All Episodes

November 4, 2024 38 mins

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #314 and earlier.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooklyn Boys Podcast reactions. This podcast all depends on you, baby.

Speaker 2 (00:23):

Speaker 3 (00:29):
It's Brooklyn Boys Slice time for episode three fourteen and
before anything in the past, before before. It could be
a lot of before, a lot of before. I mean,
you could be commenting on episode six if.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
You want to.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
I'm calling about the conversation about the garbage pails in
the studio that said boa on them.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
My god. Sometimes we get a few of those comments.
I love it. I think it's great that people go
back and listen to the ones that they missed. And
if you're a.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
Mister car company, we called poor Porsche por Porsche.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
Yeah it is Porsche. How to pronounce it? It is Porsche. Technically.
We got some classics in there. Oh we had some
good times, good times, you know.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
And I challenge people, rather than listening to just this episode,
go back and listen and just just pick something at
random and add to it.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Just pick something from the It.

Speaker 3 (01:22):
Was nothing to add the first one hundred, the first
one hundred the episode.

Speaker 4 (01:26):
Yeah, but I like I like the ups one. Episode
twenty one a classic. The large box on my driveway.
That one, it was thirty thirty one, twenty four was good.
A lot of good stuff. Anyway, Oh, the deal episode
was what one thirteen something just joining us for the
first time. This is the companion episode of the Brooklyn
Boys podcast. This is not an actual episode of the

Brooklyn Boys podcast. This is just a reaction to uh
past episode.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
It's listener feedback.

Speaker 4 (01:52):
Yeah, for the episode we just did and previous as
we just discussed, right, but it's also it's also jam
packed with humor of course always comedy.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
So we're hearing these for the first time. Someone asked
me that once, they said, do you preview these? No,
we're that kind of time to sit around listen to
these calls and then listen to them again. I open
up the app, I sit here, sit here, I could
see what's waiting for us visually.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
I pressed the button, hit the play button.

Speaker 3 (02:15):
Visually, Yes, I see them, and then I pressed the
play button, and then you know, we just we hear
it together live Brodie and I respond live as we
hear your ah.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
That's all right right, yeah, just press the microphone button.

Speaker 3 (02:30):
Listening to the iHeartRadio app exclusively in order to.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
Comment on a future episode. I'm sitting in the dark
with a light on my face. Do I look you
look good. I like that mood lighting. Yeah, mood lighting
very nice.

Speaker 3 (02:42):
It takes away your your blemishes and crevices. I have
none of those crevice I'm sitting.

Speaker 5 (02:48):
On broken boys. How are you doing this? Fernando from Woodbridge?
And there's a couple I link to discuss. One of
them be in d C from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Regarding the dueling pianos where Donald says something to Daffy,
then daf He says something to Donald. I don't want

to go into the specifics, but you guys could discuss it.
Hold on for the next one.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Where are we going?

Speaker 5 (03:18):
Brooklyn boys? Friend again from Woodbridge regarding the second one,
and I swear it happened. But wasn't there a case
where Brody was wrong? I swear, like I said, I
swear it happened. Maybe clarified me on that this loop?

Speaker 1 (03:38):
By all right?

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Well, first of all, you were very nondescript in giving
the the example of the Mendela effect for who Framed
Roger Rabbit? We don't want to give specifics.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Why wouldn't Why wouldn't you?

Speaker 4 (03:50):
This is yeah, I think it's okay to spoil things
now after after somebody is Yeah, thirty seven years.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
I feel like that was good. That was a bag
of nothing right there. You didn't give us anything, tell
us what it was. I'm I'm I don't even know
what it was. There was a Mandela effect episode example
there all right. By the way, mandel effect is when
you remember something one way but it happened to another.

Speaker 1 (04:17):
All right, Yeah, I think that's yep.

Speaker 6 (04:22):
Hi, Brooklyn boys, this is Mary from Marlton, New Jersey.
I want to comment about the baby shower topic. As
a woman, I don't necessarily think I enjoy baby showers
unless it was for like a close family or friend.
I enjoyed my own baby shower though we had a
baby cue. We called it with Mission barbecue, not a sponsor,

and we had really racist I wish I'd make it
fun because it was co ed.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Love you guys, she said, not a sponsor.

Speaker 3 (04:55):
And yeah, of course you're gonna love your own baby shower.
That's what they're made for for you and your family.

Speaker 7 (05:04):
Pretty scary born canal so float ju. Yeah, baby showers.
Both my kids didn't even show up to them.

Speaker 8 (05:12):

Speaker 9 (05:13):
My wife said, it's totally cool.

Speaker 7 (05:14):
She knows I didn't want to go. She really like
it was.

