All Episodes

December 30, 2024 78 mins

#320: Brody talks about his surgery and the chaos surrounding it; Skeery may have been scammed twice by the same guy in two different parts of NYC- you be the judge; Brody calls Skeery out for ordering wrapping paper on Uber Eats; Skeery went out of town for the weekend and all hell broke loose at his apartment with his houseguest Toilet Brian; the boys play football clips that sound dirty but aren't; Brody discovers a filthy curse word we all know and hate is apparently a compliment now,,,

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Start Up, dot Up, Start Up, Brooklyn Boy, start Up,
Brooklyn Boys, start Up Up, They making Noise Up start
Up dot.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Up, Episode three twenty the Brooklyn Boys Podcast. Yeah, David
Broally working on a holiday?

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Are we? They kept everybody waiting, including me with your
jingle Ball concert tour. It's been crazy, you know, don't
you a gallopanting? That's a good way, like that word.
You a gallivanting around the country going to jingle Ball concert.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
But we owe the slices of this episode. That's we're
working during an off week. It's okay though, because we
skipped a week, a lot, a lot's been happening. I'm
kind of happy we're doing it now because a lot
more is transpired, you know, and I would have forgotten
it all if we just returned in the new year.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
It's like actually fresh in my in my in my
brain right now.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
Good. Well, Luckily I write everything down so and I
screenshot things and I have sound to play. One of
the other reasons that we didn't do a podcast the
week of the sixteenth of December, I guess this is
the week we missed is I had minor surgery. I'm fine.
But the best part about the minor surgery. Well, the
worst part was I can't play pickleball for a couple

of weeks, So no pickleball stories.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
It wasn't the worst part the fact that you you
weren't allowed to yell.

Speaker 3 (01:28):
No, I not yell. Okay, I didn't know.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
I don't know if the doctor you were on doctor's orders,
it said, hey, man, take easy for a couple of days.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
Don't let your blood pressure get.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
They said, don't. What they said was don't do anything strenuous, right.
So I so I said, like I do a podcast, right, yell.
They said, if yelling is strenuous, don't do that. So
they didn't specifically don't yell right, but they said right.
And then because I had to be intubated, you know
that they put the tube in your throat. Uh huh.
My throat hurt for four or five days. Ah, so

I had saw throat. So I was eating ice cream
like a fiend. So uh you know, so I gained
like almost four pounds eating ice cream.

Speaker 4 (02:05):
Not the worst thing in the world.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
Now, that part was good. So I couldn't I can't play.
I couldn't play pick a ball because, like you know,
you don't want to jostle anything, you know, whatever, I go.
But I have the good news is I have pre
and during and post surgery. Uh stuff for the podcast.
Of course, it wouldn't be a Dave Brodie. Uh. You
don't have walks in the park.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
You never had. Nothing is easy breezy with you.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
There's always a process, there's always a fight, there's a
disagreement and argue. This is my fault.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
I had a disagreement before the surgery, of course.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Okay. I call the doctor's office and it says like
press one to make an appointment, you know, press two
for pre op questions, press three for post op questions,
you know, for for questions about the surgery you've already had.
Is what I think is what it said. So I'm like, well,
I haven't had the surgery yet, so pre op right,
So I'm calling because I wanted to ask a question about,

you know, what I can do after the surgery, because
they do like telemed appointments where you talk to like
a physician's assistant and answer all your questions. But my
appointment for that was like two weeks away, and I
really had a question about, you know, what could I
do because you know what I wanted to do this week,
which I can't. My friend Jeff, he's like, Oh, I'm
going to Vermont. My buddy's got a cabin in Vermont.

He's got snowmobiles. Let's go up there. We'll go snowmobile
and it'll be free or snowmobile. I'm like, that's great.
I've always wanted a snowmobil. Fantastic. I'm like, all right,
well that's that's like ten days after surgery. So I'm like,
I got to know the answer now. They told me
it would be a couple of weeks recovery, but let
me see, can I snowmobile?

Speaker 4 (03:44):
So I call up.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
And I so, I said, uh, I have a question
about recovery after surgery. She says, oh, so you pressed
the wrong button. You have a postop question. When was
your surgery? I said no, No, I had the surgery yet,
So it's a pre op question. I said, well, no,
it's a question about postop. I want to ask a
question about something after the surgery. Well, then it's a

Then it's a post op question, is it Okay? Yes,
but I'm asking you a question that I need to
know before the surgery. Therefore, my question is pre op
I haven't had the surgery yet.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
So you're taking things very literally.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
But that is why are you blaming me. She's the
one now one, yeah, fuck you, it is postop fuck
you because it has to do with post op things, Okay,
the literal sense of before you have the surgery, versus
you have a question about something that happened.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
What's going on with somebody?

Speaker 3 (04:41):
But I need to know before the surgery, which is fine,
but you still need to talk to a pre post
press two for post op. No I pressed one for
pre op question and said, press three if you have
a question about the surgery you already had, well, I
didn't have the surgery.

Speaker 4 (04:58):
You're the one taking things too literal.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Okay, so you're saying, even though it was a but
it was a conversation pre op, I hadn't had the
op yet. No op, okay, no op, no op. All right,
So let me tell you what happened when I got
to the hospital. So I get there and I hear
David Brody too, David Brody too. Well, I don't know
what that means. I'm sitting in the waiting room. I

don't know what that means. So I get up and
there's like four counters and I go up, I go,
what does David Brody too mean?

Speaker 4 (05:29):
Oh, you have to go to window two.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
Okay, well it's logical. Would it have killed anyone to
say window two? How would I know that? I just
go to two. I didn't know. I didn't even know
the word windows.

Speaker 4 (05:41):
You're a smart man, you could figure these things out.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
Well, I figured it out when I went over to
four and realized it was a four. But I couldn't
see the two worth of four from where I was
sitting anyway. So the woman gives me paperwork to fill out. Again.
It's post surgery. It's five o'clock in the morning. I
had to get there really early, and I said I
have a question just so. She goes, oh h the
answer is blah blah blah. Said no, no, it's not my question.

Oh well, then your answers blah blah blah blah. I said,
it's not my question. Just oh well, trust me. I
know everybody has the same questions before that. When they
got I go, okay, what's my question? It all it's
just well, you want to know if you should write
you Nope, that's not my question.

Speaker 4 (06:19):
Just well, what's your question?

Speaker 3 (06:20):
I go, can I have a penn? Thiss one's not working?
She was so fucking cocky. She was like, I mean,
your question is about the capitalists, say nope. Well your
question is which light? Nope. So they hear it all
the time. I get it, they hear it all the time. Okay,
So then dide I go in I have to do
blood work. I get into the pre surgical bed. I'm

in the gown and you know, the doctor eventually comes
in and talk to you. First, the anesthesiologist comes out.
Now i've had surgeries before. Scary. I don't know if
you've had surgery. The anesthesiologist comes in and says, usually, hey,
I'm gonna let you know a maniestesiologist. This is how
it's gonna work.

Speaker 4 (06:53):
I had this for I call an oscopy.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
Yeah, they were cracking wise, there were you know, there
are a bunch of jokesters.

Speaker 3 (06:59):
Yeah. It was like the anesthesiologist and the doctor like
did a routine together, right right, because they're putting a
tube of your ass. Anyway, So the woman comes in
and she's, uh, you know, they're like usually like friendly,
they want to put you at ease. And this woman
had a I want to say Eastern European accent. So
I'm going to do the accent because it's important to

the story. And she said, hello, I welcome, mister Brody.
I said yes. So she says, I want to go
over things with you. I said, okay, very good. Yes,
I'm you anesthesiologist, and we're going over the procedure, let
you know, and I want to go over things that
could go wrong, because it's important. You know, nothing is

one but very rare, very rare. But things could happen.
I said, okay, you know, side the facts they have
to tell you, of course, of course, okay. So she says,
you know you could have a diarrhea, you could have
upset stomach afterwards, you could have a reaction, and you
could have vomiting. You know, heart lung, you know like

that right? So I said, what do you mean heart lung?
What does hartlung mean? You know, things could happen, you know,
heart lung. You can't come in here, I said, forgive me,
but if you're going to tell me what could go wrong,
you can't just start naming body parts. What do you
mean heart lung? You were specific, he said, diarrhea, He said, uh,
vomiting and harmless heart. You can't heart lung. You know,

things could happen, you could have What does it matter?
I go, it matters because your job is to tell
me what now. Look, I'm not sure. Look, I don't
want to upset this lady because she's in charge of
my life. She can anesthesiologists me to death. Right, I'm
like trying to be calm, but I'm very nervous because
I'm going into surgery. Then she's like, you know, hot lung.
So I go, what is okay? All right? I tell
you you could have heart attack, aspirations, palpitations. You could

die from heart attack. You could have stroke, Okay, you
could have seizure and lung. You could have lung collapsed,
you could you could have problem breathing. You could Yeah,
could you jump to these conclusions on your own?

Speaker 5 (09:00):
No, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
I don't know what heart lung she could? You don't
flock neck, you know, but you don't want to know.
You don't want to know.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
And when somebody doesn't want to tell me, now I
have to know how bad it could be. Something else
better hit my bus, I go, I don't don't tell
me hit my bus. Analogies just tell me I'm not
going to have a heart attack or a stroke. I
can't do that legally. I have to tell you it
could happen. I go okay, So okay. So so about

a half hour later, the doctor comes in whatever. And
then then I guess a nurse's assistant or a nurse whatever.
She's gonnaheel me down the surgery feet first. I'm on
the cart with you know, the gurney right the bed.
So we get to uh, we get to the hallway,
and she goes, all right, now, listen the way the
operating room is situated. I have to turn you around,

so we have to go in backwards. Okay. So she
turns me around, and now she's behind by my head
and we're going down this narrow hallway.

