Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
What would you talk about on your on your podcasting show.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of
all ages, sit back, relax, buckle up. It is podcast time,
the fifteen minute morning show podcast. I'll greg from the
Elvis Durand Morning Show. And uh sitting in the studio
with me right now is empty microphone one, empty microphone two,
empty microphone three, and coming into the studio now to
join me. I have Scotty be here with me. Scotty,
good morning, good afternoon, good evening. How are you? Is
that microphone work? I don't know what happens it works.
Why are you in here by yourself? Um, honestly, I
am here by myself because there's been a lot of
lack of communication around here today. So you know, from
time to time when the audience here's my voice, they
obviously know that the bigger members of the show had
something else to do. So they have something to do
right now. That's so, it's right, So so this is
what they're gonna get. So you know, they were like, hey, man,
you gotta go do the podcast. I'm like okay. So
then I was ready to go and I'm waiting and
then like I thought maybe Garrett would come in, who
does like the five AM show with me and stuff,
And I'm like, dude, you're ready, and he's like, no,
I gotta go do something. I'm like, oh, all right,
what's yeah? So he's just standing in there, so okay,
he's got something to do. And then um, I said.
So then all of a sudden, uh, Diamond and Andrew
they came in to get me, and I said, oh, um, well,
I don't even know how to turn the system on,
because this is nothing that the audience doesn't know. So
we have a big, gigantic like a recording sound boar
board here right like yeah, like oh yeah, if you
can imagine like what an airplane cockpit would look like
with light up buttons and everything, and they all do something. Well,
they never taught Greg t how to do anything, so
I know how to do nothing. I can turn my
microphone on and I can turn my microphone off. That's
all I can do. And that's all most of her
is when our DJs can do. So I saw, I
don't know how to do anything, so I said to Andrew,
I do not turn it on. Andrew goes, no, I'm
not a DJ, I said okay, Well then I mean
so then he said, I'm gonna I'm gonna go buy coffee. Yeah,
he and Diamond just left get coffee. So they went
downstairs go get coffee. So then Nate, our executive producer,
he says, dude, what are you doing? And I go,
what am I doing? What? Nobody's here? I'm by myself.
And then so then Garrett comes in and Garrett goes, hey,
I'll turn it on and then you go do it,
and I'm like, okay, but do you see what's going on?
And then he started waving his arm for me to
come in here right everything like you know, it's you know,
ship's rolling downhill. But this is not extremely riveting. Nobody's
listening to this anyway. So now I'm the only one here.
This isn't Now I got you Scotti, babe. What are
we talking about? Well that's the other thing. Now, we
got to figure out what the hell you want to
talk about? And I don't we don't even know. You know,
we can't talk about and you and I are probably
on the same page. But let's talk about something that
you're on the big show. On the Big Show, they
were talking about how um early on in your relationships
when you are willing to do things or pretend that
you like things right that you Once you're married, that's
all out the window. It's over. And I'm sure you
have a list of this long. Do you know my
wife used to love going on boats. I think I
used to love clowns. I thought I used to love
a whole list of things. Now all of a sudden, no,
I never liked that. She never liked it, only liked
it because you did. No, not not doing that. I'm
not going to stay in a hotel if it's all inclusive,
that's garbage. But back in the day, I used to
take her all these places, no problem. Now nope, you
know I I I see that as a recurring problem
in almost everybody's relationship that you there's this the I
guess they call it the honeymoon stage. That's all right.
Were you you kind of like, are willing to do
so many things out of your comfort zone for this
person that you're attracted to and that you actually see
a future with, and then all of a sudden it
kind of fades and then you're kind of like, no,
I don't want to really want to do it. Maybe
you'll do a couple of things and then all of
a sudden it comes to I don't want to do
it at all, around the bush anymore. Snarling. Oh yeah,
me too. Yeah, we went snarkling. You know what. No,
I hate that. I don't like the way that feels
you can find in the water like that. No, no,
you know, for me, I used to like watching, um,
you know, some like action packed you know movies, like
the blockbuster movies. You know, We're really no real big
point in it, but just it was like a big
blockbuster blow them up, shoot him up, craziness movie. Right.
And so there was a time where Trish and I
would go every single Friday night and we would see
all these big blockbusters that were coming out. So now
a big blockbuster movie will come out and I'll go, hey,
you want to go see like Avengers, right, Avengers? I
don't want to go see Avengers. I'm not gonna go
watch I go what are you talking about? You? We
used to go see the Hulk, We used to go
see Superman. What's going on? You? You want to see Avengers?
