Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good news everyone. I listened to the Black Guy Who
Tips podcast because Rod and Karen are hot mustad.
Speaker 2 (00:10):
I mean, hey, welcome to the Black Autils podcast. I'm
your host, Rod, I'm always joined by my cost and
we're live on a Sunday, ready to do some quick
podcast in which you got plans, got a late start,
blah blah blah, but at least you getting something.
Speaker 3 (00:30):
Everybody getting a little something. Show notes up front.
Speaker 2 (00:34):
Let me just say this shout out to everybody signing
up for the Black Friday cell.
Speaker 3 (00:41):
Black Friday, appreciate that, y'all.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
I have made a mistake on the website and I
fixed it, but it wasn't showing on certain pages, and
so a couple people signed up for the full one
hundred and fifty dollars a year thing. But the sale
is for one hundred. If you did it because you
didn't see the option, email me. I'll send you. I'll
give you the fifty dollars back. We're not trying to like,
it's not a matter of like we're trying to get
as much money as we can.
Speaker 3 (01:11):
It was just a complete oversight.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
I checked the wrong box and a couple people emailed me,
and I found out last night. I was like, oops,
but that explains the people that have signed up for
full price.
Speaker 3 (01:21):
Y'all some real ones for.
Speaker 2 (01:22):
That, and as always, send me an email any questions,
anything the blackout tips at gmail dot com. I will
work with you to fix whatever the issue is.
Speaker 1 (01:34):
Speaker 3 (01:36):
The official weapon of the show is folk Chair and
the unofficial sport and bullet ball extreme extreme Extreme Any banter, yes, sir?
All right, Well let's get the bench of song.
Speaker 2 (01:54):
Speaker 3 (01:55):
That's the old one. I meant to pull up the
new one. What did I do? Oh? Do you have
any talk to me? Do you have any talk to me?
Do you have any banter? Answer? Banter? Banter banter? Do
you have any banks.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
Talk to me?
Speaker 3 (02:31):
Do you have any banter? Banter? All right, banter me away?
Speaker 1 (02:35):
Yes, Me and Roger was on YouTube and for those
you that listen to the nerd Off, y'all know, uh,
Stard Valley is like one of my favorite video games,
like of all time. Like I'm talking like like like
I'm talking about I had played thousands of hours on
that goddamn videy of a game. I love it and
I got it on every platform I got it on
at the Xbox, the PlayStation, on my phone, on my tablet,
Like I look, I'm the reason I bought that game
multiple times for no goddamn reasons, just because I love
that game and they keep putting up updates for it,
and the updates don't cost you anything. And so me
and Roger was going and I'm saying that to say this,
Me and Rogers going through YouTube and I did not
know this, but the orchestra is playing the music live
with like you know, strings and like shit. And so
next year, uh, they're doing a tour, and so I'm going,
I'm gonna go to the tour. I know that sounds
pointless and frivolous, but I was like, you know what, bitch.
I went to go try to buy tickets and they
was like, you can't buy the me. I was say, bitch,
let me know, cause I will be there with my
happy ass, humming along and singing along and getting my
goddamn Stardus Valley life. I can't motherfucker wait. I'm excited
about it. I'm really exciting about that. I saw that ship.
I was like, yes, bitch.
Speaker 2 (04:04):
Yes, what what kind of music does Star do Valley have?
Speaker 3 (04:08):
It's not words, right.
Speaker 1 (04:10):
No, it's not words.
Speaker 3 (04:11):
It sounds it's kind of like eight bit music.
Speaker 2 (04:14):
Yes, okay, all right, yes, all right, but I mean
it sounds like an experience. Obviously enough people are excited
about it for them to create a whole tour mm hmmm,
and people don't want to see it. So you know,
it's a very popular game. It's it's going to be
interesting to see what the fans look like in person
coming out the house to play that game, because I
you know, it's not like a community game where people
play together. Everybody's basically nobody's separate.
Speaker 1 (04:41):
Yeah, you can, like I have different versions, and I
have one version that I have houses on, but a
lot of times I just like kind of just doing
my own thing. And like they do have like community
base where you can up to I think it's up
to three other people, so it's like four people, and
and the person that that uh that owns like the land,
they can decide if it's something that everybody shares their money,
if everybody's money divided, you know who you know if
you go into the homes, like what's in your homes
and things like that. But then y'all can team up
and a lot of people probably do like collaborative where
everybody come in, you group it up. Everybody makes my money.
You can do things kind of more.
Speaker 2 (05:22):
For those wondering, this is what some Starding Valley music
sounds like. I only play a little bit, but I wait,
I don't just realize would y'all even be able to hear?
Speaker 3 (05:32):
Oh wait, yould.
Speaker 2 (05:39):
That's a starting valley.
Speaker 3 (05:43):
So you know it's not it slaps. We all know
that it slaps.
Speaker 1 (05:47):
That's that's that's the intro. But they have like music
when you go into the saloon. They have music for
the dungeons. They have like.
Speaker 3 (05:58):
You know different obviously Grandpas thing. We all know that one.
That's that's about you know what I'm saying, turn that
ship up.
Speaker 1 (06:08):
Yes, it's less bot less, motherfucking go. And uh, every
now and then I wear my Stardus Valley shirt. You know,
I wanted the one. People I was like, cause you know,
Roger wear his video game shirts out and I was like,
I know, I like Cozy Gaines, but I was like,
I want to actually start wearing that stuff out more.
