Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Guess who just got back today the Brooklyn bus that
had been away.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
They both have so much to say. You know their
names of Brillian Sker The Boys of Fragons.
Speaker 1 (00:27):
Happy New Year, Episode three twenty one of the Brooklyn
Boys podcast.
Speaker 2 (00:35):
I'm scar related for help.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
Speaker 2 (00:37):
That's all right, I know we had a slice time.
Speaker 1 (00:39):
It's okay, yeah, right, you have Scary John's that's David Brody,
Thank you, Scary Jones with David Brodie, David Body with
Scary Jones.
Speaker 2 (00:46):
And by the way, shout out to all the slices
who left talkbacks deliberately saying Happy New Years. Yeah, we
got the joke. But you know what I saw the ultimate?
I saw the ultimate. I saw somebody posted Happy New
Year is apostrophe S. So that's somebody who thinks again,
who's conflating New Year's Eve with Happy New Year? But
then somehow pluralizing it with an apostrophe S. That seems
to be a new thing lately I've noticed with people
like the pluralizing things. I saw it a posturephe S.
I saw a Happy New Year's with an s apostrophe. Well,
that means the thing after it owned is belongs to
the happy New Year. Car I don't, I don't. It's
not that difficult.
Speaker 1 (01:34):
Happy New Year. Happy, the new Year's here, it's a
new year.
Speaker 2 (01:38):
Happy, have a happy. We're also recording us on January night,
so it's you know, and uh, shout out and condolences
to to everybody who's being affected or knows someone affected
by the Los Angeles area fires. What a what an
unbelievable tragedy. I can't and I have to say, I'm
seeing infestation again on social media the same I don't
know if it's the same people of the same mindset
that were happy with the guy being killed in Manhattan.
The CEO are now like fuck it, they're rich people
that can afford to lose.
Speaker 1 (02:09):
No. Oh, no, okay, let's let's stop right there. You
know you're only hearing about that. No, no, hold on,
I'm gonna I'm gonna add him to your point.
Speaker 2 (02:15):
Oh okay.
Speaker 1 (02:16):
You know, people need to understand that the celebrities are
the ones that are in the news, but there's like
ninety nine are regular everyday Americans that live in those areas.
And by the way, why does celebrities deserve to have
their homes burned down? Nobody does rich you are, Remember,
poor people think you're rich. That's right, slices right, And
by the way, slices. I know I have more compassion
than that I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (02:40):
But I'm seeing on social media saying, oh fuck, by
the way, just because you live outside Los Angeles doesn't
mean you're rich. My friend's cousins lost that entire house. Yeah,
that's not rich.
Speaker 1 (02:48):
No, they're not teach These are middle class teacher. His
house is gone, yes, gone. But people put a blanket,
do they blanket? Like, oh, it's all celebrities out there.
They deserve it.
Speaker 2 (03:00):
Mike Sconsons has a small apartment and he's about six
blocks away from the edge of the fire. He's unemployed.
He's not rich.
Speaker 1 (03:08):
It's you know what it is.
Speaker 2 (03:09):
It doesn't and it doesn't matter. Rich people can lose.
Speaker 1 (03:11):
Their ship too. It's the magic. It's the magic of
you know, all we've been taught at. You know, it's
like la, you're la oh Hollywood, Oh that's it. Every
Even so, even if you're rich, even if you're rich,
you don't deserve it.
Speaker 2 (03:24):
I get it.
Speaker 3 (03:24):
I know.
Speaker 2 (03:25):
These aren't bad people. Listen, this is a tragedy.
Speaker 1 (03:27):
Let's just be nice.
Speaker 2 (03:29):
Let's let's make twenty twenty five a year of compassion
is a what I'm saying, and the majority of the people,
even rich people, poor people.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
Everybody, and you know, yeah but everybody, every a lot
of people people below the poverty line out there, Brody, listen,
there are.
Speaker 2 (03:43):
Rich people who are pricks, you know what. There's also
put uh what you cut out? You cut out? What
did you unplug your microphone? You got so angry?
Speaker 1 (03:53):
They just want to.
Speaker 2 (03:55):
And now and now his microphone is off? Yeah all right, well, yeah, I.
Speaker 1 (04:01):
Feel the same way as you do, but just and
don't make blanket statements because most people that live in
that area are not people that are rich anyway, but
not that the rich deserve it. Okay, we can move
on now.
Speaker 2 (04:14):
Let twenty twenty five be the year of compassion and
feel bad for people even if they have more money
than you. That's all I'm saying. All right, But that
being said, back to the comedy. Back to the comedy.
Back to the comedy. I'm gonna call scary out on
something because I do listen. So, if you've ever posted
an Instagram story that's more than one screen, you have
to tap to go to the next one, or you're
waiting to.
Speaker 1 (04:38):
Go see the next one.
Speaker 3 (04:39):
Speaker 2 (04:39):
Sometimes you put up like a thirty second clip and
it breaks it up into two fifteen second clips.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
Is that accurate? Scary?
Speaker 2 (04:44):
That is correct?
Speaker 1 (04:46):
All right?
Speaker 2 (04:46):
And if you put up two photographs, you have to
wait for the next one to come up or click
the next one. So I put up a couple of
weeks ago, we ago, half ago, whatever it was. I
put up two p pictures of me, I think at
a cooking class. I put up a food I think,
and I put music behind it in graphics, and I
had a song.
Speaker 1 (05:07):
I think it was Paya.
Speaker 2 (05:08):
I put a Payea song on there, and I'm like, oh,
I wonder how many people have watched Someone who's watching
it and one of if it's popular, people care that
I took a cooking class. So I click on the
analytics of the first picture and it shows me, like
at the time, I was like, you know, nine hundred
and eighty seven people had viewed it, and it shows
me who viewed it. So I see all the blue
check marks, like all my friends and my former co workers.
I'm like, oh, there's Scary, and there's his girlfriend Robin,
and there's other people from the morning show and a
couple of celebrities that follow me, and then all the
slices that follow me. So I see this nine hundred
and eighty seven on the first one, and like, I
don't know, eight hundred and twenty looked at the second one.
So I go over and I look at the second one.
I see who looked at it, and there's Robin and
the celebrities, and I see, guess what, well, Scary didn't
watch the second one. You know, he's Scary saw my
first my first story and was like, I'm out on
Brody and he swiped rather than tap, so that he
never saw the rest of my experience.
Speaker 1 (06:04):
Are you fuck you, Scary Jones? First of all, are
you that petty? Are you that petty that you're trying
to see who carries over from one story to the
But but when you when you look at the analytics,
it shows you the people that you follow first. So
initially I saw the first you know, let's say eight
people that I follow.
Speaker 2 (06:25):
You know, how do you know?
Speaker 1 (06:26):
How do you know that I wasn't interrupted by a
phone call or something or something got distract I got distracted.
Speaker 2 (06:32):
I don't I don't willingly not watch your.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
Shipped swiped if you tapped click.
Speaker 2 (06:39):
Okay, wow, scary. I look at all your ship. I
look at every every one of your videos. You saw
you saw my cruise. So I went on that cruise. Yeah, yes,
I saw the cruise, A beautiful ship, the Viva, right
Viva tell Norwegian Viva.
Speaker 1 (06:53):
I got away.
Speaker 2 (06:54):
I gotta say my New Year's Eve it was great.
It was awesome being on the ship. How Whoever, it
was the first time Robin.
Speaker 1 (07:01):
And I were alone where we knew nobody else, so
it was kind of like Happy New Year, raise a glass.
Uh nobody recognized no campaign, Yeah but no. But see
for me when I ring in the this is just
my tradition. I don't know about you, but when I'm
on New Year's Eve, I want to be around as
many people as I know in love as possible. So
in all my years, I've always gone to parties with
people we know. You know, the whole Happy New Year
hugging a kiss goes on for like ten minutes because
you got to get everybody in the room. This was
like a one and done Happy New Year kiss and
I guess it's just us so, but we were amongst
a crowd of like over a thousand people were out
the outside on that deck. Was they did it?
Speaker 2 (07:47):
They did the party outside. Uh, I don't you in
like a room somewhere doing it at midnight, because it's
because I'm not too for a two years that old gag.
I think I did that in the year two thousand?
Speaker 1 (08:01):
Did you really?
Speaker 2 (08:02):
I think, yeah? We in the Were you in the
y two k? There? I was no, because I think
you're dying you wanted to be?
Speaker 1 (08:09):
Uh. I think it was like from nineteen ninety nine
to two thousand. I think think the big joke was
you want to Oh, it's like I've been having sex
for a thousand years. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (08:20):
Well, by the way, that's a common mistake that somebody
made on Facebook. And that same person made another mistake
that I'm going to talk about later in the post.
Speaker 1 (08:30):
The twenty first century scary? When did the twenty first
century start the year two thousand and one? That's correct,
of course, Yeah, that's correct two thousand.
Speaker 2 (08:41):
But nineteen ninety ninety so, somebody we both know on
Facebook posted about welcome to the second quarter of the
twenty first century.
Speaker 1 (08:50):
It's not it's not that in twenty twenty six would
be the second quarter of the twenty first, correct, because
because the calendar started in the year one, not the
year zero, right, right, Okay, this is I'm just saying.
I get it, all right, I know you you're I
get a man of the people I'm teaching. You're nitpicky.
Fuck uh oh. But the same person wrote about the
Club Sandwich scary sho we talk about that, the club.
Speaker 2 (09:12):
Sandwich, I mean the yeah, I mean, well, we all
know what a backronym is.
Speaker 1 (09:17):
You know. One of the examples we use here is
the golf one where it's like gentlemen only, ladies forbidden,
where people, yeah, that's not what golf stands. Golf does
not stand for that. Golf is just the word golf, Okay, folks. Right,
it came from the Scottish word for club. I think,
I think whatever it is is yeah, but yeah, so yeah,
so that's a backronym is when people try and backfill
by using the letters.
Speaker 2 (09:40):
To make any but it's not real. It's not. They're
all fake. Whenever you see that, somebody posts, yes, people
go mind blown, mind blown on Instagram. I would be
very worry. So what's the latest one? The same person
who thinks that the twenty first century is now in
its second quarter, which it's not not till next year.
They put up I'm I'm not gonna say how old
they are. I'm blank years old and just learned a
club sandwich stands for chicken lettuce under bacon.
Speaker 1 (10:12):
And the responses are, I had no clue, no way mind.
I was today's years old. I was today years old. Right,
guess what that's not? Where the term club sandwich colors not?
