Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hook The Boys podcast reactions.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
This podcast all depends on you baby free.
Speaker 1 (00:28):
Yeah, Brooklyn Boys Slice time for episode three seventeen and beyond.
I love it.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
It's a lot before Thanksgiving. Happy belated Thanksgiving if you're
listening the week after Thanksgiving, and then if you're not,
it's like, you know, right, all that fun stuff.
Speaker 1 (00:47):
But yeah, we are recording this here on a Monday
night on December second, and so wow, we have a
lot of talkbacks to go through. I'm just looking down
the list here, probably three times as many as normal.
So you guys had a.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
Lot to say. I got homework assignments done.
Speaker 1 (01:04):
Yeah, either we were really that interesting or you were
just bored, or they're leaven talkbacks.
Speaker 3 (01:10):
You guys went off for Thanksgiving. I'm sorry, all right.
Speaker 1 (01:14):
You could always feedback to us on the talk with
the talk back through the iHeart radio app, all the
other apps that you listen to at slurp.
Speaker 3 (01:23):
It was just like you got soup over there. You
got soup, and I don't see any soup.
Speaker 1 (01:26):
Yeah, I'm just sucking in the wh oh I thought
you were trying.
Speaker 3 (01:30):
To s my own d by the way. I gave
up on the camera. But everything is like, uh, beigeous yellow?
Why are you in the dark, dude.
Speaker 1 (01:41):
Just as I came paper, I walked into my living
room to turn on the lights, to jump into my
little Uh on the lights, yeah, right to my studio
here this portion of my living room, and I went
to go turn on the light and it went her
up like, oh my god, light bulb blue. I blew
a light bulb out. I don't know the last time
I blew a light bulb. The light bulb remembers.
Speaker 3 (02:07):
Insert joke, hereday, thank.
Speaker 1 (02:08):
You very much.
Speaker 3 (02:10):
It must have been the light bulb's birthday.
Speaker 1 (02:11):
Right on que.
Speaker 3 (02:14):
But yeah, So I don't even know if I even
have another light bulb.
Speaker 1 (02:17):
I don't carry.
Speaker 3 (02:18):
I have other types of lights in this house.
Speaker 1 (02:20):
That one is one of the old that's one of
the only old school filament based incandescent light bulbs that
I own. Everything else is on the Phillips Q with
the LED two hundred and fifty six colors. So that
my whole house is that except for that light behind me.
So now I'm in the dark. My friend looks terrible,
I know, but.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
You know you look batter though, well, thank you, well.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
I'm glad to listen to mark the slices. Don't have
to see me or how bad it looks. But you know,
this is an audio podcast until you finally give into
my whims and make this video which I've been begging
for for years.
Speaker 3 (02:56):
Now, you know what I am gonna do though, I
just took a picture of you. Took a picture of the screen.
What the hell? Yeah, so I'm gonna show how how
yellow everything looks in your house. Show it to the picture.
Hold on cent you and we've got a lot to
get to here.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
Can we move?
Speaker 3 (03:10):
M h oh yeah, wait, whatever you want.
Speaker 1 (03:12):
All right, let's go.
Speaker 3 (03:13):
You're the one. Want to see the picture?
Speaker 1 (03:15):
Look at it after Okay, guys, it's deays.
Speaker 4 (03:18):
I don't know if you know this already or if
you can't tell, but I'm a Paison. I'm a proud Paison.
All I'm saying is that I would have loved to
go to the paison a palooza. And uh, you know,
I know, I know, Brody, you're in the tribe, but
that doesn't mean you don't like our time.
Speaker 5 (03:30):
Speaker 3 (03:31):
You know, that's our love language is what we do.
Speaker 4 (03:32):
We like food and uh, you know, talking loud and
uh maybe some cuss words every once in a while. Yeah,
I mean that's what we do. I guess what is
what it is? Right, So I would have loved to
go to Paisana, Palusa.
Speaker 3 (03:46):
I would like to remind people that being Jewish as
a religion, you can still be Italian.
Speaker 1 (03:53):
Speaker 3 (03:54):
There are Jews born in Italy. They're Italian, right, we
call them pizza bagels, thank you?
Speaker 1 (04:03):
Yeah? Right, yeah, Italian is an ethnicity and Jewish is
a religion.
Speaker 3 (04:07):
You could be an Italian Jew. No. No, Italian is
a nationality and.
Speaker 1 (04:11):
Nationality right right, okay, nationality right, so you can be
an Italian Jew?
Speaker 3 (04:17):
Right, all right?
