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November 12, 2024 41 mins

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #315 and earlier.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooklyn Boys Podcast reactions.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
This podcast all depends on you. Baby Free Brooklyn Boys
Slice time for episode three point fifteen and before whatever

came before. Some of you are very behind. Ohough, you
have very big behinds. Some of you listen to the
episode two minutes after it gets dropped, and we appreciate
you for it. I like the sense of urgency that
some slices have. That's great.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
I like when you post it and then people that
like DM me and they go, that was a great episode,
and what up.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
Like an hour and a half of you exactly exactly,
so very impressive. Yeah, so let's see.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
We gave some homework assignments and what to give talkbacks
for us, So yeah, here we go.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
Yeah, let's do this. This is uh the episode. Do
I have to remind you at this point what this is.
This is not the main episode of the Brooklyn Boys podcast.
This is just the companion episode.

Speaker 3 (01:20):
This is the This is the why the logo is
different because I changed the logo to the lifetime lost.
This is the response the response episode. Yeah, so episode
about the episode?

Speaker 2 (01:28):
This one is commenting on episode thing. It's the thing
about the thing, the thing about the thing. Pie and
Cake and cholesterol, episode three fourteen. Yeah, all right, let's
see what we got here.

Speaker 4 (01:40):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, Shamie from Queen's here. I want to
thank Dunny from CT for the wonderful compliment, and also
Maddie from Brooklyn and the Bronx for coming to my defense.
US city girls need to sit together, right, actually came
at a great time, what you guys said, because literally
the day that Life Time came out last week, I

got some pretty bad news about my dog. So thank
you for cheering me up.

Speaker 5 (02:07):
And thank you Brooklyn boys.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
You're welcome. You're welcome. Sorry, sorry, got your dog.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
I hope things got better if that was an option,
and if they it wasn't an option, where our condolences.
Dogs are the best, even though Scary has never owned one.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
It's true, all right, that one seems to be an
empty file.

Speaker 6 (02:28):
Moving on from Queens again. Also funny, I don't wear
wholesome white outfits. I'm currently wearing a black hoodie with
the upper half of the skeleton on the front and
the back, and earlier I got the male a sweater
that has a haunted gingerbread house on it that I
planned to wear for Thanksgiving.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
All right, weaving personal weaving personal message Here on the
Village Voice used to have the personals like hey, girl
on the train, or a red shirt.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
I wanted to say, Hi, I'm the guy in the
blue hat. Was it misdencounter something like that? Just have
a thing like that when people couldn't, And now they
just find each other online.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Now they just talk back. Yeah, were your personal goddamn
message messaging service? That's right? Oh what do you use?
Slice time?

Speaker 7 (03:17):
Danding the blind radio guy, So I thought it was
really hilarious that in episode three fourteen, Sorry I'm late
that Brody is like, oh, I think when people show
that they know Pie, they're just trying to show off
something or whatever. And then he proceeeds to tell us
what cat scan is short for.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Speaker 8 (03:38):
That's hilarious.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Well he didn't know it, but Danny listen, knowing Pie
is like, oh, you're like, oh, it's three point one four.
But knowing Pie to the thirty seventh digit, it's only
to show off. It doesn't make you a more well
rounded person. It's never gonna come up with life. Yeah,
you're not gonna be some game show like, oh, can
you tell us the thirty first thirty numbers of pie,

like I got this million dollars.

Speaker 7 (04:01):
Oh, my birthday is three fourteen, and everyone goes, oh
Pie Day, and I'm just like, I mean, I guess
I like steak at a blowjob days.

Speaker 2 (04:12):
That's what that.

Speaker 7 (04:13):
Day really is. And it's a response to Valentine's Day.
So if you share a birthday with me on three
fourteen and you enjoy steak and you enjoy blowjobs, that's
your fucking day. Man, Danny the Black radio Guy, I
really hate that I'm late to this episode. Sorry, slices,

I got just one last one, my favorite pie. I
typically like to go pie over cake anyway, just because
there's a lot less people who like pie or choose
pie over cake. So I'm always a little bit selfish
on my birthday and go, you know what I want
to pie, coconut cream pie, pecan pie, lemon merangue. Those

are some of my favorites. I love that you guys
talked about pot.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
Right, nice, thank you. He's obsessed, and you're not late.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
You were the second person, right, no need to apologize.
And if you were second to Jamie from Queen's I mean,
that's that's quite all right.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
Olia one of the first. Yeah, she buzzes in first
every episode.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
No points lost being second to Jamie. If you were
second to like someone who usually leaves a message at
the end, you'll Scaries give me the look.

Speaker 9 (05:24):
Hit hey boys, Vinnie from Brooklyn, the girl that from
upstate talking about to talk to it. Not that I
care about to talk to a thing, but.