No one would say chicken lettuce under bacon.
Speaker 2 (10:27):
And second of all, club is made with turkey, not chikey.
Speaker 1 (10:31):
Speaker 2 (10:31):
And also it came out because clubs were serving that,
like golf clubs, and like you go to the club
and that would be like the standard sandwich. It's an
easy look up on Google. You can just google it.
But this person thinks they're certain. People were like, dude,
that's not what it means. And he's like, I'm going
with that. It's better, and you know what, you know
it's great is.
Speaker 1 (10:51):
Now Facebook is removing any fact checkers, So as far
as anyone's concerned, that's true. Yeah, here we go, and
don't tell anybody that club sandwich stands for chicken.
Speaker 2 (11:03):
Let us under bacon. Yeah, it's not true.
Speaker 1 (11:06):
And actually, by the way, there's tomato on there too,
So where's the tea, right, it's by the way, it
is turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, that's right.
Speaker 2 (11:13):
But it's a blt with turkey, that's what it is.
That's a club sandwich. It's a turkey blitz and that
should be like that around the country, by the way,
wherever you go, that should be what the club sandwich is.
If it's not, then they're wrong. Should I unfollow this
person on Facebook because of all the fake shit they
put up?
Speaker 1 (11:29):
I think I think you should unfollow that person just
so you know you're not you know, you don't have
high anxiety.
Speaker 2 (11:35):
But although that won't really help you.
Speaker 1 (11:37):
Great mel Brooks movie, by the way, high anxiety, right,
you ever see that movie? Now?
Speaker 2 (11:41):
Mel Brooks a genius, common genius. So so yeah, So
it was nice get while it was nice getting away
from New Year's Eve, it was it was. It was
not nice. It was it was I wish I was
with other people, but we had the fringing best time
on Viva. Let me let me ask you, Let me
ask you an NCL question and by the way, n
CL is a sponsor of the morning show. Yes, not
of this podcast. I happened to be a fan of
NCI and I do not get paid. I'm not being
paid in Big D paid to go, So we're good, right, Okay,
Now we were on the Prima. Yes, that was my
last cruise with you guys. And then the Viva is
the sequel. It's the second ship in the series. Is
it Is it ninety the same? Does it have the
food court or you can eat food court? It's ninety
the same. It's the same ship. They have the Did
they have the all you can need food court?
Speaker 1 (12:23):
Yeah? That is the best thing. Oh my god. You
just keep ordering, you just keep ordering food. It's amazing.
Oh the one when they slide. Nobody goes on though,
Uh there's the slide, is there going?
Speaker 2 (12:33):
Nobody uses the slide. It just takes away balcony space.
I guarantee the third ship won't have a slide. Walk
my words.
Speaker 1 (12:38):
People, the Triva, the Trio whatever they're gonna call the Aqua,
the Aqua mar Aqua.
Speaker 2 (12:44):
Yeah, you know what, because the Viva was already being
built when the Prima had that. It's funny slide they're
not putting that slide on. Nobody's using that slide on
the third ship. They may not have a racetrack on
it either.
Speaker 1 (12:53):
We'll see. I heard that got to have the racetrack. Well,
it's called aqua. So think you know what to goe
to put the slides? What is probably? Yeah, it's gonna
be like a water park, maybe a watercoaster from what
I understand. We'll see, all right, we'll see a sponsored
the Brooking Boys podcast. Scary and I would go on
a cruise together. Yes, you'd like we could do we
could do a podcast from the cruise.
Speaker 2 (13:15):
How about that?
Speaker 1 (13:16):
I would do that? And so yeah, and they also
have the you know the place where you sit down
and you eat food cruise cast. Yeah, you sit down,
you eat food, and you press buttons.
Speaker 2 (13:26):
On the iPad.
Speaker 1 (13:27):
Want this a pool side podcast? Yeah? A poll cast,
a pool cast.
Speaker 2 (13:33):
You wouldn't go do that. You're not going in the
water in what water? The pool? I swim in the pool?
Are you talking about? I'm Joe pool?
Speaker 1 (13:42):
I told what about? I mean electrocution aside? Could we
be in a hot tub together doing doing a podcast? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (13:49):
I would do that, dude, Listen, I took a cruise
to Nova Scotia, Alaska, my family, and the water was
freezing and I got in the water in the pool
on the Please, I'm Joe Pool, Joe, I'm Jool, I'm
Joe Cool.
Speaker 1 (14:02):
I'm Joe Pool. You're Joe Pool. That's right, it's.
Speaker 3 (14:08):
So on.
Speaker 2 (14:09):
One other thing I wanted to just mention before we
move along, and oh my god, I'd about Christmas and
all that stuff too.
Speaker 1 (14:14):
Really wait did I not talk about any of this stuff?
Speaker 2 (14:17):
Wow, we're behind.
Speaker 1 (14:18):
Uh. We did go to these different islands, and so
you know, it was every day it was a different islands.
We woke up, It went to different islands. You didn't
necessarily go to all of them. I want to tell
you about one place, this place Tortola, the island of Totola,
which is Italian to Ma.
Speaker 2 (14:33):
That is a British Virgin island, the mainland. It sounds
like an Italian pastry. Do you have it a Totola
while you are Yeah, I went to a place.
Speaker 1 (14:41):
So when I got off the ship and Robin and
I took a taxi over to a place called Long
Bay Beach.
Speaker 2 (14:50):
And they had the Long Bay Beach Resort.
Speaker 1 (14:52):
Okay, okay, and uh shout out to Akil and Cassandra
who listening right now. They are definitely listening. They said, uh, hey, well, well,
you know we see your you know your your Instagram.
Who are you?
Speaker 2 (15:07):
Who are you?
Speaker 1 (15:08):
And I said, hey, we kind of do a radio
show in New York and a podcast and all that
stuff broken by yeah.
Speaker 2 (15:14):
So and so basically they were like, we would love
to host you. So I'm I'm being very honest and
up front here.
Speaker 1 (15:20):
We love to host you and your girlfriend for the afternoon.
So she doesn't do a show, well hold on, so wee.
So I went there to We took a taxi there.
This place was beautiful. Now I don't want to give away.
I don't want to dox anyone and give away, but
some major celebrities, some people that you know, Brody, that
you're fans of, have stayed there. Some NBA players, NFL players,
A fan fan of, not fans of, you're fan, right,
So look up Long Bay Beach Resort when you have
a chance. It's it's just one of those boutique places
where you want to get away. It's the other side
of the island of Tortola. And I have a serious question.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
Yeah, yeah, go for it. Whoever, the celebrities were aren't
there now, and the slices aren't there now, right, So
it's not like everyone's gonna rush there to go see
the celebrities.
Speaker 1 (16:04):
So who is there that I would know? Come on, Oh,
he wasn't there at that point at that time. But
I don't want to give him up because he may
go there as a retreat.
Speaker 2 (16:12):
So you're saying there are celebrities who go there regularly. Yes, okay,
I'm gonna tell you one. I'm gonna tell you.
Speaker 1 (16:18):
One, but I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you someone I
would care about, Okay, but I'm gonna block it out.
What Yeah, yeah, he was there like like the week before. Anyway,
So yeah, I don't want to give him up because
he goes there regularly. But anyway, the point is, I
like the way you're loyal to him, You're right. But anyway,
so we were standing there and we walked. He showed
us one of the rooms, nice flowy room facing a
private beach. I'm like, with the sand and everything, like,
oh my god. And then the food was amazing too. Anyway,
Akil loves to come to New York he's got family
and friends here. He's coming here. I'm gonna give him
a tour of the area. I want to your apartment
with a view of the city.
Speaker 2 (16:56):
No, I think I want to.
Speaker 1 (16:57):
I think we should go to lunch because I think
with you and you know, I want to introduce you
to a kill you know. Anyway, look up on Long
Bay v I on Instagram if you can, and you'll
see pictures of this place.
Speaker 2 (17:10):
Crazy question for you. Yeah, did you pay? Did you
pay for your meal that day?
Speaker 3 (17:15):
Speaker 1 (17:15):
He hosted us.
Speaker 2 (17:16):
I told you he would.
Speaker 1 (17:17):
He refused, They refused to put The food was delicious anyway,
But imagine.
Speaker 2 (17:21):
That if you're going on a cruise, think about it.
You didn't say like, oh my god, I'm gonna I'm
gonna mention you for a free meal. Did you did not?
Speaker 1 (17:27):
Speaker 2 (17:27):
No, we don't play that game.
Speaker 1 (17:29):
And I'm just checking. I'm just checking.
Speaker 2 (17:30):
But I will say this whenever if you go on
a court him, if I go to lunch with you
and a kiel, are you treating Uh? Yes, I was,
Lady gave you a im going to pay for lunch.
Speaker 1 (17:44):
You're going to make it even to a kil By
the way, didn't pay for that lunch he gave you
for free.
Speaker 2 (17:49):
Either, Hey listen, I'll be doing any one out money.
There's a point to treating the points of this conversation, right.
Speaker 1 (17:55):
Yeah, if I happen to be on a cruise or
am I no no no totalini no no totalini.
Speaker 2 (18:03):
Speaker 1 (18:06):
What I'm saying is if I'm if you listen, if
you go on these cruises, and if you happen to, yeah, book.
Speaker 2 (18:13):
Your own thing.
Speaker 1 (18:14):
You can book your own thing, and like, just get ahead,
get ahead of the game right to these people, email
them and see if you can go for a day
pass and just.
Speaker 2 (18:21):
Enjoy the pa. Just don't do that, get in the
car of the guy who knows people on the island
and for twenty bucks will give you the best. No, no,
no no no. So yeah we went that day.
Speaker 1 (18:30):
We went private. But anyway, all right, enough about that.
I want to tell you about one of I I'm
not even gonna mention the name of the island or
the I cana the island at Saint Thomas. We did
go to a resort and it was an excursion. So
we were hanging out in the pool. Now, Brody, when
you think Olympic sized swimming pool. What do you what
is it that maybe as kids we weren't annoyed by
it because we participated it, But as an adult, what
did I find myself complaining about out like the crabby
old man with the.
Speaker 2 (19:02):
Kid, the kids peeing in the pool, and people doing
laps when you're trying no no, no, no, no splashing
jumping in from the side. Now and you see that
everyone knows this.
Speaker 1 (19:12):
If you're in a pool, there's always baseball Billy, Baseball
Billy and his dad throwing the ball back and forth
and back and so over the pool with Robin.
