All Episodes

January 24, 2019 35 mins

A week filled of football, food, criminals , and marrying your bed sheets!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
One audio Audio Audio audio, Greg Rick, all right, audio audio,

Welcome to the audio laboratory. My name is Garrett Freestylin
over there, he goes by the name Greg T. I
like it. I like it to well, come up with
the come up in the new theme song week's theme. Alright, alright,
starting on a positive note, I can tell all right,
so welcome, so true when already we got issues. Welcome

to the laboratory. Put on your lab coats, we got strapping.
We are going to review the week in the world
of audio, from from music to sports to crazy stuff
that's happen and in the news. We're here to cover
it for you. How you feeling there? Your voice not
to uh you know what's speaking of audio? Yeah, my
voice is really crappy. You know. I've got like this

frog in my voice. It's it's like congestion and it's
really annoying my voice box. It's like, listen to this.
Here here's for or here's audio for you. Uh sounds
like the grudge, sound like I can do this all day. Uh.
It's horrible, it is horrible. I'm not sick, it's just

this congestion we've been I can't get rid of man,
we've been through this. Let me hear that theme song again. Alright,
so Little jay Z here we go, ye feeling it
the remix remix? Alright, alright, alright before We're not gonna

go all day with you doing your your your sickness
grudge down. But let's let's jump into it. So so
obviously Monday Martin Luther King Day observing it. But on
on Sunday before that, big championship football games going on. Uh,
you have a feeling of a certain way about the
Rams Saints game, which we'll talk about in a second.

But let's talk about the New England Patriots going to
the super Bowl yet again. It seems like every year
Tom Brady takes his team, they do well, they make
it to the super Bowl. Whether they win or lose,
they're always there. The man just knows how to win
and how to play. So obviously the Patriots win after
a big comeback yet again from Tom Brady. Guy is

on cloud nine, adrenaline running, he's on TV and he
drops the F bomb? Do you hear this? Hit? It?
All right? What's it mean? After all that? Head back
to the super Bowl. First one to say hi to
my wife. I love you so much. I'm coming home, Mom,
Dad at home, my sisters, all my family, thanks for
loving support and all our fans back home. Waty go man,
what a year? What was your question? Just a melab

bro never. I mean, this is crazy. Quit a game.
I love it, you know what. I saw that clip
live when it was happening, right, and I thought it
was cool that he like, you know, took over the
interview and he's like, hold on, let me just say
hello to my wife. Kid. But that's the thing. He
always does that though, And I I too would say
hello to my wife if my wife was Gazelle bunching.
You gotta respect every day and his kids, but and

his parents. But at at certain point, like I know,
you're you're up, you're amped, and you go with's the question.
He couldn't even think straight. He really couldn't. He was
so excited. You know, here's the thing, Garrett and I
are not New England Patriot fans. We're just not. We're
never going to be. I'm a Giant fan, and I'm
okay with it. You know. They the Giants beat the
Patriots twice and I'm okay with it. Yes, And and
I'm I'm a front runner, you know, I I know

I'm kidding ad. So so here's the thing. So my
take on the whole Patriots and h Saints or Rams
uh super Bowl is that you have to at least
respect the team and the man. He has done so
much and so of the Patriots, you can hate him
all you want, but they do it the right way.

They know how to win. And uh, you know it
is would wouldn't again, I wouldn't say they're they're always
doing it the right way. They absolutely they've been called
many of times and found out that they've been on
the other side of quote unquote cheating. Listen, if you
know what, you cannot come out and say they do
it the right way all the time. You don't think
there's other teams that have, like you know, kind of
done some things that were not up to Paul, but

they haven't been caught. But but they's that you pick
the team, but they can want to nail and they
all want to nail the Patriots. But and that's why
the Patriots have been caught. Come on, I'm not saying
cheating does not exist. It probably it does more than
we even know in the but they turn a blind
eye to certain teams. I'm not certain teams. They don't.
I'm not. They've been in the in the court of

of the football gods and fans alone. They've been labeled
and been caught cheaters. So for you to say they
do it perfect every time is unfair. Steam Okay, but
here's the thing though. Okay, when you're driving home and
there's a police officer and they're shooting radar and uh,
you know, you're you're keeping up with traffic and you're
doing eighty miles an hour in at are you talking about?