You go on your own time. I'm going by myself
to movies. Look, I get it that people change, that's
for sure. But when you pretend to like things just
to hook somebody and then what happens, that's a problem
and you've got the ring and there's nothing you can
do about it. Okay, but now let's flip it, because
this is just we're just taking our own side. But
let's be honest. Let's let's look on the other side
of things. Is there something that your wife amy you
used to do for her and now she asks you
and now you don't want to do it. Well, you know,
there's a big thing with with TV shows. She's always like,
come on, let's let's watch this together. I'm like, no,
I don't have time for that. It's not it's you know,
but back in the day. But you gotta remember, pre kids,
we had a lot of time to do everything anything.
You want to just go out at the drop of
a hat. You know. Now I'm more concerned now about
going to bed, you know, I see. But now, how
do you think that makes her feel? Well? I know
it makes her angry, you know. So she sits up
at two o'clock in the morning, is watching all these
shows without me, and you know, I do feel like
I'm missing out. But there's like a Game of Thrones.
I have no interest whatsoever, and she's desperately trying to
get me into it, and she wants to build up,
get a partnership, a friend to sit down and watch with.
You know. The only the only show we actually watched
together that I enjoyed watching with her was The Marvelous
Mrs Mazel. Oh yeah, how is that? I still have
not seen that one episode. I gotta see it. You
would really like it, you'd really enjoy it. And watching
that together, people were saying that we would like that.
I had I want. It's gotten you know, amazing reviews,
but I just I don't know why that I haven't
gotten to it. But I you know what, maybe if
Trish now were dating, I might say, let's watch it.
But I haven't watched it yet. You know, I gotta
get on that. But I do feel like I should
trust her at this point, fifteen years later, that that
if she says there's something that I would like, yes,
I probably would like it. See same. Okay, So, so
Trish used to like when we used to when we
were dating. There were a couple of times where we
would go to the gym together and she would you know,
even if we didn't work out next to each other,
but at least we were there together. And then if
we and if I saw her in the part of
the gym, then we I'd go over to her. Then
we then we might work out. But it wasn't It
wasn't like we had to go and then we had
to work out together. It was that we would actually
go together and then support one another at different times
of the time that we were there. Now I feel
very uncomfortable. I'm like, you can't come with me. This
is my thing, did you right. I'm like, I go
to the gym. You can go to gym on your
own time. So She'll say to me, don't you remember,
like we used to actually go together. We used to
sit there and go to the gym and work out,
maybe go get a drink afterwards or something. So she's right,
she's got me there. I mean, don't get me wrong.
I love doing things with her. I like going away
with her. I love being a lot, you know, most
of the time. But it's just that I think our
tastes may have changed, which is you know, and and
it makes me look at my parents, which scares the
hell out of me. Because they don't like anything that
the other like. Now, my dad's into his cars and
is lit and as that, and my mom could. So
if you've noticed that, and I too have noticed that,
then maybe we could try to fix it and we
can actually try to focus on doing some of those
things for our significant others that we used to not do,
and that will help build a stronger relations ship because
I don't want to turn into my parents. I agree.
So look at that, dude, just two guys hanging out
here and we're kind of fixing the problem here. Does
that mean now I'm gonna go home and do laundry
and cook dinner? Not necessarily, but there will come a
time where Amy might ask you to do something and
you're about to go I don't want to, and you're
gonna go. You know what, This is one of those times.
So you may not do it every day, but you
might do it. I want to also do their pre
emptive strike, you know, like I want to do something
before she asked me to do it, and I always
getting you know, it's like a strike, due does one
for somebody that does nothing. I want the credit like
the other like the other day. Credit, Yes, the other
day I was just about you know what. I saw
it like dust bunnies all over the place. I was
just about to take the vacuum out. And she's like,
you know, maybe you could vacuum one of these days.
And I'm like, God, damn it, I was just about
to do it. Now I'm not doing it, because right
you wanted to do it on your own and have
her notice and have her go, man, what did night?
Thank you very much for doing that. I appreciate that,
and I want the credit. But now forget it. You're
you just asked me to do it. I was gonna
do it, but since you asked me, not doing it? Interesting. No, No,
you're not though, that's what. But that's a good point too,
when you really want to get something done because you
want to prove to her that you can do certain
things without being told. And then she got you there
and then it kind of like just burst your bubble
for a second. I get it, just it was a
just a bad transition of things that happened. Waitit, what
microphone are you on? Just push the on button? The diamond? Oh,
I see you? Okay, see that you you can light
it up from your end. We started off the podcast
by saying that I have no idea what any of
these buttons do. You just proved it to me, so
like I could not tell what microphone you're on, so
you launched it on your end by hitting that button,
And now I know what microphone you're on, so and
I can work for your volume. What's up? Diamond? You know,
just live in my life and he opted out. So,
ladies and gentlemen, Um, if you are still unsure who
Diamond is, Diamond is new to our show. Um, she
is our new phone producer, slash what how would you
what would you call yourself phone producer? But but everyone's assistant.
