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October 6, 2022 15 mins
From The Royals to Kelly Ripa VS Regis, Rob Shuter is here to breakdown all the gossip!

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hello, Lady, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Lady Holly Hello, Hello, Lady.

Elvistran in the Morning show. I love this guitar. Hello, lady, Hello.
Danielle sing among Hello Hello hello hello. Oh yeah, I
probably see if you want to see to us right
now with headphones. All this out pretty good, doesn't it, Yeah,

guar quar anyway, Welcome to the day. We have so
much to talk about, you know what. All of it's fun.
And for vality we go to Froggy. By the way,
Froggy just got a text from someone in Melbourne, Florida. Melbourne,
Florida on the way for the last public's run before
it gets really really bad there. Let's check him with
Frog to see what the latest is with Ian and

everything around Ian. What's going on. As of the eight
o'clock update, still sustained wins have reached one hundred and
fifty five miles per hour. To put that into perspective,
CAT five is one hundred and fifty seven miles per hour.
In US history, only four hurricanes on record have ever
made US a continental landfall with a maximum sustain wins
of one fifty five plus. That's the Labor Day storm

of thirty five, Camille in sixty nine, Andrew and ninety two,
and Michael in twenty eighteen. This would be the fifth
most powerful storm to hit land if it stays as
it's forecasted to do right now, the ADM advisory is
officially out one fifty five sustained, one ninety gusts expecting
landfall this afternoon in Puntagore to Florida right around two pm.

This storm's on the same track that was Charlie was
on in two thousand and four, And to put that
into perspective, but eleven thousand homes were destroyed in two
thousand and four. Ian is bigger, it's slower, and it's
going to be more powerful when it comes ashore and
pump the corder this afternoon. Scary stuff. Yeah, you just
hit some nerve in my brain, in my heart. I

remember I was in Miami during Andrew. That was a
frightening one, and that we were together several years ago
for the Wasn't that bad? Which one wasn't it? That
was irma irma another I storm? Yeah, well, Froggy, Yeah,
I know you're up in Saint Augustine and Jacksonville, so
it's gonna be just a lot of rain for you guys. Right, Yeah,

the rainbands are starting to move in now. We're getting
little gusts and little rainbands now and that will continue
from now through. They say Friday morning, about two or
three am is when the storm should be out of
our area. So it's just time to do what you
can do, be safe, and let's worry about our people
who are really taking the brunt of the storm down
in southwest Florida. Hi, Michelle, how are you doing right now?
I'm okay? How are you? I'm doing okay? Did I

read your text on our show? Yes? You did? Which one? Um? Well,
I'm from Florida, but I was the one that got
proposed to on the Alaska cruise. Um. But now I'm
getting ready for this hurricane. Wow. So what's what's more fun?
Proposals for marriage or a hurricane? I think we should

combine them. Really, they're very similar to turn into the other. Anyways,
So so you you texted in saying you're you're doing
your last Public's run before you hunker down. Yes, yes,
I just went to public started to get pretty windy, rainy.

I got some pop tarts, some Bible and get one
thing you know all the good snacks, probably gonna eat
them all before I'm even home. You know, when I
was in town with Froggy, we were in Miami for IRMA.
We ate like I mean, it was it's almost as
if we were preparing our livers for falk wrong and

got We got crumble cookies last night, so we're prepared
with those. We've got a whole fridge full of food. Wow,
the power doesn't go out. Well, there you go, Michelle,
in all sincerity, please be careful, are you? Are you
little nervous? Are you a little nervous? Um? No, I've
been through many of these before. We got our two
dogs that will protect us from you know, hurricanes. Are

I know you have your friends with you and that's
all that matters. And Michelle, all the best to you,
and I expect you to Ted give us little text
tomorrow the next day let us know. Here're do it. Okay, okay,
thank you so much, all right, thank you? So Rob
Shooter is here. Hello, Hello, Hello, naughty and nice, naughty
and nice. So this is gonna be a great break.

