Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Okay, all right, hold on, I also hate Chris. What
would you talk about on your on your podcast firm
Elvis Presents Morning Show. Welcome to the B Team. Don't
take offence to it. I mean it's it's almost an honor.
We are the people that pick up the pieces because
the morning show is is off doing something huge. We'll
talk to Sam in a second as she is grossed
out by a video why Diamond might run out of
the room any second, and Ali is obsessed or becoming
obsessed with the TV show. Talk about teases right there?
Look at that, I kind of want to know what
TV show I'm upset to think of one. All right,
So here's the deal. Elvis, Danielle Gandhi Scary Brody. They
are off to Miami to Chris and our new Norwegian cruise,
the Encore. It's happened in all weekends, so they're down.
They left to catch a plane and their party in
their butts off all night. Basically, then there's us, then
there's us. I always envisioned this like Home Alone. You
guys have seen Home Alone, right, So when Kevin wakes
up from the morning and everyone has already left for
vacation and Kevin goes around the house. Hello, anyone, that's
how you feel. Anyone here? See I feel like that movie,
but I feel like The Wet Bandits where I'm like,
I'm gonna fuck ship up. Wow, they're not here? What
can I do and get away? Want to be the
Wet band is because that just means you would like
you would ruin the show. Then your your object is
to ruin the show. That's not my object. It just
accidentally happens. I've always tried to be mcaulay culkin in
that movie and hide from my parents when they're leaving
for vacation. I've tried it so many times, and being
the mill child, I would think they would forget me,
but they never do. I hate because that movie is
very realistic. You hate them hate it. I think it's
the dumbest. Why do you movie? It's not realistic? Who
believe their child at home? And how many like favorite
different home alone movies where it consistently happens, Like, what
the hell? There's a hundred percent chance that kids should
have been taken by child protective Services after the first time.
So I see what you're saying, but suspend your disbelief.
It's fun favorite movie of all time? Yeah, what's your
favorite movie of all time? Yeah? You know. In freshman
year of college, a girl I liked, her dream was
to just make out in the rain. That's not fun. Well,
so it was like so every like all the stars
had to align. We had to be in a place,
we had to be outside and had to be raining.
So I remember the only time it really happened was
in her driveway, and then like her mom like poked
out of the kitchen like, hey, what are you doing? Like, oh,
that's just romantic. I don't know. I think that sucks,
even if her mom didn't poke her out. But again,
it was like, you have to be in the same place,
it has to be raining, and has to like be
a moment. So it's like all things have to align.
I can't just start making out with someone then hope
it rains, like in the notebook. But you're missing the spontaneity. Spontaneity,
it was spontaneous. Who would have thought the driveway that's
not's not Garrett, that's spontaneous to you. I feel so
bad for your wife. Finally, I know. But what I
was in I was a freshman in college. I mean
don't defend yourself even should go along with this stupid
because she because that was like her, like she wanted
to be kissed in the rain like in the Notebook.
You should have told her, Well, you write a script,
so I find that. So when I first saw The Notebook,
I saw it on DVD, but my roommate had it
had the sack button pushed, so I thought it was
all in Spanish. I thought it was a movie. Note
Book Tonight on Telemundo. Yeah, I was like, why are
so many people like who could sit through this? Garrett
good time? All right? So The Notebook a favorite movie
of all time? Um? Probably The Departed. I know I
watched it. I told I told a guy that I
was into that it was my favorite movie even though
I had never seen it. And then I saw it
and I was like, Wow, this movie is great. So
I guess lying to you find your interest get out
of town. I'm confused as to what made you say
that that was your favorite movie. Well, I know it's
like a guy's guy girl by your favorite movie. That's
your favorite line. Now that since I've watched I've seen
it like seven times, it's now one of my favorite
movie it's become. And I love the town too, probably
because the boy told me to watch the Town. Oh
my god, Alley, I'm sorry, Sam. It depends on the genre.
Give me a genre, favorite movie, comedy, some like it
hot all time, Like you could only choose one movie
to watch for the astie of your life because you
enjoyed so probably probably probably fight Club if you only
make me watch one. But I wouldn't become depressed human
if you have me to do that. I wouldn't see
our genres. And you know I'm going to judge books
by its cover here. I would have put all those
movies that that Ali and Sam just said into Diamond's
favorite category, and then I would have put you two
into the Notebook category. I'm sorry, do you know me?
