All Episodes

November 13, 2024 114 mins
How many push-ups can the average man do? Skeery attempts to do a few and fails miserably! Danielle recaps her Down for Laughs event. Our friends Lee Schragger and Christina Tosi stop by! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The horses of this programmer were recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
I'm in such a boot. I'm shooting. I'm shooting glitter
out my ass. I've never made this man in my life.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
I'm gonna.

Speaker 4 (00:14):

Speaker 5 (00:15):
I want their mother's dead. No, I want their family dead.
I want all their friends dead.

Speaker 6 (00:20):
Please these gays, they're trying to murder me.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Selvister ran in the morning show.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
I'm so excited to have some new white lotus. Yeah,
are we all?

Speaker 7 (00:32):

Speaker 8 (00:32):
Yeah, welcome to the day.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
It is Wednesday, November thirteenth. Yeah, I sound like it,
party girl.

Speaker 9 (00:42):
You sound better?

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Hi, party, I.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Sound better because I sound like a party. I actually
went home and had a Ninchiloda dinner. Are you welcome
to day? Hy Danielle, Good morning, they're gone to morning
straight knee. Well there's a let's see. Oh, producer Sam
is here.

Speaker 6 (01:00):

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Scotty Bee. Hi Scotty Bee. Hi, good morning, Diamond. I
can't see these Hi Diamond, Hi, Hi, Hi. Remind me
next year not to have a wheat stone. And who's here?
I love Froggy? How you frog? Good morning? I'm good?

Speaker 9 (01:16):
Oh no, I was into his voice again.

Speaker 10 (01:20):
I'm just gonna cover.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
You can just cover for me. Okay, say something.

Speaker 9 (01:23):
I'm gonna point it out every single time.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Thanks, thanks a lot, Danielle, Hey, what do you think scary?
Make the song? Request?

Speaker 8 (01:32):
Come on snoop and okay, wow.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
What a great song. We play more music like that anyway,
Welcome to the day. Let's go talk to Rachel online one.
Hello Rachel. Everyone say hi to Rachel's. Yeah, how you going?

Speaker 11 (02:04):
Just get my coffee on my way to work?

Speaker 12 (02:06):

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Yeah, you know we are a little pre fuel here
as well. Betwek my coffee.

Speaker 10 (02:11):
Take that thing down.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Yeah, I'm gonna slam it right now. Hey, so Rachel
is a teacher's assistant in the Bronx. Daniel's from the Bronx.

Speaker 6 (02:19):
Yeah, where in the.

Speaker 9 (02:20):
Bronx are you from? I'm originally from Pellam Parkway.

Speaker 13 (02:24):
Actually, Danielle, you and I went to the same high
school we did.

Speaker 9 (02:26):
You went to Columbus or Preston. I went to two
high schools, Columbus.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Yeah nice, of course, Danielle went many years before.

Speaker 9 (02:33):
Okay, you know what, you didn't need to point that
out seriously.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
So she's in line waiting for her Starbucks to come out.
What is your order? Do you have the same order
every day.

Speaker 9 (02:45):
No, lately it's been a double shadow of espresso because
I put a protein drink over it.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
You're ready to take off. That is rocket fuel literally,
I know. Well, Rachel, you are the first calling of
the day. Hey, Nate, what do you have for Rachel?

Speaker 14 (03:00):
We got a fifty dollars Wendy's gift card for you there, Rachel,
So tomorrow it can hit Wendy's and get that breakfast burrito.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
Here you go. You're gonna love it. It's epic as well.

Speaker 9 (03:10):
Thanks so much.

Speaker 2 (03:11):
Well, thank you for listening. Hold on, don't leave, and
there you go, our first caller of the day. Nice.
I like how she doubles up with an espresso and
protein shake, a protein boom. Yeah, I didn't know they
did all that at Starbucks.

Speaker 10 (03:23):
Seems like a lot happening to you all at once.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
A coffee that tasted burnt, that's nice. They do roast
it a lot, you know, it's roasted. Yeah. Anyway, welcome
to the day. As we get into the three things
we need to know, what are we doing today?

Speaker 14 (03:41):
Well we got We've got Christina Tosi's coming in, one
of your favorite chefs, love her. And then the caddist
Cat ever Lee Schregers.

Speaker 10 (03:49):
Yeah, yeah, I love her.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
She's my favorite, the Quella Deville of the culinary world. Yeah.
Everyone loves it when Lee comes to see us, because
he just goes off. He gets nasty and people love it.

Speaker 10 (04:03):
It's like a roast of the room. No one is safe.

Speaker 9 (04:05):
He terrorizes them in the neighborhood and he usually sends
some kind of a food thing before he comes.

Speaker 10 (04:11):
Let's he bring it.

Speaker 9 (04:12):
I cannot win him.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
If he doesn't bring food, he ain't coming because I
cannot deal with that abuse without that.

Speaker 10 (04:16):
Guys, we have to save him some this time or
else we're gonna get it.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
Let's get into the three things we need to know
and get on with the day. Hey, Danielle, what's going on?
I mean, gandhi, Hello, I'm so confused. What is going on?

Speaker 6 (04:26):
All right?

Speaker 15 (04:27):
The former Massachusetts Air National guardsman who admitted to leaking
classified military documents has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

Speaker 10 (04:34):
Jack to Shara appeared in a Boston.

Speaker 15 (04:36):
Federal court yesterday, where a judge handed down his sentence
for violating the Espionage Act. Prosecutors described his leaking of
the sensitive information as one of the most significant and
consequential violations of the Espionage Act in American history.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
You know they used to kill people for doing that. Yes, absolutely,
I'm back to you.

Speaker 15 (04:54):
Thank you to Shara admitted to sharing the classified information
with other users on the social media platform Discord.

Speaker 10 (05:01):
A tropical wave.

Speaker 15 (05:02):
In the Caribbean could strengthen into a hurricane next week.
The National Hurricane Center gives it a ninety percent chance
of developing into a tropical storm over the next sevent days.
If it does become a hurricane, it would be Hurricane
Sarah and on an uncertain path in the Gulf of Mexico.
Projections show that the potential storm could head towards Central America,
South Florida, or out.

Speaker 10 (05:22):
Into the Atlantic.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Enough it's supposed to be over. The season is supposed
to be over at this point.

Speaker 10 (05:27):
This is terrifying.

Speaker 15 (05:29):
And finally, how many of you guys have used twenty
three ande meters?

Speaker 6 (05:33):
I might I found out what you are?

Speaker 9 (05:35):

Speaker 15 (05:35):
Well, the company is apparently cutting forty percent of its jobs,
about two hundred of two hundred people in the workforce.
They warned that they have substantial doubt about their ability
to keep operating. The company's share price fell seventy percent
this year, and they're considering licensing or selling therapies that
they've developed using the collected genetic information.

Speaker 9 (05:55):
Is it because nobody wants to know who they're related
to anymore?

Speaker 10 (05:57):
Maybe it's because they're selling off people's genetic information.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
That seems to be the story.

Speaker 15 (06:03):
Yeah, that's crazy. So if you you know you took
those tests, they have it and those.

Speaker 10 (06:07):
Are eatly things.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
You're ready for your Wednesday. Check it out.

Speaker 7 (06:12):
We're so appreciated and I love you guys.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
You don't want Elvis Duran in the Morning show?

Speaker 2 (06:17):
You know you can go to Audible for the best
selection of audio books without exception. Get inspired with best sellers,
new releases, plus podcasts and exclusive originals. Audible has it
all all in one place. Sign up for a free
thirty day trial at audible dot com. Slash Elvis.

Speaker 3 (06:39):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
I love Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Okay, well I predict we're going to be in a
sugar coma today.

Speaker 9 (06:45):
Yeah, you guys are starting early.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
Yes, we are so out of my house. There's an
institution it's called Melick's Farm, and they have the best pies.
So I brought some apple pies in today. Look at that.
And let me tell you, Nate is a He's a
stickler when it comes to the apple pie. That may
be top five pies I've ever had. And we're good.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you to the Melicks,
you know their pie. But I got good news, better news.
Our friend Christina Tosi. She has a new cookbook out
which is as an incredible story. We'll get into that
a little bit.

Speaker 9 (07:21):
Just when you say the word Toasi, I think, oh,
we're going to get lots and lots of sweets.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
Well we'll see, yeah, I hope. So anyway, she's just
a lovely person, a great story, this brand new book.
Love how she came up with a concept. You're gonna
love this story. She's coming in. And then our own
Lee Schrager, who always brings some sort of food and
a lot of attitude.

Speaker 9 (07:41):
He always brings the fun.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
Yes, yeah, food with a tude coming in with that.
Can we talk about last night?

Speaker 9 (07:49):
Yes, Oh my gosh, what an amazing night. First of all,
thank you guys so much for coming our first Down
for Laughs, part of the New York Comedy Festival for
Hearts of Joy International and you know. I know I
brought this to the table and you guys didn't know
a lot about what Hearts of Joy does for children
with Down syndrome in other countries, and it really is amazing.
So the fact that you guys were there and the

listeners came and we had a lot of we made
a lot of money for the for the for the cause.
The comedians were hysterical, they were so funny. It was
just such a wonderful night and the room was filled
with so much love, and that to me was just everything.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
Daniel, you're turning into quiet. The show producers, thank.

Speaker 9 (08:28):
You, thank you. And Parth, who is our comedian with
Down syndrome, got a standing ovation and I cried in
the corner because he's so special. And they came all
the way from Los Angeles to be there, so that
was really special.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
Pretty amazing. Yeah, Hey, Froggy, how is your son Kayden
playing in the tournament?

Speaker 16 (08:44):
Well, yesterday was not his best golf, but I will
tell you this, yesterday I am so proud of how
he handled it because in the past when he has struggled,
he doesn't always handle it well. He gets very upset
with himself and he gets very down on himself.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
Does he do like you and throw golf clubs.

Speaker 16 (09:01):
He doesn't do that because in college competition that is
frowned upon. So he's better than me at that part.
But after he said to me, he said, you know, Dad,
he said, I worked hard to get here. I deserve
to be here. I didn't play my best today. I'll
play better tomorrow, and I have to realize that I
got to take us in and enjoy this moment. And
I was more proud of that than I would be

him playing really well because it shows me maturity, and
it shows me that he really understands the moment and
what's going on. So he's got another round today, but
I am extremely proud of him and what he's accomplished.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
Him where he is, well, you know, tell him how
proud we are of him as well. Well, not like
dad who gets mad and start to beat the golf
cart with his golf clubs.

Speaker 16 (09:41):
Dude, I got to mean tomahawk throw with a golf club.
I can throw it further than I hit the ball sometimes.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
And then he drives the cart into the lake only
one time. The only time I stood up and collapsed
is when you beat the alligator with your golf club.
Oh my god, they made me mad. I don't like them.
I was a yelling gogators at the time. Yeah, I
think so. Let's get into the horoscopes, producer, Sam, who
you doing them with?

Speaker 6 (10:03):
I want to do them with Scuttie Bee?

Speaker 2 (10:05):
Oh, Scottie Bee. Okay, here we go, the Scotty Bee
buttons on. All right, let's go all right.

Speaker 17 (10:09):
If it's your birthday today, you share it with Jimmy
Kimmel and Whoopee Goldberg.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
Whoopy ya you calling whoopy whoopy whoopy whoopee? Right whoopye?

Speaker 17 (10:17):
See even better whoopee cap record. Continue showing effort even
if you're already reached a big goal. Maintenance is key.
Your Days of six.

Speaker 18 (10:25):
Aquarius, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. You deserve
more grace for everything you've been dealing with.

Speaker 17 (10:29):
Your day's an eight Pisces. Look at things for their
natural beauty. You work too hard to improve things from
your point of view. Your Days of seven hey Aries.

Speaker 18 (10:37):
If you feel like you're not being celebrated enough by others,
plan a celebration yourself.

Speaker 6 (10:41):
You deserve it.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Your Days of.

Speaker 17 (10:42):
Six Taurus, the more small tasks you complete the faster
you'll achieve your long term goals. Your day's a ten Gemini.

Speaker 6 (10:49):
Don't avoid the truth, even if it hurts. Listen to
your gut to help move past the situation.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
Your day's a nine cancer.

Speaker 17 (10:55):
Love comes naturally, but that doesn't mean it doesn't require
real maintenance.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
Your day is a five hm Boo Leo.

Speaker 18 (11:01):
Cluttered spaces are making you unproductive. Clean your space out
to clear your mind. Your day's a seven Virgo.

Speaker 17 (11:06):
Let go of your need to be perfect all the time.
Find peace within life's craziness. Your day is a nine.

Speaker 18 (11:12):
Hey, labor, donate items you no longer need. It doesn't
mean much to you, but it could meet a lot
to someone else. Your day's a nine Scorpio.

Speaker 17 (11:18):
Your old goals might not resonate with you. Now it's
okay to pursue a new path. Your day is an eight, and.

Speaker 18 (11:23):
Finally, Sagittarius, fall on plan B. If your original doesn't work,
you'll be surprised how successful that is. Your day's an
eight and those are Wednesday morning horse copes.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
Excellent. All right, Danielle, what are you coming up?

Speaker 9 (11:33):
We're gonna talk about Brittany. She is actually done with
child support on Friday and sorry Gandhi. Is Rihanna retiring
from music or not?

Speaker 2 (11:42):
She did say something about that, didn't she.

Speaker 9 (11:44):
Yeah, I've kind of felt like she already was.

Speaker 10 (11:46):
Yeah, but yeah, care She's like, yeah, the album's coming.
You'll get it when you get it.

Speaker 9 (11:50):
Yeah, I don't know if the album's coming.

Speaker 12 (11:52):

Speaker 2 (11:52):
Let Jim carrs over here. I'm jam come on in.
You want some apple pie? It's really good.

Speaker 9 (12:00):
Thank you, damn love you Jim Curved.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
I love my Jim Curve.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
We need fifteen more minutes of Elvis Duran in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Good godhead, do we cram all these people in one room?

Speaker 1 (12:11):
The fifteen minute Morning Show podcast? And extra fifteen minutes
of Elvis Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts. Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 19 (12:21):
All Right, we want to let you in on a
little secret that's helping people find relief from that annoying, itching,
scratching feeling that you get from dry eye.

Speaker 2 (12:31):
That just doesn't seem to go away.

Speaker 19 (12:33):
It's called my BO, also known as per floro hexeloctane
ophthalmic solution. My BO is used to treat the signs
and symptoms of dry eye disease. And it's the first
and only prescription drop that directly targets the number one
cause of dry eye, which is too much tear evaporation.
Remove your contact lenses before using my bo, and then

wait at least thirty minutes before putting them back in.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
I read this, and Lord vision may occur.

Speaker 19 (13:01):
If you're looking for dry eye relief, ask your doctor
about a different kind of eye drop prescription my Bo
call one eight hundred five five three fifty three forty.
That's one eight hundred five five three fifty three forty,
or visit my bo dot com and that's spelled m
i ebo dot com to learn more.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Elvis Dan in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
Hello, Kyle, how are you.

Speaker 20 (13:27):

Speaker 12 (13:27):
How are you well?

Speaker 3 (13:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
I saw your text and I had to talk to
you to say congratulations.

Speaker 7 (13:36):
Well, thank you.

Speaker 20 (13:36):
I appreciate that.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
Kyle sent a text saying I'm quitting my job today.
Wish me luck.

Speaker 9 (13:42):
Yeah, that's so funny.

Speaker 6 (13:46):
So are we now?

Speaker 2 (13:46):
Yeah? That funny? How that works? Hey? So you live
up in Albany, New York, and so what prompted you
to text us to give us the big exciting news.

Speaker 21 (13:55):

Speaker 7 (13:55):
Well, I've heard many people text in and you know,
and do the same thing, and I was just I
wasn't even expecting anything. So I don't even think my
text would have went through because I'm out in the
middle of nowhere.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
You know, text team works from everywhere. Yeah, yeah, we
got you.

Speaker 7 (14:12):
Well, I have very like once in a while, I'll
get one bar of service.

Speaker 15 (14:19):
That's kind of awesome though, because you get to actually
live your life and not be attached to your phone
and your device is good for you.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
You live in you live in the Albany area. Do
you ever got out to June's Farm, June Farms?