Speaker 6 (05:33):
That prank that she said you should do to Scary
about putting ketchup on the carpet or syrup or on
the couch, we wouldn't be friends anymore.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
That's fucked up, man. Yes, that's like too far. That's
not a prank, that's just being a dick, right, have
a good day.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
I agree, Vinnie and and and Vinnie's a no nonsense
guy right like so he would if something was funny
and like fuck it, that guy should laugh. He would
be the first guy to say, fuck it, that's funny.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
But the fact that.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
He also knows you don't ruin people's property permanently, I agree, Vinnie,
well said.

Speaker 10 (06:08):
Scary and Brody, and Brody and Scary the Rody the
knee from CC Scary better watch his step around. Maddie
from Brooklyn in the Bronx remember scary. She's the HBI
C of the BBP. If she says you owe Brody
a steak dinner, you better believe you owe Brody a
steak dinner. Last week's Slash Time fell a bit flat.
There was no romal talkbacks from Queen Jamie of Queens

New York, no one canny insights from Reggie here, and
of course, no Slice Time is ever truly complete without
some concept from the marvelous MJ from NJ.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Well, it's very true. Sometimes people listen to these episodes
in clumps and we must have hit you know, a valley,
you know, an abyss. But can I it's funny you
mentioned the word clumps because you don't hear the word
clumps a lot. Yeah, can you tell me what this means?

Speaker 3 (06:54):
So I worked at a restaurant many years ago, and
there was a very pretty girl who worked there and
guy who was like, you know, he's a he's a
good looking guy. Not the brightest guy in the world,
but you know, good looking, the kind of got girls, you.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
Know, right, And so at one point he sleeps.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
With this girl that's very attractive that everyone was like, wow,
that's the most attractive girl. That's she's a she's a catch, right,
So all the guys in the kitchen were like, dude, uh,
he said, ah, she was.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Kind of clumpy. Didn't he mean frumpy? No, he said clumpy.
He said clumpy. But yeah, but nobody knew what that
meant or wanted to ask him what he meant by it,
because I don't don't want to admit not knowing. He says, yeah,
she was a little bit clumpy. Maybe he was using
the word wrong. I'm going with that. No, he said
she had she was clumpy, like cottage cheese clumpy. That's

what I'm saying.

Speaker 11 (07:44):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (07:45):
I mean, these we were we were like eighteen nineteen, twenty,
twenty one, twenty two, like it was all young people. Yeah,
it wasn't like she was like seventy five. You're like, oh,
she had flabby arms.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
I think dumpy or frumpy, but not clumpy, right, she
was like he was like, dude, you know she's good,
but a little clumpy. All right. So to this day,
like maybe it's a cross between clumsy and frumpy. I
don't know. My head hurts a combination. My head hurt's
thinking about it.

Speaker 12 (08:12):
Yeah, Hello, Thani from CT Reggie here, I do not
need a morale boosting compliment.

Speaker 6 (08:21):
Insults are fine too, In fact, I prefer them.

Speaker 13 (08:25):
Okay, excuse me, David L.

Speaker 4 (08:32):
Brody, Reggie here and.

Speaker 2 (08:41):
Will Always Love You.

Speaker 5 (08:47):
Was David L.

Speaker 14 (08:47):

Speaker 2 (08:48):
If we if we had to pick a moment where
Slice time jumped the shark, I would I would go
back to that one right there. Ante She said, I
don't know what's going on here.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
She likes insults, So, Reggie, that was horrific horrifically bad,
which I'm sure you're aware of. Also, I'm not sure
the middle initial thing. But okay, whatever works for you,
David L. Brody, where else stands for a loser?

Speaker 10 (09:18):

Speaker 15 (09:20):
What's Vinnie?

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Bro Vinnie, you've been on this wheel?

Speaker 15 (09:24):
You were saying, I know you pay pickaball Henry who
is Henry? At the ten minutes left in the Pick
a Ball episode three fourteen, you're saying, I know you
pay pickaball Henry who was Henry Henry? And Scary is

going to have a comment on this being left at
two am Eastern time, I'm sure scared. Don't you work
weird hours?

Speaker 16 (09:53):

Speaker 15 (09:54):
Aren't you up early? Why are you always shocked when
people leave messages early or late.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Yeah, he's so confused by that too.

Speaker 15 (10:03):
You know what, I don't get what it's always shocking
to you when it's at a weird time.

Speaker 2 (10:09):
I'm you know, I did at two twenty two in
the morning. That's when those are left. Giving comes from
a world where if it's not what he does, it's weird. No,
I just it's I I'm actually kind of uh enamored
with the fact that people listen to us at two, three,
four o'clock in the morning. But you're right, but that
could be his afternoon. So who am I to judge?

You are? Not that you're exactly correct. Who are you?
It's just an observation. Really, what is your middle initial?
We don't get many any We don't get many slice
time feedbacks between midnight and six am. That's why don't
you answering the question? Is your middle name Myron? Myron? Okay?
What's your middle initial? It's either Video or Michael, or

it's Peter. Tell you Pete? Really, yeah, your.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
Middle of name is Peter. All these years I didn't
know that. Yeah, who are you named after?