Speaker 4 (09:58):
Why is it narrow?

Speaker 3 (09:59):
Scary? Because the hallways lined with filing cabinets and other
gurneys and supply cabinets. There's just enough room for the
gurney and maybe an inch on each side of the gurney. Right, okay,
keep your keep your arms and legs in, keep my
arms and legs in. Say we're going through the whole
bomb and then we're going down and the big dam

and she's clanking against the sides and she's hitting the
things on the side. So I go, whoa, I go,
you're not involved in the surgery? Are you remember the
game operation?

Speaker 2 (10:30):
We had to take the part right and they would
buzz and sides don't bring right although because if you
didn't have a steady hand, then uh it would touch
the sides and the nose would light up and right.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
So I'm like, no offense, but are you are you?
Are you? Are you? Are you being involved in the surgery?
She says no, no, no, no, sir. I'm just I
just I just transport you. I go, okay. So I'm like,
she hit the sides like four or five times. So
we go into the surgical room and there's two nurses
and that they're they're playing, uh, playing music in there
for themselves, which is fine, and they okay, you have

to move over to the flat bed like the surgery table.
So they have me scooch over to the surgery table
and I hear the anesthesiologists behind me. I can't see
her because you're looking straight up, and I hear her say,
let's do this, let's do this. She can't wait to
knock me out because I'm I'm talking, I'm I'm laughing,

I'm making jokes for people. All of a sudden, scary,
I feel like I'm a rumbling in my stom. I
gotta go to the bathroom, like I gotta go. But
if they put you out, do you end up going?
Maybe I'll poop the table. I don't know. So I said, listen,
what is the protocol? I suddenly have to go to

the bathroom. She was number one and number two. I
go number two in a bad way. I feel it
because I haven't eaten, you know, like twelve hours or whatever.
She says, It's natural. Everybody feels that way. They get nervous.
I said, if I'm under what happens if I have
an upset stomach? She was, I get him back on
the gurney. Let's get him back out to the bathroom.
So they rolled me back out to the bathroom and

I go through the hallway of doing them again. Boom,
I'm at my hospital down right. I have to get
up and like close my back anyway hold one. So
when we come back to the hallway after my bathroom,
I said, can you do me a favor? Can we
get a second person? To hold the front end of
my my gurney. So she gets the second person and

we go down the hallway smoothly. I go into surgery
and I'm on the table. The doctor hasn't The doctor
walks in right because he's like, oh ah, you're done
with the bathroom, and he looks like he's not thrilled.
And I went to the bathroom because as I was
leaving the first time, he was walking in and you
see me, she's me leaving and he looked like, hey,
I'm fucking ready and you'll leave him so al ready
I pissed him off. So I hear I hear her again,

the estesiologist, all right, push it, we're doing it now.
Can we get this over with? Please, get this over with. Please.
That's not comforting, yeah, because now you put them in
a situation where they got a rush. Right. All I
remember is thinking what a And then next thing I know,
I was waking up in the recovery room. Yeah. I
don't even remember like closing my eyes, nothing, just I

remember her going, let push it, get this over with.
Like they were annoyed that I went to the bathroom.
That's not a good way to go into surgery. Now
the fact that I'm alive is is a Christmas miracle.

Speaker 4 (13:16):
Well, I'm happier here, Brody. How are you feeling?

Speaker 3 (13:20):
We'll talk about that after the Commercial Boys podcast.

Speaker 4 (13:26):
How you feeling, Brody?

Speaker 3 (13:27):
I'm feeling better, but I got a scare. So my
surgery was on Monday and then no more surgery talk,
I promise. And on Friday. Oh, it's about four point
thirty on Friday, and I decide, you know, uh, I
want to go out. I'm gonna go pick up some dinner.
But I'm like laying around the house all week recovering
from the surgery. So I'm like, I better get dressed.

So I take my shirt off and I go in
the I'm getting in the shower and I see that
the area where my surgery was not the area, but
everything under the area is yellow. My skin is yellow, yellow, god.
So I'm like, what the fuck? That's not normal. I
read all because they give you paperwork when you leave surgery,

Like what do you call that? I expect? I don't
know them. So I'm like, holy shit, I'm turning yellow.
That's not right. So I call it's a Friday, like
the week before Christmas and nobody's there. The office is
called this is the Answering Service. Can I help him? Uh? Yeah,
I need someone to get in touch with me. Well,
you know, starts five quarter to five on a Friday.

Everybody's gone for the weekend. Well, somebody's on call, right, Yeah,
what's going on? I'm yellow. I'm turning yellow yellow with
like a brown ring around it. I'm yellow, my god,
like the size of a honeydew melon. The area is yellow.
This is not an area that should be yello. Oh,
by the way, it's not my privates. I didn't get
my privates operato. Yeah, so I'm like, please having somebody

call me back. Forty five minutes later, a doctor calls me.
He's like, uh, describe this problem. I go, Well, I
had the surgery and like, starting from like an inch
blow of surgery, everything's yellow. I'm fucking yellow, like but
like it's just awful. Well what was it? So he says, oh, sir,
let me explain.

Speaker 4 (15:09):

Speaker 3 (15:09):
What happens is there's drainage from the surgery and uh
blood drips down right, all right, all right, I don't know. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, man,
he said. And what happens is because it's red. It
turns the skin because you're white. He's like, you're white.
I said yeah. He said, it turns yellow because that's
what's showing through. But it's completely normal. It's just gravity

is pulling it down and that's why it's spreading. But
it's totally normal. It happens in like ten percent a
case perfect. I well, it's not in the paperwork. Why
is it in the paperwork. Why shouldn't something Oh of course,
I'm the ten percent. It should be in the pis scary.
Shouldn't it be in the paperwork? Shouldn't be? There's a
ten percent like hark lung, better chances to get hit

by bosle, letting nature take its course.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
Brodie, are you? Are you okay?

Speaker 3 (15:53):
You doubt you would have freaked the nature take its course.
Somebody should tell you might turn yellow?

Speaker 4 (15:58):
All right, you're good.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
You're good though. Now you look great. You sound better
than ever. It doesn't sound like skip the beat there, Brody.
You should have heard me on the ad that Monday
or Tuesday after night. I was like, oh god, that
all your free scream. I see you on ice cream.
You're back to yelling again, yelling, yelling, yes yellow, no
yelling yelling yes yellow not good? All right, fine, fine,

that's it. Wait like I got a cooking class story
with his no blood.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Involved, I have I come and even tell you what
what happened to me over the holidays.

Speaker 4 (16:30):
Well, let me start with this.

Speaker 2 (16:31):
First of all, do you remember back about I don't
know about twenty episodes ago, thirty episodes when I was
going for to meet my friend for brunch in Tribeca.
I parked a car and the guy came running out
of the building asking for fourteen dollars.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
Yeah. He said he worked in that building and he
had no money. He had to work a double shift. Right,
he needed fourteen dollars to get back. I gave him.

Speaker 4 (16:53):
I gave him twenty dollars.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
Right, yeah?

Speaker 4 (16:55):

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Was it Tom's River a sucker? Was it Tom's River
somewhere in South Chers? I don't okay, Well, well, the
slices can go back and listen and confirm.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
Well, I don't know if it's possible, but I might
have gotten scammed by the same guy in different neighborhoods,
So the same guy twice in different.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
Person I was down in the lower part of Manhattan
and Tribeca. And then now this was now in the
radio station's building, which is which in midtown on fifty
fifth Street, sixty street blocks away.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
Yes, in the middle of Manhattan.

Speaker 3 (17:34):
Yeah, and and the building has a bench.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Now you could sit your First of all, the thing
is you're allowed to cross through. You could go you
can go into the building on one end of the
street and you come out to the other end of
the street.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
It crosses in and it's open to the public walk.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
It's it's a it's a pass through. It's a public
pass through. But I'm indoors. I'm in the building. I'm
sitting on the bench. I'm waiting for I guess Sam
to come out. We've gona drive home together. And this
guy comes storming out of nowhere. It says, excuse me, Hey, hey, buddy,
I need I need, I need your help. I work

in this building. My name is Tyrone.

Speaker 4 (18:14):

Speaker 3 (18:15):
Now, now I don't remember if the first guy gave
me his name that time. I don't remember this guy.
And I don't know if the first guy was trying
to get back to Red Bank or Tom's River. But
check the guys checked the video. One of those Well,
this guy's like, my name is Tyrone.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
I need and and I gotta get back to Tom's river.
I got no money in my wallet, and they towed
my car and I'm just getting up work. I told
the last guy's car. So I'm like, I'm sitting there
with you know, deja vous. I'm like, oh my god,
it's the same Is this the same story. It can't
be the same guy. It can't be. But this guy's

name was Tyrone. I don't know what the guy's name
is the first story.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Well, it doesn't matter. It's probably not his real name anyway.
And he anyway, he and the magic amount of money
he needed was fourteen dollars to get back to Tom.
So I'm like, oh my god. And then he goes,
he adds, he follows up, and he goes, listen, he goes,
I work in this building. He goes, I said, I
do too.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
He goes, I'll you meet me here tomorrow at this
time and I'll pay back. Now I'm looking at him,
and I give him a really long stare. And the guy,
you know, the guy had like business attire on. He
was like well dressed.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
And I'm like, why wouldn't one of the odds that
that was a scam, or I got scammed again, or
these guys all use the same story again. Fourteen dollars,
Tom's river towed my car, showed me his empty wallet,
showed me his ID from the building. The only thing
is that other guy worked at the building downtown, the

City Court building, because that was the one in Tribeca.
So the guy's showing me proof that he works here.
I'm like, you know what, I feel bad for this dude.
I said, you know what, here's twenty dollars. I said,
hey forward, I said, I don't want to meet you
here tomorrow. Just do the right thing and pay it forward.
Merry Christmas. You did it again. You got scammed again

by my car. Was told guy, it couldn't be those
it's a scam ring and they all have the same speech.
It couldn't pay you the last time. Fourteen dollars is
a great amount because it's like almost fifteen but not quite,
and no one's walking around with a ten and four singles,
so you're like, oh, it's almost fifteen. Oh I'll just
give him twenty. I didn't know what nobody has fourteen

dollars and he was he.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
Came on, he came on strong, saying that nobody, everybody,
everybody's so mean and rude, and you know, and he's
trying to just he just has to get back to
Tom's River.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
And how is he parking his car in midtown if
he works in that building in his car? Got told
if he works in the building, he knows you can't
park anywhere in Midtown on the street.

