All Episodes

April 2, 2018 38 mins

We adress a T-Shirt problem we are having within our family. Greg T breaks down the "Pina Colada" song. Plus we read some tweets that you have sent our way!!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
One, two three. Hello, Hello, okay, hello, are you ready
to do this? All right? It is Monday, April the
second episode three, and this time around Garrett your micas on.
I'm pretty sure you forgot that happened last That's unbelievable.

Last week, how many people listen to it? I can
let you know in a second. Okay, let us know.
Let's get into fed Shamville. He Jimville. There's nothing gone.
You gotta pot up. Now, you didn't pot anything. Now
start this damn thing. Now I did have it on
pod I potted the thing. Are you ready? What did

he say? What did they say? What does she say?
What did she say? Having a good day? I wish
he will could hear what goes on behind the scenes.
Do you really want to because you're not going to

talk about everything that just went out. He is so
livid right now, but we can't say why. But not amper,
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages,
welcome to fetch Ham. You are now inside the fetch Hamville.
So for the next hour five minutes, whatever you want
to do, forget about everything and let's have some fun. Okay, Garret,

can we gotta woo woo for you. Ere we go,
and if you're listening right now, fetches, give me a
wo woa. I just the only reason I'm here right
now is because my Yankee game got postponed until tomorrow. Yes,
or we wouldn't have been able to record today. So
here in the New York City Tri state area. You know,

Danielle loves the Yankees, and I mean, I look Yankees, Yankees.
It's a huge Yankee It's we're all Yankee fans. Some
of us are met fans, but a lot of us
are Yankee fans. And today's opening day at the stadium.
That's how you say, when you go down to the Bronx,
you go at the stadium. Yeah, so Danielle has got
our tickets already to go. Mother Nature's changing plans. So
tomorrow four o five pm is the game. So that's

all right. So because so we benefit from Danielle, you know,
missing out on something. That's because you know, the look
behind the scene. If we wanted to take the fetges
behind the behind the curtain, we haven't even given them
a name yet, you're calling them the fetches. Well, so
we didn't know when we're gonna do fetch him this week.
We really do have a funeral on Wednesday. Somebody had
see this is good sound effects. You know you got

a funeral in the books. You're gonna put a funeral
sound effect? Of course, I wanted to what is that
things are going crazy? Um, let's see what is part
of your ritza? Gregg t just sent she's holding her
head outside the door because Greg just over crazy? Why
did they just driver crazy? What happened before the podcast
that we can't talk about but you're living about. I'm

not livid. Here's the round about out. Okay, let's just
give a round about what's coming, because this story is
gonna be very long. It's not I'm gonna give clothes
only because I want to make sure that I get
it done. I say, right. What I want to say
is I'm still trying to find this the Yankees drop again.
I can't find welcome everything I want to sound effect,

it's never there. I just don't understand. So what happened
was sometimes we get these T shirts, so get the
sign for charities and people requests right, and people request
and we sit around a room and we all sign right.
So there's the Elvis Duran morning show logo, which is
really nice. And there's a little bit of the logo
that makes like a heartbeat, like a thing, like one

of those, and I always thought it was funny that
that was the heartbeat. And it's not the heartbeat, it's
the it's it's the radio wave, yes, sound wave, right,
So they added that into the logo school, So you
always signed over the radio wave because you feel you're
the heartbeat of this show. But I and I always
said it in a joking way because I feel I thought,

what are you really choking though, because if you're so
passionate about signing it there, it wouldn't be a joke. Well, no, see,
I'm a creature of habit. That's my problem, right, because
that is I have to have things I can't divert.
That's really the problem. Like Daniel, when you sign the shirt,
don't you always try to sign the same place. It's
like your sign wherever there is an opening, wherever there's
an I don't have a spot, Garrett, what about you wherever? Really?

