All Episodes

March 20, 2023 103 mins
Fresh off an interesting weekend with Elvis Duran and The Morning Show! How did everyone spend their St. Patrick's weekend?!?! Skeery learned he has a problem when he drinks, he BITES people! The show fights over our game today about 'TV Show Theme Songs'

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
I loved the start of your show. I listen every day,
every day, and every morning show the funniest thing I
ever heard in my life. I love you guys. I
hear you every morning morn, every morn. Hell lady, oh lady,
about radio show. You guys are discussing because of teople.

It is funny. You have a crazy group. Elvis Durrand
in the morning show. Well look at that. We decided
to come back and do the end. Here we are, here,
we are. Whose idea was this? Good morning, Danielle Gandhi's here,
scary wait on, Hi, Froggy. Hello, there's Scottie b. And
there's Diamond producer Sam and Garrett and Coaster Boy Josh

and Andrew and Ally and Diana whoa listen. Welcome to
the day. I'llp you in a nice weekend, Danielle, yes's
amazing weekend. Thank you about yours. I had a great weekend.
It was so fun good. Yeah, thank you for asking.
Ask me how mylne one over the weekend? Anyway, Well,
welcome to Monday. It's good to be here with you,
and I think we need to dance. Come on, you guys,

wake up. I see some rhythm I see some dancing
going on, and welcome back for the weekend. All right,
all right, we gotta get to work. Good morning, Mary,

Good morning Mary. Mary. You actually took our advice. You
tried that Starbucks Dull Whip drink over the weekend. Was
it good? Was it bad? Give us your review? Go
It was excellent, it was. It was so good, tasted
just like the dull Whip drink. And the only complaint
that I had about it was that I didn't get
a bigger size. Yeah, that's it's typically. It's typically my

complaint in life as well. We always want it bigger.
And there's nothing wrong with living life to excess. I'm
in so okay, So that's the thing, Danielle. Was it
Ethan told us about this? Yeah? I told Froggy about it,
and uh, because Froggy and I love the doll Whip.
Were you love it so much? So now you get
the doll it would say called Starbucks doll Whip a name,

It doesn't it because it's not on the menu. You
have to kind of make it yourself. You have to
give them the you know exactly how you want it.
But it comes out tasting exactly like the doll Whip.
And I'm very impressed Mary that you followed you follow
our lead on that, and now I have to try
it too. But anyway, how was your weekend? Other than that,
it was it was good. I worked all weekend, but
you know I work all My weekends are actually Monday

and Tuesday. So so why are you up? Yeah? Why up? Um?
I waked up every morning at six o'clock to listen
to you guys. Oh all right, well we shouldn't complain
about that. Well, look, you are the first caller of
the day, the first caller of the week. What are
we have for Mary? Their straight name, Elvis durand apparel.
How about that. Yeah, we're gonna send you an Elvis

Duran something I guess a shirt. It's on the way.
And I hope you have a beautiful day. And thanks
for your review of the Starbucks Dull Whip, which is
not on the menu. No problem. Thanks for telling me
about it. It was delicious. Yeah, you have a great
Twenty minutes after I heard about it on the radio,
I was in line at Starbucks. See the power of

ther radio. Hold on one second, Mary, there you go,
try the dull Whip over the weekend. I don't know.
Ask me what I did this weekend? Nothing? How the weekend?
How's my weekend? It's all right, you know what. I
actually was looking forward to coming in and seeing you critters.

Now I'm worried about you, that's true. I wanted to
come in and seeing you. Guys. I'm so excited to
get into the week. We got things to do, places
to go, music to dances, to dance. So let's get
going into the three things we need to know, Gandhi,
what's going on? Authorities in Miami Beach, Florida, have issued
a curfew following two fatal shootings over the weekend. The

curfew is in effect until six am Eastern time, so
it just ended. Police say the two shootings appear to
be unrelated. The first happened late Friday night, the second
shooting took place Sunday morning. The city has declared a
state of emergency this time of year. In each of
the last three years, spring break happens and it gets
crazy down there, So we're thinking of you. The West
Coast and the South are both in store for some

winter weather this week. California expected to get hit by
another atmospheric river producing heavy rain throughout the state and
two to four feet of snow in the mountains. Freeze
warnings are in effect in numerous states, from Texas all
the way to Virginia. Deep South cities like Birmingham, Alabama
and Jackson, Mississippi saw temperatures on Sunday ranging from twenty
to thirty degrees degrees, which is crazy for down there.

And finally, you might have noticed this over the weekend,
but Twitter is sending a very strong message to journalists
and it has people in an uproar. Sunday morning, Elon
Musk tweeted that the company's automatic email reply system will
now respond to all press requests with the poop emoji.
A great corporate a corporate policy. People didn't believe them,

so they tested it out and then they posted the proof.
If you are asking for any type of press from Twitter,
you get the poopamoji back. And that's it, Elon must everybody,
that's how you run a company, right there. Okay, thank you, Goddy.
Are you guys ready for your Monday? Let's go miss
part of today's show. We listen with Elvis Durand on demand.
The entire show uploaded every day. Lot of people listen

to us on Demandy on the iHeart Radio app show. Hey,
it's Elvis. The brand new Galaxy S twenty three Ultra
is finally here. Capture wowworthy content day or night with
the highest camera resolution on a smartphone. Take advantage of
amazing carrier offers now at Samsung dot Com. This morning show. Oh,

I can't wait till springs here soon, very soon. Yeah,
five twenty four pm. It's the exact I can't wait.
I can't wait till five o'clock this afternoon. I want
it now. Everything's gonna just change right at the time, Daddy, daddy.
I want springtime now. Yeah, springtime. Spring is in the air.
It's spring. I believe has become my favorite season. Anyone

else anyone else loving it? No springs kind of one
of my It's in my bottom too, why because it's
so unpredictable and just manic. Sometimes it's like, oh, it's
warm outside, play and then I get hopeful and the
next day it snows on me. Oh yeah, what about you, Daniel,
Springs no fall, you know, I like the fall falls
delicious two. I do like the flowers of spring. Yeah,
that's nice. I think I like all seasons. Except for winter.

Winter can suck my feet. Okay, yeah, anyway, but spring,
spring to me is just so so new awakening, awakening, Yeah, rebirth, rebirth,
time to reset. I'm in big change is coming baby

animals in springtime. That's cool too. Yeah, I like that. Yeah,
I'm in. So Spring to me is it's it's nice?
What what what's that look on your face? Spring is
a state of mind serious. So is summer, though, and
so is falling. So it is winter if you think
about it. And so let me just get this straight.
It's about to become fall in the southern hemisphere. Right,

it's the opposite of what it is here, right, it's yeah, yeah,
don't I don't know what what does it matter? Just
trying to figure this out. Because if you want spring,
or if you want summer, you can just go south.
Well I can't because I have a job. Well otherwise
you can take your little box with you and from
there a little box. Know you had a little box.

It's up to my box to decide whether we should
go or not. Yeah, but anyway, springtime today's today. I
love a new awakening, Spring Awakening. It's a great show.
I know it was, so that's today. Bring it on.
I noticed out in the fields near my house. You
can see those little little flowers. That's nice, little tulip
looking things, until the snow comes and kills them all. Well,

what is it with you? But she's right, we've had
major snowstorms in like late March. Both of you. Stop it. Sorry.
I don't like the fake hope. It tars me insane.
Let's not have a hope. God forbid we have hope.
All right, let's get into the horoscopes with producer Sam.
Who are you doing with today? I want to do
with Scotty? Be okay, Scotty, let's go. I'm in. Let's go.

If it's your birthday today, you celebrate it with Ruby
Rose and Spike Lee. Capricorn, stay in and plan a
you day. Give yourself time to relax and unwind. Your
day is at ten Aquarius. Be logical in planning your future.
Don't go out of your way to make plans work
for others. If your days and eight Pisces, don't let
a minor dispute turn into a power struggle. Your day
is a six. Hey, Ari's troubles with some current plans

might be beyond your control. Let go of trying to
fix the situation and just breathe. Your days of nine Taurus,
don't let your dreams control your reality. Live in the now.
Your day is an eight Gemini. Don't let yourself get distracted,
keep yourself on task and push ahead. Your days of
seven cancer. Outside forces could be holding you back from
giving a project you're all. Give yourself some time and space.

Your day is a six oo Leo. Your practical nature
could be hurting you from letting your creative side come
out and play. Your days of seven Virgo, take time
away from the stress of the real world and allow
yourself to day dream. Your day is a ninef Libra.
Unexpected news could cause your world to upend. Grant your
teeth and find a way to move on your days
of five Scorpio. An interruption in your normal routine may

cause you to not se straight. Try to focus and
get back on track. Your day is an eight. And finally, Sagittarius,
try some critical thinking exercises on a project that you've
been working on. Your days of nine and those are
your Monday morning horsecopes. Excellent, Thank you so much. All right, Daniel,
your first report of the week on the way what
do you have the cast of Ted Lasso heading to
the White House and rapper Rick Ross has a problem

with Buffalo in the morning show Spring at five twenty
four pm East Coast time today. You know who's already
ready for spring? You are with me, okay and our
friends at Hollo Fresh. Yeah, yeah, they know our chefs
downtown at Holo Fresh. They know how to come up

with the incredible recipes that keep us coming back for more.
It is springtime where the food gets a little lighter,
a little more fresher green. What what's it like a
spring meet, lamb. Well, the stuff that was in in
my Hello Fresh kit this week was Southwest Beefkavatapie. It
was so good nice. There was a pork bowl, googie

and then chicken. So those must be the three spring meets.
They also have Dietitian wind recipes under seven hundred caloriesipees.
They also have the protein Smart options with thirty grams
or more of protean. I love it. Ingredients travel from
the farm to your door in less than seven days.
You know they're fresh, and they only give you enough
enough ingredients to complete your recipe assignment, so there's no

food waste. We love Hello Fresh for those reasons and more,
and you will too. It's a matter of fact. If
you sign up today, you get sixty percent off plus
free shipping at Hello fresh dot com slash Elvis. Just
go look at the website. You'll see what it's all about.
Hello Fresh dot com slash Elvis is Elvis Durran in
the Morning Show. Let me be very clear about something

very We need to have all a couple, but turn
it off. We need to have a family meeting right now,
right now. What you Gandhi, Yes, and you Diamond and Andrew,
you guys have got to stop it. Cut the bull crap.
I did nothing this morning, and my shoe now has
coffee on it. And people get beat up for messing
up other people's shoes. Okay, saying well, here's the here's

the issue, you and your dirty shoe. Daniel, Yes, the
only one that's saying in this room. Okay, they're they're
starting another week of like pranking each other. But that's
what they do. They love, they have a good time
doing it. Okay, they can do that, but when it
gets in my way, you've got an issue. So Andrew
needs his phone to go downstairs to bring up the breakfast. Okay,

he can't go without his phone because about the phone.
You can't get in the door right right, So they
hid the phone. And of course I marched right up
to Gandhi and a diamond because I know those are
the two Brits. Yeah, and guess who had the phone
that one over there diamond shirted? Not me? And I'll
take it again. Stop it, you guys, I'll stop picking

on each other. Everyone owes me new cement threes. That's
all I'm gonna say. Who's stilled coffee on your shoes?
I don't know what are you people? Are you serious? Yes,
there's really coffee on it. How do you not know
who throws coffee on your shoes? Let me say, oh,
we will not play with these shoes. You how little
are your feet? It's irrelevant, like baby feet. You have hooves,

just like Satan speakers are cheaper. They are She's Satan's hooves.
So I want to stop now. I can't promise anything. Yeah,
you're you're tom Foolery. Must cease shenanigans. No more shenanigans.
We can't even use the word shenanigan because Saint Patrick's
Day's over. Oh, by the way, how is your Saint

Patrick's weekend? Awesome? If anyone tries to serve me one
more bite of corn beef, I will I will get
very upset. I didn't have any neither, did I? I
had a lot done. We went out like yesterday and
the corn beef continue something dude, Saint Patrick's Driver's Friday, right,
isn't there like a again? A statute of limitations for that?