You not? Wait? And the cop pulls you over. Correct,
the first thing you're gonna tell that police officer is
you're gonna go I was keeping up with traffic, the
guy in front of me was doing And what is
the police officer gonna tell you? I chose you. So
the reason is the thing is that the media chooses
to go after the patriots. The police offic win. The
police officer got the guy that was breaking the law.

The police officer could have had anybody. The police officer
chose you and to pull over. And but that's the thing.
Then that same cop pulls you over again, but you're
still speeding. So just because you're going with it doesn't
mean it's it's right. Just because you're you're going with
the traffic doesn't mean that it's okay because everyone else
is doing. The media chooses who to go after. The

media makes us think that the Patriots are cheating. But
back to so many but back to my statement. You
said they do it right all the time. But it's
not true. It's not it's not they do. They do
cheating right, They cheat like everybody else cheats. And then
yet but they got caught. They got caught because the
media chose them. And on that note, before we get

into your thoughts on the Rams Saints game, did you
see Jimmy Buffett to the national anthem? Uh wait, is
this the part where he drops the mic? Well? This
is this is so you know, normally in a in
a in a hardcore rap battle, a a comedian who
has a moment and that gets a big laugh. You
dropped the mic, you slam it down. Jimmy Buffett not

not as young as some rappers and comedians out there,
so he had an old man mike dropped moment. So
here here's the end of the national anthem, right before
the Rams Saints game. And by the way, Jimmy Buffett,
big Saints fan and the Bram drop, I got no

problem with him doing it again, I have no problem.
It was just like an old person drop. I mean,
it wasn't all good to see him do it, Yes,
but he did it because he can, because of who
he is and all his accomplishments. And I think it
was a statement. I think he was saying, you know,
I'm gonna go out there, I'm gonna sing the national
anthem and Mike drop. Like there's enough said. I don't

need to say anything else after I do the national anthem,
all right. I just found I found it more on
the funny side that like the old mind trying to
do a mic drop and uh and made it his
own all right. Uh. So, you, great Tea, have been
a man of many ideas, where you think of these
great ideas that possibly could make millions upon billions of dollars,
that we've never brought them to production. They've just been

stuck in your head. One of my biggest ones is
Mr Officer Office now explaining what Mr offices. Mr Office.
I believe that you wake up in the morning and
you go on into the rest room to do your business.
By the way, let's just say this is trademark, so
no one listening right now goes, oh, this is a
great idea. And you pull out this this uh like
it's it's like a music stand on wheels, like a caddie.
You pull it out in front of you. You angle

the stand exactly, you like it. You put your newspaper
up there, or your telephone or whatever, and you read
your stuff. You have a place for your phone, maybe
some pencils, and it's all there in front of you
in the restroom, so you never have to get up
and leave you And that's the thing of an invention.
It's how do you make life simpler? So, um, if
I was tooling around on the website kickstarter, oh yes,

Now Kickstarter is something right up your alley where you
come up with an idea and you need funding for it.
So the masses out there go, Okay, I like your idea.
Here's five bucks to invest in your goal. Right, I
like that. So this person right here created a new
iPhone case because we don't the world doesn't need anymore
iPhone case. Gotta have more of those. Listen, you attach

a plastic fork or spoon so it's easier to eat
and text at the same time. You know what there
are there's a lot of people who think that it's
all about being healthy and watching this called around boon
and fork fork pH here's the commercial. Having trouble using
your smartphone over a meal. Worry not, There is a
solution introducing spoon and fork. Okay, a special case that

turns your phone into a spoon or a fork. Just
put it on, plug it in, and dig in. No
more problems enjoying your food at your phone at the
same time. Phone appetite, phone apat. I like the ending?
How much? How much? So your on kick started right
now and it wouldn't nothing. Let's just say it intrigues

you to a degree. How much money would you drop
for this for this guy to create it? I don't
really like this invention, to be honest with you. Maybe
two bucks, I think I don't. Well, yeah, no, I
wouldn't spend more than five. But it's one of those
items I feel, even though with an iPhone case would
end up in the drawer with everything else in the
kick that you don't use. Maybe once every nine months?
Absolutely agree? Um, all right, let's see what else we got.

