All Episodes

June 19, 2024 48 mins

In episode 21, Gandhi talks to Dr. Brad of My Feet are Killing Me about stalkers, foot fetishes, foot problems, and catfishing. We also pay tribute to Juneteenth, find out who would be invited to the cookout, and find out something very surprising about Andrew.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, it's sauce on the side and I'm here with
my girl Diamond. Hello, Diamond, good morning. Yein't get it's okay,
just afternoon.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
I don't know what it is.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Yeah, I guess it depends when they're listening for us.
Right now it is morning. What's happening?

Speaker 3 (00:18):
The mic is like loose, so I had it low.
It doesn't I'm just gonna look up to it.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Well, I'm excited about this episode and a little behind
the scenes on this one. So we have doctor brad
Doctor Bradley Schaeffer from My Feet are Killing Me, who
now has his own practice here in New York City.
It's amazing. It's on the Upper West Side. We'll get
to all of that butt. We recorded this episode a
while ago. You can even hear it in my voice.
I was still a little like scratchy, a little sick.
I loved this episode. We had so much fun. People

were doing all kinds of things. And then when I
went to edit it at this point it was like
months ago, right. Yeah, there was Andrew's ass talking all
over the recording with his little friend Ben while they
were doing something for the serial Killers podcast, and it
was unsalvageable. I was like ready to flip a table.

I was so mad. Fast forward our lovely videographer Diana,
which we do film all of these, we just don't
post anything really. Every now and then we'll post a
little teaser clip. We don't post the whole thing. Deanna,
who was rolling, saw that doctor Brad was on the
calendar again, because I had to go to him with
my tail between my legs and say, I'm so sorry,
doctor Brad, that great, amazing podcast that we did with

you lost all the audio. Can you come back? He
was cool, he said, yeah, sure, no problem. But when
Diana saw him on the calendar, she said, why is
he coming back? And I told her and she goes, uh,
you idiots. I have all of the audio because I
record this stuff for video, and hers was clean. We
love Diana, Oh Diana. I wish there was what's the
opposite of a burn book?

Speaker 3 (01:48):
I was thinking freezing the freezing pot, but like, no,
that's stupid.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
I'm just gonna say, we love you. We're in the
good book. We'll call it the good book. Deanna. You
are in the good book. We love you for being
able to save this.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
What's this what's the noise? You don't it's we?

Speaker 3 (02:04):

Speaker 1 (02:05):
I like the we and the being.

Speaker 3 (02:08):

Speaker 1 (02:08):
You're part of the good book. We love you, Deanna.
So I am excited to get to doctor Brad because
he has a lot of cool stuff to say. He's
an interesting guy. I will say. During this episode, a
couple people from the show busted in with their feet problems,
I think, which almost made dime In puke a couple
of times. Disgusting, So I say, we just get to it.

It's doctor Brad. We love doctor Brad. Okay, I love
this guy. He is my savior of my foot at
the very least. He's very popular online. He had a
TV show, My Feet Are Killing Me. You know him
as doctor Bradley Schaeffer. I like to call you doctor Brad.
Is that good?

Speaker 4 (02:47):
That's cool? What's up? How you doing, I'm doing great.
Congratulations on your podcast.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Thanks, it's been going really well. So we're super excited,
and I have so much I want to talk to
you about. And I know a couple people already saw
you walk in, and there's no promise that they don't
come in while we are podcasting to ask you questions
about their feet. Are you really for real.

Speaker 5 (03:07):
If I'm sometimes I'm at a bar and people will
come up and ask me some foot questions, So I
don't care. If I'm in a podcast, let's say that's easier.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
Do they whip their foot out?

Speaker 4 (03:15):

Speaker 1 (03:17):
And you just it's cool. Let me look at that
or get away from me.

Speaker 5 (03:19):
Someone needs some help, I'll help them. You know, they
better buy me a beer that geez.

Speaker 1 (03:25):
I just can't imagine walking up to a doctor, like,
could you imagine if you were a gynocologist?

Speaker 4 (03:29):
No? I could not, But you know what, I'm sure
that happens.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
I have a problem.

Speaker 4 (03:35):
Yeah, let's go in the girl's bathroom.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
You have seen it all you okay? I found you
through and our show found you through My Feet Are
Killing Me, which was on TLC, and that show, I
have to say, was vomit inducing many many times. Yea,
how do you not puke at some of the things
that you saw?

Speaker 5 (03:53):
A big shout out to my feet are Killing Me
and TLC. I loved, loved, loved doing that show.

Speaker 4 (03:59):
You know a lot of people deal with.

Speaker 5 (04:01):
Like shame and pain in a different way, and with
feet it's it's a bummer, but you can just cover
them up. With socks and shoes, and you know, you
can cover up that pain and shame. So a lot
of people just neglect themselves down there. And then there's
a market for that, which is TV. Yeah, and they
have to sign up to be on that show, and

there's a rigorous process to checking all that out. But yes,
some of it's gross. Some of it's extremely disgusting and
quote unquote vomit worthy. Yeah for that, but look at
something that I deal with every day. So it's not
that crazy for the professionals to deal with because we
see it a lot. But yeah, some of it's straight gross.
The smells are really gross. Yeah, straight up.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
So I told when I actually you, like I said,
you saved my foot, which we can talk about in
a minute. But I came to your practice, which is beautiful.
If people want to find you here in the New
York area, how can they find sure?

Speaker 5 (04:56):
So I open up my practice as my baby three
years ago. It's Central Park Soul.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
Yeah, your baby's gorgeous, thanks a lot.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
Thank you. I love her. So it's on eighty fifth
and Central Park West.

Speaker 5 (05:08):
We renovated everything at super modern and yeah, I just
wanted to give a newer take on medicine, and it's
just spending a lot of time getting to know people.
Everyone's so rushed these days in doctor's offices. So I
just wanted to make it a family experience. Go into
a living room, you know, no wait time is relaxed,
and take care of your problem.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
And your place makes me want to hang out there
and spend time there. I walked in, I said, wait
a minute, is this doctor Brad's officer? Am I to
day s thall, what the hell? Even the area? It's
so beautiful out there, Thank you?

Speaker 4 (05:40):
And you know what, that's the Bible was creating. You know.

Speaker 5 (05:44):
You you're at a beach. You know, you step on
some creatures and stuff.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
You know, story of my life and animals got me.

