All Episodes

September 6, 2022 112 mins

The show is back in action form vacation! We hear about everyone's adventures from Prima! We talked to few teachers and students are heading back to school! Elvis wanted to hear from customs agents and what they are looking for when they question you at the airport. The show comes back from vacation and missed playing 'Password'

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Okay, come on in. Bobby said a text says, Hi,
good morning Elvison family. This is Bobby. I've been listening
to y'all for about a year now. The best radio
show I've heard in my thirty four years. Absolutely every
day of the week. Thank you, Rhythm, Rhythm. Here we go. Okay,

get ready for brace yourself. Sometimes I'll just be sitting
next to hair. We used to have measuring sessions. Been
time to win your free morning phone tab. I want
it right to my phone in the morning show. Well, well, well, hello,
can dragged in today? Yeah? It is a Mondon Tuesday, Tuesday,

September something. We're all back from vacation. That was a
long break. We were going for like three or four months.
Oh that's so good. Good morning gone, Good morning. Hi there,
Danielle held morning. Hold on this guy. Hello, Hi there,
Producer Sam, how are you doing down there? Surviving? We're surviving.
Scotty D's a master control. There's Diamond. It's birthday month

for Diamond, by the way. Yeah, and sitting there a
beautiful pumpter Vedra, Florida. The one and Only Froggy. Well,
you know it's a tradition on this show when we
come back from vacation, and it's September. You know what
I'm saying, right, And we missed some September days. So
what is what is today's day? September six? A little late. Sorry,

September starts late for un Are you guys ready for
a day? I missed you guys a little. There you go,
it's September. There, officially done. Okay, what other housekeeping do
we need to get out of the way here. I
know that I didn't officially say good morning to Nate.

So yeah, we're back from vacation. I have a little cold.
I don't have the fiday. I've been testing every single day. Okay,
but I hear that sometimes in life you get a
little cold. Really really, it doesn't mean you're you're dying now.
So there's that. First caller of the day is Bradley.
Hello Bradley, Good morning everybody. How's everything in beautiful Waco, Texas?

Oh it's all right. It's actually pretty cool today. We've
had some rain finally. But we know what Waco to
me was always the hallway. It was in the middle
of the hallway between Dallas and Houston. Let me drive
down right there, right from I'm out of college, stay
so and I drive up the Waco every morning. I

picked up milk at the dairy. So I just pulled
into my first dairy day. You know, we do have
a milk lover on our show, Nate. Yes, he loves
two percent on there one percent. What do you know what?
Listen to this interesting fact though, Bradley, What do we
learn about milk drinkers over the holiday? Gandhi? So, if
you watch a lot of movies with serial killers and

crazy people, they're all drinking a glass of milk, and
there's some type of link between people adults specifically, who
drink a lot of milk and being a little off.
There you go tonight, Bradley, you're hauling around a trunk
full of mass murderer milk. Other than that, we appreciate
the protein. Thanks anyway, thanks for listening to us. You

tell on my fellow Texans. I said, Hi, and uh,
what are we sending Bradley. We're sending him some scrubs
friends at Hack and Sack Meridian. You got some scrubs
in the way, man. Thanks for listening to us every day. Awesome,
Thank you'll. I listened y'all every morning I'll give me
so much energy. Wow, all right, thank you. We'll take
that hold on one second. There you go, drinker. I
can't wait to go home and have some I got

some Whole milk over the weekends. I would I grasp
it and I'd never come out of the bathroom. That's
like picking up some Johnny Walker blue or whatever. It's
like the heavy duty milk blues. Is that the heavy
duties That is good. If I go to like Duncan
or something and and they don't put onmon milk, they
put regular milk, I will know within like five SIPs. Yeah,

I'm like what I've done? There you go. It's as
Gandhi calls it, you're crap the pants special. Yes, I
feel like Nate's the type of person who would down
a cold glass of milk or maybe even warm after
working out. Oh my god, man, whole chocolate milk after
a workout, Oh my god, it's great protein sugar. It
does the cereal killer's body good. Got serial killer milk? Anyway,

were lunched to cover today. You know, we all did
some interesting things over the vacation, and I love going
around the room and listening to the stories. Not all
of it is rosy. Not all of it is glamorous.
There's some pain, there's some bloodshed. People stood in line,
people had to travel through airports with a holes, you know,
and we all saw it all. Disney World was on

someone's agenda. I do believe some road trips happened. Yep,
a lot of stuff, and we'll get to it as
the day unfolds. Let's get into the three things we
need to know. Gandhi, what's going on? All right? It's official.
A special master will review document sees from former President
Trump's South Florida estate. That's according to a judge who
agreed to appoint an independent third party to conduct the review.
It'll focus on which documents could be classified under attorney

client privilege or executive privilege. Out Going British Prime Minister
Boris Johnson is saying farewell speaking outside ten Downing Street,
a day after Liz Trust was selected as his successor.
In his final remarks as Prime Minister, he spoke of
his administration's accomplishments, including Brexit and low unemployment numbers. He
also spoke highly of Trust, saying he knows she and

her government will get the UK through the current cost
of living crisis. It's been almost two months since he
announced his resignation. You know, he always had that hair. Oh,
he always looked like he just got out of a
tornado exactly, always ensuring hair. And finally, a new study
is revealing that scientists successfully created a synthetic mouse embryo.

Scientists were able to manipulate stem cells in order to
develop complex organs in the embryo, including a heart and
a brain. The lead author of the study explained that
the breakthrough could help families with difficulty getting pregnant that
by watching an embryo grow in a lab, scientists could
be better able to understand why pregnancies fail and learn
to prevent it from happening in the future. Wow, I know,
this is really really cool. We love our science. We

love our science. She also says that she hopes this
process could also help grow synthetic organs for people who
need transplants as well. There you go, there you go,
and those are your three things. And by the way,
before you pick up your phone and going, do you
do correct, Elvis? So this is what I'm doing. It's ed, Sharon.
I didn't mean to say ed sharing Oh, comparing his
hair to the outgoing Prime minister. But you know there

are people are just sitting in bed on Let me
correct Elvis, let me text him real quick. Let him
know him out here helping him out. When people do that,
I'd just like to say, thank you so much for
your passion. Well, I'm glad Calm a weirdo. But it's
like I bet people pull over to the side of
the road the car. He didn't say, Sharon correctly. What's
that scary? Oh? We got a nice first day back

to school text from a teacher. Oh, a lot of
teachers going back to school, A lot of kids depending
on where you are. And you know what, my doctor,
after giving me my physical said, you know, elvits, it's
time for you to go back to school. What do
you mean by that, Well, you know, back to school time,
after summer play time. It's time to like take everything seriously,
like your diet and you're drinking. Oh my god, no,

were you like h I don't know, I don't know
if that works, that works for me, I scheduled. So anyway,
if we all take that, let's go, you know, buy
our trapper keepers. Let's get ready for that back to
school attitude. Let's launch into a new season autumn. You
guys ready for sea and you know I'm ready. There
you go, You guys ready for Tuesday. We're watching everything

you text, things you did as a kid, text message,
I wouldn't practice making it out on the twist top,
Gatorade bottles, text stand message rates may apply. Elvis Duran
in the Morning Show, the brand new Galaxy Z flip
four is finally here. You can capture hands free content

from every angle with flex Mode. The sleek foldable design
let you make your device conveniently compact. Visit Samsung dot
com and order your Galaxy Z flip four today. Mister
Ran in the Morning Show, Hello, is this Jennifer hi
Elsa's I'm so excited to speak to you. Oh look, okay,
first of all, listen to how excited Jennifer Sauce. Do

you hear it? Yeah? Gela, So Jennifer, tell everyone other
than you know, being with us obviously, what else is
going on that's making you so excited today? Well, I'm
driving into work today. I'm a school teacher in Jersey City,
and today's our first day back. Yeah. Yeah, So the
summer was just too long and too brutal. You need
to get back in those in those classes. I miss it.

I missed the kids, I miss my friends, and I
missed you know, the concert routine of getting up in
the morning and getting ready for work. So yeah, I'm
super excited about getting back today. It's nice. Let's talk
about this to school concept. I brought it up earlier
when my doctor told me it's time to get back
to school elements, it's time to like get your life
back in order, like organize, organize your health. You get

it done, you know. I guess we can all take
a lesson from that, right, Yeah, I want to know
do teachers buy like a back to school outfit? You know?
I know I might. The boys don't really do it
as much as the girls do it, but like, does
teachers do it? Of course? I have my motivational t
shirt on today, I have my pencil earrings on. I'm
super excited. Now you were totally bought it. Hey, so

what what does your inspirational shirt say? Motivation? Leave in yourself?
There you go all believe in yourself. I love that.
You sound like a cool teacher. Who are you teaching
over there? How old are there? Well, they're middle schoolers.
So they're in grade six through A. I'm actually the
instructional coach, which means that I service all the students
and teachers at Frank Barton. Well I'm in Jersey City. Well, Jennifer,

from the sound of your voice and the sound of
your enthusiasm, they are so lucky to have you there.
Can gratulations to them and thank you so much. All right, Well,
let's take her energy and let's turn it into our
back to school. Yeah, energy, back to school and everyone.
All right, I'm ready. So who's going to the gym first? Not? It?
Can't we pass if we just like changing the cloth.
You guys are already like looking for excusing stop to

my new outfit. All right, me too, Jennifer, Jennifer, he
would have a great day at school and let us
know how it goes tomorrow. Okay, thank you so much.
All right, take care of my bike. I did really
well at a lunch. I did too. I passed every
single semester. Okay, son, do what you said. You said
that the guys don't typically like new out I always
love having a new back to school out here. You're
a little different, Like I said to my boys, it's like, well,

I'm one boy. He wears a uniform. He has no choice.
But my little guy was like, hey, so do you
want something new? You want to you know, a book
bag maybe, but like I'm like, do you want a
new shirt? But he said no, Let's just wait until
the weather gets a little cooler and then I'll get
some new stuff. Like why would I want new stuff
when the summer's almost over? Oh honey? And that made
send I mean that exactly like free stuff, I know,

but it's a fresh season at Gucci, which he was
getting Gouci. What's scary? What's up? So my mother used
to take me back to school shopping, and what happens
was she would be like, you know what, let's let's
do all long sleeves, long jeans, sweaters, heavy stuff for
the winter. But I'd be so excited on the first
day of school. I would wear it and it would
be eighty degrees out. I would wear it the whole

school week and me like a little sweaty, stinky kid
with all your sweaters. A lot of the boys I
see I see tend to wear shorts all year rounds,
Like they'll wear a long sleeve shirt or a sweatshirt
which shorts. Our school did not allow shorts. Apparent Texas
where it's a hundred and two freaking degrees. Anyway, terrible.
By the way, let's get into horoscopes with producer Sam.

