All Episodes

December 11, 2019 122 mins

The show started with Danielle being stuck in the worst traffic of her life! Our 'Cereal Killer' podcast argued over sour milk. Elvis just found out his wedding made the top 10 for 'google end of year searches"

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
In the Morning Show is a consistent ratings winner. I
don't be in the bag. Bye. We've got a lot
of listeners and the Morning Show I don't know they
can do. I don't want This is the weirdest show.
You do, A great show and excresely popular. Elvis Duran

in the Morning Show. Let me tell you, people are
such vorses, you know, just a little bit of sprinkle
outside and everyone's all slow and late to get to work. Yep,
almost was seriously anyway, welcome to the day. It is Wednesday,
December eleventh. It is snowing all around the New York
area except here in New York City it's it's slushing.

But then again, if you're waking up in South Florida,
you're gonna hit the eighties today. And so we're very,
very very jealous of you. I don't know. Danielle is
still on the roach. It may be another hour before
she gets here. You know why, because people just don't
know how to drive in this stuff. They don't What
are we gonna do about that. I sit here and
just watch him run late. I don't say, Danielle, go home.
You don't have to drive in this No, I'm gonna

find your way. That's how she sounds. Love is an
old granny. Hello there, Gandhi, how are you well? Hi, Froggy,
good morning, Alvis, Hi there, and producer Sam Mirning, baby
high scary. All right, So for those who just this
is for Danielle, a dedication just to our Danielle. Stop.

That is all right, that's all you get. Such a teeth. Yeah,
sorry about that. Well, anyway, we get on with the show.
We've got a day. We've got a day to do,
and we'll start with our first caller in the day.
It's Samantha. Hi, Samantha, Hi, good morning. It is a
good morning. So wherever you're sitting right now, is it
going to be in the eighties and sunny or is

it going to be snowy in the thirties? Which one? Ah? Well,
I'm actually on my way to work. I work in
Brooklyn and I live on one Island, all right, so yeah,
very fleshy day. I'm in the middle of driving in
the snow, but I wanted to call because I wanted
to reach out to everybody else that's, you know, traveling

in the snow and start off today right. Well, thank you.
I'm in the good fight. Thank you, But keep in
mind there are many people across the country that are listening.
They have a perfectly clear road today. Like if seriously,
if you're driving on ninety five in Miami right now,
you've got no problem other than the other A holes
on the highway. Are those? You know what? It's snow
and a holes anyway. Also, let's take it to Philly.

You know what, in Philadelphia, everyone's all excited. They don't
care about the weather because tonight is Q one or
two Philadelphia's jingle Ball. Oh yeah, and we're gonna be
there for that, weather permitting. So you know, we're all
in pretty good movie. But you are setting the pace
for a very festive day, Samantha. I can tell you're
ready to have a good day, ready to get ready
to go. I'm ready to go. I love what I
do and I'm just excited to get going. Wow, you

know what you just said something very interesting. I love
what I do. How many people listening right now can
actually honestly say they love what they do? If you don't, No,
there's no one. There's no one who can change that
other than you. Something to keep in mind. It is
a tough one. It's not that easy always I get it. Well, Samantha,
you are the first caller of the day, so we're
gonna send you an Elvis Drain Morning Show a shirt.
It's on the way. Okay, Oh Lovely, can you please

ruin this for me? Oh, we're gonna ruin it. It's
not even gonna look like a shirt by the time
you get it. Hold on, Samantha around the room. We'll
get started with you. Froggy, what's on your mind today?
You know, I know people who put up Christmas lights
can relate with what I'm about to say. I have
this one string of lights on my house. When I
hung it up, they were all burning. Last night, they're

all out. I can't figure out. I replaced every bulb.
I've done everything humanly possible to get the string of
lights to work. Do yourself a favorite, take a ninety
nine cents string of lights off and replace it. No,
because I tried to do that, and the new lights
I put up they don't match the other lights. They're
a different shade of color. It's kissing me off. So
I don't understand why Christmas lights work and then they
stop working. Why can't we make a light that when

one comes out, they still stay on. Why you know,
here comes the season that drives us, drives us nuts. Right,
So in order to celebrate the season that drive us nuts,
drives us nuts, we put up we put up lights
that drive us nuts. Right. It's like it, it doesn't
make sense. You can eliminate one of the things that
drives you nuts by just eliminating the lights off your
house and using one of those tachy things that you

put in the front yard that that just sheds led
lights on your house that looks ugly. I don't like that.
You know, when people they're habit and they're very upset
that you said that, Hey, Gandhi, what's up with you today?
Oh man? So yesterday it was a really dramatic time
in the city where Scary Sam, my self, Coast of
Brajash and Andrew we all live. Half of our show
lives in Jersey City, New Jersey. Yes, Jersey City, and

we'll get into what happened. But there was some really
really bad stuff going on yesterday, and I have never
felt more loved in my life. My phone did not
stop going off all day long. People were calling to
check and my mom was very worried when I moved
to a city all by myself that I wasn't going
to have people to check on me. And Mom, if
you're listening, you're wrong, don't worry. Everyone was checking, including
police officers. It was great. I know I was checking you.

It took you hours to get back to me. I
was trying to sleep, but I did. I purposefully was like,
I'm going to respond to everybody, because in this situation
to not respond would be rude. But I did respond.
I'm glad you did. Yeah, and yeah, what happened in
New Jersey City. Of course you heard it, you saw
it on the news. If you didn't, we'll get to
the latest in that in just a second. Let's get
into your horoscopes with producer Sam. All Right, Producer Sam,

you don't have any people to do these with. No,
it's process of elimination. Choose me, is Gandhi or Danielle.
If there's a pattern here, I like to play hard
to get with you, So I'm coming to tomorrow. Oh
I may not like. Oh well, happy birthday. If you
celebrate today, you celebrate with Hailey Steinfeld, who's twenty three Capricorn.
Pay attention to those who value you and your company.

Keep those people close and make sure that they feel
loved as well. Your Days and eight Aquarius. Every day
is a new chance to accomplish your goals and achieve
your dreams. Keep that in mind and get things done.
Your Days of nine Pisces. You have a big heart
with a lot of love to give, so remember to
share that love with those who deserve it. Your Days
of ten Airy, Staying at home might sound nice, but
don't ostracize your friends. Keep in contact with them even

during your me time. Your Days of seven Taurus, keep
in mind that everyone is fighting their own battle on
any given day. Treat people with equal amounts of respect
and kindness. Your Days and eight Gemini. Traveling has always
been a goal of yours, and now is the perfect
time for a getaway. Don't second guess it, just pack
your bags. Your Days of nine Cancer, it can be
difficult to move past a bad day, so don't be

so hard on yourself. You are only human. Your Days
of ten Leo, it's important to focus on your mental
health and not push it aside. Amen. Don't fear leaning
on someone or going to a therapy session. I love
this one, Leo. Your days of seven. Thank you, Virgo.
Don't be afraid to be honest with those close to you.
Your friends and family will appreciate you opening up to them.
Your days and nine Libra. With a new year around

the corner, it's time to reconcile broken relationships. Remember that
people can change, so reach out to them. Your days
of ten Scorpio. You need to be free in order
to be your best self. If people are holding you back,
cut them out of your life. Your days and eight
and Sagittarius, keep in mind that you've overcome every obstacle
that's been put in front of you thus far. You
are a force to be reckoned with your days of

nine and those are your Wednesday morning horoscopes. All right,
let's get into the three things you need to know.
Let's start in Jersey City, New Jersey, right in our
own backyard. What's going on? Gandhi Police confirming that sadly,
one police officer, two suspects, and three civilians are dead
following a shooting a shooting in Jersey City yesterday. Several others,
including two officers and another pavilion, are recovering from injuries.

Detective Joseph Seals was shot with a high powered rifle
at a local cemetery, at which point the suspects reportedly fled,
and we're holed up in a kosher supermarket for hours
where this gunfight with police ensued. Neighbors later in the
evening did turn off their lights and tribute to detective Seals.
And there are lots of different details developing as the
day goes on. We're gonna fill you in when we
have solids on exactly what's happening, because we don't want

to report anything that's not guaranteed to be accurate. Right now, Well,
this is a new thing for us. Yes, the gunfights. Yes,
as it happened down in South Florida days ago and
then yesterday in our own backyard in Jersey City. These
are things you usually see on old Western movies right
or on like a diehard movies, the stuff that you're
like that doesn't actually happen in real life. And now

it's happening in real life and it's happening in our backyards.
Well terrifying, all right, yeah, all right, Well do you
know everyone loves to hate on the New England Patriots
and now they have another reason. It's Spygate Part two.
So the team has admitted to filming the sideline of
the Cincinnati Bengals in Cleveland on Sunday. They're now saying
that the film was not used to gain any type

of advantage on the upcoming game with Cincinnati. Bill Belichick,
who's the head coach for the Patriots, says that he
hasn't even seen it. His staff hasn't viewed it, but oops,
it was taken. They're just going to use it for
some in house production with a web series. The NFL
is looking into it, so you get another reason to
hate the Patriots if you already did. And finally, just
for Froggy and anyone who's a gazillionaire, apparently Apple's new

MacPro can be yours. Did you see this, Froggy? No,
it's fifty thousand dollars if we can use one of
those rights. If you want that, you can order it
right now. What do we need with that is all
like heavy duty graphics and stuff. Yeah, they're saying that
it holds up to one point five terabytes of RAM
and if you want all the bells and whistles, all
of the really cool stuff it comes with, it'll cost
you about fifty two thousand dollars. But if you have

a smaller budget, the MacPro the other one will just
be six thousand dollars. Okay, good, Oh that's it. Thank god,
I can't believe it. Hey, let's buy three or four
of them. Right there, you go, ball, thank you very much. Gone,
all right, let's have a Wednesday. What's happening, Jimmie Lavano. Okay,
this is Alicia Keys, It's Camila Caball Elvis Durran in
the morning, showing change. Some people can't leave the house

without chap stick, their phone headphones. But for me, it's
all about the hot sauce. Yep, carry it my backpack,
and my hot sauce is Chalula and their six unique flavors.
Grab your favorite flavor of Chalula and look for a
bottle with the wooden cap. Still waiting for Danielle to arrive.
What's going on here in the New York New Jersey area.

We have a lot of snow, a lot of slush,
and a water main break. You know, I don't know
if you're familiar with our area, but we have the
George Washington Bridge, that massive bridge uptown that comes from Jersey,
where Danielle lives. To where we are, and then she
has to drive all the way down Manhattan and then
turn left and here we are. I mean it's a
long drive. Yep. This is why I live an inch
from work. Yeah. If there's a water main break, no problem,

I'll go down to Franklin Street, all right. Anyway, so
she had to go find another She had to go
to a tunnel. She had to go find a tunnel
to get into work. So I don't know, it's a
big fat, furry mess. Dang island it is. We're living
on an island, yea, all the bridges. There was one
morning where the Holland Tunnel, which is another way that
we come in, was actually closed and we had to
go all the way around and find another place to go.

And I thought, damn it, how do I live on
the other side of the island. I should have picked
this one. Well, I know, I know, if you're gonna
be on the island, be on the island. I know.
You know what I'm saying. Anyway, we are so excited.
We're in Philly tonight for Q and O two's jingle
Ball presented by Capitol One. It's our first jingle ball
of the season and I people ask us how exciting
is it to work jingle balls? Well, you know, it's

it depends on which one Q and O two's jingle
ball is nice, chill, relaxed. Backstage is nice and quiet
and people are cool and oh, pardon me, no, Ugo first, No,
you go first right here in New York at Ze
one hundreds jingle Ball on Friday. Yeah, it's a hellhole backstage.
And if you read my book, there's a whole chapter

devoted to why you don't want to go backstage at
a concert, right, And it's all laid out for you
Friday night here in New York Kids one hundreds jingle Bowl.
I mean, it's it's a it's a lot of work.
Plus we have interviews going on. You guys are interviewing, right, Yeah,
we're interviewing all the artists and all the guests who
are there who are of note. And then that's used
not only on our national radio broadcast, but also we're

live on the seat. I'll tell you how to watch
that later, and also we use it on the iHeart
radio app. And I don't even know what they do
with all that stuff. And then I'm gonna be teaming
up with good Morning America. They're gonna be there, So
I'll have two microphones. One has the iHeart logo on
it and one has the good Morning America logo on it,
So I'll be talking to let's say, communicabao. Hey, so
you're excited to be at Gingerbowl tonight, Oh, yes, I am.

And then we wrap it up and I grabbed the
good Morning America microphone on their camera. Then I asked
the same questions and then they sounds so confusing. It
is confusing. By the end of the night, Mama needs
a cocktail, one of those things. Everybody thinks it's glamorous
and you're like, no, no, trust me. We're getting pushed, pulled,
yelled at. It's not glamorous at all. It's fun, like

the first time you do it, it's really fun, but
then after that it's just kind of like, oh, I'm
in the way. Sorry. The good news about it is
it goes by so fast because there's so much to do.
I mean, it's NonStop. But anyway, if you want to
watch Z one hundreds or they're calling it the iHeartRadio
jingle Ball Friday Night, you can watch it live on
the CW app and CWTV dot com. All right, it's

the cwapp and CWTV dot Com. That's Friday Night, seven
sixth Central on the CW app and CWTV dot Com.
Oh well, look who just didn't come into work today? Yeah?
I was out to be honest right about now, that's
about how I'm feeling. Okay, Danielle, what's the first thing
I told you? You said, go home, go home, go home?

And you know what, so I must, I must thank
you for your dedication. So how where okay, where are
you right now? Right now? I am on West fifty
sixth Street on the West Side Highway. Oh so you
did get across the bridge. Yeah, well the GPS took
me to about eighty but I nout the West Side Highway.