Speaker 6 (05:17):
I was.

Speaker 10 (05:17):
I mean, I was super respectful.

Speaker 7 (05:19):
I said, look, I really don't think I friends.

Speaker 9 (05:22):
She said, totally understandable. And I actually went to a
Dolphins game for one of them. So yeah, uh no.

Speaker 11 (05:31):
And while we're on the.

Speaker 9 (05:32):
Topic of showers, what is the fucking point of them?
You know, you have a bachelor at party, get it,
bachelor party, get it, but there's no room shower. What
the fuck a bridal shower? Well, I have to buy
your president that time.

Speaker 12 (05:42):
And then also at the wedding, like what I.

Speaker 11 (05:44):
Don't understand, like I tell my wife, and then on
top of that.

Speaker 9 (05:48):
When the baby shower, because most people will just get
you the president when the baby's born. You know, you
have a registry, and when the baby's born, you get it.
Why would you like, I just don't understand shit.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
I questioned the same thing. Yeah, and I.

Speaker 7 (06:01):
Agree With's scary that all the fake smiles are there,
all of them are there in the fucking pink and
all that bullshit.

Speaker 9 (06:08):
My wife tells me it. You know, she's real. She's like,
she tries to get out of there as soon as
she can. She shows up, drops the president off to
hide everyone, and then you know, she'll flip out whenever
she can. It's all bullshit, you know, because then it's like, oh,
I'll go to the wedding in a month, and then
it's this, it's fucking time and money. Can you spend
on one person?

Speaker 1 (06:25):

Speaker 3 (06:25):
It's all yeah, because let's face it, it's self absorbed.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
And it's right. I mean, would you agree, Brody?

Speaker 2 (06:32):

Speaker 1 (06:33):
I couldn't agree more.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
I mean, I don't want to be sitting in there
in the restaurant while you're doing that. You know, it's
for one person, you know, and and and that's great.
It's nice and celebratory, but it gets old quick. And
let's face it, your time is valuable. Shouldn't you be
doing something else with your time? And my time's not
that valuable these days. Okay, that might be the highlight
of my week. So you know what, show up at
all the showers. Invite Brody to your baby shower?

Speaker 1 (06:54):
Everyone? Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 13 (06:56):
Hey Brooklyn boys, this is missus lebof calling from the water.
Longtime listener, first time caller, and you're looking for new callers.
I'm pretty shy, but you know I'm doing what I can.
I just want to say I love you guys. Keep
with the rants, keep with the bullshit. It's lice for life.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
Thank you appreciate it. Related to Shaya, I don't know.

Speaker 13 (07:22):
Hey, Brooklyn boy, this is above calling again. Listen to
the podcast a couple of days ago. I remember you
were talking about the guy that was being a jerk
to the lady. I mean me as a a smaller
young lady. You know, I probably would say something snarky
and probably gotten away with it. But you scary as

a grown kind of douchebaggy attitude man would probably missus
lebuff again third time, sorry, last one. So I want
to say I love you guys. Thanks for making my
day go by so much faster. I work in an
environment where I shouldn't be more. I had phones, but
if I don't, I will die of boredom. So thank
you for getting me through my day. Thanks keep taking

out the great podcast. Love you guys. Nice for life.
Scary Rody all.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
Right, thank you appreciate that. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
I thought I lost her there for a second. She's
said the douchebaggery. I'm like, okay, douchebag comments. I'm like
winning fans real quick.

Speaker 1 (08:24):

Speaker 14 (08:27):
Hey, I'm one by Dean Jr. From Mexico. My dad
is Juan by Dance. I'm his first son that he
lived back in Mexico. And Scary, I pronounce you to
be my godfather. So send me my five hundred dollars
to that girl that got mad about the cheese life.
If I would have known she was gonna pay for
the cheeseburger, I would have asked for a double cheeseburger.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
Bitch, fuck you.

Speaker 4 (08:50):
That's, of course the Bronzino woman from a few episodes ago.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Yeah, he's still going. I love it. Yeah, it's still
angry about it.

Speaker 14 (08:58):
That would hit a nerve in my English is not
that good, but it's better than and for those people
that be living more than five pop backs. This is
not a therapy session or this is not a fucking
dating app.

Speaker 15 (09:10):
Go get to friends, man.

Speaker 5 (09:12):
But besides that, you guys are cool.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Thank you, appreciate you. Thank you. Bro Valdez Jr. I
love that.

Speaker 16 (09:18):
Scary and Brodie Birdie and Scary go roady me from CT.
Jamie from Queen's is a true queen, coming straight out
of Queen's New York. Her talk packs are like royalty
for the BBP. She probably hasn't inn a fenline glamour
about her face. With dark hair and wholesome white outfits,
she's a monochrome field of dreams, shoulders back and continues

to smash through the world series of life like la
through New York.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Thank you so poetic, always poetic. Somebody needs a job
with the Wholemark Company. So what I'm thinking, brodiy and scary.

