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March 6, 2023 102 mins
A start to the new week with Elvis Duran and The Morning Show! Elvis and Nate both weren't feeling well. Gandhi and Danielle do a fabulous job taking over the show! Since there are so many songs that have reached 1 billion streams, we test your knowledge 'from the first beat'. Diamond breaks down the drama from 'Vanderpump Rules'

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Roll down your window, could turn up the sound. I
don't know what I would do this in the morning
show in the morning. Can we talk about your butt
for a minute. Fibrader, fibrady, Yeah, they are the only
thing that could smile on my face, like why are
you shoot? Just not part of the I don't even
know your foot could grow hair there sometimes when you
laugh a little, you Pete. I just love the show

and everything about it. Hello, good morning, Just Danielle, Hi,
just Gandhi. It's gonna be an interesting show today, and
I think a fun way because Elvis is out, Nate
is out, not feeling well. Apparently the stomach bug's going around. Yeah,

so it's you and I and Scary is here? High
Scar Hi, Hi, Hi. Sam Mornay is here. Scottie Bee
isn't there? Good morning? Hello, Diamond, Diamond is here. I
was really worried. I looked over the MD see you. Yeah, really, Yeah.
She went to the Scissor concert last night, so that's
why there's a chance she might. It's Froggy here, Frog,
Froggy Earth to Frog. I talked to him this morning,

so I know that he was on his way to work.
He's in the zoom room without his camera on froggy. Oh,
we need to call him. Wait, is there a conspiracy
going on here with all the guys not coming in
during Women's History Month? What has happened? I don't know. Well,
if there is, I didn't get the note on that
monk because we need you, Scary of twenty four seven.

And Josh's here, Garrett's here, Andrew's here, everybody's here, Ali,
Indiana will be in a minute. So happy Monday. So
what are we doing? Now? Start the day with the
first song? Yeah, so I was. I just finished a
book by Colleen Hoover called Reminders of Him, And at
the end there's a playlist. If you read the book,
you know why. And all those songs are just happy songs,

nothing about breakup or herdache, granny crap like that. It's
all good fun. So one of the songs on there
is Run the World Girls Beyonce. And since it is
you know, International Women's Day on Wednesday, we're celebrating women
all monthly. We got abandoned today. Let's exactly these abandonment
issues also called diamond. We're looking for a first caller, Hello, Dan, yelling, Gandhi,

it's a girl show today. Not planned. It was actually accidental,
but we're excited to do it. People may be going,
wait a minute, is it Wednesday? Is an International Women's
Day already? No, no, it's not. Words are just not
feeling well today. So it's us. We have Brad on
the phone. How are you Brad? Good morning? Hello ladies, sho, Hello,

how are you doing? What's going on? I am doing phenomenal,
diving into what it was my dream job after I
got out of the military. And over the weekend, my
wife and I actually just confirmed that we are pregnant
because she is a surrogate for the first time, and
we're just so excited. Whoa congratulations. Wait, so she is

a surrogate or she's yeah, she's carrying the bab's. Yeah.
She's always wanted to help you and uh thankful. You know,
we had our two kids and it was very easy
for us, so she's always wanted to help someone that
wasn't able to have a kid of their own or
fortunate as us. So or is it like you know

some guys, it wasn't. At first. We kind of picked
each other so like it's beautiful. We all get along together,
like we talk all the time. It's great. We're so excited. Man,
I have so many questions. Do you guys do you
get paid paid? Like really well, like how does this work?
Or just being a nice person a little bit, but
like it's definitely just more of like being able to help,

you know. Yeah, Now, once the baby's born, will she
be like Auntie and like the baby's like, yeah, how
does that work? Yeah? Oh so it really all depends.
So like if you know, the the ntendent parents wanted
to just like have the baby and like do their thing. Yeah,
but I mean we all talk and I'm pretty sure
we're going to be part of each other's lives forever. Wow.
So cool. Congratulations you guys are angels. Oh no, she is.

I'm just here for her. That's good. I would love
to give you something as the first caller, Nate, what
do we have? Oh? I have a feeling we have
a fifty dollars gift card for Wendy's available. We can
do that. Let's do that because we would be absolutely phenomenal. Oh,
Danielle's got a paper left, all these wealthy papers to

see all these papers, um um, we'll do the fifty
dollars gift for wendis he's excited. We got a fifty Yeah,
try Wendy's homestyle French toe sticks today. Oh, I will awesome.
Thank you and congratulations to you when your wife. You
guys are awesome doing really great stuff. Thank you so much.
All right, we'll talk to you. Okay. So we have

a lot of stuff coming up, believe it or not.
Danielle and I have prepared a few things. Yeah, we
have a game later in the day. We're gonna get
to it. If there's something you want to hear from us,
from us or hear us talk about, text us fifty
five one hundred, or you can give us a call.
Diamond is standing by. We got Sam's horoscopes coming out
up in a minute as well. Sam. I won't ask
you yet, but have you thought about who you want
to do horoscopes with? Well? When I knew Elvis wasn't

going to be in, it was going to be Nate.
And now what a wasted opportunity. Oh that's right, damn it, Nate.
Dam we can't have Nate. All right, thank you, Scary.
We'll do the three things now. Senators are working on
a broad bipartisan bill that will outline a process to
ban or prohibit foreign technology like TikTok. Democratic Senator Mark
Warren explained Warner I'm sorry, explained that he's working on

the bill with Republican Senator John Tune of South Dakota,
as US officials grow increasingly concerned over what type of
content Americans are consuming on the Chinese owned video sharing
platform Warner owned, and Warner said that the app is
taking data from Americans and can be used as a
propaganda tool. We've been hearing this for a long time,
so we'll see how this goes. Danielle, are you into

the Alec Murdock case yet? Nope? Sorry into it. Alec
Murdock has spent his first week of what will be
the rest of his life in prison. The disbarred South
Carolina South Carolina lawyer was found guilty of murder and
weapons charges on Thursday evening in connection with the twenty
twenty one deaths of his wife, Maggie and his son Paul.
He received consecutive life sentences on Friday morning. He maintained

his innocence throughout the proceedings, and his defense team said
they are planning to file an appeal this week so
if you are like Elvis or myself or Nat and
you've just been all up in this. It continues, and
finally the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are being formally
invited to the coronation of King Charles the Third. We
know that they had been kind of left out for
a while now, and now all of these different artists

were turning them down. But on Saturday, news came out
that Buckingham Palace had reached out to Prince Harry and
Megan Markel to ask them to attend the coronation. A
representative for Harry and Megan confirmed an email was sent
to the royal family. However, an immediate decision on whether
they will attend has not been made yet. We'll see
how all of that goes. And those are your three things?

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by customer availability and eligibility may vary. Now this Duran
in the Morning Show. Right now, it's just the Morning Show,

actually it's just part of the morning show. It's really
just Danielle and myself. Scary's here, love you, thank you
for being here. Scary you got it. Nate not feeling well, Elvis,
We'll be back tomorrow as well. So Danielle, yeah, I
was creeping your instagram over the weekend. It looked like
you had a really really good time. What the heck
were you doing? So we on Saturday and I got
to go to Red Bull Arena because you know, we're
huge Red Bulls fans, right and the New York Red

Bulls a soccer team in case you don't know what
they are. It was amazing. We sat in the manager's box,
so the leather seats with the logo, and we could
hear the players and what the coaches were like saying
to them and everything. Anyone could be ready, it's like that. No,
they did not get me ready. Unfortunately, it was a draw,
which means, you know, it's a tie. But it was awesome.

We got to see our friend Dax McCarty play, who
he plays for Nashville, but he used to play for
Red Bulls, so it was nice for him to be
back in the stadium. It was just awesome. And oh
we got to go in the tunnel before the game
to see like all the players run out onto the
field and they were all getting hyped. And yeah, it
was the coolest experience ever. So I want to be
your kid. Love the Red Bulls. Yeah, and we didn't

tell my kids when we were sitting till we got there,
and then when they were like, what what is this?
This is crazy? So it was awesome. It looked like
a really good time. Yeah, everyone had a good weekend.
Diamond went to the sciss A concert last night. I
know you're busy, but so we'll talk about it. But
did you have a good time? Oh? Ten out of ten,
I'm exhausted. I heard Andrew just talked over your favorite
song the whole time. I mean, this guy has no

regard for me or anyone in our section. He's just
talking during my favorite song. Who was he talking to me?
Oh my god, I'm telling you, everyone thinks Andrew was
this innocent little person. He is a menace, a menace.
He's a menace. Scary would you do this weekend? I
went to go see Ben Cinderella on Broadway, which is
I know, Yeah, the retelling of Cinderella. So I know
all of us are going to see it at different

tongue going Friday? Are you going? I think I'm won
next week? How good is it? I cannot wait for
you guys to see it because you guys are gonna
love it. It is so modern and fun. It's the
music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, who's one of the billion
Toni's and stuff. I mean, and the music is clever,
it's funny, and it's it's for today, It's it's the
You know, this isn't the damsel in distress story. Good

Cinderella's got a voice. The more I think about it,
the old Cinderella annoyed me. Yeah, she was in love
with a guy and I saw this online who didn't
even recognize her without makeup. Really, yeah, get out of here. Well,
don't you know the real story, the grim fairytale story.
You know, before they disnified it. They want the cutting
off toes and stuff, like the two step sisters really
wanted to fit into that slipper and they cut off

pieces of their feet. Yeah, I mean, so it's this
story has really evolved over the year. Stepsisters are hilarious.
They give me a wicked vibes. Oh yeah, that was nice.
Way you guys can Sam? Would you do? This weekend?
I went to a house party of a very wealthy person,
which was awesome. He kind of a machine party, but

an apartment with three terraces, and he hired a magician
for close hand magic, which one, I love it a
normal day, but two and I am intoxicated. I swear.
I'm like, just this man knows everything. Magic is real?
How does he get your shrill voice? I did get
my a few times. At one time we were fighting.
He's like, turn over the card and I'm like, no,

I don't want to, like turn it, it's gonna be
your card. I'm like, I know, that's why. Yeah, I
used to do it. Hell, I know it's all slight
of hand, Like it's just now they're incredible. There was
there was a magician. Elvis and I went to the
charity fundraiser for the New York City Food Bank last
week and there was a magician there. Yeah, it wasn't
slight of hand. He was doing things that I'm like,
how did you figure out her thought? But he was

figuring out thoughts. Yeah. Then he was doing equations that
turned up to be a phone number in Elvis's phone
that Elvis had pulled up. It was just out of control.
We went to one and the guy was sitting right
next to you, right, I was thinking of whatever it
wound up? What I was thinking of in an envelope,
a sealed envelope, and then he opened to day. Was
this the thought you were thinking? How is a poss Okay?

Those are wild, but these are the ones that get
me the most. When you're physically holding an item and
they change the item on you. And that's what happened
to William. His hands are closed. How did he not
feel that the deck of cards turned to glass? It's outrageous.
I know I want to hand magician. If I could
go back to school, it would be for magic. It's crazy.
All right, I've gone too far and we're already late
to say I'm you're ready for horoscope? Yes? You doing?