Speaker 5 (05:50):
Yeah, you're in pain and you know, scared because the
toxins are going in your body. Well why don't you
take it, take it away and let me know what
let the audience know.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
So to your years ago, I was on vacation in Italy.
It was usually maybe like a year and a half,
and we were having a beautiful day in the Mediterranean,
splashing around and playing and my boyfriend loves to climb
whatever he finds a tree a rock, it doesn't matter.
And he saw this rock formation, so we swim over
to it. He climbed up on it to jump off.

I went to climb up after him, and I immediately
stepped on a black sea urchin. The spines broke off
in my foot. I knew what it was as soon
as I stepped on it. I knew what it was.
I was like, damn it, I should know better than this.
I know about the water. I lived in South Florida
for so long. I don't know what I was thinking,
but I was like, well, damn, So swim back to

the boat. Looked at my foot. There are these spines
sticking out. So I tried to pull the ones out
that I could get out, but they're like fiberglass, and
sometimes as you pull it, they just break off. So
I spent the rest of that vacation just trying to
dig them out myself with a safety pin, with a needle,
with a razor blade. Those little bitches did not want
to come here. They hurt, they do hurt, and but

I was I wasn't gonna let it ruin my big age.

Speaker 4 (07:02):
Yeah, have a couple of drinks exactly.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
I was like, this is fine. We're gonna power through.
So then when I came back, they were still in
my foot and that's when I reached out to you
and I said, what should I do about this? You
told me to send you a picture. I sent you
a picture and you were like, yeah, just come on it. Yeah,
I'm gonna go ahead and get those out. And then
when I came into your amazing facility, you said, oh,
there's more in there than you thought there were. And
then the relaxing atmosphere of the day spaw went away

real quick because he came out with a frazer. But
it was good and it was painless and you got
him out, So thank you.

Speaker 5 (07:29):
Yeah, I mean you guys are all like family here,
you know, from Elvis to you know, you and Daniello.
I mean, everyone's great. So yeah, open open door policy
for the iHeartRadio family.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
You are going to rue the day because we already
arrested you enough.

Speaker 5 (07:45):
No, it's okay, but yeah, listen, that was that was
pretty wild. I spent some time in South Florida myself
and have had some run ins, you know, with them,
so I kind of knew about it. But you know,
when you're in the city you're not running in the
sea urchins. So yeah, having you come in was cool.
Brought me back to my South Florida days also, but yeah, listen,

they can hurt. They can stay in there. You can
wall off that area and create bacteria, create.

Speaker 4 (08:12):
Infection which leads to puss like.

Speaker 5 (08:14):
So it was good that you came in because yeah,
that stuff can just harbor bacteria and stuff, and it
was good to get it out when you did. You
probably should have gotten it out that day or night,
but you know, you didn't want to ruin your vacation.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
I get it.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
I didn't, and then I am always and maybe I
shouldn't be hesitant and skeptical if I'm in another country
to go get any type of treatment. Probably stupid of me,
but I just wanted to get back here and then
get it solved when I came.

Speaker 4 (08:41):
Yah care, No, you're not wrong.

Speaker 5 (08:43):
Whenever you're away, just get it checked out and then
it's your choice if you want to get the treatment.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
And weirdly, Davi, Weirdly enough, our dog Nate, who I
have no doubt again he saw you and I saw
him perk up. He stepped on a sea urchin too once. Yeah,
he did it before I did it, and he actually
texted me from Jamaica and he was like, Hey, what
am I supposed to do about this? I was like, Uh,
go to the medic and get that taken care of.
And he ended up in the emergency department for a

while because he had all those spines broken off.

Speaker 4 (09:10):
Yeah, we helped you out.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Love you for that.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
Yeah, I love you too. I appreciate you that came in.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Okay, So let's talk about your show for a minute
two And some of these things that you've seen. You
don't see a lot of sea urchins here in New
York City. What do you see a lot of? And
what's the most outrageous thing?

Speaker 4 (09:27):
Uh So on the show, it's very broad.

Speaker 5 (09:31):
I mean most of the stuff that is shocking is
like the fungus and the you know, huge humongous bunions
and hammer toes. You know, really throughout time, like your
foot can get mangled, you know, whether that be from
trauma or just you're born that way. So if you
have a very large bunion that develops and hammer toes

is kind of like a car crash formation. And then yeah,
in the front of your feet, it's like those toes
just go up there and crash, you know. So yeah,
we listen, we treat all that, we straighten everything out.
So that's kind of like the crazy stuff that we've
seen on the show, anything from like lobster claw syndrome
to you know, well, you know, some people can develop

like it's called ectrodactyly you get like lobster claws on
your hands and feet. But it's something that a lot
of people deal with. Maybe not a lot of people,
but you know, people do deal with.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
I'd never heard of this and now seeing it as
even wilder.

Speaker 4 (10:27):
Yes, we treated that.

Speaker 5 (10:28):
On season three of the show, a nice gentleman came
in and had and had that issue, and unfortunately there
was no surgical fix, but you can get like appropriate shoes,
so you can, you know, help with every step that
the person takes.

Speaker 4 (10:40):

Speaker 5 (10:41):
As far as my office in the city is concerned,
it is definitely more I would say surgical. We do
a lot of regenerative medicine, so like platelet rich plasma injections,
things like that that people can come in and get
kind of out of the box treatments, but also straightforward
as bunions.

Speaker 4 (10:56):
And hammertos surgery, which is our bread and butter.

Speaker 5 (10:58):
I'm just super passionate about feet, And I was telling
Elvis that the last time I was on It's like,
I don't find feet sexy or.

Speaker 4 (11:04):
Anything like that.

Speaker 5 (11:06):
Yeah, it's just not my thing. But a lot of
people find feet sexy. Oh yeah, there's a huge, huge
market out there for that. Listen, no shame, no shame
in the foot game for me.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
So uh yeah, I tried to convince you when I
was in your office to start an only fans page. Yes,
because you're a handsome guy. People are gonna love you,
and you deal in all types of feet, and they'd
probably love to see your feet whatever it is. I
don't think you're taking me up on this idea yet,
have you.

Speaker 4 (11:30):
No, I have not.

Speaker 5 (11:31):
If if shit hits the fan, you know, I'll definitely
keep that in my back pocket.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
See. I want to do a foot vetest page now
before shit hits the fan, so that people don't know
that the shit hit the fan. They just think, oh,
she's been doing this forever.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
I would say if if a doctor that's a podiatrist
starts a foot page, I mean it's probably pretty lucrative,
but yeah, it's not going to be me all the
podiats out there, go for it.

