All Episodes

January 22, 2025 105 mins
With the iHeartRadio awards coming so soon, we had the honor of announcing nominations! But there was a little hiccup... plus, Andrew gives details for his blood drive, it's Deanna's birthday, and we wanna know if you're an only child! Sign up for Andrew's blood drive at and use code ‘ELVIS’.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Our sense of this program. We're pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Hey, can I say something?

Speaker 3 (00:08):
You gotta hear this. This is hilarious performing here.

Speaker 4 (00:13):
Oh my god, you guys.

Speaker 5 (00:16):
I love you guys.

Speaker 6 (00:17):
It is by the way, I just laughed and the
booker came out.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Elister ran in the morning show.

Speaker 6 (00:23):
Yeah it is.

Speaker 7 (00:24):
It is Wednesday, January twenty second, and it's snowing in Florida.

Speaker 6 (00:28):
How you like that?

Speaker 2 (00:29):

Speaker 6 (00:30):
Is that crazy? How you do it in Jacksonville? How
many inches did you get?

Speaker 8 (00:34):
I'm no weatherman, but you could expect about three inches tonight.

Speaker 6 (00:39):
I'm talking about the snow. Froggy the snow we.

Speaker 8 (00:41):
Got less than an inch, which is probably accurate as well.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
If I look at Froggy's sitting there with his winter.

Speaker 6 (00:47):
Cook because hold on, there's no heat in this building.
Oh yeah, they don't know what heating is about in Florida.
That's okay. Yeah, it's snowing all across Florida.

Speaker 7 (00:58):
It's snowing all the way across the South over into
New Orleans, which, by the way, it snows in New Orleans.

Speaker 6 (01:03):
That's not That's not that unusual of the thing, is it.
I don't think it is the.

Speaker 8 (01:08):
Most they've ever gotten though.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Oh my girlfriend just got back from Disney World and
she's like, yeah, I had on three layers, including a
north faced jacket. I'm like, what wasn't freezing.

Speaker 6 (01:18):
I know it's one thing to go to Disney to
ride the Matterhorn, but it's another thing to like, I
feel like you're on the real matterhorn. Anyway, Welcome to
the day.

Speaker 7 (01:26):
Good morning, Danielle, Good morning, Hi Gandhi. Are you in
a trance? Where are you today?

Speaker 9 (01:30):
I'm right here, not in a trance yet, but give
it like thirty minutes.

Speaker 7 (01:33):
Yeah, this show, we'll do it to you. And good morning.
Producer Sam which out for dinner last night.

Speaker 10 (01:38):
Good yeah, I mixed up some stuff.

Speaker 11 (01:39):
I had tater tots and like this vegan chili, and
I made myself like a kind of tater tot.

Speaker 6 (01:45):
Stupid because good it was a vegan tater toddy kind
of thing.

Speaker 10 (01:48):
It was so good.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
And good morning. What name Red? How you doing? Jinner? Goood?

Speaker 7 (01:55):
A little chili, but you know it is it is littlechili,
a little sketty Good morning. Sitting in the master control
chair in the place of Scotty Bee is Garrett.

Speaker 6 (02:05):
Scotty Bee is out today. Hello friends, Hello there, Garrett,
Welcome to the day.

Speaker 7 (02:10):
All right, I think we're all here. There's Diamond he
she's taking your calls and watching your socials. You can
call her a eight hundred two to four two zero
one hundred.

Speaker 6 (02:17):
So in honor, in honor of our friends in Florida.
This is Danielle's idea, by the way, but it makes sense.
And there you go. She's not happy it's snowing in Florida.
How do you like that? So it did it give

you a break? Is it still snowing as we speak?

Speaker 8 (02:40):
It is stopped now we're getting sleet now. The good
part is that it's not cold enough where I am
before be a problem. But up north the airport's closed
until noon because here in Jacksonville we don't have things
to d ice planes and just moves things off the
runway and all that kind of stuff. So the airport's
closed until noon.

Speaker 5 (02:55):
There you go.

Speaker 6 (02:56):
So was it snowing on the beach? Do you have
photos of that?

Speaker 8 (02:59):
I do not here, I haven't seen any yet, But
like in Destin in Pensacola, tons of snow on the beach.
It was actually very pretty. It was a beautiful sight.

Speaker 4 (03:07):
Last night.

Speaker 7 (03:07):
I bet, I mean in destin the snow. I mean
the sand looks like snow already. It's just kind of funny.
He's like, how do you know when one ends and
one begins. Well, let's get into the day. Everyone in
a good mood.

Speaker 6 (03:18):
Everyone have a good night. Yeah, Daniel thoughts.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Oh yeah, I was just gonna say that I was
actually with Froggy and his family when Froggy Sun Kaiten
first saw snow in person. We were actually in Alaska.
He goes, I didn't realize it was going to be
this soft.

Speaker 6 (03:33):
I'm so crazy it can be were.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
To be with someone who's never seen snow.

Speaker 6 (03:40):
You know, all you got to do is see it
once and you're like, okay, done, next, I'm good.

Speaker 7 (03:45):
I woke up this morning and it says in my
in my yard, it's six degrees, but it feels like one,
and it typically gets colder as the morning progresses. So
we'll see what happens.

Speaker 6 (03:57):
Anyway, Well, welcome to the day. Guess today, Senor Nate. No, yeah, today, Elvis,
But we have Jojo on the show tomorrow. Werena have
Jojo on the show? Show?

Speaker 5 (04:06):
All right?

Speaker 6 (04:07):
That's great.

Speaker 7 (04:08):
I love that it's too cold, and no one was
to come up here today. That all right, let's roll
into the three things we need to know from Gandhi
and should we take the first caller? Yeah, let's see
if Alicia out in Belmore is freezing. Hello, Alicia, how
are you feeling?

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Good morning?

Speaker 7 (04:27):
Oh my god, I hear your teeth. Your teeth are chattering.
I hear them. Hey, So good news for Alicia. Today
is a very very key day for her. It's her
first day on the floor as a nurse.

Speaker 10 (04:39):

Speaker 6 (04:43):
I remember when I started in radio. I remember my
first night on the floor as a radio host.

Speaker 1 (04:48):

Speaker 12 (04:50):
Yeah, I'm super excited. I'm on days. I'm really nervous,
but I got through you guys, and that's amazing. I've
been listening to you for like twenty years. Crazy that
it's on my first day and I'm talking to all
of you, which is amazing.

Speaker 6 (05:04):
So we all know, we all know how nurses have
this great, great thing in common, and that's sensible shoes
that are come from Yeah, right, yep, yeah, Well Alicia,
congratulations and all that hard work paid off. Alicia's on
the floor, it's our first day. What do you have
for her? Straight?

Speaker 13 (05:21):
N hope and she doesn't confuse the oral and rectal
thermometers today.

Speaker 6 (05:25):
Oh, I know it tastes fun. We're going to get
you the illustra in the morning show hoodie. Thanks to
our friends at Hack and Sack Meridian. Hell, it's on
the way. Thank you.

Speaker 7 (05:35):
What a visual. Well, thank you, Alicia, good luck. We
love you more and thanks for waking up with us
every morning. And stay warm if you could. And there
you go, nurses taking care of people. I think without nurses,
doctors would fail. Oh there I said it. I'm sorry,
I agree?

Speaker 6 (05:50):
Is it just me? All right?

Speaker 7 (05:51):
Now we get into the three things we need to
know from gandhi? Oh, gandhi? What's going on?

Speaker 14 (05:55):

Speaker 10 (05:55):
Lot's just going on all right?

Speaker 9 (05:56):
President Trump is ordering all federal employees and diversity and
inclusion roles to be placed on leave. The news comes
after Trump signed an executive order directive ending federal DEI programs,
with offices being ordered to shut down.

Speaker 10 (06:09):
White House Press Secretary.

Speaker 9 (06:10):
Caroline Levitt called the move a win for Americans, saying
that these programs are a societal problem. The FDA has
approved a Johnson and Johnson nasal spray to treat major depression.
That makes the spray called Spravado, the first ever standalone
therapy for treating major depressive disorder that fails to improve
with standard drug regiments. The FDA green light means that Spravado,

which has been used since twenty nineteen along with an
oral medication, can now be used all by itself. Health
experts say about a third of the twenty one million
US adults who suffer from treatment resistant major depression are
not actually getting relief from symptoms, which can include persistent sadness, insomnia,
lack of energy, and suicidal ideations. So potentially this could
be a really great thing. And finally, how many people

here are sparkling water?

Speaker 10 (06:57):
People midilin Gary?

Speaker 6 (07:00):
Yeah, well good, I choose effervescence from time to time.

Speaker 9 (07:03):
Okay, Apparently that's a good thing because drinking sparkling water
along with a balanced diet and regular exercise exercise, they say,
could have an impact on weight. The carbon dioxide in
sparkling water can cause a process that boosts how much
glucose the body uses, meaning less sugar is left behind
as fat. That's according to a study out of Japan.
It also points out, however, that sparkling water can cause

or exacerbate conditions like reflux disease or itable bowel syndrome,
But overall it might be great for you if you're
trying to lose a little weight and those are your
three things.

Speaker 7 (07:33):
It's kind of funny when you talk about how cold
it is where you are, then people start comparing if
we were talking about this one time, remember that froggy Yeah,
but it's ten degrees here. Well it's nine here, So
does that mean nine degrees person wins or loses?

Speaker 6 (07:48):
I'm trying to figure that out. It's a thermometer measure
in contest. It is in Ohio, a Texas. I'm in Ohio.

Speaker 7 (07:55):
It's negative six and it feels like negative twelve. This
feels like the I mean fever. This feels like temperature
is putting us in a whole new race. Right here's
someone from Pennsylvania. We'll let you know. It's currently negative fifteen.
Feels like negative twenty eight.

Speaker 9 (08:11):
Boo, negative twenty eight versus negative twelve. I just need
to know what the difference there is, because once I
can't feel my body, I can't feel my body.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
Who cares that that.

Speaker 6 (08:22):
Numb is numb? Are you guys ready for your Wednesday. Yeah,
let's go.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
That's funny to me, it's funny.

Speaker 14 (08:31):
Do you have a sense of humor?

Speaker 1 (08:32):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (08:35):
Freshen up your morning with Wendy's Breakfast like a breakfast
baconator or a grilled sausage breakfast burrito, or even a
honey buddy ready for a fresh wake up call. It's
got to be Wendy's at participating us Wendy's.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (08:55):
Gandhi, and do you know what today is Janna's birthday?

Speaker 7 (08:59):
It is Deanna's birth day. Well, well that's one of
the answers. Actually, that was the proper answer to give. Okay,
thank you for doing that. Yeah, we all signed the card.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
Yeah, I wrote for you.

Speaker 6 (09:13):
Don't worry, thank you, Danielle. And but no, there's another
thing that's going on today.

Speaker 10 (09:18):
Come on, think is it the alignment of the planets? No,
that was last night.

Speaker 6 (09:24):
Come on, it's about you, about me. It's National Hot
Sauce Day.

Speaker 10 (09:32):
I didn't know that. And I had a whole day.

Speaker 6 (09:33):
Oh my god, yeah, I know you have a whole
day to you.

Speaker 7 (09:36):
Yeah, I, as a matter of fact, on my dinner
last night. I didn't even know today was National Hot
Sauce Day. So on the eve of National Hot Sauce
Day last night, I doubted my dinner with some hot sauce.

Speaker 6 (09:48):
So I went with Chilula last night, Okay, because I
like that that wooden't lid, you didn't talk anyway, So
of everyone on the show, of course, as you note,
Gandhi is the total hot sauce freak.

Speaker 10 (10:03):
I love it.

Speaker 6 (10:04):
Yeah, baby, hot sauce.

Speaker 10 (10:06):
Burn those buds off. I'm a fan, but.

Speaker 6 (10:09):
I know you.

Speaker 7 (10:09):
It's more to you. It's more than heat to you.
It's the taste of the chilis and things like that,
and then that sting.

Speaker 10 (10:17):
Yes, it's got to be a combination.

Speaker 9 (10:18):
I don't like all sting because there's the pain factor
and then there's the flavor factor, and I need a
healthy combination of the two.

Speaker 6 (10:25):
Right, I agree? I agree?

Speaker 7 (10:27):
Now, is there a And I'm sure this is difficult
to answer me. It's like asking a mother which kid
is her favorite?

Speaker 5 (10:32):

Speaker 6 (10:33):
Is there a hots? Is there a hot sauce that
you love more than any other? A brand?

Speaker 10 (10:37):
A brand?

Speaker 1 (10:40):

Speaker 9 (10:40):
This is a really, really tough one because it just
depends on what I'm meeting it with like there's there's
some sauce that has one that's really good.

Speaker 10 (10:47):
So like Chilula.

Speaker 9 (10:48):
I really like their garlic, the garlic pepper because it
adds a really good flavor.

Speaker 10 (10:52):
But then if you just want spice, tabasco is always good.
It's tough. It's really hard to pick just one.

Speaker 6 (10:57):
I like a good old hobbit arrow myself.

Speaker 10 (10:59):
Yeah, hobbit arrows or sweet.

Speaker 7 (11:00):
Chili chill Little has a good sweet chili hot sauce.
I'm into them all, but there's nothing better I love,
and there's really no recipe for it in my world anyway.

Speaker 6 (11:10):
Just beans and.

Speaker 7 (11:10):
Rice with some hot sauce on top, maybe some some
pickle hallapinos, you know, on top, with a little hot tortilla.

Speaker 6 (11:18):
To me, that's the best dinner ever.

Speaker 7 (11:20):
I've moved from steak and potato to beans and rice
with hot sauce, without hot, without hot sauce.

Speaker 5 (11:25):
It doesn't work now.

Speaker 6 (11:27):
Maybe some lime, yeah, I mean scary. Yes.

Speaker 15 (11:31):
So I saw Shaq was on hot ones. It was
on TikTok. It served on my algorithm yesterday and he
couldn't get through wing number eight. And I was thinking
the whole time. Gandhi would be perfect for hot ones.
Like trying all those sauces. I think you'd get through.
I think you'd run the table.

Speaker 10 (11:46):
Well, I don't know.

Speaker 9 (11:48):
I'm not again, I'm not a fan of just like
tearing my esophagus for no reason.

Speaker 10 (11:52):
Why not?

Speaker 9 (11:54):
Yeah, it's there are serious repercussions when you need something
that's way too hot and it lasts for days, it
comes up both ends. I don't want to do I'm
not trying to do that.

Speaker 6 (12:02):
Yeah, And there are much more creative ways to tear
your softag. I don't know.

Speaker 7 (12:13):
As you're getting ready for work today, you know, I'm
reminded of this all the time. If you have a
newer car, you don't have to warm it up, you know,
and the old well, unless you want the heat to
warm up the cabin, you know that. That's but yeah,
the way cars are built these days, these days, the
engine doesn't need to be warmed up and looped as

as it did back and when we were kids.

Speaker 6 (12:37):
That's that's right, that's correct, right frog.

Speaker 8 (12:40):
Yeah, No, it's absolutely you don't have to sit there
and let the engine warm up. If you're going to
be scared. They used to call it throwing a rod.
You're not going to do that.

