All Episodes

August 7, 2018 34 mins

Greg T , Danielle and Garrett are back from an interesting episode. Greg T is going to be on broadway. We have a KING to vote on. Also what does Greg T do in his pool?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All you're keeping? Is it all in there? Are you ready?
Are you ready? Girl? What did he say? What did
they say? What does she say? Yeah? I swear I
am about to look out. That's so loud. All right,

I'll thank you. I look to get Bill welcome board.
We are now headed into This is the abridged version
because somebody has a rude appointment at the hair has
a hair appointment, which is taking up the bridge. Let's
all across the bridge and to fetch Bill right now
here they are. Look at everybody here in feedg Bill.

There's the there's the big grass and the grassy knoll,
all the money pads. Look at this. What are you
taking today? We are in Fedgeville reading. It's a sunny
day and fedge All Brodie doesn't like our podcast. Don't
say hi, I'm not listening to Its not nice. I
listened to that Brooklyn Boys podcast all the time. Who

could listen to that one? I don't know it's a
good podcast, see what you know? Anyway, people, when we
said we were going to do the podcast today, we
technically that we're gonna start earlier. We haven't and so
now I have to leave in a little while and
he's yelling at me because he goes, you shouldn't have
a hair appointment. Do you should schedule it for one?

I can't schedule for one because my kids have stuff
today that I have to do. Danielle, are you okay? No?
And can we talk about that? We had a couple
of listeners complain that you're too much with the sound effects.
We're just passing it all. We love you. Here's what
I don't want to do here in Fedgeville. Okay. I

would like to make it known, Um, who's the mayor
of Fedgeville? Do we have a mayor of Fedgville here?
I love this world that you're creating. We are in
Fedgeville right now, So who is the mayor of Fedgeville?
I just need to know all the tharts in your head.
If you don't get them out, do you just go insane?
I imagine Fedgeville like do I can envision you exploding

your head? Listen. But don't you ever want to be
a little artistic? I mean, this world is a mess.
But if you think about, you know, you know, creating
Fedgeville and fedge Ham, it's nice to think that we
are in a wonderland of sort you know, and and
and an animated world where it's always sunny, the grass

is blue. There's lily pants to sit on. Everybody gets
a lily pat to sit on. You know, there's all
kinds of funky flowers everywhere, high grass if you're high.
Little people are walking around all the feggies. Daniel, this
is one of those like I get you gotta leave
out eleven, I will, we will continue on this ship.

There's a voice that speaks to a and says, that's
the sun. The sun speaks, the sun has a face
on it. And then when you look up to the sun,
the sun looks down to us and it says, and
we say, yes, we're fine. So what I wanted to say? Heck,
are you talking about what I wanted to say about
Fedgeville and fedg Ham and the people that text in.

You gotta understand that not everybody that's listening is texting in.
Those that have extra time, so to speak, are gonna
text in and they want their voice. Her mean people
who are fans and listen, well, how many times like
what are you a major fan of Garrett? Where you

major fan of give me something Timberlake? Yes, justin Timberlake.
So if you don't like one of his songs that's
on his new album, Garrett, I want to know are
you going to text him, well, not him, but his people,
or you're gonna tweet about it and say, God, I
really don't like this song on Justin timberlake album. I

want to change that song. I've told you, have told
this people. I want that song changed and not changed.
I just wasn't a fan of it. And what do
you think that Justin Timberlake is doing with that song
that you complained about not going to change it, but
I'm gonna change it. But see you again. It's it's
not a good comparison. You are of a job where people,

uh you, You succeed by the people that are listening.
So those that have some ideas you could either take
it or just move on. Doesn't that same thing go
for Justin Timberlake. Doesn't he succeed for the people that
are listening? Correct? He does? And and and next time
he goes into a studio and red does an album,
still put it under consideration. You, on the other hand,

you think his artistic his artistic thoughts are going to
come into play. Eggs Ago, You know the Ondien said
they didn't like that one song, right you think? So? Okay, Danielle,
what are you a fan of shoes? Okay, shoes? So
have you ever emailed a company? What? What? Give me

a brand? Again? It's not a job. You're making bad comparison.
Here's the thing, though, the same thing. You have to
also look at it this way. The people that have
emailed have texted. There's a ton of others that feel
the same way that haven't reached out. So if there's
a few that feel that way, there's definitely others that
feel that. So maybe you should just lay off the

sound effects a little But you cannot a little bit.
You cannot. You know, kurttail your show to four people
that were strong willed and wanted, did you hear a
damn thing? I just said yes. I said, if there's
a couple of people that text in, there's a lot
more people that didn't text in that feel the same way.
What about the can't get a chance? What about the

other people that love it and never texted it. That's
why we're not telling you to stop entirely. We're telling
you maybe you can just take a step back on
the other people that like it want more. You love comics, right,
I'm just wondering what if they want more. There's no
way that anyone could want to love Spider Man, right,