How was your vacation. It was awesome. Some stuff went down,
but it was ultimately great to see you get say
stuff like that without explaining it. My friends who just
got married think they're doing the cater Okay, we'll get fun.
We'll get into that in a few minutes. Yes, where's
the food rank? I actually I was personally too drunk
to realize, so I'm just taking their word for all right.
We'll get into that later. And also coming up, I

want to talk about what's going on in uh Philly.
Something was announced and I want to get into this.
Oh I want to. I don't want to do it now.
But if you live in Philly, maybe you heard of this.
They said on the list of the rudest cities in America,
Billy is on that list, and they are pissed off.
Wow are they being rude about it? No? No, Look,

if someone comes at you and says you're a road,
you're on the list of the reddest people. Ever, you're
gonna you're gonna say something about it, and they should.
And having lived in Philly, I know how they are.
They're gonna be very straightforward and very to the point.
I don't want to get into it yet. Okay, let's
talk about how rude all our cities are coming up
in a few minutes. That'll be nice and positive. Who
are you doing horror shops with? How about Dan? Yeah?
Here we go. All right, So it is Adris Elba's

birthday today. Oh my gosh, those booking dot com commercials.
He I don't even know what he's talking about, but
he looks so damn good. You remember who's paying for it?
Oh damn? Oh no, I had to look at up.
I actually looked up at his commercial because but he's
so beautiful. All right, Capricorn, feel good about yourself and
the person you are becoming. Your day is nine. Hey, Aquarius,
learn what you love and try and make that a

career or hobby. Your days an eight. Pithy. Surprise yourself
with a gift. You should treat yourself as well as
you treat others. Your day is a nine aries. Don't
be secretive about your success, share your wealth, your DA's
a seven. Touris your social and bubbly nature will help
open new doors. Your day isn't eat, hey, Gemini. Connect
with someone in your past and help unlock an important
memory you've repressed. Oh heavens, your days of six, can

there be sure to show the people around you how
much you love them. They're in need of some TLC.
And your date it's a five Ooo, Leo, control your
emotions in a group setting, as you're feeling just about
everything your days and nine, Hey, Virgo, watch out as
somebody in your myths may come so will start some
unnecessary beef. Oh that's not good. Your day's inn eat
and eight. Continue to be thankful for all the great

things that have come your way as of late, Your
day's a tad. All right, Scorpio, try doing something completely
different to break out of a stale routine. Your date
is a six. And finally, Sagittarius, rest should be the
first and only thing on your brain. Use it to
your advantage before you burn out. Your days of seven
and those are your Tuesday morning horoscope. Excellent, excellent, all right,
have a corantastic day. It is still corn season, still

going on. Call. I like your glasses gone? You are
those new? No? I just found them in my bin
of things under the text Can we talk about your
bin of things? Yeah? I walked in this morning and
over where Gandhi sits here, you know, in the studio,
it's just a mountain of boxes and bags and things. Yes,

what's going on over there? I sell them on posh Mark.
I'm having a problem. And the reason that I unearthed
all of this stuff today I sold a dress like
two weeks ago. Yeah, and she was kind enough to
wait until we came back from vacation. I can't find
the dress, so I'm like valmaging through this stuff here.
I thought this was my last hope. I'm so upset.
And then Danielle and Sam said they do the same

thing too, so better. I lose so much stuff that
I sell on posh Mark, and then I have to
tell them I'm so sorry I can't find that. That
sounds like a very very strong business plant this guy.
We are going to talk about two people who only
need one moral lord to achieve egot status. Here we go.
And also, why is Philly considered the rudest in the nation.

I don't guess hell of anything with vodka. Who are
you Friday? He was extremely redneck guys starting your day.
All of you are so hilarious. Elvis ter Ran in
the morning show. We're back back to the schedule, back
to cooking for ourselves again. Hello Fresh. That's the way

to go. Do they have calm anyway? With Hello Fresh?
No matter how busy your false schedule will be, you
need them, no need to compromise on wholesome, delicious meals.
They handle all the meal prep, all the planning and
preportioned ingredients make cooking so easy and so stress free.
They have these quick and easy meals, including the twenty

minute meals. What do you love most about him, Nate?
I love the fact that everything's in that bag. I
got back last night from vacation. There was nothing in
my fridge. So I know the next time I have
to make a meal, I have to go shop for everything.
If I just go to Hello Fresh, it's all in
the bag. I don't have to go look for sour creamer.
And they only give you what you need. I mean,
I cleaned out the refridge raator. It was all stuff

that expired in August. Hello Fresh, it's fresh from the farm.
You use it right then and there. It's so great.
It's much cheaper than grocery stores. It's also twenty five
percent cheaper than take out. Here's what you do. You
got a Hello Fresh dot com slash Elvis. You get
sixteen free meals across seven boxes. That's a lot. Sixteen
free meals at Hello Fresh dot com slash Elvis in

the Morning show. I don't even know where to start.
We have so much to catch up one we will,
we will catch up on all of it. We do
have a thousand dollars free money phone tap on the
way thanks to our friends at Halo Callar. We need
to recap our time on Norwegian Cruise Lines Prima, which
was just amazing. You know, you have more experience on
Norwegian ships than us Frog. You know we've been on

we've been on a few, but you really know you've
been on them as they build them. What did you
think of Prima? Oh, it's just you know what it is.
It's it's another level. It's so beautiful. Like I love Bliss,
it's our ship. It will always be very special. However,
I have never seen anything like Prima. Every little detail
they have, they covered every little thing. It's gorgeous top

to bottom. And I felt like we walked around the
ship for two days and I still feel those parts
that we didn't see. Daniel, Lisa and I walked everywhere,
and I know that there's things I haven't seen yet.
It was beautiful, and every time you would walk into
a new spot, I know you all felt the same way.
It was like, whoa, this is a ship on a ship.
It was amazing. Anyway, I will talk about it often

on as the morning progresses, but I will tell you
our friend Katie Perry, who was now is everyone knows
officially the godmother of Norwegian Prima. She did a concert
for us. She left it on the stage. Man, she
was on that stage doing a concert for us for
forty five minutes in an It was a full concert.
I expected just a few songs, maybe like five or six. No,

it was her entire catalog. It was crazy awesome and
I was dancing. Yeah, I was a dancing queen. My
boyfriend was jamming. He loved it. It was pretty awesome. Hey, um,
before we get into your report, Daniel, we've got to
talk to our sisters and brothers in beautiful Philly, Philadelphia
listening to us on KO two or however you listen
to us on your iHeartRadio app. They came out with

a list of the rudest cities in the US. Now,
by the way, keep in mind, this is not according
to travelers. This is according to the people who live
in the cities, and the citizens of Philadelphia in this
particular study said they are the rudest, having been there
many times and lived there. I don't I don't agree,

but well, let's go through the story. Okay. They said
they share responses from local saying that the city is
only rude if you're a big baby, you need you
need some thick skin to live in Philly. Okay. If
people are directing to the point, yeah, I have no
problem with that. I live in New York. I'm pretty
pretty used to that anyway. Reading for the list of

the top ten rudest cities in America, Yeah, according to
their residence, Number one Philadelphia, okay, Number two Memphis really interesting,
Number three, New York City, number four, Las Vegas, number five.
Boston should be number one. Why do you say Boston
is the rudest. It is the rudest. It is the
maddest place on earth. Everyone, there's just angry. I think

it's a combination of a really long winter and just
whatever else goes on over there. But they're all mad
all the time and rude. Why are you mad? Yeah?
Like here, so like you were talking about efficiency, I
think in New York, if you ask somebody for directions,
they'll give you a very short, suite to the point answer.
Some people take it as rude. In Boston, they'll send
you to a different place. See, that's what they say

people do in New York. But most of the time
New Yorkers actually do help you get in the right place.
You know. And all my friends who have visited here say,
I don't understand why people say New Yorkers are rude
every anyway. But Philadelphia still accused of being rude. I
was in Philly a couple of weeks ago, and I
thought everybody was very nice. I mean, I will admit
the baseball game got a little lot of control. Sports

fans a whole different thing. That's different. Yeah, But in general,
people were very nice and very like Philly. I love
this text. Philly is so rude because they eat so
much cheese steak. All that cheese makes them constipated. You'd
be rude too. If you couldn't poop, maybe, okay, can't poop.
I'm man, that would make me angry. I'm really angry.
Damn it anyway. But on the flip side, the number

one most polite city in America Austin, Texas. Oh okay,
all right, lived there as well, we're on there everywhere.
We're on Lucy three right now. Hello, you polite citizens.
Number two just there as well. San Diego, California. Oh yeah,
they are really nice. There's a happy place. Fort Worth,

Texas is on their Nashville, Indianapolis, Chicago, they're saying they're
polite there, Columbus, Oklahoma City, Hi, Oklahoma City, Milwaukee, Denver polite. Yeah,
so don't see that again. These are not tourists. These
are actual people who live in the actual cities. Okay,
so there you go. Okay. I think if Philly is
calling themselves rude, that's that's something to acknowledge in the

first place, because if you're calling yourself rude, you're acknowledging
that there's a problem. So you're probably not that rude.
You're looking for a solution. Whereas Boston down there at five,
they should be number one. So how old. Did you
live in Boston, Gandhi four years? Right, so you're there
long enough to understand it just mean, just mad. Everybody
they're so mad. What's not mean? It's mad, it's just angry.

Those winters, man, those winters are long. I get it.
The sun comes up, it's eight am and it goes
down at four pm. Okay, fine, all right, let's roll
to the Danielle report. All right, so let's start with Adele,
who only needs one more award to achieve the egots status.
Guess what, Eminem, same exact thing, one step closer to

achieving you got you got status? One award shy. Uh
So yeah, a lot of awards went down over the weekend.
I know. Adele won the Emmy for her Variety special
One Night Only, uh and uh Emmy Awards for his
Super Bowl halftime show. With it he sent doctor Dre
Snoop Dog, Mary J. Blige, and Kendrick Lamar went to
Eminem as well. So yeah, and seventeen other people have

egot status and that's it. And Jennifer Hudson was also
one of the most recent too, actually achieved the stacks.
How cool. That's amazing. Jennifer actually Jennifer Hudson showed all
her awards. They're just so cool. They're to see, you know,
they're so awesome. We have we have a Marconi Award,
don't we we do now? So if we got yeah,
I think we do. The radio station does. Oh yeah.

So if we ended that, I want okay so well.
Premier at the Venis International Film Festival this weekend and
Brendan Frasier's comeback It is on. He got a six
minutes standing ovation from the audience. He was in tears
h and he talked about what it felt like to

play a six hundred pound man um. Dwayne Johnson one
of those who posted, saying it made him so happy
to see his return, and uh yeah, so congratulations because
every time I think of him, I think of the Mummy. Universal. Yes,
but the ride is still there at Universal and it's
still my favorite ride at Universal Orlando. I love it.
So the weekend had to end his sold out show

in la on Saturday night, he lost his voice on stage.
He came out to seventy thousand fans at SO five
Stadium and he said, I'm sorry, I blew up my
vocal cords from the last song. So he had to postpone,
but he had to cancel another show because he still
cannot think, so we will see what happens with him.
Arianna Grande fans are not happy with TikTok star Ariana
Grande doppelganger page Nieman. She actually started an only fans

account dressed up like Arianna and it's her name. But
if you look at it and you don't know who
this girl is, it is a little misleading because it
looks exactly like Ariana Grande, her hair, her face, everything.
The fans are saying it's a little weird and creepy,
and this isn't the first time she's been called out
for doing this, so we'll see what she does. Cardi

be an Offset celebrated their baby boy's first birthday. He
posted Offset posted a bunch of picks, and Cardi posted
a side by side of the baby and Offset, who
look a lot alike, which makes sense. Kanye has been
taking to Instagram the last few days for many reasons,
too many to get into the keyboard, so if you
want just you know, go, go, go and check that

out here. Isn't true that Kim has a diarrhea issue
according to him, According to him than most people, she
has bad diarrhea. How do you feel if if someone
you're with or when who's your ex, goes online and
proclaims you to have a bad diarrhye apparat, you know,
I want to say, I would laugh because I'd be like,
what in the hell is going on over there? And

then if it's true, like, oh that's true, I don't Yeah,
it's true. By the way, he's telling everyone what the
best album is, what the best song is, and all
kinds of stuff. He's very fussy. So a collector of
video game consoles is selling off one of every console
ever made. That's two thousand, four hundred consoles and he
wants a million dollars. So if you've ever wondered how

many video consoles have come out over the years, apparently
it's two thousand and four hundred. This French collector claims
that he has them all and like I said, eBay
one million dollars starting bid. You know, could go hire
who the hell knows, but go check that out. What
are we watching? Let me tell you, I know Ganda
you love this. Never have I ever Onflix? So there's
three seasons of it. We cannot get enough of this good.