Speaker 6 (12:46):
Now, Oh boy, I don't want to throw a rod.
You just don't know.

Speaker 7 (12:51):
But yeah, so you know, when you're waking up in
the cold weather, as a majority of us are today,
you're thinking, well, I better get out to start that
car really early so it'll loops up, so the lifters
are not pecking, and the peckers aren't lifting, and everything's
well loved. You don't have to do that anymore because
it's all injection or whatever whatever it's called.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
Wait a minute, but if you're in a place like
Florida that your car's not used to it like, it's
like a shock for your car, no matter what. Isn't
it like your car is like what the it's a
shock for you?

Speaker 8 (13:20):

Speaker 7 (13:21):
Yeah, yeah, So that's why it's good to turn your
car on to get the heat on inside so you're comfortable, okay.

Speaker 9 (13:26):
And isn't it always a problem if the peckers are
not lifting?

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Yes, yeah, nobody likes.

Speaker 6 (13:33):
Did you care to expand on? Please expand on that?
Go right ahead.

Speaker 10 (13:36):
I thought it was a car thing that you were
just talking about.

Speaker 6 (13:40):
Scary's asking carburetors what happened to carburetors.

Speaker 3 (13:43):
Yeah, what happens to the days of the carburetor?

Speaker 8 (13:46):
Now they're fuel injected.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
Oh so the fuel injection took the place of the carburetor.

Speaker 6 (13:49):
Yes, that spurts the fuel in there.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
I know nothing about cars, but.

Speaker 7 (13:53):
Also you know there's all those moving parts in the engine.
And the theory in the old days was you started
up so all the lubric can like roll through and
get it all lubed up and ready for the drive.

Speaker 6 (14:06):
This is the most sexual conversation.

Speaker 10 (14:07):
Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 6 (14:10):
With that said, let's let's get into the horoscopes with
producer Sam.

Speaker 2 (14:14):
Nothing down like that.

Speaker 7 (14:16):
I know, I know it's not froggy because that's tomorrow
for food News Thursday.

Speaker 6 (14:20):
Who are you doing with today? How about daniel How
about Danielle? Danielle?

Speaker 2 (14:24):
It is Caitlin Clark's birthday, It is Logic's birthday today,
it's Guy Fieri's birthday today, and other you own Danna.

Speaker 3 (14:33):

Speaker 6 (14:34):
All right?

Speaker 2 (14:34):
So January is oh Capricorn, right, Okay, invest in something
that will benefit you in the long run. Take the
initiative for something. Your day is a six Aquarius.

Speaker 11 (14:43):
You need to start taking more risks. If you don't,
you'll never learn something new. Your day's an eight, Hey, Pisces.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
Embrace the rises and falls of life. If you're down,
keep picking yourself up to reach that success. Your date
is seven aries.

Speaker 11 (14:54):
If you don't believe in your power, you're already wilfully
giving it up.

Speaker 10 (14:58):
Your day's a sex Taris.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
Small acts of dedication over time is what makes the
big change. Be proud of your micro efforts. Your date
is a ten.

Speaker 11 (15:06):
Hey Gemini, You've been through quite the rough patch. Enjoy
this period of relief without fear of it ending. Your
day's nine cancer.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
If somebody is trying to connect with you, let them in.
It could be valuable to both of you. Your date
is a five Leo.

Speaker 11 (15:18):
If you're gonna die on that hill, understand that might
be what happens. Is it worth it? Your day's of
seven all right, Virgo.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
Make sure you're taking care of your essentials before you
burden yourself with things for other people. Your days of
nine Libra.

Speaker 6 (15:30):
You gotta shake up your creativity.

Speaker 10 (15:32):
Try and activity. A friend is more interested than you are.
Your day's a nine.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
I'd Scorpio. Don't start making those big decisions during high
periods of stress. Just make it weight. Your date is
an eight.

Speaker 11 (15:42):
And finally, Sagittarius. Remember you get more with sugar, so
check your tone when asking for a favor. Your day's
an eight and those are your Wednesday morning horoscopes.

Speaker 5 (15:50):

Speaker 6 (15:50):
Now, Danielle, what are you have coming up?

Speaker 2 (15:52):
Benson Boone tries a really cool tradition in Australia, and
fire Aid is all set to help everyone in Los.

Speaker 6 (15:58):
Angeles jumping off pianos in Australia.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Something a little different.

Speaker 6 (16:04):
All right, we love ben some boon alright, that and.

Speaker 14 (16:06):
More on the West the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 6 (16:11):
Welcome home, Honey.

Speaker 7 (16:12):
At Mercedes Benz, there's a reason they go the extra mile,
from testing their vehicles in desert heat and arctic cold
to creating AI that can anticipate your needs and preferences
on the road. They demand every car is worthy of
their star because it's Mercedes Benz.

Speaker 14 (16:28):
Elis ran in the morning show.

Speaker 7 (16:31):
Well, my factor arrival occurred yesterday. I got my first
factory meal for dinner last night.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
And you never know.

Speaker 7 (16:39):
As I described what I had for dinner last night,
you'd never know a chef wasn't here making dinner in
four minutes in the microwave. I had chicken alfredo pasta
with garlic eat broccoli.

Speaker 6 (16:53):
It was so good.

Speaker 7 (16:55):
It was nice, creamy alfredo sauce, salted onions and garlic
in butter, and then they in some heavy cream. You
would think, well, that sounds kind of heavy. It was
so good. It was satisfying on a cold winter night. Parmesan, cheese,
roasted garlic. The sauce is draped. I like, whoever writes
this is great. The sauce was draped over tender red
lentil fusili pasta and seasoned shredded chicken breast, then topped

with a sprinkle of more parmesan. It served with garlic
roasted broccoli with nicely balanced out richness of the main.

Speaker 6 (17:23):
You know what I did.

Speaker 7 (17:24):
And then I took my host sauce ban ban bang bum.
I had five grams of five grams of dietary fiber
in there. I had forty grams of protein in there.
That was my dinner and it was pretty It was
really good. Calories total calories six hundred and forty.

Speaker 6 (17:37):
That's it.

Speaker 7 (17:37):
You would think creamy alfredo sauce with at six hundred
and forty calories.

Speaker 6 (17:42):
Factor is the way to go. We love Factor. That
was meal number one. I'm so excited to move forward
and get more. Let them do all the cooking. The
chefs at Factor do it all for you. No need
for meal prep, you, no need to hit the store.
These dietician approved recipes they fitch your goals. I'm in
the proem plus section at Factor right now. I'm looking

forward to roasted red pepper filet mignon tonight. Don't call
me while I'm eating.

Speaker 7 (18:09):
If you want to join up, upgrade your plate like
I did last night, optimize your nutrition, eat smart with Factor.
Here's what you do. Go to Factor meals dot com
and get started today.

Speaker 6 (18:19):
I love it. I can't wait to report back tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (18:21):
It's Factor Meals dot Shallow so we're just talking about sunglasses.

Speaker 5 (18:28):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (18:29):
This is what we do during a song. I'm loving
and I can't wait to rip it off. And even
though he has a whole different look than me in
most of us, Timothy shallow May, Timothy shallow May, shallow
May can rock old granny sunglasses better than anyone I've
ever seen. Ye and then he wears like a fluffy

angra sweater got it going on?

Speaker 2 (18:55):
You know, when you've been asked all about this? When
he comes in to see us this week.

Speaker 6 (18:58):
Oh that's right, he's in town, personnel.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Can you can sit down and you can talk to
him all about his sunglasses and where he purchased them
in everything. I cannot wait? What day does that night?

Speaker 5 (19:07):
I was still waiting on confirmation.

Speaker 7 (19:09):
I mean, it's four blocks away from us. It seems
like he could just trip on over with his grandma glasses.
But you know, grandma glasses are not complete unless you
have that fake pearl chain that goes.

Speaker 6 (19:20):
Around your neck.

Speaker 10 (19:23):

Speaker 6 (19:24):
Well, you know.

Speaker 7 (19:25):
I don't know if it's Timothy Chalomage who's leading the charge,
but a lot of the big time designers, I mean,
like the Guccies and the is it low way way,
how do you say it? Louis eye low Loie Louie
Wowie o w you know who I'm talking about, right,
you've seen it lo e w e Oh yeah, look
Louis Wie Louis Louis right.

Speaker 6 (19:47):
Anyway, they're coming up with men's sunglasses that look like
sunglasses your great grandma wore back to the nineteen seventies.

Speaker 2 (19:54):
Everything makes a comeback.

Speaker 7 (19:57):
Well, I don't think these were ever here form. I
don't know if men ever wear grandma glasses. This is
this is this is a first. Okay, so I'm excited.

Speaker 6 (20:06):
I'm excited. I gotta go to got Goodwill to name
get me.

Speaker 2 (20:09):
You know what else they're saying is coming back. We
were talking about this before. Number one on the trends
coming back for twenty twenty five skinny jeans.

Speaker 6 (20:17):
Really, Yep, that was good.

Speaker 10 (20:19):
They came, they went, they came.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
But do you find this, Gandhi When you go to
a store to buy a pair of pants, now everything
is in like honestly, there's big pants, little pants. Now
they have barrel pants. That's the new thing. Barrel plants,
barrel plants. Where what you like exactly?

Speaker 6 (20:33):
I can't. I can't wait to wear my dusters today.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
We are you gonna wear your chaps to work?

Speaker 7 (20:39):
I can't. I'm gonna wear dusters with chaps and grandma glasses.
It's gonna be great. At my fuzzy Angora sweater. I'm
ready for the day. I'm so excited. I do love
for men. I do love those fuzzy sweaters. You know,
the one I'm talking about Yes.

Speaker 2 (20:54):
The ones with the little buttons in the front, like
the little cart I love them, Yes, I love them.

Speaker 6 (20:58):
I got one of those. It's a girl today. I
love that. It's a doll ball. It's just precious. That's
very little swatter unit I've gotten.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
Yeah, they're all over the place now for girls and guys.
Are so cute and comfy.

Speaker 6 (21:11):
All right, Well that with a pair of Grandma glasses.

Speaker 7 (21:13):
I'm set. I'm good to go. Yeah, JoJo's gonna be
here tomorrow. We gotta play some Jojo.

Speaker 5 (21:19):
Let's do it.

Speaker 7 (21:20):
We get some Jojo ready to go, and then I
do believe early next week, maybe Monday.

Speaker 6 (21:25):
Teddy swims. Yeah, who we just love He really really
made us fall in love with him even more during
jingle Ball, don't you agree?

Speaker 2 (21:36):
Don't forget Timothy Shallame is coming in this week.

Speaker 6 (21:39):
And Timothy Challomey somewhere in between.

Speaker 12 (21:41):

Speaker 6 (21:42):
Pretty cool.

Speaker 7 (21:43):
Let's get into the Danielle report. Danielle, Yes, oh, Danielle,
what are you got going on today?

Speaker 2 (21:47):
All right, let's talk about Benson Boone. He took cart
in an Australian tradition, drinking from a shoe. He was
on tour in the country and he did what the
locals do. It's called a shoeye. He actually paused the
show to drink water from a fans cowboy boot. The
crowd went wild. Usually you drink a beer from the shoe,
but I think he drank some water or something. And

he said to the lady, you have very good hygiene,
miss thank you. Oh yes, anyway, said it wasn't that bad.
Said it wasn't that So. I've been talking about the
fire Aid benefit concert and it has finalized the lineup. Now,
I told you everybody wanted to be part of this
so much so that they had to have two different
venues because so many people wanted to help out. So

at the Kia Forum, you're gonna have Pink Alanis Morris said,
Dave Matthews and John may Or, Green Day, Stevie Nicks,
No Doubt Read how Chili Peppers, Joni Mitchell and Moore
add the into It Dome, Billie Eilish, Lady Gaga, Katie Berry,
Olivia Rodrigo, Jelly Rolls, Stevie Wonder, Gracie Abrams and more.
Tickets going on sale today starting at twelve pm Pacific time,

and the shows are set for January thirtieth, and of
course we're gonna be on it all our iHeart stations
will be broadcasting it for you. A hopefully we will
raise a lot of money for Los Angeles to help
them out with the wildfires.

Speaker 6 (23:03):
You know, last night I was watching the news, Danielle. Yeah,
the fire blowing sideways.

Speaker 7 (23:11):
You know how it is when it rains and you
see sideways rain. This was sideways fire with all the
embers and everything.

Speaker 6 (23:17):
I kid, you know, I could feel the heat for
my TV. You could feel it just looking at it.

Speaker 7 (23:22):
And there's still there's still dealing with so much out there,
and the aftermath of what they've dealt with already is
monumental as well. So let's not forget what's going on there.
Please red Cross if you just want to do anything,
please red Cross at Redcross dot org.

Speaker 6 (23:38):
All right, sorry, back to you.

Speaker 2 (23:39):
That's okay. Congratulations to Shay of Dan and Shay. He
and his wife Hannah are proud parents do baby number four?
Did you know that they have all a names Asher, Ames,
Abram and now little baby boy Aubrey has entered the building.
So congratulations, Yeah, pretty cool. Tomorrow morning we find out
the Academy Award nominations Yang from SNL he will be

doing the announcing. You saw him in Wicked. He was very,
very funny. But we already have the Razzie Award nominations
and that the worst in THEATA. Yes, the worst on
the big screen. So Borderlands never saw it. The New
Joker movie is so bad. Yeah. Also Madam Webb, Megalopolis

and Reagan all on the list for worst pictures. So
there you go. The winners will be announced March first.
I know I say winners, but is it really winners?

Speaker 1 (24:32):

Speaker 15 (24:32):
Is it?

Speaker 8 (24:32):

Speaker 6 (24:33):
Absolutely, It's a category, the Razzies.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
Yeah, I guess I would be kind of excited if
I want a Razzie. Yeah, get I get.

Speaker 10 (24:39):
The worst of the worst. I don't want to be midworst,
true all or nothing.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
That is true?

Speaker 6 (24:42):
Okay, balls deep baby, go oh you are correct.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
Guys. Guess what what Netflix is raising its prices again?

Speaker 1 (24:50):

Speaker 2 (24:50):
The biggest hike is the standard plan. It's gonna go
from fifteen forty nine to seventeen ninety nine a month.
That's two dollars and fifty cent increase. Then the Supported Plan,
the ad supported plan six ninety nine to seven ninety nine.
I don't know when the prices are going up. They
haven't said, but I know that it is going to
be happening, so they said it. It's the first time
since October of twenty twenty three, so it's still that's

not that long ago. But anyway, what are we watching?
They've got Celebrity Jeopardy, all your Chicago shows, Med Fire,
PD I'm I liked it. I think I told you
guys about Atypical, which is a show from a while
ago with Michael Rappaport and Jennifer Jason Lee. It's about
their son who's living with autism and the family dynamic.
The show tugs on every single heartstring you have. It

makes you cry, it makes you smile, it makes you laugh.
It's just so beautifully done. So if you want to
watch that, it's called Atypical And has anybody watched Before
on Netflix with Billy Crystal. Apparently it's ten episodes and
a lot of people have been saying that I should
watch this, So if anybody has watched it, please let
us know. It's called Before on Netflix And that is
my Danielle.