What's scared? Okay? Well, if it's your birthday today, happy
birthday to you and you share it with some celabs
like Shack and Tyler the Creator Capricorn, do not trust
someone off their word. Let them show you how they
really feel. Your days of six Aquarius be more persistent
your conversations. Your days and eight Pisces. You're quick thinking
nature will help others solve a complex situation. Your days

of nine hey Aries, you need to ask for what
you want. Don't assume you're going to be handed anything.
Your days five Taurus, your heightened emotions could help you
connect with an unlikely source. Your days and nine hey
gem and I, allow your inner strength to give you
some find your inner strength to allow yourself to cut
loose and be free of others expectations. Your days of
seven and Cancer, try something new to challenge yourself in

unique and interesting ways. Your days and eight Leo. Learned
from your past mistakes. There are important lessons waiting for you.
Your days of seven Virgo, your free spirit will inspire
others in more ways than you know. Your days of
ten Libra, remove yourself from a situation that's not worth
your time and energy. Your days of nine Scorpio, go
out of your way to spread kindness to others. Your
days in eight, and finally, Sagittarius, be ready for an

interesting life lesson that could shift your entire perspective on
someone or something. Your days of six and those your
Monday morning Horsecopes. All right, Danielle, what do you have
coming up in entertainment? All right, So first of all,
we're going to talk about the teage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I'm so excited because it's becoming an ani a movie
with animation and Rachel ray I told you it was
going to happen, coming to an after seventeen years. All right,

we'll be right back in the morning everyone. Now, this
Duran in the Morning Show is Elvis Duran in the
Morning Show. That is a lie. It is just Danielle
and myself holding down the fort today. That's it. Yeah,
but the guys will be back tomorrow and it's not
feeling well. Elvis will be back tomorrow as well, so
we're just gonna do some stuff without them. Yeah. It
is Women's History Month, right, an International Women's Day is

actually on Wednesday, So Danielle and I were supposed to
sort of do like a takeover of the show on Wednesday.
We have a lot of things planned. We might have
planned too many things. Yes, we have a lot of
really cool stuff though, So what have you got going on? So?
I am excited because I follow this Instagram page called
Hope Rises and all it is is positivity, like things
that happen to people that are really cool, like sending

a sick child to Disney World, or somebody finding out
that their cancer free, and like, you know, the tears
just come. So Kate, who started the whole organization, who
now raises money for the organization, She's going to be
on us and then this is so exciting to me.
So we're gonna have the first professional woman to play
baseball associated with Major League Baseball on with us. Her

name is Kelsey. She actually plays, Yes, she plays. She
was the twenty twenty two USA Baseball Sportswoman of the Year.
She is amazing and she has all. One of the
things that I love about her is that a lot
of people say, well I don't have money to train,
or I can't you know, find a facility to train.
She's like, go outside, go to the park. There's always

a place. You don't have to have the funding whatever.
If you want to get out there and do something,
there is a way to get it done. So she's
awesome and I can't wait to talk to her. That
sounds fun. I know you have a bunch of stuff.
I went the selfish route and reached out to all
these people that I've been stalking on Instagram for a
really long time. You know, I've been stalking them a
long time. So one of them is a samurai. She

does stunt double stuff for movies. She's incredible. She was
in The Woman Gang. She does like sword work, unchuckery,
like all kinds of stuff. Another one is an ecologist,
so she is a doctor oh nature. She works with bears,
that's all. She's a freaking Bear're hoping she's gonna say, Gandhi,
don't hug a bear. You know, I'm really hoping she
won't because you know, she hugs bears. She's proof that

you can do it. She's a professional. And I'm gonna
go ahead and say she probably takes a lot of um.
You know, she's very careful. She dedicated her life to it. Yeah,
I know, run up to the bear and just throw
your arms around the bear. Listen. Every hashtag under her
post says hashtag don't try this at home, So I
have no doubt she's gonna tell me, don't you dare.
And I'm not stupid. I would only touch it if
it looked like it was sleeping. So oh, okay, that's

really a good idea and then, um, I think you've
probably seen her, but there is a comedian. Her name's
Pinky Patel. She always starts, she wears a little crown.
She's Indian and she sits there and we're kind of
reviews videos and she'll be like, hello, my friends. She
may be coming in later this month. So we have
a lot of stuff lined up in a lot of
you know, games and things that we're gonna make the
boys do so scary. Prepare, stretch? Really is that what's happening? Okay,

at your service? Get ready? But I've said this before
and I will say it again International Women's Day. I
don't understand why we have to work more. I know,
I feel like we should have the day off. I
thought last year we had this whole discussion about it
and said that next year we're going to plan that
the girls get to sleep in right, But I don't
see that that did not know the girls have to
wake up early? Yes, scary, but shouldn't you want to

showcase your talents and showcase What are you saying we
don't do that every day? Well, you do that every day,
but you will have a brighter spotlight on this day.
And that's where I thought it was intended for. And
then but yeah, yeah, I mean if you want to
sleep in. Now, well, here's what I will actually say this,
and he's not here so he can't hear us say it.
I've worked on other shows before where International Women's Day

was truly a very big deal because the women didn't
have as much of a voice. Elvis has specifically set
this show up differently. Even on the shows I've been
on in the past, it was two women or two
men and one woman. Elvis specifically set it up to
be one man and two women, so I don't feel
like we don't really have our voice here. However, I'm
happy to pursue my Instagram crushes, so that's what we'll

be doing. Yeah. Also, since that Jimmy Fallon game went
really well, I'm thinking of what that was it. I'm
thinking of a pasta. Yeah, I'm thinking we need to
do something like I'm thinking of a female product or
something like that. Maybe Jimmy Fallon will use it for
his show that night. If we do another game that
he You're flying too close to the Sunday. Now, come on,
we gotta get on Fallon again. We gotta give it time. No,

all right, are you ready for entertainment? Yes, let's do it?
All right. So I'm excited about this. The cast for
the upcoming animated teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's film that will
be Animated has so many cool names attached to it.
Post Malone, Ice Cube, Jackie Chan, Maya, Rudolph, John Cena,
Seth Rogan, Paul Rudd. The list goes on and on,
and the movie is set to open in theaters on

August fourth. Let's see. Chris Rock unloaded on Will Smith
and Jada during his live stand up special over the weekend.
I know, Froggy, you saw it. I know. Herey did
you see It's scary? Yeah? So, Froggie you watched it twice? Well,
I watched the full episode once and then I watched
the last nine minutes a second time because I was
laughing so hard that I missed some of the jokes. Really,

He goes off on both Will and Jada. Okay, so
I'm not I don't want to say anything else. I know,
you know, I've read a lot of things. I know, Ganda,
you've read a lot of things. Because if you want
to see it, I'm not going to spoil it, so
just go and watch it. Okay. The twenty twenty three
Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards aired on Saturday, and here is
the coolest thing to me. Optimist Prime from The Transformers

was awarded to Lifetime Achievement Awards. So congratulates too, Optimist Prime. Okay,
that show is always so much fun. The Kids Choice Awards.
I told you a few weeks ago Rachel Ray was
going to end her show soon, and she has officially decided.
After seventeen seasons, this show is definitely coming to an end.
She says that her passions have evolved, She's going to
be working on other things, and at the end of

this season they will stop production. I know she's been
doing a lot of it from home since COVID. I
think she does go in and out, but most of
it is actually done from her home. The Victoria's Secret
Fashion Show hasn't done their annual fashion show, the one
that we all used to watch and televisions in a
long time. But it's coming back. It's gonna look, it's
gonna feel different. There's gonna be a new version of

the fashion show later this year. It's a new brand
projection and a new mission for the company. It's gonna
be hopefully more inclusive moving forward, So we'll see what happens.
It should be interesting to see what they come up with.
They should have Jack's come with their new look. Yeah,
see if they really paid attention to everybody's all grungy
and like, you know, yeah, so we'll see everybody. A

newly one couple attended Adele's show in Vegas right after
they got married, and the bride was standing there on
her wedding gown, and of course Adele stops the show
and she's like, did you guys just get married? And
then she screamed and she signed her wedding dress and
it was so adored. That's the best way to get
attention to concerts. Just get one wedding dress, shower everywhere.
My friend wore her wedding dress to the Empire State
Building and we skipped the entire line and they took

us upstairs right away. Probably get everything. Yeah, it's first
class seats on a plane. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck
dropped out of escrow on a house that they were
about to buy thirty four and a half million dollars.
It was supposed to cost them pacificat Palisades Home and
just before it closed they pulled out. Now apparently they're
looking at another house right now, so I'll keep posted
on that. Thirty four and a half million dollars, The Bachelor,

The Good Doctor, The Voice, the season premiere there. You
also have Daisy Jones and The sixth They started watching
it on Amazon Prime. It really is so good. I
know The Players is going down right now, right live
from the Players. That's on Peacock. Did you guys watch
anything this weekend? No, I was in Florida for a
wedding all year and you went to see bed Cinderella.
All right, next hour, we're gonna talk about Ice Spice
in Northwest. They're becoming besties and that's my tenure. That's weird.

All right. When we come back, we're gonna have to
talk to Diamond really quickly about her concert experience because
something fun happened, and by fun, I mean controversial. Oh boy,
at this is a concert. All right, We'll be right back.
Miss part of today's show. We listen with Elvis Durant
on demand. The entire show uploaded every day. A lot
of people listen to us on demand only on the
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It's not Cold and Flu season, It's Comeback season US
as directed morning show. It's going down in the studio
right now. So and the break, Scary brought up something
about reality TV and then a reality TV fight popped

off by fight, I should just say argument, debate, back
and forth. So let's start with Scary. What did you
bring up? Oh, the vander Pump rules drama between the
two Tom's Ariana Roquel and everything that's going on with that. Okay, cheating,
So you don't watch the show. I don't watch the show.
Danielle watched the show, but Diamond knows what's going on.
So can you concisely without putting Danielle to sleep, Yes,

tell us what's happening. This may be hard, Danielle kid.
So long story short, Right, there was cheating that happened, right,
like I feel like everything. People are talking about a
lot of things right now. But there was a couple,
Tom and Arianna who were together for about nine years,
Tom cheats on Arianna with a woman named Raquel who

works with them at the restaurant at their restaurant on
the show, well not their restaurant whatever on the show.
But she just got out of like a five year
relationship with another guy on the show named James. Now
here's my question. Yes, is this not scripted? Is it? Oh? No, no,
they say it's reality. No no, But do you believe

it is or do you blie? And the reason why
I personally believe that it's real is because the storyline
for this season, which is on right now, is that
Raquel wants to make out with Tom's business partner whose
name is also Tom, and his wife Katie who or

ex wife now Katie who is on the show as
Wall has an issue with it. Does that make sense? Yeah?
I mean yeah, I mean heads are explodinge I'll tell
you what. Everything I've heard about this story I learned
against my will. On my timeline this weekend on Instagram.
Every single thing is Tom or quell Arianna. What's happened?
Oh my god? Yeah? So okay. People are passionate about it. Yeah,

I'm very passionate. I took a break from the show
and I just started watching again this season. I mean
perfect timing. Now I know what's going on. This is
the best. And apparently they've been seeing each other on
the low Loo for about seven months. They both have
um uh what is it called? Uh? Thunderstorm? What is
it on the thunderball? Chains on their necks and everything.

