All Episodes

January 18, 2019 45 mins

Garrett and Greg T bring you ALL thing audio for the week of 1/14/18! If you want to hear something or have any audio you want featured, email

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
All right, welcome to something brand new, The Audio Lab
with Greg T. Garrett. We have so much to talk
about that has happened in the world over the past
week that we figured let's break it down kind of
like weekend update. Maybe not as funny as Colin Joastin,
Michael Jay, but we'll try our best. Greg T. How

are you, friend? Yo? What's up? Dude? I like it?
So that's something in this audio Lab. I think the
audio label it's a you know, maybe it could be
a work in progress or a working title, but right now,
let's stick with the audio lab because I kind of liked. Yeah,
I guess audio lab sounds good. I like audio labs.
You know, we got so much we could review in
the weekend, stuff that we can't get to, uh, you
know at our lab coats on we can get lab coats.

But scientists were like, you know, it's like science, it's
science in here. We're gonna we're gonna mess around with
some audio and uh, we need some some different record
players and things like that, and CD players and sound effects,
and we definitely could do that. We definitely can. And
that's the beautiful thing. So much, so much to talk about,
so much to go over. I mean so much to dude,
a little time exactly. So let's let's start with the

week So, coming off of the weekend and coming off
the holiday, to everybody was watching bird Box on Netflix.
Did you watch it? And you want to my thoughts?
Of course, Um, I thought the movie was was good.
I didn't and wasn't as scary as everyone it seemed
to made it out. It was a lot of hype

and I'm not a fan of scary movies, right, No,
you're not. You hate them. I don't like it. I
don't like sitting on the edge of my seat not
knowing what's going to happen at the end. I don't
enjoy that. Um, I got the movie. The reason why
I'm struggling with this is that I don't want to
kill the ending, and I'm not going to ruin it
on it. We're not We're not gonna kill it. But

the whole basis pretty much Sandra Bullock lives in a
town that people are just dying. Well there's still a thing, though,
is it? Is it just the town or like, are
we supposed to believe that the entire country was being
taken over by this thing? I guess it's left open
to interpretation. So if you want to think the country,
I'll think of town. But it leaves it open to
bird box to them, I'm assuming maybe who knows who

knows well, but would be right though, because the thing
is that my my point was is that the ending.
I just didn't like the ending at all at all.
Like literally when the movie ended, I just was like,
that's that's it, Like I just didn't like it. So
maybe your right gut, maybe at the end, you know,
there has to be a part two because there it goes.

It's like, now, what what happens next? But so with that,
the whole premise of the movie on Netflix, bird boxes
Sandra Bullock and everyone in the town when they go
out outside of the house or anywhere, they wear these
blindfolds and which started the blindfold challenge as we all
have heard over the past week, where people are doing
stupid things with blindfolded and tried to match, you know,

with Sandra Bullock was doing in a movie, including this
teenager from Utah that did the bird back box challenge,
just something like you have done while driving immediately hit
another car, a light pole, and a wall. No one
was hurt. But if you don't know, you know the
bird Box challenge where you do everyday stuff get hurt.
But let's listen to the police talking about what just

happened to this teenager in Utah. She proceeded to pull
her beanie down over her eyes as she was driving
down the road. Can't imagine somebody purposefully doing something that
makes them not see while driving. The stakes are so
high anyway, but to try and do it in that
condition not being able to see anything is just extremely dangerous.
This is one thing we never thought we'd have to say,

don't drive blindfolded. Don't you think that this is becoming
like a like an almost quarterly thing because it was
the tide Pod Challenge where idiots were trying to eat
tide pods and we always need that reminder in life,
do not do that. That's dumb. But you've done this before.
So but you've done the Box Challenge before. It was
the bird Box Challenge. Uh, how hard is it to

cover your eyes and actually try to maneuver a vehicle? Yeah?
The way, okay, but I have to be I have
to confess the way we did it because we knew
that was crazy to do. We can't come up with
the concept that we would blindfold myself and then somebody
in the passenger seat would tell me to either you know,
speed up, stay straight, go left, go right, uh you

know kind of essentially your eyes and ears right and
hit the brake and then come to a complete stop.
But we felt like, you know, even that was so dangerous.
So the way we did it was we did it
with a black stocking. So it looks it looked far
that you are blindfold which you are. But if you
take a black black stocking, not that I'm telling you

to go do that right now, but if you take
a black stock and you can see through the black
stocking for the most part, not clearly obviously, but enough
where you can you know, you get the point across
of what you're trying to do. So so it's it
looks good and it plays out well if you're on
the radio pulling a radio gag. But at the end
of the day, it is that too is dangerous. But

you would I wouldn't recommend that to anyone now. Uh So,
So another thing I was just reading up on, so
outside of the bird box challenge, there is coming out
of Moxville North Carolina. This is the cool thing about
my job. I learned about these new places Maxville. I
am totally writing it down. Maybe for the next week,
I can tell you a little bit about five facts
about mox Moxville, North Carolina, m O c K s