Speaker 1 (11:54):
Okay, when you were just saying feet get mangled over time,
what are the worst things that people are doing for
their feet right now?

Speaker 5 (12:01):
I think at the end of the day, it's like
just the the neglect again, like covering up with socks
and shoes, wearing inappropriate shoespropriate shoes. Yeah, I mean I think, like,
you know, tight fitting shoes, high heels are are a bummer.
Like I'll even have you know, shoes that I weary.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
We got a foot question, just walk down continue.

Speaker 5 (12:24):
I'll even have shoes that I wear, you know, and
they just create blisters on the back of my heels
and front of my feet and it's just murder.

Speaker 4 (12:32):
So you know, the.

Speaker 5 (12:33):
Best thing to do is like pop a little insole
in there, like something that's a little more cushion supporting
the arch and things like that. You can even use
something like doctor sholes are one of the best out
there that I use and just slide in like a
dress shoe or athletic shoe.

Speaker 4 (12:48):
I just think it's it's so good for everybody.

Speaker 1 (12:51):
So I would say if a pediatrist is talking about
doctor souls, this is good.

Speaker 4 (12:55):
I love doctor soles.

Speaker 5 (12:57):
Right, yeah, absolutely, I think they're just you know, have
been for a while just changing the game, you know,
from different products to insols.

Speaker 4 (13:04):
I've been a fan of there since I was a kid.
You know.

Speaker 5 (13:08):
I'm going into CVS Walgreens and just standing on that
machine you know.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
Oh yeah, they used to read flat feet man. Yeah,
you're gonna have to tell me what I need to
do with my platform.

Speaker 4 (13:16):
Absolutely, I got you. Yeah, you just stand on that machine.

Speaker 5 (13:19):
It shows your pressure points, you know, and they direct
you like what insul to get.

Speaker 4 (13:23):
I think it's legit.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
So our lovely videographer Deanna has a ride. How about
come over to this microphone.

Speaker 5 (13:29):
So Deanna, welcome, Welcome to my office.

Speaker 4 (13:34):
It has a lot of radio stuff in it.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Yeah, all right, Dana, hit him with your question.

Speaker 6 (13:39):
Okay, I may have asked you this before, but I
don't remember your answer and I need help.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
By the way, he's doing this, this is so nice
of you. He's doing it for fun. Yes, yes, prevented
the system.

Speaker 6 (13:48):
So every summer, like the beginning of summer, my feet
peel completely off, and before that happens, I think the
bottoms of them, sorry, not like all my body Before
that happens, they get so each like I literally want
to take it and scrape it on the concrete. Sure,
and then they peel off and like it's clockwork. Like
if I was locked in a room, I think I
would know it's summer when my feet start appealing?

Speaker 4 (14:09):
What is going on?

Speaker 6 (14:10):
To you have any idea?

Speaker 4 (14:13):
I would say that's fungus?

Speaker 5 (14:15):
Sexy, gosh, yummy?

Speaker 4 (14:20):
Yeah, No, I think it's probably fungus.

Speaker 5 (14:22):
If you have that itchy flakiness, you probably have a
little issue with that. It can resolve on its own,
or it can get bad, like really worse. I can
give you a topical for that, that's super easy. There
are certain times of the year that I'll develop stuff
like that too, And it's really just because.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
Your feet are sweating.

Speaker 5 (14:39):
It harbors a fungal and bacterial environment, so your feet
are more prone to develop those things.

Speaker 4 (14:44):
And again it's common. Everyone deals with it.

Speaker 6 (14:47):
Should I wear like different types of shoes to let
them breathe? Like, how can you avoid that?

Speaker 1 (14:51):
I don't know. If you have fairfoot down the streets exactly,
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 5 (14:55):
It'll get You'll get way worse than a fungal infection.

Speaker 4 (14:58):
No, the answer to that that is yes.

Speaker 5 (15:00):
But really, fungus grows in warm, moist environments. So if
you wear a shoe that's a little more breatheable, you know,
cotton socks, different things like that. You know, make sure
you throw them in the washing and dryer, you know,
every night, and don't reuse them.

Speaker 4 (15:14):
Just be mindful.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
If your feet are sweaty, you're more prone to that stuff.
You can wear powder, you can do sprays, different things
like that. Here comes Kay's am I allowed to curse
on this thing?

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Yea hold one second, your nate, Okay, am, I allowed
to curse on this You can curse whatever the gas
Last time, I'm gonna show you a game.

Speaker 4 (15:44):
You got a good enough EXEMU.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
You gotta fix this. I'm sorry right.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
There, What the hell is going on with this thing?

Speaker 4 (15:58):
Yes, that's what I'm saying. Man, I think it's just
a callous because it's just a.

Speaker 7 (16:04):
Cau You need to examine that closer, get real closer.

Speaker 5 (16:10):
I mean, look, it's a possibility that it's a wart.
I mean, I am touching it with my hands right now.
Sanitizer please no, But I mean, look, it could be.
But if I don't have a scalpel in here.

Speaker 4 (16:21):
It just you travel with these things. I know you
gotta be prepared. I'll put it on my necklace next time. When,
by the way, did I just is it on your
other phone?

Speaker 1 (16:35):
No, it's only on that one.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
All right, we'll just come in my office. I'll shave
it down and see what's up, because hey, I've had
it shaved down. You can't fix this thing.

Speaker 5 (16:44):
If it is a wart, it's gonna need an acid
treatment and I can definitely do that for you in
the office.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
No, it's not too bad.

Speaker 4 (16:54):
That's other necklace vile of a fine. No, but sorry
for calling you a baby.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
But if.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
Stuff like that, I love that.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
The problem that he was like, you call me a
baby and look how bad it got. He's still just
a baby.

Speaker 5 (17:15):
But honestly, if if it is a wart, which there
does look like little black dots. So if you guys,
if you have callouses that don't go away and you're
asking me, you might have little black dots and there
that can be a virus.

Speaker 4 (17:36):
So that is like, that is legit. I don't know.
You gotta you gotta what have I been doing with
my face? You gotta strap up?

Speaker 1 (17:44):
Like callases?

Speaker 6 (17:45):
What do you You might have answer this, what do you
think about pedicures and people who like shave callouses down
in those salons?