It was a secret and oh my god, Scary's raising
his hand. What's going on now? Correct me if I'm wrong?
But doesn't Ariana hasn't she come across as sweet as
apple pie all this time? And nobody would ever suspect
her of doing what she did? No? You mean Raquel,
I mean Roquelly. Um I before this, I feel like
she was. But as I said at earlier in this season,

or what's going on right now in the season, is
she tells this man's ex wife that she wants to
make out with him, like you know, his ex wife,
and you're sitting at a table with her and you say, yeah,
you know, I mean I did kind of think about
making out. I'm like, are you an idiot? So clearly
she's not as sweet as you know. But what I
don't understand is these these people who know the cameras

are on them. Would they say these things and admit
these things? Of course not. I just all reality TV,
we know is scripted because at the end of reality
TV at gives you writers. I do love the passion
people have for it, and I think that in the
midst of all of it, there is some true storyline
that pops off and then they just you know, lean
all on and they look, here's how we also know

because we at one time we're supposed to do a
reality television show. Here, we wanted to keep it clean,
we wanted to keep it nice because we all actually
do get along. And I was in the bathroom with
someone else that used to be on the show, and
they said to me and her, Hey, when so and
so come in start talking about her? So she hears
you talking about her. I'm like what. They're like, yeah, yeah,

we're gonna have her catch you talking about But no
we're not, because that's not how it's going down. I'm like,
you're not starting drama. So I'm just saying, you know,
keep that in mind. But this is the best part.
So Danielle was like, I don't watch this, Dyamonds, can
you get your time back? It's the worst thing in
the world. You waste your time. I'm like people feel
that way about the kardashi No, no, no no, So
I can't really hate you too much, timing, because you know,

I love my Kardashians. But the reason I love my Kardashians,
and I told you guys this is is not because
I think, like, oh my gosh, that grand ils faiful
on the whole world. It's because it's that type of
show that you can just watch and you're like, this
is so not like life, Like nobody lives his life.
This is insane, like what is going on? And I
just don't think for a while, Like I can just
sit there, have a glass of wine and just not think,

do you know so? And I enjoy it, and I
actually like their dynamic and I like, I do like
the family dynamic where they really do love each other.
Like to me, I love that whole that whole thing.
So there are certain things I like. So Danielle will
accept the Kardashian she will not accept vander pump polls
or the Housewives. I actually the Housewives of New Jersey.

I kind of like, okay, a diamond is a Housewives
fun natic. What's the season for you which cast um
right now? Like just I'm a I'm an Atlanta girl.
I've moved toward what is it called Beverly Hills recently,
I heard to do Buy One is not that great.

I personally don't like it that much. Um, but Potomac
is what's popping. Really Yeah, this season was a little
like the reunion is a little slow for me. I
don't know. Also, just want to go back because people
are texting in and I want to make sure that
everyone knows this. And this is the reason why I
didn't mention this is because I think that this could
be a little fake. People are texting in that Raquel

and Arianna are like best friends, but I think that
we're forgetting that. On this show, we're all made to
seem like we're really close, you know what I mean. Editing, Yeah,
a lot of things you don't see. They edit it
to look like something else. I my brain hurts still
from all of this. Wow, But I love you, guys,
love you. We have to take a break. We will
come back. Maybe we'll talk about this again, maybe we'll

play a game. I don't know. We'll be back in
the morning show. It's just the Morning Show of a
Sorana's out today, Nate' is out today. They'll both be
back tomorrow. So Danielle and I are holding down the fort.
How you feeling, Danielle, I'm good. I feel good. I
have we have lots of energy for a Monday. It's good.
So it is Monday break and it's yeah, it is Monday, right, Okay,
don't check. So you know, I always wander out into

the hallways during the breaks. Sometimes I make it back
on times, sometimes I don't. I was out there and Deanna,
our lovely video producer, will we call you? Yeah, video producer? Okay, Dianna.
She was like, oh my god, the funniest thing happened
to me at the grocery store this weekend, and I
thought you should tell the world. Yeah, okay. So my
boyfriend and I are at the store. He's at the
lunchman counter. I'm shopping around. So I come up like

he's at the end of the order and he's like,
what did you want? And I was like, oh, can
I have turkey? And he was like what kind? He's
like talking like I wasn't talking to the guy. So
the guy goes like, oh, that's so cute. Is she
your daughter? What? Oh god? When you were like Dennis
my boyfriend. Dennis was like, uh no, that's my girlfriend.
And I was like, I'm older than him. Did that

make you feel good? Oh? Yeah, I was right. I
wasn't wearing any makeup. I had a little bow in
my hair because I was going to Saint Patrick's Day parade,
So I did look young. But I was wearing like
a big oversized jersey. But it was it was like
I couldn't believe it. Oh my god, did he feel
bad as you were feeling good? Well, he was like,
it's a compliment to you. But he doesn't look that old,
Like I mean, you guys have met him, Like he
has a beer, he's very tall. No, I mean, how

old would he have to be to have me? Like?
How young could I really pass? For the whole day,
he's questioning himself like do I do look? Do I
look that old? I mean, what's going on here? What happened? Hilarious?
I imagine that happens to Scary and Robin all the time. Yes,
all the time. I think that's my younger sister or something.
They really Yeah, I remember the time that I put
my foot in my mouth in front of two listeners
where a guy was like double this woman's aid where

he was look in his like sixties and we were
out at an event. I'm like, oh my god, and
what's your daughter's name? Oh yeah, we went with this
was the outside of a Broadway show. We had a
bunch of assume. No, there are certain things that are taboo,
Like that's taboo. Like assuming somebody's pregnant is totally taboo.
Like you know, and I've done that where I was
in a maternity store and I said to the woman,

Oh my gosh, when are you due? And she said
to me, I just had the baby a couple of
months ago. And I felt terrible. I mean, I know,
I've been there. No, it takes a while to lose
the weight. Yea, never again, never assuming that, never again.
You know what else I think is taboo telling people
they look like other people, Like if you think somebody
looks like a celebrity, even if you think that celebrity
is like super hot or attractive or whatever, not everybody

feels the same way. And I've hurt people's feelings, not
even intentionally, but oh you said that, they looked like, oh,
I'm not even gonna say that, because if you tell
somebody looks like Chris Hemsworth, there's no way in a
hell anybody can take this true as a bad thing.
That's fair. I actually told someone one time they looked
like Jon Stewart and we were so super offended, and
I'm like, I think John Stewards kind of hot. Yeah.
I totally meant that in a good way, but they

did not like it. So you can never tell people
they look like other people. People tell me I look
like people all the time. Actually, no, it's not people.
I get told I look like woodland creatures and like
cartoons all the time. You look like a little mouse
I know, or a bug. I know one friend who
looks like Iron Man. He actually works at Carmine. Let's
talking about your friends. I always to call him that.
And then another one of my friends, uh looks like,

oh my gosh, I just had a total brain fartum
the Rock. And I always say to him, dude, you
so look like the Rock. And his wife constantly says
to me, could you stop now, because you're really giving
him a big head. He's at home trying to do
the eyebrow there. Just stop. Yeah, you've been keeping these
friends a secret. Yeah, okay, they're all married. Sorry, okay, same,
I'm not married. I'm in a RelA friendship. Yes anyway, yes,
scaryybody also say that it is not a compliment when

listeners on social media say, I'm scary you look like Zoolander. No,
this is what Gandhi's saying. It's like would be offensive.
Zoolander is a model though, I mean he was a model.
Realized how often do you get that? Do you get that?
A lot? A lot? Now? Now he's posing like I know,

I don't know what that was it again, scary. No
one can see it, but it's just for us. Thank you.
All right, We have a free money phone tap coming
up courtesy of our friends from Club Calabarca and Ibireau
Star Resort. We are actually doing an Elvis Durran Morning
Show vacation. We're heading out there, so we'll give you
the details on that when we come back. But Danielle,
do you have something on them? Ah? Yeah, I mean

you can win from us, but it's between April twenty
six and the thirtieth when we're going. You have to
be eighteen years or older. But we'll tell you more weeks.
Oh yeah, and now the three things you need to know.
One person is dead and several others injured, including two
in critical condition, following a stampede at a concert in Rochester,
New York. It happened Sunday night at the Main Street Armory.

Officers responded to the venue after receiving a shots fired
call and discovered the victims inside. It's believed the injuries
were a result of a large crowd pushing toward the
exit when they heard what they thought were gunshots. Authorities
said overnight that there does not appear to be any
evidence of an actual shooting. It was actually a glorilla
show that was happening. Roughly ten million people are under

winter weather alerts as more snow hits part of the
western US. More snow fell in the mountains of California
on Sunday. Recent winter snowstorms that slam southern California prompted
a state of emergency and more than a dozen counties
late last week. In the meantime, a storm system is
expected to bring snow and rain to areas in and
around the Great Lakes this week, affecting cities like Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago,

and Detroit. It's likely to weaken and move toward the
northeast today. And finally, the families of missing Malaysia Airlines
Flight three seventy are calling for a renewed search for
the missing plane. Nine years ago, the flight disappeared mysteriously
while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. In twenty eighteen,
the Malaysian government partnered with Ocean Infinity to search for

the aircraft in the Indian Ocean to no avail. Now,
family members of those who dis here are calling on
Malaysia to allow Ocean Infinity to begin a new seabed search.
The US exploration firm hopes to embark on a new
search as early as this summer. And those are your
three things, vid Ran in the Morning Show tells Ran

in the Morning Show tell us we'll be back tomorrow.
So for just today, Danielle and I are going to
be holding it down a little bit, and so far,
I think we're having a pretty good time. Yeah, that's good. Scary.
Have we stressed you out at all? Not at all?
This is great. How can we stress you out? Just
keep piling on the tasks. I'm here. You're too easy going.
It's annoying, I got you. Yeah, all right, Froggy had

a really really great thing happened this weekend. Would you
like to tell us about it? Frog? Yeah, no, I did.
Was the auctioneer and host for the American Heart Association
First Coast Ball here in Jacksonville over the weekend at
the Marriott Sagrass They raised one point six million dollars
for the American Heart Association on Saturday night. That's so cool.

