All Episodes

May 13, 2024 112 mins
Gandhi brought us a game involving shrimp restaurants. It's quite difficult but a lot of fun! Plus, we got a great text from a listener, talk about plans that got canceled due to COVID lockdown, and we highlight Jessica Turri with St. Jude.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
I'm going ash that slim right off of my meat.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Everything about the show was great. This is everything.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
It's just funny, like I love it.

Speaker 1 (00:12):
Yis It's time for Barbie to get a bush. It's
just hilarious.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
Elvis us Elvis Duran in the Morning showy excellent opening.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Thank you, Josh, and welcome to Monday. The weekend is done.
I pray you guys had a good weekend. How about yours? Danielle?

Speaker 5 (00:32):
Yes, it was a lovely Mother's Day, Thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (00:37):
Yeah, well yeah, way too much food. I'm not even
a mother and I participated in that. And good morning, Gandhi,
good morning love. Lovely weekend.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
I had a great weekend. Yeah, it actually got pretty
yesterday finally.

Speaker 5 (00:49):
Yeah, it was nice.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
What about you, Froggy? Howbout your weekend? It was good.

Speaker 6 (00:52):
We had my dad's birthday on Saturday and Mother'sday yesterday.
It was nice to see my parents.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Scary. How about your weekend?

Speaker 7 (00:58):
I had a pleasant weekend and it was also very productive.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
Ooh, pleasant and productive. That sounds a good awful weekend.
No offense, Good morning, senior to Nack. What else of it?
How was your weekend? R? And R RESTful and relaxes. Okay,
all right, that's better than productive. What about you, Scott
e b and Master Control. How was your weekend? It
was great, Loud. I eaten with Mom, eaten eating with Mom. Hey,

Producer Sam, how you feeling?

Speaker 8 (01:25):
I'm feeling pretty good today, Elvis?

Speaker 1 (01:27):
What'd you have for dinner?

Speaker 4 (01:29):
It was a barbecue night. Mother's Day went off at barbecue.
Sam and I made it a little burger delicious.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
Oh, I love your mom. Give her a text, Tell her,
I said, a lover. Hey, Welcome to Monday. For some reason,
shine Down was everywhere this weekend. Every time I turned
anything on, shine Down was playing and the song was there.
So what do I do? I wake up Monday and
played again, Welcome to Monday. Let's go second? Wow his voice?

Speaker 9 (01:59):

Speaker 1 (01:59):
I mean? Hello? Am I?

Speaker 7 (02:01):

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Am? I?

Speaker 10 (02:01):

Speaker 1 (02:03):
Of course? That was Shining Down, Shining Down, by the way,
performing for us at our jump Start to Summer. We
do it every single summer at Jenkinson's down the shore,
of course, the Jersey Shore. If you're listening to us
in let's say Midwest, I mean, do people who have
with the Jersey showers? Yeah, of course. There was a
big show about that anyway, We're kicking it off with

Eminem's Thank God for Them, Shine Down Jack's Knox. Remember
Kyle Cook from Summer House. He's the DJ. He'll be there,
Isabelle Rosa, Jack Thistle. It's gonna be an amazing day.
It's happening May twenty fourth, Friday, kicking off a Memorial
Day weekend at Jenkinson's down the Shore, so make sure
you're there love Shine Down anyway, Let's get into the
first day of the week with our friend Carra online

twelve or is it Cara? How do I stay at
Cara or Kara? Hello, Kara, Welcome to the show. How
was your weekend? Hell?

Speaker 11 (02:56):

Speaker 12 (02:57):
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm talking to you guys.
Happy late Mother's Day, Danielle, Oh, thank you so much.
Oh it was it was Okay. I've been listening to
you guys for ten years. I'm so excited.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
Well, I'm glad you're here now talk about it. What
do you do for a living.

Speaker 12 (03:15):
I'm actually on my way to the hospital. I'm a
nursing assistant at our local hospital and it's hospital week
this week and I'm on the Joy committee. So we
have a bunch of fun activities planned to try to
spread some joy.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
You're spreading joy all week?

Speaker 5 (03:30):

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Wait, last week was National Nurses Week. Now it's National
Hospital Week.

Speaker 12 (03:36):
Yeah, and we've kind of sort of combined them a
little bit this year, So we're getting ready to do
a whole bunch of fun stuff and celebrate all the
wonderful people that keep our hospital going.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
Well, hold on, you say you're spreading joy all week?
What does that mean? Can you give us a list
of the items on that list? What are you doing
to spread joy out of hospital?

Speaker 13 (03:56):

Speaker 12 (03:57):
Well, we're getting free coffee this morning. They go Tomorrow
night and tomorrow day. Three lemonade cards. So I get
to run around and like say hello to everybody and
give them free snacks and coffee and free barbecue and
just lots of fun little games that we've got playing.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
Oh my god, I mean I don't want to check
in for the obvious reasons why people check into hospitals,
but I may check into your hospital. Sounds a good week, honey?
What we do?

Speaker 10 (04:23):

Speaker 1 (04:23):
You know what? Maybe we can get you, Kara to
be the chairman of our Joy committee on our show.
Can you chair that?

Speaker 12 (04:32):
I don't I think that would be trouble. Gandhi and
I would get into way too much trouble together.

Speaker 3 (04:37):
Joy, it would be great. Come on over.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
Oh my god, you know Gandhi very well because she
does nothing but spread trouble. She's the chairwoman of the
Trouble Committee. Anyway, you are the first call on the week.
What do we have for our friend Kara?

Speaker 14 (04:52):
There's straight name, but what fabulous Elvis drand in the
morning show hoodie thanks to Hackensack, Meridian is on the
way to.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
A Kara and Juli. All right, spread joy and thanks
for being here. Hold on a second, don't leave switch
National Hospital Week for all of our listeners who work
in hospitals, and we have a lot you know, nine
out of ten hospital workers listen to our show. Thank
you for listening. Let's get into those three things we
need to know from Gandhi and God knows who this

day's day is going to take us. Who do we
have on today? Any guests? No guests today, just Elvis,
just us.

Speaker 9 (05:26):

Speaker 1 (05:28):
I'm a guest on my own home. All right, let's
go the three things we need to know Gandhi? What's
going on?

Speaker 2 (05:31):
All right?

Speaker 3 (05:32):
Passengers aboard a Spirit Airlines plane had a few tense
moments last night when the aircraft was struck by the
wing of a Delta Airlines plane while parked at a
gate at Ohio's Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Thankfully, no injuries
were reported. There's been no word so far on what
led to that incident. Delta released a statement acknowledging what
happened and saying that the aircraft in question had been

removed from service to be thoroughly inspected. Love to know
what happened there. Every spring, we know that the US
Social Security Administration shares the latest data on the top
ten most popular baby names in the country. It doesn't
change much from year to year. The twenty twenty three lists,
which just came out pretty much the same as the
years before. Olivia is holding on to the number one

spot for girls for the fifty year in a row.
On the boys side, Liam is at the top of
the list. There is one new name on the list
this year. And I say this all the time. I
think everyone with this name is hot. Mateo. Oh yeah,
Mateo has entered.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
We've never met an ugly mateo Oh no, no, there was
that one.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
I don't remember.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
Yeah, we met that matereo you like Ooh, he doesn't
look like I remember I was. USA said that as.

Speaker 3 (06:39):
They also reports that the fastest rising names of the
year for boys, I don't think I can pronounce any
of them, l is l Have we heard of this?

Speaker 5 (06:49):

Speaker 3 (06:49):
No, no, chosen with is z Aiden, e I, Dan, Cassian,
and kyrone the fastest girl names. That are our fastest
rising girl names, Kaylee, Elite, zell emern Adara, and Ah Sorry.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
You know what? Those are? All very very sexy names.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
They are for I hope I didn't slaughter them.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
Too, except for Chosen Chosen with a Z.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
It's important. And finally, there could be a horse racing
Triple Crown winner this year. Officials announced on Saturday that
Kentucky Derby winner missed it. Dan will run in the
Preakness Stakes and is on his way to Baltimore. American
Pharaoh broke a thirty seven year drought by winning the
Triple Crown in twenty fifteen and just if I won
it in twenty eighteen?

Speaker 1 (07:28):
Wait, wait, yes, what happened to hoof hearted? Oh?

Speaker 3 (07:31):
I don't know. We should check on whof hearted?

Speaker 1 (07:34):
Do we have the sound from who farted winning the
Kentucky Derby. I mean, did you miss that? There's a
big there's a big race. We'll get to that in
a minute.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
Go ahead, No, that's it, the one hundred and forty
ninth running of the Preakness except for this Saturday, the eighteenth.
And now I think we have that sound.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
I love how you convincingly said I'd love to hear that.

Speaker 3 (07:52):
I would love to hear it.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
All right, here is the sound. It may be missed it.
It's Kentucky Derby here today? Who farted on the extreme outside?
Colorado cooed toast a dozen on the inside? Questers jet
who farted?

Speaker 3 (08:04):
Who farted on the outside?

Speaker 1 (08:05):
It's close? Who farted in the winter circle? There you
go in the winter. That's what's so great about your newscast.
Every day you have sound.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
I'm gonna try to bring more.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Are you guys ready for Monday? Yeah, I'll see in
a minute, let's go.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
I want to see what we actually look like.

Speaker 11 (08:24):
Weack go very princess that resides over the pits of Hell.

Speaker 15 (08:28):
Follow us on Instagram. I'm Elvis Duran Show. Elvis Duran
in the Morning Show, Elvis Duran in the Morning.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Show, you know what a bittersweet love hate relationship we
have with New York City. We were just talking about
that during the song. Uh, it was over the weekend.
I believe Steve bushimishimimy is Bushimi is like Bushimi is
like a great sushi.

Speaker 5 (08:59):
Rest Wednesday last week.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Well, they caught the guy that sucker punched him on
the streets of New York City. And keep in mind,
he's the celebrity. So we heard about it, right, So
we're wondering, and it was asking, like, how many people
who are not celebrities are sucker punched and abused or
even worse on the streets of New York City every
single day? Hold on the guy who did it. This

was like his twelfth offense. I think we'll live in
New York City. They let him go. This is this
is why our city is going down the toilet because
the people who were in the city don't prosecute. They
let him go.

Speaker 14 (09:40):
Well, do you remember a couple of months ago it
was that guy that was just going around punching women
in the face, and.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
Then he got out and punched a nine year old
and then they arrested him.

Speaker 7 (09:49):

Speaker 1 (09:49):
I'm like what and even worse. And you know Gandhi
and I who especially Gandhi, has been following the story
about the idiot piece of trash who put a belt
around a woman's neck, choked her, dragged her down the street,
dragged her down the street in front of between two cars,
and then raped her. They got him, So what are

we going to do with him? They If they let
this trash go, then I'm done.

Speaker 5 (10:16):
No, they cannot let him go. You kidding me?

Speaker 1 (10:19):
No, It was the saddest thing what he did to
this beautiful woman, a wonderful human being. Well, what's the
latest on him? Do we know?

Speaker 3 (10:26):
Last I saw, they had just gotten hold of him
and she stopped cooperating with police. There's a chance that
they knew each other in some capacity. Not obviously that
that makes anything, okay, But I don't have a lot
more other than that.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
Oh, so this is what's happening in our city. Hey,
it's summertime, traveling come to New York. I mean, it's sad,
it's scary because you know what New York City is
at the same time an incredible place, right, and this
is what we deal with here. It's really sad. But
to see a human being treat another human. Him being

like that, that's it's unforgivable.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
It's insane.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
And so I hope he goes to prison. I hope he.
I hope he gets rammed.

Speaker 5 (11:11):
Up the butt.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
But I want I want him to get rammed up
the butt, like by an entire like Sofa. I want
him to take it. I want him to drive a
truck up his butt right there in prison. Amen. I
mean that would look weird. But anyway, moving on, Yes,
poor Sofa, Hey, I don't mean to like bring us down.

Let's get back to Monday, have fun. We have no
free money phone tap this week. So I got bad news, guys,
it's another week of free crap phone tap. No, don't
say yeah so fast, Daniel. That means you gotta work.
You gotta work, you gotta you gotta go through the
radio station to find crap to give away.

Speaker 5 (11:54):
There's so much crap on here.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
It's all good, all right, So who's in charge of
you know? Daniel said, you're so since you're so skippity
over this, it's up to you. Okay, to today's street
crap phone tap coming up in an hour, coming up
in an hour, We're gonna give away. Whatever crap you
steal from someone's desk.

Speaker 16 (12:11):
This dead plant in our room here, Yeah, you cannot
count as crap because it's like it's on its last leg.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
I think you should probably give it away before it dies.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
Oh, Scotty's gonna have a heart attack. How am I
going to send that?

Speaker 1 (12:23):
Don't know, Scotty. You can send them a dying plant,
can't you. Yes, I'll figure it out.

Speaker 5 (12:29):

Speaker 16 (12:29):
Oh that's gonna be in your box today.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
We're doing the dead We're doing the dead plant phone tap.
That's all you have to give away? All right? Done?
Uh so that's coming up in a few minutes. Let's
get into the horoscopes with producer Sam. Who are you
doing them with Scotty Bee.

Speaker 8 (12:47):
Our expert shipper? Yes, Scotty Bee.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
Might as well. It's already on what Way question? How
do you choose who you co host these horsecopes with?

Speaker 9 (12:54):
Every day?

Speaker 8 (12:55):
I just I do what my heart tells me.

Speaker 4 (12:56):
You know, sometimes I really like someone, sometimes they really
annoy me.

Speaker 8 (13:00):
It's the pendulum swings. Both is out of pity tlus.
I love what he wears his glasses. Look at that
little guy.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
Thank you, Scotty B. He's so hot today. Look at him.
He's a zaddy.

Speaker 8 (13:10):
Oh he's blushing.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
Yeah, look at him, Gandhi, he's a zaddy today. Look
at that.

Speaker 3 (13:14):
Oh no, it's Scotty under there is Zady?

Speaker 17 (13:17):

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Is it good? Zaddy is awesome. Zaddy is awesome. You're
a hot daddy. Thanks you, Let's go.

Speaker 18 (13:24):
If it's your birthday today, you share it with Robert Pattinson,
Stevie Wonder, Morgan Wallins, Stephen Colbert, and Dennis Rodman.

Speaker 1 (13:31):

Speaker 18 (13:31):
Yeah a lot today, Berti Capricorn. Your day demands patience
and persistence. Tackle tasks one at a time for best results.
Your days of nine.

Speaker 4 (13:39):
Aquarius, you're drawn to innovative solutions today. Trust those random
creative instincts. Your day's an eight Pisces.

Speaker 18 (13:45):
You might be having a tough time. Reach out to
friends for support. They have the words you need to hear.
Your days of six hey Aries.

Speaker 4 (13:51):
Your day is full of energy, so chattel that into
completing pending projects.

Speaker 8 (13:55):
Your days of.

Speaker 18 (13:56):
Six Taurusts focus on taking bites instead of conquering the
entire project all at once. Small steps will lead to
big changes. Your day is a seven Gemini.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
Your words carry more weight than usually today. Use them
wisely and intentionally. Your day's a seven Cancer.

Speaker 18 (14:10):
Take time to recharge. You've been burning the candle at
both ends, and eventually it'll burn out. Your days of five.

Speaker 4 (14:16):
Hey Leo, your confidence shines brightly when you turn it on.
Use it to attract positive attention and opportunity. Your days
of nine.