You put the Notebook as my favorite movie? Okay, don't
say the Notebook, thank you. This is just friends of friends.
This is just friends. I'm not just saying of all time.
I just don't see you saying. I never envisioned you
saying fight Club is your all time favorite movie. I
think I'm so much more sick and twisted than my
coworkers realize. I think that's what That's not my favorite movie.
Go ahead to play the game. Have you watched the
movie Beautiful? No? Oh, my gosh, I don't. I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know their names. Like, okay.
So it's about a beauty pageant queen whose best friend
goes to jail or gets arrested for something that it
was a crime that wasn't really a big deal, but
she was going to go down for it. This is
how good of a movie it is. It's not even
one of the top like Google trends, but it's great.
So and then she has to take care of the
daughter um as she's going through the Miss America pageant,
and one of the biggest rules is that you can't
have a child. Right you find out at the end
that it is her child, and because of her it was.
It's been out since I was four, Yes, I see
not seen it, but I've seen the cover of that.
I'm going to add it to my list, even though
now I have to call it slightly less beautiful because
I know how it ends. Yeah, alright, So it came
out in the year two thousand, uh and it has
uh five point six out of ten on IMDb. Now,
Diamond Buck IMDb, because that is a hold on. You
might thank I and d be compared to Rotten Tomatoes.
Tomatoes has it? You know why my driver Haley Eisenberg whatever,
I don't even think. First of all, the only reason
why I know the movie is because it was like
one of those days in what is it called Hollywood?
Uh you remember, not Blockbuster but Hollywood videos where all
the good movies were taken. And so my mom was like, well,
you have to pick one, that one, but it was
it's so good. Okay, I'll give it a shot. Yeah,
I'll watch it. It's not on Netflix or anything, so
I don't know how you're going to find it. Do
you have the d rent it? So we had to
give it back, but I remember renting it for like
weeks at a time, like we would go back and okay,
we have to return it. No I wanted again. I will.
I will watch it if for no other reason. I
like learning what a person's favorite movie says about them,
So I would like to watch that. Thinking of you, Diamond.
I believe in like love stories and stuff like it
goes back to the notebook, like you know, it's beautiful.
My favorite love stories Moola Rouge Girl by No. I
just like the song. I like the song. It's so beautiful.
You're also a Broadway soul though, so you love the
Broadway esque. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to
be Garrett like you. Yes, I am all right. So
at any given point, Diamond might run out of here,
because early this morning she came into the studio and
just had a question, like one of those questions like, hey, everyone,
I know you go through this too, and no one
has had this problem. I'm confused to the lives that
you all are living. Well. Did you ask Alli and Sam?
Did I ask you about go ahead? Okay? Paralyzing gas?
Have you ever had gas that made your stomach hurt
so bad that you couldn't move? Ye? Definitely. It's the
first thing you said to me when I said good morning,
and that was your Diamond, good morning. How are you you?
I have bad guests? No, it's horrible. Up, you're ready
to cry? Yeah, I'm sorry. Did you are you dehydrated?
First step? Drink a lot of water. Really, yeah, it's
all the answer to everything. It's water of clear skin, water,
good hair, water, web m d come on, I need more,
but yeah, it hurts so bad that I wanted to cry.
I thought I wasn't going to be able to come
in today. I was so like, were you with me? No?
Not the fartest stuff stuck. Were you like pushing on
your stomach? It's kind of like sounds like you constipated.
It's a ps appreciate fart like because really it was
seriously sorry, I don't know. I don't know. And now
I feel it in my neck, but it's in your
new well like it's in this muscle right here. But
I found out like a few years ago, I went
to the emergency room. I thought it was even like
a heart attack, you're just having a far right here
felt like really like tight and just horrible. And I
was like freaking out, and I have really bad anxiety,
so it just took it to another level. I go
there and I'm laying down on the gurney and they're
like the doctors like pushing on me, like on my stomach,
and I'm like, my chest hurt. What are you talking about?