Like New Year? You can only get a certain amount
of times saying happy a year. One would think it's
like Thanksgiving? Yeah, what Thanksgiving has done? You eat your leftovers?
No more turkey. I don't want turkey into November? What scary?
I want to go do some day drinking with my
friends at the Pig and the Parrot. And the next
thing you know, Melissa Gorga and Joe Gorgon were in
their party. Oh my god, can you take pictures and

post them? Can we check the floor to see how
many names you just dropped? You dropped the name of
a bare and dropped the name of the Gorgas. One
of the odds that they were there just days after
they were on the show scary? Did you post pictures? Yes?
Of course you did. Did you really not know they
were going to be there? Did you show because they
were not? How was your weekend? Frog? Was it good? Nice?
It was good. Everybody at Lisa's been out of town.

She's in Mexico. Everybody in the house is breathing, alive
and healthy. Work. This is good. Good and ate a
good weekend. It was so relaxing and peaceful. I want
on two separate hikes. I finished a book. Good for you.
Didn't know. I was so proud of myself. No drinking. Good.
What about you, Daniel? I almost finished a book. I
got a couple of pages left. We were in Kentucky

because my son Preston was running in the USA Track
and Field Nationals in Kentucky. Oh wow, and he did
so ridiculously well. Yesterday he took home the silver medal.
His timing is insane. I don't even know what to say.
So it was just an incredible weekend. You're such a
great MoMA. Thank you. Well. My husband planned the whole trip,
so he's better than n He's a great mom too.

What about you, Gondie? How was your weekend? It was great.
I hung out with friends lot, we went out and
got top us. One day we went to like a
club game room place and it was amazing slate. Yes,
I love that place. It was great. I think we
should all go there for like a team building thing. Yeah.
I was a Christmas party there or something. Diamond. How
was your weekend? Oh it was okay. I just watched

a whole bunch of March madness. Okay, oh yeah, yeah,
my gosh, that was good. There was something crazy upsets upsets, yes, yeah,
Fairdie Dickinson. I was hoping they we're gonna win last night,
that they had a really big win on Friday night,
and then last night they took the lead, We're up
by five, and then they didn't end up winning. I
was so sad. I didn't called Greg Tea because he

went there and we and we kicked it off with
Princeton on yep, Friday or Thursday, whatever day. Thursday. Hey,
so asked me about my weekend? Morning? Why was it
only aunt? Don't ask aunt a cousin of man, man
cousins and man, they are distant cousins. Math. Actually my

weekend was more math than eh, now that think about it,
it was okay, it could have been better. I don't know. Okay,
moving on Danielle. Yeah, what's going on? All right, So
let's start out talking about Okay, let's start out talking
about Drake, who headlined Lallapalooza Argentina on Saturday night, and

he pissed off a bunch of people. Apparently he had
the live feed from the event cut just moments before
he took the stage, so people who were watching online
got mad about that. Then he performed for only forty
minutes and that pissed off people who paid for tickets.
And at the same time, he added fourteen more dates
to his Soul's Out tour, so people were like, well,
it's really good that he's doing this for himself and
for his own concert, What about us people from Lallapalooza,

So they were not happy campers with him. The cass
of Ted Lasso will meet with President Biden today at
the White House to discuss mental health. Biden actually teased
the meeting by tweeting a photo of a Believe poster
above the Oval Office doorway. Rapper Rick Ross has a
plot of land in Georgia and he has some buffalo
that live on the land, and apparently two of the

buffalo keep wandering out the property onto the neighbor's property,
and so the people who live there are not happy
about it because they're worried about their small children and
the buffalo obviously doing some damage. I don't know what, Yeah, well,
I mean I would not be happy either. Those things
are Gigee's video. I'm like, oh my god, they're gonna stumble.
It's insane. It's insane. Bruce Willis turned sixty eight this

past weekend. His wife Emma took to social to wish
him a happy birthday, talk about her emotions and how
they're up and down and how you know, she does
a lot of these things like post videos of like
the best times in their lives for the fans and
for herself because she knows the fans love him so much.
And also they did a little party for him with

the family, and they did post some videos of that,
so if you get a chance, you can check that
out over the weekend. But Afflex sat down with CBS Sunday,
chatted about his new would Be Air, talked about how
he loves where he is right now. He's the most
joyous places. He talks about having more time for his kids,
more time for his best friends and he's working on
a new project with Jennifer Lopez, his wife, and Ed Winter.

You may not know who this guy is. He's the
deputy La County coroner. He passed away. This is the
guy who has been investigating the deaths of so many
of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood. Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston,
Brittany Murphy, Paul Walker, the list goes on and on. Yeah,
he was seventy three years old. They said he died
of natural causes. He's the guy who found like the

injection marks in Michael Jackson and was like, something's aren't
running here, Let's figure this out. You what a fascinating life,
exactly right. So crazy and a lot of celebrities backstage
have crazy demands. I tell you about them all the time.
It's called their writer, like what they want dressing room
well ed Shearon is the coolest because they said he
didn't really ask for much. Five six packs of various sodas,

about the juice and a jar of honey. That's it,
his entire writer. When Justin Bieber wants a backstage jacuzzi,
Kanye wants an alcohol filled slushy machine, I mean, the
list goes on and that sounds awesome. I think they
just ask for things because they know it's impossible, so
they're like, let's see, let's see if they can come
up with a camel who was here all this stuff

they were asking for just to just to visit our show. Yep,
it's this exotic tea. We couldn't find it. Yeah, fresh flower, yea.
The whole thing kind of crazy. A white toilet? What
are we watching? The Bachelor? The Good Doctor. TMZ investigates
nine to eleven, The Fifth Plane, The Voice, WWE Monday
Night Raw, and Season seven of Gabby's Dollhouses out today
on Netflix. And that is my Danielle reports. Okay, so um,

what are the stories over the weekend. I'merologist from Philly.
I was talking about double double fisting. Okay, okay, let
me just read the story. A Philadelphia newscaster has the
Internet's attention after making a crass Saint Patrick's Day joke
about her new Jersey call league on the air. But
by the way, I'm gonna say, I don't find this
crash at all. I love this person. If they try

to mess with Karen Rodgers from ABC six, we will
give her a job. ABC six Philadelphia meteorologists Karen Rodgers
held a remote on each hand while finishing her Friday,
March seventeenth forecast as she made the joke about colleague
Jessica Boynington. She says, and to another woman who likes

to be double fisted in a different way, I think,
and then boys, I mean she means beer is in
double fisting beer. Wow, And so they're giving her a
hard time. Sound the actual clip is great. I can
play it for you on my phone. She's really let
me play it. Hunt you work this? Good? God? What's this?

It's an ad for something? I don't know? God, I
hate my life. Can't we just get someone to do this?
Why do I Why am I doing this? Oh? Here
it is? Ohkay, hold on stand by. This is the
worst radio ever. Yeah, it won't even work. We hear you.
Forget it. We'll get it from gart I give I
give up. You won't even Oh my American Express card

came on this phone is scull? Oh my, I said,
happens all the time when my credit card comes on.
I didn't ask for the credit card. Yeah, why are
you pumping up? Make me pay for her? But you
know what the thing is going on with my iPhone
now is if i'm if it's in the text mode messaging,
it'll start just typing what I'm saying. Yes, oh yeah,
but I don't tell it to do that's because you'd
have that button pushed, because apparently now that button stays

engaged unless you unengage it. I don't want that engage anyway.
So anyway, if if they want to threaten her career
at Channel six, we will give her a job here
at iHeart. We need an iHeart meteorologist. What you do? Yeah,
and double fisting is a fun topic. We'll let her
talk about that all day exactly. I have no problem

with the double fisting conversation anyway. With that said, um,
do you have any guests today? Not today? Do you
have a free money phone tap today? Do you have anything?
Food's coming? Foods coming? Thank god, I save that by
finding the phone. Know what? This tide pen saved everyone's life.

What happened because I got the coffee off my shoe?
Oh good? Yeahs are good? All right, Well, we're not
doing anything today, so I don't know why you're listening.
Let's go home in the morning show. Hey, it's Elvis.
The brand new Galaxy S twenty three Ultra is finally
here capture wow worthy content day or night with the

highest camera resolution on a smartphone, take advantage of amazing
carrier offers now at Samsung dot com. In and talking
about the weekend, and Garrett has an interesting weekend. So
it's like everyone had an interesting weekend. We'll get to
Garrett's story in a minute, becase I want to hear
about that. Um. Also, Gandhi went out to a club.
You actually went to, like a real New York City club.

It was great, had a great time, but you noticed
something sort of interesting about the men. Yes, at the club,
what was that? There's so much more polite now, what
do you mean? It's crazy? So I really don't go
club in anymore. You know me, I'll walk in and
walk out in five minutes. I don't like that. Or
I will sit with you guys in the VIP and leave.
But we were actually mingling with people. They're so nice.
I remember when we used to go out club and

people would just you know, grab your ass or you'd
be dancing and all of a sudden you feel like
a dinger, Like what what? Oh my gosh, is that
one club we went to, you remember, but they were
supposed to do that, But it's not like that anymore.
They're so polite. So guys, So guys were approaching you,
but in a polite way. Yeah, like talk about it,
so you know, before before I ask you anything else,

I just want to see if you have a boyfriend,
because I don't want to offend anybody if they're here.
Someone actually said that to you. Yeah, wow, nice, Like, hey,
would it would it be offensive if I offered to
buy you a drink? You can watch me bring it
over here, so you know, I don't put anything in it,
did not promise, that's aw. Yes, And I was like,
oh my gosh, these these people are so different than

what I remember like ten years ago. Yeah, wildly different.
I loved it. Wow. Yeah, I don't recall going to
a club that featured politeness. Yeah. Yeah, people just kind
of like bang into you. Yeah, other things. People don't
get dressed up and you know, like the super tight,
ridiculous dresses to go to this place. At least there
were they were there for the marathon, not the sprint.