It's so good. It's so funny about this Indian family.
And every time I'm seeing it, I'm like, wow, Gondhy
Gondy always tells us this goes on. Apparently this really
does go on. It it's just so fun. Where is it?
You're gonna It's on Netflix. We never have I ever
three seasons. Also you have season two, Have Lived with
a Serial Killer over on Peacock. You've got The Bachelorette.

TMZ investigates who really killed Michael Jackson? That's on tonight
as well. And America's Got Talent and that is my
daniel We killed Michael Jackson. That's what they Yeah, you know,
no comments, All right, thank you. Danielle one the only
Elvis Duran in the morning show. Wendy's five dollars Biggie Bag.

It's a deal worth celebrating. Your choice of a double
stack Junior Bacon cheeseburger or Crispy Chicken blt, plus four
piece nugs, small fries and a small drink, all for
five bucks at Wendy's US. Price and participation may vary.
So here we are back from vacation. It all started
on Norwegian Frema in Kivik, Iceland, where we launched the

spread new ship with our godmother Katie Perry. She did
a concert for us, hung out with her. It was great.
That concert was awesome. The set that they built in
the middle of the ocean on a ship beautiful. So
then we cruised to Cork, Ireland, and we were out
to see for a few days, which was magical. It
was great. We missed you Danielle. I missed you guys too,
and we hopped off. Ireland was beautiful, so we we

loved the ride from the ship to the airport. Oh yeah,
flew out of Ireland. Some of you guys stayed and
then we went off to other points around Europe. In
this set, we'll start with you Gandhi. What did you
guys do for your vacation? We find a note. We
went from Cork to Sardinia and it was amazing. Saw
scary for a day over there, and then from Sardinia
we went to Paris and then Paris home. No, no, no no, no,

you're leaving out some details. Yes, I mean I saw
somewhere on Instagram that you were you were you had
an injury. Yeah, Mother Nature and I I love her.
She does not love me back. So we decided to
take a boat out for a day, which Scary almost
died on, he'll tell you. And we were in the
Caribbean or not the Mediterranean. The water is crystal clear.

You know, there are no sharks there, So I'm like, okay,
I don't have anything to worry about. Not thinking, Brandon
decided he wanted to climb up on a rock, so
I went to climb up after him. I put my
foot down and I immediately felt needles go into it
because I stepped on an urchin. Yeah, it's basically like
stepping on a ball of glass. Yeah. I don't even
eat uni. Yeah, I definitely don't want to step on it.

You know, after it attacked me, I looked at it
and I said, I will eat you. I will find you,
and I will eat you. This is gonna be in
You know. I was just minding its own business. I
know I should have known better. I know not to
do that. I just felt so safe. The water was
so nice. So how painful was it? Uh? It's It's
pretty painful when it happens, but it's much worse trying
to get the little stupid barbs out of your foot.

How many do you have in your foot? So I
thought I only had five. I have since discovered there
are two left in my foot still that will not
come out. I know Nate did the exact same thing
on his vacation. He stepped on one of these idiots. Yeah, yeah,
did Brendan pe on it? No? No, he really volunteered
very quickly though. But this was my logic. I'm like, Okay,
well I'm in the water, so I don't really need

to step on my foot all day, So I'm not
going back to the clinic. We're gonna stay out here.
We're gonna have a good time. I yanked out the
ones I could get out. The other ones still ruined
in my life right now. Yeah, there's no bacteria and
there don't worry about that. Oh god, here's hoping. They're like,
you know, they're barbed, so they go in and then
they spread out. Right, So you had an injury, But

other than that, you know, a great time, great food.
After Sardinia, you went to Paris. Paris, Yes, it was great.
I had dinner with friends Lydia. No. I wanted to
see Lydia Malcolm. But the airline that we were on
kept canceling our flights, so we had to leave a
little bit earlier than I thought we were going to
have to. How long were you in Paris? Like twelve
to thirteen hours as opposed to the three days we

were supposed. It is such a beautiful city, isn't it.
It was. We ran to the Eiffel Tower to try
and catch the very last light show, and we got there,
we saw the lights going off, and then as we
went to take the sure they stopped, so we still
have a great picture. It was okay, I'm not going
to complain. I'm trying to do a Hey, you know what,
We had a great time, right, There's a lot of
good stuff going on. When we finally got on the plane,
it was a great ride back. What about you, Danielle?

How was your vacation? So we went down the Jersey
Shore like we always do. It's tradition. We've been doing it,
same week, same hotel for years. So it was amazing.
I went on every single ride that you could possibly
go on. I am surprised that I survived half of them.
This one called the Skyscraper, which we upside, I mean

these roller coasters. I had an injury as well, ripped
my leg open on a coast detect. Everyone had an injury. Yeah,
but I didn't care, because just like you, I'm like, well,
I'm still going on these rods vacation. I took a
paper towel, washed it off with soap and water, stuck
the paper towel to my believing leg, and went on everything.
And so we do not care. The old rusty Roman

coaster didn't not so permanent camp put some BASSI tracing
right on that baby when I got back to the
town room. Then we went over to katee May, which
is scary. I always think of you when you go there,
because you would love it. It's so beautiful. We went
on these trolley rides and they showed us haunted kate May,
which was awesome. And then the old mansions along the sea.

Oh my gosh, these things are millions of dollars and breathtaking.
So good you hung up with your kids. Yes, I
had the best time with my kids, with my mom,
with my husband. Lots of taffy, lots of fudge, just
a great time. You know, water park, We went to
the water park. All right, you're happiest at the Jersey Show.
I really am to me, summer is the Jersey Shore,
and if I'm not there for at least a week,
it's not the same. I totally get it now. Down

in Florida, Froggy, you guys had Scottie b and his
daughters come down, and you guys you had you went
over to Disney. You had a great week. Yeah. The
highlight of the vacation was definitely Mickey waffles. Dude, I'm
telling you, I don't know what it is. It sounds
about a waffle, Mickey waffle, sounds like a gangster Mickey waffle,

something about waffle in the shape of a Mickey head.
It just tastes so much better. We had Mickey Waffles
every single day we were in our Lando at Disney.
But it was it was so much fun and the
park wasn't crazy packed, I guess because a lot of
schools are back in so there weren't as many people
there as I was expecting, and we were able to
get on a lot of rides. Had The price has
gone up a lot at Disney. Oh, it's still very

expensive at Disney. You have to basically mortgage your house
to go there, but that's what we do. But you
live in the state of Florida, so that it helps
a little bit, right, Yes, the Florida resident discount does help. Scary.
How was your vacation? Was it fun? It was awesome.
After we disembarked in Cork on the Norwegian Prima, we
tried to do Ireland in a day. We ran over
to the Blarney Stone. We climbed up in the castle,
waited online to kiss it, walked by it, said no,

thank you hard pass did not kiss the Blarnie Stone,
saw the rock of castle, and then we went to
We did Dublin for a night. We did all the
major Dublin pubs. And the next day, after some rigamarole
of traveling and missing some flights, thank you left Hanza
for being late. We went to Sardinia, Italy. We met
with Gandhi. We hung out there, We did a couple
of nights at dinner. We rented that boat, which that's

a whole of his story. And then I went to
Lake Como after that, and Lake Como was just majestic,
and we did a boat ride there which was very
different than the boat ride we did with Gandhi, and
Lake Como was so beautiful. Can I ask a question?
What does it mean to kiss the blarney stone? Like?
Is it? Does it do something special? If you were

supposed to make you eloquent? Yes? Yea, the gift of
gap Ye well, yes, I kissed it, right, I kissed
it as well. Listen to me, how about that? We're
still waiting for it to kick him? Uh so, hold on,
where is made? Madeline? Do you have a sea urchin
tip for Gandhi? Yes, my sister kicked his sea urchin

and had barbs going like down her toes and the
cruise director told her to soak her foot in white
vinegar and the ones that she can't pull out will
eventually dissolving the vinegar. Your foot will smell like salad dressing.
That's fine. Oh absolutely, we didn't know that. So right,

vinegar melts to see urchin barb Yeah, okay, great, okay,
that's creature out of my foot made. This is why
we love doing our show. We have people like you
that actually look out for Thank you, Madie. I love
listening to you guys. And I'm a teacher, so it's
my job to educate. So there you go. Where are
you in the process? Are you back to school yet? Today?
My first day. So I'm driving in right now. Oh, well, Thanky,

are you excited? Are you excited about getting back? I'm
I'm very excited. I'm at a new school. I'm I'm
a pre school teacher. I'm returning to preschool after a
year of fourth and fifth grade. So I'm very excited
and um, and I'm very excited for the venture ahead.
So excellent. Well, thank you for listening to us, Madeline.
We appreciate it. Thanks so much. Have a great day,
have a great school year. I love that back to

school kids. Back to school taught us something today, Cheetah,
teach us something. You're excited all the kids are like, Man,
I loved going back to school summer, but I really
like to going back to school too. Yeah, there was
so much fun stuff to do. I get to see
my friends and I didn't live right near, and you know,
it was it was fun. Um. Of course, we need
to catch up in a few minutes with Nate. See

where he went, what he did. Yeah, yeah, I'll let
you know what I did. Okay, it was interesting, I did.
I did come across um a reality this vacation. I'm
old enough. I've seen enough things in the world that
I needed to see. I don't want to ever stand
in line ever again. If I was in Paris, someone said,

let's go to the louver and let's go see uh
Mona Lisa. No, I wants you google Mona Lisa. It's
right there. That's definitely a googleble one. I don't need
to sniff it. And so, uh yeah, a new realization.
We were in Prague and we were standing in some lines,
and I thought, at that moment, this is the last
line I'm going to stand in on a vacation on
LA It's a roller coaster with Daniel. Okay, there you go,

oh man, But there are just a couple of things that, yes,
photos are great, but that black sand beach that we
saw in Iceland, I feel like photos would never do
it to us that it was crazy. Well, there you go, vacations,
no lines, thank you. By the way, did you see
when I posted yesterday on Twitter and Instagram which I
actually you know, Dale Carnegie catch them doing something right.

Our delta flight from Prague back to New York was excellent.
The crew, the food, the whole experience was excellent. So
usually people only bitch and moan and complain about airline service,
as they should. Yeah, I had to say something about
no Delta did great. They did. It was our flight.
I'm not speaking for anyone else on Delta anywhere Texas.