We got a burglar in Hoboken, New Jersey. In our
neck of the woods, New Jersey, recently broke into a
mall by crashing through the ceiling. Oh I love these.
So here's here's what the guy did. He raided a
pizza place, broke through a wall, stole money from the
nail salon next door, forced his way into a liquor store.

Then he got trapped, so he got drunk, fell asleep
on the shelf, and you know how he got arrested
when the owner came in the next morning when he
woke up the next morning. So let's go to Hoboken,
New Jersey and listen to what happened after this criminal
got caught. A man wearing a construction jacket dropped from
the ceiling of a Hoboken pizzeria early this morning and

proceeded to raid the register and peruse the fridge. He
destroyed the kitchen ceiling, because that's how we finally got
out of the pizzeria. And as the ham handed burglary continued,
crawled through the common attic to a salon next door,
and from there to a liquor store. He tunneled through
the wall into a dollars door, where by now he'd
worked up a thirst for some of the Hennessy he
just jacked, and so time for a nap, curled up

on the toilet paper shelf, where by the time he
woke up around ten am, it was too late. Cops
had already been called at the pizza shop, and that
was that. I just, hey, what do you do? Then
he cursed me back. What I say? I cannot say this?
Guys crazy? Alright, many, let's let's disseeck this real quick.

So the guy, the guy decides to escape through a roof.
Wouldn't your first inkling go through a door? Well you're
already inside. Yeah, I think that he thought, you know,
if I cracked open the door, the alarm is gonna
go off, right, So I think he just said he
let me go through the roof. Okay, So he goes
through the roof, goes through a nail salon, Yeah, and
he goes, what am I going to get here? Gets

into a liquor store. Well, now he's got some cash.
Well he has well he doesn't pay for anything, no, no no,
but now he's gonna steal some cash. Well, he's gonna
steal some cash. Why knowing that you're already broke the law, Like, yeah,
why do you open a thing of Hennessey and chug it?
Because that's good. You're you're already full from the pizza
that you stole. Yeah, you're probably high from the nail

salon that you just broke into. You definitely want to drink.
So he grabs a little shot of Hennessy. He drank
enough Hennessy. He took a little bit more than he's
supposed to to make him go to sleep. Passed out
in the bathroom. We passed out there now knowing you've
already broken into three separate places. Yeah, you take a
nap now, knowing if you still want to get away
with this, you cannot sleep for more than maybe like

an hour. Yeah, at least could have been gone by
like five thirty. This is exactly he slept until ten o'clock.
This is like a normal weekend for this guy right now.
This guy's a mowball. So he got caught and that
that that was that on that. Let's see what else
we got here? Uh as we mowball, we're already talking
about Tom Brady Jimmy Buffett. That you think Brady's gonna

retire if the Patriots win the Super Bowl. I don't
think so, I really do. He's in such shape. What
else does he have to prove? It's not that the
man loves loves the sport that he plays. Gronkowski. They
when you think Gronk retires, that's a different story, because
can retire and retires or moves on to another team.
You don't think Brady's hurting every morning after a game.

I don't think as much as you might think. Um,
all right, so this came out to KFC. I don't
see myself buying this, but and I don't know why
they would create it. I guess for the buzz because
we're talking about it. Is this the ball with all
the stuff and in the mashed potatoes corn they're giving
away gravy scented candles. Oh come on now, when you
smell gravy, I want to eat. You want to eat? Right, So,

if you were to walk into a house you smell this,
you walk into my house, Craig, I want to eat.
You smell gravy. You're like a cooking I'm like, no,
it's a candle. Are you gonna turn around? Right? Back? Outpointed, Well,
here's the commercial breathing the soothing aroma of k FC gravy.
It's all gravy, baby, do you live? So a SMR.

