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October 20, 2017 • 15 mins

Our Sam is in a situation with her boyfriend??!?!?!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What would you talk about on your on your podcasting show,
Because I'll tell you Kathleen has an idea for the
podcast and I'm upset about it. Second, okay, let's just

set up the room. Who's here, Brody's here, thank you. Uh,
let's see Sam's never made me last. Sam's here, Kathleen's here,
Your Ritz is here. Great, he's here, but he's doing paperwork. Uh.
Scary Jones is here and Bethany triumphantly returning after two
days of being under the weather, and what better way
to okayam, here's my here's my enlightened ice cream. Thank you.

Megan core By, former intern, works for a great company
that makes like it's a pint of ice cream. It's
like calories the whole thing, feelings disappear, and it's hide fiber,
not a sponsor protein. Scary, you picked a wrong things
to focus on. It's delicious and full of chunks of stuff.
It's good fiber. Nobody's going to ice cream to clear

out their bowels. Do you're a little strange too, being
like as tolerant. It's a nice guy product, right, Yeah,
it's a nice positive thing that you get out of
ice creams out when I see ice cream, I'm like,
I wonder what the roughage is like that tells me
that something has high fiber. I'm instantly interested in. I'm

the same way, but with cheese and sauce food. Oh,
it has cheese and sauce on it, I'm in. It's
sort of like having a mother who is also a
brain surgeon. You're like, bonus, I get a brain surgeon.
But sometimes you just want a mom who gives you money.
But what if something is a brain surgeon. I don't
need a brain surgeon. My brain is perfect, but you
never know. I don't fiber. Everything comes out I got

now you need fiber. Now I gotta Taco Bell brings
everything right out. Something tastes great and it's awesome, and
the bonus being in it's high in fiber. I'm definitely
it takes great and it's awesome. But if my choice
is another ice cream company that might be tastier that's
Ben and Jerry's, or or an ice cream that's really

really good but has fiber, I'm going for the taste.
I'm gonna go for the fiber. Depends on the night.
I'm gonna go for the enlightened ice cream. Because you
can eat the entire entire point for like and it
was delicious. I was shocked how good it is. Honestly.
All right, So here's my problem again, not a sponsor
other than your Ritz we Love. There's two Elvis rand

show podcasts in this room right now. Scary Jones and
I do the Broody and Scary Broolyn Boys podcast, and Kathleen,
Sam and Bethany do the Acquired Taste the six Yes
yes you jump in, no, no you you jump in
on Acquire Taste and you jump in on twenty somethings
Doing Nothing Pod You Do podcast. Noticed that Gregg left

the room because I'm not part of this group right now.
That are about one of the problems. One of the
problems we're doing a podcast other than the fifteen minute
morning show podcast is that you have a topic sometimes
and you say, do I want to save it from
my private podcast? Do I want to bring it to
the fifteen minute morning show? And since you and I
are doing a fifteen minute the Brooklyn Boys podcast, a
lot of times topics I would have brought to this podcast,

we say for our podcast, what a travesty? And so
you have an idea, Kathleen you're like, oh, I have
a great idea for a for a topic for you
and Sam, Like Sam, do this topic now? Is this
a topic that isn't good enough for the an Acquired
Taste podcast. We don't have to strategize like that to
get listeners and we just have It's more of a
natural thing for us. I don't have a notepad. That's

because one of you is showing a nipple in the
logos showing three nipples and the Sam has one on
the back of Sam has a nipple on her back
for dancing. Took the photo and everyone was blocked out
of the studio because we didn't want anyone else to
come in. Andrew took the photo because we trust him

with our nipples, and that's where the name of the
podcast came. Guys actually did that Acquired nude photo shoot? Actually,
So the funny thing is, so we tried to start
the podcast like two years ago, did the photo shoot,
and then our schedules never allowed it. But we loved
the photos so much that we were like, we have
to make this podcast works the photos. There exist non

photoshop pictures of you guys in this photoshop. The little
known fact if you go on the Wikipedia page for
an Acquired Taste podcast until our company said no to it.
It was actually the Acquired Titch podcast. The other reason
we can talk about Sam's topic is because right now
we're in our Halloween season a k a. The Witching Season,
so we're doing our episodes that's like scary stories. So

it's a different topics. Interesting stories. That's good. Interesting. If
you steal that, I punch you in the face. The
Brooklyn Boys, we stole it from last podcast on the left. Yeah,
the Brooklyn Boys podcast right now is an interview season.
So we did Fat Jewish last week, we did Sebastian
Maniscalco this week, and Jackie the joke Man Martling famous
from the Howard Stern Show radio legend that will go

up today. So it's been some bonus bonus this week.
That's funny. We do bonus episodes. Two. Well, you have to,
I guess for ratings. You know, let's call this into
play to what you're not holding out on. Okay, so
what I'm not holding out on. I wasn't really going
to turn it into a topic, but now it's out there. So, um,