Speaker 7 (14:32):
I have none. Well, I'm I'm about forty five minutes
north of Albany.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
Yeah, you need to go down to June Farms. You
gotta get out there. Hey, so Kyle, let's talk about it.
So moving from your job you're quitting today. Do you
have another job lined up? Or you're gonna roll the
dice and see what happens?

Speaker 20 (14:48):

Speaker 7 (14:48):
No, I have one line up. I confirmed that yesterday.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
You must be so excited. Yeah, very excited.

Speaker 21 (14:54):
I am.

Speaker 7 (14:54):
It's been well funny, I went I put it in
my two weeks notice three years ago, and they convinced
me to stay with a bit of a raise and
a brand new machine.

Speaker 20 (15:07):
So I stayed.

Speaker 7 (15:08):
But anything else that was talked about nothing changed.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
So is this you running away from just an awful
job or you just need new inspiration in life? Is
it really about you or is it about the job?

Speaker 7 (15:23):
It's not about Joe, because I'm doing more or less
the same work that I'm going to So it's just
I need to get away from my boss because he's
he's never going to change. There's been multiple people in
this shop that have left or I've talked to him,
go hey we need to do this, we need to
do this, and let's try this.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
But it sounds like you're ready to grow though. This
is good for you. Good for you, Kyle. A lot
of people are listening right now and you're inspiring them,
including Gandhi.

Speaker 10 (15:49):
Oh yes, relatable about that boss? Do you have a
plan B? Have you decided what you're going to do?

Speaker 7 (15:57):
A plan B? I no plan B.

Speaker 20 (16:00):
This is this is it?

Speaker 2 (16:02):
Yeah? You know he got the job. He's starting soon right.

Speaker 7 (16:05):
I start right after Thanksgiving n.

Speaker 9 (16:10):
Some time.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
So I mean, do you have any words of advice
or inspiration for someone out there who's in the same
position that you were in, who is thinking about making
that leap. Do it, Just do it. Yeah, but you
waited like three years, So do you think you wasted
those three years or did you need to did you
need to sit there for a while longer to figure

out what you need to do.

Speaker 7 (16:36):
No, I don't think I wasted three years. I mean,
there's some assets where I wish I would have left then,
but there's some things that you know, I'm glad I stayed.
But it's I don't see anything changing, and it's just
kind of like a small vortex just slowly going down.

Speaker 2 (16:53):

Speaker 7 (16:54):
I just kind of want to get away from that.

Speaker 2 (16:57):

Speaker 15 (16:58):
I feel like this is ripping the band aid off
because now when you don't like things, you'll probably change
them more quickly.

Speaker 12 (17:05):

Speaker 7 (17:05):
Well, and funny thing is is today is another guy's
last day.

Speaker 10 (17:10):
Well, you take them.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
With you and you don't have to worry about that.
I mean, you're you're on your own, your own path.
And good for you, Kyle. We just wanted to say
hi and congratulations, good for you.

Speaker 7 (17:21):
Well, well, thanks, I appreciate it. And this is like
very surreal to me because I never in a million
years thought I would actually get a callback or anything or.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
Well, you're you're a superstar. Today. It's all about you
and you know what, and you took care of yourself.
And I think that's like one of the headlines is
you got to take care of yourself and you're you're
doing it. Kyle. Best of luck, break a leg, enjoy
your time off, and hope to hope you keep listening
to us.

Speaker 7 (17:49):
Oh definitely, I'll listen every single day from six am
to ten am.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
All right, and go down to June Farms, have a
cocktail and we love it. All right. Take care, Kyle,
take care all right?

Speaker 20 (17:59):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
I love that. I love hearing these stories, don't you.

Speaker 9 (18:02):
Oh yeah, that's awesome. You know a lot of people
can't like up and just quit their jobs because they're
in certain situations. But when you can and you're at
that point and you know, you just feel like you
got control back, well.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
You need to tell Gandhi to take the purse off
her shoulder and sit down.

Speaker 9 (18:17):
Backs it down.

Speaker 10 (18:18):
Never, I don't trust anyone here.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Wow, we have so much to talk about today, you know,
Danielle and Gandhi Someway. When it comes to a holiday season, Yeah,
you guys get into those weird movies and shows and stuff.

Speaker 10 (18:33):
Oh, I've been watching some junk lately.

Speaker 9 (18:35):
It's awesome.

Speaker 10 (18:36):
Meet me next Christmas. What's that?

Speaker 9 (18:38):
And Hot Frosty is on today. I'll talk about Hot
Frosty in my report in a few minutes.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
Well, so Hot Frosty, okay. So I found a new
Christmas film that's not jankity. Okay, it's real. It looks
so good. I saw the it's on Netflix. I saw
the trailer yesterday and of course Tarin Edgerton's in it.

Speaker 9 (19:01):
Oh, he's cut right.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
Also Sophia, Sophia Carson is in it. Jason Bateman. It's
called carry On.

Speaker 9 (19:08):
Have you have you seen the Yes, I saw a
little bit of preview of it.

Speaker 10 (19:11):
Yes, you send me the trailer. So I was like, oh,
what is this?

Speaker 2 (19:14):
You saw it? You actually watch something? I say. So,
finally I found a new holiday film I can watch
and no, it's not going to be cheesy. It doesn't
look cheesy at all. It looks great. It looks it's
very suspenseful. It's it's it's called carry On. I'll read
what they say, an edge of your seat action thriller
that follows a young TSA agent who's blackmailed into an

impossible situation at the height of the Christmas Eve travel days,
and you know, they show him like I'm going to work.
It's gonna be a long day to doing TSA at
the air pro and it turns into crazy.

Speaker 9 (19:49):
I think you just like it because he's in it,
Terren's in it.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
It looks like a good story too. Now there's more
to me. I have more layers than you know that anyway.
So yeah, it's called carry On on Netflix. It's now playing.

Speaker 9 (20:04):
Oh my god, there you go.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Don't call my house tonight. I'm watching Carry On.

Speaker 9 (20:08):
Are you sure you're not gonna watch Hot Frosty.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
I'm not gonna watch Hot Frosty. All right, Well it's here,
So thank you Netflix for giving me and all of
us who don't like those Hot Frosty type movies for
the holidays. All right, Daniel, what else you got going on?

Speaker 9 (20:21):
Well, we're gonna talk about a Hot Frosty premieres today
on Netflix, and it is a rom com, obviously for
the holidays, and it is bringing life to a snowman
who's built like a male model, and he spends much
of the movie with his shirt off, So you're welcome,
all right.

Speaker 10 (20:35):
One, I'm me up.

Speaker 9 (20:36):
Then one week from today, Chad Michael Murray stars and
the merry Gentleman that has been compared to Magic Mike
at Christmas time. We are getting sexy at Christmas, guys.
And then the tailorswift. Travis Kelcey inspired Christmas in the
Spotlight debuts on Lifetime in ten days and there's a
racy scene where he exposes his six pack. So I mean, she's, oh,
a carpenter Christmas romance that's coming up. I got them

all for you, guys.

Speaker 15 (21:00):
A carpenter carb Come on about Jesus bedroom sex films.

Speaker 9 (21:07):
It's what it's all about. So it's on the way. Guys.
We have a brand new People magazine Sexiest Man Alive.
And a lot of the ladies in here agree because
we love him. John Krasinsky from well you guys probably
know originally from the office. Yeah, he is the sexiest
man Alive.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
I agree to.

Speaker 10 (21:26):
Yeah, it's a good choice.

Speaker 9 (21:27):
Like the guy next door sexy, do you know what
I mean? Like and he when he found out, well,
you know what I mean. When he found out, he
said he immediately was like what he says, I had
zero thoughts other than maybe I'm being punked. And they said, well,
isn't he gonna anything gonna change for you? Like how
things gonna be at home? He's like, I don't think so.
He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, family blunt. They

have two kids, and he says, I think she's just
gonna make me do more household chores now that Hey,
mister sexy.

Speaker 10 (21:54):
You do it shirtless?

Speaker 2 (21:55):
Yeah, exactly, make take off your shirt. I will tell you.
He and his wife used to work out in the
same gym. I worked at him with Charles, and I
wasn't friends with them, but you know, we would smile
each other. They were They always seem like the nicest people.
They were. If someone wanted to say hi to them
and whatever, they would never ever like ichy. They were good.

I love that.

Speaker 10 (22:16):
That makes me happy.

Speaker 9 (22:17):
He has a reputation of being very nice. I like
that nice, so love y awesome. Yeah, Rihanna, I know,
sorry Gandhi, but she hinted at retiring from music. She's
focusing on bringing her fenty line to Barbados, so she's
reflecting on this career shift, saying that music was the
thing that got the attention, but God had other plans
for me, allowing me to create in ways that feel

organic and authentic. Her last album was in twenty sixteen,
and you know, she's been focusing on at a lot
of other things, including her kids. So I guess we
will see what happens.

Speaker 10 (22:48):
I'm just no need or desire to do it.

Speaker 9 (22:50):
I know she's a billionaire.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
I would love more Rihanna music.

Speaker 10 (22:53):
That would do.

Speaker 2 (22:54):
But maybe if she'll just everyone's all just trip into
a studio and like, yeah, first one out, that'd be great.

Speaker 9 (23:00):
Or maybe he'd like maybe be on somebody's collab or something,
you know, just something, please for that. So in three days,
Britney Spears can wash her hands of Kevin Fetterline because
she will send him her final child support payment. Their
youngest son, Jaden James, turned eighteen in September. Britney paid
Kevin ten thousand dollars at the beginning of the month,
and he gets another ten thousand dollars on Friday, and
then she is done because her other son obviously is

over eighteen already and so no more child support. So
she's washing her hands with that. Show him extra cash,
Have some extra cash. Did you guys realize how bad
Shawn Mendes was back in twenty twenty two. I didn't
realize how bad. He was talking about it recently to
The New York Times, and he said that he was
going on this destructive path towards joining the twenty seven

Club and the twenty seventh Club. If you don't know
what it is, a lot of artists back in the day,
a lot of famous people died when they were twenty
seven because they were partying too much. And for some reason,
that was the age where we lost a lot of people.
He says, I wasn't going to rewrite the same story
that's been written a thousand times by musicians and artists.
They can't cope. They start making drug more drugs, more alcohol,
until too much. I'm not doing that. He said. He
numbed himself with cigarettes and booze before taking the stage,

so he quit his eighty arena tour. It was supposed
to make him one hundred million dollars, and he back
then said I can't have to focus on my mental health.
Took a break back. He's back and he's in a
better place.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
I was reading this morning. You should never ever forget. Yeah,
your mental health is always much more important than your career.

Speaker 9 (24:24):
One hundred percent, always, one hundred percent.

Speaker 13 (24:26):

Speaker 9 (24:27):
The first season finale of The Golden Bachelorette is on tonight.
You've got Mac the Masked Singer, don't hate your House
with the Property Brothers, Hot Frosty.

Speaker 10 (24:35):
Just a little.

Speaker 9 (24:36):
Reminder for you again, call me Ted on Max. You
also have the documentary Return of The King The Fallen
Rise of Elvis Presley over on Netflix. And of course
all your Chicago shows are on tonight as well. And
that is my Danielle Report.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
Thank you, Danielle.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
Wake up to Elvis Terrain in the Morning Show.

Speaker 20 (24:51):
On You know.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
You can go to Audible for the best selection of
audio books without exception. Get inspired with best sellers, new releases,
plus pot podcasts and exclusive originals. Audible has it all
all in one place. Sign up for a free thirty
day trial at audible dot com. Slash Elvis in the

Morning Show.

Speaker 12 (25:16):
All right, So.

Speaker 2 (25:18):
How many push ups can you do?

Speaker 9 (25:19):
Oh? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
So the Mayo Clinic. I know you hate them, daniel
because it's you hate mayonnaise has nothing to do with mayonnaise.
It's named after the Mayo family.

Speaker 9 (25:31):
Yes, okay.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
The Mayo Clinic posted this number of push ups people
in good shape should be able to do at any
age out. Well, no, you're not. Now you don't have
well listen, listen it okay. For example, a twenty five
year old man should be able to do twenty eight
in a row, twenty for a woman. That's it. Okay,
By fifty five, it drops. Oh, listen to your froggy.

That's it. No, that's it. I would I would. I
would have thought it was supposed to be more. I
thought less. Look, you know, if you're not conditioning your
upper body, you're not working out. You can mean in
good shape and still not do them because those muscles
aren't there ready to go. All right, So here it
is the signs that you're at least in good shape.
Twenty five years old, twenty push ups for women, twenty

eight for men at twenty five, thirty five years old,
nineteen for women, twenty one for men. Oh, forty five
years old, fourteen for women, sixteen for men.

Speaker 10 (26:28):
Oh, this is interesting.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
Fifty five years old, ten for women, twelve for men,
and sixty five, it's ten ten. It's same for about
sixty five years old, so it declines over with age.

Speaker 10 (26:40):
But those numbers for men drop off much more steeply
than for women.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
I don't know why. Huh call them aos?

Speaker 10 (26:45):
Are you guys?

Speaker 9 (26:46):
Okay, I'm astrophying And this is actually I don't even
know if I do like a real like you know
how you have to. This is a specific way you
have to do the push up in order for it
to count.

Speaker 6 (26:57):
Like you know what I mean?

Speaker 9 (26:58):
Like, I don't. I don't know if I do that.
Do my own thing?

Speaker 2 (27:02):
Scary now, see how you do? You've been working out
a lot lately. Well, I could do halves. You know
the part where you put Yeah, I mean like the
going down part, going down part you get laid down
on the floor exactly, the gravity part you still have
to carry your way to put you do you do?

Speaker 20 (27:23):

Speaker 2 (27:23):
No, no, it's resistant. I get itulsion we'll show us,
show us, show us right here, scary goodness, you'll be great.
You're making noise on even Do I at least get
like one of those yoga mats? No? What? Yes? Camera? Okay,
here you go? Oh jeez, okay, you have good form.

Speaker 12 (27:45):

Speaker 8 (27:46):
All right, Okay, so I could do that?

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Yeah I can't. Okay, you do one.

Speaker 9 (27:54):
You're kidding, right, Okay, I'll.

Speaker 12 (27:56):
Try it again.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
Trying. You gotta focus, focus, scary focus. Okay, here you
go by. How about not going all the way down,
just to just halfway down? Okay, now it's the last
time you said that. Oh boy, wow, See doing the
half push ups are good? Those are fine. It's they're not.

Speaker 9 (28:13):
No, but there isn't there another way you can do
it where you're where your feet are crossed and you're
on your knees and you're just you can in your arm,
you can be on your knees. Yeah, yeah, the modified
push up right knee push ups. You know how to
do that?

Speaker 2 (28:25):
Do the knee push ups. Here you go, stay, stay
on your knees, put your hands forward, forward.

Speaker 9 (28:30):
Going forward. You gotta go, keep going, keep going forward.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
You gotta go further down.

Speaker 9 (28:36):
Yeah, you're not you're not well.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
No, hold on. That's a good way to get up
to regular push ups.

Speaker 9 (28:41):
It's a good way to get up.

Speaker 2 (28:43):
Period. You're doing you're doing great, scary, you're working out
a couple of times a week. You're doing great. Try
but you love set ups.

Speaker 8 (28:51):
You say I'm a little better at you.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
I just say spit ups.

Speaker 19 (28:59):
And then the jitterbug, I mean the crush, watch the
late the bug, lady bug, when you're on your dead bug, the.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
Jitter bug like a dance for yours. Yeah, the jitterbug,
the dead I call it the bed bug. You're looking good,
You're looking good, scary. I love it. I love it.

Speaker 14 (29:20):
He's been working out for a solid year. You can't
do one legitimate what.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
They have been. Maybe they haven't been focusing on on Yeah,
you're looking good. It's just I would expect you to do.

Speaker 8 (29:31):
What you have to work your way up to the
you really do.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Here's for next year. Wait, we do have some pie
in here. You can push that down his throat. I'm okay,
I'm not that great. I'm not I'm not sitting here
saying that I'm great at it. Okay, all right, he's
so out of breath. Okay, yeah, he'll be okay, he'll

be okay almost. I'll tell you who's a push up machine?
Who that our friend Brod Phillips. Oh yeah, he can
do one hundred and ten push ups in two minutes.
Is unfreaking believable to watch him. He's it's unreal. Have
you seen this building they're building in New York City.
I want to everyone, if you have a chance today,
do a search for this. They're building this building. It's

called the it's called Big Bend. It's a skyscraper. Look,
there's a lot of strange buildings around the world. This
is going to be one of them. It looks like
a giant paper clip. Have you seen the picture now
it's called Big Bend. I think it's going to be
the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. Two thousand feet tall.