Speaker 4 (17:50):
What do you think about that? I'm not for that.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
You know. We used to say that those are the
bathroom surgeons of the world. As far as he's gonna,
I wouldn't necessarily wreck of men doing anything for that.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
Because if it is a virus, we'll just treat it
in like one treatment. You should just come in, Okay, fine,
it'll take good. Yeah. It's like I call him a baby,
and then it's like foot in your all right, cool,
I don't around yeah, foot by the way. Yeah, well,
thanks doc. I appreciate everybody.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
Sorry to barge in. I'm sitting. I'm happy that you
guys did to pick with.

Speaker 5 (18:28):
Yes, seriously, a forty six foot bones that's right.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
Anyway, my hands are clean.

Speaker 4 (18:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Oh my god, thank you, Thank you guys. Okay, I
hope you got some answers. You're you're a hero. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (18:52):
I actually I do remember calling him a baby.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
Yeah, yeah, I totally because he is a baby. We
were all telling him that, liken know, and then he
whooped it out, and you just confirming it was so
glorious twice twice in a row.

Speaker 4 (19:04):

Speaker 1 (19:04):
Yeah, So, speaking of the bathroom surgeon, Yes, I've been
seeing something a lot online that I think is concerning.
People will do these TikTok videos of a before and
after pedicure, and the before their toenails are rotted out
and gone, and then they put these acrylics on top
of it. Oh my god, look how I've transformed this
fo That can't be healthy, can it.

Speaker 5 (19:26):
It's kind of like you're covering up the problem and
not treating the problem. And that sucks because just say
you're going to a vacation or a beach and you
want a quick fix.

Speaker 4 (19:38):
Listen by all means.

Speaker 5 (19:39):
Get that quick fix, but know that you're harboring an
issue that you need treated.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
I've never gotten a pedicure.

Speaker 5 (19:46):
I want to so bad, but I see these horror
stories all the time. Just like you're saying, it's like,
you know, you sit in the chair, you get your
fungus filed down, and then it sounds gross to even say,
and then it just gets covered up with like a
acrylic thing or paint.

Speaker 4 (20:01):
It's not cute, it's not a good look.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
I feel like I have asked you so much about
the medical side of everything that you're doing, But I
would like to talk about the personal side of doctor Brown.

Speaker 4 (20:11):
Personal don't.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
Yeah, you know, there's just you have a lot going
on with you from being kind of the victim of
other people getting catfish. Yeah, for sure, you came out
in closet two years ago. You were up in men's
health for the Ultimate Guy. I would like to talk
about all these things, any of that off limits, and

then the running of the bulls.

Speaker 4 (20:33):
I'll talk about whatever.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
Which one do you want to start with?

Speaker 5 (20:35):
First, Let's talk about running the bulls because that's kind
of just happened.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
It did.

Speaker 5 (20:40):
Yeah, So I just went on a vacation with a
bunch of my buddies and for my friend's bachelor party.
He wanted to run with the bulls and I was
all down for that. That was bucket list for me,
and I said yes. But you know, in doing so,
there's a lot of backlash that comes with something like that.

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Well, you made the killer mistake of posting about it.
You could have just done it, but you shared your
joy with the world.

Speaker 5 (21:06):
No, listen, it is totally messed up in a variety
of different ways. It is their culture, and you know,
it's it basically supports Pomplona in general, like that event
and the marketing of it and things like that, and
the people they are very proud of it, and you know,
they really respect the bulls. Not in their end stage,

but yeah, they're put up on a pedestal, and you know,
it's kind of like the Rockefeller Tree. You know, the
people that have that tree are very proud to donate
that tree to New York City or Rockfeller or whatever.
You know, they're very proud to have their bullpicked. So
I'm not going to say I'm an expert on it.
Literally I went there to have fun, run and experience

something just you know, out of this world. But the
aftermath of it, I did not know. They necessarily were
unfortunately harmed.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
Right, So, for people who don't know, the running of
the bulls happens in Pimple into Spain. Yes, they legitimately
run through the streets with bulls chasing them.

Speaker 4 (22:08):

Speaker 1 (22:08):
And then at the end of this do all I
actually don't even know, do all of the bulls die?
Do they meet their end?

Speaker 4 (22:15):
I'm pretty sure? Okay, yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 5 (22:18):
You go into a you know, a huge stadium, and
you know you kind of dodge them and stuff.

Speaker 4 (22:23):
That that's in the stadium. Still.

Speaker 5 (22:25):
Yeah, yeah, So it's the streets to this little stadium
and then they go to another stadium where the mattador fights.

Speaker 4 (22:33):
Them or or whatever you want. Each one of them does, yeah,
each each bull?

Speaker 1 (22:37):
How many bulls are there? Because it looks like.

Speaker 5 (22:39):
They throw it out there and say, I don't know.
For some reason, I feel like I'm saying five.

Speaker 4 (22:44):

Speaker 5 (22:44):
I went and stayed for one and saw like how
ridiculous it was, and it was straight up cringe and
our whole group left. You know, culturally I get it,
but it is definitely sad and messed up.

Speaker 4 (22:58):
It was. It was pretty crazy.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
How those were you to the bulls when you were running.

Speaker 4 (23:01):
It's a street the size of this room. It is
not that large.

Speaker 5 (23:06):
And you're lucky if you pick the right side and
they run the left, because then you'll dodge them. But
if you're on the left, you're getting trampled.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
How many people run approximately, it was like hundreds thousands.

Speaker 5 (23:18):
I couldn't even say I pulled five bulls out of
my behind, but I'm not sure how many people were
actually there.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
Okay. It's really fascinating how social media people think that
they have a right to tell you what you should
and shouldn't do with your life because they're a fan
of yours. I'm so fascinated by that dynamic and how
it works and how people think that all their opinions matter, right.

Speaker 5 (23:40):
Yeah, I mean, look, there's a couple of ways to
go about social media. It's you have to be authentic
and true to yourself. I don't get too wild with
like politics or you know, different things like that.

Speaker 4 (23:52):
But I really respect people that do.

Speaker 5 (23:55):
My platform straight up is really just about like positivity,
you know, health, wellness, fitness, you know, and in my opinion,
just trying to inspire, you know, and let people know
they're not alone in different struggles that they have, which
is the reason why I came out, coming out whatever nowadays.
But you know, it didn't used to be right, you know,
and that wasn't long ago, and people do forget that,

and it's it's pretty much bs, it's still happening to
this day that people, you know, give shit about just
two guys being on a commercial.