Speaker 18 (14:21):
Virgo, it's a great day for organization. You're feeling very
mentally together at the moment, so don't waste it. Your
days an eight that.

Speaker 4 (14:28):
Never happens for me, Libra, Valuable lessons are learned from
embracing challenges Your days an eight Scorpio.

Speaker 18 (14:34):
Honesty might feel scary, but it can also open doors.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
Your day is a.

Speaker 4 (14:38):
Ten, and finally, Sagittarius, allow your career curiosity to take
the lead.

Speaker 8 (14:43):
It realizes something you don't yet.

Speaker 4 (14:45):
Your day's an eight, and those are your Monday morning horoscopes. I, Danielle,
a lot of stuff going on.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
What do you ever coming on?

Speaker 16 (14:52):
Blake Shelton will appear in an upcoming Mark Wahlberg film,
and I'll tell you how he got the part and
posts Malone lots more country on the way.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
He's speaking of Wahlburg. I do believe we have a
Donnie Wahlberg coming in later this week? Is this true?
That is correct, Elvis. As of now, they're on the
schedule for Thursday.

Speaker 16 (15:09):
Now, if they get a better offer, are they not
going to come in?

Speaker 1 (15:12):
We're working through something. Oh, new Kids on the Block? Well, well,
hold on, you didn't tell me there was a is
there a wrinkle in the percent certain?

Speaker 12 (15:24):
You know?

Speaker 14 (15:25):
Is you know, a very contentious couple of seconds there?
So yeah, ninety five percent sure they'll be here. Wait
wait you went No, wait you went from ninety nine percent, champs.
They're coming into the wrong way way. Okay, I need
I need to know today is new kids on the Block?

Speaker 1 (15:42):
I mean, are new kids on the block? Whatever? Are
they going to be here? Is it thursday? Yes? Is
it yes? Or no? As far as I know, yes, No,
I need no, that's lame. I need a firm commitment now,
because if there's a chance they're not coming in, then
then cancel them. Okay, yes, okay.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
What Gandhi, there are a few contentious seconds. Are you
fighting with the new Kids on the Block?

Speaker 9 (16:04):

Speaker 14 (16:05):
In which one? Joe the problem?

Speaker 5 (16:10):
Are you fighting with Joey?

Speaker 1 (16:13):
No? No, No, this is a big show, New Kids
on the Block. It's either they are coming or not.
We can live without them, no offense, They will be here.

Speaker 5 (16:21):
But New Kids on the Block had a bunch of
hits Chinese food.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
They did back in the day. Yes, yeah, exactly. I
would love to have New Kids on the Block in here.
But if there, if there's a chance they're messing with you,
I'd rather than not. They will be here, all right.
Have you guys ever watched a show and maybe a
series on whatever, Netflix or whatever, and it's so bad,

but you have to finish it. I did that. I
finished that Palm Royale thing with Kristin Wig, which I love,
but I love her beautiful, beautiful costuming and sets. And
the story is the worst piece of crap in the
history of stories on TV. It kept getting worse and worse.
And what did I do. I kept watching every episode

because I had to see how bad they could make it.
And it ended up I finished the final of the
season finale. I'm assuming I'm assuming it's the series finale.
No offense. It was the worst piece of crap I've
ever seen in the history of my watching TV.

Speaker 16 (17:22):
Wow, we could not even We watched two episodes, and
Sheldon looked at me and goes, yeah, we're out.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
What's so bad about it?

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Oh, there's no way.

Speaker 5 (17:32):
The story, the act ye, what else? Everything?

Speaker 1 (17:35):
It crap the bed at every turn. Seriously.

Speaker 16 (17:39):
The costumes are beautiful, The seven is beautiful, beautiful.

Speaker 5 (17:42):
I can't watch it show just on the costumes.

Speaker 10 (17:45):

Speaker 9 (17:46):

Speaker 1 (17:46):
It was set in the sixties, seven seventies, and it
was beautifully done, the costumes, everything, and an all star
cast everything, But the storyline was just the dumbest crap
I have ever seen my life.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
So you're going to drive people to go watch this
now and then they're going to turn around and be like,
oh my god, it was so terrible what.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
We watch well, So to that point, my question is this,
do you ever watch anything because of how bad it is?
Because that's why I watched it.

Speaker 11 (18:14):
I have to.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
I kept in my mind challenging them to make it worse,
and they paid off. With every moment, with every frame,
it got worse and worse. What up?

Speaker 2 (18:26):
What up?

Speaker 9 (18:26):

Speaker 1 (18:27):
I actually watched a movie this weekend, same crappy.

Speaker 5 (18:30):
When we watched.

Speaker 14 (18:31):
Sissue, it was it was just absurd. It was absolutely absurd.
It was about this guy running from the Nazis in
World War Two, and like at one point he's hanging
off of a plane and I'm like, this would never happen.
He's throwing land mines at people like their baseballs, and like,

would never happen.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
Just so we'll just text it. And I watched it too.
I agree. I had to finish it as in Palm
Royal because it's so bad. It was so bad. I
guess I'm going to say this. Here's my review. Elvis
Duran from Zer one hundred says it's so bad. I
loved it. He was that bad. Friday is the.

Speaker 5 (19:14):
Bad movie I watched When I do my entertainment.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
All right, all of that and more all the way.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
Barbara Corkrand Shark from Shark Tank.

Speaker 5 (19:23):
They change was losing Mark Cuban, but he's with us
for another year.

Speaker 2 (19:27):

Speaker 5 (19:27):
Is there anyone else you'd like to get rid of
on Shark Tank? Come on, I'm not answering that question.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
The battlessly capable all Electric EQS SUV from Mercedes Benz
with available transparent HORD technology. It's so advanced it can
see through sheet metal the vehicle is all electric. The
feeling is all Mercedes. Learn more at mbusa dot com.
Slash eqs Dash SUV.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
I love Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Alex and I invited our good friend Carol over for
dinner Saturday. So I made this pie and I can't
do it with shrimp and lobster and stuff because Alex
is allergic to all things crustacean. So it has you know,
chicken thighs and some and dewey sausage is very spicy whatever.
It's really good. But I tell you this paia has
twelve cloves of garlic in it. I know my breath's

most like well Scary's breath pretty much on any given
moment or morning. But where did that Nate come back here?
I'm about to talk about you. Where did he go
come back here? Nate? I'm talking about you?

Speaker 3 (20:35):
He turned around?

Speaker 1 (20:37):
What happened?

Speaker 9 (20:38):
Is he?

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Is he like yelling at someone? So I said this
pia is great, and Nate, who I don't know. Sometimes
I wonder if he knows what he's talking about, because
he's from Eerie. He says, is is it crunchy? And
he's right. The bottom of the paia you want to

to get crunchy. It's called the Soccarat. We've talked about
this right and people are like, what, who cares? It's
like rice and meat. No, No, you have to make
the bottom of the pan nice and hot, so it
gets crunchy. So you eat that crunchy rice that gets
stuck in your teeth. You know what I'm saying. I
gave this mofo a crazy soccara. That's the best part

of but giving you mofo a crazy soccar All this
time I was thinkuring I was eating bad paie any
time I had it in a restaurant, I'm like, why
is sticking to the bottom? Like, no, if it's great,
they'll you know, they give it to soccar the crunchy bottom,
and then they scrape it up and put it on
top of the other, the fluffy rice you're eating. It's amazing, huh.

And there's a restaurant there is actually several of these
restaurants here in town called Soccarat. Have you ever been. No,
it's all like tap us and a spind It's fantastic.
So if ever you eat paia and it doesn't have
a crunchy bottom. If you know what I'm saying, send
it back, you say, pardon me? Can you crunch my bottom?
Thank you?

Speaker 5 (22:03):
Can you make plaea without fish?

Speaker 11 (22:06):

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Absolutely, this has no fish in it at all. Okay,
I would prefer to have fish. But but like I said,
Alex is very allergic.

Speaker 11 (22:13):

Speaker 9 (22:14):
You know.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
You know who's coming for dinner tonight? Another another night
in the kitchen, rattling pans. Our friend, Lydia Malcolm's coming
for yees, so I have to cook her a steak.
His favorite wine is a red wine. It's from Are
you ready for this? It's a French wine. It's called
Chateau le Gay.

Speaker 5 (22:32):
Of course that's what he likes.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
I'm like, I mean, if I mean, aren't all chateaus
somewhat gay? It seems it seems like a big gay house. Anyway,
So Lydia Malcolm will be here tonight. We'll have all
the stories tomorrow. All right, Danielle, let's go. You have
so much going on. Where do you start?

Speaker 19 (22:46):

Speaker 16 (22:46):
We all know that the post Malone Morgan Wallin collaboration
is doing really really well. While we find out Post
Malone's next album is a full length country project, so
we are excited about that. To be on the way
by the Way post in Morgan. I had some help
debuts at number one of global Spotify with thirteen point
nine million streams player. It's crazy, Yeah, let's play it.

So Fox has renewed The Cleaning Lady for a twelve
episode fourth season. The showrunners, though, will be departing and
they have to.

Speaker 5 (23:16):
Pivot the storyline.

Speaker 16 (23:17):
Unfortunately, because one of our favorites, aid in Canto, who
played Armond, we know he passed away in real life
and so they had to kind of change everything up
because he was He was basically the star of the
show in a lot of people's eyes. So there's a
lot of challenges going on there, but they are going
to bring it back. So Blake Shelton was at the

Keep Memory Alive twenty seventh Annual Power of Love Gala
in Las Vegas for his charity work, and the evening
included a live auction and he was like, wait a second,
I want to win this. He bid on a walk
on role in a future Mark Wahlberg movie.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
We don't know what it is, but he paid forty
thousand dollars for.

Speaker 16 (23:56):
It and he got the walk on role, and like
I said, the money is going to charity. I don't
know if you guys saw this picture, but during taylorswipt
show in Paris on Friday night, somebody brought a baby
into the room. It's the standing room section, so kind
of like general population, you know what I mean, just
put the baby.

Speaker 5 (24:12):
On the floor.

Speaker 16 (24:13):
At least the baby was lying on something soft. But
a lot of people were like, this is not cool.

Speaker 5 (24:19):
You don't do what.

Speaker 4 (24:22):
Come on?

Speaker 5 (24:23):
I mean, Oh and the baby did have ear protection.
Oh so that you know.

Speaker 16 (24:27):
Okay, go look at the picture and you tell me, okay,
I'll get back. Drake took to social and he was
pleading to a Toronto News outlet to ground their helicopters.
He's like, can you please stop the chopter flight times
over this house. I'm trying to sleep. Anytime after three
pm works great for me. Another incident happened on Saturday.

Everybody's trying to get into Drake's house. This one happened
again at his one hundred million dollar mansion. And there's
just a lot going on. You know, there's still a
lot going on with Kendrick Lamorrow. Though a lot of
people think that Kendrick won the last battle with his
last release, and that Drake has kind of taken a step.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Back now he has given up Kendrick. Kendrick hired the helicopters.

Speaker 5 (25:11):
It's all so crazy, man.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
This is what I love. The fact that we're not Drake.
No one gives a crap about us. No one's breaking
into our house. There's no helicopters hovering over my house
about you.

Speaker 5 (25:19):
It's so crazy.

Speaker 16 (25:21):
Let's see MTV Movie and TV Awards would be scheduled
around this time of year.

Speaker 5 (25:25):
It's not happening.

Speaker 16 (25:26):
MTV ass is saying that the ceremony will be back
next year and they're going to have to kind of revamp.

Speaker 5 (25:31):
The whole thing.

Speaker 16 (25:32):
Sn Now will mark it's fiftieth anniversary in primetime in February.
For this, they're going to do a President's Day holiday
weekend long celebration and then it will end up with
a live three hour primetime special. So that will be
pretty cool. Snoop Dogg's getting a new e unscripted series.
There's no title yet, but it will focus on his
daughter Corey and her fiance Wayne as they get ready

to tie the knot and apparently Snoop will be in
the credits listed as the executive producer. And you know
Justin Bieber and Haley Bieber are expecting a baby.

Speaker 5 (26:03):
How did they keep the news silent? Because I mean
you would.

Speaker 16 (26:06):
Have thought she's six months pregnant or something, so you
would have thought we would have found out by now,
But they only told really close friends and family, and
the friends and family did what they said they would do.
They didn't tell anybody, which is crazy because normally when
you tell somebody, everybody finds out, you know what I mean,
there's usually somebody that's going to to go and tell

somebody else.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
But then that was the best kept secret. The baby
exactly as Michael, which means I'm well upset they should
have told us, would have kept it.

Speaker 16 (26:37):
And Madame Tussa's London Wax Museum updated the Justin Bieber statue.
He has now an infant carrier, getting him ready for
when he is a daddy.

Speaker 5 (26:46):
So just letting you know. Okay, So what are we watching?

Speaker 2 (26:49):

Speaker 5 (26:49):
The Voice, so you think you can dance?

Speaker 16 (26:50):
The four season finale of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, I
watch oh Acapoco. The next season is out on Apple
TV Plus if you haven't started watching that that's been
out since the beginning of the month. We've got a
lot of friends on that show and we absolutely love it,
so check it out if you get a chance. Also,
I made my husband, I think, because it was Mother's
Day weekend, he was very easily.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
Persuaded to watch rom coms with me.

Speaker 16 (27:14):
So the poor guy was like, fine, we loved the
idea of you with Anne Hathaway. So Anne Hathaway pays
this forty year old woman who basically falls in love
with one of the guys in a boy band, and
it is I'm not even gonna kid, do you it
is hot. We were watching it and I thought it
was really hot. Elvis, I think you're gonna think this

guy is like the most.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
Stop it wow calling me out who he is hot?

Speaker 5 (27:40):
He's hot, Elvis, he's high.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
I've heard the movies. Okay.

Speaker 16 (27:44):
I loved it, and Sheldon actually loved it. And you know,
first name is Nicholas Gallop. Well he's shoosh damn. And
Anne Hathaway is hot too. I have to say. I
told Sheldon if I had a pick, I might pick
her over him because she really oh, she is smoking.
She's gorgeous and The Mother of the Bride with Brookshields
and Benjamin Bratt.

Speaker 5 (28:04):
That one you don't have to watch because it was awful.

Speaker 16 (28:08):
And I felt bad because I thought Benjamin Bratt was
really great in it, but it was just whoever wrote
it not no, not good, not good. So I felt
bad about not liking that one.

Speaker 5 (28:18):
But I'm just being one.

Speaker 1 (28:20):
Maybe we're starting to see production that's coming out like
it was and they're all kind of marred by the
writer strike. I don't know. Are we just now seeing
like like new stuff out because of bad writing? I
don't know.

Speaker 5 (28:36):
Maybe, But anyway, that's my daniel work.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Thank you Danielle. You know, Garrett brings up a good
point and I've noticed this over the weekend a lot
of people went to Paris, France to see Taylor Swift.
You know why the tickets over there are so cheap.
You can get in to see Taylor Swift in Europe,
including airfare, cheaper than going to see her in America.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
That's crazy.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
I know another reason to go to Paris.

Speaker 5 (29:02):
And you could have seen that baby on the floor
at the concert.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
I know it's at floor. It's fine. I promised I
deliver oh yeah, post Bellone and Morgan Wallen. Remember the
first time you heard the song Froggy, how much you
loved it, and you kept saying, you've got to.