So you guys can do that, Like when you drive home,
can you like divert and go you know what, I'm
going to drive home this way? Yeah, really really, you
need to open your mind in life. You specifically, yeah, exactly,
you specifically love to do things the same exact way,
at the same exact time, doing the same exact motion. Right.
But and I don't know why, but it kind of

just keeps me. I don't know, ground it a little bit.
You have on most of the day you I think
it's part of I mean I have O c D
to a certain extent as well, But I think that
that's where your O c D comes into play, where
you need to and it takes and it takes over
your life. Well I just thought you can't. But here's Michael,
but he wait, we digress. Yes, the reason he's upset

is because somebody else went ahead and signed on the
heartbeat right for some reason he thinks, I don't know
what he thinks, but this person didn't know that that's
his place to sign. They just saw an open spot
and they signed there. But he refuses to sign these
T shirts now because someone out signed and these T
shirts are for charity. W get new T shirts because

then we all then why would you do that to us?
We all signed these shirts already, not wait wait, so
we all have to resign these shirts because you can't
sign in a different spot. You have to sign in
that spot. Because you think someone's out to get you,
well get me. I just think I bring that person
in and ask them no, because they're not going to

be as honestly well, I guarantee if we asked, they won't,
they'll say they won't. I didn't know he had a spot.
As Daniel goes to get the said person. Were you
in school did you were you allowed to sit wherever
you wanted or did you have signed seats? What about
high school? In high school everybody gets as signed seats

all right? Because I think that because in my high
school growing up, you were allowed to sit wherever. But
there were those certain kids that love to sit in
that same exact seat every single day. Okay, that's where
I see you at. Where you love to do you
love to go through the revolving the same revolving door,
the same time every time. I'm just saying, so, here

is said person. Let me ask you a question. Sam. Welcome,
welcome to thank you. I'm honored to be here. When
you were signing the T shirts, did you realize that
you signed in greg T spot? Dude, you have a spot.
You see, this is what I didn't want to do.
That I don't want to go down this room is
convinced because he signs over the little heartbeats a little thing.

He said he won't he won't sign the T shirts
now because you signed in his spot. Well, there's no
space for me to sign. Yes, there is the rest
of the entirely of the shirts. I'm not what I'm
not going to see. He said that that's his spot
and everybody should know that. And I said, I guarantee
you that Sam had no idea. She has not one
malicious bone in her body. I didn't say perfect. No,

I saw no miliciaus there. It was just that it
was done. So I can't sign. Silly, you cannot sign
any sign Wait, he would like us to now get
new T shirts and he wants us all to resign
them right so he can sign in his spot. You
have to sign. You have to sign first. Then that's
the only way this will. I have to wash to
sign it in a spot where I know Scary by

the way, grab Scary Scary also signed. They just let
these four shirts go and I won't sign over quote
unquote your spy. Everybody signed, right, in front of me
like scary. It's a bushy great scary D refuses to

sign the T shirts. We just scarity because do you
and Sam have signed over the heartbeat? And the heartbeat
is where he signs, and so he's mad. Well, I'm
pretty cognizant at this point that Greg T is the
heartbeat of the show. So he signs over the heartbeat.
But what he doesn't understand is that the logo itself.
First of all, it's not a heartbeat in the elbows

we mentioned it, it's a sound way. When he thinks
he's the heartbeat. So I was I was a joke
about that, right joke. So here's the problem. Sam kind
of signed in your space and bled over into my
space space. That's what happened because Greg T always signs

over the heartbeat, right. I always signed to the right
of the heartbeat, right of Greg I signed whatever. There's
a free space next time. I always hated the free
space part on Monopoly. It's the worst ary. Listen to me.

So now Gregg T would like us to get new
T shirts and us all to resign them. Is he
gonna pay for the ones we're gonna waste? He said
that he is not going to sign them, even though
there for charity because his space was I hate to
say that that that's pretty rude and that's selfish. Use them,
we use, especially since the listeners that are receiving you know,

even worse this is this is for charity. The people
that are this is your charity. So he's neglecting a child.
I understand that. So the people who are going to
receive these from the charity, what did you say, They
have no clue. You can't hear you. They have no
clue that that you sign over the heart piece. So

what difference does it really make at the end of
the day. And Sam, if Scary did it, it would
be malicious because he knows that you have a spot.
Sam doesn't know you have a spot. A crap. I
understand over your spot. Ever again, I'm just saying that
the spot is now taken up, and I really want
to squeeze my name there. I dare you to write
over their names. Is trying to do this and get

all everybody's signature for charity easy? It's not easy. Do
you think she's gonna stand there and police everybody? Oh,
don't sign there, that's great, spot. I don't even think
Alvis has a spot. He signs with his name, sign
in your parking space and half of mine. So that's
why mine really moved over. Okay, ridiculous. What are you
playing this noise? What is that noise? There's no noise?