Speaker 4 (04:19):
Jewish Italian guys, it stays again, there isn't O'Reilly's in Connecticut,
so you guys need to just cross the border. Come
check out in Oh oh oh O'Reilly's, and uh, you know,
maybe hit Worcester Street, you know, go grab a pie,
get yourself a pizza to go to Modern go to Sally's,
Peppi's bar, wherever you want to go. And then when
you're done, always circle back to Libby's and grab yourself
some Italian ice maybe cappuccino, espresso, whatever you want, lemonicello, whatever, whatever,
it is, just do it up, do it right, do
it right down here in Gunwaven.
Speaker 1 (04:49):
New Haven.
Speaker 3 (04:50):
Next time I'm up there, I'm gonna go on the
lust on the gun Waven. I don't I don't want
to be threatened. Gun Waven, New Haven?
Speaker 6 (04:59):
Is it?
Speaker 7 (04:59):
Is it?
Speaker 3 (05:00):
I'm going to cross two borders to get to Connecticut,
across the New York border and then the Connecticut border.
I'm just saying, what do you do?
Speaker 8 (05:07):
What I meant, scary. This is Katrina from Portsworth, New Hampshire.
I am listening to Slice time for episode three fifteen,
and I'm just as bewildered as you are Brody about
the clumpy thing. But I agree with scary. The first
thing that came to mind was clumsy. And like you said,
the guy is not very bright, so maybe he's just
illiterate and doesn't realize that he is completely butchering the work.
Speaker 3 (05:34):
No, he meant clumpy. Sonny from Florida, first time talkbacker.
Speaker 6 (05:41):
I had to leave a message because, holy crap, the
cowboy trucker finally gave his a clue to his identity.
Speaker 9 (05:46):
I love Willie Barsena comedic greatness.
Speaker 10 (05:50):
Hey Brooker Boys, Jessica.
Speaker 3 (05:53):
Who is Willy Barsena and how is that a clue
to his identity? Now now we're we're more confused.
Speaker 1 (06:00):
I don't care.
Speaker 3 (06:01):
You have to call, you have to leave it, talk
back again for next episode. Tell us what that's.
Speaker 1 (06:04):
Crazy, because as that was coming in, this one came
in literally at at the same minute.
Speaker 3 (06:08):
That's why I thought it was the same person.
Speaker 10 (06:10):
Oh oh hey, Brooklyn Boys. Jessica from Chattanooga, Tennessee, commenting
on episode three sixteen, I think the tip and culture
is out of hand, especially with big companies. I'm hesitant
to tips since I'm not sure employees actually get all
of the money any size. Says no. If companies have
been caught and is handling tips.
Speaker 3 (06:34):
Okay, uh, I mean there are companies.
Speaker 1 (06:37):
Speaker 3 (06:38):
Over the past couple of years, there were a couple
of companies that were nailed for uh par taking a
percentage of the tips. But it's not a large percentage.
That people are dishonest. Most people get the money.
Speaker 11 (06:50):
Scary and Brody Berdie and scary Scarodi Honey from CT
Hearing that MJ from NJ is going through some tough
times is depressing, but she mentioned that last week I
felt like somebody took my heart and dropped it into
a bucket of boiling tears. And at the same time,
somebody else is hitting my soul in the crotch with
a frozen sledgehammer. And then a third guy walks in
and he starts punching me in the grief bone, and
I am crying and nobody can hear me because I
am terribly, terribly, terribly alone hanging in there.
Speaker 9 (07:25):
Speaker 11 (07:25):
Fermandel, Tough times don't last, but tough people do. The
bee boys in the slices have your back. You are
an eloguent, enchanting and daring specimen and definitely an individual
that should be protected at all costs. Shoulders back and
continue to walk through life like you own the damn thing.
Never stop, never.
Speaker 1 (07:45):
Change words of wisdom.
Speaker 3 (07:47):
Thank you all right? Banmi from ct.
Speaker 12 (07:54):
Aarn cal sofload you here about the end of episode
thirty sixteen about.
Speaker 13 (07:58):
Oh oh oh oh Riley's hole parts.
Speaker 5 (08:05):
Yeah, they're all over South Florida. I love O'Reilly's.
Speaker 13 (08:08):
I think they have I think they're probably the best
for finding parts you need, because I've definitely, I definitely
think they have really ship oh aftermarket ones that are
not as.
Speaker 3 (08:24):
Okay, that's the end of that one. Another commercial for
O'Reilly's autopods. They should advertise on.
Speaker 1 (08:30):
Our podc They really should, especially since the average jingle
and they advertise everywhere.
Speaker 14 (08:35):
Everywhere about this on slight time.
Speaker 9 (08:41):
We responded to my.
Speaker 14 (08:44):
How how can they regulate your garages if there's no
hy because if you're not thinking, if there's no association,
there's no board and there's nothing making rules. How is
there a rule that you have to store your car
in the garage?
Speaker 3 (08:59):
Just honestly curious, Okay, because the owners regulate that. The
company that owns the community regulates that. And since I
pay them rent, they get to tell me what they want.