Delta two eleven from Prague to JFK was five. All right,
into the three things we need to know? Gandhi, what's
going on? Can you believe it? Kids in Uvalde, Texas
are going back to school today. It's the first time
they'll be in class since the maymash shooting that killed
nineteen children and two teachers at rob Elementary School. Of course,
we know a lot of controversy came after the fact,
when their families learned that hundreds of law enforcement officers

waited over an hour before finally taking down the gunman.
And we also know that that elementary school is a
different school than the one where the shooting occurred. You know,
they are wearing maroon today out of support for the kids.
It's a part of them and the students. When the
students end, the faculty seems like it just happened. Another
going back to school. People in Jackson, Mississippi, still can't

drink the city's water. A boil water advisory has been
an effect for more than a month now. Officials say
that they must see two rounds of clear samples, which
is a process the city plans to begin midweek. Can
you imagine, No, you can't open your mouth or near
us to open your eyes while taking a shower. Yeah,
it's I mean flint. We know that that happened there,
and that went on for a long time. I cannot imagine.

And it's very sad and hoping that gets better soon.
But finally, let's talk about a big week here in
the city. Broadway Week is back and it's two for
one tickets have returned after a three year COVID hiatus.
Twenty one shows. We'll be participating today through September twenty fifth.
In addition, the t KTX t K T S Booth
at Lincoln Center reopens today after shutting down on March thirteenth,

twenty twenty because of the pandemic. So this is exciting
stuff going on. And it's more than a week. It's
like two and a half weeks. Like, why don't they
just call it Broadway two and a half weeks Broadway time?
It's Broadway t get tickets Broadway month man, Yeah, why
not that we went to the West End and saw
Back to the Future on stage in London. It was fun. Yeah,
my friend Matt got his tickets, took us out to dinner.

It was great, It was It was just a fun show.
I think they're bringing it to New York. Is that
what you've heard that? Yeah? Nate heard that? Yeah, all right,
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the Morning Show in the Morning. All right, Nate, how
was your vacation? Fantastic? Four countries? Wait? One, two, three? Yeah, four?
Kiss the Blarney Stone, which supposed to give you the

gift of GAB. I already had that, so I really
don't need to kiss its. Allegedly pee on it at night,
so that supposedly, But I'll say this, you gotta go
up like Andrew was with me. You gotta go up
like eighteen flights to Stare. Don't again. It's like, why
would you go up that kind don't don't do it?
Why would you kiss something that everyone's putting their mouth on.

Because it gives you the gift of gab. I don't
give a crap. Everybody's done it since the late eighteen hundred.
It gives you the gift of gab. But you have
like little sores in your right. It's like a touch
of monkey pops. Okay, So other than other than crapping
all over your vacation here, okay, Portugal was amazing, hadn't
been there before. The food was incredible, beautiful, And stopped
in Paris for about two hours to see our friend Lydia.

Malcolm had a bottle of wine with him. It was great.
And then from Paris home home. Yeah, and you started
in kavik Iceland whatever. Rick I had some of the
best lingo stems in rick Yevic that I've ever had,
and that maybe I don't have a lot of fun,
so that was it, but it was so good. Well,
you guys all went out to that hot tub thing whatever.

I'm not gonna take a hot bath with a bunch
of strangers with monkey pocks. Let me tell you, Brandon
and I went separately from all these people. We did
the VIP experience. Oh, you would have loved that. Nobody
was there. It was just us. There was no public changing.
We didn't see any dingers. It was just as well
Blue Lagoon. It was great. Seeing the dingers might have
been one of the highlights. I'm saying I saw things

I can never unsee. You guys, what did you wear
at the Blue Lagoon? I mean there was boobs and
peepees and everything's a whole lot of a lot of
hairy buttons. Yes, a lot of hairy buttons. Chose not
to do that, don't need it to pictures. So we
started on the ship. Of course, Norwegian's Prima. Wow, what

a time, you know. Katie Perry, our godmother, did a
huge concert for us. We hung out with her and
she found out I was going to Prague. Her husband,
her husband, Orlando Bloom, was doing a show, a movie
or a stable row I think a series. It's a
series on Amazon. So they shot the whole thing in Prague.
She lived in Prague for months, So she gave me
her long list of restaurants that we had to check
out whatever. But our favorite night on the ship is

they have this incredible auditorium where the show happened, where
they had big concerts and big shows. After that was done,
they push a button and twenty minutes later, all the beautiful,
comfortable seats are invisible. They go away and it turns
into a nightclub. That's crazy. So we may or may
not have done some low dosage something and we danced

our asses off all night. Cheat Codes was performing. Oh,
it was great. I had so much fun that night.
And it was one of those unexpectedly fun nights where
you're like, I'm just gonna go for twenty minutes. That's
what we all said. I'm just gonna be for there
for twenty minutes. I'm going to go home and go
to sleep. Nope, six am, everyone's rolling out of there.
We rolled out with the sum. Yeah, the sum was
trying to come up, or maybe it never went away.

I don't know. Yeah, Katy, we were. I was dancing
with Scary and I looked to my left and I said,
there's Katy Perry and he said, how do you know?
Because she's wearing a hoodie. She doesn't want anyone to
know what's her? So she ripped it off and threw
it at her security guard and we danced for a
while and then she tolds had you come up on
stage with them. And my favorite part of that whole
night was we're all hammered dancing, having a good time.

I was recording and all of a sudden, Nate turns
to the side and he had earplugs in. He had
ear plugs at the clerk. Hey, y'all might be laughing.
I'm the only one that when we went to have
hot dogs afterwards, my ears weren't ringing. Well, see, you
gotta protect your ears, peoples, and the clerk. You did
have the plugs in the cars, but my ears weren't

ringing rolling. Yeah, so what a night. We'd danced our
asses off. My friend Josh ripped his shirt off and
he took our friends a little tiny too small for
him sweater and his belly was to get out. He
was dancing on it. We had the best nights. It
was so much fun. I love those nights. Yeah, it's
a player. What happened? How's at six am? Why is

the sun up? We got off in We got off
in Cork, Ireland, which is beautiful all the way to
the airport. We flew directly to London, did three nights there,
went to see We went to see Um Um Back
to the Future on stage, amazing musical. Wasn't expecting you to.
I know it was great, had great food. Went from
London three nights to Prague, which I've never been to. Beautiful.

Which so beautiful about Prague is the buildings. They've been there,
of course since the beginning of time, practically because during
the World Wars the city was majorly untouched. So all
the buildings that were lost in all the other major
European or that that part of the country, that part
of the world center of cities, say the centers, they

lost their buildings, all of not in Prague. You've been
in before, right, I haven't been a Prague, but I
have heard the same thing because you go into a
lot of other cities in Germany and it's all new
construction because there was no buildings left many years ago.
It was beautiful. But we did come to a realization
several I said earlier, I'm at a point of my
lafe where I don't need to go on a vacation

and stand in a line. I don't need to go
to museums and stand in a line. Oh no, if
there's no line, I don't go. Yeah. But we realized,
Alex and I realized that we've become friendly and friends
and we dm now millions of people from around the
world that were our bartenders. But that's what a bartender does,
like they always get your life story and they're the
ones that you talk to the most. That's I mean,

I feel like they're they're partially therapists. Time we adopt them. Yeah, okay, no,
so veronicas our any best friend anyway, Prague check it out.
It's pretty cool. All in all. We all had a
great time and the stories could go on and on,
but I'm not going to bore you with them. It's
like watching someone's the slideshow on their phone, like, okay, great,
Oh I love doing that. Hey Michelle, Hello lady, Hello lady,

what's going on show? What are you thinking about? I'm
thinking about my new fiance that proposed to me on
the Norwegian Encore in Alaska. I talked to you a
couple of weeks ago about it. Okay, so so uh
what happened? Talk about it? So um. In JUNEO we
had a helicopter glacier tour that we talked about. Danielle

said that, um, she did it and it was incredible.
And we went up there and we were looking at
the glaciers and we went to go take a picture
and he got down on one knee and now we
are engaged. She was incredible. Much love on love on
board We love yes and and side note, a couple
of years ago we actually talked about my boyfriend's first

fartum on air. So this is the same guy we
made it. Yes. Hey, so we're doing uh Bliss and
Alaska neck year. I'm so excited about it. Did you
love it? Oh? So we saw from our balcony. We
did the inside passage and we saw probably about two

hundred whales just from our balcony. Did you incredible? I
want to go. It was breath taking Michelle. Congratulations. We're
so happy for you. Thanks for sharing the story. Okay,
and thanks for thank you so much. Given a nod
and a shout out to Norwegian. Norwegian you went encore right, great,
all right, thanks for listening to us, God so much.

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Hello your book Klein. This is Caitlin Kaylin as trash. Um. Hi,

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right all right? Hi? How kind of I tell your
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and I know where you are? How do you have
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busy right now, I can come get you at your
house later. Yeah, why don't Why don't I get in
touch with you because I'm I'm kind of busy right
now and at work and my number, Yeah I have it.

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really hear you, but i'll call you later. Okay, Hello,
I want to go guy Comma hey major comme Hello Joyce,
good year. Oh my gosh. She must think I am
the psycho bitch from hell. That was so funny. She

is going to freak out. Okay, now she'll probably call
you so oh yeah, she'll call when she's let me
know when she's calling, and then um, I'll call. Okay,
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York Valley girl, I have no idea, but she sounded insane.
There's no way you're exaggerating, Mom. I'm telling you straight up.

I just got off the phone with this girl. Well, Mom,
i'll have you ONNY here. Sometimes a little drama, So no,
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doubt murder? Here we go off the drama. Mom, I'm
moving home. How about that? Your dad and I just
put a swing in your room, So I don't think

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Oh my god, I mean you won't be worried about
it because you'll be at school with your crazy roommate. Mom,
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phone tap show. It's so loud they can't hear what
I'm saying. Hello, Cartney Hold on a second. We're gonna

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performing for us, you guys ready, Yes, Yes, Louie Tomlinson, Yes,

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who we love and you know, my boy, Nicky, your
is gonna be there. We're gonna have a lot of
a sudden reflection came and more to be announced. They
say more right, typically isn't, but we'll say more ut
we get outs anyway again, Louie, Tomlinson, Ellie Golden, Young Gravy,

Jack's Nicky, your and more. What a great way to say,
Tata and tootles to the summer of twenty twenty two.
All the information if you want to check it out
if no, matter where you are, if you want to
fly in, come on in. It's gonna be crowded, just
warning you now. But if you want those VIP passes,
go to Z one hundred dot com. All right, we
should play some Young Gravy. Yeah, we should love young Gravy.

Who is he dating again as mom? Yeah? Yeah? Addison
raised dad who is a don't say he is not
a happy camper? Okay, would you be well, there's so
much Is there an age difference between young Gravy and mom?
Oh yeah, I don't know what it is. She must
love young Gravey. By the way, I'm sorry what Addison

raised dad like? Has a cheating pass and all this?
It's crazy, got it? You've never cheated on anyone ever, Danielle. Well,
they're married. They shouldn't be here. They were married. Let's
get this contest on the time on the radio. It's
now time. I'm for America's favorite game show. A password
and now here's your host me. Good morning, Courtney, Good morning.

I'm so glad you're here. Me too, I'm so excited.
Do you know how password works? Yeah? Um, you come
up with the word and I have to guess, say
some clues that the word is exactly. But I'm going
to announce to the world what the what the word is.
But you won't be able to hear us announcing it
because Scary will be in your ear going. Okay, you

figured it all out, so please hold while I give
the world the password. Please hold it all right? Do
you have everything? Here we go. The password is finnicky.
The password is finicky. Okay, stop scary, stop should change

the passwords. Yeah, yeah, Cartney, We're gonna do a different password.
That one. The word finnicky. No one would ever get
that cats, but yeah, I probably wouldn't have got that. Okay,
please hold and get ready for another password. Are you
picking them? The password is scrowed them. The password the

thank you's great, great system. All right, we put our
password out there for you. It's now time to I
guess the password and now let's see gandhi. Your one
word clue for Courtney gonads, Well, what was your word?
I'm sorry, go nads? Gonads said, yes, that's okay, mm

hmm do you guess? You guess? Yes, okay, Um, testicles,
pestles close, Here we go, Here we go, Froggy, what
is your one word password? Sack? That's mine too. You

repeat that one more time, sack. The clue was a
sack track. No, no, all right, Danielle, what is your
one word clue? So far? We have test gonads and
sack penis found the same area. Don't get clothes genitals.