What is that? Okay, you're the noise? Okay, so we
have wait where we have part of Brooklyn Boys here
and part of Acquire days. Right, that's right. Listen to
the Acquired Tastes podcast and Brooklyn Boys podcast on Apple iTunes,
on Heart Radio, and Google Play. Thank you, okay, thank you,
thank you, Thank you people. So now we have all right, okay,

let's move on. Now, let's move on. You tired? We
did to be honest? What did we accomplish? Now, in
all fairness, great tea did say, do not bring it up?
I did? I bet for that. No one wants to
listen to the only thing want to what do you
want to know? What we did accomplish? Samblin never signing

here again? You give a little, you take a little. Right,
Let's go to the Yankee game? How about that? Yes? Yes, there,
Well we're not going to go there. What we're not
going to the game? Your exact words. Let's go to

the Yankee game, right but right now we're taking the
audience to the game, but they're not. There is no
game today? Why not the snow? Yes, I understand what
is going on? Is this like a bad sitcom? Right now?
I just wanted to play that theme song because I
finally found it. That's what I needed. Here's the way question, Garrett,
from now on, if I load up all these sound

effects right like like when Scary was talking, I was
playing you know, yes? Is that going to stay there
and will stay there? Yes? The problem is you love
to think on the fly. So as much as you
want to come in here and plan, you all of
a sudden go I need a sound effect to annoy Scary.
So you start searching in the middle. Do you stop

here anywhere? We do you think we need to have that?
Like I need to have this thing's load these things
loaded up. You need to start thinking in the future.
All right? Well, are we to think a short break?
Here's are commercial role aids plus gas relief soft choose
now roll aids quickly relieves heartburn plus the pressure and
bloating of gas and roll aid soft choose are chewy
not Chalky role aid soft choose and we're back. Okay,

I just I have to play best. I think it's funny.
You think it's funny. Okay, so here so you can't leave,
you can't leave. So so let's address last week. We
didn't have a microphone in in Q or turned on
Danielle and Great Tea. We were live in studio and

I was in studio. It sounded like I as if
I was in a foreign country, yelling across the room. Uh,
you know it's a I I say, it's just you know,
it's a learning curve, a growing pain, as they say,
so hopefully, Uh, we're good. Now we'll find out. Where's
the survivor interview? I'd like to play that back? What

was his name? You interviewed? The damn already did this bit? No?
What did we do it? I don't know, we didn't.
I wanted to play. I wanted to play a sound
of Rupert is what I wanted to do. That's what
I wanted to hear the thing, as opposed to explain,
as opposed to talking to it. Just search for it.
I did it right now, and most people don't know
who Rupert is. Actually wanted to explain that. So people know.

So long time ago, when Survivor was really at its peak,
there was a there was a guy by name a
Rupert and he was really awesome, you know, and we
really loved him, and we got I got an opportunity
to interview him. So what happened was Elvis says, you
go interview him because you know who he is, you
know sur you know Survivor all about him, right, And

I said, okay, fine, so we'll do that. So after
an hour of interviewing him, this is what I got.
It's amazing each other. Oh that was the part. Where's
the part, Garrett? Oh my god, stop asking me now.
What people don't know is that I'm on the other
side of a room right now and Greg T's asking me,

where's something that I had no idea that he wanted.
Garrett said, he wanted to run the board. No no, no, no, no,
he's things. Yes, how about this one? This is why
Rupert Holmes, it's coping a Colada kut else you went.

You went into the Yankees, and now we're talking about
Rupert because I typed in Rupert and then Rupert Holmes
came up and the song this song here Peanut Colada song,
and I'm like, oh, that's kind of a nice song.
Do you know the story behind that song? Do you
know the song? Now everyone knows the song? All right,

So you guys are gonna like this like I do
like the song? Why this? You're gonna really like this story?
You're ready for this. So the story goes, the husband
and wife were really not happy with each other. Right,
so on the side, she put an ad out in
the paper looking for somebody, Right, he put an ad
out in the paper looking for somebody. Little did they
both know that they're both looking for each other, but

they never told it. You you listen to words of
the song, it's it's it's self explanatory. So right, So
what happens at the end of the song. They meet
each other because they're both gonna go and cheat and
all that cheat, but they were gonna meet somebody else.
Turned out there both there and God in the rain. Okay.