That's that's the type of Oh please, don't even start
with you with the A M A s m R.
I can't stand it. My girls do that? Oh stop,
how can't take I just I don't understand how that
that that gets people that it's so funny that you
mentioned a s MR because I I don't even know
does everybody even know what that is? We're describing? And

so stop stop it, bothers me, stop try it, try it,
try it. Try so. My daughters Jada and Ellen, they
will seriously sit in the room and they will watch
YouTube videos of a s MR right, and they'll they'll go, oh,
I love it, like Jada loves the sound of eating pickles.
Really they crack yeah, Oh go I go nuts. So

a s m R are these little tiny crackling noises
that are made on these solo sound effects. Maybe maybe
next week we can pull up a couple of a
s MR sound for audio. That'll be great. I can't
stand it. I'll make my headphones off. Yeah, if you're on,
if you're on YouTube. It's a it's a whole category.

It's it's almost, it's almost. It's people. Some people like
it for what it is, the way it sounds. It
soothes them. Other people, right, Jada Nella, they think it soothes.
There's that's that. There's that side of it. The other
side is for more adult reasons. Why why it's done.
It's like you go, hey, you did you know what
you stopping me? Why you don't like it either? But

that's not a SMR that you can make a MS
that's me so fomio or whatever. Have you ever growing up?
Were you ever in up play? High school play? Yeah?
It was an Annie, I was Mr Bundles, Mr Bundles,
I was in I was in Hello Dolly, Very nice
with It was in high school. I went to an

all boys school and we went to go try out
at the all girls school set Joseph Hill and I
thought it would be cool because make some female friends.
You're gonna make a lot of friends, and uh so
a bunch of us. It's I think there was like
thirty forty guys that went to try out, and about
like twenty five made it, and then just anything by
by the day the show started, I was one of
four guys, um, and so I played all the other parts.

I didn't play the the main guy in Hello Dolly,
because the guy that could sing did that, but I
played all the background actors that had one or two lines.
So the entire show was me running off stage and
climbing my hair to a different side and putting on
a mustache. But uh so every time, every every so
often in Broadway here in New York City, they get
a celebrity who isn't an actor, uh day to day

to come and do roles on stage. So one of
those shows that constantly does it is Kinky Boots, right correct, So, uh,
we're just talking about football and he's now an analyst
on radio. But Tiki Barber the boots, he's in Kinky Boots,
really and some are saying he should stick to football. Wow,

that is awful bad. Yeah. I have friends of mine
that that are like begging to go see it. They
want to see t Barber and really, don't yourself. Yeah,
they play that audio for them, play the video. Um,
we were talking about this to the other day. But
there's a company out there called v viv v a
e V. If they're selling us tissues eighty dollars of

box to the immune systems so you do not get
the flu. I guess, Danielle, our friend did not do that,
because so this is uh. They claimed that using infected
tissues will help prepare you for flu season by exposing
you to germssting. Doctors don't agree. Obviously I don't agree,
and I'm not even a doctor. But we have the
commercial for you. You tear your muscles to become stronger.

You learned to fall to become a dancer. You call
us your fingers to become a musician. Makes sense? Why
is your immune system any different? Introducing a tissue powered
by the human body for the human body this flu
season keep your immune system feeling like your immune systems

with dirty that is why would you want to do that?
But I don't care what the reasoning is. That's disgusted.
Let's look at it for for how gross it is.
Though in general, boogers they're gross. I think the word
booger is the word boogers, not whatever. It's just gross.

Then to touch it and like put it on your
hands and love it all over your body. Um. You
might have seen these YouTube videos around where it is
the season where schools are have late openings or shut
down because of you know, bad weather. So this principle
in Nebraska from a high school. His name's David Freddy h.

He is the principle of congest to Noga High School.
There we go in Nebraska. He decided to announce a
snow day doing a parody of one of your favorite artists,
Billy Joel. Yes, if you were to do a school
closing telling the students we're not gonna play all because
it's two minutes. But what's Billy Joel song? Do you think?
Seeing from Italian restaurant, this guy seem yes, that's what

I would. I'd be like to say, like, you gotta
you gotta, you gotta go a little bit. So much
snow you have to delay, so can I go? All right,
think a little bit more. I'm tempo. We'll give you
one more guest of tempo Billy Joel, Uptown girl, close,
We didn't start the fire. This is what the kids,
who probably have no idea what's what, who or what

Billy Joel is listening to their principle tell them school
is closed in listen in school clothes. I don't know
what's out on forty second Street, whether there is less
than the yes, between winds are blowing. It's a real mess. Yes,
Highway one is I see County rosa dice. See. We

don't want anyone to get into distress. Yes, there we
go school. It's getting bad. We know we have a
job to do, but we can most for you. A C, T,
G P A eligibility, go online, spend some time, love
some homework. You'll be fun. When the weather clears, will

have time staff a smar day, the snow peace following.
So that's what I work calling on a day. Alright, alright,
listen to keep that when we do our five am
pre show when we have some school closings, I want
to play that. We're keeping that. But it's what we
do a pre show in New York. Yes we do.