Speaker 6 (25:53):
Report so Jojo on the show show tomorrow. Wow, we've
played this in a long time. Have we too little,
too late, Jojo on the show show.

Speaker 14 (26:12):
Elvis Duran, he just keeps opening his mouth in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (26:17):
Freshen up your morning with Wendy's breakfast, like a breakfast baconator,
or a grilled sausage breakfast burrito, or even a honey
buddy ready for a fresh wake up call. It's got
to be Wendy's at participating us. Wendy's all right, everyone
settled in with TikTok? Are we back? I mean, you're like,

nothing happened? Are we good?

Speaker 3 (26:41):
Watching my videos again?

Speaker 2 (26:42):
I didn't even look at it.

Speaker 10 (26:43):
Nothing really happened for me because I don't use it much.

Speaker 6 (26:46):
Okay, well you know, uh Gandhi has come up with
something in honor of Dianna's birthday.

Speaker 7 (26:52):
Are Deanna Banana, who, by the way, with the unplugged TikTok?
She said, She says that she watched seven years of
Oliver digital work on our show just disappear into the ether. Anyway,
So what we're gonna We're gonna do this in a
few minutes, not yet, but this game you put together,
oh Deanna?

Speaker 6 (27:10):
Yeah, what's it about?

Speaker 9 (27:12):
This is songs that were big on TikTok? Those songs
that went viral on TikTok. Maybe TikTok made them a hit.
Maybe they were already a hit a long time ago
and TikTok brought them back. But these were all viral
on TikTok.

Speaker 6 (27:22):

Speaker 7 (27:22):
Well, we can't do it yet because we want Deana here,
but we can't do it without her. She's at Starbucks.
It's her birthday. She's getting her free coffee.

Speaker 10 (27:29):
Oh you should.

Speaker 6 (27:33):
Exactly, no, no, man, if it's free and for me.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
Yeah, you know what, I wonder how many places you
can go on your birthday and get free stock.

Speaker 6 (27:41):
Don't you get a free Can't you go in to
Baskin Robbins and they give you something free? God, that'd
be great. I think that's true.

Speaker 9 (27:48):
Yeah, there are lots of places like makeup stores. I
think it's Aphorah right that you get a little gift
on your birthday.

Speaker 6 (27:55):
My god.

Speaker 7 (27:56):
Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna use my fake ID and go
to Saphoria today.

Speaker 10 (27:59):
I mean it's this is actually.

Speaker 7 (28:05):
And by the way, when it comes to your four
digit pin, you know, we we use these four digit
pins everywhere, you know, at the ATM, you use them
here and there. I I I have three different four
digit pins I use, like, for instance, when I check
into a hotel and they have those little stupid safes
that can't can't guard anything if you think about it,

I have a pen I use every single time. So Alex,
when we're together, he knows our pen is a friend
of mine. Is you read this article yesterday? But the
number one pen people uses one, two, three, four? Of
course another one on the list. Okay, who are these people?
There's another four digit pin on the list in this survey,
six nine, sixty nine, sixty nine, sixty nine.

Speaker 10 (28:50):
That's froggies.

Speaker 6 (28:51):
Yeah, you use sixty nine six you and Scotty Bam
that uses six in the past.

Speaker 3 (29:00):
It's easy to remember.

Speaker 16 (29:02):
I just picture I'm typing it in and being like,
you know, it's said great about our sixty nine and
sixty nine pin.

Speaker 6 (29:14):
I can turn my head upside down. It's the same pin.
Look at that.

Speaker 7 (29:20):
Anyway, you freaks? Where were we were talking? What was I
talking about? Something?

Speaker 10 (29:25):

Speaker 6 (29:26):
Birthdays? Oh?

Speaker 1 (29:27):

Speaker 7 (29:27):
Who can we talk about TV and movies? They're saying
this big, huge research project came out in Hollywood. Whatever
about the TV shows and the movies that we love?
The number one most loved film in this research and
the number one most loved TV show in this research.

Speaker 6 (29:49):
Where two I've never seen.

Speaker 10 (29:51):
A lot of the time or were they from a certain.

Speaker 6 (29:54):
Twenty twenty four I'm sorry?

Speaker 7 (29:55):
From this past year Timothy Timothy shallow May and the
Bob Dylan movie What's it called Again?

Speaker 3 (30:02):

Speaker 7 (30:04):
Yes, most loved movie in the survey. Show Gun is
the number one most loved TV show.

Speaker 10 (30:10):
Yeah good cleaned up at the the Emmy's right?

Speaker 2 (30:14):
Show Gun?

Speaker 1 (30:15):
I did it?

Speaker 17 (30:16):

Speaker 2 (30:16):
I think did I think it did?

Speaker 17 (30:17):

Speaker 6 (30:17):
I think you're right, Nate, did you love Showgun?

Speaker 13 (30:19):
I loved it? I really did. It was just so
beautifully made, the story and the costuming. I just you
get sucked in that world. Maybe that's where I'm going
to start tonight.

Speaker 5 (30:30):
Show do it? Do it? You will not?

Speaker 6 (30:33):
Don't yell at me. Why are you yelling at me?

Speaker 2 (30:35):
I think you'd like the Timothy Shallomet movie as well.
It was really good.

Speaker 6 (30:39):
I'm waiting for that to stream so I can want
you to well.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
I can't wait. You know, when he comes in this week,
we can ask him all about how you know making
of that film was?

Speaker 10 (30:48):
I like, do you have a plan you have a plan,
I really do.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
I keep thinking, if I put this out in the universe,
it is going to come back to manifest.

Speaker 7 (30:54):
And you are You're going beyond putting it out in
the universe. You're You're It's everywhere.

Speaker 2 (30:59):
I told you every single break. I'm connection And I'm kidding.

Speaker 6 (31:03):
Another TV show on the list of most love this week,
this year, this past year. Rather it is a Landman,
which we just a lot of us love. So I'm
I'm still in search of a new show. I don't
know what to watch.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Well, like this one that I just mentioned. A lot
of people are saying, this is a good one. Wait,
hold on, let me find what the.

Speaker 6 (31:24):
Hell it's so good. I don't know the name of it.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
It's one It's one word. I always forget the one
word shows.

Speaker 7 (31:30):
Okay, it's a one word show, all right. Well, when
you get to that, let me know. I love I
love Black Doves. I thought that was amazing.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
I have one more episode left of Black.

Speaker 6 (31:41):
Oh doesn't that make you mad? When you have one more.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
Left of the It does? And I have three shows
going at once right now, and so sometimes I'm confused.
I'm like, well, wait, was that on that show? Was
that on that show? Was that on that show?

Speaker 6 (31:53):
Yeah? Gandhi, are you watching anything?

Speaker 10 (31:55):
I just started Succession.

Speaker 6 (31:58):
Oh that's right, You're gonna love it.

Speaker 9 (31:59):
Yeah, I'm hearing a lot of good things. And it's
it's an interesting show.

Speaker 2 (32:04):
The star is Before on Netflix with Before, that's that's
one word. Yeah, everybody is talking about it, apparently. I've
I've got a lot of d ms about it. People
around here have told me about it.

Speaker 6 (32:13):
I don't know, Okay, Before who's in that?

Speaker 2 (32:16):
I know Billy Crystal's in it. It's I think it's
ten episodes.

Speaker 9 (32:20):
I like documentaries. I feel like they can't come out
with them fast enough.

Speaker 6 (32:22):
I mean more, I agree, I agree, and there's not
enough out there.

Speaker 5 (32:26):
You're right.

Speaker 7 (32:26):
I watched the Humphrey Bogart documentary.

Speaker 6 (32:30):
Which was is on Prime. I watched that last night.
He came out last year. Fascinating.

Speaker 7 (32:35):
You know that this big time, huge golden era of
Hollywood superstar Humphrey Bogart married to Lauren Bacall. They were
both big superstars in Hollywood, and uh, just just even
if you're not really into the movies or anything, maybe
you've heard of him, you've seen him, you know, whatever,
in passing just to see the story rolled out about

his life, how he got started, what kind of family
he's from.

Speaker 5 (32:59):
And how we didn't he say that sweetheart?

Speaker 12 (33:02):

Speaker 18 (33:03):

Speaker 6 (33:04):
I guess so I'm serious. I think I think you
did call someone not to be confused with Edward g.

Speaker 7 (33:13):
Robinson, which is like, though, hello, well, yeah, I'm sure
they knew each other.

Speaker 6 (33:23):
Okay, Oh, here's my list.

Speaker 7 (33:24):
Okay, so a complete unknown favorite movie of twenty twenty four.
Showgun top TV series, Deadpool and Wolverine was second. Oh
as far as TV shows, right, yeah, The Wild Robot
in third.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
Oh, these are movies, Yeah, these are movies.

Speaker 6 (33:44):
The movie. I'm sorry, movies movie, Yes, the Wild. Did
you see Wild Robot?

Speaker 1 (33:48):

Speaker 9 (33:48):
No, it's on my list though, I really want to
see it, and I heard it was great.

Speaker 6 (33:52):
I love how all these are favorites. I haven't seen
any of them.

Speaker 2 (33:55):
Well, it's very hard to watch everything. You know, it's
just like so much and then you find that there's
do you find this too? Like you finished something great
and then there's so much more to watch, but you're like,
I can't find anything.

Speaker 10 (34:06):
Yeah, there's nothing, nothing I want.

Speaker 7 (34:09):
The most watched movie was beetlejuice. Beetle juice, which I
didn't think. I didn't think that was any great thing.
Just me, I'm sorry, am I being made?

Speaker 6 (34:18):
I thought it was.

Speaker 10 (34:19):
It was decent, it was fine.

Speaker 9 (34:20):
I'm very surprised Wicked hasn't made an appearance yet in
what you're saying.

Speaker 7 (34:23):
That's yeah, you know, you're right, that's kind of crazy.
Bad Boys Ride or Die?

Speaker 10 (34:29):
That one? Yes, what is it?

Speaker 9 (34:34):
It's the fourth installment of Bad Boys with Will Smith
and Martin Lawrence.

Speaker 6 (34:38):
Oh I need to see that.

Speaker 1 (34:39):

Speaker 7 (34:41):
The Bear of course on the list. As for TV shows,
prime series, Fallout was most watched, followed by The Penguin
and Dune Prophecy.

Speaker 9 (34:51):
Oh, the Penguin my sister loved. She said it was
really good.

Speaker 6 (34:55):
That's another one. I'm hearing great things.

Speaker 8 (34:57):
Yeah, Froggy GONDI just used the word that when somebody
uses it, it's a nice way of saying it's not good.
Decent DC is a good world. It's decent decent. It's
not the nice way of going It ain't that great.

Speaker 10 (35:12):
Wait, what did I use decent with.

Speaker 6 (35:15):
Beal juice?

Speaker 5 (35:16):
Beetle juice?

Speaker 19 (35:16):

Speaker 10 (35:16):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 6 (35:19):
See now you understand what you said, and you do
you still passable? That's worse than decent?

Speaker 4 (35:24):
Well it was.

Speaker 9 (35:24):
It's a movie that, like you see it once and
you're like, oh, that was great, and then you move
on from it. I don't think I would go revisit
or tell other people to see it. But I wasn't
offended by it.

Speaker 6 (35:32):
It was just I'm reading the text messages coming in
at fifty five one hundred. Several people have mentioned Man
on the Inside on Netflix. I love Man on the Side,
the series with Ted Danson.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Let's see, I just started the Blacklist. Remember I told
you guys, I just started the Blacklist. I know we're
late to the party, but there is not one disappointing episode.

Speaker 6 (35:54):
Frog. Is there something you want to say about Man
on the Inside.

Speaker 8 (35:58):
I don't you move on?

Speaker 7 (36:01):
I wish I had a dollar for every time we've
said shut up Froggy on our show. I'm so sorry.
I have like eighty five dollars. Let's see, people are saying,
watch Goliath.

Speaker 5 (36:13):
That wasn't that with Billy Bob Thornton.

Speaker 6 (36:18):
Yeah it is.

Speaker 7 (36:19):
And there's a of course because of Landman, people are
loving Billy Bob Thornton a lot Lincoln while you're always
getting to two.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
Votes that just got picked up for a new season two.

Speaker 6 (36:28):
There you go.

Speaker 13 (36:29):
Yes, uh straight, No, you were giving us the things
to watch, but I think we should be giving the
list of things to not watch Joker two, Joker too.

Speaker 6 (36:37):
And then Gandhi also warned me, which I didn't heed
the warning Gladiator too. Oh damn god.

Speaker 13 (36:44):
Okay, I want those two and a half hours back
out of my life.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
I look at the Razzies list and you'll know what
not to watch.

Speaker 10 (36:51):
Try to help you out. You don't listen. It was
like the horrible Mel Gibson movie on Netflix.

Speaker 6 (36:56):
Oh yeah, the radio thing.

Speaker 10 (36:59):
Yeah, that was so bad.

Speaker 9 (37:00):
You're just wasting You're literally wasting your life. You can
never get these hours back.

Speaker 2 (37:04):
Don't do it?

Speaker 6 (37:05):
Wow, See I want to.

Speaker 7 (37:06):
I want to watch Gladiator Gladiator too, because they say
it really makes you think about your sexuality. I think,
see that I'm gonna watch I'm gonna watch Gladiator too.

Speaker 6 (37:15):
Maybe maybe I'm gay. Maybe it will show me that
I'm a gay man.

Speaker 10 (37:18):
You may feel some gay feelings.

Speaker 6 (37:20):
Maybe maybe not. All right, let's get into this game. Uh, Gandhi,
did you have any music for this scary. I could
have some It would be nice if you did.

Speaker 10 (37:30):
Did you find the game? It's called game TikTok.

Speaker 7 (37:33):
We don't need that part. Okay, we're gonna we're gonna solicity.
We just need some music. Music, music, do do doo?

Speaker 5 (37:40):

Speaker 6 (37:42):
Oh god, are we ever gonna get new music?

Speaker 7 (37:46):
Soone's playing it is like a sixth grade kid playing
a recorder.

Speaker 6 (37:53):
Okay, all right, all right, all right, turn it down?
Scary a little? Its lower? Please? Okay? What is what
is the game? There? Gandhi? All right?

Speaker 10 (38:00):
It's Dianna's birthday.

Speaker 9 (38:01):
Happy birthday, Deanna, and she is a big fan of TikTok.
She was very worried when it shut down for a
few hours. So in honor for birthday, I made a
game called Big on TikTok. All of the songs have
gone viral on TikTok. Some of them were old hits
that came back again. Some of them became famous solely
because of TikTok.

Speaker 10 (38:19):
So all you have to do is guess the name
of the song.

Speaker 6 (38:20):
That's it.

Speaker 7 (38:21):
Big on TikTok. Don't have to guess the artist. No name,
Actually the artist is sometimes easier, but yeah, you know, Gandhi,
She's gonna make a little challenging Yes, big on TikTok
eight hundred two four to two zero one hundred. There
you go, Yeah, yeah, Nate three three, I hit the button.
But scary to have the nave up. Okay, now it

is thank you, scary hell.

Speaker 19 (38:45):
Bring it up.

Speaker 7 (38:45):
It is a little low, but that's okay. But don't
want to too loud. It needs to be just right.