Speaker 19 (29:16):
Hear the song.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
This is I had some help. Welcome Monday. Wake it up, sister, They.

Speaker 4 (29:25):
Wake me up.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
The Morning Show on.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 16 (29:32):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child's prices,
you need Undercover Tourists dot Com. They're an authorized seller
of Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland.
These are the real deal. Save now at Undercover Tourists
dot Com.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
By Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (29:57):
You know Billie Eilish has a new album. She's having
this big listening party. And we've done this many times
where artists will have a listening party and they'll do
it at a club or she's doing it at Barclay
Center in Brooklyn.

Speaker 16 (30:10):
It's massive to have more friends there.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
You know, you can have more foot How many friends
can you have there? Twenty thousand? I don't know anyway.
So that's happening Wednesday night, and of course it's an
invite only thing. So everyone's like, of course, everyone's like, hey, Elvis,
do you know someone to get me? And I'm like, uh,
I'll try. I know here at ZE one hundred were
giving away those passes if you want to go to
the listening party. So do you remember back when pandemic hit,

we were going to do this big, big promotion with
Y one hundred in Miami where we're going to have
We're gonna fly all these people to New York from
Miami to see her in concert. We bought all the
airline tickets, we bought all the tickets for the show, everything,
and then shut down pandemic. That's one of the many
things that was shut down. Yeah, so no longer the pandemic.

So hey, here comes Billie Eilish. We're going to try
to keep this one on right. What else was shut down?
A lot of stuff was shut down.

Speaker 5 (31:07):
Weren't we about to fly somewhere? We were going away somewhere.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
We had a hole. I think we were traveling like
once at least once a month, once every other month
in twenty twenty, and it just all got shutdown.

Speaker 16 (31:19):
Froggy and I were supposed to do a live broadcast
from the Universal Orlando.

Speaker 5 (31:22):
Oh, that's right, and that got shut down.

Speaker 20 (31:24):
I was supposed to go to Greece for Norwegian Cruise
Line and we never shut down.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
Also remember Nile Horn came in and we're going to
go to Walkers and do Saint Patrick's Day with him. Ye,
shut down.

Speaker 6 (31:36):
I was supposed to get a million dollars down, never
shut down, shut down.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
I think I was going to have sex that day.
Shut down, shut down. That's still happening even after the pandemic.

Speaker 11 (31:49):
I know.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
I mean the masks are off. Let's take our clothes
off too. What's wrong here anyway? You have a new
contest today, Gandhi, what's going on? Yeah? I know you're working.
You have what?

Speaker 3 (32:00):
I have a little pile of contests.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
Hear the word pile, I think of like like doggy.

Speaker 3 (32:06):
Do ye steaming?

Speaker 1 (32:07):
YEAHI what do you have?

Speaker 8 (32:09):

Speaker 3 (32:10):
So there are two things. On Friday, it was National
Shrimp Day, and I know you love shrimp. So I
made the dumbest game of all time a bunch of
shrimp commercials, and I want to see if people can
guess where are that shrimps coming from?

Speaker 1 (32:22):
A desperate We're gonna test people's knowledge about shrimp commercials.

Speaker 3 (32:27):
There's no way anyone's gonna get them. Diamond and I
were making it and we were cracking up, like, there's
only one I think that people are going to get.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Can we just do it?

Speaker 9 (32:34):

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Sure, I know you have a whole pile we want
to talking about. How can we how can we move
on to anything? Should we do? Name that shrimp commercial?

Speaker 8 (32:43):
It's so and it's so difficult. Good luck everybody, this
is this.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
Is so stupid. It's so stupid. It's fabulous.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
I did it just for you. I was like, oh, shrimps,
I just love some shrimps.

Speaker 16 (32:55):
I didn't that many.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
There's so many guys, there so many.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
Okay, if anyone's gonna snoop and find the shrimp commercials,
it's gonna be Gandhi. You are so high, all right,
So call now if you can name those shrimp commercials.
Pull Diamond up. Let me talk to Diamond. Hey, Diamond, Diamond,
we need to find someone who knows shrimp commercials. I

know you already. You and Gandhi worked on this right together.

Speaker 16 (33:24):
Yes, and this is not going to be easy.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
There's no way. I mean, even if you're like the
chairman of the Shrimp Council. You're not gonna get these right.
So Gandhi, Yeah, Diamond, how did you guys find these
shrimp commercials? Like, where do you go? We want to
find these?

Speaker 17 (33:41):
Throwing out names of places that could potentially sell shrimp.

Speaker 5 (33:44):
And it was like the weirdest thing.

Speaker 3 (33:47):
I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
Okay, So that's the rule. You have to name this
place that potentially sells shrimp.

Speaker 3 (33:54):
Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 7 (33:56):
They have ten different commercials.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
Yeah ten, And Diamond called me a kid no less
than ten times.

Speaker 5 (34:01):
Wow, your crackhead for lots of reasons.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
Yeah, I at that to the list of reasons. Gandhi's
a crackhead. By the way, I don't mean to offend crackheads. Diamond,
do you have someone to play ready?

Speaker 10 (34:16):

Speaker 3 (34:17):
Now let me send you the list so that you can.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
I mean, how can you find someone qualified? I mean, like, okay,
turn her down? I mean, how does she like vet
these callers? I mean, hello, takes for calling the other
straight money shows? So do you know about shrimp commercials?

Speaker 3 (34:33):
Call if you're a shrimp fan? I guess all.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
Right, pardon me, Oh my god, these allergies and not
the only one. Seriously everyone. Oh, and like I said before,
I don't want to take you know that over the
counter medicine to get rid of the symptoms, because that
makes me feel worse. Does that just swistle?

Speaker 16 (34:55):
It makes you tired, you should take it at night.
If it makes you tired, take it at night before bed.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
I know you're right. Do we have someone ready to play?

Speaker 7 (35:02):
Yes, we have, Linda.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Let's play. It's time for name that shrimp commercial. Good morning, Linda,
Hello Linda, good morning.

Speaker 12 (35:14):
How are you.

Speaker 1 (35:16):
Ask me after this contest? Do you know a lot
about shrimp? I like, I think it was Friday was
National Shrimp Day, wasn't it?

Speaker 5 (35:29):
It was?

Speaker 3 (35:30):
And you love a good shrimp, so I wanted to
celebrate something that you love.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
I love. I wish they would genetically mess with shrimp
and turn them into like the size of a cow.
I would like I would eat like a shrimp roast. Seriously,
that would be great, the shrimp. All right, Well, here
we go. I don't even know the answers. We're just
going to you.

Speaker 3 (35:51):
I also, I think there's a chance, very slight chance
that Scotty Bee might know some of these just based
on his knowledge of like fast food and shrimp things.

Speaker 1 (35:59):
I don't know, all right, I'll tell you it's naughty.
Excuse me, Scotty beat Turner, Scotty, Scotty. If you if
Linda gets one wrong, will you like be her backup? Yes? Yeah,
thank you? All right? So these are these are this
is sound from commercials that have to do with shrimp
or purveyors of shrimp products.

Speaker 3 (36:21):
Yeah, just guess the restaurant.

Speaker 1 (36:24):
We can call it. Guess that shrimp restaurant. Here we go.
Here is shrimp commercial, Linda, here we go. Fasten your
seat belt. It's gonna be a bumpy contest. Here is
shrimp commercial. Number one.

Speaker 11 (36:37):
My idea is seafood is big, beautiful butterfly shrimp marinated
and mike Keilla Louisiana seasonings and fried up crispy.

Speaker 5 (36:44):
This is the one you've been waiting for.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
How can you get that wrong? What is the name
of that shrimp.

Speaker 13 (36:49):
Restaurant that's like an old commercial?

Speaker 1 (36:59):
What what purveyor of shrimp is that place? Did you
say red Lobster? Did I hear her say that?

Speaker 5 (37:03):

Speaker 1 (37:05):
No, that's not great? Okay, okay, Scotti for the wind
right away. That's Popeyes.

Speaker 3 (37:13):
Yeah, I thought that would be the giveaway.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
Can I tell you a funny story? Excuse me? Can
I tell you a funny story about Popeyes? Linda. So
they used to send they were definitely a great, a
great partner of our show for many years, and they
would send me the copy for the Popeye's commercial that
I had to read. Right, it's the same copy they
gave that woman here played play that little place again,
Just play it.

Speaker 11 (37:37):
My idea is this big beautiful butterflies Maaronated and Mike Keilla,
Louisiana seasonings and fried.

Speaker 1 (37:43):
Up Christy love her. But they gave me her. They
gave me her copy word for word. So the copy
they gave me was like, ooh, child, you need to
go to Popeyes.

Speaker 12 (37:58):

Speaker 1 (37:58):
I'm like, nay, You're the producer. Can you fix this?
Tell them I'm not going to read it like her.
I mean literally, the letters were, honey, you love pop Eyes.
I'm like you, I can't read that, even though I'm actually
I do talk about that all right. You got the
first one wrong. We're looking for the names of these
purveyors of shrimp dishes. Here's number two.

Speaker 14 (38:18):
It's finally back with as much shrimp as you want
any way, you want one taste of these new pineapple
cobbonaro coconut shrimp bites, and I already want more.

Speaker 1 (38:28):
There you go. And what is the name of that restaurant?

Speaker 19 (38:32):
Maybe Applebeet Oh you.

Speaker 18 (38:34):
Said it already, Oh my god, No, Scotty's that's Red Lobster,
Red Lobster Shrimp.

Speaker 1 (38:43):
And it was it's that. I think it's that shrimp
promotion that's running them into the poorhouse.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
It is.

Speaker 5 (38:47):
Hey, does she get the because Scotty's helping her?

Speaker 1 (38:51):
No? No, actually I turned it into a competition. Okay, Yeah,
Red Lobster is in financial problems because of the all
you can eat shrimp specially all right. It's kind of
funny because you give the names of the restaurants that
are actually the answer for the next one.

Speaker 12 (39:11):
Here we go.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
Here is Shrimp preveyor number three. Get a dozen shrimp
for one dollar with any steak only at Atley. Oh
thank you, sweet Jesus. All right, you think we're done, No,
we're learning that many many restaurants are breading and frying

up shrimp every day, including this one. Number four.

Speaker 21 (39:35):
You'll be hooked on I with six dollars shrimp baskets,
whether they're frides the Golden perfection or sizzling on a grill.
And now get even more thank for your batter when
you upgrade the tempo shrimp, make us your first meat
and order our head to skip the weed.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
There, you know, more bang for your batter. What is
that restaurant?

Speaker 19 (39:52):
I didn't know there was so many shrimp restaurants there are.

Speaker 12 (39:57):

Speaker 18 (40:00):
No, that's not it for the for the when Scotty,
I know it because there's one near me that's Long
John Silver's.

Speaker 1 (40:08):
Yeah. Did you ever wonder why they called him Long
John Silver?

Speaker 3 (40:14):
But we should find out.

Speaker 1 (40:17):
Okay, I have to stop down for a second. What
prompted you to come up with this contest? What in
your life happened Gandhi that made you to say, let's
do a contest about shrimp restaurants.

Speaker 3 (40:25):
It was National Shrimp Day. I wanted to celebrate shrimp.
You love shrimp. I've never heard someone loves shrimp as
much as you do.

Speaker 1 (40:30):
I do. So right now, Scotti has three points, Linda
only has one. Here we go. What who said something?
What Lina said? Okay, here we go. Here's believe it
or not. This place sells shrimp to number five.

Speaker 15 (40:47):
You mannicotti for majo with ricotta, palmeersan and mazzarella cheese,
served with either sausage, shrimp and our creamy carbon are sauce,
or with PANTSI or chicken.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
Oh that god awful? I know this od that's right?

Speaker 5 (41:05):
Isn't Olive to be an Italian restaurant?

Speaker 22 (41:08):
Who says mazari?

Speaker 20 (41:14):

Speaker 1 (41:16):
Aren't they the ones that have the ra with kalapeno
cheddar sauce? Okay, you got it right, yeah, Olive Garden,
they as well are a purveyor of good shrimp all right.
Here we go. Here is shrimp Restaurant number six. They're
cravers of the sea menu.

Speaker 17 (41:32):
The classic shrimp nibblers are available again. And I was
introducing a new spicy sir rocha shrimp nibbler.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
Oh my god. And they made the news. There was
a newscast about the shrimp nibbler. Wasn't the porn star
shrimp nibbler?

Speaker 3 (41:47):
Oh it sounds all right.

Speaker 1 (41:49):
What restaurant was that?

Speaker 10 (41:50):
You know?

Speaker 12 (41:51):
I have no idea?

Speaker 1 (41:53):
Play it again? Here we go, it's a news story.
They're cravers of the menu.

Speaker 17 (41:57):
The classic shrimp nibblers are available again, and then I
was introducing a new spicy sir roch shrimp nibbler.

Speaker 1 (42:05):
Shrimp nibbler with sports. Uh what I bet Danielle knows.

Speaker 18 (42:11):
I have no idea, Scott I mean it sounds fast foody.

Speaker 1 (42:17):
I'm gonna say, like Arthur Treachers, I'm not no, no, no,
it's you want to get shrimp nibblers. You go to
white Castle.

Speaker 5 (42:28):
Shrimp nibblers.

Speaker 1 (42:31):
I bet they're fabulous. I would love a platter of
shrimp nibblers. All right, So no one, no one gets
the point. No what you all lose? Good day, sir.
Oh here we go, believe or not. This place, Uh,
this place has shrimp to number seven, firecracker shrimp, fire

cracker Wow. And I'll give you a hand. It's right
next to the bourbon. It's right next to the bourbon chicken.
What's the name of the shrimp dish there? It's crack
cracker shrimp. And I love this place, by the way.
I eat them every time I'm at the mall. Mm hmm.

Speaker 18 (43:19):
No, Scottie for the wind. I only think I know
it because your clue. I think that's Panda Express.

Speaker 1 (43:26):
Yeah, absolutely, yes, I love we love Panda Express. I
would love some fire crackers shrimp right next to the
shrimp nibblers. All right, So the Panta Express so you,
Scottie b has five points, Linda has two. Here we go.
Oh my god, I didn't know this place sold shrimp.
Here we go, Shrimp Preveyor number eight.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
Hold on? Where are the kids?

Speaker 9 (43:49):
Popcorn shrimp basket? So good? Wow?

Speaker 1 (43:54):
You magic the way? So good shrimp as in like
a cannibalistic thing. Uh okay, what restaurant is that? Should
I play it again for Linda?

Speaker 17 (44:06):

Speaker 7 (44:06):
One more time?

Speaker 2 (44:07):
Hold on, hold on? Where are the kids.

Speaker 9 (44:13):
Popcorn strop basket? So good? Shrimp would eat them?

Speaker 1 (44:17):
Oh god, this sounds awesome. But where is that.

Speaker 12 (44:21):

Speaker 18 (44:22):
No for the wind Scotty. I mean that could be
literally anything. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (44:28):
You'll never get. It's no dairy queen. If you want chocolate,
I don't know that one.

Speaker 3 (44:41):
That one, but let me tell you that commercial. Diamond
and I were appalled because it was these two little
cartoon shrimp eating all the shrimp. And then they looked
at each other and they said, where are the kids?
And they didn't know they were eating their.

