All Episodes

July 31, 2018 51 mins

After a long 2 month break. Greg T , Danielle and Garrett try to get the podcast backup and running. Greg T is curious about everyones underwear and we hear from Greg T's Grandma!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Oh it's it's Mr it's Mr Bush. Hello, Mr Bush.
Hello man? Why are you the paper man? Mr? Bush?
The dog? Is that coming? They'd like to beepy on me,
beepy man Bush, Baby man Bush. Well, let's go ask

the question. Let's ask beepy man Bush. Let's open up
the mailbox today. What's in Feedgeville mailbox? See, like we're
gonna start for scratch. We've got nothing going on. We
have no mail, We have nothing, nothing nothing. Are you ready?

Are you ready? Here we go? What did he say?
What did they say? What did she say? Having a
good day in that? In that in that match? Ham? Alright, guys,
so good morning, good afternoon, good evening the pendel time.

You are listening right now to fedge Ham. You were
about to go into Fedgeville. I'm Greg T. That's Garrett
and Danielle Monaro is doing PPS right now. Let's be real. Yeah,
this is this is it's kind of awkward. Why is
it awkward about? I would say, about two and a
half months ago we did our last podcast, Yes we did,

and then two and a half months go by and
we just can't start up like nothing happened. You know,
I kind of agree we have nothing we have we
we we haven't checked our our Twitter, we haven't checked
our email, we have no topics we have. You're right, Garrett,
we got nothing to talk about today. So let's let's
just address that first. I think the fact that, um,

when we signed up for this as a group, we said,
you know, we would do it, but we you know,
we also would agree that there are things in our
schedules that you know, wouldn't allow for us to do
it as much as we would like to do. That's
unfortunately all the stars aligned, and uh, pretty much we
cropped the bed. Yes, you know, and uh, I would

like to you know, I don't know where Danielle is.
Is there? This is another problem we're we're proving to
the audience that we just it's very difficult for us
all together at the same set time to do fedg Ham. Well,
here's the thing here, the where is Danielle? I think
we need to from from this podcast forward, we need
to come to an agreeance that, uh, the the friends

contract mentality of we we do this together or we
don't do it at all is in theory a great
one if we were getting paid, but we're not. But
I think no matter what. If all three of us
are here, fantastic, that's great, We'll do it. We have
good chemistry. If there's over there, if there's two of
us available, do it right, you know what I mean.

I don't think we should just say all right, well
I can't do it. That means no one else could
do it, you know what. I just didn't want to
take on the responsibility like I did on a pass
podcast where I was like the guy that was like
leading us and saying, you gotta do what you gotta
be here because but that's the thing. Everybody laughed at
me and everybody said, why are you acting that way?

Why are you being so forceful? So on this podcast
here with you know, fedch Ham, I just thought to
be funny. I gave a good name of fedch Ham,
which means nothing, and then I just figured we'd make
it this make believe land to go do. We would
all go to Fedgville, maybe meet a couple of characters
along the way, and then all of a sudden, is
that real? Though at the end of the day, like

it's cute and you know, it's cool to call, But
at the end of the day, is that like do
you walk out of here and going, well, I'm living
in this cartoon universe. I think I think with with
this podcast in us and as friends, I think we
can have an open form talking about anything we could.
We could be silly, but yeah, we could be real.
So I think this one right here, I think we
need to to to be as real as possible and

say we know where comes not me say welcome to Fedgeville.
I had to go, Patty, I know you did to.
You need to just actually asked me before I went,
are you going poopy on? You answer him? Like, first
of all, I was going peep. You have to answer

to even if I was going poop. Do you think
I'm gonna say to you, I'm going to take a
ship like or you pay At the beginning of the show.
The reason why, man, I'm glad that you are mad,
not not that I'm glad that you're man. I am,
but I'm not. But the reason why is because I

was actually proving to all of the audience members in
Fedgville right now that we all can't come together the
same time. Well, if you gotta go, you gotta go, right.
But it's just I know that that was one of
the examples of but we're just talking. We're just talking
to the sense that Barrett really wanted to get real
here in Fedgeville, because you're like, well, we can't come

up with like I yet. You're trying to paint this
picture of of this this imaginary land. But at the
end of the day, people know that it's it's not real,
and they do get away. But for for what this
is is three friends hanging out, talking to a podcast
and asking questions like Okay, yes, mostly might not miss that,

but but okay, last week, like Danielle was saying, I
missed that, I missed the button. We sometimes sometimes our
schedules don't match up. But most of that, Danielle, what
I was just saying was going forward, just so there
could be some repetition and more podcast being posted. So

we don't wait two and a half months. Let's just
say two and a half months. You let's just say
next week. You're busy, yeah, great, Tea and I are
available most of the week. Check my calendar. But what
I'm saying is, or it could be any any combo,
the three of all three of us can get together, fantastic.
I'm maybe we can each of us the other one.

All right, you can call in, but I'm saying we
could do it more and where we don't have to
wait each week to say so, I think going forward,
as you listen to this, I think that's the way
to do it. Yeah, I see, now, I know next
week I am not good on Tuesday the seventh. Now,
if I could probably do the eighth or the ninth,

can't the ninth. We are leaving for Iowa, and I
can't do the ninth and the eighth I can do. No,
I can't do the eighth, but I can do the
seventh only if we are done by eleven. I can
do the seventh. We're done by putting the seventh down.