And I've had several people stop me and they was like,
that's my jam too. I was like, yeah, that's my
jam too. And then we go and we started nerding
out about Stardue Valley. I remember one time we was
at the grocery store in one of the employees she looks,
she says, I'm glad somebody has the Stardewe Valley shirts.
She was like, I see other video games, but I
don't see that game. I said me either. So and
I know that it is childish. Well you don't have
to down talk, but like this, it gives me joy.
Speaker 3 (06:58):
Yeah, and.
Speaker 1 (07:00):
You know they have it for like other video games.
You know, they have like for this and for that,
the orchestra playing. So I would just love to just
see it live. And so what I personally think was
gonna happen. You don't get probably longer versions of the
songs versus the little snippets that you get in the background.
So I'm looking to see what kind of twist they're
gonna make on it, and ask somebody who played a
band and played concert band. So I'm looking forward to
like I don't know if they're gonna have wore wind sections.
I don't know if they're gonna have like flute clarinets,
you know, piccolos. But I'm looking forward to the violins,
the cellos. I'm looking forward to the bass clarinets. I mean,
I mean the bass violins, like I'm looking forward to.
I don't know if they're gonna have trump AND's troup
bones because when you say orchestra, you know it could
be both sides, like the whole section. I don't know
if they're gonna be drums xylophones. So I'm really as
somebody who grew up as like a band kid orchestra,
you know, march band and things like that, I am
really to just sit down and just have a ball.
And I know if you're somebody that's going to that os,
are you love the game or you're with somebody else
who is obsessed as much about the game as much
as ion?
Speaker 2 (08:14):
Speaker 3 (08:14):
Yeah, it sounds like it could be a good time.
Speaker 2 (08:18):
I just feel bad for all the sandwich artists across
America now that Kendrick has released that mustard into the
sound guys Zeitgeist, the Soundsitgeist, because I think it's Pavlovian
at this point. It's like you can't help yourself. Everyone's
yelling out mustard all over the place. Mustard is gonna
have to use that as his drop. I'm pretty sure
when he talks about you know, like whenever, that's gonna
be his new Like, oh, mustard got a song out,
because it's gonna.
Speaker 3 (08:56):
Start with that mustard.
Speaker 1 (08:59):
Speaker 2 (09:00):
Somebody sent Karen shout to Karen Hunter on Twitter. She
just sent me, I mean Karen Hunter.
Speaker 3 (09:07):
On serious exemp but she sent me this on Twitter.
Speaker 2 (09:10):
She sent me a clip that apparently pastors are doing it.
What pastor? A pastor did this in the pulpit. Apparently
here here it is.
Speaker 4 (09:23):
God, Well, for God your need, so and give you
some of what you want. That was Burger King in
nineteen seventy three YEA in their heated debate with McDonalds.
They needed a slogan that would help them in the
beat break, that would help them in the Hamburger raised them.
They came up with a slogan that would change the trajectory.
Speaker 3 (09:47):
This hold up, what hold up?
Speaker 1 (09:48):
What is happening here?
Speaker 3 (09:50):
What is happening in church?
Speaker 1 (09:52):
Yes? How do we get here?
Speaker 3 (09:53):
I thought he was gonna go with the faith of
a mustard.
Speaker 1 (09:57):
See that makes that makes sense.
Speaker 3 (09:59):
But this feel like.
Speaker 2 (10:00):
He's setting up a Burger or analogy between Burger King
and McDonald's. Okay, let's see where you're taking the erm
let's see. Maybe I'll maybe i'm prejudging yep up.
Speaker 4 (10:11):
The whole hamburger rate. They said, instead of giving your
what and sy you should have, you should now have
it your way.
Speaker 3 (10:21):
And I'm so.
Speaker 4 (10:22):
Glad that God sometimes let us have it power.
Speaker 2 (10:27):
Wait, if you wanted to, I feel like I know
where he's going with this, and it's a long set
up for mustard.
Speaker 3 (10:35):
That's all I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (10:36):
If it's if it's no set up for mustard, if
it's going where I think it's going, this is the
longest damn So all you need is a little bit
of mustard you wanted to see you want you? I
think he's gonna say you can have it your way.
You could get ketchup, you could get pickles, you could
get mustard. But if you just wanted to say it
is this like a dare you know? Like you the
other pastors sit around and be like, how you gonna.
Speaker 3 (11:00):
Sneak it into your sermon?
Speaker 2 (11:02):
We see who they have to talk about it. Look
around the room, see who eyes go crazy? So you
know they y'all both be listening to second music.
Speaker 4 (11:09):
Turle that only had catch up, get a burger that
only had ketch up mustard.
Speaker 3 (11:20):
I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. That's
the corniest way to do it, sir.
Speaker 1 (11:26):
You didn't you could have been like, yes, the faith
of a mustard seed. Yes, like it, Like it's another
way to kind of squeak.
Speaker 2 (11:33):
And hit control F on the Bible and find mustard
and find another reference. I'm pretty sure you could have.
Speaker 1 (11:41):
I'm so glad.
Speaker 4 (11:43):
I'm God, what I need, what I want to see?
