All Episodes

May 16, 2024 99 mins
New Kids on the Block are back with a brand new album! "Still Kids" is out this Friday and the group aims to go on tour this summer. Plus, we talk about an invisible scratch Scotty has on his arm, Diamond leaving her car on for several hours, and Scotty aired the wrong contest promo.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Our next guest is the host of the nationally syndicated
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
My listen phases, Okay, gay Elvis Duran in the Morning.
Every morning I listened to you and am Ghani and yelled.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
Don't worry. You're not gonna feel anything.

Speaker 4 (00:23):
It's fine.

Speaker 5 (00:24):
I don't know if I would listen to that show
before the World two.

Speaker 6 (00:31):
And one Morning show.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
That was Jimmy Fallon who. By the way, my sources
tell me he had lunch at Fresco by Scotto yesterday.
I did you, Yes, you did.

Speaker 7 (00:41):

Speaker 8 (00:41):
He was posting vacation pictures, So I'm gonna go ahead
and say that those were old.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Hey, welcome to the day. It is Thursday, Froggy. It's
our favorite day of the week. It is Food News Thursday, Elvister.
It is food News Thursday. It is Thursday, May sixteenth,
is it not. Yeah, it's also a National Barbecue Day.
Hope it didn't take a food Dooo story away from you. No,
that's okay. Good morning, Danielle, Hi, Gandhi morning. Hello, They're

straight and eight. Wayne od is Hello, Producer Sam Good morning, Hi,
Scotty be Hello there, Hello, Hello, Diamond, Good morning. You're
a girl's best friend. I know Garrett's walking around or
waltzing around. Of course we heard from Froggy and I
think we should start our song with something that's so loud,
so obnoxious, it will wake us up. Wait, let it

kick in. You will feel the obnoxious, you will feel
the irritating song that this truly is. But it will
wake you up.

Speaker 9 (01:46):
With me.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
Soems like they're hitting a trash can. They moved to
trash can. Here we go. Are you ready?

Speaker 10 (02:03):
Are you ready?

Speaker 2 (02:05):
I can't. I can't bang from the nineties. I never
want to hear that every yet, give me another song, anything?
Any Oh? I have an idea. Danielle went to see
Hell's Kitchen last NK. Did they do uh New York Harry?

Speaker 8 (02:23):
I don't even want to tell you what that was like?

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Pulled it in? Okay, Yeah, I gotta get this song.
Just make her cry again. Play the version that she
did downstairs at our iHeart theater. Do we have that
one the entries? Yes, I'm warning you. If you don't
do it, I'll play this again.

Speaker 8 (02:40):
Please please don't.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
I think I'd rather hear Barbie Girl than hear that.

Speaker 1 (02:45):

Speaker 11 (02:46):
What vote for Barbie girl.

Speaker 10 (02:48):

Speaker 2 (02:48):
When I sat down to write that song with Razor
and Gido, yeah, I was the one that wrote the lyrics.
Do it again? That was me wow, And I said,
why don't we do something that goes deep beep? Do
you rip that instrument? There is no instrument.

Speaker 8 (03:04):
How long did you take to write those lyrics?

Speaker 2 (03:06):
I don't know a while, but that instrument is it's
something we hear in nature. Do you have it?

Speaker 4 (03:11):
Is this the version?

Speaker 2 (03:12):
I don't know. Yes, is it recorded downstairs? I heard theater.
Let's just mellow it at a little bit. Let's remember where
we're living. Kids. You're feeling it, Daniel, Oh my goodness.

She'll tell you the story in a minute. I don't
know what got into us. Well, I guess the city
got into us. Welcome to the day. We'll explain why
Daniel's emotional just a few minutes. Let's move on and
get on with the show and talk to Jeremy. Jeremy,
you know is it Jeremy.

Speaker 10 (03:53):
It's Jeremy. Good morning.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
We'll go with Jeremy good morning. It's your birthday, Happy birthday,
Thank you, thank you very much. I hear you just
finished and then you just finished an extreme workout. Is
this true?

Speaker 10 (04:05):
Oh yeah, yeah, I got up this morning. Uh my
wife surprised me was something in bed and it wasn't breakfast.

Speaker 2 (04:12):
I work out in and uh there you come.

Speaker 10 (04:16):
Then I got to get to work out, and I've
been trying to get with you guys, and I'm super
excited to be on the phone. I want to say,
first of all, Elvis, I've been listening for ten years
and I'm really uh honored by how fair your outlooks are.
I mean, you have a you have a platform that
you could express any opinion you want, but you're always
extremely fair and you've given me a way to look
even more fair in my life and keep thank you.

Thank you for that.

Speaker 2 (04:38):
Well, and thank you, thank you for being our first
caller of the name. Birthday boy. Sounds like you've already
you've gone down quite the bucket list already since you
woke up.

Speaker 10 (04:47):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
I have congratulations.

Speaker 10 (04:51):
Wanted to so far.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
What are you doing for the rest of your birthday, Jeremy.

Speaker 10 (04:55):
Well, unfortunately, I still got to go to work and
do that part of the day and uh and then uh,
you know, come back to a great dinner and with
family and and and that'll be the end of it
till the weekend.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
Jeremy, I hope you have the best day ever, because
you know what, you truly truly started our day off
in such a positive light. Thank you so much. Having
you here is an honor.

Speaker 10 (05:17):
And I also want to say to to Danielle. You
know last month you did some you talked about some
autistic awareness and stuff like that. Well, I have an
autistic child and I just appreciate you for your support
of that. And and then Gandhi, I've listened to you
and talk about how people you know have said ugly
things to you on Facebook or or Instagram or whatever.
And I just want to tell you that I think

you're a beautiful person. I just I want you guys
to know that. And I'm super fans. I'm a super
fan of all of you guys, and I really really
appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Jeremy, hold on, Mommy, can we keep it? You're awesome.
Come on, you got to send Jeremy something special. Don't
send him that other stuff. We're gonna load them down.
How about a fifty dollar Wendy's gift card and the
full line of Elvis Duranta Peril we're gonna send you
a closet full, which is like three things.

Speaker 10 (06:06):
That's thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
Well, happy birthday, Jeremy. All right, it's time to take
a shower and get to work. But happy birthday to you, buddy.

Speaker 9 (06:13):

Speaker 2 (06:14):
Hold on one second. Wow, Now that is a great
way to start the day. Oh yeah, he woke up,
he had well breakfast with his wife. You know what
I'm saying when it did an extreme work out. Now
he's his full birthday with family and friends on the way.
What a great guy, good day, What a great guy,
great guy. Thank god we have got people like Jeremy

listening to us. So let's dedicate this show to Jeremy today.
Busy day, new kids on the block on the way.
They'll be here in a couple hours. And uh and
not enough. That's enough. Let's just do that into the
three things we need to know and then let's get
on with it. Gandhi, what's going on?

Speaker 11 (06:51):
All right, it's gonna happen. President Biden and Donald Trump
are set to face off in general election debates scheduled
for June and September. The two will participate in a
CNN debate on June twenty seventh in Atlanta and a
second debate hosted by ABC News on September tenth. The
debates were scheduled hours after Biden challenged the former president
and a video posted to X Trump responded saying he

is ready and willing. The number of overdose deaths is
down for the first time in five years now. Preliminary
data from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics shows
about one hundred and seven thousand and five hundred people
died from drug overdoses last year. That number is still staggering,
but it is thirty five hundred less than the year before.

Despite the drop, overdose deaths in twenty twenty three were
still almost double the number from five years ago. Synthetic
opioids like fentanyl were involved in almost seventy percent of
those deaths. And finally, a Hollywood producer is going to
prison for burglarizing homes in the Hamptons and Manhattan that
belonged to his ex girlfriend's new boyfriend. Raymond Boudereau was

sentenced to three and a half years in prison and
ordered to pay two hundred thousand dollars in restitution to
the victim. He pleaded guilty to stealing more than one
million dollars worth of property in twenty twenty two from
the homes. What movies did he produce? He asked, what
classic films like The twenty twenty Bill and Ted Face
the music, and those are your three things?

Speaker 2 (08:10):
And now he's living a life of crime. Yeah, look
at that. He stole a million dollars worth of stuff
out of someone's house. Two houses, two houses? Okay, question,
do you have a million dollars worth of stuff?

Speaker 8 (08:21):

Speaker 2 (08:22):
What would that be?

Speaker 11 (08:23):
I wish?

Speaker 2 (08:24):
Oh my god, it's like sorry, I mean I have
you arrested? You're still two million dollars a million dollars
of stuff from my two houses? There's not a million dollars?

Speaker 12 (08:33):

Speaker 13 (08:34):

Speaker 8 (08:34):

Speaker 11 (08:35):
Maybe cash? What do you what would be worth that much?
But gold bars?

Speaker 2 (08:38):
I don't know, kruegerrands? What do you have? Are you
guys ready for what's a Kruger? Look it up? Are
you guys ready for Thursday?

Speaker 6 (08:46):
Let's go the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Hell's Kitchen. This new musical A least Keys has been
working on this for what you said? Thirteen years?

Speaker 3 (08:54):

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Joy, That's how I look at.

Speaker 4 (08:57):
It is, Joy.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
Thirteen joints before the show to the bottlessly capable all
electric EQS Suv from Mercedes Benz with available transparenthood technology.
It's so advanced it can see through sheet metal. The
vehicle is all electric, the feeling is all Mercedes. Learn
more at mbusa dot com. Slash EQS Dash Suv.

Speaker 6 (09:19):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show time is running out
to save on your Disney summer vacation.

Speaker 8 (09:24):
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercovertourists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

Speaker 14 (09:34):
These are the real deal.

Speaker 8 (09:35):
Save now at Undercover Tourists dot com com.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
Here, here we go.

Speaker 6 (09:46):
We are Elvis ter Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
Good. I can't tell you how many years it's been
since we spoke with new kids on the block, or
I mean, every once in a while one of them
would come in because they had something going on, you know,
that was it. Now we have all five. I love them. Yes, yeah,
they're rolling in a little over an hour from now.
Let's clean up this mess. No whate's getting up and
no one's cleaning. No, I can't I'm tethered to a microphone.

What Nate, What? I remember New Kids being the talk
of the playground when I was what ten, I remember
like Kim Dobson and Rissa connic like, Oh my god,
they're so cute and I'm just so crazy that they're
coming in now, right, you should you should call those
old broads living on the way. They weren't old at

the time, you know what I'm saying. Crazy and they're
still a round and it's great to have them come
in because I mean, they were truly an era in
our music.

Speaker 8 (10:43):
I remember my sister being so obsessed with them, and
then we had a sleeping bag, a new Kids on
the Block sleeping bag, and then after she moved out,
we used it to wrap the fig tree in the winter.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
The guys should Jordan's you should let them know.

Speaker 8 (10:56):
Yeah, I gotta let them know about they saved my
fig tree.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
We should understand theyre from north East, right to understand
you gotta wrap your fig tree. You gotta what's scary.

Speaker 15 (11:04):
And Jerry Lewis used to have this telethon this old
guy and all the girls would come in because New
Kids on the Block would be performing on the Jerry
Lewis telethon, and he'd be like, ah, the kids hitting
hare far, you know, because it was like such a
dichotomy between I think he's dead now, well yeah, but
between like the new Kids performing with all the kids
in the audience and him trying to conduct the serious
telephon Gray Grapes.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
So there you go, so so far today we've had
a Jerry Lewis reference and played a Frank Sinatra song.
I don't know. We're in a time machine, man. What
are you doing today? Is I don't want to take
this away from your froggy on Food News Thursday. It
is National Barbecue Day. It is you you can talk about.
It is whatever you want. I don't really have anything

for that. You go ahead and so you know, I
insist you go out and eat some real barbecue.

Speaker 11 (11:51):
Today, Real barbecue.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
Meat that has been slow cooked and with smoke. That
is what a barbecue is, okay, right, Like a lot
of people say, like scars like come all over the
house for a barbecue. I went, oh my god, did
you get up last night and start you know, smoking
your meat? Oh no, it's good to put some burgers
on the grill. That's not a barbecue. Barbecue.

Speaker 11 (12:11):
That's grilling out.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
That's grilling out. That's grilling.

Speaker 8 (12:13):
When you put the pig on the spit, Is that
like barbecue and him or.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
No, oh yeah, barbecuing. I believe me, and you can
look it up. I could be wrong. I believe it's
the technique of cooking with smoke. I do believe. That's
where I'm from. It is anyway. I think you're correct.
I don't know. Technically, Yeah, I think you're I think
you're one hundred percent cracked. Cooking burgers is grilling. It's
not barbecuing exactly. And that's okay. Look, I'm not saying
there's something wrong with putting a pig on a spit

or grilling a burger. I'm in I love roasted pigs.
My friend Matt to tone, he always runs up to
the pig and rips the air off and starts eating it.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
Oh my gosh, No, he reads.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
He eats all the little all the little little, all
the little things that come off the pig that are
like extra like crunchy, all the carcinogen filled.

Speaker 11 (13:00):
At least he's not letting it go to waste heads.

Speaker 2 (13:03):
Well, you know, that's that's how you eat pigs, you
do from snoop to poot?