People wearing comfortable clothes, comfortable shoes. It sounds like you
had a nice club night, was awesome. If this is
how clubs are, I'm going all the clubs again. I
think that might be a different type of club maybe.
I mean there were games there, so I would think. Yeah. Well,
on the other hand, like I know, Thursday night, we
all went out and we got a little banged up,
and then Friday night, Scary continued went back in Saint
Patrick's night and where's Josh? I have apologies for coaster

Boy Josh and Andrew? Um, well where are they? They
should be on their way in. Well did you ask
them to come in? Then? Why? Then? Why do you
assume they're on their way in? But anyway, wait, hold on,
how do you know they're on the way and if
no one's asked him to come in? Oh I texted, okay,
they didn't get the text yet. But anyway, yeah, okay,
here's so Andrew, Uh, Scary wants to apologize for being

like totally trashed Friday night, and like, you know, here's
coach with Josh. Of all people, Coach with Josh is
usually the one who's trashed. And now Scary's apologizing to
you for being so trashed Friday night. So how bad
a shape was he in? I've never seen Scary like
that in my life. Oh oh my god? What hap
what happened? Josh? He was like just like a floating

I don't know, blob of drunkenness. He was like likely
waving man. Yeah, he attacked us. He do you mean
you bet him? I'm sorry, I was drunk. I was
happy to see him. He was happy to see you,
so we bet you? Yes? Makes sense to me. My

friends all the time too. He said like, oh, hi,
Scary and I go in for the hug, and next
thing I know, I'm like, oh what did you do?
He's like I just love him man, And I was like, okay,
Gcary is a sloppy drunk like he's like he gets
like big cow eyes gets ready and Michael Clammy hands
what Josh? Well know, his hugs were just like all

his weight falling on you and he having to keep
him up, like, oh, scary, how did you get home? Well,
that's the thing. Andrew and Josh tried to put me
in an uber and I refused it and they were
pulling me to leave the bar and I wouldn't. I tried.
I really was just like scary. I think it's time.
He's like, no, my friends are here. It's like no,
I think they're gonna be home. What is the next morning?

I get attached from Josh? How you feeling hungover? I think?
I bid Andrew. I think you've been Andrew? I said, yeah,
how is he? He said, it's just a really funny.
You were in rare form. When did you leave? I
don't know. I lost track of time. Just after midnight?
I think I think it was two am. Scary, that's
kind of was there someone looking after you until you
got home? My boy Will was my boy Will. He

was white girl wasted. We were I just I have
never seen him that way. Wow, it was a white
girl wasted. Do you bite strangers or only people? You know?
People are okay? Wow? You know? I was in bed
by seven thirty Friday night. I was just tired because
you guys wore me out the night before. But scary

biting your co workers? I don't know. I was nine
shots in. I fell asleep on my bathroom floor. Yeah.
Do you think we need to do we need an
intervention of some sort? It does when you put it
all back to back, it sounds terrible. Yeah, but I
think it's just, you know, we're having fun, living life.
If you add up all of these, it sounds like

an AA meeting. Like people, I'm scary. I get white
girl drunk high scary. It's not very often though, that
scary does this, so it's like kind, it's interesting, not
that we know, no dinner. Thank you for all the shots.
By the way, I don't know if you remember buying
all that and the drinks too. Yeah. Things. I didn't
pay for a thing, scary. Did you have to like

go on to your credit card app the next day
to see what you spent the night before to see
where you were. I spent four hundred dollars at one
bar and two fifty at the other one. Wow. Her
unusual because usually you're like a cheap ass. You don't
pay for anything people. I didn't even know. Yeah, that
was something. People were texting it. They like scary. When

they drink they bite people. What a little thing. I
don't think that's a good thing. No biting people, No one,
there's no nibbling nibbling at the bar, scary elector my
wife does that, Like what, yeah, she'll bite me when
one of the first times when when she's drinking when
she's drunk, like she bit my chest. But is it

a love bite? Oh no, it was like I'm got cannibal.
Like I had the doctor's appointment two days later, and
the guy goes, what happened? He d because it looks
like you got hit with a couple of fastballs. What
is it when people I don't I don't see when
I drink and I do, I just I become like lovey,
we have a good time. I don't bite people, and

I definitely don't fall on top of them like you
did these guys. I was loving everybody. Do you remember?
Do you remember all of it? Only not the last
two hours. I don't remember how I got home. The
pelvic thrust that you always do, you know when you
get close to people. Yeah, he has that when you
start blacking out. I see, if I drink that much

and I don't remember everything from the night before, it
it gives it gives me anxiety. I'm like, because you
can't you can't like put the pieces together like what
happened last night. I can't do that. Don't like it.
It's terrible. Don't like it. Please my apology. It's also
so supposed to be very bad for your brain when
you start to black out. I don't do it a lot.

You're fine, Well, yeah, I think you made up for
it by buying all the drinks. I think you're fine.
Yeah for sure. Okay, Well, so it's it's usually it's
Andrew and Josh who are like sloppy drunk to now
we caught scary. Yeah, why why do you look at
me like that? No? I think the night continued and
we didn't do so well at the end of the
night continued on, so you were like you turned into scary. Yeah.

When I passed out of my bathroom, Andrew was at
my apartment. Yeah, we have a video. We just he
just disappeared and then we were like, hey, um, I
wonder where Josh went. We knock on the bathroom door
and he's just Stevie Nicks is playing. In the background.
You just see Josh on the floor and he's just
passed out and he's like video, I'm sick. Oh wow,
that's not good. In the background. Here's the thing about drinking.

You drink and you have fun, but you shouldn't drink
to the point where you're not you're not having fun.
Drink responsibly, guys, do you not hear ads Saint Patrick's
Day's excuse? This week? Next week which Monday? My Thursday
was crazier than my Friday. I don't know what it's
been with me and seafood lately, but I just turned

up at seafood restaurants. Yeah, you always get drunk and
seafood restaurant. It must be a thing. The text friend
of the text text friends aren't checking in. I give
my friends. I punched them in the jaw when I'm drunk.
This person says, Josh is like that. Sometimes I like
to hump and twerk on people that I love when
I'm drunk. I drank so much in college. One time
I passed out on the president's office steps at the college.

Oh wow, I licked nipples, but I'm drinking. Well, hello,
how do you get to them? I don't know. Maybe
it's time for us just to calm this down a little.
What do you think ye? I was about to tell
you we have a free Monday phone tap on the way,
but we don't have one. We don't even have crap
to give away because they lost all of our crap
in the move uptown. Don't even get me started. Yeah,

we removed here. I had boxes of really cool stuff
from my office that it's all gone. They lost my
stuff and someone's someone needs to be held responsible for that.
My gone fisting sign is gone. I need that back.
I think that lady might have it. That meteorologist lay,
oh the double double fisting. Yeah, where's your dildoe bottle opener? Yeah?

I can't find my dildoe bottle opener. Oh I gave
that to you. I know it's gone. And I gave
him the gone fisting sign. I know I treasures that
are missing. Okay, here's uh is this Karen Rodgers from
Channel six, the meteorologist in Philly? What what scary? Okay?

Here it's in three Okay, here here's what they said. Okay,
Thursday partly Sunday skies and fifty seven and to what
another woman who likes to be double fisted in a
different way. I think Jess she means beer. She means beer, guys,
she means beer. Don't put me on YouTube. My god,

I love her. If channels, if Channels expires you, we
will give you a job here we will, uh anyway,
we don't have a free money phone tap on the way.
We do. We can't even do a free crap phone tap.
We have no crap. Scared Scotty, don't we have any
crap to give away something? I have a half eaten
Irish soda bread. Done. It's all the way with the
free half eaten soda bread Vontatstan. Can you feel my breath?

It smells like fruity pepple e Dan in the Morning Show,
in the Morning Show. Wow, this is worth the way.
So um our friends from Bogie's Hogies over in Hawthorne,
New Jersey. You know, I'm just amazed how people can
wake up in the middle of the night and put

food together and bring it into us. And I was asking,
I was asking the money do you wake up with
great intentions to come see us with food? And You're like,
why did I agree to this? But so early? Anyway,
interesting story, you know, all restaurants have a story. And
Bogie's Hooghies and Hawthorne, New Jersey had been around for
like sixteen years, I believe, and then during pandemic, for

whatever reason, the gentleman who owned it decided it's it
was time for a change. And then so Pat and
Maria and Michelle, who love this play so much like no, no, no, no,
You're not going anywhere. They came in and they bought
it and they they actually the guy who sold it

to him kind of hung hung out for a couple
of months to make sure that they were they're okay, smooth. Yeah,
I know, it's a great story. Yeah, and uh, you know,
a lot of restaurants during pandemic did not did not
make it. Yeah, but thanks to Pat, Maria and Michelle
and the team, they brought Bogey'shgi's alive and it's so good.

Oh my gosh, they have voa chicken parm I don't
even know what to say. Yeah, it's also good. They're
they're kind of famous for especially famous for their chicken,
the chicken cutlets, the sandwich. We got it as a
pound of chicken on it. Yeah, I gotta go gift
on go. Well, why are you in here? Because I
thought I would get you know, the oh what are
you doing? Where are you need to focus? If I

got food? You know, there is a lack of focus
on the show today. Focused in the wrong direction because
I'm very focused on certain things vengeance, but yours. They
have nothing to do with putting on a show. Anyway,
So thank you again to our friends at Bogi's Hoogis
and Hawthorne, New Jersey. Um, where their slogan is where

size actually matters? Like that, that's my slogan too, Sherry,
I'm sharing a slogan with Bogie's Hogies. Hush, Froggie, what
are you doing? Sorry? So Froggy is um, he's a
alone he's a bachelor. His wife Lisa is doing a

job in Mexico. Yeah, she's been in Cancun for three days.
She comes home Wednesday. So how are you doing? Are
you enjoying your your your bachelorhood? Yeah, things were going
good until yesterday. I had a slight altercation with one
of my neighbors. Who won. I don't really know that
there was a winner and a loser. I just don't
plan on speaking to her again. You gotta be careful

with that because you're stuck. Neighbors are stuck as neighbors.
Sorryiti'll move. Doesn't work that way. She's just one of
those people where everything has to every everything's not about you.
Like to make a long story short. She was letting
her dogs out. I was letting my dog out, and
so she was gonna play ball with her dog, and
I know that my dog will interrupt her playing ball

with her dog because he likes the market her dog,
so I called him to come inside. She's like, we're
not going to bother your dog. I'm like, I'm not
saying you are. I didn't want to ruin what you
were doing with your dog, and I'm in a hurry
to go somewhere, and she was just very rude through
arms up in the air and made a scene and
not just whatever is it that one neighbor that's always
the issue? Yes, of course, you know what. To be honest,
it seems like wherever, wherever you live, you always have