You do show prep though, right, You get a start
in the morning. You give Elvis some bullet points that
he needs to know before the show goes on. Yes,
look what, I'm sorry. I apologize for interrupting. Yeah, I
mean that's not nice. My wife just texted I was
going to do this when I got home. I'm not
even kidding. She just texted me, if you're gonna come,
I was gonna make soup when I got home. And
she looks she just she just texted me a picture
of the you see. Now, let me tell you Scott
if we were going to do this podcast, let's say
tomorrow together, I would set it up where I'm calling me,
get her on the phone and try to talk this
thing out. I think it would be great. Unfortunately, this
is gonna go no place because we're only the two
people hanging out here. You know, maybe we can start
a podcast called like Married Dudes. I think we should. Yeah,
we could just like that. I don't know how people
would listen, but you never know. I don't think that
Scotty should be on a podcast at all. Really, well,
let's get back to hold week we have. We have
four minutes left, so within or four minutes, I need
at least one minute just to get people caught up
to who you might be, Diamond? Who I am? Who
is Diamond? Who is Diamond? Who are you from? Diamond?
I'm from Brooklyn, Brooklyn, you know? Come on? Come on?
I like that? And you are? How old I am? Four?
What's up? What'd you go to college? I went to St.
John's University John's. Um. Yeah, I've worked at I Heeart
for a while. All over the place, ye and all
the radio stage different we have parts of the media. Yeah,
and now I'm here and I'm excited. Nice, but I
still don't like Scotty. Okay, so so now you just
cat you entered the podcast here and now you've got
an issue here with Scotty. By no, she doesn't. She
just likes to make fun of me. So you guys
are like really friends, you're your friends, you really love them,
but you like to poke fun with them. Yeah, he
bothers me. So I just to reciprocate the same energy,
you know, So how do how does st um? So
you know, we have an inter m. He'll press a
button and just say like really mean stuff to me
throughout the day, one over here is working, you know
what I mean? So, like, you know, leave me alone
right now? I bother him back? You heard the Can
I say that? First of all, wait a minute, I
don't ever bother you ever. Stop stop. So here at
the radio station we've got we've got many studios busier
than that would be working in and in each studio
there is a button and that you can call another
studio without having to lift the phone. You just press
a button to the studio that you want, and then
a speaker will go on in that studio when the
microphones are off. And you can talk through it. And
that's the intercom system that that Diamond is explaining. So
when Diamond is phone producing for the morning show, Scott,
he could be in one studio and he could talk
to Diamond and he could buzzer and just say, yo, Diamond,
I need you to do this for that number. Okay,
So that's what we're talking about here, and he buzzes through, say, um,
right here, I'm sorry I didn't hear you. Well, can curse. Yeah,
we'll listen next time. But why in the error that
we are living. This is terrible? I do not do that.
You see. We were trying to feel bad for him
because he was having these real issues with his wife
and we were really diving into that. But now that,
right now, how can you never, Scott. I gotta be honest.
I'm taking diamond side here, bro, you know, since she's
probably gonna listen. I don't have issues with my wife,
so it was okay. The thing about me, I don't
have a very big vocabulary, so I just use whatever
words come out. But so I didn't mean issue like
that like in the word issue. We all know I
love my wife very much, but I love her well
there's a certain things that you know both of us
won't do anymore, of course, but we have a minute
and now, but I now have issues with diamond. Diamond.
Now we gotta go to Scotty be Let's hold on,
let's go. Yes, what it seems to be be the issue there? Well,
I mean when I do intercom her to let her
know that something is about to happen, she does not
pay attention to me. Right, I can be frustrating and
then she misses it and you may be calling for
a contest. Right, things are going fast. Nobody's answering the
phones because she did not pay attention to me because
she's busy, you know, doing her next about timing or
taking coffee or her second are you doing your nails
at orc? No, I'm not. Are you just saying done
in like a month because I'm letting them breathe. Okay,
she's letting your breathe, so right now, that's not true.
But okay ahead, okay, Well, whatever she's doing out there,
she does not have time to pay attention to what's
going on the show. You answering phones, answering phones. I
need her for something, he needs you. Just he's very
upset that I make fun of his commercials. Yes, when
he does thirty seconds, Yes, I'm not doing it. You
make fun that I'm making a little extra money, and
you were not. All Right, we have let's have to
wrap this up here. But ladies and gentlemen, thank you
for hanging out with the fifteen Morgonal Podcast. We are
going to turn your microphones off and I'm going to
leave an exit. I'm gonna trap these two in the
studio and we're gonna try to handle this. Thank you
for listening to us. I know I was nobody is listening.
I apologize Nis. Fifteen minute more Big shellf