All Episodes

May 17, 2024 108 mins
We play a game honoring elder gays! Plus, Coaster Boy Josh had a bender, Ricki from 107.5 The River joins us, and a listener calls in with a first date update.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
I love you guys.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Listen to you every day mutes to work.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
Old lady, I've been listening for years. I love you guys.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
I listen all the time to you, guys.

Speaker 4 (00:14):
I love it so much.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
I love your show. Into it every morning when I
go to work. I got to work only just to
listen to you guys.

Speaker 5 (00:22):
Help it, baby, the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (00:31):
This is Elvis Duran and the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
Yeah, it is Welcome to the day. It is officially.

Speaker 7 (00:39):

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Welcome to the Day. I know seems that we're very
excited about the fact it's Friday. Tell you what. We
have so much fun with new Kids on the Block.
Yesterday we decided to invite them back for the Friday Show.
That'll be here any minute now. Oh, I love done,
so here they come. Kidding we did. We had a

great time with new Kids on the Block. Maybe we'll
revisit a few of those moments today. Who knows, is
there any music?

Speaker 8 (01:09):
It's just kind of fizzled, didn't it.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
I know, it's just kind of fizzle. Hey, I get
some music for you as I say good morning to
the superstars of the Morning Show. Good morning, Danielle, Hi, Gandhi.

Speaker 9 (01:19):

Speaker 1 (01:20):
We gotta tell everyone why you're flying to Los Angeles
this weekend. It's gonna be a big couple of days
for a year. Good morning, they're scary. Good morning. Wait,
have you set up the green room for new kids
on the block? Here they come, I'll have all right.
And good morning, Froggy. How you feeling froggy? Good morning, Alot,

I'm good, You're good, You're good. Good morning there, Uh
Scott e b at Master Control. Good morning, producer, Sam
is here? What do you have for dinner? Last night?

Speaker 10 (01:49):
Tofu Terioki Bowl?

Speaker 5 (01:51):
It was so good you lost me at what you're missing?

Speaker 4 (01:56):

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Tofu it's the crop of the future. Farmer Elvis, let's
see Diamond is here. I saw Garrett walking around coach
and boy, Josh, don't know if he's coming in today
after what I did to him yesterday?

Speaker 6 (02:08):
What what?

Speaker 11 (02:10):
Oh? No?

Speaker 1 (02:11):
We had a crazy, wacky lunch. It was awesome.

Speaker 9 (02:14):
And then he went to the dentist.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
I heard yes, And then he went to the dentist
and then he lost all the feeling in his mouth.
So we'll get into that later. Hey, it is a
big day, especially for Billie Eilish fans. As you know
her album Hit Me Hard and Soft came out last night, right,
and so our new favorite choice is Lunch Billie Eilish. Well, okay,

let's hand lize some lyrics here Billie Eilish in Lunch,
may I proceed from the very first line of the song.
The song is called lunch. I could eat that girl
for lunch. Yeah, she dances on my tongue, tastes like
she might be the one. Oh, we'll leave it right there.

I don't know, you know what. It's good to hear
some upbeat, fun, forward thinking Billie Eilish got into it
very good. Billy Irish fans are all all just aghast today.
Now they have to share their idol of the world.
Sorry about that. Yeah, hit Me Hard and Solve the
album out last night. I want to hear your review
from the entire album. You feel free to text us
at fifty five one hundred. First caller of the week, Elizabeth.

She's calling in for her fortieth birthday? Is that true?
Is it your fortieth birthday today?

Speaker 3 (03:29):
It sure is? How are you guys?

Speaker 1 (03:31):
There you go? Happy birthday?

Speaker 3 (03:34):
Thank you so much. I know you had birthdays like
all this week, but it's all I've been thinking about
is calling you guys, I've been the first caller of
the day before Elvis. I met you with my cousin
Karen at your book signing, but I've never been able
to talk to Gandhi before, so I'm like freaking out
right now.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Well, let me introduce it to Gandhi. This is our
friend Elizabeth. Elizabeth, our friend Gandhi.

Speaker 9 (03:53):

Speaker 10 (03:53):
Happy birthday.

Speaker 9 (03:55):
So nice to talk to you.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
Thanks so much, Gandhi. I have to tell you I
had bariatric surgery around the same time that you were
in the hospital, so you and I were losing our
hair at the same time.

Speaker 12 (04:04):

Speaker 3 (04:05):
So I just have to thank you so much for
sharing your story because it just it made me feel
like I wasn't alone dealing with it.

Speaker 9 (04:12):
Wow, oh my god, you are not. Let me tell you,
when I talked about that, the amount of women who
reached out saying same, same thing is happening. Yeah, it's wild.
Is yours growing back?

Speaker 13 (04:22):
It is?

Speaker 3 (04:22):
Yes, it is, thankfully, And like every step of the
way that you were talking about it, I was like, Yep,
that's what's going on, Like okay, like we're it's all right,
it's all good. This is supposed to happen like this
is normal. So I just want to thank you so much.

Speaker 9 (04:35):
I'm so glad you're doing better.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
You know, Gandhi heard from a lot of people going
through that, but to hear it from your voice and
hear it and you sounding great, you sound very very together. Today,
let me tell you about Elizabeth forty's birthday. She's coming
into the city. She's going to go to Artichoke Pizza.

Speaker 5 (04:50):
Danielle, Yeah, get the back.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
I won't go anywhere else, and now, thank you.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
There you go. But also to celebrate, she's also giving
blood today. What oh crazy birthday?

Speaker 5 (05:00):
Wait, do you have to get blood before the pizza
or can you after the pizza.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
I'm doing it before. This is my fifty fourth unit
that I'm donating.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
It's like, oh my gosh, yeah, look at that. Yeah,
you've donated more units than well Nate when he was
in the dating room. Anyway, we'll get to that later. Elizabeth,
happy birthday. And so since its your fortieth birthday, we're
gonna amp it up. We're gonna give you a big
old list of stuff. I mean, come on, do the honors, producer, Nate.

Speaker 14 (05:30):
We're gonna start up with a fifty dollars Wendy's gift
card because you know we always have that cinnabond pull apart, but.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
We're gonna amp it out. A two and fifty dollars
cash gift card. Oh my god, at buys a lot
of pizza. But you know, we do love we do
love eating the centiment at Wendy's. But there's something else
going on. The new Wendy's Orange Dream Circle Frosty. Can
we talk about it? Hey now, hey, now, it's a

blast from the distant present. As they say, it's the
classic dreamsycle flavor we all grew up with. With new
limited edition Orange Dream Circle Frosty's available bit Wendy's, you
got to drive through today with your fifty daughter Wendy's
gift card. Congratulations to you, We love you. Happy birthday, Elizabeth.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
I love all of you so much. And can I
just shout out to my friends that are that are
listening this morning?

Speaker 1 (06:21):

Speaker 4 (06:21):
Do it?

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Go for it to my cousin Karen, my friend Hannah,
and my friend Jen and my friend Desi, who you
guys have talked to before she won the at the
first beat game, she called you from the Eiffel Tower
like we are all diheard eldest bands over here. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
I love that. I remember that call from the Riffle Tower,
and I remember the only one time that someone won
that contest. Happy birthday, Elizabeth, Thank you so much for
so much excellent. Wow. So look at all we got
from our friend Elizabeth.

Speaker 9 (06:51):
Wow, I love her.

Speaker 5 (06:53):
Do you realize we had two great first callers two
days in a row.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
Yeah, Diamond today standing ovation for aad. We love you, Diamond. Excellent.
All right, Happy birthday, Elizabeth. Let's get into the three
things we need to know from Gandhi. Let's get on
with the day, all right, Gandhi, what's going on?

Speaker 12 (07:08):
All right?

Speaker 9 (07:09):
The Biden administration is moving forward with a proposal to
reclassify marijuana from a Schedule one to a Scheduled three drug.
The Department of Justice issued a Notice of Proposed rulemaking
Thursday to reclassify marijuana to a less restrictive category. The
change reflects a major shift in cannabis policy across the country,
as dozens of states over the last decade have legalized

recreational marijuana. Some bad news for our oceans. Nearly sixty
percent of the world's coral reefs have become bleached in
the last year. On Thursday, the US National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration announced coral reefs around the globe are undergoing
a mass bleaching event due to record high ocean temperatures.

The agency, I know, very very sad. The agency is
reporting just over sixty percent of reefs have been affected
and the number is still rising.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Does it have anything to do with the uptick in
anal bleaching here on Earth.

Speaker 9 (08:05):
I have a feeling those are directly correlated. We will
have to look into it, He's wondering. And finally, the
New York Rangers are headed to the Eastern Conference Final,
eliminating the Hurricanes five to three and Game six of
the second round series from Raleigh. New York won the
best of seven East series four to two, and we'll
face the winner of the Panthers Bruin matchup in the
Conference final. Out West, the Canucks defeated the Oilers three

to two in Vancouver to take a three two second
round series lead. Game six takes place in Edmonton on Saturday.
That means a pair of Game sixes are on the
schedule for Friday. The Panthers will try to eliminate the
Bruins in Boston, while the Stars are hoping for the
same result against the Avalanche in Denver. And those are
your three things.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
Wow, it's sizzling, right, I mean yeah, last night, I
don't know how many people expected our Rangers to move on,
but they did. They move forward. There you go Rangers
tonight last night, Nicks tonight, and then your Yankees that
you got to Yankees going there, Danielle. And then there's
the New York Mess, the Marlins. That's good. It is Friday.

You guys ready for it? Yeah, let's see what.

Speaker 6 (09:11):
Happened Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon
pull Apart only at Participating Us Wendy's.

Speaker 6 (09:40):
I love it. I love Elvis dan in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
So I got to assume that most Billy Elish fans
aren't up this early, because you know, her album came
out last night, and I asked for people to like
send us their reviews. I mean the dieheard Billie Eilish
fans heard it as soon as it came out at midnight, right,
I guess yeah, No one's replied, I guess they're all sleeping.

Does that? Is that the profile of an Billie Eilish
fanly you sleep in?

Speaker 5 (10:09):
Could be?

Speaker 1 (10:10):
I guess so, And that's okay. God, I'm jealous. Could
be on Fridays completely, they may be.

Speaker 6 (10:18):
A wreck.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
Are Are they all unemployed? I think not, of course not.
She reaches a lot of different types of people. I
would think. So the profile of a insert artist name
here listener would be up early? Who would that be?

Speaker 9 (10:36):
Let's see, yes, like, are we looking for an artist?
Because I was gonna say NPR.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
NPR or whoever's listening to us? Now? I mean, obviously
there's an artist they love, maybe jazz, like like a
very man alone. They're definitely they've been up for hours.

Speaker 9 (10:55):
Are at it?

Speaker 11 (10:56):
You know? And you know me?

Speaker 1 (10:57):
I love my share. I'm up early. Okay, I'm seeing
a pattern here. It's making sense. It's making sense, all right.
So how was your night last night? Danielle? You got
some rest funny because you've been going and going and going,
and finally you got to like sit back and relax.

Speaker 5 (11:13):
So, yeah, I took a nap yesterday afternoon because you
guys knew I had a bad migraine yesterday. And then
when I woke up, I went for a walk, I
listened to my audible, I took a deep breath, I
cooked some dinner, and I honestly just relaxed last night
because this weekend once again is crazy. Yes, sound crazy,
so I can't complain. It's a lot of fun stuff,

but it's just a lot of stuff like what like.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
What is your fun crazy weekend?

Speaker 5 (11:37):
So I'm going to a carnival this weekend with my
sister and her kids. I'm excited about that. Okay, a
birthday brunch for my friend's kids. We have a five
K I'm not running, I'm just cheering. We have the
track meet tonight, we have games. I mean, we have
a lot of stuff tacked into this weekend, but it's
going to be it's a lot of fun. My mom's
even in a play tomorrow night and she's doing the

Boogey Wooo bugle Boy and Hey big Spender.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Oh my god. Okay, Well, by the way more songs
that profile the people who are up early exactly. Now,
wait a minute. You you just went down a list
of like at least eight things that you're doing this weekend,
including the carnival, which I think would be my favorite,
just saying yeah, yeah, but that's a lot of stuff, now, Gandhi.
In comparison, you're hopping on a plane and flying out

to Los.

Speaker 9 (12:21):
Angeles, right, yeah, yeah, this afternoon.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
Okay, So what are you doing this weekend?

Speaker 9 (12:26):
I'm going to play with my friends in La Brandon
is going to come meet me out there, and I
have a little handful of humans out there that are
are very close to me from a long time ago,
so we're going to go get them.

Speaker 10 (12:36):
It'll be a good time.

Speaker 1 (12:37):
And the grazies Hello Gracia the other Tuesday, okay, all right,
but and I do want to save that because I
do want to get into the gracies and the importance
of the gracies, and I know they that they have
involved you and Danielle, and I think that's very important.
We talk about the importance of the gracies. We'll get
into that in a few minutes. So what about you, Scary,
what's your weekend all about?

Speaker 8 (12:56):
Well, my radio DJ friend Brian Phillips is coming in
with his girl friend. She's running the Brooklyn half Marathon tomorrow,
and we'll get to go see Back to the Future
on Broadway on Sunday, fine, just ahead of a brunch.
And then tomorrow night, I'm gonna be celebrating my girlfriend's birthday.
Blate it because I was out of town during her birthday.
And we're going to some restaurant that I've been dying
to try that Elvis has already tried.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Oh, Sabino, Yeah, I can't wait. Oh God, get that
shrimp parm man. It's good. It's the only time I
advocate putting cheese on a fish product. It's fantastic. Come in,
You're gonna love it. Hey, what about you, Froggy, What
are you doing this weekend?

Speaker 15 (13:32):
I've got a big Saint Judavent in town this weekend,
so I am help hosting a Saint Judavent tonight, Tomorrow
and Sunday, so it's a three day event.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
Nice right, right, straight night? What are you doing.

Speaker 14 (13:41):
I'm actually gonna hang out with a friend tomorrow. I'm
gonna actually stay in his spare bedroom in Brooklyn, and
we're gonna go.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Do the town on Saturday night. They're gonna they're gonna
paint the town fusha good maybe Mom? Good? Well, I
hope you have a really crazy Please don't get into
any fight stealing other people's girlfriend and stuff.