Speaker 2 (11:04):
My uncle? Peter? My mother's brother. But wait a second,
that was a confirmation name. I don't have a middle
name otherwise, that was just confirmed it that was giving
given to me at confirmation. So you were born your
parents didn't give you a middle name, No, but I
got one during confirmation. So I guess names normal middle names?

Speaker 17 (11:25):

Speaker 2 (11:25):
No, My sister is Anne, my brother is Carl. But
those were all confirmation names. Carl, Carmine. Where's Carl from
my cousin Carmine? He confirmed my brother and my uncle
Peter confirmed me. So Carl's not an Italian name, Carmine.

You just said Carl. Carl is not short for Carmine. Yes,
it is. No, it's not short for Carmine's calm. Don't
you watch the bear? No, carm is short for Carmen
by No, it's common. But calm on, I don't guide him.
Calm on, you call him calm. You don't call it
Calmlin's Karl. Karl's an old Jewish guy's name. Hey, Carl, Hey,

it's Carl. How you doing? Carl's not if your name
is If you're listening to this, your name is Carmine.
What do people call you for short? Please let us know?
All right?

Speaker 5 (12:20):
Moving on, Hibie boys, it's Riska.

Speaker 8 (12:27):
Gonna say, I'm listening to episode ninety Brodie when you
were fitching about the broccoli or they recorded your.

Speaker 5 (12:35):
Calls and they recorded the kitchen. I'm tucking dying laughing.

Speaker 8 (12:39):
I really needed that episode today to h bring up
my spirits anyway, because I know you said, like, let
us know what episodes you've been listening to that higbie boys,
it's Riska from Brooklyn. I don't know if you heard
me in my last recording because it was a little loud,

but I basically was saying that I always listen to old.

Speaker 5 (13:03):
Episodes because I enjoy them so much.

Speaker 8 (13:04):
And I'm pretty sure in a recent episode you were
asking us to tell you what old episode we've enjoyed.
So I was just on ninety and really enjoying that one.
But I enjoy them all.

Speaker 6 (13:16):
Any Who's love you guys.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Thank you Rika. Oh all right, By the way, I'm looking,
I'm looking online for abbreviations for carmin, car cam and calm.
Huh no, Carl, carlay. What is the derivation of the
name carl really?

Speaker 3 (13:40):
What it comes to the old Norse word call, which
means man or commoner. Carl has multiple meanings from the
German word carl meaning freeman, old Norse name definitely not
nor hold on North Germanic male name meaning freeman. Uh, Norwegian, Swedish, yeah,

nothing to do with Italian, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Al right great.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
Uh yeah, so yeah, Carlo it's short for Carlow maybe maybe,
but not Carmine.

Speaker 18 (14:19):
It's been a while. So this is what happened. Scary
is your iPhone it didn't actually get stolen. I work
for a logistics company and I also help prep for
the iPhone launch, so it's a it's an agreement between
the carrier and the and the shipping company and Apple
to prevent iPhone thefts when they launch. So when they
ship it, they require a signature before they could release it.

So if there's no one there to actually sign for it,
it has to be the uh, the receiver and it
cannot be like a doorman unless you sign up for
you PS my choice and then do a driver release
for the package and then they be able to drop
it off to your doorman. If not, then it goes

back to their warehouse which is located in Texas.

Speaker 2 (15:08):
So that's what happened.

Speaker 18 (15:09):
And that's why it went in a loop because like
there's nobody there to actually sign for it. Yeah, it's
a bad customer service on Horizons and they don't tell
the customer service tell you that that it gets shipped
back if nobody there to actually sign for it. So yeah,
even that happened, Like with my iPhone, like I ordered
it with I phrom fifteen pro Max, the UPS driver

would release it unless I sign up on a UPS
my choice, And did the driver release or actually be
around to sign for the phone.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
All right, I'm gonna have to look into that.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
Well, you know what's interesting about that explanation. Somebody stole it.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
Did your doorman ever tell you? By the way, they
tried to deliver your phone, but they didn't give it
a maid. No, nobody told you that I have a budget,
You have a budget to your apartment. I have a
bunch of thieves in my building, is what you're saying. Yeah,
oh that's you know what that makes it a lot
of say was stolen.

Speaker 5 (16:04):
Skyler from New Jersey scary? So help me God. If
you do not invite Brody for the car mines, or
you do not bring.

Speaker 12 (16:11):
Him any extras, you will be letting him down, just
like you did with.

Speaker 5 (16:15):
The same dinner.

Speaker 2 (16:17):
Oh, what's the carbines thing? The car mines thing, by
the way, is it? Can we call carmines? Call carlines?
I was just thinking the same thing, Brody. I'm taking
you to Carl's Carls Jr. So what's the carmines thing?
Did you talk on air about having some big invented
car mines? No Atlantic carmines right now? And see what's

going on. I don't know what. I don't know what
they're talking about. You're making the face, your guilty face.
I don't know what you mean. I don't know. Moving on.
You know everyone knows to because of me.