Speaker 4 (20:48):
I don't know, Brody again, I need to believe.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Oh my god, please Scary give me a twenty every
once in a while for putting up with this bullshit.
You are the most gullible slices. If you're sitting back
on it's Christmas miracle. He's such a good person, Brody,
you're being mean. He's such he said, He's not generous.
He's a sucker. I'm not a sucker. He got scammed.
Scary doesn't donate to charities, He doesn't like help out
at the homeless shelters, serving soup to people.

Speaker 2 (21:14):
Yes I do, y, Yes I did. I actually did
pack sandwiches for three hours. Yeah, it was a morning
show thing.

Speaker 4 (21:21):
You did it. I get that.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
It was nice of you to do that, but you
get you got scammed. Look if you said to me, Brody,
I saw a guy who needed money game twenty dollars.
It's scary.

Speaker 4 (21:30):
You a great person.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
You got lied to and you believed it.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
What are the odds though, that that this is a scam?
Because who couldn't be.

Speaker 3 (21:40):
It couldn't be. It's one to one. It's a scam.
That's the scam. They all huddle up in the morning.
You're like, all right, we're doing the fourteen dollar thing
to South Jersey. Yep, got it?

Speaker 2 (21:52):
But do they? That's why I'm saying was just the
same guy. But I don't think it was.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
I don't know, so I says, check check my facts
from the h from twenty episodes ago. Whatever that was,
I don't know. Anyway, this guy's name was Tyrone. He
showed me his ID. It was fourteen dollars and he
wanted to go to Tom's River. A train ticket from
New York Penn Station to Red Bank, New Jersey is
between ten and sixteen dollars. So that's true on the time. No,

they they have to make it as truthful sounding as foss.

Speaker 4 (22:21):
What about Midtown? What about Midtown to Tom's River?

Speaker 3 (22:25):
That is Penn Station, You dumb fuck. You can't take
it t.

Speaker 4 (22:30):

Speaker 3 (22:31):
Okay, No, No, that was Penn Station, Penn Station to
Toms River.

Speaker 4 (22:35):
You did red Bank.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
Red Bank ticket from Penn Station to Tom's River, New Jersey.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
So yeah, all right, Well anyway, that was my thirty
four dollars.

Speaker 4 (22:50):
Oh he needed more than twenty.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
If he was going there, that's the case, all right.
Maybe he had a different route. No, maybe lying to you,
why can't you get people better? Doubt who drives from
Tom's River to Manhattan works in that building, which means
he drives. He works there every day and leaves his
car where he gets towed. That's not a thing tourists
might park. They're not understanding the signs. You work in

the building, you work in Manhattan. You know that you
can't park on on crosstown streets in Midtown.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
You can't. It's all loading zones.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
There's no on street parking really, not on the on
the cross streets, on the Avenue is there's some meters.
Come on, now, come on, now, you are a sucker.
You got plant a scamboney jingle. You got scambonied. You
should have that ready.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I didn't ready, But I don't think I got scambonied.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
I think that I did a good almost you got rebonied.
It's not a scambony. I'm trying with bubble bonied. You
got Eiffel Tower bonied. I'm sorry, London Bridge bonied.

Speaker 2 (23:59):
I need to believe the greater good in people that
they're not gonna pull shit.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
Greater good.

Speaker 4 (24:05):
The guy was wearing a suit, all right.

Speaker 3 (24:07):
He's wearing a suit, yeah, that he bought for twenty
dollars a pop. He's putting his twenty dollars he's financing.
He looked like he belonged. He looked like he was
a businessman in the building. The only thing I can
see is if you came out, if you came out,
if he came out of the turnstile, or if he
came from across the other way, the other you know,

out of the doorway. I don't know. You know what
street you work on? Is there any parking on either
street through the passway? I mean there's parking, but it's
not on the street. Yeah, there is, there is on
the street.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
You can park on the street, yeah, but you'll get towed, right,
that's not parking. I think it's pretty feasible that he
got he got towed Yeah, why don't you go back
up to his office and talk to his coworkers.

Speaker 3 (24:55):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (24:56):
I don't know the answer to these questions.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
Right, he works in that building. Should said to him, Okay,
show me your id, walk through the turnstiles, go through
the turnstiles, show me your work here.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
Oh my, my, My idea was in the car, got toad.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
But there's ways to see. It's like when someone wants
to sell you concert tickets outside of a concert and
they're like, oh, I have extra tickets.

Speaker 4 (25:15):
Yeah, I would never buy those.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
See, that's a scam that I will walk me in,
walk me in, Let me walk in with the tickets,
and I'll pay you if I can't walk in on
a pan. You if the guy doesn't go through the turnstiles,
he doesn't fucking work there. You got scambony slices, leave talkbacks. Scary,
the most gullible brick. Scary. You want to buy a bridge?
My call was told I got to sell this bridge.

Speaker 4 (25:36):
I can't.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
I was gonna put the bridge in my car and
take it back to Trenton, New Jersey, but I can't now,
So you want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge for me? Scary?

Speaker 4 (25:45):
I also, wait till you hear what happened with me
in toilet Brian.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
Remember toilet Brian. Yeah, he sleeps on a toilet all
the time.

Speaker 5 (25:53):
After this the Brooklyn Boys podcast, we will be right.

Speaker 3 (25:57):
Back before I forget it's Scarius. Since we're talking about Christmas,
I have to call you out on something. Okay, we
did slice time before Christmas. We did two of them.
We did one after Christmas, and we did one before.
I want to talk about what happened before they did
the one before. Scary says to me, let's do the

podcast at this time. Okay, he says. I. Then he
texted me, I'm waiting for a delivery. Hold on, it's
give me about fifteen minutes.

Speaker 4 (26:27):
Okay, no problem.

Speaker 3 (26:29):
So then I go downstairs and I log in and whatever,
and I go Scary ready to go. He's like, yeah,
I just fuck it. My delivery is not here. I go,
what are you getting?

Speaker 4 (26:37):

Speaker 3 (26:37):
Food delivered? Because Scary gets food delivered a lot. He
does grub, hob Uber, eats, whatever, Postmates, whatever, shit. He's
always getting food delivered. He's a bachelor, you know. So
he says, oh, the doorman's called me. I got a guy.
I gotta go downstairs. What's the matter. He says, Uh,
my wrapping paper is here. Yeah, what wrapping paper I got?
I goes, I got wrapping paper? I go, what did

you order an Amazon? Nope? Nope, I gotta go. I
gotta go break, I go, I go, I guess I
go ahead. He runs downstairs. He keeps me waiting out
ten fifteen minutes.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
Yeah, comes back.

Speaker 3 (27:08):
I said, Scary, what what the what do you mean?

Speaker 4 (27:11):
I don't understand what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (27:14):
I ordered it? He goes, I ordered wrapping paper. I
got it from like no wrapping paper Hub. No. So
go ahead, Scary, tell everybody, well, how you got wrapping
paper delivered to your apartment building a few days before Christmas?
Uber eats. Uber eats has a delivery It's like they
have a delivery service. So if you click on like

like home care, there's appliances and things and groceries, there's
a section that you can shop at CVS or Walgreens.

Speaker 4 (27:43):
So I'm like, fuck it, give me some of this
wrapping paper. I need this right now. And now.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
I keep in mind we were recording Slice time. I
had five things going on at once. I ran out
of wrapping paper I figured, let's let let me do that,
because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to it's lifetime
because I would have had to go out. It was
it was cold that night, it was raining. I think
it was awful weather. So you know what, I'd rather
show up to my, uh my apartment, and I got

my I get my wrapping paper delivered to my doorm
and I just wrote, go downstairs. He'd go down the elevator.
I grabbed my wrapping paper and I'd come back up. Now,
I mean maybe there was some added fees, you know,
involved in the instead.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
Wrapping is Scary. Scary didn't realize that Christmas was coming.
The date moves around all the time, Like I get
it with Honkah, Like Hankakah was first time. Hankakah was
Christmas this year? But Christmas is always a twenty fifth.
How do you not know you're gonna need wrapping paper?

Speaker 2 (28:42):
Before I had wrapping paper, I ran out. I didn't
know that the role was so much was coming to
the end.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
So Scary is such a boogie bastard. He had Uber
deliver him wrapping paper. That is the world Scary lives
in well. Wrapping paper itself was like four dollars. Yeah,
and then the uber I guess I tipped the guy
three dollars. Uh huh, so seven bucks and there was
some tax there and it was a which was delivery

fee was like two dollars. I don't know. I might
have paid double for the wrapping paper. Well, it sounds
like you're up to at least nine ten dollars. The
point is scarce. I can't do the podcast yet. My
my wrapping paper is being delivered.

Speaker 4 (29:25):
Well, everyone DOWNSTA doesn't get it. I don't want someone
to steal it.

Speaker 3 (29:28):
You know. You know what it reminded me of so
a long time ago when I was a manager of Starbucks,
I worked in It's a location. I don't think it's
there anymore. It was the first Starbucks in New York State.
You're talking to the right now. The person talking sold
the first frappuccino in New York State, me, David Brody. So,

I don't know how well you know Great Neck. But
Long Island, if you're not familiar with the area, is
a very long peninsula. It's Brooklyn, Queens and then the
rest of it they called Long Island. It's like a
pean It's very big, but on the on the shore,
like on the north part and the south part, because
it's on the water that tends to be where rich
people live.