I've been dating my boyfriend for long enough that he
comes around a fair amount of time. Right again, to
maintain privacy, will give him the name William's. It's like
hi to key Rock. It's perfect. Well, he's over like
three or four times a week. Yes he is. He's
over quite a lot, and because of a good cook.
Another thing, we're not going to get into, Brodie, because

he's getting into it. Um, keep keep the pace going.
He's there and I'm not there yet. A lot of
the time he's shows up at your door, shows that
my door and has to wait for me because I
am still doing things. I have a life. So yesterday
he was stuck in the car waiting for me for
forty five minutes. I got home as quickly as I could,

and Kathleen said, why don't you just give him a
key already? Yeah? Why is this normal to everyone but me?
Hell no, dude, I give my key to like everyone's
having the key. No, no, no, no, no, no no no,
because to me, that's like the next step thing. I
can't be alone. This is a step right, he is
a step Okay, set up for everyone listening. How long

have you been dating him? Just over a year, and
have you had conversations with friends, family and me? About
possibly seeing yourself with him permanently. Well, you just gave
away yeah, sure, okay, all right, And is there anything
that you could possibly be doing in your house you
wouldn't want him to see you do? Or hey, he's
not already seen you do I keep him out of
the bathroom. But other than that, don't give the key

to the bathroom, right, so I just lock it there.
I can see where you're I can see where your
stress is coming from, because I have no issue giving key.
Like my friend Megan is, for example, watching the kittens
this weekend, and she lives in my house when I'm gone,
and so she has my key And it's not a
big deal because we're not dating. But if I was,
Let's say that I start dating Chris Hemsworth, Like, oh,

he gets a divorce and everything falls apart in his
personal life and now we're dating, Um, he has a
low key. That would be a bigger step because it
insinuates a certain amount of intimacy and longevity that maybe
you don't know if the other person is ready to
have insinuated, but you guys know that this is for

the long run, right Yeah, But still, I mean explanation is, yeah,
but still I haven't even moved into my apartment yet,
and I'm already going to give a key to Kevin
because I'm probably gonna lose mine. Well, that's a different reason.
I have a friend who has a spare copy key too.
You can handle this key thing two ways. You can
like over fancy dinner, make it like an event. Hold on,

you can go, Kevin, we've been together, the relationships moving
to the next level. I think it's time. I'd love
you to have a key to my apartment or casually
can go. I just felt bet you were sitting in
a car for an hour, wouldn't it be easy if
you had like a key to come in, like if
I wasn't home, and like kind of make it like
an a big deal. I think it's my problem, though
I'm not really as worried about how he would receive
it as I am. I can't do everything for you scenarios,

which what are you less worried about. I'm worried about me.
I feel like, no matter how I feel like, I
could get on one knee and hand to McKey and
he'd find it funny and he would accept it and
be happy. This is my problem and you're just worried
about the thought gets me nervous because it's a commitments. Yeah, Like,

just because you know what the long run is for
something doesn't mean you're mentally in the space at the
moment to take that step. Like, just because I feel
like one day will end up together does not mean
I would accept a proposal today. I have a question, Yes, okay,
girl in the blonde, thank you? Would it be now?
I'm just trying to figure out, like how much of

it is like a procedure issue and how much of
it is a result issue? Okay, would it be any
different if say I took your house key and gave
it to William so that you didn't have to be
the one to hand it over, and just knowing he
had it would be fine. Is it the act of
like doing it that's freaking you out? Or is it
knowing that he has it? Is you know it's him
having it? Do you want me to give your key

to Williams? His best friend? Garrett's trying to poach my
other question, I think all relationships should be compared to
this one. I'm about to ask, boy Scary, how long
have you been dating your current girlfriend? Eight years? No
one's letting me talk about three. This is recognized that
you want to know. Well, yes, my partner works differently,

so different you have to have your retina stand on
the inside. I live in it. I live in a
big high rise apartment building and with a doorman and
unfort these keys that we have cannot be duplicated by locksmith.