I was blown away by the generosity in the room.
People just constantly donating and doing what they could. Met
the Tause family. Their daughter has a heart condition and
they didn't think she was gonna make it, but the
little girl was there. It was amazing to see a
lease and she's so cute and so wonderful. And just
to see lives being saved right here in jackson And
that's what the American Heart Association does in every city

where they're at in America is really inspiring. Wow. Did
you talk really fast? Since you were hosting the health thing.
You know, when you do the auction thing, I can't
do that. I can't do that. I don't do that
very well. But you do have to go like, all right,
I got seven out here looking for seventy five, got
seventy five, looking for eight to get eight eight looking
for eighty five eighty five eight. Yeah, I mean you

have to do that. But then you get to the
point where they're bidding with paddles and you have to
call out paddle numbers and somebody's writing them down and
I'm going like, all right, three h three on three
oh seven four twelve one eighty seven. I always get
nervous that things like that because like I can't afford

to like bid on half the stuff. Yeah, and then
I always get nervous, like I'll sneeze or something and
my paddle will go hop it's gonna happen, and then
I'm gonna be stuck paying them, Like I didn't do that.
At one point, somebody was walking with a drink and
they were like, hey, over here, that's my drink, and
they raise their hand. I'm like, are you bidding? I'm like, don't,
don't raise your hand. You put your hand up, You're
on the hook. Yeah. Well, you know what my move is.
Whenever we go to these like super fancy shmancy things,

I'll always be the first person to bid because then
it looks like I'm being benevolent, but everybody out bids me. True. However,
I went to an event one of scaries friends through Yeah,
and there were a bunch of celebrities there and there
was a silent auction. So I was like, oh, let
me do the right thing in bid on all of
these first. Nobody else bid on anything. Oh my ass
got stuck paying for all of the things. And I

was so irritated. I'm like, you rashy ass celebrities not
bidding on a damn thing out here. It was so annoying. Oh,
they did something really cool I'd never seen done. They
had a really cool trip to give away and it
was called the Last Man Standing. And what they did
was everybody bids. Every time you raise your paddle, you're
bidding one hundred dollars, but the last person to bid

gets the trip. So everybody keeps raising their paddle to
hope to be the last person, and somebody else raises,
and somebody else and somebody else. They made a ton
of money doing that, and the last person got the
trip for a hundred bucks. Wow, Okay, I could get
down with something like that. It was cool. Meanwhile, I
have a bunch of memorabilia I'm never gonna use ever.
Your stupid friend, Scary, was it you that got a

dressed to one time? Like in an auction? Somebody I
know got put up the paddle and want up with
a dress that didn't fit them. Yeah, I don't know
who it was. Well, I got a bunch of stuff
my boyfriend thought was super cool, but I was like,
what the hell am I gonna do with this? I
really thought people were going to slide in and they didn't.
So just be careful with the silent auction. But in
person it's you know, I'm like, yes, five thousand dollars,
I'll pay it, knowing someone's gonna up in me. But

at least the money goes to a good cause. Yeah,
that's so you don't feel as bad when you know
that's happened. Scary seems to think he has a dirty
little secret. Oh. I know. At some of the lives,
whenever there's like a bidding war in fight going on,
sometimes there's a plant where somebody from the organization will
be there driving up the price. Yes, and they'll wind
up getting more money because it because they see that

this is an item that's up for bids that is
that everyone wants. So you'll see that. Huh, it's clean.
I could totally see that happening. I could too. Kind
of makes sense. I'd like to be the plant we too,
look like it's not your money. That's awesome. Well, good job, Froggy.
That's really really cool. I'm glad that you guys raise

how much was it one point six million dollars? That's
so cool? Congrats. All right, we have something really cool
for the phone tap this week, so right now, be
color one hundred. What are you waiving me at? What?
We're gonna press the button first? Okay, press the button
shows when I started talking about it, official, thank you

scared all be Color one hundred right now one eight
hundred two four two zero one hundred because we are
giving away a trip all week, so Danielle has the details. Yeah,
so of course you guys know that we are going
to Club Calibarca and a I Bureau Star resort in Majorca, Spain.
We're all excited about it. We can't wait, and we
are going to give you a trip for two round trip.

Are we getting them back to We're just sending them there. No,
they're coming back at two there. You may not want
to come back, but you're gonna come back. He get
to hang out with us. We're gonna do a live show.
You've got now. Horn McLamore is the performing. It's gonna
be so much fun going down April twenty six and thirtieth.
So call on one hundred one eight hundred two four
two zero one hundred right and all this week. If

you use code Elvis at checkout, you're gonna get ten
percent off your booking this week. So we suggest you
run over and do that. Could be a good time
and we throw good parties. People have always said, gosh,
you guys, we have the best time with you. So
come on out and hang out with us. I'm like
ten percent off with Elvis the checkout. That's awesome. So
and the color one hundred right now, one eight hundred
and two for two zero, one hundred scary. Who was

doing the phone tap? Froggy? Froggy? Did you know this? No,
he's a mouthful Surprime. Froggy's doing the phone tap Elvis,
Elvis durand the Elvis durand phone tap. I love it
when Froggy's got a phone tap. Yes, what do you
have Froggy, our listener Danna reached out to us. She
wants the phone tap her husband. She likes to make

these trendy purchases and it really pisses him off. So
she purchased the juice cleans she had delivered when she
knew that he would be home to accept the order.
And now he's mad and how much it costs because
she calls to check in on him, and I come
in later as an employee of the juice cleans company.
Let's listening to Froggy. Hello, hey, honey, just find a
sack in check this out. I just to shoot the

package from this juice cleans company and they're charging US
three hundred and twenty five dollars. Hold on, no, okay,
it was a really really good keel. Are you shreating me? Data?
I mean you always I mean to discuss their finances
with your reforming a purchase, but you don't do it
with me. What's your problem? Celebrities are doing it. The
only reason why all these celebrities are supposedly using it

because these an old type billion dollar corporations are actually
paying these celebrities to be the face of these somebody
so they can pool people like you. You're better call
this company I return to. I mean, it's not going
to be easy, don't They don't do refunds. What do
you mean it's not going to be easy that they
don't take any refunds? What is easy for them to
charge of my card? Right and send some some grass
on the mail and then they say it's good too healthy.

That's easy for them, right. No, No, it's gonna be
easy for you to pick up the phone and call
these bastards and get our money. Bass, just make mine.
Just just stay on the line. I'm gonna call right now.
Come on, this is the Never Move Clans hot line. Man,
get your order never please and two eight nine? All
right now who am I speaking with? Is this Dana? Yeah? Yeah,

that's me. Now I see you. You didn't order our waters.
You know that when you ordered the water, we recommend
adding chlorophyll now of very waters to supplement your cleans
each day. It's great to aid in digestion and raise
your alkaline levels. Oh how much is that? D danos?
Stop asking how much it is. We're calling for a

purpose or excuse me, listen, buddy, We're calling because we
want to return the product that you guys sold my wife.
Are you not aware of the advantages of juicing? Listen,
I don't give a we're calling because we're returning the product. No,
but Lewis Listen, he is making a good point. Data
data stop. If you're looking for a simple, clean and
green clans for the most nutrient dense leafy greens create

the base in our low sugar green number one. Still
trying to sell us? Maybe Wow, Dan know he's chucking
you in again. It's not so. I could speak with
my manager today and maybe we could get you down
to the three day cleans. That's one ninety nine when
you include the waters one nine four if no, no,

I want my money back. I'm sending your product back.
Hasn't even been thirty days. We just received the product. Okay.
We don't do a thirty day money back guarantee. We
do a thirty hour money back guarantee. Thirty hour. Are
you would for thirty hours? I'm looking here at the
ship date. This was shipped two days ago. Therefore that
would be forty eight hours. You're past your return policy.
We just received the product right now, right now, it

hasn't been thirty hours. I want my money back now,
you know, so you sound angry, and a lot of
times when you're constipating that things aren't going well in
your body, it makes you angry. Excuse me, sir, There's
one other thing I'd like to run by you. What's
that face? You've been phone tapped? What this is? Froggy
from elis the rond of the morning? No, man, no

way yo. I don't know what you're gonna do. All
that juice sitting at your front door. But you're too
much man, that's all right, all Alex? Hello, Alex? Hello, yep, Alex.
How are you your color one? Well? Your color one hundred? Yeah? Wow,

that's that's funny. It's been trying to call the last
few days and my girlfriend laughs at me like I'll
never get through, and you think it's kind of a joke. Yeah. Oh,
then don't bring her on the trip to this one.
You probably have to say, nanny, nanny poopoo. You're not
coming now, too bad? But do you where you're coming
with us? The club? I am? Yeah, the Club Calibarca

April twenty six and thirty. You don't have to pay
for your trip, but we do want other people to
pay for their trip roundtrown round trip airfare for you.
But we want people to come come with us, and
so if you go to Elvis Duran's European Vacation dot com,
you can book your trip and code Elvis a checkout
get you ten percent off. But you don't have to
worry about that. Alex, you're coming with us. Congratulations, that's awesome,

Thank you so much, Thank you so much. I hope
you're fun. Do you party? Nope, to lie and say yes,
I don't mean party with all the time. I do
it all the time every day. Well, we're looking forward
to seeing you and maybe just laying out in a
relaxing manner on the beach. Thanks. And we want to

thank our friends at Club Calibarca Ibero Star because they're
the ones that are hooking people up with this. And
it's gonna be awesome. There's so much to do on
the property. Of course, we have Nile Horn coming, McLamore coming.
It's gonna be a live broadcast from us, which is
gonna be awesome. Yeah, you have to be eighteen, by
the way, though, to come an eighteen year older very important. Plant. Yes, yes,
thank you, all right, we have a phone call so

right before this, we were talking about how at auctions
usually there's a plant somebody ambushing and driving up the price.
One of the plants texted us and said, yeah, that's me.
I do that what Joline, Oh No, I'm not a plant.
I doesn't go to that auctions you go to and

they do have Yeah, so I go my husband and
I go to a lot of Amish auctions because we
live in the middle of nowhere in New York. Um,
and they have plants there. Now can you tell if
the person is a plant or you have no idea? Um,
it's it's not always hard to tell, but because I
mean it's an Amish auction show, there's a lot of

Amish people and then there's a lot of English people there. Um,
but you can kind of tell when they're driving a
price of something up because it can go for low,
but then they if they're not getting the price that
they want. You can see it's usually another Amish person
and they're bidding on it as well, and they drive
it up and then you if you go higher than that,

you'll win it. So you kind of know that they
drove the price up for you for them to get
a higher price. And then yeah, but yeah, they they
have a lot of plants there. Yeah. Yeah, Usually when
we're bidding and we see that, we don't bid a
secting more because we don't want to pay much more

than than what we want to. So but yes, they
have a lot of plants in those auctions. Well, thank you.
Interesting so fun fact about this whole thing. There was
a spelling error in it. Yeah, and Amish was spelled
a mush, which I thought meant ambush. I thought they
left the bee out. I was correcting it in my head.
You don't spell it ambush, so I thought it was

I go to ambush auctions and I was like, yeah,
there I go. So my bad on that piso. Very cool,
all right, Danielle, what's going on? All right? So this
is my favorite story of the day. Blake Shelton was
talking about his most impactful tour gifts, like, you know,
when you go on tour, fans bring you stuff and
they throw things at you, sometimes underwear stuff like that.
So he said, you know, you get flowers, you get
stuffed animals. At one time he got this paper bag.

He took the paper bag backstage and an iguana jumped
out of the paper bag jumped onto his shirt. Decent.
It was like one of those you know when you win,
like a goldfish at a you know, at a fair.
It was like one of those things where you wouldn't
like an iguana. I don't know if do we know
if he kept the iguana froggie? Yeah, I wonder. This
is pretty cool at cheer and hit a major milestone

on Friday, performed for a crowd of one hundred and
ten thousand fans at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. He said
that it was just the most unbelievable experience for him.
It was a dream come true. And I don't know
if you got to see what it looked like, but
there were so many people and then at one point,
you know, they all have their lights on and everything.