Speaker 4 (30:07):
And the further you.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
Go out right and Long Island has peninsulas like these
giant areas that shoot up north and south off the island,
which creates Watts Scary, More Beachfront, More Wat Part and
Glen Cove and right, so great King's Point and Great
Great Okay, thank you for mentioning it. King's Point. So
Great Neck is an affluent neighborhood on a peninsula. However,

the tip of Great Neck is so rich it's got
its own name, King's Point.

Speaker 4 (30:38):
Yeah, it's the tip of the rich.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
This is where movie stars, famous people, billionaires live King's Point.
And because I was a manager of Starbucks, obviously affluent people.
This is when Starbucks was only opening up in rich neighborhoods.
This is a long time ago, a fucking long time ago.
So Starbucks originally when they came to New York, only
opened up in rich neighborhoods in New Jersey where I opened,

by the way, I opened up the first two stores
in New Jersey as well, Thank you very much. And
Ridgewood and Westfield were the first two anyway. So I'm
in Great Neck. We're already rich people are shopping. But
all the kids that work this scary. All the people
I hired were like high school kids working at Starbucks. Sure,
it was before they were like adults working there. It

was a new thing. And it was all part time kids, right.
And all the kids were rich, sure, rich, but they
were raised properly to have jobs. Even though they were rich.
They were like, you have to have a job. You
have to work after school, you have to have a job.
So the kids would get driven to work in Jaguars
and Porsches and Mercedes bands. Sure. And I'm like this

kid from Brooklyn at the time, managing the Starbucks people
kids in Kings Park. This is before Uber and Lyft
used to pay car service. You guys, remember what car
service was. It was just like you call a company
that had cars before in a time before Uber, Right,

they would pay. And I don't know why I didn't
think of this as a service because I'd be rich now.
They would pay car services to come to Starbucks this
is in the nineties and pick up the order, yeah,
and drive it back to them and their mansions in
King's Park in a time before King's Park, and right
King's Park, King is King's Park or Kings Park, I

don't know, yeah, King's Park. And so I was like,
what a bunch of bougie bastards. They're paying a car
service because they were either like, you know, it's like
a Saturday night and they were like, oh, you know
they had like a sleepover.

Speaker 4 (32:44):
They didn't, they weren't old enough to drive whatever.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
They just were like, oh, let's pay a car service
when that wasn't a thing scary. Instead of making fun
of them in the nineties, if I had said, what
a great idea, have a company that delivers food to
you that they don't. They're not work for the restaurant.
They're just a company that drives cars. I could be
a billionaire and now of these rich kids. For all
I know, these rich kids could have been the ones

who had the idea. But they used to pay people
to go get them coffee.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
And that's and that's even worse. It's like you're talking
about coffee. They got coffee makers at their rich houses.
They got rich coffee makers, they got big, big ass
coffee makers, but they would rather order Starbucks and have
it paid for delivery.

Speaker 3 (33:25):

Speaker 4 (33:25):
And this is this is before. This is the nineties.

Speaker 3 (33:27):
People didn't have home espresso machines. They wanted a cappuccino,
so these kids, or they wanted a frappuccino.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
So they still call car service acam car service. The
rich people had cappuccino machines in the nineties.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
No, I don't know, but they were ahead of their time.

Speaker 4 (33:43):
They were.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
This is why rich people stay rich and people like
us make fun of them going on put the boogie best.

Speaker 2 (33:49):
They do that all the time for everything people order. Well,
you listen, you know me, I'm a man of convenience.
I love a good people. I love a good short cut.
I mean, if I don't have to wait online and
somebody I could pay somebody to wait online for me
to do something great, I'm in time is money man.

Speaker 3 (34:10):
But if to get it at a fast food place,
we have to go back up to the counter to
get your food, he would call Uber Eats to go
to the counter for him and bring it to his table.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
You know, there's a big there's there's a big controversy
right now in New York City with the whole with
the reservation system with these restaurants. A lot of the
restaurants they you know, they all get kind of bought
up by these bots. They kind of like there's a
problem with it. They want to get this room scalp.

But restaurants they want, right, they want they want all
the big restaurant reservations, these big restaurants, all the hard
to get ones, you know, they're all just taken very quickly.

Speaker 3 (34:48):
So now you have a chance to buy reservations, so
someone gets it for you and then you pay that
person for the reservation.

Speaker 2 (34:57):
It's like a third party these third party apps. So
like I can actually if I want, if I really
want to eat a Carbone tonight or Torresi or these big,
you know restaurants, with these high fallutint uh restaurant waiting lists,
I can probably bulldoze my way into a Carbone eight
o'clock for four people and pay a premium for that reservation.

Speaker 3 (35:21):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
Now they're trying to do away with it in February.
I don't know if it's going to happen or not.

Speaker 4 (35:27):
But whatever.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
Anyway, point is, if you if there's something out there,
a service that is is or something that's highly coveted,
people find a way to pay to get it. Look
at theater tickets, look at look at uh any pretty
much anything you want to get.

Speaker 4 (35:46):
Your hands on.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
Experiences, one of a kind experiences. People will pay a
premium and people will pay other people.

Speaker 3 (35:54):
To get that done for them. There's it's a thing
called the concierge service where rich people will say they'll
pay a month for or membership fee, and then like, look,
I want to make sure that I go see the
Super Bowl. Get me the tickets. I don't care how you,
I don't care what it costs. Get me the health
knows somebody who does that.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
Right, craziness Yeah so so yeah. I mean, listen, that's
not my world. But when it comes to when it
comes to wanting to record a slice, time for the slices,
and I don't want to be inconvenience for twenty minutes,
I'm going to pay the extra four dollars to have
someone delivered me by wrapping paper.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
Yes, yeah, why not? Hey? Speaking of carbone, I sometimes
crack myself up on other people's stupidity. But you know,
carbone is spelled car bone bona carbone. Okay. I watched
Instagram reel a reel, and it was a girl who
was talking about the food and carbone and how she

spent two hundred dollars on dinner for her and for
she and her partner, for her and her partner. And
so this person writes two on dollar. Are you sure
you went to carbon l O L C A R
B O N. Of course they spelled it right, So
I wrote back, I don't want to correct you, but
Carbon is a copy hio. Yeah, it's not the same restaurant,

and like it's just a copy. That's hilarious, I thought,
So I'm gonna get go ahead.

Speaker 4 (37:25):
No, no, no, I'll tell you about toilet Brian a little bit.

Speaker 3 (37:27):
But but what were you going to?

Speaker 4 (37:28):
You have something short that you wanted.

Speaker 3 (37:30):
To get into. Yeah, something something short, something short. I
wanted to ask you. Uh uh, you know when you
call people out, when you correct people, what's the rule?

Speaker 4 (37:38):
Make sure that you're right right?

Speaker 3 (37:40):
Rule number one? Correcting people be correct. So I'm in
a Facebook group and it's about uh, it's it's an
eighties metal group, right, eighties hairbands and whatnot? I do. Yeah. Anyway,
someone puts up a meme and it's a guy leaning
against his car. It's a seventy nine Firebird, and it says, hey, babe,

you want to go for a ride in my seventy
nine Firebird and listen to some Motley Crue. And it's
a guy with a mullet. And the joke is like,
this guy looks like the kind of guy who would
say that. Right, that's why it's a meme. So this
person writes, I don't think that timeline's correct. I don't
even remember hearing about Motley Crue until after nineteen eighty four,
so that can't be possible.

Speaker 4 (38:23):
Oh boy, that this guy with a.

Speaker 3 (38:26):
Seventy nine Firebird would want to hear Motley Crue. So,
first of all, Motley Crue's first album came out eighty one,
so this person doesn't even know Motley Crue. But second
of all, scary, why couldn't you own a seventy nine
Firebird in nineteen eighty one? You could, you could. You
could also have had one in nineteen eighty four or
eighty six. Right, This person is correcting the meme, going, no, no,

there was no Motley Crue when this guy had a
seventy nine Firebird. I could have a seventy nine firebird today.
It's an idiot. Idiot. That's an idiot. That's an idiot.
This guy thought he was like, I'm gonna I'm gonna
show my knowledge of Motley Crue that they weren't around
in seventy nine. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Idiots that didn't say brand new seventy nine. Here's another one. Okay,

In the pizza group I'm in, this guy writes, someone
puts up a slice of pizza from a pizza place,
and this guy writes, tried it once. That was enough
for me. So the next person comments and says, well,
did you like it? What are the possible outcomes of
somebody writing I tried it once that was enough for me?

Does that sound like a glowing review?

Speaker 6 (39:35):

Speaker 4 (39:35):
He fucking loved it.

Speaker 3 (39:37):
No, I loved it.

Speaker 4 (39:39):
Yeah, to me, that's why I never had it again?

Speaker 3 (39:42):
Right, right enough?

Speaker 2 (39:44):
That's enough for me. If I like something, I want
it again and again and again. That's human nature. If
I love it, I don't go yeah, I never have
to have that again. That was too delicious.

Speaker 3 (39:56):
Well did you like it?

Speaker 4 (40:02):
Give you one more?

Speaker 3 (40:03):
Give me?

Speaker 4 (40:03):
This is the intellect of the internet. Okay.

Speaker 3 (40:06):
This person in the same pizza group put up a
picture of Kirkland brand pizza from right from Costco, Kirkland
ten dollar pizza ten dollar by but they wrote the
word ten then the dollar sign ten dollar pizza not bad.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
Don't be a h a t t er.

