during this election cycle. I appreciate the unrelented reminders that
Trump is felling and a racist. As a military veteran,
I will never ever forget that he literally tried to
take over the country. That's unforgivable and treason in any

other reality. But in Rod's alternate, non serious universe that
we've been sucked into, it's the reason to reelect the feeling, right,
who know the punchline of this silly universe is gonna
be the same shit I just went through. The true
highlight on the feedback show for me was Karen. I
felt her anger. I came to tears when she spoke
about how she remember and the way I cackled when
she went in to detail about the goddamn bologney is

ridiculous and absolutely goddamn comedy needed. I don't know about y'all,
but this episode is a perfect example of artistry and comedy.
Y'all literally start with, well, here's the bullshit we're dealing with.
It brought some funny into it, not so funny situation. Rod,
You're really wonderful at your job your ability to work
this shit, so it all makes sense, but it's also funny.
It's truly a gift. But Karen, you are my auntie

in my head, and I want to express my appreciation
for you, not just in theory, not just because you're
a fellow black woman, but you are funny and shit weel.
Your genuine expression of a mother has made me feel
seen and heard. Thank you. I don't have nothing else
except gratitude. Be safe in this non serious society. Very respectfully, kiar,
thank you.

Speaker 3 (03:06:09):
Oh, thank you very very much. Yeah, and Roger can
navigate around me and my land mind, none of this
is rehearsed and nor practice, so Roger don't know what's
coming out.

Speaker 1 (03:06:24):
Of my mouth. Natalie right saying, hey, Rody Cam, feel
free to skip over. This is too long, all right,
well skipping, of course, not Natalie, of course I would
just be an asshole. Come on, don't do that. I
had fallen off listening to you guys, hangs head and shame,
but I'm back. I just want to see the motherfucking
Trump bringing us back. Listeners prosperity ave over this bit.

I just want to comment on the mirage that people
in blue states have been have about being safely blue.
I agree one hundred percent with you and Karen. I've
been in Connecticut for three years, or grew up in Brooklyn,
New York. Okay, Brooklyn in the house. We love to
see it. I don't know why people don't get that
cuts to the federal budget and agencies can have an
effect on blue states. Perfect example is education. If the

Department of Education is gooded and all the mandates, protection, etc.
Goes back to the states, some states will suffer more
than others. But the point is there will be suffering
across the board. Connecticut has protections in place for students,
but if we don't get that federal fund, and that
means property taxes will probably go up to help make
the difference. Oh, you don't own a house, you say, well,
guess what. Your landlord is happy to pass the property
tax increase to you. Increasing the other taxes are also possible.

My daughter, who is three, is on the autism spectrum. Thankfully,
we are able to get her various therapy services speech,
one on one, behavioral therapy, etc. Covered by early intervention
from the state as well as through private exsurance. If
the ACA is good at however, our private insurance company
can decide not to cover my daughter because autism is
a pre existing condition. Even if if I didn't have

a kid on the spectrum, I would care about the ACA,
not only because it puts guardrails on private insurance, but
also because so many people depend on the health insurance
coverage right. Lastly, four of my neighbors put up Trump
Vance signs on their lawn the week of the election.
My neighborhood has gotten more diverse since I moved here.
I think that sends a clear message to us who

are not white. In addition to that, there was a
fire on the bridge in my city a few months
ago that caused a shit ton of traffick in the
span of three days along I ninety five. It's around
the neighborhoods. Federal funds are covering eighty percent of the
cost of rebuilding that bridge. Do I think my neighbors
know this? Maybe? So if they do, are they so
blind about racism and misogyny they will vote for an
administration who wants to put a federal gut a federal

agency that will provide this funding. Yes, thank you, or
camp for all you do, I'll be signed up for
premium again, listening as much as I can, all the best,
not that, thanks Matt, thank you.

Speaker 3 (03:08:44):
I think for the first time one Trump getting office
and start implementing his shit. For first time ever, people
are gonna realize how much the federal government do because
one thing about living here in this country.

Speaker 1 (03:08:55):
Sometimes people can get.

Speaker 3 (03:08:59):
They can get so settled that they do not realize
how much the fucking government do does for them in
their daily lives. Like a lot of people go, what
the fuck they do for me? What the fuck that
do for me? Yeah, when bridges start collapsing and roads
start crumbling, and all of a sudden, schools start shutting down,
all of a sudden, everybody looking around, they going what

they gonna like?