Speaker 1 (24:25):

Speaker 5 (24:26):
I would have loved, like an athlete coming out when
I was young that would have really struck a chord
in me.

Speaker 1 (24:31):
And I think that one's actually still pretty rare.

Speaker 4 (24:33):
Yeah, it totally is. And you know, I get it.

Speaker 5 (24:36):
I played sports my whole life, but like that would
have meant a lot to me. You know, I don't
know someone like me or you know, in the medical
community that does come out. Maybe it speaks to someone,
maybe it doesn't, but I've heard that it did. So
I'm happy that that that went down the way.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
I'm sure that it did, because I mean, in a
different way. I didn't see me growing up either. I
never saw Indian people on mainstream TV anyway. And for
both of us. Now you might not I say this
all the time, you might not have gotten to see you.
But now you get to be you, and you get
to be the person that other little kids are gonna
look at, and you get to say, hey, look here

we are. If you're feeling this, if you're a little different,
whatever it is, you're not alone and we're right here.
So that's pretty awesome. Did you face backlash when you
came out, No, not a ton.

Speaker 5 (25:22):
But one of the main things that you know you
do here is like this is old.

Speaker 4 (25:25):
You know, it's not you know, why are you doing that? Yawn? Yeah,
it's like, I'm not doing this for me. You know,
I was. I was gay, Yeah I was.

Speaker 5 (25:33):
I was straight fine with it. Maybe not straight, but
I was. I was fine with it.

Speaker 1 (25:38):
Well, I bet there was one group of people who
were in sensed. And I say this because I have
seen your fan base and some of them have interacted
with me in very crazy ways. Doctor Brad. I'm afraid
for you. I'm afraid for me. You have this following
of specifically women who are obsessed with you. I mean obsessed.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
You know.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
I'm preaching to the choir here obviously, but I've posted
a few pictures with you, when you helped me out
with my foot and when you were on the show,
and these women just come in hot man. They are like,
doctor Brad, is my love, here's my everything? Who are you?
What are you doing with doctor Brod? Why is this happening?
They could not have been happy when you were like
hmm coming out of the closet. Ladies, sorry, you have

no chance.

Speaker 5 (26:18):
Yeah, you know, I lost a lot of followers from it, really. Yeah,
and yeah, at the end of the day, I didn't
think it was like negative. It was just you know,
maybe find someone attractive and that happens, you might unfollow
them because you know it's not attainable.

Speaker 4 (26:30):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
I'm just you know, I love that they thought it
was attainable before.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
It's maybe I don't know. You know, hey, that world
is wild. I love it all.

Speaker 5 (26:38):
But the negative side of that is people can you know,
use your likeness and speak to these people like they're.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
You, which has happened a lot with you.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
It happens a lot with me.

Speaker 5 (26:50):
It's called catfishing, and you know, with they call them scammers,
and that's fine, they are scammers. So catfishing scamming people
for money, right, So yeah, they just they take a
picture and they make an Instagram account or a Facebook
account and then they just chat with.

Speaker 4 (27:08):
You like they're me. And I've had I've literally been
in Syria.

Speaker 5 (27:13):
I've been you know, in Afghanistan in hospital beds and smiling.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
You were in the hospital dead smiling, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (27:20):
In a gown, smiling, And people believe that I'm laid
up in that country and trying to get out and
I need money from them. So everyone out there, if
you're listening to this, I have one account. I'm verified
I'm in the States most of the time. Unless I'm
running with the bulls in Spain.

Speaker 4 (27:40):
I'm good.

Speaker 5 (27:41):
So don't fall for this stuff like people have it
happen with social security stuff. You know, older people do
a lot. And it's just sad that this is happening. Literally,
it's appalling because who doesn't want to be in love?
Flirting with somebody on Instagram can be fun, sure, you know,
and especially if it's someone that you find attractive and stuff.

So I get that this is all new and exciting
until it's not and people ask you to see thousands
of thousands of dollars and mortgage your home and then
you get divorced because your husband finds out like this
has all happened.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
You broke up. You broke up a marriage.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
Absolutely, this is awful. No, I didn't break up the marriage.
I didn't break up the marriage.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
Yeah, the scammers broke Wow, that's really sad.

Speaker 4 (28:28):
You know.

Speaker 5 (28:28):
One of the most crazy things is I had a
lady come into my office when I just opened Central
Park Soul and nice lady comes in seated in the chair,
very distraught. She brings out her phone and she asks
if I'm this person speaking with her. I said, no,
explained what calfishing was to her. She broke down in tears,

saying she lost everything that she had. I just sat
with her, you know, I saw people back and forth,
but I just let let her in the room, sat
with her and just went over what was happening. She
she had a video on WhatsApp of the guys in
street smoking a blunt, drinking a forty, literally chilling in
the street telling her that she's being catfished, and she

still wouldn't believe it.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
The people who were catfish told you she's being catfished.

Speaker 5 (29:16):
The guy, the one guy goes, my boys will not
let you alone. But you keep sending them money. I'm
telling you stop sending my friend's money.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
Someone tried to save her.

Speaker 5 (29:28):
Yeah, he goes, this is what we're doing with your money,
and then shows them in the street just partying.

Speaker 4 (29:33):
It was freaking crazy.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
That's very crazy. That speaks to a lot of things, though,
One how powerful the mind is when it wants something,
it wants to create a story, it will do it.

Speaker 4 (29:41):
So also how.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Powerful loneliness is and how sad it is, and what
you will believe if you are lonely and you just
really want this to happen.

Speaker 5 (29:48):
Yeah, but literally, there should be commercials about this because
it affects so many people. It should speak to yeah,
like age related things because of different demographics and you
know age groups, like it affects them.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
When the Internet first popped onto the scene, everybody was
so worried about how kids were going to handle it.
Oh my gosh, it's going to inundate them with all
of this stuff. Younger people know how to navigate this
because we've grown up with it and you've seen it.
It's the older people that are getting scammed that we're
so worried about. Everybody else our parents man left and right.
They're falling for stuff, They're letting people in their computers.

They're getting catfish in every way possible. I heard that
Words with Friends scams oldsters all the time. It's just
all bizarre. I know you're laughing, Diamond, but it's true.

Speaker 5 (30:34):
No, it's so true because again, loneliness, it really it
really preaches and speaks to everyone's little struggle with that,
and I just think it's sad.