Speaker 6 (38:50):
There you go. All right, Gandhi, the three things we
need to know, and coming up next, Big on TikTok.
Let's see how you do.

Speaker 10 (38:55):
All right.

Speaker 9 (38:56):
Speaking of TikTok, President Trump says he's okay with TikTok
being sold to Elon Musk or Larry Ellison. At a
Tuesday press briefing, he was asked if he was open
to Musk purchasing the company. He said he would be
on board, and he'd like Ellison, a chairman at the
tech company.

Speaker 10 (39:10):
Oracle, to buy it too.

Speaker 9 (39:11):
TikTok is currently in a state of limbo in the
US after the Supreme Court upheld a law banning it,
and the app went dark for a number of hours
over the weekend. Trump passign an executive order pushing off
the band for seventy five days, but the Chinese company
Byte Dance still has to sell their share of the
app in order for it to operate legally. In the US,
much of the South is facing snow, ice, and brutally

cold temperatures, in some places breaking snowfall records more than
a century old, and Louisiana, a blizzard warning yesterday was
a first, according to a National Weather Service meteorologist.

Speaker 10 (39:43):
In New Orleans, where snow is pretty rare, more.

Speaker 9 (39:46):
Than eight inches fell, breaking a record set in eighteen
ninety five. At least thirty million people are under snowstorm
warnings through this morning from Texas into Georgia and Virginia.

Speaker 10 (39:56):
At least two deaths that could be.

Speaker 9 (39:58):
Weather related have been reported in Texas. Froggy, are you
doing okay? We see you wearing your winter coat.

Speaker 8 (40:03):
I am wearing my winter coat. It will get better.
It looks like the precipitation here in Jackson is starting
to tail off. But man, there was a lot of
snow yesterday in the Pananno, Tallahassee Destin Pensacola, they got
six inches of snow last night.

Speaker 10 (40:15):
That is wild.

Speaker 9 (40:17):
And finally, BUCkies is suing a Dallas based gas station
chain over possible trademark infringement.

Speaker 10 (40:24):
Yeah, people are not happy about this one.

Speaker 9 (40:26):
The popular chain of travel centers has a well known
logo featuring a cartoon beaver with a red hat backed
by a yellow circle. The defendant of the lawsuit, super Fuels,
has a logo with a cartoon dog wearing a red
cape backed by a blue circle, and Bucky's attorneys say
that the logo resembles BUCkies trademarked beaver a little too closely. Yeah,
BUCkies has filed a couple of similar trademark infringement lawsuits

in recent years.

Speaker 10 (40:49):
So we'll see how that goes. And those are your
three things.

Speaker 6 (40:52):
If you're going to use a beaver, make it unique,
uniquely yours.

Speaker 10 (40:55):
Don't steal beavers.

Speaker 6 (40:57):
That's a good name for a band, Unique Beaver.

Speaker 17 (40:59):

Speaker 5 (41:01):
I would pay.

Speaker 6 (41:02):
I would pay to see them open up for never mind. Wow, Okay,
who's move on again.

Speaker 7 (41:09):
We want to know how much you know about music
from TikTok So call us now.

Speaker 6 (41:16):
Eight hundred and two four two zero one.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 6 (41:21):
The Master of Me is her new biography. It's Kiki Palmer.

Speaker 2 (41:24):
Hey, I have a question about the book. If I
listen to it on like an audible, are you telling
the story?

Speaker 14 (41:29):
Yes, Yes, take an.

Speaker 6 (41:32):
I live, take an edible Turble. At Mercedes Benz, there's
a reason they go the extra mile, from testing their
vehicles in desert heat and arctic cold to creating AI
that can anticipate your needs and preferences on the road.
They demand every car is worthy of their star because
it's Mercedes Benz.

Speaker 14 (41:52):
Elvis in the Morning Show I've never listened to in
my life. Elistan in the Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (42:04):
Hey, welcome to the day. It is Wednesday, the day
before Thursday. But you know Thursday's very special to us.
It's food News Thursday. Froggy is already getting ready for tomorrow.
Froggy's not in the studio in Jacksonville now. I think
he's out shoveling snow.

Speaker 6 (42:20):
Have you seen those stupid videos Floridians with snow and
they go out and they put the ruler in the
snow to see how deep it is and it's like
a quarter inch.

Speaker 10 (42:29):
I know it's a quarter It's more than they've ever had.

Speaker 5 (42:32):
Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 6 (42:34):
So we're about to get into today's game from Gandhi.

Speaker 7 (42:39):
You know, actually our friend Deanna. It's her birthday today.
It's because of Deanna. You're doing this game.

Speaker 9 (42:44):
Right, yes, because Deanna is a big TikToker and she
loves it, and she was very sad when it was
gone for a few hours that it was gone. So
I thought, for your birthday, let's sing the praises of TikTok.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
I love it, yeay.

Speaker 7 (42:55):
Well, before we seeing the praises of TikTok for Deanna,
let's sing.

Speaker 4 (42:59):
O birthday you, Happy birthday to you. Birthday, Happy birthday,
Happy birthday.

Speaker 6 (43:09):
Dan Banana, Deanna, Happy birthday Deanna. Thank you guys.

Speaker 7 (43:15):
Of course, Deanna's in charge of everything video on our show.
That's why it always looks so slick and styley. But
she did shirk her responsibilities a moment ago she left.
She left the studios, went down the street to Starbucks
to get her totally free Starbucks birthday coffee fare.

Speaker 5 (43:33):
You do it again too.

Speaker 10 (43:35):
The system, it was an expensive one. It was like
nine dollars.

Speaker 2 (43:38):
Yeah, I can't believe how big it is like that.
I thought that we had the a little tiny one, but.

Speaker 6 (43:42):
You can get the biggest size on their birthday.

Speaker 2 (43:43):
I don't care, and you order whatever you want.

Speaker 6 (43:47):
Ye up? Yeah, this is awesome.

Speaker 7 (43:52):
It is to be in the form of a coffee,
though you can't get like those coffee lollipop the cake
pops or whatever they're called.

Speaker 5 (43:58):
Oh cakes, coffee.

Speaker 9 (44:00):
See, I was say asking if she could get merch, like,
can you get one of those nice mugs the coffee?

Speaker 10 (44:05):
Tried next time?

Speaker 6 (44:06):
Do they still have brainiac games at Starbucks? Remember that
they used to have games and things?

Speaker 10 (44:11):
Oh my god, I don't know, but I remember that.

Speaker 6 (44:15):

Speaker 7 (44:15):
Anyway, what happy birthday, birthday, Thank you, enjoy your birthday coffee.
Welcome back to uh welcome back to the studios.

Speaker 4 (44:22):
All right?

Speaker 6 (44:22):
So uh so this is the perfect intro for this game.
According to Scary, it is. We didn't really think about that.

Speaker 3 (44:29):
Oh you wanted me to do better, so I did.

Speaker 6 (44:31):
Okay, do better? Scary give us a good intro for
the game.

Speaker 10 (44:34):
Oh oh yeah perfect.

Speaker 3 (44:36):
This is the number one song on TikTok.

Speaker 5 (44:38):
Right, spinning Monkeys.

Speaker 6 (44:40):
Yes, yeah, spinning monkeys. Everyone uses this, you know what.

Speaker 7 (44:43):
TikTok truly has given us an incredible, incredible outlet for music,
and I love how they'll they'll bring in a song
from you know, the nineteen seventies.

Speaker 6 (44:54):
Then everyone today is like, wow, do you hear that
new song on TikTok?

Speaker 10 (44:57):
There could be one some like that in the game.

Speaker 7 (45:01):
Oh well, okay, we'll set up the game because we
have someone ready to play Gandhi.

Speaker 9 (45:03):
Okay, so all these songs have gone viral on TikTok.
Either TikTok broke the song or it brought the song back,
and at some point we have played all of these
songs on this station, so.

Speaker 10 (45:14):
It shouldn't be too difficult. But I'm interested to see
how it ghosts.

Speaker 7 (45:18):
All right, let's go talk to Nicole on line one,
see how she does with the big on TikTok game
from Gandhi? Hi, Nicole, how you doing you get well?
Hello lady?

Speaker 10 (45:31):
Hello, good morning.

Speaker 7 (45:33):
Well, welcome to the day. You're calling from Malvern, New York.
How's your how's your weather?

Speaker 5 (45:38):

Speaker 20 (45:40):
I'm in Malvern, Pa.

Speaker 21 (45:41):
But it's okay, okay, you know what you know, Hey Diamond,
If you look at a map, New York's up here
and Pa is down there.

Speaker 6 (45:53):
She's in They're too busy talking to Andrew.

Speaker 17 (45:55):
No melo, she said, Melvern, of course there is. Okay,
so she.

Speaker 10 (46:04):
That Okay, cool?

Speaker 7 (46:05):
Great, Okay, I'm sorry, are you dismissing us?

Speaker 6 (46:11):
Are you really dismissing us? Really?

Speaker 17 (46:13):
No, I'm just like confused because I literally got that she.

Speaker 14 (46:16):
Me in New York?

Speaker 6 (46:17):
Okay, well, what is what is Andrew doing in there?
Doesn't need stuff to do?

Speaker 2 (46:21):
Do you have stuff to do?

Speaker 5 (46:23):

Speaker 7 (46:25):
There they go, the terrorists of inefficiency. Anyway, we love you,
Diamond and Andrew you even you?

Speaker 6 (46:31):
All right?

Speaker 7 (46:31):
Okay, So Nicole from Malvern, Pa, Let's see how you
do with TikTok music.

Speaker 6 (46:37):
I mean, were you a big fan of TikTok and
then you weren't? Now you are again?

Speaker 20 (46:41):
Yes, exactly?

Speaker 6 (46:42):
Okay, okay, So these are all songs that that in
honor of Deanna's birthday, because she's a big TikToker. GONDI
feels these are the songs that really really really need
well they need applause thanks to TikTok. They're here all right,
here we go viral on TikTok. Here is big on
TikTok song number one. M h the name of that

song is.

Speaker 9 (47:06):
What oh man, oh man, it's over here thumbs downing
she's so mad.

Speaker 20 (47:15):
Yeah, I can hear it in my head.

Speaker 6 (47:19):
Yeah right, or you know it's Harry Styles.

Speaker 20 (47:21):
Right, I got nothing?

Speaker 6 (47:31):
All right?

Speaker 7 (47:31):
Well, okay, okay, that's as it was, Harry Styles.

Speaker 6 (47:35):
The good old Harry Styles, my friend.

Speaker 7 (47:43):
All right, here we go. Here is big on TikTok,
Big on TikTok. Okay, you'll get this one. Song number two,
There were nights.

Speaker 10 (47:51):
When the wind.

Speaker 6 (47:56):
Mm hmmm, yes it is. But what's the name of
this song?

Speaker 12 (48:01):
Oh man, I got nothing, all.

Speaker 6 (48:08):
Right, it's all coming back to me now, but it's.

Speaker 5 (48:18):
All right.

Speaker 6 (48:19):
And then she kicks it in. Yeah, all right, okay,
here we go this one. You'll get big, huge, massive.
You could call this massive on TikTok. What song is this?

Speaker 22 (48:29):
You said?

Speaker 20 (48:38):
Oh my god, I'm too terrible.

Speaker 3 (48:41):
Mm, well we know.

Speaker 6 (48:42):
It's Olivia Rodrigo. Yep, kind of dove ball red light. No,
that's a driver's license. It really really kicked her in
the gear driver's license last week, just.

Speaker 1 (48:58):
Like we always.

Speaker 6 (49:01):
Huge huge, All right, here we go this song massive
on TikTok Number four.

Speaker 9 (49:06):
Here it is We were good, We were godam Okay.

Speaker 6 (49:14):
What's the name of the song Flowers?

Speaker 2 (49:17):

Speaker 6 (49:25):
I think you love that song, don't you condy?

Speaker 10 (49:27):
I'm a fan.

Speaker 6 (49:29):
Okay, let's move on. Here is big on TikTok song
number five? What is this?

Speaker 2 (49:35):
Usually something on TV so we never think about you
and me?

Speaker 6 (49:42):
Yeah, without TikTok, I don't know if anyone would know
that song?

Speaker 20 (49:48):

Speaker 12 (49:48):
No, that's not it.

Speaker 6 (49:54):
Okay, that's class Animals and heat Wave. So you've heard
of a million times on TikTok.

Speaker 7 (50:06):
All right, well, let's keep moving. I know this artist
is going to be on with us tomorrow. Huge on
TikTok number six.

Speaker 2 (50:20):

Speaker 6 (50:23):
Mm hmmm.

Speaker 20 (50:26):
Is that jo?

Speaker 22 (50:29):

Speaker 17 (50:30):

Speaker 6 (50:31):

Speaker 8 (50:31):
All right?

Speaker 6 (50:33):
Uh, all right, here we go Big on TikTok song
number seven.

Speaker 2 (50:38):
Wait till exclusive bound?

Speaker 6 (50:40):
Is the boots out?

Speaker 2 (50:41):
A million closed only fake booties?

Speaker 23 (50:44):
M h.

Speaker 12 (50:45):
I know it, Meghan, but I don't know the name.

Speaker 6 (50:48):
Oh there's a whole ye. Anyone want to guess the
name of the Meghans? The Stallion song Savage Savage or
is it Froncell? There we go Savage Chi Okay, okay,
I'm looking down the last three here. Let's see how
we do here.

Speaker 7 (51:07):
It's a big on TikTok song number eight, The whole
d I'm gonna get late.

Speaker 6 (51:14):
Got the mojo deal?

Speaker 12 (51:18):
All right, kid, I guess.

Speaker 10 (51:23):
See what's that word that you're singing.

Speaker 4 (51:27):
And a lot.

Speaker 7 (51:30):
Sort of like okay, well that's ridety rich and the
box stick in the box.

Speaker 6 (51:39):
Oh, now here's one for you. This is the one
huge on TikTok number nine.

Speaker 3 (51:48):
She got by to a boy like cube.

Speaker 12 (51:53):
I heard that same myth.

Speaker 6 (51:56):
You got the artists down, you got it, I know.

Speaker 1 (51:59):
I know.

Speaker 6 (52:06):
Okay, Well that's unholy sam sman.

Speaker 18 (52:10):
There you go.

Speaker 6 (52:15):
Alright, massive song.

Speaker 7 (52:16):
All right, now we give you the final This is
I'm massive on TikTok numbered Oh no, you got this.

Speaker 6 (52:21):
This is number ten.

Speaker 1 (52:26):

Speaker 6 (52:27):
You say, we watch agree get next? Well yeah, sort of, yeah, okay.
She's a member of a group called Fleetwood Mac. Fleetwood
Mac did the original literally.

Speaker 20 (52:43):
Pictures the like with the gatorade bottle.

Speaker 10 (52:46):
Yeah, on the skateboard.

Speaker 7 (52:48):
You see, you're a huge fan of TikTok. You're a
huge fan of the music that is dreams Fleetwood Mac. Geez,
it was fun, Nicole, you know, and we're reminded how

important TikTok is in our lives.