that one neighbor you don't get along with. I'm starting
to think it could be you. I love all my neighbors.
I get along, we hang out on the driveway. It's
just I'm actually one of the few people in the
neighborhood that still speak to this woman because she lives
next door to me, and I do I want to
be kind. However, she ruined that yesterday, so now I
don't plan that mean kind anymo right ed your name
to the list of people who don't like her. I
think froggy situation is actually more common because I'm very

uncommon because I get along with all of my neighbors,
like we're all friendly, like we trade gifts Christmas time.
We do that too. But it's definitely an anomaly because
there's I remember growing up, we did not talk to
the people next door to us because they would throw
stuff over the head, like they would put their grass
clippings in our other Yeah. Really, oh yeah, there was
a lot of war between my neighbors and really really

the rest of the cul de sac. Yeah, I just
didn't lucky. I'm just careful not to like talk to neighbors.
They don't, are you getting they don't want to talk
to me. I don't want to talk to them, and
we're and we're all we're getting along just fine. I
feel like we have that neighborhood watch where we all
make sure everybody's house is okay. We watch, we take
care of each other. Someboddy's kid left their car door open.
We walk over and close it, like we yeah, we're good,

way too nice. Thank god, I'm just neighbors. Well, I'm
sorry you going to that froggy. Oh it's all I'm good. Listen,
I'm great. It'll make my Day. Just you know, I
like her husband. I saw him last night. He was fine.
He didn't say word about it, so obviously, but I
think I think he thinks she's nuts too. Oh no, stop,
all right, all right, moving on. You know that you're

on the radio right. No, if you don't, you know what,
I don't care. I really don't. I don't. I've reached
that point. You know how, you just reached that point
where you just don't care. I'm there. I arrived so
Friday morning, Saint Patrick's Day here in New York City. Here, Now,
we were uptown, one block away from where the big
Saint Patrick's Day parade was, you know, getting ready to go.

I walked. I walked home because I mean, it was
just great walking through the streets. And the streets were
filled with you guys wearing kilts, everyone wearing green. Everyone's
in a good mood, a jovial, fun mood. It was fun.
New York City really opens it up for Saint Patrick's Day.
I didn't know, because we're never uptown. Downtown doesn't matter.
I don't even know what it exists downtown, So I

hold the world down there. But I really enjoyed walking
around the city had a great Saint Patrick's Day. Went
to my favorite uh, my favorite Irish pub uh Odon stop.
It's usually Odon It's a French place, but we put
the apostrophe and then changed everything. But it was a
nice day. I hope you guys had a nice Saint

Patrick's Day. It's great. Don't try to feed me any more,
core mead from don't want any more Jesus. Enough of that. Um,
let's do something. I want to get into some into
some trouble. What do you have? Do you have a
game or anything? Yeah? We have, I mean depending on
how well you know TV shows. We've got a TV show,
a TV theme song. Oh, I love that. It's all

about theme song, right, can you guess the show from
the theme song? All right, we'll tell you what we're
gonna do. The phone tap next, it's not worth any money.
And then in about twenty thirty minutes, what do the
TV show theme song thing? Yes? All right? Cool? Perfect?
I can't wait any good. I've listened to you guys
literally since I'm six years old. Wow, this is the
best day of my life. Elvis Duran in the Morning

Show Elvis Duran, The Elvis Duran Phone all right, scary.
What's your phone tap all about today? Well, we got
a call from Cindy who said that her dad, Curtis,
hates telephone telemarketers. He just gets completely crazy when he
encounters them. So we figured we'd put it to the
test and I would call as mister Michael Oppenheimer selling

him something crazy. All right, let's see what happens. A
call from mister Michael Oppenheimer. Oh, yes, good afternoon. This
is mister Michael Oppenheimer with Black Bush Irish whiskey. How
are you doing today, sir? Go and find yourself. Black
Bush Irish whiskey has a viscous and rounded, medium to

full bodied taste. Yea a roma is reminiscent of fresh
sea air. Are accompanied by rich flavors of molasses and chocolate.
Are you going to? What's going on here? Three for
one hundred and twenty four dollars and sixty eight cents
to three bottles or three cases. I have three bottles
here for just one hundred twenty four dollars and sixty

eight cents of Black Push Irish whiskey, US chocolate. What's us?
It's a single malt whiskey and it's married with a
single green whiskey, not interested? Asking an This is mister
Michael Oppenheimer with black whiskey. I told you I'm not interested.

Thanks by, I didn't get to tell you that it
was developed in nineteen thirty four. Speaking, This is mister
Michael Oppenheimer with you're gonna call me? I didn't get
to tell you that black bush irish hold me all
about the viscus smell that cut the script? How many
would you like to order today? Sir? What the hell
are you trying to do here? I do not need

you selling me whiskey? All right? You're just want to
su me back anymore, sir? Just sick of hearing your book? Sir?
Just one you didn't let me finish? Oh please continue?
Just one sip and you'll be hooked on the taste
of black bush. You know they got robots that do

your job much better. Black Bush Irish whiskey is aged
in a sherry oak cask for nine to eleven years
for that distinctive, full bodied flavor. Why don't you go
and take your black bush and sell it's your mother?
How about swirling some black push around in your mouth.
I don't think you're understanding. It's bottled at eighty proof

and it's the leading sup down there, and show so
much black Bush down you you're gonna be dagging on
it from bass. Oh buy it with you, Juliet, Sir,
My name is mister Michael Oppenheimer, and this is the
superior premium Irish whiskey, and Black Bush Irish whiskey might

be good for your mom. She doesn't drink either. Would
your mother like black bush? You drink water? What about
for your wife? My wife doesn't need any black Bush
or your wines or your ship pans or your beverages.
Are you comminating alcohol at this that you and your
wife would just love the subtle sherry sweetness of black Bush?
It's so smooth. Hello, this is mister Michael. Sir. You're

very angry. You could definitely use some of this whiskey
to calm you down just a little bit. Answer what
credit card would you like to use today? I don't
have any credit card, I don't have any wallet. I
leave in a cardboard box, but not a fact. I
stole this phone, so if you call back, you're gonna
be arrested as an excess card. To let me on

before you go. I think I should tell you you've
been phone tapped yourself. Hey, Curtis, this is Scary Jones
from Elvis to Rand in the Morning Show. And your
daughter Cindy's playing a phone tap on you. What is
this again? It's a radio prank. Put Sendy on the phone.
She had to go into a meeting, but she enjoyed
a meeting. I'm gonna find so I'm going to write

her down. Have an idea for a phone taps Durran
dot com. Click on the phone tap tap tell us
what you want to do. Is prerecorded with permission granted
by all party Sallie's durand phone tab on Ellie's Durand.
In the Morning Show, everyone's calling to win the money

from the free money phone tap. Look, every phone line's ringing.
I don't have the heart to tell him that we
don't have a free money phone tap this week? What
do we do? I don't know? Diamond, Can you let
everyone know that's calling that we don't have any money
to give away today? You want me to break hearts?
I know I feel awful, but what do I Well,
we used to give away our own money, but well

I don't have anything Hello. I'm sorry. We have no
free money phone tap this week. I feel awful that
you're wasting your time. I feel awful. I wish I
had money. It's all good. I just I heard the
thing I got in the car from a way. Yeah here,
if it was there wasn't no big deal at all.
Oh I I love your attitude, sir, Thank you very much.

Have a great day today. Thank you. There you go, see,
but everyone's in a good mood, just like him. Hold on, hi, Hello, Hello, yeah,
oh my god, hello, yeah, Hi, welcome to the show.
You know there is no free money phone tap. That
phone tap is not worth any money this week. So
I'm just god, are you kidding? There? You get through?

You wasted all this time. That's why I'm coming on
to apologize. I'm sorry that you went to all this trouble.
I'm sorry I got great. I have to tell you
that I've been listening to since it started. Yeah, I
remembered was the worst, and I brought it to the
first and then how many many years later, thirty four
years later, you finally got through, and you didn't win,

squat didn't win any hold on one second. I wish
win something to give yeah, you have nothing to give. Yeah,
she'd been listening for forty years. She still can't win.
Those chicken wings out there are great. Oh my god,
Oh yeah, let's do that. Okay the chicken wing phone tap.
Danielle Yes, Sir Elton John has confirmed that he will

be on an upcoming Dolly Pardon album, rock Star. You
know that since she was inducted into the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame. She said, I'm gonna put out
a true rock album and she is sticking to our words.
So I can't wait to hear what it sounds like. Um.
There were relationship rumors going around about Shawn Mendez and
Suprina Carpenter. I don't know if you saw them. They
were spotted on a walk in LA together, then they

were leaving Miley Cyrus's album released party together. Then they
were a Vanity Fairs Oscar's party last weekend. They're saying
they're not dating. He's saying we are not dating. So
he's trying to put those rumors and crush those rumors.
So I don't know. Is he just saying that, Who knows,
but that's what he's saying. Ben Affleck was talking about
working on the Michael Jordan movie Air, and he said

the biggest thing that Michael Jordan insisted on was that
Viola Davis had to play his mom. He says she
had to be in the movie because none of this
would have ever happened without my mom, and he said
that she was the one that needed to play her.
And April fifth is when the movie is going to
be released in theaters. And speaking of Ben Affleck, he's
actually working on something new with his wife, Jennifer Lopez.
Now I know you're thinking back to Jelie, the best

movie in the world they worked on together. You know what.
That movie was so bad I didn't even see it. Yes, Well,
apparently they're working on a new sports movie. It's called
Unstoppable and they will start j low. So that's on
the way. Rumors are going around that Adele was pregnant,
and she seemed to shut it down Friday night at
her show in Vegas. She said, and she was singing
and then she stops. She's like so many rumors and

she made like these faces and these hand gestures. So yeah,
I think that we're done with those rumors for now.
Nick Carter is bringing some backup to the sexual battery
lawsuit that is filed against him. He is claiming BS.
He's got some new legal documents obtained by TMZ saying
that he has twelve people at least who can basically

testify that what the victim is saying isn't true and
that the events that took place couldn't have happened in
the timeline that she said, and stuff like that. So
obviously we'll keep you posted on that. Congratulations Selena Gomez.
On Friday, she officially surpassed four hundred million followers on Instagram,
making are the first woman to do it. So man,
that is just insane. Combats and Selena Gomez, The Bachelor,

The Good Doctor, TMZ investigates nine to eleven to fifth Plane,
The Voice, WWE Monday Night Raw, and Netflix gives you
season seven of Gabby Stallhouse and that is my Danielle Reporter. Excellent. Okay,
let's play this game. Um, hold on, We're gonna play
a game. But we don't have anything to give away.
We have no money. What do you have? What do
you got over there in your bag? I got a

little bit of money. Okay, we got a little bit
of money. So it's the TV theme song game. Yes, okay, right, yeah.
TV show theme songs good luck because they are you know,
all over the board, but they're very popular. Show like,
what's the oldest one you have in here? Oh? The oldest?
I don't know. I don't know the years of things,
but they go back. I have a story to read you, Gandhi. Yes,