Speaker 17 (09:52):
It's Maddie from Brooklyn on the Bronx. I just want
to thank the gentleman who actually said he would stand
up for that lady and do something about the crazy guy.
Everybody else, including you, Scary, You got bitch answers. This
is exactly what people think that they could do and
say whatever they want, especially to woman. Come on, man,
how are you from Brooklyn? And you're oh, I'm scared?
What if he does something?

Speaker 11 (10:10):

Speaker 17 (10:10):
Stop it and you got your boys there?

Speaker 1 (10:12):
Stop it?

Speaker 17 (10:14):
And another thing, don't you be mean to Jamie from Queens.
She's a goddamn gem and her story was on point.
It's not her fault. You guys didn't get.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
It all right.

Speaker 17 (10:23):
Last thing, guys, this steak dinner thing. I'm gonna die
on this hill Scary. You owe it to Brody. It's
been proven over and over and over again. As an attorney,
I'm all about the evidence and the proof. You've agreed
to it so many times. You should have asked him
to go with you, obviously, and obviously it would not
have counted towards the steak dinner, because the entire point

was for you to suffer financial hardship, just like Brody did.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Get him as you're a bad attorney because I owed
him a steak dinner and I paid him as three
steak dinners.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
And that's it.

Speaker 3 (10:55):
It has nothing to do with painting suffering on Nope,
ain't it suffering on the wall. It was not part
of it. That was Brodie's added thing that he threw
in there. Nope, that's the point of contention.

Speaker 1 (11:09):

Speaker 18 (11:12):
Mike from Delaware, Scary, you are very lucky Brodie did
not decide to give you an upper decker when he
was in your home alone. I've never done it to anyone,
never had it done to me, but I think that'd
be hilarious. I think all the other slices would agree.
So Brody, next time you're alone in Scary's apartment, make
sure to leave him a good old upper decker. I'm

sure him and Robin would appreciate it. Now, thanks, thanks
for all laugh Thanks. It's he and Robin by the way.
But no, that's not my style. That's Greg t the
Jersey Kids style. So let me explain the difference between
a class comedian and a class clown.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
Billy Crystal told his story.

Speaker 4 (11:48):
So in case you what he's like, Oh, you're a
class clown, he goes, No, I was a class comedian.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Here's the difference.

Speaker 4 (11:54):
The class clown is the guy on Friday night who
runs across the football if the high schoo football game
across the field naked. That's the class clown.

Speaker 1 (12:03):

Speaker 4 (12:04):
The class comedian is the guy who talked him into
it and told the movie funny.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
You see the difference.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
The clown is the person who does the joke and
falls on the sword. I'm not a clown. I'm a comedian.
I'm a comedy writer. I wouldn't take it dump in
his toilet. What I was gonna do was put on
his his shirt and then show you how it didn't
fit me, because you know I've lost weight and be like,
look at me in this big shirt and be like
wearing my like when you wear your dad's shirt as
a kid.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
I was gonna do that when you're.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
Going to recreate the Friends episode, Can I be wearing
any more clothing?

Speaker 1 (12:35):
No? No, scary? Could I be wearing any more clothing?

Speaker 8 (12:41):
Come on, friends, Hey, brookeingn boys, This is Chris, call
me from North Carolina and I wanted to talk about
the favorite pies. You guys missed the perfect opportunity to
mention pie is your favorite pie.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
I mean it's in your logo.

Speaker 8 (12:55):
Come on, guys, you're better than this either way, brookod boys,
don't scary.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
Pizza. Pizza is not pie.

Speaker 4 (13:02):
Hold on, hold on now, wait a minute. If you
go and you havn't a party, right, you know I'm
gonna want a nine pies, you would We do call
him pizza pies. We don't call them pizza pies. But
that's savory. Anything savory is.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
Not the pie pies.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Yeah, but when we think I'm going to the store
to get a pizza pie, but pizza but pies. When
I think pie, I think I think sweet. I don't
think chicken pot pie is also pie?

Speaker 6 (13:29):

Speaker 1 (13:30):
Where do you draw the line?

Speaker 3 (13:32):
No, what chicken pop pie is pie. No, yeah, but
it's savory. It doesn't that doesn't count. If somebody said
you want pie and they brought you chicken pop pie
you need it is kish a pie, it's sort of
pie ish. It's it's in pie crush, it's round, it's
done the same way a pie. Now, but if you're yeah,

but if if you're opening up the door for pizza
to be pie, now, that's a whole the world pie
that you let in.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
Now you're letting everything else.