I got a problem there. Why, Well, I mean I
have to do I have to host an appearance on
the seventh time. That's at seven o'clock at night. Oh
so at night I have an appointment at twelve. But
I'm gonna do I can do till eleven, So put
that on your calendar. So you want to do fedgevillege

Ham on the seventh I left. How we're planning for
the next episode, But yeah, we don't have anything to
do for this all right? Well, you know what if
I can do the seventh and you know what I'll do.
You know, let's do it. We got the seventh, we're in.
I also have I have an event of five thirty
that night, but I'll I can be here in just

two things. And yet you still couldn't do it. Yeah,
I could do the seventh, and we have to do
it after the show. Do you have to get home
for your seven o'clock appearance? Well, no, actually it's in
the city. I'm not even going home and staying. I'm staying.
You're staying in the city. Yeah, I'm staying in a
hotel and then from the hotel and going to the
the appearance. You're renting a hotel for a half a day.

I am not. No, I'll tell you all about it,
and you hold on, you fedge Ham, hold on episode
number eight, because this is number seven. So episode number one.
Exciting for people. They're listening along right now while they're
sitting in their cars. What are these idiots? No, it's okay,
it's all right, and we'll do it right after the show.
So ten am Eastern Standard time. Um, there you go,

fetch him Episode eight. All right, I got it, I
got it all right? Yeah, no, let's find it all right.
So you want me to tell you what I have
to do? Yeah? What is it a game show? You're
gonna be on a game show? Here's what I have
to do. Why am I staying in a hotel? Why
you kick you out again having the affair? The wife

is staying with me? Why let me tell you why?
Or you want to listen to the music. Why don't
you tell me why the music of Why? I am
hosting an event, a very big event. What is it
on Broadway? What are you hosting on Broadway? The flint

Stones are coming to town? What do you rely thing? Okay?
For real? Okay, I was just playing the sound effects,
but no, for real. So what happened was they wanted
me to actually do this event. And I said to
the salesperson, see here's how it works, ladies and gentlemen.
So after our morning shows, I have to tell you something.

Hold on, it's I'm leaving. I'm not gonna do that set.
What are you Okay? I'm not all right. So what
happened was the salesperson came to me and said, listen,
we need you to host this event. It's a karaoke night.
Oh I love karaoke. And I said, well, but how

you're the worst singer? Sing? I said, I got to sing?
They said, no, you just have to host it. When
it said fine, So what I gotta do? You gotta
be there at ten o'clock at night. Well that's rough
for me because I live in South Jersey. So how
am I going to make it back from New York
City South Jersey? Come back, Derek? What's it? Starts at
ten o'clock A night starts right? So then I said, well,

what if we get you a hotel room to stay in?
I said no, because you're gonna give me some crappy hotel.
I might as sleep at my desk. And they said,
tell you what, We're gonna put you up in a
nice place. Yeah, I said great. So not only that,
so I have to go to see a show waitress
on Broadway. I have to interview one of the main
actors in the in the show waitress. Then no, no, no,

I can't. I'm not talking to she's not she is, yes,
but they don't want me to talk to because she's
got things to think about before she goes on stage.
It's gonna get ready so then you're I'm gonna interview
somebody else and then I'm gonna go host this event
at a bar nearby. It's a karaoke night after the
appearance of the waitress, and then from there go to

a hotel sleepover. And they got me a nice hotel
stay in because they really want me to do that
date night for It's going to be date night for me.
Says Yeah, that's right. I would be going baby, Baby,
I love Babby. That's what I'm be doing. Do you
like cold bananas? Let's go where you going to do
a topic? You know? You know you're not getting any

that night? Oh I think I am. No, you're not,
but oh but I think you're getting home from karaoke.
You're getting to karaoke at what midnight intel room? You're
just saying a little karait this He is a jam
full all the family. Pick out a song. I'll get
one for us. That's what I would do. What's what's
the one? Let me get the song? Pick out a song.
Pick out a song? How about like you know what
I like? I like Billy Joel piano man, get that one.

So do you like cold bananas? Why can't we get piano. Listen.
I took this banana out of the fridge. I want
to talk about cold and I will not eat it
until it's warm. I do not like cold bananas. Wait,
if we're gonna go to a do you like cold bananas?
I would like to reset this topic because I think
this is a good topic and we can have people
email us at Fedge haam at gmail dot com to
talk to us about cold bananas and you know what,

and furthermore about banana. When we get into this topic,
I'd like to ask you your favorite type of banana?
This banana? Imagine my nail policy. Were they gonna we're
getting karaoke right now? What are we gonna sing? We're
gonna we're gonna do joel piano? Man, No, let's do
a rap song. What we'll do? Want? We'll do one
for you, one for me? Well and yeah, get bust
the move to for her. She's bust the move. Listen

here at Fedge Village, just have it. I don't really
think enjoying that they do. People like this. They they
like it. They really like it. Oh my god, that's
what they like. People like it. They really like it.
That's not even you're not even pushing a button that
you speak stupid. No, that's the sound effect. If they