I can't find it. Damn it to hell. In my
state of New Mexico, they have a job they want
to offer you. Okay, a bear hugger. Oh, goodbye, I'm out.
I have this. I'm gonna pull the story up. How
much do you make I don't know. I'm gonna pull
the story up. Because you love the thought of hugging
wild animals. You know they're gonna kill you. I don't

know that. And the other day I saw a woman
raking snow off of a bear that pulled up for
some help, and I was like, see, they know what's
going on? Whose phone is on? Sorry? Scary sent me
a video when it went on? Oh is it a video?
The guy playing in the percussion section of the orchestra,
and he beats, he beats, he beats. The other girl
upside the head picture in the face. I'm posting it

right out all right, Daniel post that this is one
of those videos has been around for a while, but
every time I see it, I still enjoy it, just
like the first time I saw it. Pretty solid, all right.
If you know your TV theme songs, and you really
should know them before you call, know that you know
TV theme songs called diamond. Now if you want to
play one eight hundred two two zero one hundred, join

the conversation by texting. People are complaining on the text.
We're ruining corn standard data and messaging rates may fly.
Helvis Dan in the Morning Show, the brand new Galaxy
S twenty three Ultra finally here. Get ready for a
smartphone that levels up your mobile gaming. With Samsung's fastest
mobile processor ever. In a long lasting battery, you can

game smoothly for hours. Get amazing carrier offers now at
Samsung dot com. I wrote the start of your show.
Listen every day, every day, every day The Morning Show.
The funniest thing I heard in my life. I love
you guys, I hear you every morning. Lady, oh lady,

you guys are discussing group of people. It is funny.
You have a crazy group. That was Rosanna Scott. Yeah,
you know, Day have their new cookbook out from their
restaurant Fresco. Oh they did. Oh yeah, wait they talk
about the potato chips in there. I don't know. I
don't know to check it out. They thanked me in

the back. That's all I care about. Anyway. I love Fresco.
If every need a great Italian meal uptown, one of
the best risi Fresco by Scott. Why can't you get in?
I don't know. I tried. We know, Roseanne, we know
the new work. It does. No, we tried. Remember it
didn't work. Oh it's right, yeah, you know, well you

I know you. It was like a Saturday night and
you called me at five pm. I' got to get
dinner tonight, right, It couldn't get you in? Tried it. Well,
there you go. Anyway, Um, you know who are we
just talking about? Oh? Tori Spelling and um Jenny Garth.
You know they're on the talk circuit, you know, with
each other. What I'm sure what you should get Garrett
for this conversation because I think he was with them

this past weekend. Oh really, well, some nineties thing that
he did. It was like crazy. I want to hear
that story. We're gonna get in that minute because we
have a contest to do. But I want to talk
about Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling. Yeah. Hell, they're always
like stirring the crap up. They get to spoon up
and stir it. I think Tori might be a little
more high maintenance than than Jenny because when we were
with them they were Tory was upset and Jenny was

trying to calm her down. She's like, don't worry, it's fine,
it's fine. So but I understand, I mean, I hear
the thing though she was upset. I'll tell you. I
want to hear the whole story. But right now we
have talked to Mandy. Mandy, don't worry. We're gonna get
to the Tori Spelling juice in just a few minutes,
I promise. How are you doing, Mandy? Good? How are
you good? Learning? Well? You get the morning? Now? Do

you know your TV theme songs? Um? I feel pretty
good about it. I am a I've worked from home,
so you know I all right, so you can watch
all our TV and so these theme songs are from
old shows, right, some classic? Yeah? You have some classic
in there? Yeah? Absolutely, So let's see how you do.

And and Nate says he has money. Whoa, I do
have money. Okay, you have to give it to someone.
Oh yeah, but depends on how good you do, man, yes, Nate, ya, okay,
so what are the rules here? I'm not really good.
I have to tell you before we start. I'm pregnant.
And last night I have like this dream that I
was part of the morning show, and so I decided
to call this morning and when I got through the Diamond,

I was like, oh my gosh, this is a sign.
So I feel good. I feel like I'm gonna do good. Yeah, yeah, Okay,
this is almost kind of creepy in a way. You
were you were looking into the future in your dreams.
All right, here we go. What are the rules here?
Just get the TV show correctly. That's all the actual
name of the show. Okay, here we go. We can't like,
I don't think we should accept it's that show with

that kid from that thing at that and Danielle will
and by the way, Mandy's pregnant. So let's not mess
weather are you? Are you an emotional pregnant woman or
just you're okay with it? Um some rays I'm emotional.
Yeah me too. And I'm not pregnant. Yeah me too.

What's so funny? Nate's true? I do what? What? What
it's like? You constantly have pms? Thank you? Thank you, Nate.
You try working with you? All right? Here we go
TV theme songs. Here's your first one? Oh? Absolutely, you

know that show? Yes? What is it? Absolutely? Also a
good start? Very nice? All right, you got one. Here's
another one. Do you know what it is? No? I see.

That's the thing you may be greatest is but if
you watched the show, you don't know that that was
the theme for the Mendy Project. Oh I didn't. Yeh see.
But you're not a fan, So that's that's why you
wouldn't know. I'm not. I'm not either. It's a good show.
All right. Here's a here's another one. Big show's been

around for a while. Do you know the name of
that one? Mandy? Oh? I know? Can you play it again?
I'm sure? Absolutely? All right? Does it sound familiar? Oh,
it sounds familiar. Man, hmmm, you can do it? Um?

Is it? M hmm? I want to say, is it
parts from what parts? Absolutely? Did it? I was like
I was getting office fiz. I was like, I know
it's not The Office, but it's one of those shows
you did. Well, okay, Mandy, Yeah, Parks and Record. Here's
another all one of my favorite shows of all time.

I don't know if you watched I did. What shows
that from? Um, I've never heard that before, but I
know you like? Um that that under the deck shower show? No, actually,
that's from White Lotus, The Good Guest White Lotus one

of my favorite shows. All these games are trying to
kill me. All right, here we go, here's another one.
All right, Mandy? What shows that from? That is't New Girl? Absolutely?
What a great show that was? All right? How about this?

That was one of my favorite? Now? Oh yeah, wow,
right up the street from where we are right now,
what is the address of that show? Um? Do you

want to hear it again? Yeah? Lemon, what I'm cheating? Yeah?
Like I said, that address is right up the street
from it. You're cheating, You're cheating. What show is that from? Oh?
I know, it's a great clue, but I have no idea.

Oh that's thirty Rock, one of the best shows ever. Yeah,
it's right the street I passed every day. All right,
what about this one? What show is that from do
you know oh man, yeah, that's Walking Dead. How about

this one? Wow? I totally forgot about this one, the
extended version. Do you even remember that show? Um, I'm
gonna guess yellow Song because the sound the country, you know,

cooking up some crack in the mobile home. It was
meth Come on me, absolutely all right? What about this one?
South I'm going myself time? All right? What theme song
is that? South Park? Very good? Up, he's driving into

the Lincoln Tunnel. What show is that from? I have
no idea. Hey, just because just because you know it
doesn't mean when it's a fan that is from Sopranos
the thing from Sopranos. Nate's gonna flip a table about
this one? What about this one? Thinking You In in

the World Today Takes everything you've got? Another old show,
taking a break from all your words show with all right?
What the show is that from? Um a time? Yes,
it's where everyone knows your name? Hello. Tinking You In

in the World Today takes everything you've got? All right?
Do you remember that show? Um hoging More? Yeah, that's cheered,
that's your norm. What about this big show? What was it? Um?

Um y Oh, that's stranger thing. What about this person
is in a hot dance state in nearly fourteen million
years ago, expansion started waiting for the years, began to
coopy on drop, began to drown thee and with all
developed as we built a bo at the pair of Okay,

what's that was that from big Dang? Yeah, you go on,
I'm gonna give you one more? One more? Here we go?
All right? What shows that from? Yeah? Um that was

hard to hear. Yeah, here is it? Does that matter? Yeah?
What is that? Um? Oh, I don't know. Yeah, Real
Housewives of a New Jersey. I guess here's one more?

Holand do you got that one? Um x files? Yeah?
All right? So how many did she get? Well, I
mean she's right around thirty three attle over correct correct.
So I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

And if you got fifty, right, fifty percent, I would
have given you some money. Wouldn't you give her something? One?
Maybe you can give her forty percent of the money.
You give her forty percent of the money. Why not?
I mean you really want me to give you her
forty percent? She got forty percent of the right have
to cut a gift card into let's give her the
whole damn all right, fine, how about a two hundred

and fifty dollars cash gift card thanks to Tommy Joel.
There you go. That's so nice. That's wow. But are
we rewarding her for only getting forty percent? I really
should have just given her one hundred bucks. She tried
very hard. And it's a Monday. Guy. Is a trophy, Danielle,
she's she's carrying her child. She has pregnancy brain. Come on,

she's a mom. Oh here just giving passes. You get
a pass, and you get a pass. All right. Hold
I'm wound, say and thanks for listening. Mandy. It's getting
really really dirty in here. And I hope you have
a great day. And I'm glad you had a dream
about being on our show with us. See she listens
to it. She's a fan. Hold on, Mary ate two
hundred and fifty dollars cash gift card thanks to Tommy John.
I'm worrying about Tommy John second skin box your briefs

as we speak. It's nice. You get twenty percent off
your first order. Twenty percent off your first order at
Tommy john dot com when you use the code Elvis.
That's Tommy John dot com use the code Elvis. What's scary?
I feel dirty? Why do you feel dirty? I don't know.
I feel like we got robbed. Or I'm gonna listen.
I love I love her, I love all our listeners.
But then, why are you saying something. I'm just saying

it's just a little Next time, we should just have
no game and just just give them to you. Get it?
O God, Why do we have rules if we don't
call her them? What's the point? Well, we had rules.
She didn't break any rules. No, she didn't. We broke
the rules. Yeah, we can't get Well, since you watched

a lot of TV, well, I know, but you gotta
keep in mind just because she watches a lot of
TV doesn't mean she watches all the shows we think
everyone watch. That's the point. Some people are going to
get some things wrong. Not everyone's a winner in life.
Well you know it. Well, then here's the deal. Made
needs to prepare for these games better. That's so like you,

you are right, you're right. You know that there's the
possibility that she's only gonna win half. You don't have
a gift card sitting here. You can't split that in
that's like going on the prices right now, Like a
new car, you get a new tire, like you get
a tire. You don't need to figure that out on
your win or you don't. Danel Look, I'm not trying

to start a fight here, but Daniel's absolutely correct. You
should have been prepared for that. You should have been
prepared for that. Hang on, hang out. There's a lot
of people to blame it, this whole thing. Maybe the
contest was too hard. I don't think so. Personally, I
think it was quite simple. Maybe the contestant is to blame,
maybe maybe Mandy, maybe the person giving the clues. Why

is it all of a sudden because because escape Hey, hey,
because you're the producer. I'm like the guy that went
to prison for Nixon doing all the bad things. You
know what I mean. You don't get a new car,
you get a card. That's what you'll get, a crowbar. No. No,
you went into this game not knowing what to do.