That's a couple hundred feet taller than one World Trade
Center downtown. Oh wow. Of course the tallest building in
the world is in Dubai, right, it's the Burj Khalifa,
who I have all his albums. By the way, yeah,
solid merge. Kalif is great anyway. So they're saying that
this building, looking like a giant paper clip, is going

to be the most prestigious building in Manhattan. Others are
saying it's going to ruin our skyline. It's gonna make
it look awful like trash. So that's coming up for
all New Yorkers. I live in New York. I didn't
even know this was happening.

Speaker 15 (31:12):
They're actually building it because I know they had a
lot of trouble back and forth, but they've started, like
they broke around a building.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Yeah, yeah, it's underway. There you go.

Speaker 10 (31:20):
This is shocking.

Speaker 2 (31:21):
You know, the toy the Toy Hall of Fame. Right,
every year they add new toys. Did you see who
they're adding this year?

Speaker 13 (31:27):

Speaker 2 (31:28):
My Little Pony?

Speaker 9 (31:29):
Oh wow, I thought that was in there already.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
My Little Pony came out in nineteen eighty two. Also, Transformers,
oh yeah, came out in nineteen eighty four. They're all
going in this year. Exciting news.

Speaker 9 (31:41):
I thought Transformers was in there already too. I don't
know why.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
I love the Toy Hall of Fame. They do things
like Transformers, the slinky, and a box of sand yeah
mud mud a.

Speaker 9 (31:54):
Yes, a cardboard box as.

Speaker 10 (31:57):
It should that's the best ever, definitely, and stick.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
That'd be great. The stick is fun. But see, that's
the thing. If you have creativity in your in your veins,
in your in your mind and your soul, yeah, you
can take a box and get really really creative with it.

Speaker 9 (32:10):
Well, let me tell you, somebody took that and is
now making a lot of money on things like Amazon.
So they have themed cardboard boxes for every holiday. So like,
it's a Halloween haunted house that you can build out
of a box, and it's got Halloween pictures and your
kids color it, so not only Yeah, there's one for Christmas.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
That's a good idea.

Speaker 9 (32:28):
It's so smart, right, My sisters bought them all.

Speaker 2 (32:31):
Didn't you buy some boxes that are like cat houses
or something?

Speaker 9 (32:34):
Oh yes, that's a target and Amazon. So and my
cat Diggy likes to rip cardboard and spit it out,
so she does yoh, so she she she rips the
shreds all the houses I buy her. But she loves it,
so I keep buying them.

Speaker 10 (32:47):
I still look at big boxes and I'm like, I
could get in there and play railway car.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
Yeah sure. We used to take the couch cushions and
turn them into forts. Yeah hell yeah, and my mom
would have a fit. Yeah, what are you doing to
my cat my sofa? I'm making a fort, mom?

Speaker 9 (33:03):
Why to get away from you's toys.

Speaker 2 (33:07):
I was doing that until I was in my thirties.
I'm kidding anyway. So the Toy Hall of Fame, they
have a lot of other things going in there. In
there nine of the finalists that didn't get close enough
to get in. Uh, Pokemon still not in there?

Speaker 12 (33:20):

Speaker 2 (33:21):
Hess toy trucks, which are a big thing here on
the on the East coast. Uh. Stick horses, the stick horse,
like the hobby horse. Trampolines not in there? What balloons?
They should put balloons in the Toy Hall of Fame?
Oh yeah, I don't know. So there you have it.
Holidays on the way. What toy do you want from
Santa Claus? Anyone? Are you thinking about it?

Speaker 13 (33:42):

Speaker 9 (33:42):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
Big old vibrator anyone?

Speaker 9 (33:46):

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Please that that should be in the Toy Hall of
Absolutely Okay, what do you want to do? I'm tired
of thinking. Okay, our first guest is coming up? At
what time?

Speaker 3 (33:55):

Speaker 2 (33:56):
Just after eight? Oh my god, we've got an hour
to play. You have a game or something?

Speaker 10 (33:59):
I have a couple can actions if you want to
give those a try.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
Do you have one right now? Yeah? Scary?

Speaker 10 (34:03):
Pull it up, Scary, it's under game connections.

Speaker 2 (34:06):
I know you're you're a little sore right now, can
you Danielle Scary?

Speaker 9 (34:14):
He was so out of breath I felt so bad
for him.

Speaker 8 (34:16):
I've taxed my muscles for the day.

Speaker 2 (34:19):
All right. This is connection is twenty one? Is that right?

Speaker 4 (34:21):

Speaker 2 (34:22):
All right? So take it away, all right.

Speaker 10 (34:23):
So these four pieces of audio have something in common.
It could be anything.

Speaker 15 (34:28):
It could be the artists have something in common, the
actual song, the name of the song, the beat of
the song. There's something in common with all four of
these pieces of audio.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
All right, we've never heard this. Gandhi is sharing it
with us right now. Here we go, four pieces of sound.
What do they have in common? There's a connection.

Speaker 3 (34:45):
Sand closest comment town.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
They do? What is it? They have something in common?

Speaker 19 (35:03):

Speaker 2 (35:04):
Call us or Texas? They call us called diamond. She
needs something to do. She's over there in pain in
her new invisil line.

Speaker 10 (35:10):
Yeah, she needs a practice or speech.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
Right, call her speak? How are you doing over there?
This is what day two for your invisil line? Yes?
How are you feeling tight? Yeah? Hello, good girl, she's tight.
Now we didn't really do an official congratulations to Gandhi
finishing her invisil line? Run yeah?

Speaker 20 (35:34):

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Is she wearing your old invisible That's how we.

Speaker 6 (35:37):
Worked it out.

Speaker 10 (35:38):
She said, I want the same teeth so I just
gave her my old trade.

Speaker 2 (35:40):
That is disgusting.

Speaker 9 (35:41):
Your teeth look great?

Speaker 10 (35:42):
Thank you?

Speaker 2 (35:43):
All right, show, but you are talking on just a
little bit.

Speaker 6 (35:49):
I'm being bullied at this point.

Speaker 18 (35:50):
Andrew was in here for like the past fifteen minutes
just repeating everything that I said.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
I don't want to talk to anyone.

Speaker 15 (35:56):
Listen, you earned that as soon as I saw her.
When I first got it, she was like, oh, which
he got in your mouth?

Speaker 2 (36:02):
Paybacks up, bitch.

Speaker 6 (36:03):
Dinas like, I'm so excited.

Speaker 2 (36:05):
Came on, it's not nice, Diamond. We have to start
calling you lisha huge yeah, not no, you know what.
It's gonna pay off here and look great. Any so
called diamond now, if you can figure out that connection,
one eight hundred and two four two zero one hundred
lizzos in here.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge, we.

Speaker 22 (36:28):
Say good morning to the Jonas Brothers. Mercedes Benz has
an s u V for you, whether it's the Stylish
g l C, the Compact g l A, the three
year roaw GLS or the g l E and g
LC plug in hybrids.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Visit m b u s a dot com for special offers.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
Elvis d Ran in the morning show. Just like that
Elvis d ran in the morning show.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
All Right, Gandhi has a new connections for us. Danielle, Okay,
these four pieces of sound have something in common?

Speaker 3 (36:57):

Speaker 2 (37:02):
Okay, all right, there's something in common. Lisa, Hi, Lisa,
how's it hanging? Yep? Okay, Lisa? Hello?

Speaker 9 (37:20):

Speaker 2 (37:22):

Speaker 9 (37:22):
Okay, is your name Lida?

Speaker 1 (37:24):
You mean me?

Speaker 20 (37:25):
Well? What?

Speaker 2 (37:26):
Wait? What what is your name? Stephanie answered Lisa. What
have you done with Lisa?

Speaker 1 (37:33):
Okay, it's a great name.

Speaker 9 (37:34):
It's a great name.

Speaker 2 (37:37):
Stephanie. Okay, No, we we approve of Stephanie as well. Okay, Stephanie.
What do those four songs have in common? Or those
four pieces of sound?

Speaker 6 (37:44):
Well, now that I heard it again, I'm so confused.

Speaker 9 (37:46):
I'm sweating.

Speaker 21 (37:47):
I think I think it's the drum beat.

Speaker 6 (37:50):
I think the drum.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
No, that's not it. I'm sorry, But why are you sweating?
Do we make people sweat?

Speaker 20 (37:58):

Speaker 10 (37:58):
Well, I don't know.

Speaker 7 (37:59):
I mean, I I have the theater in on this morning.

Speaker 9 (38:01):
I'm not so sure.

Speaker 10 (38:02):
Okay, Okay.

Speaker 2 (38:03):
I love Stephanie.

Speaker 12 (38:04):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (38:05):
We're learning so much about you. I love you. All right,
that's not the answer. And but thank you for trying.
And it's great to meet you. I'm glad you're here.

Speaker 21 (38:13):
Oh, thank you too.

Speaker 9 (38:13):
I enjoy you guys every morning.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
Thank you, thank you, Stephanie. Have a safe drive. All right,
here's the deal? Should I play it again? They have
something in common? What is it?

Speaker 23 (38:25):
Old say the closest comments to town?

Speaker 2 (38:40):
Mm hmm, I know what it is.

Speaker 10 (38:43):
I know. I think the people in this room got
it pretty quickly.

Speaker 2 (38:46):
Because we planned it with you.

Speaker 9 (38:49):
Yeah, that doesn't count.

Speaker 2 (38:50):
Hey, as you know, this is November, it's men's health
Awareness month. And I've got my husband Alex on the phone. Hi, Alex,
how are you feeling a good morning? He's at the
Stanton Island Zoo getting ready. What are you doing at
the zoo today?

Speaker 20 (39:08):
Uh? Probably raking leaves.

Speaker 2 (39:11):
What it's like? Why do you make the bed? We
keep keep sleeping in it.

Speaker 10 (39:17):
Because it kills the grass underneath.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
When you nobody got to do it, all right? So,
as you know, uh, Northwell Health we love them. As
a matter of fact, Northwell Health saved Alex's life when
you had testicular cancer. You went through all your treatments,
all your your your chemotherapy there and they took, They
took such good, good care of you, you decided to
not just move on and forget about it. You wanted

to make a difference in other people's lives, right of course.

Speaker 20 (39:44):
You know, they took such great care of me, and
Staten Island being one of the highest cancer rates in
the Five Burrows. You know, just me doing my treatments
here it meant a lot. And the whole staff, everybody
was amazing, amazing, And I felt so comfortable there.

Speaker 15 (40:02):
That's incredible, especially because going through all of these treatments
we know is notoriously uncomfortable.

Speaker 10 (40:08):
So what about them made you so comfortable?

Speaker 20 (40:12):
Well, you know, just every morning, you know, they got
to know me and they would smile and they would
compliment me of how great I look. And you know,
they even have therapy dogs that would come visit and
sit on my lap while I was getting treatments, and
you know, it was just the overall experience there, Alex,

if you had it.

Speaker 9 (40:34):
Like, there's a lot of people obviously who might be
about to go through what you went through, and they're
going to have to get the chemo and their nervous rack, Like,
do you have any advice for them?

Speaker 20 (40:44):
Yes, always stay strong. You know it's in your mind
as well. You know, I have friends right now going
through chemotherapy that you know, they actually beat the cancer,
but now they got to go to rehab center just
to get you know, their strength back, and a lot
of it's in your head. And you know, one of
my good friends, you know, he doesn't feel like eating,

doesn't feel like getting up. But I call him twice
a week and I give him the motivation. I said,
come on, come on, you could do it. And you
know what, he's getting better slowly.

Speaker 9 (41:17):
Well that's awesome.

Speaker 2 (41:19):
Well the great thing here is uh Florina Cancer Center,
this brand new, beautiful facility on Staten Island that we
took took a visit. Uh, they are making a difference.
A lot of people in Staten Island who don't want
to go all the way to Manhattan. They can they
can have these treatments and see the best in the
in the world in this field, right in their own backyard. Right. Yeah,

it's pretty.

Speaker 15 (41:43):
Do you have any idea why those numbers are so
high in Staten Island, Like what is causing that?

Speaker 20 (41:49):
Well, you know, I don't know for sure, but you know,
State Island is home to one of the largest well
garbage stumps in the world.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
We call it a landfill.

Speaker 20 (42:01):
Well, you know, thank god it's closed now, but still,
you know, maybe that has something. You know, my father
died of cancer when I was seventeen years old, and
you know that might have had something to do with
it as well. You know, I'm not sure.

Speaker 2 (42:16):
Okay, Well, here it is, It's November, and all of
us in support of you, Alex, including you, we're all
growing these hideous mustaches. Mine's not. Actually, you know you
have you seen Alex? Have you seen Nate? He looks
pretty good, He looks really good.

Speaker 20 (42:29):
No, but mine looks horrible.

Speaker 2 (42:32):
You look dastardly ill the doc Holliday, Yeah, yeah you too.
You on horses like robbing Wells, Fargo drags or I
look like like a really just beat to hell Walt Disney.

Speaker 9 (42:45):
Oh oh my gosh.

Speaker 10 (42:48):
I'm never now.

Speaker 2 (42:51):
So join us in raising awareness for men's health, supporting
Florina Cancer Center. Making this November about more than just
facial hair. Let's make it about saving lives as well.
If you want to join in and donate, go to
Northwell dot edu slash Elvis today and it's all about Alex. Alex,
you'r this is what's the name of the program. It's

called Alex car something. What's it called a car crushes cancer?
That's it. If you want to donate, be a part
of the movement, or just learn more, go to Northwell
dot edu slash Elvis and do it today. I love you, Alex.
Thank you so much.

Speaker 20 (43:28):
I appreciate I love you, Thank you so much.

Speaker 10 (43:31):
Does he know the connection?

Speaker 20 (43:32):

Speaker 2 (43:32):
Do you know the connection?

Speaker 20 (43:35):
Uh no, Actually, reptole Matt and I would try to
figure it out. We couldn't figure it out.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
O reptile Matt can't figure it out. Oh so no,
if he can't figure it out, then there is no
there is no hope. All right, all right, well I'll
talk to you later, Alex. I gotta run.

Speaker 20 (43:49):
Thank you, and I love you guys.

Speaker 2 (43:50):
Love you too. Again. It's Northwell dot edu, northwak. Where
what's the address? You took it from here? You took
it from me Northwell dot edu slash Elvis. Thank you?
All right. I think we have something interesting here online
nineteen Hello Melissa, how are you?

Speaker 1 (44:06):
I'm good, I'm good.

Speaker 2 (44:07):
How are you doing? Well? Here's the connections?

Speaker 3 (44:11):
Same comment town.

Speaker 2 (44:26):
You know if you listen closely, it's kind of obvious. Melissa,
What do those four pieces of sound have in common?

Speaker 1 (44:32):
They are all live versions, all performed live.

Speaker 2 (44:36):
They're performed live. Absolutely, those were all recordings that became hits,
and they're all recorded on a stage at a live
show rather than in a studio. That was awesome. What
made you do that? Gandhi? What what? What?

Speaker 15 (44:55):
I prompted that we were actually having a conversation in
here yesterday and people were talking about songs that were
recorded live and ended up being the popular version of
that song.

Speaker 10 (45:04):
So I thought that's a good connection. Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2 (45:06):
The songs were let Me Clear my Throat, which is
appropriate for me today. Also Santa Claus coming to town,
all apologies, and Benny and the Jets from Elton John
here you go. Hey, what do you have for our
friend Melissa?

Speaker 14 (45:18):
Okay, Melissa, We've got five hundred dollars for you thanks
to Northwell dot Edu slash Elvis a lot of money.
And not only that, Melissa, we're gonna double down. We're
gonna make a five hundred dollars donation on your behalf
to car Crushes Cancer.

Speaker 2 (45:36):
That is nice. Nate Good for you. Thank you, Papa Nate.

Speaker 1 (45:40):
That is awesome. Thank you so much.

Speaker 10 (45:43):
Thank you every morning.

Speaker 15 (45:44):
And I've been listening for about thirty years, so it's
it's been a long time.