Speaker 12 (14:00):

Speaker 9 (14:01):
Oh yeah, you're you've been looking to get in a
bar fight for a while.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
This could be a you know, after it's stroke number two,
I realized maybe that's not the wisest idea. Oh that
was the one that it took two to finally convince you. Uh,
Scotty b what are you doing this weekend?

Speaker 11 (14:16):

Speaker 16 (14:16):
Well, Tonight I'm taking the girls to see Morgan Wallen.
That is going to be incredible.

Speaker 4 (14:20):

Speaker 16 (14:21):
Then to it's prom weekend, so junior prom tomorrow, so
I'm helping Ashley get ready for that. And then Sunday
I have a friend coming to town and we're gonna
hang out for a bit.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
What Diamond, what's Diamond doing for weekend? For the weekend? Hello?
Oh hey, what are you doing this weekend? What is
she doing?

Speaker 12 (14:36):
She's going to a baby shower.

Speaker 9 (14:40):
Why does she sound so upset?

Speaker 12 (14:41):
Because it just life just is starting to get serious,
you know what I mean? So whatever, and I can't
be the drunk one at the baby show, so I
can dial it back.

Speaker 5 (14:49):
I have a question at the baby tower. Did they
want the gifts regularly wrapped or in clear so you
don't have to watch them open the gifts?

Speaker 11 (14:56):

Speaker 12 (14:56):
I don't know, because I don't do that. I just
give a card and we keep it pushing.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
A good idea. That is good planning exactly. All right,
sounds like a weekend. Yeah, hold on, producer Sam, what
are you doing this weekend? Producer Sam?

Speaker 17 (15:10):
I think the highlight is going to be watching my
niece who's not too yet, so it might be a nightmare,
but I'm excited for it.

Speaker 10 (15:18):
And also I get to spend time with our friends Carl,
Marie and Anthony, who are also my old roommate.

Speaker 4 (15:24):

Speaker 1 (15:24):
Absolutely, well we can't wait too. Are they going to
come see us next week? Oh?

Speaker 10 (15:28):
That would be nice maybe.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
If there's a chance. Yeah, they could come see us.
We miss them and love them so much. What about
doing this weekend? Nothing is planned.

Speaker 9 (15:38):
To the carnival?

Speaker 1 (15:39):
Yeah, I kind of do, to be honest, Yeah, uh yeah,
nothing is planned. I think that's probably in order. Do
you ever get into a place in your life where
it's like it's like a it's it's very tornadic. Is
that the word? I don't know, is that the word
tornadics tornado? It sounds weird. It's a tornado in life.
I think it's I'm just to kind of step aside

and let the tornado, it's tornado, do its thing while
I'm sitting over here, like, you know, making pancakes or something.
I don't know, maybe pancakes this weekend, but they do nothing.
Weekend very important, all right, Producer Sam, We know several
things about you. You're you're baby sitting a toddler this weekend,
and last night you had tofu for dinner. We know
so much about it.

Speaker 17 (16:21):
You know what, it was a tariaki rice tofu. It
was better than just tofu. It was good, all right,
trust me?

Speaker 1 (16:28):
All right, you're doing your horse ghips with Scotti.

Speaker 10 (16:30):
Be the biggest fan of tofu in the room.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
No, you don't like tofu. No, you know now that,
now that I'm a soybean farmer, I expect any and
all of you to start supporting.

Speaker 16 (16:40):
Actually, is that the stuff that's in me so soup?
Because I like that the little white thing?

Speaker 1 (16:43):
Yes? Yes, okay, then yes, I do. So you do
like the stuff that you hate? Yes, I do? Okay,
no flavor? So I love? Do you hold on? Do
you like et a mommy as well? I love it
a mommy. Well that's where do you think it comes
comes around?

Speaker 5 (16:57):
And look, seriously, I love it more sweet.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
There's soybeans.

Speaker 6 (17:01):
That's where Jo comes up.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Yeah, you can come up to the soybean farm. I'll
give you a tour. I I'm learning a lot about
soybeans now that I'm a gentleman farmer.

Speaker 9 (17:08):
They're very pretty too when you grow them. Soybeans are gorgeous.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
They are, They're gorgeous. They make great arrangements for gifts.
I've never done that, but anyway, all right, let's go. Okay, course,
I guess I'm doing this because Ali requested me. It's
her birthday. Ten Yeah, happy birthday, Ali.

Speaker 16 (17:21):
If it's your birthday, also, you share it with Dennik,
Derek huff Nick. You read and Enya Capricorn, prepare for
a major leap forward. Things are finally starting to shift
your days of ten Aquarius.

Speaker 17 (17:34):
Recharging is essential. Just because you can power through doesn't
mean you should.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Your day's a six pieces.

Speaker 16 (17:39):
Your compassion makes a difference in someone's life today, even
if you can't see it. Your days of five aries.

Speaker 17 (17:45):
That goal of yours is within reach, but only if
you focus on one step at a time.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
Your day's a nine Taurus.

Speaker 16 (17:50):
Kindness goes a long way. Don't expect to receive it
if you've been withholding it. Your day is a seven Gemini.

Speaker 17 (17:56):
You're more versatile than you give yourself credit for. Try
adapting instead of pushing back. Your days an eight and Cancer.

Speaker 16 (18:01):
You're far more deserving than you give yourself credit for.
Except all compliments. Your days of six Leo.

Speaker 17 (18:07):
No one has the ability to challenge you more than yourself.
Don't ignore opportunity.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
Your days an eight Virgo. Meet people where they are.
Don't push too hard.

Speaker 16 (18:15):
If someone is in your life needs space, I'm gonna
say that again. Meet people where they are. Don't push
too hard if someone in your life needs space.

Speaker 17 (18:22):
Your days of nine, Hey, Libra, only worry about pleasing yourself.

Speaker 10 (18:25):
You can't take care of anybody everyone else anyway.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Your days an eight Scorpio.

Speaker 16 (18:29):
Your admirers, You're admired in ways you'll never know. Keep
striving to accomplish things.

Speaker 17 (18:33):
Your days of nine and Finally, Sagittarius growth does not
always need to be documented or recognized. Way to go
your days of seven and those are your Friday morning horoscopes.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
All look at that. Some of the Billy Idish fans
are awake and they're reporting back there. Her album Hit
Me Hard and Soft is fantastic. They love it so
all right good. I feel a pulse in the Billie
Eilish fan community. They're awake. It's all good. You guys
ready to roll into Danielle's first report of to day.
What do you have coming up?

Speaker 5 (18:58):
We're gonna talk about Jennifer Lopez ben Affleck. A lot
of crazy rumors out there. Yeah, I hope it's not true.
And Megan Fox is purging her social on her big birthday.

Speaker 6 (19:09):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 1 (19:11):
Lenny Kravitz, you and I are about the same age.
I don't know why you look so great. Uncle like hammered.

Speaker 6 (19:18):
He was going to ask you what your secret is?

Speaker 9 (19:20):
He dropped it earlier. He had water and we're taking
shots with Utola.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
I want to hang out with you guys. What makes
the Mercedes Benz easy different? The electric is what gets
you there, But Mercedes is what moves you like no
other automaker can. The vehicles are all the Electric, the
feeling is all Mercedes. The choice is all yours. Burn
more at mbusa dot com, slash eq.

Speaker 6 (19:40):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show, Elvis Duran in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
Yeah, let's get into some music. As you know. Not
only is it Billie Eilish with her new album out today,
there's a song that Scary loves. He wants us to
play it that it's a It's whatever, it's Kigo with Afmax. Right.
Oh yeah, we should play that because it's a great
weekend song. Also, did you guys see where Dua Lipa
ended up last night? No, No, tell him Froggy.

Speaker 15 (20:10):
She was on the ACMs last night and she performed
with Chris Stapleton and it was unbelievable, big old surprise
duet and they killed it there so good together.

Speaker 1 (20:18):
Wow, look at that. The crossover between country and other
formats is happening. I love that. So what song did
Dua and Chris Tapleton do?

Speaker 15 (20:28):
It's not Chris Stapleton's song I Think I'm in Love
with You, and she came out. They did not say
it was du Aalipa it was her. The lights were dark,
you could barely see her, but I heard her voice
in like, wait a second, that's to Alipa. And then
the lights came on and then they performed together. It
was just a super cool moment last night.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Well, how was the crowd? Did they love it? Oh?

Speaker 15 (20:47):
They all on their feet. It was just crazy. He
was great, we'll get it. Can we steal it and
play it? You know, I'm looking for it right now.
Steal it and apologize later.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
We're still still getting great response from our time we
spent with new kids on the walk yesterday. We were
all blown away and how great these guys are. And
I know, Danielle and Gandhia, all of us. We were
just going on and on about how wonderful they are
as human beings. They were just because we remember them
when they were like, you know, egotistical little brats.

Speaker 5 (21:17):
They're little kids. You know, when you give little kids
that much power and money and fame, and you know,
stuff happens.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
It is true. They were. They were like blowing fart
to the control room. When I was trying to interview them,
I'm like, oh, dear God, it was a nightmare. So
I guess I had a little you know, PTSD or
what were the letters? I get. Yes. So when they say, well,
we want new kids to come on the show again,
I'm like, oh, oh god, they're gonna come in and us. No, No,

they're great. They were awesome. Yeah, And so a lot
of people always ask us, hey, you have great interviews
with some of our favorite artists. What are they like
when the microphones are off, gentlemen, Nothing but great. They
were just awesome, Nate. I mean you were handling them
a lot because you had to be out of the
studio and working with them and their people.

Speaker 14 (21:59):
How how was it in the background? They were so great?
And you know, I actually had a little fangirl moment.
So Donnie played a part in Band of Brothers twenty
three years ago, and I've seen that series probably ten times,
and I'm like, man, I gotta tell you, he goes,
You know what that means so much to me?

Speaker 1 (22:17):
He goes.

Speaker 14 (22:18):
I didn't realize what that show would go on to become.
And I get stopped every day people thanking me for
doing that. So it's you know, a lot of times
when we're doing whatever, when we're doing appearances or somebody
meets us out. You know, they say, oh my god,
you guys don't realize what you mean to me, and
it just it just felt good to say that to

somebody that has meant something to me, you know. So well,
it was awesome. They were all such great guys, I
mean pros, absolute pros, Ye without doubt. And their album
is out today. It's out with that new song that
we never before heard, Magic song.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
Magic. We played that, we were a premiered that yesterday.
Let's play the Joey should we so, Joey McIntyre, we're
talking about this album, like, okay, you guys have been
with each other for a long time and then the
decision was made to like all get together and record
a new album. What did that feel like? And Joey

just kind of let it all happen.

Speaker 18 (23:17):
Just the dynamic of you know, like getting a little emotional.
Actually good no, but the you know, saying yes, you know,
it's like saying damn sorry. It's early saying yes.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
To each other.

Speaker 18 (23:37):
You know what I'm saying, Like Donnie says yes first
and deals with whatever, and I know Jordan said yes
from the get go, like when Donnie was working out
and when you have Jordan Knight showing up in laying
down vocals like you know, it's just like that energy
and you get to trade off with each other and
people showing up and Danny always being there and John
like like you say, coming off the farm and going yeah,

let's let's do it.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
You know what I mean, And it's it can be.
It's a real process.

Speaker 18 (24:04):
It's even though you've known everybody, but there's no greater.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
Wow complement then your your your boys, you know showing
up five sounds Sorry, that's awesome, and he was in tears.
I mean it was a very emotional. Let me play
their song for you. This is magic, New Kids on
the Block, brand new. We premiered it yesterday. Now it's
available for everyone on the new album from New Kids

on the Block. Still kids, why don't you pick it
up or download it or do what you do when
you need to do that? All right? So that was
where you're supposed to do your report, Danielle, and we totally.
But I know you love that song, so I don't
feel too guilty about it.

Speaker 5 (24:42):
I'm fine. I loved to hearing it was fabulous, all.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
Right, So I didn't mean to shove you aside like
that and play new kids. I didn't mean to be
like scary and shoving you to the wall, all right,
I tell you what. I'll make it up to everyone.
So Daniel's gonna do her report next. Also, we have
to catch up with our friend Lindsey. She called us
the other day and said she had not been out
on a date for what four years and a half years,

and she was going out on her first date in
four and a half years, and we asked her to
get back to us to let us know how it went.
We're gonna find out how all that happened and what
happened coming up, So lots coming up. Hang on sho,
I'm gonna play hooky gibbye, Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.
Wendy's New Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning

cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough ooh
e guey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the
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promise it'll get worse.

Speaker 6 (25:46):
Elvis ter Uran in the Morning Show yes, Oh no, no,
you get back in here, Danielle.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
You have to do your report. I saw you trying
to tiptoe out of there.

Speaker 5 (25:54):
I have sausage. I want to warm up in the microwave.

Speaker 9 (25:57):
We all do, Honey, can about how Danielle has been
carrying around a foam taco for like three days?

Speaker 1 (26:04):

Speaker 9 (26:05):

Speaker 1 (26:06):
I wanted to ask, what is that?

Speaker 5 (26:07):
The Homewood sweets by Hilton when they came up the
other day and they make us that delicious breakfast?

Speaker 1 (26:12):
Remember, oh yeah, the taco bulls.

Speaker 5 (26:14):
Yeah, so they had these taco stress balls. I guess
you call them. So I keep it right, I have
been keeping it in the studio, and like every now
and then, I've been picking it up and like squeezing it.
So I just I don't know.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
Now we know, I'm like, why is daniel squeezing her taco?
She's stressed? She must be stressed, all right, So you're
up in just a few seconds. Hold no, but we've
got Lindsay online nineteen. I hope she stayed with us. Hello, Lindsay,
how are you this morning?

Speaker 11 (26:39):

Speaker 4 (26:39):
Good morning.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
I'm doing that you guys, and we're doing well. It's
great to hear your voice again, I mean at long last.
I mean it was just the other day you called
in and we were talking about how you have not
had a date in like four and a half years,
and remind everyone why that is.

Speaker 4 (26:54):
That's because I decided to take time to take care
of myself and do things that I didn't get to
enjoy because I was in relationships for so long.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
Nice right, yeah, you So something happened and you found
someone you wanted to maybe hang out. We had to
spend some time with. So you went out on a date,
your your first date and four and a half years.
It was last night, right.

Speaker 4 (27:17):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 1 (27:19):
By the way, does he know talking to us about
this on the radio? No?