You were you didn't even I was giving her the
benefit of the death fifty percent. I would have said,
you know, okay, but how could you give a fifty
percent of a gift card? No? No, no, if she
got half of him right. She didn't given half of
them right. But you should have Okay, you should Maybe
you should have said that going in. You should have said, okay,
if you get at least half of these right, you
will win two hundred and fifty dollars. Nate, tomorrow, just
have two envelopes, a winner envelope and a loser envelope. Yeah,

you're better off fifty percent. You get the win. I
know if you were a producer, that work. I can't
cut ative card in half. Well, you should have thought
about that before we started the contest. We gotta move
on for Nate. We'll start with you. Nate. What's on
your mind? You know, Nate? I can't wait. I'm looking

up the pipeline jobs. Hang on, Nate, what's on your
mind today? Oh? Okay, HIPPOCHI we went over the weekend, Danielle. Yeah,
it is an opportunity to make friends. I think we
know me. We need more hippocchi teppanyac. And you know,
you start chopping it up with the people next to you.
Soon you're getting phone numbers saying hey, let's hang out.

Whether or not you actually hang out, I mean, I
don't know, Nate. You're that guy. I'm that guy. I'm
that guy going, hey, are you going to catch the
zucchini in your mouth? But it was a great time.
So you're the reason I don't like going to Havachi,
but the dad joke guy. But every table needs somebody
like me to bring the groups together. You know what

I'm saying. Wow, be that person, be glue between the
two groups of people. Okay, that's people alone while they're eating. Danielle,
what's up with you? I just want to take congratulations
again to my little guy present not a little beforeteen,
like next week or something, but he went to the
Kentucky Nationals and obviously Kentucky and he, I mean, he

broke his records. He won silver in one of the races.
It's absolutely insane. I just don't even know what to say.
So congratulations and thank you to my husband who puts
a great trip together. It was a really cool, quick trip.
We got in a lot of stuff and we had
a great time. Yeah a person awld Yeah, so the
best family. I'm so lucky. Hey, I'm pretty sure, Sam,
what do you think I have to send some love

to a business that I'm friendly with. This is not mad,
but there's two girls who have a boutique in Hobook
and they're called Brooke and Bell, and they're just wonderful people.
And three months ago they had a huge fire in
their storage and it put them completely out of business.
They lost everything they had except a few accessories, and
they were just really devastated. And this weekend was their

reopening and it was just so nice seeing and not
just like the happiness on their faces to have their
business up and running, but the pure joy of interacting
with their community again was so huge. So to Brooke
and Bell aka Sam, congratulations you guys. I'm so happy
you're back. Yeah. Something to be said for supporting your
local businesses. Yeah, very much. I bought this sweater from

them this weekend. Very cute purchasing in the name of
supports my favorite. You were just like purchasing. Hey, what's up, Froggy.
You know it makes you very proud when you've realized
that you've raised another smart ass that's just as much
of a smart ass as you are. So I did
a lot of work around the house this weekend. Lisa
had to come home until Wednesday, so I told my son, Hey,

we have to keep the place clean. Yesterday, I walk in.
He's wrapped himself in suran rap. He's sitting on the floor.
He's like, I want to make sure it'll mess anything
up while the house was clean. Oh god, such a jackass.
That's a waste of good san rap. And then I
realized that he got that from me. That's exactly that
the thing I would do. It's a very proud moment
as a father, but I'm like, you know what, you're

a jackass, and take that stuff off and sit on
the couch. Please, if we just keep that house from
falling in before your wife gets home. It's clean right now.
I don't know what to look like when I get home,
but it was clean when I left thanks to suran rap. Hey, Gandhi,
what's up with you? I just want to call Scottie
be out for a second, because he is the biggest
baby I've ever met in my entire life. Know what
happened now, Dimon watched this happen. He walked into her studio.

I just looked at him. He screamed and said, ah,
don't spray me. I didn't do anything. Oh my god,
you gave me whiplash. Yeah, I did nothing to him.
Turn my head. You scared me. He scared himself, gave
himself whiplash. Now he's trying to blame me. So I
just want to put it out there. I didn't do
anything to him. When I have a neck brace tomorrow,
it's your fault, Diamond. Did I do anything to him?
She's okay, Yeah, you guys have to stop bickering. I

didn't even do anything. We just can we just ban
the bottle. That's so stupid, the spray bottle. The bottle
didn't even touch you. Just kind of funny. She spraised people.
She sprays you if you're irritated him. He's just a
drama queen. He is, okay, moving on. What's up? Scary?
You know, whenever I need a good laugh, I go
visit my parents in Brooklyn, and I watched them catch
up on technology that we were given twelve years ago.

So here's they just discovered. I don't want to set
it off, smart speaker, so I set it up for
them and they're like in wonderment. My father is standing
over her yelling, Hey, what's the weather. Hey play my
duop channel on Sirius xmlay they the morning Show, play

the podcast The Brooklyn Boys pocket. He was run off
and off. But but my favorite part of that is
my mother trying to get in. I can't forget the
password and the log ins. It was like a calamity.
It was the three hour ordeal. We got through it.
But on the drive home, I was laughing my ass off.
I'm like, I love my parents so much because they
just caught up with this technology that we were given.

What's you are unamused by this listening. I've been listening
to you for like ten minutes. Now picture for you.
I know parents in technology. I love it's the best.
I can't get enough of it. And you gave them
the gifts. It's gonna keep them happy forever. They're still
using it. They were up all night. You're a good
son there. What they was? They're on it all night.

We're asking her questions. She has answers this new found technology.
It's like a new friend in the house. Did did
they give her your room? Like your old room? All
right about I love your great people. Let's get into
the three things we need to know. Oh, millions are

awaiting a Texas judge's decision in a case regarding abortion pills.
A US district judge heard arguments last week in an
anti abortion group's lawsuit to overturn the FDA's approval of
the abortion pills. The Alliance Defending Freedom sued in November
on behalf of four pro life medical organizations and four
doctors who say they treated patients with mifipristone. The drug

was approved back in two thousand, but the lawsuit claims
the government deliberately ignored what the plaintiffs describe as harmful
side effects. The body of a nineteen year old found
dead in the middle of a South Carolina road nearly
eight years ago will be exhoomed and re examined. South
Carolina's state law enforcement agency says new evidence into the
death came up while investigating the murders of Maggie and

Paul Murdoch, as the wife and son of once prominent,
now disbarred attorney Alex Murdoch. He was convicted earlier this
month for their death. Stephen Smith was found along the
road back in twenty fifteen, and his death was initially
ruled and run. If you watched the documentary, you know
there was a lot of nonsense surrounding that. Investigators at
the scene, however, found no evidence he had been hit
by a vehicle. So they're reopening this case. Good, Yeah,

we need answers. And how many people did that family
kill off? Allegedly one, two, three, four, at least five? Yeah, okay, yeah,
fun a family. And finally, for the second time, authorities
cut a pigeon with a backpack full of drugs at
a Canadian prison. The backpack on the pigeon, caught inside
the mat Squee Institution in British Columbia, was made out

of cut up jeans and now empty, which leads authorities
to suspect the bird's been in training and delivering drugs
for a while. Officers say they're seeing more drones being
used to smuggle drugs into prison, but pigeons are making
a comeback now. So if you see pigeons with backpacks,
you know what's going on. And those are your three
things I never told you about. When I was a teenager,
I was a drug mule. Go on. No, they would, Yeah,

they would sew heroin into my rear end and I
had to go across the border and you had no idea. Yeah,
they would sew it into my rear end. Out. I
guess I didn't know what I wasn't paying attention. Yeah,
you know what I mean. I'm just making I'm making
this up. Obviously. I never was a drug mule. I

never had drugs at my boat. Ever, you're lying again.
You believed it for saying you'll never know if I'm
telling you the truth. Hey man, I've had more in
my life than radio. I'm worked at Baskin Robbins too. Anyway,
thanks for listening to my story. Hey, can we get
Um Garrett in here to talk about his weird weekend? Yeah,

his nineties weekend. I want to hear all about this.
We've also got a good friend of ours, Elders Duran
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All right, about to get into some sound with Garrett. Also,
we need to hear his story about his weird weekend. Yes, odd,
I was tuling around online earlier looking for stuff to

talk about. Whatever is is this concept real? We're in
some couple situations they actually start fights just to have fun.
I'm convinced of it. Oh I could see that. Yeah,
I can definitely, because the makeup sex is so good
sometimes if that's what they do. I think some people
thrive off of that drama. Yeah, and it makes them

feel like there's more passion and someone really cares about
you if they're willing to just fight you about stuff.
I hate that. I hate it too, some of the
quotes I saw. I start fights to keep things exciting.
Sometimes I start a fight with my girlfriend so I
can storm out and have a night out. Oh, I know,
but at what cost? Do you really want to have
a fight like emotional terrorism? Why can't you just say hey,

I want to night out? Right? And to Danielle's point,
I start fights with my girlfriend because sleeping together is
better when we're angry. I don't want if sex with
someone who i'm mad at. Yeah. I start arguments with
my girlfriend so she leaves me alone for a few hours.
I start pointless arguments with my boyfriend because I like
seeing him superheated. Wow. I start fights with my girlfriend

to avoid being intimate with her. I start arguments with
my boyfriend when I'm bored. I start arguments to see
if they care. This is terrible. I don't ever want
to fight with anyone. No, this is like a really
bad communication. Go out, it's toxic. This is awful. These
are awful traits to Wheeler. I agree, Yeah, Froggy Lisa

used to have a friend to hers. She would start
arguments with her husband when she did not want to
have sex that night. So she thought they were going
to do something and she didn't want to do it.
She would start just a little petty argument to go
to bed and then be over it in the morning,
do it on purpose, and did it multiple times. First
of all, you can have sex anytime, so I don't
understand why you have to do it before you go
to get bed. But if you don't want to have

sex with someone, why can't you just say that? Because
that's communication not in the move right, Yeah, I don't know.
Happy to fight, not into it? Well nahum, all right,
just bring that up. He text me if you want
fifty five one hundred, if you agree or disagree, do
you actually ignite a fight for all the wrong reasons?