Speaker 1 (45:48):

Speaker 2 (45:49):
Wow, I'm sorry. Sorry, they've still fire us. I don't
know what's happening.

Speaker 15 (45:53):
Well, thank god, Oh lord, oh wow, long time ago.

Speaker 2 (45:57):
All right, hold on, Melissa, five hundred dollars on the
way and five hundred and two of course Northway Health
and the Florina Cancer Center. That's great. I didn't know
they were doing that. I'm doing it. You're doing it.
We're doing you. Half of the Elves standing ovation for Nate.
We love you, Nate. Listen, get into the three things
we need to know. Gandhi, what's going on?

Speaker 6 (46:17):
All right?

Speaker 15 (46:17):
Not sure if you've been keeping up with this story
from the weekend, but the FAA is banning US flights
to Haiti for thirty days after three flights were hit
with gunfire while landing in the country last week.

Speaker 10 (46:27):
Actually this week.

Speaker 2 (46:28):
That's scary.

Speaker 15 (46:29):
Yes, A Spirit Airlines flight was hit Monday and diverted
to the Dominican Republic. A Jet Blue flight was also
shot at, but the damage was not discovered until the
flight returned to New York, and American Airlines said it
is suspending flights through February after it discovered a plane
had been hit following its return to Miami. The Federal
Aviation Administration said in a notice that it was prohibiting

aviation operations in the territory and airspace of Haiti. We're
not sure when that's going to be lifted. They're saying
thirty days as of right now. We'll see the State
of Louisiana plans to file an appeal today with the
Fifth Circuit Corps after a federal judge ruled a new
state law requiring displays of the Ten Commandments in all
classrooms is actually unconstitutional.

Speaker 10 (47:09):
The law was to take effect in just under two months.

Speaker 15 (47:12):
The ACLU of Louisiana applauds that judge's ruling, but the
state attorney says it applies only to the five school
districts named in the lawsuit challenging the law, including East
Batton Rouge Paris. She also claims the ruling does not
apply to the entire state of Louisiana. And finally, all
of a sudden, know you've been looking forward to this,
the long awaited fight between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul

except to go down Friday so excited? You were watching
the Netflix documentary about it?

Speaker 20 (47:39):
Were you?

Speaker 2 (47:40):
Yeah? Yeah, I'm into it. Is anyone else sitting to it?

Speaker 9 (47:43):
Do you think is gonna win?

Speaker 2 (47:44):
I hope who you think is gonna win?

Speaker 16 (47:47):
I just can't see him beating my I know, Mike
Tyson's fifty seven years old or whatever.

Speaker 2 (47:51):
I think Mike Tyson wins.

Speaker 16 (47:52):
I just think that uppercut is if he lands, If
he lands a good punch, it's over.

Speaker 2 (47:56):
I gotta tell you, I don't know. Yeah, and I can't.
I can't I go back and forth. Whoever wins, It's
quite the spectacle.

Speaker 15 (48:05):
Mike is still Mike, Mike is Mike. He basically pulled
that line from Batman. Why he said Logan or he
was Jake Paul was trained to kill. I was a
born killer. I was like, okay, But you know what
makes me feel weird about it. Jake Paul is humongous.
I didn't know he was that big. When they squared
up those I was like, oh man, these two are.

Speaker 2 (48:25):
He's been juicing. I saw the same pictures as you, guys. Jake.
He's been juicing. I guaranteed test you.

Speaker 9 (48:33):
To make sure you're not.

Speaker 2 (48:36):
Really they don't, No, they want to make money.

Speaker 10 (48:40):
Yeah, this is this is an official fight though.

Speaker 2 (48:42):
I know what's down.

Speaker 9 (48:43):
That's not cool.

Speaker 2 (48:44):
See how we don't test here. I know you're juice.

Speaker 12 (48:54):
Juice is loose.

Speaker 10 (48:55):
Well, the fight's happening Friday. I think we covered everything else, all.

Speaker 1 (48:59):
Right, You got a phone tap on the word Another
free money phone tap coming up next calling here for
the Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. Free money phone tap,
No purchase necessary buid in Montana, New Mexico, Washington. We're prohibited.
For more info and rules, go to Elvis Duran dot com.
Slash contest Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. The free

money phone tap.

Speaker 2 (49:24):
Yes it is. Thanks to our friends at petmedspetmeds dot com.
You're about to win one thousand dollars. Now, let me
be very clear about pet Meds. It's not just an
online pharmacy for your pets, which is great in and
of itself. It's also a very modern pet healthcare platform.
Everything you need for your pet is there. Prescriptions, food, toys,

everything else including this is genius, including doctor Cuddles, Ready
Rescue yes, doctor Cuddles Ready Rescue. This is a great
gift for yourself because you have a pet, or if
you have any in your life that have pets, they
need this in their homes. I'll tell you why. Because
this holiday season a lot of food falls on the floor.
There are some chocolate over there being eaten by pets

that should be eating it. This gift is incredible. Everyone,
all of us need to be prepared for the unexpected
at any holiday party or dinner gathering with pet families.
It's a thoughtful gift to give. Look, if you don't
know what's gonna happen to your pet after your pet
eats something very suspicious, having doctor Cuddles Ready Rescue, ready

to go is a good idea. So go to PetMeds
dot com. You can look up the doctor Cuddles products
or any health oriented products or squeaky toys. I mean everything.
Everything you want for your pet, You've got. You've got
medication for your pet.

Speaker 1 (50:49):
I do.

Speaker 9 (50:50):
Yeah, steroid for Fred every single day, actually, yeah, every
single day.

Speaker 1 (50:55):
In Hiller.

Speaker 9 (50:56):
He does have his inhaler too in case of emergency.
He has a little inhaler with a little It's so cute.

Speaker 2 (51:02):
I'm sure he loves that.

Speaker 9 (51:03):
Yeah, he's so excited. Would have to do that to him.

Speaker 2 (51:05):
Pet Meds offering top prescription brands and vet recommended products
for all your pets needs. Just check him out this website.
If you're a pet lover, you're gonna love this website
because it really is easy to navigate. It's fun, you know.
Even though a lot of these products are very very
very important and serious, there's a lot of lot of
great playful corners to go to as well. So check

it out PetMeds dot com. If you want to save
forty percent, of course you do, use the promo code Elvis.
That's PetMeds dot com. Use the promo code Elvis when
you check out shop smart, save big terms apply PetMeds
dot com check out with the code Elvis. Now. Pet
Meds loves you too. If you want to win one
thousand dollars, we call a one hundred. We'll send it

to you one eight hundred and two four to two
zero one hundred. Who does the phone tap? Scarry? I
do really okay?

Speaker 1 (51:52):
Here, don't answer the phone. Elvis Duran, The Elvis Duran
phone tappen.

Speaker 2 (51:59):
What a great email. This was my co worker. Darren
has been called in for jury duty several times in
the past year. How many can relate with him? Somehow,
some way, he has managed to dodge phone calls and
letters from the city because he really doesn't want to
serve jury duty. Please phone tap him, pretending you're from
the courthouse trying to set a date for him to appear,

and watch him try and weasel and wiggle out of
doing this jury duty stuff. And this comes to us
from Karen anyway, So Scary's going to start the call
as a representative from the courthouse, which is very believable.
Karen will be listening in on the other line as
we phone tap Darren. Let's listen it.

Speaker 19 (52:39):
Hello, may speak to Darren please. Yeah, this is Harvey
Maths with the Bergen County Courthouse.

Speaker 2 (52:45):
How are you doing?

Speaker 13 (52:46):
All right?

Speaker 2 (52:47):
Pretty good?

Speaker 19 (52:48):
We wanted to recruit you for jury duty and we
wanted to set up a date right now.

Speaker 2 (52:51):
Real quick.

Speaker 21 (52:53):
I'm right now.

Speaker 19 (52:54):
No, Well that's impossible because I had called your work
and somebody over there gave me this number.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
All right, okay, So how could you be at work
right now?

Speaker 21 (53:03):
One that's under your business?

Speaker 2 (53:04):
Did I catch you in a lie? Is that it.

Speaker 21 (53:06):
No, you did not.

Speaker 2 (53:07):
Then where are you working right now?

Speaker 21 (53:09):
I'm on the road for work. If you don't mind, I.

Speaker 2 (53:11):
Never said I minded. Now here's the deal, mister.

Speaker 21 (53:14):
The deal is call me on the landline on my
cell phone. Stop wasting my time. I'm working right now.

Speaker 19 (53:22):
Hello, mister Harvey Mathisbergeran County Courthouse.

Speaker 2 (53:26):

Speaker 21 (53:26):
I'm working right now. Don't bother me at work.

Speaker 2 (53:29):
Okay, we need to set up a date today.

Speaker 21 (53:30):
Became a letter in the mail, and I will answer
the forum. Do it the right way.

Speaker 19 (53:35):
We sent you letters in the mail already, sir, and
we're going to get a court officer over there. If
we cannot come to an agreement today on when you're
going to be serving, Well, you're not.

Speaker 21 (53:43):
Sending me letters because if you send me letters, you
would get answers to the letter.

Speaker 19 (53:47):
We sent you several letters, and you thought you could
duck out on jury duty.

Speaker 21 (53:50):
No, I don't think I can duck out on it.

Speaker 2 (53:52):
Let's call a spade a spade, sir.

Speaker 21 (53:54):
Good, then put it me down that I refuse to
go all right, I had enough.

Speaker 2 (53:59):
You cannot fuse jury duty, sir.

Speaker 21 (54:01):
Actually I can refuse anything I wanted last time I checked,
this was a frank country, isn't it? Is this a
frank country?

Speaker 2 (54:07):
Have you ever checked the fine print in our constitution?

Speaker 13 (54:10):

Speaker 19 (54:10):
We can subpoena you to serve and you're failing to
comply with this.

Speaker 21 (54:14):
Are you gonna pay me my salary in fault? Because
I don't get paid to go to jury duty?

Speaker 2 (54:17):
We don't have to pay your salary, sir?

Speaker 21 (54:19):
And who's going to pay me for the time off?

Speaker 19 (54:21):
You will be paid six dollars and fifty cents an hour,
and that's.

Speaker 21 (54:24):
Not enough to feed my family. I'm the only income
in my family. So you are to tell my daughter
she can't eat?

Speaker 2 (54:30):
Okay, now I'm not saying that.

Speaker 21 (54:31):
When you are, you're telling me if I have to appear,
my daughter can't eat.

Speaker 2 (54:35):
It is your calling. This is what we do. Everyone
has to do this at one time.

Speaker 21 (54:38):
I don't believe in your system. I have seen nothing
but injustice come out of the court system.

Speaker 19 (54:44):
This is a government system that doesn't work. It works fine, Okay,
now it doesn't. That's your opinion.

Speaker 21 (54:50):
You're right because everybody right now is guilty.

Speaker 2 (54:53):
Everybody who's guilty.

Speaker 21 (54:55):
Anybody that I go off against is guilty, because that's
the way I'm going to find them.

Speaker 2 (54:58):
You mean you're going to be prejudiced.

Speaker 21 (55:00):
Oh yeah, you better believe it.

Speaker 2 (55:01):
We'll put you on a triple murder.

Speaker 21 (55:03):
Trial and they're guilty.

Speaker 2 (55:04):
I'll see to it. You don't see it. Nothing.

Speaker 21 (55:05):
The conversation is done. Deal with me in the like
you're supposed to.

Speaker 2 (55:09):
I already did.

Speaker 21 (55:10):
Wait you know you did not?

Speaker 2 (55:12):
Yes, I did.

Speaker 21 (55:12):
Where's your signed documentation?

Speaker 19 (55:14):
I sent you several proved it, several prove it, several
prive it.

Speaker 21 (55:17):
Yeah, okayve it, I move it.

Speaker 2 (55:19):
I'm gonna have a court officer there on Monday morning.

Speaker 21 (55:22):
Sir, they can kiss my ass. The government.

Speaker 2 (55:24):
We're taking you away in cuffs.

Speaker 21 (55:25):
That sounds great.

Speaker 2 (55:26):
I love it.

Speaker 21 (55:27):
I love you know why? I like being handcuffed.

Speaker 2 (55:29):
You like being handcuffed?

Speaker 21 (55:30):
Oh yeah, sure, pervert, consider this one. I will sue
your ass.

Speaker 2 (55:35):
You can't sue so we're a government agency.

Speaker 21 (55:37):
Yes I can. I can do whatever I want. It's
a free country.

Speaker 19 (55:41):
If you start saving to feed your family today, you'll
be fine.

Speaker 21 (55:44):
You don't know what my income is?

Speaker 2 (55:46):
What is your income? Sir?

Speaker 21 (55:47):
You don't have a right to ask me that.

Speaker 2 (55:49):
Yes, I do.

Speaker 21 (55:49):
I just did I harm talk to my boss?

Speaker 2 (55:52):

Speaker 21 (55:52):
Okay, Bobby tell him I can't talk right now. He's busy.
Right now, we're on a job. He has to go,
haven't I say?

Speaker 2 (55:58):
Okay, we're coming to get you, a little bitch.

Speaker 21 (56:05):
Not interested.

Speaker 2 (56:06):
Despite what freedom you might think you have, you don't
have a choice.

Speaker 21 (56:09):
What does it take to tell you I'm trying to
do my job here and you're interrupting my job.

Speaker 2 (56:13):
You don't know who you're messing with.

Speaker 21 (56:16):
Yes, I do a moron.

Speaker 19 (56:18):
You're right, I have a moron. This is scary Jones
from Elvis Durant in the Morning Show. You've been phone tapped.

Speaker 21 (56:26):
Oh that's great.

Speaker 2 (56:27):
Karen over at the office wanted to play this on you.

Speaker 5 (56:30):
I'm gonna kill you, Karen, Elvis, you're not a moron.

Speaker 2 (56:37):
That's an old phone tap. Yeah, you sound like you're
seventeen years old. This is a long time ago, Karen
drinking Darren exactly? Did Hey? That was your thousand dollars
free money phone tap? Let's see where's Eric here? Hello? Eric? Eric?
Is that you Hi?

Speaker 20 (56:51):
Eric? Hi? Eric?

Speaker 2 (56:52):
Your caller one hundred? You want one thousand dollars?

Speaker 20 (56:55):
Yeah, it's fantastic. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (56:58):
It really is fantastic if you think about it. What's
up with you today, Eric, what's it all about? What's
your plan?

Speaker 20 (57:05):
Well, I'm just retired about five years now and just
relax and going to the gym and hanging out.

Speaker 2 (57:13):
God, I want to hang out.

Speaker 10 (57:15):
I bet he can do a push up?

Speaker 2 (57:17):
Yeah? Can you do push up?

Speaker 20 (57:20):
No? I just do weightlifting and I'm the jit on
treadmill and the bike.

Speaker 2 (57:26):
That's good. Good, yeah, excellent, Eric, Well, lookod job. Thanks
to pet Meds. One thousand on the way. Thank you
for listening to us. Have a great day at the gym. Wow,
I want I want Eric's life.

Speaker 20 (57:34):

Speaker 2 (57:35):
Congratulations to you and anyone else who's winning this week
thanks to pet Meds. PetMeds dot com use the promo
code Elvis for forty percent off. I just found what
I want to buy for my dogs for Christmas?

Speaker 10 (57:45):
What are you buying them?

Speaker 2 (57:46):
The snoozer? Lookout? Pet car seat snoozer lookout?

Speaker 10 (57:50):
What do you mean?

Speaker 9 (57:50):
What does it look like?

Speaker 10 (57:51):
I'll get out.

Speaker 2 (57:52):
It's a furry box. Oh, it's padded a petted furry
box and you put them in there and you connect
that to your your seat belts. So it's secure. And
then inside I believe there's a little uh little latch
for your dog's collar.

Speaker 9 (58:08):
Oh that's okay. You need two of them though.

Speaker 2 (58:10):
Because maybe three coming up. Oh what I didn't say that?
Maybe a third on the way out, bringing you a puppy.
Pet Meds has everything, including the doctor, cuddles, ready, rescue,
and of course everything for your pet. Check it out
PetMeds dot Com. Use the promo code Elvis forty percent off.
Dan't you want to dan here? Do you want to do?

Speaker 12 (58:31):
Donell here?

Speaker 2 (58:32):
We're gonna do you idell? All right? What's going on?

Speaker 13 (58:37):

Speaker 9 (58:37):
Did you see Yellowstone yet?