Speaker 2 (19:25):
We're having a drink.
Speaker 1 (19:26):
It was a baseball It was like.
Speaker 2 (19:30):
Tennis ball.
Speaker 1 (19:31):
But the point is baseball Billy was there, so I'm
going back and forth and of course the ball bunk
right on my head.
Speaker 2 (19:40):
They you know, because Billy couldn't reach.
Speaker 1 (19:42):
His dad and they were in the s the line
of sight, and I'm like, this is this is getting
a little much. Maybe we should get out of the pool.
But no, before we did that, who enters the pool?
Football Phil. So you got football Phi, Football Phil throwing them.
So now you got baseball Billy and football Phill. Two
fucking ball games going on over our heads and we're
the monkeys in the middle, And I'm like, how.
Speaker 2 (20:05):
Is this relaxing in any way?
Speaker 1 (20:07):
Speaker 2 (20:08):
And then they were like and they're like, I'm going
at the adult pool. What's going on here?
Speaker 1 (20:12):
Oh? It's fourteen and over. I'm like, wait a second,
You're not an adult at fourteen anyway. This is nothing
to do with NCL. A complete reflection on this resort
that we paid good money for it to have a
day pass at and hanging.
Speaker 2 (20:23):
Out in the back bowle. These kids were on your lawn,
Get off my lawn.
Speaker 1 (20:29):
Why isn't that every pool has to have a baseball
billy or a football pill I love.
Speaker 2 (20:33):
Doing that my pickleball style nicknames. Yes, and I said it.
I looked at Robin. I'm like, what's what fucking baseball
billy over here?
Speaker 1 (20:42):
Yeah? And then and the father is screw, you know, screaming,
and the father thinks he's like an old old pitcher
that never made it whatever from way back, and he's
throwing knuckleballs across the fucking way and skimming, you know.
When they do the skim, they want to skim the water.
And I'm gonna try to hop it three four times?
Who hops it the most? Yeah, but it's a nothing
but noise and splashing and just a ruining a good time.
Speaker 2 (21:04):
Why having a catch in a pool it's better than
having a catch outside the pool?
Speaker 1 (21:08):
Right? Why is that?
Speaker 2 (21:09):
Because if you miss the ball, it doesn't go anywhere.
It just kind of goes And that is true. It skims,
it's you know, skims around alay. Most likely someone's someone's
in the pool gonna go it. Can he give me
the ball and they'll get the ball for you? That's
the worst I's doing that in the park because no.
Speaker 1 (21:23):
One's standing around in one spot in the park that
the ball rolls and will.
Speaker 2 (21:27):
You go get it?
Speaker 1 (21:28):
Like excuse me? Can you give me a bar takes
and then they throw the ball and it goes over you,
ahad and hit somebody else.
Speaker 2 (21:34):
Speaker 1 (21:35):
In Sandals, the similar thing happened to me with one
of the basketballs uh, because you know when you go
for the dunk on the basket and it's always on
the side of the pool. Was b ball Bobby there?
B ball Bobby in the Sandals resort. He was trying
to go for three from downtown. What happens he misses
the rim, it goes, think and it goes and where
does it go? Off to the side next to my
fucking lounge chair. So now it's like and I'm looking
around and there's nobody but me and Robin on the
lounge chair.
Speaker 2 (22:03):
This is back in Sandals. This is the summer. I
forgot to tell you this fucking be ball. Bobby, Hey,
could you get the ball?
Speaker 1 (22:08):
So oh okay, now I have to get up out
of my lounge chair and get the ball that kind
of rolled onto the cement and rolled away from them. No,
stop this madness these water sports? Am I sounding like
my grandfather? What are you looking at me like that?
But it's it's annoying your vacation. This is Saint Thomas.
There's a virgin Us Virgin Island. It's a five star resort.
We paid a lot of money to stay at.
Speaker 2 (22:33):
For three hours. Can I have a drink, sit and
watch from the pool, have like a nice little casual hangout.
Why don't you just go somewhere Renton Island? Like it
sounds like you hate people. No, it's kids, you said.
The running theme here is kids. Okay, what if it
was a forty year old who took the shot and
missed it, and the ball came over to you. Okay,
your big glub. Who does that?
Speaker 1 (22:55):
There's always one, there's always you mean, Galute, Galub. It's
not Glub. It's your big galute. No it's not.
Speaker 2 (23:01):
It's Galube, your big oh sebenty, sam my rotten farting tartan,
your big Galute. It's Galute. Really, it's not gloom.
Speaker 1 (23:10):
Oh. Galube was a toy company manufacturer. I think Galube
from Glube. Yes, the big maroon.
Speaker 2 (23:19):
What a Glube make? Galube didn't make that. That's that
there was you know what they made. I think that
stuff you used to the sticky stuff you put on
the end of his stick and you blew into it
and then it made a bubble, yeah, by Galub. And
it was like it became a beach ball you could
like and then yet you could make it off the stick.
Are you sure it's Galub?
Speaker 1 (23:33):
Look up Glube?
Speaker 2 (23:34):
Yeah, who made the beach ball you can blow inflatable?
Speaker 1 (23:36):
It's not Galute. Hold on, Oh my god, his galute.
A man or boy, especially one who is fought, foolish
or awkward.
Speaker 2 (23:46):
Speaker 1 (23:46):
Now I'm gonna look up Glub Glube wrestling figures game
Genie Galub Galub toys.
Speaker 2 (23:55):
Now, I don't know who made that thing. He used
to put the thing on the end of your stick
and like a straw and you blew into it and
could blow it into a ball and then take it
off the stage.
Speaker 1 (24:04):
Your big your big glube. Anyway. Yeah, there's always one
guy like that who's like oversized and overage and should
not be playing.
Speaker 2 (24:15):
But yes, kids, okay, we still Glub reminds me of
a Facebook post I saw on the about the New
York Jets. They're talking about Sam Donald, who's a former
quarterback of the Jets now quarterback of the Vikings. He says,
Sam Donald looks very well polished, calm and collective. Ooh,
it's collected. Collected means all your emotions are collected. Collective
is like the borg from Star Trek. Collective is like
when a hundred people have the same mind. Well, calm
and collective. It's collected and it's for all intents and purposes. Yeah,
we know the intensive. Yeah, we've covered that on this podcast.
Speaker 1 (24:52):
What have we learned today?
Speaker 2 (24:53):
It's glute big galute, not galutet and.
Speaker 1 (24:56):
Galute not big glub, okay glub all right, sorry, jiffy galoub.
Yeah but anyway, Yeah, I'm sorry to sound like my
grandfather now, Sorry, but I just because he used the
wrong word.
Speaker 2 (25:08):
No, there's a time and a place for everything, and
I just think that, you know, there is a season
turn turn. I just wish, I just wish kids wouldn't be.
Speaker 1 (25:15):
Playing football and baseball and throwing balls around in the
pool like that. All right, slices, here's your first time
leave us a talk back being an old man grandpa?
Or is it wrong to have a catch in a
big pool? An Olympic sized pool, by the way, giant
pool where they could have just robbin and Scary could
have gone off to a further corner somewhere. Who's wrong now?
Is Scary right to be upset? All right?
Speaker 2 (25:40):
I think he's just overdoing it a basketball And why
would you take a beach chair and sit by a
basketball net? Because I'm a glutton for punishment.
Speaker 1 (25:51):
Next time, I'm not next time anywhere there's water sports
or or basketball hoops and stuff and rims, I'm not
going anywhere near there to get my chair.
Speaker 2 (25:59):
Because yeah, that was right the summer that was a
whole other problem. Yeah, I'm like, I got out of
my ship three times for this kid.
Speaker 1 (26:06):
Oh, you poor old fart.
Speaker 2 (26:07):
You know what, why don't they, you know, do better
make the shot? That's way. We were all the ones
who didn't have this problem, idiots. Okay, So I teased
this on Slice time for episode three twenty. I said
there was an update on my cunt story. Remember we
talked about how the c word or cunty.
Speaker 1 (26:32):
By the way, every time you say that, AI is
flagging us because the dialogue is printed on the screen.
Speaker 2 (26:37):
So okay, all right, well I spelled it. I didn't
say it right.
Speaker 1 (26:41):
Okay, So I want to moon our rating, you know,
for for.
Speaker 2 (26:45):
The holidays, well not for the holidays post Christmas, not
really my holiday, but post Christmas.
Speaker 1 (26:51):
My second cousins.
Speaker 2 (26:53):
It's a lot of them. There's a whole group of
second cousins. So my mom had six first cousins and
so a number of them have kids my age, so
they're my second cousins or they're my first cousins.
Speaker 1 (27:05):
Once removed, whatever the case. And there's three families that
have homes in the Berkshires, okay, in western Massachusetts and
the Boonies where every store is a half hour away minimum.
Speaker 2 (27:18):
They have homes in the woods, but really nice homes.
And I'm not a first cousin scary, so i don't
go up there very often. I love my second cousins,
but you know, when you have gatherings, you bring your
first cousins usually first, and then it because there's a lot.
They have a lot of first cousins, and then they
have kids and grandkids and the whole things. So not
my my generation, but there are kids, and then there's
my mom's generation of.
Speaker 1 (27:44):
Speaker 2 (27:45):
Yeah, So I've been there and they have lovely homes.
And they said, hey, why don't you Why don't you
guys come up for the week of from Christmas to
you know, New Year's or whatever. It's like, Well, I
can come up from like the twenty sixth, like the thirtieth.
So we went up for like five days. I brought
the dogs. We had a great time. But all of
my second cousins have kids that are the same age
as my kids are younger, okay, and a lot of
them are girls. There's more girls than boys of the cousins.
Speaker 1 (28:18):
And they're all I want to say, eighteen to twenty one.
The bulk of them.
Speaker 2 (28:27):
Okay, So I was telling one of my cousins.
Speaker 1 (28:32):
He was so.
Speaker 2 (28:33):
One of the cousins was asking me about how I
create content for the podcast. Is there in college and
it's thinking about maybe putting together a podcast. So I said, listen,
you got to take everyday things that you see in
life at restaurants, at the movie theater, on social media
and make it content. He said, well, give me an
example of something you talked about in your last episode.
So now his father is like, oh, yeah, I'm interested
in this conversation. So I said, well, did you know
the word compliment?
Speaker 1 (29:06):
Speaker 2 (29:07):
So my cousins, well, you said, who did you say
this in front of my cousin's husband, Just a husband? Okay, yeah,
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (29:16):
Hold on, I didn't blast it.