Speaker 2 (11:53):
That's he stretched that too and he stretched that too far.
I'm sorry that but see, that's what mustard is doing
to us. Kendrick Doune changed. He doesn't change the way
we use the word. And now everybody's find trying to
find a way to sneaking into everything they do. Oh man,
I feel so bad for the people to work at
Subway and behind the counter and fucking.
Speaker 3 (12:15):
I didn't even think about that.
Speaker 1 (12:17):
They gonna be start, they gonna be like, well, what
you want mustard, sir. This we're in the middle of lunch.
Speaker 3 (12:23):
Like, I don't, I don't.
Speaker 1 (12:24):
I can't deal with this.
Speaker 3 (12:25):
I know, some mustard on the meat hole.
Speaker 2 (12:27):
Like, first of all, I'm not a hole, right, the
mustard goes on the bread, and.
Speaker 1 (12:31):
What kind of meat do you want?
Speaker 2 (12:33):
And this is the ninety seventh time I've heard that
joke today, So sir, can you please just finish?
Speaker 1 (12:38):
Or I could see somebody just jumping over the counter
and just like choking the ship out of somebody, going
y'all stop this bullshit.
Speaker 2 (12:45):
Imagine you ain't heard the song yet, motherfuckers, Just yump
coming in yellow mustard is right.
Speaker 1 (12:49):
You don't know who the hell can You don't know nothing,
and you're like why and you get on the break,
You're like why the fuck? Everybody keep screaming mustard through
at the drive through, you know, so.
Speaker 2 (12:59):
On, I feel like someone's gonna go on TikTok and
just order a sandwich that's only got mustard.
Speaker 3 (13:06):
It's just gonna be bread and mustard.
Speaker 2 (13:08):
And they just gonna keep y' all the mustard at
the sandwich maker until they make a mustard sandwich, because
I just don't know where else this is going logically
if not for that.
Speaker 3 (13:16):
And I feel bad for them people.
Speaker 2 (13:18):
When someone stabs on money working at a Jersey mics,
I'm gonna say I get it. I'm not even gonna
be I'm like, yup, yup, Like when you order one
and you don't do it, they gonna it's gonna be
a little relief on their eyes, like, oh wow, you're
a cool person.
Speaker 3 (13:32):
You just war. I said, do you want mail mustard?
Speaker 2 (13:35):
And I sighed and looked at you and said please
don't And you said I'll take Deli mustard And thank
you sir.
Speaker 3 (13:40):
You're a good person. Yes, But all right, Karen, anything
else for your yes.
Speaker 1 (13:50):
For those of you that listen to our last movie review,
you know this, Me and Roger was at the movie
theater and somebody got some good sleeps. It was just
ro was seeing a movie and all of a sudden,
here I was like, what is the noise? I was like,
something's happening. Yeah, Chad, they was knocked out. They got
all the snaps, Yeah, the snaps snaps.
Speaker 3 (14:17):
Oh yeah.
Speaker 2 (14:18):
It's kind of interesting because I always feel like sleeping
in the movies. It is just I almost never do it,
and we go to a lot more movies than most people.
And I don't know if it's just like a scarcity
mindset of like, you know, I don't want to miss
out because I paid money to be here while would
I come like I fought through sleep like on some bad,
bad movies. I still I still remember hell Boy Too,
putting me to the test. I was in that bitch
in the front row, Like I did not like that
movie even on replay. It made me feel sleepy at home.
But anyway, no offense to hell Boy Too. But yeah
that I just wonder if it's everyone's like overworked and
tired and you get anywhere in the lights office, like
I'm going to bed.
Speaker 1 (15:01):
Yes, yes, but yeah, my mama she's like that. She
does not go to the movie theaters or anything like
that because you telling them lights off, like five. It
don't matter what do you call it.
Speaker 3 (15:13):
She it was you know it was.
Speaker 2 (15:16):
It was Gladiator too, which I think is a movie
that has several sleeps in it. Despite Thenzel chewing up
the scenery, Drake had just started to pop his head out.
Speaker 3 (15:30):
Yeah to he cut it.
Speaker 2 (15:31):
He did it, got a haircut, took a selfie, and
Kendrick really dropped this gn X on.
Speaker 1 (15:36):
Us unannounced too. Didn't nobody know that ship was coming just.
Speaker 2 (15:40):
Nine am on a Friday. Just fuck it, just go back,
go back into your cave.
Speaker 3 (15:46):
Speaker 1 (15:46):
So East Coast was like, let's go. Let's Coast was like, bitch,
we just woke up.
Speaker 3 (15:51):
I don't know how they could complain about that, though.
Speaker 2 (15:53):
I mean that means you got the album out as
soon as you wake up soon as better for you.
Speaker 3 (15:59):
But no, it was amazing. I've listened to it.
Speaker 2 (16:03):
I know people are waiting on me to like do
a deep dive because I'm such a Kendrick fan and I,
you know, known to give thoughtful takes on his albums.
I will, but I've never won't be doing it within
like forty eight hours or whatever. Like, I think there's
people that that's how they absorb music, and that's good.
Speaker 3 (16:21):
There's a lot of people like that. I'd say the
vast majority of people like that.
Speaker 2 (16:24):
I think they speak for the ninety nine percent when
they talk about like I listened to this album one
time and it was good or it's bad, and this
is what I like and this is what it means.
