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June 5, 2018 • 14 mins

After yesterdays podcast , we try to be NICER to each other! Does it work out?!?!?!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What would you talk about on your on your podcast
firm represents right? All right, all right, look, I'm still
getting complains about yesterday's fifteen minute Morning Shop podcast. Everyone
said it was uncomfortable. All you guys damage yelled at

each other, Danielle. The final word on yesterday's podcast it
was it was too loud and too obnoxious, and it
was like the Brooklyn Boys podcast was in the room. Yeah,
this is not the Brooklyn Boys podcast, by the way,
which is a fantastic podcast. But this is not that.
I don't get bashed and dog piled on the Brooklyn
Boys podcast. Only, oh scary, only does that to you
on this one. I've got to go to a meeting,

all right, I'm gonna take all of it up. So well,
talk like this, Danielle. No, not seriously, Danielle. If it
gets out of handy, make today a kinder, gentler podcast.
Today is the kindler, gentler fifteen minute morning Shop podcast.
Everyone else to talk like this. I think I gotta go,
daniel I'm counting on. Okay, all right, I'm in charge.
Pro If you piss off Danielle, she's gonna walk out. Scar,

just leave. That's what I do. Scary just twisted his
ankle running to Elvis's microphone. Ye scary, I just plugged
into Elvis's hole the headphone. Jack, calm your jets, all right,
So what are we talking about? Let's talk about um,
the I Heart Radio Music Festival for a second. How exciting.
How is the top of Garrett's head because he's head
of the ceiling when they announced just Timberland, now you
have do you ever go? You never go? But went

the first year. You need to find a way to
be Not only that, my wife is a huge Kelly
Clarkson fan. So Kelly Clarkson's there, and uh yeah, I
know if I'll get lucky in Vegas a lot see
justin Kelly and you know the other stuff. Not you
might have baby number three. Watch that's not how it happens,
I know, Okay, you never know. I'm excited to see

Panic of the Disco and Kelly Clarkson and Mariah Carey.
I'll be watching it on they'll be streaming it live
probably who again. I'll be watching it. And actually the
country artists because you know I love Sam Person Yeah yeah,
their music. I've been really getting back into country because
you know, when I started out in college. I hosted
a country show for Ye Countries Country Music, and that

was the first radio show that I didn't remember any songs.
He used to talk. Oh my gosh, yeah, shake the
shake the sugar tree, and I who who saying that?
Pam tillis, Pam tillis yeah, and my country am I
the only one excited about Race shrummerd Ray shred They
do no flex zone. Yeah, no, at the village. They're

two cousins. They slipped him and that's why we made
the joke about Leonard Sard was going to do with
with Race shremmert and called Leonard Trumper Leonard SHREMMERD. No, No,
they're great. They you know they have power glide out
black beetles. Of course, of course, yes, my kids know
every word to that. You know that they are pretty
hot and they all I think they're cousins. And it's
backwards for drummer's ear, so it's drummer's ear backwards is

Ray Shrummer. I didn't know that. Oh my gosh, that's interesting. Yeah,
they're awesome. Teach me, very talented. There's two of them.
Scared we got it. Yeah, don't understand that yeah, I'm not.
I'm trying to be honest. The more you know, the
more you know. Okay, they just walked in, you'd like

to walk in and discrout me. Elvis said that we're
not allowed to fight today and we have to be
extra nice and this is the nice podcast. Are you cleaning?
What are you? What are you doing? He just Elvis
knocked over my coffee and said, oh, napkins and then
putting napkins on it. And then then my favorite part
was when the coffee spilled. Scary looked at it and went,

that's bad. And I said, Scared, go get napkins. Scary
stands by the napkins, but didn't react. The only time
Scary moves fast as if we're off the air. Remember
he almost knocked you down. He threw me into a
wolf the time. Let's be nice. Tacos came today from
the Lego movie. They sent tacos up and scared out
there for the time. Thank you, thank you, thank you,

Garrett for reminding everyone at the house rules. I love
Danielle was in went down that road. I apologize. I
don't think that was being me. I think it was
just pointing out the audience Scar. Anytime I get a
chance to say how wonderful Scary is and that he's
such a nice guy, I say it and he knows
that he's just not here to hear it because he's
not food. Just pick on him because it's easy. So
it was good. See you have something you want to

break the table. I didn't. Yeah, I'm just along for
the ride. I'm like gonna fly on the wall here
wherever you guys at this time, you were driving the conversation.
I wasn't. And I just want to say, for the record,
and which which nobody has pointed out, I did not
get loud or yell at Brody yesterday. I just know
I'll take credit for that, right, So I just want
to like, let you know, I just kind of hung out.