Speaker 12 (16:49):
Reggie here, Brody, I don't know who's worse out of
all those pickleball people, all of those mentally ill pickleball people.
An issue. I don't know if i'd be able to
go back there.

Speaker 19 (17:03):
Thank you, Bertie Scary. It's Erica from Oldsmar. I just
wanted to reach out and reply about the pie tattoo.

Speaker 6 (17:12):
It does not go on forever.

Speaker 19 (17:14):
But it's also not my birthday, but I do get
all my friends reach out for Happy Pie Day on
March fourteenth. It's like my honorary birthday.

Speaker 8 (17:23):
I just got it.

Speaker 19 (17:23):
Because I'm a big math dork. I am an accountant,
but I've always liked math and numbers and stuff like that.

Speaker 5 (17:30):
So yeah, that's me.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
That's awesome. It doesn't go on forever. I imagine it
like wrapping around her leg and around right, because then then, yeah,
that would be awesome. That would be like how do
you decide where to stop?

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Do you say, like make it nine inches and then
whatever numbers at the ninth inch? That's it could be
like how do you know when to stop? And I
don't remember where it was?

Speaker 2 (17:51):
What did you say?

Speaker 8 (17:51):
It was?

Speaker 20 (17:53):
Hey, Hey, this is Emily in Connecticut. I get those
spam text messages all the time that are super personal,
like scaries, and it's really funny that right as the
most recent podcast ended, I got a text message from Manhattan,
where I just was yesterday that just plane said Hi.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Yeah. Sometimes they just say hey, expect I got.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
One today that sounded very interesting, which I'll read on
the next episode.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
Oh perfect. Yeah, I almost sent them myself a Strity
number in credit. I still don't understand the purpose behind them,
Like what are they trying to do?

Speaker 3 (18:29):
They want to see if your phone number is active,
then they want to say they have a job for you.
And if you just send me this information, we can
run a background check on you. Like think it through, Scary,
you're watching it. You don't watch enough costs, But yeah,
I guess so.

Speaker 8 (18:42):
Hi Bee boys, it's risk Guff from Brooklyn. This is
going to be a dumb talk back. But when Scary
was talking about the whole double dipping situation, you guys
said dip so many times. I was waiting for someone
to say, when I dip, you dip, we dip, because
you guys say that all the time to other episodes.

Speaker 5 (19:01):
So I'm sad.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
Someone to say it. I think said I think I
said you dip dip. If we didn't say it, we
were definitely thinking it. I mean, it's okay, here's what
I'll say. If I didn't say it, my memory made
me think.

Speaker 3 (19:15):
I already said it because absolutely would have said it,
and I.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
Watched the phone both would that's it. That's a layup
right there, So good.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
Cat keeps going, Yes, what's up?

Speaker 8 (19:25):
Rifka, Hi, bie boys, it's Riska from Brooklyn. I'm dying
laughing at the spam text messages that y'all are reading
out loud. I specifically love the one that Scary read
where it's like I'm thinking of visiting you. That reminds
me of one time someone messaged me and they were like,
I'm coming to New York next week, and my response
was have fun, because why the fuck are you reaching

out to me? Exactly, So if I got a text
say I'm thinking of visiting you or I'm visiting you
next week, I'd be like, I wouldn't respond.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Yeah, these spall don't want I don't want visitors. They're
out of control.

Speaker 21 (20:00):
Hey, b boys, Christy from Saddlebrook, I think creepy, cruel
Kelly from your neighborhood Brodie takes the cake. She beats
out resting bitch face, pick a ball, Patty and everyone
else because she's like a busybody and I can't stand
people like that.

Speaker 5 (20:20):
Like Scary said, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 21 (20:23):
Mind your own business.

Speaker 5 (20:24):
What is your stuff in your garage? How is it
harming her?

Speaker 2 (20:28):
Not? She just needs something to Part two.

Speaker 21 (20:31):
You guys are making me so hungry talking about the
double dipping and ed flipping.

Speaker 5 (20:36):
By the way, I do the flip.

Speaker 21 (20:38):
When I'm with good friends or family, only so I
do the dip and flip.

Speaker 5 (20:42):
But I'm now on my way to get something to
eat because I'm starving. It made me so hungry. Have
a great week.

Speaker 2 (20:49):
I like how she says lol, like she's typing. She's
texting us. Just laugh.

Speaker 4 (21:01):
Hey, guys were talking about scambony text messages. I don't
get many scambony text messages, but I have a couple
of good scambony calls stories. One guy called me up
about signing up for Medicare, and I told him I'm sorry,
I'm thirty six. I'm too young for Medicare. He started

screaming at me. We got into an argument and he's
yelling at me, why are you too young for Medicare?
That's not my problem. My other good scambony story is
that I'm going to call on my cell phone saying
that my electricity is going to be shut off because
of the linquid payments, and he gave my exact address.
The thing is, my cell phone isn't attached to the account.