Speaker 7 (13:10):
Do you what like a delicacy.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
Eating a pig? I don't know. I've never eating a pig.
The day is textas now if you're eating a pig,
I've seen people fight over the jowls you know those? Yeah, absolutely,
because the fat and the jowels is kind of fabulous. Anyway,
moving on, it is a National Barbecue Day, so think
about ordering for lunch or dinner. The meat that's cooked

with smoke.

Speaker 8 (13:34):
We should have had virgils come up today.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Now that's barbecue.

Speaker 8 (13:37):
That's barbecue.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
I love it. All right, let's get into horoscopes. Is
it time I'm pushing the horsecope button?

Speaker 10 (13:42):

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Here it is, right now, there's a horse cope button.
Producer Sam Food, do you wish?

Speaker 9 (13:46):

Speaker 2 (13:46):
It's it's Thursday. You're doing him with Froggy.

Speaker 7 (13:48):
You gotta do it Froggy on food Noose Thursday.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Food Noos Froggy. All right, let's go, all right, here
we go.

Speaker 16 (13:52):
If you celebrated birthday today, you are celebrating with Megan Fox,
Janet Jackson, and Pierce brosenin Capricorn corn Streamlining Now, Streamline
Now it'll pay off later.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
Strive for efficiency today.

Speaker 7 (14:04):
Your days of six, Hey Aquarius, Today's a good day
to think big. Your idealism provides the potential for significant moves.

Speaker 16 (14:11):
Your days a nine Pisc's focus on what delivers you
true joy, not what outside influences suggest you should.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
Your day's an eight.

Speaker 3 (14:18):
Aries energy spreads.

Speaker 7 (14:20):
Make sure you spend time with people you admire and
not ones who bring you down.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
Your day's an eight Taurus.

Speaker 16 (14:25):
The best way to magnify positivity is to focus on
where it is in your life and nurture it.

Speaker 7 (14:30):
Your day's a nine Gemini. Don't waste your time extending
yourself for people who wouldn't do the same for you.

Speaker 16 (14:35):
Your days of six cancer reflection can be painful, but
it also creates opportunity for growth.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
Your days of seven, Hey Leo, luck is on your side.

Speaker 7 (14:43):
Try taking your risk. It just might pay off. Your
day's of ten Virgo. You need clarity in your path
moving forward. Take some time to cleanse your physical and
mental space. Your days inn eight Libra. You're used to
putting the needs of others first, but if you don't
find balance, the scale will just move on the scale
will collapse.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
Your days of nine the scorpio.

Speaker 16 (15:06):
You need to let go of a thought that's been
consuming you create an opportunity for closure. Your day's a five.

Speaker 7 (15:11):
And finally, Sagittarius, the most successful people failed many times
before they succeeded. So take your risks, your day's of
seven and those are your Thursday morning horse.

Speaker 6 (15:20):

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Here's what I don't even know if I can find it.
I followed this account on Instagram. It's like just really
gross fake album titles. It has like an album cover
in Today's Can I even say this on the air?
Today's album was called Oops, I stapled my balls my

anal cavity. Well I'm talking about it, And then when
the song came on.

Speaker 11 (15:51):
It was oops, I glued my balls my buttthole again.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
But there was it again.

Speaker 2 (15:58):

Speaker 3 (16:00):
What are they going to be on the show, Elvi?

Speaker 2 (16:02):
I just love it is aardy playing right when you
get to Pisces. You okay for that? Sorry about that.
I guess we should have a rule where we don't
play with our phones during microphone on moments. What do
we have coming up, Danielle.

Speaker 8 (16:15):
We've got some more fun on with Netflix on the
way and Olivia Rodrigo, she thankfully avoided a wardrobe malfunction.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
And also you got to talk about what you did
last night.

Speaker 6 (16:24):
Thanks waking up in the morning Elvis Duran in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (16:28):
There is still time to save on your Disney summer vacation.
It's Danielle and I'm treating my family to the magic
of Disney this summer and you can too this summer.
Undercover Tourist dot com is all about adult tickets at
child prices to Walt Disney World in Florida and the
iconic Disneyland resort in California. And you can trust Undercover
Tourist dot com. I did and I planned this amazing

family summer vacation. They're an authorized seller of Disney tickets
and they are the real deal. They linked to the
official Disney app so you can add on Genie plus
and eighting laying.

Speaker 11 (17:00):
Upgrades really easy.

Speaker 8 (17:02):
Undercover Tourist helps you get the ultimate rope drop Disney experience.
With their free crowd calendar. You can find those daily
crowd levels, recommended parks, by day, park hours, special events,
and more, all in one place. They also have a
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day return policy, So have plans change, no problem, get

adult theme park tickets at child prices at Undercover Tourists
dot com. That's undercover Tourists dot com.

Speaker 6 (17:29):
S Mister Wrenn and the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
You know they're not even here yet. I'm mad at
new Kids in the blog. I'm mad at Donnie.

Speaker 8 (17:37):
Oh why what did he do?

Speaker 2 (17:38):
I'll tell you what what Donnie Wahlberg did? I was
supposed to go have lunch. I was so excited about
having lunch at Lee's Tavern on Staten Island. You get
some pizza and then Lee's Tavern posts. We will be
closed Thursday, May sixteenth due to filming for Blue Bloods.
Oh see you Friday? So where am I going to
get McLam pie?

Speaker 11 (18:01):
You should try to reschedule that shoot for them.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
You have to get into that already, mad, already causing trouble.
They're not even hear yet, I tell you anyway, yea
new Kids in the block about an hour from now.

Speaker 8 (18:12):
Danielle, Do I have cream cheese on my face?

Speaker 2 (18:15):

Speaker 3 (18:16):
I'm sure you do.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
I can't see it, but I'm sure it's microscopic. Hey, uh,
As we get into the daniel Report, talk about how
yesterday was such an emotional day for you. This is
such a Daniel story. It was an emotional day for her.

Speaker 8 (18:29):
I was. It was just all about New York yesterday
and being from New York. So first I saw the
Wicked trailer for the Wicked movie, right and you know,
Wicked is on Broadway, and it's you know, started here
in my mind at least, and so I started crying
from that, and I was so emotional from that. I
can't wait for that to hit the big screen. Then
we go into the city to see Hell's Kitchen and

that was just incredible, and I'm bawling my eyes out,
being the proudest New Yorkers, saying.

Speaker 3 (18:55):
I'm from here.

Speaker 8 (18:56):
It's so freaking amazing, and this is awesome in our city.
That's awesome, and I mean, it just was amazing. Then
I walk out and I realized that we parked next
to Birdland. Now Birdland, if you don't know, is a
jazz club in New York and it's featured in the
new Amy Winehouse movie Back to Black, which I saw
the night before. And then I'm like, and there's Birdland,
and this is wonderful and.

Speaker 9 (19:17):
Life is great.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
It was an emotional day.

Speaker 8 (19:19):
Oh my gosh, I was so emotional and I was
so proud to be from New York.

Speaker 2 (19:23):
Well, of course the icing of the cake was, as
you said, watching Hell's Kitchen. This is the musical inspired by,
and written by, and produced by, and directed by everything
by Alicia Keys. Yeah, and of course her story is
about the Hell's Kitchen section of New York City. Yeah,
if you don't know what that is, so I get it.
I can't wait to see it.

Speaker 8 (19:40):
So many awards you are going to lie? I now
I know why it's up for so many Tony's because
it deserves it.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
There you have it, all right, what are you have
going on to that?

Speaker 4 (19:47):
All right?

Speaker 8 (19:47):
So, like we just said, the long awaited Wicket trailer
is out. It looks insane. Cynthia Arrivo is Alpha, ba
Ariana Grande is Glinda. The movie We'll Hit Your Theater
is November twenty seventh, and it just looks so cool.
So Wanda Sykes has been mistaken for somebody, not once,
but twice in New Orleans Lenny Kravits.

Speaker 11 (20:10):
That cannot have happened, yeah, she.

Speaker 8 (20:12):
Said, both times. It happened when her hair was bigger
and longer. She says, and those people must have been
drinking everything on Bourbon Street to think I looked like that.
But she said, how weird is it that has happened twice?

Speaker 2 (20:24):
I just what met her? No, she's really sweet, she's
really fun.

Speaker 8 (20:28):
I think we had her on the phone once here good. Yeah,
So it's been more than forty years since Et premiered.
But Drew Barrymore says that she is so grateful for
her role in that film, and she said Et was
kind of like her first imaginary friend. She goes, I
knew he wasn't real, but still I understood I needed
this and needed you know this, What is going on in.

Speaker 11 (20:50):
This is just chaos, I asked, I need anyway?

Speaker 8 (20:54):
What happened to Barrymore? Okay, let's talk about Cardi B.
A lot of people are like, are we getting new music?
Are we getting a new album? What's happening? She says,
there will not be an album this year.

Speaker 14 (21:05):
I don't care.

Speaker 8 (21:06):
I'm relaxing. I'm enjoying my life. I'm gonna drop some
features that I committed to, and then I will be
traveling and enjoying the summer. So good for her. Get
a little relaxation in Olivia Rodrigo almost had a wardrobe
malfunction mut malfunction during her show in London. She was
performing Love Is Embarrassing and the laces on her top
broke and before it fell, a dancer swooped in and

fixed it for her. And yeah, she kept going though.
I mean she's here. She kept singing, her dancers kept dancing.
The show must go on, right.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
Well, I thought her new song was called Oops, my
movie popped out.

Speaker 8 (21:37):
I don't think that's what it was called.

Speaker 11 (21:39):
The Next that's probably her next one.

Speaker 8 (21:40):
Yes, that is her next one. And Sophie Turner has
praised Taylor Swift for her help during her divorce from
Joe Jonas. In an interview with British Vogue, she said
she's an absolute hero for her support. Taylor provided her
and her children a home and a safe space during
a very difficult time. There's a lot to watch tonight.
The fifty ninth Academy of Country Music Awards going down tonight.

I know that's where Froggie will be, the series final
finale of Young Sheldon, where Jim Parsons will be making
his return.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
Someone dies on that you don't say, I really do.

Speaker 8 (22:11):
Oh my gosh, you've got the You've got season finales
of all your Law and Order shows, the third season
premiere of Bridgerton over on Netflix, and of course Grazes
on as well. And that is my Danielle Report.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
Thank you, Danielle.

Speaker 6 (22:23):
In fifteen more minutes of Elvis Duran in the Morning Show,
The fifteen Minute Morning Show podcast, an extra fifteen minutes
of Elvis. That is so extra. Listen on the iHeartRadio
app or wherever you get your podcasts. Elvis Duran in
the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (22:40):
Hi, Hi, what's going on?

Speaker 6 (22:42):
Something's about to go?

Speaker 2 (22:44):
Elie in the Morning Shows going on? What's going on here?

Speaker 10 (22:48):

Speaker 2 (22:48):
People who don't have hold on?

Speaker 11 (22:52):
Is that how we just keep screaming?

Speaker 14 (22:54):
Hold on?

Speaker 6 (22:55):
Hold on?

Speaker 2 (22:56):
We should hit, should hit? You got to give me
a second. I gotta give him a secon Hey, So everyone,
what do you?

Speaker 8 (23:01):
What are you doing?

Speaker 2 (23:05):
You can hit the O yeah, okay, okay, I'm gonna
hit the A pardon. Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is
here to satisfy morning cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon
sugar rolled dough, oohiguey texture and signature cream cheese frosting.
Get the best part in Every Bite This Morning with
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull apart only at participating in US
Wendy's in the Morning Show. All right, there's a company

that is putting out these jeans. They're eight hundred and
fourteen dollars.

Speaker 11 (23:42):
Oh, reasonably price.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
And they have a permanent pea stain. Oh yeah, have
you heard about that?

Speaker 11 (23:51):
I saw those things?

Speaker 4 (23:52):

Speaker 8 (23:53):
I'm so confused. When you get a pea stain, you're embarrassed.
So why would you want to pay eight hundred.

Speaker 2 (23:58):
Dollars for that?

Speaker 4 (23:59):

Speaker 2 (24:00):
They not only that, you could make your own much cheaper. Yeah,
why no, but it goes away.

Speaker 11 (24:05):
Oh, fragrance may remain.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
It dries. So anyway, the question is, would you wear
a pair of jeans that made it look like you
just wet your pants?

Speaker 6 (24:13):

Speaker 2 (24:14):
No, well this company says they disagree. It's it's a
high end men's wear brand featuring a pair of jeans
in their fall Winter twenty twenty three twenty twenty four collection.
Looks like regular jeans, except the stains in the cross
look like a peace dain. The price tag, like I said,
over eight hundred dollars, and there you have it.

Speaker 8 (24:34):
The fetish people.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
I don't know who it's for.

Speaker 11 (24:37):
I think the fashion house is just trying to punk
us all the time, like how dumb can we make
these people look? And how much can we make them
pay for it? Ah, pea stains eight hundred dollars right?

Speaker 2 (24:46):

Speaker 1 (24:47):

Speaker 2 (24:48):
They're saying the basis of coolness is not caring. That's
the point.