Speaker 19 (14:04):
It is savory custard and pieces of cheese, meat, seafood
or vegetables.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
It says, Keisha's a savory tart or pie. Yeah, Keisha's
a pie keish pie, Okay, keish My.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
Ass morning fellas Many from Brooklyn.

Speaker 20 (14:20):
Hey, I just think Brodie, you missed something there with
scoopy Jones. I thought I'm sure you were gonna call
them scooby Jones. All right, anyway, have a good day, guys.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
Why was I gonna call you scoopy Jones? Not so
because you are because you scooped all the you were
doing the food. Yeah, all right, I should have called
you scoopy.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
You're right.

Speaker 21 (14:40):
Victoria from Brooklyn here for the love of God, scary.
It's not chimsy, it's chensy. How many times do I
have to listen to you say it on the podcast?

Speaker 1 (14:51):
I'm screaming here, it's chintzy, it's chimsy. It is chinsy.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
But by the way, when he said it, I look
it up because I was like, am I wrong?

Speaker 4 (15:01):
I can't be wrong. It's chinsey and he's he says chinsey.
I don't know why he says chinsey. Chinsey's when you
eat too much and you have like double chins. He said,
fat guy's chinsey. Chinsey is cheap chinsey Chinsey.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
Yeah, Victoria, thank.

Speaker 9 (15:16):
You Brooklyn Here.

Speaker 21 (15:17):
So the resting bitch Face lady, what you need to
do is in the dead of night, put a piece
of paper in her mailbox that just says cheater, and
that's it. She's not gonna cheat anymore. Otherwise, have like
an impartial referee be at the games to just call

high ass out.

Speaker 4 (15:40):
Okay, I got talking about uh Patty, resting bitch face
a couple of things. I've got a major cheating besting
resting bitch Face story, two stories about her for the
next episode of The Brooklyn Boys Number two.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
I love the way she said, paper paper. I love.
That's all that is. That is our hometown right now,
that's our neighborhood right there. That's it.

Speaker 4 (16:04):
You put a piece of paper paper, love it. And
by the way, not making fun of you. Absolutely love
that accent.

Speaker 22 (16:10):
What's that fellas?

Speaker 23 (16:11):
It's firm from Atlanta and listening to episode three fourteen
talking about pranking.

Speaker 16 (16:16):

Speaker 23 (16:18):
You know, I think a funny one would have been
brody kind of you know, nothing too too crazy.

Speaker 9 (16:22):
But if you'd have taken all the toilet paper.

Speaker 23 (16:24):
Out of Scary's place so when he got home and
had to use the bathroom.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
Don't give him any ideas. I like that toilet paper. No,
I like that a lot.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
In fact, I may have to go to scaries apartment
when he's not there again.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
You'll give it up. You'll never get a key to
my place again, sure will.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
I'll call up as you and give the guy the
code at the front desk and tell him that this
is a Scary from such and such apartment. I know,
I know what your information already, I know what to say,
I know the code word.

Speaker 24 (16:50):
A good prank would have been to change Scary's password
on his three million dollars system. No, and don't tell
him about it and then have him try to figure
out what.

Speaker 17 (17:00):
The hell it was.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
No, these are all bad ideas. I should have taken
his gold microphone. That's what I should have done.

Speaker 11 (17:06):
I played a prank on my sister on her wedding night.
I stuck into her apartment and I made a lot
of to go off every hour for starting at three
o'clock in the morning until seven in the morning, and
she had a delaite for a flight at.

Speaker 25 (17:19):
Ten o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 11 (17:20):
My brother in law was pretty mad and one point
was throwing underwear out of a drawer trying to find
you where a larmlocks were.

Speaker 4 (17:28):
Oh, that's not bad. She scary wakes up to his
phone alarm. He doesn't have an alarm by his table
that I could.

Speaker 10 (17:33):
Find brody and scary and never scary and brody. This
is well from saying tea, thank you will. All I
got to say is you guys are the best, also scary.
You don't ol Scottie shit. It's as far he was
speeding brody. Those pickleball characters are hilarious, especially the resting
pitch face. She should be called just pickle bitch. See

pickle bitch. Okay, and fuck shit, Freddy, it is hilarious.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
I like that, all right, yeah, function wait till I
tell you. Wait'll I tell you about Uh I got
I got a new guy we never played with before
that I have a name for him and everything, and
uh pickle Bitch.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
I'll update you with pickle bitch stories next week.

Speaker 3 (18:16):
I feel you if you can do a podcast, a
new podcast, Brody, where you just you interview all the
people you play pickleball with. Well, here's I'm gonna give
a little tease about the next episode of the Brooklyn Boys.