But that is talking about roads in Nebraska. That's okay,
we're gonna play it anyway. I got to close down
to school. That is not just no. I'm definitely playing it.
Let's see. Uh oh, we had the award season where
you know, Oscar nams were out and uh, let's play
a little game, gregg t. Every year they announced oscars
and people talk about who has got snubbed. Okay, so

I'm gonna play some audio of these are actors who
have never been nominated for an OSCAR. I can't believe it.
Go ahead, all right, you ready? So let's see if
you can guess any of these. You need somebody who's
somebody to put their name on it, somebody respectable. Yep,
that is um what's what's his name from? Uh? Uh? Monsters? Um? Yeah,

you got this? Yeah, John Goodman? Start guess where I
Let see if you get this one? How what do
you hit the tie? Stop? Some more kids? Why don't you? Yes,
Greg t let's keep on going. We're now. I'm gonna
get you off these charging. There's a whole lot of
other boys out there waiting for you. Dude, I don't

know it. I think alright, famous you know actor in
Hollywood has has a son who is overcoming drugs. His
other son was in the Mighty Ducks. I don't know
that's that's that's who's in the Mighty Ducks? Who's his dad? Um?

All the other uh? Oh my god? What is his name? Well?
Who is his other son? Charlie Sheen? And who's Charlie
Sheen's dad, Um, you got the last name? Yeah, sheen Um?
What is his first name? Think of a TV show?
I forget bros. All right, let's keep on going. You're

doing very well. Do you make me sick? You make
hit it agally? Here it again. I can't go back.
Oh Um, I don't know this one. I would never gotten.
Lets will go classic on this one. I think that
one out that I think breezing the subway. What famous

actress has been known to stand on a subway? Great,
Marilyn Monroe. There you go, all right. I don't know
if you'll get this one's up. Choose life, Choose a job,
choose a career, choose a family. Love this movie. I
don't know who it is though, Train spotting you and McGregor.
This one might be a little tough too. For if
you lost the key tuk to chop off my hand,

you can just cut the chain. Okay, one more time,
one more time, one more time. Let's see if I
can go back. Hold on, come on, damn, I can't
gotta give it to me. I can't give it to you. Yeah,
I gotta scrub through it. But that was Scarlett Johanson. God,
I would have had that one, and you know I
had her face the other two, which I was surprised
when when I was reading this. Richard Gear Kevin Bacon

really yeah, never been nominated. There you go for the oscars.
Let's roll through some other stuff real quick from there.
You see. Uh, so, do you have a Nest camera
at your house? A Nest cam? No? I do not
have one. So the problem is some yes, me too.
Uh some people have these Nest cams and when you

don't have security protection on it, someone could easily hack it.
Really so a guy hacked into this family's secret uh
Nest camera On Sunday outside of San Francisco played an
emergency alert about North Korea lawn launching a nuclear attack
on the US. It came on like the emergency sounds

of an amber alert, say, and then a man's voice
announced that North Korea had launched three intercontinental ballistic missiles
toward the United States and that the United States had
launched a counterattack, recommended everyone take shelter, and said that
the missiles were headed toward Los Angeles, Chicago, and somewhere
in Ohio. So you're on your Nest cam and a

voice comes on, of all the places you would get
your emergency alert from your nest camera. Well, we got
you think this one out, this one outstand that. But
but if it does come across there, because you're not
used to it, you're gonna say, oh my god, it
must be real. Um let's see. Oh you you you
you work out a twenty four hour fitness rights every