Ville c K s V. I L all right, so someone,
do you have anything out in your yard, like a
piece of five things about Moxville, like a like a
maybe a sculpture of some sort or outside of the holidays. No, yeah, no,
we don't have anything. I mean, there's there's neighbors of
mine that have like a a lion sculpture or like

a dog sculpture at their door, But I don't have
anything in my house. So someone decided to put a
big wooden statue of Bigfoot in the woods on the
side of a road, and uh, you know what that did.
That prompted a lot of people to call nine one one.
I've always thought that there was something in them. Would
you never know what's really out there? I thought, Oh
my gosh, I was like, what's going Wait a minute,

I seeing what I'm saying. I mean, payple are just
saying you no, no, I said, we'll come over here.
And what did they stopping slowing down? So I'm gonna
go up the road turning around kind of wild looking. Yeah,
so great. I call you up. I go, hey, man, Yeah,
I was just outside. I think I saw a big
foot in the road. Would you believe where? First off,

would you believe that Bigfoot is actually in Maxville, North Carolina?
If I called you and said I'm convinced big If
I called you and I said I'm convinced Bigfoot is
out there, I'd be like, bro, what are you doing? Man?
What are you smoking? Why do you smoking? Yeah? I
mean you know, I don't like people bother me as
it is, So now you're gonna call me. Go, dude,
I I saw a bigfoot. Come on, man, what are you?

What are you doing? Bro? Yeah? So that's going on
in Maxville, North Carolina? On with these people. I don't
I don't know. Uh, you hear about these stories all
the time. When I do believe that there could be
a creature out there somewhere, so you actually think there's
a big Sometimes it might not be bigfooted, there's something
out there. I do believe that there's just one or
many big country one or many. Ah, you gotta think

many of that question. Do I believe that there's one
or many? You gotta think there's many. I gotta tell you,
I would think that there are many ginormous looking creatures
that are walking the country somewhere in the woods or
in a wooded area, in a desolate area. There is
something out there, and you know, I can tell you

it might be in Moxville, North Carolina. I'm telling I
can't wait. I gotta look it up Carolina. All right,
all right, So we hear about this all the time,
where where a you know, maybe a grandmother is trying
to send out a text message to her grandchildren and
it ends up going to a random stranger and the
random stranger comes over for dinner and become best friends. Right,

that never happens my grandmother. Wou never do, but not
your grandmother specifically, but you hear the story from time
to time. So a guy in Phoenix accidentally got invited
to a strangers bachelor party. How would you get invited
to a stranger? He has the same name as one
of the groom's friends, and his email was very similar,
so probably by a letter off or whatever. And he

replied that he was in the stranger. This is balls
the balls to be a stranger walk walk walking in
and the other guy's got to kick out of the response.
So he's going he's not backing out. He even set
up a go fund me page that at the time
as of Monday, raised close to two thousand dollars in
two days to pay for this guy. So let's hear
what they have to say. It was a bunch of

guys talking about going on a ski resort vacation, uh
for a bachelor party Martin Luther King Day weekend. I
thought to myself, well, I don't know anyone named Mangelo
and it sort of seemed like one of those weird
scam Nigerian prince emails and I didn't know what to
think of it. They then sent me an email saying,
if you're serious, We're serious, get on that plane and
get here. My wife couldn't be more happy to be
rid of me for a again, and she doesn't have

to pay for it. What a dream it's every wife
stream sounds like this guy has been tied up in
the house way too long that at any given time
a stranger could say, Hey, this is not for you,
but if you want to come come and he goes, Yes,
I personally would not go to a bachelor party that
I was not invited to, even if it was by accident. Seriously,

if I call, even if I called Trish and I said, Hey,
you won't believe this. I got invited. I don't even
know these people, and I'm gonna go to this bachelor party.
I'll see you later. I'm going out for the weekend.
She would think there's something totally strange. There's no way.
First off, the story won't add up. I would believe
that you saw a bigfoot in Moxville, North Carolina, more
so than a guy randomly invited you to a bachelor party.

I think, now, see story, that's a fake story. There's
a segment right there fager real. But I I think.
But but I think if we were the guys a
part of the bachelor party, I think it's kind of
like a story, because you always need a story in
the in the bachelor party of Hey, remember the time
we invited a ranger to come. Yeah, if I was
on the other way and I was the stranger, I

couldn't go right now. It's just there's no way Ali
would let you go. There's no way church would let
me go, And there's no way that in there in
our right mind, you and I would ever even go.
Nobody would ask ten people if they would go, and
I'm telling you nine of them would not go. There's
no way. That's why I'm calling that fake audio story.
All right, Well this one was big too. So as
we know, we're coming up on championship weekend in the