Speaker 4 (30:43):
I just think everyone should be aware.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
And if somebody is not willing to FaceTime you red flag, yeah,
that's a big one. I mean, with technology anymore, there's
no reason why you should wonder anything. You can pick
up a phone and you can call them. You can,
what's app them, you can. There are one hundred different
things you can do, and it's just really sad that's happened.
It actually happens to one of the guys on our show, Scottie.
People use his likeness all the time to stand people.

Speaker 4 (31:08):
He was telling me, you know, right before he showed
me as his hammer toes.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
He showed you his toes. That guy's are you ever now?
I know that one woman showed up and you had
a conversation with her. Have you ever had some kind
of like crazy stalker people pop up at your practice?

Speaker 5 (31:25):
Oh my gosh, I had a dude from California. I
have a restraining order against him. Oh yeah, no, this
this is legit serious. So yeah, just sent me a gift,
which is nice, but you know, you just necessarily donate
or don't accept, you know, gifts. So I just wrote

him back and said, you know, appreciate the you know,
the sports memorabilia. I'm going to donate this to you know,
a center here. Got pretty upset by that, steamrolled into hate,
hate speech, death threats, I hate you basically.

Speaker 4 (32:07):

Speaker 5 (32:08):
He first portrayed himself like he was a female, like
because I guess, yeah, catfish me.

Speaker 4 (32:14):

Speaker 5 (32:15):
Then he started a Facebook page of like doctor Bradley Cares.
But it was really just me like out, you know,
with pictures of like my partner and I like trying
to out me.

Speaker 4 (32:27):
It was super weird.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
So this was before you came out.

Speaker 5 (32:30):
Yeah, it was yeah, And but like I said, I
was out, just not publicly right, So I didn't care
that I didn't.

Speaker 4 (32:37):
It didn't matter me.

Speaker 5 (32:39):
But when he started like taking pictures of my office
and then like doing bomb threats to.

Speaker 4 (32:44):
It, that's when I had to get the police involved.
I was.

Speaker 5 (32:47):
I was very scared in this situation. It was probably
one of the scaredest I've ever.

Speaker 4 (32:52):
Been in my life.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
Has that situation ever since you got it's come.

Speaker 4 (32:54):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (32:55):
The dude's on the run right now. Yeah, it's I
know his name and everything. It's absolutely awful. Apparently he
can't fly.

Speaker 1 (33:03):
Of course, he's on a no fly list.

Speaker 5 (33:05):
Yeah, so we're trying to get him to court and
stuff just to see what's going on here, mental health
issues or whatnot. But do you know out of me absolute.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Do you have security and stuff over.

Speaker 4 (33:18):
There, Yes, for sure.

Speaker 5 (33:21):
Yeah, that's the negative aspects of this, but I'm telling
you like the positive stuff that has happened, not just
to myself, but you know, in general, it's all been
worth it.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
One of the things that we talked about was you've
had a great time with the five seasons that you
were on TLC, but one of the best things that
you got from it was your practice. Yes, you have
to follow your dreams.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
Yeah, that honestly was always the light at the end
of the tunnel. You know, when you're a doctor, it's
so hard to just get out and get on your own,
especially in this day and age with you know, insurances
and you know, you have to see more people. The
quality of care goes down. Medicine is a challenge in
this day and age. So just to be a young

doctor get out on your own so you're not working
for someone anymore and everything is just yours. You know
that That really is really what I wanted. I wanted
to be my own balls. I wanted to build my
vision of what my practice should be, you know, dedicate
tons of time to people, you know, like when you
came in. We knew each other before. But I treat

everyone like their family. I dedicate time they're there thirty, forty,
you know whatever minutes, rather than being in there five
and basically just going in there giving someone an injection
and a high five, pat on the ass and say
I'll see.

Speaker 4 (34:35):
You next week.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
Hey, they'll come in just for that, maybe.

Speaker 4 (34:39):
The pad on the ass.

Speaker 5 (34:39):
Yeah, but yeah, no, it's it's it's sad the way
that medicine has turned. You know, shout out to all
doctors and nurses and you know medical professionals out there.
But yeah, it's wild what you know, insurances and stuff
have done to medicine.

Speaker 1 (34:54):
It's terrible.

Speaker 4 (34:55):
Yeah, but the light at the end of.

Speaker 5 (34:56):
The tunnel was my practice, and I wrote through all that,
and I have the practice now that I think everybody
would want to come to and feel love.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
I can attest to this. I have been there. And
one of the things that I say all the time
I will not endorse and I will not talk about
is anything that has to do with invasive medical treatments
or doctors. I don't want to be responsible for telling
somebody to go somewhere or do something that could hurt them.
I have been to your place, I have been treated
by you. So when I say it's amazing, trust me

on this one. Our sales department's gonna be so mad
because I I'm not going to talk about a doctor
and get out of here. But I know for a
fact that you're good. So yeahciate that. No, I appreciate it.
You save my foot, Thank you. You practice what you
preach as far as wellness goes. Because Men's Health, you
are one of the finalists for the Ultimate Guy? Is
that what it's called?

Speaker 4 (35:47):

Speaker 1 (35:47):
What a title?

Speaker 4 (35:49):

Speaker 5 (35:49):
Seriously, what does that mean? So they have a contest
every year and they're doing great things. It's really just
rescripting what their version of the Ultimate Guy should would be.
Back in the day, it was like Arnold and different
guys you know that was really big into like tons
of muscles and just like what the eighties and nineties

version of a male looked like. Right, So nowadays it's like, like,
I'm not huge like that, I'm fit. I definitely take
time for health and wellness. I'm a gay guy.

Speaker 4 (36:23):
Things like that never.

Speaker 5 (36:24):
Would have been shown in Men's Health. The guy that won,
he was he's a veteran. He had an unfortunate incident
overseas where he you know, lost some parts of his body.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
And his story.

Speaker 5 (36:39):
He's a teacher, super inspiring, really practices what he preaches
about mental health, therapy, fitness.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
He's freaking jacked.

Speaker 5 (36:48):
Aside from like what happened to him, He's has a
beautiful body, personality, and he just he should have won.
Oh my gosh, for sure, I wanted him to win.
I can't believe that I was picked.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
Well, congratulations on everything. It seems like you've got a
lot of good stuff happening. And I've told you this before.
Whenever you need us, if you just want to pop in,
you're one of our favorite guests, So just hit us
up anytime. We would love to see you. They love you.
They would all love to stick a foot in your face,
I know. And you can bring your acid and your tools.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Yeah, I know, I know. Now he needs to come in.
I'll take care of him.