Speaker 4 (27:25):
And thankfully I'm assuming he's still asleep.

Speaker 11 (27:27):

Speaker 1 (27:29):
Yeah, he's a musician, so he's probably sleeping anyway. Go ahead,
So how was your date last night? How did it go?
And how nervous were you? Tell us the whole thing.

Speaker 4 (27:38):
It was great. So we decided to meet at this
local casino that we lived near that that's where the
movie theater is, and we decided to go there and
get some drinks and some nachos first, and we were
there for about an hour and a half and we
were like talking the whole entire time, and everything went
just like really well and smooth. He was really easy

to talk to. And what's funny is I actually have
a lot of friends that work at that casino, and
they were all texting me saying, what's going on with you?

Speaker 1 (28:08):

Speaker 4 (28:09):
Who is that the whole time during the day.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Yeah, did he know that he was under surveillance last night?

Speaker 4 (28:19):
I didn't tell him until later, I didn't. So then
we ended up going to see the movie after and
it was just really nice to actually go out for once.
But he was really funny and it turns out we
had a lot more in common than I expected. And
then he said he had a surprise for me after

the movie was over, so I walked with him to
his car because we met separately. I know, this sounds
really dirt.

Speaker 9 (28:48):
Is surprised you.

Speaker 5 (28:52):
I really thought the popcorn trick.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
Guys, guys, you know what we need to do, bet
or Danielle? All right, anyway, okay, so so so anyway,
he had a surprise for you.

Speaker 4 (29:09):
Yeah, so he knew that I like cats, like I
have a couple of cats, and he did as well,
and he knew I liked collected things had strawberries on them,
and he found this little stuffed animal cat that was
a cat dress as like a little strawberry. Oh okay,
it was really corny, but it was really cute.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Okay, So it was. It was a great night out.
And you know where it goes from here, who knows.
But at least she got out. I mean, you just
forget about him for a second. What about you? The
fact that you actually went out and you blew out
the cobwebs a little bit and and hung out with
someone and got to know them.

Speaker 13 (29:46):
That's good.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
That says a lot about you in your night. How
do you feel about how you did?

Speaker 4 (29:50):
I feel I feel like I did pretty good. Like
I'm actually a little bit proud of myself for like
putting myself out there good. It took a little bit.
I was anxious, like so much throughout the whole day
before I even one, And then finally after we got
to the restaurant and we're just talking, everything just kind
of laid out and it was It was enjoyable. It
was definitely different than what I expected.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
There you go, what Gandhi, Danielle, what do you think
I have two follow up questions.

Speaker 9 (30:15):
Why is there another date planned?

Speaker 5 (30:18):
That's good?

Speaker 4 (30:19):
Yes, actually we are planning on going to our local
six Flags.

Speaker 5 (30:23):
Oh that's fine.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
Yeah, and I'm gonna move. I'm gonna move where they live.
They have a lot of good stiff think got casinos
and six Flags? Go ahead? Sorry.

Speaker 9 (30:32):
Second question, was there any physical contact?

Speaker 4 (30:35):
Yes, actually there was a kiss at the end of
the night. And also he did put his arm around
me at the movies.

Speaker 5 (30:44):
See that's perfect, That's exactly what you need. Nothing more.

Speaker 9 (30:48):
No the Handchester's Nate was tossing.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
You, Danielle, any thoughts questions.

Speaker 5 (30:53):
I'm just happy that she she went out of her
comfort zone and went went on this date and had
a good time, and that there's another one on the horizon.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
I love that. And you know what, again, it's like
the fact that you went out and did this, It
really is. It says a lot about you, and I
think that's great. It takes courage to.

Speaker 9 (31:09):
Do that, you know, it just does getting out there.

Speaker 14 (31:11):
Yeah, Nate, what Okay, here's a question then, lindsay, Okay,
you got out there, you know, you got the cobwebs.

Speaker 1 (31:17):
And dust brushed off, But did you did you butterflies
with this fella.

Speaker 4 (31:23):
Did you feel Yeah, well, there was definitely some butterflies.

Speaker 14 (31:30):
Okay, you're feeling him now thinking about him texting you
at some point over the course of the day.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
Yeah, okay, good, definitely all right.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
And let's not let's not push this. Let's not let's
not like, let's let Lindsey and you know, incertain name
of great guy last night. Let's let's let it take
its course. We're not going to be like the uh,
the the Jentas trying to hook you up and make
marry you off. And no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 5 (31:54):
We should call him next and see what he thinks
about Lindsay.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Bad ideas, idea, No, no, we're we wear a team, Lindsay,
listen to them, Lindsay, they are bad influences bad.

Speaker 4 (32:06):
Curious how that would go.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
Yeah, I'm just gonna I'm gonna go ahead and say
it sounds great on paper, but let's let it go.
Let's let it go. At some point though, Lindsay, you're
gonna have to like make this a private thing. You
can't have your friends on surveillance with cameras looking at
you with succeed. You can't call your favorite Morning Show
and report back every time. You know what I'm saying.

But I'm glad you did strike. Oh my god, because
if I was him i found out that this is
going on, I don't know. I'd be like, oh, I
don't know. Anyway, It's cool. It's all about you, Lindsay.
That's all we care about. You're You're you're our person.
You're you're our You're our girl. We love you.

Speaker 6 (32:44):
So there you all.

Speaker 1 (32:46):
Right, have a great day, lindsay, best of luck with everything. Okay,
you and your strawberry dressed cat have a great dad,
all right, by bide, Lindsay, thank you. There you go.
That was nice. That's awesome. So what are you telling me, Nate? Well,
I mean Danielle's you know, really slacking here.

Speaker 7 (33:06):
It wait, Danielle's fault.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
She could have been more forceful getting her reported next report.

Speaker 5 (33:13):
I know, right, we get this one.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
And do no that. Okay. That's what's weird about the show.
It's like we are not you know, like we don't
have a list we have to stick with. We kind
of like veer on and off the road from time
to time, mostly off the road. No, we're going to
get that report in Daniel, it's too important, okay, But
do we do three things now, because that's what we
do at this time this point. Yeah, I mean, if

we're maintaining a schedule, that's what we would do. But
we're not maintaining a schedule. That's that would move three
things down to like thirty past the hour.

Speaker 9 (33:44):
Correct, We could get that and do it next time.
Whatever you need.

Speaker 5 (33:49):
We're all on Friday schedule over here.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
This show is a nightmare.

Speaker 6 (33:52):
Serious Brooklyn Boys, Serial Killers fifteen minute morning Show. Discover
all of our podcasts on the I Radio app or
wherever and you get your podcasts. Elvister Ran in the
Morning Show. Bring it Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
All right, right, I have an idea for the free
crap phone tap. You know who's in charge of getting
the free crap today, Scotty b Yes, Scotty Okay, let
me explain to you if you haven't seen, Scotty Bee
is in his own little studio over there, the serial
Killers podcast studio where he runs our show and for
Z one. But in his little bitty tiny closet of
a studio, he's got millions of things. Yeah, there's chunkin here.

So my, so, my challenge for Scotty Bee is, rather
than get out of that chair and venture through the
iHeart offices looking for things to steal and give away
for the free crab phone Tap, all he has to
do is just pivot in a circle in everything he
needs for today's free crabt phone tap is with an
arms reach of where he is right now. It's that clutter,
right am I?

Speaker 4 (34:52):

Speaker 16 (34:52):
Well, I have cleaned up a little bit. There's there's
room underneath for my feet now. Oh yes, I threw
some things out, but I'm sure I can find some
some garbage.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
All right, We'll find find a nice little package and
keep it. Mind you're mailing it out, you're shipping it,
so you can make it. You can make it convenient
for you. So go ahead. So with within it has
to be with them within arms reach where you're sitting
right now, and you can build a free crap phone
Tap prize package. All right?

Speaker 16 (35:20):
Could some things be used like I used?

Speaker 7 (35:23):
All right?

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Cool? Absolutely, we encourage that. All right, I'm in. So
there's that. The free crap phone Tap is on the way. Danielle,
we really should do the daniel so early.

Speaker 5 (35:35):
For the next one. What are we doing here?

Speaker 1 (35:37):
You're right. If we do it now, that means we
can't do it next.

Speaker 5 (35:40):
Right now, we didn't do Gandhy, so we feel like
we gotta do something.

Speaker 9 (35:44):
We should do that later.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
And now I feel like this is like JFK airport.
The planes are circling and no one, no one has
room to land.

Speaker 5 (35:54):
Okay, I have a suggestion.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
What is your suggestion?

Speaker 5 (35:57):
Gandhi does one story and I do one story. That's
why we both do something and then you can hit
the next hour.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
So one thing you need to know and story from
the other team. I think Gandhi's and your magic is
the mix of all the stories together. I know one
story would seem kind of odd. Does it makes sense?
You understand, Nate, You understand what I'm saying, because because
Gandhi will do like a story about doom and gloom, yes, yeah,

and then she'll she'll start with an interesting story that's oh,
then she'll do the doom and gloom story, and then
she'll do the kicker, which kind of counterbalances the other two. See,
they all work in together, and you're do two. You
may talk about the Kardashians, which a lot of us
really don't give a flip about it, but then you'll
craftily weave in a story that's interesting to the rest

of us. So have a two stories?

Speaker 5 (36:53):
Then okay, do two stories?

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Oh yeah, do two stories, so you have to like
choose one.

Speaker 5 (37:00):
Ok So, then do I have to do this stuff?
I teased, Probably not, because no one remembers that at
this point.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
So, well, that sounds very nice for yourself. I think
people remember everything you said.

Speaker 5 (37:11):
No, it's been so long. So I'm going to I'm
picking the two stories that I'm going to do, fright, Yeah, okay, Frog,
I need you to help with the one of them.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
Here we go, the two stories, the two things you
need to know from Danielle.

Speaker 7 (37:24):
All right.

Speaker 5 (37:24):
So this is exciting for the Office fans because John
Krasinski finally admits what he stole from the set on
the last day. It's been more than ten years since
The Office went off the air, and he was on
the Office Ladies podcast and he said he actually took
the dunder Mifflin sign, And for a while they were

saying that they thought he took it, but he kind
of denied that. Well, Angela, I actually saw him stuffing
the sign into the back of his car and said
it was one of my favorite memories of the day.
So yes, he took it and he has that. So
there you go.

Speaker 1 (37:57):
See that's a great story. But if you weren't a
fan of the office, now you have to do a
story that kind of counters that.

Speaker 5 (38:02):
Well, I'm gonna do it. The ACM story is that, okay.

Speaker 1 (38:04):
Oh, excellent, excellent.

Speaker 6 (38:05):
So the ACM.

Speaker 5 (38:06):
Awards went down last night, Lady Wilson Chris Stapleton were
your big winners. Laney won the biggest prize of the night,
Entertainer of the Year, Female Artist's, Best Music Event with
Jelly Roll, and Chris Stapleton won Best Male Artist and
Album of the Year. I know Dua Lipa took the
stage with Chris Stapleton, which was amazing. But everybody is
talking about Jelly Rolls acceptance speech when he won with

Laney for Best Music Event for save Me. Here's a clip.

Speaker 19 (38:32):
I'm gonna try not to get emotional, but no pun intended,
but seriously, this song saved me.

Speaker 7 (38:37):
I was in a dark place.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
I wrote it for my soul.

Speaker 19 (38:41):
I knew people would connect with it. One year ago today,
Laney Wilson and I stood on this stage and debuted it.
This song is a triple platinum record. I wrote it
with a high school friend. We never thought we'd be songwriters.
I never thought i'd be standing here.

Speaker 7 (38:54):
I thought I would.

Speaker 19 (38:55):
Die here go to yell, and I'm standing here at
the ACM Award.

Speaker 20 (39:01):
I'm talking about.

Speaker 1 (39:05):
Oh my god. He does it every time, every every
single time he gets in front of a microphone, he
moves the he moves the planet. Man, he's awesome.

Speaker 5 (39:15):
Anything else from last night.

Speaker 7 (39:17):
No, it was. It really was a great, great show.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
We had none to play.

Speaker 7 (39:20):
The Clipper performed with Sable.

Speaker 1 (39:22):
Play that.

Speaker 5 (39:22):
Oh you want to hear the clip? Play that?

Speaker 1 (39:24):
Yeah, okay, we'll give you three here.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
We got.

Speaker 1 (39:31):

Speaker 21 (39:37):
If you ever wonder, oh you might wish the chick
all this fun sounds strange.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
Love it? Do a leap up with Chris Tableton. Love it? Okay,
do another story? Yeah seriously, Yeah, we want more. Now,
let's think about it. No, I love you.

Speaker 9 (40:03):

Speaker 1 (40:04):
So this is exciting.

Speaker 5 (40:05):
If you are a fan of Colleen Hoover. A lot
of people are. They love her book. She's like one
of the biggest authors right now. Well, it ends with us.
The trailer is out everybody was good posting about it yesterday.
It hit your theaters August ninth, and Blake Lively is
in it, and it looks like it's going to be
a wonderful movie. Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday Too World Tour

is officially the biggest grossing tour of her career and
the biggest grossing rap tour for a woman ever, with
sixty seven million in sales and four hundred and thirty
nine thousand tickets sold. And the best part, she's not
even done. She is continuing. She's wrapping up the North
American leg, but then she's kicking off the European leg
of her tour, so she is doing incredibly well right now,

so that's pretty cool. The be eight nominations are out.
Drake leads the pack with seven nominations and Niki minajh
follows with six. You got Jay Cole and a bunch
of others having five knobs and it all is happened
June thirtieth at a PM Eastern time, so you'll want
to watch that. And this one is for Diamond. Kyle
Richards will be returning to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

She confirmed that she is gonna be in the next
season even after she split from Mauricio. She said she
wants to get back to having some fun on the
show and needed more time since the reunion. So there
you go.

Speaker 9 (41:22):
What are we watching?

Speaker 5 (41:23):
There is so many things. I don't even know what
to tell you because there's so many, like season finales
this weekend. I know, the Simpsons season finale, IDOL sixty minutes,
Jake Gillenhall is your host for SNL and Sabrina Carpenter
is your musical guest. That's also the season finale. You've
got the mid season finale of Blue Bloods with our
boy Donnie Wahlberg. So there's a lot. But back to Black.