Speaker 8 (24:51):

Speaker 2 (24:52):
I wear Pea stains proudly because I don't care. I
know what the world to know. I don't care.

Speaker 11 (24:56):
Then pay your pants, just do it pee for free.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
I just my mind just took me to the feeling
of peeing my pants. I don't like that feeling. It
starts to get warm. You're like, oh, you don't do it.
But if you really want to show the world you
don't care, didn't buy these pants?

Speaker 8 (25:17):
Yeah, I'm with Ghandi. Man. They're like, Hey, if we
tell them that this is cool, these dumb people will
believe us.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
Know someone's gonna buy them.

Speaker 11 (25:25):
You know what, Though I do care about soiling myself.
I don't think I've reached that level of cool.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
Okay, I do care. There are a few things I've
left that I care about. Hey, uh, I think we're
less than an hour away from new Kids on the
Block joining us. Samantha can't wait for the interview. How
sound excited? How excited are you?

Speaker 17 (25:47):
Oh my god, I'm extremely excited. I'm glad I took
my boat pressure medicine to girls talking to you guys too.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
Oh my gosh, your eyeballs is gonna blow out of
your head. So, uh, don't you work today? What's gonna happen?
Did you call in late or what are you gonna do?

Speaker 17 (26:04):
I'm just then a railing rate. I'm pulled over on
the side of the world safely, and I'll just go
win Leo.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
But they're not on for another fifty minutes or so,
so I mean it's gonna be a while.

Speaker 17 (26:17):
Oh no, I have my bluetooths already charged. I'm gonna
have you on the computer as well at work in
case I step away from my computer, I have you
on my blue suoths so I could be listening.

Speaker 7 (26:26):

Speaker 8 (26:26):
If she spends fifty minutes in the car and she
has to pee, don't worry about peeing on yourself because
apparently it's a new thing with teens.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
Yeah, we got some pants away people, Samantha, what would
you talk about with them. If you were on with them,
like what other than just kind of freak out and
screech for a few minutes, or what would you want
to say to them or ask them?

Speaker 17 (26:47):
To be honest, I probably would be too starstruck, but
I would try to hold my composure like my daughter
told me to do, and I would just pretty much
just ask them, how does it feel that it's been
thirty five years and they're still going strong? Because I
am a shore blockhead, I still have my lunch box

then I go to work with every day and have
their faces on it.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
I love that.

Speaker 11 (27:12):
Wow, God, that's awesome. Shout out to that lunch box.
It's durable.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
So it was what thirty five years ago that you
saw them in concert? You bought your first pair of
concert tickets to see new Kids on the Block.

Speaker 17 (27:25):
Oh, I wish I was like eight nine years old.
We were Me and my girlfriends were in my room.
We were all getting dressed up and all dowed up
to go to the living room to watch the pay
per view that my mom ordered.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
A wait, hold one, I just confused your first concert
with your first pay per view.

Speaker 17 (27:48):
My first concert was my first pay per view concert.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
That's so cool.

Speaker 17 (27:51):
But I'm going to see them for the first time
in August.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
Oh okay, all right, where are they playing in August
that you're going to witness.

Speaker 17 (28:00):
In the Hartford Theater?

Speaker 2 (28:03):
Okay, perfect, I'll let them know. I'm gonna warn them.
I'm gonna warm them. I'm gonna warn them that you're
coming to the show.

Speaker 17 (28:09):
I'm sure I won't make you do.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
It's gonna be a loud room. But Samantha, that's gonna
be the loudest room on the planet Earth that night.
So look, they are on their way, and I think
they're bringing some new music with them, are they.

Speaker 6 (28:24):

Speaker 2 (28:25):
Yeah, this is Virgin Virgin Virgin new kids music. All right,
thank you, Samantha. I love your energy. Keep on listening
there on the way.

Speaker 17 (28:33):
Okay, thank you, you love you more.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Wow, there you go like Kids on the Way.

Speaker 8 (28:39):
I won if she had the dolls. We have the
dolls in my house, and they had like the rattail
in the back. Just remember two of them had like
the rattail in the back and the plush doll had it.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
I'm just going over my new Kids on the Block
trivia this morning. Oh I forgot that two of them
were brothers, Jordan and Jonathan. Totally forgot. Yeah, so there's that.
I'm excited.

Speaker 11 (29:01):
Did you have some more trivia in there?

Speaker 2 (29:03):
I didn't bring it with me. Okay, I mean, do
you really want to hear new kids in the walk trivia?
I should ask them?

Speaker 11 (29:08):

Speaker 2 (29:09):
I had a lot of like finish the lyric stuff.
Oh right, okay, we'll get to that. What do you have.
Let's play a new kids song? Ohod time for a
new kids song. You've got Nate's well listen. I want
to have time for the new kids on the block
in forty five minutes. So I don't want to do anything.
They've never been on time for anything. I'm hopeful in
their older age, I'm gonna I'm say old age.

Speaker 11 (29:32):
Is that rude?

Speaker 2 (29:33):
That is rude?

Speaker 12 (29:33):
You know?

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Once again you say Mike cough, my cough. How about
the right stuff? Oh okay, oh yeah, we'll have less
time with them, but this is basically them. I get
away from me. You're rude. Stop talking about our guests
like that. And there's a fader right there, the faded

hear that remember those days when songs faded? New Kids
in the Block less than one hour right now, So
hang out. Why do I keep pushing the right That
was the right button? Scary? I swear to god it
was all right.

Speaker 8 (30:07):
The right vamp.

Speaker 2 (30:09):
I got a vamp.

Speaker 11 (30:10):
Hold on, hold on button, hold on.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
And okay, so pardon me, I'm going to hit the sea.

Speaker 4 (30:17):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (30:19):

Speaker 4 (30:20):
I'm Sam Smith.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
This is Peter Exh This Giran on the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (30:26):
Let's go Elvin Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
So last night, Billie Eilish did a big exclusive I
mean a huge exclusive album listening party at Barkley Center
in Brooklyn.

Speaker 18 (30:37):

Speaker 10 (30:37):
I know.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
I had some friends that went. I think Andrew went
in Diamond and Diamond, Oh Diamond, maybe Diamond Diamond. Hey,
how was the Billy Eilish listening party last night?

Speaker 9 (30:46):
It was so cool. It was like a concert, but
not really.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
You know, they pushed play. But she was there right.

Speaker 9 (30:53):
Yeah, and like running back and forth on the like
it was at Barkley Center, but the it was all
cleared out, so she just was running back and forth
on the floor.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
It was so cool.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Well, I just saw a quote from her today. Is
this from last night? She said, Oh my god, this
is so exciting. I could just poop myself.

Speaker 9 (31:06):
Yes, I have video of it.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
Of yourself.

Speaker 9 (31:10):
Wait a minute, Nor saying that she was going to Uh.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
So you went to the event at Barkley Center and
it was time to go home. What happened when you
got back into your car? Well, what happened?

Speaker 9 (31:20):
I realized that I left my car running the entire time?

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Hell wait, wait wait wait? How long was that?

Speaker 9 (31:27):
Probably like two and a half hours.

Speaker 8 (31:29):
You're not supposed to be losing it yet.

Speaker 9 (31:31):
Listen. I don't know what's going on, but we need
to get this brain checked.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
I don't know you could lock your car while it
was running.

Speaker 9 (31:38):
Yes, you know what you start babes?

Speaker 2 (31:40):
What you what your car is this?

Speaker 9 (31:42):
I think twenty nineteen or something like that.

Speaker 8 (31:44):
Yeah, I can know I can lock Michael while it's running. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
That's not good.

Speaker 9 (31:49):
It's horrifying. And who needs friends when you have enemies
like Andrew? Did I say that?

Speaker 6 (31:54):

Speaker 9 (31:54):
Who knows enemies when you have friends?

Speaker 2 (31:56):
Like My line is with friends? Like? Who needs?

Speaker 9 (32:03):
But he saw that the car was running, and he
said nothing until we got back. He's like, oh, I
thought that maybe something was wrong. But the fact that
you locked the door, you know, made me think it
was okay. I'm like, you idiot, you're in the same boat.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
That's weird.

Speaker 8 (32:16):
I can unlock it from an app on my phone, though,
but don't. Most car companies do have these apps you
can download and then not hers.

Speaker 2 (32:23):
Well, how'd you get into your Well you had keys,
I mean, or you had a fob or whatever.

Speaker 9 (32:27):
Yep, so I got back in. But you know, I mean,
at least it was warm.

Speaker 11 (32:31):
When I go back and it's okay, it's running everything.

Speaker 9 (32:33):
Fine, I mean, she's going.

Speaker 8 (32:35):
Man, I still had guests left.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
I don't know. Knowing you at this point, he's probably
still long the eternal Engine. Hey, I wonder if this
has happened to anyone we know. There's a new iPhone update.
Apparently it's bringing some of your deleted photos back, ones

that you thought were deleted and gone.

Speaker 11 (33:02):
Oh, how dare it do that?

Speaker 2 (33:04):
Including any nudes or you know, fun stuff. Have you
heard of this, Frondy, you're the Apple expert. I've heard
about it, and I went and check through my phone.

Speaker 16 (33:14):
I didn't see any pictures that I have deleted that
we're not supposed to be around.

Speaker 2 (33:17):
Anymore, right, right, So a few people online are claiming
Apple's iPhone update has resurrected their old deleted photos, including nudes.
They say that photos that they deleted years ago have
come back. So God is like, that's so not so
bad because if we were nude in photos several years ago,
we look better than now.

Speaker 8 (33:38):
Old nudes I supposed to the new That is true.

Speaker 2 (33:41):
Apple has not commented, so I don't know how accurate
this is, but you know, teching things like this, it's
you know, I don't know. There's confusion about old texts,
old voicemails. A lot of that stuff's coming back.

Speaker 8 (33:54):
Do you think they're behind the scenes going how can
we mess with them today?

Speaker 2 (33:59):
Well, I heard Danielle that when you delete something and
it's supposed to be totally deleted, it's not. It's living somewhere.

Speaker 8 (34:08):
I thought it lives on the cloud forever forever.

Speaker 11 (34:10):
Yeah, that's what I heard, because that's you.

Speaker 2 (34:12):
Know, who's cloud.

Speaker 8 (34:14):
Well, if the iPhone people, if you.

Speaker 16 (34:17):
Do something illegal, they can always go back and find it,
like if you can delete text messages, but they can
go back and find them.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Oh, well you want to see something illegal, look at
my old nude photos. No, and I'm by myself and
I'm just saying just nudity me and nude. I mean,
I should at least get a ticket for littering. It's bad.

Speaker 8 (34:34):
Stop it.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
But so if you go back and delete stuff, it's somewhere,
it's in a guard that's what they say. It's like
in a cloud dump somewhere.

Speaker 11 (34:43):
I'm sure it is, of no.

Speaker 16 (34:44):
Doubt looking And somebody tell me one time, if you
wanted to get rid of a hard drive that had
like you know, sensitive information on it, the best thing
you can do is either burn it or use a
hammer to smash it, because just like wiping it does
not really get rid of it.

Speaker 2 (34:57):
They can go back and find stuff.

Speaker 8 (34:58):
Hammer doesn't work. I saw Jamanji.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
Okay, Normally, if you delete a photo, I guess it
stays in the trash for a month and before it's gone.

Speaker 11 (35:08):
Gone, but it's still on your phone though still on
your phone.

Speaker 2 (35:11):
But if you go and delete your trash can Yeah.
So they're vague about when the media is officially and
permanently scrapped from the clouds and servers stuff like that,
But the implication is that this is happening, and but
no one's retaining your data in either without your permission,
but obviously it's somewhere.

Speaker 3 (35:32):
This is sus all this we'll find out.

Speaker 8 (35:35):
I told you what I learned from David Swimmer. The
one thing I took away from David Swimmer of ross
from friends was never have nudies or take nude pictures
of yourself or videos, because that will come back to
haunt you one day. They will find it.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
Always believe that whatever you take a picture of, someone's
eventually going to see exact is there a problem?

Speaker 11 (35:54):
Gandhi take pictures of everything all the time, all all
of a sudden, I picked my sister something like this scratch,
what is this? And there might be a body part
in there. I don't need the people to see that.
It's ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
I'm a little curious about what's on your phone right now.

Speaker 8 (36:09):

Speaker 11 (36:09):
Rashes, rashes.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Scotty Be got a rash yesterday.

Speaker 11 (36:15):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (36:16):
He says he has to go to the doctor because
he he has this large, large gash on his his arm.
I looked at it. It looks like a I would
officially call it a boo boos. He scraped it on
the sidewalk when he was hopscotching and fell over. It's
like six inches long. It's big and it hurts. Show
everyone where is it from you? You can't even see it.

I was I was about to drop a big container
of grapefruit on the floor and I didn't want to,
so I jerked my arm and I scraped it on
the refrigerator shelf.

Speaker 8 (36:46):
What did you do after the fact? Did you put
the right stuff on it?

Speaker 2 (36:49):
I screamed first, and then hold on, you're missing something.
There's nothing there to the camera. He doesn't even deserve
some any ointment. He's such a cry answers a hypochondria.
And it was so much worse last night.