It's their property. That's why wow, I wrote it.
Speaker 7 (09:18):
Seribt C Team Youth Flash.
Speaker 15 (09:22):
Almost all war and definitely Europe has stay like spending time.
Speaker 1 (09:27):
Yep, they did.
Speaker 15 (09:28):
Actually, it's all we even the clocks a week or
two weeks before us, so it doesn't make a difference.
Speaker 7 (09:38):
It's the six hours or sometimes.
Speaker 15 (09:40):
Five more steps spending fall or.
Speaker 7 (09:43):
Spring, you guys.
Speaker 1 (09:45):
Yeah, most most countries do daylight savings, but they all
do them different weekends.
Speaker 3 (09:50):
Right. The whole the whole point of my comment was
that the football game would still be played at the
same time. Right, England doesn't change their clocks at the
same day we do.
Speaker 16 (09:58):
Right was really thinking from Cleveland by way of New Jersey.
And that is important here because I still hate pumping
my own gas, even though I haven't lived in New
Jersey since I was twenty one. And yes, anytime I'm
somewhere with my husband, he definitely is the one who
pumps the gas, and I try to avoid it at
all costs.
Speaker 5 (10:16):
Slice for life.
Speaker 1 (10:17):
I don't blame you.
Speaker 3 (10:17):
I don't blame I don't blame By the way, telling
us that you haven't pumped gus since you were twenty
one doesn't tell us how long that's been. I'm gonna
say you said I haven't. I haven't pumped my guests
in eleven years, all right, So well we know it's
a few years, but still doesn't matter.
Speaker 1 (10:31):
How old do you think? I see I she's thirty.
I feel she I feel like she's all scary.
Speaker 3 (10:35):
He's met him, big mistake. No, I feel what a woman?
You say? Twenty nine?
Speaker 1 (10:40):
Okay? Either way, Okay, So I just I just think
that with this the gas pumping thing, once you get
used to it, and you just and you move somewhere else.
I feel for you, I really do.
Speaker 3 (10:52):
You gotta when I take a road trip, don't get
out and pump my guy. It's the worst one. It's cold.
You know what I felt bad today? I went to Bjay's.
I say, oh, I said, I said, I went to BJ's.
BJ's gas right now is two seventy seven, right, so
the best anywhere else is to ninety nine. So I
filled up while I was there. But I felt bad
because it was like twenty something degrees at the time.
And you know, after I give him the card, he
gives me back to card. I rolled the window up, like, no,
you're out there. I'm in here. But then you said
I felt bad. He was like, going, here's your card.
I'm like, oh good, I got the heater on because
I turned my engine off. When I'm getting gas to
seventy seven. You got a half a tank of water. No, dude,
I can't believe the gas is that cheap. You have
to be a member of BJ so there's a discount.
Costco gas also is the same thing. Costco gas. You
have to be a member of Costco and as a member,
one of your benefits is cheap gas, perfect, less expensive gas,
perfect for my car. That you guys a crucified.
Speaker 1 (12:01):
You would all crucify me because remember I told you
I was putting eighty seven in my BMW, and half
the slices like ripped me a new one, saying that
it's all about the performance and I needed at least
eighty nine, if not ninety three.
Speaker 3 (12:15):
But okay, no, my problem is to let your car run.
In fact, scared, I called Scared yesterday and he's like,
hold on, body, I'm getting guests. I said, turn your
engine off.
Speaker 17 (12:24):
So he's like, all right, thank you from Cleveland here.
Speaker 5 (12:27):
You know what jingle used to always.
Speaker 16 (12:28):
Bother me when I was a kid.
Speaker 5 (12:30):
One eight hundred mat e t r e S one.
Speaker 7 (12:35):
Eight hundred mattress.
Speaker 16 (12:36):
You didn't even spell mattress correctly. I know you can
only have seven numbers, but you've literally left off the
last S and mattress.
Speaker 3 (12:42):
Okay, hold on. First of all, we have a new
top caller here, right, because she's great. But here's the thing.
They used to say, it's eight hundred mattress leave off
the last s for savings. That was this slogan.
Speaker 1 (12:54):
That was this slogan.
Speaker 3 (12:55):
But what I always used to say, and I was
a kid back then when I used to see the commercials,
I go, wait a minute. If they leave off the
last desk for savings, they're leaving off the savings. How
do you have an extras for savings and leave off
the last desk that's for savings that you're not getting
because they left it off. That's a terrible campaign, although
I remember it, terrible campaign.
Speaker 5 (13:16):
Je uh.
Speaker 12 (13:18):
On the slight time, I got to talk about the blackout
plates in Ohio. So actually, in Florida, we have really
cool Miami heat plates.