My dad's number is. So I was asking the guy,
if there's really a shut off notice, why are you
calling a number that's not associated with the account instead
of the number on file and he had no answer.

Speaker 2 (21:58):
You might have just given him more information, don't give me.
I wouldn't if you even responded, hope she did. I would.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
I would just say it's not my name and the story,
but I'll be like, it's my father's name, and I
know it's my father's name because it' under his sole
security number, which is you know, uh.

Speaker 17 (22:16):
Hey Brooklyn boys, I don't know if you're getting this
you know who it is. And oh my god, I'm
doing my walk. I'm listening to that Kelly or whatever
her name really is. Fuck her, what a fucking nosy fuck.
I am so sorry to hear that, but that's what
happens when you live in those communities. You got fucking
someone jealous because they couldn't have a third dog, and

maybe she wanted to store stuff and she couldn't go
go fuck fuck Kelly Brooklyn.

Speaker 5 (22:46):
Boys, M J J. I'm but scary, gout he's clean out. Yep.
You got to get that done. It's good to have.
I got to go.

Speaker 17 (22:55):
Next year, so I'm not looking forward to it anyway. Yeah,
that pickleball person. At least it wasn't only you to
think she's a fucking dead bitch face. All right, love
you guys, keep it up. She's getting pee in my
pants all the time.

Speaker 2 (23:11):
Bye, so much rage, thank you. And this one is
another empty file.

Speaker 7 (23:21):

Speaker 2 (23:22):
How about this one? Burn slice? Ohio?

Speaker 22 (23:25):
Liam Uh scary? If I hear one more fucking damn
story about you dipping, double dipping and all that, I'm
gonna parachutet punch you. This is ridiculous that I've been
hearing you twenty twelve talk shit about double dipping in sauces.
I'm tired of it. Stop talking about it. Just get
your own fucking goddamn sauces.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
Peace. God, there's some rage. I don't know if you
can yell peace after you threaten to punch somebody. And
not only that, I don't, it's a common I don't
double podcast. What are you doing?

Speaker 20 (23:59):

Speaker 3 (24:00):
I know the world is going to hell with anger?
And stop like I'm a parachuting and punch you. I don't.
I mean he double dips. I don't double.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
Dip, dip. I flip and then I dip. When you dip,
double dipping is disgusting, okay, but when you dip, I dip.
We dip.

Speaker 14 (24:23):
The Boklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 11 (24:26):
We will be right back.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
Oh my god, you're hanging in there, Brody. I'm trying
all right. We're gonna solve the world's problems with some
of these talking.

Speaker 22 (24:45):
With pick a ball. He stands your ground and you
tell her to f the fuck off because I don't
play that carap And on top of that, has how's
your life? Treating you? How how's life? Because it sounds
like you said you were an old age home. It's
old sounds land anyway. I just want to say, all

love you, guys, thank you for everything you've guy's done.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
Yeah, bro you sound like you're in an old age home.
Love you guys.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
No, no, no, he didn't sound like I'm an old
age home. He sounded like I'm playing pickle ball in
an old age home.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Speaker 3 (25:18):
Which I'm not. Nobody's old. That's has none to do
with age. There's just people who are just that way.

Speaker 2 (25:23):
Did you retire to the villages and not tell us? Yeah,
that's that's the last place I'm ending up. If you
don't know what that is, google the villages. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
I get a pineapple and a golf cart and hang
a pineapple upside down.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
On my door. So I'm a swinger.

Speaker 3 (25:35):
Apparently, listen, the villages are great for those people, but
it's not my stuny.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
Apparently they have like loof of sponges of different colors
and they represent different things about what you're into sexually.
The villages. M hm. I also hear this's like the
highest STD rate in America in those villages, isn't it?
Isn't that in Florida? The villages? Yeah, the villages? Yeah, yeah,
maybe he thought about retiring to that brody. Well, you're

not even going to entertain that with a comment.

Speaker 3 (26:04):
I'm not even close to retiring. What are you talking
about someday? And I will never live in Florida. It's
too hot.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
I'm not a sweating person. I don't like it.

Speaker 22 (26:15):
Bernsize lamp from Ohio's.

Speaker 17 (26:19):

Speaker 22 (26:19):
How do you feel after klonoscope, after you're taking all
the pills? Do you feel lighter?

Speaker 2 (26:26):
Do you feel well?

Speaker 22 (26:27):
Good, more energetic?

Speaker 20 (26:30):

Speaker 22 (26:30):
Because the second bodies cut, because how do you feel?