Yeah all right, Hey, just take your time. There is
no hurry. You know, we miss you, We miss you dearly,
but I did. I miss you too. I just don't
think we have to go to Philly tonight, so I
have to get there anyway. I just I just don't
want you to ever ever, you know, be concerned or
anxious about getting here to please Big Daddy. Okay, Big Daddy,

you know what I'm saying. Come on, come on, you're
my Danielle, You're our daniel We don't we don't want
you to be out there. You're in enough. Uh you're
in a neck deep anyway, so don't worry about it. Okay, Okay,
I love you, all right, I love you too. Get
here and when you get here, just drive safe for once?
Would you drive safe? You know she can't drive even
when she stopped. She he's more likely to have a

just impressive. She would just sit there, not even put
it at take it out of park her and she'll
cause an accident. Strangest thing, all right, Oh, sir, running
late producer Sam feel Goods, what do you have? Okay?
So this was a hard hitter for me. It comes
from listeners Shelley McBride and to all parents listening with
their kids out there. This is a story about one
of Santa's special helpers. Okay, So we need to worship

a man in Ohio. His name is Bill Diedterly, and
in two thousand and two he decided to test out
something called Santa's Hideaway Hollow, which is a huge space
he designed to look like the North Pole, and he
sat in as Santa Claus and invited kids who are
terminally ill to come and see him. One little boy
in particular, though, kind of changed his life. He had
a large scar on his head, sat on Santa's lap,

and when Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas, the
boy just said, Santa, you know I'm dying, Please just
make my mother happy. Wow. So Mom was there. She
was crying for literally every reason imaginable, because, like so
many parents in that situation, she just wants it one
more beautiful memory to hold onto, because for kids, there's
just something about Christmas. So that was it. Bill was

hooked and he's been doing it ever since. He's seen
over fifty thousand six children. The shop is open for
these visitors six months out of the year, and he
spends the rest of the year making hospital visits. Where's
it again? This isn't Ohio. So, Billy, you are the
best person I've ever heard of. I'm gonna find out
where in Ohio? What do I search for? I'm gonna
I'm gonna post up a link, will post it on
Elvis Duran Instagram account story. Okay Elvis Duran or Elvis

Duran show. Yes, Elvis Duran Show, Elvis Duran Show Instagram story. Okay, yes,
so thank you for Santa's Hideaway Hollow and if you
have a story that deserves to be featured, email me
Sam at Elvis Durand dot com, subject line feelings. More
from the Mercedes Bands Interview Lounge Nile Horns. Just good
to be back because I'm sick of watching other people
sitting in this seat. If you sniffed that seat and

the smells of many people, Chris smell like Lewis Capaldi. Yeah,
buy Mercedes AMG. Be prepared for whatever comes your way.
In the all new gt Ford do or Coop because
life is a race, visit your local dealership for a
test drive. Todays Duran in the Morning Show, it is
the season of anxiety. That's why you need Tats Bake
Shop cookies. Does you find yourself reaching for that bag

of Tats Bake Shop cookies often in this time of
year they have the new limited edition holiday cookies in
both hot chocolate flavor and toasted almond flavor. You know
what I would love to do is take one toasted
almond flavored cookie and one hot chocolate flavored cookie from
Tats Bake Shop and just at the same time. I
think there's nothing stopping you from doing that. Stack them up.
But you know, we'll start with a hot chocolate cookies.

They're unbelievable, deliciously thin, crispy, with little marshmallows baked right
in there. It's like sipping on a hot mug of
hot chocolate, but it's not. And then the toasted almond,
let's talk about that. Oh. I love the taste of almond,
but everyone knows that's a taste of almond and cookies
and stuff. It tastes nothing like eating an almond. Yeah,
it's slightly different. It's very different. They have nothing in common.

I'd rather have the sweet toasted almond flavor of the
Tates Bakeshop almond cookie than the record or almond. So
let's face it, these are limited addition flavors. They're gonna
go fast. Enjoy them while you can over the holidays.
Look for the metallic rabbit toasted almond and the metallic
green hot chocolate bags available now in your local market.
Tates bakes Oh my God, show and it's doing waiting

for Danielle to drive up. It is National Half a
Bagel Day, which is so perfect for us. I would
love bagel. Oh would too? We have no bagels laying around, Hall,
We have no bagels laying around. And you don't want
tom laying around? Okay, you want a fresh, fresh bagel.
I want a fresh bagel. Hey. So I was in
here doing some work during the song and I see
all you guys like going crazy in the other studio.

Are you a gandhi? Are you now a part of
the Serial Killers podcast? Is that what they're doing over there? No,
So what happens is what it looked like. Andrew and Scottie,
they go at each they're about different things. So I
walked through today because I had to go to the bathroom,
and Andrew stuck some some cereal in my face and said,
this smells bad, right, this milk has gone bad. So

I smelled it and I could only smell the cereal.
So then I said, I can't tell. I need you
to give me the actual milk by itself to make
the determination. And then so it's called. First of all,
you can't sniff an open container of milk to see
if it's spoiled, because sometimes the spoilage smell is just
on the cap. You know what I'm saying. I don't know.
This one was pretty bad anyway, but you'll have to
maybe make this determination yourself. Okay, here's the thing. I

love the Cereal Killers podcast. Its starring Scottie b and
of course Andrew. But you guys do get into a
lot of fights. I mean, it seems like it shouldn't
It should be fun, shouldn't it. Well that's why it
works because we hate each other, but we love each
other at the same time. It's not mutual. Sorry to
say this milk is bad. Well, it's got today's date
on it, so I know what. You shouldn't always judge

milk by the date. Sometimes it's just the milk. It
didn't smell like something you would want to go on
your body. When I smelled it, I was like, well nope, nope,
let's let's test it for the audience. The maple. The
maple smell of the eggo cereal was so overpowering. I
don't smell the milk, right, So you have to smell
just the milk by itself. Yeah, into a glass. So anyway,
and you know, we don't have drainage systems here. We

don't have a sink. So if you want to pour
a liquid out. You have to pour it into a
trash can. Right, would you hit this to me for
because of this way you could smell it? It's bad.
Oh I can tell it's blinky. I call it blink. No,
this is blinky milk. It still has a day on it,
doesn't it listen? It's something so cheap it smells blinking.
It's turning. I had a whole mouthful of delicious eggo

waffle cereal, my new favorite, and then it just tastes.
I get that taste and then he's yelling at me,
it's not that bad. It's not that bad. It is
that bad, right, That's what you were witnessing was me
trying to walk through that and then getting told I
need to judge whether it was bad or not. Milk
shouldn't have a flavor, right from No, it's not. But
I have a confess to make. What's that? The other night,

Lisa asked me to make dinner, and so one of
the things that I had to cook from my son
had milk in it. And the milk that we had
was out of date by four days and it smelled
a little it was a little iffy, but I wasn't
eating it, so I cooked it anyway. Because I cooked it,
let me ask you figured it would be okay anyway.
Let me ask you. What were you cooking? There were noodles, noodles,
and what flavoring was in the noodles? Um urban? Something

out of Oh okay, she had herban it. You're fine, Yeah,
I cook it. He ate it, and he was never sick.
If you cook something with milk in it, it's like
you're double pasteurizing, isn't it right? That's what I thought.
So go in the kitchen and boil this milk, then
eat it with your cereal. No, no, no, don't do that.
Hey so uh yeah, So you know, if we could
get it now we know when we eat dinner at Froggies,

the food isn't always the freshest, right, might be old.
You know, If we could get a milk sponsor for
the podcast, we could have fresh milk all the time.
But I keep buying this stuff. I'd tell you they
don't have this problem down into Brooklyn Boys podcast. All
their food is nice and fresh and taste like tomatoes.
As soon as you said the two hosts that hate
each other and get into NonStop fights, I really thought
you were talking about our podcast, but it was actually

the serial Okay, Scary, can you get away from me?
Scary has an open sharpie market a marker, a sharpie marker,
and he's like he's using it in his hand like
a I don't know, he's like like a baton and
he's like leading an orchestra and it's right next to
my white sweatshirt. That is a dangerous commodation. That that's
a recipe for disaster. It really is. Anyway. Yeah, the

thing is, we already have a podcast that made a
name for being, you know, miserable a holes. We don't
need another one zero serial killer should be fun. We'll
try to be nicer. I'm sorry, but can I just
ask one question? Why did you move the cup with
the milk in it? It's because it smells bad? Smell
because the milk is bad. That smells, by the way,

serial killers on the way. But I do know that
the numbers are looking great for the Brooklyn Boys podcast.
They were in like the top ten of I heard
podcast number eleven this week. That's that's unbelievable gratulation. We
were actually number one hundred thousands, so thank you. Look
at that. We're We're bookends, Thank you, the Serial Killers,

anything and everything about Cereal Breakfast Cereal, and it really
is a fantastic concept. And the Brooklyn Boys they are
who they are and they do very well. Hey, um,
speaking of Brooklyn Boys, now, can we get that door fixed.
It's like every time it closes, like, yeah, you know,
it closes so hard. I just imagine it chopping someone's
head off. It could it could decapitate. So I know that,

I believe it or not. When you listen to the
Brooklyn Boys podcast, it doesn't sound like much planning goes
into it. But from time to time they do call
each other and have discussions about that podcast. And also
Brody and Scary produced the show here, which is the
most important part of their job because without this they
wouldn't have the podcast. I will never lose sight of
that fact. Oh yeah, thank you. Okay. So anyway, also

talking about gossip at work, and they're they're good friends,
Scary and Brody. So the other night, Scary, I believe,
was at a holiday party, three of them. He had
three holiday parties in a day. He started lunch with
you and me, Gandhi, and we got Scary a little tipsy.
We drank at Tamarin Indians eating some great Indian food,
and then you went on to the iHeart Radio Ping

Pong Ping Pong holiday party. That's right. And then after
and you drank one Oh, I drank about four vaka
SODA's okay, and then you went on too the the
one guy who got promoted party after party. So it
was the leftovers from the company holiday party, all right,
and that's where we started to do. So scary is
this thing where he loves to call Brody from parties

to rub it in. You're not here, no, no, no,
So what happened Brody? Take it from here? Well, he
called me Thursday night to talk about work stuff and
he was completely hammered, and I was talking to him
and answering his question, and all of a sudden the
phone went dead. And then I heard this. He fell
asleep in the middle of a conversation. Oh god's scary.

You may have sleep at nah, good God, oh god?
Oh have you thought him aout spring? Some w D
forty down your hole before you go to sleep, Scar.
Do you know you sound like that? No idea I have, Brody.
I love that You're just sitting there listening to it
and recording it. Well, here's the thing. I had eleven

eleven minutes, so I can't hear you what I had
eleven I had eleven minutes to record him. So I
ran upstairs, got my backup phone, powered it up, and
held my backup phone up to my main phone while
he was still snoring. I can't believe you in the
middle of a conversation. You just left you all right,
so your favorite snore is here. Now let me hear
this crap. Okay, okay, I I always took on the phone.

I'm laying on my back in my bed, so the
phone was on my chest and I legit fell asleep
and the gary okay, this is okay. Can you explain
to set this up? After ten minutes later? Herry you okay? Yeah, here, man,
you know you've been sleeping the last ten minutes. Have
I really been? I'm still here. Are you drunk? Hammered duty,

I'm hammered hammer. You fell asleep, like I don't know,
ten minutes ago, so I've just been waiting for you
to wake back up. Okay, I'm right here. How much
did you drink a lot? Dude? Dude? I saw some
things tonight that I cannot believe, like what both kinds
of cheap in country on? I get scary? Hey, man,

are you drop in to hear scary tenter? It's hilarious?
Are you totally trying to cover two? Like ya? I'm
right here, Yeah, I'm away. But let's listen. Let'sten the
first hits. Listen scary Do you know scary you? Okay? Yeah? Yeah? Man?

Do you know you've been sleeping the last ten minutes?
How I really mean? I just want to say this.
We are all guilty of this where we were starting
to doze off on the phone and then you all
of a sudden pretend like you weren't sleeping. I was
guilty of that when I was in high school. Why
we because I would I would talk to friends late

at night and fall asleep on the phone. I do
it all the time. You do still? I just to
my boyfriend all the time, and he'll just scream into
the phone. I do it in the afternoon if I'm
napping and so. But he calls me in the middle
of the afternoon, like say three o'clock in the afternoon,
and I'll go, huh, and they're like, oh, I'm sorry.
We'll get no, No, I wasn't sleeping. It's like, it's
like you do that to me all the time. By
the way, but why why did I cover for sleeping?