Speaker 11 (37:03):
It wasn't he text me at it was like what nine? Yeah,
he said, I think I need to go to the
er and shows me a picture of his tiny little scratch.
I said, are you crazy? What is going on with you?
He's like, it hurts so bad?

Speaker 8 (37:17):
Screamed, Did you wash it? Did you put I did?

Speaker 2 (37:20):
I did peroxide. I didn't hear sporing. There's nothing to wash.
Didn't even go below the skin surface.

Speaker 11 (37:27):
There was a drop of blood, Yes, there was.

Speaker 2 (37:28):
There was blood. The blood is inside. It came out.
We gotta go, I know, Liz, all right? So who
in your life is a total hypochondriac? Or is it
you think about it?

Speaker 4 (37:46):

Speaker 2 (37:46):
Into the three things we need to know? Gandhi, What's
going on?

Speaker 11 (37:48):
The NFL is heading to Netflix. The platform will be
the exclusive home for the league's two Christmas Day games
this season. The first game of the day will feature
Kansas City Chiefs taking on the Pittsburgh Steelers. That will
be followed by the Baltimore Ravens going up against the
Houston Texans. Netflix will also stream at least one Christmas
Day game in twenty twenty five and twenty twenty six

as part of a three year deal. I feel like
that's a little shifty. I know that the NFL has
been doing shigy stuff. They're just making you pay for
every platform if you want to watch all the games.

Speaker 2 (38:18):
There they go. They are now playing games six days
a week. Yeah, they charge you for everything. By the way,
that first story, yes, sponsored by.

Speaker 11 (38:27):

Speaker 2 (38:28):
It's a conde brand. I'm not gonna do it.

Speaker 11 (38:30):
Go ahead, No, okay.

Speaker 2 (38:31):
I mean we sell everything here too.

Speaker 11 (38:33):
We do.

Speaker 2 (38:34):
It is true because we'rers.

Speaker 6 (38:36):
We are.

Speaker 11 (38:37):
However, we don't make you download a different app to
listen to every day of our show. Could you imagine
you know what, our sales departments probably like.

Speaker 8 (38:45):
Ooh idea, thanks Gandhi.

Speaker 11 (38:48):
All right, The Victoria Secret Fashion Show is back this fall.
It has been on hiatus for four years. The company
said the newly reimagined fashion show will reflect who we
are today. After facing this s lieu of controversies over
company culture and inclusivity, I'm sorry, Victoria's Secret overhauled its
image and incorporated more diverse and plus sized models in

its campaign. And fine, what finally we gotta go.

Speaker 2 (39:14):
We're running late, and Nate's like pissing his pants or
those are those the new genes Jeanes?

Speaker 8 (39:19):

Speaker 11 (39:20):
And finally, New York is home to more millionaires than
any other city in the world. A global ranking from
Henley and Partners found that three hundred and fifty thousand
New Yorkers have a net worth of one million dollars
or more. That's up forty eight percent from a similar
report done in twenty thirteen. The Bay Area in California,
which is Silicon Valley, came in second. LA was the

only other US city to make the top ten, coming
in at six. And those are your three things?

Speaker 2 (39:44):
Thank you New Because in the block about twenty minutes
from right now. Check it out. We're so appreciated and
I love you guys so much.

Speaker 6 (39:52):
Elvister Wrenn in the Morning Show The Free Craft Phone tat.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
So stupid gets. We don't have any money, so we
we're giving away free crap. Okay, Today we asked Scary
to go through his apartment. Oh yeah, and find some
stuff we can give away some crap. So what do
you have? What are you giving away today?

Speaker 15 (40:15):
I have a Q one h two jingle ball canister
of a bonfire starter.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
That's not crap. Okay, it's my Q one two and Philly,
I'm Z one O four, Madison, Wisconsin. Elvis de Ran
in the Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (40:25):
Ice scraper crap clema ice scrapers are good.

Speaker 15 (40:29):
V one O four COVID era cell phone sanitizer electronic.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
It still works. That's bogus. Okay, you put your phone
in there and the blue light cleans off the COVID.
Why don't we just like rub it on our bodies.

Speaker 15 (40:43):
Trivial Pursuit pocket players set.

Speaker 8 (40:46):
That looks like it's nineteen seventy three.

Speaker 9 (40:48):
That does a.

Speaker 15 (40:49):
Couple more things, okay, and the best of Britney Spears
Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera on the Mickey Mouse Club
unopened on DVD that could be worth it.

Speaker 2 (40:58):
Wow, well even GDD player will give a way too. Okay,
finally we got to know. I have one boy with
two more things.

Speaker 15 (41:04):
A Coca Cola jukebox with an AMFM radio. This thing
plays Z one hundred f m am, and I got this.

Speaker 2 (41:10):
I stole this. We're not on AM.

Speaker 15 (41:12):
AMF BEN radio and I stole this from the radio
station twenty years ago.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
That thing's cool, yeah, like, why are you touching me?

Speaker 15 (41:18):
And finally, a fake mont Claire bathing suit I bought
on the beach in Spain a few weeks ago, and
it says it's the size large.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
It does not fit me. It's actually probably a medium.
All right, So you got a medium counterfeit Montclair bathing suit.
You have an unopened DVD the Best of Brittany, Justin
and Christina Aguilera Mickey Mouse DVD or whatever. And you
got a travel pursuit pocket player set. You have this
thing that cleans the COVID off your cell phone, a

Q two jingle ballfire bonfire starter, and a Z one
O four ice scraper and you get in a jukebox. Wow,
you can win it all in the big box of crab.
You gotta is gonna take a big box to ship
out if you want to win it. We called her
when what is this?

Speaker 15 (42:04):
Oh coffee from Santa Domingo. This is Dominican Republic coffee?

Speaker 2 (42:08):
Okay, will that might wake you up? All right, we
really got to go. We got a big, a big
ass box of crap. You want to win it, be
called her one hundred now one eight hundred and two
four to two zero one hundred with the free crap
phone tap? Who does the phone taps?

Speaker 6 (42:19):
Carrie, and you don't answer the phone? Elvis Duran, the
Elvis Duran phone tap?

Speaker 2 (42:24):
You want to set it up?

Speaker 8 (42:24):
Sure, So it's a Brianna playing a phone tap on
her mom. Her mom, Janine actually knows that Brianna smokes pot,
but she always tells her just do it responsibly, don't
you know, don't don't be stupid. So Brianna wants to
basically tell her mom that she was busted smoking someplace
that you shouldn't have been.

Speaker 2 (42:41):
And you're calling as calling, I'm helping authority.

Speaker 9 (42:44):

Speaker 2 (42:45):
Let's listen it to a very very interesting Daniel phone.

Speaker 9 (42:48):
Yeah, I'm looking for Aaron Brie.

Speaker 3 (42:49):

Speaker 8 (42:51):
Hi, this is Leslie Petro. I'm calling from Zewel Security.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
How are you okay?

Speaker 19 (42:55):
Can I help you?

Speaker 8 (42:56):
Is your daughter Brianna Brie? Yes, Well, we just caught
your daughter smoking illegal substances.

Speaker 6 (43:03):

Speaker 8 (43:03):
Yes, she was smoking marijuana.

Speaker 19 (43:06):
That's your totally bed between.

Speaker 6 (43:07):
You and I.

Speaker 8 (43:07):
She told me that you have no problem that you
light up in front of her, and that this is
something that's just accepted in your house, you know, I mean.

Speaker 19 (43:14):
Yeah, absolutely not she Do you smoke.

Speaker 8 (43:17):
Marijuana in the house that she's around?

Speaker 7 (43:19):

Speaker 19 (43:19):
Absolutely not?

Speaker 2 (43:20):
No, absolutely that.

Speaker 19 (43:21):
I do not have any idea what type of impression
my daughter is giving you. But when I get my
hands on her, oh, put her on the phone right now.

Speaker 8 (43:29):
Okay, hold on one second, Brianna, please come back over here.

Speaker 19 (43:33):
Uh, what the is worng with you? It's not a
federal only like a half ounces a federal friend, Brianna,
you are dead when I get my hands on you.
Do you want to stand that?

Speaker 4 (43:43):

Speaker 19 (43:44):
What the are you thinking? Do you tell the woman
I smoke pot in my home with you? It's fine, mom,
it's fine. It is not fine. Brianna, in any which shape,
way or form, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out. Tell
you they're gonna let them go, not you. They're right

next to me. Yeah, well, guess what, they're all gonna
get let go, but not you because it's mine and
it's not a federal offense. What are you stupid?

Speaker 18 (44:12):
It's fine.

Speaker 19 (44:13):
You are a liar, you are a perpetual storyteller, and
you're way too big for your bridges. I'm telling you
that right now you deserve. Your aunt kicked from one
end of my home to the other end of my home.

Speaker 8 (44:25):
Brianna, can I have the phone please?

Speaker 4 (44:26):

Speaker 8 (44:27):
I'm not sure if you can hear it in her voice,
but your daughter is totally stoned.

Speaker 19 (44:32):
Yeah, I'm gonna kill I'm gonna kill this kid.

Speaker 8 (44:34):
Well, she said that you know the dealer that she
she goes to, and that she picked all this up
on her own, and that it's something's not right in
the home. When this is going on.

Speaker 19 (44:42):
I'm gonna oh my god.

Speaker 2 (44:44):
Okay, you know what.

Speaker 8 (44:45):
There is going to be a bail set.

Speaker 19 (44:47):
She will be tailed being arrested.

Speaker 8 (44:48):
Yes, hold on one second, Brianna, please come back.

Speaker 19 (44:52):
You're being arrested. Because you're saying it's yours.

Speaker 20 (44:57):
Well it is, mom, it is.

Speaker 19 (44:59):
And I know your dealer and I know all this stuff.
What's wrong with you that this woman's telling me that
there's something wrong in my home? Do you know where
they're taking me?

Speaker 6 (45:08):

Speaker 19 (45:09):
You're going to juvie jail? Honey? Yeah, what is wrong
with you? I don't know, Mom, I'm high right now.

Speaker 11 (45:16):
Talk to your mother like you're breaking Awake, Wake up?

Speaker 19 (45:21):
Why is this woman screaming at you like this?

Speaker 2 (45:23):
I don't know.

Speaker 8 (45:23):
Stop being stupid and tell your mom what you did.

Speaker 6 (45:26):
Tell her.

Speaker 19 (45:27):
We're smoking and we ripped down the spence in the back.

Speaker 6 (45:30):
Of the who and we took these pills.

Speaker 19 (45:34):
What pills?

Speaker 6 (45:36):
These watson's?

Speaker 19 (45:37):
What's a watson, Brianna?

Speaker 8 (45:39):
It's like a viking in.

Speaker 19 (45:41):
She's out of it. Apparently she's on viking In. She
got caught with pot on her and she told these
people that I smoke pot and party in my household.
And this woman's telling me that I need to get
a hold of my home. Get frank in me. Who's pranking?

Speaker 6 (45:53):

Speaker 17 (45:54):
An your frank?

Speaker 19 (45:56):
How do you know this?

Speaker 20 (45:57):
They caught me?

Speaker 4 (45:58):

Speaker 19 (45:58):
Is this a prank?

Speaker 6 (45:59):

Speaker 19 (46:00):
If this is a prank. I'm going to kick your ass.
Do you understand me, I'm going to kick your ass
if it's a prank.

Speaker 8 (46:06):
Yeah, it's actually Danielle n Arrow from Elvis Durant in
the Morning Show, And you just got phone tapped.

Speaker 19 (46:11):
Really cute. I think you're really cute, Brianna, Elvis.

Speaker 6 (46:17):
Duran's phone tap.

Speaker 2 (46:19):
No, it's the free crap phone tap. To be perfectly frank,
I feel.

Speaker 8 (46:24):
Like his stuff is not really crap. Here's this good stuff.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
Oh there's some crap mixed in there. Okay, well, you know, beat,
you be the judgment that arrives on your doorstep. Hey,
Diego your caller one hundred. You just won the big
box of free crap, including the the counterfeit Montclair swimsuit
he bought off a beach.

Speaker 11 (46:41):
I have a question about those What did you buttole
those shorts?

Speaker 9 (46:44):

Speaker 2 (46:45):
I couldn't get them past my thigh.

Speaker 11 (46:46):
Oh thank god you're safe, Diego.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
Congratulations, Diego. The swimshit never made it to his bunghole.
Oy Okay, what else is in the box?

Speaker 17 (46:56):

Speaker 2 (46:56):
You got the Dominican coffee.

Speaker 15 (46:58):
You got the cell phone Santa Tai People's pocket player.

Speaker 2 (47:02):
You're gonna love it. Congratulations to you, ago.

Speaker 15 (47:06):
A, thank you, thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (47:08):
No, thank you for listening to us. Man, We appreciate it.
Hold on much. Say I get another free crap phone
tap tomorrow? Yeah? I guess are they all I don't
think they're all here yet. Their assembly, there assembly new
kids on the block is slowly milling into the Elvistra
Morning Show studios. And I do believe they may. If
they're all here, they may be on next Hello, yeah, Hello.