like it, they really like it. Gosh. So when you
want to talk about banana, we just said Barrett does
not like Cole bananas. I do not like cale bananas.
Do you like I sound like Dr sus Man? Do
you like banana? Man? We get? I thought you said no,
you don't like cobanana? Why? I like bananas, but I

don't like what you If you're in Fedgeville right now,
do you want to edge um nickname like a veggie?
Nickname a veggie like a that's it. That's my champ.
That is my funny am. I'm gonna jam to that.
That is my jam. What's your favorite type of a banana?
But don't they have chaquia bananas? I talk to you

about my We talked to you about my Chickida banana
Ladies and gentlemen, I think you about my cha bananas.
I know you realize the melodie, but we're gonna change that.
Are we doing anything we normally do on this change?

I want to talk to you about my bare you
guys ready, yeah, okay, it's two o'clock in the afternoon
thinking about han, I'm banana. So I walk into my
kitchen and I cheese chia banana. Do you want to

take the next floor at bana you finish? Daniel's gonna
My wife tresh, She said, what are you doing? And
I'm about to cook you a meal? Don't ruin you
have a night with the stupid banana. I'm gonna take
it and shove it in your rear. I scared going

to the floor. Okay, and we're really kitchen saying la la,
la la. There we go. See me a song about
a chaquena banana and nobody good. You see, have as

nney as you feel like, but if you have too many,
you'll get sick. Bananas are my favorite. I could peel
them and meet them and smush them. Do you know
people love that song? They really don't love the song

your song. This is the part where Garrett turns around,
looks to the computer and goes, oh, man, we're not recording.
I wish what I could say that right now? Okay,
listen for there's several different types of bananas. I don't
know what you have takeda Garrett, what's another type of banana? Uh? For?
The loop. I don't know that's underwear, that's underwear. I

don't know what names the banana is a banana? Well,
you know what? Speaking of banana of underwear? What kind
of what brand underwear are you wearing right now? Garrett? Uh, Sacks? Sacks?
Where do you get Sacks underwear? Fifth Avenue? Is that
what they are? No? S A XX it's like a
play on your sack. But get out of here. Are

they a sponsor? Wow? Sacks? So it's s A x
X Sacks underwear for men? Do they make it for
women as well? I don't know. I don't look. Can
you is there a way that you can show me
your underwear right now? I'm just like, well, I mean,
could you? Could you show them to why? I want
to see what they look like. There's no better way

to find out what kind of good underwear you have
unless you're wear Do you like banana? Don't you like?
I like him? Put to banana in my underwear show off?
You like Banana Republic? Underwear? Bandana Republic? You know? Is
this an episode about bananas? No, it's you're making it
about But we're gonna talk about underwear, and then we're
gonna circle around. We're circling back. This is a fun episode.

I need to go. I have to go. Do you
have a I need a phone charger? Do you have one? Man?
The lord guy left called on right now they hear
of the landscape person. I hate when the landscapers come through.
Thank you if I come back. Are you leaving? Why
are you putting? What? What are you playing? The landscapers

are coming through. Hate when the landscapers come through. So
in my house on Thursdays, the landscapers come through. And anyway, no,
I want to see his underwear. Why can't you show
me his under what he's going to find me a
phone charger? Left? Really? That stink like they should figure
out a way to give us left. So we need
extra batteries. Let me just write down, eency. We really

need better sponsors, you know, we really do. By the way,
look at this banana. It's coming through the peel. Look
at that. It's an I don't but I don't know. Alright,
let's see, so so far we mentioned taquita, taquita banana,

chaquita banana, alright, and then what else was the other one?
And then we talked about sacks on black sacks underwear?
Can I please see your underwear? Bro? And unless you're
not wearing any underwear and you lied and then you're
naked under there, then don't show me. But if you
are wearing sacks underwear, then I should be able to

see your sex underwear. What what normal person goes? Let
me see your underwear? I think I might buy it.
We're not boys. What is the big deal? Would you
like me to leave the room? Oh? Not at all,
You're not. There's nothing you're gonna be upset about. You.
You live at home with three boys. You got Sheldon
and Spencer and underwear. Right, We're gonna get to your
underwear too, because I want to find out what kind
of you wear to Are you gonna laugh at what
I'm wearing? Okay, but see that we're gonna talk about that.

I can't go ahead ask Danielle to see her underwear?
Is this like a hashtag? Me too? I mean? Am
I allowed to ask her or not? I don't know what?
What is the storyline there, Danielle? Are you know? Because
it's you so right? So then so then okay, hold on, wait, wait,
don't do it yet, don't do yet. Wait, wait before
you do anything. Hold on, it's wonder Woman. How cool
it is. That's like an underwear shot. I didn't have them.

Just so you know, I did not take my pants off.
I just let I pull the underwear up over my
short that he can see my Wonder Woman underwear. Wait, Danielle,
that was so cute, cool that you did. Dad. I
have teenage Muten under turtles. I have wonder Woman. I
have cat Girl wearing Girl. I have Catwoman. Are underwus
No it's not, No, it's not under What are they?