The Amy Winehouse movie is in your theaters and I
got to see it and I loved it. It really
is great. It tells a tells the story of what
she went through a lot of things. Maybe we didn't
know the story between her and Blake and her you know,
her family and just I think I think if you
loved Amy Winehouse like I did, I think you definitely

want to see it. And that is my Danielle report.

Speaker 1 (42:10):
Is that going to be streaming anytime soon?

Speaker 5 (42:12):
I don't know as of now senior theaters.

Speaker 1 (42:14):
Yeah, you know, it's weird because I never met Amy Winehouse.
Did you guys ever meet her?

Speaker 21 (42:18):

Speaker 1 (42:20):
Well, our friend Ryan who produces our friend Ellen Kay
and her morning show out in Los Angeles. He posted
a photo that he took with her on Instagram. I'm like,
oh my god, someone I met Amy Winehouse. I was like, wow,
I would love to see that. Also, when you talk
about people getting nominations for awards you give them, you
say someone got five gnoms and it makes me hungry

because I think it's no nom nom.

Speaker 19 (42:42):

Speaker 1 (42:46):
I'm sorry, it's it's stupid. Hey, we were actually we
got a DM from our friends at Undercover Tourist and
I was like, whoa someone cool is dming us Undercover
Tourist of Danielle You and you actually introduce us to them, Yeah,
or them to us whatever. Tell everyone what they do
because I love what they do and we got to
give aways some money thanks to them.

Speaker 5 (43:08):
So it's really cool. You can go to them and
you can get a deal on tickets to parks like
Walt Disney World and like, you know, different events going
around in your city. You can get car rentals hotels.
I mean, they are just the place to go to
get the things you love to do at a discounted rate.
And I just planned my trip to Walt disney World
using them, and we booked the hotel through them, the

car through them, the park tickets and right now you
have to just check it out because they just have
such amazing deals going on.

Speaker 1 (43:37):
Well, including adult tickets at kids prices at the parks,
which is far front. It's a huge saving.

Speaker 5 (43:45):
Yeah, for a Walt disney World. And there's what the
Walt Disneyland Gosha, I got the Disneyland Resort, the Land resort, yeah,
in California.

Speaker 1 (43:55):
So the places you want to go they can give
you will get you great deals on these tickets discounted.
Let me give you the list. Walt disney World Resort
of course, Florida, Disneyland Resort of Course, California, Universal, Orlando,
Universal Studios, Hollywood, SeaWorld Orlando, SeaWorld, San Diego, and more
attractions in Orlando and La as well. Discounted rates, free shipping,

flexible refund prices and policies. If there's a God, I'm
so out of my mind. Flexible, too much coffee, crap
flexible refund policies. That makes our friends an undercovered tourist,
the trusted name and attraction tickets to go. Check them
out at undercover Tourist dot com.

Speaker 5 (44:33):
And it's not just Orlando. If you want to travel
someplace else, put in where you're going and all kinds
of things come up. It's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (44:40):
I love that. And if you want to win three
thousand dollars credit to spend on undercover tourists, do it.
Enter to win this right now. All the rules and
ways to enter at Elvis, Durand dot com. That's a
three thousand dollars credit traveling around at great prices. Undercover Tourist.
Three thousand dollars could be yours towards your next trip.
So go do it dot com. Okay, so I guess

we have the free CREP phone tap on the way.
But first let's do all three things from Gandan, all
three of them. All three? Hey, what the hell? Put
a fourth in there? Go crazy? Yeah, three four for
the price of three.

Speaker 9 (45:15):
Okay, we'll start with the three and then I'll toss
it a bonus story. All right. The Centers for Disease
Control have a new dashboard to track the spread of
bird flu. The online tool provides a variety of data
to see where the disease has been detected. While it
has so far had an impact on dairy cow's the
virus can jump between species, so people really want to
see where it's going. The Vatican has announced that a

press conference will be held today on supernatural phenomena, where
they will talk about aliens and how to deal with
potential encounters in the future. Three prominent Vatican members will
lead that conference. It's not the first time the Vatican
has addressed aliens in the supernatural, but it has been
a while. The last Vatican press conference like this was
held in February of nineteen seventy eight. And finally, well,

actually not finally, because this is only the third story.
New accessibility features are coming to Apple products. The company
announced features this week that will enable people with physical
disabilities and limitations to use iPhones and iPads. One of
the features is eye tracking, which will allow users to
control the devices with their eyes. Another feature is music
haptics for people who are hearing impaired, so they'll get

a chance to maybe experience.

Speaker 10 (46:26):
Your music a little bit.

Speaker 9 (46:27):
And finally, let's talk about basketball. The road to the
NBA Finals continued yesterday. The defending champion Denver Nuggets are
on the brink of elimination following a one to fifteen
seventy loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves in Game six of
the Western Conference Semifinals. The action continues today when the
New York Knicks aim to lock up a spot in
the Eastern Conference Finals for the first time since two thousand.

The Knicks will visit the Indiana Pacers in Game six
of their conference semifinals series. And those are your four things.

Speaker 1 (46:57):
Yeah, let me out a fifth. Let's talk about the
Rangers here in New York City last night, Wow, little
little I guess the dessert. It was like we didn't
A lot of us think they were done.

Speaker 9 (47:07):
A lot of people stopped watching the game apparently, and
then they came back and won.

Speaker 1 (47:10):
I know, look at that, all right, your free crap
phone tap. Scotty B has been in there eating cereal.
I don't see him.

Speaker 16 (47:17):
He just spit it out. You just spit cereal across
your room. But I didn't want to talk with my mouthful.
But where did it go when you split it out
in the trash?

Speaker 1 (47:26):

Speaker 3 (47:26):

Speaker 16 (47:27):
You know I think I think this is a ploy
for Nate to get me to clean my studio up?

Speaker 1 (47:31):
Is that what this is?

Speaker 14 (47:31):
I'm going to make you do this every day, then
a month, all right.

Speaker 1 (47:36):
So you have to okay, coming up, you'll tell us
what you have found with an arm's length in your
cluttered studio to give away in the free crap Phone
Tap package. Right, so I have a box.

Speaker 6 (47:45):
All right, good morning, the free crap phone Tap.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
Oh my God, gets me every time, gets everyone every time,
no one who's immune. Okay, just listen to the music
for a second. See if you can hear what we hear. Listen. Okay, okay, okay, okay,

turn it down. I can't get through this. It is
quite a variety anyway. It is the free crap phone
Tap because well, we have no budget, we have no
money to give away. But I think we have free
money phone taps next week.

Speaker 11 (48:35):
If I'm not.

Speaker 1 (48:37):
Thank you for making that happen. I can't handle another
week of this, Nate, good job anyway, So free crap
phone Tap. What you win now is a prize pack
that Scotty b is handpicking just for you. But but
everything gets within grabbing distance of where he's sitting in

his cluttered studio. All right, what is in your free
crap phone tap prize box?

Speaker 16 (49:03):
Look, I think it's good. Otherwise I would have thrown
it out already. But so you're getting a bag of
just Cereal marshmallows.

Speaker 1 (49:10):
Okay, we hate those all the time. What are you
doing anymore?

Speaker 16 (49:13):
I was able to grab them. Then there's a new
Cereal company called Best Behavior, and they sent me this bathrobe.
It's a really nice bathroom with their logo on it.
So you're gonna get this nice. And then there's some
new candy that came out.

Speaker 1 (49:27):
Look at this. It's it's gummy lunchables. Oh really, it
looks so disgusting.

Speaker 16 (49:33):
Look so it's like peanut butter jelly candy. Yeah, no,
it's just they look like lunchables, but they just taste
like whatever. The candy is it. This one's nachos with
cheese and salsa.

Speaker 5 (49:43):
Oh but it doesn't taste like that.

Speaker 16 (49:44):
No, it's gummy candy. And there's a Dunken chocolate bar
that just came out, and a Rice Crispy's chocolate bar
that came out.

Speaker 1 (49:50):
Oh my god, this is great. I want that.

Speaker 5 (49:53):
I want the Dunky Jocobar.

Speaker 9 (49:54):
I wanted can we try that?

Speaker 16 (49:55):
You have an extra I mean you can open it
and take one of them and I'll send them one.

Speaker 5 (49:59):
You don't want to do that.

Speaker 16 (50:00):
And then look, there's this Nutella outdoor blanket that I have,
so you get this, though it's not used.

Speaker 6 (50:06):
Well, this is good.

Speaker 9 (50:07):
He's starting on treasures.

Speaker 1 (50:09):
And a Nutella blanket. Yeah, I didn't know they did though.

Speaker 16 (50:13):
That's for the park and uh and also from uh
the now closed Broadway show Shucked. It's a planter that
I took that I was going to take home but
never did.

Speaker 1 (50:21):
So, okay, so we have a shucked planter. We have
a Nutella blanket for the beach. We have the marshmallows
that go into marshmallow cereal, but without cereal. You have
the uncrustables candy lunchables, yeah, lunch lunchable sorry again alms.
And you also have the bathrobe.

Speaker 16 (50:40):
That's correct from Best Behavior Cereal.

Speaker 1 (50:42):
Wow, this is what a way to end a week
of free crap. That's good stuff.

Speaker 5 (50:46):
It's all right.

Speaker 1 (50:46):
You can win it all now with the free crap
phone tap if you're call it one hundred one eight
hundred two four to two zero one hundred. All right,
who does the phone taps? Carry? Got it? Let's do it.

Speaker 6 (50:57):
Don't answer the phone, Elvis durand Elvis Mi. Stan's phone tap?

Speaker 22 (51:01):
All right, Garrett? What's your phone tap all about? All right,
We've done a few of these before. So Rachel wants
to play a phone tap on her daughter Tanika. Now,
Tanka loves to sleep in. Mom wanted to make sure
her daughter didn't waste any time in bed and made
it to work.

Speaker 1 (51:14):
For her first day.

Speaker 22 (51:15):
So I'm going to start the call to Tanika as
a week up call service and annoy Tanka.

Speaker 1 (51:19):
Oh boy, all right, let's see what happened to the
Garrett's phone tap. Here we go, Hella, Hi, is Tanika there?

Speaker 2 (51:32):
Please excuse me?

Speaker 1 (51:36):
Tanika? Good morning? How are you in his seven seventeen?

Speaker 13 (51:41):
Time to wake up?

Speaker 4 (51:47):

Speaker 1 (51:53):
Good morning?

Speaker 21 (51:55):
It is now seventy nineteen in the morning.

Speaker 2 (51:59):
Who is this? Who is screaming in the phone? Hello?

Speaker 1 (52:01):
It is time to wake up?

Speaker 6 (52:03):

Speaker 2 (52:08):

Speaker 11 (52:11):
Good? Is this?

Speaker 2 (52:13):
Why do you keep calling me? Stop screaming in the phone?

Speaker 1 (52:16):
Is this?

Speaker 2 (52:17):
Who is this? Who is this?

Speaker 1 (52:19):
Is this?

Speaker 22 (52:19):

Speaker 2 (52:21):
It depends on who this is? Who is this? Why
are you calling me constantly? Screaming in the phone. Do
you know what time it is?

Speaker 1 (52:27):
Is this Tanka?

Speaker 2 (52:29):

Speaker 17 (52:29):

Speaker 6 (52:30):
Is this you know what you called?

Speaker 1 (52:32):

Speaker 2 (52:32):
You know who you call?

Speaker 1 (52:33):
Well, I'm hoping this is Tanika.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
Well I'm hoping that. Just stop calling me screaming in
the phone. Do you think you can do that? Who
is this? Anyway?

Speaker 1 (52:40):
Good morning? How are you? It is time to wake up?

Speaker 2 (52:44):
Do you think you are calling somebody this early in
the morning waking them up? I'm Jacob. Are you playing
on the phone? Because if you, I'm gonna kick your ass?
Do you understand? Is this Hello?

Speaker 1 (52:54):
Have a nice day?

Speaker 2 (52:55):
Stop calling me?

Speaker 1 (52:57):
I just hung up on there. You are a cool mother.

Speaker 5 (53:02):
Give that's great?

Speaker 1 (53:07):
All right?

Speaker 22 (53:07):
So so this is what I'm gonna need you to
do right now. All right, We're gonna call her back,
and you're just gonna call to check in and just
see how her morning's going so far?

Speaker 4 (53:14):
All right, okay, great, let's do it all right.

Speaker 7 (53:16):
Here we go.

Speaker 2 (53:19):
Stop calling my house, Toniko?

Speaker 1 (53:23):
What's going on here?

Speaker 21 (53:23):
What's going on here?

Speaker 2 (53:24):
Okay? Some crazy person has been calling you some past
thirty minutes and waking me up. Hadn't been able to
get any please.

Speaker 17 (53:31):
Oh honey, you got the call they called?

Speaker 1 (53:33):
That's great.

Speaker 5 (53:34):
What do you mean?

Speaker 2 (53:35):
What do you mean who today?

Speaker 5 (53:36):
What did you wake up call?

Speaker 2 (53:38):
I didn't want you to be leave here first day
at work waiting up call? Yeah you know, I do
mean you actually paid someone to call and wake me up?

Speaker 11 (53:46):

Speaker 2 (53:47):
Are you serious? We're like, I just didn't want you
to be leave here first day. That's related. I can't
believe you did that. Moment the hell were you thinking about?

Speaker 4 (53:55):
I think you're gonna have a fantastic day at work today.

Speaker 2 (53:59):
You know, I just had a fantastic day had you
not had some idiots calling me and waking me up
before I had to go to my new job.

Speaker 22 (54:07):
Honestly, really, my name is Garrett from Elvis Duran in
the Morning Show. And you just got phone tapped?

Speaker 2 (54:19):
Are you okay? You know what?

Speaker 1 (54:23):
Happy first day of work?

Speaker 6 (54:25):
Paying back a bit?

Speaker 2 (54:26):
That's all I gotta say.

Speaker 6 (54:28):
Elvis's phone tap.

Speaker 1 (54:31):
There you go, the last of the free crap phone taps.
Sad to see them go. Let's go talk to Linda
Line five. Linda, you're calling one hundred. You just want
a big box of incredible crap?

Speaker 2 (54:47):
I know.

Speaker 3 (54:49):
Oh my god, are you trying for over you get through.

Speaker 1 (54:55):
I'm so sorry that this is the payoff. This is awful.
I'll tell you what the good news is. It's really
worth nothing. So you're free to enter other contests. No problem.
We're gonna let keep you on the system. You're you're okay, okay.