Speaker 6 (47:29):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show is running out to
save on your Disney summer vacation. If you want to
score adult tickets at child prices, you need Undercovertourists dot com.
They're an authorized seller of Disney tickets to both Walt
Disney World and Disneyland.

Speaker 14 (47:44):
These are the real deal.

Speaker 8 (47:46):
Save now at undercover tourists dot com.

Speaker 1 (47:51):
Our next cast is the host of the nationally syndicated
Elvis Duran and the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (47:56):
My list of phases. Okay, gay Elvis in the Morning.
Every morning I listened to you and the gunny and and.

Speaker 11 (48:04):
No, don't worry, You're not gonna feel anything.

Speaker 6 (48:09):
It's fine.

Speaker 2 (48:10):
I don't know if I would listen to that show.

Speaker 6 (48:17):
One morning show.

Speaker 2 (48:18):
You're so so excited. He turned that dad turned out musics. Guy,
do you do you have a brother's thing? Anyway? Welcome
to the day. We are so excited about this moment.
We've been waiting for this moment for several years now.
Gentlemen have just walked into the room. I see Donnie,

I see Jonathan, I see Jordan, I see Joey, I
see Danny. New kids are just like.

Speaker 8 (48:46):
It's like remember in the magic.

Speaker 2 (48:49):
Mirror, Right in the magic mirror, I see, I see,
I see, I see in a very important era in
so many people's lives that we continue to celebrate today,
and you can continue to continue to get out there
and hang out with the fans of news, the blockheads.
Yeah they love. Let's dig into that. Welcome to Z
one hundred, where I met you back in the nineteen nineties.

But back then it was different because you guys were
injected with this incredible crazy ego blasted we're superstar kids,
and I had the babies of all five of you
still might still might, and you guys were having you're
having fart contest in the corner of.

Speaker 4 (49:28):
That sounds like an episode of our cartoon.

Speaker 2 (49:30):
Yeah, well you were you were your farting in my studio.
Were lighting them on fire? We used to do that
on the Well, guess what I think?

Speaker 12 (49:39):
I think I introduced that, by the way.

Speaker 2 (49:41):
Yeah that was well, light them on fire. Guess what?
The interview is young and we have a lighter. Welcome guys,
It's so great to have you here. And what's what's
wonderful about new kids on the block. It's not only
one big ball of energy. It's five interesting guys that
have five interesting lives.

Speaker 4 (50:02):
It's ten balls.

Speaker 2 (50:03):
T Well, I don't know, it depends on if interview.

Speaker 18 (50:07):
Well, I didn't hear about my surgery.

Speaker 2 (50:11):
So I guess it's eleven. It's now eleven balls. So
welcome to the show. We've had things to celebrate. Of course,
the album Still Kids is coming out tomorrow, I do believe. Yeah,
and of course kids, we got to play that in
a second. But also I have another song that people
haven't heard being released tomorrow. We're waiting for legal to
say we can push the play button. You could do it,

of course. All right, let's break the line. Yeah, let's
break You're taking over for Good Morning America tomorrow. I believe.

Speaker 21 (50:38):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's going to be early early, It's
going to be early. This is late compared to Good
Morning America. I think we have to be there tonight.

Speaker 2 (50:48):
Tomorrow you all look refresh. Having New Kids on the
Block visit your show is not an easy task because
there are so many moving parts. Because you you have
things to do, You've you've got schedule. I'm looking at
your schedule. Guys. When to the next cruise. I'm gonna
go on the next New Kids cruise. You should go
on the next You've thirteen of them so far, twelve

real ones and one virtual one because of some virus
a few years ago.

Speaker 8 (51:14):
How do you do a virtual cruise?

Speaker 21 (51:16):
We just oh, got we all got back, yeah, yeah,
and then we zoomed each other. Yeah, and then invited
a thousand or two thousand or ten thousand fans and
to watch it was really fun.

Speaker 2 (51:31):
It was fun actually, And of course your fans, as
you know, are I don't wanna use the word rabbit
because that's a little negative. They're just very enthusiastic. So
if you're on a ship, which you know, not a
lot of exits when you're in the middle of the ocean,
you're there. Yeah, getting there's no getting on a big masto.

Speaker 4 (51:47):
Yeah yeah, it's a big I mean, we we go,
We give them.

Speaker 12 (51:51):
The time of their lives. We just try to give
back and they're you know, it's a big deal. But
it's non stop and we're not, you know, hiding in
a cabin whole time. It's like we're in a mosh
pit the whole time, basically.

Speaker 2 (52:03):
Floating mash pit. Often tense, phenomenal these cruises, though, I
mean twelve, that's a lot. I mean, are there any
more scheduled or is that a thing that you put
on hold for a while?

Speaker 21 (52:13):
Not scheduled, but I would predict that one will happen again.
You know, in your green room, there's a big cruise.
It's our spring cruise line than the one we typically use.
But some of us were getting excited looking at that
little scale model of a cruise.

Speaker 2 (52:28):
Shil Free. We can move you up to our cruise line,
and whenever you're ready, maybe we can move you over
to ours. We have agents for these things. Let's talk
about what it's like getting back into the studio with
each other. I know that Donnie, you you help. You
were part of writing the writing process, right, would anyone else?

Speaker 21 (52:49):
I probably got the ship to use a pun a
recent pun started. I got the ball rolling to use
another punt a.

Speaker 2 (52:58):
Few minutes ago. That the second time we've talked about
all that's right, that's right. Uh No.

Speaker 21 (53:02):
I started writing the writing process a little while ago,
and we started recording, and you know, it's always a
process and you know, discovering what we want to talk about,
what we want to say, the music that feels right
for us. And I think we got a few songs done,
and then Joey came and got really inspired and really
kind of got us across the finish line with the

album and bringing a bunch of new songs and new
energy after I sort of got it started. So it
just and everybody was game on recording and recording at
all hours of the night. I think Joe held John
hostage in a hotel room.

Speaker 2 (53:37):
To sing a song.

Speaker 10 (53:38):

Speaker 4 (53:38):
That was pretty cool.

Speaker 21 (53:39):
Yeah, but it was we were all in. We were
all in to do this our We haven't really done
a new album and gosh, over eleven years. Yeah, so
this was something that I think was important for the fans,
and as it turned out, by the time it we
finished we realized it was also very important for us.
We really bonded in a new way. It took a

lot of effort to pull this off with all our
busy schedules and stuff, and to have done it and
to feel so good about it and so proud of it.
We can't wait for the fans to hear it. We're
very excited about.

Speaker 2 (54:11):
Let me use Jonathan as an example. So you're we
see you doing your show, uh farmhouse fixer, fix fix fixer,
and I need you by the way it's falling down.
I need you to build it. But we see you
living in this bucolic world where you know your busy
day and a great relationship with great friends that you

work with to redo these amazing historical homes and things
like that. I can imagine you were the last one going,
oh god, I don't have to tell of this to
go to a city that has over ten people in it,
Welcome to New York. I mean, let's use your example.
I mean were you were you a holdout coming back

into the studio to do this or were you ready
to go? You know, I'm always ready.

Speaker 1 (55:00):
I have a really good balance, so you know, I
get to do my thing and then get to jump
back in with these guys.

Speaker 2 (55:07):
So that's the both worlds, right, what about you, Danny?
Was it like okay, and I've been waiting for your call,
waiting by the phone. I was waiting. I was ready
to go.

Speaker 22 (55:15):
And it was especially it was a lot of fun,
especially two guys in the group writing for all of us,
so it was easy to sing the songs. It was
easy to relate to what they wrote. So to me,
this was the most fun I've had since we've been
back together recording.

Speaker 2 (55:30):
There you go, What about you, Jordan? What are you thinking?

Speaker 18 (55:34):
I I you know, I love music like everybody else,
and it's fun. It's fun to do new music. That's
the thing. Like when we go on tour, we sing
all of our hits all the time, you know, every
every tour.

Speaker 4 (55:46):
That's what the fans want.

Speaker 18 (55:47):
But for us, it's like great and fun for us
to do new music, and for our hardcore fans, they
want to see new music, new routines, and it's just
it's fun. It's fun creating music. That's why we start
to doing this.

Speaker 2 (56:00):
So there you go.

Speaker 12 (56:02):
I think, I think when you say go ahead, no,
I I just the dynamic of you know, like getting
a little emotional actually good no, but the you know,
saying yes, you know, it's like saying damn sorry. It's

early saying yes to each other, you know what I'm saying,
Like Donnie says yes first and deals with whatever, and
I know Jordan's said yes from the get go, like
when Donnie was working out and when you have Jordan
Knight showing up in laying down vocals like you know,
it's just like that energy and you get to trade
off with each other and and people showing up and

Danny always being there and John like like you say,
coming off the farm and going yeah, let's let's do it,
you know what I mean. And it's it can be.
It's a real process. It's it even though you've known everybody.
But there's no greater.

Speaker 4 (56:59):
Compliment then your your boys, you know, showing up.

Speaker 2 (57:03):
Five said yes, sorry it was it was no, no, no, no.
I think I think that's a very that's a very
important part of the story, an important part of the
story because the history you have with each other, the good,
the bad, and of course it was what it was.
It was like sitting in an electric chair being a
new kid on the block. Performer back in the day,
and now you're like, am I gonna say yes to this?

Let me think for a for a second, and then
when you do say yes, I must assume there's a
thin line between excitement and all what the f am
I doing? Here we go, but you did it? You
did it? What we're we gonna say that?

Speaker 8 (57:40):
I was just gonna ask. Now I feel bad asking
because he's crying around, being that you guys have been
doing this for so long and you have been singing
these songs a lot. Is there one song that you
all go, yeah, we're just not gonna do that one anymore,
or we would rather not do that one anymore.

Speaker 2 (57:57):
Sure everyone has one.

Speaker 12 (58:00):
That there's a certain We always say there's a certain
member that doesn't like to sing a certain song.

Speaker 4 (58:05):
But but you.

Speaker 2 (58:06):
Know, okay, okay, which one is it? Just but you see,
it's it's it's a little bit of a trick question
because I personally don't really get that excited if I
hear the right stuff. Come on, you know, if I'm
at a basketball game or somewhere in public and they
know him there, they of course they're gonna play it.

And it's like, all right, still my favorites. Well don't.

Speaker 21 (58:31):
But in concert, in concert with our fans, there's not
really a better moment than performing the right stuff.

Speaker 2 (58:37):
Well, let me do let me do an electrify Donnie,
which song does Jonathan ha do it?

Speaker 23 (58:43):
I'm trying to I'm trying to figure out which one
he likes doing it, but he likes the mom When
he's off stage, John goes, I want to take you.

Speaker 2 (59:00):
I want to take you guys back to that first
moment you were all in the studio together to start
working on Still Kids, all right, that very first moment
when you're about to like I guess you're warming up
or doing whatever vocalists do, but you're about to have
to get to work on an album. Was it a
little scary, a little frightening.

Speaker 4 (59:20):
That this is a trick question.

Speaker 12 (59:21):
We were never all in the same studio to making
a record in you know, twenty twenty three, twenty twenty four.
I think so there was always a little bit, I mean, frankly,
to go back to, you know, John and I expect
the fans to make me a statue because I wrote
I wrote a song for John and they you know,

he is beloved. So the fact that he has this
solo it's called Better Dates on the on the album,
and I felt like I was trying to romance the guy.

Speaker 4 (59:50):
And we did it in a hotel room.

Speaker 13 (59:53):
Recordom we recorded in a hotel room, and like, you know,
there was lots of those moment I think the moment
you're speaking to are those moments of like, how are
we going to do this?

Speaker 12 (01:00:04):
You know, how are we going to make this call?
How are you going to like say, hey, how about
sing this part? Sing this part?

Speaker 4 (01:00:10):
What do you think of this song?

Speaker 12 (01:00:11):
Because it is all subjective, you know, and the tough
part is to say, I don't think, so that's not me.
How about this? You know what I mean, It's that
kind of thing. I don't know if that answers your question.

Speaker 2 (01:00:22):
It does.

Speaker 21 (01:00:22):
There's still yeah, there's still vulnerability, and there's still you know,
it's still art in some ways. When we're writing songs
and putting concerts together and doing this stuff, we still
have to we want to get everybody on the same page.
And it's hard to get five human beings on the
same page with such different life. So, as Joey was
saying earlier, I think kind of and I experienced it myself.

Is when you're presenting ideas and stuff to people who've
been doing it this long and been in the industry
this long, you know, it's like, damn, I hope they
like it. And even though it's our bandmates do, you
want their respect in many ways more than anybody else's.
You know, if some other artist turns down a song
I write, well, I didn't really expect them to like

it in the first place. But with your own bandmates,
you really want them to be excited and enthused because
if they're not, you know, it's like you also got
to live with them and the song was on the
record and every time it plays you.

Speaker 2 (01:01:17):
Look at it. Oh yeah, he didn't like that song.
I got it on behind his back. You know, it's
like you don't want that. You really hope that everyone's
in that same energy space. And I think at the
end of the day, we usually are mindful and respectable
of each other enough after all these years to know
when to push, when to pull back, and what it

will take to get everyone to sort of be happy
and enthusia. That level of importance has been heightened absolutely.
What do you think, Gandhi?