You know, did you yelled about Brody even though you
didn't yell at Brody? No? Well, yes, I yelled about
a lot, but I didn't yell at you. And speaking
of yelling, I just want to correct of us for
a second, not that he's ever wrong, but would you
correct him if he was here? Never know, I tried
that this morning. It didn't work out well. So the
Brooklyn Boys podcast is not scary and I screaming at

each other. Not at all. Yesterday we were screaming at
each other on this podcast and I apologize for that.
But if you have not listened to our podcast, we
don't scream. And speaking of podcasts, since all of you
were in here, Danielle, Garrett and Grete, would you please
address to your audience who keeps texting in and tweeting
they want another episode of Fedgeham mention that we're actually
doing Fedgeham today. So I get a dozen text Messagesville

today we have a Fedge of the week. Yeah, we
got Fedge of the Week. We're gonna have my fedge
and Shoe Daniels Fedge We go to Fedgeville to record
Fedgehampville is a monthly podcast. It's like it's a weekly

podcast that hasn't been weekly because we've been very busy.
The problem is is because of all the traveling that
we've been doing, it's been kind of hard. If you
had the Vegas odds of us doing it every week,
I mean, you're you're probably weren't going to stress it
out like you you know in Feld's very reliably honest.
You're only a couple of podcasts ahead and he doesn't
even do one. That's exactly right. I have a Survivor
podcast coming soon too. We already we're getting We're lining

up all of the Survivor of people, the guy that
won this this this time, and a couple of older people.
And what are you doing that with? Andrew? Yeah, Andrew,
and I inducted Mike who was on the He's going
to be doing the Penis Doctor, the penis doctor. Will
Oh my god. You know we've met him now four times.
He was in Miami with us. I went up to
say hello, and he goes, right, who are you? He

was at the Neo concert. I voted him out. Can
I tell you? He came up to us when we
were Neo and he came up to me and he
starts talking to me like he he knows me. And
I knew this guy, but but I didn't know him
in that context. Yeah, so I'm like, you're being nice though,
being nice. But I couldn't play soon because I didn't

he was out of the studio, you know what I mean.
We we have a clip of the first episode of
the Survivor podcast. Danielle interviewed Rupert. I remember from the
actually Wendell, the winner of This Survivor, is one of
the first guests that will be on our show. You

the more I hear that Ruper clip, the more I
start to understand it. It's one of those things you
have to listen to a few times then you can
start to put together what rupertsting to say. You get
to the point where, yeah, you get to the point
on the island where because I believe it was something
about going to the bathroom and being around people. So
the more you hear it, you'll you'll start to beat
So play that game next time we play, you'll piece

the second word together. Hey, I ran into the Asian
Great Tea yesterday. Yeah, that was crazy. Really is this
a visual? Yeah, looks just like the guy that dresses
exactly like I thought. I thought he's got Greg Tea's
build too, And I know I had to take two

and three looks to make sure it wasn't It really
wasn't me. I was all ready to like mess with
this guy, thinking it was Great Tea as I was
crossing over the street to only to come to realize
it wasn't Great Tea. He wears the bag over his
stomach and chest like I do. He has the same
button down shirt, rolled up sleeves like me. He's got
his jeans on and his skully had. It's just that's
exactly what I what I look like. But it wasn't him.

But it wasn't me. It wasn't it wasn't me anyway,
Why are we panting around? Note? Your handwritings atrocious? I agree.
Whenever he writes jokes, sometimes he gets mad, but we
don't say it. But I can't say it. Sometimes I
know I can't read when you write. Brody writes me
jokes sometimes too, and I look at them and I go,
what are you talking about? Brody? What does that say?

And what do you mean it says this? I'm like, Brody,
I can't that's your loss I have to take. I
know you're right quickly, but I couldn't read that for anything?
What was? Yeah? Anybody a topic is boring? Yeah, I'm
beginning to come to that realization. To shut up, idiot,

scary how Elvis me nice and a half minutes and
a half minutes come off with a topic for five
and a half minute jump into something. Let's do voices
you don't have been wanting to do this is I
got something yesterday I went over to the gym and
I was talking to your buddy mine who's doing the
Cato diet and Cato Keo and he's doing this diet.