Speaker 2 (26:35):
I let me know, I feel the same actually, But
some people said, oh, oh my god, it's like, you know,
you get rid of four to seven pounds, you feel lighter.
None of that get rid of any It comes right
back to minute. You go eat and drink again exactly.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
Yeah, you get some stuff out of your inside, your linings,
of your intestines, and then you have a steak dinner again.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
You don't learn your lesson, You just go back in.

Speaker 23 (26:58):
Scary and Brody, Brody Scary, Steve from the Bronx.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
Over there, Hey, okay, listen to last podcast.

Speaker 23 (27:06):
I'm so fucking sick of this Saint dinner coming up,
Paddy from the booking the Bronx is wrong, Jesus so wrong.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
Brody, you've been repaid. It doesn't matter if they was
paid something. That must be your pepople part coming out
about that. You got fucking you steak dinner.

Speaker 23 (27:25):
More than once over the Scary and Brody Brody and
Scary over there, Steve from the Bronx again, Brody, just
keep making me do he's fucking talk back. Fuck this dinner,
the free dinner, you got to stake dinner.

Speaker 14 (27:41):
Fuck the jingles with.

Speaker 23 (27:42):
Though, fucking doctor fat Loss by the way, doctor Fallows
dot com.

Speaker 6 (27:48):
And fuck your mouth got be.

Speaker 14 (27:54):
Over there.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
What is wrong with you people? There's no podcast asked
if I don't talk.

Speaker 5 (28:04):
Fuck your mouth, hey, Brooklyn boys.

Speaker 17 (28:07):
I don't know, I'm forgetting this. I just, hey, Brooklyn boys,
I don't know, I forgetting this. MJ famenje.

Speaker 5 (28:20):
I just listened to Slice Time three fourteen.

Speaker 17 (28:22):
Oh my god, that one event Valdez and his also
his son and the cowboy trucker everyone they just I
can't I keep paying myself.

Speaker 5 (28:32):
It's hysterical. Yeah, I agree, I forgot baby shower.

Speaker 17 (28:37):
Yes, should have had a private room, not to be
in the front having that with everybody else trying to
dine in quiet.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
Okay, Okay, okay, she continues, she's had another six hold on.

Speaker 5 (28:53):
Okay, so it's me again.

Speaker 17 (28:55):
Yeah, if you're gonna have a baby shower, you should
have a private room.

Speaker 5 (28:58):
You shouldn't be out there and a look like that.

Speaker 17 (29:01):
I mean, I know times are tough, you're trying to
save money, but you gotta you know, remember.

Speaker 5 (29:06):
Other people are eating as well.

Speaker 17 (29:07):
Okay, and everybody was funny at the talk backs, and.

Speaker 5 (29:11):
That pickleball bitch. She Oh, I got to think of
something that you could do. Oh, I don't know yet.
I have to think about it.

Speaker 2 (29:21):
Maybe. She arrives on a conclusion in one of her
next three Okay, then and then.

Speaker 17 (29:27):
No, I wouldn't have done anything in the Scari's apartment.
It was too dark to do any kind of a
foul play. But the next time, you know, maybe just
unplug his system.

Speaker 5 (29:37):
That might be a good idea.

Speaker 17 (29:39):
And also the bitch lady put visine. If you can
get her water bottle provisine in it, it'll give it
a runs and then you know she won't be able
to play.

Speaker 5 (29:49):
But I agree if she's on court. Okay, it's Jay again.

Speaker 17 (29:56):
About the cholesterol, I don't I haven't eaten red meat
since I'm thirteen years old.

Speaker 5 (30:03):
For a really long time. My cholesterol is one forty
total cholesterol. It's not good enough.

Speaker 17 (30:09):
That's not good enough by today's standards. They're saying that
the two hundred thing is it should be way under
two hundred.

Speaker 5 (30:16):
For both. Avocados are good. It's a good fat. It'll
well wer I forgot which one. But okay, back on
the cholesterol thing. Watch out for the satins.

Speaker 17 (30:27):
I know people let head some side effects sometimes, just
you know, have a lot of avocados is good.

Speaker 5 (30:34):
I don't know what it's good for. I forgot. I
think it's the.

Speaker 24 (30:36):
LDL, but look it up. What's the best thing. Maybe
have a lot of like or but if it runs
in the family, then is nothing.

Speaker 5 (30:46):
Really that you can do. Let's still monitor it.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
It is correct, okay, be well for my brother in
law it runs in his family. So but the brother
in law is not related to you. That's right, my
brother in law, he's brother in law. Okay, I have
a question.

Speaker 3 (30:59):
Do you think MJ mails a letter or sends an email?
It starts with hi. I'm not sure if you're going
to see this, but if you do, yeah, and then
write start every time?

Speaker 5 (31:10):
What's up, Brooklyn?

Speaker 2 (31:11):

Speaker 18 (31:12):
Does Michael John from Queens just wanted to say, I'm
trying to catch up.

Speaker 5 (31:17):
I'm on episode two forty eight right now. Brody, it
was really sad to.