Speaker 5 (37:23):
But yeah, all of you guys really appreciate the love
throughout all these years. And yeah, like I said, open
door policy for sure, and thank you for extending that
to me.

Speaker 1 (37:32):

Speaker 4 (37:33):
I will be back.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
If people want to find you online, how do they
find you?

Speaker 4 (37:37):

Speaker 5 (37:37):
Instagram's at doctor Bradley and my website is www dot
Central Parksoul.

Speaker 4 (37:45):
That's so ol e dot com. I see what you
did there, that's it play on words.

Speaker 5 (37:50):
My motto at my practice is like, imagine life without pain,
Imagine soul. We're on the Upper West Side with John
Lennon and everything like that, so it's a play on imagine.

Speaker 1 (37:59):
And if you're hearing all of this, we're gonna link
it also so you'll be able to find him there
and thank you. Okay, So for you, what was the
grossest part of that Nate's feet. I didn't even see

his foot my computer was blocking it. Was it very white?
What was happening?

Speaker 4 (38:24):
It just.

Speaker 3 (38:26):
It just looked in my head what slimy feet looked like.
It wasn't slimy at all. But it just made me
like the way he took the shoe off and stuff.
I was expecting it to stink. Why I stayed far
away so I don't know, but yuck. Deanna too. I
didn't like the fact that she took her damn shoe
off either. I'm like, keep your shoes on unless you're

actually in his office.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
I don't know, I could picture Nate's foot and I
didn't see it because again my laptop was really blocking it.
But I could picture Nate's foot being extremely white and
extremely clammy.

Speaker 2 (38:59):
It was very and I don't want to know if
it was clay.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
So today, if people are listening on the day that
this actually came out, it is June teenth, and we
have the day off.

Speaker 2 (39:11):
Come on, I love that for us, nap.

Speaker 1 (39:15):
Is that what you're doing today? You're napping today? I
think I'm probably doing the same thing. From being honest,
it's great.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
Cheers to us.

Speaker 1 (39:21):
So I have a question for you. It probably can
only be addressed in the podcast. Okay, we played a
game yesterday on the air songs for the Black Cookout,
and one of the things that you had mentioned was
if you get an invite to a black cookout. So
I ask you, who on the show gets the invite
to the Black cookout?

Speaker 2 (39:42):
Yep, only you and Andrew.

Speaker 1 (39:44):
That's it. That's it. That's it. And what are the
reasons behind this? What gets someone invited to the cookout
and what keeps people from coming to the cookout? You
understand the culture.

Speaker 3 (39:54):
You have to you have to number one, be open
to it, but also just know that you don't know everything.
I think that you guys are very like you understand,
like okay, I've seen certain things on social media or
like we're really close, so you get it. You have friends,
you have black friends, does Andrew Yes? Yeah, so you
guys get it. And then also you're like open to

learning more, you know what I mean. I feel like
some people on the show would be like, oh, we
don't do that, and it's like, duh, that's the point,
like you know what I mean. So and I don't
feel like having to explain things to people like no, no, no.

Speaker 1 (40:29):
We already had to try and start explaining why raisins
and the potatoes salad will be terrible.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
Please, somebody DMed me about this already.

Speaker 3 (40:35):
And I just want to know what the fuck would
make you put raisins in potato salad.

Speaker 1 (40:39):
I think I don't like raisins in anything. There's almost
nothing that I taste it. It has a raisin and I'm
like that raisin improved it. No, I almost always hate raisins.
There's actually something called chicken machanie or buttered chicken, and
sometimes they put raisins in it. It's horrible. I hate
when they do that. So please, if you're ever around,
let's leave the raisins out. Thank you?

Speaker 2 (41:00):

Speaker 1 (41:00):
Okay, please, No, I don't want them. I don't want
the reasons. So happy Juneteenth? Do we say happy?

Speaker 2 (41:06):
I don't know. We were talking about that earlier. It's
not really.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
Happy Memorial Day the day off.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
You know, Hey, yolo.

Speaker 1 (41:14):
Happy Christopher Columbus say, oh hey, whoa rain? That in cool?
So I hope that everybody is doing something to take
in the day and maybe educate yourselves a little bit.
If you don't know what Juneteenth is, now is the
time to go and google it? Could we tell you? Yes?
But I think it's more fun to give people homework.

Speaker 2 (41:31):
Yeah, oh my god.

Speaker 3 (41:32):
Should people like reach out and say I learned this
on Juneteenth?

Speaker 1 (41:37):
I would love that. Oh my god, dm us right
now you can either do it to at Diamond Sincere
on Instagram or at Baby Hot Sauce on Instagram. I
would love to know what you learn from this. I
would actually love to know what anybody's learning from any
of the podcasts that we do it. It'd be great cool.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
Yeah, tell us what has Gandhi taught you?

Speaker 1 (41:56):
I'm kind of like that. I mean, I'm not teaching
anyone anything, but I'm asking a lot of questions someone
else is teaching, and I'll take it either way. We're
back to our ask me any things?

Speaker 2 (42:06):
Are you ready?

Speaker 1 (42:08):
I was until you just said it like that.

Speaker 2 (42:11):
Okay, am I saying the person's name?

Speaker 1 (42:13):
Sure if you want to?

Speaker 3 (42:14):
Okay at Stephanie for you, which I kind of think
is like cool, Like you know, Stephanie is a common name, yolo. Anyway,
Stephanie wants to know how often do you actually get
stoned because she thinks that you're joking about how much
you act.

Speaker 1 (42:27):
Oh, that's funny. I think you're probably right that I
don't get stone nearly as much as they say. I
don't even use the word stone. That word, to me
is very funny. Oh she puts the stone slash high,
So okay, stone I find hilarious. And I find the
word pot hilarious. If I'm ever using the word pot,
I am being facetious because I say high and I
say weed. I smoke. It goes in spurts. Sometimes I'll

smoke a little bit every day for like a week,
and then I'll go a month without smoking. I prefer
mushrooms to smoking any day of the week.

Speaker 2 (43:02):
Oh my god. Someone told me that they're going to
give me some.

Speaker 1 (43:05):
Are they gonna be there when you do them?