Speaker 6 (53:11):
What do we have for our friend, Nicole? Well, we
are six days away from National playing a vacation Day
thanks to our friends and visit Florida, and you'll be
getting the lovely Elvis Duran in the Morning Show hoodie
to wear down there because it's quite chilli right there
there you go.

Speaker 7 (53:25):
Make sure you head on down to Florida. They now
call it the Frozen State. Yeah all right, Well, thank
you for listening to us. No, no, thank you, Nicole,
and enjoy your hoodie. Hold on, she's a good sport.

Speaker 5 (53:37):
Yeah, very good sport.

Speaker 6 (53:40):
Hey. You know, that's the thing about music. We hear
these songs over and over and over. We don't know what.
We don't know the names of them. I mean, I
don't know the name of all the songs. Okay, you
know anyway, it is National plan for vacation Day next Tuesday.
We're doing something really cool on the show.

Speaker 7 (53:55):
We're gonna give you a chance to win a Sunshine
Field getaway next Tuesday during the show to Florida thanks
to our friends at Visit Florida. Make sure you listen
all morning long next Tuesday. You can listen to us
before then too. Feel free. We want to send you
to one of the Opal collections stunning and resorts, they've
got Hutchinson Island, Well, they've got a place on Hutchinson Island,

the vibrant allure of the Florida Keith and the Open Collection.
They've got unmatched luxury and local charm and unforgettable experiences
all over Florida. So again, thanks to our friends at
Visit Florida. Next Tuesday morning, we're giving you a trip
to Florida. And if you're in Florida, I'm not quite
sure what you'll get, but you'll be there.

Speaker 5 (54:38):
A part of Florida you don't live in. How about that.

Speaker 7 (54:41):
What you will get is an incredible experience at one
of the Opal Collection properties. So that's happening next Tuesday.
And don't forget when you want to visit Visit Florida.
We love them so much.

Speaker 14 (54:52):
Hey, it's Nicki Minach. This is Rihanna.

Speaker 2 (54:55):
Hey, this is lady. You're listening to Elvis Durant in
the Morning Show. Hey, can I say something?

Speaker 3 (55:14):
You got to hear this?

Speaker 6 (55:14):
This is hilarious.

Speaker 21 (55:15):
Oh my god, by.

Speaker 6 (55:23):
The way, I just laughed and a pooker came.

Speaker 1 (55:26):
Elister ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (55:29):
Hey what do you hankering for? I love that term hankering?
What do you what are you the mood for? What
do you want to eat?

Speaker 12 (55:35):

Speaker 4 (55:36):
What do you?

Speaker 5 (55:36):
What do you need to eat?

Speaker 2 (55:37):
I'm always hankered for a cheeseburger. I don't know why,
but always.

Speaker 6 (55:40):
Wow, I love a good old smash to youes burger
sautat onions in there. What about you, Gandi, what are
you hankering for?

Speaker 9 (55:46):
I mean, this little cookie cake that Deanna just gave
us really squashed all my hankerings.

Speaker 10 (55:51):
I think I have a cavity was it was so good.
It was her birthday cake. She shared it with all
of us. And by the way, she was taking a
photo holding the cake.

Speaker 9 (56:00):
Nate kicked in the door and literally yelled, where's the cake.

Speaker 6 (56:10):

Speaker 2 (56:11):
Bright cookie cake? And that's one of Nate's face.

Speaker 13 (56:13):
It is so good and I'm sorry she was standing
outside with it.

Speaker 6 (56:17):
I ran to get I literally ran to get plates
and silverware, and I came back and she wasn't nowhere
to be found.

Speaker 2 (56:23):
And you know who, Deanna has a lot of allergies
and that's one of the things she can eat that
she doesn't she's not allergic to it, which is good
because of that.

Speaker 5 (56:29):
Any nuts or yeah, don't take away my sugar.

Speaker 10 (56:32):
I hope she hides it so she has some left.

Speaker 2 (56:34):
Right exactly Nate's going to take home.

Speaker 7 (56:38):
I know our friend Brian is in from Chicago. He's
working down the hall. He's the guy that goes under
the under the equipment and behind the equipment and.

Speaker 6 (56:46):
Like uses a screwdriver to do things. That's all I know.
It's the way beyond my knowledge of what we do.
It's that technical end, the stuff that always blows up
around here. He's trying to keep it from blowing. So
he's in from Chicago. I said, well, what do you
want for dinner? I'm taking them about for dinner tomorrow night.
He says, you know what, I've been thinking about? Fish
and chips. I mean, okay, fish and chips.

Speaker 5 (57:09):
Huh. It's a New York kind of things.

Speaker 2 (57:18):
Is still open or.

Speaker 1 (57:20):

Speaker 5 (57:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (57:25):
I have a place in mind, but I don't know
if I can get in. So we'll figure it out.

Speaker 10 (57:28):
Do you think if you say it on the air,
you'll be able to get in.

Speaker 6 (57:31):
I don't like to do that. I don't like to
play scary Jones.

Speaker 18 (57:34):
You can.

Speaker 6 (57:37):

Speaker 2 (57:37):
Is it a place that serves it in like paper,
like newspaper, like traditional fishing.

Speaker 6 (57:42):
I think this is kind of like a high end
seafood place, actually is it? No, No, yeah, it's it's
it's it's British food and stuff like that.

Speaker 7 (57:56):
You could go there and get like British food, which
I love. I love so reason we had to do
fish and chips tomorrow night, so wish me. Let's go.

Speaker 6 (58:05):
Let's do, Danielle, and then we'll go around the room.

Speaker 7 (58:07):
Danielle, you've been, you've been at the gate, ready to
run into the arena and give us a show.

Speaker 6 (58:11):
So it's your turn to burn. What are you got
going on?

Speaker 2 (58:14):
Well, Drake cannot find a buyer for his eighty eight
million dollar Beverly Hills mansion, so he actually brought bought
the place from Robbie Williams for seventy five million, and
then he remodeled it. He tried to flip the property
and unfortunately it's still sitting there. But now he said
he's got to cover his one million dollar property tax,
so instead of selling it, he will rent it. It's

twenty five thousand square feet, three levels, there's an elevator.
Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars per month if you
would like to live there. So if we put our
pennies together, we still can't afford it a month a month.

Speaker 10 (58:48):
Just yeah, okay, you know we could definitely switch.

Speaker 2 (58:51):
Yeah, I mean, you know, no problem. And Netflix and
Shondaland are celebrating Valentine's Day with a Bridgerton Season four
fan event. On Valentine's Day, it's gonna feature Bridgeton stars
and you're also going to get some really cool things
for the season four updates. You're also going to get

a bunch of stuff about Benedict Bridgerton's romantic journey. And
it's gonna all be on tundum dot com and Shondaland
dot com. So if you want to check that out.
I know there's so many Bridgerton fans out there. So
Rosea is starring in the newest Skims campaign. It's all
about Valentine's Day. This time around, it will be a
collection of loungewear, pajamas and intimates. Addison Ray sat down

with Rolling Stone for a little cover story, and she
said that she loves her friend Charlie XCX and that
she is a huge inspiration. I love when women like
spotlight other women and kind of raise them up, and
it's so cool to see them like supporting each other.
She said she was a pivotal moment for her life.
She said, she's a big sister. She's a mentor for me.

She says she respects me and she respects my ideas.
I love it so sweet. Mister Base is getting ready
to make that offer to TikTok. He said that while
sitting on a private jet by the way. He said,
I'm about to put it in my official offer. I
hope I can be the new CEO. I'm super excited.
So we'll see what happens. You never know. Justin Bieber

had to clarify on Instagram that his account was hacked,
causing him to unfollow his wife, Haley Beaver. He quickly
re followed Haley Beaber and then he said she is
the greatest woman I have and will ever know. So
there you go, just in case you were wondering what
happened there, Oh Diamond, I need your help with this one.
So she watched the season finale of The New York

Housewives last last night, and she said she don't know
if that's going to be coming back after what she
saw last night. Go ahead, diamonds.

Speaker 17 (01:00:42):
That show was insane sad at the same time.

Speaker 1 (01:00:45):
I can't.

Speaker 17 (01:00:46):
I feel like I would be a little embarrassed to
say that I was entertained by it. But it was
just a lot going on. I don't want to give
too much away. But Brinn needs help. If you watch
the show, then you know who Brent is and that
woman needs help. That's all I need to say.

Speaker 6 (01:00:59):
Oh okay, what a tease that is my There you go,
all right.

Speaker 7 (01:01:07):
So this is this little restaurant on McDougall Street. It's
it's a British seafood kind of place. They played disco music.

Speaker 6 (01:01:14):
It's fun. They got great great drinks and wines and stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:01:17):
What other food do they have? Do you have like
Shepherd's pie and all that.

Speaker 6 (01:01:19):
It's mainly fish. I don't think you would you would
like it, but yeah, if I can get in there,
I'm on the waiting list, so wish me. But apparently
I've been there before, but I didn't have their fish
and chips. The fish and hips there are supposed to
be superior to all other fish and ships in town.
So there you go, so wish me luck. Yeah, I
don't want to give the name because I feel like
I'm you know, you don't feel like I'm like if

I said, Wow, that restaurant on McDougal called Dame, I
wouldn't want to get in there tonight or tomorrow night.

Speaker 12 (01:01:50):
Got it?

Speaker 14 (01:01:51):

Speaker 6 (01:01:51):
It's called Dame. But yeah, but it only has a
few tables. I heard good things about that place. Yeah,
it is a been but to fish and Chips supposed
to be just amazing. So maybe tonight's the night or
tomorrow night, Tomorrow night. So if you know anyone over there,
let me know.

Speaker 10 (01:02:12):
The worst case scenario.

Speaker 9 (01:02:13):
You can try my reservation trick, which we can't reveal
exactly what it is, but it has worked for everyone
who's tried it.

Speaker 7 (01:02:18):
Well, what's unique about Dame is it's really small. So
I mean when they filled up, they fill up. There's
you know, you know, I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:02:24):
Anyway, let's move on.

Speaker 2 (01:02:26):
Wait, is it the one that you when we were away?

Speaker 6 (01:02:30):
Top secret?

Speaker 2 (01:02:32):
It works?

Speaker 6 (01:02:36):
I don't think it.

Speaker 7 (01:02:36):
You know, if this place was larger, I think it
would work. That top secret thing you do. All right,
let's move on. Let's go around the room. Hey, we
have a special guest for around the room. Andy Andrew.
We got to talk to Andrew about his blood drive.
This is what year three of your blood drive.

Speaker 6 (01:02:54):
Yes, it's our third annual, so exciting. Thanks.

Speaker 24 (01:02:58):
Yeah, I'm really excited. And we only need eat ten
more people to sign up. There's one hundred and twenty
five spots. We have one hundred and fifteen people already
signed up. And so to sweeten the deal, anybody who's
going to the blood drive tomorrow, you are entered into
a raffle where you could win the first pair of
twenty twenty five Z one hundred jingle Ball tickets.

Speaker 14 (01:03:15):

Speaker 6 (01:03:17):
Now, I mean that is taking a chance because I'm
assuming we're having a jingle Ball we don't know.

Speaker 24 (01:03:23):
If not, I'm sure we could make It'll be me
with a guitar on stage somewhere. You also get a
room at the Canopy by Hilton and Jersey City that night,
and they even throw in the free parking.

Speaker 6 (01:03:33):
Wow, you know, pretty cool by Hilton. We love them
so they hosted you last year for the blood drive. Yes, yes,
we love them over there.

Speaker 24 (01:03:40):
So if you want go to redcrossblood dot org where
it says find a blood drive use code Elvis. There
are only ten spots left, and yeah, make sure you
eat a nice meal tonight if you're trying to get
blood tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (01:03:53):
Yeah, eat some like great healthy blood producing foods tonight,
cheeseburgers anyway, exactly, that don't work. Yeah, and keep in
mind red it's redcrossblood dot org.

Speaker 6 (01:04:04):
Is that it?

Speaker 24 (01:04:05):
Yes, redcrossblood dot Org where it says find a blood
drive use code Elvis.

Speaker 7 (01:04:10):
Okay, but if you don't live in New York City
or around Jersey City where this is going on, you
can do this anywhere you live in the world. Redcrossblood
dot Org. Find a place near you where you can
donate some plasma.

Speaker 6 (01:04:23):
Let's go, great job, Elvis, and uh, so far, as
we enter year three for Andrew's blood drive, you've you've
collected forty gallons of blood so far. Yep, forty gallons.

Speaker 5 (01:04:36):
It's a lot.

Speaker 6 (01:04:37):
Nate did the math. That's six hundred and forty cups
of coffee. Oh wow, thirty four hundred shots. Yeah, of wow, blood,
I guess so that's a lot.

Speaker 7 (01:04:48):
Let's do another fifteen twenty gallons. That's your blood drive again.
It's Red Crossblood dot Org. Keyword Elvis, Andrew, and let's go.
Thank you, all right, let's move in around the room.
Around the room, We'll start with a straight Nate, what's
going on.

Speaker 13 (01:05:03):
Okay, it's snowing in parts of the country where it
doesn't normally snow. We're still getting snow in many parts
of the country that do get snow. So here's the
tip that I just started doing myself. Your car, if
you park it outside, flip up those windshield wipers. You
will think me later. Otherwise they're gonna freeze to your windshield.
They're gonna scrape, and they're gonna tear, and you're gonna

have a mess. You won't be able to clear off
water or snow. So go ahead, but before you go
to sleep, go outside flip them up that way.

Speaker 6 (01:05:32):
It's gonna be that much easier to clear off your
windshield in the morning. Trust good old uncle Nate here. Hey,
what the name like, Uncle Nate? How can we not trust?

Speaker 3 (01:05:43):
Right? Froggy? I'm right right, No.

Speaker 8 (01:05:45):
You're right. Yeah, that's a very good tip, Nate.

Speaker 5 (01:05:48):

Speaker 8 (01:05:48):
Who lives in Florida?

Speaker 2 (01:05:49):
Yeah, yeah, guy from Florida exactly.

Speaker 6 (01:05:54):
Well, what's up with you? Guy in Florida? Froggy?

Speaker 8 (01:05:56):
What's up with I love this Instagram account it's called
only in Duva. They just posted if it's snows or
sleeps today, please stay home. When you people in Jacksonville
learn how to drive in the sun, we can discuss
driving in the snow. That's exactly true. We have enough
trouble and it rains here and people don't know how
to drive today there's ice on the road. You're better
to just stay home. We're not exactly the best drivers

here in Florida.

Speaker 5 (01:06:18):
And there you guys.

Speaker 7 (01:06:19):
Yeah, today's just stay home day. In it funny, it
seems like it during the winter. If we have a sunny,
warm day, people don't They don't know how to drive.

Speaker 6 (01:06:26):
It's like, oh, it's colder now.

Speaker 8 (01:06:29):
It's it's twenty nine now. When I drove into work
this morning, it was thirty five. It's getting colder as
the day goes.

Speaker 6 (01:06:35):
Are we gonna have Are we gonna whip it out
and have a how cold is it? Contest?

Speaker 22 (01:06:38):
Yeah, go ahead and you'll win. I have seven seven seven,
We have seven degrees. You always have the biggest thermometer
in the room of us.

Speaker 2 (01:06:50):
We have eleven here.