Speaker 5 (13:26):
Look those up.
Speaker 12 (13:26):
They use the vice colors from the heat and a
lot of people put them on their sports cars, even
if they're not.
Speaker 5 (13:34):
Heat fans, just because they look so sick.
Speaker 7 (13:36):
Speaker 3 (13:37):
All right, we'll google those brook Boys. Who was that bro?
Speaker 1 (13:44):
Just talk all over them? You told me to google it,
Google google it. But you could do that silently. You
don't have to yell.
Speaker 3 (13:52):
I found it.
Speaker 18 (13:52):
I found it, Hey, Brooklyn Boys. Is Maria from Union City.
So this homework is a weekly, but the jingle is
from your local township. This is one for me. Vamayo
and Riki's frontier it was a steakhouse on Kennedy Bills,
right on thirteenth Street in Union City.
Speaker 5 (14:17):
Uh yeah, that's.
Speaker 18 (14:18):
It all right, Love you guys.
Speaker 19 (14:20):
Speaker 3 (14:20):
That's hysterical. As someone who doesn't speak Spanish that well,
I heard kabayo. So either they were saying ride your
horse down to the steakhouse or come get a horse steak.
God was horse. I loved it.
Speaker 1 (14:34):
I don't know what.
Speaker 7 (14:36):
I love.
Speaker 20 (14:39):
Hi, bie boys, it's Rifka. I'm a homestead today and yesterday,
and I've been listening to old episodes.
Speaker 5 (14:46):
Speaker 20 (14:47):
I was listening to episode one of nine, the one
where your daughter's scarf was stuck by the ride, and
I was just dying laughing because everyone's like, we're going
to try to find it, and You're like, it's not
fucking lost. Oh my gosh, it's such a great up episode.
Speaker 5 (15:00):
I love listening to old episodes.
Speaker 20 (15:03):
I wish I was sick all the fucking time so
I can.
Speaker 5 (15:05):
Just stay home and listen to anyway.
Speaker 20 (15:09):
The whole reason why I was making this talkback was
to tell you how much I appreciate you guys, and
how much I love you guys. And these episodes are really,
really making my sick days really really fun, and I'm
anxiously awaiting a new episode. I keep refreshing the podcast
app on my phone. I'm like, where the fuck is
a new episode should get out of? Thank you guys,
bye hey.
Speaker 3 (15:36):
Speaking of that, Rifka, thank you for the call. Rifka
mentioned she loves going back and listening to old episodes.
I had a thought that I ran by Scary and
Scared thought it was a pretty good idea that when
we're on vacation in December, because not everyone slices, we
know you listen from episode zero. We know, we know,
but a lot of new listeners may not know what
episodes to go back and listen, or they they're like,
I don't want to go back, it's three hundred episodes whatever,
Scary and Eye. I may pick an episode each and
repost like a Brodie, pick a scary pick while we're
on vacation, so that if you are not familiar with
all three hundred and seventeen episodes as I'm speaking, you
might go, oh, episode one thirteen, this is a good one, right,
So like the one where the woman farted on her
husband's dick. Yeah, or the famous Still episode or the
ups package or one of the classics that may be like, oh,
episode twenty four. You know you're like, oh, I haven't
gone back that far, so we may do that web
those slices that have not listened to all three hundred
and seventeen multiple times, just the thought.
Speaker 1 (16:38):
Hey, scary, why don't you tell Brody how great a
smash burger is?
Speaker 3 (16:42):
That's smash burger? That was.
Speaker 1 (16:48):
That was Vinnie from Sales That'll slick Vinnie.
Speaker 3 (16:52):
I recognize the voice. I recognize the fact that that's
his client.
Speaker 1 (16:59):
No, wait a second, I get to say any jingle
now he said it.
Speaker 3 (17:03):
He said it, not me, Vinnie.
Speaker 1 (17:05):
You want to mention clients, get us some fucking clients
in the Brooklyn Boys podcast. Don't be bringing you see
one hundred clients in on our podcast.
Speaker 3 (17:13):
And by the way, he get me a gift.
Speaker 1 (17:15):
At least get me a gift card. I love smashing.
It was the best black beanburger.
Speaker 3 (17:18):
It was great.
Speaker 1 (17:19):
The smash burger was awesome. He had a great dick.
Now hit the jingle for sixty cents more you need
yourself a better you get a better burger.
Speaker 3 (17:25):
Hit the jingle fuck you rock and Steve, I'm hitting
the jingle. That was Vinnie. That was Vinnie from sales.
Speaker 1 (17:37):
That was not me.
Speaker 3 (17:38):
Yeah, I know, I know. He gets a free pass.
You don't hit that.
Speaker 1 (17:41):
I like him, you don't have to hit the jing
Some Smashburger gift cards. I'll be sure to mention it.