It's a pain in the balls to get stuff to
get duplicates. So we have a system we have. So
I have two keys that I've been given, one for
me and one for passing around whoever needs it for
that weekend. Now here's the thing. I do have a
master list, which is equivalent of giving a key to
people who can enter seven no problem because there's a

master key at the doorman list. My parents are on there,
my two best friends are on there, and my girlfriend
is on there, so that means she's it's as good
as having as a virtual keys on the same level
as your boys, my boys and my parents. Yeahs of
a ceremony to like give her a key because because

the way the technologies in my field. But it's different.
What if you come over gets the key goes to
your apartment when you're not there, he is not on
the list. Well, whoever do okay, my buddy will, my
buddy will, it's always my buddy. Whoever your buddy blank
Will takes the key, goes upstairs right blah blah, he
goes home and takes to keep a mistake. You can't
do that well. You can't put your cannets in your pocket,
you can't physically right. And then Robin comes over and

she's like, oh, I just no key here, And now
she's waiting in the lobby seven hours. She's fun, but
but not no. The rule is, once you get to
my party, gotta go. How long? How long did you
too date before you were willing to give her a key?
She's been on the list. And that's what I was
about to say. You guys, I don't think this. I
think you're making a mountain out of a mold. My question,

it's not a big Do you think I should give
him a key? How you do? Did? Okay? As far
as I know, you took Robin to Disney World before
you called her your girlfriend. Really, that's not true. You
are big with steps. You take time with your steps.
You know, seven years. But you know what it's about

the time I been at it for a year. Yeah,
calling my boyfriend and scary if he should be on
your astal list, put me in a doorman building while
we're dreaming, sure about he will be on the list. Yeah,
it's another it's another step, it's another one. Does he
have his own apartment? Yes, I don't want a key. Yeah,

I would probably take it because it would hurt his
feelings to know. How would you feel if you gave
him your key and then he didn't give you his?
Oh no, you said you didn't care. That would be
a problem. But you don't want to go to his apartment.
Exactly at his apartment, but the time is he by
you and you by him? He is by me like

three nights a week for four days, and I am
by him once every other week. Maybe, Okay, so you
don't really need a key. What's he hiding in his apartment?
A really fuzzy roommate. There's hair everywhere, ye like your
flip everywhere. Just lives in a cooler city where there's
more too and where to hang out. The only problem
with giving him your key is that it's eventually going

to go into Yeah, I didn't want to go all
the way home there every day. Next is the move
in conversation. Are you afraid to tell your roommate that
you gave him a key, because that's going to be
another hurdle too. Do you have a toothbrush in the bathroom? Yes, tampons?
Do you think that's that's the other way around side?

How does your roommate feel about him having his toothbrush
there and stuff and all the banging David Brodie, we're
talking after the podcast. She likes him a lot. The
only problem has been sometimes he's apps and minded and
not very neat. So every couple of weeks i'll hear
did you know what William did? And I agree you
may want to talk to her before you give him

the key. You don't want to give him and don't
him Actually she don't want you. That's not an excuse. Yeah,
be honest. I think it's time to kick the roommate outlet.
Will you move in? That's another wrinkle in this whole thing.
I didn't really have, So you have somebody else to
consider before handing over a key to somebody. This was

a relaxing I was having a nice morning, you guys.
I was calm and right now, all of my stressful
are all the way up, all the way up. I
think you should give it to him. He doesn't about
the key, now you should. You should give him the
key if he spends a lot of time there and
you're not there most of the same, right, I mean,

it's as more convenient. I agree that as somebody just said,
you have to ask the roommate. It's her apartment. This
is how you phrase it. When I when my now
husband then boyfriend, when he was given a key to
the apartment I was renting with roommates, I posed it
as Hey, if there's ever an emergency, he'll come over
and fix it. Her help, he'll help us. He'll lend
you in if you get locked out there. That is good.

Is William killbugs? No? I do that for him. Why
are you dating him? It's deft minute morning show off.
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