I think someone like Kendrick has a lot more depth
in that, and the longer you sit with it, the
more you get out of it. So it might be
a week or two before I can fully give you
the like breakdown of what I got from this album
the surface level stuff, though I can tell some little
stuff like how much of a how much of a
student of hip hop Kendrick is, and how much of
this album is about tributing other artists.
Speaker 3 (16:57):
Tupac common nas.
Speaker 2 (17:04):
Like, so many artists got like and not just the
direct like, oh they're on the album or whatever.
Speaker 3 (17:11):
This song is called nas like, No, he rap like.
Speaker 2 (17:13):
You can tell that Man in the Gardens inspired by
One Mic Reincarnated is just one of the smartest immaculates
songs I've ever heard in my life, because it's so
many levels to it. He's not just doing a Tupac impression.
Speaker 3 (17:30):
He's trying.
Speaker 2 (17:31):
He's bringing back Tupac through his voice and cadence and
rhythm and word choice. But also each verse is about
an actual different artist in real life. I think the
first one might be John Lee Hooker. I think the
second is Billy Holliday. And then the third verse is
about the devil talking to God and how the devil
has been the one that's been reincarnated on earth and
used music to try to spread negativity through people's soul.
But like now to this devil's spirit is in Kendrick
he's trying to like, uh, he's reforming it and taking
the taking all the negativity out of the music and
stuff like.
Speaker 3 (18:09):
It's just my man is just he's just something. He's
something else.
Speaker 2 (18:13):
This is why he's my goat likes he's something else.
Is they didn't make more than one of these. The
last thing I'll say about the album is he also
kind of simplified and dumbed it down for people because
and I'm not trying to be like a snob about it,
but I think this is just facts of what happened.
Obviously the last album, the last two. I say the
Pimper Butterfly definitely like made people feel like it's a
downer like because it's because a lot of it is
very like sad work. You know, it's about grief and
about temptation and all that stuff. And then Mister Morale
is another sad album, very introspective, I think, possibly his
best work, but also not accessible in that way. No,
it's not just that you hit play and then you
immediately like take me away beats this album.
Speaker 3 (19:13):
He clearly said.
Speaker 2 (19:14):
I think between this Beef and this he said, let
me make some shit that y'all will just vibe to
and you don't need to like put on a thinking
cap for all.
Speaker 3 (19:23):
The songs and try to find all the references and stuff.
Speaker 2 (19:27):
And I won't be surprised if this isn't the official
like album album like.
Speaker 3 (19:30):
I wouldn't be surprised.
Speaker 2 (19:31):
If he does release an actual, like another album, because
it feels almost MIXTAPEI ish, and because of the buzz
and the streets and stuff, and on Twitter we see
that a lot of these songs he was literally working
on like two days before the album came out, which
isn't really his style for putting out an album. So
I wouldn't be surprised if he has more shit ready
to go. But yeah, I fucking love this thing. And
shout out to the to.
Speaker 3 (19:55):
The to the men's. Shout out to the men's. I've
been saying it for years.
Speaker 2 (20:00):
The women in hip hop have kind of been kicking
the men's asses when it comes to.
Speaker 3 (20:06):
Putting out good music and moving the culture.
Speaker 2 (20:09):
But man, y'all waited til till the end of twenty
twenty four to come through. But between Kendrick Abso Tyler
Earth Earth Game dropped the new Joint, Freddy Gibbs dropped
the new joint.
Speaker 3 (20:24):
Strong with the men.
Speaker 1 (20:25):
Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I'm gonna go back and
listen to Kendrick. Like, but now that I've been fucking
hard with that, that new tide of the Creator literally
is like, hey dog, this might be my fucking album
of the year. That shit it's got them flings. You
press play beginning and end, no skips. That ship is fire.
Speaker 2 (20:43):
Yeah, not like the women did bad or anything, just
the men stepped it up. Like there's a lot of
good shit coming out. That's not that you know that bullshit, uh,
stuff that we've been getting for a lot of artists
the last few years, and uh a lot ironically, a
lot of that's on Drake. That's the big that's the
biggest irony of all this shit is like, that's the
person people chase, that's the dude makes was a tastemaker
and hip hop and he puts out service level music
and a lot of people just said that's that's what's up.
And Kendrick said, nah, and oh and the last thing
on Reincarnated and then we can move on Reincarnated is
such as it's like kicking a person when they're down,
meaning he this is what Kendrick was illustrating when he
talked about how it was basically almost offensive when Drake
did his AI version of Tupac and Snoop Dogg and
Snoop Dogg retweeted or shared that shit on Instagram or whatever.
Speaker 3 (21:51):
And but and I remember.
Speaker 2 (21:52):
Saying, like, this shit is like it's whack because you
didn't write it in the voice of Tupac.
Speaker 3 (21:59):
You just put AI on top of Drake.
Speaker 2 (22:03):
And so it doesn't make me feel or think like Tupac.
It doesn't make me feel like you respect Tupac, even
for me to be like, oh man, you know what,
he's a real fan of Tupac and he's he's really
it's it's really more disrespected Tupac in in a way
how surface level that ship was.
Speaker 3 (22:23):
And so Kendrick goes and does.