By the way, if you're listening to us right now,
which makes sense if you're hearing me say that Rob's
going to talk about his list, and then Danielle has
a list and you guys can work together on this.
Yere okay with that, Danielle, Yeah, of this is pretty good.
So it's now time for He's his own theme written

by Berry. Men believe what I had to do to
get him to do that. That's a different story. So
your listeners throbbing, where do you want to start? Let's
do some royal exclusives up front. So I love bringing

you news you're not going to hear anywhere else. My
sources in London tell me they are planning to do
a big tour of America. William and Cats. Oh good,
yeah here. We love them. We love them glamorous, young, beautiful,
and I think they want to promote this new monarchy,
this new king, Charles the third is a new crown

and they're very much part of that. He's next in
line for the throne. So they're going to be coming here.
I don't know yet what cities, what states they're going
to come to. Well, they maybe got a manachito of it, Harry.
If they come to America and they don't stop off
at Harry and Megan's. They think we're all going to
be chitter chattering, so hopefully, hopefully that opportunity happens. I

spake to a friend of mine this morning in London
who works for the Royals, and they said that the
funeral was sort of a missed opportunity. There was no
private meetings, so I guess they were busy. There was
a lot going on, but unfortunately they didn't sit down
and decide or talk about the future. So hopefully those
brothers can figure it out. Wait did she talk to
the king, because I thought that Megan asked for She

actually wrote him a letter, which is apparently how she
gets to meet her father in law. Like mine, I
would just text, but Megan had to send a letter.
There wasn't a meet him. But in Charles's defense here,
he was busy, so, you know, a busy day, I guess.
Being king, you know, he's not put on the crown yet,
so he's still he can't wear the crowd until the
coronation rights what happened, So although he is the king,

the crown is not on his head yet. Rules. People
follow the rules, got to follow the rules, okay, okay,
so what else is on your list? I was watching
this earlier. I do want to get to Hooker's pocus,
not yet, not yet. I know that we're all dinosaurs. Okay,
let's move on to Oh, Froggy, let's move on to

Tom Brady and Giselle. Oh yeah, they're really fighting hard
right inside, is telling me they do not want this
marriage to end. If they wanted it to end, it
would be very easy to end it. They've both got resources,
they both get fighting about. I think that they've just
grown apart, so there's no cheating. Let's be really clear
about this. They want to make sure where we all

know neither one is cheating. Just life is hard, and
they've been married now for thirteen years. They both are
incredibly busy with their careers, and so I think they
just have to figure out some time to spend together. Now.
Was she happy that he went back to football without
consulting her? Probably not. But it's not just that I here.
It's so much bigger. But I'm hearing right now, Froggie.

They've left and heading to Miami to get out of
the story to ask if Hurricane Ian could be the
things that forces them back together, could go either way,
couldn't they hunk it down together? In Miami. It could
make them realize how much they love each other. Or
four days locked in a house with you goodbye. No,
I have to make it. My sourcis are telling me
they don't want this to end. They love each other,

they have issues. But fingers crossed, I'm un optimistic. Fingers
crossed pretty good. I would like that. I'd like to
see them make it too. Yeah, they're practicing in Miami.
Not sure if the game's gonna happen Sunday night in
Tampa or not, if they'll move it to Minneapolis. Hey, okay,
I have a question. It was a lot of press
this week about Kelly Ripper's new book. Yes, and I
do know. I ordered it. You ordered it, of course,

Yet the other ordered another book. Say Spice Girl when
Melanie Spice? Yeah, that one I started last night. Well,
Kelly Ripper sporty Spice. Yeah. Now, I know for a
fact that when and Regis left the show and Kelly
Rippert stayed on that they just never spoke a lot

of a lot of Regis's friends were very, very pissed
off that Kelly turned out to be kind of cold
about that separation. Yeah, we might have the same friends. Here,
So what is that People are furious that she's speaking
out about Regis. I think everything she said is truthful,
at least from her perspective. She's claiming it was really
difficult to have this TV relationship where you're thrown into

it by producers, by people at the network. So suddenly
this man that is much older than you you meet,
and then five days a week you sit next to
them and you have to pretend to be best friends.
She said, to the outside world, it all looked really organic,
but it was really difficult. I'm reading her book now.
She comes across terribly sympathetic in it. However, there are
definitely sentences or two in this book that have upset

the Regius friends. Regis is a legend at ABC, and
people within the building across about this, and some even
saying it's not fair to tell stories about somebody that
is no longer around to defend themselves. But wait, contrary,
that's the time to do it. I'm telling you, people
listening to this show the day I croaked, the next day,

they are going to talk smack, even though we know
him and even though he works with us. How is
the relationship from your sources between Kelly Ripper and Ryan Seacrest.
They get along really well. I think they're a similar age.
They have a lot in common. They just have stuff
in common. Regis and Kelly did it. And this is
interesting too, Ryan and Kelly are equals, like it was