NFL and the Patriots are taking on the Chiefs. So
it's kind of interesting what what Tom Brady said after
his big postgame interview. And as you know, if you're
not to be in the championship game anyone but New England, yeah,
I'm looking for a say, what's called Chief Saints? Chief Saints? Yeah,
that would be a nice super Bowl. I think I'll

take the Rams even But as we know, if unless
you're from New England or a fan of the Patriots,
you think Tom Brady sucks only because he's so good,
the only thing left to do is just say he sucks.
So this is kind of interesting. He was on CBS.
I believe this is Tom Brady post game. Listen to
what he had to about what he thinks the rest
of the world thinks of him. It would be a
good game or a good team. And we played him
early this year. You know, I know, you know, everyone

thinks we suck, and you know I can't win any games,
so we'll see, it'll be fun. He's kind of going
for the reverse psychology of like, hey, listen, we're gonna
go out there and win, pretty much saying like, hey,
I know you know we suck, but we're not gonna suck. Well,
you know, I think here's the thing for me when
it comes to then the Patriots this year. Uh, did

I think that they were the strongest team out there? No? No,
I thought they were beautiful. I thought that were they
the smartest though? Probably Yeah. I mean listen, I just
that to me, that might be a slip of the
tongue by Brady. I think he just, you know, he
just got done playing the game. And I think he
just came out when he said people think we suck.
I think that what he's feeling is that people felt

that they were not an intimidating team this year. So
that's what I think, you know, and that it showed
they had several losses. Listen, you know, when you're as
unstoppable and let's face it. It's not that we we
we me and you both do not like the Patriots
at all. Okay, but the thing is that you have
to be you know, you have to pay respect or
respect this do and and the Patriots, I mean, they've
always been in the championship game. You know, I forgot

how many times in the past ten years they've been there.
They're always winning there. There were there a couple of
seasons they were like undefeated where they got one loss.
So you take a team like that, all of a
sudden you got three or four losses to us, You're like, oh,
you stink now now and now I love this. I
think Tom Brady was just feeding into the exactly I
love this. So in l A over last weekend, they

decided to have the brilliant idea of bringing Snoop Dogg
into the play by play booth. Now I heard this clip,
I loved this. So so they let two guys who
probably only no Snoop Dogg for Gin and Juice and
Smoking Weed into the booth to do a little play
by play for a couple of minutes. What did you
think of a sexually I know you've heard it before.

What did you think of it. I thought it was great.
Could I could I listen to it for two hours? No?
But it is like the average guy like you and
I going into a booth and trying to call a
professional game. Right, No, you're right. I could not listen
to Snooping there the whole entire time. But if they
had him, let's say on the sidelines or maybe in
an end zone, and they went to him like every

now and then, even like I think, I couldn't do
that now, I couldn't. I couldn't do that because he
he would want to command. He would rightfully so, because
he's Snoop Dogg. He would want to command the screen.
And there was something and which which our audience is
gonna hear right now. There is something to it though
where it takes the the announcers the way that they are,
they're so professional, it takes it out and it gives

you such a raw feeling of somebody calling the game.
And there was something about it that I actually enjoyed.
So foolish, but this is Snoop Dogg. Last Saturday, don't
play by play in the booth for the l A
Kings against the Pittsburgh Penguins. Hold hold out Snoop Dogg

and have let me say something. Drop the sticks man,
Let's get cracking man to the middlettle ring. Let's go,
let's get cracking number three, won't it. I liked it?
Who was number three? G C? Yeah, don't get him,
get move, get out of the way, still jarring with him? Okay,

right right? I like that. So when they do get
into a competition like that, the referee has the sole
controlled power to say, y'all not gonna fight. Right, They
can tell you that. You don't have to listen. Were
they listen right there? Yeah? Yeah, see the big boys
get in the lines. But those guys have the toughest
you okay, alright, alright, So that was just mushing going on.
That was more mushing and face wash. Those gloves are stinky.

That's why, man, that's why I love it, because you
got to be a hundred percent man to play this man. See.
I like it that he's even coming up in his
own terms. Oh yeah, like you know now he's like,
that's what that's motion. That's mushing, river, dude. I like that.
I like that's a whole new raw take on being announced.
But I think just from time to time, I think
a whole two hours of that kind of will get annoying.
All right, I'm give give me a few minutes here

and there. Okay, I'm into it. I wouldn't I wouldn't
debate you on it, and I would understand that some
people don't don't like that all game long. I would
be on the side of it. Like let's let's go
down to uh Center Ice where Snoop Dogg's got an
interview or his take on what what what just happened
at the end of the first period, and then you
go to him and he gives his take, maybe like

even to um you know after a fight, Snoop what
you see there? You know, you know, get his take
on things. So I would like Snoop in there, but
not in there the whole entire time. You ever see
Snoop do play by play for the Animal Planet He's
he has where like like two giraffes are mating and
he does the color commentary. It's hilarious on YouTube. All right.
So we're both movie guys. You know, we love to

watch movies from time to time. You ever see you
are dead with the movie? You see uh the social
network come from back to day Jesse Eisenberg. Uh from
my hometown of East bront justin timber Lake. Well, Aaron
from hometown. Aaron Sorkin was the was the producer and
the director of the original Social Network. What do you
think he has to say about could there be a