I'm talking to Garrett earlier about this thing, like, you know,
it's starting to catch on. People are doing this to
these diets, are you know? But the thing is, I
think you got to be a diet kind of person
in order to really do this. And Darren I were
talking about it. It's not just about a diet, it's
about a life style change. That's not exactly you can't
just do it for like six months. We're like, okay,

I'm done. You have to actually change your whole entire life.
That's why, honestly, that's why I like weight Watchers and
no they're not a spawn because it totally changed how
I looked at food, like you got to stay on.
Even if I'm not following the program, you're not, no, no no, no.
It still helps me go for the vegetable over the

cookie because in my head, I remember, okay, well I'm
not a zero points for the vegetable, but that cookie
is three points, so I'm going to go for the
vegetable and even portion control because I used to eat
the whole bag of say hers, she's kisses. Right now
you only eat like a serving of her. She's okay,
So she's doing so. Danielle has done weight Watchers. What
else have you guys done? You know, I don't diet,

but I do want to do something. Are you a
diet kind of person? But I was reading the other
day and these studies and diets come out every second
of the day. Because I was reading yesterday that a
high protein diet for somebody my age is now bad
for you. Really, yeah, if you're if you're between the
ages of like thirty five and forty nine, eating too

much protein as a man is now bad for you,
and there's nothing you can do. What I don't understand.
Every time a new diet comes out, people are looking
for some way to make it easier to lose weight
and looking for a gimmick. Right, they go, oh, the
Keto diet. Remember last year was the Paleo diet and
before Atkins diet. They're all the same. They put you
on a routine. You eat bananas on Monday and grapefruits

on Wednesday and whatever else you get into a routine.
It's about right and then as soon as you stop,
you're getting the weight. It isn't It's got to be
about going to the being active, eating health and account
You can have pizza, you just can't have a whole pie,
but eating eating rocks on Monday isn't going to make
you a better person and the next month to go, oh,
it's the Nebraska diet. Well it's to me, it's willpower

and accountability that's born. By the way. Yeah, for instance,
you I was never in as good as shape in
my life as when I had a trainer, right, and
but that and I know it wasn't that. It wasn't that.
It was because I had that trainer every day, and
if I didn't go to that trainer, I'd lose fifty
dollars or whatever the trainer charge. That might work for me.
So if you're paying it, you know that there's accountability.

He paid. How much money did you pay for that
diet and you didn't go and you didn't follow it
at all? That was the diet that scary was doing.
Dr Fat Launch, which is by the way, very successful.
But for some people that's for me because I'm okay
with the regimen and people telling me what to eat
and what not to think that great would have put
down the money and he would follow it. He put
down the money and it was the lollipops, the lollipops,

and he was screaming and yelling at no sugar allowed
on the on the planet. You paid a lot of
money for that, to do the Keto diet. But no,
I'm just I'm just not a die like I just
like yesterday when I got on the treadmill for an hour,
which I really liked, and then I hit some of
the uh, some of the equipment and I liked that
as well. And that was it. Then I got to
talk to my body was like, like, I said, who

was doing this? This keto keto thing? And I'm like,
do it. I was told at sevent of what you
eat and only thirty of what you work out with.
So with those odds and statistics, why are you working out?
Why don't you do a diet? It's gotta be a
life stop because and I think the workout part comes
as the like the bonus part, Like if you want

to tone up, you're not going to tone up by
losing the weight. You have to go to the gym
and get your muscles to tone it up. You know,
a losing weight is burning off the fat, which is
why you work out or ride a bike or do
a sit up. If you just watch what you eat,
it's a much slower process. The problem with dieting the
problem with dieting is that there's no instant gratification. So

you you you immediately don't eat a meal you want,
or you eat a less of a meal, and it
takes weeks to see a difference, and a month and
a half, two months, and that's it's a patience thing.
If you don't have the patience to do two months
without eating what you want to eat before you see
you lost five pounds, you won't get there. You did
weight Watchers and you lost? How much you lost? What more?

How much did you lose though? Total? Thirty five pounds
in five months? Yeah, it was a lot, it was.
He was weight Watchers wants to sponsor. Man, I may
go back home. Did you did you put it all
back on? No? No, no, I'm just asking. No, I
don't think so scary. Have you put on the weight
back from the dr fellow? No, not even close to it. Um,

I was up at two fifty five at my high five,
and today I'm at today I'm at two hundred, even
which pisces me off because I've I want to see
that one on the scale. I've been one now, I've
been one night as well, I've been as low as one. No.
I lost thirty eight pounds and forty three days on this.

But then now, now that you've gone back to eating
normally again, well, well abnormally, I actually, yeah, those tacos
doing on taco to listen, I indulge for the rest
of the year and then do yeah, but I don't.
I don't gain all the weight back. I only I
get back about half the weight every time. Okay, fifteen

minute Morning Show
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