I don't know where they split up in this long
or were they were they cheating? Did they put did
they put an ad out to cheat on each other?
Do they use Ashley Madison? Oh that's so funny. He
tells the story. He was tired. I was cheating. She
put up the cheating sons of bitches. But but it's
not cheating if they ended up, but they had the

intent to cheat. So do they get piste off at
each other a little bit? You can't? Why not? Because
it negates each other. What are you gonna say you
were cheating on me? I was cheating on you. I
would get a little piste off. This is a good
topic here, this really is. So was it cheating or not?
What do you think? Well, let's see. He read this
ad and she said, do you look, peanut Colani? That

am I the only one that changes? Uh? Put to
penis penis penus colatus and she's like, there's the give
one if you like, make a love at midnight on
the dunes of the goodever. All right, so there you go.
So it's he's putting it out. She put an ad out.
They both put an it out to cheat on each other,

that's right, And they wind up finding each other because they,
you know, they answered each other's I get the intense there,
But it's not cheating. That yes it is, because she
was going to cheat, and it's not cheating, but the
intent was there. So both of them. Would they be
like I would be pissed if I found out and
be like, dude, you put an ad in the paper.

You'd be pissed at me because I put an it
in the paper. Yes, you never cheated. If if I
wanted to go rob a bank and I walked into
a bank but didn't rob a bank, doesn't mean I
robbed a bank though, because I wanted to rob a bank.
But you can still going to be arrested for intent.
How is their intent? If I just showed up just
like a date they showed you you're you showed up
with with weapons in hand, ready to take the place down.

You just made that up. I didn't have any weapons
on me. Well, that's intent. They put the ad out
in the paper. I think Daniel's actually lawyer. No, but listen,
I have to tell you there's a lot of times
I think Danielle immediately puts her tail up and says,
I'm going to be the defendant of anybody who wants
to cheat. Yes, because I don't think it's nice. But
if they're both cheating at the same time on each
other and they turned out to be with each other,

there's no cheating. But on this one. I gotta tell
you because I just heard what I heard. It's coming
up again. Listen to what they say again. Here Wait,
she says, if I like peanut coladas. He's responding, right,
there wasn't much of the health food during the champagne.

I would have no time for this. Why because this
was all This was all beyond the newspaper. This wasn't
on like it was online. But he's responding line, it's
like you could do this all in twenty minutes. This
is like a four week commitment right here. I'm telling
you for the I really do agree with Danielle because
I heard the line if you're into making love under

the moonlight and all that crap that's in there, that
was crap. That would be his ad. So now he
goes in with high hopes. You see that. Wait, I
hear it. I don't see it all right, Let's say

she gets back again, found this lady, and she said,
then we laughed for moment. They laughed at each other. Yeah,
I said, I never knew that you like And they
never knew this about each other. Right, So now that
they do, it's like a whole new relationship. So they're

starting from scratch at midnight. Here's the thing was playing music.
We're not allowed to play the full song, but you
love to play. We did awful song. We stopped and go,
stopped and go. Do you think if you put an
ad in the paper, yes, Daniel, go with this, I

love it. Do you think that and and do you
think that you would put the things down that Trish
would be interested in your wife? Or do you think
at this point she would be like, no, I love
this topic, love this topic. Hold on, let me just
write it. Why are you writing it down? We don't
have to write it down. We're talking about it right now.
Would you and your significant other answer these questionnaires the

same way? Would you be what? What a compatible together? Right? No?
Knowing you think that you and twest are compatible anymore?
I gotta I gotta say you're taking to a long
I gotta say, obviously you're not. If you see this
is need clocks on eight clock, you're the one sitting

behind the computer. Hold on, let me get a clock.
Hold on a second, looking for clock, Hold on clock.
Your whole envision of this podcast was to be theater
of the mind. It's not theater of the mind. When
you give away what you're you want people to envision? Yes,
but I need the clocks. If I don't have clocks,
that what am I gonna do? Guarantee you're gonna get
Coldplay clocks. They're all there. I'm not gonna get that road.

Hold on, answer the question so we can move on
to something else. I really loved what what Danielle said.
I really do. Let's see what we think. Oh my god, Um,
would we be compatibles? Will say no, you wanted to
call it, I wouldn't say no. I do not think that. No,

I don't want to do that again. Please in my workspace,
and no, please do not, I think, please please. We're
dealing with it with a funeral, dealing with details. Can't
you can't do it anyway? Um, So I think that
we would not be compatible. I don't think so. Hey, Garrett,
do you think that you and Ali would be compatible?