My favorite thing is, no, I wasn't asleep. I had
to get up to answer the phone. Anyway. It's really
funny because if Alex are on the phone with each
other and he's not at the house that night, I'll
just say, hey, man, I'm tired, I gotta go to bed,
just hang up whatever. I will tell you there's nothing

worse than having sex with someone and in the middle
of it, you heard this one? What are you doing?
How often does that happen? Wake up? Oh my god? Scary?
I'm trying to please you. Scary, scary. Tell me what
to do? Am I doing it wrong? Scary? I'll use

my teeth. There are a couple of noises sounded like
it was coming out of both ends. I know. Will
you farting when you're sleeping? No? I think I may
have sleep apnea and I everyone is texting in that
I gotta get checked. Yeah, you gotta go. You're gonna
go to bed with that big sleep at machine. Good morning, Nick,

Good morning. Oh my god, I'm so excited. I listened
to you guys every morning. We're excited. You listen too.
So wait, Nick, you snore the same way and you
actually did one of those those those sleep labs where
they you go to a hospital and sleep and they
monitor your every sound and movement. No, so, actually you
could download it. It's an app in the Apple Store,

and it records like snippets of you sleeping. It's called
what's the app called? I need this for scary It's
called snore Lab. I you could buy. You could get
it for free, but I actually opted for the eight
dollar version, right, so I could hear my entire night sleep. Yeah,
if you download the snore lab app whatever it is,

and you don't pay for it, you get the ads
and so in the middle of your sleeping, it wakes
you up and it gives you an ad for McDonald's. Well, anyway,
so what did you discover when you use this sleep app? Um?
It basically sounds the same, like it's just a gurgling,
like awkward noise when you're sleeping. Um, it's almost like

a farting noise. We sound like aliens. We don't sound
like human beings. Yeah, I think, honestly, I might have
sleep apno, but I'm not really sure. I mean, I
could obviously take the snippets with me to the doctor,
but you never know. Tell you what. Before I had
my surgery for my stomach weight loss thing. What does

they call the sleeve, the gastric sleeve, they wanted to
make sure I didn't have SLEEPAPA because they put you under,
and they don't like to put people under who have
sleep apne or whatever. I don't. So I had to
go to a Columbia hospital way uptown Nick, and they said, okay,
just sleep in this uncomfortable battle. I hooked up to
all these tubes and these wires. We're going to see
how your normal night sleep is. There's nothing normal. There's

nothing normal about what you're doing. So sure enough, and
I know I didn't sleep five seconds that night. They
woke me up, mister drand you've got to sleep ap new. No,
you don't know. I didn't sleep. You won't be it
hobviously you never know. It sounds crazy when you listen
back to it, it's like, oh my god, what was
I doing? Tell you what? Once I got rid of
all that weight, I didn't do it again. The only

time I snore is when I drink, which is every night,
do you It gives you actually options like if you
go to bed late or if you're eating late at night,
So like those are all the factors that um cause
you to sleep louder or I'm sorry. Well, the worst
thing is is when you sleep with someone who snores
like that, like if like Alex will do this and

I'll make sure you gotta shut up. Man, I got sleep,
and you're just gonna push him or kick him, don't yeh?
Did you get yours under control? Are you still snoring away?
I'm still snoring away at a boy? All right? Good boy?
Oh my god. I listened to every single day since
I'm a little kid. I have been trying to get
through for the longest time. You. I'm literally obsessed with you,

guys who have no idea to talk about. You finally
got through to talk about your sleep and your snoring problem.
There's Nick. I recorded you sleeping last night. Nick. Actually
I have to get up and get out of bed.
All right, get up. Thanks for listening to. It's be
careful out there. Bad weather guys. Thank you so much.
Thank you, buddy. Yeah, they're scary. So I'm not living

my best sleep. If tape worms trying to get that's
the tape worming out let out. Hey, so Danielle's not
here yet because of snarled traffic. Right, she's nott me
a photo of what she's looking at. It's just bumpers. Yeah,
she'll be here a little bit, but she's uh. She
would have done the Danielle report here. You weren't, and

you're going to fill in. But now you don't have to. Okay,
if we need the next hour, if she's not here
by then, I got you. I'm gonna give her one
more hour, okay. Walkers and Talkers a podcast for Walking
Dead fans. You can't say anything, No, No Stop. It
recaps the latest news and interviews with members of the cast,

hosted by David Brody and his co host Jamie. Walkers
and Talkers listen on the iHeartRadio app Elvis Duran in
the morning Show. If you're like me and you like
a little naughty, crazy fun with your friends, go get
the Telestrations after Dark board Game. We love playing this game.
You will too. Buy it today at Target, Bed Bath
and Beyond, Barnes and Noble, or wherever you buy board games.

Danielle has been on the road for two hours now, yeah,
maybe longer, and she's still in traffic. It's just awful.
I told her on the speaker phone. I said, Hey,
we're gonna have to mark this down as a vacation day.
That's why she's death really trying to get in here,
even if it's five minutes. Accounts she took off like
a rocket. She's like you back. She can be so

crabby in the morning. Have you noticed that about her? Never? Anyway,
we got a text from Paul a second ago. I'm
so glad we could catch up with you. Paul. How
are you doing today? You're good, I'm doing great. How
about yourself? I'm doing very well. But your text I
thought was so unique and so so interesting. I had
to see if you wouldn't mind talking about it on
the air. You don't mind, do you? I don't at all. So,

Paul lives in Rochester, New Hampshire. Is that correct? That
is correct? And next week you're flying to Florida. Tell
everyone why you're flying to Florida next week? Paul. So,
I've been on this journey for about hold on, I'm saying,
hold on the phone. Is the phone's messed up, so okay,
start over do it again. So I've been on a
journey for about six years now to find my penological

family and am A year ago I didn't ancestor DNA,
and I ended up finding them, And about two or
three months ago I connected with my bioout to a sister.
So and next week I'm flying down to me my
biological dad and sister and uh, their whole family. Wow.
Now do you know any background about how you were

separated from your biological family? And now I have ended
up in New Hampshire and they're in Florida. Yeah, I do.
I my mom and biological dad, Um, we're saying for
a while and um, and then they kind of just
went separate ways and um my mom ends up keeping
me and he ends up moving to Florida and I
never really had in contact with him. I knew my

my dad, who with my stepdad at the time and
adopted me in third grade, but um, I didn't really
know my biological family. And my dad passed away in
two thousand and ten, and ever since then, I've been
kind of on this journey to find out who my
biological family was. Wow, are you at all terrified that
they're in Florida. I'm not terrified that they're in Florida.

I'm just terrified to me there, Yeah, I have a
bunch of different emotions and whatnot. Now have you seen
pictures of them? Have you? Hit Amy? You said you've
talked to your biological sister. I mean you have. You
had long discussions about you her the history and diseases
and afflictions and at stuff. We haven't really done too
much detailed the diseases or anything, but I have seen pictures.

I have seen pictures of my biological father. Now do
you do you guys resemble each other a little bit? Yeah,
you can see some resemblance. So, um, he is living
in Florida right now. He has living with Liver Camper
towards four years. Now, that's a good hey, you know,
now's the time I need a boo meet them. Heys. So,
I'm assuming that you've known that you, uh, your your

father was your your your father was your stepfather all
these years and you knew you had a biological father
out there, I mean since you were a kid, right, correct,
I've known pretty much we all in my life And
at what point in your life Paul, did you decide
I really need to meet the rest of my biological
family twenty eleven, a year after my dad passed away. Um,

I just there was some some kind of empty, void, emptiness,
and I was just like, you know what, I really
want to find my other half of my family, not
not just not just because I want to meet them.
I need to know some history and my I'm getting older,
I need to know some medical history and whatnot. And uh. UM.
So I me and my my girlfriend at the time

who's now my wife, started this journey back in twenty
fourteen to kind of try, you know what, let's let's
let's do this, and we found some addresses. I wrote
some letters that came back undeliverable. UM and Filing Ancestry
did it for us last year. Was there any pushback
from your if you from your biological family, did they say, well, no,
I don't know. It's funny because I found my biological

cousin in January and then I messaged my UM. She
gave me a bunch of names, so I just messaged
everyone on Facebook and that was in January, and back
in October, my my biologis sister Filing messaged me back
and I was like, hey, I'm so sorry, I'm Jesse
in this message and we've been corrected. Then, Oh, so
it sounds like they were anxious to meet you. Now
what about your mother? But what she was, What was

her advice to you before you decided to fly down
to Florida and see your family? She her my aunts, Um,
every one of my family would be one hundred percent supporters.
They've down up been on this journey for a while now,
and um the absolutely supporter. I can just assume that
there are some families that would not be supportive because

maybe of some bad blood between dad and mom and whatever.
But that's so cool. You must be so anxious yet
so excited at the same time that next week you're
meeting you're meeting your father, your biological father. It's probably
funny how we always though that we're biological and there
just to make sure there's no confusion, Is there anything?

Is there anything that you're anticipating or you're really curious
about or I don't know that, I just the whole story,
Like I just just I'm just curious about who he is.
I mean, he I know he's not going to be
completely complicit there because I mean, he has had caps
of four years but on treatments everything, and he's not
getting any better. But I'm just the whole I've missed

thirty four years of the side of the family. So
I just I'm curiously, really truly get to know them.
And so your father knows his days are number definitely right, correct,
So can you imagine from his point of view, From
his point of view, he gets to meet finally for
thirty four years, this this son he's never met before.
This must be this must be a you know, this

is a great gift, not only for you, Paul, but
for your father. You know, it really is a wonderful honestly,
one of the greatest Christmas gifts I've been able to receive.
But you're giving as well. That's so incredible. Correct, Look,
all the best to you. What a great story, and
it sounds it already sounds like it has a great, great,
uh happy happy chapter of moving forward. And good for you.
And be careful. They are they are Florida people. Be careful. Yeah,

part of Florida. Yeah, but part of Florida. Saint Petersburg.
Oh you're good, okay there? Yeah, yeah, Paul, all the
best to you and to congratulate elations. Thank you very much.
All right, thank you? Oh they're scary, snoring again, scary?
Can you wake up? We need a special we need

a special fanfare because Lord Highness shut up. Danielle has
decided to join us. I know it's the most frustrating thing,
stuck in traffic like that. You were stuck in traffic
for what two hours? Two hours? I don't know how
people do this every day. God bless all of you,
because let me tell you something, it is not easy.

You know, there has to be a point, and I've
learned this the three times I've been in traffic in
my entire life, all three of them. There has to
be a point where you just submit and just give
in and just understands there's nothing you can do. And
we were doing everything we can't we could hear to
tell you, just relax, don't worry about it. I tried
to listen to some other shows, but we're the best.
We're the best. You know. Last night, Elvis, I was

in traffic and it said on the GPS one point
nine miles away that's all I was away, Yeah, forty
seven minutes. I'm like I could get out and walk fast.
It's crazy. Get your stuff together over there. Let's get going.
We're runny kind of. Let's get into the three things, Todhi,
what's going on? Another horrific scene unfolding yesterday, this time
in our own backyards. It happened in Jersey City, New Jersey,

when Detective Joseph Seals was shot and killed with a
high power rifle at a local cemetery, at which point
two suspects reportedly fled, and we're holed up in a
kosher supermarket four hours when a gunfight with police ensued.
Police are confirming that the police officer and three civilians
are dead, to two suspects dead as well several others.
Still we're covering from injuries. And yesterday neighbors turned off

their Christmas lights and tribute to Detective Seals. Really really
sad situation. President Trump will sign an executive order today
that will now interpret Judaism as a nationality, not just
a religion. Officials say that the order would allow the
Trump administration to do more to combat anti Israel sentiments.
And there are a lot of mixed feelings on this
one spot, especially in this room, in this room, yes

and I warn you in advance, this last story is gross.
So if you are eating, put down your food for
just a second. I think it affects our man. Scary
a man in Thailand, Poldie thirty two foot long tapeworm
out of his rectum on Monday, and there's video and
I showed Scary and I wish you guys could have
seen his face. He was like, well, you think I
have a tapeworm because you eat morning, noon and night

and you've only gained like seventy pounds. All right, now,
if I want to see the tapeworm coming out of
a man's anus, what do I do? Well, it's not
coming out of his anus, but I'll see if our
girl out came out of his right. The video is
not showing it coming out of his anus. It's showing
after it's sitting on a plate. Next, next, next, those

are your three things. Oh my goodness, I can't believe
I'm talking to you. Well, it's an honor to have
you here. This is Elvis Duran in The Morning Show.
By the way, sorrys interrupting that song. I'm so proud
of the station. I just had to say. The name

had to do it. There you're hey, we're about to
get into the one thousand dollars gravity blankets of free
money phone tap. Danielle didn't make it in. Yes, I
am here. You know you missed out on your first
Danielle Report of the Day. I hope you have one brewing.
I do I have one. I have one brewing. There
is one story in there I find interesting. Yeah, I know,
which when it's so strange, it is very strange. It's

very cool though, which cool? But it's odd? Yeah? Okay,
So you know it's the it's the end of the year,
and they come out with all the lists, like the
top ten, this, the top ten that, you know, the
biggest this, the bigause that, and so they came out
with the most googled phrases and items on Google. I
guess that makes sense. I guess searched on Google. Yah,

most searched for twenty nineteen and so in the category
of weddings. Who could it be? Can I read the
top eight? Yeah? Do you know who they all are? Yeah?
I've got them. Do you know who they are? Though? Number?
Who's number five? I've never heard of? Oh, yeah, I
don't know who that is. Chiquis Rivera she's a big singer. Okay, anyway, okay,
So this is the top ten weddings wedding searches on

Google this year. Yeah, so number one is Marana Lambert.
Number two is Jennifer Lawrence. Then comes Justin Biever, that
comes Miley Cyrus. Number five is who we just said,
how do you say? Thank you? Number six Chris Pratt,
number seven, Joe Jonas, number eight, Elvis Durand, number nine,
Zoey Kravitz, and Jake Paul's number ten. You've got better

than Jake Paul. I know. I don't even think he's
married to her anymore? Is he? I don't even I
don't think it was ever legal. And then I think
she married someone else right after they had like an
open marriage, but she didn't done with the pole people
in here. Yeah, so right after Joe Jonas. Yeah, that's
pretty cool. You're behind Joe Jonas. You've dreamed of that? Oh,
no other way around. Oh so they told us. He

told us the other day that hey, you made this list.
I'm like, oh, that's not that's no way. I think
it's awesome. No, then you start thinking, how come everyone
so curious? Why has everyone got to look at that.
We gave you enough information. Why do you got to
be poking around my private business? Like I have no
desire to ever get married. When I know other people
are getting married, I always go look for the pictures.
I love seeing wedding pictures. They are beautiful pictures because

we had a lot, We had beautiful people, we had
beautiful time. But what other list would you like? Okay,
so gandhi, if you had to be in the top
ten of the most searched whatever on Google, what list
would that be, Daniel? What would that be? Best mom? Yeah,
like a nicest person or something like that. Did you'll
end up on a list of like the ten best moms?
Was I? Yeah? You did said that list? Yes we did.