Speaker 2 (58:39):
Yeah? Okay, I don't have Paramount Network. You don't have
it Paramount Network. No, I don't have broadcast cable.

Speaker 9 (58:50):
Obviously a lot of people because the return of Yellowstone
set ratings records for the franchise Paramount.

Speaker 2 (58:57):
It was also on CBS, but I don't have any antenna.
It's hold on. You don't ant nos, guys.

Speaker 14 (59:02):
Paramount streaming, No, it's it's different because it's on Paramount
Network and then it goes to Peacock because of some
streaming deal. But it has to wait for the whole
season trust me. I did my research here. Yeah, and
I don't have any antenna.

Speaker 20 (59:14):

Speaker 9 (59:15):
There was a showing on CBS three additional repeats on
Paramount and CMT and whatever. Anyway, the first season five
sixteen point four million viewers, the largest first night audience
in this case history.

Speaker 2 (59:29):
We can't talk about what happened now, No.

Speaker 9 (59:31):
I think we can because sixteen point four million people saw.

Speaker 2 (59:34):
Okay, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna spoil anything. You
know what happened? No, assuming I know, but I don't
want you.

Speaker 10 (59:41):
You know that hell is wrong with you.

Speaker 2 (59:43):
You may not know how it happened.

Speaker 20 (59:45):
Damn it.

Speaker 2 (59:46):
Give me more. I can't live.

Speaker 9 (59:47):
You know it happened because you know why it happened.
Damn you direct sixteen guys, Come on, come on, Okay,
So this might be the worst wheel of fortune.

Speaker 10 (59:59):
Guess ever?

Speaker 9 (59:59):
Did you guys hear this?

Speaker 1 (01:00:02):

Speaker 10 (01:00:04):
Wait, was Elvis playing really fortune?

Speaker 6 (01:00:06):
He was not.

Speaker 9 (01:00:07):
But on Monday Show, one of the puzzle answers was
give yourself a round of applause. So the contestant, he guessed,
treat yourself a round of sausage.

Speaker 10 (01:00:19):
Which is totally afraid. People say that all the time.

Speaker 2 (01:00:23):
Was so nervous.

Speaker 9 (01:00:24):
He was so nervous. So here's the thing. He said,
when the lights are on and you're there with Ryan,
you're there with Vanna, you go blank. And I'm telling you,
I was on the weakest link. And when you're up
there on the stage and the lights are on and
you're sweating, you really are a nurse wreck, and you
totally draw a blank. You don't know your answers anymore,
you don't know what time of day it is. So

I totally understand what he means.

Speaker 16 (01:00:47):
The problem was the s from yourself was already there,
so the s from sausage would have been there. The
sausage didn't even fit. I mean, it was it was.
It was so far fetched. I'm like, where the hell
was that come from?

Speaker 9 (01:00:58):
Yeah, that's what they're saying. It was probably the.

Speaker 10 (01:00:59):
Worst phrase people use.

Speaker 2 (01:01:00):
No one ever, us said, I know, no one I've
had ever.

Speaker 9 (01:01:03):
So Daytime is getting its first new soap opera in
a quarter century. Beyond the Gates. It will debut on
CBS on Monday February twenty fourth, twenty twenty five, two
or three pm Eastern Time. Episodes will also be available
on a Paramount Plus Nate doesn't have any of this stuff,
so he's never gonna watch Beyond the Gates, So what
are you gonna do? Adele might not be disappearing, even
though she said she was gonna take a massive break

after her Las Vegas residency. Apparently she is in talks
to stage a huge run of dates next year at
the stadium of Tottenham Spur Hot Spurs. That's a soccer
team or football team out in London, and she has
supported this soccer team since her childhood and she is
going to hopefully play in the same place that they

kick that ball around. So that's pretty cool. We have
a new sexist man alive. It is John Krasinski. Juber
magazine has named him Sexy has been alive. You know
who he is first of all, you remember him from
the Office, Jim from the office, and he's done a
million things since then. Anyway, will this change anything for John?

Speaker 10 (01:02:02):
No, it won't.

Speaker 9 (01:02:02):
He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Emily Blunt and
their kids, and he says, I think it's just gonna
make me have to do more household chores. So there
you go. The Golden Bachelorette is on tonight. The Mass
singer don't Hate your House with the Property Brothers. Also,
my money's on Hot Frosty Tonight guys on Netflix. But
you know what we're watching tonight. We're watching you watching
a Daddy's Home to tonight to kick off the holiday season.

You know That's how I kick off my holiday season
every year.

Speaker 2 (01:02:27):
You're so weird.

Speaker 9 (01:02:28):
I love it. Call me Ted on Max and The
Rise and Fall of Elvis Presley. That's my Danielle What
thank you?

Speaker 1 (01:02:35):
Daniel Podcasting Frecklan Boys, Serial Killers, The Fifteen Minute Morning Show.
Discover all of our podcasts on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever and you get your podcasts. Elvis Duran in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (01:02:49):
Our Audible pick of the day is Listen for the Lie,
a powerful story about the generational trauma of the eighteen
sixty four Sand Creek massacre. Listen when you sign up
for a free trial at audible dot com. Slash Elvis.

Speaker 2 (01:03:02):
I'm in such a bood.

Speaker 3 (01:03:03):
I'm shooting.

Speaker 2 (01:03:05):
I'm shooting glitter up my ass.

Speaker 8 (01:03:08):
I've never made this man in my life.

Speaker 5 (01:03:09):
I want their mother's dead. No, I want their family dead.
I want all their friends.

Speaker 3 (01:03:19):

Speaker 1 (01:03:20):
These gays they're trying to murder me Selvister in the
morning show.

Speaker 2 (01:03:25):
This is a very fattening day on the show. It's
also good. Started with some apple pies from the farm
stand near my house, Melicks Melick's Farm and beautiful old
but New Jersey. That those apple pies are fantastic, right, well,
top five of my life. And and you're you're like,
you're picky. I'm up straight, yes you are. Uh, you're

the so many I can't say it of pies. You're
the psalm uh. And Christina Tosi is coming in. She's
a friend of our show. And if you live here,
especially in New York, milk bars all has been just
the place you go for the best cookies and deserts
is and that she's got such a great story. But
she has this cookbook out that came out yesterday and
I went on too Amazon to buy five copies to

give my friends to bring in. I hit it twice,
so I got ten copies coming. So she's already number
one right best seller New York Times because of me. Anyway,
the story behind this cookbook, she's a master baker. We
love saying that there's such a great story behind where
this cookbook came from. And actually it was her husband,

Will who went online yesterday and told the story about
how much he loves his wife and how proud he
is of her, and where this cookbook comes from. And
when you hear the story, you're gonna want one. And
we're gonna eat the desserts for you and describe them
to you in detail.

Speaker 9 (01:04:51):
So there's more food coming.

Speaker 2 (01:04:53):
Yes. And then our friend Leish Scheger, the corilla Deville
of the food industry favorite, is coming in to insult us,
make us feel awful about ourselves. But he did send
us an amazing breakfast, and we're trying to eat it
all before he gets here because it'll give him something
else to bitch and moment he gets so mad when
we eat all the food. Anyway, we love Lee. It

doesn't sound like it, but we do. What's scary this place? Krema.

Speaker 19 (01:05:18):
They're all over South Florida and this is their first
location here in New York City.

Speaker 2 (01:05:23):
If you're listening to us in Miami, you know, Crema.
I'm unbelievable. Look it's scary of it? Oh my god?
Krema espressel bar four point seven on Google rating. Whoa Daddy?

Speaker 9 (01:05:34):
You check that stuff?

Speaker 2 (01:05:35):
Yes, he does.

Speaker 10 (01:05:36):
Oh have you ever tried to order food with him?

Speaker 20 (01:05:38):

Speaker 9 (01:05:38):
Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 2 (01:05:40):
We would order from a place that. No, this is
like a three point four that.

Speaker 9 (01:05:44):
Life is too hard for me.

Speaker 8 (01:05:46):
You can't order that.

Speaker 10 (01:05:48):
That's my favorite.

Speaker 2 (01:05:49):
It's ghost kitchen.

Speaker 6 (01:05:49):
Ghost kitchen.

Speaker 15 (01:05:50):
Everybody hiler ghost kitchen. So ghost kitchen is when there's
a place online and a food delivery service that is
not actually a standalone restaurant. Sometimes they run out kitchen.
Sometimes it might be in somebody's home. Whatever it is,
it really starts the scary out. He is convinced that
they're sitting there smoking, ashing into the food as they stood.

Speaker 12 (01:06:08):
There Underwearwe.

Speaker 9 (01:06:14):
Doing that in a regular restaurant. Scared the hell knows.

Speaker 2 (01:06:17):
Someone's out there eating these food. Oh no, it could
be Christina.

Speaker 9 (01:06:22):
Okay, should we put some aside for him?

Speaker 2 (01:06:24):
Okay, no one's eating Uh no, no, no, he can
afford food.

Speaker 15 (01:06:29):
Can't we assign one of the interns to stand near
the food and slap it out of people's hands.

Speaker 2 (01:06:33):
Like you did me.

Speaker 10 (01:06:33):
Yes, I'm helping.

Speaker 2 (01:06:37):
Oh god, okay, So you know a listener sent this
interesting texting. We're about to get into sound, by the way,
an interesting text came in saying, hey, we're talking about
how John Krasinski is People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive.

Speaker 9 (01:06:48):

Speaker 2 (01:06:50):
Their question was what if people did the sexiest Woman Alive? Okay,
I think they used to do it.

Speaker 10 (01:06:56):
I thought they did do but maybe I'm wrong.

Speaker 9 (01:06:58):
Wasn't Halle Bury it one one year? I think I
think she was.

Speaker 2 (01:07:02):
I don't know, but is there a double standard thing
going on here? I mean, I don't know. I'm asking you,
what do you think?

Speaker 15 (01:07:09):
No, I mean maybe a little if they eliminated it.
Maybe people were getting uncomfortable with the sexualization of women,
but then we're doing it to the guys.

Speaker 10 (01:07:16):
So I don't really see the big deal.

Speaker 2 (01:07:18):
And John Krasinski, if anyone needs to be sexualized, I
don't know what that means. But anyway, anyway, so congratulations
to John, and I think he deserves it. I do. Yeah,
me too, should be sexiest man Alive.

Speaker 14 (01:07:31):
You know what, I have a diary I've written in before,
and like twenty five years ago, I wrote down I
wanted to be sexiest man Alive. Hasn't happened yet yet
keyword in that sentence still might happen.

Speaker 2 (01:07:45):
Yet, could happen?

Speaker 10 (01:07:46):
It happened in your head.

Speaker 2 (01:07:47):
And that's the multiple time day is young. Garrett is
here with Sound. What's that They have the category for
radio you know that? Really? Yeah they do? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (01:07:55):
Wait who won it this year?

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
I think a guy named Bruno. Yeah yeah, okay, there
you go.

Speaker 15 (01:08:01):
There there is a sexiest Woman Alive, but it's done
by Esquire apparently.

Speaker 2 (01:08:04):
Okay, I think Froggy should be sexiest radio band alive.

Speaker 10 (01:08:08):
There you go.

Speaker 2 (01:08:08):
Oh yeah, not, that's not very nice. You gotta be
you gonna be nice to yourself? Nah, just being real?

Speaker 9 (01:08:17):
Oh stop it?

Speaker 2 (01:08:17):
Do you see? It's that attitude that makes him sexier.
Hey see that every time you say something like icky
about yourself, you're we call it being self defecating because
you crap all over yourself. Okay, every time every time
you say that, you go up a notch.

Speaker 10 (01:08:35):
The humbleness, the humble.

Speaker 2 (01:08:37):
We get into Sound with Garrett. What do you have?
Good morning? All right, let's start with the Jonas Brothers.

Speaker 24 (01:08:41):
They were in concert last night covered one Direction Night Changes,
and that's what it sounded like.

Speaker 2 (01:09:00):
You go there, you go, all right, I'll tago music.

Speaker 24 (01:09:03):
We've played their mashups before, but a mashup you probably
never thought you needed in your life. Nickelback and TLC okay,
every bottle okay, and then the TLC comes in right

at the end.

Speaker 2 (01:09:26):
Tell you what I mean, whether you're like those songs
or not. That takes a lot of talent to do
that exactly. All right.

Speaker 24 (01:09:32):
So we've played a bunch of news anchors arguing over
the years, and this one just came on my timeline.
It's from about five years ago. A local sports reporter
arguing with the head anchor over who's doing which story?

Speaker 2 (01:09:42):
Where is this? Do we know? I believe in Cleveland
we should tell you Lebron James is gonna star in
Space jam.

Speaker 4 (01:09:49):
Yeah, we actually are. Are you mad because I already
read that. I'm sorry?

Speaker 12 (01:09:54):
How Steph Curry's me.

Speaker 4 (01:09:57):
He's nursing it and it's getting better.

Speaker 12 (01:10:00):
How long we've been friends? Twenty three years?

Speaker 4 (01:10:02):
I didn't know you were going to do?

Speaker 12 (01:10:03):
Have you ever? And I'm gonna say this with a smile.
Ever heard me say right before you came on, there's
an irrigation problem in Gilroy?

Speaker 4 (01:10:10):
You have to casine.

Speaker 12 (01:10:12):
He never heard me say, oh it's warm weather today.
Never I stay in my lane and it's just to
a friend to do that.

Speaker 4 (01:10:21):
You got to talk to Cassine.

Speaker 12 (01:10:23):
I like Cassine, so don't try and pit me against
the producer.

Speaker 4 (01:10:26):
Scene gave me that lovely script.

Speaker 12 (01:10:28):
And here's that, and it's hard for me to get mad.
Catherine has stayed at my.

Speaker 2 (01:10:32):
So what what is the sports guy not wanting the
news anchor to do sports story correct? Any stories about
a sports stock correct?

Speaker 12 (01:10:44):

Speaker 16 (01:10:44):
How I feel when you guys do food news?

Speaker 2 (01:10:47):
Who? All right?

Speaker 24 (01:10:53):
So if you've ever been into surgery, you know it's
kind of scary at times. And someone was going in
for surgery and nervous, and the nurse said, hey, who's
your favorite artist? And she said Beyonce. So here's a
nurse singing some Beyonce to someone that's about to have
some surgery.

Speaker 2 (01:11:08):
Oh halo. Yeah. You know this nurse did not have
to do this right. This is another reason why we
love all the nurses everyone who's working in healthcare. When
they know through empathy, they know what the patient is

going through and they'll do anything to make sure they're
comfortable and good.

Speaker 24 (01:11:33):
Do you think that patient as she was going under thought,
Beyonce was actually singing to her.

Speaker 20 (01:11:37):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:11:39):
You go out pretty far. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 24 (01:11:41):
I don't know if you saw this from Will of Fortune,
But contestant's going viral off the wrong answer he gave
with the category being phrase.

Speaker 2 (01:11:49):
Okay, I like to solve a problem. Okay, well, let's
hear it. Treat yourself a round of sausage. I'm sorry,
that's not it.

Speaker 9 (01:12:00):
What the fra Give yourself a round of applause.

Speaker 10 (01:12:04):
Treat yourself a round of sausage.

Speaker 2 (01:12:06):
I would rather take sausage than applause.

Speaker 24 (01:12:08):
Yes, he said, he went blank, his mind went blank,
and Danielle can attest to that.

Speaker 9 (01:12:12):
How does pat say, Jack keep pack? What is Ryan
Seagart's face when that happened? I don't even want to
be like good answer, like that was terrible.

Speaker 2 (01:12:23):
American? Thank you, American, Garrett, thank you so much. Okay,
how is we stacking? Lee's here? Yeah? I know, but
but Christina toast he's coming in. We got all sorts
of guests.

Speaker 14 (01:12:34):
Well, I think Christina, if she's not here, she should
be here soon.

Speaker 2 (01:12:38):
Okay, Okay, good, we got guests, we got things to eat.
Hold on crumb, creep. I want to fight you. You
don't have the courage. You're a real crumb bum.

Speaker 12 (01:12:48):

Speaker 2 (01:12:49):
I love that guy. He's my favorite. Isaac. Hey, this
is Taylor Swiss, This is.