Speaker 3 (55:11):
Oh oh my god, I can't believe it.

Speaker 6 (55:15):
Hire everyone there.

Speaker 1 (55:16):
I love you. I have a question question, yes, daniel
go right.

Speaker 5 (55:21):
Ahead, So scary and I would really like that dunkin
chocolate bark if we take that out of your box
and I put in this stressed taco, you know, squeezy toy.
Would you trade?

Speaker 3 (55:33):
I will do that for you.

Speaker 16 (55:34):

Speaker 1 (55:36):
Thank you? Give me? I know, good God, how can
we stop? We love them? But anyway, thank you for
listening to us, Linda. It paid off after fifteen years
a box of crap with your Look at that, Danielle
surprise giving up her talk. All right, thank you, Linda.

Hold one second, thanks for listening in. Great job on
the box of crap there, Scottie Bank, you love you
loved it. Hey, since we just did the Daniel report,
let's talk about some things that are going on as
we speak. It's now time for a new segment called
as we Speak. Okay, well, first of all, as we speak,
you know, there's a lot of rumors flying around about

j Lo and in ben Affleck.

Speaker 5 (56:24):
Yes, what are they?

Speaker 1 (56:26):
Well, go ahead, Danielle. The rumors are.

Speaker 5 (56:28):
The rumors are that they're not spending time together, that
he has been staying alone at a house in Los
Angeles away from her, and that, yeah, that the paparazzi
have gotten them, you know, not together. They're both still
wearing their wedding rings, but they haven't been like spotted together,
out and about together or gotten them on camera in
a while, and that there are a lot of issues.

I'm also hearing that they may be going to marriage counseling.
So there's a lot of rumors about them out there
right now.

Speaker 1 (56:56):
And it's happening as we speak. We speak now, there's
another story going on right now. I don't know if
you're interested in the world of golf, but these are
top tier golfers we're talking about, or a top tier golfer,
Scotty Scheffler has been detained and cuffed by cops outside
the PGA Championships. He's going to jail, or he went
to jail. He's always been to jail. Now let's go

to our it's happening now, correspondent and golf expert Froggy, Froggy,
what's the latest.

Speaker 7 (57:24):
So what happened this morning? Around five am? There was
a fatality.

Speaker 15 (57:27):
Somebody's trying to run across the street to get into
the PGA Championship and they were hit in a bus
only lane by a bus.

Speaker 7 (57:33):
They died at the scene.

Speaker 15 (57:34):
While that scene was going on, Scotty Scheffler was arriving
at the PGA Championship for his round and if you're
late for your tea time.

Speaker 7 (57:42):
If you're late, then you're disqualified from the tournament. And
so he was.

Speaker 15 (57:45):
One police officer told him, waved him in, another one
told him to stop. He rolled about another ten to
fifteen yards. According to Jeff Arlington from ESPN, who watched
the entire thing, Scotty was the cop jumped on the car.
Scotty slammed on brakes as the cop jumped on the car.
I guess the cop then fell off the car. Scotty
was removed from the vehicle, pushed up against the car, handcuffed,

put in the back of a car. Now I'm reading
on ESPN that he has been arrested and driven away
from the PGA Championship in a police car. So the
scene is still very fluid. They have got the tournament
on hold right now. They say they're going to start
at eight thirty. I don't know when his tea time is,
but if he misses his tea time, he obviously will
be disqualified.

Speaker 9 (58:25):
I think they said time.

Speaker 15 (58:27):
Yeah, he's the number one player in the world. He's
won his last three starts. He really is a very
big deal in the world of golf and a really
super nice guy.

Speaker 7 (58:35):
Just had a baby.

Speaker 15 (58:36):
His wife just had a baby two weeks ago or
last week, and I hate to see this happened to Scotty.

Speaker 1 (58:42):
And while we have you, even though it's not happening now,
we're talking about it now, so that means it's happening now. Yesterday,
yesterday on Capitol Hill. I don't know if you saw
the coverage. Do you have the story pulled up in
front of you, Gandhi, there was an exchange between two
very very outspoken of politicians. We'll leave it at that, Okay, okay,

do you have the story, yes, and then make sure
you quote what they said to each other listen to this.
This is what's going on with our politicians who are
representing us on Capitol Hill. Go aakay.

Speaker 9 (59:13):
So basically, Jasmine Crockett was talking about something. Marjorie Taylor
Green did not like what she was saying, so she said,
maybe those fake eyelashes you have on are getting in
the way of your reading.

Speaker 10 (59:26):
So Representative.

Speaker 9 (59:29):
Jasmine Crockett said, really, and then called her a bleach blonde,
bad built, butch body. And it turned into hey, awesome,
I love it so much, Oh my goodness.

Speaker 1 (59:41):
Oh, and the dog pile started. I mean, you know,
I'm not calling anyone dogs, but I mean the pile started.
It was crazy.

Speaker 9 (59:47):
Well, miss uh Taylor Green seemed very offended that somebody
would say something like that, as if she didn't throw
the first stone and then get a boulder thrown back
at her.

Speaker 1 (59:54):
And what was she called? Again, I've never heard anyone
called this quite like this anyway.

Speaker 9 (59:58):
A bleach blonde, bad built, butch body.

Speaker 1 (01:00:02):
Okay, thank you. Wow, So there you go, Congress. Cute ladies,
didn't mind when you go into those those booths to vote?
All right? With that said, Hey, switching gears. As you know,
our friends at Norwegian Cruise Line do so many great
things other than put us on their beautiful ships and
give us the best experiences floating around the world doing
incredible destinations. They also are taking care of our teachers

with the Giving Joy program. We've been a part of
it since it started five years ago. We have an
amazing teacher that we want to talk to thanks to
NCL and Justice Second Way too. You hear his story.

Speaker 6 (01:00:37):
All of you are so gilarious.

Speaker 7 (01:00:44):
Can I start my day with your demails.

Speaker 6 (01:00:46):
In the morning?

Speaker 5 (01:00:46):
Show time is running out to save on your Disney
summer vacation. If you want to score adult tickets at
child prices, you need Undercovertourists dot com. They're an authorized
seller of Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

Speaker 6 (01:01:00):
These are the real deal.

Speaker 5 (01:01:02):
Save now at undercover tourists dot com.

Speaker 1 (01:01:07):
I love you guys.

Speaker 3 (01:01:08):
Listen to you every day on my commutes to work.

Speaker 15 (01:01:11):
Well, lady, I've been listening for I love you guys.

Speaker 11 (01:01:17):
I listen all the time to you, guys.

Speaker 4 (01:01:19):
I love it so much.

Speaker 2 (01:01:20):
I love your show into it every morning when I
go to work, I go to work early just to
listen to you.

Speaker 17 (01:01:25):
Guys need help it baby.

Speaker 2 (01:01:33):
The Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:01:36):
This is Elvis Duran and the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:01:40):
So unless you're living under a rock or don't listen
to us, you know that we love Norwegian Cruise Line
right for many reasons. Yes, I mean the number one
reason we love to travel, especially on Norwegian is we
learn about other cultures, We eat other foods that we're
not used to eating. Here, we travel in the world's
largest classroom, which is called the planet Earth. We love

them for that.

Speaker 11 (01:02:01):

Speaker 1 (01:02:02):
And of course in turn, Norwegian is so so so
supportive of educators. That's why Giving Joy. They're Giving Joy campaign.
You guys, remember we kicked it off five years ago.
It's been going on for five years, extending our gratitude
towards dedicated teachers in the teaching community. And let's continue
this year. And we're going to tell you how to

nominate your favorite educator in a moment so they can
get a free cruise on Norwegian and also away all
teachers can get a big discount. Let me introduce you
to Ryan Price, our twenty twenty three Giving Joy Grand
Prize winner, a teacher at Buckingham Collegiate Charter Academy and Vacaville, California. Hi, Ryan,
welcome to the show.

Speaker 7 (01:02:43):
Hey, it's great to be here.

Speaker 11 (01:02:44):
Thanks for having me.

Speaker 1 (01:02:45):
Well, thanks for being had Ryan. It's good to have
you here. We have always put teachers on a pedestal
on our show because well, thanks to you and what
you're doing with students today, we'll have a world to
live in tomorrow. Right, Yeah, thank you so much. All right,
let's talk about how you won this thing, the twenty
twenty three Giving Joy Grand Prize winner. What all did
you win as the grand prize winner?

Speaker 11 (01:03:06):
By the way, Ryan, I won a cruise on the
christening voyage of their brand new ship.

Speaker 1 (01:03:13):
The Oh Viva. Absolutely, we were all there at that ceremony.
We met you. I think you m seated, didn't you.

Speaker 4 (01:03:19):

Speaker 9 (01:03:20):

Speaker 1 (01:03:22):
They were feeding me lots of wine. I don't know.

Speaker 11 (01:03:26):
Same. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:03:28):
But also, but Ryan, you also received a twenty five
thousand dollars donation with a support from ncal's partners for
your school.

Speaker 11 (01:03:35):

Speaker 1 (01:03:35):
Yeah and awesome And look at that. So did you?
So you took the trip, You took the cruise, How
did you enjoy? I had a great time.

Speaker 11 (01:03:44):
They gave me another cruise too, which I'm going on
in let's see about a month exactly, so I've got
another one to look forward to.

Speaker 9 (01:03:51):
Oh wow wow.

Speaker 1 (01:03:53):
So what's kind of cool is right now we're in
a new season for twenty twenty fours giving Joy Winners
or fifth anniversary. So right now people can nominate their
favorite educators. What do you think Ryan sin Sure a winner?
What do you think should be the criteria behind how
you nominate an educator?

Speaker 11 (01:04:13):
You know, kind of the big thing for me is
just making an environment where students want to be and
making school a place where you want to be. So
I would say, if you have a teacher that's making
your classroom a place you want to be, man, that
teacher deserves your vote. That teacher deserves some rest and relaxation,
and you can make that happen for him.

Speaker 1 (01:04:32):
I love that. So not only will the winning teachers
actually get to take a trip for two on an
incredible Norwegian experience, but also could win money for their school,
which you did twenty five thousand dollars worth. And you
must agree, and I'm sure you notice this while traveling
on Viva cruising is actually a very immersive educational experience,
is it not?

Speaker 2 (01:04:52):

Speaker 11 (01:04:52):
Absolutely, you know, in a classroom, everything's stagnant, nothing changes.
But when you're traveling or you're on a cruise ship,
everything you're experiencing seeing is new. Everything stimulating, and when
you're stimulated, you learn. So yeah, traveling is a great
way to learn.

Speaker 1 (01:05:07):
So it's open right now. If you want to nominate
an educator that you really truly believe deserves this, you
have told June seventh to nominate and vote for that
deserving teacher at NCL giving joy dot com. You need
to give us a few sentences describe why they deserve
to win. Also upload a nice beautiful photo of the
nominee like we got to view Ryan to June seventh.

You need to vote for your favorite teachers at NCL
livingjoy dot com. All right, guys, let's talk to Ryan.
What do you What do you want to say to
Ryan or ask oh Man? Both go?

Speaker 9 (01:05:39):
Ryan, what got you into teaching?

Speaker 11 (01:05:41):
When I graduated college, I thought I wanted to be
a journalist, and I was making so little money doing it.

Speaker 7 (01:05:48):
That I needed a side job.

Speaker 11 (01:05:49):
So I started subbing and that just kind of evolved
into me becoming a teacher.

Speaker 6 (01:05:54):
And what's your.

Speaker 5 (01:05:55):
Favorite thing about teaching? When it comes to the kids.

Speaker 11 (01:06:00):
Like June and July.

Speaker 9 (01:06:06):
So, honest teaching seems like it is so difficult now,
Like I mean, it has always been difficult, but even
more so now with everything that goes on. I can't
imagine what it's like to be a teacher.

Speaker 11 (01:06:18):
Well but honestly, though, I do love the relationships with kids,
and uh, you know, I've made these relationships that the
last forever. Once you're once you're my student, then you
know I'll be looking out for you till the day
I died. Probably, Wow, a awesome.

Speaker 5 (01:06:33):
It's not just June July. Ryan, stop it.

Speaker 9 (01:06:35):
It's just a highlight now you know why.

Speaker 1 (01:06:37):
He's one of the twenty incredible teachers who were chosen
in twenty twenty three to take a free trip and
to be to be honored by this. What do you think, Nate?

Speaker 14 (01:06:45):
Okay, I got a question because I talked to Ryan
a little bit yesterday. He's been a teacher for twenty years.
So if I was in your first class of students
and I walked into your classroom, Ryan, would you remember me? Like,
would you remember this student twenty years later?

Speaker 7 (01:07:01):
Is there?

Speaker 11 (01:07:02):
Sue? One hundred percent?

Speaker 23 (01:07:04):

Speaker 1 (01:07:05):
No way? How that I get.

Speaker 11 (01:07:08):
Students all the time. They're like, I don't know if
you remember me, and I'm just like, shut up. Of
course I remember you.

Speaker 5 (01:07:13):
Yeah, yeah, you would shut up in class, Nate. We
remember you.

Speaker 11 (01:07:17):
You threw up on my wall and drip down the
whole of course I remember all that.

Speaker 1 (01:07:24):
Who can forget straight, Nate? Anyway, there's something else we
want to talk about. I'm gonna again. I'm gonna give
you the information on how you can nominate your favorite teacher.
There's another thing going on. It's a five percent cruise
discount for teachers. So whatever discount you can get already
at NCL dot com, they will tack on another five
percent cruise discount. So all educational professionals, including a classroom teachers, principles,

assistant principals, school employees, college, university professors, you can enjoy
five percent discount off any NCL package anywhere in the world,
as well as a fifty dollars on board credit to
make it even better. So simply just go to NCL
dot com look for that teacher cruise discount, and of
course you have to have a valid ID. It's so simple,
and they'll figure out how to make sure you're valid.

And if you want to nominate a teacher one of
twenty who would receive a free cruise on Norwegian, simply
go to NCL giving Joy dot com and nominate them today.
Congratulations Ryan, Sure is nice talking to you so much,
you guys, and uh now you're addicted to cruising. I
guess you're going to go on many more throughout the
rest of your your.

Speaker 11 (01:08:30):
Daughter next month and the month after that, I'm taking
my son to Alaska. Yeah, I'm hooked.