Speaker 18 (31:21):
Hear that you left the radio station, but I'm really
happy to hear you spending time with your wife, going
out to dinners and shows.

Speaker 5 (31:28):
You said you wanted to spend more time with your family,
and you're fucking doing it.

Speaker 10 (31:31):
I love it. Keep it up, Brody and Scary fuck.

Speaker 2 (31:34):
Bill Okay, definitely fucked del Thank you for the kind words.
All right, continuing.

Speaker 16 (31:39):
Along, Hey, Scary did you hear on Tuesday ihearts traffic girl.
Bernie Ryder swore live on the radio, saying, fucking hell.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Yeah we heard that at Tuesday night or Wednesday? That
was last week. No, no, that was during his traffic report.
Why what was the what was the cause of a
cursing the She flubbed the word.

Speaker 3 (32:09):
Yeah during the morning show.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Yeah, how is that?

Speaker 17 (32:16):

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Yeah, okay, nobody caught it? Okay, Wow. I got a
lot of questions because I know stuff, but I'm not here.

Speaker 14 (32:28):
An it's no old cowboy trucker here one more time, Yes,
siree Barbarina, what's going on there? You know, Brodie, I
know exactly where you're coming from too.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
Just freezeists old my house after.

Speaker 14 (32:41):
Living there for over twenty years, you know, And you're right,
you know, you just don't know how much stuff you
have until you have to move there.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
Let me tell you.

Speaker 14 (32:49):
When you're moving like that, you're racing against the clock.
You gotta beat the closing day. And you know, there
ain't no town for starting and going through everything.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
Yes, exactly, you nail well, you just gotta boxing and
ship it.

Speaker 14 (33:03):
You gotta get everything out of there. They don't bit
down enough for sorting. When the moving is done.

Speaker 22 (33:09):
You know.

Speaker 14 (33:10):
Uh, now you got this goddamn killy Karenson over there
coming by snooping or god damn nose in there.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
What the fuck is it to her?

Speaker 16 (33:19):
You know?

Speaker 2 (33:19):
What does it bother her?

Speaker 14 (33:21):
You got your shit in your garage, you're gonna sort
through it, and slowly but surely you're gonna you're gonna
get everything and sort it out and out of there.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
What the hell of the you know, it's already stressful enough.

Speaker 14 (33:31):
Having a move like that, you know, and uh, trying
to settle in and shorting everything and seeing what you're
gonna say, what you're gonna throw away, what you're gonna
give to charity, And then you got this bitch snooping
in her ass around there.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
I think what you should do.

Speaker 14 (33:45):
We should take up a collection, slice a step up
to the plate. We need to get a collection going.
We need to get rested in the bitch face. Kelly
Carrison and god damn pickleball Patty, get them all a
big old fucking deal.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
Doo, kick them bitch it up. I brought his back.
Hop that in there.

Speaker 18 (34:03):
Stress level there.

Speaker 14 (34:04):
Maybe they can join her start in their own they'll
roll the month club and they'll be happy for the
rest of their last you know, and then wrote it
and you know, slowly but sure, they go through his
stuff and sort it out and getting nass and settled in.
Once he's settled in, maybe you can and battle scooty
over to his community pool and it can finally get
some community just here in his pool.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
Already got out here later audio. So all right, thank you.
They're always good hearing from you, mister Trucker. By the way,
for the record, and I've already talked about this, just
a reminder, I invited Scary to the community pool numerous times.
Never once came. It was always an inconvenient time.

Speaker 3 (34:43):
Yeah, all day, Oh what Gandhi's pools closer if you
just go right there, it's right in my area.

Speaker 2 (34:50):
I don't want to drive forty five minutes to a pool.
I gotta be honest. It's not forty five minutes, it's
a half hour.

Speaker 14 (34:55):
Big here, one more downs I got. They had to
come on here one more time because I didn't do
my homework properly on that last talkback. And hopefully I
got a name for effort. But anyway, you know, as
a matter of fact, I did have a bitch like
that living next to me at my whole house that

I sold. And let me tell you, I am sure
glad to get away from that goddamn dick lecking bitch.

Speaker 2 (35:23):
What a fucking cut. Oh my god. Wow, the vocabulary
this week, the language language. I think you said cut.
I'd like to end it too. She's a cut ended
the call, That's what I think.

Speaker 5 (35:39):

Speaker 2 (35:40):
Wow, Okay, lot of a lot of excessive use and
abuse of cussing, A lot of cussing to your fault.
Scare you bring it out in people.

Speaker 11 (35:55):
Hello Brooklyn boys, this is Jennifer from Pompado Beach, Florida.
New favorite long time, but this is my first time
leaving a talk back, so Slices please be kind to me.
I just really wanted to let you guys know, I
really love your podcast. I love Slice Time. You really
make me laugh so hard every time I hear you,
I feel like I'm sitting at my grandma's table with

my cousins. Brody, I miss having you on the big show,
not as funny.