I don't know. I gotta be honest. You're doing very well. Yeah,
all right, scary. What's your one word clue? Finish the phrase? Harry,
oh Harry, okay, thank you, And you can't say yeah,
I finished the phrase? Well he did winer. Come on,

you're actually poking around you you're getting close, and you
know what purchase you're saying? Do you have one? Oh? Yeah?
What is your one word clue? Wrinkle? Wrinkle? That's good, um,
grow them right, America's sweetheart, Cortney, I was you know

what my clue would have been. My clue would have
been totem. Doesn't matter because you got it. You just
won fifty dollars. All right, up the song? Thanks for
playing password. What are you doing today, Courtney? I'm driving

into work. I'm a fourth grade teacher. Um so I'm
starting up the school year and then i'll be on
maternity leaves in October. Oh my god, congratulations to you.
That's awesome, Courtney. Thank you for saying scroto me. Please
hold we got a lot more password. Let's do another one. Okay,

I can't do it now. We'll play a little more
password action later, I promise. I just want to hear
the music all day, all right? Is that it? That's it?
All right? Fifty dollars goes to Courtney, and we'll play
password again later. Don't forget watch Password. I think it's
on what Well, we do have other stuff to do here,
hold on, don't hold on, sorry, don't forget to watch

our friend Jimmy fallon and can you keep Palmer tonight
on Password on NBC. All I'm saying, they didn't even
pay for that. Let's go around the room. Well, let's
use the pass for a music. I'm kidding, let's not
do I love it. We'll start with you scary. What's
on your mind today? Well, they say in that list
earlier they're the funniest, I'm sorry, the rudest cities in America.

And they mentioned the cities where the rudest people live
was the least Philly was on there, Detroit. No, no, no, no, no,
it's any city outside of America. Because if you've ever
tried to board a plane like I did, there is
no reason, rhyme or reason to it. People just like
bum rush the front of the line. There's it's chaos.
It was. It was the most crazy, craziest experience. And

I feel like here we actually wait in orderly fashion.
We do. We wait for group numbers to be called
everyone's brother. There's an a hole that tries to buddon lie. Yeah,
especially in Europe, European travelers, there is no group one.
Please boards out. It was very aggressive and there was
no there was no order to it. So yes, I'd
like to give us here in America a compliment for

being nice. There you go, which mark? We don't have
to go? You don't how to go on a plane?
What about you, Froggy? Which on your mind today? Speaking
of travel, I would like to tell we got on
an Iceland air plane. They were two hundred and sixty
two people on this plane. Plane was full. They held
us for thirty five minutes for one person. Like, wait

a second, in America, they are doing that. If you think,
if you're you're late for your flight thirty five minutes,
Y're not holding the whole plane for one person. Okay,
and Iceland up, they held the entire plane for one
person that night. Well, a lot of people missed their
connecting flights for that one person. Yeah, it was great
for the rest of us, not so much. There you
have it all right, Iceland. We had a pretty good

experience with him. Yeah, yeah, I loved Iceland. We all
showed up on and we were in an ordinary fashion
in the line, Hey producer, Samwich, up with you. This
is gonna be my dumbest, most self serving around the
room ever. But I don't care because it's never gonna
happen again. I made a video on Instagram of me
dancing like an idiot, and somehow it's up to one
million views. Na rolls have found to me, they're insulting

my nose and my dance moves. All of It's fine.
I don't care because I have one video with million views. Yeah,
that's so cool. Dance like a drunk idiot? Who knew?
I saw that and I loved it. It blew up.
I don't know who shared it, but people really love
to hate it too, and that's totally fine as long
as they're watching. Hey, Gandhi, what's going on all right?

I know we've probably talked about the difference in men's
and women's sizing before, but it really bugged me. So
we all got these really cool vests when we were
on vacation. Yeah, and mine was a medium medium and
Brandon's was a different size, so we went to exchange them.
I ended up getting a women's vest that was a
two XL, which they said was the most popular size
at two X. Brandon got a medium and men's they're

the exact same size. Wow. We put them on top
of each other and we were like, what in the
hell a women's two X is a men's medium? Why
do they do that? Make us feel fat? I guess
there's got to be another I was like, wait, wait,
this nonsense. I'm gonna bring this up. So that's what happened.
I wish we could get an answer on that. Yeah,
I don't know what's up to, Danielle. So when we

were down the Jersey Shore, one of the prizes that
everybody wanted was this stuffed pigeon with a stuffed French
fry in its mouth. It was like the hottest thing
because the pigeons are known for coming down to steal
in your food. They would kill you for your fry. Well,
let me tell you what I went through to get
this damn stuffed pigeon. But I found a pigeon stuffed,
got it from my kid, I am. I'm giving myself

the Mother of the Year award because I found the
damn pigeon that was coveted at the boardwalk the Jersey Shore.
There you go, you got aim high, Danielle. Hey, what's
up straight? And okay, just take a trip somewhere. Do
yourself a favor. Learn a little bit of the history
about that area you're going. I agree, it's so cool.

Went to see our friend Lydia Malcolm in Paris. He
was two blocks away from No Tre Dame, the cathedral
Notre Dame. He was telling us all the different stories
about the buildings there and it was just so cool.
So do yourself a favor, do a little history. Lesson
when you go there, you'll appreciate it so much more.
I love Paris, Yeah, so beautiful, so romantically a dinner

El sal Louis. That's Louie, was Louise, all of the French.
They're crazy. Hey, I'm coming up Daniel's report. What really
is it? Time for Daniel? Y? We skipped it? Okay,
what do you have coming up? We're talking about Jennifer
Hudson's new show it's a couple of days away, and
Kelly Clarkson celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Idols. Also, we
were comparing notes, you know, going through customs and different

airports around the world. Coming home. I know we have
a lot of people working customs here in New York City,
A lot of people are rolling to and fro from
the country. I want to hear from a customs agent
who can help answer some questions. We were interrogated and
I had no problem doing it. I didn't sweat it out.
But they are asking some questions that were mighty like
what I there's some psychological stuff going on there. I'm

gonna get to the bottom of this. We can all
learn together that and more on the way. Wow, you
gotta go home. Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. It's
scary Jones. The good neighbors at State Farm believe you
don't have to give up what you love for great
insurance for surprisingly great rates, like a good neighbor, State
Farm is there call or go to state Farm dot
com to get a quote today, Elvis Duran in the

Morning Show. Hey, Haiti, Elvis, no way, no way? Do
I sound rather slow to you today? Are you sound
normal over the phone? So? Hale Haiti? Tell them why
we sound slow to you while you're listening to the
show today. Go ahead, okay. So March twenty twenty, pandemic

hit Lockdown. I didn't listen to you guys live for
the longest time. This is my first day listening to
you guys live. Okay, So, and then tell them you are.
You were listening every day though, Tell them how and yeah,
how you did it well? Starting January, I'm like, let
me catch up. So I heart radio app. I had
you guys on two time speed to catch up. It

took me eight months to catch up to today. And
now you're on regular speed and you guys sound so slow. West.
You're not the first person You're not the first person
who tell us we sound slow, but well, you know
what I mean, not like that. I keep forgetting you.
If you just like other podcasts, if you want to

listen at two time speed, you can and so you
know it goes faster. So you listen to like a
year's worth of shows in eight months? Wow, exactly a
year and a half. That's funny, that's so funny. What
do you miss us on two time speed? Are you?
Are you okay with this new this new pace? I'm
okay with this regular speed. You guys sound good? Okay.

By the way, Haydy brings up a very good point.
You can always hear our shows. You can go way back.
You can listen to all these shows and it's speeds
right through if you want, or you can play slow
if you want. Oh my god, who is that, Haiti?
Oh that's that's myst how fun. Now, look, you have

a great day. Thanks for catching up, and we'll try
to spell speed it up a little for you. Okay, Okay, great?
I love you guys, love you too, Thank you, Haiti.
Isn't that funny? I can't even imagine what we sound
like like that? I think we have it don't we
have the sound of us on two time speed Garrett somewhere.
I don't know what we call though. We'll look for it.
We'll find it, We'll find it. My voice is a
chipmunk and normal speeds. I don't know. I think listening

to Danielle two time speed would be too much. I
want to hear the laugh. I don't. We're about to
get into sound with Garrett first. I'm gonna bring something
up it Maybe if you work in the customs department
at the airport you can answer our question. So we
were in Prague about to get in line at the
delta counter to get our tickets, put our bags in

check them whatever. This wasn't even security. This was at
the delta counter, she says. I'm sorry, sir, one moment, please,
I need to ask you a few questions. Okay, I
thought it's gonna be that typical. Hey, did anyone pack
your bag for you? No? It was why are you here?
I said, to fly home? What's home? I said, new York?

What do you love most about New York? I said,
leaving it? Yeah? I don't know. I mean, at this point,
I'm trying to be funny. I don't know what she's
getting at. She says, I need to ask you a
few questions to learn more about you. How did you
like Prague? I love Prague. What was your favorite part
some restaurant we went to last night? I don't know.
What do you do for a living? Well, I'm on

the radio, well kind of radio, don't the square kind?
I don't know. You can hear us. Then I went
into detail. I wasn't getting nervous. I'm like, okay, I
see what she's doing. She's interrogating me. She doesn't care
what the question. I'm assuming this. If you're in customs,
maybe you can help me with it. I don't think
she cares about the questions or the answers. She wants
to see how I respond. And if I get start

getting nervous, if you get squirmy, yeah, squirm, And it's
hard enough to get squirmy, your little sweaty palm action going.
When they started asking your questions, yeah, like do you
have any powder in your bag? Is a powder? Like
you're a sugar or or salt? So no, I don't
carry condiments with me. I don't know. So finally, ten

minutes in, she says, you may go whoa wow, and
then she asked she did she did this question for
all four of us, these different questions. It was crazy.
So if you work in customs, I would love to
hear what this is all about and what it means.
Do you care to take a guess? No, I have
no idea. Has this ever happened to you? Yeah? Yeah,

that definitely happened to me this trip. Though shockingly, I
always get pulled out of TSA lines and security checks
and all that. It didn't happen to me once. Happened
to Brandon every single time. Wow. Yeah right, And someone
told him just randomly that he looked like justin Timberlake.
And we're both like, no, he doesn't. Don't fight with
the man, Yes, I do. Yes. So when we were
coming back into the country, you know we have Heather

and I have a pre check right and the global entry,
so we just hand the guy our passports and you
know it's mosedly all automated and they have your face
and everything. So he just looks at our passports and
then all of a sudden, out of nowhere goes So
would you buy nothing? I don't think zowasn't hurt me.
I think there is something to what you were saying.
I think they try and see like your eye movement

or something. I don't know. There's there's some some method
to the madness. We don't understand. I would like to understand.
And I feel extra sketchy if you just have a
carry on, so you're not going through and picking up
a bag and then rechecking it and doing all of that.
You just kind of walk off the plane and go,
I'm like, this is fine, We're okay. Just look ahead,
walk out, like Danielle was saying earlier. Even if you
see a police car drive by, sometimes your your pulse rate,

yeah creases. Oh yeah, I know I didn't do anything wrong,
but I feel guilty. And when they start asking questions,
you know, when we give our passports, like you said,
I'm like, I'm gonna say something wrong even though I'm
not guilty. They can put me in a room, but
it's going to happen. I think they're looking for that.
I don't know. I don't okay, So text us if
you know, if five one hundred, let us know. Maybe

if you're in that line of work or something. I'd
like to know, like what it all means, What scary.
I guess that they thought it was suspicious. When I
was traveling to the Bahamas by myself that time, the
passport stamper guy stops me five minutes and starts asking
me questions. So why are you traveling along? I'm like,
because my girlfriend isn't here with me. You have a girlfriend? Yeah,
where is she right now? She's working? Why isn't she
traveling with you? What are you gonna meet up with her? Later?