Speaker 2 (22:27):
You know, goes and does his just reincarnated in Tupac's voice,
and uh, the song makes you feel it sounds like
Tupac in it, but it's obviously Kendrick.
Speaker 3 (22:40):
Right, I got from on who I used to be. Okay,
so that's dope.
Speaker 2 (22:52):
But when I tell you, if you want to hear
it confirmed, I'm about to sing, I'm about to show
y'all something On TikTok. Someone took the AI to the
AI Tupac voice and and made it over dubbed it
over Kendrick's voice, so that you're still hearing kendricks lyric
kendricks words, but now it's like Tupac is saying it.
Speaker 3 (23:15):
They did this on TikTok.
Speaker 1 (23:16):
Yeah he was doing the catus.
Speaker 2 (23:17):
Yeah, this ship sounds so it's like he gave me
chills the first time I heard this.
Speaker 3 (23:31):
Let me get some the words say, submction.
Speaker 5 (23:32):
Holds four years old, twoot be told I've been better
than myself.
Speaker 4 (23:36):
Tuna never picked.
Speaker 3 (23:36):
Up winning stick, sitting.
Speaker 5 (23:37):
Up, bump they jumpman did I just passed that for
question last year when they fucked me up being carnated
on this herd four hundred plus fody yes to body
listen nothing listen, just takeing the Michigan in nineteen forty
seven fly they kicked me out the house because I
wouldn't listen to him. I didn't care about hissing fluence
holding it up, but that was doing it. That's a
musician that played the tar on the grand up with
the mogenic to where I'm bumming.
Speaker 1 (23:59):
But I that's that's that's Tuba right right because it's
like oh you, oh, you understood and you actually studied,
so you was like, this is the cadence and so yeah,
they might be my words, but I'm gonna mimic that
cadence to.
Speaker 2 (24:15):
A test that's a person. And like Kendrick didn't do that,
like he didn't add the AI voice to it. He
just did it as himself. But when someone adds the
AI voice to it, that's the difference. That's what I
was hoping and looking for. When it was like Drake
did an AI Tupac and I was like, all right,
let me go check it out.
Speaker 3 (24:34):
And I was like, that's terrible.
Speaker 2 (24:35):
It doesn't even feel like Tupac doesn't sound it just
it literally is just a computer saying the words of Tupac,
like saying like the voice phrase and vocal.
Speaker 3 (24:44):
Tones of Tubac. But it's no art in it. This
is the difference.
Speaker 2 (24:48):
This is why AI isn't enough, right, Like when people go, man,
the AI gonna be making music, I'm like, it's not
gonna be able to do it. You need artistry, you
need people, you need someone to understand it. Difference, And man,
what Kendrick did was amazing, and that just really brought
it home. Anything else, Oh, my last thing is I
feel better. I woke up this morning and I was
kind of really sad. I've been sad for a while,
and I thought about what you said, how you said
that anger is sadness with nowhere to go, and so
over the past few weeks I've been very very.
Speaker 1 (25:25):
Angry, like super duper like above you. I don't know
if anybody been catching I know Roger's pot is colling.
Speaker 2 (25:31):
Sure people have been catching it because they've been leaving
comments on our you know, Karen is saying she's my
spirit animal.
Speaker 3 (25:37):
She's saying what she needs. That's what I'm saying, Karen.
Speaker 2 (25:41):
You know, so I think a lot of people are angry,
as I keep saying in the as I keep saying
in the pot on the podcast, I think people are
rightfully very angry.
Speaker 1 (25:50):
Yes, so I've been really really angry. But one thing
I really haven't done was actually just sit in the
sadness part of it, because because the thing is, if
anger is sadness with no place to go, that means
you have to process the sadness in order to get
through the anger and I don't think people understand that
because a lot of people, once they get angry, they
just stay angry, and then they if you never address
the sadness, the anger will never go away because you're
always sad about whatever the issue is. So for some reason,
that's more than I was getting up. But I just
got rid of really sad, and so I was sitting
there and I just broke down and.
Speaker 3 (26:27):
I really cried.
Speaker 1 (26:28):
I had a real good, hard cry, which is something
that I did not realize that I actually needed. And
the crying is more of just morning just releasing a
lot of the sadness and depression that just kind of
came over on me. It's another reason why I kind
of tapped out. I haven't listened to any news, I
haven't watched anything. I just could not. And so that's
the biggest reason. Line, Like, right when for those you've
been paying attention, when Roger said I've been watching, it's like, y'all,
I have really been. I've been knocking them bitches out.
I cannot tell you I've lost count. I've been kind
of keeping the track, but it's a lot of it's I.
Speaker 2 (27:16):
Don't even know how we're gonna do the next NERD.
We may have to limit you to just like you
can only talk about a few of these at the time.
That's what I'm gonna do yext few months or whatever.
Speaker 3 (27:24):
That's not that many.
Speaker 1 (27:25):
Yeah, I'm gonna kind of break it down kind of
probably five to ten and then do another five until
I kind of worked my way through them all because
I've really when when I said when I had, when
I was like I've got to escape this, I meant that,
like I really meant mentally, I had to literally tap
out because truth be told, you look around and all
you see is hurt, and all you see is pain,
and all you see is sadness, and all you see
is disappointment, and all you see is angry.