Speaker 2 (29:17):
I'm dinner. It's at dinner. We've almost finished at this
long table, everyone's eating dinner. And I said, it's a compliment.
He goes, no, I've never heard that. I said, among
gen Z it's a compliment. We have some gen Z
members here. I said, they're millennial gen zs. They're right
on the custom. I'm telling you that college kids, it's
a compliment. Now, now, you're crazy. Let's ask them.
Speaker 1 (29:41):
Speaker 2 (29:43):
Of all of my cousins and their kids, one of
them has parents that are very.
Speaker 1 (29:51):
Quiet. They don't curse, they don't drink. They're very.
Speaker 2 (29:59):
Straight, like I don't drink, but I curse like a sailor.
You know.
Speaker 1 (30:03):
They're very demure, okay, but in the real way demure.
Speaker 2 (30:10):
And so I asked that daughter who is raised by
the two of them, lovely girl, she's in college, and
I said, let me ask you a question. Is this
word a compliment? And she says, oh, absolutely. Now she says,
wait a minute, I just want to breakface this by saying,
I don't use it as a compliment. I would never
say that word. But yes, I go to school with
people that use that word as a compliment. Wow. And
then the other cousins are at the table and they
all hear this. They all come over and they go, oh, yeah,
we'll verify that. That's absolutely now, we don't use it
as a compliment. They all confirm it's a compliment. Now
with that said, the mother that I just described as
very conservative in her not conservative politically, but conservative in
the in the again very demure, and she would never curse, right, Wow,
she hears this conversation, she says, I'm sorry, who uses
this word?
Speaker 1 (31:06):
I said, you know, kid's your daughter's age? Kids these days,
she says, So she says, not my daughter.
Speaker 2 (31:12):
My daughter didn't say she us it. I said, no,
your daughter prefaced it by saying I don't.
Speaker 1 (31:18):
Use that word.
Speaker 2 (31:20):
So she was like, oh, thank god, So the daughter scary.
Speaker 1 (31:25):
My point is the daughter responded by prefacing I don't
use that word, and her mom, when she overheard the conversation,
was like, not my daughter.
Speaker 2 (31:34):
I'm like, nope, your daughter made it very clear. Wow,
she doesn't use that word. No, of course. Well yeah,
I mean, but I'm it's you know, brotie.
Speaker 1 (31:42):
I think we're just a couple of years away from
it being used out loud every day in probably I
think this rate.
Speaker 2 (31:49):
Yeah, I think the people who don't use it as
a compliment are going to be considered.
Speaker 1 (31:52):
Like boom or esque. Yeah, I'm going to listen with
a podcasts for all generations. We have to start using
that word as a compliment. I can't can't.
Speaker 2 (32:01):
I'm sorry, I can't.
Speaker 1 (32:05):
I can't use it.
Speaker 2 (32:06):
But here we are. It was a dinner, You're having
a Hanica dinner and I bring this. This is why, like,
and they all had that look on their face like
this is why we don't invite the second cousins.
Speaker 1 (32:14):
Look at this.
Speaker 2 (32:15):
Really of a bitch comes to our house in the
Berkshires and it's using the sea word as a compliment.
And yeah, by the way the sea word is, it's
not ye, I've had a great time. And one more,
one more fun story.
Speaker 1 (32:31):
Yeah, guys, you either live in a town like their
slices and feel free to leave a talk back if
you do, or you visited a town.
Speaker 2 (32:37):
You know, when you visit a town and it's like
it's got one stop light. Now we can't we can't
relate to that. Scary And I live in Brooklyn, where
you know, there was cause going by every second. The
neighbor was like on the other side of the wall,
you know, when we grew.
Speaker 1 (32:51):
Up in apartments and whatever.
Speaker 2 (32:52):
So where they live, you have to drive into town
and the town is one road and there's one diner.
And we went to the diner on a Sunday morning
post Christmas. So I guess like the twenty ninth to
eighth whatever, the Sunday was beautiful place. They got like
twelve tables and it looks like a barn that was
converted into a diner. It's a very small town, you know.
It was so busy that the owner slash manager slash waitress.
The one woman that worked there, who wasn't you know,
making the food. I guess they had a cook. She's
running her ass off at all the tables, but nobody
at silverware. So my cousin gets up and she goes
over to the silverware buckets and she's given out silverware
to everyone. You know, listen, there was like fifteen of us.
We had three tables, so she gets silverware for the
fifteen of us. The guy who we don't know at
the next table says, excuse me, missed to my cousin.
Can I get silverware? So I turn and going, guy,
that's my cousin.
Speaker 1 (33:58):
She didn't work here. He goes, okay, but she's helping
and I need silverware. So my cousin's like, I'll get
you silverware. So my cousin gets some silver He goes,
I'm ready to order. She's like, no, no, I'm sitting
at that table. I don't work here.
Speaker 2 (34:11):
And the waitress is flying around.
Speaker 1 (34:13):
Another woman comes in, an older woman comes in, she
starts like bringing water to people. The waitress owner woman
called her mom to come in and help help in
this small business. And my cousin is clearing, like clearing us,
you know, getting silverware and giving napkins to everybody.
Speaker 2 (34:28):
That's the kind of small town we were in. And
I gotta be honest, I.
Speaker 1 (34:32):
Kind of liked it.
Speaker 3 (34:34):
Speaker 2 (34:34):
Speaker 1 (34:35):
Everyone was so nice and the waitress is like appreciative
that my cousin was helping with the silverware and refilling
water glasses. What's that like?
Speaker 2 (34:44):
I was like, listen, does the cook need any help?
I'll go back there. I gotta tell you, scrap. The
food was terrific. Yeah, it was fancy. It wasn't like
small town like you're like, oh, they're gonna make like
you know whatever. It was a chef chef quality properly.
Speaker 1 (34:58):
I wouldn't say that.
Speaker 2 (34:59):
I wouldn't say that was just they had like like
garlic iola on the blt like it was a little
bit upscale. But the fact that when the guy asked
my cousin for silverware, yeah, it was just like I
was like a podcast, this is great. Yeah, but he
was looking he was like, hey, can I get some
somewhere over here, like you know, hey, I'm waiting.
Speaker 1 (35:17):
I gotta say, you know, there's there's some confusion going on.
Do you ever go to uh listen, you know me,
Bougie Bashard. I go to Whole Foods. But do you
know that the people that actually deliver for Amazon, or
deliver the Whole Foods to people like you know, like
the the you know, grocery runners for Amazon, they also
wear name tags that's say Whole Foods on it. Okay,
I don't know, so they were I wanted egg whites, Okay,
I wanted the liquid whites leg liquid egg whites in
the carton because I need to use egg whites and
I don't want to waste the yolks, so I'm getting
them in liquid form already in the carton.
Speaker 2 (35:52):
So there was none. So I was looking for somebody
and maybe like, yeah, could you look in the back.
Speaker 1 (35:55):
You know, when you open up the refrigerator, you could
see behind the refrigerator and there's that all It is
a giant walking refrigerator.
Speaker 2 (36:02):
They stock it from that side and they push everything
to forward.
Speaker 1 (36:06):
Get milk.
Speaker 2 (36:07):
You're reaching the back, right.
Speaker 1 (36:08):
But what I'm saying is a lot of times there's
people back there who usually usually I open up the
refrigerator and I yell into the refrigerator, Hey, is anybody
in there?
Speaker 2 (36:18):
Could you help me out? Oh you're that guyeah old on. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (36:22):
So so I would needing my liquid egg whites and
there was nothing. The shelf was empty, and I'm looking
and I'm trying to look behind the shelves to see
if there's anybody. Again, the whole place is refrigerate, The
whole thing is refrigerated, the whole way. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (36:32):
Yeah, but I'm looking and I'm like, I don't see
anybody in there.
Speaker 1 (36:35):
So I closed the door and I turn around and
there's a woman there and she's like looks like she's
stocking shelves. And I said, hey, listen, can you get
me some can can you find out if they have
if they got egg whites? She goes, you want me
to go back there? I said, yees, could you go
inside the kitchen. Could you go inside the walking refrigerator
from the other side and check it for me? You know,
I see all these boxes stacked up and they could
be deliveries that.
Speaker 2 (36:58):
Came in and all that person and then she goes,
oh no, She goes I just I don't.
Speaker 1 (37:04):
Work for Whole Foods, but it says there Whole Food's
on it has your name was no no, no, I yeah,
but my job specifically is to do deliveries, like the
Whole Food's delivery service. Yeah, she was putting stuff into
carts and then you know, so to bring to people,
to drive to people.
Speaker 2 (37:22):
But anyway, what's wrong with being that guy? By the way,
you don't yelling.
Speaker 1 (37:26):
There anybody anybody, dude, go over to.
Speaker 2 (37:32):
The door and you tap on the door and you
excuse me. I'm so sorry to bother you. I was
just wondering if you haven't had a chance yet to restock,
if you might have any surplus. There was nobody else
on the floor. You guys in the back over there.
Speaker 1 (37:45):
Listen, nobody knows the dairy walking refrigerator, like the dairy
were walking refrigerator. Guys who were hanging out inside the
dairy walking refrigerator.
Speaker 2 (37:52):
It's like you knock on the butcher's door. Sometimes you go, hey,
there is no door for me.
Speaker 1 (37:57):
Speaker 2 (37:57):
I was at one of the glass doors with a
you know with it with the eggs to the left.
They have to come in and out there. It's the
whole aisle. It's I was at the other end of.
Speaker 1 (38:06):
The aisle and the the the liquid eggs were right
next to the eggs. So I opened up the refrigerator door.
I stuck my head in the refrigerator right and I yelled, Hey,
is anybody milk?
Speaker 2 (38:18):
Yeah, I'll tell you what. I go a little off
to the side on their break.
Speaker 1 (38:21):
On this fucking guy, this fucking guy over here, I'll
take his egg whites. I'll pissing him.
Speaker 2 (38:27):
Listen, if they haven't that guy, if they have it
in stock, they got to make the sale. You gotta
make the seventeen one of our slices works behind the
milk slices. If you work behind the milk, to leave
his stuff back and tell us what you think of
the people that stick their head in the refrigerator, like
it's an intercom system, Like look, it's.
Speaker 1 (38:46):
A drive throw.
Speaker 2 (38:47):
Hey, you guys got the egg whites back door? What's
wrong with that?
Speaker 1 (38:51):
Only here in the back is? How is that any
different than having somebody standing in front of me and
asking the same question, You're you're unbelievable.