Where do you get Action figure underwear for I think
someone sent it to us once up here. I really
have never paid for underwear, women's underwear. I usually go
to Victoria's Secret and pay a lot of money. I've
been I got squished because I've been playing with it
women's underwear. I love this. What a great podcast is
so far. So, ladies and gentlemen here in Fedgeviille for

the first time ever, mark it down in your calendar.
It is July one, and Danielle Mannaro showed us her underwear.
Can you explain how I showed it that? I what
she did was it was a very tasteful the way
she showed it. No he was for taking my pants off. No,
she did not. She was very respectful about it. What

she did was she lifted her shirt. Hurt. No, not,
you were the worst person. You were the worst person,
I said. She lifted her shirt. We were like, but
we didn't see anything, no kind of flush or anything
like that. And then what happened was so she went
lifted up to like her belly button and then which,
by the way, you have a very nice belly button.

I don't think I've ever seen your belly button. I
never did. Do you wear pikinis at home? I do?
Now what kind of bathingsod you wear? I have the
Cocoa Rave ones that they sent Coco Rave belly um,
Coco Rave. You know what kind of bathing shoes do
you like? Bill a bon? Oh? Yeah, how about you

bill a bond slim shorts? A list. Well, we're going
to go out the sponsors this show. Is that on
enough this podcast? Not we're going to start though, but
we're starting and mine. I actually like Hurly. That's one
of my favorites is Hurly Hurly. Okay, her only swim suits?
You wanted to the week we're gonna do fedge of
the week. We are so anyway, So, but so, what

she did was then she like kind of opened up
her pants a little bit, and then she reached down
and grabbed her underwear and then dragged it up and
it was wonder woman underwear. I have to be honest, Garrett,
did you think she was wearing a d C comic underwear?
To be honest, I really don't think about Daniel's underwear choice.
Thank you. Okay, but but if you had to deceide,
but I don't. That's just one of those things. Do

you think about what your grandmother wears? Okay, grandma? No,
but do you want to call my grandmother and finally,
kind of underwear she wears? Let's do it. Let's call grandma.
But you know what I mean, like a very close
family friend. You don't know, you're not Danielle. Are you
curious of what type of underwear your brother's wearing? Exactly?
You know, you could have said sister and said grandma.

Even so, it's still but I will say, though, if
you had to ask the Fedge fedge Ham audience, you're
in Fedgeville, and if you said, all right, guys, right now,
let's take a gas. One of us is wearing DC
Comic underwear right now, Garrett. Actually, you know what I

would have said Garrett too. I would have said, I
think Garrett's wearing DC Comic underwear. But it's me. It's
Danielle outside the box. Give me, give me that to me,
give me it's me. It's me. Can you do that?
Do one of those? It's me? Or it's Danielle go

it's me. It's a new way to talk in Fedgeville
when you come in. Hey, that's how we talk in Fedgeville.
And by the way, I don't think anybody to listen
to our podcast. I said to Kathleen, Kathleen, we're doing
another Fedge hand butt again that she just chuckled, don't

you chuck like? More like it was more like, why
are you bothering? I think let's try to get that
hold on a second. We're gonna chuckle in there. I
love that we did because nobody, because we don't do
it enough, so nobody, let's see, That's what I was
saying at the beginning. So I think going forward, chuckle,
going forward. If Danielle, you and Gregg Tea can only
do it one day, fantastic if Danielle, you and I

can only do it because great Tea has to go
see a Broadway play at ten o'clock tonight. Um, we're
doing it next Tuesday. Chuckle. How about laugh draff l
a u jaff. You know what lack l a u jaff.
You know that sounds like you have a huge ass.
That's what sounds like, right, l a u jaff. It

sounds like you got you got a fat ass, or
like you got a large ass. Right, you've got large ass.
You've got l a jaff. When you get older, can
we donate your brain to science. I want to tell
you a story the time that I saw my grandmother's underwear.
So I went upstairs and I said, Grandma, what are

these big sheets on the ground? And she said, my blooms,
these are not Sheetsory, She said, Craig Glory, these are
my underwears. And I said, Grandma, tell me a story
about how you used to dance at the US O. Oh,

my grandma. They tell me that with all the Marines
when they came back to America. I'm finding in the
ward with Grandma. Are you going to my other grandma
from Poland? So she didn't go to myself. She was
she was kicked off her farm by Nazi soldiers. Oh
my god, true story really, and then her dad was killed.

Oh my god, the Nazi soldiers shot him off his horse.
That's true story. Oh my god. I know we're making
light of it, but that's true story. That's on your
your dad's side. That's corm My dady alto My daddy says,
not alive anymore. So he's not alive. Do you want
to tell us something? We have to know what is

going on here? Okay? Do you want to tell us
we have to shut off the music? Okay, let's put
the music back on. Can we call grandma head? Yes,
let's call her Garret? How do we do this? Come
on here? And I still want to know here. We
know he's not a good person. He's not He likes
to drink. Oh do we have a michelob commercial? Non commercial?