We talked about this. Last year. You were on one
of the lists best shoe collections. Can you imagine being
on that? You be on that, you could be on
that list, I would take like best personality. That would
be awesome. I know. Listen World, you said dream you
said it, I thought, would wow we lost a listener.

Oh no, Brody's gonna get them back. I'm so tired.
I'm so tired of people. Asshole, I really am. People
are just being jerked. What did we do? It didn't matter,
it didn't matter. Goodbye. I don't want to do the
phone tappen. Let's just do let's do let's do the
Danielle rapport. Oh I'm kidding, let's not. It's like I

like people. You just you've lost a listener. Well goodbye,
I hold the door, didn't hit you in the ass
on the way out. But for those of us are
still here, I love you, love you seriously. Obviously I
didn't if I let what they said, and not only that,
what they said is not what you said right. It

was what I said right, but none of it's but
but even what they texted is not what we said exactly.
It's like they they even got that wrong. See people
in life, and I know we're being vague. People in
life hear what they want to hear. Oh yeah, yesterday
we had a listener saying, well, I was listening to
your production where it says hey, you know the song
ends it goes hey Elvis dur in the morning show.
Then you have a listeners going hey Elvis Dury, we

love el a stray morning show. I can't believe you
don't have you only have white girls talking when you do,
you're on the street interviews about your show. I'm like, uh,
we do, we do? And here's my question, what do
you want black girls to sound like? Which I find
so insulting when people say things like that to brown girls,

to black girls, to whomever. People will say things like
that to me, Oh my god, you sound like a
white girl. What does that mean? What it? So? Yeah? Okay,
so here's Diamond. Okay, first of all, we have Gandhi,
who's a brown girl. Hi, I'm brown. We have Diamond,
who is a black girl. Yes, Hi, I'm sorry, you
sound very white. I love what's that? I love? That

was stan? Does that sound sound white? According to that listener,
you don't sound black enough, you don't sound blackish. Well,
you know, hey, what are we gonna do? So this
person okay, so hear me out. So this person was
calling us out as being racist. Yeah, because the girls
sound white? Right? Isn't that racist in saying that? Okay,

somebody you want me to sound gay? You should, it's
the same thing. Well, how do you do that? They
want you to sound like some stereotypical thing. Yeah, then
they want Hi, I'm a stereotypical gay sound like, oh
my god, you do sound melac. You sound very melacon,

you know, And Gandhi, you have to speak with an
Indian name. Where's where's the Okay, let's do it. And
when it's just when you say something, think about what
you're saying. Yeah, it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard
in my life. And this is what we do with
every day. Okay, Indian girls speak. What's up, y'all? What's
going on morning? Gandhi, welcome to the Sound Like Your

Heritage Show. Let's talk about news. Does that make everyone
feel better? Cut Diamond, come on, you're sounding back. What
do you want me to say? I don't know. It's
it's it's it's an insult. It's an insult, and I'm sorry, ridiculous,
and I'm sorry to be the idiot, old white guy

to call in the brown and the black girl to
talk about it. I don't think. I think that people
really need to take a step back and think about
what they're saying before they say things like that and
what it actually means. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Accuse me of being racist right through your racism, dumb ass.

I'll work on my accent for you guys, you're very convinced.
I mean, Brody is a better Indian accent. Nod Brody,
I'm going to teach you how to sound like an
Indian person, Thank you please. Sounds like sounds like to

have every single person before they speak, identify what they
are before they speak to me. That way, everybody will
be happy. Exactly do you want to laugh? Danielle a
tough chick from the Bronx. You know what the My
husband's British, right, and so he gets so insulted when
he hears a non brit doing a brit accent in
like a commercial. He's like, there are so many of

us out here, why the hell can't they use a
real British person, Like why are people like pretending that
they're British. So it's so it's crazy what people get
upset about. And what you know, I agree. I get
random messages talking about how I'm dating a white guy,
and I sell the time he's not a white guy.
And then when I say, what, he's mixed with people
right back, that's still white. I'm like, what are you
talking about? Japanese is not white? What I don't understand

it people's always got something to say. I feel like
nobody is anything like pure. You know, we're all mixed
of everything. This is one of the Okay, I was
thinking about this. Here's the night when I was really
like super stoned because you know, our house is filled
with sugar skulls, you know, you know, because it's all
about the Day of the Dead with our entire wedding
was based on that, and we all love the sugar
skull thing. So I have the sugar skull sitting in

my on my coffee table, okay, and I'm just thinking, Wow,
now that's a real person because you don't see the skin,
you don't see anything other than just the skull. This
goal in which we all have, we all this skull
represents all of us. Yes, where's the cheesecake. That's a

great thought anyway, So I guess we've gone on and on,
but I'm just saying I just want you to know
that if you're wondering, like, what are the things you
don't like about your job, it's seeing the reality and people.
Yeahpidity and people. How dare you play? All those random
voices from the streets saying they love your show? They're
all white Okay, really, you're such a joy. I just

I mean, the notion that people who are not white
to have an accent of some sort is absurd to me. Absurd. Wow.
Look you know, uh, maybe I've gone too far. You haven't,
You're right, I have it. All right, let's move on.
Let's do a free money phone tip you any money?

All right? Indian girl, talk about it is the gravity blanket.
Make sure to talk really brown gunn you have the
brown sound. The brown sound, kid, don't do that. Gravity
blankets verybody warm. Okay. If you don't have a gravity blanket,
you should definitely try one. So. Gravity blankets are weighted
blankets that are stud keep you warm right in the

door using full circle Give me more. It will improve
your sleep quality and you can give the gift of
sleep this holiday season. Shop at gravity blankets dot com
use the code Holiday twenty nineteen and you'll get twenty
five percent off all holiday season. For info and rules,
you can visit elvis Duran dot com and they're also

sponsoring our phone tap today, which means they're given somebody
a thousand dollars. I was online ordering a gravity minket
last night, and I used the code I got my
twenty five percent off. Okay, it's Holiday twenty nineteen. Yeah,
go to Gravity Blankets dot com. He was Holiday twenty nineteen.
You get twenty five percent off. Yes, and thanks to them,
you're about to win a thousand dollars. Who should I
do the conversion in rupees? No, it's a major major.

Be called one hundred now to win your thousand dollars.
One one eight hundred two four two zero one hundred.
Where's the phone tap? Right here? Hit that I don't
see it. Hit to be I'm gonna hit to be,
durand phone tap. I love this phone tap. I shouldn't
even say anthing. I should just let you listen to
it and judge for yourself. My father in law is

a practical joker. Got me really bad on April Fool's Day,
so I want to get him back very badly. A
few weeks ago, he was having a problem with the
wildest skunk. He sprayed the skunk with a high powered
hose to chase him off, and eventually they had to
call the police to come and kill the skunk. The
whole neighborhood got involved. Would you please call, as the
owner of the skunk and bust on him for killing

your pet skunk. Thank you from Deborah. All right, here
he is Dave Brody decided to take the challenge. You're ready, Brodie?
Oh yeah, here we go. The skunk phone til Hello. Hello,
is Larry there? Peppi? Oh yeah, that's me. Yeah, Hi,
this is him. Listen, the jig is up. Excuse me,

you heard me. I know what you did and I'm
not gonna let you get away with it. Who's this?
Who's this? It's PEPPI. I don't know anybody about the
name of Peppi. Well, you know what your neighbor told
me what you did? What are you talking about? What
am I to I love it that you act like
you don't know. I don't know, sir, I don't know
what you're talking about. You don't know. Crap. A month
and a half ago, my pet skunk ran away, and

I've been trying desperately to find out what happened to him.
And I put signs up all of a neighborhood a reward.
Nobody responded to me until Marissa called me up and
she told me that you killed my skunk. I did
not do that. Listen, Peppy, my god, I will never
do that. You're gonna deny you killed my skunk. I did, sir,

You're inhuman Listen. I call the Ramapa police. They told
me you killed my skunk. Did hey listen? Can you
listen to me carefully? I can't listen anything. Listen, Peppy.
Can you listen to me carefully? Sir? Yeah, can you
listen to me. I'm listening. The skunk was in my yard. Okay,
let me explain to you what happened. Ahead, tell me

while you killed she was acting while like Shakespeare, like
he had rabies. He was walking around in circles. I
taught him to do that. Well, Sir, I didn't know that.
I called the Ramapa police the first time that he
was in my yard. Then he wind up in Marissa's yard. Okay,
at what point did you kill him? I didn't kill him.

What did you do, Larry? I didn't kill him the
around the police killed them. Oh, now you're blaming the cops.
The cops are the ones who came over here. I
spoke to the cops. They said, you shot my skunk
with a hose. I did not. You shot my skunk
with a hose. I did not, sir? Did you shoot
my skunk with a hose. I tried. I wanted him

to try to get on out of the watered him.
He's not a flower, Sir. I don't know what to do.
It isn't my properties acting irrational. It's a skunk. I
don't know that, Sir. I don't know that. What other
animals have you killed? Oh? Come, God, give me a break.
I had never killed anybody. Well, why didn't you save

my skunk? The articles all over the newspaper that they're
going around with Raby, And didn't you see the signs
up all over the neighborhoods? Totally not, if I believe me,
if I would have seen signs along the neighborhood it
had an ID tag and a collar. So well, let
me have your father to look. What did the police look?
How am I going to get next to a stunt? Well,
who is shooting them with water? You are the cop?

I wanted him to get him off my proper. Oh
my god, you wanted Look. Look, I don't want to
discuss this. Marissa said, you killed my skunk. Marissa, listen
to me. After you host my skunk, the skunk was
all wet and you and you and the autopsy showed
that you blinded the skunk. The skunk wandered into the
lake and drowned it. Were you heard me? The sun

was shut by the police house because you drowned it. Oh, kid,
out of here. The skunk was shut him from Look.
I don't want to discuss them anymore. Okay, I'm in
the process right now. I'm gonna call the police because
this is a harassment. Okay, do me a favor. If
you can just tell me you're sorry for killing my
my skunk, Elvis, then then I'll forgive you and I'll
drop the whole thing. No, No, absolutely not. There's nothing

to forgive you because I did not kill your skunk. Well,
would you at least admit that you had a hand
in the death of my skunk? Absolutely not, sir. I
didn't ask kill the skunk. I took you skunk and
I got him oude on my property. That's all I did.
I could you could you say, excuse me? I'm up
for police were the ones who shot Okay, your skunk
in front of Marissas As a matter of fact, Marissa

and I'm going to have a freaking conversation today, Okay,
And you want to apologize for hosing Elvis the skunk. Well,
let me tell you something. You should apologize to your
skunk for him. How the hell did he get aways
from you? He's allowed to go out in the backyard.
He's allowed to go in the backyard. Huh, Man, Look,
don't talk to me, guy. Okay, well will you will
you listen to me? You want to have a discussion

with me, Come in front of my face. Okay, have
a discussion with me. Okay, man, don't talk to me.
You can hit. You're gonna hit. Know where I live.
The police is on the way home. I just filed
the harassment charge against where it is calling me? Okay, well,
your daughter in lawst is to play a phone tap
on you. Excuse me. This is Dave Brody from Melstra
in the Morning Show. Is there anything you want to

say to your doorden Lord Debbie payback as a bit?
Was it? He great? That was a way way way
back Wednesday. Phone tap from like a long time ago?
Did he kept saying I watered the skunk? He was
such a cool guy. Anyway, that's your one thousand dollars,
gravity blankets, free money, phone tap and Bethany, you just

won one thousand dollars. You guys, ring the bell, scary
ring the thousand dollars bell. Yeah, you got a thousand
dollars on the way. Congratulations, what's awesome. I love you
guys so much every morning. Well, thank you, thank you
for being the only one left. Thank you, Thank you, Bethany,

have a safe drive. Hold on a thousand dollars thanks
to uh to gravity Blankets and gravity blankets dot com
on the way. By the way, go to gravity blankets
dot com. Twenty five percent off is actually something. It's
a steal. You should do it. Use the promo code
Holiday twenty nineteen for twenty five percent off at gravity
blankets dot com. Every single morning, I absolutely I could

love you guys Elvis Doran in the Morning Show. If
you like me like a little naughty, crazy fun with
your friends, go get the Telestrations after Dark board game.
I just love playing this game and you will too.
Buy it today at Target, Bedbetha Beyond Barnes and Noble,
or where are you buy board games? You know we're
we're driving on down to Philly for the Q and

O two jingle Ball presented by Capital One tonight. Yeah
we are fingers crossed. There's a taco bell between here
and there. There's always the food stop. We love it.
We're gonna be on the Elvis Duran Magic busy. And
as you know, the best gifts are meant to be shared.
They have the Taco Bell rolled Chicken Tacos party pack.
We buy about five of these things where the buses covered.

It has six rolled chicken tacos with three dipping sauces
and six crunchy tacos. Love delivered by grub Hub. They'll
have it there for you. Just sit there on your
button wait for it to arrive. All right, Share the
gift of tacos with Taco bells, Rolled Chicken Tacos party
pack in the Morning Show is a consistent ratings winners.

I'll be in the bag. But we got a lot
of mister Rand in the Morning Show. I don't know, jeh,
this is the weirdest show. Do you do have great chat?
Excusely popular mister Ran in the Morning Show? I have

Royd Rage scary. You look very handsome today. Oh I
love that shirt on you. That's my favorite shirt you
ever wear. And I like those jeans. I was just
looking at you like scary looks really nice. Scary got
a package. The jeans are eight years old and I
rubbed out the thighs. You've been patched up three times.