Speaker 3 (17:47):
Love Smashburger.
Speaker 21 (17:49):
Hey, Brody's Scarious William from Alanda might be a free
dessert story, might not.
Speaker 5 (17:53):
I'll let you decide.
Speaker 21 (17:55):
I run a charity alone with my wife and family
called Feeding Georgia. Family is a refrigerative van need of repairs.
Took it to the dealership. They told me a two
hour fixed. Should have it back the next day. So
long story short. Three days later, still didn't have it back.
Told them, look that's how we do our pick ups
for our charity. I need a vehicle. You're gonna have
to loan me a vehicle. Since just taking so long.
Part two coming Brody's scared away from a Liana back
to part too, So they gave us the Ford F
one fifty the first week, told me put fifteen hundred
miles on it at the most.
Speaker 5 (18:26):
Brought it back the next week.
Speaker 21 (18:27):
They still didn't have my van fix, so it got
a different truck, another Ford F one fifty, same deal.
So for five weeks, I put fifteen hundred miles on
a brand new truck each week from the Ford dealership
and they finally got my issue fixed and all it
needed was new keyfops And that's what took them so long.
Speaker 1 (18:48):
Wow, And why did they check that first?
Speaker 3 (18:53):
And are they going to roll back that the odometeros
on those vehicles to fifteen hundred miles right right?
Speaker 1 (18:59):
Speaker 3 (19:00):
Why he got this cruise? Yeah? You get you get
free to serve for the inconvenience of not having your van,
and I hope I'm sure it has advertising on the side, right,
so you lost advertising.
Speaker 1 (19:11):
I'm gonna help you didn't pay for this service.
Speaker 3 (19:15):
No, but getting giving you a van is not even
You ought to get something for that. For the inconvenience.
You gotta get, like, I don't know, five free oil
changes something. Wow, they owe you oil changes. That's because
you know what, they can write that off to the
company anyway, They'll just say always warranted oil changes. Yeah,
I'm thinking five oil changes minimum. Retire to the boy podcast.
Speaker 1 (19:40):
Okay, all right, now I'm upset for him. I know
that guy from before the commercials before the commercials, I'm
upset for him.
Speaker 3 (19:47):
Now in Atlanta, he's trying to do good work, bring
people food, feed the hungry. Yeah, this guy, Jimmy Carter
helping people. Atlanta's got something in the water. Nice people
helping you. Reggie's here, Reggie.
Speaker 22 (20:02):
Oh my gosh.
Speaker 6 (20:03):
I like the idea of a huge.
Speaker 7 (20:05):
Reveal of the David L. Brody.
Speaker 10 (20:09):
That would be great.
Speaker 6 (20:10):
It should be for something huge, something great. Yes, and I.
Speaker 10 (20:16):
Will provide the.
Speaker 6 (20:20):
Well I think you.
Speaker 7 (20:23):
My guess is David Liam Brody.
Speaker 6 (20:26):
But I'm praying for David Lovedicas Brody Leopold. Okay, I
don't think any of us really know Brody and scary.
I do think that if you're a major fan like
I am, you know the persona they give on their
podcast very very well. But I wouldn't say that means
we know them in real life. What impression has Brody
ever given you? It would make you think he would.
Speaker 5 (20:56):
He would take a dumb it's tough.
Speaker 3 (21:00):
A dunk it what? Oh, that's scariest apartment at my apartment?
Speaker 23 (21:04):
Speaker 7 (21:04):
Speaker 3 (21:04):
The people that said, oh I should have I should
have you know, taken a poop and you now you
and never you're not that guy. That's not my human,
that's not his again, class comedian, not class clown.
Speaker 1 (21:14):
Right all right? This one's from episode three fifteen, the
Double Dip Flip and the poop Shoot, a classic.
Speaker 21 (21:22):
Hey Brodie and Scariest William from Atlanta uh Let's episode
three fifteen.
Speaker 2 (21:26):
We were talking about get a scam text.
Speaker 21 (21:29):
I got one one time when somebody was something along
the lines of.
Speaker 3 (21:32):
Hey, you want to go fishing like we used to?
Speaker 21 (21:34):
So I looked at the largest teams I could find
online sent that picture to him with yeah, I'll bring
my pole. For some reason, I don't get any more
scam text anyway, A good day?
Speaker 3 (21:45):
Oh is it that easy? Just send them a lewd picture.
You should write back, I can't go fishing with you
because I'm in prison for murdering a telemarketer.
Speaker 2 (21:57):
This chrucktre setupment and I need cash now.
Speaker 3 (22:03):
Worth eight seven cash now?
Speaker 1 (22:07):
Oh my god.
Speaker 3 (22:08):
That was a Curb your Enthusiasm episode. Stop sticking that
jingle good.