Speaker 2 (36:22):
Ah see, that's so sweet.

Speaker 6 (36:23):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
See I said she was my favorite. Just from hearing
her voice, I knew she was a new caller. Yeah,
and then she compliments me.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
Aw, I mean, I appreciate that the Morning Show is
plenty funny, but I appreciate that you said that Brody
AND's scary.

Speaker 13 (36:36):
Scary Brodie's death. I would lose my mind on this
lady named Kelly. She needs to mind her own fucking business.
My husband's father used to own a condo in South
Florida and he had the same exact thing happen. When
he put up an American flag, an American flag, they
told him he had to remove it. Then he put
up a wreath like on his door for Christmas. Forget it.

It's like against their policies. I just you know, I
can't live like this. I give you a lot of credit, Brody.
I you know what I'm thinking, Guys, Kelly is the
president of the HOA. She's probably you know, on the
board of directors for what you can and cannot do
within that complex. You know, it wouldn't surprise me if
she's one of the ones with a clickboard walking around
doing the audit in December when they come to check

out your garage. You tell that bitch to mind her
own fucking business because she's an asshole. I hope one
of your dogs takes a shit on her lawn.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
There is no hoa here, but she's definitely in charge
of the h o hi O. You know, I will
say that looks like Kelly is the winner, the winner
of the week, right. I mean she she caused the.

Speaker 3 (37:44):
Most fast passed, bitch resting, bitch face pickleball player.

Speaker 2 (37:47):
She she caused the most stir here, and she's got
everybody up in arms, all the slices. Yo, Brody, it
sound like you have it rofu that pickleball court. Bro
this is Jamaic arrest.

Speaker 14 (37:57):
That'd be a good Sarah of Florida sometime upstate New York. Yo.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
Do you see these people outside of the pickle ball game?
Do you see them just.

Speaker 14 (38:07):
Like walking around normally in the community, Like, what are
they like?

Speaker 2 (38:11):
Do you talk to them out of that on the
pick a ball court? No? You want to answer that
question before were going to the next No, the pickle
ball is like a it's located between like eight towns
so and where I live there's no town so.

Speaker 11 (38:26):
No, I don't.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
I've never seen any of them outside of the building. Oh,
why did I think that it was only the people
in that apartment complex that really play. No, no, no.

Speaker 3 (38:36):
There's there's pickleball places like giant warehouses. They convert to
pick a ball play. So people are showing up from
all over within. It could be like a half hour
from there. Right, It's not like, uh, like Kelly, the
bitch over here is gonna I'm gonna come up with
different names.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
It's not like it's not like your pool. It's not
your pool where the pool is local to the community
pick a ball like you have your building has pickle
ball court, Right, That's how I was imagining it. So
you may never run into her her again. Why I
know who might never rung into again? Kelly? She lives here, dumbass, No,
the one who's the pickleball person resting bitch face, resting

bitch face right, resting bitch face. You know I never
see her outside of Okay, all right, gotcha, all right?
But Kelly, Kelly's the one face lived here. I would move, Yeah,
but but Kelly, you know Kelly, condo Kelly, Oh, not
a condo. Condo, cop Kelly, co op cop Kelly. It's

not a whatever you like.

Speaker 5 (39:34):
Yes, Hey, this key from Alabama.

Speaker 12 (39:37):
Just listening to the last episode and scary just said
anesthetics instead anesthesia, Brodie.

Speaker 13 (39:45):
How did you not catch this?

Speaker 2 (39:51):
Anesthesia? Yeah, anestheticists, anesthesiologists. Anesthetics isn't that plural? For I'm
I thinking of aesthetics. I'm conflating two words. I might anesthetics. Okay,
you look that up there, Brody. In the meantime, let's
play the last one.

Speaker 9 (40:12):
Brody and scary, never scary and brody. This is well
from ct scary. I also love a doctor where it
gets into you and may it would have been funny
if you started blowing inside your butt like a jug. Brody,
fucking pickle bitch is at it again? Yeah, fuck that bitch.
You know what have been funny though, if next time
you go see her, be dressed up just like her

and act just like her to all her mannerisms and
all her sayings and just straight up piss her off.

Speaker 2 (40:41):
Mannerism. I like it.

Speaker 3 (40:42):
By the way, anesthetics are drugs or substances that cause
a loss or feeling of awareness.

Speaker 2 (40:47):
That's that's what I thought. Anesthetics. They anesthetize you, so yeah,
so that that is I thought I had the word right,
and I guess I do. It's anesthetics. You know what
they say when you correct somebody. First rule is to
be right and aesthetics. That's correct with a tea.

Speaker 1 (41:08):

Speaker 2 (41:09):
Yea, everybody, And that's why I didn't correct them at
the time.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
Reactions this podcast all depends on you, baby, de

Speaker 2 (41:30):
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