Speaker 2 (39:01):
I might not allowed to do that. He might not
ask for assistance to the guy behind the milk. Okay,
have have you ever gone to like the chips aisle
or the soda isle and the guy is stocking the
coke or the Dorito's guy is stocking the Dorito's. Yes,
and you go, hey, hey, can you help me in
the baker and with the with the with in the
meat department and they go out on work here and
you're like, yeah, you don't you stalk in the shelves.
Speaker 1 (39:21):
No, they don't. They work for Dots.
Speaker 2 (39:23):
They work with the little las company.
Speaker 1 (39:24):
They work for the company that's stalking the stuff, right, Yeah,
that happens all the stock right. The delivery people fucking
hate that because they got to stock the shelf and
then they look like that they work at the store
and they don't know.
Speaker 2 (39:34):
But I'm not talking about that. And normally today I
haven't seen them. And they put the new pepsin in
front of the old PEPSI. They don't fucking rotate it.
Yes all the time, they just shoved the new ship
in the front.
Speaker 1 (39:43):
I'm specifically talking about an in department issue. I'm not
going to the to the fish section the poultry guy
or the or the coca counter asking if they have
liquid egg whites because people do that too.
Speaker 2 (39:54):
I'm like, no, no, listen, I understand it.
Speaker 1 (39:56):
Stay in your lane, stay in your department, the milk
and eggs and dairy department. It is inside that fucking
walking fridge, and here was no access. I'm gonna stick
my head in and I'm gonna say, can anybody help me?
Let me ask your question. When you were yelling in
the refrigerator, was cold air coming out? The steam from
your mouth was coming out. But I'll say this in
the past, did you have to move the orange juice
out of the way so you couldn't see further? I
wanted my Annie's cottage cheese, okay, the low fat cottage
cheese once so it worked. Here was the Annie's. They
were all out at night. It's a low fat prior
broke my out of cottage cheese. Anybody back, Damn some
Annies cottage cheese.
Speaker 2 (40:35):
The shelf was empty. I'm like, fuck this. So I
opened up the door and I yumped in and I said, hey,
he's anybody there. Guess what.
Speaker 1 (40:41):
Some guy comes to the comes to the window to
the other side, and again I'm looking at him through
he's inside the other side of the shelf.
Speaker 2 (40:48):
Penis in his hand.
Speaker 1 (40:49):
Was he peeing and he was interrupted. He's looking he's
looking out of gee cottage. He's looking out at me.
Speaker 2 (40:55):
And I said, I said, to Annie's, you have any annies.
He goes, oh, hold on, let me check, and he looked.
Speaker 1 (41:00):
He comes back two minutes later and he put the
whole bot no, the whole box of Any's cottage cheese.
He goes, yeah, I just came in today, and he
puts it on. He gives me one on the floor
for a week inside the walk in refrigerator. That's what
I'm saying. It's refrigerated. But the thing is, sometimes they
don't stock the shelves right away, so sometimes they have
that shit sitting there. But if it comes at nine o'clock,
maybe the guy's not gonna stock stock it until four
in the afternoon. But I'm there at twelve o'clock, twelve thirty.
I want my cottage cheese. No, I'm not, I want
my cotach. I just wonder if they have it. Okay,
and guess what that time they had it and he
handed it to me because how many want? And I'll
take two, see you? And I walked away. So this
time they didn't have my liquid eggs and I couldn't
find But I didn't know that because there was no
one in the refrigerator for me.
Speaker 2 (41:45):
A similar thing happened to me, but they lied to me.
I'm gonna tell you a quick story. I go to
BJ's right and one of the things that I get
there are cod filaise. I make cutlets out of him,
like it chouldn't call it right, So I went. Then
I think I told you the story. They had him
every week for a while, and then all of a sudden,
the don't him any Oh yeah, you said you said
it on this podcast. But the guy lied to me.
Speaker 1 (42:03):
He's like, oh, you being on Friday.
Speaker 2 (42:04):
I went back on Friday. They guy's like, oh, they'll
come in tomorrow. I go, you told me to come
in on Friday.
Speaker 1 (42:07):
No I didn't. Yes you did, Yes you did, Mike.
I know it was you.
Speaker 2 (42:12):
Nah, Well we were here Tuesday, says Chice. I was
here Tuesday.
Speaker 1 (42:16):
I didn't work Tuesday.
Speaker 2 (42:17):
Mike, you have a red beard, like a reddish Mike.
Speaker 1 (42:20):
It was you. You told me come in Friday. Now
it doesn't sound like me. It doesn't sound like you.
You said come in Friday. That I don't recall that,
so you can't trust anybody anymore. I'm also, while we're
on the topic of grocery shopping, I am the fresh out,
fresh out the box shopper.
Speaker 2 (42:36):
I'm the guy that is.
Speaker 1 (42:37):
If I'm like, look, let's say shopping for lettuce, and
then they're restocking the lettuce in boxes, I will look
in the cart to see if any lettuces came in
just there, and I'm like, aha, you're on, so I
will take it. I will take it from the guy's
box right there rather than buy something that's on the
shelf because I know it's older. So because that's fresh,
the freshest is coming in right there.
Speaker 2 (42:57):
But that's no point. You don't have a problem with that,
do you no, Because I do the same thing in
pizza place. You ever been in a pizza place and
they have the cold pizza sitting out all day. Yes,
you're like, oh, give me a slice, and they take
it from the tray, but sometimes you get the last slice.
So last week I went into this to a place
that I go in and it was one there was
one Sicilian slice left right, and I was like, all right,
I'll take that slice. So as they're taking it off
the metal tray for me.
Speaker 1 (43:21):
A fresh Sicilian pie comes out of the oven, so
I go, whoa, Oh, can I get a slice off that?
Speaker 2 (43:28):
Now we haven't cut it yet. What so I said,
I'll wait. Well, we gotta let it cool off.
Speaker 1 (43:34):
I'll wait because they don't want to get stuck with
the old slice that's been sitting there.
Speaker 2 (43:38):
So I was like, I'll wait.
Speaker 1 (43:40):
So they fucking made me wait till they cut it
because it was like, you cut it too soon. He's right,
and that it doesn't control right and the brand. But
I waited.
Speaker 2 (43:51):
I waited.
Speaker 1 (43:52):
I'll wait.
Speaker 2 (43:52):
I waited till they cut it. For the burning burned
my mouth, by the way. I got what I paid for,
But I'm not taking that old slice when the fresh
ship's coming right out. Yes, I always go fresh, go fresh.
So I get the fresh slice. He goes, listen, no
one's gonna buy this old slice.
Speaker 1 (44:06):
Here, you take it. So the Brooklyn Boys podcast, we
will be right back.
Speaker 2 (44:13):
I got one more story, scary. This is gonna drive
you crazy. This happened to me at my cousin's place.
So there's they have three houses up there, but two
of them are next door to each other.
Speaker 1 (44:26):
And one is like up the road. So the two
that are next to each other, they take turns hosting meals.
Speaker 2 (44:32):
Oh, we'll go to House one. We'll all go to
House one for dinner.
Speaker 1 (44:34):
We'll go I'm staying at House one, Like, we're all
going to House two for the for dinner tonight. Great,
so we all go to House two. Are okay.
Speaker 2 (44:43):
So when I'm in House one, I notice that the
cousin who owns House one, every time I go to
the bathroom and go upstairs or come back, my water
glass is gone. Oh and I see that my my
older cousin. I'm gonna call my mom's cousin because he
was my he's my mom's age that he's swooping in
when he sees a glass laying around and he puts
it in the sink or he puts it in a dishwasher.
Now there's like eight people in the house, nine people,
And I'm like, I know my glass because I put
it on a certain coaster because it's a coaster house.
Speaker 1 (45:21):
Uh huh.
Speaker 2 (45:21):
I respect that, So I'm going So I'm like, so
then there's no glasses left, so I'm start using solo cups.
The red solo cups and they keep disappearing. So I
finally go, hey, who's swooping my cups? So they're like, oh,
he does it. He does it all the time, he
swoops cups.
Speaker 1 (45:40):
So I go up to him.
Speaker 2 (45:41):
I go listen, cup swooper, cup swooper. I promise you
I will clean up after myself. I will, I will,
I will, I will clean up my glasses. I'm not
putting the glass with water on the wood.
Speaker 1 (45:51):
Tables, being really good when you're ready, when you're finished,
right right, But there's water in the glasses.
Speaker 2 (45:57):
I really I would like to have access to my
water if I get up and go in the kitchen whatever.
Speaker 1 (46:05):
Speaker 2 (46:06):
So night three, they're like, oh, we'll go in the
house two for dinner. So I go over the house
two and uh, we get up to do the Honukah candles,
you know, for the whatever night honeaker is and I'm
walking around. I go back to the couch room sitting
and my cup is gone.
Speaker 1 (46:22):
So it turns out my cousin's kid who owns the
house next door, is a glass swooper. You know who
you're describing, Well, oh, Jetsky Brian does that swooper.
Speaker 2 (46:35):
He's a cups.
Speaker 1 (46:36):
He no matter where we are, whether it's his house
or when we're in Costa Rica or wherever on vacation,
we're all sharing the house. He's the he's the quicker
picker upper. He's gotta he's got to pick stuff up
and clean up and whatever as we go. And I'm like, guys,
it's okay, but you know, because yeah, he he stole
my he.
Speaker 2 (46:54):
Stole my plate. Once I wasn't done.
Speaker 1 (46:56):
He puts everything back and he because I guess he
I think it's OCD. God blessed the guy because he
keeps the whole place fucking neat. But man, oh man,
first of all, you got somebody for that. And when
you're on vacation, we have somebody that cleans. Yeah, Butler,
he's got to do, but he's got to do it himself.
He does the dish puts everything in the dishwasher. But
he'll take stuff from you, like you walk away and
you come back and it's gone.
Speaker 2 (47:21):
And I wasn't finished with that.
Speaker 1 (47:23):
Yeah. So so we go back to House one, okay,
and then on the on the next night we go
back to House two again and everyone's sitting in the
living room watching the football game, and then we go
to the kitchen.
Speaker 2 (47:34):
We can I come back now. I had taken a
pink solo cup because it was the last pink one,
so I know the pink one is my cup.
Speaker 1 (47:41):
Pink, so the cup pink solo cup. So I got
the water.
Speaker 2 (47:45):
I'm watching the football game. I get up whatever, I
walk around.
Speaker 1 (47:49):
I come back.