Speaker 3 (27:58):
It will impact you.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
You can deny all you want to and be quote
quote as strong as you can.
Speaker 3 (28:05):
That ship will wear you the fuck. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (28:08):
Nothing, nothing's more like powerful than the truth. You won't
tell yourself. You know, I'm not gonna tell you like, well, Karen,
you're actually just really sad and it's depressing it and
you're making yourself angry and it's not really changing anything.
Speaker 3 (28:22):
I'm not gonna say that, Like you got to come
do it. On your own. But you know, we're all
coping in our different ways.
Speaker 2 (28:29):
You know, I just throw on the American Dad, you know,
that's my go to, you know, video games, stuff like that,
not really paying that much attention to certain news and
the shocking alarm they want us to have of him
doing what he said he was gonna do what we
all thought he would do. So I definitely understand people
like that, and I think to a certain extent, you
have to step back and be like, what is real
and what's not? What's actually affecting me right now? And yes,
not he's not in power yet. The stuff he's planning
to do hasn't been done yet. Well, some of the
shit he's planning to do is not even stuff that's
gonna directly affect us. It's just I'm a human being
that cares about other people, and will it will bother
me in that way.
Speaker 3 (29:16):
But you know, I think the.
Speaker 2 (29:18):
Anger at our fellow citizens, the anger at the coverage
of it, and the excuses that seem to be given
and stuff, I think that's what's really you know, rage inducing.
And if you don't let it out, you know, you
can't you if you don't let it out you can't
process it to move to some happiness, to move on.
And I feel like this has been a grieving process
for all of us that were rooting for Kamala and
that was hoping the country could be better than it
has been in the past. And uh, you know, I
you know, I was there when you were crying and
stuff and you know, holding you and whatnot. And you
know I haven't seen you that assassins you know your
mom passed. But I think holding it in and does
it holding it end doesn't make you not sad. Not
expressing the emotion doesn't mean you don't have the emotion, right,
That's yeah. Yeah, I'm not a pusher, you know I'm not.
I'm an impact, but I'm not a pusher. I'm not
gonna be like you need to you need to cry
or whatever, like I'm not you know, I'm not you know,
gonna hold you like it's good will hunting or something.
It's like, if you choose to to experience those emotions,
I'm here for you. I'm always gonna I'm not gonna
judge you.
Speaker 3 (30:29):
I'm not. You don't there's no performance that you owe me.
Speaker 2 (30:32):
You don't need to, you don't have to be happy
for anybody, and so it's it's always up to you
how you want.
Speaker 3 (30:40):
To experience those emotions in life.
Speaker 2 (30:41):
But yeah, I cried when she lost and I cried
like that night, and it's very frustrating and very sad.
So you know, to live in a country where it
feels like, you know, you are going backwards and that
there's a lot of people that voted because they wanted
us to feel the way we're feeling.
Speaker 1 (31:00):
Yeah, and that was the and I realized that was
the whole point. And people can process this however you
want to process it. Do whatever you want to do.
If you want to stay involved and listen and raise
you handle you. As far as me, I have to
be chrueful with myself, and so this is my way
of processing it.
Speaker 2 (31:19):
I think a lot of people say stuff like that too,
or they say like, oh, I'm not sad.
Speaker 3 (31:25):
I you know, I don't get you know.
Speaker 2 (31:27):
It's like when people say stuff like I don't need
to move on, I stay in the pet and I'm like, Okay,
maybe you are one of one fucking X man. Maybe
you're the first person they made that don't have all
the five emotions that process and shit but for the
most fucking part, there's an emotional connection to all the phases.
Speaker 3 (31:47):
So if you're keeping the grudge, you're mostly still upsets.
Speaker 2 (31:52):
There's an emotional something keeping the grudge in place. If
you're I stay petty is also kind of like a
you stay triggered to a certain extent all the time.
Speaker 3 (32:03):
If that's you, and you accept that about yourself, that's fine.
Speaker 2 (32:06):
It's not a judgment of that, but just the idea
that certain concepts don't matter to people, it's crazy. So like, yeah, forgiveness,
moving on, five stages of grief, all that stuff, depression,
all that stuff is real for everybody. And I'm glad
you were able to have that breakthrough this morning because
I feel like after I cried, I was able to
start kind of moving on a bit and be like
all right, like ball up top, you know.
Speaker 3 (32:34):
What I'm saying, Like end of the day, I'm protecting
me in minds.
Speaker 2 (32:37):
I'm not giving up on humanity or my peoples or
the people of myself even but this is the reality
we out here in this environment, and there's nothing I
can do to escape that. So I have to move
on cause because all the bullshites keep going to keep
moving on too, and I want to survive it.
Speaker 3 (32:58):
Yeah, agreed.
Speaker 1 (32:59):
And it's all so I think for me this and
I'm sharing this with people because I know other people
feel the same things and feel the same way I do,
and so you know, I just want people to know.
Speaker 3 (33:11):
That they're not alone.
Speaker 1 (33:12):
And so, you know, for me, when it was like
almost like a almost like a tearing, like I just
it's like, Okay, this has got to come out of
me in order for me to get to the point
that I'm like, okay, all right, now, let's pick up
the sword, let's pick up the shield, and let's get
out here and let's do the work, you know, because
you can get so distraught and so frustrated sometimes that
you are like, well, what is the point of the work?