Speaker 1 (03:09:20):
Yeah, the federal government covered that dog like. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (03:09:23):
Like I said, we just take shit for granted here
in this country, and we just assume this shit gonna function.
And all of a sudden, police start delaying all of
a sudden, your shit get on five firefighters is slow?

Speaker 1 (03:09:34):
Emls is slow? Shit like that.

Speaker 3 (03:09:36):
Hospitals can't do shit. Why because a lot of these
places get some form of federal funding to keep them functioning.

Speaker 1 (03:09:44):
And blue states actually accept the federal funding, so y'all
will feel it if you don't get it. A lot
of these red states don't even accept the federal funding
and just to keep their citizens pouring and educated and healthy.

Speaker 2 (03:09:56):
And so they won't know the difference.

Speaker 1 (03:09:58):
Between a Trump administration or or buy An administration because
they got politicians who will actually not accept funding sometimes
or take the credit for the funding that they voted against.
Lashander Wright saying good morning, ride a Carroll, catch up
a podcast more Now that I have a vehicle. Of course,
the check engine light is back on, so I don't
know how much longer I will have it. Lol, fucking squirrels.

About the election, yeah, I went to bad feeling like
Trump was going to win, only because my year has
been asked and I felt like I wasn't going to
get any good news outside of my son's recovery this year.
So I apologize to everyone for my bad juju effecting
the world. Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault. You were
just supposed to do that said. My son had an
original Glasgow score of eight slash nine, which is a

moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. He went to vote,
and he later told me a miss He almost voted
for Jill Stein as a joke, but he realized that
he really didn't want Trump to be present, so he
voted for Kamala. If he can recover from a brain
injury and make a good choice, no one else has
his excuse. I saw a lady on social media rant
and ray, but she made a good point. Some of

these uncommitted folks wanted us to worry about a land
that fled, that they fled more than the worry about
the land they fled too, not recognizing their ability to
protest is because of the rule of law and order,
because Trump has shown he will flow every chance he gets. Sadly,
their countrymen back home will suffer for the Hubers, but
we move forward because there's nothing else we can do.

I was deeply disappointed in twenty sixteen, but this year
is just was maybe too much trauma for me this year,
but it was like, yeah, this tracks, let's see what
we have to overcome this time. We are overcomers as people.
I know we don't always want to be a survival mode,
but it's our strength that will carry us. Lovy Gods,
So proud of your commentary effort, Shanda, Thank you, John
says election gods are Russia. Karen, come sit by me.

There are so many people to be pissed at right now,
but the ones that bother me the most are the
ultra left, mostly white progressives, shit on Biden from the
very moment he won the primary twenty twenty. The debate
performance may have been what ultimately caused the damn to break,
but the real issue was the reservoir constant bitchin and
mona about medicare for all Green New deals, student laws, Afghanistan,
and then finally Gaza. It was a relentless four year

smear campaign that drove his poll numbers down so effectively
that Dems had little choice but to push him out
because it was looking like we were going to absolutely
get destroyed by Trump. This was always going to be
a tough election, as inflation has long been a killer
of incumbent governance, and this year we saw that, with
every major political party in power, even right wing ones
all over the world, suffering significant vote share losses. Kamala's

greatness actually helped our losses be substantially less than most,
but it was people quote unquote on our side that
gave her an impossible task by joining into the constant
cours of dim bashing from Republicans and Russian bots. In
my opinion, it's like we put our team down thirty
points going into the fourth quarter and made it so
Kamala had to give ten for ten from three point

Land just to have a chance. As always, too many
progressives just couldn't resist the urge to bash our candidate
slash party, no matter how deadly the stakes are, and
that drove me fucking nuts. And yes I'm including all
the people who suddenly discovered gods As that pat issue
to bash Biden slash hairs because as far as I
can see, they were the same ones who were already
shitting on them long before Hamas decided to start a
word with Israel. Yeah, what's crazy is just watching how

that commentary has just basically evaporated. Yes it did. It
stopped like it used to be a time you couldn't
even scroll Twitter without people just constantly bringing it up.
Now they're not talking about the.

Speaker 2 (03:13:23):
Shit no more.

Speaker 1