In come on? I mean, every single dad has their
favorite beer. What kind of beer does your dad drink? Danielle,
I don't even know. Does he the wine coolers? This
weekend favorite? What can we lower the volume on that?
Can we all look? I'm not ready, I'll hear what's call?
I got ten minutes, and I gotta get out of here,

all right, okay, And I mean you sound like Trish
When I want to get it on. She's like, come on,
I got ten minutes. That's all. She's gone. And I
was like, doing I got ten minutes. That's what happens
when you get to a certain point in your in
your relationship. You're like, you know what, that's all. I
got got ten minutes. Can you get it down in
ten minutes? If you can get it down in ten minutes,
I'll do it. But I'm not doing it. If you can,
if you got to go longer, can you go longer

to ten minutes at shorter? So yeah, so we'll see
favorite beers. Ah, here we go with the sound favorite beer,
our dad's drink. Oh my god, the sound of the tone.
You hear that. Think about people in the cards right
now hearing that. Okay, we're gonna talking to grandma about

here in Fedgville. Hopefully she answers. She's starting to get
wise now. If she doesn't, Reckon has the number, she
won't answer. Let me see Grandma's gonna answer. Told her
we call her. Let's see she answers. See she's not
gonna and she's there. What is she not doing? Grandma
answer the phone. If she doesn't answer, we'll call my

mom and my mom will get her to answer the phone. Yeah. See, okay,
hang up, hang up, hang up, hang up. Okay, let's
call him. I don't because she doesn't recognize the number.
They told her to stop answering the phone when people
call because she's getting too old now. But Garrett, how
do we call my mom? Just call you? Call your
on your phone. But she won't answer, that can't answer.

You know, we have to call him mom first. She's
not going to she's not gonna let grandma hatt to
get on the phone with us. She will first. Wee
call him mom. Let's call him. Your mom doesn't like
when we do this to her. Yeah, I know, but
mom doesn't really like me, so it doesn't loves you,
she really, She says that she doesn't. If she'd love me,
you's not gonna be able to hear you're not? Hey, mom? Hey,

what's going on? Nothing? Hey? A couple of things. One,
I wanted to call grandma okay, okay, and then um too,
I was wondering if you can help me out with this.
So we just wanted to know what kind of underwear
do you wear? I'm not answering the question. I have

to go and get my hair done, but that has
nothing to do with the type of and I have
in the fifteen appointment, And I have to go. Where
did you like to talk to san? Yes, well I will,
But can you tell me what kind of under where
you wear? No? I can't the brand? The brand. I
gotta I gotta go. Can you call grandma? Can you
call Grandma for us? Can you call Grandma for us? No?

I no, I can't. I don't have to go right now.
You're in Fedgeville. We're in Fedgeville. Right now, we're in Fedgeville, Fedgeville.
What are you talking about? That's Danielle, what are you
talking about? So what we're doing this is the podcast
called fedge Ham. So when you when you're in the podcast,

you go to Fedgeville to listen to our podcast. Okay,
I gotta go. Well, but mom, we need to get
in touch of Grandma talk anymore. I'm sorry. I would
love to do I would love to podcast with but
I just I don't have time for veggie veggie stuff.
But Grandma wanted the stone grandma want ed tower the phone. Well,

I don't know what to tell you. Well, how do
we get around the phone? You said, see your mother
were standing? People get up? Let me get stand. You
said you have to call your moment he's guys, don't
get handed? Hello? Stand? What what are you doing workinge? Stan?

I have a question. So right now we're doing the
podcast fedge Ham and when when you're in the in
the podcast, when you go to Fedgeville? Right, go to
what we go to a place called Fedgeville? Okay, so

right now in Fedgeville. Um, we want we're talking to
our veggies and we want to know what kind of
underwear people wear? What kind of underwear do you wear? Stan? Um?
What kind of Well, yeah, it's not it's not a
true question. We would just want to know. You can't

hear me what underpants? Underpants or under shirts? No? No,
well why do you Why do you call underwear underpants?
Some underwearers undershirts or some underwearers underpants. But I think
underpants is very old school and nobody used the terminology anymore. Underpants.
I'm old, So that's why. What's the terminology? How how

old are you? Seesn't yeah, look at stand. What was
going on when you were three years old? Have no
idea what kind of a car? What kind of car
did you drive in when you were eight? What they

have been in the path? Goodbye? All right? So, okay,
do you want to hang up on us and Fetchville
right now? Me? No, I'm goodbye to your mother? He said, no,
this is his stepdad's stand. If no thing underwear does?
What kind of underwear does she wear? Yeah? Graham, my mom? Yeah,
we kinda underwear his mom wear? He doesn't know. Jockey, jockey, shears,