social network too? With all the stuff that has come
out about Facebook ever since the movie originally came out?
Would would he be into it? Yes? Or no? I would?
I would love to see that again and I think
it would do really great in the movies. Um, you
know what I'm going to say that he says no,
that he would not do it. All right, let's go
to the audio tape. First of all, I'm I know

a lot more about Facebook in two thousand and five
than I do in two but I know enough to
know that there should be a see. Yes, a lot
of very interesting dramatic stuff has happened since the movie ends, Uh,
Capital Hill with settling the lawsuit from the Winkel Vus

twins and a water savereign. Uh and they're rich and
Scott who produced the Social Network. I've gotten more than
one email from him with an article attached saying, isn't
a time okay? Wrong? Wrong? Wrong? I was wrong. I
think there's a lot Jesse Eisenberg sitting on Capitol Hill

answering questions about selling data and selling America America's data
Russia USA. But what I'm saying, for the for the
sake of the movie, there's a lot in there too.
You got the payment of the Winklevoss twins who allegedly
created Facebook, and and uh and uh was stolen out

from underneath him. Uh And what are they doing now
with all their money that they got off of Facebook?
Facebook going public on on Wall Street again. I know
that there's a lot of stories there. I know that
you could do a lot more with it. I just
thought that it was a period of time when social
media was just well just started just starting to expand
addiction now to Facebook. I mean, I okay, I was wrong.

I was wrong, all right, I let's move on. Let's
move on. So on. On Tuesday, you never know, well
it's probably already written, we just don't know. On Tuesday,
this came out. A year old woman in Miami recently
met a guy at a club. It sounds like a
nice little love story we're about to tell you, right,
went back to his hotel. Sounds about some sexy time

to get about to get on, then took off. The
guy took off his five Rolex watches he owned, worth
over a hundred thousand dollars. Great to you and I
were not rich people. I don't even own a Rolex.
That is a true story. I do not own you might,
if anything, a knockoff. You got a Canal Street for
twenty bucks. I tell you I do not. I swear
to you. I do not own not one, not even

a cheap one. I do not own a Rolex watch.
But the woman stole all five, went into the bathroom, said,
excuse me, honey, I'll be I'll be right back. This
guy probably thinking, all right, well she's gonna come out
and seduce me and whatever. It's going to be a
great night. Get it all. She runs where she did

not Where are the five Rolex watches? Shut up? She
took him. She not only took them, she put them
in her vagina. Come on now, now they did not
the so the police founder, no police founder, said okay,
we need the watches. I don't know where they are.
I don't what do you mean you don't know where there?
I don't know where they are. Okay, well, let's come

in for questioning. Now, if you've ever been to a
police station, which you have four times, you go through
a metal detector, metal detector detected something. There was no
metal on her. They were they searched her. I don't
get it. Machines aren't broken. They all came out, five
of them. There were many questions. But let's go to
the police talking about the situation. Do you know where

this happened? In Miami? In Miami, Miami, Florida. Here we go.
This is what the police had to say about the
whole situation. Brought the defending back to the room. I
went to use the bathroom, and when he came out,
he noticed that his Crown role bag containing five high
luxury water she is valued at a hundred eight thousand dollars,
were missing. Question of defending about the missing bag, and
the defendant opened the hotel door and ran out. She

was subsequently taken into custody, and in the course of
taking a defender and a custody when she was being processed,
the Watson was secreted in the area in the vaginal area.
My god like, but we how did they catch her
running out? Were they catched? She was probably running like

she was riding a horse. Alright, let's let's I've heard
of people putting stuff in their bras. Let's let's keep
it in Florida to uh So, a thirty year old
guy named Brian Stewart facing charges after he got into
it with his neighbor. You ever get into it with
your neighbor, Um, I've been pretty good about me too,

for I mean, there's a couple of neighbors. I tried
to side. Yeah, I sighed, I have a bunch of neighbors.
Never got into it. One of one of my neighbors. Once,
I was doing work in the back my backyard and
had some friends over like helping me out. We're digging
up grass, and uh, the guy came in my backyard.
You know, as I would knock on someone's door, I
wouldn't just walk into the Move your car, I'm about

to hit it. What Okay, he came he came into
my I wasn't I was in my house. So he
came in and he talked. He talked to my friends
like that. So uh but this guy, um, he threatened.
You know, he's getting charged. This sounds this sounds innocent.
He threatened to kill his neighbors with kindness something nice, right,

kill him a kindness you think, kill him. Let's let's
turn to the news to see what's wrong with that.
Ac Cording to investigators, Brian Stewart was arrested after threatening
to kill his neighbor with kindness. Kindness is the word
written on a machete he owned by Stewart. Pencipalon News
Journal says, Milton cut the man with a machete. The
victim suffered a half inch cut on his hand. Given

the situation, very messed up, very messed up. Very smart though,
sure right, so the machete is named kin I'm gonna
kill you with kindness. Bring it on, Bring it on, fine,
let's see that kindness. Put down this kindness, hold on,
rethink things all right. We also learned that Chris Pratt