I said no, I mean meet my friends. Literally, what
would happen to ask for your girlfriend? As you say, well,
she's she said my freezer at Hart But it was crazy.
They like that kind of humor. Give it, give it
a sp next time, part parts of her in my freezer.
I feel like, well, what I wasn't exactly. So you're
saying you're getting nervous as talking about it, yest. So

the friday we left for vacation, I was at Newark
Airport and the guy was handing his passport to the
security A guy to before you you went through, and
he dropped it. He was fumbling all over the place
to get his ID and the security guy goes, take
a second, because the more nervous you are makes me
even more nervous. H See they're looking for calm. Yeah,
so so it goes take a breath and let's try
this again. And then the guy got his stuff together

and he walked through. It was interesting to see that though,
you know what. On the other hand, though, coming back
from a foreign country into the United States used to
be a massive process. You haven't filled out the farms.
You have to stand in line. Now we got off
the plane, cutter bags and just walked right. Yeah. I looked.
I was like, did I miss something? Like? Where the
hell is the place? I just kept going. I think

Nate has someone. You got a live one, Yeah, go
ahead the line twenty four. I didn't get a name. Hullo,
we don't know your name. Who is this? Hi? Teresa, Teresa?
Where are you from Jersey? What's your favorite favorite restaurant? There?
So that's what they were doing to us. I didn't understand.

So what do you know about this? It would be
a fine that you're being deceptive if you start sweating
in a getting real nervous. Powder is just like one
common thing. So, like he said, he is thinking salt
or like condiments. But if you were transporting drugs. You're
going to think a long life of oh crap powder.
Oh no, I haven't on me. You're gonna start slight

and it's a sign of deception. Oh okay. And so
do you work in the customs area. Are you just
familiar with it in some way law enforcement? Yeah? Okay,
so they don't They don't really care what the question
or answer is. They wanted to see how we answer
and how we were responding exactly right. The thing is
living a life and traveling. When you're not asked questions

like this a lot, it can make you're nervous, even
if you're doing nothing wrong wrong right, I mean one, yes,
I was waiting for them to say, could we see
you in this room right over here, mister Durant. I'm like, oh,
thank god, you did spred them. You hurt me, Please

don't take me to jail. All right, well, listen, thank
you so much. So they're looking for signs of nervousness. Yeah, yes,
what's your body will naturally do all myself. But if
I'm a crazy international con artist, I've figured out how
to totally smoothly get through this. Yes, I guess I
don't know. Supposed only five percent of the world's population

is good at lying, but only five percent, only five
five feel we're not in your favorite Eddy, get these numbers,
they're all they're all liars. Can we bring a polygraph
machine in and test us to see if we're good
at lying? We've done this before. Really, the lights of
like hours and hours. It's like it's not as fun

as it seems. I look, thank you so much for
your time. I appreciate it. You're welcome, have a great day. Thanks.
Have you guys ever been in the interrogation room, because
I have many times. Oh, but the reason is it's
because when my husband was not you know, he didn't
have his green card or anything yet, he would get
pulled off the line all the time, and they had
changed the passport system, so he wound up getting deported

right after the shoe bomber. It's a long story. He
was gone for a long time. It was gone for
a long time. Remember you let me go there and
actually visit him. And for the longest time, when we
would travel anywhere, his stuff was flagged and we'd go
in the room and he'd have to explain himself and
blah blah blah, and they'd let us go. But we
always had to give extra time when we traveled because
we knew we were gonna get pulled off the line.
At least you got the conjugal visit. Yes, actually send

me for the conjugal visit. Go get done, Danielle. Hello Dominic. Yeah,
hey Dominic, thanks for calling. I know you work in
customs as well. So Teresa, you agree with it? Last caller, Teresa, definitely.
I stepped out of my car and dropped my kid
off at school, so I missed it. I'm sorry. Well,
she was just saying that they're actually looking for signs

of being nervous and like being thrown off through questions.
I mean, is that basically what you guys do. Yeah,
that's pretty much what it is. I mean, if you
stand out so like traveling alone. Most people go on
vacation with somebody and stuff like that. So I figured
who was talking about they went away and they were
traveling alone and questioning that that would kind of be
a little red flaggish, you know. Wow, So you know

there are more than ever there are single travelers in
the world. So, but but I'm assuming that you have
like a little wiggle room. You can see how they
would normally get a little nervous, so you understand that
could happen. Yeah, of course. I mean you got cultures
and people from all over you know, the world, and
you got to kind of adapt to all that. But

you can kind of also tell with people more nervous
than others and have a little have a little fun
with that. You know, it's like a toying with the mouse. Yeah,
you know, we won't send you to a room or
not then, but yes, a couple of questions extra and
you can see people kind of scirm a little bits
go by, you know what I mean. Next time I
get in teargame, I'm gonna tell them what you said, Dominic.

I love that. It's like, so did you have fun
and progue? Yes, I did? What did you do this
battery to your testicles? You're gonna tell us right now now,
you guys actually hook a test goals to batteries or something.
He didn't even kiss me. All right, Dominic, thank you

for keeping us safe and thanks thanks for listening to
us too. Thank you. I tried to call him like
tons of times, so I'm always dropping my kids off
in the morning listen to you guys. So thank you
for letting me let me be on the show. Now,
we loved it. We needed to hear your your professional perspective.
Thanks Dominic. You take care and be careful today. All right,
you two guys. Thank there you go. No, you know,
but when they started asking questions, you get a little nervous.

Now I'm more nervous than we're walking through is Now
I'm gonna be thinking about every response to what my
body's doing, looking, how I'm looking sweat. So I guess
it's best not to try to be funny. No, No,
people don't appreciate, don't like the funny frog. No. I
went somewhere and they asked me the last four digits
of my social Security number, and I and I just

I gave him four numbers and they were wrong unless
security numbers. Since I was like seven, oh no, no,
I'm sorry, I gave you the wrong ones. I'm sorry.
And then and then of course they're like, well wait
a second. And they didn't wanted more information, but it
was because I was so nervous. Right, are you supposed
to tell them like that you bought a key chain
and a T shirt or not that I don't know.

I don't have yeah, I don't either, But then I
get nervous, like, oh my god, you're gonna find this
T shirt. The guy was walking said, did you buy
anything in Progressive? Yeah, it's not worth anything. He's like, okay,
I have a nice day. It's a freaking coffee mug.
What do you what do you see? If I if
someone had said that to me while they walked through,
I would pull them over and say, Hm, what's not
worth anything? Show it doesn't stuff. But when you come
back from France with like Gucci bags and things, I'm

always worried that I have a fruit or seeds. Don't
don't do that. I know I do have seeds off
at times. Let's get into sound. We'll get hey, good morning, Garrett.
What's going on? All right? So eld Shirt corn Kid,
Remember we played them right before vacation. Here's a what
do you like about Corn? I both sends. I was
so cold as real it tasted good. I love no love. Yes.

So now he's remixed thanks to the Internet, And this
is what the Corn song sounds like? You like about corn? Singing? You?
All right? So switch gears for a second. This happened

over the weekend in Tulsa. So Julie Chen, she was
doing the news and she was showing signs of an
early stroke. And as she was reporting the news, the
people in the back her producers called nine one one.
But this is what it sounded like. The Tulsa are
The Tulsa Aaron Spots Space Museum is hosting a launch
today at the at the at the event um. The

event features live I'm sorry, something is going on with
me this morning, and I apologize to everybody. Let's just
go ahead and send it on over to meteorologist and
oh my god, she must have been so scared. Yeah,
so it was the beginning sign. And then as Nate
taught us about, you know, fast right, facial drooping, yes,
arm weakness, so raise smile, everybody smile, raise your eye. Hands, yeah,

they're good. Stability are you little? Always wabble? And then
I have somebody speak, so so you obviously she was
having a problem with her splitch. But when you're going
through that, as you have twice, I mean it's gonna
be frightening. Well, the first time it happened so quickly,
I had no I mean there was no warning, and
so you knew what you wanted to say. You couldn't
say it is that what? I couldn't do anything in

that moment because I it was the way I kind
of equated. It was like a light bulb popping in
my brain. It just happened so quickly. You know, she
was having um you know, they called something else now
and I don't know, maybe I'm letting you smile, but yeah,
it's it might happen so quickly. It didn't really have

the second one. The second one was just as fast.
I don't think I would have had any sort of
you know, notice on that one either, But maybe I'm
a different kike. Do you remember everything to happen? Yeah?
I do. Yeah, Yeah, it was very scary the first time.
I was like, you know, that moment of I'm gonna
be dead, I'm gonna be paralyzed. You know, you have
just a quick moment to think about those rights. The

thing is you have experience with having a stroke. If
someone has never had a stroke before, they may not
be thinking of death, image be thinking I can't form
a sentence right now, not knowing that it could be
really serious. So the thing is to get to the hospital,
the hospital that specializes in stroke victims, correct, and which
was a sum arn't. What she was having was a tia, right,
which is something I didn't have. I had a full

blown stroke, So that is exactly what one of the
symptoms of a CIA. I'm glad you're okay. Yeah, all right.
Switching gears back to music, Louie Tomlinson dropped this on Friday.
It's called Bigger than Me I Am. We love Louie Tomlinson.

He'll be at our end of Summer Bash next Thursday
at Hutching Yards here in New York City with Ellie
Golding and Young Gravy and Jackson Nikki your all fantastic performances.
Do you want to go all the info at zem?
All right? This happened in Maine. Luke holmbs performing his
show and he wasn't feeling well. So instead of just
canceling the show because everyone was there, he said, you

know what, everyone's getting full refunds. I'm gonna put on
a halfass show for you and uh, but just make
sure you get your refund at the end of the day.
What I think it should be for you guys having
to pay for it. So we're gonna put on the
best reshow we can put all so wait, he said
he couldn't do a show, so he gave the money
back and then did a show. He couldn't do a

full show that he wanted to do. A nice guy,
a very damn best. I'm going to give you everything. Wow,
there you go, he thought, because everybody traveled and paid
for hotels and all kinds of stuff like that. He's like,
I don't want to, you know, trying to get you
in your country people. You see, so you're so nice.