It just looks so beautiful. I loved it. The wife
of Bruce Willis is asking photographers to please keep their distance.
He's battling dementia. You know, he's going through a lot
right now, and of course everybody's trying to get their
shot of him, which is I mean, come on, it's
just so ridiculous. Sorry, yeah, please give the guy. Give
the family their space right now. Carnibi talks about getting

a face tat but we hadn't seen it, and now
we have. It's the four letter word wave and it's
inked right on her jawline and she absolutely loves it.
And it's actually the name her son's first name, so
that's why she hadn't put on her face. So there
you go. I don't know, did you see it? Yeah?
I did see it, And what do you think? I
personally am not a big fan of the face tattoo,

but you know, everyone has their own thing, and I
think once you make a certain amount of money, it
doesn't matter what you do. So exactly, Isaiah Washington says
that he is calling it quits on his acting career
and is headed for early retirement in the most whiny
statement every time. Did you read it? Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah yeah. He's basically saying, you know that there's a
lot of people being from oh my gosh, I can't

even think of the word. People were making fun of
his character on Grey's Anatomy and making fun of other
things that went on with him and stuff like that,
and he just says that he needs to examine within
his own soul how he's feeling, and he just doesn't
want to doesn't want to be there anymore, doesn't want
to do it anymore. So that's going on. Let's see
I spice a Northwest Kim and Kanye's kid. By the way,

that's who Northwest is. She was talking about TikTok and
I don't know if you are on TikTok, but they're
now friends. They were dancing to Ice Spices music. They
were doing a video together. I think the freaking video.
The first one got only over like thirty million hits
and like the second one got twenty three. I mean ridiculous.

People are loving it and watching it and it's crazy.
So did you see it? I did not. Yeah, it's
definitely interesting. King Charles has invited Prince Harry and Megan
Markle to come to the coronation. They've not decided to
do it though yet. They're like, well, we're gonna wait
and let you know. We'll see if we're busy on
that day. I'm not so sure if we're busy. But
and I told you the other day that Prince that

King Charles had said to them, look, you guys have
to move out of Frogmore Palace. But now there are
new reports saying that he's not just kicking them out.
He's actually giving them another place to live. He's giving
them a flat on the palace grounds as a replacement,
so he's not in totally kicking them out. So who's
gonna live in Frogmore Palace? Yeah, somebody else in the family.
I think he's passing it down to them or something. Yes,

appropriate the Harvent place for you. Oh my gosh, that
would be awesome. And let me see what else do
I have for you before I end off? Oh. On Friday,
Miley Cyrus said that she will be releasing a Disney
Plus special to celebrate her new album, Endless Summer Vacation.
So that's gonna be fun. The Bachelor, The Good Doctor,
The Voice all on tonight. You also have Daisy Jones

and The Sixth and Amazon Prime. I watched the first episode.
It's prettydamn good. The PG eight tour is kicking off live,
aren't you there? Today? Live at the Players. I'll be
broadcasting afternoons from there Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. So that's
on Peacock tonight, probably all this week. And that is
my Danielle Report. All right, you guys want to play
a game? Yeah? Oh, you have the game music ready

to go. I do I like it. Okay, so we
have a game, and and because Elvis isn't here, it
might be a little more difficult in parts, because you know,
I like to stick it to people. Yeah, games, I
think they're too easier. I'm here, so it's pretty easy.
These are songs that have been streamed over a billion times,
so they're very popular songs. But we're gonna do a

from the first beat, so you have to get it
really quickly, or we'll say from the first two seconds,
because Scotty has a heart attack. And how lenient are
are you gonna be? Oh? I'm not gonna be lenient
at all? What do you mean? No? You know sometimes
you know, Elvis like gives people all you get it
right or you get it wrong. Oh right, that's it.
Now they have to get name and artists are just named.
Name an artist? What, Danielle, I think we don't make

it easy. Everybody doesn't get a trophy? Can we can
we help them? At least? Know why? Because you don't
like I'm going to give away some of my own
money for this game. Oh so I would like it
to be you know, actually to somebody who deserves it, Okay,
can I steal it from them? And then that way
you don't have to give the money. Like, if they
get it wrong, you get a chance. Yeah, and then

if I get it right, they don't give the money.
I like this all right, that's really good. So maybe
we should call it beat Froggy. Either way, give us
a call right now. Diamond's gonna find a good contestant.
We'll work out the rules. But no leniency here because
we can have a loser. Well, we're not gonna call
them losers. You just didn't win all the money, maybe,

but you can still win somebody. We have fifteen songs,
so you're gonna get something. You have a chance to
get one hundred and fifty dollars or nothing. We'll see.
Give us a call one eight hundred two for two
zero one hundred, we'll be back I Heart Radio. Here
are the top major Laser songs you summed up. Number three,
No No Better? Wow You Fresh out the Gage show

Tom maybe for fresh off the stage battle O Mama,
Fresh off the bage. But I like you know what
you know that you made? You know no better? Can
you know no Better? Number two Cold Water And if
you feel sinking right over the corner water number one,

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dot com slash Elvis can turn up to sound. I
don't know what I would do that The Morning show
in the morning, can we talk about your butt for
a minute? By Brader by Radio. They are the only

thing that could smile on my face, Like, why are
you shooing my foot? That is not part of the buy.
I don't even know your foot could grow hair there
sometimes when you laugh a little, you pete. I just
love the show and everything about it show. It's just
the morning Show. Elvis will be back tomorrow. Nate not
feeling very well. He'll maybe be back tomorrow unless he's
still contagious. Then we don't want to. Oh yeah, because

he sits right next to me. Yeah, so please keep
that up. To yourself. Thank you. So we have a
lot of stuff coming. We have a game on the way, diming.
We have a contestant ready to go. Yeah, yep, Gabriella,
there's a microphone. You have to talk into it. Hey,
gabriel are So we're gonna do around the Room. But
because Elvis and Nate are not here, I thought we
could just add a couple other people and make it

like a different version of Around the Room tonight. All right,
let's do it. Let's start with you. Producer Sam whoa,
I've had a really embarrassing dream over the weekend and
I just had to come clean to get it off
from a chest. It was about Scotty Be mixed with
the movie Magic Mike Whoa, Oh Hallie, Yeah, fully happened.
So I went to FaceTime Scottie in my dream and

he was shirtless and on a bicycle working out and
all sweaty, and it was really just like copy paste
Channing Tatum's body like Scottie Bee's head and let me
tell you a dream. Sam was like, who who William?
I feel like, oh you an apology? It was really hot. Yeah, Scotty,
if you could just like have the Channing tainted body,

which I'm sure super easy. Face time me while you're
on a bike. I have I have a bucket list
item now for from you. Does this violate any ethics
codes here? Definitely? Now it was a dreamt Acount cool safe, cool,
Dreamston Cow great, Diamond, what's going on with you? Oh
she's new today. It's so exciting. Okay, Um, do something

outside of your comfort zone. So everyone who knows me
knows that Number one, I don't do things that are spontaneous,
and I don't leave my house after a certain time.
Once the sun goes down, Diamond is down. He is
a grandmama. Yeah, like what, I don't know. I just
don't like it. But yesterday I went to us As
a concert with Andrew, and we like decided to go

at like five pm. The sun was already down. Oh
my god. Usually I would regret this, but I'm actually
really happy about it. Really tired, but it was great.
So yeah, do something outside of your comfort Good job, Diamond. Meanwhile,
I went to dinner with Andrew. In the entire time,
these two are plodding back and forth about the awesome
concerts they're gonna go to, Like, oh, it would have
been nice to be invited idiots. All right, Danielle, what's

going on? So? I love the element of surprise. My
husband and I love to surprise our kids with different
things and not tell them what we're doing until we
actually get there. So this weekend it was the Red Bulls.
They didn't know we were going to the game, they
didn't know where the seats were. And the faces on
people when you surprise them. I just love it when
they don't expect something and it really like touches them

when they're really like they can't even get the words out.
I love it, love it, love it. So if you
can surprise people in a good way, nothing bad, do
it more often because it just makes people happy, it
really does. You're such a good mama. Thanks. We want
to be your child. We Trygie, what's going on? Does
anybody else carry on full conversations with their animals their dogs? Yes?

I mean like full on conversations. I realized yesterday I
was having a conversation. I was home by myself. I
was having a conversation with Rocky and Rex, and I
mean it was in depth and it went on for
a whole while until I thought, all right, I've got
a problem here these What was it about about what
they wanted to do? If they wanted to go either
out front or if they wanted to go out back?
What did they decide? They decided that they wanted to

go back while Daddy did a poop pick up. Our
backyard is fenced in, and that's why they go to
the bathroom so many times a week. I go outside
and pick up their poop. So I was having a
conversation with them about how great of a job I
was doing, and they could go out and help. I
realized that I really do have a problem. I need
friends or other people or somebody so that I'm not
carrying on full of conversations with my animals. What good

decision makers they are? Really were They had great decisions
and they went outside and helped me out. So added
to the mix today, Garrett, what's going on? So over
the weekend, I want to go see and Juliet on Broadway.
I know a few of you have seen it. What
a show, Especially after like a half a bottle of wine,
you start feeling like you're you're at a nineties concert

of in Sync and the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears
and so my wife is like poking me, like you
cannot sing out loud. I started singing out loud. You're
going Do they want that? I think they do? Probably not?
I think probably not. This show. Froggy's not a big
Broadway person, but I think he would love and Juliet awesome. Yep,
gad you had a good time. Added to the mixt today.

It's gotta be sure. So I was washing my berries
in the bathroom sink this morning while somebody dream those berries. Sorry.
So I was in the bathroom and as I was
rinsing my berries in the sink, there was someone in
there doing their business. So I just is it scientifically
proven that charticles are a thing and they exist? Yes?

Time and time again? Is it not safe to wash
food in a bathroom? You never do that. Also, I'd
like to point out, without fail, whenever you go to Scottie,
he talks about poop. Right. I don't know why I
thought this was at least you know what to expect. Sick, scary?
What's going on? So? Is this creepy or clever? A
friend of mine she was out at a bar on
Long Island over the weekend and she was relaying her

phone number to one of the guys the bar. About
two hours later, after she left, she gets a text
message from a dude who was there, intercepted her phone number,
memorized it, and started texting her, saying, you're so beautiful. Creepy. Yeah, Well,
this guy thought he was being slick. He's now He's
now texted her over the last couple of days, like

two three times, and she hasn't responded back. He thought
he was going to get a date with her just
by having you know, oh you know what, I happen
to memorize your phone numb Instead, he gets a restraining order. Yeah, yeah, creepy. Okay, creepy, Yeah,
very creepy. Don't do that all right? You guys writing
playing a game? Yeah? You have music? I can you wish? Okay, Gabriella,

are you there, Gabriel, I'm here. Hello. Do you think
you are pretty good at guessing music from the first
beat or maybe the first couple of seconds. I'm either
gonna be really good or really bad. So I'm excited
in between for you. I love it. I think if froggy.
So we want the artist and the song. You have

to get both of them. Okay, I'm not gonna make
this easy for you. I think she should just like
to know. If you want to put in half the money,
we can give her one. Yeah, I'm put in half
the money if we give her one. Okay, all right,
Danielle's making it easy for you. Danielle thinks everyone gets
a charm. I just know from my experience, I have
enough problems guests, and one either the song or the artist.