Speaker 1 (44:54):
Oh my god, sounds like my weekend so yes, dairy queen,
absolutely if you want shrimp and go to DQ country.
All right, finally, our final purveyor of shrimp dish. Here
we go go. Spicy shrimp, a flavor wave of night
your senses, flum savory shrimp on the inside, pott and

crispy on the outside. Is that number nine?

Speaker 7 (45:20):
That was nine?

Speaker 1 (45:21):
Okay, you wouldn't guess this place ever, But they have shrimp.
Oh my god, I don't know, Scotty, I cann tell you.

Speaker 18 (45:33):
The only reason I know is because I know the
production bed from doing the commercials.

Speaker 1 (45:37):
That's KFC. It's KFC.

Speaker 18 (45:39):
Yes, I recognize the music.

Speaker 1 (45:42):
There you go, KFC has shrimp.

Speaker 19 (45:44):
All right.

Speaker 1 (45:45):
Well, Scotty got six points, Linda only got two. In
the name that shrimp restaurant contest. This is the dumbest
moment of my life. I love it.

Speaker 3 (45:56):
I think she there's one left, and I think she
could get it.

Speaker 1 (46:00):
Really I didn't. I don't have it on my list,
so even I will be no, No, I don't want to know. Okay,
I'm gonna play as well. Here we go, here's the
last shrimp restaurant.

Speaker 23 (46:08):
I like to say that life is like a box
of chipault barbecue shrimp, or there's coconut shrimp, or their
shrimp dying on my or I.

Speaker 1 (46:24):
Guess we can figure that the commercial. Is that the
commercial that.

Speaker 3 (46:28):
Just a no, that's the commercial for their frozen frozen
food owner.

Speaker 1 (46:34):
He said, She said, he said chippote or something. All right,
So for the way I will give you, I will
give you all the Scotty Bees points as well, Linda,
if you can name what restaurants are talking about.

Speaker 12 (46:46):
Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1 (46:47):
If you get this, if you get this wrong, shame, shame, shame,
I'll take it. Oh no, we never saw.

Speaker 14 (46:55):
The movie.

Speaker 12 (46:58):
The movie.

Speaker 1 (47:00):
There you go. You got it. You didn't say the
word Bubba, but you said Gump that we need judges.
Gump is enough.

Speaker 3 (47:09):
Judges, Yes in this one, I guess.

Speaker 1 (47:12):
Just just so we can move on with the whole life.
You lost all your points to Linda. God, yeah, a loser. Congratulations, Linda,
you just won the name that shrimp restaurant contest?

Speaker 12 (47:30):
Oh yeah, thank you.

Speaker 14 (47:33):
What do we have with a friend, Linda? There fabulous
Elvis Strand in the Morning Show T shirt for her?

Speaker 5 (47:38):

Speaker 1 (47:39):
Well, hey you and I'm gonna throw in some cocktail sauce. Hey, yeah, well,
thank you there, Zaddy, Well, thank you, Linda. Obi have
a great day. And uh you know, I want every
day to be National shrimp Day, So have a great day.
Hold on one second. God, we're running late. Very oh well,
but look what we're running late for. It's all quality entertainment.

Speaker 5 (48:00):
This ship.

Speaker 3 (48:00):
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it.

Speaker 1 (48:02):
Should we do three things, we'll just roll into our
all way into the three things we need to know
from Gandhi who gave us name that shrip restaurant? What's
going on all right?

Speaker 3 (48:13):
The controlled demolition of debris lying on the cargo ship
that struck Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge is said to
take place later today, after the operation was postponed over
the weekend due to weather concerns. Cruz, We'll be using
explosive charges to break apart debris from the ship so
that it can be refloated, clearing the channel for access
to the Port of Baltimore. The ship has been stranded

ever since it hit the bridge and caused the collapse
in late March. The accident resulted in the deaths of
six people. If it seems like everybody is taking ozempic
these days.

Speaker 8 (48:44):
It's because a lot of people are.

Speaker 3 (48:47):
Apparently fifteen million American adults are currently taking one of
the drugs that are similar to ozempic or have similar
side effects. Sixty two percent say they've taken a GLP
one to treat a chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease,
but four and ten that's for forty three percent there
say they've taken it primarily to lose weight. Insurance cover

is at least part of the cost for people who
are insured, but fifty three percent say it is still
tough to afford. Medicare currently doesn't cover prescription drugs used
for weight loss, but six and ten people think the
policy policy should change to cover them for people who
are clinically overweight. So yes, if it seems like a
lot of people are taking it.

Speaker 5 (49:24):
A lot of people, how many different types are there?

Speaker 23 (49:26):

Speaker 5 (49:26):
Of those ones, I.

Speaker 8 (49:27):
Think at five or six, I think, yeah, am.

Speaker 1 (49:30):
I the only one of the show doing tides?

Speaker 2 (49:32):

Speaker 1 (49:33):
Yeah, I don't have to use insurance. I buy mine
from some lady down the streets. She's raising money for
the for the volunteer fire department, and all the proceeds
go to them, not to you.

Speaker 3 (49:47):
And finally, I think none of us got to see
the amazing phenomenon that happened over the weekend. The Northern
Lights took over the majority of the eastern United States.

Speaker 1 (49:57):
Beautiful too, child, Your boyfriend brand and sent us to
the most incredible photos from Detroit.

Speaker 3 (50:03):
Yes he was in Detroit, my sister in Columbus, Ohio.
I mean the sky lit up. It was a show, purple, pink, green,
all of it. It was amazing. But it's because there
was a massive solar flare, a big storm. It did
knock out some power grids in South Africa and caused
some other trouble in Norway. But the lights were amazing

and we missed out on it. And those are your
three things.

Speaker 1 (50:25):
I love how electronics and other things went a little,
a little batty because of the energy that was coming
from and including your brain. And came up with a
shrimp contest.

Speaker 3 (50:36):
I think it was a solid contest.

Speaker 1 (50:39):
People are texting say how much they hated it, and
they listened every minute of it. Yes, my favorite text
the dubbest game ever, But damn it, I'm hunger for
shrimp and I listened to the whole.

Speaker 3 (50:50):
Thing excellent brought to you by the Shrimp Council.

Speaker 1 (50:52):
So we have a free crap phone tap up next,
because well we don't have any money to give away.
So Daniel already found a dead a dying floral arrangement.

Speaker 16 (51:01):
Yes, it's been in here and it's dying. So we're
gonna give that away. And then close to boy, Josh
says he's got some crap I can go look through.

Speaker 5 (51:08):
So I'm going to look through his crap in about
five minutes.

Speaker 1 (51:11):
Right, get ready, We're going from the Name that Shrimp
Restaurant contest to win crap from the Morning show. Low
budget man, this is the way to do it. It's coming out.

Speaker 2 (51:21):
The Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 7 (51:24):
Oh, Joe Kanni's in the studio and he said.

Speaker 1 (51:26):
Scary Broscarrody. You guys should put together reary. You don't
want to be scroady.

Speaker 15 (51:34):
No, no, Listen to the Brooklyn Boys podcast on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (51:43):
Hell mister ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (51:46):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough Oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's new Cinnabon
all apart only at participating in US Wendy's All.

Speaker 2 (52:03):
This is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (52:06):
It is thank you, Lauren. We're about to get into
the free crap phone tap because well we have no
sponsor for the free cash phone tap unless someone in
here wants to flop the build and pay cash out
of their own pocket. Scary, no, thank you.

Speaker 7 (52:18):
Last time a lot of money.

Speaker 1 (52:20):
Yeah, remember that time we did photag we made scary
give away whatever money he had in his pocket. He
actually had just been to the ATM.

Speaker 7 (52:26):
Yes, just talking about from the bank.

Speaker 3 (52:28):
Thanks, and he was honest about it.

Speaker 1 (52:30):
Crazy how much was it?

Speaker 7 (52:31):
It was like three hundred.

Speaker 1 (52:35):
God, he's right. You shouldn't. You should have lied, said O,
like forty five cents. You gave away the money in
your pocket.

Speaker 5 (52:41):
It's right.

Speaker 1 (52:42):
Tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna give away
free crap that Danielle found down the hall. We'll get
into that in a minute, and we're gonna give away
all the money in scary's pocket once again.

Speaker 7 (52:50):
Oh guess what, folks, you're in luck?

Speaker 5 (52:53):
I got nothing, he's got nothing you have?

Speaker 1 (52:58):
Okay, okay, wait, I pull you your pockets out, give
me the bunny rabbit. Let's see. Let's check his pocket, gane.
He check his pocket.

Speaker 5 (53:05):
Yeah, I've got nothing, nothing in there?

Speaker 1 (53:08):
God, you got you got nothing?

Speaker 3 (53:10):
Nothing but nothing?

Speaker 1 (53:12):
I feel am I the only one I feel weird
leaving the house without a dollar in my pocket For
some reason, I don't know why.

Speaker 16 (53:17):
I sometimes don't have any money on me, and Sheldon
yells at me because he's like, listen, you need to
have something in case of an emergency. I know people
don't take cash, but you still should have some kind
of cash just in case.

Speaker 11 (53:29):

Speaker 1 (53:30):
I just frisked him.

Speaker 7 (53:31):
What do you do?

Speaker 5 (53:32):
What'd you find?

Speaker 1 (53:33):
He's got a blooming gift card? Oh my god?

Speaker 9 (53:37):
Tell us, I don't know I see here?

Speaker 1 (53:40):
Where'd you get that?

Speaker 7 (53:40):
That's a gift from my girlfriend Robin Robin.

Speaker 1 (53:43):
She'll totally understand. It hasn't been used.

Speaker 14 (53:46):
A mystery amount that go on the line and check it.

Speaker 1 (53:50):
You can go on line and five hundred dollars.

Speaker 5 (53:52):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (53:55):
Should we give?

Speaker 9 (53:55):
Should we give?

Speaker 1 (53:56):
Away a five hundred dollars Bloomingdale's gift card.

Speaker 7 (53:58):
Yeah, this is my girlfriend. A girlfriend gave this.

Speaker 1 (54:01):
Okay, we love her, you know, because it's because it's
from Robin. We will we will give it a break.
So it's the free crap phone tap. Let's do it.
Here we go hit the introsc care. We're gonna move here.

Speaker 2 (54:10):
The free craft phone tap.

Speaker 1 (54:12):
That's right, giveaway free crap that we just find around
the office. So so far, Danielle has chosen that dying
flower arrangement over in the corner.

Speaker 16 (54:19):
But I think Scotty's not gonna want to send it
because it's so heavy.

Speaker 1 (54:23):
Like, you know what, that's Scotty's job. Don't you worry
about it.

Speaker 5 (54:26):
It's going to cost a lot of money.

Speaker 18 (54:28):
I don't care about the money. But if they don't
keep it upright, that dirt is going everywhere.

Speaker 5 (54:31):
I's already fallen on my pants.

Speaker 1 (54:33):
All right, I beg your pardon.

Speaker 5 (54:35):
It's very heavy, right.

Speaker 1 (54:37):
Okay, what are the crabs as you find?

Speaker 16 (54:38):
So I went into coast to boy Josh's office and
he gave me used hot sauce Louisiana hot sauce for
garlic glover.

Speaker 5 (54:46):
Yeah, it's used. Someone to get.

Speaker 1 (54:47):
It's not used, it is I it's open. Used means
they've already put it on something.

Speaker 5 (54:52):
He has put it on something.

Speaker 1 (54:54):
But you're saying it's it's half a bottle of.

Speaker 16 (54:57):
Hawks, yeah, three quarters, okay, and that's what else for
Disney lovers, this wouldn't be crap for some figment from Diddy.

Speaker 5 (55:04):
It's a cover for your pillow, a pillow cover and then.

Speaker 1 (55:08):
A wait, hold on it. It's called a pillow case.

Speaker 16 (55:10):
Yeah, pillow cover case yeah, and then and then a
toe bag with figment on it.

Speaker 5 (55:16):
Isn't that cute? What does he hate figmu because he.

Speaker 16 (55:19):
Doesn't like figmund so his friends keeps sending him stupid
stuff a figment, so this is his way of getting
rid of it.

Speaker 1 (55:25):
Danielle Danielle is in charge of all the prizes on
Today's free crap phones. If you've done really well, so
we have a half used bottle of hot sauce, a figment,
pillow case, and a dying flower.

Speaker 5 (55:37):
If we had a toe bag. Don't forget the toepad.

Speaker 1 (55:39):
I don't forget the toepad. Uh So if you want
to win that right now, be called her. One hundred
one eight hundred.

Speaker 5 (55:45):
What Scott, he's not happy when we send out these things.

Speaker 1 (55:48):
Scotty, you know he'll get over it. One eight hundred
two four two zero one hundred. Speaking of Scotty, you know,
Josh is in his studio now, and Josh gave him
a big hug like it was a big manly yeah,
like like kind of a homo erotic hug.

Speaker 5 (56:00):
What's going on that?

Speaker 18 (56:02):
So the person he said was, do you use Irish spring?
I could smell it on you? And I'm like, yeah,
I do, I know. But now he's licking your neck. Yeah,
it's kind of hot.

Speaker 11 (56:12):
I know.

Speaker 1 (56:13):
I love that. The unsuspected couple. It's a coast of
boy Josh and Scotti. Be take what I can get,
all right? So whin all the crap? Now what he's
man handling you? He's like, should we call hr? No,
I'm good with it, okay, if you want to win
all that crap, we call her. One hundred one eight
hundred and two four two zero one hundred. Here it is,
who does the phone tap, scary Danielle. Let's listen in

shall we don't answer the phone?

Speaker 2 (56:38):
Elvis Duran? The Elvis Duran phone tab is all right?

Speaker 1 (56:41):
Let's get into the phone tap. Yes, who does the
phone town? Okay? So what's why are you giggling?

Speaker 5 (56:45):
You get scaries that I have now created a new character.

Speaker 1 (56:48):
Oh good, a new character has has been born.

Speaker 16 (56:51):
I don't know her name though, I don't remember what
I called her, but that's that's what I called her.

Speaker 5 (56:55):
She sounds like Colville. Okay, are you ready?

Speaker 23 (56:58):

Speaker 6 (56:58):
All right.

Speaker 16 (56:59):
So Paige wanted nell bag for her thirtieth birthday from
her boyfriend Sam, and he thought, you know, it's a
lot of money to spend on the.

Speaker 5 (57:05):
Bag, but look, she wants it. I'm going to get
it for her.

Speaker 16 (57:07):
The bag broke, so now she's waiting for Chanelle to
call her back. So Sam was like, this is a
great opportunity. Let's do a phone tap on her and
you act as the rep calling from the store.

Speaker 1 (57:18):
Okay, and that's you. Yeah, all right, let's see what
Daniel does in today's phone tap. Hell.

Speaker 5 (57:22):
Yes, Hi, I'm looking for page.

Speaker 24 (57:25):
This is page Hi.

Speaker 5 (57:27):
This is MEGAA from Chanelle. How are you?

Speaker 19 (57:29):
Oh, I'm good? Thanks for calling back.

Speaker 5 (57:32):
Yes, I noticed you had cold and wanted us to
call you back because something happened to your beautiful purse.

Speaker 19 (57:39):
Yeah, my beautiful purse fell apart.

Speaker 5 (57:43):
Excuse me? What are you talking about?

Speaker 19 (57:45):
The strap? It broke like literally just snaffa.

Speaker 5 (57:51):
Are you sure it's not a knock off from Canal Street?

Speaker 19 (57:54):
Are you kidding me? Are you especially? I'd buy a
bag from Canal Street?