Speaker 11 (01:01:44):
Okay, So I've been looking at the text messages, and
everybody wants to talk to these guys like, oh, I
want to talk to Donnie. I want to talk to Danny,
which reminds me when I was little. To this day,
we now still have a nine hundred block on our
phone because you guys used to have a phone number
that you could and allegedly leave you a message and
you guys will call us back.

Speaker 2 (01:02:03):
We have a new one.

Speaker 11 (01:02:06):
It's free, free free this time, because my parents sound
like a four hundred dollars bill from my sister and
no one ever called back. So I was just thinking,
you know, maybe you.

Speaker 21 (01:02:15):
Could bring on that our new ones free. So what
we do is we pull out our phones whenever we're
doing something fun like I'm doing. Hey everyone, welcome to
the new Free New Kids hotline. We're hair at the
Elvis Durant Show and yeah, everyone say hi, it's just
a phone message and uh, it's all it's free. We're

not getting any money, so you won't be getting a check,
but if you want one, we'll talk after that.

Speaker 4 (01:02:41):
By the way, what is it?

Speaker 2 (01:02:42):
What's one eight eight six zero New.

Speaker 4 (01:02:45):
Kids Complete Team.

Speaker 21 (01:02:48):
Nobody knows one eight six zero New Kids one eight
six zero if you called, you know the number. So
it's okay, six zero one eight six zero new kids. Yeah,
but it's free. It's free, and you hear messages from
us all the time, and it's very eighties, but we
love it.

Speaker 2 (01:03:04):
Good Bye everyone.

Speaker 12 (01:03:07):
I think Pink famously got grounded actually for spending so
much money on that nine hundred number.

Speaker 11 (01:03:13):
So did Pria Gandhi.

Speaker 2 (01:03:14):
Sorry, p I tried, so I know you're leaving after
this interview, Donnie to go do some work with Blue Bloods.
I think you're doing some some promotional today. But Blue
Bloods is actually shooting at Lee's Tavern in Staten Island today.
I was supposed to go there for lunch today to
have my clam pie, and they shut it down. I

rarely eat clam pie unless it's at Lee's, but not today. Well,
you know, because when we when we buy out a
restaurant or a pub or a tavern or whatever to film,
we actually typically get them to still cook for us.

So if you wanted to go have a CLAMPI I
could call Blue Bloods and tell them you are coming
by to have a pie, so you don't cry. I
can try. Oh sigh, what's that.

Speaker 12 (01:04:17):
Maybe I thought maybe we can even name it after you.

Speaker 2 (01:04:23):
Elvis's clam Pie. That video was done years ago, but
thanks for asking. I appreciate it. Let's talk about your
schedule now. I know you guys are flying out to
Los Angeles this weekend. You'll be at the iHeartRadio Theater
in Burbank doing a special that's going to play back
on Tuesday. Yeah, I mean so, I mean, you guys

are hitting the road running here, and but you all
have these very well established, established lives going on. Are
you ready for another round of this with a tour
that starting this summer. I mean, it's it's gonna be
a lot of work.

Speaker 4 (01:04:57):
Yeah, is a pregnant pause.

Speaker 2 (01:05:01):
No, new kids is the foundation. You know, none of
these other things exist without new kids. We could dream
that one day we could be on television shows, and
I'm sure John could would still have learned how to
build a house, but to the level that we get
to do all these things, none of this exists without
new kids.

Speaker 21 (01:05:21):
New kids is the gift that keeps on giving. And
our fans are the greatest fans ever and they still
have our back after all these years and are growing
in numbers. I mean it's just spectacular. There's new generations
of fans. And now the parents of our fans are coming.
They're no longer mad about the nine hundred line. They're like,
we love blue Bloods too, kid. You know, it's expanded

so much. But New Kids is the source for all
all the great things that have happened in our lives.
I must make an assumption here, and I know it
already know the answer. You know, we've been doing the
show you one hundred for twenty seven here. So when
you go out on the road and you meet people
and they come up to you and they are in tears, right,

they're in tears, they're shaking because you were such an
important part of their history. And uh then they say,
you know, I was a huge fan of yours, and
now my daughter lives to listen to you, and now
my granddaughter listens to your like, yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:06:22):
Thank you, thank goodness. That must is their validity in there.
But leaving your legacy, guys, I mean, I know, I'd
love to hear what you have to think about it.

Speaker 4 (01:06:31):
It's cool like.

Speaker 18 (01:06:33):
In the past few years we've seen more, you know,
more of the fans, sons and daughters and cousins and
nieces and nephews and stuff like that come to the show,
and it's kind of like, I'm always kind of like
you're into.

Speaker 2 (01:06:47):
Us, Like yeah, us like that kind of thing.

Speaker 18 (01:06:50):
But then it's like it's such a compliment, you know
I And then I think back of like when I
used to like bands that my older sisters liked, you know,
like they would like play the music on the recomb
and then I'd get into them, you know, when I
was really young. So I look at it like that.
It's like it's so cool that they're getting into like

an older group or older generation of music, and it
just kind of speaks to what we've done over the years,
put our heart and soul into it and hopefully made
really good art songs and came up with good performances
and they're into it.

Speaker 2 (01:07:30):
Yeah, there was an energy New Kids was more than
just the music and the performances. There was an energy
energy there and on the radio end of it, we
saw it, we felt it, and yeah.

Speaker 18 (01:07:39):
That too, and a lot of people say, like, you know,
you guys, you guys are just fun. You know, we
like the energy. It feels good to like watch you guys.
So That's that's the thing also that I feel is
probably an.

Speaker 2 (01:07:53):
Appeal absolutely, I think if I can add to it,
we don't get to decide our legacy.

Speaker 21 (01:07:58):
You know, we just we're living out our our dreams. Really,
I mean, this is stuff we dreamed of as kids,
to be in a band and to have success and
be on the radio and do an interview, you know,
and all the other countless things that have happened in
our careers. But you know, other people will decide what
our legacy is when it's when it's all said and done.

But for us, if we can just know that we
we had a magical ride together.

Speaker 2 (01:08:26):
We we we stuck together, We respected the bond that
we have, and most important, we gave back to our
fans and brought happiness to as many people as we could.

Speaker 21 (01:08:35):
That's that's I think. What I know I personally take
away from it every day. It's if every.

Speaker 2 (01:08:41):
Time a tour ends, if I know, like we put
it all out there and gave everything we had to
give back to the fans who've given us so much,
then that's that's all that really matters.

Speaker 4 (01:08:50):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:08:50):
The rest is for other people to figure out later
in a in a book kind of wonder like what artists,
new artist are we playing today that we'll be doing
this that many years later? And who's to say what
the magic dust was that made it, made it happen

that your journey today brought you here today after all
these years.

Speaker 4 (01:09:14):
You know, so many things, yes, so many little things.

Speaker 2 (01:09:17):
How can you explain it?

Speaker 12 (01:09:18):
Can five teenagers cramming into a car driving down from
Boston going to New York and literally pounding the pavement
literally like we got into the Apollo by bumping into
the guy who booked the place on the street.

Speaker 4 (01:09:34):
Because Maurice, Maurice Starr just.

Speaker 12 (01:09:39):
Had that energy, you know what I mean, you have
You know, there's so many lights, bolts of lightning, you
know what I mean, starting with Maurice Starr and Donnie Wahlberg.
I mean that that right there was enough to you know,
change the world, you know what I mean. So you
gotta hustle. Our parents. I think about our parents, parents,

you know, our generation of parents, you know that generation.
You know what I mean, They worked hard, They scrapped
things together. They you know, up by your bootstraps, you
know what I mean, Get up, go be somebody.

Speaker 4 (01:10:11):
All those things you know, it's like it's a million
things that come.

Speaker 12 (01:10:15):
Together, and I think, you know, we just we keep
feeling like we have to show up, you know, to
pay back and see see what else is you know
around the corner as well.

Speaker 2 (01:10:25):
Hitting that payment. Would you ever want to go back
to that day ever again? Yes?

Speaker 4 (01:10:29):
Yeah, really yes, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:10:31):
Jonathan, Yeah no, no, definitely, definitely yes, yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:10:36):
Those are those are wild days.

Speaker 10 (01:10:39):

Speaker 12 (01:10:39):
We're talking into Times Square for the first time and
in nineteen eighty five, right, Yeah.

Speaker 21 (01:10:44):
It's a lot more fun walking into a New York
radio station and having a few people welcome you in
instead of a few people saying, who.

Speaker 2 (01:10:52):
The hell are you? Get the hell out of here.
It's definitely more fun.

Speaker 21 (01:10:56):
But what makes it special now is when Joey just
telling those stories, when we remember, you know, if we
don't forget that struggle and those tough times and what
it took to get here. You know, I I rarely
walk into a place that I used to not be
able to get into without.

Speaker 2 (01:11:11):
Going, wow, how blessed?

Speaker 5 (01:11:13):
You know?

Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
How lucky am I? I Mean, that's that's what it's
it's about, is you got to remember the journey.

Speaker 21 (01:11:19):
And you know, you said we were like, and I
know you didn't mean it in a bad way, but
like five superstar kids when you first met us, and like, yeah,
and fortunately, after all these years, we remember the journey
and we respect the journey and.

Speaker 2 (01:11:33):
It makes us grateful to be here. You're still on
the journey. That's as still on the journey. All right,
let's talk about the album. All right, So Still Kids
is out tomorrow. It's an album of songs that do
what what are these songs? I mean, make you feel good? Okay,
make you feel a lot? Is there a filter that
each song needed to go through in order to make
it on this album?

Speaker 4 (01:11:55):
I think it's kind of I mean a little I
mean a little bit, but.

Speaker 21 (01:11:59):
Well, I would say say there wasn't a filter, Like
we sat down and said that doesn't feel right.

Speaker 2 (01:12:04):
I think we were.

Speaker 21 (01:12:04):
We were writing and singing and recording from a space
of feeling.

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
You know.

Speaker 21 (01:12:10):
It's a lot of love and heart and you know,
in some ways it's a nostalgic album. In other ways,
it's a reflective album. In other ways, it's a it's
a very contemporary album. It's it has a lot of layers,
but it's very cohesive and I my experience to the
couple of fans I sneak previated too. It's an emotional rollercoaster,

but all very it has a symmetry, if that's the
right word.

Speaker 2 (01:12:37):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:12:38):
I think I think you know lyrically too.

Speaker 12 (01:12:41):
You know, we get to have all the feels on
the music, but lyrically we get to you know, speak
to you know, our generation in the life we've lived
and also have fun at the same time and then
have one of the you know, our first thing was kids,
but we we gave like a free download on because
on the block day of a song, Jordan sing's love

like this, which is it's it's absolutely classic, you know
what I mean. It's it's Jordan and I doing his thing,
and the Feelds are just instant. It's just like bam,
you know. And we have those moments along the way
in the album, but we also stretch and grow because
that's the stuff that gets you excited, you know what
I mean, to try and stretch.

Speaker 4 (01:13:22):
And yeah, it was it was fun.

Speaker 12 (01:13:25):
I mean again, Donnie, you know, kicked it off and
you know when I had stepped in with my buddy
Sean who who wrote a bunch of songs with me
for the album. You know, it was just fitting into
that vibe, you know what I mean, and making something cohesive.
But that spoke to our very long history.

Speaker 2 (01:13:43):
What about you, John, this album, anything in particular that
sticks out for you while listening to this album? Have
you heard the album? Are you a secret block?

Speaker 23 (01:13:55):
Are you a.

Speaker 4 (01:13:58):

Speaker 2 (01:13:59):
You think maybe I'll get to it. John's like, I'll
get to it one day. I swear no, I have
heard it. I did hear it when it was done.
I'll show you.

Speaker 12 (01:14:10):
I'll show you a picture from from a text from John,
just just to prove it. But he of of you
texted me the other day of him listening to a
song called come Back, and he was like, I love
love love, you know what I mean. That is big
high praise from John. Okay, from his pickup truck on
his pharm him. You know he's feeling it if he's

gonna stop and take a picture, So.

Speaker 4 (01:14:36):
Yeah, he's We all have our favorites.

Speaker 2 (01:14:38):
What about you, Dan, Danny and he thoughts about this album.

Speaker 22 (01:14:42):
I just thought it was great that, you know, two
guys in the group were writing in two separate places,
but then the songs coexist. On the album and sound
like either one of them could have wrote each other songs,
so they weren't interesting. Yeah, they were writing and everything
just works together. And it was great when Joe came
with his songs because it kind of was like more energy,

and then Donnie wrote a few more that brought more energy.
So for me, it was watching that and being a part.

Speaker 2 (01:15:10):
Of it was great and finding Jordan. What do you
think this album? Not a fan?

Speaker 24 (01:15:16):
No, no, no, no, it's funny, like you know, like
we're older now, I guess, you know, but like you
see a lot of times you see, like I've seen it,
older bands or bands that have been out for thirty years,
they'll come up with an album and it's like, I
don't know, they hired the latest producer, and it's kind

of like it's not it doesn't feel right, you know.