is engaged to Katherine Schwarzenegger, Arnold Schwartzenegger's daughter. But here's
the interesting fact. So you ever you ever see or
hear those stories where it's like a couple was in
a picture when they were at Disney World together, but
they never knew they were in the picture. What do
you mean, you know? Two little kids like let's just
say well, your kids, You're okay, your kids are taking

a picture, you know. Uh. Don Let's say when I
was four years old, I took a picture of Disney
World and then, uh, in the background is Ali. But
we never knew get out of here. Dude, you've never
heard of those stories either have, But I mean you
believe those things? Yeah, you have to think. But anyway,
so here's how I'm relating to this. So Access Hollywood

found this video of their interview and Katherine Schwarzenegger, Yeah,
and uh, they asked her to pick between at the time,
they weren't dating yet, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans.
So I would ask you, first, great teat out of
those three men, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, who
would you pick to to marry? I like Chris Evans,
Chris Evans. Okay, I probably would go, uh, probably Hemsworth.

But let's listen to what then single Katherine Schwarzenegger had
to say, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth or Chris Evans Chris Evans.
Actually Chris Pratt Christ looking completely so you never know
that was a year before they even started dating, you know,
I gotta say, though, that's a great question. You know
what if I was really uh, if I wasn't too lazy,

I would go out to the streets and ask people
that same question. Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth or Chris Evans.
That's a great question. Great question. Let's see what I
wonder would win. Well, you gotta think Pratt at the
end of the day, see why, because he's popular. But
look at Chris Evans. Come on, this might be a
little bit more beauties in the eye of the beholder,
of course, So you would like Evans obviously, you like blondes.

He's much more my kind of guy. And but that's
the thing. He has facial hair you hate. Yeah, but
he wears it well as long as you wear it. Well,
you're right, that's right. He keeps it in line. It's
not like all over the place you put on some
beard oil. You're good. I'm fine with that. All right.
Let's let's go over to some type of stupid story. So,
according to a new story study, one at of four

people under the age of twenty five want their ashes
pressed into a vinyl record when they die. Really can
you do that? Apparently we can because we're about to
learn about it. A company that does it has been
around since ten and they process uh and and the
process isn't that complex really you would think that how
do you do it? So, so you're gonna hear pops

and crackles on this and that would be your ashes.
Come listen to listen to this guy. Do you know
how many times that I have been oh God, during
this whole entire podcast through any times? Can we for
next week? Can you give me more happy things? It's
interesting stuff? So this is like ridiculous. Well, listen, this

is the creative press human ashes after they've been cremated
into vinyl records. It's very simple at the end of
the day. How simple effect. You're making a record as
you normally do, have your audio, and then from that
they make tin stampers, which is like a reverse of
a vinyls instead of the grooves and the valleys have

kind of mountains, if you like, and then those things
to press a piece of vinyl. And what we do
at that stage is put the ash onto the vinyl.
It's like a sandwich boys pressed, so it's basically squished
into the It does compromise the sound. It's exactly what

there happening at pressing plant normally, but those pops and
crackles are the him. You know, your great great great
grandson granddaughter can be sitting in their room listening reading
the cover and that's gross. You want to come over

and listen to some music? Want you want to listen
to my aunt? You want to come listen to my aunts?
Do you play backbird? She speaks to you, dude, No,
it ain't happy? Alright, alright, so you are? I want?
I am quality for happy sound? You see? Have you
seen have you seen the You've seen the movie Caddyshack. Yeah,

give me something funny. Yeah, you've seen the movie Catty Shack.
So Bill Murray, Uh, you know golfers? Did you know?
Greg t? Yes that in Caddyshack, the sound of the
gopher is the same sound as body on the album
as the same as the dolphin on the TV show
Flipper Come Out And I wasn't born yet. Here we go.

That's so cool, so Flipper, So you know what I
think it is. When they were creating it, they were like,
oh my god, we forgot to get sound for for
the gopher. What do we got? What do you got? Hey? Bill,
what do you got? Well, I just finished this TV
show Flipper, and uh, I wish you would have had
some sound. Clubs from Caddyshack. Now I want to go
watch the movie have been pushed. I think it's about

the time that somebody teach these moments a little lesson
about morality and about what it's like to be a decent,
upstanding member of a society. So okay, club Bill, Okay,
I guess we're playing for keep snow, I guess for

getting around it is pretty much over so great. So uh.
The other big story this week that was happening was
the clubs and football team once the White House, and uh,
the President gave them McDonald's and Wendy's and fast food.
But I mean, these are these are all star athletes
and now they're gonna go eat not that which I
talked to some of my friends that want to watch

the sponsors, but you know, I don't know if they're
running out eating that kind of well. Yeah, well, I
mean Michael Strahan got a lot of press because he
said you would bring everybody to New York City for
lobster dinners there, but that when the President did that,
it reminded me of a clip of one of my
favorite movies, Talladaga Knights wi Will Ferrell, where they're they're
sitting at the table. Dear Lord, Baby Jesus or is