You do? I think Sheldon and I would be compatible? Really? Yeah?
After all these years. Yeah, there are a couple of
things that we probably you know, I don't agree on
anymore or but then there are other things that I
feel like we agree on more now than we used to.
So I think it's kind of a bounce, but definitely
I think he would be. I think that if you
asked him, he would say the same thing for the

most part. Interesting, what if we came up with eleven
let's say, eleven eleven questions to ask each other, right,
and we take it back and and and and our
significant other answers them without us knowing knowing what we answered. Yes,
you write them. I love to do that. So you

write them. Not live on right now? Okay, well, what
do you think we should asking write them over the
next couple of tweet tweet us your questions him official,
and then the j and then next week questions. Next
week will come back and how did you land on eleven?
Because it wasn't ten. I wanted something that will like

tip the scale. I don't want something to be like
tenants even or I wanted to be like eleven, I
would have said fourteen, like thirteen is odd, fourteens to
leave in. I just said eleven is good, alright, coup seven.
But I think eleven questions? Okay, we can figure wonder.
I like that. I like that, all right, So let's

go on to uh, how about our fedge of the week.
Do we have the music for that, we're Fedge of
the Week. You're talking to yourself because you're the one
that has control over this. I need to title it
a Sedge of the week because it's someone else's stuff.
We're borrowing it. Why are we borrowing it? I don't

know what's this one? No, this is this is the week.
This was vegge News. That's feg news. Feedge of the week.
All right, so are you doing sege news or freedge
of the Week to the week. He doesn't have fedge news.
Remember I thought feedge news, we're gonna talk about Twitter?
What we're gonna talk about all the tweets we get?
We are, don't you're the one with the master key, really,

and I thought we were supposed to talk about like
a name for our fans, not like we have any
with this right. Well, you did ask Daniel at the
beginning how many people were listening for this? How many people?
So from the last two podcast, even with the mess
up from last week, we got about people. But it's
pretty good for a new podcast for a baby. This

kind of like sums up fed him got the span
Yeah moo, yeah, I would. I would hate for you
to drive like fly a plane. There's too many buttons
on the plane for you to fly, and you just
want to want to touch all the buttons. You know
what happens? That petting back in my pocket. That happens,

but it drops. When you're feeling sad, you just put
that song on and you just are gonna be Please
remember that we are we talking about five seconds ago
in a mood. Okay, let's do it. Fedge you the week.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I I forgot what we were doing.
Here we go, all right, so lazy and gentlemen, it

is that time. It's not time to find out little
bridge of the weekend. It's not even a ferens in
this bag. It's the freaking weather in New York City
and Jersey and everywhere. Yeah, that's snow, and you are
the fect of the week, mother nature. Because I was
supposed to go to the damn Yankee game but got postponed.

But that's not the only reason. It is April twod
There's not supposed to be a massive snow storm happening.
It's absolutely ludicrous and that that's why the weather and
plus a lot of kids are on spring break this week. Yes,
people had day trips planned they wanted with both places
in in this you know, part of town, and you
couldn't do it. So I think we all need to

move to Florida. I gotta tell you about that. Yeah,
I'm kind of into that. You're right, what did you
do it? Would you move to part if your wife
said it was okay? Maybe I would. If Shelton said
let's do it, I probably would do it. I missed
my friends here, but I try to do Happy Year
here Happy then it gets too hot in the summertime. Yeah,
we come back in the summertime. I say the kids
can go to school there and they come back and

do summer sports here. All right, now, you know what
I'll think about that. I think it's a good idea.
That's a good question to post. So that's the fete
of the week. What would you move to Florida? Florida? Okay?
If you could for the year and move back next summertime. Well, Danielle,

you know what you did say? That was ludicrous. You're
you're late on you're trying. It's horrible, everybody. If you're
listening to fetch and run and take your headphones out
and run, move, move, move like yeah, yeah, alright, fre

we talking about the tweets we get. Yes, so now
let's jump into Fetch Neves and we don't have any
because we weren't prepared to do the podcast today. So
you know what happened with that? We weren't doing the
podcast today? The Yankee game got rescheduled, so we had
to tap it on your phone? Or are you going
to go to the Egkee game today? What do you want?
What you want? You were supposed to go to the
game God postponed because of the weather. We just gave

f We just gave fedge of the week to the weather.
Do we do fetch Ham? I'm about to leave. I
don't have home term memory loss. You definitely have. I
don't know what you waitee? Wait, what is the what
is the fish in old Fish? No? No, no, no no,
in Nemo that she always forgets everything? Dory Dory Dory

every time we meet. It's a friendly adventure, Danielle. Don't
you have to get you to the game. I'm so glad.
Let's just should we start fedam Finally? I swear to God, Garrett, Well,
I told you I have too many buttons. That's twice
he said, you know what, I'm having fun, I can't.
All right, let's go so fetch News in feedge news.