Speaker 18 (01:15:41):
And this album is not like that. It's not like
us trying. It's not us trying to be something. It's
like it found the beautiful medium of like sounding very
contemporary but sounding very us.

Speaker 2 (01:15:56):

Speaker 18 (01:15:56):
The lyrics are grown lyrics, like stuff that we go through.
It's not like trying to cater to young kids, but
young kids will still like it because it has a
contemporary sound.

Speaker 2 (01:16:09):
All right, well we have I have Okay, we could
play Kids right now, which is everyone's heard Kids, but
Magic is the song that has not been released yet.
I'd rather get you get all the inside scoops, so
you might as well do whatever you want at this.

Speaker 8 (01:16:22):
Point, He's gonna do it anyway, Donnie.

Speaker 2 (01:16:25):
Are we breaking any laws here? If you say yes,
it makes it more fun. You're certifying your status in
blockhood lore forever right now? Is that what I'm doing?

Speaker 10 (01:16:35):

Speaker 2 (01:16:36):
Your questions? You're playing of a song? Yeah, you're You're
locked in forever.

Speaker 17 (01:16:40):
You know.

Speaker 12 (01:16:41):
Obviously it's a tie into our tour this summer, the
Magic Summer Tour. And so the first two tracks on
the album are Magic one and the next one is
Summer Love.

Speaker 4 (01:16:50):
So you got the Magic Summer Love.

Speaker 12 (01:16:52):
Just a little inside okay, sort of like a you know,
like a swifty thing, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (01:16:58):
We have Easter eggs too, Yeah, absolutely, you do.

Speaker 2 (01:17:03):
Okay, here's what we're gonna Donna, we were gonna play
Kids and Magine, I'm gonna play them both at the
same time. What do you think I'm gonna play Magic? First? Guys,
I cannot thank you enough for spending time with us today.
What an honor to have you in our house. And
thanks for not lighting your farts on fire. Even the
part of me scretly wished you would one text and

then we'll let you go. I'm a retired NYPD detective.
One of my favorite memories is working in uniform Thanksgiving
Day parade. Joey was on a float. You look down
and waved. Of course he was my favorite. I was
screaming and jumping up and down, completely forgetting I was
working in uniform. The audience was laughing. One of my
best memories of being on the New York City Police Department.

That was two thousand and one ish. I think, yeah,
I know you guys are busy. Before we play your music.
I have a question. We have this thing every year
called the iHeartRadio Music Festival to Las Vegas. Right, don't
answer now, because I know you gotta look at your count.

We've never been invited to that by you're now invited.
What I'm officially on a hope and they can fire me. Fine,
they're worth more fire than higher and let me go.
I heart Gods. I would like to officially invite you.
I want you to look at your calendars, have the
managers talk to the managers, you know all that, and

let's see if we can get you out in Vegas
for the incredible, most incredible two days of music in
Las Vegas with the Art Read Music Festival. Don't answer,
that's incredible, but if you could entry, Yes, we're not
answering this weekend. No, no, September in September.

Speaker 4 (01:18:47):
September is it? Is it? Is it a steak or
chicken thing or a fish or beating.

Speaker 21 (01:18:54):
The chicken box? No, no, Robert chickens. You're none of
us are answering. But we're all small and you have
a camera to prove it.

Speaker 2 (01:19:02):
You let all go. And if we could get John
off the farm for ye, the crops are down by September,
you're down. This should be available. I'm just luting it
out there, pulling it out there. Let me give it
to you good still kids. The album is out tomorrow.
You've heard, kids. We're gonna play it up for you
in a second. But magic is the song this released tomorrow.
We're gonna play it for you now, because what the hell?

Because new kids.

Speaker 6 (01:19:26):
On the Black.

Speaker 15 (01:19:29):
Brooklyn Boys, my Microphone's Falling Apart.

Speaker 6 (01:19:32):
Serial Killers, the fifteen Minute Morning Show, Let's do it,
discover all of our podcasts, Sunny iHeartRadio app or wherever
you get your podcasts. You can tell Vista Ran in
the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (01:19:44):
Wendy's New Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon
pull Apart only at Participating Us, Wendy's.

Speaker 6 (01:20:06):
Elvis Duran and The Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (01:20:08):
So okay, new kids on the blog. Yeah, they walked
out the door. It's just us, Now, what'd you think?

Speaker 8 (01:20:14):
They were freaking amazing And Gandhi and I actually were
saying to them off the mic, how do you do it?
How do you stay this grounded and this wonderful and
this lovely with all this fame and you're so appreciative?
And they were actually some of them said, it's honestly
our upground, upbringing, our parents, and how you know we
are with our families.

Speaker 3 (01:20:33):
How great is that?

Speaker 2 (01:20:34):
I love it?

Speaker 9 (01:20:35):
I love it.

Speaker 11 (01:20:35):
I thought they were awesome, and they made a video
for my sister to say hi. Since you never got
the call back in like nineteen ninety one.

Speaker 2 (01:20:43):
Finally we can put that to bed. Yeah, that's awesome.
You know, today is Thursday. It is Food News Thursday. Froggy,
what do you think of new kids? I thought they
were awesome. I thought they had the right stuff.

Speaker 11 (01:20:53):
Oh god, morning.

Speaker 2 (01:21:02):
Okay, you guys know I love a boy band, so
they can't go wrong. There you go, you do, you
do appreciate a good way?

Speaker 10 (01:21:08):
All right?

Speaker 2 (01:21:08):
Food News Thursday've been waiting for it for days now,
what's up?

Speaker 9 (01:21:11):
All right?

Speaker 16 (01:21:11):
So yesterday Danielle told us that Krispy Kreme has collaborated
with Dolly Parton.

Speaker 2 (01:21:17):
But I've got something else for you, Not only this.

Speaker 16 (01:21:20):
If you dress up like Dolly Parton on Saturday and
you show up at Krispy Creme, you're gonna get free donuts.

Speaker 2 (01:21:25):
Oh my god, I got a wig. So what they
want you to do is they want you to get
dollied up. See what they did there.

Speaker 16 (01:21:34):
If you get dollied up on a Saturday, you were
going to get free donuts at Krispy Kreme. So make
sure you take advantage while that lasts. Pizza Hut has
announced that they are adding burgers, well sort of. They're
called cheese burger melts.

Speaker 2 (01:21:48):
What it is.

Speaker 16 (01:21:48):
It's a thin crust folded and then loaded with beef, bacon, onions, mozzarella,
and cheddar cheese. And it's Pizza Huts version of a burger.
But it's really like folded pizza. But I guess they
could call it whatever they want to, because yesterday a
judge ruled that a taco.

Speaker 2 (01:22:02):
Is a sandwich, so that's true. I don't know whatever,
I don't know what's happening.

Speaker 16 (01:22:06):
McDonald's has confirmed that it is going to roll out
a five dollars combo meal this summer. In hopes of
enticing customers who have stayed away because of the spike
prices at McDonald's, they will introduce a month long promotion.
It begins January twenty fifth. You will be able to
choose either a mcdouble, a McChicken sandwich, along with a
small fry, a small soft drink, and a four piece

chicken McNugget, all for just five dollars for a month
at McDonald's now. McDonald's also says they are going to
leave it up to the discretion of individual restaurant owners
and operators. There is word that the free refills at
McDonald's will be going away. Last year, it was reported
that McDonald's was gradually phasing out their self serve soda

fountains for dining customers. That will phase out by the
year twenty thirty two. But yeah, they are looking to
cut free refills. You'll be able to just buy a
small and you get as much as you want there.
We're gonna start charging for reasons. I'm like, god, that's ghostly.

Speaker 11 (01:23:01):
This is un American McDonald's and they're not.

Speaker 2 (01:23:04):
The first to do it.

Speaker 16 (01:23:05):
Panera has done it, and there are other chains that
are doing it as well, So free refiels could becoming
a thing of the past.

Speaker 2 (01:23:10):
Are you ready for the countdown?

Speaker 8 (01:23:11):

Speaker 16 (01:23:13):
This the most expensive pizzas in the United States.

Speaker 2 (01:23:19):
As in where they're from the restaurant or the city, Yes,
the cities. Oh okay, all right, here we go.

Speaker 16 (01:23:26):
Number this is This is the average price price for
a large cheese pie in X City. Coming in at
number five, Las Vegas. You will pay twenty four dollars
and eighty five cents for a large cheese pizza in
Las Vegas. Number four and twenty five dollars in five
cents is Los Angeles, California.

Speaker 2 (01:23:44):
Okay, crazy.

Speaker 16 (01:23:46):
Number three twenty five dollars in thirty five cents Orlando, Florida,
of course. Number two and twenty seven dollars and sixty
six cents Chicago, Illinois.

Speaker 2 (01:23:58):
Oh well, I guess we know.

Speaker 14 (01:24:00):
There you go.

Speaker 9 (01:24:01):
And number one.

Speaker 16 (01:24:02):
It might have the best pizza, but you're gonna pay
the most for it. Twenty eight dollars and sixty cents.
New York, New York.

Speaker 2 (01:24:13):
There you go, Thank you Frog. As yet for news,
it's magically delicious.

Speaker 6 (01:24:19):
Go awaiting Elvis Duran in the Morning show.

Speaker 2 (01:24:22):
So exciting. The streets of New York City are just wow.
Everyone's excited about the Rangers game tonight, the Knicks tomorrow.
The Yankees are doing well. Yeah, which the last time
we had more than a team doing really well. It's
been a while.

Speaker 8 (01:24:34):
It's been a while.

Speaker 2 (01:24:35):
I'm excited about that. We're about to get into sound
with Garret garyt. You ready to go, I'm ready. Let's
just do it. Yeah, what do you have? All right?

Speaker 5 (01:24:40):
I don't know if you saw this on TikTok so
a mom decided to make a Tuscan chicken and she
used a new olive oil that she ordered online. Turns
out that olive oil she ordered online was actually an
olive oil shampoo.

Speaker 2 (01:24:53):
Well, let's see what happened. Here's a TikTok review.

Speaker 6 (01:24:55):
I feel so bad.

Speaker 8 (01:24:57):
Look at what my poor mother did.

Speaker 20 (01:24:59):
She just cooked this beautiful meal, this like Tuscan chicken,
and this amazing sauce with a new olive oil that
she ordered from online, pure Greek olive oil. And only
after she'd finished did we discover that it's showergel.

Speaker 6 (01:25:14):
The chicken tastes like straight up soap.

Speaker 20 (01:25:17):
How do you feel right now?

Speaker 9 (01:25:18):
Like I want to physically hurt and want to hit
something really hard.

Speaker 2 (01:25:21):
I think that's hilarious. I want to hurt somebody. I
want to hurt someone.

Speaker 5 (01:25:25):
All right, let's talk about some music that dropped last
night out in the middle of the week from the Chainsmokers.
This is no shade at pity everything, Okay. I will

always love chain Smokers and they were with us since
their first song, Selfie Too. So last night Keith Urban
covered Ariana Grande song we Can't Be Friends, and it
sounded like this.

Speaker 2 (01:26:10):
Who legally recorded that?

Speaker 5 (01:26:12):
Someone at the show?

Speaker 2 (01:26:14):
Thank you?

Speaker 5 (01:26:14):
All right, let's talk about Meg the Stallion's song Boa.
People have been listening to and go it kind of
sounds familiar. So this is a little clip of it. Yeah,
and they go that beat, that sample? Where have I
heard it from? Because it's a Gwen Stefani sample.

Speaker 12 (01:26:37):
There you go.

Speaker 5 (01:26:37):
What are you waiting for?

Speaker 10 (01:26:39):

Speaker 2 (01:26:39):
There you go. You're gonna me more art you thank you,
thank you so much? Around the room. Have you thought
about what you want to talk about?

Speaker 8 (01:26:45):

Speaker 2 (01:26:45):
I'll start with producer Sam because she always has something ready.
She's the only prepared one in our room. What's going
on in your mind today?

Speaker 3 (01:26:52):
I don't know if anyone else.

Speaker 7 (01:26:53):
I want to know if anybody else out there is
an accidental.

Speaker 3 (01:26:56):
Thief of sorts, because we have one in the room
right now.

Speaker 2 (01:27:00):
Even start, you have two in the room, I will
it meant something to you. But go ahead. Who are
you outing first?

Speaker 7 (01:27:04):
So Danielle are hanging out yesterday and she pulls her
cell phone out of her pocket, and then she goes
to reach for her wallet and instead pulls a second
cell phone out of the other pocket, both with a
very similar cover, but her face drop.

Speaker 3 (01:27:15):
She goes, whose phone is this?

Speaker 8 (01:27:17):
And then and then what happened?

Speaker 3 (01:27:18):
It starts beeping a part it hit.

Speaker 8 (01:27:20):
Find my iPhone and there I was with their iPhone.
So I made it seem like I found it, and
I was like.

Speaker 3 (01:27:26):
Oh, yeah, help me. I was over here.

Speaker 2 (01:27:29):
Where was this?

Speaker 8 (01:27:30):
We went to a sample sale together yesterday after the show,
and so like we were at the register paying yes
and then yes.