Jockey for women. Trick that down. We're gonna make sure
a cold sponsor for that one. Jockey underwear for women,
Jockey for women, Jockey for women. Daniel says, they have
cute stuff. They have cute stuff. Did she wear cute underwear?
Does mom were cute jockey underwear? I feel weird? You're
not cute. Just find out what he's Let's call Graham

heading all right, We're gonna call grandma now, okay, bye, Stan,
Thank you for talking to us in Feedgeville. Okay, say
godbout it all the feggies. We usually say yetti confetti,
can say yetti confetti? Okay, all right, bye bye bye, Okay.
My favorite part is your mom saying vegetable veggies. Let's

get How are we getting down to get her on?
How do we get on the phone? The bottom? The
bottom one? Which one? Okay? The other side on the
other side? Over here? Now what did I do? Did
I have to drop it? I'll drop the call and
now we'll go over here. Okay, you're hearing it live
here in Fedgeville, because that's what we do here. Would
do it live? What? Oh? You gotta call? Okay, her

number is let's see um my mom, grandma here in
this that's the number. I would love to give you
out the number, but I feel like the veggies would
call no number would really be crazy crazy. Yeah. I
can't stand the sound. Why can't the phone company come
up with a different sound? Write the dial tone? We

don't need this? Wow? What kind of sundarly loud? What
kind of sound would you put on the dial tone? Danielle?
If you had to pick a different sound for dial tone,
what would you do? I don't know. I would pick
a different sound. Oh my god, it's allowed to everything's alloud.
I don't understand so loud. God, really so loud. I cannot,

I cannot, I couldnot? Who can? I dare to go
by the elevator and try to get jo? Here is
she here? Shut up? J Lo's in the building. Hello, Grandma,
Oh you're there? How are you? Do you know where
am I? Where were you? Oh? Well, I guess where

I am right now? I don't know what work. I'm
in Fedgeville, in Fedgeville. What is that? Well, Fedgeville, Grandma
is it's it's actually called fedge Ham. And then you go,
I can't hear that? Good? You know? Head? Grandma? Can

you tell everybody how old you are? Nine? Three? Grandma?
Can you hear Danielle? Hi? Grandma? Hi? Ah, I don't
know who I'm talking to. Okay, well let me introduce grandma.
Right now you're talking to Garrett I grandma, Hi, honey,

And then you're also talking to Danielle. Grandma, how are you? Honey?
And you are right now? Currently you are in Fedgville.
I don't understand you. I don't know Gregg. I can't
understand right now. You're in fed It's a place. It's
a place that we go. Doesn't understand field, I'm I'm

in a field Okay, go ahead. So, Grandma, remember when
you used to dance at the USO to all with
all the sailors and the and the marines that came
home from war. Yes, how much fun was that? I
can't explain. We all have fun. Tell me about the
times that you when you met grandpa. When I met him,
I met him at a church bazaar. Yeah, and and

and he was a strapping, young, handsome man, right, you
better believe it, just like you are. And then did
he sweep you off your feet? Grandma? What did he
sweep you off your feet? You better believe it. And
I didn't even know when I was coming home when
he was coming home from the marie. They when any
soldier was coming back a veteran, they always went at

the home welcome home son. And he was. He lived
across the street from me. I didn't even know that.
And he had a welcome welcome home John. I didn't
know that was him. So, yeah, that's when I met
about our bazaar. Look the same church. That's so nice.
This is nice. Do you know you, you Gregory, You

remind me of your granddad. Yes, I do, thank you,
Thank you, Grandma. Grandma here today on in Fedgeville on
fedge Ham. Um, we've been talking and asking our audience
today what type of underwear that they wear that they like.
Do you remember the kind of underwear that Grandpa used
to wear? Oh, the same things that you wouldn't now, sure, sure,

that's sure. Remember the brand? Remember the brand of underwear
he used to wear? Oh? No, I don't know. Were
there a certain color? Did he prefer a color? Color? No? Not?
What color were the underwear that Grandpa were? Oh? I
don't know, honey, Remember white underwear? White? Did you say so,

Grandma Garrett? Just to kind of change the subject real
quick because it's getting awkward. Um, when was the last
time that you remember greg t did something very bad
and you had to reprimand him. Oh, when he was
a little boy. What did he do? Grandpa and I
were baby sitting at that time, and parents went to

the shore or substance, and they had like a double bed,
and he would climb on the top of the bed,
and then another thing hit and he would knock it down,
and another thing at a school he went out of
the window when I was babysitting. Remember that, Grandma, Remember
that what happened? Remember that? Remember? Tell him. What happened?

What the teacher said? What what did little Gregory? Oh
my god, I don't know what she said, but it
was unbelievable. When your mother came hole, I did know
what to tell her. She was working. I remember that
so well. You They called as I said, I'm not
to his mother. She's not home. The principal called. He woke,
You broke up the window. You went right out out

the school window, at the school window. And remember what
my excuse was, why I wanted to go outside, honey.
I wish I could remember that my age, because I
felt that the lesson that we were we were being
taught was boring, and I wanted to go outside and play.
So I decided to get up and just climb. Honey.