I'm a fan of spider I'm not. He's not my favorite.
What what was the one thing Peter Parker's grandfather told
Spider Man, I have no clue. Power great power comes
great responsibility. Oh he did say that he does. That
is a good saying. It's a great one. And this
applies to you. You have the ability to literally play
every single button in that computer system. Yeah, yeah, like

I could do this one. That problem is the problem
is that's the great power. Now you have a great
responsibility to using that power at the right time. Sure, well,
you tend to see like your thing is like you
don't care what you're saying. You just hit buttons, like

it doesn't have anything to do, have to tell with anything,
because isn't that what him is? It has nothing doing anything.
For instance, as I was just playing these sound effects,
I just figured out how great would this have been
if you were if you were paint the picture. Okay,
here comes the King King flatulence and play music. Harry

comes like a gentleman, let me to fetch Bill King flatulence,
and he gets up to his throne says, I really
need to go. I am the king of flatulence at tourday.

I want everybody in the found out your ash. Garrett
just want to get out. What do I love that?
I just gave you this big inspirational Peter Parker spider

Man talk you You absorbed it, and you're like, that's great.
He didn't absorb it. He absorbed it and then it
went out just like the sound effects over his head. Hey,
can we talk about that that you don't want to
sing at karaoke tonight? Okay? Do you want to get
into that? That's fine? Lookay, I'm just writing down because
I like to keep notes that we have a new character.
Now why not? Now are we voting against it? Sounds

like I rejected Mr Rogers character. All right, Well, since
we're all doing things together here, then let's take the vote. Okay,
all in favor of keeping our new character. King Flagelens say, I,
I Garrett, really, man, bro really we personal. He's not
even a character. We did nothing with him play sound

off and then he he made an announce What did
he say? I didn't have twelve nude on Thursday. Everybody
in Fedgeville must blow farts. I didn't even hear you
how I've checked out? Can I can I ask a question?
Maybe you didn't vote like we didn't. We didn't vot,
you voted. I think that Elvis needs to be a

part of this. I think that Elvis to bring it
up to him and I think Elvis would like King
flage Lens to be a part of fedge haam you
know what if you would like to have King flash
Lens a part of then you know I got stuck
actually trying to spell. So you can always tweet us
tweet tweet us at fetch Ham of Fishes Official fet

I don't know. You're the one that has the keys
to the car. Yeah, do you answer anyone's emails? I
try eating No, don't email us and just tweet us.
Tweet us at fetge Ham Official of whether or not
hashtag King flage Lynch flash Lench should stick around. I
think he should make appear every day. I'm giving I've
got fifteen minutes left. The sun speaks to us. Talk

about the fact, like Garrett said that you're you were
asked to host the karaoke event. Yet you're not going
to sing any karaoke? Are you not going to sing? Karrie?
You cannot sing karaoke when you're the host of the
karaoke event. You're doing an event in on Broadway which
many people die to even get on a stage on
Broadway in New York City. You have the opportunity to

be on that stage at the Broadway musical Waitress with
Katherine McPhee with Katherine McPhee, And you are not going
to at least try to sing well. But I really,
and if I had to, like, you want me to
really try to I really, I really want you to
honestly try. I used to sing in a rock band.
That doesn't count. We've heard, we've heard the records. What's

that No? It wasn't was horrible? What's a song that
you know? Every single word to? The new one by
Lovely the Band? I know every word of that one? Okay?
I can I can you give me a little a
little sample? How do I I'll call it up. You
guys talk for a second and I'm gonna get a sample.
Let's see how this works. Of that song broken, Hold

On Broken, It's called We Are okay. And broken, that's right,
broken heart, No, we're broken. This is where I have
to come. I'm looking forward right now and broken, lovely band.
I found it right here. Well, because that's what the
fun is. A fetch Ham everything. This is also what
I what I imagine with fetch Ham. There was so

much stress in everybody's lives. Do you think this is
how Steve Jobs started in his garage? But maybe I'm
going to start a computer company. Don't know what the
computer company is going to be about. I just want love.
I want someplace that everybody can go yes and smile
and laugh and love. And I mean that sincerely. You
know what I'm gonna get that's the real you. That

that's the real you. All right, Okay, I think it's
the door of five minutes ago. That's not the great
t I know. Okay, I'm gonna get real for like, seriously,
a minute. Let me get it, Let me get a
let me get a You have a timer all the time.
You have a minute to get real. Oh the game show?