You know, when you're trying to do these things. But
the thing is you're fighting for a future that has
not has yet to be determined. And so I will
do everything that I can to alter the future as
much as I can with the tools that I have
and the platform that I have to reach as many
people that we do, you know, because one thing I
can't do is look my ancestors in the face who
had to deal with a whole lot more worse than
I did. And they looked at a future that they
could not see, which was me, and they didn't give
up on me exactly.
Speaker 3 (34:22):
And you know, so go ahead, no, I agree, keep going.
I'm sorry, no problem.
Speaker 1 (34:26):
So I had to learn sometimes you have to learn
how to look at the bigger picture and look outside
of yourself, which is very, very hard to do when
you're morning. Because I can imagine my ancestors morning and
sad and depressed, losing familymb It's being separated from family membs,
knowing they never see their family members again, watching that
family members get killed in front of them, and still
having the resolve to be like, Okay, I'm going to
keep pushing, knowing that if I go vote today, I
might die. Clank clank, Let's go and still win, And
was like, I'm going to die because I know there
will be a time when this is going to matter.
There are people alive today that have fought for my
right to be able to be here. And you have
to get to the point where you have to be
as adamant as Republicans are to take it away from you.
You have to be just as adamant to say you
will not. You have to lend yourself with my dead body.
You have to be like I will take my last
breath and still believe the future will be better because
I am somebody, and Roger knows is by me. I
am somebody.
Speaker 3 (35:34):
I have to have hope.
Speaker 1 (35:36):
I cannot live a life of hopelessness. And the Internet
will tell you if you allow your mind to tell you,
everything will tell you that all hope is gone. Anxiety,
all these things tell you this, and the whole sole
purpose of it is for you to just completely and
utterly give up. But I refuse.
Speaker 3 (35:58):
Yeah, I think that's what they want for For one,
that's that was kind of the goal. The other thing
is we come from a resilient people.
Speaker 2 (36:06):
White men got the right to vote in seventeen seventy six,
so one of the reasons that Donald Trump and them
promote those numbers.
Speaker 3 (36:18):
Racial barriers to voting were removed in.
Speaker 2 (36:20):
Eighteen seventy, but states were allowed to practice voter discrimination
and even included on the basis of race. White women
got the right to vote in nineteen twenty. Nineteen sixty
five was when black people got the right to vote.
Something that you know, essentially they basically want to overturn.
But the point being, these struggles are along and these
are their setbacks, and that's pulled forwards, and their setbacks,
and that's pulled forwards, and we're in the setback right now.
I don't know what the future holds, but we won't
get to the future by by giving up. And I'm
not talking about this like fighting for everybody else. Shit,
everybody should be fighting for other people.
Speaker 3 (37:13):
That's true.
Speaker 2 (37:14):
But at the end of the day, the reason I
said yesterday when you were like, black women are gonna
just stop doing all this stuff, and I was like,
I don't know, because black women. One of the biggest
misnomers about black women and the Democratic Party, when they
say it's the backbone of the party, they always say,
they always make it sound like and thank.
Speaker 3 (37:31):
Black women, you owe black women. Black women saved us.
Speaker 2 (37:35):
Black women save themselves through the means that were the
most viable for themselves, and they just happened to be
one of the only groups in America that almost down
to a person, understands, hey, we don't need to fuck around.
Speaker 3 (37:53):
Every other group.
Speaker 2 (37:54):
Gets a little bit less more like it's like, you know, okay,
ninety percent of black women know we don't need to
be fucking around. Eighty percent of Black men know we
don't need to be fucking around. Sixty seven percent of
Latino women know we don't need to be fucking you know.
Speaker 3 (38:07):
It's like that. Yeah, each time it goes yeah, it
goes down a little bit.
Speaker 2 (38:10):
But but at no point do we need to paint
Black women as like it's altruistic.
Speaker 3 (38:17):
Black women are human and they're doing what is best
for them.
Speaker 1 (38:20):
Too, right, because it just happens to benefit But yes.
Speaker 2 (38:23):
Yeah, everybody else is the ones who be fucking around. Yes,
you know, they just don't fuck around. And so I
can't say, even at a down point like this, I
can't say that I see black women just completely abandoning
politics and change and government and community, because I think
that's I think people may feel that way now, but
I think it's hard when you see other people in need,
other black women in need, black people in your community,
because all politics is local, it need to just go
fuck them. I got my PhD or whatever, and especially
knowing how much community has been necessary for black people's survival,
I don't know that. I don't know what it will
look like. I'm not predicting that oh, and it was
just we'll run common Harrison again. I have no idea,
but I'm just saying I could. I don't see a
world where people completely give up and give in. And
I think part of that is you gotta process the
pain so that you can then get to the point
of like the resiliency of like, all right, yeah, I
was sad, I was down, I'm fighting.
Speaker 1 (39:28):
Yes, yes, and and and and I think that that's
where I meant and now, I really I did not
realize how much I needed that this morning, and after
that happened, I began to process. And I've been kind
of just talking to you through today and so and
I jotted it down as a random thought because.
Speaker 3 (39:47):
I was like, you know what, that's very brave and
nice of you to share. And you're right.
Speaker 2 (39:53):
Other people that the same people that wrote kring is
my spirit animal caring.