You did whatever you wanted, That's what it was. You
just looked up at us and okay, and then you
said what you wanted to do. Right. He was a
good kid, though he was. Do you remember when great
he was in diapers? Sure? I do. Did you have

to ever change his diaper? I think only once? I
had it, well once. So I've known your grandson now
for about twelve years, and I've seen him poop on
the floor twice. Oh my god, Grandma does not need
to know that. She needs to know this what her
grandson does. Oh my god. Oh, he's unbelievable. You never

know what you never do? You think everyone talks about
him like behind his back at family parties? If anything,
it's always good. Yeah. I don't believe. Have you ever
been on YouTube, Grandma, Hetty? What have you been on YouTube?
On the internet? Watch videos on the internet. All right,
I'm gonna come over and I'm gonna show you some

videos of your grandson on YouTube that millions of Oh yeah,
and you should videotape, Grandma. He's been a lot of fun. Grandma,
thank you very much for visiting us here. And I
don't know where I am one place. I guess we
don't know either, if you're in Fedgeville. Fedgeville, it was

so nice to meet you, Grandma. Would you hope to
see you sometimes around? Would you would you ever come back?
Would you ever come back to Fedgeville? Yes, he said,
I don't know. We would love to have you back.
I have no idea what that is there? I will okay,
she loves your tea. I think of your grandson's tattoos.

What do you think of your grandson's tattoos. I don't
know for my tattoosy okay, Grandma, I love you and
thank you very much. We'll visit again. We will visit
once more in fan Fedgeviill. Okay, if you take me there,
I'll go the way we say goodbye in Fedgeville as

we say Yeddie confetti. Can you please say yetti confetti
to everybody? Yeddie confetti? Yeah bye? Okay. The fact that
she doesn't know the amount of stuff you have done
in the last ten years. I don't don't do that

at home, but still so nice. I'm not saying you
do it at home, but you would think she would
have some type of idea. Yeah. Well, listen, I think
it's also now time to I can't believe she's ninety
in January. It's good for ninety. She's still with it.
She's still with it. Yeah, alright, So I think now
it might be the time to do Danielle's vegan shoes.

Vegean shoes. Let me, I don't know what I got on.
And ladies and gentlemen, kiss you have forgotten. This is
the part where we uh, we talked about fashion. We
want to know what kind of shoes you're wearing in Fedgeville,
and today Danielle is going to tell us. That's right, Danielle,

what kind of shoes are you wearing? All we a
little sandal act today actually reaction Kenneth Cole. Yeah, and
they're very cute. They have a little zipper in the back,
they go up a little bit, they have a little buckle.
You know. They're very simple, very simple, flat kind of
gladiator and maybe Garrett kind of like her shoes today

for real. I ordered them on the internet first year,
which from I think I got these from I don't
even know. Some some shoe plates, Yeah, what's the shoe
plates that everybody orders? Zappos? I got them from Zappo's
jap post Zappos. Everyone knows what zapposes that zapposts Zappo, Zappos.

You've never ordered from Zappos? I have not, oh my gosh.
But you know what I love your should Zappo. You
can get it at Zappo right now, Zappo. Because you
are not because you're listening to Fedge haam and Zappo
is not a sponsor. Zappos. We cannot get you a coupon.
But if Zappo was, we would give you a coupon

to order your shoes. But we don't have that, so
we can't give it to you, can we, Garrett? No,
that would be bad of us. That would be bad
of us. Fashion night, Garrett. What kind of shoes are
you wearing today here in Fedgville? Some Nikes, Nikes and
your special kind of Nike? Yeah, Kyrie Irving sneaker? Are
you a fan of Kyrie Irving not Daniel? Are you

a fan of Kyrie Irving? I don't pay attention to basket.
It's okay. You don't know who he is. I do
know he is, cause I know who he is. You know, Yeah,
you know thetball. That's okay, that's okay. And you know what,
I bet you that there are fans right now listening
to us in Fedgville that they don't know really who
he is. They probably know his name, but they don't
know who he is. And that's fine. And that's what
you know. That's what fedge Hamm is about. It's about

learning things. So if you don't know who who Kyrie
Irving is, yeah, you can look him up on How
would you like to look him up. You could look
him up on the Google's, on Google's or on Yahoo
if you want to do it. Let me write that time.
A lot of people know who he is. Yeah, who.
We got a lot of answers to go after a
lot of sponsors. Now I'll tell you the kind of
shoes that I'm wearing, also, Daniel, one of Daniel's very favorite.

I'm wearing a pair of Vans. Oh, I love Vans,
my favorite sneakers. I almost fell off the chair. Oh
my god, I just fell off the chair. Oh my god.
I'm trying to put his foot up and sneaker. Oh
my god, sell off the chair. I'm wearing a pair
of Vans. Look at that. I like those Those are cut.
These are plaid vans, very cute. Now, let me tell

you how good vans are, and Daniel, you can you
can vouch because I bought these. It's now eighteen. I
bought these vans in two thousand thirteen. Wow, and they
still look pretty about that five years ago. I bought
these vans. You your same size and vans as you
are and everything else. Because I'm a half a size
smaller in vans. You know, that's a good point. Danielle.
I can never get my van size right. Yeah, vans

are a little to me. They run a little big.
So I always hey, who's that guy outside the window?
I don't know. He just picked his nose. That's great
he did. We looked at it's to leave. But you
see what he did. He took a s thumb. You
see what time it is. He put his thumb up
the portion of his chocolate. That's what I'm saying, eating chocolate.