Speaker 24 (22:13):
Connection for free education connection.
Speaker 1 (22:18):
I don't know that one, do you.
Speaker 3 (22:20):
I think you have to say, hey, this is Mary
from you know, San Jose, and then say this is
a jingle from a frontiture store. But yeah, lost seven cash.
Speaker 8 (22:30):
Speaker 3 (22:32):
I actually went to them like ten years ago to
give me a cash settlement and they said, no, it's
too much trouble. Really, I tried. They didn't want to
take your business someone. I want a lawsuit and the
guy wasn't paying me. So I was like, listen, you
want the rights to the lawsuit for a fraction of
what I'm owed. They're like, now that guy's never going
to pay. Oh, they knew the guy, they knew the case.
They're like, that doesn't say I'm taking.
Speaker 23 (22:56):
No Brooklyn boys been from the Bronx, Brooklyn, up stick Brooklyn.
Speaker 3 (23:01):
I'm sure this.
Speaker 23 (23:01):
Has been addressed a thousand times by now, But Brody
is wrong, scary.
Speaker 1 (23:07):
I said episode three twelve.
Speaker 23 (23:09):
I did in the beginning of Slice.
Speaker 3 (23:11):
Time for you not here episode three thirteen.
Speaker 23 (23:13):
You did not say episode three eleven.
Speaker 3 (23:17):
Okay, did you not hear three thirteen where I said
he was right?
Speaker 1 (23:20):
Oh? Well you corrected where you corrected yourself, but you
corrected by you admitted you were wrong.
Speaker 3 (23:25):
Yeah, because you had said something with the number. I
explained it in three thirteen. Why I thought you said
three eleven?
Speaker 7 (23:31):
Speaker 1 (23:31):
This is from episode three thirteen, Move bitch, Get out the.
Speaker 3 (23:35):
Way, Get out the way.
Speaker 23 (23:37):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, this has been from upstate New York.
This is also in reference to Slice Time episode three
twelve twelve Scary you bitch. You definitely oh Brody a
steak dinner. I think he redescribed the situation he's back
that got him into mess with management and you and
uh Greg t and it seems like everybody initial benefited
from him taking a hit. Yeah, so somebody owes a
mistake dinner and right now it's on you, buddy.
Speaker 3 (24:07):
I don't even have the strength to argue. Tonight I win.
Thank you. We gotta up, we gotta push forward.
Speaker 25 (24:15):
It was the intro to this episode, this episode, no intro,
Probably one hundred people gonna come man. Yeah, all right, yep,
we are in Scary Where is Yeah?
Speaker 1 (24:25):
The intro?
Speaker 3 (24:26):
All right?
Speaker 1 (24:26):
Speaker 3 (24:27):
Okay, So the first minute or two of our conversation
about the Jets game mysteriously got cut off when Scary
uploaded the audio. So what we're gonna do for you
on episode three eighteen yeah, is we're gonna play the
first minute of the podcast so you can hear what
you missed. We're gonna hear the best podcast audio we've
have had.
Speaker 1 (24:45):
We're gonna we're gonna open the We're gonna open the episode,
and then we're gonna go right into what you missed,
which will sound a little redundant because you'll hear the
theme song twice.
Speaker 3 (24:54):
And then literally fifty five seconds.
Speaker 1 (24:58):
Was cut off.
Speaker 3 (24:59):
Okay, and then you gonna go, oh, well, I could
live it out.
Speaker 1 (25:01):
It right, fifty five seconds of the damn podcast was
fucking cut off. Why it's still a mystery to me.
I filed a complaint with the powers that be at iHeart,
So we're gonna see where that glitch came from, because
I on it. The team is on it.
Speaker 19 (25:18):
There beer, Hey, guys, broken here calling about the toilet thing.
Me personally, I change the toilet as soon as I
bought my house. I can't shit in somebody else's toilet.
I knowssrooms that's a different story, and load them up
with paper and everything else. But long story short, the
only thing I can see is a pink toilet, maybe
somebody doing like a retro project. And it's hard to
find the pink toilet true. Other than that, yeah, I
ain't buying nobody else's thinking toilets disgusting.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
Yeah, I'm with you video.
Speaker 3 (25:50):
If I would have known it was a pink toilet
market when I got rid of my pink toilet from
the house that we bought and we made it a
white toilet, I would have I would have sold it.
That was like one of the only things I haven't
sold in my life. I was like, get that, I'll
put up on a curb, let them take it away.
I'm like, who's buying an old pink toilet? No way
you will sell anything. But you know what, That's where
he draws the line.
Speaker 26 (26:11):
Brody is scary. Never scary, and Brody this is We're
from ct Man. Fuck do fundraisers, biggest Scamboni of them all.