So ready and three two and one? Getting real? Okay,
So guys, listen, there's a lot that goes on in
my life, and there's a lot that goes on in
your lives, and there's a lot that goes on in
other people's lives that are listening. People have bosses that
are down their throats, they have deadlines to meet, they
have kids that they need to take care of. People

are dealing with divorce, people are dealing with cheating, they're
dealing with sickness, all of that. There's not many places
in this world, especially on the news, whether you're pro
a con whatever you are, with politics and and everything,
there's not many place to go where you can just laugh.
And I just want to make people laugh somehow, some way.

So if this podcast has nowhere to go, no destination
and it's just silly and it's just complete like dumb humor,
I'm all for it because if not, then what are
we doing? We can get serious? Two here, Look, okay,
now we'll talk about something serious. Give me a story,
a news headline, if that was that made sense to you,

and that you want to that you want to create
a place that people can escape the every day. That's
It's people have stood online on Friday and Saturday night
at all their little restaurants with a buzzer in their hand,
waiting to get seating and they took an hour for seating.
Dinner by yourself. You didn't get a buzzer, no dinnerself

on Sunday. So so that's all I envisioned, Like, do
you with all the stuff that you have going on
in your life, Danielle, even inside work after the show
is over. And what the one doesn't know is that,
in all honesty, there's a lot of work that has
to be done behind the cloak, behind closed doors. Okay,
so even though we have a fun morning show, when
the morning shows over, there's stuff you have to get
done that's serious, right, Like things that you really have

to get done that are important to management here spots
and commercials and phone taps and so meetings and all
kinds of stuff. And after this you gotta go home
and you gotta be a mom, right, you gotta be serious,
daniellem right, But still so, so do you want to
continue down that road? What during the podcast? During this podcast,

I want to have fun, but at the same time,
sometimes we need to pull you in. Okay, that's fair, Garrett.
You just had a new baby, girl, right, you got
two kids now at home, You're you're working a job,
your wife was working a job, You're trying to pay
the mortgage every month. You've got things going on, and Garrett,
you're on red carpet events. You're not getting a lot

of sleep. Last week you did the overnight shift at
this radio station into the morning show. Right you you
had barely barely any sleep the entire week. How you
come in here you want to talk about, like what's
really going on in the world. I don't talk about
serious topics. You want to sit there and go, all right,
if you hooked up with some guy today, call in,
we'll talk about that. I think it could be a

part of it. But I think what Danielle just said
too is you were you were like the balloon. Then
you're holding onto the balloon, having fun with that balloon.
But sometimes you let the cord of the balloon go
and you're all the way far from reality at times.
Maybe you guys are right a little bit to an extent.
I just to me because I know we want to

do this podcast and have some fun with it. If
I have to think about one more thing that is
like serious, I'm gonna I'm gonna crack, Like I don't
even write a script for anything anymore, you know, I
just come in here to have fun and just make
people laugh. So now we have Lovely the Band. So

you're going you don't want to go back to King Fleshlands.
I got you, even though I honestly want to hear
you full blown to try to really sing. Not not
you're gonna try to sing too. I'm not the one

who hear you. Think. Yeah, I want to hear you
guys sing as well. First you and then we'll figure
it first me and then you guys are gonna sing
with yours to sing as well. Okay, all right, here
we go. All right, So this is that song? What
is this? I think I picked the wrong one. So
this this is the song by Lovely the Band, and
the song is called Broken. It's a real big popular
song right now. Okay, so here we go. You guys

know this. You guys know a song, right, Go for it? Okay.
Lonely like me to lonely with you. Hold on a second,
it's late night at the party. Such trust fun, baby,
Brooklyn Loft, I could do this. This is my favorite part.

It's coming up. It's coming up. Really, this is how
it goes the course. Don't do this that carry. These
are my people. These are my friends? Did she grab
my face and she said, ready, I like that you're broke.
You're broken like me. Maybe your fool like Katherine McLean.