Speaker 6 (01:12:55):
Harry, this is and you're listening to Elvis Duran in
the Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (01:13:00):
Our Audible pick of the day is Listen for the Lie,
a powerful story about the generational trauma of the eighteen
sixty four Sand Creek massacre. Listen when you sign up
for a free trial at audible dot com. Slash Elvis.

Speaker 1 (01:13:18):
Flyve from the Mercedes Benz And we're.

Speaker 2 (01:13:21):
So excited to have Christina Tosi here, and and our
friend Lee Schrager is going to be here in a
few minutes too. He's here now, just making sure.

Speaker 9 (01:13:28):
We're we're keeping him quiet on the other side of
the room.

Speaker 2 (01:13:33):
So Christina Tosi, good morning, Thanks for being here. By
the way, let me turn your thing on there.

Speaker 6 (01:13:38):
You good morning.

Speaker 2 (01:13:42):
Years ago, there was a restaurant here in town we
used to go to and the desserts there were just incredible.
And then then one day the lady who did all
the desserts opened up her own her own store called
Milk Bar, where she would take frosted flakes. I guess,
as an it's actually corn Cornyhetty secrets, scotty ear muffs,

cornflake corn flakes, she would make cornflake milk. Got explain
what you would do with cereals. It was so innovative.

Speaker 18 (01:14:11):
So I came up with this dessert actually at the
MoMA Fuku restaurants because I was trying to figure out
a dessert that I could feed everyone that would resonate
with everyone.

Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
And like you think about dessert people.

Speaker 18 (01:14:22):
Someone's a cheesecake, someone's a chocolate soufle, someone's like a
lemon tart.

Speaker 2 (01:14:26):
Right, that's like a very wide spot for a pastry chef.

Speaker 18 (01:14:28):
So I was like, what's the flavor that everyone gets
that would move everyone, that's memorable, that's like on the nose,
but off the nose, blah blah blah. And I had
this idea because I was just like walking up and
down the aisles of my local bodega in the East
Village and I went through the cereal. I was like
going into the produce isle on the snack and cookie island.
I was like, eh, cereal. And then I was like,

is this a thing or is this not a thing?
You know, when you have a good idea, you're like,
is this it, or is this completely not it? And
I grabbed a box of cornflakes, which for me is
not my cereals, my cereal of choice. That's like a
loaded question. It depends on my day, it depends on
my mood.

Speaker 2 (01:15:06):
What did I just eat?

Speaker 6 (01:15:07):
What are my options?

Speaker 2 (01:15:09):
I'm a fruit pebb girl.

Speaker 6 (01:15:10):
No matter what. But have you had fruity pebbles with
the marshmallows in them?

Speaker 2 (01:15:18):
Who you're You're purest anyway?

Speaker 18 (01:15:23):
So I was like, it was more the idea of
the milk that's left in your bowl after you eat
all the cereal because also, like not to you can't
choose a cereal, Like those are fighting words, Like it
couldn't be Golden Grams, it couldn't be Captain Crunch, it
couldn't be just It had to be the idea, the
flavor of the idea, not the specificity of a cereal.
So I grabbed corn flakes and cereal milk. We take

corn flakes, we toast them to deepen the flavor. We
wash milk like literally a giant vat of you know, milk,
like you could take a bubble bath in it.

Speaker 2 (01:15:52):
Right, It's like a swimming pool.

Speaker 18 (01:15:53):
You could cannon ball in, we wash all the flavor off,
we strain it, We season it with a little bit
of light brown sugar, a little salt, just to do
the thing, just to season it just so. We whip
it in soft serve ice cream, I think is probably
its finest form, and then we garnish it with cornflake
crunch which is like salty sweat, crunchy bunchies, you know,
all the things.

Speaker 9 (01:16:12):
This is like porn for Scotty, And.

Speaker 18 (01:16:17):
It's like, it's this what I love about it is
it's it's like on the nose and off the nose.
You can't quite put your finger on it. You don't
exactly know what cereal it is. And even if you're
a fruity pebbles girl, it does the.

Speaker 2 (01:16:27):
Thing for you. It does. And so you started doing
other recipes and yeah, it like.

Speaker 18 (01:16:32):
Started this crazy empire that I was just like, I
don't know this is a good ideas, it's not a
good I just put it out in.

Speaker 2 (01:16:37):
The world, all right, let me roll the calendar forward.
And much success with milk Bar, and I still still
I got I got a birthday cake slice there that
I delivered right to my house sixteen years and this
is our Sweet sixteen, which feels so appora love it,
so roll the calendar forward. Here comes pandemic and you
are used to going in and working your off right

and working hard as an incredible incredible onrepreneur, isn't it?
But now you have to stay home. Listen to this story.
This is where it gets really really interesting. You have
to stay home and you want to get out and work,
but you can't. So what do you do.

Speaker 18 (01:17:13):
I turn the camera around on myself, like I'm a baker.
And when you're a baker, you bake like that is
you bake on a good day, you bake on a
bad day. You bake to show up for other people,
Like baking dessert is your conduit for the world.

Speaker 6 (01:17:27):
And I felt a lot of.

Speaker 18 (01:17:30):
The same things that everyone else is feeling. And I thought, like,
when you bake, you're baking to show up. So what
do you do when you can't show up for people anymore?
And the reality was I was at home baking because
it's the thing that made me feel good. And I
was like, m this is a cereal note, this is
a good idea or a bad idea?

Speaker 2 (01:17:49):
And I literally just turned the camera around on myself
and I started doing a daily a daily show, a
daily show.

Speaker 18 (01:17:55):
I literally put a video out into the world and
was like, hey, do you want to should we all
baked together? Should we start a club? Like, let's really
be dorky about it. Should we like do this thing?

Speaker 20 (01:18:06):

Speaker 2 (01:18:06):
If so?

Speaker 18 (01:18:07):
What are you free tomorrow? Like just out into the world.
Do you want to like bake together tomorrow?

Speaker 6 (01:18:13):
If so?

Speaker 18 (01:18:13):
What time? Two pm? Apparently was the time that everyone
was available. And I started this thing called bake Club
every single day at two pm for like one hundred
and something days. We do it weekly now and this crazy, beautiful,
wonderful community all across the US. Like of all of
the differences and similarities, it's like the thing that bonds

people together. It's unfussy. We don't tell you what we're baking.
We literally just tell you the simple ingredients that you need.
So it's a total leap of faith moment. You just
show up as you are, You bring whatever you have, pantry, ingredients,
your creativity.

Speaker 2 (01:18:49):
Your imagination, and we go, like just start in life.
I'll just go. So you started doing this the bake club, right,
bake Club. No, don't be shy, be real. Tell everyone
the numbers of people that were actually there listen to this.

Speaker 18 (01:19:05):
Well, I didn't ever measure it because you're when you're
the person doing it, you know this. You're just showing
up being yourself as you are. My husband just boosted
something online yesterday that was like one hundred thousand people plus.

Speaker 4 (01:19:19):
Wow, So just join it.

Speaker 10 (01:19:22):
But the beauty is like.

Speaker 18 (01:19:23):
Some people would bake, some people would just show up
to watch. I know my mom was just showing up
to like be like, what's up. That's my daughter, just
checking in on her. But like, we got these amazing
stories of people from all across the US of like
someone that had lost someone like a mother and a
son that were sort of at odds and this was

the one thing that they could do together every day
that like brought them together, bonded them together, or like
people just getting wacky, you know, just pulling whatever random
ingredients in and doing their thing. And uh, it's been
awesome and it can.

Speaker 9 (01:20:00):
I love it?

Speaker 2 (01:20:01):
Can you turn him on? I don't know how to
remind this thing. Nate has a question.

Speaker 14 (01:20:05):
Yes, you're so right, So every time I go see
my mom, we bake something together. Question for you, what
do you think about browning butter. I love to brown butter.
Wait are we doorking out on desserts that we're going
straight in? Okay for anyone that is or isn't a
baker out there, If you're trying to level up your
game and just give like more depth of flavor to

your baked good, take the butter, put it in a
pan and let it melt.

Speaker 18 (01:20:31):
It's gonna get scary. It's melted, you keep going, it's
going to start to turn color. That gets scary. What
am I doing? You're basically burning the milk solids in butter,
because butter is milk solids, fat and water. And you
take it off, probably when it's darker than you even
think appropriate, and you're going to have the most amazing
nutty flavor in any baked good you put it in.

Speaker 2 (01:20:52):
See, you don't have to do it. Nate, I always
thought of you having a deep nutty flavor.

Speaker 6 (01:20:59):
Nate comes brown already, his heart is brown.

Speaker 4 (01:21:03):

Speaker 2 (01:21:03):
So this daily, daily journey with one hundred thousand, at
least one hundred thousand people or a baked club. Now,
this is the cookbook that came out yesterday is called
Bake Club. In this so this you've had other cookbooks,
but this is different. This is different, It lands different.

Speaker 18 (01:21:19):
It's completely well, first off, it's just one hundred and
one unfussy recipes. So it starts from pantry ingredients like graham, crackers,
rainbow sprinkles, all the stuff that's in your pantry that
you don't think about what if I make this at home,
all the way to like, well, there's dropoffa bul desserts,
which are like the desserts you ding dong drop at
like someone's office or front door, what have you? Daily

bread baking for breakfast, and then tabletop treats, so you're
trying to like get fancy with a chocolate mirror cake
or crumber lay.

Speaker 2 (01:21:48):
We got you. I like this one sitnamon buns with
brown sugar gooci that were good.

Speaker 18 (01:21:57):
But it's meant to be like an invitation in where
I think a lot of cookbooks that are so brilliant
can be a little scary, right, And this really is
the book for confident bakers, but also people that are.

Speaker 2 (01:22:10):
Like, am I baker?

Speaker 6 (01:22:12):
So is that right for me?

Speaker 15 (01:22:13):
I never bake ever. I don't think in my life
I've ever baked anything. Where would I start with this?
I can start with this.

Speaker 2 (01:22:19):
You just literally thumb through it, like what strikes your fancy?

Speaker 15 (01:22:23):
And is it when you give people a time like
let's say it's gonna be forty five minutes, does that
include the prep time of whatever you have to put
in there.

Speaker 4 (01:22:29):
And all that?

Speaker 13 (01:22:29):

Speaker 18 (01:22:29):
No, I start, I literally start from the beginning, and
I'm just like, we're in this together.

Speaker 10 (01:22:34):
What's an easy place to start?

Speaker 6 (01:22:36):
What's your vibe?

Speaker 2 (01:22:36):
Like, what's your favorite dessert?

Speaker 12 (01:22:38):

Speaker 10 (01:22:39):
I like things with chocolate?

Speaker 6 (01:22:41):
Okay, chocolate cookies? Oh, brownies?

Speaker 4 (01:22:43):
As you like?

Speaker 3 (01:22:43):

Speaker 6 (01:22:44):
Are you ready for this?

Speaker 18 (01:22:45):
It's seven ingredients. You melt chocolate chips down with butter.
You mix in some sugar. You don't need a stand mixer.
You literally need a bowl in a wooden spoon like
Grandma style. Okay, you add cocoa, powder, flour, salt, You
put it in a pan. You take it out before
you think it's done. Because brownies are the best when
they're gooey and fudgie and you're a freaking stark.

Speaker 6 (01:23:04):
And by the way, you could put I don't.

Speaker 10 (01:23:06):
Know what other maos do you put mayo in?

Speaker 12 (01:23:08):
I have I have a.

Speaker 18 (01:23:09):
Chocolate mayo cake in there. Thank you, Mayo. Mayo is
like one of the secret ingredient weapons of a great
chocolate cake.

Speaker 9 (01:23:20):
I can tell damn yell chocolate cake again for you as.

Speaker 2 (01:23:24):
As you do.

Speaker 9 (01:23:25):
You want to see this, No, you don't want to see.

Speaker 2 (01:23:27):
That Mayo because she's disgusted by Mayo. Girl.

Speaker 6 (01:23:30):
Mayo is eggs.

Speaker 2 (01:23:31):
Here's soft vanilla.

Speaker 6 (01:23:35):
I brought.

Speaker 10 (01:23:40):
Yeah, she'll puke.

Speaker 6 (01:23:40):
Okay, there's nothing.

Speaker 18 (01:23:43):
Oh my god, this is I'm literally witnessing I okay,
I have so many great desserts here, and no condiments
from the condiment isle were harmed in the.

Speaker 6 (01:23:53):
Mere Mao zero zero.

Speaker 18 (01:23:58):
I'm not even going to say the word. I'm I've
been talk about sandwiches. I'm i gonna talk about this is.

Speaker 6 (01:24:04):

Speaker 9 (01:24:04):
When I was a kid and I was in school,
my mom would get a phone call and they would say,
come and pick up Danielle. She'd throw up and my
mother would say, did someone have Mayo next to her
at lunch? And then she'd say send her back to class.
I don't know what it is about it. I like
sour cream. Just thinking about it, the smell, the.

Speaker 2 (01:24:25):
Okay, okay, okay, just don't think about.

Speaker 10 (01:24:27):
It, Okay.

Speaker 15 (01:24:27):
But the worst is what her Her worst thing is
if somebody takes a bite and the mayo uzes a
dad and splatch.

Speaker 2 (01:24:33):
Moving moving, moving on. You're talking about food.

Speaker 18 (01:24:35):
Here, yeah, but not condiments, not brownies, but not condiments.

Speaker 10 (01:24:40):
No mao and brownie.

Speaker 6 (01:24:41):
But it is the like.

Speaker 18 (01:24:42):
I purposely like my whole thing was like, how do
you show up for people with baked goods? And how
do you give them a sense of like confidence in
the kitchen? So I start from scratch every single time,
like I'm dropping eggs. I got kids running around like
it's a madhouse in the best way. And also they
have to be recipes that are easy to put together.

Like that's the bit of it. It's removing the professional
pastry chef from this book, and it is one hundred
percent me as a home baker. See why I love
dessert threes and I fell in love with Desert. It's
the recipes that fuel my friends, my family. But not
in a way that's like, yeah, I you're a chef.
It's the like, I'm just a girl in overalls who
learned how to make from her grandma.

Speaker 2 (01:25:25):
This is this is one of the reasons we love
Christina Tosi. Now I follow her on Instagram, and her
husband will posted something while she wasn't at home yesterday
talking about how much he loves her and how much
this book is great and it's the most beautiful thing ever.
And he has a little bit of a restaurant experience,
just a whole lot, a little bit. We're exaggerating a lot. No,

he's like the king of all restaurants. But anyway, obviously
he loves you very much. And you must have been
totally blown away when you saw.

Speaker 18 (01:25:55):
That touch well, you have to love that he wore
like the most god awful, ugly t shirt that a friend.

Speaker 2 (01:26:02):
Made him in jest.

Speaker 18 (01:26:03):
That just says Christina Tozzi's husband, which he thinks is
so funny. And he's he's just he has a way
with words. He's really great. But he witnessed it, and
he witnessed like by the way, these recipes are like
recipes that I test painstakingly because I'm a crazy perfectionist
in the kitchen. And so he'll be like, how many

more times are we going to make that brownie rest bye?
We he means, how many more times are we going
to make that brownie recipe? Before it's done? And it's like, oh,
it's not done untill it's done. Oh wow, like until
it is like bullet proof delicious. And he also always complains,
please don't leave me at home with all these desserts,
because I have, like my kitchen is like the R
and D for Bake Club and it is just and

sheet pans and stacks of cookies in in and so
I brought some goodies.

Speaker 2 (01:26:47):
For you to Christine. Hi, good morning, Well it's good morning.
Say hi to Christina Tosi. She's right here. You want
to say something to her?

Speaker 13 (01:26:57):
Yeah, I love you, that's all brow well, like where
angling my dog? So yeah, oh my gosh. And I
had to text this morning, especially with like your bake
Club rest people coming out like I have been a
fan since.

Speaker 1 (01:27:12):
The very beginning.

Speaker 13 (01:27:14):
I've had my bake Club membership card on my friend legit.

Speaker 12 (01:27:17):

Speaker 18 (01:27:18):
You can sign up for a bake club online and
we literally snaiale mail hand address to you.

Speaker 2 (01:27:25):
A membership card. So, Christine, you became familiar, especially familiar
with Christina's Christina during Bake Club during pandemic and so
how does she get you through that with a smile
on your face every day?