I cannot expect somebody neural both. Okay, but how about this?
It has if you guessed the song, it has to
be the actual name of the song, not like okay, okay.
And how much do we how much do they get?
We're gonna do ten dollars for every song I give
you give five? Yes, okay, that for every single answer?
All right, Gabriella, are you ready? Everyone be quiet? That

was it? That's easy? Wow? What Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen? Yeah?
You got both were good job, Gabriel good? All right?
Start what Adella? Someone like you show? Never mind job

I wish? All right? And she knew both again, Dan
Alt number three, Oh sikay um, oh my god, teen spirit,
get out of here. No, you's got to know the
real that's not the real name of the full Time.
Oh wait, let me say said, um, isn't it isn't

the team Spirit No, sar mouths like teen Spirit. Yes, god,
we gave her two hours to get it. Was like
a madman. All right, we'll get that. Number four? Um,
oh my god, journey and it's um, well, there's this

thing up, um can you play it over time? This
is not how I go. Oh my god, I've got
I thought you'll nanny get one of the end. Does
she got it? Anyway? You go? Yeah? Alright? Buck four

for four? I don't like this all right? Number five
scare ariana grand day? Um the thank you? Next? Yes,
oh damn you. We could have played this song and
artist for her. We could have all right, number six,
you're going for sixty dollars? No, m oh god, I

know it. Can you put it old time? Oh my god,
I can't think of it. Oh my god. It is alright?
What Roses, Welcome to the jungle. Froggy drops the balls Roses,

it is it is, sweet child of mine. Sorry, let's
all be froggy of now. All right? The number seven? Uh, um,
I wanted that way Bathstreet Boys, Danielle do the siren.

She had sixty bucks. Good job, all right. Next one, Um,
Bruno Mars. Wait is a mother, I'll play it again. Okay,
definitely Brutal Mars. It is your knee. You I don't

know the name, the brutal mark. All right, locked out
of heaven. There you go. Nice? All right? Next up
your shot at eighty dollars. Now, ah, oh my god,

abody locked through the value. Oh my god, don't push up.
Give her a second. Oh my god, I can't think
of it. Yeah, Julio gainst this paradigm. Yeah, okay, you

still have seventy bucks in the game. It's still going.
All right, your chances eighty bucks. Let's go. Oh, play
it again, please, that's cold play. Okay, Um, that's enough.
I don't know it. Okay, it's called don't do they

even save Evilavita anywhere in that song? No? Now, all right,
you've got eighty bucks. I'm very impressed by this, and
I think we should have made it harder, but whatever.
Next one, great song. Yeah, it is What the hell
is that? I don't even know quite on the set
something someone's not going I feel like I know it

if I could hear like five more seconds. No, it's
not called guess a song in five seconds. It is Wait,
let her hear one more time. Don't anybody talk over it.
Let her hear it? Okay, do good there, Drake hotline bling,

I oh something since I left? All right, you still
have eighty dollars, though, how many do we have? Left?
Three more? We go too long? Too long? Yeah? I agree?
Oh my god, why can't I think of all these

old schools robs um m m, it's not t I
it is not so sorry, I don't don't. I don't
know the name of it's Drake. It's still d r E,
still dre and I'm still got the streets. All right,

you're you're holding strong at eighty dollars. Here, all right,
we got three more. This is your chance at ninety dollars.
Too long, way too long, eminem Yeah, just sa please
sang all right? Almost at one hundred, she's almost so close, Gabrielle,

Uh all right, go that's way too long. Oh my god,
can you play it again? Do it? Yeah? We wanted

to win a hundred. Come on, come on, it's twelve.
Is that cheering? Whoa who? All right, you have a
chance at one hundred. And ten. Is this the last one?
All right? Your last one? One hundred and ten dollars?
Here we go, quick kill it. That's tough. Oh my god,

that all the cool kids to the pump up clicks.
It is God who very impressed. Yeah, after taxes, it's
twenty two dollars and fifty. Yes, pay eleven twenty five.
I will pay eleven twenty No, congratulations, Gabriella. We're gonna

send you one hundred and ten bucks. That was very impressive.
I actually thought it was gonna be harder. That was awesome.
Oh I love it. I would you say sorry, I
found a hard one. You did a really good job. Awesome.
All right, so we have to send her some money now,
don't hang up. Diamond has to get your information. Okay, Okay, cool, Wow, Wow,

what good job? Job? Even something froggy a couple of
times and that never happens. Okay, let's talk about the
three things you need to know. Alex Murder has spent
the first weekend of what's going to be the rest
of his life in prison, at least until his lawyer's appeal.
The Disbard, South Carolina. South Carolina lawyer was found guilty
of murder and weapons charges on Thursday evening in connection

with the twenty twenty one deaths of his wife Maggie
and his son Paul. He received consecutive life sentences Friday morning.
He maintained his innocence throughout the proceedings, and his defense
team has said, yes, they are planning to file an
appeal this week. What about all the other bodies that
are surrounding that guy in f families and there sode
When you watch that Netflix special, you're like, wait a second,

it's outrageous. They got away with so many things. He
finally got caught with something. And that's just the stuff
that we've heard about. So God only knows all the
stuff we haven't heard about, right, fascinating. Almost two hundred
countries agree to a treaty protecting marine life. The agreement,
which was signed on Saturday evening, is providing legal tools
to maintain protected areas in the ocean. It also includes

a pledge to share ocean resources. The rules that were
on the books were pretty sparse and weekly enforced, which
led to the exploitation of vulnerable sea life. This agreement
has been a long time coming. In two thousand and four,
the UN set up an ad hoc group to discuss
ocean protection, but it wasn't until the next year that
the organization resolved to develop a treaty. Then in twenty eighteen,

talks began, and five years later the treaty has finally
been put into place, and finally, more than half of
the world's population is on track to be considered overweight
or obese by twenty thirty five. A new report from
the World Obesity Foundation also notes a concerning rise in
childhood obesity rates. Based on current trends, childhood obesity could

double from twenty twenty levels. Obesity, as we know, can
lead to numerous health issues. They include high blood pressure,
coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breathing problems, clinical depression. So
eat healthy, get out there and exercise. And those are
your three things. I've listened to you guys literally since
I'm six years old. Wow, the death day of my life.
How Vister ran in the Morning show. Wendy's homestyle French

toast sticks are so good. Some are saying they're better
than your own mom's French toast. Perfectly crispy on the outside,
perfectly fluffy on the inside, perfectly perfected every way. Try
Wendy's homestyle French toast sticks today and see if they're
better than your mom's. Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.
You know, it's kind of a weird question. Some people

can't answer it because they don't have one answer, they
have several answers. The question is what is your type?
Oh for talking about dating, marrying, having sex with whatever.
What type are you attracted to? And it's not only physical,
but also you know, they're the way they act. They act, yes,

and they are. Have you ever thought about it? Have
you ever categorized your type? You can actually look back
at the history of the people you've dated over the
years and you're like, wow, they do have this in common,
can you? I don't know. Oh, they're so different, all
of my exes to my currents, so different, each one
of them. But I would say probably the common thread

is they're fun. I have a lot of fun with them,
So maybe that's my type. Yeah, okay, no, no, that's
very fair. Absolutely, Danielle, did you have a type? I
mean my act like you know, my Axe before Shelton.
They're so different. One was a wallflower and one is
the total opposite. So I mean they both made me laugh.
That's good. They both had brown hair. I don't know.

Rather than that, you know, I don't know, Froggy, what
your type. I don't really know. I'm trying to think
about that. I don't really know. I know you think
I have a type and you're wrong. That's very telling
that you said that, because honestly, that's a it's a
type that you had, but you don't want anyone to

know you have it. No, But I mean, like, I
don't really know. I do. I know for some reason,
I do like darker I like darker hair. I don't know,
like darker hair like always you like the beautiful women
with they have that line for an eyebrow. They don't
have eyebrows. Lisa doesn't have that. Alica doesn't have that. No,
I know she doesn't have. So you you finally came
to your senses and found a great woman who has eyebrows. Okay,

let's move on to somebody else interesting. Yeah, my type
obviously is Italian, you know, from Staten Island, and I'm
married and i'm married one. Yeah, you know, I grew
up I didn't have that growing up there. I had
no Staten Island Italians growing up. So when I moved
to New York, I'm like, Wow, there's something about this island.

What's going on? I don't know what about you, Nate?
What's your type? I have? Typically thinking back on long
term girlfriends, they've typically been shorter, like right around five feet.
All I would say, okay, is that because you cut
their heads off? Come on now, I think a lot
of their features are smaller because it makes me look

bigger in comparable goes to Kenot girls that make me
look hot. Right, so I gotta trying to be somewhat
larger in perspective, right, right? What the tree? The tree
looks bigger, right? You got to turn your MinC ons Gary,
I can't hear. You know. I always went for domineering

women in the past, who would actually put me in
my place, like kind of spar with me until my
current and I feel like I'm happier this way, where
we're equal, you know. It's it's kind of like a
give and take part of this relationship. I don't know,
but in the past I always women who used me
like a doormat was something that I would gravitate toward,
but to no avail. And the sasquats look you liked

for a little the moment she was definitely putting him
in his place, and she just so happened. She had
like huge feet anyway, So I don't know. It was
an interesting exercise for us, several friends of mine who
were talking about this. It's just you think back over
the list of people you've dated, and it takes you

admitting to yourself, oh my god, they all did have
this thing in common. Yeah. Whoa interesting how you gravitated
toward that without even knowing it. It's kind of a funny,
interesting exercise to having yourself. Heather is only twenty four.
Hi Heather, good morning, Good morning. I'm glad you're listening today.
I got a question for you looking back, and I'm

not saying you've dated a lot, but looking back at
the people you have dated, did they have something in common?
And it kind of freaked you out when you figured
it out. All of my axes looked exactly like my
dad did in his late thirties. Yeah, and I have
dated a lot. Yeah, okay, but I mean, did you

actually stop and go, why, oh my god, why did
I not see this before? It's interesting after a lot
of therapy. I did figure out why, but um, it
was actually my best friend who brought it up to me,
and so we've been friends since I was a mine, right,
and she was like, you have a type, and I
was like, no, I don't want She was like, Heather,

they all look just like your dad. I know, but
I mean, at the end of the day, Heather, just
because they look like your dad, they're not your dad.
So you're okay, you're saying, you're good. My dad I've
been told was you know, very attractive. Of course it's interesting,
so you kind of you sort of unearthed something. So

once anyone and everyone figures out that type that they've
been dating and all that they had in common, now
you wonder why you gravitated towards that. And that's what
you said you found out in therapy, and it's none
of our business, but it's interesting. So it makes me
wonder why am I attracted to these these Italian uh
you know, guys from Staten Island. Obviously they have something