And the shirt look a look at the did you
jimminy crook at your thighs? I think you look good.
It look good. You look doable today shirt, and I
like it. I like a dad bod, even like you're
not a dad. You know what, Danielle, that was very
sweet that you paid a nice compliment to your your
brother Scary. You're much older brother Scared. Anyway, that was great.

You know that was awesome. You don't do that. Catch
someone doing something right today. You caught Scary looking good today.
Oh it's good. Can I give him a moment that
I loved him a lot today? Please do. When he
was very angry earlier and he was screaming with a
mouthful of food, I'm so mad. Everyone's making me eat
I know. He said he was enraged and when people
upset him, he eats more. He's mad because people are

triggered by things we say on our show. And then
he was triggered to eat more. I was not mad
at people in the room. No, I know. I do
the same thing scary. When I'm triggered, I eat. I
remember my mother when she was triggered, she cried. I
were on one time. My mother looked at me, she said,
you are the reason mommy cries. My mom did the
reason she curses. Speaking of parents, let's okay, I want

to tell a double decker to add Danielle's story. First
of all, a big story here in New York City
and in Philly Yankees and the Yankees and the Phillies.
Our D D. Gregorious yep is moving from the Yankees
to the Philly Yeah. DD's my favorite player on the Yankees.
I loved And so, uh, you were kind of excited

because you're actually going to go out and buy a
Phillies jersey. So yeah, So here's what I'm thinking. So
American League is my Yankees, and I'm thinking I could
have a National League team. Why not? So I am
going to get a D. D. Gregorious Phillies jersey. There
you go, they're not yet because I actually wanted to
wear it tonight to uh to Philly jingle Ball. I
thought that would be cool. That would be good that

they don't have them yet. That's okay, you can mentioned
it on stage tonight stage. So yeah, so I'm excited
and they'll they'll take good care of my DD. And
of course Mets fans hate you right now, That's okay
because the Mets like the Red Sox. I'm like the
sworn enemy of the Yankee fans and the Phillies of
the sworn enemy of the Mets. Here you go, Danielle
serving two of our most important cities. I love that
so exciting. And the other deck is because of the D. D.

Gregorious story that came out yesterday. Danielle reached for her
phone to call her dad because the Yankee conversation is
what Danielle and her father always used to have. That
was tough because the first person I call always his
dad to say, oh my gosh, can you believe this?
Or can you believe that? And he knows how much
I love DD and he was my favorite. So I
called his best friend, Uncle Pete, who we've known since

I was a baby. They've been best friends for years.
Also a Yankee fan, also a Yankee fan and one
of my like my dad's best friend in the whole world.
And I talked to Uncle Pete and he got me
through it, and he said, I really appreciate you. I
being I'm the one that you're going to call for
this now and I said yeah, I said, you are
so love you, Uncle Pete. Thank you for being there.
And Dad, I know you're looking down and take care

of my d d from up a buff Hey, Dad,
your daughter misses you very much. I really do. But
your friend or your uncle Pete, Yeah, I cannot tell
you how I assume he felt when he got to
that phone call from you. I bet because he his
best friend. He misses my dad so much. What a
wonderful thing you did for him. Yeah. They actually they
have like guy's night out, So like last night was

guy's night out with all the guys and Dad wasn't
there and they were all drinking to him and stuff,
and he said it was it was tough, but uh
but yeah, you know, what are you gonna do? You
know what you're gonna do. You're gonna do exactly what
you are doing. You're doing great, Danielle. We're so proud
of you. I'm trying. And then there's Gandhi. I got
nothing perfect, I got nothing in my book. People are

livid with me. No, we didn't learn a lesson in
you know, fried foods are usually only good after you
pull them out of the fryar yea an hour or
two later. So our favorite Indian restaurant, tamarind so Gandhi
and scary, and I bellied up to the bar for
lunch there the other day. And one of the dishes
they have, which is just from heaven. Danielle, you would
love it. It's this It's a fried call like fried

cauliflower pieces, but it's coated in this beautiful sauce. I
have it right here. Did you did you eat something
not right here? The sauce is unbelievable. So I brought
it in. I ordered Tamarin, delivered it to my house
last night, and I had it and it was great.
It wasn't even great by the time I got to
my house, Actually, it was already kind of soggy. I'm
gonna brought it in today. You're gonna taste the flavor,
but you're not gonna feel the crunch. I think we

have ways to bring back the crunch. We'll do it.
Did you notice to have the rice though? And rice
from Indian restaurants get in there, Danielle's so good. I
can't wait. Also got some pannier yum in a spicy
little being Greek sauce is how you say it? Greek? Whatever?
Who else can we Benjaman about Froggy. I was talking

about Froggy. So okay, here's the thing. So Froggy says, hey,
Lisa are coming up this weekend. Yeah, I said, oh great.
He said, what are you doing Saturday? I said, I
don't know nothing. Let's have brunch. Okay, We're having brunch.
Then I had a call from my friend Andy, Andy
and his wife and Andy's sister coming into it down.
I said, okay, well, he said, let's have brunch. I said, okay,
well I have the runch with at least and Froggy.
Let's get together, all right. So there's three of them

one I mean, that's four, and then two of them.
That's six. Then Froggy says, what up? I say, what from?
We're in Saturday? But we did tell Danielle and Sheldon
that we're doing something with him. I said, well great,
we're up to we're up to eight people. Trying to
find a brunch for eight people in New York City.
It's it's difficult. I found a place down the street.

I'm excited. We're having one, and I did happen to
fall asleep between making reservations. Elvis sends me a text, Hey, Jackass,
it's eight people. Can you give me an answer? Okay, okay?
No no then so then you know this is the
day after one hundred jingle ball Froggy. Yeah, so I'm
gonna be tired, I said, Alex, You're going to work Saturday, right?
Oh no, it took the day off, I said, Well

he and repped hall. MAT's going to spend the night
Friday night after the show to ten people for brunch. Yes,
so yes, God, if you don't mind coming to town
this weekend, and I would love for you guys to
meet her. Maybe brunch would be a good time. A
whole restaurant. Yeah, I don't even know if this place holds.

What's scary. I'm gonna be solo on Saturday morning. I
get up nice and early at the crack of doorn.
I could just roll into the city and Diamond you're
coming in. He's gonna be there, Brody right out a room.
No the in vegetables, Brody, you would hate it. All right,
we'll talk about it later. I don't know. We may
be at capacity. But keep in mind those who I mean.

It just kind of grew on its own. So this
is this is when I get a call from people like,
why don't you invite me? Why I didn't invite anyone? Well,
then I gonna be I didn't invite anyone. It just
just morphed into this thing. Well, last time I saw Andy, right,
Andy Stewart, who's from Norwegian, he said, I'm coming in
on this date. I said, great, let's get together for dinner.
So then Frock and Lisa said they were coming in.

So I called Lisa and I said, hey, Andy wanted
to do dinner. You want to do dinner. So then
yesterday he said, oh and Elvis is into so oh
yeah everybody. So I'm so now you're saying I'm in
on your lunch, but you're in on my lunely whatever.
Some were merging, We're all together follow the world's worlds collide.

I'm excited. I can't wait. Sheldon so excited. They save
me a couple of seats seas, Yes, what we have
an agenda at lunch? What's that? We have to talk
Danielle's husband, Sheldon, into getting her a Peloton bike. She
wants one. Okay, he says, no, he's not sold that.
Andy Stewart loves this Peloton bike, so you think it's
a great. All my friends who spent the money from Peloton,

they have never had a more expensive clothes hanger. We'll
start with you, Danielle. What's on your mind? Okay? So
I'm gonna post something on my Instagram in a few minutes.
My cat Diggie uses her hands to eat. Now, yea,
her paws was she? So you put the food in
her bawl. She puts her paw in the bowl and
she scoops the food and licks it. There you go.

We couldn't believe it. We took video of this yesterday.
How much she's becoming more human as the days go on. Animals,
it's crazy. So I doesn't sound crazy to me. It
sounds like you have a very smart ken. Yeah. So
I'm going to post this on my Instagram. We could
not be leave love it. She's the queen of the
castle that damn pat I swear I had another dream
that you guys got a populace scary? What's up with you?

Who is the famous person who said catch someone doing
something right? You always talk about that well, whoever that's
painless person was, that was Dale Carnegie, Dale Carnegie. Well,
I'd like to shine a light on this place called
south Fork Bakery and sag Harbor, New York, out on
Long Island, and they're a nonprofit and they provide meaningful
employment for adults with special needs. So I got a

package in the mail from someone who gave me a
Christmas present, and all the goods in there were baked
and they were packaged and sold by these adults who
work there. So I want to support more businesses that
do that. That's great in the coming year. Excellent, and
you ate every crumb, Well, now you know, I'm gonna
share some with the show. The only the only food

from that wonderful place you're gonna share with us is
the stuff that comes out of your mouth when you're
talking and it spits. So let's here for south Fork
Bakery and sag Harbor. Beautiful sag Harbor. Love that nonprofit
providing incredible, incredible employment for incredible adults with specialty. I
don't know that South Fork Bakery producer Sam, producer Sam,
what's on your mind today? So days like we had

yesterday always makes me super reflective. Because, as you know,
I live in Jersey City, and we lost a police officer,
and I have a sister who has decided to spend
the rest of her life with a police officer. Good.
So days like that make me very appreciative and worried
like a Jewish mother for Joseph Genteely, who is a
detective in Monroe Township, and I want him to know
I love him very much, and I am appreciative of

everyone out there who's like him, and people like my
sister who keep them, you know, with a partnership and
support and love at home. I must assume when you
get up and you put on the badge you put
you put the uniform one, and you leave the house,
whoever is back in the bed or back at the
house getting ready for their job, they're thinking about you,
and they are just as much a part of the
force as you are. Yeah. It's yeah, this gentleman had

five kids and we're not even we haven't even started
talking about the identification of the other people who lost
their lives, right, yeah, the other five. Yeah. So, Joseph,
I love you and I'm always thinking about you. You're
a sweetheart. Uh where else would I go Gandhi Hi.
I also posted a video on my Instagram that is
making me laugh. So if you need a minute today

to just go chuckle a bit. It's only six seconds,
I promise at the end of it. If you're not laughing,
I find something to be wrong with you. It's a
video I posted on my Instagram. Six seconds. It's one
of my friends at a party this weekend and she's
dancing and I turned the camera just coincidentally to another
friend who was watching her, and his face is out
of control. I saw that. Yeah, you were in Philly. Yes,

it was in Philly over the weekend. Excellent. Yeah, it's
a funny video. Yeah, I'm trying. I'm kind of wondering
what happened? It will spark joy. And you had a
piece of cakes. She was excited. What, oh was so weird?
What's weird? So did Scary just whisper in your ears?
So he Scary had a question. He ran over to
ask it, and he like, slavered, Scary, your breath war singly.

We're good. Yeah, killed me. Our memories are really bad here.
I don't even know who you people are. This is
the time of year. I don't know about you listening
to your to us right now. But this is the
time of year where we're just like full throttle. Yeah
it's been. It's been pretty much full throttle for about
two years now. Yeah, we need a break. Mama's teets
are tough, Yeah they really are. They're like they're like

they're like leather. Yeah, mine too. You got leather teeps, O,
leather teeps. From now on, Daniel will be known as
leather teeths. Yes, it again. I'd rather have leather teeths
of other faces. Anyway, let's get into the three things

we need to know. A lot of serious stuff going
on and on once again. Yesterday I was glued to
local news here in New York because of the story
breaking out of Jersey City, not only because half of
our show lives in Jersey City, but I used to
live there, we used to work there. And of course
it involves police officers, it involves people who listen to
our show every day. They're out there, so I'd just

like keeping an eye on it. And they still don't
have all the answers now, they barely have any answer. No,
it's there are I mean, depending on which news sources
you are looking at, there are different stories about exactly
what happened, but the facts that we do know for
sure are that sadly, Detective Joseph Seals was shot and
killed with a high powered rifle at a local cemetery.
After that happened, the suspects fled to a bodega where

they hold up for hours and a gunfight ensued with police.
At the end, three civilians were dead, the two suspects
dead as well, and of course that officer that we
talked about. So as we get more information, we'll share
it with you. I'm sure people are seeing things from
all over the place, but we're thinking about that. A
lot of schools in that area and these kids were
in lockdown until late in the afternoon, but they were
listening to the gunshots from their classroom. That's terrifying. I

cannot even imagine. So our hearts are with everybody who
was affected by that. New Zealand we talked about this
the other day. There was a huge eruption of volcano
over there and there was a tourist group that was
touring around that area when it happened. Well, people were
severely burned, and now New Zealand is ordering one hundred
and eighty six thousand square inches of skin from the
United States because all these people need skin grafts and

they have enough. Yeah. Wow, thirty people in critical condition,
six people confirmed dead. And again that was after a
volcano erupted in New Zealand. And finally, the last full
moon of the decade happening tomorrow. It's twelve twelve and
it's going to be happening the best viewing time at
twelve twelve am Eastern time. Coincidence will be awake. Yeah,
we will be here, you go, We'll be up late.