Because we don't have any news today. We wanted to
do some tweets, So I'm gonna pass my phone around
and we're gonna read back some of your tweets that
you've been tweeting on us at official fetch hamed Ham Official.
Are you dyslexic and you spell f e j h

M official? Yes? Did you just have him at Easter? No?
I didn't wait? Why no, no him? There was no.
I don't think there was Ham, really, I think there was.
Maybe there was, and I just didn't. I love it.
I was looking at you like an alien. How you
say it? Like you say you're Polish? All right, here

we go. Here, We got one right now from l J. Johnson.
L J. Johnson says at fetch Ham Official. Love you all.
I've always said Garrett needs more airtime, so I'm pumped
for the future of this show. Very nice, all right,
DANIELM gonna pass to you, and then the next one.
You can read this one here, all right, and then
just okay, this one says who's it? From Rude Marino.

Rude Marino you kidding me? I wait, all week from
my Brooklyn Boys, ninety minutes isn't enough. I wish it
was a buck because we were complaining, we were saying
that the podcast shouldn't be um okay, so I e identity.
I opened up a can of worms and I really
didn't mean to. Next the next one is about Brooklyn
Boys as well, Melyn, that's great. All I said was

this okay, and it was this was nothing. I just
want to say, for the record, is the last time
I'm ever gonna mention okay? And I mean this. And
you guys are you guys? I know you're in back
me up on this. I didn't come down on one
of our podcasts. Here are Brotherland's podcast of the Brooklyn
bok Right. All I said was do people really stick

around to listen to a podcast? Right exactly? And you
found out I am done that. The answer is yes
because people are in traffic, but I have long commutes,
people have a lot of time in there. I am
done asking that. I will never ask again. But as
far as the content, as far as if they're good
or not, I never criticized them, right, did I ever

criticize I don't thank you very much, fedges. I appreciate
that says we should call our fan army the veggies,
the veggies. That's not I like. Alright, Derek, go ahead,
all right, this one. This one's from Lonnie Spicer. I
give you credit if you could do this fedge Him Official. Okay,
now I need a transcript of the show. You want

to try to transcribe what we just did. Not credit
credit to you if you want to sit through that
and do that. Listen, here in Fedgeville, everything goes. We're
just trying to to how you're referring it to like
a Dr Seuss. Don't you think that's what Fedgham sort
of is. We're Fedgeville. It's a mess, is what it is.
We're taking them into Fedgeville on a journey with something

that they're really listen if is this podcast so far?
Oh well, well, according to our Twitter people, they want
to hear more and longer. Wanted more and longer if
it's good to get a chance tweet used. Everybody wants
it more and longer if it's good. Anyway, what's next? Yell?
They already just making a crazy little little joke there. Huh,

how about you wait all right now, it's time for
we gotta get into your vegan shoes. Time a hold on,
but we don't have that. I have to I didn't
wear very nice shoes. Doesn't matter what shoes you wore.
Hold on a second, Garrett, did you give him something
I didn't know? In edible or no wish? Have you

have you had a good edible? I don't do drugs.
I don't know what. No, you are missing out. It
was the last drug you did. It's marijuana, little pot.
You know, it's all I do every now and then?
Do you buy it from someone? I can't give you
my information. Bro Okay, let's go. It's now time lady
and gentlemen for vegan shoes. Danielle's vegean shoes. Who's I

have to take a picture everywhere in days gonna talk
about her feggi and shoes. Okay, so this week shoe
it was shoes is actually a little pair of slip
on that I boughted a kiosk at the mall. They
are Yankee slip on shoes because I wanted to wear

them to opening days, which are like, they're really cute. Well,
I probably wouldn't have warned them because I would have
put boots on, but my sister has a pair with
Steelers on them because they had they had all of
the football teams and all of the baseball teams. So yeah,
I didn't want to put jets on them. A jazz band. Sorry,