our brothers the South call you hey, Zeus, Zeus. We
thank you so much for this baniful harvest of DOMINOESFC
and always delicious taco bail That was everything they served
at the White House? Which is better? Tallad Diggan Knights
are Caddy Shack Talla Digga Knights, you think, so, I
think better than cad Shack. Well, that again, though, is

such an iconic movie. I was, I was, I wasn't.
Catty Shack is four years on me, so it's it's thirties,
eight thirty nine years old. I'm thirty four, Um already
Shack or Talladaga night. You see you see that new
Gillette ad which one So Gillette put out an ad
pretty much encouraging men to do better in the me

too era? Why don't I know this? So so listen
to the commercial, but a lot of backlash being pretty
much going really a bunch of guys around the grille
and then a voice over. I'm trying to think why
I'll show it to you on YouTube. Comm let's listen
to it. Is this the best of man can get? Gte?
Is it? We can't hide from actual harassment. It's been

going on far too long. We can't laugh at off
making the same old excuses. Be boys, boys, boys, But
something finally changed. Boys. We believe in the best in
men because the boys watching today will be the men
of tomorrow. Wow, it's a powerful commercial. I have never

seen that one on it. I've never seen it. Just
you know, for Gillette to say we're gonna tell people
how it is a lot more backlash than positivity coming
out of it. But yeah, that's that's this thing too.
We wanna we wanna put it all out there so
you love, all, serve all. This is what the world
is talking about right now, including an artist that created
a sound installation in a do we have in this

laboratory we have, We got a full lab. Imagine going
to Africa and being listening to Total is Africa on loop.
Oh my god, just that part, you know. I gotta
tell you, I love what Saturday Night Live did the
bit about this. But he's like when it was it
was a Matt Damon on it. Yeah, and he's like
I gotta tell you that song by Wheels are so good.

Here the wind in the background. Yeah, a lot of
a lot of stuff going on. We can we can
play just a story about that song. I literally in Washington,
Literally I physically got on my bicycle when I was
a kid, drove drove my bike to Did I drive
it or did I ride it? Rode my bike? Okay,
fair enough. I rode my bike to the to the

record store, and I bought myself a forty five. You
know what is the forty five is a small record.
It's it's not it's not a huge album. It's it's
a single, you know, And it's like it's like, you know,
half the size of a record in it disgusting, I
guess you could. And so I bought myself the forty
five of that song. I had total on a forty

five on a record player. Man, I'm dating myself. Maybe
I should have you know, we should edit that. Um.
You hear about the new Nike lacing sneakers. Of course,
who didn't hear by that? So let's let's hear from
the director Eric Avar, who is talking about creating these
part of my job over these years, just have been

a futurist and to think about new ideas and ideas,
all them up and try and make them happen. And
I think that's been a relatively successful process. We've been
doing this a long time. This project wouldn't exist if
I hadn't been asked to think thirty years into the
future power laces. Laces sort of made sense to me,

and so that's what we embarked upon. We say power laces.
That's kind of a pull back from back to the
future shoe. But it's really about creating a new lace system,
new lace architecture, a new fit system. I'm excited about
the introduction of this new technology into the real world

of sports, I mean high performance sports in this case.
You know we're talking about the NBA. Well they're they're
called the adapt BB. Actually, Jayson Tatum wore them last
night when the Celtics played the Raptors. Retail retail, what
do you what do you think? Um? I don't know
how much self lacing sneakers technology. You could do them
from your phone and they lace your sneakers. How much phone? Uh?

Well know, the Jordan's back in the day were quite expensive.
U Jordan's today is still are expensive. I'm gonna say
that these things gotta go for Oh my gosh, up
where you gotta go. I'm gonna go over to fifty.
I don't know. If they hit three hundred, they might
give me a solid answer, solid answer. How much are

these sneakers? Three fifty? Shut up? Really at the end
of the day with the technology too, I mean I
could see three fifty. But yeah, so and Jayson Tatum
was the most expensive brand like that. There's more out there,
but Jayson Tatum had a great game last night, and
and the uh, the Celtics beat the Raptors. So talk

about do you have any audio that I don't have
any audio can playing? Yeah, so we have that as well.
Let's see what we give. Oh this is right up
your alley too. I saw that what was the most
expensive pair of sneakers you ever owned? Uh? Probably, well
I got the ones I have on for free, but
they're probably the most expensive. Which ones other things justin
timber Lake. So those are the Timberlake and Jordan they

got together, right, they got together. So what are those
retail for? Uh? They retail around too and change all right,
So those would be the most expective stingers that you
own currently right now. Yeah, I think back in the day,
I guess I did purchase a pair of Jordan's and
I always saved the money, and I think I paid
one seventy five And it's just you know, we're gonna

way back in years back, So I think I might
have paid one seventy five for a pair of Jordan's.
And that's the extent I've ever paid a pair of boots.
How about a pair of boots like like you know, no, no,
I I got Tim's, So probably like sixty seventy bucks,
I paid one fifty for a pair of Timberland. Well,
my mine are the construction not the type you wear
out when you're going out with your friends. On Saturday,