Speaker 12 (57:58):

Speaker 16 (57:59):
Okay, I need to do me a favor. Look inside
the bag. There's a little pocket. Find the tag and
read the first three letters from the tag.

Speaker 19 (58:10):
There's no tag.

Speaker 5 (58:11):
There's no tag with a CGH on it.

Speaker 1 (58:15):
Not that I'm seeing.

Speaker 5 (58:16):
No, my dear, that's a fake what that's not a
real Chanel?

Speaker 19 (58:22):
Okay, my boyfriend wouldn't buy me a fake Chanel bag.

Speaker 5 (58:26):
I hate to say this, but it happens all the time.
These men, they think they know the real thing. He
probably purchased it on some website.

Speaker 19 (58:33):
No, you think kind of incompetent. Like I'd rather speak
to one of your managers or like somebody who understands that,
like people probably call about this problem all the time.

Speaker 5 (58:40):
Honey, I'm the highest there is and you're not the first,
who won't be the last.

Speaker 19 (58:45):
How do you know it's fake?

Speaker 5 (58:47):
I've worked here for a very long time, dear, I
know all these things.

Speaker 19 (58:51):
Well, that's ridiculous. I'm bringing it into one of your
supervisors can look at it, because I highly doubt you're
competent enough.

Speaker 5 (58:56):
Okay, then you bring it to your local Chanel store
and see what they say. Hey, just don't bring it
to my location, thank you.

Speaker 19 (59:02):
You know, when I talked to my boyfriend and he
told me that he bought it and he has a
receipt for it, you're gonna feel really sorry.

Speaker 5 (59:08):
Dear, your breasts are probably just as real as your Chanel. Wow,
Lady Sam, she hung up.

Speaker 12 (59:16):
That does not surprised me.

Speaker 5 (59:17):
Okay, she is gonna call you any second.

Speaker 19 (59:19):
And you get I'm actually trying to face me right now.

Speaker 16 (59:21):
Okay, don't don't answer it one second. Now, you call
her and let me listen in. Okay, and this is
all you?

Speaker 5 (59:26):
Okay, all right.

Speaker 19 (59:29):
Hello, what's up?

Speaker 11 (59:31):

Speaker 19 (59:31):
I need to ask you something, and you better tell
me the truth. That Chanel bag you bought me for
my birthday? Yeah? Was it fake?

Speaker 9 (59:39):

Speaker 1 (59:39):
Well I bought I mean I bought it online.

Speaker 12 (59:41):
It's the ad said Chanel.

Speaker 19 (59:43):
I do with the Chanel.

Speaker 24 (59:44):
I mean, how much would you pay for the bag?

Speaker 19 (59:46):
I'm not gonna tell you how Am I gonna tell
you how much I paid for a birthday present?

Speaker 13 (59:49):

Speaker 19 (59:50):
Just tell me how much you paid for the bag?

Speaker 9 (59:53):
Forty five dollars?

Speaker 19 (59:55):
Are you kidding me? So you're telling me I sent
over one thousand dollars for you on some stupid gaming
system that we.

Speaker 1 (01:00:02):
Talk about this later because the guy's actually need me
back in the game.

Speaker 19 (01:00:05):
We're about to start another round. Are you kidding me?
How could you think that a forty five dollars bag
was real?

Speaker 12 (01:00:11):
Are you that stupid?

Speaker 1 (01:00:12):
I mean whatever, a bag of the bag?

Speaker 12 (01:00:14):
Forty five dollars is actually a lot to spin it
off herse.

Speaker 19 (01:00:17):
You are a douchebag.

Speaker 2 (01:00:19):
You know that.

Speaker 9 (01:00:20):
Danielle, I think I need your help now?

Speaker 5 (01:00:23):
What high cage?

Speaker 8 (01:00:26):
H Sam?

Speaker 5 (01:00:26):
You were doing a good job, but okay, it's Danielle
from Elvis Durant in the Morning Show and he was
just phone tapping you. Wait.

Speaker 16 (01:00:32):
Really, Yeah, the bag is real and you just haven't
gotten a callback from the company yet. Oh my god, Sam,
he didn't really pay forty five dollars, right, I.

Speaker 1 (01:00:42):
Did not pay forty five dollars for it, but I
did put my game on.

Speaker 9 (01:00:45):
Hold for this.

Speaker 19 (01:00:46):
Oh my god, Sam, I'm gonna kill you.

Speaker 2 (01:00:50):
Elvis Duran's phone tap.

Speaker 1 (01:00:53):
I totally forgot about that character you did in that
phone tap day.

Speaker 4 (01:00:55):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:00:56):
See what was her name again, I forget.

Speaker 1 (01:00:58):
I don't know this is that was that was so
opposite of.

Speaker 16 (01:01:02):
You, Margara from Disney's Hercules.

Speaker 1 (01:01:10):
Anyway, that was your free crap phone tat Lime twelves
are from Jessica from Philly. Hey, Jessica, how you doing.
Welcome to the day, and thank you for listening to
us on Q one O two. You're a calling one hundred.
You just won a bunch of crap with a free
crap phone tap. Oh no, we're going to add to

your your whole load of crap with a dying gliant
and some stuff we've stole out of Coasta Boy Josh's studio.
Thanks to Danielle crap today than if you could, if
you could contain your excitement, I don't know, Jessica. Can
we also give her something like some substance? Elvis Durant

apparent You're gonna send you some Elvis drand apparel to
thank you for listening to us. Jessica, Thank you so much, Thank.

Speaker 5 (01:02:01):
You so much.

Speaker 1 (01:02:02):
Hold on one second, thanks for listening. Another free crap
phone up tomorrow. I think Nate, you're in charge of
the free cup. Then I'm gonna schedule Gandhi for Wednesday. Okay,
all right, uh daniel what are you coming up?

Speaker 16 (01:02:15):
We are going to talk about Gwen, Gavin Rosdale, his
girlfriend looks a lot like one Stefani, his ex wife,
and Oprah regrets contributing to diet culture.

Speaker 2 (01:02:25):
Elvis da Wan in the Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (01:02:34):
Is this so funny to listen to?

Speaker 1 (01:02:35):
Yeah, listen to that in the car at work?

Speaker 2 (01:02:38):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:02:40):
Let's get on into it. Let's get into the Danielle Report.
And you're talking about Gavin Rosdale's new girlfriend. Yes, she
does look just like her you Ana, good story.

Speaker 9 (01:02:48):

Speaker 16 (01:02:48):
So I can't pronounce her name because I don't want
to mess it up because yeah, but she's I mean,
she's from Albania, so I don't want to disrespect that
the name. How to you know, pronounce it? But come on,
try Absolutely gorgeous. But she looks like a young Gwen Stefani.
And you know Gavin was married to Gwen Stefani. Uh
so his new girlfriend is thirty five and Gwen is

fifty four now, and I think Gavin's in his fifties
as well. But if you get a chance just kind
of zooming on her face and she see.

Speaker 5 (01:03:17):
Her, she really does remind me a lot of Gwen Stefanni.

Speaker 1 (01:03:21):
Is that this nothing unusual though? If you break up
from partner A, sometimes partner beat looks sort of like
partner A.

Speaker 5 (01:03:28):
A lot of times that's what you're attracted to, you.

Speaker 1 (01:03:30):
Know, like it's you know exactly. But Gwen Sefani used
to always wear that bright, bright red lipstick. So his
new girlfriend wears a lot of bright, bright, yeah red lipsticks.
Is that what you're looking at?

Speaker 5 (01:03:40):
Yeah, she's a bleached blonde too.

Speaker 16 (01:03:41):
I mean her pairs the same exact color, that same
exact platinum color.

Speaker 1 (01:03:45):
So come on, try to say her name.

Speaker 3 (01:03:47):
Go I know, I think it's Shoanna.

Speaker 16 (01:03:49):
I'm not even gonna try I want to. I would
rather look it up first before I say wrong. So
Oprah was doing a weight watcher's live stream last week,
and she said she regretted participating in toxic, toxic diet
culture over the years. She said, especially when she brought
that sixty seven pounds of animal fat on stage during
the Oprah Winfrey Show to demonstrate how much weight she's lost.

She said, because it sent a message that's starving yourself
with a liquid diet, set a standard for people watching
that I nor anybody else could uphold. And she said
the very next day, I began to gain the weight back.

Speaker 3 (01:04:24):
So, yeah, isn't she still promoting diet culture though?

Speaker 16 (01:04:27):
I mean she's she said she's on like ozembic or
one of the whole hours she did.

Speaker 1 (01:04:32):
Well, that's that's diet culture now. Actually she's keeping up
with the diet culture time.

Speaker 16 (01:04:37):
Yeah, it's a little a little confusing, but lady Wilson,
you know, she's all over the damn plays. I'm a
little obsessed right now, but that's okay. Her interview with
Billboard Magazine talks about her dream collaborators, and she says
Victoria Monette and Lana del Rey.

Speaker 5 (01:04:50):
So we'll see if it happens.

Speaker 6 (01:04:52):
Brand new music out today. She does all right, she doesney.

Speaker 5 (01:04:56):
Mya Rudolph was hosting SNEL this weekend.

Speaker 2 (01:04:59):
We've all just did.

Speaker 5 (01:05:00):
We absolutely love Maya Rudolff.

Speaker 1 (01:05:01):
She love her.

Speaker 5 (01:05:03):
Get her on, Yeah, let's get can we get her on?

Speaker 16 (01:05:05):
She was one of the guests on with Fallon. When
I went and saw Fallon, you know, a couple of
months ago, and she was just so real and so wonderful.
They were reminiscing about their time on SNL together when
they were both on it, and she just doesn't care
about making fun of herself. She just has a good time.
She just seems like the type of person you want
to be friends with, you know. So anyway, if you
didn't see it, this weekend, the Cold Open had the

whole cast bring out their moms to celebrate Mother's Day,
which was very, very cool. So if you get a chance, scary,
did you didn't? Wasn't there one thing you said we
should watch from there?

Speaker 7 (01:05:35):

Speaker 20 (01:05:35):
The parody of the coffee commercial with Maya Rudolph in it, ye,
where she farts through the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (01:05:41):
Yeah, an aging and an aging superstar who got a
break because they gave her the coffee commercial. Hi, she's
just faster. Who whoever wrote that? It's just a genius,
because who would take that up? Genius?

Speaker 15 (01:06:00):
So good.

Speaker 16 (01:06:01):
Martha Stewart interviewed Donna Kelsey recently and was apparently asked
not to mention Taylor Swift, who is dating Donna's son,
you know, Travis Kelcey. But Martha mentioned that anyway, complimenting
everybody and saying that Donna always looks so great with
Taylor at the box at the football games, and Donna
of course talked about Taylor in her lovely style. I mean,

if you're gonna interview Donna Kelsey, I understand that you
need to talk about Travis, but how could you not say, hey,
how do you feel about your daughter, your son dating
Taylor Swift? Like how's it changed your life?

Speaker 1 (01:06:34):
But even funnier that who on earth thinks Martha Stewart's
gonna abide by any rule at all? I mean exactly,
She's gonna do it her way every single time. I
love her.

Speaker 5 (01:06:45):
I wonder if she does what we do.

Speaker 16 (01:06:47):
When they come in with a big list of questions,
Elvis will go, yeah, we're just not gonna do the interview.

Speaker 5 (01:06:53):
We can't ask that. Yeah, we just won't talk to them.

Speaker 16 (01:06:54):
Thank you very much about Kingdom of the Plan of
the Apes was number one of the North American box
office fifty five. William Bucks and Fall Guy came in
second place. So there is a list of the best
workplace comedies on television entertainment Tonight put out this list,
and it's where you'd maybe want to work over the years.
On the list the Office, of course, Scrubs, Cheers, Taxi thirty, Rock,

Party Down, Parks and rec coming in at number one.

Speaker 5 (01:07:21):
It looks like is the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

Speaker 16 (01:07:23):
So I don't know, I love to work at the
office because it's so cringe of it just be so
much fun. Let's see what else. Oh so, Warner Brothers,
I told you guys this last week. They recently announced
a new movie in the Lord of the Rings universe
called The Hunt for Gollum. But at the same time,
a fan made film that us on YouTube called The
Hunt for Gollum, which has been online for many years,

was taken down by Warner Brothers for copyright infringement. So
now fans complains because they're like, uh, that's been up
there for a while and US fans, we really enjoy it.
So they wound up reversing it and putting it back
online so that people.

Speaker 5 (01:07:57):
Can enjoy it.

Speaker 16 (01:07:58):
What are we watching the voice so you think can
get it's Celebrity Wheel of Fortune.

Speaker 5 (01:08:02):
It is the season finale of that.

Speaker 16 (01:08:03):
There's a bunch of rom coms that are out and
I know I watched a couple over the weekend, The
Idea of You. I loved it, My husband loved it
with Anne Hathaway. A couple people in the studio didn't
love it.

Speaker 5 (01:08:13):
We won't name name.

Speaker 1 (01:08:15):
Gandhi mother and mother of.

Speaker 16 (01:08:17):
The bride with Brookshields and Benjamin Brad That one I
think you can you can miss. I mean, look, Benjamin
Bratt looked incredibly hot with his shirt off. So if
you want to watch it for that, I say go ahead.
And Akapoco is back with the new season on Apple
TV plus. If you haven't seen that, we love them.
And that's my Danielle report.

Speaker 1 (01:08:35):
You know, we always keep an eye on the national days,
like what is today? Today? We have two things to
celebrate today. It's National apple Pie Day, Yes, daddy loves
an apple pie. Also here's one, it's National crouton Day.
Croutons are finally getting their day.

Speaker 5 (01:08:57):
I love a good creuton in like a tomato soup
or a salad.

Speaker 1 (01:09:00):
Oh here we go, let's list all the creuton things
we love. I do this.

Speaker 22 (01:09:05):
I like to make cornbread creuton. Oh yeah, you take
a big pan of corn bread and you cube it
and then you drive the cubes out in the oven
and they get crispy pizels on your salad.

Speaker 1 (01:09:22):
Hey, welcome to National crouton Day. Yes, all right, what
are we doing up next? Well, let's do something go
around the room there? What are you thinking? Gandhi?

Speaker 3 (01:09:31):
No, it's also I just want to point out National
Fruit Cocktail Day, So maybe there will be a game
about fruit tomorrow.

Speaker 12 (01:09:36):
I don't know.

Speaker 16 (01:09:36):
Can I just say I love a good canned fruit
cocktail ones with the cherries, you know, the cherries, the one,
the drain, the syrup.

Speaker 1 (01:09:45):
Oh no, a cocktail I serve.

Speaker 15 (01:09:48):
Tell me why you love the Morning Show. It's a
good idea to follow our socials.

Speaker 1 (01:09:53):
How do you know what's good for me?

Speaker 2 (01:09:55):
That's Elvis da Rand Show. Follow them to Elvis Darin
in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:10:02):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture, and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon
pull Apart. Only a participating in US Wendy's I'm ash
that's slim right off of my meat.

Speaker 2 (01:10:24):
Everything about the show was great.

Speaker 8 (01:10:27):
It's everything that's just funny.

Speaker 2 (01:10:29):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (01:10:30):
Jays, It's time for Barbie to get a bush.

Speaker 2 (01:10:34):
It's hilarious.

Speaker 9 (01:10:36):
National Radio holds Elvis Terin is back.