Speaker 3 (40:23):
A hatter, Yeah, don't be a hatter.

Speaker 4 (40:27):
Don't be a mad hatter. Don't be a hatter.

Speaker 3 (40:30):
Yeah, good advice. Don't don't be a hatter. And then
everybody was putting up hat puns. But yeah, don't be
a hatter, scary idiots.

Speaker 4 (40:39):
Okay, all right, you're good.

Speaker 3 (40:44):
I got one more. Okay, since you asked, somebody put
up a picture of Yankee Stadium, an aerial shot of
Yankee Stadium. Yeah. I don't know if you could see
that right, see the picture. Yeah, and the and the
old Yankee Stadium right next to it. So they were
building one while they were tearing down the other one,
you know whatever. Once upon it, this is what the
post was. Once upon a time, there were two Yankee

stadiums for a moment in time. No, there wasn't. They
were never both opened at the same time. That's not
the point. Listen the way he wrote it. Once upon
a time, Yeah, there were two Yankee stadiums for a
moment in time.

Speaker 4 (41:22):
I think you could end it at two Yankee stadiums.

Speaker 3 (41:24):
Yeah, a little bitt Once upon a time there were
two Yankee stadiums for a moment in time. Yeah, this
is who's out. Get them off the Internet and more importantly,
get me off the Internet. I got one more for you.
A video scary. It was a video from Friends, and
it was It was a scene where Jennifer Aniston is
talking to Ross. He runs up the stairs and then

he falls down the stairs and gets injured. It looks
like he falls down the stairs, except he wasn't supposed
to fall down the stairs in the script. So what
they did was Ross ran up the fake stairs and
they threw a dummy down the stairs dressed like Ross,
and Jennifer an screamed.

Speaker 4 (42:00):
She thought.

Speaker 3 (42:01):
She was like, oh my god, are you okay? And
they kept it in the show because they wanted her
natural reaction. So they pretended he fell down the stairs
to get her natural reaction of him falling down the stairs.
So the video in Big Font Rachel's reaction was real.
Nobody told her that this was the scene, right, That's
why her reaction is real. The first comment I heard.

They surprised Jennifer Anderston with the scene so they would
get a real reaction from her. Has anyone else heard this?
That's the video.

Speaker 2 (42:30):
That's the video, right, the video, and it explains it
right there, right there.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
And then someone wrote I've just recently heard the same thing.
I wonder where it was. Oh yeah, the fucking caption
on the front of the video. So I didn't have
to comment. I love these people, okay, one last one,
one last one, because it's it's the same theory. I'm
in a rock group, as I mentioned, and they're showing
the band, whether you know the band or not as irrelevant,

but it's the band. Molly Hatchet Ha had a song
called Flirting with Disaster. They were a big band in
the seventies, and it's a picture of all six members
of the band and then next to their next to
their pictures, it shows you the year that the day
they died. Okay, it shows all six members are dead.
This person writes they're still touring with the current but

the current band has no one from the original lineup.

Speaker 4 (43:23):
Well no, shits Sherlock.

Speaker 3 (43:25):
They all died, right, So so I wrote, that's that's
really fucking helpful information.

Speaker 4 (43:30):
Since this post is about how they're all dead.

Speaker 3 (43:32):
This person's complaining that they goes, I don't know if
you know this, but no one in the band is
in the band anymore from the original band because they're dead.
The post is about them being dead. People don't read,
they don't read.

Speaker 4 (43:45):
My brain hurts. My brain hurts.

Speaker 3 (43:47):
How badly is it with Si and Rody? What you
want one more? I'll give you one less one. I'll
call this segment dumb people on Facebook. You know, when
you're on Facebook, and sometimes it's like a row of
reels and like you can click them. I feel like
sometimes it's a quiz or a roller coaster or a
math quiz. Like if you click on one of them

and I've told you this, then your algorithm starts giving
you more and more videos like that. Okay, this one
popped up and it says, what is the only country
that can be spelled using just one row of an
English keyboard? Uh?

Speaker 4 (44:25):
Just one row? Like it's gotta be the same row.

Speaker 3 (44:28):
Yeah, about the issue, I'll give you the answer. It's Peru. Okay,
but this person, Stanley, he writes, so somebody wrote Europe
because you can write Europe the top line, not a country,
it's a person wrote. The answer is Alaska. Europe is
a continent, not a country. Scary.

Speaker 2 (44:50):
Wait a second, Alaska is a state. Thank you, idiot
idiots like duh, it's Alaska. Europe is not a continent,
it was a continent. Okay, that hilariously ironically stupid is
what I wrote. Wow, people, Okay, Well you want to

hear something. You want to hear something dumb that happened.
I don't mean I'm still trying to make some sense
of it. But you know, while I was in Miami
for for y one hundred jingle Ball, I get a
call on Friday morning. Now my buddy toilet Brian, great
friend of mine, my whole my whole life.

Speaker 3 (45:31):
You know, Brian's great guy. We love him. Radio dude
good Man lives in Chicago occasionally comes to visit.

Speaker 4 (45:39):
Timing was timing was poor.

Speaker 3 (45:41):

Speaker 2 (45:41):
He came to visit and I wasn't around, So I said,
don't worry about it, just you could crush it in
my place. Not not a big not a big issue,
you know, because we know each other like that. So
he used my apartment while I was gone. And again
timing was unfortunate, but he had the flight booked.

Speaker 3 (45:59):
Did you tell him how to turn the Yeah? Yeah
yeah he.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
Has to call out and ask his best friends Alexa
and Siri. So yeah, my my my house is on
you know, yeah.

Speaker 3 (46:11):
We have that when I stood in the dark in
your apartment exactly. So Thursday he comes in Thursday. And
then Friday morning, as I'm getting off the air, I
got a phone call from the building management here in
my condo complex. Oh was your was your was your
toilet paper being delivered? Yeah? It was uh a guy

that I never hear from from corporate, Like, oh, why
is he calling me?

Speaker 4 (46:36):
He's like, hey, Anthony. I'm like, yeah, well, what's up, buddy?

Speaker 3 (46:39):
Were you shitting the brick about maybe thinking about maybe
getting fired? What do you mean, like your buddy, the
traffic the person on the air in l got fired
during I was yeah, pretty much that. But except that
time of year. Bro? Why am I?

Speaker 4 (46:51):

Speaker 3 (46:51):
But why why am I hearing from the condo guy?

Speaker 4 (46:53):
That's weird? He never calls me?

Speaker 3 (46:55):
Yeah cond guy. I thought he said corporate, like the
ide corporate.

Speaker 4 (46:57):
The corporate condo guy.

Speaker 2 (46:59):
Yeah, not not that, not the super not the people behind,
not the front desk.

Speaker 3 (47:02):
Oh you got an edible arrangement. No, none of that.

Speaker 2 (47:06):
So I'm like, oh, Anthony, hey, do you you have
a guest staying with you?

Speaker 3 (47:11):
I said yes.

Speaker 2 (47:13):
He goes, okay, Well, we're still trying to piece the
footage together from last night, from two o'clock in the morning,
but we have all this footage of a guy who
got off at the wrong floor apparently, and he used
the key to open up the wrong the wrong floors,

but what looked like your apartment, but it was in
the same line, but it was on a different floor.
He tried to use it, well, he did use it,
and then it wouldn't work. No, no, So he tried
to use it and he I guess something happened caused
a commotion. He basically he goes, yeah, he goes, and
his face was bleeding. I'm like, what, So all these

things start going through my mind. I said, so what happened?
He well, we got the video, you know. The tenant
from that unit came out saw that the guy was
like kind of wobbling and stumbling and didn't know where
he was. They called the paramedics, the ambulance and they
escorted him to what The last we have is a
video of him going into your unit, and I'm like, well,

I'm like, well, thank god he found his way.

Speaker 4 (48:21):
I said, that was my boy. I said, so what happened?

Speaker 3 (48:25):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (48:26):
So, like several hours later, Brian calls me and he's like, dude,
I said, dude, I already know. I says, this video
of you all over the place of trying to get
into my building, trying to getting over at the wrong.

Speaker 4 (48:40):
Floor, and your face was bloodied. I said, what happened?

Speaker 3 (48:43):
He goes, well, I thought, I ubered home and he
looked at his He looked at his you know, Uber transactions,
and there was not one transaction in there, which means
when he went into Hoboken to hang out to his
friends to drink, he ended up walking home. But he
also took a lot more steps than usual, meaning like.

Speaker 4 (49:04):
Wait a minute, he walked home, He walked to your place.

Speaker 2 (49:06):
From he walked from my place to Hoboken and then
from Hoboken walked back to my place at like one
two in.

Speaker 3 (49:12):
The morning, when he should have I know, he walked.
He walked.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
Yeah, he walked from Hoboken to Jersey City and tell
people where you live.

Speaker 3 (49:26):
That's okay. People know I live in Jersey City. But
the problem is he doesn't know.

Speaker 2 (49:33):
He doesn't know how he got blood on it or
how he got you know, his his nose was hurting him.
So we deduced. We deduced he did not get into
a fight. He did not get into a fight. He
must have been walking home and he tripped and he
fell because he's got scratches and scrapes that looked like,
you know, kind of like scratch across the pavement. But

luckily nothing else happened to him.

Speaker 3 (49:56):
But poor guy, you know, and then he was all rattled,
and I guess he was upset, and I don't know.

Speaker 2 (50:03):
He went home a day early. He was like, I'm
just catching a flight back. I got got out of here.
But so I feel so bad for him. Man, he's
he's one of my closest friends.

Speaker 3 (50:11):
But can you imagine, just are you sure he didn't
trip in your apartment because he couldn't get lights to
go on. That's what I'm no, no, no, that the
they have the camera footage, the surveillance, but yeah, they
It's just I don't know what to say other than
can you this is why.