Speaker 2 (43:07):

Speaker 3 (43:08):
Well, first of all, you know me, I'm not gonna
do it. So I was like, don't waste it on me.
But she's like, no, it's such a good experience. I'll
get you that, and I was like, no, it's not no, no, thanks, babe,
it's amazing you.

Speaker 2 (43:19):
Babe, don't know me if you think i'd like it.

Speaker 1 (43:21):
No, here's the thing. I do know you, and I
don't think that you would allow yourself to just let
go nearly as much as you would need to to
enjoy it. I think that as soon as you started
feeling a little funny, you would for like flip out.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
Absolutely. Yeah, see, you know me.

Speaker 1 (43:36):
I do. But when we do our off the gird chip,
which is happening not on I'm gonna keep saying that
because I really want it to happen. What is your
intoxican of choice? You don't have to do anything if
you don't want to coffee? Please, I don't drink. I
saw you last time.

Speaker 2 (43:51):
Oh my god, we drank a bar.

Speaker 1 (43:53):
No, you drag a bolline. I was sick and then
climb the side of the r V and also ran
off off. What was Andrew doing? He just come on in?

Speaker 2 (44:02):
What let's talk about it?

Speaker 1 (44:05):
You what Diamond said? You would get invited to the cookout?
I would?

Speaker 4 (44:09):

Speaker 1 (44:09):
I got on me, the two of us. What have
you come here for? What do you want?

Speaker 7 (44:13):
I feel like maybe Josh would get invited.

Speaker 2 (44:16):
Really you think so, mister Metallica himself.

Speaker 7 (44:20):
There's black Metallica fans.

Speaker 1 (44:23):
Sure they're black Trump fans.

Speaker 7 (44:25):
Oh well, okay, see what you're saying. Oh honey, wow,
so I get invited? What should I bring?

Speaker 2 (44:33):
Nothing? Okay?

Speaker 1 (44:34):
Well, what did you bring?

Speaker 7 (44:37):
Probably like a nice bottle of something like a like
a nice champagne for partying, or maybe a nice wine
depending on the mood.

Speaker 2 (44:45):
Well, I'll take that from you, as long as you
didn't try to cook.

Speaker 3 (44:48):

Speaker 7 (44:48):
What if my mom cooked?

Speaker 2 (44:49):

Speaker 3 (44:50):
But I don't really think Italian food is like barbecue food.

Speaker 7 (44:54):
I don't know pasto is delicious?

Speaker 3 (44:56):
Sorry allergic? So if it's my cookout, you're not bringing
that thing.

Speaker 1 (44:59):
Okay, it all sounds good.

Speaker 7 (45:01):
So I guess I'll just bring a nice bottle of wine.
And just relax and mind my business.

Speaker 2 (45:05):
Right, I have a question for you. What do you
put raisins in your potato salad?

Speaker 7 (45:10):
I hate potato salad and no, that's get out potato salad. Discussing,
it's just meoi potatoes get.

Speaker 1 (45:18):
Out like pasta salad.

Speaker 4 (45:19):
Though, Oh.

Speaker 1 (45:22):
Andrew, what are you doing to acknowledge and take in Juneteenth?

Speaker 7 (45:27):
Well, first of all, I am a card carrying member
of the NAACP, Thank you very much. I donate every month.

Speaker 1 (45:35):
So therefore are you crazy? Literally has a black My god?

Speaker 7 (45:41):
Listen, I've been donating every every month for about five
solid years.

Speaker 2 (45:47):
Now, right, so using black people for a tax right off?
I love that?

Speaker 1 (45:51):
Oh I love that.

Speaker 4 (45:52):
For you.

Speaker 7 (45:53):
Well, listen, it comes down to what one hundred twenty
bucks at the end of the year. Let's I don't
think I'm taking that muchage?

Speaker 2 (46:00):

Speaker 7 (46:01):
And uh yeah, that's I don't. I don't know what
am I supposed to be doing.

Speaker 1 (46:07):
Well, I'm taking a nap.

Speaker 3 (46:11):
If anybody wants to do anything for me on Juneteenth,
you'll watch Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Speaker 2 (46:17):
Listen, let me tell you something deep dive black history.
Do you know.

Speaker 3 (46:21):
Leeks is in the No? No, I swear she's in
the African American Museum.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
I swear to that she is. Listen, I'm telling you.

Speaker 7 (46:33):
Martin Luther King, Cynthia Bailey.

Speaker 1 (46:37):
Wait, why is she in the in the museum?

Speaker 2 (46:39):
Because she's such a black figure, she's iconic.

Speaker 1 (46:42):
Who else is in this museum?

Speaker 2 (46:44):
Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, all of them.

Speaker 3 (46:47):
And Martin Luther King, Leeks is in there, clearly, Barack Obama,
Michelle Obama.

Speaker 2 (46:54):
I'm trying to think, jay Z.

Speaker 1 (46:57):
Can we can we just acknowledge she is not on
the same level as the rest of those people.

Speaker 3 (47:01):
No, but she No, but she's an icon for black
pop culture. Yeah, New York on there, No, she's not.
That's no.

Speaker 1 (47:10):
You have not watched Hollered New York.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
Yeah. Oh my, Andrew has never watched Real Housewives of Atlanta.
He's just seen clips and until you have set through
and watched, oh honey, let me just a lot for
black women.

Speaker 1 (47:24):
All I really know about Ninny Leaks was when she
was on The Celebrity Apprentice, which yes, I used to
fucking love that show. I wanted to be on one
of the apprentices one day. This was well before twenty sixteen. Yeah,
I'll put that in there. She was amazing. She was
my favorite one. But then she got pissed off and
she quit and I was so mad at her for that.
I still I think I'm still a little resemble. Well everyone,

but why did you come in here?

Speaker 4 (47:46):
You invaded me in.

Speaker 7 (47:47):
I'm like a vampire gift inviting.

Speaker 1 (47:49):
No, you were lurking outside the door. We saw your
little face and then we waved you like this. Oh
he just did not flip us off. That's great, and
he's still invited to the cookout.

Speaker 2 (47:57):
I bet I'm taking it back.

Speaker 1 (47:59):
Okay, so we got really off track, and I love that.

Speaker 3 (48:02):
I have one thing to say. Yes, say to your
black listeners. There's one thing that they have to do
in life. Okay, stay black, the second one die.

Speaker 1 (48:12):
Yeah, we'll see you next time. Say bye bye.

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