Speaker 15 (01:10:38):
With us, Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:10:42):
I love this text. Everyone's wanting to look over at
the text messages that are rolling through. This one says,
good morning. You're the first people I'm talking to today.
It's my birthday. It's the greatest day. It's the greatest
day ever. Today is the day I give myself permission
to do the things I want to do.

Speaker 2 (01:10:56):

Speaker 1 (01:10:57):
I'm a mom of four. It's been a long time
coming to be able to say I'm gonna do what
I want to do today. The first thing I want
to do is tell you I love you. Guys. You've
been there for me more than you'll ever know. I
just went through a very difficult period in my life
and you have given me hope and love. And the
weirdest thing is you don't even know me. I want
to say that it's my day and I'm grateful for

you being there for me. Thank you Erico two to one.
So this is in New Jersey. Can we call them
see if they're around. Do you mind what a great
text as opposed to the evil text we're receiving as well. Actually,
people are being very nice. We can always kind of
tell the mood of the world by the text messages.
It's almost like checking if there's a full moon or not.

Because it affects everyone. There's something in the universe that
does affect affect everyone. It's a global thing. And so
one day all the texts are nice, the next day
they're all evil, really really crappy, and they don't even
know each other. But for some reason, there's a bond,
the root system below the surface of the ground is
connected somehow with these people. Have you guys noticed that?

Speaker 3 (01:12:01):
Absolutely? Yeah, you can totally.

Speaker 1 (01:12:03):
Tell it's insane. Else carry what's up?

Speaker 20 (01:12:06):
I just want to know why are people more prone
to leave, to run to a website and leave a
negative review then the positive people with the positive experience positive.

Speaker 7 (01:12:16):
Reviews Because I read a lot of these restaurants.

Speaker 20 (01:12:18):
And hotel reviews and stuff, and if something's wrong, they
just cut right to it and then they just go
in and they give one star. But the people, the
thousands of people that had a great experiences, they do nothing.
They don't even leave a review.

Speaker 1 (01:12:30):
If we're going to live in a world that depends
on reviews, then in order for it to be accurate,
you got to leave positive reviews as well. Otherwise the
system is flawed, right, Yes, so there's that. Hey, let's
get into uhh, I tell you, let's go around the room.
I'm gonna see what's on your mind, and let's move
forward with our dad. We'll start with you, Froggy. You've

been so quiet today. You're up to something. I wish
my dad very well. I love Ellie.

Speaker 6 (01:12:58):
His birthday was on Saturday, tventy five years old, and
he wanted to go get oysters. And you know how
picky my dad is, and he loves his oysters. Your
dad and I share that he needs oysters. He wants
him to be the size of the damn plate. They
cannot be small. So we go to this restaurant and
the guy says, yeah, the oysters are from Virginia. My
dad makes this face. He goes, how big are they?

And he holds up. My dad says, there's no way
to that big. He brings him to the I've never
seen my dad so happy. He's not happiest i've seen
him in seventy five years. These oysters work guard Gantun.
He ate a dozen of them and he loved every
single one. It made his birthday and therefore it made
us very happy for him on Saturday.

Speaker 1 (01:13:36):
So you know what, happy belated birthday, La. He's a
great guy and you you get a lot of great
qualities from your dad. I do, but I don't like oysters.

Speaker 6 (01:13:44):
But you know what, I'm glad he got what he
wanted for his birthday because he deserved it.

Speaker 1 (01:13:48):
Here's the only thing that I can't say about oysters.
I love him, I suck him down. But when I
stopped to think about oysters, I can't eat them. Yeah
that's what I'm saying. Can imagine eating those big plate
sized oysters, a dozen of them, and what they all
look like in your stomach at once a horse radish
sauce he put it. He had tears running down his face,
but he loved it. So happy. I'm just happy for him,

Good for him and happy related Ellie, you're a great guy. Hey, Danielle,
what's on your mind?

Speaker 8 (01:14:15):
All right?

Speaker 16 (01:14:16):
So my kids love language, is writing me cards in
different languages or weird jargons. This happens every time I
have a birthday or there's a holiday. So for Mother's Day,
Spencer writes me at two page letter in Spanish. Sure,
I know he's very he speaks Spanish very well. He

was Spanish honors in school. I don't understand a damn
thing he wrote here, but I read the whole thing
and I'm like.

Speaker 5 (01:14:43):
Oh, this means the world to me.

Speaker 1 (01:14:45):
I did see the word in there.

Speaker 16 (01:14:47):
So no, so he does say thank you a lot.
He mentioned some person's.

Speaker 5 (01:14:52):
Name, Ali Hondro.

Speaker 16 (01:14:53):
I don't know what Alejandro has to do with anything
in our lives, but thank you Spencer for that.

Speaker 1 (01:14:58):
Yeah, Danielle, you can translate that.

Speaker 16 (01:15:00):
I'm going to I'm actually gonna ask one of my
friends who speaks Spanish.

Speaker 1 (01:15:03):
No, you can just push a button.

Speaker 5 (01:15:04):
Well, it's a lie. Let me tell you. This is
a he went to great lengths to write this letter.

Speaker 1 (01:15:08):
Gondhi Kino. Grandma can translate that.

Speaker 3 (01:15:11):
But it's a picture of it.

Speaker 5 (01:15:12):
Yeah, I'm actually okay his handwriting, I don't know. We'll see.

Speaker 16 (01:15:15):
And then my my other son, Preston, he just writes
in jargon. He writes to tray Von, that's what he
wrote to me. Are the birds out today? No, because
baby Gronk just rizzed up Livvy doone And this is
what he writes, and on and on and on. Makes
no sense, but I know that's how they love me,
and that's what they and so thank you, Senor Preston.

Speaker 1 (01:15:39):
By the way, two great examples, two great examples of
how that apple just doesn't fall from those are definitely
you and your and Sheldon's kids. What's up with you today?

Speaker 20 (01:15:52):
A friend of mine went to a restaurant and got
the check and there it is, in bold, not trying
to hide it, on the item line two point five
percent kitchen appreciation.

Speaker 7 (01:16:05):
Yeah, that's a tip or a tax. But it's not
even an option.

Speaker 20 (01:16:09):
It's it's in the bill, so you have to pay
the dollar thirty five. So my question is who gets that?
Is it the cooks, is it the kitchen cleaning staff?
And are we just being scammed into paying their salary
because the manager doesn't the owners don't want to pay it.

Speaker 7 (01:16:24):
I just want to know why you forced into paying that.

Speaker 20 (01:16:27):
There's I got a thousand questions about the kitchen appreciation
tax tip.

Speaker 1 (01:16:31):
It's a dollar thirty five year out now, no, yeah,
but it's.

Speaker 20 (01:16:34):
The principle behind it. I got to go back then
myself and give them ten dollars each. But don't tell
me I have to pay a dollar thirty.

Speaker 1 (01:16:40):
Five They so, they should. They should give you an
option to pay it. I guess, right, which is called gratuity.
Is that why? I guess we're paying for everything now?

Speaker 7 (01:16:48):
It's I think that's part of their salary.

Speaker 1 (01:16:51):
I'm sorry, it's no, No, I know, I'm with you.
I mean, I get it when you look at the
look at the check and there's stuff on the area
that you're like, wait, what, Yeah, where'd this come from?

Speaker 8 (01:17:00):

Speaker 7 (01:17:00):
Someplace? You're still charging COVID tax too?

Speaker 1 (01:17:03):

Speaker 9 (01:17:03):

Speaker 1 (01:17:05):
But did you tell him you don't even believe COVID exists?

Speaker 5 (01:17:09):
Did you tell the patient number one you have patient zero?

Speaker 1 (01:17:13):
Exactly? Get hey, U, producer Sam, what's up with you today?

Speaker 4 (01:17:16):
I just need to implore everyone to gift Eminem's responsibly.
So we all got really cute champagne bottles of Eminem's
with our faces on the Eminem right. I love them.
So I brought them to my sister, because she is
the biggest Eminem fiend of the entire family. She opened
it yesterday in front of like a bunch of people
that were at her.

Speaker 8 (01:17:33):
House for Mother's Day.

Speaker 4 (01:17:35):
And I don't know what got into someone, but someone goes,
Sam's pregnant, and then you just hear the Someone.

Speaker 8 (01:17:41):
Looks at me. My dad looks up with the water
in his eyes.

Speaker 4 (01:17:43):
I'm like, no, it is literally just a champagne bottle
of Eminem's with my face on it.

Speaker 3 (01:17:48):
Oh my god, I'm not sure who started it.

Speaker 4 (01:17:52):
No one was pointing the finger, but someone thought that
was a birth announcement, and I had to prove it
by taking a shot.

Speaker 8 (01:17:57):
That was my choice. No one forced me.

Speaker 1 (01:17:58):
Wait, I was listening. Are you pregnant? Is that that's
went yesterday?

Speaker 8 (01:18:03):
Elvis? That's what it felt like.

Speaker 4 (01:18:04):
Wow, apparently Eminem's with your face on it hold a
lot of power.

Speaker 8 (01:18:07):
Be careful how you get those there?

Speaker 1 (01:18:09):
You go so you are are not pregnant?

Speaker 8 (01:18:12):
I am not pregnant.

Speaker 1 (01:18:12):
Okay, just make you sure you heard her first. She's pregnant. Yeah,
what's straight?

Speaker 5 (01:18:18):
In eight?

Speaker 1 (01:18:18):
What's up with you today? Okay?

Speaker 14 (01:18:19):
I mentioned it here in the room. It's on Amazon Prime.
Clarkson's Farm is a great show. It's Jeremy Clarkson did
a lot of shows in England and he's got a
farm that he is trying to run. The third season
just came out and it is hysterical. It also gives
you some insight as to how difficult it is to
be a farmer. I knew it was a lot of work.

Speaker 1 (01:18:40):
My god. These people work from dawn till dusk and
make no money.

Speaker 7 (01:18:45):
It's crazy.

Speaker 14 (01:18:46):
So educate yourself on what a farmer goes through if
you're not a farmer, and laugh at the same time.
It's such a great show.

Speaker 1 (01:18:54):
It is funny and it shows that you know, if
you're not a farmer, don't become one. Let professional farmers
do it because they're the best. Finally, we go to Gandhy.
What's up Gandhi? All right?

Speaker 3 (01:19:05):
I have an apology that I have to make because
I ordered take out the other day delivery actually, and
I saw in the app the bike was coming drop
the food. It looked like the bike was leaving, so
I decided to open the door in the way that
I was, which was a tank top and underwear, and
get my food. As I opened the door. The guy
was standing there taking the picture, and I screamed, and he.

Speaker 1 (01:19:27):
Screamed, wait, did he take a photo of you in
your underwear?

Speaker 3 (01:19:31):
Yes, it was like look right at the moment, I
was like ah, and I jumped behind the door. And
then he screamed. He said, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I came back to take the picture. I forgot to
take the picture. Please still give me five stars, give
me a thumbs up. I said, we're good, Please, you're fine.
Just go on your way. I apologize and I gave
him the five stars and I told him, please do
not send me that picture. Just delete it. I know

I got the food. Thank you a traumatize ourselves, me
and him.

Speaker 5 (01:19:55):
So he was so worried you were gonna give him
a bet.

Speaker 1 (01:19:58):
Was your fault and now I want that photo. We
got to get that very good. Okay. Kathleen's online too.
We found her. Kathleen, you just sent that beautiful text
Happy birthday to you.

Speaker 13 (01:20:11):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (01:20:14):
If you're just turning us on, Kathleen, send a text
saying good morning, it's my birthday and I'm a mother
of four and I'm not doing anything anyone else wants
me to do. I'm doing what I want to do today.
It's your rules all day. Congratulations, Kathleen, great decision.

Speaker 13 (01:20:28):
Thank you, thank you. This is the greatest day ever.

Speaker 1 (01:20:33):
Well, it's about to getting even better if as long
as you call the shots. I mean, so, what are
you doing today for yourself?

Speaker 13 (01:20:40):
Today? I live at the beach. I'm spending it with
my two kids, who are adults. Right now, I'm watching
dolphins travel south for the summer. I think there's a
whale about to breach. It's like so amazing. I'm going
to have dinner with them and hopefully get on the
phone with my other two kids. And I'm sitting here

with my dog. And it just doesn't get better than this.

Speaker 1 (01:21:04):
You listen to guys, are you jealous of Kathleen? She
has checked off every single box. You're watching breaching whales
with a dog and kids and on a beach. You're
doing all all the things we should all be doing.
So where are you? You're at the Jersey Shore.

Speaker 13 (01:21:17):
I'm at the Jersey Shore, at this tiny little town
called Normandy Beach, New Jersey.

Speaker 5 (01:21:21):
Well, I know Normandy Beach very well. It's beautiful.

Speaker 1 (01:21:24):
Oh my god, it sounds like you're having the best
day ever. Let's all liveth what's that?

Speaker 13 (01:21:30):
Thank you?

Speaker 23 (01:21:31):

Speaker 13 (01:21:31):
Diamond called me after I sent the text and took
the day from a ten to one thousand. I'm so excited.
You guys have done more for me than you will
ever ever know.

Speaker 1 (01:21:45):
For what have we done? I mean, what could we
possibly do to make your life better? Because you're sounding
you sound like you're having a great life. Go ahead,
How do you explain this?

Speaker 13 (01:21:56):
So basically like when you have good days, you're there
to laugh alongside with me and you tell jokes and
you raise me up even where I am from there,
but I really really hard days where it's trying to
get trying to get out of bed. I'm going through
this huge transition in my life. I spent the last
twenty eight years raising my kids. It's and I was

a stay at home mom, and now I'm trying to
transition into a career and purpose in life. And it
was you guys on the radio where I was laughing
with my seventh grade son who was like, let's just
listen to the radio and things will get better. And
I just want to say that during those down days,

it's just like the most fantastic thing that you guys
can be laughing, telling silly jokes, sharing your most intimate
thoughts and feelings and everything.

Speaker 1 (01:22:53):
Well, you know, Kathleen, I've I just want to say
something to you talking about this trend you're going through
in life. I just want to go ahead and congratulate
you ahead of time on the most amazing life you
have yet to live. You have so many great things
come in your way. I can feel it. I know,
we all we all agree, I'm sure right. Oh, it's

about to hear about that. You are embarking on a
most most amazing journey and I hope I pray for
nothing but great things for you. But it sounds like
your energy is gonna make it all happen because you
sound like a remarkable human being. Thank you for being
a listener as well.

Speaker 13 (01:23:32):
Thank you, thank you. I just wanted to share that
to everybody, because everybody who's listening where I was in
some really really dark days and I just didn't see
the light. Just continue to listen to how this and
everybody because just listening to them has fun, listening to
them go through hard times. Like Uncle Johnny, I'm so
sorry for your loss but I totally see how putting

it together, sticking with family, remembering the good times will
all get you through it. I promise you you're I
am on the better side. It's better days, like you said,
are the come. And it's just been like the greatest gift.
Like I said that you didn't know you gave me.
And I'm just so grateful, that's all. It's like such

a little word, but it means such a big thing.

Speaker 1 (01:24:23):
I'm I'm at a loss for words here. Listen. I
just I can't say thank you and how much we
love you. Kathleen. You, ladies and gentlemen, our favorite listener
every Kathleen Birthday, you deserve the best day.

Speaker 13 (01:24:38):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:24:39):
I have a great day watching the your what your
dog is breaching or the whale is preaching? I'm confused.
I don't don't answer that.