Speaker 3 (39:57):
Is how I feel. They also hopefully.
Speaker 2 (40:02):
Some people, if not those same people, hopefully can relate
to this and be like, yeah, and maybe I need
to process the anger through like why I'm so angry
right now too, and how I'm gonna move in and
around and through this angry season.
Speaker 1 (40:16):
Yes, And also The thing is, Black women never give
up on their community. They don't give up up, but
they never give up on their community. So I think
that women will be instrumental in going fighting against a
lot of the things that's getting ready to be implemented,
like as far as schools and all this types of stuff,
it's gonna be a lot of Would I be surprising
if you see a lot of black women running their
own schools, doing free lunches, like doing all types of
things to like really dig in to help the community
actually get through whatever's about to happen. And black men too.
But I really see black women more than any of
the group because we we're forced to care about the
community when no one else does.
Speaker 2 (41:05):
Yep, I agree totally. We gotta start getting ready to
get out of here. We got to meet some friends
for dinner. But I'll try to leave on a high
note and say, uh, not that that was a low note.
But Kasanat is the first official person that makes me
feel old. Who right, Well, you it doesn't have work
for you because you don't ever know who anyone is,
and you like feeling old.
Speaker 3 (41:32):
I don't. I don't like feeling oh, I like being
a person.
Speaker 2 (41:37):
To to to be up on stuff and to look
up stuff and the and to know and to tell
my other older homies and peers.
Speaker 3 (41:46):
Like, oh nah, this is what this is who juice
world is. When you know this is this is earth gang.
Speaker 1 (41:52):
You know.
Speaker 3 (41:52):
I like being that person.
Speaker 1 (41:54):
Yes, you put me onto a lot of people.
Speaker 3 (41:55):
Yes, And so for you to say who, I'm a
person that needs to know who. But with Cosannat, he.
Speaker 2 (42:02):
Is a streamer and he's the kid that we covered
where he went to New York Times to give away
PS fives and calls the fucking riots.
Speaker 3 (42:09):
Oh that dude.
Speaker 1 (42:10):
Yeah, and they was like, dog, you can't do that, right.
Speaker 2 (42:12):
Yeah, he's big on like social media, Twitch or whatever
he streams.
Speaker 3 (42:16):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (42:18):
But the reason I say he makes me feel old
that it's so interesting because Twitter totally overreacts to everything.
They can't even they can't just let a brother have
a joke. Because I just said, Cosanat is the first
person that made me officially feel old. And you know, everybody,
some people try to make me feel better. Shot out
to Karen Hunter. She's like, you're not old. The world's
crazy people voted for Trump, d D. I'm like, yes,
I'm really being serious what I mean by makes me
feel old. It's not that I can't know who Kysanat is.
I could easily go google it. Everyone who knows who
he is just googled it. I know of him, I
know what he does for a living as far as
like streaming and stuff.
Speaker 3 (42:58):
I don't get why he he's famous.
Speaker 2 (43:00):
I don't get what makes him better than other people,
what makes people glomb on to him more than the other.
Speaker 3 (43:06):
Millions and millions of twitch people. This is not eight.
Speaker 2 (43:09):
I've seen his clips on social media, celebrities hanging out
of his house, all kinds of shit. What I'm saying
is this, I officially feel old because I actually don't
give a fuck to look it up.
Speaker 3 (43:20):
I don't be knowing and don't want to know. Karen,
you just want to say this.
Speaker 2 (43:24):
Because you like that feeling. I've never liked that feeling.
So I was just like, okay, so you bring up Cosina.
I'm literally just okay, being like, yeah, don't know, don't
care what he's up to, don't really matter to me.
Speaker 3 (43:39):
Y'all can say Cosanat kill somebody tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (43:41):
I feel the same way if y'all said kasanat Is
won the presidency, I'll be like, oh, okay o, Cosine,
is that like an anime character? I don't know it's
all right, good for him or bad for him or
whatever y'all want it to feel.
Speaker 3 (43:56):
Yeah, I don't want to talk to you like it.
I love it.
Speaker 2 (43:58):
Yeah, I'm sure he's a very entertaining or offensive or
not offensive, or a great.
Speaker 3 (44:04):
Person or bad person or however.
Speaker 2 (44:06):
The person talking to me about this, dude feels because
I'm officially opting out, I'm old, and it ain't my business.
It's not for me to like. You know, I finally
reached that age. I know some people you're like, I
can't believe my pay I grew up. I was like,
can't believe my parents don't care about this thing I
care about. Don't they want to know? And apparently the
whole time, it was like, no, I'm old. That's for
you to know, right, it ain't that important to me. Yeah,
You're only as old as you feel. And consonat the
only person right now to make me feel old. Everybody else,
I'm like, Oh, let me look into this Earth game.
I'm gonna go to this Oh, let me check out
this song. Oh oh they got five albums already. Oh,
let me go on this guys YouTube Cosonattill be like, no,
I'm not clicking on that.
Speaker 3 (44:47):
I don't care. All right, y'all. That said, we gotta go.
Thanks for listening.
Speaker 2 (44:50):
We'll be back throughout the week, but we do have
a lot of Hornets games this week, so we might
be back sporadically throughout the week until next time.
Speaker 3 (45:00):
I have you Alley too, SMA