Speaker 13 (01:27:36):
Watching Oh my gosh, Like, you know, it was always
like nose to the ground, especially with work, so you know,
around two o'clock every day would just stop and being nice,
that reminder to just like take a breath and you know,
just enjoy life. And whether I was taking alongside with
her or like just taking notes to bake later on
in the weekend when I had time, I was like,

you know, it's just one of those things I just
you know, cut the monotony of everything, the day to day,
like the groundhog day.

Speaker 2 (01:28:06):
Yeah, let's please, let's not go back to that.

Speaker 18 (01:28:08):
Never but wait, what was her favorite dessert? I'm like, Christine,
what was What's on What's on repeat in your house?

Speaker 2 (01:28:13):
From Bank Club Repeat?

Speaker 13 (01:28:15):
That I can think of right now would be the
pumpkin slab pie.

Speaker 18 (01:28:20):
Oh yeah, especially yeah, because we're in pumpkin season, pumpkin
pie bars blazed.

Speaker 2 (01:28:28):
Awesome. Well, Christine, thanks for thanks for checking in with us,
Thanks for listening to us. We appreciate it very much. Hey,
Bake Club, Amazon, Bake Club or wherever you get your books,
Bake Club, get it now. I do, like, like I did,
get ten copies.

Speaker 13 (01:28:41):
Well, give it away for the holidays, exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:28:44):
Christine thank you. I meant to buy five, and for
some reason they're sending me ten. I just made you
like a New York Times bestseller.

Speaker 9 (01:28:51):
Hey, I just.

Speaker 2 (01:28:54):
Did all Right, So you brought some fun desserts and
actually some savories as well.

Speaker 18 (01:28:58):
Right, well, my question is do you want to go
savory sweet or wild?

Speaker 2 (01:29:02):
Savory? What wild or wild? Wild? Wild? I can't hear
what savory sweet? Three option?

Speaker 6 (01:29:10):
I brought all three. It's really just a matter of
what go wild?

Speaker 2 (01:29:13):
Let's go wid?

Speaker 9 (01:29:14):
Yeah, yeah, so.

Speaker 2 (01:29:16):
I'm literally just removing.

Speaker 6 (01:29:18):
I also brought a knife.

Speaker 18 (01:29:19):
I was like, are they gonna let me through security
with a knife. I made these for you last night.

Speaker 2 (01:29:23):
You know, if we ever need a knife friend here,
there's always one or two in my back.

Speaker 18 (01:29:26):
I mean, listen, I didn't know if they were already
in use. But these things are called bugle bars. It's
a layer of cookie dough at the bottom, some super
crunchy cookies, some mini marshmallows, some ritz crackers and bugles
on top, and then you pour sweet and condensed milk covery.

Speaker 12 (01:29:42):
This is a.

Speaker 18 (01:29:44):
It's basically like here he comes. It's basically are you
ready forst You gotta.

Speaker 2 (01:29:49):
Hear the oh my god.

Speaker 9 (01:29:51):
The bugles on top is Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (01:29:54):
That's very trailer parking.

Speaker 15 (01:29:55):
Fine, it's very What is this called bugle bar?

Speaker 18 (01:29:59):
Bugle bars basically like basically a magic bar, but with more.

Speaker 10 (01:30:08):
Oh Nate is standing there like Oliver twists. It is
played out, just waiting on. All right, here we go.

Speaker 1 (01:30:15):
Are you a corner?

Speaker 2 (01:30:16):
Are you a center? Cut a corner? What are you?
Oh my god? Look at these?

Speaker 6 (01:30:21):
Is this?

Speaker 2 (01:30:22):
Is this in the club book?

Speaker 6 (01:30:24):
The first cut is always.

Speaker 2 (01:30:25):
The hey in the book.

Speaker 12 (01:30:29):
Is in the book.

Speaker 9 (01:30:30):
I'll pass the plates around.

Speaker 2 (01:30:32):
Okay, perfect.

Speaker 6 (01:30:32):
So this is a bugle bar and you can like personalize.

Speaker 2 (01:30:36):
It in any way you want.

Speaker 18 (01:30:37):
In that you can add whatever sweet salty things you
have in. But it's basically been on repeat because if
you're not here, if.

Speaker 2 (01:30:47):
You're not living the I mean, come on with if
you're not living.

Speaker 6 (01:30:50):
The bugle life, you might want to rethink.

Speaker 2 (01:30:52):
You're approached away.

Speaker 18 (01:30:53):
We need one more, two more, two more?

Speaker 12 (01:30:58):
Okay, you'll got.

Speaker 10 (01:31:03):
I need another piece.

Speaker 6 (01:31:04):
I love you good, Okay, we need more salty. It's sweet.

Speaker 18 (01:31:09):
It bakes for twenty thirty minutes in the oven. It
is literally can't message.

Speaker 2 (01:31:15):
Use for bagels? I mean, I mean, I mean, I'm
a bugle. I've had bugle since I was a kid.

Speaker 4 (01:31:19):
I know.

Speaker 2 (01:31:19):
They're like I was told, I literally have it all
over my life.

Speaker 6 (01:31:22):
It's a thing. Okay, so this is wacky. Are you
where do you want to go next? Savoring?

Speaker 2 (01:31:26):
What's that?

Speaker 20 (01:31:27):

Speaker 6 (01:31:28):
These are also in the book.

Speaker 18 (01:31:31):
This is a stuffing cuissant, but we stuff it with
all of with pulled turkey, gravy and cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving croissants.
They're on the menu at Milk Bar right now too,
just to help celebrate what are they called again, Thanksgiving cuissants.
In the book, they're stuffing croissants, but if you put
all the Thanksgiving things in them, they're Thanksgiving croissants. So
it's a compound butter. I warmed them in the oven

this morning, Elvis. Literally I turned on my oven at
five am because I was like, if I'm a show
up for my man, I'm a show up big you guys.

Speaker 10 (01:32:01):
Nate is being a monster right now.

Speaker 2 (01:32:04):
He's down there, he's picking the bugles off the top of.

Speaker 6 (01:32:07):
I Love you, okay, And then the last is sweet, oh.

Speaker 2 (01:32:11):
My god, calm down, We're oh my god.

Speaker 18 (01:32:14):
Actually This is the perfect way to end because it's
a little minty, it's a candy cane pretzel bark cookie.
So it really is all of the holiday season energy.

Speaker 2 (01:32:25):
We have these cookies.

Speaker 6 (01:32:27):
They're going to come on the menu at Milk Bar.

Speaker 18 (01:32:29):
We're doing this crazy cookie quest contest with McCormick that
starts right now. Oh yeah, and it's like show us
your best cookie energy. You in ten thousand dollars. It's
got a really we love sponsors.

Speaker 10 (01:32:44):
It's all the oh my god, that thanks Giving the.

Speaker 2 (01:32:46):
Candy cane, candy cane pretzel bark cookie.

Speaker 9 (01:32:49):
I'm gonna oh my gosh.

Speaker 4 (01:32:51):

Speaker 2 (01:32:51):
Okay, by the way, if you're driving to work right now,
going why are they torturing us? You can get all
of this in Christina's Bake Club cookbook. Let's make this
a New York Times bestseller.

Speaker 15 (01:33:02):
Now, I hope there's footage of Nate pushing women and
children out of the way to get the snacks and
not serve anyone else.

Speaker 18 (01:33:10):
Oh it is someone's gotten into five car. There's definitely
a five ten twenty car pot.

Speaker 9 (01:33:16):
Thanksgiving thing is so it's so you, Elvis, you love
that stuffs so good.

Speaker 2 (01:33:22):
You're insane.

Speaker 18 (01:33:23):
I love It's like love eyes and hate eyes in
my direction.

Speaker 2 (01:33:27):
The scary, don't take a bite. Ask a question.

Speaker 19 (01:33:30):
My question is how do you feel about ingredient substitutions,
Like if someone wants to use like stevia instead of sugar,
or like almondflour, what are your honest blots of that?

Speaker 13 (01:33:38):

Speaker 6 (01:33:39):
I'm down to clown.

Speaker 18 (01:33:40):
Like the whole point of bake club is show up
as you are with what you got.

Speaker 2 (01:33:44):
And make it work in life.

Speaker 18 (01:33:46):
I think the tricky part of baking is when you
get really fussy about and you need exactly this and
exactly that. Like the reason how did we even learn
how to make a chocolate chip cookie? I'm sure someone
fudged something up. Someone was like, I'm gonna put these
little chocolate morsels in? Is this a good idea? A
bad idea?

Speaker 6 (01:34:02):
So I'm down to clown.

Speaker 18 (01:34:04):
I just think you have to have the insights and
the intuition of making sure it tastes delicious. I think
that's the biggest thing. And there's nothing that's more of
a pet peeve than something that isn't like, wildly out
of control tasty.

Speaker 2 (01:34:16):
Then let's roll back the hands of time like, who
was the first to eat an egg? Now that egg
came out of a butt of a chicken. I'm of
a chicken.

Speaker 18 (01:34:27):
Well maybe if you heat it up, maybe put it
in a pan and heat it up right, and then
you're like, okay, so sunny side up?

Speaker 2 (01:34:32):
Cramps? Should I start eating up everything that comes out
of someone's butt.

Speaker 6 (01:34:35):
I that's a personal choice that you have to make.

Speaker 2 (01:34:40):
Okay, someone just said something interesting, How does Christina stay
so hot eating all these baked goods?

Speaker 6 (01:34:46):
Is that from my husband? Well, go to work?

Speaker 18 (01:34:51):
When if you literally, if you walk to day in
the shoes of someone that works at milk bar, it's
like a gym.

Speaker 2 (01:34:56):
Membership work up because you're working hard.

Speaker 18 (01:34:58):
You're I mean it's fifty pound bags a flower and sugar,
thirty pound bricks of butter just to start a recipe. Wow,
you're on your feet all the time. There's no sitting
at milk you know what I mean. There's no crying
in baseball, there's no sitting at milk.

Speaker 2 (01:35:12):
Any questions for Christina, just silence.

Speaker 6 (01:35:16):
Oh we've had them too early. They've already got into.

Speaker 9 (01:35:18):
A food I've bought stuff all over my pants.

Speaker 2 (01:35:22):
LEAs Shrigger's and a coma down there, which is how
we love him. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank
You're the best.

Speaker 18 (01:35:30):
Thanks for letting me pop in and just sugar and
savory and crazy bomb you Mayo free.

Speaker 6 (01:35:36):
It was a Mayo than Christina.

Speaker 2 (01:35:39):
And I will say on a personal note that Christina
and I have several mutual friends, and everyone behind your
back says nothing but loving wonderful things.

Speaker 6 (01:35:48):
Oh guess what the feeling is?

Speaker 2 (01:35:49):

Speaker 6 (01:35:50):
It's the same for you, but it might be even louder. No,
when I say Elvis, it's just like Shrieks fan club.

Speaker 2 (01:35:57):
You're incredible and your energy, your energy is even more
and more incredible than your recipes and your desserts. Thank you,
Christina Tosi. It's called bake club, Show up, show up.
We're gonna post it on our socials and everything and blah.

Speaker 6 (01:36:10):
Blah blah, have a great day.

Speaker 2 (01:36:13):
We will now so good. So now we have to
talk to Lee.

Speaker 9 (01:36:16):
Yes, I don't wait, Lee's sitting there counted as his interview.

Speaker 2 (01:36:22):
No, so, Lee Schrager, as we call him, the Cruela
Deville of of culinary love, We'll have a commed every
time he's on. He does nothing but just belittles us
and insults us. And people.

Speaker 6 (01:36:36):
Have you followed Lee on Instagram?

Speaker 2 (01:36:38):
He's a great follow but he abuses and say people
love it. It's SaaS.

Speaker 6 (01:36:43):
It's straight up sas.

Speaker 2 (01:36:44):
Christina Tozi, thank you so much, Stallion.

Speaker 1 (01:36:48):
Good morning the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 2 (01:36:51):
By Boys Here.

Speaker 22 (01:36:54):
Mercedes Benz s u V stylish, powerful and sophisticated.

Speaker 2 (01:36:58):
Visit m B USA for special offers.

Speaker 1 (01:37:04):
Tail Vister ran in the morning show.

Speaker 6 (01:37:07):
Bring It No Wister.

Speaker 1 (01:37:08):
Ran in the Morning show.

Speaker 2 (01:37:11):
Well, thank you again to Christina Tosi. The name of
the book is book. It's called Bake Club. Bake Club.
Everyone's texting about it and we're gonna make this a
number one seller. My voice is almost gone, but you
have just a little left so I can scream and
yell at Lee Schrager. So Lee, every time you come
visit us. A lot of people don't even know who
you are, but a lot of people don't in the

in the real world, because you look his face.

Speaker 9 (01:37:35):
Like you just insulted him.

Speaker 2 (01:37:37):
Beyond belief. I did not, No, no, we are. We
are opening you up to a whole new audience here.
You know that I do. But when you do visit,
you do come in, and you do slice and dice us,
and you do you do abuse us to a certain degree.
People love it. That's right. I can get closer to
that microphone if you're if you're going to be awful,
be awful where people can hear you.

Speaker 25 (01:37:57):
You were so nice to Christina and said how people
love her and everyone has such nice things to say
when you mentioned her name. We have a lot of
mutual friends. Or did they say when you mentioned my name?
Everyone loves you Lee?

Speaker 2 (01:38:09):
Okay? But anyway, now, I don't know if you know
about Lee Lee. Of course, if you've been to South
Beach Wine Food Festival, if you've been to New York
City Wine Food Festival, that is Lee. He does a
lot more than that, believe me. But those are the
things that we all.

Speaker 9 (01:38:23):
You may not know it, but he does good things
for people.

Speaker 2 (01:38:26):
He does a lot of great things. And you live,
You live in Miami area. You've lived there too? How
long longer than Gandhi's alive?

Speaker 9 (01:38:34):
Hey, I love looked around the road.

Speaker 25 (01:38:38):
You're from that area? Yes, and so is Gandhi. I
just found out this morning.

Speaker 2 (01:38:42):
I didn't know that to high school in pember pods
and you are really really super connected to the restaurant
industry and all the great chefs and all the owners
and whatever. What's your favorite Miami restaurant right now? Go
something new that you're loving. There are so many new
restaurants in Miami. I mean, you go away and there

are three new restaurants. Uh, that's what I love. Where
did I just go?

Speaker 20 (01:39:08):
H Oh?

Speaker 2 (01:39:10):
Can I tell you?

Speaker 25 (01:39:11):
Cot Letta was delicious and it was easy because I
can never decide what to eat because I want everything.
They have one choice, they have one entree. It's like
a big veal. It's like a veal millonaise. So for
two people, you get like Aaron Chiny to begin with,
you get the cot Letta. You get a salad and
two side dishes, which could be French fries, fried zucchini pasta.

For eighty dollars for two people, you could be in
and out on the boat it is. We took half
of it home or cardon, I took half of it home.
It was so delicious. I mean, there are a million
great restaurants in Miami. It used to be you couldn't
decide where to eat because it was nothing. Now you
can't decide where to eat because there are so many
and so many new things opening. I mean, wow, we

have Thomas Keller, we have Jean George, we have Danielle
blu we have just amazing and talent. You're the Carbone people.
Oh yeah, you're stealing our people. Now, your people. That's right,
they're all heading well, they're all running away from you,
no doubt.

Speaker 2 (01:40:12):
Here we go.

Speaker 15 (01:40:13):
Every time we read stories about you know, foody capitals
and lists Miami and South Florida, they're always on the list.

Speaker 25 (01:40:19):
Now, without a doubt, it's a great you because it's
all New Yorkers. All you people came down there at
the COVID people. Yeah, people to a nice red state. Hello, listeners,
here we go.

Speaker 2 (01:40:34):
So I have a question. Yes, what is your question?

Speaker 25 (01:40:37):
So every morning I listened to you talk about Wendy's
and the way to work. Yes, a great advertiser. I
love Wendy's. Do not worry, I'm not talking.

Speaker 2 (01:40:44):

Speaker 25 (01:40:45):
If I was Wendy's when you had VIP guests like myself,
I would have Wendy's.

Speaker 2 (01:40:50):
Why don't they cater breakfast?

Speaker 25 (01:40:51):
And I'll tell you why you're saying that he loves
that breakfast Purida. I do it because of you. I
was driving by a Wendy's one morning, just a few
weeks ago. I texted you and you were tall talking
about it, and I was at a red light and
there's like a Wendy's on the other side. I parked
my car, walked across the highway and went and had
a breakfast burrito.