Speaker 2 (47:49):
My cup is gone. So I say to my cousin,
did you swoop my cup again? No, I say to
my mom's cousin. I know this isn't your house, but
did you swoop my cup?
Speaker 1 (47:59):
Speaker 2 (48:00):
I look in the sink, it's not there. I look
in the garbage, it's not there. I can't find my cup.
Somebody swooped my cup. I know I left it where
I left it. So then my cousin's my cousin's cousin
on the other side of the family, they stop laughing.
I go, what's so funny they put my They swooped
my cup and put it behind a plant so I
wouldn't see it.
Speaker 1 (48:18):
They were trying to do it to pissed me off.
Speaker 2 (48:19):
Ah, they were fake swoop of course, of course, because
they know what got to you.
Speaker 1 (48:23):
They got to me.
Speaker 2 (48:24):
They were pressing your buttons slices. Do you do this
in your house?
Speaker 1 (48:27):
Do you swoop?
Speaker 2 (48:29):
Are you swooper?
Speaker 1 (48:30):
Speaker 2 (48:31):
I like to leave you stand it my house.
Speaker 1 (48:34):
Listen, if you will, you would come to my house
and you leave my house and you leave your cup
where you like on the table or on the coffee table.
Speaker 2 (48:39):
And that's terrible.
Speaker 1 (48:41):
Don't do that.
Speaker 2 (48:42):
But I'm not going over. And so my mother in
law did that all the time. My mother in law
was a plate swooper in my house and not in
her house. In my house, you know, they want to
make things, they want to keep things tidy.
Speaker 1 (48:52):
You know, listen.
Speaker 2 (48:52):
I loved my mother in law, but she was a
swooper and and and she know what she would do.
She would take this stuff, put it right in a
dish washing and take it back. Or she would come
or she would combine cups. She'd like pull one cup
into other cup, and like you're like, oh, I can't
even drink from that anymore.
Speaker 1 (49:08):
And then scary.
Speaker 2 (49:10):
Are you a particular way about your dishwasher? Do you
like your plates?
Speaker 1 (49:13):
Yes, it's got to be a very First of all,
every plate gets rinsed and washed in the sink first. No,
Greg t does that every well, no, it has to
get rinsed off. They can't be gunk and garbage and
gook and no. No, Greg t used to wash his
plates completely and dry on them and then put them
in the machine. Okay, that that's a bit obsessive. Okay,
but I need to give it a rinse and then
and then all everything. Yes, everything's got to be Yeah,
it can't listen, I understand it's it's still dirty.
Speaker 2 (49:48):
I'm not giving it soap.
Speaker 1 (49:49):
But the machine cleans it.
Speaker 2 (49:51):
No, it doesn't, yeh. But all the gunk goes goes
into a fucking filter that you don't even want to see.
Speaker 1 (49:56):
What looks like. No, it doesn't. It dissolves and it
goes out. Whatever.
Speaker 2 (50:00):
I'm not saying put a chicken bone in now, I'm
saying you have ketchup or dressing. Yeah, no, but you
have a way.
Speaker 1 (50:08):
Where do your plates go? Where are your big plates going?
Big plates go at the bottom and they're all facing
the same direction, but then they go to left side,
right side. If I'm looking at the dishwasher, they go
across facing right. So they start from the left, start
from the left.
Speaker 2 (50:23):
Speaker 1 (50:23):
Oh, and I and I skip and I skip, I
skip a spindle, I go to the next one. I
skip a slot. So's every yeah, because I feel like
the water's got to get in between the plates.
Speaker 2 (50:33):
Wait a minute, do you realize the world's top dishwasher
engineers have made it so that you can put the
plates every spindle and you've decided that you know more
than them. Is that what you're telling me? I feel
like the plates get cleaner if I go every other one.
Speaker 1 (50:48):
How can they be cleaner? You clean them before the
you know, because they have they have access to more water.
There's more water, and more water hits them.
Speaker 2 (50:55):
So the water is coming from the top to side
the blike's coming from all over the place.
Speaker 1 (51:00):
You're skipping spindles.
Speaker 2 (51:01):
What are you so rich?
Speaker 1 (51:02):
And the glasses the let glasses go on the top
rack upside down, duh, and then make sure that they're secure.
Speaker 2 (51:08):
Puts their glasses right, set up, ends up with a
couple of couple of water. Well, you'd be surprised.
Speaker 1 (51:13):
And then oh the forks, Yeah, forks they go tines
up or times tines up? Why is that ties up?
Because again you're below the because the times, well, because
more water and more stuff soap is going to hit
the time.
Speaker 2 (51:30):
It comes from the bottom.
Speaker 1 (51:31):
The water shoots straight up from.
Speaker 2 (51:33):
The bottom from all over the place.
Speaker 1 (51:35):
As you just said, the spinning.
Speaker 2 (51:36):
Water jets are in the bottom. They hit the ties
face down above the times is the water glasses.
Speaker 1 (51:45):
I'm really confused.
Speaker 2 (51:46):
No, all the water comes from the top and the bottom.
Speaker 1 (51:49):
Right, but my, but my forks, knives and spoons usually
go uh in its own compartment right on the side
and the bottom.
Speaker 2 (51:56):
It's the bottom, okay, right, but you go tinnes up.
Speaker 1 (52:00):
Speaker 2 (52:00):
The first thing you grab when you when you clean
out your machine is the top of the four top
of the football.
Speaker 1 (52:04):
Touch that goes in their mouths. You touch it with
your hands. Guys, ladies, gentlemen, this is a better question
for the slices. Ties up or ties down? Spoon up
or spoon down?
Speaker 2 (52:17):
Well, spoon down, spoon listen, spoon Wait a second, you
how do you put the knife in? The knife goes down?
The knife faces down because you grab with the handle.
You put ties up when you go to take them
out in the dishwasher. How are you grabbing them by
the part that goes in people's mouths.
Speaker 1 (52:30):
Wait a second, my shit don't fit times down because
their little holes for the for the forks and spoons
and knives. So the only way I could put them
in is ties up. Wait, you use the handle holes.
You lift those up, You put them in the open basket.
Speaker 2 (52:46):
Then they fall, They fall over.
Speaker 1 (52:47):
Each other, and they stack on top of each other,
and the dishwasters come out clean. No they don't know
because no, they're they're up against each other. Fuck you,
you don't know what you're doing. If you throw them
all into a pool water, they're getting wet. If you're
saying to not sit, no, no, you're supposed to separate.
They go in the holes, each each fork, each knife.
Put the knives in sharp side up. The knives, I
go sharp side down. But but the fork and the
spoon go up because there's no other way to do it.
It doesn't fit down. You lift a little flap up
that has the holes, and then you open expose the basket.
Speaker 2 (53:20):
No, you don't tow me in the basket. Who puts that?
That's savage. I've never wanted to punch you more.
Speaker 1 (53:25):
The basket is for sharp butcher's knives and things that
don't fit in the fucking holes. Well then you what
do you cook? What? Do you clean one knife at
a time then, because you don't want them leaning against
each other.
Speaker 2 (53:36):
No, there's several holes in the basket. This basket has.
Speaker 1 (53:41):
Twenty six holes in the eight twenty And who grew
up in an apartment in Brooklyn, We never even had
a dishwasher. If my if my forks come out eighty
percent clean, it's a fucking miracle compared to how I
grew up my mother. My mother cleaned every dish by
hand until I was old enough to help.
Speaker 2 (53:56):
I don't want I don't want to break my dishwasher.
That's why I take all.
Speaker 1 (54:00):
Yeah, dishwasher is gonna break if you put your silver
a time. No, No, I think it's gonna break. If
I leave fucking uh leftover food and and crap all over,
it's gonna break. You're you're, you're a thousand dollars dishwasher.
It's gonna clog up what you got here is the problem.
Now you're gonna it's gonna cost you eight hundred dollars
to fix that because you obviously put your spoons in
up facing down and your time's down. What kind of
crazy basket puts the plates in every spindle?
Speaker 2 (54:28):
The one they broke.
Speaker 1 (54:31):
It's never happened. What breaks. What's gonna break?
Speaker 2 (54:35):
The water is gonna crack from hitting folks in it together.
Speaker 1 (54:38):
It's not that.
Speaker 2 (54:40):
No, I don't care.
Speaker 1 (54:40):
No, it's not gonna break from from the the way
you load the dishwasher. It's gonna break from having too
much grease and grime all over your plates over time.
That fucks it up. That fucks up your dishwasher if
you leave that, if you just you leave a greasy
fucking plate that hasn't you haven't red water over it.
Speaker 2 (55:00):
You just throw a dishwasher. No, it doesn't, it doesn't.
It doesn't hurt your machine. I've never heard that.
Speaker 1 (55:05):
I was told you're supposed to always pre rinse. Okay,
but you soundly get scrub in your plates.
Speaker 2 (55:11):
Nah, only if I know that.
Speaker 1 (55:12):
If there's a hard to get, like something that you know,
grease spot or something a stain, I'm like that that's
gonna not gonna come out in the dishwasher. I'll give
it a little pre rub with my bia. What do
you call the happy little thing? The smiley face penis
no mister scrub scrub daddy. I'll do a little scrub
daddy on it. That the happy face yellow yellow smiley face.
Speaker 2 (55:32):
Spot if if I was over your house for lunch
or we were signing shirts again, whatever we're doing, okay,
And I and I took my plate and I went
to the dishwasher and I put it in in a
spindle next to the other plate.
Speaker 1 (55:42):
And I told you I did it.
Speaker 2 (55:43):
And I didn't even grew rich it off.
Speaker 1 (55:45):
Yeah, And could you sit at the table and you
bust to get up and run over there, Jet Ski
Brian over there, run up. I can't do it, can't
live with that. I can't have it that way.
Speaker 2 (55:57):
That's my mother in law did. My mother in law
would put the dishes she wanted them to way. They
would go in her dishwasher, and she would rearrange my dishwasher.
Speaker 1 (56:04):
I would plate. I would see that's bad. No, that's
but I will say this that you did that to me.
I will take the plates right out of the dishwasher,
and I will have to first off to take Brody,
gonna have to leave towel, and I will slide the
whatever junk is left on there into the garbage. Then
I do a pre rinse and then I put it
in and then I put the next plate in same way,
but next pre.
Speaker 2 (56:27):
Rints with water.