Speaker 1 (01:08:35):
Yeah, you're in all right. Excellent. Ryan Price twenty twenty
three's Grand Price winner of ncl's Giving Joy. Thank you, Ryan,
I have a great day.

Speaker 4 (01:08:43):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:08:45):
Again, NCL Givingjoy dot com. Nominate your teacher today.

Speaker 6 (01:08:50):
If you love the Morning Show, it's a good idea
to follow our socials. How do you know what's good
for me? That's Elvis da rand Show. Follow them to
Elvis Dan in the Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (01:09:03):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.

Speaker 6 (01:09:06):
If you want to.

Speaker 5 (01:09:06):
Score adult tickets at child prices, you need Undercovertaurists dot com.
They're an authorized seller of Disney tickets to both Walt
Disney World and Disneyland. These are the real deal. Save
now at Undercover Tourists dot Com.

Speaker 6 (01:09:26):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:09:28):
All right, so I told you Coast to Board. Josh
and I had a nice little lunch out yesterday. We
had some martinis, we had some laughs, We ate some
great food at Odeon, and I can tell he must
have kept going all night because he's in there squeezing
Scottieb's nipples. So now I can tell. I can tell.
Then Josh left a too of martini lunch and they

went to the dentist, and then he sent me. He
sent me a FaceTime later. Half of his face was
caved in because he was all numb because h of
a cane or whatever. So he's still in a mood.
I think he's still going.

Speaker 9 (01:10:04):
Josh has been slap happy for like three weeks. I
don't know what's going on. I think it's all the
beans he's eating.

Speaker 1 (01:10:09):
Well, No, I tell you, I don't want to give
away too much. Come on in, Josh, bring in the surprise.
We had a great conversation. His life. He feels is
going really great right now. He's feeling good.

Speaker 10 (01:10:18):
That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (01:10:19):
He's feeling good. He's looking good.

Speaker 6 (01:10:21):
He does.

Speaker 1 (01:10:21):
Look he looks awesome.

Speaker 9 (01:10:23):
Heping on Instagram.

Speaker 10 (01:10:26):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (01:10:26):
Good morning, yaham. He's usually, you know, a little more
sullen than you've been just on the top of the world.
I mean you're like you're just floating. You like a
hot air balloon is floating above the trees. I feel great.

Speaker 9 (01:10:42):
What happened?

Speaker 20 (01:10:44):
You know?

Speaker 1 (01:10:44):
I think I'm still drunk.

Speaker 8 (01:10:47):
He's also wearing tighter T shirts. I've noticed you jacked
and you're showing it off.

Speaker 1 (01:10:52):
You get that. Yeah, look at daddy, dude, gunshot.

Speaker 23 (01:10:56):
You know what it's going away though, because last night
I had so much McDonald's.

Speaker 1 (01:11:00):
That one day. Yeah, that's okay, it's okay, it's okay
to have a McDonald I saw other things in that
photo too. I saw Goya products like beans. I saw
I eat a lot of beans. Now I know there's good.
Beans are great. And there was white wine in that picture. Yeah,
I see that picture. It wasn't in There was my

twenty piece nuggets. I ate all those. I see you.
I see the containers that they were in at one time. Yeah.
So I'm looking at the photo you sent me last night.
You you did, wow, you ate a lot.

Speaker 23 (01:11:32):
I got it for you, a some chicken sandwich, not
a MC chicken, but the other one that's a deluxe
uh chicken thing. And then I got a quarter pounder
with cheese, double order fries, Doctor Pepper.

Speaker 5 (01:11:47):
And you ate all of it?

Speaker 1 (01:11:48):
Oh yeah, well then wait, wait, hold on for lunch.
For lunch, he had this incredible carrot soup, and then
he had a big steak with fries. Yeah, those fries
are so good. And what was it the sauce, all
of it all? We ordered Gandhi's entire buffet of dipping sauces,
including the chicken jew which we love.

Speaker 23 (01:12:09):
Three martins tequila, Oh my god, yeah it was. And
then yeah, and then I kept drinking. Yeah, I had
I got drilled. My mouth got drilled.

Speaker 1 (01:12:26):
By a dentist. By a dentist. Hey, did you bring
the surprise for Nate?

Speaker 11 (01:12:29):

Speaker 1 (01:12:30):
I got it. I got it.

Speaker 23 (01:12:31):
Do you want it?

Speaker 1 (01:12:32):
Yeah, that's why I'm asking you. But you didn't bring
it in? Should I? Should I present it? Yes, present
the surprise for Nate. There's no drilling required here, right
of course. Always what are you talking about? Is it food?

Speaker 9 (01:12:44):
Oh it looks like food.

Speaker 14 (01:12:46):
He knows what it is. It is It is the
world's best granola. Thank you, thank you very much, John.

Speaker 1 (01:12:54):
Absolutely well.

Speaker 11 (01:12:56):

Speaker 1 (01:12:56):
I tried to pay for it. Aaron A manager wouldn't
let us pay for it. It was a gift for Odeon.

Speaker 14 (01:13:00):
Ah, thank you Erin. It really is. I think you
could buy it online. Gratuitous plug for them. This is
the best granola you'll ever know.

Speaker 1 (01:13:07):
Odeon. Yeah, Odeon granola is great, even his olive oil
in it. With the rest of the class, I'll tell
you what, I have another bag. I'll bring it in
next week and we can all enjoy it. Don't forget
to tip your dasher. Yeah, I know his granola dash
all the way, all the way. Make sure you make

sure you tip your habit dasher, all of your dashers,
you your reindeer, all of them. All right, let's talk
about the Gracie Awards. As you know, Gandhi. Gandhi is
packed up and ready for Los Angeles and she's doing
the show from our Elvis Tray Morning Show Hollywood Studios
Monday and Tuesday. But you're being honored again at the
Gracie Awards. Talk about that.

Speaker 9 (01:13:50):
I'm so excited I got picked to be the Grazy
honoree for national co host syndicated morning show and Danielle
won last year. I feel I get this point. We're
kind of ping pong. I know we keep going back and.

Speaker 1 (01:14:01):
Forth for the years, deservedly, so how lucky are we
going to have you here on our show?

Speaker 2 (01:14:06):

Speaker 9 (01:14:06):
I feel so honored. I'm so excited, and it's like
the best, It's the best. I can't wait to go
and to see everybody and a little award and I'm
bring home another trophy. I'm excited.

Speaker 1 (01:14:15):
There you go, you know, recognizing women in this incredible
business of ours. And uh and I know that special
guest will be there. I want to get to those
in a second. Right, you're excited about that. You're all skippy.
So Gracie Ward, Gracie Allen was the wife of George
Burns and George Burns and Gracy Ellen way back in
the day before TV. Actually they had their own radio
show and then they went on to have their own

TV show together, and so they felt that honoring strong
women who are the foundation of our business every year
at the Gracia Awards, well that's why they decided to
have them. And Danielle has been up there. She's received
hers this year. Gandhi is in and we're so proud
of you guys, and talk about the special guest they're honoring.
It's it's pretty cool that.

Speaker 9 (01:14:56):
Carol Burnett is getting a lifetime a javement or and
you know who's giving it to her, Kristen Wigg Like,
there are just so many amazing women in that room.
Julia Luis Dreyfus won something this year. I know, I
can't wait. I know Tia. I think it's Tia Maori
is hosting.

Speaker 10 (01:15:11):
Yeah, it's just so cool.

Speaker 9 (01:15:13):
And thank you to all women in media and the
Grazie Committee for picking me. I don't know why you
did it, but I'll take it.

Speaker 1 (01:15:19):
Please, we know why.

Speaker 5 (01:15:20):
So so awesome. I know I'm and you get to
get lamed up and everything.

Speaker 1 (01:15:25):
Thank you you do. I'm so proud of the women
of the Morning show. Thank God. Without you guys, it
would not be here. I'd be gardening stop, I'd be
broadcasting from a mobile home and a and a like
a cow. Past year, if you're lucky.

Speaker 9 (01:15:40):
You know I say this all the time, and I
mean it. I'm gonna say it again. The way that
this show is structured because of the way Elvis wanted
to do. It gives us so much power and gives
us such a good voice, like a strong voice to
say the things that we want to say. Because most
other shows you will see two men and one woman,
even though they're broadcasting to an audience of women, and that's,

you know, the demo, and Elvis wanted it to be different.
And he has one man and the two women here
and he gives us such a platform. You, Elvis, give
us platform. So thanks for that. I mean, it's great.

Speaker 13 (01:16:10):
I love this.

Speaker 1 (01:16:10):
They should give me a Gracie.

Speaker 9 (01:16:12):
Yeah, you should come in and take a gracie. Yeah
for strong women.

Speaker 1 (01:16:15):
They should have they should have an award show for
gaze in broadcasting. The gay sis, the gaycies. I'm here
to accept my gayesy. Also, we have other big news
we have to share. And even though she's not here,
she's on vacation at disney World. Deanna Everything video on
our show. It's all about Deanna, and she does the
most incredible job. She took the week off. She and

her quote unquote boyfriend Dennis went down to Disney World
and in the middle of the Magic Kingdom, he went
down on one knee and proposed to her and now
they're gonna get married.

Speaker 5 (01:16:48):
Yeah, the best place to get engaged. That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (01:16:53):
Wow, look at that. So she returns next week, we'll
talk to her about that. Let's see other stuff going on.
There's a heat advisory going on in Miami Dade County today.
And what's unique about this heat advisory in Miami Dade
County is it hasn't started this early in the year
in the past fifteen years. So they're saying dangerously hot

temperatures will range between one hundred and three hundred and
eight degrees for two hours or more today in South Florida.
We got that in the hurricane season, and isn't true
It does it work that way far?

Speaker 6 (01:17:24):

Speaker 15 (01:17:25):
Yeah, because it makes the water warm, and therefore with
warm water, the hurricanes tend to intensify greater. So definitely
not a good sign for hurricane season.

Speaker 1 (01:17:33):
A rough morning for golf pro Scotti Scheffler. We've been
following this this morning. Tell the story. It start at
the beginning, because it's very interesting.

Speaker 15 (01:17:42):
I find so around five to forty five, as they
were heading into the PGA Championship, a spectator ran across
the road in front of a bus and a bus
only lane. Unfortunately, there was a fatality. The police were
they're dealing with a fatality. Many times that these tournaments,
traffic is backed up. Scotti Scheffler was going to the
golf course, number one golfer in the world, playing in
the tournament. He went to go around the issue that

was going on a police officer. One police officer, they said,
waved him on while another one across the street told
him to stop. When he as the police officer jumped
on the car and banged on the car to get
him to stop. He then tried to pull Scotty out
of the car. Scotty got out, he arrested him. It
has been called a traffic misunderstanding. He has now been
booked into jail in Louisville, Kentucky. There is video now

coming out of people trying to tell the police officer, hey,
that's Scotty Scheffer he's playing in the tournament, and they
tell them to back up. It doesn't matter who he is.
He's going to jail. So right now he's in jail,
not sure if he'll make his tea time, and it's
an unfolding situation.

Speaker 5 (01:18:38):
Maybe they're like, maybe they'll postpone like you make everything later.

Speaker 15 (01:18:43):
It's been delayed this morning because of the traffic fatality,
so tea time has been pushed back an hour and
a half. So if he can get there by his
tea time, yes, if he doesn't, he'll be disqualified in
the tournament.

Speaker 1 (01:18:52):
Interesting someone who lost their life and you know, and
there's a police officer riding on a car that was
trying to get into the golf tournament and we're like,
oh god, I hope he makes his tea time. Okay,
well it's a big tea time. I guess it's not
just a normal average tea time. There's that. How are
we doing on time? Because I have a list of
things I'd like to get to. You got ten minutes here, Okay,

let's go round the room. We'll get to whatever we
wanted to get to later. Because it's pretty interesting. We
may save it. Actually, we're saving something from yesterday we
wanted to do today. What was that the.

Speaker 9 (01:19:26):
Game to honor elder Gays?

Speaker 1 (01:19:27):
Oh, oh right, we need to be If I can't
get a Gracie award, you should honor me here and
broadcasting for me? An Elder Gay, Yes, no one sent
me a cake. We also have an incredible new music
Friday Sound with Garrett coming up in a second. Hold on,
let's go round the room, producer Sam. We'll start with
you what's on your mind today?

Speaker 17 (01:19:44):
So if you think that you are too old to
accomplish something you want to accomplish, or maybe you were
afraid of eyes watching you. If you don't think you
could do what you want to do just yet, please
look up Kim Hale on Instagram or TikTok. She is
fifty six years old and growing up she was a
dancer and she gave up on her dreams to take
care of her parents.

Speaker 10 (01:20:03):
She went through some health issues.

Speaker 17 (01:20:05):
And at fifty three, I believe she came back to
New York just for a little bit of joy to
try and start dancing, And three years later she was
on Broadway in Chicago this last week as a fifty
six year old fantastic dancer. You don't even need to
say her age to have her accomplishment. She's just an
incredible dancer. So I've been following your story. I'm obsessed

with this woman, and she's just a great role model
to look too. If you also feel like your dreams
in the rear view mirror, and you didn't give it
a fair shot.

Speaker 10 (01:20:34):
She says, there's no such thing.

Speaker 17 (01:20:35):
You've just got to live authentically and who cares what
people watching?

Speaker 10 (01:20:38):
You think you'll get there?

Speaker 1 (01:20:40):
Hell yeah, I love that. I love her. Scary, not
too late to be a Broadway dancer. I'm taking lessons, Scary.
What's up with you today? Well, I don't.

Speaker 8 (01:20:48):
I've see this a lot more lately, and I just
want to call people out for doing this. It is
so tacky and uncous for you to go online on
your birthday and socially post about, Hey it's my birthday,
buy me some drinks, scan the QR and here's a
link to my cash app or my venmo.

Speaker 1 (01:21:07):
I'm like, what, what am I giving you money? Yes?

Speaker 8 (01:21:10):
In fact, somebody I know who's a friend of mine
she does this, but like people just donating money, here's
a goal.

Speaker 1 (01:21:16):
I'm gonna say, go fund Was it your friend Boa
constrictor Bobby? More and more people are doing it, So
I guess with more people doing it, that means they're
seeing success with it. So people are actually donating to
people's birthday funds or hey it's it's my birthday, here's
a buy me a present cash link, give me your money, right,

I got back accounted to mine. I may do that this.