I mean, I do it around here, but it's for
a completely different I know, because you guys are out
of your frigging minds. This is just for you, know, giggles.
Do you ever get a point where you where do
you ever have a time that you actually like to
argue that it kind of starts and you're like, yeah,
you don't want him kind of into this, I'll just
argue more. Well, No, I know you do that. I
wouldn't do that. No. I don't want to argue at all. No. No,

if you argue with me, if you have a fight
with me, I don't even want to talk to you
until it's fixed. Yeah, it's fighting is I don't see
what is good about that. There's a positive and arguing.
I hate It's one thing to spar and to um debate, Yeah,
that's one thing, But to just start jabbing and just

being mean. No, I think arguments are healthy because there's
no couple that never argues. I think if you never argue,
there's probably something wrong. Someone's not being honest in that situation.
But it's a good tool to learn how to get
through it, Yeah, and build a better relationship, not specifically
start these things to pick on something. I'm not the
best arguer, not neither am I do you are you

the person who thinks that the latter you speak, the
more you're winning the argument. Probably damn it. Are you
a digger, Danielle? Do you dig up? Thinks from the past.
I'm getting much better. I'm better than I used to be.
I used to be real bad. I'm better than I progress.
I don't understand the argument thing because I never started.
I never knew he's just about to start one, right,

I never I never knew. It's always started by someone else.
It's not me, ask Galax. I'm no what your wedding.
I didn't wear it today because I'm pissed off at out.
Do you know I was about to put it on
this part name went screw that. I'm not wearing that.

I'm fixturing more dramatic, like a takeoff and throw. No, okay, no, huh.
I didn't want to talk about it because I'm kind
of making fun of it. I know it was. It's
not a good thing we're in. We're in a fight
right now. I'm not very happy talking. No, I'm not
talking to him. Oh damn, No way he started to fight.
He did, Absolutely he did. Is he talking to you? No,

No one's talking to anyone. Oh you I'll tell you
all fear what happened. It's some juicy stuff. Damn, I
can't believe the rings came off. Oh the ring is
all no, no, until I get an apology and flowers
and chocolate's chocolates do chocolate chocolates until I get like,

until I receive a gift with a retail value of
at least one thousand dollars. I'm not speaking, I'm not
talking to all very reasonable, not at all the thousand
dollars retail and I'll look it up if it's on sale,
I'll know. I don't I don't like to fight, but
I don't. I don't ignite the fight. He ignited the fight.
I appreciate. I never started with anyone ever. It is

always someone else it is. That's not at all, Absolutely
what a life. The problem. It's not your Alex, but
another Alex. I don't want to talk to anyone named Alex.
No one named Alex is allowed to call this show.
I'm mad at all every single Alex. You you know

who you are because your name is Alex. I don't
like you today. I want me to call him something
else in hell? Now, just call me out? What what line? Hello? Hello?
I can't call you Alex because I'm mad at Alex.
What can we do for you? No problem? What's what's
going on, Alex? My wife does this all the time
to me, right before the night we're about to have

sexy looks for an argument. You know. See that's not
that's not very good communication. The fact that you figure
that out she does it all the time already I
stopped cheating it. I just started bugging her at night. Yeah,
you know what, you you deserve better communication, you do.

Maybe maybe she doesn't want to have sex with you
because your name is Alex, and I'm at at everyone
named Alex. Alex. I hope, I hope that all gets
worked out, because you know, better communication is something you deserve.
I know you're brilliant guy. Could you listen to our show?
I'm saying, well, thank you, Alex. Best of luck with that, okay,
and thanks for listening to us. Hello, Brandon, I'm doing okay.

So you fight with your wife and hoping for makeup sex,
but it never happens, Absolutely not. I can't get I
can't get happy sex. Well, see this is another issue
with your your You deserve you know. Look, Brandon, if
you want more sex in your relationship. You deserve more

sex in your relationship. I mean, I don't know how
you're going about doing it, but you know you both
you both deserve happiness, both of you, not just you.
Oh we're happy. The sex just saydn't have happened. I
guess I need to give you, guys my wife's pin number. No, no, no, why,
I mean, I'm gay. What am I gonna do with that?
I'll call you a brandon. I just need somebody to

convince her that sex is okay. Well, you know, this
is this is a major issue with many, many people,
many people who are either afraid of sex, they think
sex represents something that is not love. You know, there
are a lot of guys Brandon that don't understand sex
anymore because they watch too much porn and they think
that's what it's about, and they have intimacy issues. You know,

I'm on some groups on Facebook and it seems like
a bigger issue than I ever imagine it is. It's
a you know, porn is a weird, freaky issue that
people don't like to talk about. But porn has ruined many,
many relationships, and it's ruined you know, it's ruined the
ability for people to find happiness because porn totally distorts

what sex is to a lot of people. I love
it myself, right, all right, Brandon, best I think most
people do well. Best of luck with you and your
wife and I you know, look, you know, I don't.
I hear people giggly here in the background. It's it's
a it's a serious subject. Isn't it actually a cause
of divorce. I'm not saying you need to do that,
but loss of consortium. I watched it on like Judge Judios,

I don't know, if do you stop having sexual relationships
in the relationship it's a reason for people to say, like, Okay,
this isn't working out. I guess it depends on what
state you're in. I don't. I don't know the rules. Okay,
I don't know. Good luck, We're we're overall, we're overall happy.
We talk about it alive. It just never happens. We're
too busy, I know, you know, talk about it, which

sometimes it's hard to get off the get off the
launch pad. You know what I'm saying, Hey, best of
luck to your Brandon, and I hope you know, I
hope you I know you're taking it seriously because you're
talking about it. But all the best to you and
your wife. Okay, thank you, you're very welcome. What's that scary?
But wait a second, I just thought of something, you
guys gotta make up today. Today's Monday Funday. This is
and it's gonna be a sunny, warm week. Let's launch

pad into the week. Fun things and like retail value
one thousand dollars. That's that's the gift I need, it
needs at least that's what could that be. I don't know.
I think that golden goose. Oh yes, some golden golden
goose shoes. I would love those. Hey, let's get into
sound with Garrett. Yes, hi, Garrett, good morning. What's going on?

All right, let's start with Fallon. So on Friday night,
big announcement. Good Burger too is coming to us. Kel
has something he'd like to tell you. All right, here
we go kill whenever you're ready, ladies and gentlemen. Oh wow,
Well with a gimburger. Gimburger Part two. Twenty five years
later we get part two. That's interesting. Um. All right,

so now let's move over to this. You might have
seen it over the weekend. Doctor dre Elvis went to
your homeland of Scotland. He got off the plane. They
played him some bagpipes, right dude, No, no, I'm Snoop Dogg.
Snoop Dogg. Yeah, and they played some bagpipes. Here we go,

all bagpipes. Snoop's nod in this head and laughing. Wow,
that's some crazy. He went on for like five minutes.
Your bagpipe all right? Now? From there, I ruined it
on Instagram. We take a little edge shearing imperfect combined
with SpongeBob, and this is what we have. I love

it in your head. I hope it does this tour
this life. All right. We go to BBC Radio One,
Lizzo covering Sam Smith's Unholy with her flute. Okay, all

right now, we just played a game in the last segment,
and everybody gave Nate some grief about his you know, money,
the situation of giving away the money and not being prepared.
He didn't plan ahead for the contestant to win the money.
So we got to talk back on our I Hurt
Radio app and this listener gave her impression of Nates.
That's what Nate does it every time you're not there Elvis.

He says, you didn't get that right. How can you
not get that right? I can't believe you answered that way. Wow,
he's terrible. Wow, will the people have spoken? Where is this?
She's it's a listener to our show giving creetance to
which she's seeing because she's a valid listener. I don't

sound like that. Okay, all right. And then finally, here's
a goat eating a dorito. Oh, perfect, want a wife
a round out your segment? A goat eating a dorito
sounds like scary in his tongue. No no, no, no, no, no,

no no no no, no, no, no no no. Oh
my god, that's actually scary eating a dorito. And you're
a good American guy. Thank you. First day of spring,
get some free ice cream? Is that you're your food
news story today? Frog? Yeah, yeah, you can get free
ice cream because it is the first day of spring.
So today they're doing free cone Day at Dairy Queen.

You walk in, you get a free small vanilla soft
serve and there's no purchase necessary. Oh that's all I need.
I love that, Dairy Queen. Today's today. Actually, well spring
doesn't kick up till five to twenty four, but we
can go in early, right, Yes, I'm in. Thank you
for the breaking food news, Daniel, what are you coming up?
We're gonna talk about somebody from Jurassic Park is suffering

and we're going to talk about him. Awesome sad news there.
And somebody passed away that did some really cool investigations.
Oh god, I don't know any of these answers. I can't.
I can't ruin your story. That and more on the way, Yes,
in the morning shows, ran in the morning show. I
learned so much at this job. People are texting some

foul things. I can't talk about it. They're so foul.
I can't talk about it on the air. It's the
strangest thing, but I keep them coming. Thoughts, Yes, texts
your dirtiest thoughts, whatever you're thinking about. But that that
that thing, it was different when I just talk. I
can't even say what it is, no, okay, and I won't.

I won't anyway. So yeah, feel free to text what's
whatever's on your mind. You're really trying to think of
a way you can present it. I can't. What is
the number? You know? Text your deepest, darkest thoughts, and um,
there's that some people are chastising me for how I'm
handling an argument with my husband right now. Well, you

know what. You handle your arguments your way. I'll handle
mine my way. Feel free, don't hang your crap on me.
You you you do you, I'll do me. I'm totally fine.
I'm a big boy. I've lasted this long and maybe
a little longer. Not much. Hey, Daniel, you ready to go? Yes?
Because this is weird. They are texting weird stuff to do.

It's a Monday, That's why? Is that it? Yeah? I
think I Ben Afflex that down with TBS Sunday morning,
chatting about his new movie Air, and he was talking
about how he is at his most joyous right now.
He says he loves everything's going on with his life.
He realizes that chasing money in showbiz is not the
key to fuff oment. No, it really is, he says,

spending time. It's easy to say that when you have money, right,
He says, spending time with his kids more, spending time
with his best friend Matt Damon, and of course doing
stuff with his wife Jennifer Lopez makes him very happy.
So rabber Rick Ross has a plot of land in
Georgia and he has some buffalo and apparently two of
the buffalo keep wandering off of his land onto the

neighbor's property, and the neighbor is not happy because the
neighbor has little children, and so they're worried the buffalo
might do a little something. So the look they're not nice.
They're not nice. It's so crazy. The buffalo another animal.
Gandhi wants to hug absolutely. They look so snow. She
just wants to hug every one. The cats of ted
Lasso will meet with President Biden today at the White
House discuss mental health. Biden teas the meeting by tweeting

a photo of a Believe poster over the over the
Oval Office doorway. And if you watch the show, you
know what that all means. Hey, what day do they
release new What is it Wednesdays? I don't know. I
don't even know. I gotta check. I think I'm ready
for every I'm ready for one. I am too ed. Shearon,
he might be like the anti rock star, because most

rock stars they want all kinds of crap backstage on
their writer and you know, bring me this justin Bieber
apparently wants such acouzy backstage. Kanye wants an alcohol filled
flushy machine. I mean, the list goes on and on.
What does that Sharon want six packs of various sodas,
a bottle of juice, and a jar of honey. He's
so easy. More reasons to love the man. He's just fantastic.