Speaker 1 (56:28):
That's PIFAs free. What are you talking about? Pas? No,
p fis p physe the pfase pifaz. Yeah, I know,
I tell you the cooking class. The wasn't she a TLC? Yes,
that's right, PIFAs and rody? Uh? What number? What number
is the right answer to this question?
Speaker 2 (56:59):
I'm at the post office a few days ago and
the woman behind me comes up to the counter and
she says, can I have like eight stamps? How many
is that? Eight stamps?
Speaker 1 (57:15):
Speaker 2 (57:15):
Eight stamps?
Speaker 3 (57:16):
Speaker 1 (57:16):
Can I have like eight?
Speaker 2 (57:18):
Like eight stamps? That's what she said? Wow, like eight stamps?
Well what constitutes that? Like nine? Like eight? Seven? Like eight?
Speaker 1 (57:26):
I would still give her eight, But that's not like eight,
that's exactly eight. She doesn't want eight, so it's like eight.
Speaker 2 (57:32):
So seven? Can I have like seven?
Speaker 1 (57:35):
So seven or nine would be acceptable, But I'm still
thinking I would still give her eight.
Speaker 2 (57:39):
I'm not gonna fuck with her now. A six is
like an eight. It's got that circle at the bottom.
It's like an eight sort of, I suppose, But that's
what she said. Can I have like eight stamps?
Speaker 1 (57:47):
Like eight?
Speaker 2 (57:48):
Speaker 1 (57:48):
You know, she's unsure of herself, but she definitely you know,
she wants she wants the post office to make the decision.
She's got She's got like five bucks in her hand
of seven bucks. She's like, whatever this gets me. Yeah,
she doesn't really care. Iver hear anybody order like that before?
Speaker 2 (58:02):
Would you like going to like McDonald's, Can I get like, uh,
like five cheeseburgers?
Speaker 1 (58:08):
I would hear five? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (58:10):
I was.
Speaker 1 (58:12):
So before my trip, I spent the night in San
Juan and Robin and I went, oh my god, you
had to see.
Speaker 2 (58:21):
We went to this place called the El San Juan Hotel,
the lobby.
Speaker 1 (58:26):
To St.
Speaker 2 (58:27):
John as well the Virgin Island. No I did not
because Saint John is the translation of San Juan.
Speaker 1 (58:33):
Oh I didn't know that.
Speaker 2 (58:35):
Okay, well I went to what does sand mean? Santa
is Spanish for Saint Yeah, you're right, and Jehan Juan
is John or Joe Jose Jose is Joe, Yes, j
St John's all right. So I was in San Juan,
Puerto Rico, unless I'm wrong, Puerto Rican And we went
to the El San Juan Hotel, which I mean the opulent,
gore just lobby, beautiful the live entertainment. The place opened,
I call it the Fountain Blue of of Puerto Rico
because it was called El San Juan, El San Juan Hotel.
It's now the Fairmont El San Juan and El El Fairmont,
El Fairmont.
Speaker 1 (59:16):
Right, So beautiful, lobby, gorgeous. Everything was just just spectacular.
And they have like live entertainment there, and and Rob
and I was there, were there, and we were just like, okay,
this is beautiful. And you know, couples dancing. Let me
tell you the locals. They get locals in there, sixties, seventies,
eighties years old, eighty years old, dressed to the nines and.
Speaker 2 (59:37):
They're hanging out and they're having a Saturday night.
Speaker 1 (59:43):
Yeah, they're dressed in the oh thank you. Anyway, so
we decide, okay, this is beautiful. We had some drinks there,
but let's let's turn it up a little bit. Let's
go somewhere. So we went to a night spot nearby.
But yeah, by the way, Yeah, the L San Juan thing.
We had nothing to do with what I'm about to
tell you. I just want to let you know that
if you're ever in Puerto Rico, check out the l
Saturday Night traveling Saturday nights. Man, you can't eat it.
It's it's something like you it's it's something like you've
never seen before. But anyway, went to went to a bar, restaurant,
a bar where a DJ was spinning. It was like
a lounge more.
Speaker 2 (01:00:22):
Not as Mexican.
Speaker 1 (01:00:26):
It's a show, yeah, giant Saturday in Spanish. Yeah, but
it's a Mexican Mexican show. Yeah, yes, but it's still Spanish, right, okay, anyway,
but not Mexicpanish language, best language. Yes, yes, that's what
I'm talking about. Yes, yes, yeah, yeah. So so I
don't know if you've been to a place like this before,
but a lot of times when you go to bars,
the DJ will spin and if it's you know, the
screen big screen, they spin with the music video plays
as they're spinning. It's kind of an audio video track.
So when the the DJ is spinning and mixing into
the next song, you know that it kind of like
dissolves into the next VIDI music video. So people are like,
you know, hanging out, they listen to music, everyone's vibing out.
He gets into like a nineties hip hop set and
all of a sudden, more money, more Problems comes on half. Yeah,
we're familiar with more Money, more Problems. It's it's a
verse in this order, Mace, Diddy and Biggie. And when
the song comes on, I'm on high alert. I'm like, huh.
Speaker 2 (01:01:35):
I'm like, oh my god, they're gonna play fucking Diddy.
How's this crowd gonna react?
Speaker 1 (01:01:41):
So the Mace park goes. The Mace verse is the
first verse, and then after Mace, I'm like, they gotta
cut it off. They got it.
Speaker 2 (01:01:49):
He's gotta do a mix out. He's been mixing out.
Speaker 1 (01:01:51):
Nobody's thinking like that. All of a sudden, Dinny's part
comes on, and then of course Diddy is all over
the screen rapping.
Speaker 2 (01:01:58):
You know, because he's in the video.
Speaker 1 (01:02:00):
Sure, yeah, yeah, And after Dinny they cut fucking Biggie's
part now, which is the most important part of the
fucking song and the best part of the song, which
you're a shitty DJ, what are you doing? But the
crazy part of the whole thing is we got through
Diddy and nobody cared. Nobody thinking because it's a song,
it's not his, it's not his sexual exploits. But I
had nothing but ick feelings of ick when I saw
him on the screen.
Speaker 2 (01:02:24):
I can't help but to think. I don't want to
hear Dinny when I'm out to ask your question, when
you hear remix to ignition, do you turn it off?
Speaker 3 (01:02:32):
Speaker 1 (01:02:32):
Because that's my jam. Yeah, well that jam. He jammed
on young girls, he peede on them. Okay, listen, but
that was Ye's the thing.
Speaker 2 (01:02:39):
If I can make a correction, I apologize to all
of my Chilean slices. Sabado Jagonte is from Chile or
Scary would say Chili either way, Mexico either way.
Speaker 1 (01:02:49):
I just want to go.
Speaker 2 (01:02:49):
I'm just correct myself.
Speaker 1 (01:02:50):
Sorry, I just that's see for me. The Didny thing
is too soon, because is happening now. The r Kelly
thing was ten years ago. Kelly, you're already over it
that I'm over it. Is this in the back of
my mind. The same thing with Chris Brown. It's like,
all right, he you know, he got physical with Rihanna.
He threw a chair out out of a fucking window.
Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
Wherever he did. He he beat, beat beat Rihanna. Yep,
all violentating. But damn, those songs are catching.
Speaker 1 (01:03:14):
No what I'm saying, Like there was a time where
it was kind of off limited. It felt weird, and
I just think that for whatever reason at the time.
Now those things, I don't know, they don't bother me
as much as.
Speaker 2 (01:03:26):
Did so old that song.
Speaker 1 (01:03:29):
If I hear like Bad Boys for Life, I go,
that's bid Dead, that's Diddy, though I know it's that's
why right, No, No, But what I'm saying is those
songs are prominent Diddy right now because of all that's
going on with Diddy. It's fresh in my mind, but
my body is like only part Diddy. It's it's one
third puff Daddy at that point, it's thirty three did
the thing is like I was angry. I was angry
puff Daddy either way, either way, either way, fucking puff Daddy, Diddy,
whatever you want to call him to say.
Speaker 2 (01:04:00):
My point is I just felt weird. I felt angry.
I felt like I don't want to hear him. It
makes me sick. But apparently it wasn't the effect on
everybody else. You know what, in six months and whole
you be like Dan, it's my jam, he just said.
Chris Brown is R Kelly's your jam. The remix to
Ignition Hot and Fresh out the Kitchen. Wah, I'm a
rolling that body got every man here? Yeah, I mean,
come on, I don't know, But where do you draw
the line. I think you draw the line at all
of them or none of them are I don't know
what about?
Speaker 1 (01:04:34):
Speaker 2 (01:04:35):
I think I think at some point you have to
Some people can separate the artists from the creation and
some people can't. I understand that.
Speaker 1 (01:04:43):
But this is where Michael jacksons the conversation because listen,
there were people who he was cute.
Speaker 2 (01:04:48):
Stop following celebrities or people they were fans of because
their political opinions are different.
Speaker 1 (01:04:56):
See, that's not good.
Speaker 2 (01:04:57):
Who's calling my house?
Speaker 1 (01:04:58):
Speaker 2 (01:04:59):
Is that the hold on? We may have a deliver ignore. Yeah,
it was another delivery of toilet paper or something that
you didn't want to go to the store for. Or
you get your egg whites delivered. Get my egg here
comes from egg Whites.
Speaker 1 (01:05:12):
Speaker 2 (01:05:13):
By the way, you should have just asked the girl,
the woman from Whole Foods, now that I think about it,
since she can't go back there, just place an order
through her delivery system fag whites.
Speaker 1 (01:05:23):
She has to go get them. She could have done
the work for you. Just you're like, oh, you don't
want to go back there. Hold one second, hold on, now,
don't get I mean, what fucking egg whites? That's funny.
Speaker 2 (01:05:37):
Yeah, but anyway, yeah, no, but you know where we
told you were in the middle of a sentence when
my phone rang.
Speaker 1 (01:05:41):
Sorry, oh just about.
Speaker 2 (01:05:43):
You know people that can't separate the bad deeds or
the political opinions from the artwork and the art that's done.
Speaker 1 (01:05:50):
Well, you know, I get it.
Speaker 2 (01:05:50):
I don't know. I mean, listen, people still love Michael Jackson.
He's is loved as ever. But you know there are
some things and allegations against him. You know that some
people don't Some people make a comment every time his
music comes on and they see his videos, And I
don't want to get into a debate or a talkback
session with whether or not he did or didn't whatever.