Will be Philly and Qmno. Two is jingle Ball tonight
and then here in New York City for ZE one
hundreds jingle Ball presented by Capital One. By the way,
you can watch that Friday night. We're gonna be there
on the cwapp and CWTV dot com. I do believe,
is that right? I think I just guessed. I'm totally fried. Yeah,

CWTV dot Com and the CWAP Oh my, got a
got it right. It's good. I've found a little little
quarter in my brain that had memories everything there. What's
up with that? Who with that? Anyway? All right, let's
take your break we'll be back. How are you doing?
This is Wendy Williams. What's up, y'all? What's going on?
This is Drake and you're listening to Elvis Duran, Elvis
Duran and the Morning Show. I've always loved hot sauce,

but now with Chalula in my life, I love it
even more. It's filled with unique flavor and just enough heat.
What's not to like? So grab your bottle of Chalula,
the one with the wooden cap. I have no idea
what I'm getting anyone for Christmas? No, no idea. Oh
I'd like a peloton. We'll go get one. I just

want Quliday time time. Yes, you stop, you know what.
I'll be honest. I can get her what she wants
before and get you what you want. A peloton is
so much easier than quality time. No time is the
one thing we never get back. That's why I like
when you give it to me. I just want to
have lunch with you on Saturday. That's it. We're having
lunch on Saturday. You know we're having our holiday party. Yeah,

Christmas party Monday at lunch. Yeah, in an undisclosed place.
Secret and oh but we've invited special guests. Every year
we invite special guests, and we have special guests coming
this year. Greg t will be included in that, of course. Yeah. So,
uh last night, I was sitting there at the fire

in the fireplace, you know, push the button. It came on.
I love that some people are such purest No, I
must shore the crackling of the wood. I must have
the real fire butting on the now, just push a button,
let the gas through the work. Anyway, I was sitting
there just kind of shaking like a chihuahua, knowing the
day was done, and we're just wondering once again, how
to try to relieve a little of this stress. I'm

thinking we should I go talk to take a hot bath.
Oh those are good with bubbles especially. Yeah, so I
thought about that, and oh so I'm gonna get under
the gravity blanket and just kind of chill and watch TV.
And I was flipping around and I found Ellen's show
lesson yas our special issue was giving away all of
the prizes to deserving people. Now what it called again, Ellen,
I don't even remember, but she had Jennifer Anderson on

with her and Jason Momoa. Jennifer Anderson seems to be
such a lovely person. I didn't see Jason Momoa. He
was earlier in the show. You might have been that
he was scheduled to be on the show. I didn't
see him. Okay. It's called Ellen's Greatest Night of Giveaways. Okay,
it was very cool and uh that Ellen. You know
she has great sponsors. Yeah, they come through and really

really step up to the plate to help her award
these great prizes and cash giveaways. Two people continuing it
on her regular show like this week. So I noticed
yesterday that somebody gets Robert Downey Junior in a box.
But we would like a little Stark in a box.
You could get Danielle and I there. You know what,
if we could just stop thinking about what we need,
didn't think about what other people you asked what we wanted. Okay, look,

our show is nowhere near I mean the hugeness and
of the Ellen Degenerous show. We don't have resources like that.
But we could give away some fun things. So I'm
thinking next week, we're here Monday the Friday, right, yes,
well Thursday, we're not here. Thursday. Monday to Thursday, we're

here Friday. Okay, scary, scary, Friday series, just trying to
get a day off yesterday too, he said, I'm getting
on that show for Friday and Elvis, because what are
you talking about then, Ivis because we're on Friday. Okay,
we're really off off base here. Okay, back onto the track.
We do five shows next week. I want to give

away like a really cool gift every day next week.
Oh that's awesome. That would be great fun. We'll pay
for it. It's out of our pocket. When I say our,
I mean mine. Okay, and listen, you guys want to
chip in. So let's start thinking about what these these
gifts can be. Is it gonna be a peloton? No? Okay, no,

you know it can't be. Day didn't give a rowing
machine away yesterday, not a It's what I'm saying. I
don't have I don't have that kind of budget, all right,
but we can come up with some good stuff. Okay,
think about it. So next week, every day, uh, let's
say thirty minutes after the phone tap, so it'd be
eight o'clock East Coast time, but whenever time that first
phone tap plays, yeah, thirty minutes after that. Every day

next week we're giving away a juicy glamorous prize. Do
you want to text in some ideas let us know,
like the hottest gadgets out this year. Yeah, whatever you
wanted to be like a thing, not an experience. If
you can find an experience, that's you know, okay, doabowl?
What scary? Remember that one year we gave away gumball machine. Yeah,
that was quite a year. No, that was the company

that gave them to us for Christmas. Remember, and we
were given I remember coming in and they said Merry Christmas.
Then they handed me a gumball. Remember when Greg t
gave away iPads but they were just eyepatches. Oh my god,
we're not going to do that. No, we're not gonna
do that. Daniel. You're ready to do your report? Yea,
the Daniel Report? What's going on? All right? Say it

isn't so Jack Black retiring. I swear to gosh, I'll
cry so apparently. Yeah, the rumor is that after Jamanji
the next level comes out and he does his you know,
promotion for it, blah blah blah, he might not do
anything for a while. He might take a little bit
of a break. Can you imagine? No, can do that
means we could take a break. No, it's not gonna happen.

Thinking about what you're doing right now in your life,
would you like to take a break. I'm gonna take
a break. We kind of figured this already. Jessica Bill
reportedly encouraged Justin Timberlake to apologize publicly publicly for holding
another woman's hands because she was embarrassed and wanted him
to be accountable. I don't blame her. If that happened
to me, I do the same thing. I'll go. Your
ass is gonna get out there apologize. I hope they're

doing okay. Yeah, I hope so too. Lizzo does not
care about the criticism for that butt bearing outfit she
wore at the Laker game. I don't know if you
saw it. She was twerking in a thong. I saw it. Um.
She basically says she's the happiest she's ever been. I'm
surrounded by love. It I just want to spread the
love and also spread these cheeks, and she did. She did. Yeah,

if you go and look at the video, she spread
those cheeks. Well, we have sound from Lizzo talking about
it coming up in the sound of Garrett. It's very
nice and I'm kind of. I'm on the fence about it,
you too, because I have kids, and I know if
my kids are watching the Lakers game and that comes
up on the screen or if you're in the audience,
I don't know how I feel about it. I'm a
little I'm a little torn. And I love Lizzo, so

you know, I'm a little torn. I just get really
uncomfortable when people are wearing anything that's too short because
you know my thing with like buttholes on seats. Yeah,
and it happens all the time when you're wearing those
booty shorts. I'm like, hey, hey, hey, I'm all for it. Okay, absolutely,
I hope you're gonna wear that outfit to jingle ball outs.
Kevin Hart, remember he had all that controversy over doing

the oscars and so he didn't do it last year. Well,
he said if they came back to him this year,
he would consider doing it. So we'll see if that happens.
Jamanji is opening in your theaters on Friday, and I
will remind you every five minutes if I could, because
it's so fantastic. The math Singer is on tonight. I
know it was on yesterday, but the top three are
revealed as two more masks get removed. It's a holiday

themed semi final special that's going on tonight. You've got
a an interview with Dan rather Ellen's Greatest Night of Giveaways.
Uh oh, if this is tonight, then not this afternoon.
Downey Jr. He's on tonight, so he's Robert Downey Junior
is the celebrity helping Ellen hand out presents tonight. Oh
my gosh, I hope they can record that for me

at home. Bett's tell them. The mid season finale of
Riverdale is on tonight, so that's good. Midseason finale of Stumptown,
the mid season finale of Making It, Uh Crank Youngers
that's on tonight, and Comedy Central, and the twenty third
season finale of South Park twenty third show Not Crazy anyways. Yeah,

next hour, we're gonna talk about Brad Pitt. Don't listen
to everything you hear about his love life. Speaking of
Brad Pitt. So, uh so I watched half of Once
upon a Time in Hollywood. Wow, finally, and then I
was going to finish it. Yeah, and then Coast Boy
Josh ran in here and said, no, you have to
watch it all at one time, okay, otherwise it just

isn't as good, and so I mean, okay, So last
night I decided to watch the whole thing, okay, and
I truly enjoyed it. Wasn't it great? Brad Pitt unbelievable.
I thought DiCaprio did a great job. I thought they
all did a fantastic job. Brad Pitt gets some Oscar
recognition because he really is. He's so good at this.

So all of his movies that I really haven't seen
a Brad Pitt movie that I haven't liked. Have you
seen Once upon a Time in Hollywood? Absolutely? So, what
in my opinion a work of art, not only because
the story is really interesting and it's got interesting twists
in this and that, but at the period the sixties,
right yeah, I think so yeah, that they covered in
Los Angeles, working in you know, Hollywood, in the entertainment business.

They actually had Kate HJ Radio always playing on the
radio with the real DJ's Robert W. Morgan, and they
played the music of the time. It was just so
well done, of course, all wrapped around the Charlie Charlie
Manson story somewhat. So I watched the whole thing last night,
and I was I truly enjoyed it. But it's I
hear this is one of those movies that's so polarizing.

Either you love it or you hate it. Yeah right, yeah,
you love it or hate it. But Quentin Tarantino usually
his his movies are so far out there. This one
wasn't that far out there. I thought it was great.
I love Quentin Tarantino movies. This was a little bit different.
But that Brad pitt Man, he's just a fine old man.
You don't think he's hot. I've mother found, Brad, I've
never found. He's not my type. Brad pitt Oh, I

do fine old man. Yeah. I go back to those
Stelma and Louise days. Whoa seriously do with Thelma and
Louise search and look at look at what it looked like? Well,
I remember I saw it. He was holding that hair
dryer with his shirt off. He's but yeah, he's more.
He's better handsome than he was. He was cute than
he's handsome. Now what are you laughing at? Frog? No?
You and the back to Thulman Louis. He's like you

were like you knew, you knew exactly which brad Pitt
you were liking. But there was another one. It was
a River Runs through It or one of those movies
that I love. That movie. So in North Carolina, employees
at a Bed, Bath and Beyond discovered an uninvited sleepover
guest hiding in the store when they opened up Monday morning.

The Greenville, North Carolina employees called police run eight thirty
in the morning, and they responded to a breaking and
entering in progress. The problem was there was no breaking
and entering in progress. He was already there. The intruder
was a fourteen year old runaway who had been camping
out in the store overnight. It's a great spot if
you're gonna need to speak, place of sleep. He wasn't harmed.

He was taken back to his house. He's okay. So
it got me to thinking, I remember when I was
a kid, we go to the mall. Yeah, Like, what
would be like to be locked in this mall by
myself with access to every single thing in this mall?
Like down there at the piano store, I could go,
you know, play piano for a while and over here's
the orange Julius. Remember those orange I would crank up

those orange Julius machines. Like, what store would you want
to live in? Let me live in? Would you rather
live in? Like bed Beth and beyond home Goods? Ikea?
Where do you want to live? Maybe Target, but but
like a super Target that has the food? Yeah? Yeah,
in microwave oven? Yeah, like a forever store. I like
a pet store. You're living there though, you need? You

need to live there? Okay? Where is your living room?
You know what I'm saying? Where are you going to live?
Some of those cat palaces they have are spacious, Okay, small,
I could get in there. Are you kid to have
a trail? Yeah? Her little wheel wheel? That's that's your gym?
Ye like Doctor Doolittle all the animals. We'd talk and

be I think we're missing. Well, there's gonna be some store.
We're not thinking it. What store would be so excellent
to live What about like Brookstone? All the different massageres
over there time, But it has to be a store
that we have access to food. Man, you have to eat.
You can order take out? What what about a Costco? Uh?
You can do that? Yeah, Garrett? What no? That Costco
for you? All right? And they have ovens? Yeah, they

held everything maybe we should think of more. Yeah. On
a grander scale, Ikea is good too, because you would
never get bored. You could build all of their things.
And then they also have the meat balls. Yeah that
she'd never get sired of those meat ball Yeah. And
you can play hide and seek in all the little
racks so Costco or BJ's. I'll love a good all
night BJ all night. It seems exhausting. What are you

talking about? I think Target, I really do, because a Target,
the superstore has all kinds of fun stuff, clothes and
you know, sporting equip You can work out, you can
read a book, you can watch some TV, you can
play some video games, you can go and eat. You can,
but there's a lot of things to doing it. Targ
Gondhi can shop in the Little Boys department because that's

where she shot. Ye. What about like Dicks. I'm sorry,
Dick shops there every he already lived there. The sporting
goods place where you could climb a wall, play some basketball,
but there's no food and director if you're gonna go,
if you want to go sporting goods, I would go
Arii Or do they have those across the country? Yeah?
I love Arii because they'd usually have one. I think
that if you go to a Dix you can have

lots of um sunflower sheets because they have all those
different flavored sunlower sets. That's the only thing to eat it, Dick.
It's not a lot to eat it, Dicks. Well, they have,
you know, survival food and they do. Anyway, moving on, stool,
you would you live it? We're gonna move on because
you guys are trying to turn this into something. I
didn't mean for it to be set a pet store.
You know. I just try my best, and if everyone

in this room, I have the dirtiest, most filthiest mind,
but I have learned to squelch it and try to
have a conversation. Danielle and I haven't learned that yet.
It was I met Dicks for the store, I really did.
You can't have froggy and eye in a room and
say Dicks and not expect something. Come on. You know
it's by now, which I wouldn't want to live an
Ikea because you have to build everything right. But imagine

the skills you would have when you came out there.
You know what, Okay, an Alan wrench, I can master
an Allan wrench spirit. I knew wouldn't be bored because
you always have something to put together. Probably you've learned Swedish,
you know how to think creton barrow will be comfortable. Yeah,
all right, moving on, how's your holiday card list going there, Danielle,

I don't know. I don't I don't send out the cards.
We just make them. It just appear. Yeah. Well, well
it's my husband. Honestly, he's so good. He does most
of that stuff. We're getting to the good egg. Oh kay.
So uh you know Tom Tom Kelly, who who writes
for our show. He's a good friend of ours, and

he came to the wedding in Santa Fe. Well, anyway,
I got back married by in September and we even
said please don't send us wedding gifts. And there are
several reasons. Number One, we have more stuff than we'll
ever need. Secondly, that means I have to write a
thank you note everyone, and I'll tell you why. There
there are a lot of people who gave us things,
and somewhere down the line, the person in charge of
keeping up all that stuff separated the cards and the gifts,

so I don't know who gave what. So I don't
know who to thank? Oh boy? So anyway, So I
got to my desk this morning and there's a card
there to Alex and Elvis from Tom Kelly. I haven't
opened it yet. And uh, dad's pay. He donated a

day a day's He donated a day's pay to my charity.
So I'm about to find out what he makes in
a day. Get someone unto my desk and grab that
cards someone anyone scary to watch him run here. So
I think it's really tacky that I'm not able to

say thank you to people who gave me gifts. And
I got a lot of great stuff. I don't know
who to think, I don't know what. I don't even
know where to get started by the biggest thing you
got Gandhi and I got you that. Yes, it was
from us. I hope that the card is still with it. Hi,
Tom Kelly, hello all of this? How are you? I'm
doing great? Sir? So okay here? So were you here yesterday?
How did this card end up on my desk? I

was in Okay, you're you're Can you go to a
better cell area? I can't hear you what I'm trying.
I'm trying to get to a good spot. Okay, are
you at home? No, I'm in front of an audience
at Good Morning America. So how are you You know
Good Morning America is going to be backstage with us
at a Z one hundreds jingle ball Friday night. What

does that mean? I have tickets? Are so okay? So
when did you drop this card off at my desk?
So I dropped the cart off your desk yesterday at
two pm. And you're saying that once I open this,
I will know what a day's pay is for you.
You're donating this too, of course, the Born this Way Foundations.