Speaker 2 (01:27:36):
Why I know how Daniell gets at sample sales. She
loses a brain cellar too because she's so excited.

Speaker 8 (01:27:40):
That's what happened.

Speaker 3 (01:27:41):
Got some good stuff out this I'll.

Speaker 2 (01:27:42):
Tell you else's phone. So we went to our favorite
grocery store the other day and Alex put two of
the things of water in the cart because we have
to get some of those sometimes. Well, when I checked out,
I only thought there was one, so I had her
she scanned one.

Speaker 8 (01:27:57):

Speaker 2 (01:27:57):
We got out to the car, there's two. I'm like,
wait a minute, I only paid for one.

Speaker 11 (01:28:00):
Whoaa did you go back in or did you just ride?

Speaker 2 (01:28:02):
Well, he's like, we got to go relate. I'm I
can't leave. I cannot leave the property without going in
and doing the right thing. I have not paid for
it yet.

Speaker 8 (01:28:10):
Will you go back?

Speaker 2 (01:28:11):
I will go back?

Speaker 8 (01:28:13):
Is your name Roseanne Monaro?

Speaker 2 (01:28:16):
I can't. Can you guys? Get go home and be
okay with taking something you didn't pay for. I can't
do it, you can't.

Speaker 11 (01:28:25):
Yeah, they're overcharging us. Oh no, I didn't do it
on purpose.

Speaker 8 (01:28:29):
It was an honest mistake.

Speaker 2 (01:28:30):
I know, but you should pay for it. I will
and I will pay for that. Hello, straight and eight?
What's up? Okay? So mad Max, we've seen the movies.
We know about the movies right, post apocalyptic. I've been
watching them regularly over the last couple of weeks, trying
to catch up because there's anyone coming out. And I
realize I love watching post apocalyptic movies, but I realized
I would never survive in a scenario like that. I

would be the guy that would be chained to the
the fender of some car being traded for gasoline. Like
that's seriously, like, I am not made for prison or
post apocalyptic scenario. Hang it with me. I've got extra water,
so it's fun to watch. But that boy, I would
not want to be in that situation. I know I'd
have to stick a shower. Yeah, oh they're so filthy

milk Gibson in that movie. I don't think he wears
leather pants in the Australia. It's stinky sky a little
bultu scay, what's up?

Speaker 15 (01:29:24):
Have you ever taken a piece of clothing out of retirement?
I mean I did see the shirt right here a second.
It was a twelve year old shirt. And then last
month I said, you know what, I'm gonna bring it
back into rotation again. I started wearing it. Everyone started
complimenting me, like it's a new shirt. It looks It's
not a new shirt. It's an old shirt twelve years old.

Speaker 2 (01:29:42):
You shouldn't say anything what I want to just say,
if you have a piece of clothing in your in
your in your drawers and whatever the case in your closet,
maybe you should consider that today and bring it back out.
No one's ever gonna know who knows I'm wearing. Really,
it looks great, that's why it doesn't button. Gandhi, what's
up with you?

Speaker 6 (01:30:01):

Speaker 14 (01:30:01):

Speaker 11 (01:30:02):
On the flip side of what Scary just said, I
have a lot of things that I box up because
I want to donate them. When you do that, just donate,
Do not go back through it, because you're gonna end
up taking things out. And that is what I spent
yesterday doing, taking things out of all of the boxes
that I was like, Oh, I don't need any of it.
I blame Andrew because I want him to come pick
things up for me and he hasn't done it yet.
So it's not my fault. But why do you box

something up? Just get rid of it, don't go back.

Speaker 2 (01:30:26):
Here, let it go.

Speaker 8 (01:30:27):
Let it go, Danielle, I want to say again, I
know we talked about it earlier, but you may have
missed it. Got to see Hell's Kitchen last night. That's
the Alicia Keys Broadway musical. If you get a chance
see it. So many emotions. The cast was incredible. I cried,
I laughed. My husband cried and laughed, even though he
probably doesn't want me to know he cried. And then
when I walked out, I was just so proud. I
am a freaking New Yorker and it was awesome. So

it's just great all the fields.

Speaker 2 (01:30:51):
So there you go. That's that. You know, we talked
about the Song of the Summer and new we're talking
about the Show of the Summer. Of course, it's Hell's Kitchen.
See make sure you check it out.

Speaker 6 (01:30:58):
Their Mercedes been this interview Lounge.

Speaker 11 (01:31:01):
Barbara Corcoran Shark from Shark Tank.

Speaker 2 (01:31:03):
Big change with losing Mark Cuban, But he's swiss us
for another year.

Speaker 6 (01:31:06):

Speaker 8 (01:31:07):
Is there anyone else you'd like to get rid of
on Shark Tank? Come on, I'm not answering that question.

Speaker 1 (01:31:13):
The bottlessly capable all electric EQS Suv from Mercedes Benz
with available transparent her technology. It's so advanced it can
see through sheet metal. The vehicle is all electric, the
feeling is all Mercedes. Learn more at mbusa dot com.
Slash EQS Dash Suv.

Speaker 6 (01:31:30):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (01:31:31):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercovertaurists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

Speaker 14 (01:31:45):
These are the real deal.

Speaker 8 (01:31:46):
Save now at undercover Tourists dot com.

Speaker 6 (01:31:54):
Listen all this is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (01:31:58):
Okay, for those of you who hurt trying to win
that one thousand dollars to pay your bills in our
nationwide contest. They'll become embarrassing. We ran the wrong one
here at Z one hundred in New York. Who's getting fired, Scottie.
I was buttering my bagel and I hit the wrong thing.
I'm sorry. This is the nine o'clock East Coast. Word

was not cash, it was bills. Yes, yeah, b I
L L s.

Speaker 3 (01:32:24):
At last he has a good excuse.

Speaker 2 (01:32:25):
Sorry as you that now you know where to enter it.
I can't tell you the station has a website exactly. Okay,
moving on, Scotty, I mean, you know, no big deal.
I feel like with you working here, I'm like the
guy with the big broom that walks behind the elephant,
like always cleaning up the pooh. I don't mess up
that often. It's very rare. You're right, any what excited?

I am? Happy Gilmore Too is in the word. Yeah,
they're saying Netflix is confirming Happy Gilmore Too is all
the way. And that's all they told us. Okay, did
I see something else yesterday? Straight Nate down to Abby three?
No ways, I did I saw it. They didn't give
me any dates or anything without the doubt. Come on,

big queen.

Speaker 8 (01:33:09):
And there's also the game of Thrones. The other spin
off a Night of the Seven Kingdoms.

Speaker 2 (01:33:13):
Not The Seven Kingdoms. That's gonna be on Warner Brothers.
It is Underway Office. Yeah. And also Dune Prophecy.

Speaker 8 (01:33:21):

Speaker 2 (01:33:22):
I saw a teaser for that, but Danielle broke down
and cried like a baby when she saw she saw
the teaser.

Speaker 8 (01:33:30):
Four Wicked.

Speaker 2 (01:33:31):
Wicked, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 8 (01:33:32):
I like Josh and I were crying in the hallway
because Josh and that's one of our favorite Broadway shows
of all time, and we were like like little babies
because the trailer is so perfect and the cast seems
to be so perfect, and it's just it's finally here,
and I feel like I've been waiting for it forever
and it's actually happening Thanksgiving. I cannot wait.

Speaker 2 (01:33:53):
I can't wait. I love Thanksgiving releases. Hey so earlier
and you will listen to it on the replay if
you listen to it's a podcast of our show, your
favorite parts. We edit it down for you. Our moments
with New Kids on the Block. We had a long
conversation with New Kids on the Block a little earlier,
and there was a moment with the guys I was
talking about the album. What was like getting together to

put this album together? And Joey Joey McIntyre, he uh,
he got a little emotional. And here's what he sounded like.

Speaker 12 (01:34:27):
Just the dynamic of you know, like getting a little emotional.
Actually good no, but the you know, saying yes. You know,
it's like saying damn sorry. It's early saying yes to
each other.

Speaker 4 (01:34:47):
You know what I'm saying, Like Donnie says yes.

Speaker 12 (01:34:49):
First and deals with whatever, and I know Jordan said
yes from the get go, like when Donnie was working out,
and when you have Jordan Knight showing up and laying
down vocals like you know, it's just like that energy
and you get to trade off with each other and
people showing up and Danny always being there and John
like like you say, coming off the farm and going yeah,

let's let's do it.

Speaker 2 (01:35:11):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (01:35:11):
And it's it can be. It's a real process.

Speaker 12 (01:35:14):
It's it even though you've known everybody, but there's no
greater wow complement then your your your boys you.

Speaker 2 (01:35:23):
Know showing up five said yeah sorry it was it
was no no, no, there you go. You got emotional.
So yeah, you may have heard it. Maybe you didn't.
Their new album, of course, is called Still Kids. It
comes out tomorrow, along with this single that's not even
released yet. This is Magic, you go. That's new kids

on the Block at Magic, newly released tomorrow. I love
that sounds good. What's that name? That was it?

Speaker 9 (01:35:53):
We did?

Speaker 2 (01:35:53):
We were old premiered that mother first, we had it
first look at that. I remember the old days, one
hundred play world premieres and they would interrupt the middle
of the song. You're listening to an exclusive world premiere.
They ruined the psalm.

Speaker 8 (01:36:05):
They thought we did that also so that nobody would.

Speaker 2 (01:36:07):
Like they didn't want WPLJ to play it right, I'm
like break. It took years we got rid of them.
It took like thirty years we got rid of them.

Speaker 8 (01:36:18):
Yeah, yah, they got it to good.

Speaker 2 (01:36:20):
Absolutely. Let's get into the three things we need to know, gandhi,
what is going on today?

Speaker 9 (01:36:25):
All right?

Speaker 11 (01:36:25):
Let's start with a little bit of justice or potential justice.
We talked about that squattering queens who was in the
house wouldn't leave. The people came in. They got arrested
for coming in. Well, a little bit of justice. He
was arraigned Wednesday for squatting in that home a broker
looking to run out the house in early March, so
the locks on the unit have been changed. Inside was

this guy who hadn't rented it, but he'd been living
there since January. After a few delays, including the squatter
suing the owners for an illegal lockout, he was arrested.
He now faces eighteen counts, including burglary, identity theft, and more.

Speaker 2 (01:36:59):
They'll go of a general event, now, yeah, yes, you
will get out of there.

Speaker 11 (01:37:03):
Ridiculous, all right. Wells Fargo is facing legal action in
connection to an alleged Ponzi scheme. A lawsuit was filed
in Palm Beach County last week accusing the bank of
aiding and a betting in a three hundred million dollar
scam that impacted more than one thousand victims. Authorities say
the victims were told they were buying securities back by
life insurance policies. The claims. The case claims Wells Fargo

failed to stop the operation while the suspects diverted funds
from bank accounts within the company. This happened in twenty
twenty one, and finally we all walk down the street
and smell food cooking. Right that happens well. New research
shows that the smell of food cooking is a sign
of air pollution. A new study from the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration measured what they called underappreciated sources of

urban air pollution. Researchers wrote that if you can smell
the food, there's a good chance it's impacting air quality. Overall,
they found that cooking accounts for nearly a quarter of
a volatile organic compounds in the air. Those are human
made chemicals that are used in making paints and pharmaceuticals.
They're saying, it's not great if you can smell my
food cooking.

Speaker 2 (01:38:06):
I don't smell the food cooking, so would I.

Speaker 11 (01:38:08):
I love when I smell. I'm like especially National Barbecue Day.

Speaker 2 (01:38:11):
Hello, today is National Barbecue Day. Go out there and
smoke your meat? What today is also?

Speaker 11 (01:38:19):
Yes, Honor your elder Gaze Day?

Speaker 2 (01:38:21):
Oh did you bring me a cake?

Speaker 8 (01:38:23):
Did I knew we forgot something?

Speaker 2 (01:38:25):
Elder? You're older? You honor your elder Gay's Day. I
never heard of this.

Speaker 8 (01:38:30):
Elder honored? May take you out to dinner.

Speaker 2 (01:38:32):
Or like right, well early dinner because I'm elderly and
who are you going to honor. I don't know what.

Speaker 15 (01:38:39):
Age qualifies as elder.

Speaker 2 (01:38:41):
Yeah, I tell you what, you put a game together,
we're gonna play it tomorrow.

Speaker 11 (01:38:44):
I did put a game together, yes, And while I
was looking at elder gays and the names that popped up,
I don't agree with some of them because there are
people on there who are like forty two. I left
them out.

Speaker 2 (01:38:52):
Oh my god, they're elder and they're younger than you.
So you know what to uncle Johnny.

Speaker 21 (01:39:00):
Oh yeah, we miss you when you wake up, wake
up to Elvis d Rain in the morning show.

Speaker 2 (01:39:07):
Thank you for listening in today. If you missed new
kids on the block, or if you want to relive
our time with them, simply listen to it on demand.
Where you get your podcast. I hope you'll get them
from iHeartRadio's app. Make sure you listen to our Elvis
Drain Morning Show. You'll hear it till tomorrow. Say peace out, everybody, everybody,

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