Speaker 1 (01:06:08):
Speaker 2 (01:06:09):
The issue is that some people can separate the music
from New Loook. A lot of horrible people are some
of the greatest artists of all time. Yeah, painter, painting artists,
Movie movie people, uh, you know, actors may have done
some terrible things. It's sometimes very hard to to look
at a movie, to watch a movie like that Guy's
American Beauty. Well, again, I don't know what he did
or what he didn't do. Now this is but I
know the point is. The point is it is difficult
to look at someone that you know may or may
not be a criminal and listen to their music or
vote for them or support their comedy show or whatever.
So you know, look what happened to Louis c K.
Louis c K apparently has exposed him his penis to
a couple of other female comics.
Speaker 1 (01:06:58):
Yeah, this was like five years ago.
Speaker 2 (01:07:00):
He got me tooed, Well, that's what Louis c K
was Like his show got canceled and in his comedy
series got canceled, and no one wanted to like let
him do like Netflix specials anymore. Yeah, because he would
like pull his dick out and be like, hey ladies,
you know, let's like he allegedly, according to the female comics,
he gave the impression that he would not help their
careers or he would hurt their careers if they didn't
like hook up with him. Now again, I don't know
what if we're factual or not factual, but does that
make him less funny? Like so a lot of people
like canceled him five years ago, seven years ago and
never it was, and he had to like produce his
own shows and sell tickets to his own own shows
on his website. He had to like do pay per
view on his website. He's only now resurfacing, and the
first time he took the stage like three years ago,
people like, get off the stage are pervert? Yeah, you know,
so who's to say so I think less of you now?
For uh, I would have thought less of you for
enjoying Diddy. I'm glad that you stood up, stood your
ground in Puerto Rico and said no Diddy.
Speaker 1 (01:07:57):
All right, Well, next week, I have a first world
problem that I'm dealing with, and you're gonna call me
a bougie bastard. But you're also anyway, you're gonna.
Speaker 2 (01:08:06):
Also tell me.
Speaker 1 (01:08:07):
You're also gonna tell me that I because I'm still
in the middle of the fight, so I didn't want
to really finish it right now. I don't want to
talk about it right now because it's not done yet.
But okay, you're gonna say that I need my free dessert.
So you're gonna you're gonna be on the fence. You're
gonna be kind of I think you'll be split on
how you feel about it because it's a boogie thing. Funny, funny,
funny boogie thing.
Speaker 2 (01:08:26):
But all right, do we have time for a little sound,
Little David Brody sounds, of course, and then we'll get
out of here, all right. Remember well, I'll play a
couple of clips. This is a football clip. I don't
think it's the same clip you played, but it's two
women and it says it's football Sunday and you've been
reading too many romance books. And there's two women on
a couch reading books and chip a bag of chips,
and this is the play by play they hear. And
then he pulls out. You have to like when there's
a guy coming right in your face and he just
sits in there and delivers it.
Speaker 1 (01:08:53):
Guys coming down his face. Feeling is the cowboys probably
coming right down your throat.
Speaker 3 (01:09:00):
Oh Williams, he beached the tooth thrusts to get it
in minds, has been coming all night long. But then
he pulls out, and man, it's just hard. It's been
a while since he's seen a hole that big.
Speaker 2 (01:09:11):
Some of you, some of the clips are the same.
Speaker 3 (01:09:13):
We didn't know what to do, got five inches on him,
but Twoboddy's going to get that gobbler at the end
of this game too.
Speaker 2 (01:09:20):
Suber Coach has been blown away by crab trees Hans
and his ability to.
Speaker 1 (01:09:26):
Suck in these balls.
Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
Anyway, The women are like looking at the TV like,
oh man, this is a great sport. Uh, Guy Fiertti.
He settles a debate that things that I've said, and
he settles it.
Speaker 3 (01:09:38):
Boneless wings actually wings.
Speaker 2 (01:09:41):
If you bone, if you have time to bone out
of wing, that's a whole other world.
Speaker 1 (01:09:46):
But no, there's that's a chicken tender nugget something. There's
no such thing as a boneless wing, thank.
Speaker 2 (01:09:51):
You, guy Fierti. There's no such thing as a boneless wing.
So he agrees with me, which is good. This this
have you ever watched antiques road Show of course, where
like they'll bring in something to go. I think this
is worth money and they tell the story. So I
want you to listen to this woman talking about this.
It's a metal it looks like a metal bracelet, and
she thinks there's a story behind it, and listen to
what she thinks it is and what it actually is.
What do you think this is?
Speaker 1 (01:10:20):
I think that it's a slave bracelet.
Speaker 2 (01:10:22):
I would like to think that my relatives.
Speaker 4 (01:10:24):
Helped to free the slaves a slave bracelet that they
breed or maybe they've found.
Speaker 1 (01:10:30):
I think that this is the name of the slave
folder and then the name of the slave underneath it.
Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
Okay, okay, So she so, she says, there's a name
on the bracelet. She thinks it's this is like, yeah,
I heard it, her family free the slaves.
Speaker 1 (01:10:44):
Here we go.
Speaker 4 (01:10:46):
This is the name of the slave folder, and then
the name of the slave underneath it.
Speaker 1 (01:10:52):
Am I all right?
Speaker 2 (01:10:53):
It's a dog caller. Fucking hilarious. That's a PBS I love.
Speaker 1 (01:11:04):
Would you buy this? Would you buy this?
Speaker 2 (01:11:06):
Because you're the only person I know who would buy this.
Speaker 4 (01:11:09):
This is the one hundred and forty dollars world's most
expensive cheese steak. I was so excited to try one
hundred and forty dollars Barklay Prime in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This
has handcut Wago black truffles, Woa wah, bright onions, Cooper
sharp on a sesame roll. The one hundred and forty
dollars price tag also comes with half a bottle of champagne.
Now I got to say, this might be one of
the greatest sandwiches I've ever eaten. I want to know
if you would try this cheese steak.
Speaker 1 (01:11:33):
Brody, I would go to Philly for it, absolutely, absolute,
hundred and forty as a matter of no, just to
say I did. I will say this.
Speaker 2 (01:11:41):
No, hold on, I haven't. Let me ask your question
be how great would it be for you to go
to Philly having being the host of this podcast and
you buy two of them so you get to say
you bought one for you and one for me. How
great would that be for this podcas Yes slices? Am
I right?
Speaker 1 (01:12:01):
Speaker 2 (01:12:01):
That would by the way, that would dinner.
Speaker 1 (01:12:04):
Yes, No, it doesn't. It doesn't by the way you want.
I've seen that video before and I was intrigued and
I saved it for later. So yes, I do. I
I one. There's one thing, Brodie, I gotta introduce you
to Okay and your life, money, a job. Your life
will be changed.
Speaker 3 (01:12:19):
I know.
Speaker 2 (01:12:19):
We got to get out of here.
Speaker 1 (01:12:20):
Hey, if you live in Pennsylvania, Philly, South Jersey, you
know what I'm talking about already. Okay, Brody. I discovered
this a couple of months ago when I went to
a cheese steak place in Jersey. They advertised that there
that cheese steak is made with as she said in
that video, Cooper Cooper Cooper Sharp.
Speaker 2 (01:12:43):
Yeah, okay, So I'm like, the fuck is Cooper? What
is Cooper Sharp? Okay, because for most of the world
we don't know what that is, but in Pennsylvania you're
certainly fucking due. So Cooper Sharp Brody is American cheese,
and they have white cheddar, they have a sharp one
and whatever. But it's like American cheese like you've never
fucking had in your life.
Speaker 1 (01:13:03):
It is.
Speaker 2 (01:13:03):
It is the best.
Speaker 1 (01:13:04):
Now. When we were at this cheese steak place in Clifton,
me and me and Will and I Will and me,
Will and I whatever, the King and I we were
we were at the cheese steak place and they were
advertising we have Cooper Sharp. We our cheese staks are
made with Cooper Sharp. And I didn't understand what it was.
But the guy took some time and he goes, you
have to realize something. The way Cooper Sharp melts is
this is this kind of velvety melts evenly. It doesn't
even look like cheese when it melts, it kind of
just kind of disappears almost into the sandwich. So when
I said, all right, I guess because he goes, Yeah,
he goes. You don't know what we have to do
to get this. They don't. The company does not want
to deliver here, but we make a special they make,
you know. I told them I'd promote them and we
would do a whole special deal. They come and I said,
can we buy some off? You know, like because we
wanted to buy some but apparently there are places like
shop right that sell Cooper Sharp.
Speaker 2 (01:14:03):
All right, check this we how fancy gonna be like
by the way history Cooper Sharp.
Speaker 1 (01:14:09):
Anyway, Brodie, we had the cheesteak sandwich and I could
see how it changes the fucking texture complexity of the sandwich.
It was. This place was known for its cheesesteaks and
they don't serve anything with it, but they melt Cooper Sharp.
It was so fucking good. Now, Brody, this is a
Brodie thing. And I know you could find it and
maybe a little expensive, because I don't know, you're not
gonna find it everywhere. I don't know if Wegmans has it,
But you want from now on Cooper brand American cheese.
Trust me, it's like not It's like none of the else.
No Craft American, it's not Cooper shit.
Speaker 2 (01:14:46):
They have it. They do. They do like four different flavors.
Speaker 1 (01:14:50):
They have American White, they have Cheddar sharp whatever to
your heart's content. My point is you will never ever
eat a Craft single again, or any kind of cheese
and fucking plastic and throw it on your grilled cheese.
Speaker 2 (01:15:03):
All right, So, slices, here's my question for you. Leave
us a talk back on the heart radio app for
the next episode of Slice Time. How much would you
pay for a Philly cheese steak sandwich if you knew
before you bit into it that it was the greatest
Philly cheese steak sandwich you would ever eat?
Speaker 1 (01:15:18):
How much you paying for it? Are you paying one.
Speaker 2 (01:15:20):
Hundred and forty dollars? And you get a half bottle
of champagne, which you know is pissed water in a
bottle with some fart water in it, little fart bubbles?
How much are you paying for that cheese steak sandwich?
You're paying forty Like if you said to me fifty dollars,
like that's a lot of money for it, you better
be good A one hundred and forty dollars are you
paying it. And by the way, if you say you
pay for it, you got to say where they're not.
You're rich slices. You could be like, wow, you know,
I'm kind of well offside.
Speaker 1 (01:15:41):
Pay it. I need to know.
Speaker 2 (01:15:43):
I know, Rocket Steve, you paying one hundred and forty dollars,
Rocket Steve over here, Fuck you in your fucking cheese steaks.
Speaker 1 (01:15:49):
That's right, boys, hoys,