And then it was super cool. But most people thought
he walked out on stage and say, hey, I can't
perform tonight. But he's like, hey, I'm not gonna get
You're not gonna get the best of me, but you're
gonna get your money back, and we're all gonna sing
it together. And he did a full show and then Wow. Finally,
on Saturday, the Food Fighters put on their tribute show
to their drummer friend bandmate Taylor Hawkins, who passed away,
and on stage they brought out Shane Hawkins, Taylor's son,

to play drums on his dad's drums for the song
hero Just a kid, right, Yeah, I mean how young
is he? Do we know? Nature? Wow? Ladies and gentlemen,
would you please walk up? Mister Shane Hawkins on the drum,
Sae starts to son Wow that catch? Yeah, wow, very cool,

very cool moment. You're a good American gold Danielle. Yes,
it's you that. If I can squeeze some Louis Tomlinson
in here, I will do that. All right, it's all you, though.
What's going on? Well, Kelly Clarkson, can you believe twenty
years ago she won American Idol this past weekend? She said,
it forever changed the course of my life. The moment

was the door that opened up so much access and
opportunity and creative partnerships that I will be grateful for
for all of my days. Yes, so crazy. The Jennifer
Hudson Talk Show is days away, she said. Simon Cowell
will be her first guest. And if you remember, she
plays seventh on the third season of American Idol and
now she's got any gun. So how about that? September

twelfth is when it all goes down. And I want
to add that Corey Pallant, who was my intern here
at the Elvis Duran Show for years, is her showrunner.
He is the man in charge Kaffrey is amazing and
he's done so well over the years. So good for you, Corey.
Go get on. My hope that show does so incredibly well.
We're going to definitely cheering them on. Rihanna was partying

with friends at a restaurant and she asked the staff
to stay late because they were closing. She's like, well,
we just want to party. Do you know what she did?
She helped to clean up afterwards. She helped the wait staff.
I've heard that she's so nice. Brianna is very maternal.
She loves to help people out and things like how
cool is that she's around here lately in New York

and she only talks to you, Elvis. You remember many
times she's not interviewed with the people I know. Look
at how this room needs a cleaning. Come straighten this message. Yes,
so Ellen John and Britney Spears. You guys know they
did hold me closer together a little collapse. So what
did she give him to say thank you? She gave
him rocket salt and pepper shakers, and he posted them

on Instagram and some people went ahead and priced them
and apparently they're worth seven thousand dollars for salt and
pepper shakers. Oh no, you get both the salt on
the peppers. I was so upset the other day. You know,
I love my mister bast He does so many amazing
things for people all over the place. Gives money, you know,
great video content over on YouTube. While he was at

the American Dream mall right in New Jersey because he
opened his first burger place, his first standing burger place,
because he's been doing delivery for a while. If you've
never had his burgers, you need to order those because
they're absolutely delicious. The Bachelorette on tonight, TMZ investigates who
really killed Michael Jackson. That's on tonight. America's Got Talent.
Also Peacock season two of Living with a Serial Killer

that's on as well. And that is my Danielle report
Louie Tomlinson. This is bigger than me. Of course, louis
starring at our end of Summer Bash. All the information
if you're want to come to New York from New
York wherever, I'll go to see one dot com. Elvis
Duran in the Morning Show. Elvis Duran in the Morning

Show again, it's gonna be back from vacation. We kicked
our vacation off working actually on Norwegian Prima right there
in rick Yavik, Iceland, which was an amazing experience. It
really truly was, and that that ship is just gorgeous
and our friends at Norwegian we were now part of

the family. It felt pretty good to be able to
go on stage to introduce the new god mother, Katie Perry,
and just basically sounds as if we're a part of
Norwegian as well. It was great speaking on behalf of them.
It was wonderful. Yeah, it would you love about about
the experience. There's so many different things. I mean, the
excursions were incredible. The Blue Lagoon and the Black Ice

or Black Sand Beach were crazy. That club night that
we all had though, I think that might be my favorite. Yes, yeah,
heaving cheat codes performing, Yeah, that was great. Room How
I couldn't understand, like we just kept looking at it
is not even a game room. It's an experience through
Like it's not even like a pac Man. It's like
ridiculously huge truck and you get inside of it and

you put on those glasses. You don't like it was
nuts and room escape room. By the way, if you drive,
if you drive that truck. You need to wear sports
brought ye definitely. The escape room was awesome. We were
the first people to go through it, and I did
something that apparently you're not supposed to do or they
hadn't had somebody do it, which then enabled us to
skip like three steps. Oh I know, but we found

out we did the same thing. Yeah, yeah, don't say
what it is. I tried to get Gandhi to like,
fast up, what was it? I'm not telling anything. They
may have to revamp. That was a wonderful, wonderful experience. Hey, um,
where did this come from? I was reading this earlier
with Gandhi. You know how, especially all the years we've
been doing this show, we see how the world changes.

The things you can say and get away with then
you can't say and get away with now. As a
matter of fact, um, people on the internet. We're talking
about things that were socially acceptable in two thousand and two,
twenty years ago, but not today. Number one, going out
without a cell phone. I think it was better. Yeah,

when everyone's well, well, if Alex and I are halfway
to the restaurant and I say, oh god, I forgot
my phone, Like let's go it happened the other night
to me. I left it in the hotel room, charging
and it was the best feeling. Ever. It shouldn't be
that big of a deal. Let's be oh, you left
the phone and whatever here. Yeah, things you could get
away with that were socially acceptable in two thousand and two,

but not now. Foe hawks. I feel like those are
back though, the mullet of the two thousand Yeah, I
never was a mall rat, were you guys ever a
mall rat? Totally? Yeah? Yeah, not really acceptable anymore. Yeah,
I feel like now, especially the mall by me is
the place you go to get in a fight. But
before it used to be like, oh, our parents would

drop us off at the mall. We would just chick.
Used to hang out at broke Lags mall. Yeah. Also
fat shaming and body shaming back then. I mean, for instance,
if you watch America's Next Top Model from way back
the yeah, they would talk about how they were jiggling
too much. This is you can't do that now, and
that's totally fine. I'd rather you not do that. Yeah,
it's probably better than that. Cool. Even when you watch

like TV shows from back then and they were calling
people fat oh they won. They weren't even fat. But
two like, wow, it was just flagrant one. That was
okay in two thousand and two, but not now twenty
years later. Cold calling people like calling without texting. First, Yeah,
it's weird if my phone rings it's someone. Why are
they calling? I feel like something must be wrong. Yeah, right,

because you would never just call someone. Yeah you still call,
I'm not going to answer. Yeah, we know that. Also
back then, keep in mind, twenty years ago, a lot
of places were still they weren't smoke free. You could
smoke in smoking straight. I was crazy. I was in
France when the day before they banned smoking, and I

remember all the bars saying, oh, this is going to
be the death of us. There's no one, no one's
going to come anymore. They did just fine. They just fine. Exactly.
We knew. We thought France would be the worst. They
would hate the smoking ban the worst. They were fine.
Frosted tips, Oh my god, I did that? Did you
really froggy? I did that? S Sheldon scary different frosted tips.

Never had frosted tips. I did have spiky hair, and
I did have a flat top. Oh yeah, I'm a
flat top Nate, did you have frosted tip? I would
just go full on blonde. I would, and it would
grow out. So then I ended up getting the frosted tip.
I had bad roots. And also something a lot of
people said back in the early two thousands you don't
do now. It's saying that something's just so gay. Oh yeah,

oh yeah. Then being a gay guy, I would all
called it so gay. I'm like, what where is it?
You have piqued my curiosity? I just said the term
peaked my curiosity. Please spell that word peaked, peaked p
e a E Nope, peaked? No is it p I

q u e ed. There it looks like picked. You
picked my mind blown? Um as you can hear, I'm
running out a voice and I'm giving full refunds. Oh today, okay, Luke,
thanks to do this. I don't know what it is.

You know. I was on the We got on the
plane and I had a little cough and we were
I was testing every day, right to make sure, sure,
make sure I'm negative. But you don't want to be
on a plane coffing no, because you were public Enemy
number one wouldn't have mattered on my plane. Lady announced
to the whole plane that her husband had COVID got
sitting right next to you. Yeah, so she was sitting
next to me. She goes, I want to change my

seats with the woman over there because my husband, who's
sitting next to her has COVID. So I want to,
you know, But I'm like, well, but you must agree.
We're living in a world now where you're going to
be around people that COVID. Yeah, and it's just the
way we maneuver through the world. I would rather not know,
Like you don't you blatantly tell me. No, I'd rather
know you tell me so I can stay away. Oh,
don't worry. I had my mask on. I took my

mask off for two seconds to ship some peanuts in
my mouth, and the poor flight attendant was trying to
get me to eat the whole plane. You sure you're not?
You're sure you don't I talking my mask off. Delta
fed us like a bunch of swine. It was fabulous.
I didn't I didn't care if I inhale every little
drop of droplet of COVID on that thing. I was
eating all that food. It was so good. Thank you, Delta, Like,

back to your point, how do you cough in public anymore,
because for me, we were standing in line to get
a taxi and the girl behind us just kept hacking
and gagging and it was starting to irritate me. And
then I'm like, well, she has a tickle in her throat.
Hopefully it's not something worse. Are you even allowed to
cough in public anymore? How do you do it? Well,
here's the thing, especially on I have a tendency to
cough on planes because the air is so dry, and
you know, it has that little spot in the back

of your throat. If you just take us for one second,
you're like, so I had a little coughing fit, and
Alex acts if he didn't know me. I him, Yeah,
I don't know this coffin guy over here. Oh my gosh,
that texted just came in, Elvis. Are you crazy? No
in texts before calling a person? Uh? Yeah, I guess
we all re rolled in different circles, now, don't we.

We always do. If someone calls me without texting, I'm like,
as an emergency, what happened? It's like going to someone's
house without telling them you're coming over. You don't do
that either. I hide under the bed when there's a
knock on my door, and you can't just face time
people without telling them that anyway, Well, there you go,
and keep in mind if you say something's gay, I
will pay attention. You will peak my interests. He loves

a good jerky Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. Galaxy
Z fold four is here to change the way you
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The Morning Show. I don't know. When you go on
a vacation, you want to get offline. You don't want
to be on social media constantly. But everyone smile. When
you have a little downtime moment you go to uh, well,
fabulous accounts like we see you Karen. By the way,
we see you Karen only has one hundred and eleven
thousand followers. I thought it would have more. Yeah, it

needs more, maybe it got. It gets stressful and then
people unfollow it could be it is stressful to watch
all these Karen's out there day by the way, for
her name is Karen. My apologies these awful people. We
were in the airport ready to leave and I wanted
to run in and get some face cream because it
gets very dry on the airport. And a woman walks

in and there was a woman behind the counter. She says, hey,
I'm looking for this whatever cream and she said, oh,
let me, let me ask my assistant. She can help you.
And she spoke to her assistant in Spanish, and then
this lady said no, no, no, no, no, no, you
speaking English nose. And here I am looking up at

this guy whistling while walking backwards out to do I'm like,
oh god, that's so crazy to me when people say
that stuff. I know. You imagine we're in another country
and I'm talking to scary and someone comes over and
they're like, no, no, Italian only, Like that's the right,
we speak together. Let us right, Well, she was just
communicating with someone and who knows cars, I don't know.

That's my point. People are out there looking for things
to get mad at, and I'm not telling you anything.
You don't know. This is not a new phenomenon, right,
We've been going through this through forever. YEA but you know,
but I just start watching these videos and then a
FRIENDE was like, why are you doing that? Yeah, it's
so negative, I said, because it's I don't know, I
don't know why I want to watch these because you

can't believe it. That's why maybe you feel better about yourself. Yeah,
you're like, there are people like this out there. They're everywhere.
It's amazing, and especially when you're traveling you see them
in airports. We've talked about this, what their I love
when the Karen for lack of a better word, is
the one doing the recording, it's like, oh, I'm gonna
get this. Yeah, and they're the one they think they're right,

like like trying to capture everything, like, oh, what did
you just say to me? But you're just filming your
own more any thing, you know what. I don't know.
I'm not I'm still tired from vacation. Is anybody else exhausted? Yeah?
I didn't. Yeah I didn't sleep with last year. That's okay,
we had a great time. There'll be time to sleep
in your dead halfway there, what I'm halfway this? Stop it?