This is so sad. So doc Jurassic Park icon Sam Neil,
who played Doctor Grant, he has a new book out
and he opens up the book talking about that he's
fighting a form of blood cancer he was diagnosed while
shooting Jurassic World Dominion, and he says this book is
actually an uplifting look at his life. He's only starting
it to that way to let people know what he's

going through when he is seventy five years old. So
our best is going out to him. And this is
said too. Andrew Lloyd Webber's oldest son is critically ill.
Andrew Lloyd Webber hasn't been showing up to the Bad
Cinderella previews and people were wondering why and he doesn't
even think he's going to be at opening night this weekend.
It's because his son has been fighting gastric cancer for
the last eighteen months and is now in the hospital

so our best is going out there and Ed Winter
has passed away. You may not know who this guy is,
but he's the deputy La County Coroner. He was the
guy who investigated so many celebrity deaths like Michael Jackson,
Whitney Houston, Brian Murphy, Paul Walker. He's the guy that
noticed the little injection marks on Michael Jackson and was like, huh,
what's going on with this one? So yeah, he was

seventy three and they say he passed away from uh,
oh my gosh, what's the normal stuff? Natural calls? Thank you,
Natural call stuff. You know you as bad as mine?
Good Monday Brain is the Worst Two, The Bachelor, The
Good Doctor. TMZ investigates nine to eleven to fifth Plane,
You've Got the Voice, WWE Monday Night Raw, and Netflix

gives you season seven of Gabby's Dollhouse And that is
my Danielle Report. Wow. People are sharing their deepest, darkest
secrets on our text. Oh I can't wait to get
tied up this weekend, this listener. Okay, there's a lot
of stuff in here. Um dating my boss's daughter and
wanting to bring my assistant home for a threesome. Okay,

Oh my god. Wow, Wow, feel free to Texas your deepest,
darkest secret. Yeah, I known minds very boring compared to
these people. A threesome. Hm, who in this room is available?
What sad? Don't read that? I don't want to read that.

Keep texting. I wish we could read most of these.
That's really The one about Monday is great, but we
can't read that either. No, what's Monday? The Monday one?
It says, I'm pretty sure that Monday is a man.
And then I can't finish the rest of it. That's
how it's finished. Oh, I'm pretty sure that Monday is
a man. Oh you don't think about Monday? It always

comes way too fast it Yeah, yes, what I think
about Mondays? I don't know. We got a lot going
on this week. Fall fall Out Boy is here? Are
they performing? No? Oh okay, they're just falling in but
they do new album, the new music. I love following Boy.
They're in this week in the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.
Also coming soon, Louis Capaldi. Yes, I can't wait. Jonas

Brothers or they are. That's awesome. You don't heard of
the weekend. I'm a second for you. Sounds good. I
love that. So yeah, them say these Ben's interview lounge.
It's very very busy. Hey, what did the dad buffalo
say when his child was leaving for work? What? Bye? Son?

I don't laugh at that. What did I read today
about dad jokes? They're saying they're actually good for you.
They're actually they teach your kids how to overcome, like,
you know, kind of a little bit of being made
fun of and overcome being embarrassed. Dad jokes. Yes, they're good.
They're good for your children. It teaches them to overcome
embarrassment because what you're doing to them is embarrassing, but
yet it's in a fun way, and it teaches them

to kind of grow. So by embarrassing your child, your children,
it makes them stronger. Yes, oh wow, here it is.
I found the story a new study, he says. It's
just like Froggy says, dad jokes have a positive effect
on kids development. They say when fathers embarrassed their kids
with unfunny jokes, it teaches them how to overcome awkwardness.
O sounds like Gaudy talking about her dad. For sure,

he made me so strong because every time he would
show up, like damn it. Here we go again. Is
your dad the kind of guy who would wear like
black dress socks with sandals. I don't know what you
mean by would wear because he still does wear that. Really.
Oh he was show up at my school was suspenders
on and his little newsboy hat, looking for me to
yell about homework. I was like, damn, Meda, your dad's here.

I know, I know it. So it's good. So if
you ever got upset your dad like telling awkward jokes, whatever,
it's good. It's teaching you how to deal with awkwardness.
And there you have it, Danielle, there is a big,
a big container of mayonnaise out there. Yeah. Thanks when Dan,
when Danielle passed by the mannaise, she started doing it.

It's I can smell it. Someone left it open. This
Can we do an experience when i'd bring it here
in the room. No, that's not thanks. Okay, what what? Okay?
I'm not gonna go get it. Don't go get it.
Stop being a jackass. No, no, we're not gonna do it.
I promised. No, Please all calm down, Please don't hurt us.
X Elvis in the team at standard data and messaging rates.

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Hey Diamond, Hi, should we playing a little jibs? Please?
This is her song? Do your chain hang Low? I don't.
We don't have it in the system. We're gonna find it.
We can load it into the system. Have it for tomorrow? Okay, Oh,
we'll play. Do you chain hang Low? So you were

at in the clubs this weekend? Yes, bloody ing Yang twins. Yes,
I was very surprised that within the last ten or
fifteen years the music has just stayed the same. This
makes Diamond get on bars. By the way, I know
it for a fact. I say, hold on to that,

hold on to that. We're gonna We're gonna play for
in a minute. Okay, hanging there, Diamond. Hey, So over
the weekend, someone had a really bizarre weekend and his
name is Garrett. Yes, so where were you? What were
you doing. I was up in Hartford, Connecticut for Nineties
con so Friday, Saturday and Sunday, all the nineties stars
you could think of from TV movie music, Chris Kirkpatrick

from in SYNCU and Joey for Tone and Jeff Timmins
from ninety eight Degrees, then the cast of Full House,
and the cast of all that and not the cast
of nine o two one zero, Mark Summers from Double Dare.
Oh my god. It was a very bizarre weekend. But
on Friday night there was a fire in the hotel
where everybody was staying at. So at twelve o'clock in

the morning, all these nineties stars are just milling about
outside as the fire department. It felt like a like
a weird dream. This seems weird. It was there. All
of the above you mentioned were out front, like looking
and puts a hotel like going, what the hell is
going on here? And they just got off plane, so
some of them are tired and wanting to check in.
And then there's fans that obviously are staying in the

hotel too, so they're like, oh, can we get a selfie?
And there's a fire going on in the wild sounds
like fun. Why were you there as a fan. Were
you working? I was working. So the segment that I
did will be on E News sometime this week. Oh cool,
I love that you're doing that. That's so cool. All
the nineties stars out, like in the front with the

with the doorman hangs out. It's either you're a worse
nightmare or your dream come true. Right, the cast of Clueless.
That was another weird one. It was like, Wow, that's crazy. Wow,
what a weird weekend? Did anyone else having a weird weekend?
You went to the club and saw that you thought
that guys were weird. They were very polite and I
enjoyed it. Oh you enjoyed it? Yeah, it was nice.

It threw me off, but it was very lovely. You
know again, I'm more used to the Miami people just
you know, dancing up on you and you're like, what
is that? Oh my god, please be your phone. Yeah,
nobody just grabs you. It's great. They're very respectful. Okay,
I liked it. I hope it's all clubs. Maybe it's
just that one. Maybe I just went to like a unicorn.

I don't know, but it was great, scary, got really
drunk over the weekend. We were talking about that earlier.
He was biting everyone and falling on them, falling on
people at the club, eight hours worth of drinking, and
I've never done that in a long time. And i
just went from bar to bar to bar. I've still
met up with Andrew and Josh Coast to boy Josh
and yes, I bit them and I refused to let
them throw me into an uber until I was done drinking.

And then I didn't remember half the night when I
woke up the next day. Wow. See, I don't know.
It just doesn't sound fun to me. Were getting bitten
by him? Another thing is Gary, does he falls on
you and then he exhales on your z oh? Man,
I love you. It was a love bite. Okay, what
was your weekend? Like? They're straight ate? What did you do?

It ain't fun. We went to Tepanyakim and I love
those things. It's such a social atmosphere, you know. See
that's why I don't like them. I like the food.
I don't like talking to people like when you start
to like, yeah, we cheered together and yeah together, I
caught the zucchini first try. Pretty proud of myself. They
don't throw the shrimp anymore. I thought they threw the shrimp. Yeah, ergies.

But some people are allergic to zucchini. Probably, I don't.
I don't want to assume, so I'm just guessing. Yeah,
I had a good time. Chopped it up with the
guy next to me. He chopped it up stuff. Okay?
Is that a popular expression, Danielle, Now, it's not. You
don't say that. No, I've never heard of anyone ever
used that. I chopped it up with a guy sitting
next to me. Have you heard that before? I feel

like it comes from people that we call pop pop
were cracking wise, you know, joke back and forth. That's
something that Nina would say. Okay, did you ever have like, look,
what would what did you call your grandmother? Uh? Well
we called my grandfather papa, Papa Papa, Yeah, and then
grandma was grandma? What about you, Nannie? Nanni one of them, uh,

and the other one was just grandma. We had we
had a we had a Nina in there somewhere. You're
from the South from text, everybody have a Nina. I
don't know. Did you have a Nina? Froggy? I did
not know. I did not. What do you have? It's
a mema. I was just my grandma my grandpa. Oh
you call him like the real traditional thing. Yeah, grandma
and grandpa. Yeah, we had a memo, not a nina. Really.

Oh really, I didn't polish. Yeah. How did you not
know this? I didn't. I don't. I don't know. I
didn't know. I think pretty obvious. My facial structure. I
think it looked kind of Eastern Europeans. Oh yeah you do. Oh,
ours were Agi and by Agi Gandhi called her. She
called her Grandad Gandhi. Yea. It was so strange. I

don't know, scary. What did you call your grandparents? It
was always grandma grandpa? But did anyone ever call them granny? Granny?
Granny was on the Beverly hillbuildings. Yeah, I love her. Anyway,
this conversation is going absolutely nowhere. You want to hear
Yang twins? Please? Well, I'm asking Diamond. It's it's her,

it's your call. Always want to hear Yang? All right,
I got it for you. Like this thematic music selection today,
we're playing songs about food. Tomorrow maybe songs about love.
I don't know. We missed a lot of food songs.

What's his favorite song? Alright, loves it so much. He does,
he does all right. I wanted to hear Peaches by
Justin Bieber. Oh, that's one of my favorite songs by him.
It's not old enough. I guess we should bring this
back tomorrow. Truffle Butter, truffle butter. Okay, but tomorrow we

need to do it in like an appetizer song, Like appetizers,
then like the main chords, a wine song. No, we're
learning here, Daniel. Most songs were about desserts. Yeah, okay,
by the ocean. You know what I'm saying this weekend. Hey,
this is Miley Cyrus. Yo. What up? It is a
black guy, Peeve. Hey, this is Selena Gomez with Elvis
Duran in the Morning Show.

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