Speaker 4 (50:31):
I don't drink.

Speaker 3 (50:32):
And by the way, if I hadn't been out with him,
I would have. You want me to chip in fizz drinks,
which I'm not doing. I never, but thin, I never.

Speaker 4 (50:38):
I'm never not here for him.

Speaker 3 (50:39):
I felt bad. I was in Florida, I mean, getting
this call at ten o'clock in the morning, was like,
huh you know, and they're like, no, no worries the no,
no crimes were committed.

Speaker 2 (50:49):
It was no, there's no blood on your sheets. No,
oh no nothing, no, but no. Estella was here, she
cleaned everything. But but no, Brian, couldn't you have Why
couldn't you have your housekeeper go out and get your
wrapping paper? Brian said, shut up, you dick. Brian said that,
Uh no, He's like, no, that everything's fine. He goes
it wasn't that bad.

Speaker 3 (51:09):
Uh, oh my god, oh my god. But he he
also suspects maybe something might have been put in his drink,
because he never gets like that. He doesn't remember, he
doesn't remember walking home. He only had a couple of drinks,
and he's not a big was his belt unbuckled he'd
been talking about here. I'm saying he never had his

money in his pocket. He was he mugged, No, he
was not. Everything's fine. He he didn't and he's not
a belligerent guy either, so it's not like he got
into a fight. No, No, he's not that type of
not that guy.

Speaker 2 (51:41):
But he he thinks that maybe, you know, something could
have been some foul play, putting something put in his
drink where he could just blacked out, does not remember
coming home.

Speaker 3 (51:53):
It's crazy.

Speaker 4 (51:55):
You have you ever gotten to that level?

Speaker 3 (51:57):
Scary? I've never been drunk, We've a stablish is.

Speaker 4 (52:00):
Never ever ever in your life.

Speaker 3 (52:01):
No, really, I've been in the club getting tipsy. I've
been shaboozied a little, but it was not.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
One time I was at Webster Hall where I had
like two drinks and I felt like I'm so obliterated.

Speaker 4 (52:16):
Scary. A ice slide.

Speaker 3 (52:19):
We were at some event at a mole and there
was an apple teenie slide. They would pull apple teenis
down this ice sculpture and you put your mouth at
the bottom of it. Yeah, and you were You were
toasted after like two apple tini shots. You are a lightweight, yeah,
but have you ever seen me drunk? No or anything,
But there was one.

Speaker 2 (52:37):
There was just one time where I went to Webster
Hall and I got so shitty and it was only
two drinks, so I'm like, someone put something in my drink.

Speaker 3 (52:47):
Had to have waight, you're a lightweight. There A big
joke on the morning show used to be Apple teenis
would thank you. Yeah, But listen, there's there's there's a
feeling of drunk, and then there's a feeling of being
run over by mac truck and like that you are
almost you know, what are you doing?

Speaker 1 (53:08):

Speaker 3 (53:08):
Back in the Webster Hall days? This is pre Joe
Rogan gummies? Right, so you know there was no dummies. No,
I wasn't doing anything else. I wasn't taking any drugs.
You know, did you leave me Joe Rogan? He's around
for Bryant to sign. Somebody serving me a Bill Cosbopolitan.
I don't think that's the case. Like, oh, let's let's
slip something and he's a famous radio guy. Let's let's

get him from Bill Cosby. He was a funny man. No,
he's he.

Speaker 4 (53:37):
Now I can't look at him the same way anymore.

Speaker 3 (53:39):
Oh oh, speaking of Bill Cosby, scary. I have audio
I want to play a clip from I have a
bunch of audio clips but this one I have to
play now coming out of the Bill Cosby conversation. If
you can hear this, tell me what this guy's name is,
DoD Huh, what's his name? Todd re here?

Speaker 2 (53:57):
Todd reebe, Todd Reeby here, Todd Rapie, Todd Rapie, Tod
reape here again. I hear repe But okay, it's close,
Todd repe Hold on here, Tod Reapy here again?

Speaker 3 (54:10):
Okay, white question, why haven't you called my office? Okay?
So why read here again to ask why are you
a question? Why haven't you called my office? Because if
your name sounds like Tom Rapie, you shouldn't be saying
it on the radio. I'm not trusting him. He's like, yeah, listen,
listen again again to ask, Yeah, that's an unfortunate name.
Why haven't you called this office? Because your name is
Todd Rapie? Like that's a nickname you give the.

Speaker 4 (54:33):
Kid in high school who's kind of creepy.

Speaker 3 (54:35):
Hey, DoD Reapy here again to ask Todd creepy, like
creepy to Todd, there's rapey, Todd, it's Todd creepy. His
name is Todd Rapie. I don't care if it's rippy.
It sounds like rape anyway. Uh, can I play a
little more audio? We have to tod. This is sports
commentators saying things that sound dirty.

Speaker 5 (54:56):
And as you continue to think about this growing here
for Jordan Luck, expect some ball handling.

Speaker 3 (55:05):
That's Tom Brady talking about the quarterback of the Packers. Yeah,
well I'll.

Speaker 4 (55:08):
Tell you that you will.

Speaker 5 (55:09):
For you to think about it's growing here for Jordan Luck,
expect some ball handling.

Speaker 3 (55:15):
Yeah, he injured, is growing, so expects them ball handling.
There's a whole compilation on TikTok which is hilarious. Yeah,
I've seen that.

Speaker 4 (55:23):
I feel like we should play the whole thing if
you have it.

Speaker 3 (55:26):
Uh, let me give you a couple more his uh
his another football clip up there and took him on
and stopped him in his tracks.

Speaker 5 (55:33):
Overall, they've been yanking the chain, but they haven't come
in that often they Have'll.

Speaker 3 (55:37):
Be curious to know how many times they actually came.

Speaker 4 (55:39):
On the bricks.

Speaker 3 (55:41):
Taking the chain. Haven't come that often. So so so
the other guy on the stands what he said, It
makes this comment there you've got your chain akin, Yeah,
that's you see that. Oh my god, that's my fault. Well,
that's my fault. You.

Speaker 6 (55:56):
You know, you've kind of threw it out there and
the word, the word was in the atmosphere.

Speaker 3 (56:02):
Yeah, you said chang yankin, So I'm gonna say chan yankin.
Yeah yeah, let me, I think I found it. Let
me get this here. It's the common. Then he pulls out.

Speaker 4 (56:09):
You have to like when there's a guy coming right
in your face and he just sits in there and
delivers it. Got guys coming down his face.

Speaker 6 (56:16):
Feeling is the cowboys probably coming right down their.

Speaker 4 (56:18):
Throats, Tyroll Williams.

Speaker 6 (56:22):
He beats the too, thrusts to get it in Binds
has been coming all night long. But then he pulls
out and and it's just hard. It's been a while
since he's seen a hole that big. He almost didn't
know what to do, got five inches on him.

Speaker 3 (56:36):
But that's great. Yeah, Hey, a whole bunch of Oh yeah, yeah,
I've heard the baseball one, so that that's a football one.
Speaking of dirty words, do we have time for this?
Because I got I want to play something and and
and take calls. So right after this some dirty audio
that isn't dirty apparently, Oh really? Okay, Yeah, I can't

wait with Bertie and scary. Now you you uh? Is
your audio connected to your soundboard? There?

Speaker 4 (57:09):
Didn't you hear the clip I played?

Speaker 3 (57:10):

Speaker 4 (57:10):
It sounded great. Okay, so wout your question?

Speaker 3 (57:13):
Took it up grade. I can't believe I I whatt
a fifty dollars Votecaster one which allows me to plug
in this expensive microphone that I have now from from
uh like they using like we had in the radio show.
I love this and it allows me to play audio
off my phone.

Speaker 4 (57:30):
It was fifty bucks. It's amazing.

Speaker 3 (57:31):
That's great.

Speaker 4 (57:32):
Less than you was?

Speaker 3 (57:32):
Right? Yeah? Pretty much. So I saw a TikTok video
and this girl is talking about well, she's talking about
how she referred to an older woman slices. You're gonna
have to forgive me. I'm gonna refer to the sea
word as much as I can without saying the sea word,
but you're gonna hear the sea word being said, and
apparently scary the sea word now scary.

Speaker 4 (57:56):
What can you tell me about the sea word?

Speaker 3 (57:57):
C unt?

Speaker 4 (57:58):
What can you tell me about what you think think
of that word?

Speaker 3 (58:00):
Like? What does that word mean to you?

Speaker 2 (58:04):
It's reserved for special occasions, that's for sure of course,
what else can you tell me? Most it makes most
women cringe, but I have heard women use it to
call other women that.

Speaker 3 (58:16):
Okay, Now, if you said it to your girlfriend, that'd
be like the ultimate, like, how dare you get me that?

Speaker 2 (58:20):
I don't think in the fifteen years i've been with
my girlfriend, she's heard me say that word out loud, right, movie,
I've used it once or twice in that time.

Speaker 3 (58:32):
Slices, I want you to think about female slices, male slices,
men slices. You can leave us talk back. How would
your wife react if you called her this or since she.

Speaker 4 (58:41):
Was acting that way, oh, called it to her? Yeah,
my girlfriend?

Speaker 3 (58:46):
That if the significant other in your life called you
that word in an argument or like you know what,
you're a No, I've used the word in front of her,
but not to her or about her. Oh my god,
I appreciate that, all right, So I want you to
hear this. All this of this girl I guess. I
guess she's in her twenties. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (59:04):
She came up in my for you page.