You are not I'll think you're beyond Yeah, no, my god,
you ever at any point. And here's my thing. If
you're gonna say something stupid like that, I'm gonna say
something stupid back to you. Okay, maybe you are. We
in this room probably have fewer years ahead of us
than we do behind. Well I do without Yeah, what
are kid? I'm forty two. There's no way I'm making

it to eighty four that I don't think. So let's see,
I'm fifty eight and sixteen about halfway. Oh my god,
no worry. Hey, they're saying the life expectancies are going up,
even though apparently New York's just went down a lot.
I can see why. Yeah, I can't do all these
carrots out. You're killing us. Oh gosh, you know, New

York is just We were coming back from the airport
last night and there were just zombies walking down the
middle of Busy Street, just down the central line. Like
what are these people doing getting the pizza on the
ground this morning? Like somebody either somebody starting right to
the station when I was walking with the cook from
the parking garage. They must have picked up the garbage

and some garbage fell out of the garbage and didn't
make it. And they don't repick it up. So there's
like pizza slices all over the place. It was like
crust and like cheese. I'm like, oh God, is this
a waste of a great piece? It really is. Um
Speaking of mortality, I don't know if you've read my book.

There's a guy in the book I talked about. His
name is Terry. He was really my first true boyfriend.
I dated a mountain of guys before him. This is
back when I was in my twenties living in Houston,
and he and I, he was the first guy had
moved in with and we got here. We moved from
Houston to god where we go New York actually Philly,

and then we moved together from Philly. No, no, we
moved together from Atlanta, from Houston to Atlanta, Atlanta to Philly,
Philly to New York. And we were together for many,
many years. Wow. And my radio career was taking off
and going places, and he could always get he was
in radio too, He could get jobs, and so he
would pack up. When it was when it was my

turn to go live my dreams, he would come with me,
and it was always it was filmed. Kind of guilty
about that, but he was. We lived a great life together.
Eventually it didn't work out. He wanted to go live
his own life, and I get it. I found out
while on vacation he passed away from cancer. Yeah, I know,
I'm sorry to hear that. You know. Oh, it's the
nicest guy, just the nicest, nicest, nicest guy. You know,

relationships sometimes they don't work for whatever reasons anyway, So
when I got that news, I was just like someone's
took a knife and stabbed me in their hearts, even
though it's been years since we've been with each other. Anyway, Terry,
I know you're listening because you're a fan. I'm kidding.
I know, I know you're you're up there and looking down,

and I just wanted to say thank you for many
great years such a you would have loved him. Great girl,
oh man, great guy. Cancer It's everywhere. Then there's so
many more times that I'm her hearing about it now,
Like every time I feel like I turned around, someone
else has got it something. Yeah, it's crazy and so
in hand hand in hand with what we're talking about.

The older you get, the more friends you lose, you know,
so you know, counting each day as a blessing saying,
you know, thank you for giving me this day. And
sometimes we forget that. Please don't forget that, you know. Yea,
So there's that. Um alright, Bounty wants to wants to

keep here summer fun by giving you two thousand dollars.
I'll talk about this, right, I'll take it. Yeah, we'll talk.
We'll talk about that in a minute. We have a
great concert coming up a week from Thursday. It's our
end of Summer Bash here in New York. The reason
I want to want to talk to everyone about this
is if you're in New York, as a lot of
people are vacationing here next week, or if you live
here in New York and New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island, whatever.

A week from Thursday at Hudson Yards, we have a
totally free concert, the Elvis duran Z one hundred End
of Summer Bash with Louie, Tomlinson, Ellie Golding, Young, Gravy, Yes,
who we're dying to see, to see all of them,
Jack's who we love love her. Nicky your my new
pickles shot Friday. I'm doing pickles shots with Nicki Your

You can win VIP passes if you go to Ze
one hundred dot com and skip the line. It's a
free show to everyone in all ages. It's a week
from Thursday at Hudson Yards here in New York City.
I feel like I'm making class anouncement. Can you push
it back? Can you make summer end later? I wish
people like Danielle who already they're already shooting, shooting, fake
spider webs all over our house. Yeah, let me tell you,

I cannot wave. My husband surprised me on vacation in
the hotel room with a blow up Mickey mouth pumpkin
be inflatable in the hotel room. When I opened the door,
I'm like, it is, Oh, let's go. He's the best. Awesome,
what's scary? I hope it stays eighty five degrees to
the end of October. By the way, Danielle, um, But
what I wanted to say was, um, I think that September.

I want to let you guys know, September is an
amazing month in New York City. There's so many things
going on. They got Fashion Week, there's it's restaurant. What
are you doing in fashion Week this year? Because I
know your loved fashion going to some of the shows.
If I can um. There's It's restaurant week also, and
also the sanngin Naro Feast is on Broadway. This week
is Broadway Week. I mean September. Don't discount September. A
lot of people come here around Christmas time in the holidays,

but September is a pretty cool month in New York City.
The end of summer isn't even until the twenty second,
So I don't understand why everybody celebrates the end of
summer a month early, Danielle, So why are we celebrating
the fifteenth? We need to move them, move it back,
move it back. See and I don't care if it's
eighty five degrees on Halloween it has been, I don't care.
It's still the season. I'm celebrating. It's the season, not

the temperature. Mister Jones. By the way, speaking of Broadway,
can we congratulate our boy Josh Grobin. Yes, she is
starring in the Broadway revival of Sweeney Todd alongside Annelie Ashford.
So congratulations. Next year they are going to start previews,

so so awesome. We love him, he's a great guy.
And Bounty Yeah, you know, I never ever will allow
a paper towel in my house unless it's bounty the
Quicker pick her Up. They want to slow your summer
down by giving you two thousand dollars bounty the quicker

pick her up or two times more absorbit. You can
use less to clean up spills and quickly get back
to your summer fund. You're a chance to win two
thousand dollars from bounty. Excuse me? That sounds healthy at
Elvis Duran dot com. Right, Yeah, the summer's not over.
They're still giving you money. I know. Hey, so cheat
Codes Cheat Codes was on UH Prima Norwegian Prima and

on our nightclub night and we danced the hell out
of that night, did we not? We did? Can Can
we talk about the text message that Nate sent that night?
Slap it? Truly totally at a text message? What was
it to say? It's two twenty three in the morning,
Nate sends out of text, we at the club? Were

you at? We at the club? But tell him tell
him more about what Nate was doing at the club.
Oh and also at the club, Nate put in his
ear plugs. Get earblugs in the club. It was loud
in the club and I wanted to protect my ear. No, oh,
I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell
you something. Okay. Remember when Katy Perry did the christening

the opening of Prima, Yeah, and we had a big
show before she performed, there was a performer named Dottie
Dotty Okay, dad, I all right. He's from Iceland and
he actually came out on stage, kind of an awkward guy,
very tall, skinny. He said, I just want you to
know that I'm a very big deal here Niceland. Yes, right, yes,
he said Katie Perry on the same level, but we

don't know that because we're not icelandic So, Dottie did
a concert and it was interesting, it was it was
fun loved it. So we were sitting in a bar
in London and that's his song came on, Dottie. That
was in Iceland. We were in London and whoever did
the playlist for the club? In the club, Dottie came on.

We're like, holy crap, it's Dotty is. We went online.
He's going to be here in New York. He has
an entire US tour coming out. He's so funny. Look, Dottie,
why do you have to talk like that? Who's your Dottie.
His instagram is Dottie makes Music, Dadi makes Music. Oh,

I gotta go find him. She was weird. I was
trying to text you to do it. Get him so
we could hang out with us. Dotty, I don't know.
He's kind of he's a very intimidating guys. Hilarious his hair.
But look at his tour. He's in every major New York,
I mean American city. He's playing the Hammer's Time here
in New York. We got it to have him, and
he's so funny, scary, play the Dottie song. We have

no Philly more followers. But look look at all those cities.
He's perving Plaza here in New York, Boston, Montreal, Wow,
he's playing San Francisco, in Denver, Rono, in La. We
hadn't heard. This is the thing about getting out of
your backyard and going to other countries. There are performers

out there, There are artists out there you'll never hear
of unless you're in Iceland. And Dottie comes out and sings.
Didn't you hear him again? In London? She's him? Oh
my god, she's and Dotty. His instagram gives serial killer vibes,
but his concert is totally different. He was awesome. He's
married and has a child. I think we have a
clip of him, a clip of Dottie. Yeah, here's Dottie,

a little clip. This is the song we heard now
in London, got on Oh You when we first He's
like eight feet five and weighs fourteen pounds. Right, you saw, Dottie? Right? No,

I wasn't there. I was already gone by time. Dottie.
He gave me sheer and vibes the way Ed plays
Shape of You, where he does the synthesizer, presses the
pedal and then it loops a thing, and then he
comes back with more instruments and he's a one man band.
He was great. He's playing almost every single huge town
or in city in America. It's so cool. At how

many Instagram followers he had, ninety seven thousand. He need,
let me go. Let's all follow Dottie. What does it again,
Dottie want? Dottie makes music. Dottie makes music, Dadi makes music.
Let's make him a superstar in America. And now I'm
following his wife as well. Follow Yes, you're Dottie anyway,
that's all we have from Dottie. Let you know, we

heard him in London. He was so cool. He's coming in.
When's he gonna be at Irving Plaza? It's three weeks.
I thought it was Harry Stimond, he said, Irving Plaza.
It's still a great place. Where are you whispering? Have
him in? We should have Dotti in. Hey, Dottie, we
don't know who you are, and you give off murder vibes. Yeah,
we think we love you. All right, into the three

things we need to know, gandhi. All right. It's the
first day of school in Uvalde, Texas, where kids are
heading back to class for the first time since the
maymash shooting that killed nineteen children and two teachers. Families
later learned that hundreds of the hundreds of law enforcement
officers waited over an hour before finally taking down the gunman.
Students and employees in neighboring school districts are being asked

to wear a maroon or maroon in white today to
show solidarity to those in the city. Outgoing British Prime
Minister Boris Johnson saying farewell speaking outside ten Downing Street,
a day after Liz Trust was selected as his successor.
In his final remarks as Prime Minister, he spoke of
his administration's accomplishments, including Brexit and low unemployment numbers, and

he said that it's we all know. It's been almost
two months since he announced his resignation and they've been
without an official leader for a while. Now. They're about
to go through a long, painful winter in the UK
because energy utility rates have more than quadrupled. They're having
a cost of living crisis over there and a lot
of people will not be able to afford to live

in the winter, the dead winter. And finally, let's talk
about something much lighter. Handlers at the Cleveland Zoo are
hoping for a quieter day today after guests had to
be locked indoors while they searched for an escaped Mexican
gray wolf that got out of its abbots at well
people were at the zoo wow. The search and recovery
took about an hour and a half. They did tranquilize
the animal. It wasn't hurt, no humans were injured either,

but it was pretty eventful. So they're hoping it's a
little quieter today. And those are your three things support
your local zodes what's up, guys, It's Justin Bieber. What's up.
This is Pete and Patrick from Falling Boy. Hey, this
is Stemulavarre with Elvis Duran in the morning show.

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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