day at every Day Fitness. Now you might have never
thought about doing this, But have you ever thought or like,
how could I get away when I'm at a store
and hide out until it closes and then sleep in
that store like when you're growing up? Toy store? For me,
I would love to have just hit out at the
toy store played with all the toys. This guy in
Texas was working out at twenty four hour Fitness just

like you. Great on a Friday What you Do, got
locked inside when they closed for the night. Despite their name.
He had to call another location for so he So
here's the news report. Jonathan Santos says he was in
the locker room Friday night, just a few minutes before
it closed. He says an employee doing a final walk
through IGNO colledged his presence, but when he walked out

of the locker room. He discovered the place was closed,
the doors were locked. He said he had to call
another location that was really open twenty four hours to
get some help. I called in the areas twenty four hours,
explained some situation. Um. But when the gentleman came back
into let me out, you know, there was an apologies.
It was it was it was like, hey, man, I
told you we're closing. Interesting you're calling from where inside?

I would like to fall asleep in like McDonald's and
McDonald's and I had a breakfast next morning. Uh uh.
And so this guy, there's a guy in Florida I
was just reading about. He had his wife embezel money.
You know what that means, steal money from from from
a company she works at to the million, about a
million dollars from her company so they could prepare for

when the fall of the U. S Government happened. So
he bought gold, silver, a farm in Georgia, and a
stockpile of weapons. All imagine imagine your wife's christ going
great tea. So no way would kill me? What no, no,
but just imagine how this would play out. I need
you to start stealing money from work. Unbelievable is the
new story. The funds were used to buy significant sums

of gold and silver by her husband, due to the
fact that her husband is preparing for the fall of
the US government. Camp told them the money went to
purchase a four hundred sixty acre farm in Meta, Georgia.
The couple built a cabin on the farm and other buildings,
purchasing farm equipment like tractors. Gretchen says Richard used money
to buy quote, a significant number of firearms and ammunition.

The warrant says Richard purchased nine vehicles since the first theft,
and that he's been unemployed for some time. That's a
lot of vehicles everything. At that point, you're trying to
stay low key. You've already stole millions of dollars starting
a militia. Why do you want nine cars? Hey, it's
the time of the year where kids get sent out
acceptance letters into school. What was your acceptance letter? Um,

I didn't have one. You went to Fairly Dickenson. No,
so you have to get accepted. But that was later on.
That wasn't like when I was in college. When I
was in high school, so you were transferred to Fairly.
I didn't get one. Did you just show to Fairly Dickinson.
I've never gotten a yet an acceptance, but how did
you get into Fairly Dickinson? Then I on an open interview? Okay,

So so after the fact, after you got it, I
want to say, did you just show up and not
get credit and really and truly have never gotten an
acceptance letter from college? So listen to this. A University
of South Florida St. Petersburg in the Tampa area accepted
four and thirty students by mistake this past Saturday afternoon.
They did it by email, then emailed an hour later

to say that there's been a mistake that They also
put out a statement apologizing and blamed it on quote
unquote human error. H So here here's one of the
students that was so excited to receive her acceptance email
from from the University of South Florida. This says, once again,
congratulations on your admission to US St. Petersburg. We're excited

to welcome you to the university. My mom and I
were like over the movement and excited. We were like
jumping up and down and it's like shouting really loud.
I was just so disappointed. I was very very let
down because I've been waiting for a final decision from
them since November. Now, I really do hope to end
up as a bull in the fall. She still hopes
to go there. They're already screwed her over and yeah,

you know, cut Ties move on. So many other colleges
you can go to unnecessary. Um oh, this story coming
out of England, a woman marrying her do vague cover
next month and you can watch it online. You know.
Gandhi was saying that that there was somebody that's marrying
in adam in inanimate objects, So maybe we can think
of that. What indamant object would you want to marry?

Pizza oven? A pizza oven stay warm inside. Yeah, you
can make pizza whenever you want. I'd want to marry
us a bar of soap, bar soap. It's slippery, it's
but it wouldn't stay a bar of soap. Though it
would clean, it would disappear. You'd be by yourself. It
would be like it'd be like my significant other died
very quickly and then something I'd have to marry something else.