Speaker 4 (18:25):
It got so bad that the new guy with the
new nickname walked off the court. He wouldn't play with
pickle bitch. Wow, He's like, I won't play with you,
and he walked off. There's some drama in this community.
Let me tell you this pickleball drama, my friend.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
Okay, we'll hear about that craziness the next Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
We are motoring through these motor and who sings that?
Do you remember? Uh? The song? First? I know, I
saw It's on the tip of my tongue.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
And binding mister yeah, b all right to now I
don't know.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
Sister Christian, Sister Christian by night Ranger. There you go.
You're going to sing the whole song and I know
the name of it. Who say, hey be boys.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
Christy from Saddlebrooks Place for Life Brody.

Speaker 24 (19:19):
I am voting for resting bitch face.

Speaker 11 (19:22):
Not only is she lying about things being in.

Speaker 25 (19:26):
Versus out, but she's making stuff up.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
I played tennis and I've never heard.

Speaker 11 (19:31):
That lefties served first.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (19:33):
And on another note, Boston cream Pie is half pie
and half cake.

Speaker 20 (19:39):
Half a great week.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Yeah, I love it. Yeah, I'll subscribe to that.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
I'll stick my face in the Boston cream Pie, no problem.
Let me tell you I stuck my face in a
Boston cream donut earlier. I was in green Point, Brooklyn,
and I went to the classic Peter Pan Bakery. If
you know, you know it's been there forever. It's an
institution and they make all the doughnuts from scratch. It's
like going to Duncan. But it told me, how did
you get there? Did you head north straight on till morning?

I drove, my friends drove. Did you not get the
Peter Pan reference right there?

Speaker 1 (20:13):
How did I get there? Oh? I did? I just
a Peter Pan I got you.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
Yeah, okay, okay, it's from the cartoon You'll never grow up, scary, No, never,
he broke.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Daddy and it's.

Speaker 15 (20:27):
Always brody and scary scary.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
How is it that you have years with his friends.

Speaker 15 (20:33):
You have your brooken boys, you have your boken crew,
you have your.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
Whatever the fuck and you don't know.

Speaker 15 (20:41):
Which one was gonna fight and which was not gonna fight.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
What's what's up with this?

Speaker 26 (20:48):
So scary?

Speaker 15 (20:49):
Gents, this is your homework. You're gonna call British Warren
and then American Warman. You're gonna call Indian Man. You're
gonna call Sex on the Way David. You're gonna call
fac maybe because Falco is an X cop. You're gonna

call just keep Bryan and you're gonna ask them, Hey,
I need to slap a white boy. Would you be down?

Speaker 1 (21:17):
And okay? Hey, by the way, get ready, bro.

Speaker 15 (21:21):
Gary, I love you. You eat the good ship. Stop
overthinking it. Walk around for a couple of hours. You
mustard the energy. Maybe run around. Cholesterol will go down.
You just need a little more exercise. Whatever you're doing,
it's not working. Mushrooms are not working. And uh, you know,

fifty pounds of salami that you eat every morning. Definitely
not working.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
Hey on that.

Speaker 15 (21:54):
Any who.

Speaker 1 (21:56):
Brody, uh, resting bitch.

Speaker 15 (21:59):
I cannot deal with resting bit trays.

Speaker 11 (22:03):

Speaker 15 (22:03):
You know, if I'm playing with the guy that currents
a lamb, I may step it up. It be like extra,
you know, extra mainly man.

Speaker 27 (22:13):
But that wait, my boy, scary, so brody if you
If I was to be alone and Scary just his houses,
the first thing I would do the straighten up all
the picture.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
Strinds, because the old crooked stress.

Speaker 15 (22:30):
The first thing that bothered me when I was at
his house. The second thing I would do is I
will put all the stuff in his refrigerator and his dryer,
which he doesn't use, and then put the stuff in
the dryer and the washer. And then I will grab
the stack of papers that's been sitting there collecting us.

I'll glue each one of them papers together so there's
just one big block of paper. Because this is what
people don't understand about Scary Jones. Scary Jones, he lives
in the house, but he doesn't live in the house.
You could change anything. He wouldn't realize it. For a week.
He goes there, it takes a nap, goes to sleep,
and then you know, Mosollam gets up the.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Next morning, Wandveldes has been in my house. It's true,
he has. He was in my house, so he knows.
And yes, my pictures are crooked.

Speaker 4 (23:24):
It drives me crazy, but it was so dark I
didn't want to like I would knock him off the wall.

Speaker 28 (23:29):
Hey, broken boys, it's Erica from Oldsmar, Florida. I think
this just solidifies that I love you guys, because as
soon as I saw it was episode three fourteen.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
I was like, oh, it's a Pie episode.