That's where we wanted all the gifts to you. Well,
I'm not giving you the exact amount, but I donated
a day's pay to the Born this Way Foundation. Yes,
well no, I'm kind of curious. Okay, there's no check
in here. Dear Elvis and Alex, thank you both for
your kindness. Elvis and Radio Alex at the Zoo. Your
wedding was a life experience. I remember it forever, new
friends and old. As your gift, I donated a day's
pay to the Board this Way Foundation. Yea wow. And

so you actually sat down and calculated I know how
you know I work for iHeart and you're you were
instrumental and getting me a job, and in honor of you,
I donated one day's pay to a cause that matter
to you. Let me tell you I was going to
say less than that. Fifty bucks goes a long way
for the year. How does this dollar three eighty? That's

what my dad used to say. Tom, that's very sweet
to you. Thank you very much. Well, you're you've been
very sweet to me. All you guys have and Tim
Croppier and I are very grateful to y'all. Let me
ask you a question. So is it okay for me
to live on the air say thank you? And now
I don't owe him a thank you card? I think so?
Or if is it okay to text thank you? Does

that work? Oh? I mean just to you know what
My intent was the only reason I gave you the
card was to get a thank you card from you
and out Hey. By the way, I heard that you
went to your holiday party yesterday at the office. Yes,
it was awful. Can you talk it was awful? Can
you talk about the sandwich ratio problem? Okay? There were

ten percent vegans in the room and fifty percent vegan
sandwiches offered to the party. Some hippie up there dominated
the whole event. No, wait a minute, to be fair,
I mean you're you eat me, obviously, but you can
also eat vegetarian or vegan sandwiches. You can eat. It

was lettuce with mayo, it was cucumber with paprika. That
was it. It was the only Christmas party I've ever
ordered out food for. Do you know, I don't know who.
And the best part is there was one hippie. There's
one lady who I don't know, and I'm probably she's
probably sure she's my boss and I'll be fired after this.
But she looked like she came from the year nineteen
sixty three and she's walked around telling everybody I it

is we have vegan option. No no, no, no offense.
But you know, just hold on, hold on. You To
characterize someone who's vegan as as a hippie, I mean,
that's not you know, I don't know. There are a
lot of people who are vegan who don't fit that stereotype.
What's that? Daniel Vegan Fox's kids go to an all
vegan school, and it's they're so into the animal rights

things that they have even if a if a bug
gets accidentally stepped on, they have a funeral for the button.
All yeah, I like that, but guilty every time I
eat an animal too, but they're just tastier. I feel
guilty every time. If God wanted us to be vegetarians,
he would not have made animals out of meat. Damn,
darn straight, darn straight, All right, say, damn hey, thank you, Tom,

thank you so much for your gift. I love you.
George Stephanopolis is calling. I gotta go, very busy, very
busy at the Today Show. He's just big your name
online to you. Yeah, no, not really, Oh, no, offense.
Let's get let's get into sound. Yeah, Garrett, Hey, Garrett hey,
going on. All right, good morning. Let's start with this.

Charlie Pooth last night was on The Tonight Show, did
some musical impressions and he did his song we Don't
Talk Anymore as the Doobie Brothers. I don't know what
the Doobie Brothers sound like. Yeah, you've heard the Dubie Brothers.
You have most people have it. You're you're you're well round.
I'm well round, Yes, I am for old people like Danielle.

She knows what the Doobie r fart knocker. Hey, what
do I call you earlier? Leather leather teeth, leather teeth,
leather teeths Hey, speaking of Charlie pootheh. As you know,
we're gifting it forward with PEPSI. A lot of people
are so into this, this gift that Charlie Pooth gave us,

and now we're gifting it forward to you. Round trip
air transportation to go meet up with Charlie Pooth at
his studentdo watch him whip up a private music session
as he writes music in front of you, which is
just unreal. Wow. He'll let you leave with an electronic keyboard,
a high processing Mac computer and a microphone just like

he uses when he produces his music. We're gifting this
forward to you thanks to Pepsi. If you want to
win it, you have to post on social media hashtag
gift it Forward, hashtag Elvis Pepsi Sweepstakes and tag our
show at Elvis Duran. Show all the info at Elvis
Duran dot com. Imagine you win a Grammy? Yeah? Can you?
Can you imagine? The deadline is this morning at ten

o'clock East Coast time. Yes? All right, Neo was on
with a Little Late with Lily Singh and she asked,
have you ever had sex to your own music? No?
Normally is by request? I don't is that in the
moment or a discussion that happens before it's happened both ways, Honestly,
before we have sex, can we put on one of

your songs? Yeah? All right, Lizzo Danielle was talking about this.
Lizzo was wearing an outfit at the Laker game. A
lot of people didn't like it, a lot of people
loved it. Lizzo said, you know what, I don't care
and this is what she said on instant. Who I
am in the essence of me, and the things that
I choose to do as a grown woman could inspire
you to do the same. They don't have to be
like me. You need to be like you. And this

is who I've always been. And your criticism can just
remain your criticism. Your criticism has no effect on me.
Negative criticism has no stake in my life, no control
over my life, over my emotions. I'm the happiest I've
ever been. I'm surrounded by love. I just want to

spread that love and also spread these cheeks. And you
know if you really really don't like you can kiss
it and can't wait to see Lizzo tonight at Qubano
two's jingle Ball. Yes, yeah, all right. Jack Black was
on the red carpet for Jumanji two. Danielle saw it,
loved it, and Variety asked, Hey, it's the holiday season.
What is your favorite Christmas movie? My favorite holiday film?

You know what? It's gotta be elv because once again
John Favreau, I don't know if I'm saying it right.
And Will Ferrell is not gonna out the park. Maybe Humility.
You could have set your own movie. Do I have
a Christmas movie? Which one is mine? Oh? The Holiday?
Obviously the Holiday. Nancy Myers totally forgot he was in
the Holiday movie. All right. James Gordon has all these

guest hosts this week because he is out filming a movie.
So Harry Styles filled in last night played a game
with Kendall Jenner which he Harry Styles used to date
Kendall Jenner back in the day, and they played the
game Spill your guts or fill your guts, where you
have to answer a question or eat something disgusting. So
the question was rank all the one direction member Solo
Careers and Harry Styles had answer or eat a scorpion? Okay,

sweet Louis, Liam Nil and Zane Rank they're solo ate
the scorpion. He did he ate the sciate the scorpion.
That's probably a wise idea good American. This is justin
timber Lake. Hey there, it's Phoebe Rex and you're listening
to Elvis durand Elvis Durand in the morning show Telestrations

after Dark. Danielle, Yes, you know you love it. I
do love it. So it's a dirty game, but it's
not always dirty. Oh my gosh, it's dirty when we play. Yes,
you know what. Let's challenge ourselves and try to play
it once where it's not dirty. I can't. We should
bring it on the bus with us today when we travel, yeah,
and keep ourselves entertained, all right, put it on the
magic bus. So it's the best late night board game
out there. You want to laugh with your friends, this

is definitely the way to do it, because we crack
up laughing when we play it. It's just like the
telephone game you played as a kid, but adult sketches
and guesses and outcomes are usually wrong. By the end
of it, it's like, what the heck did you draw?
But anyway, it's fun. They do have a Telestrations after
a different Telestrations game for younger people. This is not
the one for the kids. Don't put this under the

tree for your six year old niece. This is not
the one Telestration actually do it. Yeah, this one might
be for grandma though she might get a kid out in.
Oh No, go today to Target, Bedbath and beyond, Barnes
and Noble wherever your board game, board game, Oh my gosh,
board game games are sold Telestations after dark. The fun

memories will be loved. Please welcome to Live for the
Mercedes Bands Interview Lounge. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited
to introduce you to Don McPherson. Uh. Don McPherson. God,
he used to be and all. He was an All
American quarterback at Syracuse University. He went on to play
professionally in the NFL and up in Canada, and he

began his work on gender based violence prevention a long
time ago, like back in nineteen ninety four. Don, good
to see you yet. So you you're coming in Live man,
all right, you're coming coming you're falling into snake pit
as the snakes are twisted in turn. This is Danielle Monaroe, sister,
my sister, gandhi, how are you well? Well, he's got

a radio voice. He does the face for radio too. Stop.
See when you say that, when you're saying that, you're
when you're saying that, you're implying that we're ugly. No,
you all beautiful people. You're screwed you. This interview has gone. Okay.

If I say something that isn't quite on target, feel
free to correct me, as I know you will. Okay. Um.
You know the years of late especially we've been hashtag
me too movement, we've been talking about gender equality, elevating
people up to it at the very least, where they
need to have a foundation where they have an equal
chance to live and be treated equally in this world.

You started diving into this in the early nineties. Yeah,
and so you have a perspective from back then and
you've seen it change from then to now. Right, gender equality? Right,
So has it changed that much? Are we Are we
on the right path or is it getting worse? In
your opinion? You know, well, on the right path. It
just hasn't changed fast enough. I think that. I always

say that, Like twenty years ago, if I was talking
to a group of men for an hour, I would
spend forty five minutes trying to explain to them that
there's a problem. Now I don't have to explain the problem.
We know it's there. Well, they've been told there's a problem.
Do they believe there's a problem. Yes, they do. They do.
And part of the reason what me too did was
a lot of men felt indicted. A lot of men
felt blamed, that's fine. What a lot of them also

felt was failure, failure to protect the women in their
lives that they care about. They heard them mothers, their sisters,
their daughters saying, yeah, this happened to me too. So
for the first time, it wasn't a woman on a
poster on a PSA, it was a woman in their lives.
And so for the first time men heard their failure
to protect the women that they care about. Well, I
never thought of that part. What made this important to you?

Like why did this become what you wanted to you know,
be part of partially because of what I just said,
Like when I was twenty nine years old, there's a
chapter in my book titled twenty nine because I was
twenty nine years old when I first learned about the
issue of men's violence and two women. The other part
was that I've been doing work around around social issues
that were always about drugs, alcohol, things that you do

to yourself. This was an issue or something that you
do to somebody else that really made me feel like
and because masculinity and men were the perpetrators. Yeah, I
was this iconic guy, this iconic man as a football player,
and so I had to debunk a lot of the
myths about masculinity that we're leading to violence against women.
So Don McPherson is here. He has a book called

You Throw Like a Girl, The blind Spot of Masculinity,
which I think I could write a book You Throw
like a Girl, because I used to was always told
I threw like a girl and I and in hindsight,
I should have said thank you strong. So, when you
talk about some of the toxic traits of masculinity, what
is it that you think are the biggest perpetrators right

now of toxic masculinity? What do you think are some
of the things that are being put out there that
are causing people to feel this way. You know, I
don't like the term toxic masculinity because it does allow
men a lane to come to the conversation, and toxic
masculinity indicts being male. We've conflated the violence and all
the bad parts of what happens with men and violence

against women. We've conflated that with being male, and that's
that's not true. And we also ignore the continuum of
masculinitiase right right, it's a very broad understanding of what
it means to be a man. And so I don't
like the term toxic masculinity because it narrows men to
this violent, misogynistic identity, which is what we are not right,

because you can still be very masculine and be a
great person that is not holding women down, correct and
outlifting them up? Correct with you? So okay, By the way,
the book is out, it's it's a brand new book, right, Yes,
came out September, and I wrote it twenty years ago.
Really wow? But things have changed since then, have they not? Yes?
They have? And twenty years ago I wrote it, I

was on Oprah and I tell the story, listened to
this story. This is awesome because I was so ready
for this to be on Oprah show talking about violence
against women, and told her about the book. Mid show,
she gave me the name of a publisher, got back
here to New York, called the guy. He called me
back immediately because of course I name dropped Oprah. How

cool was that? And within a day the book was
on its way. Within a week he rejected it. And
what he said was essentially and by the way, the letter,
the rejection letter is in my book now. And what
he said was, the people who need this book don't
buy books. And the people who buy books don't need
your book. In other words, women don't need you telling

them that violence against women is a real thing and
this is why it happens. And men who who who
are the problem, don't buy books. And I found that
to be so sexist against men. It is, yeah, right,
I mean, dumbasses read books all the time, thank you.
We might not get anything out of it. We read
the right exactly, And so that was But like I

was so offended by that notion that men don't care
what I was writing about. The last chapter my book
is titled b your son's father, not your father's son.
In other words, we have to be better than our fathers.
And the whole point of the book was how do
we help men navigate this thing that we've never been taught,
this thing we've never discussed, and what does it mean
to be a whole, loving, caring man? And there you go.