Speaker 13 (01:24:49):
Out there.

Speaker 1 (01:24:50):
Kathleen, Happy birthday, Thanks for listening, and thanks for being
a part of our family.

Speaker 13 (01:24:54):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (01:24:55):
I love you more. And look at that, you know
we're talking about leaving pause reviews. We just got the
best and if ever ever ever, we are hesitating and
coming to work because another day, another morning, and remember Kathleen,
She's why we do this every day. Let's get into

the three things or I think we just heard like
four things with her, five six things. Three things we
need to know from Gandhi right now? What's going on? Gandhi?

Speaker 3 (01:25:25):
All right? The road to the NBA Finals continues today
with a pair of game fours. In the East, the
Boston Celtics will be aiming for a commanding three to
one series lead when they visit the Cleveland Cavaliers. In
the West, the Dallas Mavericks will be looking to do
the same against the top seeded Oklahoma City Thunder. If
you missed the Northern Lights this weekend, you might not

be totally out of luck. Geomagnetic storm activity caused the
aurora to spread from the North Pole as far as
the deep South, and there were reports of sightings in Germany, Switzerland, China, England,
and Spain as well. The latest forecast from the National
Oceanic Atmospheric Administration show that the activity from another burst
of solar radiation that started arriving at Earth yesterday could

actually keep the Aurora visible farther south than usual again tonight,
So if you have clear skies, go check it out.
You might get a show. And finally it was March
when punks Atani Phil and his lady hog Phyllis brought
two new groundhogs into the world. Yeah, well, yesterday, on
Mother's Day, the names of the two new little groundhogs

were revealed at Gobbler's Knob, the club's vice, Get out, everybody,
Gobbler's that's.

Speaker 1 (01:26:38):
My favorite porn, the Gobbler's Noob. I'm so there, go ahead, sir.

Speaker 3 (01:26:45):
In a prepared to say it, we found out that
the new groundhogs are named Sonny and Shadow. Allegedly, people
spoke to Phil and his native groundhogies by using his
special cane. Phil and Phyllis have approved the new names,
So Sonny and Shadow are now their kids. And those
are your three things.

Speaker 1 (01:27:00):
I'm gonna spend this weekend in Gobbler's No of course
you are. We'll see him just like last week. Thank you, Gandhi.
I'm gonna play hooky gibbye.

Speaker 2 (01:27:12):
Telvis ter Ran in the Morning Show, Jaranne is running.

Speaker 16 (01:27:15):
Out to save on your Disney summer vacation. If you
want to score adult tickets at child prices, you need
undercovertaurists dot com. They're an authorized seller of Disney tickets
to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

Speaker 5 (01:27:27):
These are the real deal.

Speaker 16 (01:27:29):
Save now at Undercover Tourists dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:27:37):
Go awaiting Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:27:41):
You know what, last week we had the best day.
We flew down to Memphis and went to St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital. Gosh, that's the second time I've been there.
I went eleven years ago and the place is just amazing.
I mean, it's overwhelmingly fantastic, right, I mean, I was
with the Danielle and Nate. You know, one of my

favorite people from Saint Jude. Can we get Can we
get Jessica Turrey on the phone? Is she around? Yeah?
All right, I'll want Wow, my god, that was fast.
That's so funny. I said, can you get me Jessica
Turrey from Saint Jude. And she's there. That's this is how,
this is how amazing Saint Jude truly is. She's always
on hold, She's always on hold for Can we tell you,

first of all, the first time we met you is
when you came to New York and we had a
big meeting with you and other Saint Jude Saint Juter's
I don't know, uh, and then when we saw you
last week, you're the best host and you're just if
you want to know anything about Saint Jude, Jessica knows it.
And if she doesn't, she's very convincing. She'll make it up.

Speaker 9 (01:28:49):

Speaker 1 (01:28:49):
You know, we've been talking a lot about about getting
our listeners to join us and becoming partners in hope
with Saint Jude, because I'm not gonna be happy till
everyone has this shirt, Saves Lives t shirt. Thank you
for being on with us today. Can we talk about
Saint Jude for a few.

Speaker 13 (01:29:03):
Minutes of course, thanks for having us.

Speaker 24 (01:29:06):
Happy Monday, everybody, and.

Speaker 1 (01:29:08):
Happy belated Mother's Day. Let's talk about that. You're you're
a mom of course, thanks to a really good friend
who actors as had acted as a surrogate, because our
friend Jessica actually was a patient at Saint Jude at
one point, and because you went through with your cancer
you needed some help with a great friend to have
a child. Happy belated Mother's Day to you too.

Speaker 24 (01:29:31):
Thank you so much. Yeah, so I've been to the
Saint You family about twenty years now. Had a cute
little plastic leukemia that's the most common form of childhood
there when I was nine years old. So I went
through two and a half years of chemo at Saint
Jude and super blessed to be in remission. But like

you said, later in life, it's common to have some
side effects. And for me, you know, it's nothing compared
to a lot of the friend and who went through.

Speaker 7 (01:30:02):
It with me.

Speaker 24 (01:30:03):
So I'm super thankful for all that I have. And
one of those amazing blessings was my best friend for
middle school. Yeah, she called me one day and said,
as we time, I'm still here a voice telling me
I'm to carry your baby. I was not able to
do that, and she said, is there any way I
could do that for you? I've already talked about husband,

and you would love to be your circuit. So we
have a two year old, a crazy little toddler.

Speaker 1 (01:30:31):
Wow, well guess what I got. I get news. I
got good news for you, Jessica. I am in line
to be your next sir.

Speaker 5 (01:30:41):
I always wanted to carry a baby.

Speaker 1 (01:30:43):
I've always wanted. I always wanted a push gift, if
you know what I'm saying. Hey, so okay, let's talk
about Saint Jude. I know that you know We're asking
our listeners to to uh do it. Do a monthly
a monthly contribution. If you sign up to do a
monthly contribution, you can get this incredible this shirt Say
Lives t shirt. And all you gotta do is text

the word Elvis and you know how to spell it.
I'm not going to spell it for you. Text the
word Elvis to sixty two sixty two sixty two, and
Saint Jude at that point will have a digital conversation
with you about how you want to contribute and what
you can do and how to do it. It's so easy.
So you know I want you to because you do
this professionally, I want you to say the magic words.

They're going to make the most people sign up via
text right now. So go You're on, Jessica, You're a laxy.

Speaker 24 (01:31:32):
So I don't think people really understand what they're doing
when they're giving that monthly nineteen dollars a month. So
that really becomes a transfusions and chemotherapies and antibotics for
these kids and their families who are fighting cancer. And
that means, say, Jude, We've got kids from all fifty

states and all around the world. Because think Jude is
global and that's only possible because of our donors. So
these families never see the bill, and that's not for treatment,
and that's travel, housing, food, it's all taken care of
and the only thing they have to think about is
getting their child well. And that's because of people like

you who raise their hands and said we will be
there for you, work to help join the things you
family and allow you to just focus on getting your
child well.

Speaker 1 (01:32:25):
Very well. Put. See, that's why. That's why.

Speaker 5 (01:32:29):
And you know, going back to what Jessica said before
about how like you know, she went through chemo as
a child and she has some side effects now. She
was telling us when we were there that that's also
what they're doing research on, like so that what she
what caused side effects for her, maybe they can figure
it out and it won't cause side effects for someone
else in the future.

Speaker 24 (01:32:50):
Yeah, So I'm going to think called the things you'd
life study with thousands of other former patients and they're
studying what happened to us later in life. Said to
take and alter the current for pass who are there now,
so hopefully down the line they won't have these side effects.
So it's not just curing cancer, but it's about that
quality of life later down the line.

Speaker 1 (01:33:10):
Wow, you know, there's no way to even make a
master list of all of the millions of millions of
things that Saint Jude does. It's more than just curing cancer.
I mean, it's also, as Jessica's saying, it's being a
partner with everyone they've cured or they and they've worked
with through the rest of their lives, because it's not
just about getting rid of cancer. It's about living the
rest of your life as well. And the families, like

she said, never pay a bill ever. And another thing
is that I'm thinking if I was a kid who
had to go for treatment, or a parent of a
kid that had to go for treatment, Saint Jude has
done everything to eliminate that fright concept because if you
think about it, it's cancer. It's a frightening, frightening thing.

But when you visit Saint Jude, you're like, Okay, if
I'm if my child does get cancer, this is the place.
It's so fantastic. They take such good care of not
only the kids, but their parents, the families. There's so
many moving parts. So Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital, our friend,
Jessica Tourrey is here to tell you right now. If

you sign up right now and do a monthly a
monthly give you can you can be what twenty bucks?
I mean, I don't even know how much a month can?

Speaker 24 (01:34:21):
I mean, it's not even twenty no love.

Speaker 1 (01:34:26):
I love Walmart does it too, It's nineteen ninety nine
twenty It's actually nineteen dollars a month. And you get
this shirt Saves Lives t shirt. Do it now? Just
text the word Elvis to sixty two sixty two sixty two. Jessica.
We love having you as a friend, and I can't
wait it's your turn to come to New York. We
can't wait to see you again.

Speaker 13 (01:34:46):
Okay, Oh, I can't wait to be there.

Speaker 24 (01:34:49):
Hey, thank you all so much for all you're doing
for Jude and your listeners too. We are so so
thankful to have you in the same Truth family, and
we appreciate you starting Monday. Thanks much for having me on.

Speaker 1 (01:35:00):
Thank you so much. All right, have a great day.
Tell every when we said hi.

Speaker 24 (01:35:02):
Okay, will have a great vie.

Speaker 1 (01:35:05):
Jessica Toury lover, lover, lover, love them all. They're just
the nicest people.

Speaker 7 (01:35:10):
They really are.

Speaker 1 (01:35:11):
How come you people can't be more like them? They're
really nice? Kidding, No, we actually have I think the
Saint Jude family in our family. It's a great fit,
right because we really understand each other. It's incredible. Again,
text the word Elvis to sixty two sixty two sixty two.
A couple things we're going to get and we're going
to get into sound with Garrett in a few minutes.
But apparently there was a Reddit poll I'm reading people

were polling who is your favorite morning show personality? From
Z one hundred here in New York. Danielle came in
first place and I came in second place.

Speaker 5 (01:35:44):
Yeah wow, wait.

Speaker 1 (01:35:47):
God's way down there. Wait I'm kidding, not at all. Yeah,
it was a Reddit poll and someone said, Elvis, do
you have a problem with that? I saying no. As
long as you're listening to this show, we're all good.
I don't care who your favorite is. You just come
on in every day. We're totally fine.

Speaker 16 (01:36:02):
I think the good thing about this show is that
there's something for everybody, and there's someone for everybody. Some
people will love Me, some people will love Gandhi more,
some people will love Scotti, some people think Scotti's a hottie.
They come here just to hear him, you know.

Speaker 1 (01:36:14):
Like it's true.

Speaker 5 (01:36:14):
There's something for everyone.

Speaker 1 (01:36:16):
And I'll tell you this. Uh, we each have our
own thing and that's why people listen. So it's the
combination of our things together, which sounds kind of dirty,
that made people come back every day. I mean, everyone
loves the fact that Gandhi is the menace to society.

Speaker 11 (01:36:34):

Speaker 1 (01:36:36):
You're proud of you, like you proudly wear that that
that award, that that ribbon.

Speaker 12 (01:36:41):

Speaker 3 (01:36:41):
I don't find it menacing at all. I just think
it's playful.

Speaker 5 (01:36:44):
It's love, it's loving. Menace is such a thing language
like bully.

Speaker 1 (01:36:50):
If it was just Danielle and me without the menace,
I'll forget it. It would be a boring day. Or
if it's just me and Gandhi, it would be nothing
but menacing.

Speaker 3 (01:37:01):
You are easy to pull to the dark side.

Speaker 5 (01:37:02):
You need a little bit of everything exactly.

Speaker 1 (01:37:05):
Okay, I'm getting yelled at by Nate. Oh he said,
he said, we're so late. Please take a frea.

Speaker 5 (01:37:11):
Some people come here to hear Nate yell at us
for being late like that.

Speaker 1 (01:37:16):
Oh so when you send a text in Gandhi is
my favorite. See that doesn't bother me in all, I don't.
As long as you have a favorite, we all get
credit for you listening.

Speaker 5 (01:37:23):
As long as you come back.

Speaker 1 (01:37:24):
Exactly as long as you're here for someone, that's all
that matter. I want to hear all about the weird,
wild stories you didn't learn in school. Let my best
friend Patty Steele and her podcast, The Backstory with Patty
Steel be your guide. What are you working on, Patty.

Speaker 5 (01:37:37):
It's the story of the last Queen of the Kingdom
of Hawaii.

Speaker 2 (01:37:40):
What a life this chick led?

Speaker 5 (01:37:42):
Listen and subscribe to The Backstory with Patty Steele.

Speaker 1 (01:37:45):
The Backstory with Patty Steele new episodes every Tuesday and Friday.
Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 16 (01:37:55):
There's still time to save on your Disney summer vacation. Hey,
it's Danielle and I'm treating the family to the magic
of Disney and you can too this summer Undercover.

Speaker 5 (01:38:04):
Tourists dot Com is all.

Speaker 16 (01:38:05):
About adult tickets at child prices to Walt Disney World
in Florida and the Iconicdisneyland resort in California. You need
to trust Undercover Tourists dot Com like my family did.

Speaker 5 (01:38:15):
To plan our incredible family summer vacation.

Speaker 16 (01:38:18):
They're an authorized seller of Disney tickets and these are
the real deal. They link to the official Disney apps,
so you can add on Genie Plus.

Speaker 5 (01:38:25):
And Lightning Lane upgrades really easy. Undercover Tourist helps you.

Speaker 16 (01:38:29):
Get the ultimate rope drop Disney experience. They've got their
free crowd calendar. You find daily crowd levels, recommended parks
by day, park hours, special events, and more all in
one place. And they also have a best price guarantee
and a three hundred and sixty five day return policy.

Speaker 5 (01:38:45):
So if plans change, no problem.

Speaker 16 (01:38:47):
Get adult name park tickets at child prices at Undercover
Tourists dot com. That's Undercover Tourist dot com.

Speaker 15 (01:38:54):
Wow, well, mister Ran in the Morning Show, it's kind.

Speaker 1 (01:38:59):
Of funny you're talking about this during the song Danielle.
The things that confuse non Americans when they see them
in American TV and movies. We are a confusing bunch,
aren't we we are?

Speaker 5 (01:39:09):

Speaker 1 (01:39:11):
So I think it was BuzzFeed. Is that where you
got this list?

Speaker 16 (01:39:13):
Yeah, it's a BuzzFeed list that actually has a lot
on it.

Speaker 5 (01:39:17):
Of course I can't find those things.

Speaker 1 (01:39:18):
Oh, we're gonna get to it fifty.

Speaker 5 (01:39:20):
Eight of them. But I'm not gonna go over fifty.

Speaker 1 (01:39:23):
No, I want each and every one of them in
algae order. Let's get to those in just a few minutes.
All right, by the way, Orlando. I've been thinking a
lot about Orlando recently, and one of our partners, called
Undercover Tourist, Yes, is having this contest. If you go
to Elvis Durand dot com, you can enter and get
the rules for this contest. You will win a three

thousand dollars credit to spend on Undercover Tourists that covers
your favorite theme park tickets, hotel. They'll throw in four
round trip airfare tickets from wherever you're flying to Orlando from.