Speaker 28 (23:40):
And then you continue to go on for six minutes
about pie and it's pretty crazy. But I actually have
a pie symbol tattoo on my leg and I have
it memorized to twenty something digits.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
So I got her birthday. But does the does the
two go on forever? Did she say that was her birthday?
You know?

Speaker 4 (24:02):
She said she is a tattoo of the of pie.
Why would that's that's crazy? But are you a mathematician?
Are you a math teacher?

Speaker 1 (24:09):
That's why I think three fourteen is her birthday? March fourteenth.
She didn't say that though, but I'm assuming that's why
else would you get a tattoo of pie because you
love maths? Sure, I don't know. Or she likes circles
she's a mathlete, sure ay, or a.

Speaker 9 (24:26):
Canal sofo jew about the cholesterol thing, that's scary talking
about Yeah, my family has a hitcher at back class
and doctors. I've told my family that custel can also
be genetic to a certain point.

Speaker 23 (24:40):
Ultimately, not you know, scary, but like my dad.

Speaker 9 (24:46):
Had culture problems. Grandma Custer poms, my dad brothers custurer proms,
and he's taking piloties on everything. Nothing's worked.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
M Hi.

Speaker 19 (24:54):
This is Ariel from upstate New York. Brody. In regards
to the episode three fourteen, that vicious pickleball lady, I
think you should accidentally purposely trip her so that she
can't play for six months so you don't have to
deal with her, or either that or somehow accidentally push

her downstairs so that she can't play at all.

Speaker 1 (25:17):
There you go, that that's the God. That's I'm going
with that.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
And and by the way, I didn't mean to just
gloss over the last one with talking about cholesterol.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
You know I did have They did tell me they said,
you know what, when you do your doctor fat loss,
We're going to do test your blood again. In the
middle of February. Hit the jingle. What I was explaining.
I was explaining something I need to jingle.

Speaker 4 (25:42):
You could have said, when you lose weight in January,
when you do your loss your diet program. Nope, nope, nope,
it doesn't help when you smirk as you're saying it.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
You know what you were doing.

Speaker 3 (25:57):
So on February fifteenth, they gonna retest my my blood
and they're gonna see if the cholesterol has gone down naturally,
and why don't you would if it does go down.
If it does go down, then it's diet, and then
I know what I need to do. If it doesn't budge,
it's hereditary and I'll have to be put on a statin.
That's what I'm doing.

Speaker 4 (26:18):
You should you should get on a statin now to
lower your cholesterol before you die, before you get to January. Okay,
the cholesterol is double what it should be. No, it's
I'm just worried about you.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
No, it's okay.

Speaker 3 (26:29):
It's it's an manageable level. It's forty a tattoo of PI,
don't you should be two hundred or below. It should
be below two hundred. No, it should be below one thirty. No,
it should below two hundred.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
That that's not correct. That is correct.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
You want to google Google your your total your total
cholesterol should be should be below two hundred. Hold on,
my number is two forty two forty one. All right,
you do that. I'll play the next one.

Speaker 19 (26:59):
Hi Ariel for Upstate New York, episode three fourteen. The
question was, would you prank Scary while uh he's out
of town and were in his apartment? I probably would
if I were brody, and I'd probably take I don't know,
some ketchup or syrup and write someplace on his carpet

or his couch. You owe me a steak dinner.

Speaker 1 (27:25):

Speaker 19 (27:26):
Best talkback for me for today, Ariel, Upstate New York.
Over the weekends, my son told me that that Hawktoo
girl actually has her own podcast, and I'm not bringing
it to advertise it. I'm bringing it up because I
think it's stupid. I think it's a waste of sign.
I heard a few seconds of it. I didn't like it.

I would never listen to it again. Slice for Life.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Thank has a dry humor, but then it gets oist
after a little while.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
Hio gotta give her credit for the name. It's called
talk To. It didn't, by the she didn't come up
with that name, but.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
Still a clever name it is. Talk to.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
All right, Doctor Brody, what'd you find out? Uh, you're
talking about combined cholesterol? That what is your regular cholesterol? Uncombined?
Oh that's still a little high, a little high. That
the LDL should be under one hundred, but the total
number should be.

Speaker 4 (28:22):
Yeah, if you combineded, you bet, yes, but you're a
one forty something. You should be under a hundred. You
should be taking a statin. Believe Tony Hawk takes a
stadtin have you seen his commercials?

Speaker 6 (28:31):

Speaker 4 (28:32):
I like, uh, you know, I like being active. Of course,
I love skating. That's why I take a statin for
my cholesterol. Tony Hawk, Hey, guys, it's allan scary I
just heard.