Speaker 3 (59:05):
I was scrolling and uh, this is the video talking
about because the word was on the screen, and that's
why I stopped. I was like, why why, I don't understand.
That word's a terrible word. So here's her explaining it
that she called an older woman this word. Hold on,
hold on, let me opening the video. Play here we go.
I was talking about that one lady. I told her

she was coumty, which is like a risky thing to
tell someone who's not gen Z because every other person
thinks that kind of is like a mean and bad thing.
And I was like, no, like, you're giving, you're giving.
I was talking about, Okay, so what are you giving?
She called an older woman the C word, and she says,

if you're not gen Z, it's a bad word. But
if you are gen Z, it means you're giving, like
you're a giving person. I guess you like you're like,
in other words, the vagina is a nurturing, life creating thing. Okay,
I get all right, So that the word gen z
is now using that word as a compliment. Really, I

looked up. I looked up on Urban Dictionary what the
word cunty means. Cunt wa god sexy, iconic epic never
been done before. Someone looks really effing good, you say, bitch,
you are so cunty.

Speaker 4 (01:00:33):
Oh my god, So that's a comment.

Speaker 3 (01:00:36):
Hold on a word used to define something that is
very bad, bitch esque, very fierce, very cool. An outfit
can be described as this, a person, a photo, anything
Her fit looks so cunty. Are these photos cunty? No?
Come on, No, no, you're not.

Speaker 4 (01:00:50):
You're fucking around me now.

Speaker 1 (01:00:52):

Speaker 3 (01:00:53):
The urban dictionary.

Speaker 2 (01:00:57):
I want to see. I haven't seen this though used
in socie. Have you seen this used on TikTok reels?
TikTok's are reels.

Speaker 3 (01:01:04):
This girl no who I don't follow.

Speaker 4 (01:01:08):
But she was a little recalcitrant about using.

Speaker 3 (01:01:12):
The words no.

Speaker 4 (01:01:13):
She said, you have to be careful using it to
get to old people. The thing is yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:01:17):
But she was self aware, which means that she still
thinks it has a connotation. I want to see people
just using it in everyday colloquial. What she's saying is,
I can call my classmates other people. I know it's
a compliment, but older people don't know it's a compliment.

Speaker 3 (01:01:32):
It's giving.

Speaker 4 (01:01:33):
When you say something, I know it's giving.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
I know that I know about that one. It's no, no, no,
I'm not saying the word giving. I'm saying she's saying
the word. The sea word is means giving, Like if
you say something, Oh, you're a you're a you're giving giving? Right,
let her cook, Let her cook eat no crumbs?

Speaker 6 (01:01:53):
What the fuck?

Speaker 3 (01:01:58):
Now? Now you can tell Robert that she's a sea word.
Oh my god, she that's the name of our episode.
See you next Tuesday should be the name of this
episode because because it'll be true, because that's an episode
will be released.

Speaker 4 (01:02:09):
Yeah, now we can't do that. How about that?

Speaker 3 (01:02:12):
How you run on? TikTok taught me, TikTok taught me
tiktom Gonna. I'm gonna tell my wife. You know, I'll
call her at work. I'll say, hey, you know what,
you're a sea word. You're giving. That works for me.
Oh god, don't get mad at me that you're not
a gen z. You're not hip to the to the
lingo slices. I want you to go ahead and call
your significant other a sea word and.

Speaker 4 (01:02:32):
Then leave us a talk back. Let us nott went,
tell us how it went.

Speaker 3 (01:02:37):
Tell us, honey, I meant that you're giving. You're a
giving person. Yeah, I love va gianas. It's a compliment.

Speaker 2 (01:02:43):
Well, you want to know an even more awkward Generation
Is than is Generation Alpha.

Speaker 4 (01:02:49):
Jen A.

Speaker 2 (01:02:50):
I spent some time with my nephew Lucas the last
forty eight hours because of Christmas Christmas Day, and I
realize that these kids don't even talk to each other anymore.
Like I was talking to my sister about this, and
it turns out my nephew, who's going to be fourteen,
he said, is you know they he's got friends, but

they're all online. He goes in his room, he puts
on headphones, gets on the computer, and they all play
group video games together over the computer. Yeah, he doesn't
have friends in person. In fact, my sister tried to
get him to go hang out with this kid down
the street, said, look, oh look someone in your age.
He lives here, and then the two of them won't

talk to each other or communicate. My sister over the
summer went to went to our cousin's house and they
were hanging out in the pool, had kids the same
age as my nephew. The kids didn't talk, didn't say hello,
didn't get to know each other. They were in the
pool together. They threw the ball back and forth in

the pool for like ten minutes, and then the kid
got out of the pool and then he and he
leaves and he goes to play Rides's Back with his friends.
He leaves my nephew sitting there. So my question is
is this really how far we've fallen or or is
my nephew awkward? Because I'm hearing more and more that

not only do I you know, because obviously they say, oh,
kids will go out and play anymore, but now they
don't even socialize and they don't even communicate. The one
time my sister said that my cousin, my nephew had
a friend over. His one friend.

Speaker 4 (01:04:34):
The two of them just didn't even talk to each other.

Speaker 2 (01:04:35):
They sit in the room and they're individually gaming, so
they just just occupy space together.

Speaker 3 (01:04:43):
Oh yeah, oh yeah. And then I bought my nephew
a Sono speaker for Christmas, you know, like I because
he doesn't have one. I said to my sister, I said,
he is a sound he doesn't have a sound system. Nah,
he's got now he's got his headphones in his computer.
And I said, well, wouldn't it be great if he
had like an actual giant, nice surround sound little speaker

in his room.

Speaker 4 (01:05:08):
This way he can connect Bluetooth to it whatever on
his phone. I'm not trying to get him.

Speaker 3 (01:05:11):
A whole home you know, old school stereo system, but
he should at least have a giant Bluetooth speaker in
his room.

Speaker 2 (01:05:18):
Brody, Yeah, I gave it to him for Christmas Eve.
The next morning yesterday, he's like, hey, just you know,
Uncle Anthony. Yeah, I don't really, I don't really listen
to I don't want to waste the gifts, but I
don't really listen to music out loud in my room.

Speaker 3 (01:05:37):
I'm like, huh, he goes, yeah, he goes. Everything's done
in headphones, of course.

Speaker 6 (01:05:42):

Speaker 2 (01:05:43):
But do you know when we were growing up, we
had radios around with us. No, but we had music
playing in our rooms. Forget about forget about if it's
a wired speaker or turntable or CD player.

Speaker 3 (01:05:57):
If I had music playing in my room, my parents
would be on the wall to turn that shit off.
Come on, I had to go in the living room,
scary and either play my music on the big speakers
in the living room when they weren't home, or I
had to plug headphones in. Nobody wants to hear another
generation's music. Well, you think his parents went and blasted.

My sister gave me the approval. She goes, he doesn't
have a speaker. It would be great if he had so,
but as it turns out, he goes, yeah, he goes,
I don't listen to music out loud. I'm like what,
because all I wanted to do was get him a
Bluetooth speaker so he could go on his phone, put
on whatever the fuck he wants, and it just comes
out of.

Speaker 2 (01:06:37):
The speaker in his room. Apparently I'm teenagers now, slices.
Let me know if your kids will do this or not.
Apparently they don't. They don't do anything with speakers out
in the room.

Speaker 4 (01:06:50):
I mean, my kids don't have speakers.

Speaker 3 (01:06:51):
They're gonna go death by thirty years old. Because he
does everything in headphones everything.

Speaker 2 (01:06:57):
All so I said, so when you listen to music,
he goes, yeah, man, just pop in my earbuds or
my headphones.

Speaker 4 (01:07:03):
You think you see, don't you watch TikTok.

Speaker 3 (01:07:05):
People are walking around with like Apple air Max pros
whatever they're called.

Speaker 4 (01:07:09):
Yeah, yeah, the air maxes.

Speaker 3 (01:07:11):
The air max Yeah they do that at home. Why
do you want that ship wrapped in your ear all
the time.

Speaker 2 (01:07:17):
Don't you ever want to walk around your room or
the house and have music playing out over a speakers.

Speaker 3 (01:07:21):
And I will tell you this, My my daughters will
listen to music on an Alexis speaker occasionally. They will.
They will. But I don't know if the kids, So
my kids are in their twenties, and you're talking about
like twelve year old, thirteen, thirteen year old kid, my
generation maybe doesn't doesn't. That's the that's their thing. That's
the headphones. I listen. He's probably calling the girls in

his class cunts. What can I tell you?

Speaker 4 (01:07:46):
Stop it? What he's being a gentleman. It's a compliment.

Speaker 3 (01:07:52):
Giving, it's giving. No crumbs, Oh my god, everybody ate,
everybody ate scared. We're rolling up, we're running the back. No, no,
no crumbs, no crumbs. Everybody kids got riz no lots
of riz skivvy.

Speaker 4 (01:08:08):
Do toilet riz for everybody? Give me toilet skiv me?

Speaker 3 (01:08:12):
What the fuck?

Speaker 4 (01:08:13):
How fun?

Speaker 3 (01:08:14):
I mean?

Speaker 4 (01:08:15):
We got out of touch?

Speaker 3 (01:08:19):
Was going on? Here's the thing, slices you back me
up here. Every generation has their words and they have
its own disease.

Speaker 4 (01:08:24):
Every generation. That's a great song, Feary in the Slaughterhouse,
exactly that.

Speaker 3 (01:08:28):
Song nobody knows that. I know it.

Speaker 6 (01:08:30):
You know it.

Speaker 3 (01:08:31):
I knew you'd know it. It's a great song. I want.
I want to say nineteen ninety four.

Speaker 4 (01:08:36):
Every generation has its own disease. Every generation.

Speaker 3 (01:08:40):
Anyway, there were words when we were growing up that
was stupid. I get it. Do you remember when people
used to walk around saying word word word word? What
does that mean?

Speaker 4 (01:08:52):
It meant something I never said it, finish in finish,
I'm finn f I n a.