Speaker 8 (01:21:39):
August you said that, Elvis, I swear people will give
you money just because you put up.

Speaker 1 (01:21:45):
I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna say, Hey, I'm turning
sixty this year. I want sixty friends to buy me
a cocktail. Go they will, You'll want them all tonight? Excellent?

Speaker 4 (01:21:52):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:21:53):
Well, scary finds that very cheap and tawdry. Who was
it that works in this villa? Wait a minute, hold on,
they posted online. It's not a secret, was it?

Speaker 4 (01:22:11):

Speaker 1 (01:22:12):
Astro friends, and I'm gonna go online and I'm gonna
buy her a cocktail.

Speaker 21 (01:22:20):
I love.

Speaker 1 (01:22:22):
Happy birthday? Ask what happens with someone you know and like?

Speaker 2 (01:22:26):
It's different?

Speaker 1 (01:22:27):
Hey, what's up there? Straight and eight?

Speaker 11 (01:22:29):
What's so?

Speaker 1 (01:22:29):
Elvis? I know you watched The Adams Family when you
were younger, Right, I did. It was in reruns then,
by the way, it was in reruns then, and we
probably all saw it. It was in black and white. Right,
you might be interested to know that the set was
actually pink. Did you know that?

Speaker 14 (01:22:44):
What was the reason it showed up better in black
and white? If it was correct, Elvis. That is the
whole reason. And in fact, if you watch a lot
of black and white movies or TV shows, the colors
you think are there are not the colors that were
actually there because the way the gray scale works is
different light frequencies and stuff. They reflect better in black
and white if it's an actual different color. So a

lot of black and white said, it might be orange walls,
it might be pink furniture. Somebody might be wearing a
bright yellow shirt because it looks more white on camera.
So this is an analogy for everybody out there. What
you think is black and white is actually a world
of color.

Speaker 1 (01:23:20):
Just keep that in good point.

Speaker 7 (01:23:22):
Yeah, a lot of color.

Speaker 1 (01:23:26):
Yeah, you can google it.

Speaker 7 (01:23:27):
You can look at ya.

Speaker 1 (01:23:27):
I'm looking at it right now, and a lot of
there's a lot of pinks in there. Whow interesting and golds.
It looks actually cool and pink. I'm in I'm moving
to the animals family. I am hey, uh Froggy, what's
up with you today?

Speaker 15 (01:23:41):
So I realized that I could possibly have an unhealthy
relationship with peanut butter.

Speaker 1 (01:23:46):
Okay, let's talk about it.

Speaker 15 (01:23:48):
So I went to the store and I got some
you know the little packs of like ritz crackers, a
little peanut butter crackers that come in like six in
a little plastic pack.

Speaker 7 (01:23:56):
No, I don't you know those.

Speaker 1 (01:23:57):
I love them. I have those.

Speaker 15 (01:24:00):
But then I get a jar a jiff with a
knife and I put peanut butter on top of the
crackers and eat them because I need extra, extra extra
peanut butter on my crackers.

Speaker 1 (01:24:09):
That's a great idea. Plus you get to the salt
of the cracker. It sounds like a great little meal.

Speaker 7 (01:24:14):
It's so good. I'm telling you try it out. I'm
not saying it's healthy.

Speaker 15 (01:24:16):
I'm not saying it's not a load of calories, but
I'm telling you if you like peanut butter, it is
so damn good.

Speaker 1 (01:24:22):
It's a lot of protein in there. You're doing. Okay,
I think that sounds like a great shnack. We have
two more to go, right, we have Danielle and Gandhi.
So you know what we'll do Danielle and then we'll
do Gracie Winner this year. Gandhi Europe. Danielle, what's up?

Speaker 5 (01:24:36):
I just want to say. I know we talked about
this earlier on the day, but maybe no one heard me.
But my mom is doing something so out of her
comfort zone. It's the second time she's done it in
a couple of years. But she is performing in a show.
My mom was not like me growing up. She was shy.
She didn't want anybody to put her in as the
center of attention. That's just not her. And the fact

that she's doing Boogie Woogie, bugle Boy and Big Spender
in a like cabaret type show with all of her
friends at the Golden Age Group is amazing to me.
She raided my closet by the way for she goes.
I know you'll have some slutty looking dresses and what thanks, mom?
She meant like stretchy, you know, tight ones. Anyway, but

she she's doing it tomorrow night, and we're so proud
of her. Mom. I love you, and I can't wait
to see what you guys come up with.

Speaker 12 (01:25:25):

Speaker 1 (01:25:25):
I love that she's following in your footsteps. I mean,
as they say, the tree doesn't far fall from the apple,
they fall far from the apple. It's all backwards.

Speaker 5 (01:25:32):
Yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 1 (01:25:34):
I love that though. That's so cool. The tree doesn't
fall far from the apple.

Speaker 5 (01:25:38):
The apple far from the tree.

Speaker 1 (01:25:40):
Oh no, it's because, Yeah, Danielle is the example. Okay,
Actually I was very clever. No one gave me credit
because I screwed it up, all right, Gandhi, what's up
with you?

Speaker 10 (01:25:49):

Speaker 9 (01:25:50):
I'm very proud of myself because something happened yesterday and
I remembered the things I'd been taught. So I set
my toaster of it on fire.

Speaker 1 (01:25:58):
Okay, how'd you do that?

Speaker 2 (01:26:00):

Speaker 20 (01:26:00):
I was.

Speaker 9 (01:26:01):
I guess I was toasting something and maybe the oil
on it just got a little too hot and there
were flames. I was on a conference call when it happens.
I was like, ah, I ran over and my first
instinct I wanted to dump water on it, but then
I thought, no, you can't do that. This thing is
plugged in and you don't know what happened. My gosh.
So I unplugged the toaster oven and then I remembered
oxygen is what creates the fire, lets the fire get bigger.

So I didn't even open the door. I just stared
at it with it unplugged, and watched it fizzle out
on its own, and I thought, huh, you did everything?
Am I doing something?

Speaker 1 (01:26:33):
Did you drop and roll?

Speaker 11 (01:26:35):
You know?

Speaker 9 (01:26:36):
We were talking the other day about how nobody has
ever really implemented that in their life. My best friend did.
She caught on fire frying something, ran outside, stop dropping roll,
put the fire out. Remember your fire seating?

Speaker 2 (01:26:47):
You know what?

Speaker 5 (01:26:47):
The they had this like little fire blanket that I
saw on Instagram. I bought a couple and you're supposed
to just throw it on it. If it happens on
appliants like that and supposed to take care of it,
you're gonna have to go get that. I think you need.

Speaker 1 (01:26:58):
You need a fire blanket in your life.

Speaker 9 (01:26:59):
I was like, Oh, what's happening? It's crazy and there.

Speaker 1 (01:27:01):
You go around the room. That was very satisfying.

Speaker 9 (01:27:03):
I love that.

Speaker 1 (01:27:04):
It is new music Friday, lots of new music out.
Let's go to Garrett and see what's happening. What do
you got today, Garrett?

Speaker 22 (01:27:09):
Well, first we'll stop off at the ACM Awards from
last night to another performance. We need to talk about
Post Malone and Reba McIntyre doing rambling man what.

Speaker 13 (01:27:18):
I was born ram Man.

Speaker 1 (01:27:23):
Trying to make a living in doing this stock case.
When is time.

Speaker 13 (01:27:32):
You thusday.

Speaker 10 (01:27:35):
I was born man.

Speaker 17 (01:27:38):
And a girl.

Speaker 1 (01:27:42):
I love it all right?

Speaker 22 (01:27:43):
Then continue with country Luke Combs has a new song
out called eight No Love in Oklahoma.

Speaker 1 (01:27:51):
Just as all right, all right, Bill, by the way,
I must straight for the record. I have found love
in Oklahoma several times.

Speaker 22 (01:28:04):
Billy Isola saw for a new album. We've been talking
about it all morning. This is Birds of a Feather.

Speaker 1 (01:28:19):
I think I like this album. Yeah, I've only heard
two songs, but still definitely straight at this weekend, Zane
has a new song.

Speaker 22 (01:28:27):
It's called star Dust and very like seventies eighties.

Speaker 20 (01:28:30):
Five do it fun.

Speaker 4 (01:28:38):

Speaker 1 (01:28:42):
Here you got my neighbor's aim. Yes, Miley Cyrus.

Speaker 22 (01:28:46):
She is covering Talking Head song Psychokiller and it sounds
like this.

Speaker 1 (01:29:04):
Huh do you like it?

Speaker 18 (01:29:07):

Speaker 1 (01:29:07):
I'm gonna hear it again and again though I needed
like three lessons for this one, I think.

Speaker 22 (01:29:10):
And then finally we'll leave off with bb Rexa.

Speaker 20 (01:29:12):
The song is called chase It quote dot dot dot Jon.

Speaker 1 (01:29:32):
Wow, is she collaborating with someone else? That's all bb
tell you. Bb always has a different sound. It seems
like she she rarely has a like a signature sound
in every song.

Speaker 22 (01:29:44):
I think that's really cool. I love bb Rexa, so
put that on your playlist.

Speaker 1 (01:29:47):
This weekend and you're a good American guy. Should we
take a break, because if we did, we'd be on time?
Actually to els to you, well, I know it. We're
there for on time. He wants to do that on time?
On time sucks? All right, let's play Kigo and Ava Max.
What do you think do you have it ready to go?

Scary loves this song? Myself am I am? I in charge?

Speaker 4 (01:30:14):

Speaker 1 (01:30:14):
Yeah, you're in charge? It's whatever. What a great way
to kick off the weekend. Kigo and Ava Max.

Speaker 6 (01:30:21):
It comes crashing down The Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 8 (01:30:28):
Oh Joe Kata's in the studio and he said, Scary
and prosy.

Speaker 1 (01:30:31):
You guys should put together Rereary's you don't want to
be scroady?

Speaker 11 (01:30:37):

Speaker 6 (01:30:40):
Listen to the Brooklyn Boys podcast on the iHeart Radio app,
Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. El this
Duran in the Morning shown we go we are el
this Terran in the morning show.

Speaker 1 (01:30:54):
You know I love it when the kids come back
to hang out for a few minutes. Our friend Ricky's here?
Is is she around? Where's Ricky getting fined?

Speaker 13 (01:31:00):

Speaker 9 (01:31:00):
Oh hello, hello?

Speaker 1 (01:31:02):
The Arcy blows Ricky, you were with it how many
years ago were you working with us on the show?

Speaker 13 (01:31:06):
Oh, my god, twenty fourteen. I think twenty thirteen, something
like that. It was a long time ago.

Speaker 1 (01:31:12):
Yeah, you got bit by the bug and tell her
what you're doing now is it's kind of funny what
ten years can do.

Speaker 4 (01:31:18):

Speaker 13 (01:31:18):
Now I'm the host of my own morning show, Ricky
Zacamano in the morning on one of seven five the
River in Nashville, Tennessee.

Speaker 1 (01:31:24):
There you go another the alumnus is pretty hot here
at this show. I love that.

Speaker 13 (01:31:31):
It's crazy. Never thought it was going to happen, honestly,
And here we are, I.

Speaker 1 (01:31:35):
Know, for various reasons. You're here this weekend. And also
we have Carla, Marie and Anthony from our show. They're
in town this weekend. Yeah, I love it. I love
it when the kids are in town. It's great. I
love it. I love it. So what are you doing
in New York City?

Speaker 13 (01:31:50):
I have a bachelorette this weekend. I'm very excited for it.
We have lots of plans tomorrow, lots of drinking, taking
a pole dancing class tomorrow.

Speaker 5 (01:31:59):
Who did you?

Speaker 13 (01:32:01):
And also very excited.

Speaker 1 (01:32:03):
Now Danielle Gandhi have either of you ever taken a
pole dancing class?

Speaker 5 (01:32:06):
No, I have not.

Speaker 1 (01:32:07):
It's on my list, but it's not.

Speaker 9 (01:32:09):
I'm worried about the polls.

Speaker 1 (01:32:11):
It's not on my list. I love that you're concerned
for the poll.

Speaker 6 (01:32:15):
I'm concerned about my back.

Speaker 5 (01:32:17):
She's concerned about the bowl.

Speaker 1 (01:32:20):
So okay, So let's I don't want you to give
it away any secrets or surprises. But what else are
you doing for your friend for her bachelorette weekend?

Speaker 13 (01:32:27):
We're going to go to a drag brunch, as one
does for a bachelor weekend. We got the pole dancing
class tonight. We're very much keeping it chill. The vibes
are very chill. We're staying at the hotel. We're going
to do face masks and board games, and obviously drink
while we're doing that, because why not, lots of champagne.
But tonight's the chill night. Tomorrow's the go all out day.

I'm excited.

Speaker 1 (01:32:49):
Scary, you should join them. You make a great bachelorette.

Speaker 8 (01:32:52):
You're a guide or your your moral support.

Speaker 9 (01:32:55):
Do you want to strip her?

Speaker 5 (01:32:55):
We can give you.

Speaker 1 (01:32:56):
Oh no, I was.

Speaker 13 (01:32:57):
Looking for one.

Speaker 1 (01:32:58):
Scary, you're available to the price. But she's coming here
for the batch'rette scary? Come on, scary flash or some
pean go ahead.

Speaker 5 (01:33:11):
That's a question, scary. How much would how much would
it cost for you to do it?

Speaker 6 (01:33:17):
What's your price?

Speaker 9 (01:33:18):
All live? Scared?

Speaker 1 (01:33:19):
Ten k ten? How about this? How much would it
cost for you not to do it? Hey, I've been
working out. Give me six more months and I might
consider you. Look around, Okay, I'm sure that's gonna be
when business picks up.

Speaker 13 (01:33:34):
Sixt I'm calling you, scary, ricky, Ricky.

Speaker 1 (01:33:37):
So when you when you when you come home? I mean,
what do you love to do when you when you
when you come home? What's the first thing? You may
not have time to do it because you're busy, But
what are miss about New York? What do you miss? Oh? Food?

Speaker 13 (01:33:47):
I miss the food. All I want to do is
eat when I'm here. I want the bagels, I want
the pasta, I want all of the food. Because national
is getting better, but it's just it's never going to
be the same, never going to be the same. So
that's the first thing I always want to do. My
parents picked me up and I'm like, which restaurant are
we going to?