Tom mt ferrison is here. The book is called You
Throw Like a Girl, The blind Spot of Masculinity. We
got to take a break. More coming up right after,
right for scaring break. Okay, we'll be back right after this.
I listen to you every day. Thank you for listening.
This is Elvis Durand in the Morning show. Here we go,
We go Duran in the Morning Show. Tonight we'll be

on stage at z a Q one O two is
jingle Ball presented by Capital One in Philadelphia and of
course ZE one hundreds jingle Ball at the Garden this Friday.
You can listen to it and watch it live on
CWTV dot com or on the CW app this Friday.
But anyway, another thing about Don mcferrison, our guest. He
was a quarterback for the Eagles. So look another connection

yeah to Philly. Yeah, also h Syracuse University, you were
the quarterback there and uh well a major major awarded quarterback.
Come on here, you know you're not a little you know.
Last night was the College Football Hall of Fame dinner
uptown and I was there for that, and it's my
eleventh year going through that dinner, and I'm a college

football geek. So it was awesome to be in that
room with the new class of Hall of Famers. There's
something about Syracuse students. I mean, we have Ali Gold
over here. We have smiling Stephen who's producing us in Philly,
and we have David. Kat's my business partner, not my
sexual partner. Let's get back to work. Because we were

having such a great conversation and Adam will agree. Adams
listening to us up in Connecticut. Hi, Adam, how are
you doing good? How are you doing doing very well?
So Don mc pherson has a book out called You
Throw Like a Girl The blind Spot of Masculinity, and
of course Danielle at Adam. Danielle asked Don, why again,
just in a nutshell, why did you feel this book

was so important for us to have on the market today,
Because I think there is a real need for a
conversation with young men, in particular when we talk about
violence against when we two typically talk about the impacts
on women and girls. We're not talking about the impact
on men and boys. And so there needs to be
a robust conversation about what's going on with man when
you think about all the different issues that are going

on that relate to suicide and depression and mental health
issues that men are not a part of that conversation.
And this, the conversation around preventing moulence against women and
men's health are the same conversation. So, Adam, what is
what is it about our conversation with Don that struck
a nerve with you? Well, I think that there's a
lot of young guys out there that are also um,

you know, we start talking about uh, you know, violence
against women and the me Too movement, and a lot
of guys take it as a you know, attack on them,
and that's not what it is. It's we're just trying
to support you know, regular human beings women our lives
and trying to help them out. And this is a
message that people need to understand that this is a

thing that's happening all the time. It is kind of
hard to do a conversation. It's hard to articulate this
a little bit. I tell you though, I want you
to pick this, pick up this book. It sounds like
something you need to read and learn more about. Yeah,
I'm a pretty young guy. I do like to read books.
But this sounds like a pretty interesting thing to come
a little bit more knowledgeable on. You know. I think

that Adam represents a lot more men out there than
we know talk about them. And so when I went
on Oprah many years ago, when I wrote this book,
I had a publisher tell me that essentially, men don't
care about this issue, and I parently disagree. I think
that's parently false with that president, the notion that men

don't care about talking about being better fathers, about exploring
masculinity in a very broad way. And I think what
Adam is saying is is there are a lot of
men out there who don't feel attacked. They feel what
can I do? What am I supposed to do? What
are we supposed to do? Because the other part of me,
too was not just that man felt failure, but we
also couldn't do that thing that was supposed to do
as men. We couldn't go beat the crap out of somebody.

Because this happened to my daughter or my or my
wife or my girlfriend years ago. So you're stuck. So
you stuck. What do you do? And the next part
of this conversation for a ment is what do we do?
How do we grow past this narrow way in which
we've been raised? Adam, thank you for your call. Go
pick it up. It's called you Throw like a Girl
by Dan mc don McPherson. Okay, all right, thank you,

great show are you doing? Thank you very much. Thanks
for spending time with us. All right, so let's talk
to Danielle, who is the mother of two boys. Yes,
what ten and fourteen? Yep, ten and fourteen? Go. Why
let's do this? Why is it important for either maybe
my husband to read the book or my maybe my
fourteen year old to read the book? Yeah? You know,
you often hear the term uh um on microaggressions when

it comes to the workplace and when it comes to
how how many women and and LGBTQ and and folks
interact and all the little subtle things that we do
that offend and we do that to boys constantly. One
of the other authors on the imprint that I'm published
on the books is a former NFL player who talked

about suicide because he was He thought that when he
finished playing football that no one would care or no
one would like him, would love him because he was gay.
And it was all the things he heard every single
day that were homophobic, that were telling him that if
you're not a real, tough, hard nosed football player guy,
then you don't matter to the point that you don't
you know, you shouldn't be alive, and those kinds of

things that boys here everything. That's why the title you
throw like a girl matters because it is the language
that we hear as boys from a very very early age,
true that you're either a real man or you don't matter, right,
And so it's so important for men to have this
conversation so they know how to talk to their sons
in a way that that does not diminish who their

sons are, but lifts them up to be whole, loving,
caring people as well as being tough little boys. Because
we're gonna be we're gonna be a little knuckleheads anyway, right,
that's a giving, But how do you raise them also
to be loving and caring at the same time. Nice,
So for people who are maybe processing this idea for
the first time, because it's a big idea, right, and
there are a lot of different areas that could be changed.
What would be your jumping off point, or you're one

piece of advice for people who say I want to
make a difference, where do I start? Starts with the conversation,
and it's a hard like to your point, I don't
think that the concept is hard. I think people know it.
I think men know instinctively that I'm not living my wholeness.
I'm not living an honest life because I'm not fully
expressing who I am in my wholeness. I think men
know that part. And so the difficult part is how

do you start the conversation? As I said twenty years ago,
I had to explain to men there's a problem. Now,
It's like, okay, how do we talk about this? And
I always tell people get comfortable with the uncomfortable conversation,
and that's what we have to do. Yeah, if you're
raising a child, I must assume the only child I
have as a schnauzer. I'm I'm good, Yeah, cool. I

mean it's actually a redirection in parenting. I'm assume the
bottom line and Don actually said this is stop raising
a holes. I mean really, I mean it's it's it's
straight to the point. Teach your kids not to be jerks.
Don't ignore the fact that they could become one, right,
you know. And what masculinity does, what the culture of
men does, is that we validate that. I mean we

we I mean, we have got a guy in the
White House who bragged about sexual right, so we validate
that a hole and we say that that's a real man.
And that's and that's a problem for so many young people,
so many young men who are in what I refer
to in the book as the performance of masculinity. They're
really sweet, good people. The problem is they're performing something

that is antithetical to who they really are. And they're
performing this notion of masculinity as being uncaring, unfeeling, insensitive,
and impervious to pain, and all those things become the
toxicity of masculinity. There you go, and one more line
before you leave. Yeah, sex, We teach our kids about
se And what's one of my favorite two when many

years ago I was at a conference, I heard a
woman say that we tell kids that sex is dirty
and moral, it's gonna close unwanted pregnancies. STIs all these
horrible things, but save for the one you love in
the world. Okay, So the new book is called You
Throw Like a Girl, The blind Spot of Masculinity. Very
important dial a very important conversation, and the uncomfortable conversations

are actually sometimes challenging to the point where they're fun
once you know that you're having a great conversation that
could move all of us forward. And I think you've
really started that. Thank you, Don Pleasure, Thank you person.
By the way, if you want to meet Don, he's
going to be in our stomping grounds Huntington, Long Island
at book Review. Yeah, this is where I met Don
the night we were out there doing a book signing
and we went to Two Posito. We had great Mexican

food and Margarita's, and then we slithered on over to
book Review in Huntington, Long Island. What time are you
there tonight? Seven pm, seven o'clock tonight, Meet Don McPherson.
Thank you, Don, Pleasure, Thank you day. We'll be back
after this in the morning show. I recently worked with
the mixologists on some killer Bloody Mary recipes and there
was a game changer involved. That game changer was Cholula

hot sauce. I was so shocked and surprised by the
awesome flavor. It had kick, it had heat. Cholula added
everything to this morning drink, So go out and get
your own, Chelulah, the bottles with the wooden cap. Durand
Elvis durand phone tap. I love this phone tap. I
shouldn't even say anthing. I should just let you listen
to it and judge for yourself. My father in law

is a practical joker. Got me really bad on April
Fool's Day, so I want to get him back very badly.
A few weeks ago, he was having a problem with
the wildest skunk. He sprayed the skunk with a high
powered hose to chase him off, and eventually they had
to call the police to come and kill the skunk.
The whole neighborhood got involved. Would you please call as
the owner of the skunk and bust on him for

killing your pet skunk? Thank you from Deborah. All right,
here he is. Dave Brody decided to take the challenge.
You're ready, Brodie? Oh yeah, here we go the skunk
phone tap. Hello, Hello is Larry. There's Peppy. Oh yeah,
that's me. Yeah, Hi this is him. Listen, the jig
is up. Excuse me, you heard me. I know what

you did, and I'm not gonna let you get away
with it. Who's this? Who's this? It's Peppi. I don't
know anybody about the name of Peppi. Well, you know
what your neighbor told me? What you did? What are
you talking about? What am I? I love it that
you act like you don't know. I don't know, sir,
I don't know what you're talking about. You don't know. Crap.
A month and a half ago, my pet skunk ran away,

and I've been trying desperately to find out what happened
to him, and I put signs up all of the
neighborhood a reward. Nobody responded to me until Marissa called
me up and she told me that you killed my skunk.
I did not do that. Listen, Peppy, my god, I
will never do that. You're gonna deny you killed my skunk? Sir,

you're inhuman Listen. I call the Ramapo police. They told
me you killed my skunk. Hey, listen, can you listen
to me carefully? I can't listen anything. Listen, Peppy, can
you listen to me? Carefully, sir. Yeah, can you listen
to me. I'm listening. The skunk was in my yard. Okay,
let me explain to you what happened. Ahead, tell me

while you killed she was acting while like Shakespeare, like
he had rabies. He was walking around in circles. I
taught him to do that. Well, Sir, I didn't know that.
I called the Ramap police the first time that he
was in my yard. Then he wind up in Marissa's yard. Okay,
at what point did you kill him? I didn't kill him.

What did you do, Larry? I didn't kill him. The
Ramapa police killed them. Oh, now you're blaming the cops.
The cops are the ones who came over here. I
spoke to the cops. They said, you shot my skunk
with a hose. I did not. You shot my skunk
with a hose? I did not, sir, did you shoot
my skunk with a hose? I tried. I wanted him

to try to get them out of these wanted he's
not a flower, Sir. I don't know what to do.
Isn't my property? Is acting irrational? Is a skunk? I
don't know that, sir, I don't know that. What other animals.
Have you killed? Oh? Come, God, give me a break.
I had never killed anybody. Well, why didn't you save

my skunk? The articles all over the newspaper that they're
going around with Raby And didn't you see the signs
up all over the neighborhoods? Totally na, I believe me.
If I would have seen signs along the neighborhood it
had an ID tag and a collar. So well, let me,
how did your father to Look? What did the police look?
How am I going to get next to a stunt? Well,
who is shooting them with water? You are the cops?

I wanted him to get them off my property. Oh
my god, you wanted Oh look, look, I don't want
to discuss this. Marissa said, you killed my skunk. Marissa,
listen to me. After you host my skunk, the skunk
was all wet and you and you, and the autopsy
showed that you blinded the skunk. The skunk wandered into
the lake and drowned it. Were you hurt me? The

skunk was shut by the police in front of the
house because you drowned it. Oh, kid, out of here.
The skunk was shutting from Look. I don't want to
discuss them anymore. Okay, I'm in the process right now.
I'm gonna call the police. But because this is a harassment, okay,
do me a favor. If you can just tell me
you're sorry for killing my my skunk, Elvis, then I'll
forgive you and I'll drop the whole thing. No, no,

absolutely not. There's nothing to forgive you because I did
not kill you skunk. Well, would you at least admit
that you had a hand in the death of my skunk?
Absolutely not, sir. I didn't ask Hill the skunk. I
took you skunk, and I got don't model my property.
That's all I did. I could you could you say
excuse me? I'm up for police were the ones who shot? Okay,
your skunk in front of Marissa. As a matter of fact,

Marissa and I'm gonna have a freaking conversation today. Okay.
And you want to apologize for hosing Elvis the skunk, Well,
let me tell you something. You should apologize to your
skunk for him. How the hell did he get away
from you? He's allowed to go out in the backyard.
He's allowed to go in the backyard. Huh, man, don't
talk to me, guy, okay, well, will you will you
listen to me? You want to have a discussion with me?

Comment from on my face? Okay, you have a discussion
with me. Okay, well a man, don't talk to me
while you're gonna hit You're gonna hit me. Where I live.
The police is on the way home. I just filed
the harassment charge against Will. It is calling me. Okay,
well you your daughter in lawst is to play a
phone tap on you. Excuse me. This is Dave Brody
from melist in the Morning Show. Is there anything you

want to say to your doorden Lord Debbie payback ads
A bit phone tap was prerecorded. Quit in permission granted
by all party. Suss Duran Felon tad Ellis Duran in
the Morning Show, This show show, Duran in the Morning Show.

You put ketchup on your eggs, Let me shake it
up with Cholula hot sauce. Now. I put it on
all my favorites because it makes them taste that much better.
Just look for Chalulah's iconic wooden cap

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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