She's like, no, I feel something down here. I'm like,
what the hell. She's like it's gas and I was like,
what are you talking about? Apparently, like the way your
nerves are set up, Like if you have gas and
specific places in your like stomach or whatever, the nerve
will reflect onto like another part of your body. WHOA,
what hurt like up here? And then after all the
pressing around, I farted and it was done and I
went home. All right. So I'll be honest with the Diamond.
We have like four minutes left. It would be ratings
gold if you could pull a fart out, Garrett, I'm
just saying, okay, past the heating pad. I know I
can do it. I just need to move it around.
Upset that she would do it, I'm like, that is
two personal questions. I think we've passed the personal line
as soon as Diamond came in this morning and goes,
if you ever had paralyzing gas, it's true. Listen, I
don't hold farts. I tell everyone when I have to
go number two, you gotta step on the big toe,
is what it is. You know? Because of that, you
are one of the only people I can talk to
when my stomach hurts. Yeah, and maybe I'm running out
during the show and I'll look at Diamond and I'll say,
hold my calls. Yeah. See, it's one of those things
like you do, like you explain your situation with paralyzing gas.
Now as a guy like I don't want to come
out and be like, are you feeling all right? I
want to make sure you're right, but without saying like, hey,
are you know? Is not not far? Like is it cramping? Like?
You know what I mean? Make you anything? You should
be more comfortable you're a parent, no, of course, but
it's still weird for any guy. Oh, your fart came
out of your mouth, finally came out of your embarrassing
embarrassing until after it happens, it's I can't smell it,
so it can't be too bad. But I have they've
been smelling really Yeah, I've had smelly burbs before, and
well and Ali City is the closest one that sit
next to Diamonds, so and she's not complaining, so it
can't be that bad. Well even outside at work too,
like where you guys work together outside the studio you
sit so much more about Diamonds. What can you tell
us about Diamond Alley that you've learned on the past
few months. Don't embarrassment girl, she's you've burped on the
air just two seconds ago. I don't need a back
to back embarrassment a fair enough, fair enough. She's obsessed
with Temptation Island. That's what I've learned about Diamonds and
she she made me obsessed with Temptation Island. Thursday nights,
fans now Thursday nights. So don't you think it's a
little bit of a farce that show because for two
people to like, Okay, we're in a committed relationship, but
we're going to test each other. Don't you think they
go on that show? Go and listen, we could win
some money. Let's go through. There's money involved. Has to
be like they get a vacate, like they get like
they win something. There's a prize at the end of
the show. Turn glory. Yeah, it gets real. Guys. Oh
it's so real. This guy had a Guys, it's a reality.
They're just dumb. And I really told that these people
are no offense, but there there. We should get some
of them to come to the studio. I would interview them.
Would never be able to be in a relationship with
someone who was on that show. I would need them
to take s TD test before they come down. Well
they I think they do. Before you go on before
they come on this show. My boyfriend was offered a
slot in the real world when I was in college,
and I actually, I'm sorry. I said no. I didn't
say like hard, no, I just know how he is
and how his character would be personified and I was
not and not how would he have been personified very
He was very attractive and like a very goofy and
a musician. And I'm like, you're going to be that
guy that they get to flirt with girls because you're
in a relationship, like you are the ideal goofy. What
season he would have been? No, I don't know. I
was still in college, so I was twenty so it
was a long time ago. But but I said I
couldn't do it. I'm like, I'm so sorry, I'm gonna
have to bring up with you. And it's not necessarily
an ultimatum. It's a reflection of me. I'm not secure
enough to watch you like that and I can't do it.
So if you got to do it, I can't do this.
And then he didn't do it, and I feel bad
in retrospect, and then you broke up with him. Yeah,
I mean like a year later, not immediately. My friend's
boyfriend was offered to do the Bachelorette or like be
a guy on the Bachelorette, and um, she wanted him
to do it, and he was like, I'm not breaking
up with you to do it, and she's like do
it now. I'd be like maybe yeah, but he denied it,
obviously declined the offer. By the way, I gave Diamond
four minutes to produce some type of bodily function and
she did it in under thirty seconds. I'm just saying,
so that was so I didn't smell at that time. Well,
that was fun. B squad representing stop saying that. I
like to think of us as, like, you know, it's
a lower case the fifteen minute morning show every