Don't know what she's in for today, So I don't.
I can't sing. I can't sing. But a lot of
people that do karaoke can't sing. They just do it
for fun. Problem is you're over trying, you're not being you.
Can you sing that song? No? I can't, not at
all try. I'm not attempting that. You have to try now,
not words. That's not the song that I would not

sing that song for. I would sing give me one.
I don't know. I would sing Alattis Morrisset. You ought
to know. That's one of mine, but I'm not gonna
do it. I would also do Bust the Move? Is
it a U T O? I don't know how about
bust the move? What do you order? I don't know?
You know? H T A doing it? No, we're not

playing karaoke. I don't even know how to spell order.
Oh my god, does anyone's o U T t A?
It is o U T t A is order? They're
not going to have it. That's that's outer order. That's
for order. I didn't bring my phone in the studios.
I don't know. Don't you ought to know? How about

just now about just the word no? We can get
it right here? No? H is it? What is a
o U g h T A o U oh you
h t a order? Now about bust the rooms? That's
the room, that's the movie. That's what King Flagel. Al right,

hold on the lattice were seting it? I know why
you're playing it? Why not because this is not karaoke time?
Because you give me like maybe a note or two, know,
like a real like give me you right here we go?
Give me what did you gotta give me? Good one
for you could? No, that's not it. Not I know

the how would you do it in theater? Wow? That's good.
She's getting into it. She could sing no, but Danielle
has got a good done. But Danielle's got a very
good voice. I appreciate that. Wow, just that one note
right there, and I was like, Wow, So if they
give you my tonight and you're on stage, you're you're
literally going to say no in front of everyone. I
don't know, I'm Billy Joel. You'd like to sing Billy

Joel's my jam. That is my favorite. That is a
go to karaoke right or bon Jovi. So that's why
she should be singing. You should do Bruce Springsteen, Bruce.
For those that couldn't get tickets to the show, they
get great tea singing bri spring scene on Broadway, Bruce,
Bruce her is brucing the concert. Oh you gotta see it.

I'm not a big to see it. Really, I'm sorry,
thunder Road. You wouldn't do no, come on, yes you would. No, really,
I'm not a fan. You got a song that you like,
come on, I gotta pick one. I don't do karaoke,
but if you had to, but I don't. I don't
for that reason. That because I know I don't sing.

But you don't sing in the bathroom, you don't sing
in the car, you don't sing in the shower. No,
I don't sing. So so you're afraid of singing. Not
that I'm afraid. I just know I can't sing. So
oh here comes Oh I'll just hear that. I just
hear that harmonica, and I know that Bruce is on stage.
He's at MetLife stage in front of seventy thousand screaming

fans and scream slabs. Married. Yeah, here we go, ready
like a visions dances dio. I don't know the words.
That's a radio place, all right. You guys don't like
this one. You don't know the words. I don't have to.

I can still feel it because when they play it,
they'll usually put the words up on the screen. So
we were walking out, Daniel, you walked out. We're recording
something before and he was talking about his pool. She
didn't hear the pool stuff stuff. I heard you P
and the filter in your pool? Who told you that
that's already got around? Really? That big mouth? Why would

you go P and your fool filter. We're gonna get
to a topic right here. Here's your fetchamp topic of
the day. I've got three minutes and I got to
go your fetchamp topic of the day. Do you disregard
all of the rumors about urinating in pools? And do
you urinate in a pool freely? Cham topic of the day.

He thinks if he p's in his filter, there we
got that the filter will clean his p and send
it back out into the pool with no no P
going into the correct Daniel an arrow, do you pe
in the pool. I do not be in the pool.
D p in your filter? No, and I don't be
in my fool your backyard. You never want just chap

that's going to ever ever? Come on never. I don't
believe disgusting. I don't believe there's a reason why they
tell you not to be in the pool. Why because
people don't want to swim in your urine? Interesting? Urine
is good for you, though, it's not even that. Where
did you hear that it clean? Fun? Did you hear
that if your athletes foot and you pee on your feet,

you'll get rid of athletes foot. That's your feet that
what about the rest of your body? As I'm swimming
in your urine? I think that you overthink it. I
don't think that you're in is that dirty? I think
urine is actually pretty good for you. People drink their
own yarin, they do. I do agree that. I don't
think that is a bad thing, thank you very much.
I don't think being in the pool. No, you're okay people.