Kelly's show when Ryan joined. She's never felt like she
was an equal with Regis, even down to the negotiations.
She said it was kind of petty when she signed up.
Her name had to be just the leterally bit smaller
on the poster than Regises. She wasn't allowed her own
hair and makeup people, she had to use Regisses. And
she couldn't even get an office. Regis had an office

and she had a cubicle. So if you've got to
put two people as co hosts, you got to treat
them equally. And she didn't feel like she was Daniel
and Gandi, do you have an office? Our name on
the post is a little small? Wait? Their names on
the poster I meant, isn't it? And the Morning show

they identified as in the Morning Show that's name. Just
like in all of this, it does seem like she's
being a little bit petty about stuff, because when you
get an offer, and you come into somebody else's show,
like you just said, it's Ryan, It's Kelly show now,
and Ryan joined it. I mean, shouldn't you be grateful
for the opportunity and work your way up to all
of those other things as opposed to just expecting it

as soon as you get there. Yes, And she would
argue that all of this is being taken out of context.
And I have read the book. I'm reading the book
right now. In context, it comes across much nicer than
what I'm sadly stuff. When you write a book, you
run to the index and you look who's in his
in book. So I went straight to the index. I
still read this. I read those three pages and then

I read the book later on, So I think she
knew this stuff was going to be pulled out. The
book overall is delicious, funny, story is delicious. But she's
really honest, and I think that's what writing a book
is probably about very much. So now, m Oh, I
know there's something else I want to ask you about.
Thank God for answering all my questions. So Tom Cruise,

yes is trying to woo David Beckham into scientology. Another book,
this wild book, out by a former Scientologist telling all
and he's claiming that when he was in the church,
the Church of Scientology built a football field for Tom
Cruise to woo David Beckham. The stake they're making with

this is when you retire from a job, you don't
want a football field, you want a bakery. Like if
they're built a bakery or something he wanted, I would
join immediately. So lots of stories the book, lots of
stories about Tom Cruise, and it's it's a soft book
on Tom. But he talks about Nicole Kickman was pushed
out of that marriage because Scientology didn't appreciate her. But

this story about David Beckham, and he's a world famous star,
not just America, a star around the world. They wanted
him to be part of the organization. He never joined,
but they still have that football pitch. Okay, So here's
my here's my question to everyone in the room. Just
as Tom Cruise tried to woo David Beckham into Scientology

with a football field, a soccer field, what would it
take to get you to roll to Scientology? Scary native
to build what they would have to build? Um, I
don't know. A candy factory, candy factory. What about you,
straight Nate? Oh god, that's about bakery candy. What about you, Daniel?
What would scientology have to build for you to woo
you into the fall? Okay? A shoe store that only

I get, the shopping that they replenished constantly with the
latest fashion. Yes, okay. What about you, Gandhi? What would
get you into scientology? Oh? An animal sanctuary with elephants, raccoons,
maybe some chinchillas, all the good stuff. Yeah, what about
your frog golf course with Tom Brady and Tagger with
oh me a bar with naked guys scientologists? What about you?

What would get me into scientology? Is David Beckham? Forget
the now. One more thing. We're all dying to see
Hoka's focus too. You saw it, you saw it last
last night? Was the prendier here in New York. Bets
was there, Kathie Jimmy. I saw Sarah Jessica Parker too.
She was there with Matthew. She never turns up with Matthew.

It's fantastic. It's so naughty and cheeky and campy, and
it's in on the joke. I would go as far
as to say it's even better than the first get Out.
And I think it's because we fell in love with
these characters over the last twenty years or so. We've
watched this every Halloween and it's just such a fun movie.

And the ladies are really in it. They're giving it.
They're all bets already started a room or I heard
her last night saying there's going to be a third one.
Who oh my gosh, I'm so excited. I was so
nervous it wasn't going to live up to the hype
of the first one. Right, this is great. And Rob
he's not going to sit here and sugarcoat this. Oh
I'm violent, I'm a mean all right. Now we continue

with Danielle and Rob on the team as well, and
all of a sudden, we got more to do. We
have a nice conversation, a little debate on the way.
Things on the way. Let's take a break and do
some three things that we need to know with Gandhi,
and then, God, I've got a busy hour ahead. What's
going on? Gandhi? All right? Hurricane Ian is only about
fifty five miles from the Florida Gulf Coast, with maximum

sustained winds now of about one hundred and fifty five
miles an hour just two miles an hour

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