Speaker 2 (01:41:09):
And what did you think?

Speaker 25 (01:41:10):
It was surprisingly good? So do you want to come back?
I know, I know you loved it, though, right, I
did love it. I really I love Wendy's. I think
they're the best burgers.

Speaker 9 (01:41:18):
Should have them at the Wine and Food Festival. Wendy's
burrito I.

Speaker 25 (01:41:22):
Would I think I am going to do that. I
think they should be at our taco event. Yes, I
think that's a great idea. I love Wendy's. I have
the best.

Speaker 2 (01:41:30):
If you could take Wendy's burger and five guys French fries.

Speaker 9 (01:41:33):
Oh my gosh, there's nothing like that.

Speaker 25 (01:41:35):
And then and a shake from a shake shack. I
mean really, that is my ideal meal. And in Miami
they're all on one road, so you could do you
could do like a roving dinner.

Speaker 2 (01:41:44):
Par It's like a buffet right by my house.

Speaker 9 (01:41:47):
We like shake shacks, not shakeshacks, a five guys fries
so much because they're so generous and they just keep
pouring them in the back.

Speaker 2 (01:41:53):
No, they're fresh. They cut their French fries right there,
right in front of him. Yeah.

Speaker 25 (01:41:58):
I mean it's like, what's the place in California we
all love in and out for where they cut their
French fries. I mean wen Wendy's great burger, five guys
fries and a shakeshack shake. I mean that's my ideal meal.

Speaker 18 (01:42:09):

Speaker 10 (01:42:09):
Do you like hot sauce? Are you a fish?

Speaker 2 (01:42:11):

Speaker 15 (01:42:12):
Wendy's has the best chili sauce ever. People don't know
about it. Go ask them for their chili sauce. Put
it on your fries and your burger.

Speaker 2 (01:42:19):
They sell it on eBay. It's hard to get. So
last night we went to raising canes, believe it or not.

Speaker 25 (01:42:24):
I mean we've been eating at like the corner store,
we bidding you at Levox door and last night, I
mean last night, I had these free gift cards that
were given to me, and you know me, I can't
get rid of anything. So I'm running around the apartment
looking for my free gift cards and Marcado says, what
are you looking for? I said, my gift cards. He said, well,
how much are they? I said they're ten dollars. He said, well,

just we'll buy it. I said, they're here in the house.
And we looked for like a half hour. Few we did, Oh,
we did. I was so happy. So we went to
like four hundred dollars theater seats and had a ten
dollars raising cane dinner.

Speaker 12 (01:42:56):
There you go.

Speaker 2 (01:42:57):
It's so good. That's the beauty of all right, so
here we go. We are still kind of waiting for
a phone call an invitation to this year's Nippy wif
at Atlantis. Yes, hello, oh yeah, we want to go.
You can I tell a room with Nippy With? Please do.

Speaker 25 (01:43:15):
Nippy With is the NASA Pacific NASA Paradise Island Wine
and Food festival that I helped them start a few
years ago. A friend of mine, Shy zell Erring, is
with the management company ownership company of the Atlantis, and
he asked me to help curate the talent and the
all the events. We're going into our third year this
year in March March thirteenth through seventeenth, and I am

going to make sure they have you down with your
own bungalow. So, Maria Torres, if you're listening to Audrey Oswell,
I am going to follow up to make sure that
you guys are invited.

Speaker 2 (01:43:48):
I'm putting yes, we went last year. Now, Yes, we
had the best time. Everyone here loves Atlantas. Aren't we
going to Atlanta's pretty soon? Is it not a?

Speaker 20 (01:44:00):

Speaker 13 (01:44:00):

Speaker 20 (01:44:01):

Speaker 13 (01:44:01):
When do you?

Speaker 2 (01:44:01):
When is jingle Balls in Miami? It's coming up soon.
I know it's coming up. We're gonna be We'll be
there for that.

Speaker 25 (01:44:07):
Do not come to town without coming to my house
for dinner. I'm gonna have a mayonnaise party.

Speaker 2 (01:44:12):
Hey, so that.

Speaker 1 (01:44:16):

Speaker 9 (01:44:17):
I don't need fish.

Speaker 2 (01:44:19):
I'm okay, you've done.

Speaker 9 (01:44:22):
Lee's so done with me today. It's insane, Joseph.

Speaker 2 (01:44:26):
I don't want to go. I don't want to go
into detail. But Lee is kind of famous in South
Florida for his mayonnaise parties, the p Diddy of mayonnaise bodies.

Speaker 5 (01:44:40):
Come on, Froggy, Froggy, join us at the p Diddy
Maynase party.

Speaker 16 (01:44:44):
Oh my god, I would love to be there, only
if I can be a recipient.

Speaker 9 (01:44:48):
Cameras always there.

Speaker 20 (01:44:49):

Speaker 25 (01:44:49):
Absolutely, Oh, I didn't know we're being filmed. Everybody, This
is WRUNG Live.

Speaker 2 (01:44:55):
I mean you gonna say, we've been on with you
for ten minutes and you've been very kind.

Speaker 9 (01:44:59):
You really have been have been very nice.

Speaker 10 (01:45:00):
Are you okay?

Speaker 2 (01:45:01):
Well? I was limited.

Speaker 25 (01:45:03):
I was told I can't talk about politics, not to
say anything bad about Elvis, don't talk to you about.

Speaker 2 (01:45:08):
Uh may days. Do not talk to Gandhi about hair
product or he wants.

Speaker 11 (01:45:11):
Left you what you want you, Nate, I can't talk
about Erie Pennsylvania, which what could you possibly say?

Speaker 2 (01:45:23):
They're listening to us there right now. Yeah. Yeah, So
you're coming to Miami.

Speaker 25 (01:45:27):
I mean I'm not here to plug your you don't
need me to plug your show coming up jingle Ball,
but I will be there.

Speaker 2 (01:45:31):
You're going to be there. Why one we have three
we have New York in Madison Square Garden, we have Philly,
that's how it sold out jingle Ble, and we have
we end the entire year with Miami jinglele Why we.

Speaker 25 (01:45:43):
Have to do something special on that last night blow
it out, yes night, Saturday night.

Speaker 2 (01:45:49):
I'm going to think of something very very special.

Speaker 25 (01:45:53):
Yes, I think I'm going to make like a chicken
salad and give it to everybody in that audience, lots
of homemade fresh I don't love you.

Speaker 2 (01:46:03):
But speaking of South Florida, there's a new place here
in town called Crema here in New York. They have
been in South Florida and Miami for a long time,
and we now get to taste. Usually it's the New
York restaurants that roll down to Miami. Now Crema is
moving up to New York.

Speaker 25 (01:46:20):
When I'm not stopping by Wendy's for a breakfast burrito,
I go to Crema. And they just opened up in
this city, I think on East fortieth and they're great
friends of mine. And they have delicious food and breakfast
sandwiches and great croissants and delicious orange juice. And they
catered our breakfast this morning. It's beautiful. Gandhi, I want
to thank you. She texted me early and said, what
should I save you? She was very sweet because the

last times I've been here, no one saved me any
food that I said.

Speaker 9 (01:46:45):
That's why you were grownedy last night?

Speaker 25 (01:46:46):
Well I think it was why I was grouchy, But
you know, I said, the heat had made me cruel
last time.

Speaker 2 (01:46:51):
This time you're doing okay. Yeah, we're doing okay.

Speaker 25 (01:46:56):
But I don't want to follow Christina TOSSI like the
best baker in the world. Have me on, I said, Nate,
you know she's going to bring food. What am I
going to bring? She goes, well, don't count on her
bringing food. Not everyone brings food, and she did. She
brought all this great food.

Speaker 9 (01:47:08):
But you brought great food.

Speaker 2 (01:47:10):
Mine was first, right. Actually, I brought in apple pies
from a farm standroom. I saw that out there. They're
really good. Really, I love apple pie.

Speaker 25 (01:47:19):
And did you see, for those who followed me on
Instagram that we just planted an apple orchard wear out
in the Hampton's at our house in Long Island. We
just went out last week and we saw the apple
trees for the first time. I introduced myself and we
named every one of the trees. And so next fall
we'll have dunking parties and we'll have apple pie and

apple strudle and apple I can't apple pancakes.

Speaker 2 (01:47:43):
I can't wait. I can't wait to have a big
barrel of Granny Leave apples. Yes, that's your name, Granny
Lee Apples. Is your dragon dragon if I knew that
was coming.

Speaker 9 (01:47:56):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, have you taken him too?

Speaker 2 (01:48:00):
Oh, it's the best Italian You got to go. It's
out about by the farm. You gotta come out to Ama.

Speaker 10 (01:48:05):
How about I.

Speaker 9 (01:48:06):
I've never been invited to the bing in your grandmother's
rest kitchen in Naples.

Speaker 25 (01:48:11):
Yeah, my grandmother wasn't quite from Naples, more like Russia.
But I'm sure it's the same thing. That don't have
box But no, no Ak who owns Ama? He's from Naples.
He came here when he was a teenager. And this
food is it's the food his mother.

Speaker 2 (01:48:25):
Made him when he was I love it.

Speaker 25 (01:48:27):
How far from here? About an hour we're going, We're going.
I look forward to it.

Speaker 2 (01:48:32):
Look, you know we've been talking on and on and on.
Let's let's give our listeners something a gift. What gift
can you What advice do you have for listeners as
far as restaurants or looking for something new and interesting
as far as food in the food world, or any
upcoming gigs you got going on? Well, I guess the

best of I never follow a review. A review would
not make me go to a restaurant as in a
restaurant review.

Speaker 25 (01:48:59):
Yeah, in the rest I would A good review would
never make me want to go there, and a bad
review would not stop me from going there. I think
that you're entitled to your own opinion. A good review
may get me there quicker, I must say, But a
bad review, you know, I want to see if it's
as bad as they say, or why it was or
was it an off night? And everyone has an off night,

which is why I hate social media in the sense
of people's reviews, because they don't know what happened. I mean,
maybe maybe the product didn't show up, maybe it wasn't
delivered correctly.

Speaker 2 (01:49:28):
I don't know. I just don't love.

Speaker 25 (01:49:30):
You know, social media has made everybody a critic and
it's listen, it's great social media. I love social media
and I love when I need it and it helps
me promote whatever I'm promoting. But I don't like when
it's used to hurt people in the sense of a
bad review for a restaurant, wheah, the hardest business in
the world.

Speaker 2 (01:49:48):
Scary as we can't go there. It's a three point eight.

Speaker 19 (01:49:51):
No, it doesn't stop me like a Google rating of
a three point seven will turn your way.

Speaker 2 (01:49:55):
No, I don't look, really does a ghost kitchen.

Speaker 10 (01:49:57):
Freak you out?

Speaker 2 (01:49:58):
Which one a ghost kitchen? Yeah, you know, freaked me out.
I wouldn't rush to it.

Speaker 25 (01:50:04):
Okay, yeah, I wouldn't rush to What was it was
it called maven Uh it was a company doing ghost kitchens. Yeah, yeah,
you know, like I'm at home, I'm not going to
order Bobby flazed food from a ghost kitchen when you
know that they're not making his you know whatever it is.

Speaker 2 (01:50:19):
Chicken came, no ghost kitchen. But we gotta go. But
I gotta say, you've been very nice to us.

Speaker 9 (01:50:24):
And it's yeah, it actually very.

Speaker 2 (01:50:27):
It's very unsettling. It's a sugar. It's a sugar from Christine.
Yes it is. I mean sugar made. About that jacket
and your shirt. I love my my shirt. You know
it's your fat jacket.

Speaker 6 (01:50:41):
It took him a while to get there.

Speaker 25 (01:50:43):
He got there, you little bit, all right, We got
I know what I'm but he's wearing that jacket.

Speaker 2 (01:50:48):
He has a few. Its sound jacket. It's a shirt.
It's st Yes, it's a jackets.

Speaker 12 (01:50:57):
I hate you.

Speaker 2 (01:50:59):
Wow, thanks for coming by. It's always nice. It's always
a pleasure.

Speaker 1 (01:51:08):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (01:51:09):
Audible can turn your every day into something extraordinary. Enjoy
best selling audiobooks, popular podcasts, and exclusive Audible originals anytime
and you can be inspired. There's more to imagine when
you listen, so sign up for a free thirty day
trial at audible dot com. Slash Elvis and welcome back.

Speaker 1 (01:51:32):
I love it, love it, love it, love it Elvis
Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (01:51:38):
So thank you to Lee Schregor for coming in and
ripping me to shreds. And we can't wait to have
him back.

Speaker 9 (01:51:44):
Yeah, because it's all fun.

Speaker 10 (01:51:46):
It's like with your sibling. Yeah, if you're not poking
at each other, are you guys? Okay, No, we're great.

Speaker 2 (01:51:51):

Speaker 10 (01:51:51):
No, let me say you have to poke at each other.

Speaker 2 (01:51:52):
Yeah we do. There's a lot of poking going. Uh
not not good poking. Hey, uh, I love how you know.
He's such a foodie and he loves the fact that
we turned him onto the Wendy's Breakfast Burrito. That's says
a lot about the Wendy's Breakfast Burrito because Leishreger is picky.

Speaker 10 (01:52:10):
He's finicky and he will be honest. He does not care.

Speaker 2 (01:52:13):
Yeah, no, he has no no one I hope care
or concern whatsoever. So if you need a soda break,
if you're going for a Wendy's burrito, great for breakfast,
But if you need a soda break, you're in luck.
Right now. Wendy's has any size a la carte dollar
soft drinks small, coke, medium, strawberry, Fanta, medium sprite, whatever

you want, they have them all, mix them together if
you want coke, sprite, strawberry Fanta. I love that. The
possibilities are endless. Only for a dollar, do it now?
It's got to be Wendy's. Any size soft drink for
a dollar. Thank you. We love Wendy's.

Speaker 9 (01:52:46):
You Wendy's.

Speaker 2 (01:52:47):
The three things we need to know? My voice is
almost at its very end? Should I just keep talking
until it's gone? Just scream it out? What do you think?

Speaker 21 (01:52:55):

Speaker 2 (01:52:55):
Should I just keep going until it's gone? Yeah? I mean,
why not go big or go home?

Speaker 20 (01:52:59):

Speaker 2 (01:53:00):
Well, we do have a show tomorrow and we have
Gwen s Ttefani Friday. Yeah, oh yeah, you gotta be
good for that. I need to have my voice back
for Gwen Steffani. All right, three things? What's going on?

Speaker 9 (01:53:08):
All right?

Speaker 15 (01:53:08):
Mexico's Economy Minister says that if the incoming Trump administration
puts tariffs on Mexico, Mexico will respond in kind. President
elect Trump promised during the campaign to put about twenty
five percent tariffs on all goods from Mexico unless the
country stopped migrants and drugs from entering the US. He
said he might even go higher. Marcelo Evrard said in
an interview Monday that his country has the conditions to

play in Mexico's favor. Mexico is the US's biggest trading partner.
A federal judge called a halt on a new requirement
in Louisiana to display the Ten Commandments in all public classrooms.
US District Judge John W. De Grevelis ruled that the
requirement is unconstitutional on its face and that the law
had an.

Speaker 10 (01:53:48):
Overtly religious purpose.

Speaker 15 (01:53:50):
State officials claim that the government could force the posting
of the Ten Commandments because they have historical significance in
US law. Louisiana's Attorney general said her office would ask
the Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans
to issue a stay on that ruling. And finally, the
FAA is banning US flights to Haiti for thirty days
after not one, not two, but three flights were hit

with gunfire while landing in the country this week.

Speaker 10 (01:54:15):
Wow yeah, terrifying.

Speaker 15 (01:54:17):
A Spirit Airlines flight was hit Monday and diverted to
the Dominican Republic. A Jet Blue flight was also shot
at that damage wasn't discovered until the flight went back
to New York, and American Airlines said its suspending flights
through February after it discovered a plane had been hit
following its return to Miami. The FAA said in a
notice that it was prohibiting aviation operations in the territory
and airspace of Haiti altogether.

Speaker 10 (01:54:38):
And those are your three things.

Speaker 2 (01:54:40):
All right, shows done, Let's get out of here until
next time. Say peace out, everybody, he said, out everybody.

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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