Speaker 6 (01:06:51):
You have eleven. I know. But someone from Ohio and
to say, well, we've got nugget of forty five.

Speaker 9 (01:06:55):
I have nine on my stres nine it feels like four.

Speaker 6 (01:07:00):
That's you, Gandhi, You're radiating all that heat. Must be
that Danielle, what's up with you today?

Speaker 2 (01:07:05):
So I have a new favorite drink. You guys know,
my Malibu and pineapple was my favorite drink for the
longest time. But when we had a party at your
house this past summer, the guys at Ama made me
a jlapeno margarita.

Speaker 6 (01:07:19):
Oh yeah, spicy margarita.

Speaker 2 (01:07:20):
The other night I had another one out at a pub.
I think I was at a pub in New York
City or somewhere. It was a pub. Oh my gosh.
It was the best thing I have ever had. So
then last night we went to Chili's. So now I'm
scouring all of the menus, going, I know, this is
a spicy margarita here somewhere. It is so good. It

just gives you that little kick and just get you going.
I love it. I love it, I love it. So
that's my new go to a spicy margarita. Very very excited.

Speaker 6 (01:07:50):
Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:07:51):
Alexander and Danny and Alma make the best spicy margarita.

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
It's so good.

Speaker 17 (01:07:56):
It was.

Speaker 7 (01:07:58):
Speaking of spicy margarita. It's our very own spicy margarita. Gandhi, Hello,
what's on your mind today?

Speaker 10 (01:08:04):
Well, happy hot sauce day everybody.

Speaker 9 (01:08:06):
Also, I want to just really quickly shout out the
guys at georg Rolla's Flowers, which is where I stop
and get flowers on my way in. They are open
at like four in the morning. They're not a client.
They're the nicest people ever, and every time I go
in they're the best.

Speaker 6 (01:08:17):
So, Hello, can we charge you forty thousand dollars once
for flowers?

Speaker 9 (01:08:20):
No, that was another place that was a little bodega.
It was it was actually thirty three thousand dollars. Oh okay, yes,
and twenty five then yeah, apparently the zero got stuck.
All right, So I know that it's been a crazy
year for a lot of people. A lot of people
are very anxious right now. And we've talked about this before,
the remedy to anxiety, thanks to our buddy Dan Harris.
He pointed out, the remedied to anxiety is action. So

if you are feeling anxious right now and things are
stressing you out, take some action, be of service, and
it'll probably make you feel a lot better. We went
and did some stuff yesterday. It was super fun and
I do feel great about being able to help people
and feeling like I'm making some kind of difference when
things are crazy right now. So if you're feeling weird,
go out and be of service.

Speaker 6 (01:08:59):
Absolutely nice, say it louder for the people in the
back row, seriously, of service. Absolutely it makes you feel
great and you make people feel great. Scary, what's up
with you today?

Speaker 15 (01:09:09):
You know, it's awkward to butt dow someone, but it's
really awkward to butt out now somebody at four o'clock
in the morning. Do you think because I woke up
the other day and I was my fat finger hit
the wrong button. I was trying to swipe off of
my call screen, and then the next thing, you know,
it says calling Mark Adams.

Speaker 3 (01:09:28):
A program director.

Speaker 7 (01:09:29):
So I'm like, oh my god, Oh he's at weaken
he didn't sleep, he was at work at four am.

Speaker 21 (01:09:33):
I know.

Speaker 15 (01:09:33):
But it's weird because if I'm calling the program director
at four o'clock in the morning, obviously this because some
kind of an emergency, you know, Like I mean, because
why would I call him at fourth four thirty in
the morning like that. So, yeah, I'm sorry, Mark, I
didn't even I didn't even say I'm sorry. I apologize,
but it's okay.

Speaker 6 (01:09:48):
Yeah, Mark Adams is up at four am watching Battlestar
Gal Edmie was up. He's up, and Adam.

Speaker 9 (01:09:54):
I have a quick question about a butt dial. When
you butt dial someone, obviously you hang up as quickly
as you can. If someone butt how long do you
listen before you hang up the phone?

Speaker 10 (01:10:03):
Oh, oh, it's been minutes yet.

Speaker 6 (01:10:05):
To hear something incriminating.

Speaker 10 (01:10:06):
Yes, I usually start yelling help.

Speaker 11 (01:10:08):
It's really funny if they hear before they realize.

Speaker 14 (01:10:11):

Speaker 7 (01:10:15):
I'm somewhat guilty of but dialing, but I carry my
phone in my front pocket, so I call it de dialing.

Speaker 2 (01:10:20):
Oh well, I'm flattered.

Speaker 7 (01:10:25):
Yeah, well I was in my front pocket. Yeah, sorry,
I de dialed you. Hey, producer Sam, what's up with
you today?

Speaker 11 (01:10:32):
So my family love grew a little bit recently, and
I want to wish a huge congratulations to my little
sister and my brother in law because they had their
second baby. Her name is Autumn Ray and my new
joke is now I need to have a baby in
the Autumn and name her Winter because what the heck.
But mom and baby are doing great, and as exciting
as it is to be an aunt, the biggest thing

is watching my little sister mom because I watched her
play with dolls, I watched her be so afraid of
taking this step, and now I get to go watch
her wrangle a toddler while holding this precious, little tiny
nub that she just produced. And my brother in law
as well, is just such a he has such an
aura of love for his daughters.

Speaker 10 (01:11:11):
So congratulations to you both.

Speaker 11 (01:11:13):
And as much as I love being an aunt, I
love being the sister of a mom at least as much.

Speaker 6 (01:11:19):
Right, Crazy Aunt Samantha, I love being crazy Aunt sam
without doubt. Excellent. That was a great around the room.
We got everyone in, if everybody tucked in.

Speaker 7 (01:11:28):
Yeah, okay, good, let's get into the three things we
need to know. We do have a major announcement coming
up in about forty minutes. Whoa, yeah, it's juicy too,
And you know what the announcement is, the announcement, But
in the announcement are some insinuations.

Speaker 6 (01:11:45):
We'll leave it at that. Okay, all right, what's going on? Gone?
The three things?

Speaker 23 (01:11:49):
All right?

Speaker 9 (01:11:50):
The US Mexico border is now closed to migrants seeking asylum.
Refugee admissions are also set to be suspended, leaving little
recourse for people looking to get into the US. A
President Biden policy ended asylum claims for people crossing the
border illegally, but they could still use an app to
schedule an appointment at a legal port of entry.

Speaker 10 (01:12:08):
That app is now gone.

Speaker 9 (01:12:09):
Also, the FDA says more than a dozen cats have
been killed or sickened by bird flu in raw food products.
The FEDS are now investigating how the virus got into
the pet food supply chain. Cases have popped up in California, Colorado, Oregon.
In Washington State, huge numbers of poultry have been culled
to stop bird flu outbreaks, but that meat isn't supposed

to be in pet food. And finally, drinking sparkling water,
along with a balanced diet and regular exercise could impact
your weight in a positive way. Apparently, the carbon dioxide
in sparkling water can cause a process that boosts how
much glucose the body uses, meaning less sugar is left
behind as fat. That is according to a study out
of Japan. And those are your three things.

Speaker 14 (01:12:54):
That's weird, Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:12:57):
You like to live smart, but eating smart can be overwhelming.
That's why Factor sends you chef prepared meals that are
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Pretty smart, right, upgrade your plate, optimize your nutrition and
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Speaker 1 (01:13:17):
Bring it to Elister Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:13:21):
So, do we have any only child children here on
the show?

Speaker 10 (01:13:25):
Deanna is Dianna, Yes.

Speaker 19 (01:13:28):
Yeah, Foggy is See, I'm almost an only child because
my older brothers were way, way older and out of
the house, so I was sort of like an only child.

Speaker 7 (01:13:38):
Yes, thing, I don't Alex my husband definitely an only child,
and there were, which makes.

Speaker 6 (01:13:43):
Me bring this up the dead giveaway. Someone grew up
as an only child. Oh, there's so many.

Speaker 10 (01:13:48):
What do you mean, there's so many?

Speaker 6 (01:13:50):
Yeah, there are so many.

Speaker 7 (01:13:51):
And look, if you're an only child, we're not I'm
not here to like dice and slice, slice and dice.
I'm not here to they insult you. But when you're
an only child, depending on the parents, keep your mind.
It to a parental thing. Actually, it's how they treat
you as an only child and what you can get
away with as an only child versus if you had
to share a world with others siblings.

Speaker 10 (01:14:12):
Siblings will beat you up for everything.

Speaker 7 (01:14:14):
Well yeah, and or at the very least, you know
you have to the parents feel like they have to
be fair to siblings and they eat get the same amount.

Speaker 6 (01:14:22):
Well, but a lot of times a single child someone
growing growing up.

Speaker 7 (01:14:27):
As an only child, I will tell you this being
the only child in my family, even though I'm not.

Speaker 6 (01:14:33):
But like I said, my brothers were gone.

Speaker 7 (01:14:37):
I grew up chatting with adults because my parents had
cocktail parties all the time, they had friends over, and
I really found out at a younger age that most
of my friends that I that I really respected and
loved to hang around were people older than me. Okay,
and I think that had I had a sibling, it
would not have been.

Speaker 6 (01:14:54):
The same or maybe also you know, as a single child,
I could leave my Halloween candy on the kitchen table
and not worry about someone's stealing my my starburst yep
right signs.

Speaker 9 (01:15:13):
So my experience with only children is that they're not
as playful as people with siblings, and that they're not
as they don't play well with others as good, and
they don't share toys. Well, they don't really keep other
people's perspective or you know, experience in mind.

Speaker 10 (01:15:30):
Because it's all.

Speaker 8 (01:15:31):
About we didn't have to.

Speaker 9 (01:15:33):
Yeah, they didn't have to because you know, if I,
if I would have done certain things as a kid
before my parents could regulate it, my sister would have
like thrown me in the toilet.

Speaker 6 (01:15:42):
Struggling with conflict is another thing. Yeah, it's either all
or nothing for kids who are growing up by themselves.
Whereas people with siblings you know how to negotiate, how
to share, how to pick your battles a little more
efficiently sometimes.

Speaker 24 (01:15:56):
You know.

Speaker 6 (01:15:57):
Also, I didn't grow up with anyone to her table.
I could just take my time with my food. I
didn't have to worry about a fork coming over. You
know I'm stealing my food? Yeah, do you see? You
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 15 (01:16:11):
Only children have to win every argument. They have to
be right all the time. I know some only children
we are right?

Speaker 6 (01:16:19):
Will you to the death.

Speaker 3 (01:16:21):
I'm just saying.

Speaker 6 (01:16:23):
I'm I'm that way. I have to win every argument.
Tell me I don't go ahead, you do not do not?

Speaker 13 (01:16:29):
Yes, I do yes, I do, Yes, I do, yes, Nate.
Only children don't know the pain of hand me downs.
I'm sorry.

Speaker 6 (01:16:38):
As the third of three boys, I was wearing bell
bottoms into the late eighties, and sorry, you don't know
what that's like. You don't know what it's like to
have to wear clothes somebody else's warrant for five years.
My brothers had really fun clothes, but I never got
any of them.

Speaker 9 (01:16:53):
I do think this that there is a little bit,
like you were saying, of conflict resolution issues, because when
you're with another you know, a sibling or multiple siblings,
you have to work things out. And you also understand
that you can get into a fight and argue about
something and five minutes later make up and be fine
and love the crap out of each other, whereas if
you don't have that, you might just like.

Speaker 10 (01:17:12):
Be pissed off all day.

Speaker 5 (01:17:14):

Speaker 6 (01:17:15):
Texting from a teacher. I'm a teacher. As a teacher,
only children are the worst, okay, all right.

Speaker 2 (01:17:24):
See my husband was an only child, but I don't
think he does.

Speaker 23 (01:17:27):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:17:28):
Maybe it was different because he's from Europe and they
don't you know, they don't well he I don't think
he got like special treatment because he was the only child.

Speaker 7 (01:17:35):
Well again, you know, and I truly believe this. I
don't think it's the child being the only child. It's
the parenting is different with an only child as well.
There's a lot of different factors, right right. There are
some only children out there who are great and there
they play along the playground just fine with other kids
and they're fine. It just depends on how you're raised.

Speaker 14 (01:17:55):
I mean.

Speaker 2 (01:17:55):
I also feel like there's like families where there's like
three boys and one girl and the girl was like
the princess, and so she gets everything she wants. So,
like you know what I mean, it's kind of.

Speaker 9 (01:18:04):
Like an opposite to where those three girls and one
boy and he's the little prince.

Speaker 10 (01:18:09):
Yeah, the kids everything you want.

Speaker 6 (01:18:11):
Wait a minute, Gandhi, I'm playful. What the hell I'm
I'm just thinking.

Speaker 8 (01:18:15):
About that one.

Speaker 10 (01:18:16):
You are? Not you right now getting pissy about it?

Speaker 2 (01:18:20):
Shut up, shut up? I love playing around.

Speaker 5 (01:18:23):

Speaker 6 (01:18:24):
I wish I had used a little sister when I
was growing up. I would beat the tar out of you.

Speaker 18 (01:18:27):

Speaker 2 (01:18:28):
You would have it were that hair brush?

Speaker 6 (01:18:31):
Were that hair brush.

Speaker 9 (01:18:33):
There's a lot of hair pulling a lot of pinching.
You know, you just navigate those waters.

Speaker 6 (01:18:36):
Oh my gosh. Anyway, with that said, if you're an
only child, a congratulations, get the whole place to yourself.

Speaker 7 (01:18:46):
All right, let's go into sound with Garrett. Garrett, who's
filling in for Scotty Be. You doing a fantastic job today.
Thank you very much for doing that very album. Whatever
you need?

Speaker 6 (01:18:56):
All right, So what do you have sound wise?

Speaker 5 (01:18:57):
All right, let's start with this.

Speaker 25 (01:18:58):
So about a month ago we found out that Bill
Corgan and Bill Burr could possibly be related, could be
step brothers. But yesterday they met for the first time
ever since that came out. But Howie Mandel surprised both
of them on Howie Mandel's podcast, and it didn't end well.

Speaker 7 (01:19:13):
I got something special that I planned for you out
of a place uncomfortable, bring in the surprise and look
who's here.

Speaker 5 (01:19:21):
What's up?

Speaker 6 (01:19:22):
You're Billy Corgan. I thought this would be great to
bring a family together.

Speaker 8 (01:19:27):
He didn't tell you.

Speaker 5 (01:19:29):
He told me you were totally cool with me coming.
That's what he does.

Speaker 8 (01:19:32):
I thought, can this be like edited out?

Speaker 5 (01:19:35):
I can I can go?

Speaker 8 (01:19:36):
I mean, I'll do it.

Speaker 18 (01:19:37):
Like did you ever think the fact that I never
told that story that you know, maybe you shouldn't.

Speaker 5 (01:19:44):
And and and Howie Mandel has done this before.

Speaker 25 (01:19:46):
Remember he did it with Dana White too, Like Dana
was like, I'm not doing a podcast anymore, and he
kept on rolling. So I guess, I guess this is
his shtick with a podcast. Now, Howie Mandel to make
it cringe, Yeah, to make it cringey as possible. It's
fun Last Night Chance the Rappers. This is called quiet
Storm and sounds like this.