You want to give something, just donate. I don't want
eighty five bags of popcorn and like three hundred pounds
of cookie though. Now I'm all set. It's just like
costcool and also scamboni with the cinnamon squirrel mixed trail mix,
whatever the hell it is.
Speaker 3 (26:36):
Yep, right, I I got one bag of it for
fourteen bucks on Amazon. I broke down.
Speaker 12 (26:43):
Brody's scary sofo ju here doing my homework about celebrities.
Speaker 5 (26:48):
I didn't know who they were.
Speaker 12 (26:50):
My first music festival was Firefly in Delaware in twenty fifteen,
and he said, or, or let's go get a picture
with those guys tent over there who are doing like
autographs and stuff. I'm like, okay, So we go over.
I take a picture with them. They're super nice.
Speaker 5 (27:06):
You talk to me.
Speaker 12 (27:07):
They compliment me on my hat and on my Hawaiian shirt.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
And oh suspense.
Speaker 12 (27:16):
And we talked a bit because there wasn't a line
or anything, and yeah, ends up with the Chain Smokers.
Speaker 5 (27:23):
So that was pretty cool. I really liked the music
back then.
Speaker 12 (27:26):
They're getting a little better now, but anyways.
Speaker 5 (27:30):
Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Speaker 12 (27:31):
I got an autograph on my on my hat and everything,
because I don't think that's anything else with them to sign.
So yeah, the Chain Smokers didn't know who they were
at the time.
Speaker 5 (27:40):
It was early twenty fifteen.
Speaker 3 (27:43):
Nice good thing you didn't. They didn't ask you, like
what your favorite song was?
Speaker 1 (27:46):
Ah, you know, I I just posted on my story
A I don't know if you know the group.
Speaker 3 (27:54):
The group MGMT did the song management.
Speaker 1 (27:57):
They did a song called kids and Electric Field. They
were rocking out with a keyboard at Wesleyan college in Connecticut. Well, well,
Wellsleyan they were I guess they were students there. They
had a keyboard outside and they're having like an outside
students at the college. Yeah, two thousand and two thousand
and three. The footage is from two thousand and three,
and they're outside in the daytime and they're playing. They're
on the keyboard, they're playing what the song as you
know if you know it, it's called kids Enjoy Yourself
Me Anyway, they're literally in like on campus and they're
having this crazy dance party with these weird people all dancing,
and it just says just a couple of kids not
realizing they were going to have such a big song
back in the year two thousand and three. So it's
just and somebody had the foresight to film it. Huh.
Speaker 3 (28:55):
Kind of wild, right, you see it?
Speaker 2 (28:56):
Speaker 3 (28:57):
No, I didn't looking up. Oh you didn't look it up,
but looking up hegment, But I didn't look up the
concert are you talking about?
Speaker 1 (29:02):
No, it's kind of cool. It's on my story anyway.
So yeah, so someone in two thousand and three had
a camp. I must have had a camquarter with cell
phone video. Wasn't that great at that time, and they've
just basically were just rocking people rocking out and MGMT
was just like sitting there and they were They did
their song which was pretty funky.
Speaker 3 (29:22):
Did you did you ever see the video? There's a
great club in the village called the Bitter End and
they have concerts and jazz and small acts go there.
It's a lot of fun. I've been there and uh,
I want to say two thousand and four, maybe somewhere
two thousand and four, thousand and five, this girl who
goes to NYU is performing and she's doing led Zeppelins covers,
really rocking out on stage. Very talented girl. Stephanie. Oh,
Stephanie Germata Germanata Germanada.
Speaker 27 (29:51):
Speaker 3 (29:51):
Yeah, well you go with the names today Stephanie Germanada. Yeah.
Speaker 23 (29:54):
Speaker 1 (29:54):
Speaker 3 (29:55):
So they they filmed there like it must have been
a French film. They're like, oh, film, you're Stephanie that again.
I think it was four maybe this footage of this right, yeah,
when she was in college.
Speaker 1 (30:04):
Speaker 3 (30:04):
So NYU is right by the village where we're the
Bitter End is and she said, oh, I'm gonna go
like an open Mike n Idol, like go perform and
uh yeah, look it up on YouTube. It's been up
for a long time. I'm sure it's still there. Yeah,
but yeah, Stephanie doing led Zeppelin, Kim Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga.
You never know who you're filming.
Speaker 8 (30:23):
Speaker 5 (30:23):
Holy fuck guys, what I know? You only your commercials?
Speaker 12 (30:27):
But Osborne homes dot Com did anyone any other spices?
I get that add fucking hell, I m has heard
Osborne home dot Com ten million fucking dimes in thirty seconds.
Holy sheet, guys, get rid of that ad if you can.
Speaker 3 (30:42):
Oh, it's our ad. Hey, hey, hey, we would pose
the bills.