that I need it in my life, or maybe I
don't need that's dangerous and I don't know. So then
we start overthinking it and then we drive ourselves nuts. Right,
you know, I don't know. Well, look, Heather, I hope
you're happy in life. Now you're doing okay, Yeah, it's great.
I love it. All right, thank you for talking to
you guys that listen every morning. Well, thank you, thank
you very much, and have a great day. Thanks for

calling in. Katie A line twenty three. Uh, Katie, did
you figure out with all the guys you date they
all have something in common? Oh? Yeah, I apparently have
a thing for gingers. I love a ginger. Now did
you know this? I mean you probably already knew this.
This is not a surprise. Yeah, no, no, I've dated
several gingers and like, just out in public, I'll see

you and walk by and I'm like, oh, hey, good
for you. Plain it. Maybe it's a whole not having
a soul thing. I don't know, but I love they
have a soul. Yeah, prove it, prove it. Oh my gosh.
I mean my experience not so much, but you know
they're my thing. Well look, you know, no matter what

hair color, you can find some soul as people out there.
But you so, did you ever really stop and go, Okay,
maybe it's just an attraction thing. It's not it goes
no deeper than that, right, Um, well, yeah, it's definitely
an attraction thing, but I feel like the ones I
did at least. You know, we're also kind of like lumberjack,
big and burly. Um that's kind of my thing, and

it's more of like a country boy thing than I like,
so I think it has that in common as well. Okay,
so now you don't have to do it here, we
don't have to process it live in front of ten
million people. But once you stop and think you like
a ginger, burly lumberjack guy, do you ever wonder why,
like why that's the type that you like. I don't

really know the ginger part, but I know, like i'm
more fatigue, I'm you know, I'm five one, So I
think I like having a bigger guy because it makes
me feel safe. Yeah, okay, away, I like that. I
mean it's easy to define. All right, excellent, Thank you Katie,
You and attention all gingers. She thinks you're soulless and
I'm so single, so there's that on my way. There's

nothing being single is. It's perfectly fine and you know
that you're good there all right, an thank you for listening.
Have a good day. Yeah, maybe I'm overanalyzing. Is it
really bad to overanalyze, like why you choose the people
you choose or is it good? Now? I think it's
important to do that. You learn about yourself and then
you learn about other people. You can learn some of
the red flags maybe that you find unintentionally that then

ruin the relationship. I think it's important. And also especially
if you're attracted to like the same type that keeps
hurting you or is not a good person, it's good
to know, you know. Yeah, yeah, why am I attracted
to the person who always hurts me? Something to investigate?
All right, Danielle, Ye, you're ready for your entertainment report,
of course. All right. So I'm very excited about this

teenage mutant Inja Turtles movie is on the way. It's animated,
and there's so many cool celebrity voices that you're going
to get to hear Post Malone, Ice Cube, Jackie chan Meyer,
Rudolph John Cena, Seth Rogan, Paul Rudd. The list goes
on and on, and the film is going to open
up in theaters on August fourth. So Kim Kardashian says,
I am no longer interested in dating anyone famous who

she was with Kanye, She's with Pete Davidson. But now
I think she wants to kind of fly under the radar,
and you can do that when you're dating someone who's
not famous. They just don't understand your life as much,
I think, especially when it comes to them. But maybe
it will be grounding. Yeah, well, wonderful for we'll see.
The wife of Bruce Willis is asking photographers to keep

their distance. I can't even believe that we're we still
have to say this, especially when the poor guy's going
through something like dementia, does not need cameras in his face.
Gotta get that shot, make all the money. It's just
so ridiculous. So please give the family their space. They
do not need this right now. So the twenty twenty
three mclooney Kid's Choice Awards aired on Saturday. I love it,

but my favorite part was that Optimus Prime, the autobot
from Transformers, got the Lifetime Achievement Award. Congratulations to the
beginning of the end we're awarding robots, So who we are?
Watch out Wednesday. One Favorite family TV Show Jenna Ortega,
One Favorite female TV star for a family show and
of course, if you go to nick dot com you

can see a list of all the winners in a
bunch of the highlights from that. My other favorite story
of the days when Blake Shelton was asked to name
some impactful tour gifts that his fans had given him.
He said, yeah, you know, you get the flowers, you
get the stuffed animals. But one time I opened a
bag backstage and an iguana jumped out and it was
also life iguana. Yeah, like something that you would win

an affair, kind of like a goldfish. So that's pretty cool.
You know. Chris Rock unloaded on Will and Jada Smith
during his live stand up special over the weekend. I
know Froggy said he watched it twice. We don't hope.
We don't want to tell you exactly what he said
in case you want to watch it, but it is
out there. The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is coming back.
It will look and feel different. New version will happen

later this year. Apparently their brand, projection and mission is
totally different, and we're hoping it will be more inclusive
moving forward. Maybe, like we said, the words from Jackson's
song got through The Victoria's Secret and Rolling Loud kick
Off kicked off this weekend. They had a bunch of
technical difficulties. Travis Scott headline Saturday. His background music started

to fade as he was in the middle of Goosebumps,
and then everything kind of stopped and he got on
the mic and he said, look, they're cutting me off early.
I have to go. Nicki Minaj had to deal with
some missing tracks and audio and stuff. But then Justin
Beaver popped up out of nowhere. Now you guys know one,
he wasn't scheduled to show up, but he just canceled
the rest of his tour. So some fans were not

happy about this thing. Well wait a minute, he can
show up for this, but he's not gonna show up
for us in concert. Those are two totally different things.
I'm that's what's out there, say Neck Black called Playboy, Cardy,
Little Baby. A lot of other cool people were performing
there this weekend. The Bachelor, The Good Doctor, the Voice,
that's all on tonight. I started watching Daisy Jones on
the sixth over the weekend. It's really good. Check it out.

And that is my Danielle Report. Thank you Danielle. So
we're gonna get into Garrett Sound in a second. But
I also think we should play a song. I think
we should play a song from the game. Sure, which
one you want to play? All right? Well, I don't
want to pick it. I feel like we should also, uh,
we should all I'll talk about this, okay. I think
the top contenders are would be smells like Teen Spirit,
Yeah yeah, maybe Sweet Child of Mine, maybe Gangs's Paradise,

maybe still d I loves that. I love that one.
I'll go Backstreet Boys. Yeah, I'm with him that way. Yep,
we know Froggy, all the good songs that we're on. There.
You guys all went with that. You shouldn't have made.
It's a democratic I didn't. I suggested other songs, and
everyone picked something off the map. But that's fine. We
can go without which one. I want it that way?

I guess give me a second. We're doing this on
the floor. Yeah, we don't have to do it right now.
We're going to do Garrett Sound first. Garrett, Yes, hello, Garrett,
good morning. All right, So Danielle was talking about Chris Rock.
We just have two little clips from that that everybody
is talking about online that are trending so scary it's
the second clip Chris Rock talking about the slap from
Will Smith. The people I didn't hurt, it's still hurt.

I got summertime ringing in my ears. But I'm not
a victim. Baby. You will never see me on Oprah
Gail crying. You will never see it. Never gotta happen.
I couldn't believe it, and I love it. Him black, No,

it's never gonna happen. No, I took that hit like
packie out. And then he talked about why he didn't retaliate.
A lot of people go quis, how come you didn't
do nothing back? How come you didn't do nothing back
that night? Because I got parents, That's why. Because I
was raised God, I got parents, and you know what

my parents taught me, don't fight in front of white people.
So you can see that on Netflix. All right, So scary.
One of your many talents is that you could play
the mouth trumpet. Right. Well, I found someone to join
your band. This is the mouth saxophone guy, all right.

And then Ganda, you were coming home from Florida this weekend.
You said there was someone on your flight that thought
they were like a big comedian and they wouldn't stop talking.
He called himself mister fun guy, and then told me
the rest of these three hours are going to be
a blast. So I found a TikTok hack for maybe
next time to tell this person, Okay, if you're ever
at a hotel or I've used this on airplanes as well,

where people are next to you and being really loud
and rude and you like want to ask them to
be quiet. If you say to them, Hey, I'm sorry,
could you please quiet down? I have to wake up
really early for a funeral tomorrow. Every time immediately feel
so bad, and they will quiet down instantly. Absolutely not.

Well not, I'm not going to tell them somebody died.
I feel like that's bad luck karma. You go ahead
to be mister funga. I'm going to sleep within ten minutes,
all right. And then finally we go to a town
council meeting in Boca Raton, Florida, where someone wants to
bring up Sugar Daddy Appreciation Day. So Daddy is a
responsible for college educations, because events and the occasional body

enhancement supporting our local economy, requesting that you decreate a
Sugar Daddy and Mammy Appreciation Day on much tenth, so
I know those who have given us so much March tenth.
That's in two days, so serious right now? Yeah, that

happened over the weekend. I wish I could delete that
from my brother. It's stuck in there and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about that. Is that all your sound? That's it?
Thank you, Garret? All right, So we have controversy brewing.
What I thought was three of you chose I want
it that way by Backstreet Boys because somebody said it right,
you said it, Garrett. Then Danielle was like, oh cool,

Then Froggy cool. Then Scary was like, oh cool. Then
he handed me a note. How about we go rogue
and play hotline Bling and don't tell them you showing
me out for because of all the songs, if we're
gonna go rogue, I wouldn't have picked that one. I
would have picked a different one. Okay. So I wanted
to sell you out, Scary. You do we have time

to play two or play like half of each one?
Can you compromise? We can play them both at the
same time. Give everyone show one in the left and
one and the right. All right? Give them Backstrey Boys
because that was the majority vote. When you're sick of it,
we'll slide you with something else. He's gonna turn it
off right now. He might in the Morning Show. This

is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. It's actually just
the Morning Show. Elvis will be back tomorrow, so don't
you worry. But we wanted to talk to Diamond really
quickly about her experience yesterday at the Scissa concert because
she went. She got really good tickets and what happened
at the show. Oh so, Andrew and I are sitting
down waiting for the show to start, and this girl

walks in and sits next to me. Now, when she's
walking toward me, I recognize her. I'm like, I know
this person. We went to high school together. We haven't
spoken in like ten years. She looks at me. I
look at her. I smile just to let her know, like,
you know, no beef, whatever happened in the past in
high school is from the high school. Was there beef
in high school? Yes? Okay, but I'm like whatever. She

looks right through me, no smile, no, like acknowledgment that
she knows me, And she sits down right next to me,
turns her back like a diagonal a little bit toward me.
So I'm like, oh, here we go. I look at Andrew.
I'm like, oh, listen, just like, you know, I know
this girl. She doesn't like me. I like, whatever, man,
I like, I smiled. What can you do once I

smile and like try to acknowledge, like you know, okay, nothing,
you know we're cool, and you don't do it back.
We're done. We're done. So she turns her back to
me a little bit, so I turned my back to
her a little bit, like we're both diagonal, like by
I'm looking at Andrew even though the stage is in
another direction, and I'm probably gonna miss the whole show

because now I want to turn my back to this girl.
We're bumping elbows, not on purpose, but just like we're
both very uncomfortable. And then out of nowhere, she turns,
Oh snap, Diamond. I'm like, girl, come on, now, come
come on, Like if we're gonna act like that in
the beginning, they just stick to listen, switch seats or

something like that. Oh Diamond, I'm like, yeah, I looked
at you and I smiled when you walked in. We
made eye contact, and I'm like, you know, I thought
it was still an issue. I like it that you
were the bigger person. Yeah. I'm just like, we're gonna
acknowledge it, you know what I mean? It could It
was weird anyway, it was awkward, but like hey whatever,
and so she's like, oh no, you know, just like

very awkward silence. I'm proud of you. Oh, thank you
so much again. Way to be the bigger person. Yeah,
because I probably wouldn't have done. I like it. We'll
have to discuss this when we come back. We've also
got a good friend of ours, tell Us duran in
the Morning shows, Elvis Durant in the Morning. Ka, it's Elvis.