Speaker 25 (28:42):
On the Big Show. By the way, it is Monday,
November fourth, that you and Robin are no longer together.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
Did I actually hear that correctly?

Speaker 20 (28:49):

Speaker 21 (28:49):
Did so?

Speaker 25 (28:50):
Dude, I'm so sorry to hear that. But you know, graduates,
it's a lot of the best and undoubtedly you will
move on. But you know, as a positive, you and
h Nate and AUTI, you guys could start the Single
Radio Personalities Club.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
Have a great day, guys. I don't know where you
got that.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
All the single DJs, all the single DJs, all the
single DJs.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
Yeah, scary' is not single. I don't know what you heard.
I don't know. I don't know where you got that.
That is not true.

Speaker 4 (29:15):
I mean I you'd know if the Robin would somebody
else was talking and who was recently single on the
morning show? To my recollection is Nate, Oh, it's Scotti,
then Scotty, Scotty B.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
Scotty B. Yeah, it's part Scotty.

Speaker 25 (29:31):
Real quick. I usually listened to your podcast through my
own podcatcher, and I went on to the Diheart radio
app to send you this talkback. Thank you, guys. I
was so surprised when I went to the comedy section.
I scrolled all the way down and I was scrolling
and scrolling. You guys are halfway down the page not
promoting a podcast that has one of the personalities at

the moment from one of the top morning shows.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
That is that's a great question. You should be our agent.
It's an awesome question, and we deserve better placement.

Speaker 4 (30:01):
So well, you know what, when you're a celebrity, they
let you do it. No, no, that's the mere phrase that.
That's a quote. When your big name, high powered, well
paid celebrity podcast they that they invest in. I'm assuming
you want to promote your investment. We are with the
Brooklyn Boys. So we went from we went from fourth

to fifth to seventh, and then we just keep getting
bumped as.

Speaker 1 (30:25):
They keep signing major celebrities. Yeah, we will get back
up there to get ourselves back up to the top.
You know what, you know what, the truth of it
is scary. You back me up here.

Speaker 4 (30:33):
Sometimes the big celebrities need a little help to get
people listening to that podcast. We are podcast professionals. We
don't need the help and the placement at the top
of the list because you guys found us anyway.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
There is that, but it would be nice to be recognized.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
I think he's right again, Yes, like we used to
be when we got nominated in twenty nineteen.

Speaker 29 (30:49):
Hell Er Me Boys, the old Albomy Trucker Here one
more time, ya, Surrey Bombarno, you know all left apologize
that I haven't been calling in here lately. But I've been
really visit putting in the overtime running the friar latter
over at my local mcdonnelds. And let me tell you
it's not It looks no surini, no surini, you know.

Speaker 26 (31:12):
But I got a little something to say about the
three point thirteen and the old baby shower, And you
know what's good here. I don't think you should be
criticizing those lovely ladies over there at that baby shower.

Speaker 22 (31:24):
For one, the mother, she's happy, she's having a child
and she wants to.

Speaker 26 (31:29):
Share in the moment with her friends and family. You know,
you're the one that decided you want to have brunch.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
You can't have a regular breakfast or lunch.

Speaker 26 (31:40):
Not everybody else in the world. No, you want to
be boogie, so you put yourself into their world, Brooklyn Bull.

Speaker 3 (31:47):
Wait, hold on, I'm trying to still make sense of that. Well,
what is that supposed to mean? We went, we went
to brunch at a restaurant, and it was a typical brunch.
It was a regular place they were they happen to
be partying and having their little soiree in the dead
center of a restaurant. I mean there were other people
eating brunch as well. I mean it was wasn't it

anything more bougie than usual? So I couldn't help it
be there and over here everything going on right, You
couldn't possibly help it be there. I had to go
to Bronze. If anything, they shame on them. They needed
to pay the extra money for a private room that
they didn't do. They decided to do it out in
public and save some money. That's how that works. They

were in my.

Speaker 2 (32:35):
Space Brooklyn boys, I'm gonna go Scary Imbrody this time.
This is Paul from Pombay. That's why I got a
shout out to Scary. I'm really listening to the old
episodes again. I'm on to eighteen and Scary had just
suggested a separate episode for just the talkbacks, the birth
of Slice Time, Slice Life.

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Ooh oooh yeah that's right.

Speaker 2 (33:00):
Boom, I can talk back from Palmy again. I just
want to say Scared should also pay half Scotty. He's
speeding tickets because he's distracted him.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
Really, Oh look at that Wow that came out of Hottie.
That came out of nowhere, like your phone call had
distracted him. The fuck I don't know, Scotty. I don't
know Scotty.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
Shit. You should stop interrupting people when they're driving. Let
me tell you. That's on you.