Speaker 1 (01:34:03):
Where are we going?

Speaker 9 (01:34:04):
But but you have good things. You have hot chicken,
which is amazing. And there's a chain restaurant called Backyard Burgers.
Have you ever been there?

Speaker 13 (01:34:11):
I have not.

Speaker 6 (01:34:12):
It's amazing.

Speaker 13 (01:34:13):
Okay, at it to the list. You're teaching me about
my city, Lie, don't like it?

Speaker 1 (01:34:17):
Oh, you just reminded me of something. I'm sorry. This
switch gears don't leave hold on. So I had lunch
with Coast to boy Josh yesterday and we're talking how
can I talk about this we've been talking of late
about his fascination now with a certain intimate act. Right, okay,
So Aaron, our friend from Odio, says, oh, that has

a name. What do you call it? They call it
the backyard Barbecue?

Speaker 10 (01:34:44):

Speaker 1 (01:34:45):
Oh okay, okay, you and me Gandhi.

Speaker 9 (01:34:51):
Oh, I know, I know exactly what we're talking about.
Josh is going to come on my podcast. We're going
to get into this.

Speaker 1 (01:34:56):
Did you'all talk about the backyard Barbecue?

Speaker 9 (01:34:58):
Yeah, were gonna talk about it.

Speaker 1 (01:34:59):
Explains why he was during the month of November. We'll
get into that later.

Speaker 5 (01:35:02):
That's why he's so healthy now, he's kind of like
get a diet. Maybe he's not a diet.

Speaker 9 (01:35:06):
I don't know, no, he built up his immunities.

Speaker 1 (01:35:09):
Yeah, he says, doing that particular thing builds up your immunity. Okay,
we're moving on, moving on. I just said we're moving on.
The host of the show is moving on. I hope
you come along with me. All right, Well, Ricky, we
love having you here. You have a nice, safe, yet
tragically festive weekend.

Speaker 6 (01:35:27):
I will.

Speaker 13 (01:35:27):
I'm so happy to be here.

Speaker 1 (01:35:29):
All right, good good, all right. So we missed it yesterday.
It was a big day. It was one of those
national days. It was national what day, Gandhi.

Speaker 9 (01:35:37):
Honor the elder, elder gaze yes day to honor the
elder case.

Speaker 1 (01:35:42):
And of course I immediately thought of Uncle Johnny, who
we just lost several weeks ago, right, and it was
actually two weeks ago today. Uh. And then someone else
in the room said, wow, you're an elder. Gay thanks.
So then I started questioning around the office when does
elder start? Elderly means what? Thank you? Most people said

it was like, well, I feel like if you're elderly,
that means you're in your eighties. Did we go around
the room, Yeah.

Speaker 9 (01:36:10):
I don't think elderly is what a lot of these
people though which, by the way, I just picked these
based on the information I got. I don't necessarily think
they're elderly, but they're considered elder gays.

Speaker 1 (01:36:21):
Wow, this must be very, very frightening because you're already
disclaiming the whole thing. It's now time to guess the
elderly gaze.

Speaker 11 (01:36:28):

Speaker 1 (01:36:30):
It's like the other day we made you guess famous
shrimp restaurants. Oh yeah, but today elderly gays take it away, gandhi.

Speaker 9 (01:36:37):
All right, if you know your music, give us a call,
because these are almost all musicians and they are elder
gays icons. You're gonna love them.

Speaker 1 (01:36:46):
Okay, so we're not renaming it. I guess you're elderly.
Oh you're you're gay icons. It's your elderly gays. All right,
let us go with it. So if you know your
elderly gays, feel free to call now to win glamorous
prizes one to eight hundred two two zero, one hundred.
All right, Oh good, I bet most elderly gays would

love the song as well. Yes, definitely, it just seems
very elderly gay centric. Should we do three things here
and move it down to the next one. You could
do it right here. And by the way, if you're
listening to us on Y one hundred in South Florida
and Miami Fort Lauderdale, all you elderly gays and Wilton Manners,
were about to lose you because they cut us off.
So just use your imagination. We're about to have a
lot of fun, but they decide they don't want to

be with us at the nine o'clock hour. So there's that.
So we bid you a dude, So farewell to all
of us, all of our elderly gay friends and everyone
in the hot weather in South Florida. We'll see you Monday. Alistaan,
dear God, what's this woman doing? And the Morning Show,

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Speaker 6 (01:38:11):
Elvist Iran and the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:38:13):
All right, look, you know we have a huge mountain
of Billie Eilish fans that listen to our show in
our station every day. And now with her new album
that came out at midnight last night, I'm hearing from
a few of my friends who really weren't huge Billy
Ilish fans before. They're saying they like some of these
cuts off this new album. I can't wait to stream
it when we're off the air, when I get rid

of you people, No, seriously, when we're off the air,
I can't wait to spend some time with it because
the two cuts we played today or heard parts of
I like. I mean, they have a different amount of
intensity to them to say anyway sounds good. Yeah, So
it's time to free our minds. People. If you were
not a Billie Eilish fan, maybe this new album is

gonna coax you over to the other side. You're gonna
break on through.

Speaker 5 (01:38:57):
I like it. I like this more upbeat than usual, and.

Speaker 1 (01:39:00):
I'm sure there's other songs on the album that are
less so. But let's give her a chance. Now. She's huge.
We love Billie Eilish. She's done great things for iHeartMedia
as well, so we love having her as part of
our family. So what made you decide to do a
contest about elder gays. I'm kind of curious.

Speaker 9 (01:39:18):
Well, yesterday was Honor Elder Gay Day, so I didn't
honor the elder gays the way I wanted to yesterday.
So I thought we could do it today.

Speaker 1 (01:39:27):
I'm still waiting for my intimate's cake to arrive.

Speaker 9 (01:39:29):
I have a cake for you. You will have a
cake on Monday.

Speaker 1 (01:39:32):
Okay, So it's happy. So if Hallmark has a Happy
Belated Elderly Gaze Day card, you can give that to me.
All right, We're going to get into that in just
a second. We're looking for someone to identify the older
gaze through the miracle of sound. We'll get to that
in a minute. Hey, can we talk again about our
friends an undercover tourists. The reason I want to bring

them up, Danielle, is that this is the time of
year people are scurrying to get their summer vacation plan
done right, So Danielle uncovered undercover tourist. So if you
want to go to Orlando or and visit the parks,
or go to La or points in between, you can
save a lot of money, because we know it costs

a lot of money to go on vacation, right, Yes.

Speaker 5 (01:40:16):
And right now you can get your adult tickets a
child prices for Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort. But
it is a limited time and I'm telling you now
it's not going to be much longer. So that's going
to go away. And you know if you buy tickets
to these places that they're expensive. So this is an
incredible deal.

Speaker 1 (01:40:34):
Not only does Undercover Tourists get you into the parks
at a better price, but also there's other things to
do while in Orlando or wherever you're going, and they've
got you covered there. It's a great resource at Undercover
Tourist dot com. And as you know, they are a
partner of ours and because of that we want to celebrate.
They want to give away three thousand dollars credit to
spend on Undercover Tourists to cover your favorite theme park

tickets and hotel throw in some round trip airfare tickets.
Maybe come on enter to win your three thousand dollars
credit for Undercover Tourists right now. I love them. The
concept is what we need. Now, go to Undercover Tourist
dot com or go to Elvis Durand dot com to
enter the contest. Nice right, Elvis duran dot com. Thank
you undercover tourists.

Speaker 5 (01:41:15):
By the way, they do have people who are asking
me do they have Disney property hotels. I'm like yes,
because when we booked because we're going soon and that
was one of our choices, and we booked with one
of them, So yes, they do your favorite So it's exciting.

Speaker 1 (01:41:28):
So do we have someone ready to guess the elderly gaze?
We Jason, Jason, let's go and Gandhi, this is all
you. You want to add something to this incredible adventure?

Speaker 9 (01:41:38):
I do. I just want to say. When it came
down to why are we honoring the elder gaze, it
was actually very important and touching because a lot of people,
let's say Uncle Johnny's age, he was a pioneer, he
got arrested, he survived a lot, he was there for
the Stonewall riots. I mean they paved the way for
people to be a lot more comfortable now, the younger gays.

So it is as is, we're like, hah, the elder gays.
It's important, Yeah, to think about them and love that.
We love you elder gays.

Speaker 1 (01:42:05):
Well on behalf of all elder gays. I guess I'm
their spokesperson. We thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:42:10):
You're a mid mid aged gay.

Speaker 1 (01:42:12):
Yeah, over the day. It's mid age k day. Gosh,
Oh my gosh. I hope sixty is middle age. That
means I'm living to be one hundred and twenty. All right,
let's go talk to our friend Jason. I don't know
what line he is on. It's not on my screen here.

Speaker 11 (01:42:27):
You know.

Speaker 7 (01:42:29):
Hell, yeah there is.

Speaker 1 (01:42:31):
Hey, Jason, how are you today? I'm great.

Speaker 7 (01:42:34):
How were you guys doing?

Speaker 1 (01:42:36):
We're doing okay. Now, Look, it's a good day. Yesterday
it was even better because we honored the elderly gaze yesterday.
But we're you know, never too late to honor the
elderly gays. So, Jason, how is it you think you
know a lot about elderly gays?

Speaker 7 (01:42:54):
Man, I'm fifty five years old.

Speaker 4 (01:42:55):
I've been a lot of places, and I just you
kind of know, I feel like I have this, I
have this in the bag.

Speaker 1 (01:43:01):
I got this. Okay, Okay, you have elderly gaitar Okay, good,
this is good.

Speaker 4 (01:43:05):

Speaker 1 (01:43:05):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it goes off. Yeah, through this, through this,
through the miracle of sound. Let's see if you can
identify these so called elderly gays. Elderly gay number one?
All right, Jason? Who is that?

Speaker 3 (01:43:27):
That is one of my favorites.

Speaker 7 (01:43:29):
That is Sir Elton Johnes.

Speaker 1 (01:43:30):
Absolutely and his famous classic don't let your son go
down on me, don't let this don't let the sun
go down on me. I never thought that scary. Why
are you trampling on my joke? Why why are you there?

Get out of here, turn off your microphone. All right,
here we go. You're doing great. You got one for one, Jason.
Here is elderly gay? Uh number two? Hmmm? Who's that?

Speaker 20 (01:44:10):

Speaker 7 (01:44:11):
That one's got me stumped.

Speaker 1 (01:44:13):
Well he's no longer alive, but what a classic?

Speaker 7 (01:44:16):
Right right?

Speaker 1 (01:44:18):

Speaker 7 (01:44:18):

Speaker 2 (01:44:19):

Speaker 4 (01:44:20):
Can I can I get another another tune of his?

Speaker 13 (01:44:23):

Speaker 2 (01:44:23):
Is there more?

Speaker 1 (01:44:24):
There's a lot of them, a lot.

Speaker 15 (01:44:27):
Let me get one more hit if I can.

Speaker 1 (01:44:29):
Okay, Well, I wish we had one ready to go,
thunderbolted lights being very very fuck me? Okay, No, oh.

Speaker 3 (01:44:42):
That would be the lead singer of.

Speaker 1 (01:44:43):
Queen Yes, and his name was and continues to be
man oh, man, come on, Freddie Mercury. Okay, let me
tell you. When she finds out named her an elder gay,
she's gonna bitch slap you. Here's elderly three. Who is this?

All right? Used to work with our company on our
on our radio stations. Who is that elderly gay.

Speaker 2 (01:45:21):

Speaker 1 (01:45:28):
That would be Rue Paul, Paul, I know.

Speaker 5 (01:45:33):
I know it's sixty three, so does that I know that.

Speaker 1 (01:45:36):
Counts the next one. I don't know if the next
one is that elderly either, but gay. Let's see elderly
gay number four.

Speaker 5 (01:45:49):
He's fifty two.

Speaker 1 (01:45:50):
By the way, Oh man, oh boy, uh, I see you. Well, we,
if we face to face, have accused in Ricky Iglesias
and being gay. He always disputes that. But that was
Ricky Martin. And we have one more to go, So

skip down the list to the next to the last one. Scary.
Let's see if Jason can get this elderly gay. I
was gay before I knew what gay was. Who is that?
One more time? Really loud, Let's see maybe you could
recognize the voice here it is I was gay before

I knew what gay one. Mm hmm, all right, well Jason,
that would be that would be me, So sir, for Jason,
he got you got and I guess and of all
the gays we listed that he is without doubt the

Supreme gay absolutely. All right, hold on, Jason, we're going
to send you something out of the back closet. Hold
on seconds and there you go. Uh now, what does
one do interesting? I want to play a song for
you now, okay, so you know other people that were

on the list, do you want to save this for
next week? We should?

Speaker 9 (01:47:15):
Yeah, yeah, let's save it for mine.

Speaker 1 (01:47:16):
It was a great list. Hey, not everyone knows you
know who Freddie Mercury and RuPaul and Ricky Martin are
so okay, and even less people know who I am.

Speaker 7 (01:47:24):
So there's that.

Speaker 1 (01:47:26):
So there you go. Hey, we had new Kits on
the block here yesterday and Jonathan was here. I'm not
going to call Jonathan an elderly gay.

Speaker 9 (01:47:38):
I mean, I think according to the list, he could qualify.
I know he's I know, I'm not say he's. What
I'm just saying, based on the ages that people were
saying our elder gays, Jonathan ke could be honored crazy,
he could have been honored yesterday.

Speaker 1 (01:47:50):
All right, But I don't even want to give him
over the hill status anyway. From their brand new album
came out last night, It's Kids, It's n kot B
to kick off your weekend.

Speaker 6 (01:47:59):
Welcome to the Weekend, Elvis Duran, here he is and
the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:48:08):
Oh wow, that week took at least three weeks. A
long week. But we're out of here.

Speaker 7 (01:48:12):
We're out here.

Speaker 1 (01:48:13):
What are we watching this weekend?

Speaker 5 (01:48:14):
Danielle, There's a lot of season finales for you, but
Jake Dillon Hall will be hosting SNL. Sabrina Carpenter's your
musical guest, Back to Black in theaters. It's wonderful and
Amfazon theaters as well.

Speaker 1 (01:48:24):
See you next week. Till then, say peace out, everybody, yea, everybody,

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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