Speaker 3 (01:09:00):
What does that mean? Finna? I don't know. I'm going to.
It means I'm going to or something I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:09:05):
But listen, I'm not talking about I'm not talking specifically
about about the words, the verbiage.

Speaker 4 (01:09:12):
I get that that changes generationally. You got to keep
up with it.

Speaker 3 (01:09:15):
I'm talking about mannerisms and basic basic behavior.

Speaker 4 (01:09:20):
Who doesn't go into their room and blast music out
of a speaker?

Speaker 3 (01:09:25):
I guess finna is a slang term that is short
for fixing to or going to going to? Yeah, I'm
going to, That's what I said. Anyway, what happened to gunner?
How does finna replace gunner? Saving any syllables, Well, it's
short of fixing too, as which is a Southern term.
I'm fixing you know whatever whatever. Well again, I'm not.

Speaker 2 (01:09:46):
I'm not coming down on the on the lexicon, the vocabulary,
because we get that. I'm talking about basic behavior. I'm
talking about the fact that people talking to each other,
they don't, they will, they will.

Speaker 3 (01:09:57):
So the one person, the one guy he has in
his households, the two of them will sit in the room,
occupy the same space, and be in separate headphones playing
video games. I have a cousin who lives in Virginia.
I love her. She loves me, all right, party, Yes,
I love you, you love me. I haven't seen her
in a couple of years. Well, she texted me, you know,

for the holidays. So she I said, how's it going.
She wrote me back, I miss you. I miss hearing
from you. I haven't seen each other. So anyway, we
went back and forth about how much we missed each other. Right,
it never occurred to either one of us to call
each other and talk on the phone. We sent text messages,

but how much we missed talking to each other. So
every generation, every era, whatever, has their own stick.

Speaker 4 (01:10:48):
Did you ever think what?

Speaker 3 (01:10:50):
First of all, did you ever think we'd have the
technology to walk around with phones in our hands when
we were kids. Now, of course no, so technology got
so great we got phones. Then the technology got so
great we could FaceTime each other. We can have video calls,
like we used to read about movies and I watch
it on Dick Tracy on his watch. Dick Tracy had
to watch right, Nobody even remembers who Dick Tracy is.

My point is what do we do with tech technology,
FaceTime technology? Where we do with it? We went backwards,
We went backwards. Yeah, we basically took the We took music,
and we went back to records. People are buying records
again because right we're texting and how soon before we're
like sending telegrams again? We tech If you call, if

I call my kids, they're like, why are you calling me?
What text me? Nobody could so every every it's the
fact that they don't talk to each other is completely normal,
considering we don't call each other. Do you know what
I mean?

Speaker 4 (01:11:47):
We don't talk anymore?

Speaker 3 (01:11:49):
Right now? Old people are like, nobody comes to visit
me anymore?

Speaker 6 (01:11:53):
Visit you.

Speaker 3 (01:11:56):
Who visits?

Speaker 4 (01:11:57):
If my doorbell ring gonna have a heart attack?

Speaker 3 (01:11:59):
Right, you know? The Sebster Man of Scoutcover Dolores. Like
when you were a kid, the dollbell ring, Oh we
have company, who's coming? Oh my god, who's here? Now,
It's like, who the fuck's ringing my bell? He's right.
We've become a detached society. You and I are doing
a podcast, a radio show from two different parts in
New Jersey. Yeah, yeah, so you know. I mean, look

at the morning show you work on. Sometimes people all
over the country doing the morning show. It's right.

Speaker 4 (01:12:27):
We could be in several places at once.

Speaker 3 (01:12:29):
Elvis could be in New Mexico, Gandhi can be in
Florida or Ohio, you know whatever. But let's face it,
when we're all together in the same studio, it's a
better show, absolutely show. The point is, though, during the pandemic,
we all learned we don't need other people. We prefer
other people sometimes, but we were able to survive. We're

just our immediate family locked in our house and technology.
So the fact that your kids don't talk to those kids,
and your family don't talk to each other, it's weird,
but doesn't surprise me. Right right now, people are listening
to people they don't know have a conversation about other people.
They don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:13:05):
That's pretty wild when you think about it, and we
love them for it. Yeah, we do.

Speaker 3 (01:13:09):
Hey, before we get out of here, Uh, this is
the last Brooklyn Boys for the new before the New Year.

Speaker 4 (01:13:16):
So well, I already said what I was thankful for.
What are you thanksgiving?

Speaker 6 (01:13:20):

Speaker 4 (01:13:20):
Thank you?

Speaker 3 (01:13:20):
I said for having a podcast in slices and having
to creative outlet. I really feel that we we need
to expand in twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (01:13:31):
And I'm not talking about waistline because I'm hoping that
I'll I'll lose another thirty pounds coming up soon, but
not before I go on my cruise for a week.
But my question is, David Brody, I won't put you
on the spot here because don't put.

Speaker 3 (01:13:43):
Me on the spot. Ask questions you already know the
answer for. Let's not do that? Could we do? Maybe? Maybe?

Speaker 4 (01:13:50):
Can we do some video for the for the slices,
even if it's a premium.

Speaker 3 (01:13:56):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:13:57):
I'm thinking out loud here, how bad did the slices
want to see us? And it won't be regular Brooking
Boys episodes. I'm thinking of maybe once in a while
we do a throw a bonus where we get camera
ready and I actually shave because I would never be
put on I would never be what I'm what we're
doing right now and me, I would never ever, I
would never be able to be put on camera like this.

But I'm just saying, you got a beautiful Brooklyn Boy's
wall there, Brodie that they can't see.

Speaker 4 (01:14:22):
It's beautiful.

Speaker 2 (01:14:23):
You got a step and repeat there, you lost all
that weight, look better than look better than you did
when you first started working at the radio station.

Speaker 3 (01:14:35):
Yeah, look, you know, I'm just saying I think, you know,
I think we should do some video. Gotta do something.
I don't know. Is it worth a premium ten dollars
a month? You know, I want to call you a
C word and I want a slice to figure out
which version I mean.

Speaker 4 (01:14:52):
I've been poisoning for this for so long.

Speaker 3 (01:14:55):
Yeah, that's great. All right, Let's continue to bring up
something that I don't want to do so that we
can make people think, Oh, I wonder if they're gonna
do it. We'll have the message with me. I'm not
I don't want to do video, Okay, So I would
prefer not even have this conversation.

Speaker 4 (01:15:10):
What a shitty way to end this podcast.

Speaker 3 (01:15:11):
What if I sign you up for the for the
one years subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club?
Would that make things right? Kind of jelly like spremicidal jelly.
What are we talking about? I don't want Jelly in
the Month. Wait a minute, Wait a minute.

Speaker 4 (01:15:28):
Is that a sponsor? No, the Jelly of the Month Club?
Is that a spot?

Speaker 3 (01:15:33):
Are you sponsoring Jelly in the Month club on the
Morning show? Do you not know what I'm talking about? No?
I don't A one year subscription to the Jelly of
the Month Club? No, I don't know what that is.
Get the fuck out of here this movie. I'm missing
the reference?

Speaker 4 (01:15:47):
Did I stuck?

Speaker 3 (01:15:48):
David Brody? Come on? Oh my god, slices. He's now
googling it.

Speaker 4 (01:15:52):
He turned to the miccloff. He turned his mis googling
it the Month Club.

Speaker 3 (01:15:57):
No, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know. I didn't google.
I have no idea what movies are from or a
TV show. I don't know it. It's from movie, Brodie,
I don't know. It's a holiday movie. It's it's one
of those famous holiday holiday movies of all time?

Speaker 4 (01:16:11):
Is it a Christmas movie?

Speaker 3 (01:16:12):
And proceeds a very classic rant that was ad libbed.

Speaker 4 (01:16:17):
Apparently last night.

Speaker 3 (01:16:20):
I don't watch a lot of holiday movies. Come on
National Lampood's Christmas Vacation Chevy Chase, the bonus comes.

Speaker 4 (01:16:30):
He's like, they're all they're all there, the whole place
is fucked up.

Speaker 3 (01:16:34):
The dad says, I'm a good kisser. That the first
one I saw. I don't think I saw it Christmas vacaus.
I saw the one where they go to Dolly. That's
the summer vacation. Yeah, I didn't know. Is everybody in that.

Speaker 2 (01:16:48):
House Clark Griswolden, that burn the tree and everything's all
fucked up.

Speaker 3 (01:16:52):
And then he's like, you know what. He goes, A
telegram comes and we got the we got the check.
He goes here it is to put it in a
swimming pool and it's gonna be great. And he's like,
and how much is it, Clark? How much is it?

Speaker 4 (01:17:05):
And he opens up the envelope, tens it up.

Speaker 3 (01:17:06):
He goes.

Speaker 4 (01:17:09):
One year subscriptions to the Jelly of the Month Club
and he goes and that's when he goes on that
fucking crazy rant.

Speaker 3 (01:17:16):
I want to take it.

Speaker 4 (01:17:17):
The pig nose snot Robin.

Speaker 3 (01:17:20):
Now I'm gonna bring his neck in a telerad.

Speaker 4 (01:17:22):
M Merry Christmas, where's the talent?

Speaker 3 (01:17:24):
All that? So that which was an ad libed rant
for that film. I'll have to watch it online.

Speaker 4 (01:17:30):
Just watch the just watch that scene. That's the the
first two.

Speaker 3 (01:17:33):
The second one wasn't great, so I never watched the
third one. Sorry.

Speaker 2 (01:17:36):
Oh, Robin's gonna be very disappointed. That is her all
time favorite Christmas Robin that sea word. All right, we
gotta get here. I will get out of here.

Speaker 4 (01:17:47):
Hey, Happy New Year everyone.

Speaker 3 (01:17:49):
And it's remember it's not Happy New Years yet. It's
Happy New Year or New Year's Eve. Boys Procly, Bob Boys,
Brock Broly
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