Speaker 3 (33:21):
It's on him to hang up on me. He's operating
the motor vehicle. I'm at home. He was trying to
be nice to you. Listen, he got your own home.
I'm sorry he got the speeding ticket.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
It's his own fault with your twenty minute commut. And
you know, mister stood it.

Speaker 22 (33:37):
I guarantee you got your heads up in a regular
time and just got dress over the tom Steiner Regnor
Bear or someplace like that, and had a regular records
for lunch like everybody else.

Speaker 29 (33:49):
You wouldn't run into these baby showers, and you wouldn't
be complaining like a little girl. All right, guys, just
take it it in. Remember, don't be complaining. Go on
the throw.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
No fighting up me boys, that's right, don't don't you
don't find up hill me boys.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Wow, sounds like it sounds like he's taken something because
he got some does he got some drugs in him?

Speaker 2 (34:14):

Speaker 1 (34:15):
Never find up hill me boys. That's a famous quote.

Speaker 7 (34:17):
Born Canal sofo Jude So about Halloween. I thought it
was like universal signed if I turned my front lights off,
you know, then people won't bother me. But people kept
coming to our door, and it was really annoying because
I are both door kids. We just put them down.
We didn't want people knocking on the door, didn't people

ringing the doorbell. We had no decorations out, you know,
we just wanted to I wanted to watch the football game,
and that's it.

Speaker 2 (34:45):
Hold on.

Speaker 7 (34:48):
So I started getting pissed because as I got later,
older kids are coming and half of them weren't even
in costume.

Speaker 9 (34:52):
They just want candy, and I didn't have candy.

Speaker 7 (34:54):
So we we just we had a box of the
costco Oreo little two cookie packets, so we finished those
off with them and I left the box outside. I said,
fuck it, just leave the box outside. And people kept
knocking still and have them still not in costumes. So
eventually I wrote a note. I said, please take a cookie,
Please don't knock and ring the doorbell.

Speaker 10 (35:13):
Sorry, last one.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
So essentially next year, what.

Speaker 7 (35:15):
I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna keep an empty
box or an empty bowl out outside and put on
my door. Please take a piece of candy, do not
knock or ring the doorbell and leave my lights off
because apparently people don't understand signs of them, especially teenagers.

Speaker 9 (35:29):
And then I can see on my.

Speaker 7 (35:30):
Doorbell that they get pissed off at it when the
candy's gone. And you know what, as a teenager who
looks like you have a drivers lets go buy your
own fucking candy. You don't need to fucking come to
me to get it. Sorry, you're getting a little to
old for the shit.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
Look he's gonna leave a note with an empty ball. Yeah,
that's a brody move. That is a brody move. I
like that. Nice jobborn Brooklyn boys.

Speaker 23 (35:54):
It's te white scary. You have to get a relationship
with your doctor that they will bend the truth to
make sure it's covered by insurance. I would get migraines
a couple of years ago every time I played basketball,
and my doctor wanted me to do an MRI to
see if there was something wrong because I have a
family history of aneurisms. But a family history of aneurisms
was not enough for them to cover the cost of

the MRI. So my doctor asked, So she asked if
I got migraines after or during sexual activity, the answer
was no, but apparently the insurance would cover it if
the answer was yes for getting a migraine during sex
and not a family history of anneurisms. So she said yes,

insurance covered it. And it just turned out I was
out of shape, piece of shit and wasn't hydrating enough,
so that was causing him. It was still worth it
for her to lie for me allegedly.

Speaker 1 (36:48):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (36:48):
Well, no, this guy did not do such a thing.
He was very truthful and as a result it couldn't
get covered by insurance.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
But that's okay because.

Speaker 3 (36:56):
Another doctor did it and took my insurance and it
all worked out well.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
So all right, right, so that's it.

Speaker 3 (37:05):
So we got so she wrote for today Brody, Oh
that was the last call from T White.

Speaker 1 (37:09):
That was all very nice. Well, we appreciate you all
for chiming in. Leave it. Talk about tomorrow, Well, today's
November fourth. Tomorrow is number fifth.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
By the time they hear this, it will already it'll
already be November fifth. Nobody's hearing this thing tonight except
for j Queens.

Speaker 4 (37:27):
On November fifth, then it's election day, so a lot
of news. I'm not telling you what to do, who
to vote, for but you should vote Yeah. Nor voice
out there the.

Speaker 3 (37:36):
Appleclam Boys and get your voice out on the Talkbacks
episode three fifteen when we record later in the week.

Speaker 12 (37:46):
Reactions this podcast all depends on you, baby.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Also ch
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