The brand new Galaxy S twenty three Ultra is finally
here capture wow worthy content day or night with the
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carrier offers now at Samsung dot Com. In the morning show. So,
I have some friends on Facebook that are doing this.

I never look at Facebook, but I looked the other day.
They're actually generating all traffic on their own. It's easy
to do this on your own. We name four things.
I will name four things, and you tell me which
one has to go. Okay, even if you like all four.
One thing must go. Okay, are you ready? Yeah? Are
we just screaming these out? Yes? Okay, um, okay, here

we go. One must go, chain restaurant, TGI Friday's, Applebee's
Olive Garden out Back, Applebee, Applebe I love Applebee. The
other one. We had to pick one. All right, all right,
one must go? Okay. Network Late Night hosts Jimmy Fallon,
Stephen Colbert, Seth Myers, James Gordon. James called James Cordon. No,

God listen to you. Wow. Okay, Okay, God's calm down.
You can just got to close problems. Okay, look, I'm
giving you four. One must go, but you can still
they can all be great, you know, but one must go.
Kardashian adjacent men ready, Kanye West, Travis, Scott, Scott Dissac, Pete,
David Oh, I'm hearing Kanye and Travis, Travis Scott. You

cannot get rid of Scott Disac. He is just the man.
He is crazy. Okay. Drinks, you consume a happy hour beer,
Margarita's wine, rose beer, rose beer, you know. And Gonda's
argument is rose is wine, but rose is more of
a state of mind, isn't it Okay, I guess, okay

day I mean or his uncle Johnny calls it? Can
it evident? The glass him the pink stuff? All right?
Which one of these for? Do you want to get
rid of? Drinking holidays? Saint Patrick's Day single, the mile
fourth of July Memorial Day weekend. Oh, Saint Patrick's Day? Really? Yeah,
if we were Irish, we would think different as the
weather bad weather. Yeah yeah, the rest of them are

not single. The mile fourth of July Memorial Day weekend,
keeping all right, be careful on this one. Streaming services Netflix, Amazon, Prime, HBO, Max, Hulu, Netflix,
Oh wow, okay, here's my thing. You want to get
rid of the one that's not performing for you now? Yeah?

But see, Netflix does this thing where they split up
what could be one documentary like an hour and a half,
and they make it six different episodes and they waste
my time, and I don't like my time being wasted,
So I'm out at Netflix. Okay, Justice League Superheroes, one
must go. Superman, wonder Woman, The Flash, the Batman, the Flash,
the Flash, the Flash. Brodie, You're the ultimate when it
comes to everything superheroes that doesn't work. Just a scream

out loud which one do you want? The flash? He
just runs, Come on, okay, he just runs. Yeah, all right,
it could get heated. Sports, Which one must go? Basketball, Baseball, football,
ice hockey, ice hockey, basketball. I love ice hockey, basketball,
she said basketball. I like, yeah, ice hockey. I love
ice hockey. But you don't like basketball. No, not as

much as ice hockey. Yeah, you said one? All right? Anxiety? Okay,
which one of which one of these has to go?
Hosts on our show? Danielle Gandhi Gandy. We all pick

ourselves to go. Danielle Gandhi scary, Oh, Scary Gandhi. Okay, okay,
which one of these fours? You go? Holiday icons ready?
Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny Eastern brings
nice chocolate. I like chocolate. The tooth fairy brings money

sometimes sometimes My tooth fairy always forgot. Yeah, I know,
but it was supposed to be a holiday icon. Is
he really a holiday Okay? Here we go. Hlilarious women
which one must go? Oh? None? Tina Fey, Maya, Rudolph,
Amy Poehler, Amy Schumer, Damn Amy Schumer, Rudolph. I love Rudolph.

Rudolph is my favorite. Today's show anchors Hoda, Savannah Guthrie,
Jenna Bush, Al Roker, Jenna Nancy. I love Jenna Bush too.
Matt Lower, you know, I think it's time for him
to go. Okay, here's one for Gandhi. Which thrill should

go out of these four skydiving roller coasters, bongee jumping,
mountain climbing roller coasters? Oh sad you said, no, you
can't give up a mountain or skydive or whatever. The
other one was right? All right? Young people slang words?
Which one must go? All of them? Te Boomer ghosted
yeat Boomer? No yet is the greatest? How do you

not like eat yet? I still like as the breast
of the four than my house Sparry screaming Boomer because
he is one. Okay, last one. I'm gonna give you four.
One must go TikTok Instagram, YouTube, Twitter YouTube only because

Twitter probably all right, Twitter, here you go. Thank you
for playing one must go. That was great and stressful
all at the same time. God some I'm sweating over here.
All right. We were missing Elvis, so we thought we'd
bring him back for a quick second. I would change
so many of those things. I said originally, because when
you do something and you play something from the past, WHOA, Yeah,

I would change my answer about Kanye West. I'd probably
get rid of him now, and I love ice hockey now,
like my family's obsessed with I thockey. I'm like, yeah,
that would change, and you would change your answer away
from getting rid of me? Well, no, that we'd probably
not thanks. Something stay the same. Something's change, you can
change everything. Scary one love you scary. Okay, So before

we took a break earlier, we were talking about Diamond
going to a concert and running into a person sitting
next to her who she went to high school with,
who ignored her presence, and then you guys had a
lot of stuff to say about it as soon as
we hit the commercial break. Yeah, so he wants to
get this off, Danielle said. First. So, I don't know
if I would have been as cool as she, because
the Bronx girl comes out in me a lot of times,

where like I'm like, oh, you want to mess with me,
You want to pretend you didn't see me to begin with,
Like I don't play games like that. So I don't
know if I would have been so nice about the
whole situation, so you would have continued the fight. I
might have just ignored her and just been like, no,
I don't know you now, sorry, Okay, Diamond was a
bigger person by the way you are. You definitely were

a Diamond. Oh well thanks. I felt like bringing it
up and saying oh, like we made eye contact. Like
I felt like that was me calling her out. You know.
I couldn't sit there and be quiet and just say, hey,
it's so good to see you. I'm like, yeah, I
smiled at you earlier, and you just kind of looked
right through me. Girl. I mean, hey, does she know
you work at a radio station? Now? Sure she does. Okay,

I think she's trying to too cool you. Uh, she's
really cool too. I don't want to take anything away
from her, so I think that she kind of maybe
wanted me to say like, oh my god, it's so
great to see you and I'm happy that you're doing well,
and it was like okay, But then the guys all
had something interesting to say. This happened to me. This

happens a lot, by the way, where you get well,
I show up like incognito and I'm just chilling and
people are like, like ignoring me. I'm like, oh, why
are they so rude? Like people that you knew or
just strangers. These are strangers or people or some of
them may have known whatever, you know, whatever it is.
Then I step on stage and they didn't realize I'm
the host of the event. And after I grabbed the

mic and I come off the stage, all of a
sudden people want to talk to me. I'm like, oh,
Then when they found out that I'm Scary Jones, all
of a sudden, Oh, now you want to talk to me.
But why didn't Why I was just a regular person
in the crowd. You didn't want to have anything to
do with me. I feel like that's happened to me
before too, especially like say you make an appointment at

an office or something and the person behind the desk
isn't as friendly as they should be, and as soon
as they find out who you are, they're like, oh,
let me bend over backwards for you. And it's really
and I feel like you should be like that for everyone,
Like you should be nice to everybody to the desk,
not just me, You know what I mean? Man, I
feel like no one's nice to me because of this job.

Equally mean regardless. Really, yeah, I don't think I get
any perks. I'm not sure any benefits like that. We'll
have to see. Froggy. Do you have that same experience. Yeah.
I mean you go somewhere to do something and there
will be I don't want to call out one more
than the other, but there'll be somebody who'll be like, oh, okay,
great and they just kind of blow you off. And
then they find out who you are, or that you're
hosting the event or whatever, and they're like, oh, it's

so great. Oh you know what. I was busy earlier.
I didn't get a chance to say hello, I didn't
want to come, and I'm like, come on, right right now,
want to Yeah, I know, I think it's changed. It's fine.
Whatever at she so scary, sketch you sketch it not
one bit. I actually enjoy people having no idea like
who any of us are, because then you get that
true experience of who they are as a person, and

you can go forward with that information. I hate when
people introduce us immediately and tell you know, this is
what they do and blah blah blah. I just think
that's weird in general to have those conversations about somebody's job.
It always starts a weird conversation and then people are
in genuine one way or another. They're either meaner to
you or they're nicer to you. I just want you
to be normal. We also, when we played the game

earlier today, there was a song we really wanted to hear,
Still dre Still dr We didn't have it. We got it,
got it. You might hear us get out of it
because we're not sure how this is editing, so we'll
see chance to sit tight. Hey, pretty good ess there,

we did that ourselves, right, Yeah, that was a garrett.
All right, let's get into the three things. Millions of
people under winter weather alerts as more snow hits part
of the western US. Rescue efforts continue in San Bernardino County, California,
after another winter storm impacted the area. Mountain residents remain
trapped under several feet of snow. Several agencies, including San

Bernardino County Fire, are assisting. However, officials are warning residents
it could be another week before they're able to reach everybody.
Senators are working on a broad bipartisan bill that will
outline a process to ban or at least prohibit foreign
technology like TikTok. Democratic Senator Mark Warner explained that he's
working on the bill with Republican Senator John Tune of

South Dakota. As US officials grow increasingly concerned over what
type of content Americans are consuming on the Chinese owned
video sharing platform, Warner said the app is taking data
from Americans and can be used as a propaganda tool.
And finally, the families of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight three
seventy are asking for a renewed search for the missing plane.
It disappeared nine years ago mysteriously while route from Kuala

Lumpur to Beijing. In twenty eighteen, the government partnered with
a company to try and search for the aircraft in
the ocean. They did not find it. Now family members
of people who disappeared are asking them to renew that search.
The US exploration firm, Ocean Infinity, hopes to embark on
a new search as early as this summer. The entire
thing is fascinating our own Andrew. This is his absolute

biggest conspiracy theory that he likes to talk about. We'll
get into that one day, but those are your three things.
What's up in a Hey, this is Avamax. Justin Bieber here, Hi,
this is Britney. Spears as Duran in the morning show

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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