They're really cute. They're very comfortable. Yes, so I love
them and I have, um, I have a couple of
pairs of Yankees. You know, I can't. It doesn't say
it was like a little kiosk that I. It says
made in China, team being, team Beans, team being. That's very,

very comfortable. There's a picture of them on my Instagram.
At Radio Danielle Manarow on my instant story. All right,
very good, there you go. So every week we will
dive into the world of fashion and talk about Danielle's
Veggean shoes unless, of course, Garrett and I are wearing
some cool Veggean shoes. Shoes you wear, Garrett, I think

I got a call it spring shoes on. I got
some slip on slip on, you know me, I don't
have I have boots on today. These are my boots.
These are Thursday boots. Boots I'm wearing today because the
weather is not so nice today. You're you're wearing suede
boots though you're not supposed to wear suede boots out.
Do you know, Garrett, I'm so glad you brought that up. Bro,

I didn't know. Does does the Swede really get ruined
this kind of weather? Did you? Did? You? You have to,
you know, protect them? Did you winterize them? I did not.
I don't mind, because you know why when the guy goes, okay,
here's my question, great question. And when when you go
to buy a pair of shoes or sneakers, there's always
the guy that's like, hey, you can weather rize and
I'll just sell you this spray for and you can weather.

I just squirt it on and then we who buys that?
You don't buy that? Nobody buys the people buy it.
Who buys it? You do not buy it? I do?
And I use it on my shoes all the time.
The last time you bought that sprayed from that guy?
Last time? I actually have a story. Come on, hold on,
I have a story? Am I the only one? I

have to delete? This? Like when they go do you
want to warranty? And you're like na, and then what happened.
You crash your car, right, Okay? So I actually and listen.
I went and bought a pair of suede, really cute
slip on shoes with stars on them, and I asked
the lady behind the thing, I need some new winter
riser for the Swede. She hands me a bottle. She goes, okay,

use this. I didn't look at it. I figured she
handed it to me. I got home and I it
was black. No, I've sprayed black suede protected all over
my white slip on. So now I had to go
back to the store. And thankfully I had my receipt
and it had the shoes and the Swede cleaner on it.
And I said to them, this is what happened. I
didn't check. I just assumed. The lady said, oh my gosh,

and she realized she had the other woman handed me
the wrong thing. So they they ordered me a new
pair of shoes, and I wind up having to get
another Swede cleaner. Yet I would not No, I stopped
at the store all the time. You buy something and
it's the wrong thing, you just don't even bother going back,
um yeah, oh yeah, and then you waste your money
all the time you bought that same spray. I buy

the spray. Yeah, that's that's how you take care of them,
and you keep them for longer than then you're supposed
to guarantee those will be done in about less than
a year. Fetch him official. We want to hear from you.
Do you buy the spray for sneakers and shoes? Even
if they say yes, you're the type of person that's
still not going to believe everyone that says, by the spray, No,
you didn't know. You didn't know you did, didn't you?

Most likely you got those boots for free too, so
you couldn't afford the five bucks to get the spray.
You cheats. Why do I want to pay an extra
five night nine for the spray? You just got very
nice boots for practically free. You could not afford five
bucks for the spray. Alright, I'm writing it down again.
I want to know do you buy the spray? Do
you buy? Do you know what's happening? You're you're gonna

write that do you buy the spray? And then you're
gonna look at me or Danielle say what did I
mean by the spray? I want to know. I want
to know do you buy the spray? Got you? So?
So far, we've got a couple of good things that
we want to ask our our our edges. I believe
right we have we have the the would you be
would you still be compatible with your significant other? We
need eleven questions regarding that. Okay, then we wanted to

coming up with the eleven questions. Well, we're gonna We're
gonna filter it through the Twitter at Fedgeham Official. Oh
my god, I am traffing up a storm in here.
I don't mean to, but it's coming out. Also, would
you consider living in Florida and then moving back here
right once of years? Over? And then? Or and it? Also?

Do you buy sneaker spray? Am? I right? Those are
the things? Is there anything else we wanted to ask?
Are tweeting? I'm don't work for fetge Ham. Are you really?
I don't believe it. I don't believe anything anymore? All right?
Are we done? We're almost out of here. I think
I'm about to walk out because you're as smells smell

I'm leaving. Smell. Yes, I smell it. Why why are
you leaving? It doesn't really smell? It doesn't really smell,
does it is it really that bad? And now I'm
in here all among myself, well vegges. This has been
another episode of fetch Ham and I cleared the room.

Why it smells? Now I'm disgusting myself until next week
from afar, What did I eat? I'm out of here.
I'm gonna have a Danielle Garrett. This has been set
Ham and planned.
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