You can't just marry you have you would have to
get a divorce. I'd marry my my, my microphone. How
would that be then? And then you would have to
go and say, hey, listened, she died in natural with
natural causes. No, you killed her. It was natural with
you killed your soap, you kill kill it. I was
using it. It's a natural killing. You killed it. If
you were if you were to marry your soap, you

wouldn't be able to use it. If I have soap
and I use it, it dies naturally. But you're married
to this thing. And the whole point of being married
to something is to make it last forever. If I
break it, then I'm married. I killed it. But if
you use a bar soap, but it's bound to dis
a beer, there's there's a there's an argument for people
that have died naturally. The soap bar would have died naturally.

It would have died naturally. Used it and it would
have died naturally. Now, if you kept it in the
box and you held onto that's different. That's different. But
if you held onto it and not used it like
that like you're supposed to, that I would want to
marry I would have to soap outside the box. You
would have to you would have to cheat on your soap.
With other soap just to keep the relationship going. I
wouldn't cheat. I use it all the way down to

next to nothing. But that's the thing. Then you would
be single, and then then you would have to have
that awkward conversation of I'm a widower but was married
to soap. If I have a bar soap and I
never use it, that's one thing. But you're married to it, right.
But if I so then if I use the soap,
that qualifies as dying with natural natural things that happened people. Well,
let's see how committed this woman is age of old age.

You used it will be gone in two weeks. The soap,
there's a soap has a lifespan that's much faster than
a regular person in a lifespan, So the soap dies faster.
All right, Well, let's let's listen to this woman from England,
uh and see how committed she is to her do
vague cover the dictionaries definition of love a great interest

and pleasure in something that's nothing, that one loves, a
strong feeling of affection. Can't we all say that we
feel this for the Pascal is taking one set further.
I'm planning the happiest day of her life, the wedding day.

And it will be an after policy and after party.
Real love, How many people are gonna come to this party? What?
What is an after party? What the duvet cover is
going to and what are you gonna get? You can't do.
You can't get another duvet cover for them for their wedding, right,
because it's yours. You gotta commits, you gotta commemorate. No,

was it com comments? Um? What's the word? Oh? You
have to um consummate the fancimate the marriage. You can't
go to another hotel room and sleep with it. Nope,
you gotta consummate that. That would be a threesome. That
would be a threesome. Um. We were talking about YouTube.
Well we'll finish, we'll finish off on this. There's too

many And I told you last week how many pieces
of audio were gonna we're gonna use and we talk
about them. It's funny you and I did well. You
and I have done a previous podcast. All you want
would sound, yes, but there's too much sound around we have. Okay,
you can walk away. I would never walk away, all right,
you've seen these I won't walk away from you. Dude,
and we'll let your freestyle at the I won't walk
away from your all right. So you see these food

reviewers on YouTube where they go and they try something
and they give their their opinion and then yeah, exactly,
So this guy on YouTube, I would I would put
him in the failed category. So he tried the new
Burger King funnel cake fries. I was thinking about trying. Now,
when you if you were to try to make your
own YouTube video, what would you do? You would eat
it right away, right, I would exactly. So this guy,

this idiot, decided to wait an hour. What happens when
you wait an hour with fries? No good? It becomes
soggy and cold. Uh. And then he decides to review
them and it goes It's like a roller coaster of emotions. Right,
I got the second hour ago. So if it's if
it doesn't taste completely hot and then I don't know,
but it's the new funnel cake fries. Let me take

a bite here and got a white thun. I'm no
things all right, not the best, you know, I just
he but like very fast food. That's all right, it
could be way way better, but you know, I'll give
it a good review. It's all right. You know, it's
not completely hard. If I had to rate out of
and I say three hundred, I wouldn't say this is

actually that good. Wow. First of all he said it
was like that right now. He says, you know it's
still good now because you waited, you waited an hour
to eat your fries. I totally agree with you. Alright, totally.
So that is the audio lab with music out. I'm
going to give you some music so you can walk
your way out. Thank you for listening. We appreciate it.

R Radio all across the board, we appreciate you. If
you hear or see anything that you want us to
play back, ye talk about our Greg T wrap over.
Email us Garrett at Elvis Durand dot com or Greg
T at Elvis Durand. Have a great week. We will
talk to you next week. And thank you for listening
right here on a radio audio m
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