I saw this right up your alley. I was on
the Reddit. This kid, a little kid from Russia made
a sledge. Come on, it's a it's a little kid.
It's a little it's a little kid. But you rush.
I just can't take it anymore. It's a little kid.
This is a little innocent kid getting creative. You know
what he did? Political. I'm just saying that I've heard
more about Russia in the past two years. I'm not
saying anything about pro or con or anything. I don't

want to hear about RuSHA anymore. So he created a
sled and you know how he powered his sled to
the leaf blowers. No way on a sled, and he moved, really,
he moved across the parking lot. It's like ice many
Greg te. Wow. We tried to do that with We

called it the rocket chair. We tried to do that
with fire extingue. We made a mess. Yes, very difficult,
very difficult. All right, So do you believe this, Kate Middleton?
You know, many more piece of audio do we have?
And you can leave whenever you want. I'm not leaving
doors wide open leaven together. We turned his baby off together.
Do you believe this? Kate Middleton doesn't know if the
Queen of England has eaten pizza? You know, um, what

kind I mean? They? Do you think they order pizza?
Can you order pizza? Gotta think the Queen is old.
It's not like she's young. And she's too if she
was like four years old, would say, there's a good
chance you haven't at pizza. Here here's the first let's
play the clip. It's a little hard to hear, but
there's a question, I asked Kate Middleton. I think that's
all the best things to make its touch can she's

she likes pizza. Middleton's relations so she she doesn't know,

she doesn't know a little hard to hear. But the
little kid asked, did has the Queen ever had pizza?
Kate Middleton's had pizza, the princess had pizza. But do
you think the Queen of England has ever ordered a pizza? Yeah?
I would say that she has not. You know, but
it wouldn't that be so cool to get the call?
It like like Vinnie's Pizza down the street, Domino's. Yeah,
we're gonna need a pizza to be delivered to You're sure,

what's the address? You know what? What's what's the address?
Just come on down Westminster, rabb me come to the
side entrance. See if I was I was working the
phones at Dominoes and I got that phone call, I'll
be like, okay, great, whatever that stop stop calling me.
You get to a point, I guess if you're like
such an a class celebrity, like you can't really order
food delivered to your house, right? I mean? Has that
ever happened to you in the situation where where a

pizza guy or a Chinese food guy. It has happened. Yes,
that has happened. Do you remember what you're having? Pizza?
It was a pizza guy had a pizza guy said
are you great tea? And I said yeah, and he said,
oh my god, could get your autograph? And I literally
autographed the receipt. Happen my one situation that it's ever
happened to me. It was again a pizza um guy
pulled up. He was in front of my house and

I you know, you see one cars pulled up in
front of your house, no matter who they are, you
look out the window. But I knew it was the
pizza guy. Cop cars follow right behind him. He got
pulled over in front of my house. He had some
broken tail light, so the cops are telling him for
a few bocks. I was wondering, can I go outside
and get my pizza? Right? I need my food? Do
I have to wait for this guy to You're the

idiot with the broke You deal with that, right, sozz
So the cops take care of the situation a good
five to ten minutes, you know, situation right in front
of my house with the lights going on. Everything, go,
what's wrong? What's wrong? Neighbors start to look because there's
lights and you know, right, so they start assuming the
worst of me. What did Garrett do to his kids?
Pizza guy goes, hey, man, I listened to you all

the time, and I want to go. You couldn't just
get out of the car and give me the pizza
through the window. So so I had to sit there
watch the guy get a ticket. Pizza wasn't pizza was lukewarm,
it wasn't hot. It could have been hot, but the
ten minutes was spent. But that was my one situation
with with the pizza guy. Uh, let's see anything else
we talked about. We both saw was speaking of movies,

we both saw a Bohemian Rap City. Right, that's a
great quality movie. Now, that was very good. That was all.
You know. The movie comes out on demand in February,
but you know with that comes all the deleted scenes,
the behind the scenes stuff. So Brian May who is
from queen Um, there was a scene in the movie
which I think you remember when they were making Bohemian
Rap City in the studio they were playing the guitar
and the in the riff. That was actually Brian May

playing the guitar and they just added that in for
the movie during that scene, so you'll hear the scene
play out. Then then you'll hear Ramy Malick and the
other guys in the cast, uh pick up their lines
because the movie was playing. So listen to this real quick.
There's Brian May from Queen. That's great. So now let's

section the aporatic section. So okay, here you go, Bohemian Rhapsody, Yes,
Talladaga Knights, Caddy Shack, which was the best movie. I
would still say Tello Daga Knights over Bohemian Rapsody. Dude,
Now you really are smoking cracking bro. No, dude, Bohemian Rahapsody,