I will definitely never get in your pool. I'll clean
it first. Garrett. Do you pee in your pool? No?
You do not? You pol have you your probably? But
why have you not the pool because I'm human? But
what does that mean? I'm not an animal? But you
can still pean the pool. I'm not lazy, and I
can get out of the pool and go pee in

a bathroom. But you're wet. You want to track that
wetness into the house and me slip on a tile floor.
So your your justification is not slip on the floor.
Let me pee in the pool and deal with it. Absolutely.
So what I do is I go right up to
the filter where it sucks in the water, and then
I pee into the suction and then it takes it
right into the filter. And kids seeing you do this, No,

I do when I'm home and I'm like swimming naked
by myself like a Friday, I swim naked by myself,
skinny depthing pool. Why because I wanted to. I wanted
to be free. I see that I don't tell all
those things. This is like I cannot wait. I'm going
straight to Google Earth when I get home. I'm typing

in your address. Never see it, you never You don't
know when Google is taking pictures. Never see it. There's
no way. You definitely never see it, alright, to all
the fegies out there. That is the question of the
fedge Hamville day. Do you pe in your pool? Do
you eurinate in your pool? And I want you to
be truthful. Do you urinate in your pool? Why? Or

why not? Have you always wanted to urinate in your pool?
I'm leaving, okay, tweet us, No, you can't leave me.
I have to. I have to leave for an appointment.
We were supposed to start this earlier. Well now we're starting.
So now if that time you hear that music, it's
time for your veggian shoes. Okay, but my shoes aren't
vegging this week, so I'm apologizing ahead of time. All right,
that's fine, but you don't. I am hearing Daniel shoes

these days. I'm here in that starting September for the
new school year. The hottest sneaker on the market, You're ready? Vans?
Oh yeah, you know that's my favorite sneaker. I was
seeing the mall yesterday and the guy at the mall,
not that he was trying to sell him, but he
said to me, he said, look out, he goes. The
Vans are gonna be the new all stars like last

year was the bands will be the one show. A
guy at the mall just randomly talk to you without
trying to sell you anything. He just said, hey, you
look like a nice guy. Let me talk to you
about these school sneakers to work at the van store.
And he wasn't trying. He wasn't trying to sell you
on anything. It wasn't like he was trying to sell

me power pills out the back of his car. We
want to get the I have the vange, you know
the vans that have like them, So I have the
pink checker that I want to I don't know what. Yeah,
they're cool anyway. So this week, my shoes are actually
you're gonna laugh, crocs. But there's a reason. They're not

crocs like you would think. They're actually slip on jelly
like sandals. You would never think that these shoes were crocs.
I have had them for three years. They're the most
comfortable thing I own, and when I have nothing to
throw on, I throw them on. I use them for walking,
so comfortable, and everyone always says, my gosh, your sandals
are so cute. No one ever knows they're crocs. You

can clean the bottom, clean the shoes, can get wet,
I can go in the water with them. They're feg
So I'll put a picture on my instan story of
the crocs so you can see them. They're very cute. Um,
and that's what I gotta go. I love you guys.
You can't leave. You gotta leave. You have to do
the rest without me. We were supposed to start earlier.
How can we do that without you? You have to?
All right? Well, right now we have some feedback. We fetch.

You have feedback and what is that? Okay, this is
coming in from at Mike seven and at my up
I'm reading right now. He said, guys, there's nothing you're
not streats back, He's do. I love the fetch. It
gets me through my day. Kevin, are you like Kevin
Durant where you make fake Twitter accounts and then tweeting positive?

Can we start on time next week so that I
don't have to leave? What are you leaving? Why are
you walking away? All right? Here's another feedback from another veggie.
This is from Angela next Jen and Angela next En.
That's the computer system right from Angela next Jen. She says,

I love feedge Ham. It gets me through my day.
Stay off a great Tea's back. It is so much fun. Okay,
here's another one right now. This is from Digi Man
one four seven and Digiman one four seven says Garrett
and Greg t I let's do in the five am show.

I love when Daniel enters the show at five am,
and I really love feedge Ham. I think it's great.
I am a feggie um and he ends it by
saying fetti confetti, confetti, yetti, Yetti, confetti, yetti, yetti confetti,
Yeddi confetti. All right, that's good and if you like
to one, how is any feedback? The real feedback? Time up?