The man is I can't believe that. What is this
guy thinking of the chocolate. We're going to the news, right,
you have newsman didn't have news because he didn't know
we were doing this today. We should call him. That's
breaking news that this man. We're not going to call
him in whoever it was. So let me describe what
it looks like. Here. We have a studio with windows

from Florida ceiling, so we could see everybody walking by.
We're like in a fish bowl, you know, We're like
the little fishes swimming around. So this man walked by
the window and he literally picked his notes. He put
his thumb into the nostril and his pointer finger on
top like I'm doing. See him doing Garrett see him
doing it. Didn't like this and then that, and then
he went and he pulled it out like that is
what he did. And there's West right now walking by. Well,

I don't eat the chocolate. Come on, this is West.
Let me let me get the music for West when
he comes in here. Hold on, when are we have
a visitors? There is a West, Come on in. Welcome
to Fedgville. You are now on the Feedgeham podcast. West.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of our feggies that are listening.
This is West and he is our tech support here

at I Heart Media. Yeah, this is the best. We
love West, West, I love it West. That's the slogan,
slogan West is the best. Yeah, that's don't even say
t just West is the best. West is the best.
West is the best. Do you know that guy that
was just out there? He was he picked his nose,
he picked. Then we watched him. Then we watched him

go over and take a piece of chocolate. He did.
West doesn't need to chocolate anyone. What he did was
he took his thumb and he put his thumb under
the nostril and then his pointer finger on top of
the nostril. And he pulled it out like that. That's
what he did. That's what do you know? What do
you what is? Does he work with the tech support?
He does? It was a sales guy. We don't want

to talk about that, all right, But anyway, so West,
do you enjoy feedge ham? Yes, he doesn't even know
what We have heard a lot people wanted so welcome
to Fedgeville. Have you do you listened to be waiting?
It's great to you here today. Oh my gosh. We
called his grandma and his mom and his and a

stepdad and we just we just destroy everyone. It's not nice. Yes,
I thank you for stopping buying, Thank you for listening.
So you're a feggie. Oh my god, that's so great.
All right, West, Well thank you very much. And um,
just don't high five that gentleman outside, okay. And we
say yettie confetti when we said when we say goodbye,

say YETI coffetti confetti. Okay, you can do better than
that with confetti yet confetti. Okay, that's great. And that
was West, and there you go, West, And the slogan
today Danielle is West is best the best? Yes is
the best? Is the best? All right? This has been fun.

It really has been You know what, why don't we
make West to fedge of the week. Yeah, yeah, West
is the fedge of the week because whenever we need
help with our computers or anything, he comes in helps
even if he even if he does have to, because
it's really not his responsibility. He's the guy who's always
there for I agree, I agree. Alright, So listen, guys,
I think what we did is we learned a lot

today and I think are we ready to get out
of Federville? Yeah? Right, we should quit while we're head right, Yeah, alright.
So what we're gonna do is we're going to start
to sign off fear from Fedgeville and we just have
to go over a couple of things. Garrett, thank you
for letting me borrow your charger there. Thank you intern
out there. I don't know, I just credit. I think

it's good because everybody is happy in you know, and um,
you know, if you are visiting your Fedgeville, we want
you to always be positive. You can always come back
and pull up a chair and be a part of Fedgeville. Yes,
come and visit if you are. If you're passing through
New York City and you want to be a part
of Fedgville and you want to come here, you're more
the welcome, the doors open to you. Really, and then

when they come here, and then the guy at the
front desk, the security guys, you can't come in. I'm
gonna say Greg that I could come in. Yeah, this
is a whole big issue. Yeah, okay, Okay, now listen, okay, bye,
don't go no, no, don't don't leave it. Don't We're

gonna leave in one second, we really are. I gotta go. Okay,
in one second, we're gonna leave a game. We're gonna
do that. I promise you we're gonna do that. But
what I want to say is, let's just review, really
quit the things that we talked about today. Okay, now
what we do? Banana? Right? We talked about what kind
of bananas do you like in Fedgeville, man. We talked

about Shaquita bananas, sacks, underwear we learned about We learned
about women's underwear and different types. My mom wears jockey
and I'm wearing a superhero, that's right. We talked about
Coco Rave bathing suits. Yes, they're brilliant. We love Garrett
likes Billabong underwear, swimsuits. I like Hurley. We talked about.

We didn't get to our favorite beer that dad drinks.
My uh my, my dad that died. Um, he didn't
die well, but he's not really well out. I was
I was doing a study today. How many people would
tell me that my shirt was inside? I thought somebody
put a note on your back that they kicked me.
I worked backwards a purpose. Yeah, I wanted to say,

anybody tell you a couple not many it's inside. Um,
So the favorite beers, maybe we get to the next week,
our favorite dad beers that you'd like to drink at Fedgeville,
Jockey for Women, Zappo, Zappos, and Yahoo we talked about.
Those are all the sponsors that we discussed here today. So,
ladies and gentlemen of Fedgeville, we're gonna leave you with

our song about bananas and we're all eating Chakeena bananas
because we love to get strong and you have good vitamins. Daniell,
Jennie Confetti, art Ni Confetti, ladies, and Chattaman. On the
count of three, let's all say, Jennie Confetti to three,

get out. That's good for you that you shut it
off now. We're done. That was a very good episode.
I really did that was I think that was a
fun episode.
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