Speaker 6 (01:20:02):
Dead decade, this racket to where extra special. Listen. Now,
I'm always playing around. I messing around, and then I
mess on. I'm in there and out of town. But
as soon as I touched down, hit the ground and
I kiss so hey, mister mister DJ, won't you Mike?

Speaker 5 (01:20:14):
I turn the table towards twinstall.

Speaker 6 (01:20:16):
Something more than wis must weed. Nothing's towards stall. I like, okay,
all right.

Speaker 25 (01:20:20):
And then finally, this is like a news story that
Froggy would have written if he was doing the news
in Australia. So there are mystery balls popping up on
the beach. And these mystery balls have bacteria balls, Yeah,
have mystery bacteria filled mystery balls. Yeah, bacteria another great
name for a band. Take bailled mystery balls opening up

for Okay, go ahead? Yes, uh so they're popping up
on the beach. So the news went out to the
beach to talk to people if they have seen these
mystery emphasize on the balls.

Speaker 14 (01:20:49):
Yank, these balls are the talk of the town.

Speaker 23 (01:20:51):
Jane, The mystery of the balls on the sand enters
a new chapter. I just wanted to ask you, did
you see any balls down there this morning?

Speaker 2 (01:20:59):
I know it is see any bulls?

Speaker 6 (01:21:00):
Water was nice?

Speaker 2 (01:21:01):
Have you seen any balls on the beach this morning?

Speaker 6 (01:21:03):
No, not yet.

Speaker 2 (01:21:04):
You keep your eye and let me know if you
see any balls.

Speaker 23 (01:21:06):
Okay, I personally haven't seen any balls out here on
the beach.

Speaker 5 (01:21:09):
Now there's a new mystery, the disappearing balls.

Speaker 8 (01:21:12):
Where are they all gone?

Speaker 4 (01:21:16):

Speaker 7 (01:21:16):
You know what, if you do TV news, you have
to be so straight and so you know, careful. But
when you have the opportunity to use the word balls mystery,
it's like on this show, its like we say balls
all the time. We have no problem doing that, you
know what I'm saying. You know you're a good American, Garrett,
Thank you, Garrett?

Speaker 2 (01:21:37):
What's that Daniel, we can say the thing that's attached
to the balls, We can say that.

Speaker 6 (01:21:42):
Okay, I don't know. I don't know where to go. Now,
do you do you want to say it?

Speaker 2 (01:21:49):
No, but I'm saying we always say it. We have
no problems saying it. Well, allowed to say it exactly.

Speaker 7 (01:21:55):
But if you're in like TV news, you're never You're
told you cannot talk about balls and penis, right, But
if you have a chance to do it in a story,
you're like, Yeah, I got the penis story.

Speaker 1 (01:22:07):
I love.

Speaker 2 (01:22:07):
It's my favorite story.

Speaker 6 (01:22:09):
Felicia, like nineteen a little reach around, as we call it.

Speaker 7 (01:22:12):
Going back to the only child conversation, Hi, Felicia, Hi.

Speaker 20 (01:22:17):
Elvis, Hi everybody, this is so exciting. How are you guys?

Speaker 7 (01:22:20):
Well, we're doing well and I can tell from your
vibrations and your positive attitude.

Speaker 6 (01:22:26):
You are an only child just like me.

Speaker 20 (01:22:28):
Right, I am an only child and my husband only
child as well.

Speaker 7 (01:22:34):
Okay, so you know what it's like being married to
an only child. It's not the easiest thing. Now you
know what you go through and he goes through with you.
Does that make sense?

Speaker 6 (01:22:41):
So everything we're saying is true about only children being
different than children from a flock.

Speaker 20 (01:22:49):
Yeah, yeah, definitely, And I think too, like you know,
like you were saying, like it depends on the parents,
but I think you're also beebat a lot more like
it's harder for parents to like let go because you're
their only one. It's not like they have like, you know,
another child to practice on. Right, you're it, you know,

you're it. So so yeah, it's a little harder for
parents to let go. But no, I agree with everything
you guys are saying. You know, it's like, you know,
it's hard to share your friends are older, you don't
have you know, you're a little bit more serious than
maybe somebody who has siblings. So yeah, it's definitely there
is something to be said for only children. But we

also get stereotypes a lot. Uh, you know, people think
that were like, you know, brats are spoiled and and
that's not the case.

Speaker 7 (01:23:40):
You know, it's not always to your point because like
I said before, I'm not an only child, but I
am because my brothers left ten years before. They were
ten years older than me and beyond my mom and dad.
They got their parenting out of the way with them,
so by the time they left that they didn't care.

Speaker 6 (01:23:57):
What I did was great, was awesome.

Speaker 20 (01:24:01):
Right, Yeah, you don't really get away with much when
you're an only child because everything that goes wrong, you know,
there's no one else to blame it on you.

Speaker 7 (01:24:08):
This is true, all right, only child, Alicia, good talking
to you. Have a great day. Thank you for listening
to us.

Speaker 4 (01:24:13):
You too, by guys, have a good day to you too.

Speaker 1 (01:24:17):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 6 (01:24:19):
Good morning, by the way, thanks for being on with us.
At Mercedes Benz, there's a reason they go the extra mile,
from testing their vehicles in desert heat and arctic cold
to creating AI that can anticipate your needs and preferences
on the road. They demand every car is worthy of
their star because it's Mercedes Benz.

Speaker 14 (01:24:37):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (01:24:45):
I love it, Love it, Love it, Love it.

Speaker 1 (01:24:49):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:24:52):
All right, so excited.

Speaker 7 (01:24:55):
Every year iHeart Radio gives you the iHeart Radio Music Awards,
and so we were asked to keep it a top
secret until nine o'clock East Coast time, in eight minutes.
But it's already out.

Speaker 2 (01:25:10):
So oh, there's already articles about it.

Speaker 6 (01:25:14):
Yeah, it's already it's out everywhere.

Speaker 4 (01:25:16):

Speaker 7 (01:25:17):
I just asked Tom Pullman, the president of iHeart Everything.
I said, why are we waiting till nine? It's already out?
He said, it's out.

Speaker 6 (01:25:26):
Can you get Tom on the phone as at because
I want to talk about it. Can you get him
on the phone.

Speaker 3 (01:25:33):
I'm going to pull up Hell to the Chief in
the meaning.

Speaker 6 (01:25:36):
Yeah, pull up, pull up, Hail to the Chief, Hell
to the knaw.

Speaker 14 (01:25:41):

Speaker 2 (01:25:42):
No, it was great.

Speaker 6 (01:25:44):
The announcement's amazing. It's cool.

Speaker 7 (01:25:46):
No, No, let me tell you this year's I Heard
Radio Music chords will be, of course as spectacular as ever,
but also in Los Angeles and taking care of business
because Los Angeles is Los Angeles is in a you know,
they're in a state.

Speaker 6 (01:26:02):
They're they're in a world of hurt right now.

Speaker 7 (01:26:04):
And so we're gonna use the star power of all
our friends who are gonna come together at the iHeart
Radio Music Awards to to make a difference.

Speaker 6 (01:26:12):
We're getting it. We're gonna get Tom on the phone. Here,
get Tom on the phone, play Hell to the chief.
Please help the chief. Here he is, Ladies and gentlemen,
The president.

Speaker 7 (01:26:22):
Of the iHeart Radio Music Awards, Tom Pullman, welcome Tom.

Speaker 6 (01:26:28):
How's it going, guys? Hey, doing great? Doing great? Hey.

Speaker 7 (01:26:32):
So I know we were asked to hold off until,
you know, five minutes from now to do the announcement,
but it's it's out everywhere, so it's okay, we're gonna
talk about it, right, Sure, let's go. Okay, I, by
the way, you know me, I may go ahead and
say what AP News is saying, big organ organization. By

the way, Tom Pullman, responsible for every square inch of
this amazing awards night, Taylor Swift and more, we'd have
help Taylor Swift and Okay, here's the headline. Taylor Swift
and Morgan Wallden lead the twenty twenty five iHeartRadio Music
Award nominations.

Speaker 6 (01:27:08):
I had agree here, Yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:27:10):
Followed closely by Kendrick Lamar, Sabrina Carpenter Post Malone. So,
I guess we're kind of wondering who el is going
to be there? I know that May I get May
I give the two the two that we're you can.

Speaker 5 (01:27:24):
Give, Yeah, you can give the two.

Speaker 6 (01:27:27):
Yes, I'm gonna give whoever's whoever's in the announcement.

Speaker 5 (01:27:31):
Yeah, go, that's out.

Speaker 6 (01:27:32):
Well, first of all, let's hear from Mariah Carey and
Lady Gaga. How did you swing that, Tom good Gosh.

Speaker 26 (01:27:40):
Well, you know, Mariah, she's been a good friend of
ours for a long time, and we thought it was
time to give her the Icon Award and then seen with.

Speaker 5 (01:27:50):
Lady Gaga, and there's probably.

Speaker 26 (01:27:52):
Uh, you know, so many things that she's done that
are so innovative, and it was time for for that
to happen as well.

Speaker 5 (01:27:59):
So we're excited for them.

Speaker 2 (01:28:00):

Speaker 7 (01:28:01):
Another superstar, which is actually a major superstar at the
Awards this year, is the City of Los Angeles. I mean,
we're going to pay tribute to LA following the wildfires,
and we're gonna drive those donations to Fire AIDLA dot org.
So you'll hear a lot of that.

Speaker 6 (01:28:17):

Speaker 7 (01:28:17):
Here it is John Sykes, the president of Entertainment Enterprises
in this press release and Tom Pullman that you the
chief programming officer.

Speaker 6 (01:28:27):
Apparently you guys meet it together. You made a joint statement.
Did you know that.

Speaker 7 (01:28:32):
Here's what you said. Here's what you said. You said.
It's a night where we honor the incredible artist and
songs that fans loved all year long, and this year's
show will shine a light on the devastating tragedy that
impacted LA and enable us to deliver on our commitment
to the communities we serve at iHeartRadio.

Speaker 6 (01:28:50):
I love that.

Speaker 8 (01:28:52):
That's so well said.

Speaker 7 (01:28:53):
Okay, so we know Lady Got God will be there
receiving the Innovator Award and Mariah Carey the icon of
But I don't see anyone else on the on the.

Speaker 26 (01:29:03):
Release we got to the are secrets we got Yeah,
we got to keep some secrets.

Speaker 6 (01:29:08):
Translation, they haven't really signed up anyone else, but they will.
They will. It's gonna be.

Speaker 5 (01:29:13):
Big and it'll be a great night. I mean, just
look at what we did last year.

Speaker 26 (01:29:17):
There'll be a lot of really cool surprises and cool
moments and collaborations and that.

Speaker 6 (01:29:21):
Kind of thing.

Speaker 2 (01:29:21):
And I love new categories, like you have the Favorite
Broadway Debut category this year, like Nicole.

Speaker 5 (01:29:28):
That was a good one.

Speaker 2 (01:29:29):
Charlie d'milio, Robert Downey juniors on there. I mean, it's
gonna be Adam Lambert's on there. So it's cool.

Speaker 5 (01:29:35):
Well, I will tell you the listeners voting for those yep.

Speaker 7 (01:29:38):
Well for song of that. You can vote right now,
by the way. Special voting begins today at iHeartRadio dot
Com slash Awards for Song of the Year. Shaboozies of
our Song faces off against Lamar's uh not Like Us
and Sabrina's Espresso Malone and Wallin's. I had some help
doja category what hits this year? Doja Katsigoria Hills, Benson

Boone's Beautiful Things. Tate mcca is greedy. Speaking of Tate McCrae,
I do believe we have some brand new Tate McCray
coming out Friday for you.

Speaker 5 (01:30:06):
We do.

Speaker 7 (01:30:07):
Jack Harlowe's Love It On. Jack Harlow's Loving On Me
is up for Sonoma of the Year. It's gonna be great.
By the way, they're twenty twenty five. I Hurt Radio
Music Awards will air live from the Dolby Theater in
La March seventeenth, eight o'clock East Coast on Fox and
of course of all across our iHeart Radio stations across
the US. I just want to let you know that

a news story like this cannot be held back until
nine o'clock.

Speaker 6 (01:30:33):
Apparently not, No, not at all, By the way, I think,
I think the day of the awards is Saint Patrick's Day.

Speaker 5 (01:30:41):
It is the seventeen.

Speaker 2 (01:30:42):
Oh yeah, seventeen.

Speaker 6 (01:30:44):
You're Irish, aren't you, Tom, Tom Old Pulmam.

Speaker 7 (01:30:48):
There, Yes, all right, Well, okay, we just want to
let you know that it's already been released. The world's
talking about the iHeart Radio Music Awards. So are you
gonna go fire someone?

Speaker 6 (01:30:58):
I'm kidding you shouldn't exactly anyway, Okay, but that said,
hold on, Gandhi has a question.

Speaker 9 (01:31:05):
Yeah, Tom, don't go anywhere yet because I have a question.
So when things like this happen and a story leaks
before we actually talk about it, are we then allowed
to talk about it like we just did going forward
or do we have to call you every day?

Speaker 4 (01:31:16):

Speaker 26 (01:31:16):
I think in this case it was okay since it
was out, but my next accol is to figure out
how it leaked.

Speaker 5 (01:31:23):
So to be what's done is done.

Speaker 6 (01:31:26):
It is what it is.

Speaker 21 (01:31:29):
You know.

Speaker 5 (01:31:29):
Here's the good thing it is. It's all good news.

Speaker 6 (01:31:31):
It is all good news, absolutely, and we made sure
we stayed nice and positive during this conversation. We love you, Tom.
We can't wait for the iheartrad Music Awards. It will
officially be announced in a few minutes. Love you bye.

Speaker 10 (01:31:47):
I feel like I didn't really get an answered my question.

Speaker 5 (01:31:49):
No, he did.

Speaker 10 (01:31:51):
Once it's leaked, then we can just go with it.

Speaker 6 (01:31:52):
Right. Well, I know, but when you play handl of
the Chief, you know it's a politician talking.

Speaker 10 (01:31:59):
I'll go find him when you want.

Speaker 7 (01:32:01):
There you go, so we'll make the official announcement coming up.
But you heard it first year?

Speaker 6 (01:32:07):
I'm sorry? Was that funny?

Speaker 1 (01:32:08):
Elvis Daran in the Morning Show?

Speaker 7 (01:32:11):
Freshen up your morning with Wendy's breakfast like a breakfast
baconator or a grilled sausage breakfast burrito, or even a
honey buddy ready for a fresh wake up call. It's
got to be Wendy's at participating us Wendy's.

Speaker 14 (01:32:23):
It's just so funny to listen to yea, listen to
that in the car that werek Elvis Duran in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:32:30):
You know something going on here in New York City
tonight a benefit show for LA at Bowery Ballroom. JP Sacks.
What a talented guy, what a great guy. He's doing
a show tonight Bowery Ballroom. If you want to go,
do a search for Bowerie Ballroom JP Sacks. Anyways, JP
Sacks and Friends.

Speaker 7 (01:32:50):
A benefit concert for those affected by the fires, and
it's tonight starting at seven o'clock.