Speaker 5 (01:39:57):

Speaker 1 (01:39:57):
Pretty cool. So I did some digging into Undercover Tourists.
I know you know a lot about them, Danielle.

Speaker 16 (01:40:02):
Yeah, because they're sending me to Disney in July. And
I'm so excited because this is the coolest thing. Think
about the pricing on the theme parks, especially like Walt
Disney World and Disneyland resorts. Adult tickets at child prices
right now.

Speaker 1 (01:40:16):
Wow, I love that.

Speaker 16 (01:40:17):
And like I said, it's for Walt disney World and
Disneyland resorts. That's insane. So many people are like, that's
not real. I'm like, it is totally real.

Speaker 5 (01:40:24):
So cool.

Speaker 1 (01:40:25):
Yeah, and you know how different those prices are adults
versus kids to get get into Disney, So undercover tourists
they're helping families because I can't see how any family
can afford to do any of that. But with undercovered tourists,
you can. You save time, you save money. Walt disney
World Resort, disney Land Resort in California, Universal Orlando, Universal Studios, Hollywood,

SeaWorld Orlando, SeaWorld San Diego, they got the whole country covered.
You get discount rates, free shipping, flexible refund prices or policies. Actually,
with undercover tourists, you gotta go through them if you
want to go to any of those above park.

Speaker 16 (01:40:58):
We also did our hotel, so we're staying on Disney property.
We got a hotel through them, and we rented a
car through them as well, so they do all that.

Speaker 1 (01:41:06):
I mean, you have to rob a bank if you
don't use undercover tourist. Uh what did Disney just announced Gandi,
you were talking about this earlier.

Speaker 3 (01:41:16):
Yes, they just announced that they're going to be cracking
down on people who fake disabilities to get those passes
to get to the front of the line and cut
the line. They say, now, if they find out and
it's provable that you have lied about anything to get
the das, you're going to be banned for life.

Speaker 8 (01:41:30):
From their part too.

Speaker 5 (01:41:31):
I think I would have a hard tack if they
banned me.

Speaker 1 (01:41:33):
For park so But with undercovered tourists, I don't have
to lie anymore. I don't have to walk. I don't
have to walk to the ticket booth on my knees
pretending to be a ten year old, don't you, stranger.
I know it worked, how many times I remember, Froggy
they let me in for a ten year old price.
They did because I was on my knees. I guess

that's what it was.

Speaker 3 (01:41:56):
It caught me in a baby carriage, like I'm just
a small time.

Speaker 1 (01:42:01):
So undercover tourists, we love them adult tickets at children's prices,
and you don't have to lie, so you can check
them out undercover tourist, I guess at undercover tourist dot com.

Speaker 5 (01:42:13):
I'm assuming yes, undercover tourist dot com.

Speaker 1 (01:42:16):
I made that assumption. Let's get into Sound with Garrett. Garrett,
all right, good morning, why are you screaming? You scared me? Scared?
I'm sorry? All right, go right?

Speaker 25 (01:42:23):
What do I bring that out of him? Let's start
with American Idol. We're down to the top three, the
finales this weekend, and Abby Carter last night performed, uh
it was Disney week. She did part of Your World
from Little Mermaid and this is what put her in
the top three.

Speaker 5 (01:42:42):
I want to see walking around on the sounds great.

Speaker 1 (01:42:51):
I love Disney Night. I'm sorry I missed that.

Speaker 25 (01:42:54):
And Katy Perry did this great transformation into a Cinderella
dress too, so you probably see it online sometime today.
All right, let's move down to the Dallas Mavericks. Their
star Luca Duncic. He had a press conference after Thursday
night's game, so it was going viral this week. In
this clip during his press conference, someone was watching porn
I guess on the phone or in the background, and
it bled into the press conference.

Speaker 1 (01:43:15):
Just sharing de vall and our energy was great. What
do you think you Okay, Oh that's not life all right,
So Giselle bunching.

Speaker 25 (01:43:30):
She is going viral this weekend because we found out
we're pronouncing her name wrong. So this is a clip
from two thousand and five she was on with Conan O'Brien,
and listen to how she pronounces her name.

Speaker 10 (01:43:40):
We say I in the end of the all here
you eat the eye. You know, you only say Giselle. Okay,
this is the American way, I guess.

Speaker 1 (01:43:46):
So go to casting Zabie.

Speaker 10 (01:43:48):
What's her name, Giselli?

Speaker 8 (01:43:49):
What's your name, Gazelli?

Speaker 10 (01:43:51):
So I'll be like, this is not a difficult name.
So I was like, you know, I would just write
it down and be like Giselle. I'm like, no, no, Gizelle.

Speaker 1 (01:43:57):
Gizzelli, Giselle. Wow, you're saying it wrong.

Speaker 5 (01:44:01):
Now we know.

Speaker 25 (01:44:03):
And then finally, over the weekend, Thomas Thomas Jefferson University
nursing program was graduating and as they were graduating, the
person reading the names on stage was reading the names
off of a Q card, all done phonetically, and she
messed it up big time.

Speaker 11 (01:44:17):
Sire Ovoon, Jean jew Breed, none, maybe Lee.

Speaker 14 (01:44:24):
Zu Beth Rotsky, stop it stop it was that Elizabeth Elizabeth, yes,
But she said okay, it's.

Speaker 1 (01:44:32):
The second one. Listen to the second one.

Speaker 11 (01:44:34):
How she says it, sire Ovoon, Jean jew Breed, none,
maybe Lee.

Speaker 5 (01:44:41):
Zu Beth, Paul Brown, Frantaska, Tylor Brown.

Speaker 1 (01:44:52):
Turn it off.

Speaker 25 (01:44:53):
The last one was too muse and someone goes, it's Thomas.
It's like Thomas Jefferson University did come out today and
apologized for that.

Speaker 4 (01:45:08):
Oh my god?

Speaker 1 (01:45:09):
What what word was it? I said wrong? The other day?
I'm like, wait, I remember that was it was like
a word we use every day? Yes, remember that? I remember?
So I did. I'll get to I shouldn't Eve brought
it up. I thought you remember it.

Speaker 5 (01:45:22):
I skipped things because I'm like, yeah, I can't pronounce that.

Speaker 3 (01:45:25):
I'm not doing.

Speaker 1 (01:45:27):
Anyway. What else is going? And that's it? You're a
good America. Thank you? Hey? Do we have do we
have that Kane Brown Marshmallow song? Uh? Do we have
time to play it? Because I know we're really late,
and Nate's like, not really, but I mean, you do
what you want, so, n Nate, Nate's anus is so
tight right now, I mean technically, why you so tight?

Speaker 5 (01:45:47):
It doesn't take much, yeah, but I mean.

Speaker 1 (01:45:50):
You can do whatever you want.

Speaker 11 (01:45:51):

Speaker 1 (01:45:51):
We can play it. Let's do it. This is was
it Miles On? It is that the name of it,
miles on it. This is about doing it in the truck?
Is that what this is? The song?

Speaker 19 (01:46:00):

Speaker 1 (01:46:00):
It's about doing in the truck?

Speaker 9 (01:46:01):
Bedood Morning, Good Morning.

Speaker 1 (01:46:07):
Wendy's New Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, ooh
e gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the
best part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New
Cinnabon pull Apart only at Participating Us Wendy's.

Speaker 2 (01:46:28):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:46:32):
Hosting a dinner party tonight. It's always a great in
theory to throw a party, and then when it comes
time to throw the party, you're like, oh god, what
am I doing?

Speaker 3 (01:46:40):
Yeah, and then you have to clean up after, you
have to prepare before and after. This is crazy, but.

Speaker 1 (01:46:44):
It's all good. A good mix of people. Our friend Lydia,
Malcolm is coming in, love Lydia, my friends Selena and
Michael are gonna be here, Alex will be here, the dogs.
It's gonna be a great dinner part what am I cooking?
Or should he cook? Danielle? When am I cooking?

Speaker 2 (01:46:58):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:47:00):
Pak steaks in the grill. Maybe it's going to.

Speaker 5 (01:47:03):
Be nice out today. Yeah, maybe steaks on the grills
on the grill?

Speaker 1 (01:47:07):
They would I mean, just throw a steak on the
grill and put potatoes in the oven. I mean, what
could be easier? That's it? Steaks on the grill. How
some pork chops I tend. I tend to dry out
pork chops. I don't know, I don't thinking about it.
Are we on right now? Hey? You know we played

that cane brown marshmallow song called Miles on it. It
talks about doing it in the truck bed. So insid
a text and asking is that a euphemism for butt stuff?

Speaker 11 (01:47:38):

Speaker 1 (01:47:39):
It should be doing it in the truck bed. I
don't think so, but it makes sense.

Speaker 3 (01:47:44):
Well it is now now that song has changed completely.

Speaker 1 (01:47:48):
Since you and I are from the land of pickup trucks.
Have you ever done it in the back of a
pickup truck in the bed of a truck?

Speaker 6 (01:47:53):
I have not, but I am a recent I recently
purchased a pickup truck, and so I would like to
do that. I would like to try that. That's on
my list of things to do soon.

Speaker 1 (01:48:02):
Has anyone done it? On a tailgate? Anyone tailgate? Anyone tailgating?
No tailgating. That sounds like, but stuff does. Daniel brought
us this list, and I love that you brought it
because you're very sensitive to this stuff because your husband,
of course, is originally from the UK.

Speaker 10 (01:48:19):
He is.

Speaker 1 (01:48:20):
Yes, things that confuse non Americans when they see them
in American TV and movies. May I do a few
of these for you? Sure our obsession with Halloween. Non
Americans don't understand why we're so obsessed with Halloween.

Speaker 5 (01:48:31):
True right, yeah, they don't.

Speaker 16 (01:48:32):
I mean if you go to the UK during Halloween,
I'm like, what, so what do we do? And they
go we don't do anything. I'm like, oh that's great.
Some places do a little something, but.

Speaker 2 (01:48:43):
Not like we do here.

Speaker 1 (01:48:44):
Remember Great Tea got confused. He's like, do they have
fireworks on July fourth in London?

Speaker 5 (01:48:51):
He did, well, and ask my husband if they celebrated
July fourth?

Speaker 23 (01:48:55):
He did.

Speaker 1 (01:48:56):
I want you to think that through. Also, this is
a good one. Americans are confused when watching our TV shows.
We use the word like a lot.

Speaker 11 (01:49:05):

Speaker 3 (01:49:06):
Yeah, it's terrible, and I think we all do it
and you toss it in just randomly for no reason,
like oh my god, Like can you can you believe
that that like happened?

Speaker 1 (01:49:15):
Like like a, I don't. We would have no hi
alia without the word life correct. Also, they're confused. We
never say goodbye when we hang up the phone on
TV shows. Yeah, I like that in real life. I
just hate your phone.

Speaker 5 (01:49:29):
Then you hang up on someone like, but that's rude.

Speaker 1 (01:49:33):
Why does there have to be this protocol? I mean
talking of the phone with you, Frog, It's like it's
a it's a communication. It's like Hi, okay, what's going on,
have a great day? Click? Okay, No, you gotta say goodbye?
Yeah okay.

Speaker 6 (01:49:47):
For example, if I come to your house and spend
some time with you, we have a conversation. I don't
just get up and walk out the door.

Speaker 1 (01:49:53):
I say goodbye.

Speaker 10 (01:49:55):

Speaker 1 (01:49:56):
What do I always say to you before we hang
up the phone? Froggy, love you Frog? I always say
I love you.

Speaker 3 (01:50:01):
That's a goodbye though. That's a form of a good bye.

Speaker 5 (01:50:03):
Yeah, that's a form of goodbye.

Speaker 1 (01:50:04):
So habitats, Oh, it's gonna be a beautiful day love
you click.

Speaker 3 (01:50:09):
I don't think that's as bad, but if you ended,
it's gonna be a beautiful day click, I'd be.

Speaker 19 (01:50:12):
Like, what the right?

Speaker 1 (01:50:13):
I think we got cut off. I'm gonna call you back. Yeah.
Also another things are confused about non Americans when they
watch our TV shows, in our movies, the fake baby
school assignments, like you have you have to like put
a bag of flour under your suit, ye your shirt
to walk around with it.

Speaker 5 (01:50:28):
You take home an egg and you have to take
care of it and not crack it. They don't over
there do that.

Speaker 16 (01:50:34):
There was a couple that I thought were fascinating, like
when we get fired, do all Americans walk out with
a box?

Speaker 5 (01:50:41):
And a to R takes them out with a box?

Speaker 16 (01:50:43):
Because that's we see that in all shows, Like they
have the garboard box on there.

Speaker 1 (01:50:47):
That's true.

Speaker 5 (01:50:48):
And they're like, does that really happen in real life?

Speaker 8 (01:50:50):
I think it does.

Speaker 1 (01:50:51):
I think it does.

Speaker 5 (01:50:52):
I guess it doesn't happen another certain time.

Speaker 1 (01:50:54):
Today they fire me from this joint. Half of the
equipment's going on because I own it all. I think
the transmitter it's to the mPire State bill that's mine. Sorry,
the way we compare the length of things to football fields.
This is another one we do that. They don't do
that in other countries. Oh my god, that's like that
building is as tall as two football fields. You want to.

Speaker 7 (01:51:18):
Visualized to football.

Speaker 1 (01:51:21):
Also, they're amazed at how we have so many guns
in our society.

Speaker 5 (01:51:26):
Yeah, I think a lot of us are.

Speaker 8 (01:51:27):
I'm amazed.

Speaker 1 (01:51:28):
Yeah, yeah, I don't blame them for.

Speaker 5 (01:51:31):
Do you say the other one?

Speaker 16 (01:51:32):
Are we eating ice cream out of the tub when
you're depressed or like you have a breakup. They're like
they always they're asking does that really happen in real life?
Because they don't do that.

Speaker 1 (01:51:42):
That's they cut their do they cut their hair when
they break up? Because every time, like we're at the
bar last night and a girl walked in and everyone
knew I've never met her, she so love your haircut,
and she walked away and once she obviously just broke up.
Really were the only people that do that?

Speaker 6 (01:52:01):

Speaker 3 (01:52:01):
I mean I definitely did that one when i'd break
up or died at a different column, Yeah, I went blonde. Yeah,
don't ever let me do that ever.

Speaker 1 (01:52:08):
So we are confusing, But it's not like the Brits
don't confuse us. I mean, that's why there's an ocean
between us. It makes us. We have these differences which
I celebrate.

Speaker 16 (01:52:17):
I come to my house and you'll be very confused
with the British American ways.

Speaker 1 (01:52:23):
I bet. Do you have any guests coming up this
week other than new Kids on the Block? That's see
it Elvis, just n KOTB. They're here Thursday. We can.

Speaker 5 (01:52:31):
All of you are so hilarious.

Speaker 9 (01:52:38):
Can I start my day with yours?

Speaker 2 (01:52:40):
Mister in the morning show?

Speaker 1 (01:52:42):
We survived a Monday? How you like that? We're back tomorrow?
But until then, what are we watching? Danielle?

Speaker 16 (01:52:47):
I would say, so you think you can dance with
a voice or I really do like the idea of
you on Netflix and Halfaway rom Com.

Speaker 1 (01:52:55):
See you tomorrow. Till then, say peace out everybody?

Speaker 9 (01:52:57):
Yet everybody

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