Equality flick, and then I'm gonna go Caddy Shrack again,
and then I'm doing Talladaga Knights in in that order.
I'm not saying that on't like Talladega Nights. I'm just saying,
if those are my three movies, have to choose from
where they're going, I'm going with Bony and Rhapsody than
Caddy Check than Talladaga Nights. But see Caddy Check to
you was your childhood? Well it was just but that
was your childhood. Yes, but I childhood. Okay, fine, but

but when I but now that I'm older and I
look back, I can still say, dude, it was it
was a very good movie. It really was. It had
a little bit of everything in it. It really did
you see this video? That more sound? How much more audio?
You can quit all you want? You keep going on?
This is like nine hours worth of audio. That's what
the whole point is. It's a podcast of having fun

and just playing some stuff that the world hasn't heard
of or should know it. But maybe what we should
do is we should probably do like our top ten
pieces you might have missed this week, we're going forward.
I'm just wondering maybe that should be the thing instead
of because we must have gone through fifteen or sixteen
pieces of audio at this point, Why why did I

just do that? You were here about that? People they go,
it's probably nine or ten. Really, why don't you should
be a bigger ratio? I just said probably with the
fifteen or sixteen What does that really make? Problem is
you tend to over exaggerate from You're just like the
Dane Cook bit where it's like, you know, there's a
fire at my house. There was a hundred fireman, really
a hundred. That's a lot of fireman coming in and out.
Excuse me, chicken, excuse me, chicken. But we have done

this a lot of a lot of audio. I know,
well it's I think it's a lot of interesting stuff,
like the poppy Curious of next week. We can just
do maybe let's say ten or even twelve. How about
like a dozen audio a dozen audio clips? All right, well,
if you want to come, there's just more time to
talk about each audio, and we can't. We don't need
to jump into it. But like, do you remember eating
pop tarts cereal? I still eat pop tarts now, but

but the cereal ba, I did not eat pop tarts cereal.
I was probably eating uh, I don't know, uh that
raisin brand crunch, yeah, Captain crunch. Maybe I started getting
into some good cereals, like good, wholesome hell the cereals

I like healthy. Well that was the lad That was
the last time cereal favorite cereal probably now because I
can't eat much because of the gluten of flakes. No,
I can't have frusted flakes flakes no gluten. Oh it's
got gluten. Yeah, I can have cheerios. I can have checks.
I can have uh, I can have lucky charms, probably
lucky charms right in the wheelhouse. But pop tarts coming

back first time since So I found the commercial from
and you wouldn't even think that if it was today,
this would be on television because it's very grungy as
you yawn because I this is commercial is a commercial
Killoggs me Cereal called Crunch. I love you much on them.

They're like pop stars, little fall and you can on them.
You down Kelloggs pop carts, Crunch Cereal part of this
complete breakfast there pop tarts for your school. They it
sounds like my rock band for back in the day. Yeah,
well that's what I was saying. That's what I reminded me.
Uh and let's end on this. Um. So, the Chappelle

Show very popular. And you know back in the early
two thousands, Chapelle, uh Neil Brennan he's one of the
he was one of the co writers along with Chappelle.
He was doing an interview, I believe um with the
Breakfast Club and he was talking about how R. Kelly
sent his goons to come beat up Dave Chappelle. Hey,
did you realize that Dave Chappelle was in A Stars Born. Yes,

I played. He played a pretty good part. I liked
him a lot. Yeah, he didn't seem like the comedic.
I thought he was playing Dave Chappelle. At first, I
thought he was just playing because because they did the
whole Grammy scene where artists were, Halsey was in it,
and so I thought he was just Dave Chappelle because
at the end of the day, Bradley Cooper played in artists,
so that artist had many friends and connections. So I

thought he woke up in Dave Chappelle's front yard. I like,
I really, I liked it. I thought that the movie
be at that point in A Stars Born was almost
like it was the perfect time to bring in another
actor or another character and stuff like that. So this
is Neil Brennan talking about the time R. Kelly sent
his goons to come beat up, uh, Dave Chappelle. I
don't think people understand what comedy is supposed to do, Like,

we will observe things, will make fun of things. Did
people want us to round up a posse and go
arrest R Kelly? Like what were we supposed to do?
We made fun of R Kelly? R Kelly wanted to
fight Dave. He literally stepped his goons step to Dave
in Chicago, and Dave's goons intervenes and there was the

goons negotiated. So the idea that we somehow normalize this,
like we also did a white supremacist sketch. Our job
is to poke fun at things, and even if it's bleak,
we still poke fun at it. We were trying to
humiliate a guy. It's like insane. It's so interesting though
crazy to think that that happen, see to think, see

those are the things that happened backstage, which you don't
even know exactly. So so that's pretty much what we
would like to try to do here. Just bring bring
you some stuff that everyone might be talking about. You
might see it online and uh, if not, now you
know about it. So uh that that pretty much is it?
A little less next time? A little less, a little less.
Remember when you did a podcast that was like four
hours long, but you could talk a little bit more

about something we can talk to. We don't need to
jump into the next less is more more. I love
I love how that is your less is more? All right?
So my name is Garrett along with Greg t well,
that is the audio lab. You never know what's gonna
come out. So we will listen to more audio all
next week, play it for you, and we appreciate listening

to the first stuff. Hopefully many episodes right here on
iHeart Radio. All right,
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