Time's up? Times up? From Wilbur one to two. First,
I need more episodes, please. Yes, I've always wanted to
peek into the mind of Great Tea and the show
doesn't disappoint. You are the best. Thank you. Love the show.
Hope to hear more from Photo Apple YETI Confetti yetti
confetti Pearl says love the podcast. We need more love

you guys. Great Tea is hilarious, Daniel is just great.
Love how Garrett is the responsible big brother. The chemistry.
I like the chemistry too. I agree. There, then we
got something l H two two two to seven seven?
Who are these people? I liked the show, but please
stop making that annoying sound which one, oh, I know
we need to play today? Could be like that is

that is? I may have to stop listening. It's that bad. Oh,
come on, it is not it is not Who are
these people? Who are these people? Hold on a seconds?
See we have that? Are these people not found? Who
are these people not found? Well you're looking for Seinfeld? Yeah,

we don't have. I can't believe it. Who are these
people not there? What? Who are these people? I can't
believe it, Garrett, that's ridiculous. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's
just called people. Who are people? It's not in the system, really,
I can tell you. But why would we not have that? Man?
Because I'm in charge of voting it and we don't

use we don't we don't reference Seinfeld hardly ever. Well,
can you give me that sound drop? Can you get
that for me for next week? Who are these people? Also?
I wouna have to get the megaphone and do these people?
These people a right? So? Are we gonna look? We

have people come up here? Who are these people? See?
Who are those people? I don't know. There's people walking through.
We don't know who they are. Something. They did have
a box something. Oh my phone is going off. Somebody's
texting Danielle. What is she saying? Are you planning for
next week? Can you guys do Monday podcast next week
at ten fifteen? We can figure this out later as
we could do that. Let me write it down. So
we want to do next week next Tuesday? You're going

to write it down Tuesday? You have an iPhone? Yet
you're writing it down at ten? Oh yeah, you don't.
Let me check and see if I can do that.
You have a calendar right in front of you. I'm
trying to find out right now if I can do it?
Can you do it on the next next that's Tuesday?
Right Monday? Oh? Sure, wants to do it Monday? Oh yeah, Monday.
I'm good. August thirteen, ten fifteen, All right, let me

do it. Fedge Ham fedge Ham Podcast, UM, episode episode
number nine. Alright at ten fifteen, I could do that?
What you can you do? Fifteen? Good? Alright? Yes? Alright?
You know I just got another message now from one
of the sales guys. Yo, t can we chat before

you take off? You see? This is what I'm talking
about the sales. People want stuff from us. They want
us to another one here looks from deb Can you
come to my desk? You see? This is what the
audience needs to know that as you what you want
thing tonight? Garrett? Can you invite those people? And who
are those people? I don't know. They just dropped stuff
off and they left. Really where do they come from?
I don't know? Come on, wait, you tell me you

didn't like when we were doing the the I am,
but you got to give the character. You can't just
bring a character. I have traculence, trauns fish. You can't
just start a character out of nowhere. Name your name, Garrett,

your name is gard girl? What raunchment? Why work I
work with what? Greg t? I don't know if you
know him? Fine? Time care? I like that man. Excuse
me a little favoritism. Cranque knows exactly what his time

as he farts with me. Cranquart of me the kid,
Thank you king. I would love to part with you.
Only I don't have as much gas as you do
a lot of okay fgies, I say goodbye. Okay, there

you go, see, Garrett, that's how it runs. There you
go there you go alright, So on that note, I
guess we're gonna sign off. But I think I do
like the fact that we have a couple of things here. Um,
we have new King flash lens. The sun is always
the one that always goes. Are you okay? And then
we want to know do you urinate in your pool?
I think you're gonna find out there's more people that

urinate in their pool than now you think. That's what
I think, fo do. It is a little different without
Daniel here now, No, I think me and you can
really carry it on. What what about fantasy football? I
think we're still a fantasy football on podcast. This is
like this is like when you want to pay as
a kid and your parents say, okay, we can get
you a pet, but you just have to take care

of it, take it out for walks, feed it, and
make sure it's taken care of. You know, what can
you take care of a fantasy football podcast? I could do.
You want to have a pet here in Fedgeville? A dog?
What can we name our dog in Fedgeville? We're not
getting a dog? Why not? You don't like dogs? Yeah,
but we don't like pets. You don't like pets? For that,
the same reason why you don't have one, because you're

a very busy person. Can we name him Chucky? Chucky
the Dog in Fedgeville, Ladies and gentlemen, Next week we
will introduce you to our Fedgeville pet. Our Fedgeville pet
will be Chucky the Dog. Oh my god, it's gonna
be huge. No other podcast has a dog, none, none
of them. Brooklyn Boys don't have an animal. Nobody does.

Even the fifteen minute Morgan Show doesn't have a pet. Well,
they have Max. But we're gonna Chucky all right until then, guys,
uh say yettie confetti? Why two three? Come toty? Alright,
we're out of here. Let's shut the doors on Feedgeville
until next week.
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