Speaker 6 (01:32:56):
And he posted some thing on Instagram. Where did you
put that?

Speaker 7 (01:33:01):
All proceeds go into the people affected by the fires.
JP Sacks says he's going to play new songs. Maybe
some friends will be pulling up. If you want to
be involved in any way, get in touch with him.
It's tonight anyway, so if you go on, if you
go onto a Bowery Ballroom's website, you'll find all the
info there. I'm sure JP Sacks and friends tonight a
benefit concert, one of the many going on. And JP

here in New York City, even though we're on the
opposite coast, we got the heart and we're thinking about it,
thinking about you.

Speaker 6 (01:33:30):
In La Wow. We were talking about the iHeart Radio
Music Awards a moment ago, and I want to I'm
going to play a couple of songs from a couple
of artists that will be there, they who have been confirmed.
We're gonna get that on for you in a second.
And these songs make me feel good. Both of these
artists deserve the awards they're getting at our iHeart Radio

Music Awards. We'll tell you more about that in a minute.
But now, Danielle, Danielle, where's the Danielle button? Right there?

Speaker 5 (01:33:58):
It is?

Speaker 2 (01:33:59):
What's up, Danielle Benson Boone did something pretty cool. Took
part in an Australian tradition drinking from a shoe. It's
called a shoey and now normally you would drink alcohol
from it, but he I think had water or something,
but he did it from a fans Cowboy boot stopped
the show and he said, you know what, not bad,
not bad. You have very good hygiene. Miss thank you.

Speaker 7 (01:34:23):
If you have a drink from anything that depends on hygiene, mayonnaise.

Speaker 2 (01:34:45):
I can't hear you. Trevor Noah will be returning as
a host for the Grammy Awards. This is going to
mark the fifth straight year are Super Hotty Trevor Noah
hosting We Love Him A Hedgehog four at The Hedgehog
four is officially hitting theaters in the spring of twenty
twenty seven. I Can't hear You. Elementary Abit Elementary has

been renewed for a fifth season. Also, The Lincoln Lawyer
is coming back for a fourth season. Let's talk about
the fire Aid benefit concert. We have been talking about
this all week finalizing the lineup for the concert. It's
raising funds to help those impacted by the fires in
La So many artists wanted to be part of this
that they had to have two venues so that everybody
could be there. So the Kia Forum will give you

Pink A, Lottis Mori said, Dave Matthews and John may Or,
Green Day, Stevie Nicks, No Doubt, Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Joni Mitchell and Moore. If you go to the Into
It Dome, Billie Eilish, Lady Gagat, Katie Perry, Olivia Rodrigo,
Jelly Rolls, Stevie Wonder, Gracie Abrams and more. So your
tickets will go on sales starting today at twelve o'clock
Pacific time. And again you're gonna want to get the

tickets for the place you want to see your artist,
you know what I mean, because, like I said, two
different venue. Use if you plan on going out there,
and you can listen on all of our iHeartRadio stations
because we are going to be playing the concerts for you.
So that's pretty exciting as well. Congratulations to Shae from
Dan and Shay and his wife Hannah are the proud
parents to baby number four. It is a boy, and

all their kids have a names Asher, Ames, Abram, and
now we have Aubrey. So welcome to the family. Aubrey
this week's guest on Hot Ones. The podcast will be bad, Bunny.
I cannot wait to see if you can handle the
eat will be interesting to see. What are we watching? Well,
the Price is right at night, Celebrity Jeopardy, all your
Chicago shows are on. I'm really loving Atypical with Michael Rappaport.

It's an older show, but it's about a family with
one of the sons living with autism. I'm telling you
it will pull your heartstrings in every direction. It is
so wonderful and I've not been disappointed by any episodes.
It's so good. And then I'm hearing a lot about
before on Netflix with Billy Crystal, so maybe you want
to check that out. And that is my Danielle report.

Speaker 6 (01:36:59):
Excellent. Daniel All right, what is this Wednesday? You want
a Wednesday too?

Speaker 7 (01:37:03):
For here's the thing, the iHeart Radio Music Awards. We
announced the whole thing a few moments ago, the twenty
twenty five I Hurt Radio Music Awards.

Speaker 6 (01:37:12):
Let's see, you know, information. It's going to be happening on.

Speaker 7 (01:37:16):
March seventeenth, Saint Patrick's Day, Yeah, Live on Fox from
the Dolby Theater in LA and two of the big
awards that night with two of the biggest superstars in
the history of music. Lady Gaga will be receiving the
Innovator Award, which is given to an artist who has
impacted both music and global culture, and Mariah Carey is
getting the Icon Award, spotlighting her record shattering career.

Speaker 6 (01:37:40):
Who do you want to hear? First? Oh gosh, Mariah Okay, yeah,
okay with odb Old Dirty Bastard Fantasy. I love this mix,
my favorite Mariah Old Dirty Bastard.

Speaker 2 (01:37:55):
I remember the video when they filmed that in Rye
Playland in nineteen ninety five in New York.

Speaker 7 (01:38:00):
It was amazing, crazy that and featuring, by the way,
Diddy Diddy's in there.

Speaker 6 (01:38:05):
I didn't even know that.

Speaker 2 (01:38:06):
Just one quick, No, that's a great song. Just take
him out.

Speaker 6 (01:38:13):
Okay, Now we're gonna play Lady Gaga. Who's up for
the other ward? We were gonna play Born this Way?
But what is the one? It's a zero intro, then
and then and then and then at your glory or
that the one.

Speaker 10 (01:38:26):
I think that is your glory? Yeah, you dare get
that part stuck in all of our heads.

Speaker 6 (01:38:40):
Just that, don't play.

Speaker 7 (01:38:40):
Don't play Edge of seventeen by Stevie Nickson. Look I'm
looking at scary as he's looking it up. Edge of Glory?

Speaker 6 (01:38:47):
Where is it here?

Speaker 18 (01:38:47):
It is?

Speaker 6 (01:38:48):
Look at glory, the edge of Glory. Oh that's why
it sounds like this dance remix four version Scary turn
turn it off.

Speaker 3 (01:39:04):
I gotta I gotta get the right look at this.
I got three versions in front of me.

Speaker 6 (01:39:07):
Hold on, please play that one. Why do we have
all these versions? We put it in?

Speaker 3 (01:39:12):
Let we put it in.

Speaker 6 (01:39:12):
Let put it in.

Speaker 3 (01:39:14):
Hey, give you a second.

Speaker 10 (01:39:16):
Take it easy.

Speaker 6 (01:39:16):
That's the wrong one. Hold on, give me a second.
Just the tip. Okay, how about how about this one
right here?

Speaker 2 (01:39:26):
You who chooses to get up at this time?

Speaker 1 (01:39:30):
I know, early morning Elvis Duran in the Morning show.

Speaker 14 (01:39:41):
Don't answer the phone, Elvis durand the Elvis durand phones happened.

Speaker 6 (01:39:47):
My wife, Susan is in charge of taking care of
our bills. She pays them. So recently we had some
confusion about whether or not the water bill was getting paid.
So Susan flipped out. She's like paying my pay and
blah blah blah. So why don't we phone tap or
say that we owe some ridiculous amount of money for
the water bill. Let's see how she reacts. All right,

this comes to us from William, So Danielle is going
to start to call our own Danielle. Monara starts the
call with William on the phone as William and Nicole
phone tap, Mom, Susan, let's listen in to today's phone tap.

Speaker 2 (01:40:18):
Yeah, I may speak to missus Figernut.

Speaker 4 (01:40:21):
No, there's no this, finger hunt?

Speaker 20 (01:40:23):
What was it?

Speaker 2 (01:40:24):
What's your last name?

Speaker 18 (01:40:25):
Finger Hut?

Speaker 2 (01:40:26):
Finger Hut? I'm sorry, I have figer Nut here?

Speaker 20 (01:40:29):
Who is it?

Speaker 2 (01:40:29):
My name is Lisa. I'm calling you from the water company. Okay,
we have a problem, and I have your husband Billy
on the phone.

Speaker 18 (01:40:36):
Hey, so I don't know what the hell's going on.
I gotta sheriff at the house putting a paper on
the window. What aleen for failure to pay money?

Speaker 14 (01:40:47):

Speaker 2 (01:40:47):
You always five thousand dollars for not paying your water bill?

Speaker 4 (01:40:50):
Well, my water bill was paid up today. My maintenance
is a paid up today. You have to go after
the deadbeats.

Speaker 2 (01:40:56):
What I have in front of me makes it seem
like you're one of those people.

Speaker 4 (01:41:00):
I'm not.

Speaker 18 (01:41:00):
Mine was paid.

Speaker 2 (01:41:01):
I have a note down here that the fingernuts.

Speaker 4 (01:41:04):
Are saying they're nuts. You have my name wrong, so
I'm not responsible for anything, my dear.

Speaker 2 (01:41:08):
Okay, I'm sorry, finger What was your last You have
my name wrong?

Speaker 4 (01:41:11):
Billy, I'm calling a lawyer.

Speaker 6 (01:41:13):
I'm not what do you want to say?

Speaker 4 (01:41:14):
Because this is ridiculous. We pay every month for water.
There's something definitely long hand.

Speaker 2 (01:41:19):
What's wrong is that you don't want to pay your money.

Speaker 4 (01:41:21):
I'm not giving somebody five thousand dollars to something I
know nothing about.

Speaker 2 (01:41:24):
Did you maybe go shopping and buy No?

Speaker 4 (01:41:26):
I did not maybe go shopping? And what nerve have
you got to ask me these questions? Who the hell
are you?

Speaker 2 (01:41:30):
I'm just saying that because I know you're.

Speaker 4 (01:41:33):
Not making any sense, and you're very nasty, and you're
very forward spoken, and you're telling me things I didn't too,
So you know what, let me call you back.

Speaker 2 (01:41:42):
No, wait, I just want to ask you a question
because this is actually very important because I've gone to
the situation before and as a woman sometimes we like
to take our money and buy a nice parent.

Speaker 4 (01:41:50):
No, we don't because I don't dress very nice. Okay.
I don't worry about things like that. I put them
on my charge and it's not your business what I do.
The water bill was paid.

Speaker 2 (01:41:58):
Are you sure?

Speaker 4 (01:42:00):
I am sure?

Speaker 2 (01:42:01):
You really are a stupid woman.

Speaker 4 (01:42:02):
I must admit I am a stupid woman. What nerve
have you got to ask me how I spend my money?
And that I'm a stupid woman? What are you talking about?

Speaker 2 (01:42:12):
Who said those things?

Speaker 4 (01:42:13):
Said them?

Speaker 2 (01:42:13):
Do you have me on tape?

Speaker 18 (01:42:14):

Speaker 23 (01:42:14):
I do.

Speaker 2 (01:42:15):
Okay, play back.

Speaker 4 (01:42:16):
No, I don't have to play it back to you.
I play it back here, you have it.

Speaker 2 (01:42:20):
Here's my question to you. And I find this hysterical.
Is that I have you?

Speaker 4 (01:42:23):
I find you hysterical. There is something wrong with you.
You're a very nasty woman. I'm you're getting involved in
my personal business. You're telling me how I spend my money. Okay,
So I am on the phone with my lawyer right now.
I will get back to you. This way's nuts.

Speaker 1 (01:42:38):

Speaker 18 (01:42:38):
The guy just read me the whole thing. He says,
we're gonna have to be out of his house. If
five thousand dollars paid. Oh, come on, sir, yes.

Speaker 2 (01:42:47):
I'm so so sorry that you're married to someone like this.

Speaker 4 (01:42:51):
You're married to someone like this, and I questioning me
what I do with my money? What nerves?

Speaker 18 (01:42:56):
What am I going to do here?

Speaker 4 (01:42:58):
No, you have to give you this.

Speaker 18 (01:43:03):
So the guys can ready to put handcuffs on me, because.

Speaker 4 (01:43:07):
You know what you're talking about. He's supposed to give
you an eight day notice. Tell him give me the
noted man.

Speaker 18 (01:43:14):
It's going beyond that. So I don't know what the
hell's going on.

Speaker 4 (01:43:17):
What do you mean it's gone beyond dad?

Speaker 18 (01:43:19):
This guy's taking out of this cuff. Susan Oh, I.

Speaker 4 (01:43:21):
Left five thousand dollars home?

Speaker 18 (01:43:23):
What what the hell you want from me?

Speaker 14 (01:43:25):
What do you want me to?

Speaker 4 (01:43:26):
Don't let him arrest you?

Speaker 18 (01:43:27):
Let him arrest me.

Speaker 4 (01:43:28):
Why don't you want me to do? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:43:31):
Maybe you can just give them your Louis Vatan or something.

Speaker 4 (01:43:34):
Maybe you could give them your Louis Batan, not my
Louis Vuitar. But that's wrong with you? Hello, this lady?

Speaker 19 (01:43:40):
Is it?

Speaker 18 (01:43:40):
Joe? How are you going to explain this to the
bus company and everything?

Speaker 20 (01:43:45):
To me?

Speaker 4 (01:43:46):
I don't have it? What do you want me to do?

Speaker 14 (01:43:48):

Speaker 4 (01:43:48):
Do you want me to go to jail?

Speaker 2 (01:43:50):
I think she doesn't really care about you.

Speaker 18 (01:43:52):
To be honest, you know something, I don't think she
cares about me either.

Speaker 4 (01:43:55):
Look at jail.

Speaker 2 (01:43:56):
I'm on my way home, missus Fingernat. I have somebody
that needs to speak to you.

Speaker 1 (01:44:00):

Speaker 4 (01:44:00):
Yeah, it's Nicole.

Speaker 20 (01:44:02):
What's up?

Speaker 4 (01:44:03):
What are you doing? A phone tab? Nicole?

Speaker 1 (01:44:06):
You know?

Speaker 4 (01:44:07):

Speaker 2 (01:44:09):
And so he's daddy and.

Speaker 4 (01:44:13):
Oh my god. Rest of all, I knew something was
weird because this lady is very nacy. Who is this, Sir,
Alisa your friend?

Speaker 1 (01:44:19):

Speaker 2 (01:44:20):
Mom, It's Danielle mon Arrow from Elvis.

Speaker 4 (01:44:25):
Pill Nicole yet Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:44:30):
Elvis Durans phone tap.

Speaker 19 (01:44:33):
This phone table was pre recorded with permission granted by
all participates.

Speaker 14 (01:44:37):
See Elvis Oran phone tab only on Elvis Duran in
the Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (01:44:44):
Freshen up your morning with Wendy's Breakfast. Like a breakfast baconator,
or a grilled sausage breakfast burrito, or even a honey
buddy ready for a fresh wake up call.

Speaker 6 (01:44:52):
It's got to be Wendy's at participating us. Wendy's our
favorite day.

Speaker 5 (01:44:56):
Of the week.

Speaker 7 (01:44:56):
It's Thursday, It's Food News Thursday with Froggy doing the
food news. Also Jojo, we'll be on the show tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (01:45:01):
What are we watching, Danielle My money is on a
typical I'm loving it on Netflix.

Speaker 6 (01:45:06):
Tell tomorrow. Say peace out everybody. Hee yeah, everybody,

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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