Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran in the morning show.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
The Mayo Clinic posted this number of pushups people in
good shape should be able to do at any age
right now, Well, no, you're not. Now, well listen listening, okay.
For example, a twenty five year old man should be
able to do twenty eight in a row. Twenty for
a woman. That's it. Okay. By fifty five, it drops. Oh,
listen to your froggy. That's it. No, that's it. I
would I would have thought it was supposed to be more.
I thought less. Look, you know, if you're not conditioning
your upper body, you're not working out. You can mean
in good shape and still not do them because those
muscles aren't there ready to go. Okright, So here it
is the signs that you're at least in good shape.
Twenty five years old, twenty push ups for women, twenty
eight for men at twenty five, thirty five years old,
nineteen for women, twenty one for men. Oh, forty five
years old, fourteen for women, team for men. Oh, this
is interesting. Fifty five years old. Ten for women, twelve
for men, and sixty five it's ten ten, it's it's
it's same for about sixty five years old, so it
declines over with age.
Speaker 1 (01:13):
But those numbers for men drop off much more steeply
than for women.
Speaker 2 (01:16):
I don't know why. Huh call the aos?
Speaker 1 (01:18):
Are you guys? Okay, I'm astrophying and this is actually
I don't even know if I do like a real
like you know how you have to This is a
specific way you have to do the push up in
order for it to count.
Speaker 2 (01:30):
Like you know what I mean?
Speaker 1 (01:31):
Like I don't.
Speaker 2 (01:32):
I don't know if I do that to do my
own thing? Scary? Oh no, see how you do? You've
you've been working out a lot lately. Well, I could
do halves. You know the part where you put Yeah,
I mean like the going down part, going down part
you get laid down on the floor exactly, the gravity
part you have to carry your way to put you
do you do? No? No, no, it's resistant. I get it.
Here's the repulsion. We'll show us, show us, show us
right here. Scary goodness, you'll be great. You're making noise
on even Do I at least get like one of
those yoga mats? No, what y came?
Speaker 1 (02:12):
Speaker 2 (02:13):
Here you go?
Speaker 1 (02:15):
Oh jeez?
Speaker 2 (02:16):
Okay, you have good form position all right, Okay, so
I could do that? Yeah I can't. Okay, you can't
even do one. You're kidding, right, Okay, I'll try it again.
Speaker 1 (02:29):
Speaker 2 (02:30):
You gotta focus, focus, scary focus. Okay, here, how about
not going all the way down, just to just halfway down? Okay,
now it's the last time he said that. Oh boy, wow,
See doing the half push ups are good? Those are fine,
they're not.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
No, but there isn't there another way you can do
it where you're where your feet are crossed and you're
on your knees and you're just your arm.
Speaker 2 (02:53):
You be on your knees.
Speaker 1 (02:54):
Yeah, the modified push up right knee push ups? You
know how to do that?
Speaker 2 (02:59):
Do the knee push ups. Here you go stands down
your knees to put your hands forward, forward, going forward.
You gotta go, keep going, keep going forward. You gotta
go further down. Yeah, you're not you're not well. No,
hold on. That's a good way to get up to
regular push ups. It's a good way to get up. Period.
You know you're doing you're doing great. Scary, you're working
out a couple of times a week. You're doing great. Try,
but you love set ups. You say, well, up I'm
a little better at you. I say, spin ups. And
then the jitterbug, I mean the crust. What's the late
the bug, ladybug when you're on your dead bug, the
jitter bug like a dance for your abs. Yeah, the
jitterbug the dead, call it the bed bug. You're looking good,
You're looking good, scary. I love it. I love he's
been working out for a solid year. You can't do
one legitimate what they they've been Maybe they haven't been
focusing on it. Yeah, I mean, you're looking good. It's
just I would expect you to do what you have
to work your way up to the push you really do.
Here's for next year. Wait, we do have some pie
in here. He can push that down his throat. I'm okay,
I'm not that great. I'm not. I'm not sitting here
saying that I'm great at it. All right, he's so
out of breath. Okay, Yeah, he'll be okay, he'll be okay.