Speaker 1 (30:47):
Don't hate on spots is born Osborne Homebuilders for all
your home building needs. Born. Sorry, we needed to negate
the preceding talk pad.
Speaker 12 (30:58):
But no, he gave them.
Speaker 3 (30:59):
He gave them a reference by by complaining about them.
All all press is good press.
Speaker 1 (31:03):
Listen. We don't know the commercial, we don't know the client,
but if they're advertising with us, we love Osborne Homes.
Speaker 3 (31:08):
Yeah Builders.
Speaker 12 (31:11):
Sorry, I'm getting all my homework done and really quickly.
Speaker 1 (31:16):
Sing it.
Speaker 12 (31:16):
But I feel like for the buying you stuff, I
wouldn't buy you. I wouldn't buy used matreses I wouldn't
buy used betting like sheets and stuff.
Speaker 5 (31:24):
I wouldn't buy use cowels.
Speaker 1 (31:26):
I wouldn't buy nothing that touches your please.
Speaker 12 (31:30):
Yeah, I think everything else is pretty okay.
Speaker 5 (31:33):
Used, that's all.
Speaker 28 (31:36):
Oh awesome.
Speaker 5 (31:37):
Probably wouldn't buy used fridge.
Speaker 12 (31:39):
If it I mean obviously you knew, like what Brody said,
I an open box, but maybe like I used like freezer,
like garage freezer type of thing.
Speaker 5 (31:49):
So that's another one.
Speaker 3 (31:50):
Okay, we see where he draws the line. I would
buy a used refrigerator. First of all, when you rent
an apartment, there's a refrigerator there. A lot of times
you're use in a refrigerators that's somebody else's. That's like
a used refrigerator. You just gotta scrub it, right, scrub
that shit.
Speaker 27 (32:06):
Hey, guys. Jans Miami, episode two ninety four. He oh, Brody, scary,
scary Brody. I don't think she got corner Brody. Remember
she's an alien. She would have still her ground too.
She's like, my man ain't going nowhere.
Speaker 3 (32:24):
But she let him go.
Speaker 27 (32:25):
But scary he didn't bring her nothing. Come on, come on,
oh yeah, come man, comment right there?
Speaker 1 (32:32):
Oh, Episode two ninety four bougie boy buys a bad
bootleg bathing suit.
Speaker 3 (32:39):
Wow, yeah, that was yeah. And then and then your
girlfriend said she was an alien.
Speaker 1 (32:42):
Yeah, Robin said she was an alien. Well, okay, thanks
for that reference. Oh here's part two of.
Speaker 27 (32:46):
That brody scary James Miami. I just heard you say scary.
I don't buy super naans, but you buy that bootleg
bathing suit. Wouldn't that be considered supernera even though.
Speaker 5 (32:58):
It's not.
Speaker 27 (33:02):
Bother her something?
Speaker 3 (33:03):
That's right.
Speaker 27 (33:04):
You could have bought her bootleg baby matching baby suit
that don't fit.
Speaker 1 (33:08):
Also, it does not fit. Yeah, thank you so much.
That was the time that they were selling the mont
Claire bathing suit on the beach in uh, when I
went to Marbella, Spain. All right, thanks for taking me back,
very good, taking me back to April. Wow, all right, thanks,
thanks for listening to all their episodes. We like you.
Thanks James lead by example. All right, this one is
not registering for whatever reason. Abound thirty seconds of dead silence.
Speaker 3 (33:41):
That's a shame. Oh that's unfortunate.
Speaker 7 (33:42):
All right.
Speaker 1 (33:43):
Next, okay that one as well. Do we just lose
audio altogether or is it this person's phone let's see.
Speaker 3 (33:51):
I don't have the text at iheartwork on that problem, Joe.
Speaker 1 (33:55):
All right. So they were commenting on Brodie's boner problem
episode three seventeen. If you left your talkback on the
twenty fifth at six o'clock, you got two in a
row there strike strikes one and two done out nothing
strike three here it is six oh six.
Speaker 3 (34:16):
Audio is not Wow. This person left several in a
row six ' ten. Wow.
Speaker 1 (34:20):
It's so sad. Each one is like thirty seconds long.
This could have been classic greatness. This could have been
like the greatest talkbacks of all time and they're muted
four in a row.
Speaker 3 (34:30):
Or it could have been Vinnie promoting his other clients.
Speaker 1 (34:32):
Could be.
Speaker 27 (34:34):
David Brody episode two ninety five, a reference to your Judo,
your school friend. Maybe he was like, help me, help you.
You know, you bring him on the show and then
he returns the favor even though I know what you mean.
You're trying to be had to come up, but you
know I'm back, David Brodie, I jumped the gun. Fuck
this guy? What wait, you gotta pay him?
Speaker 1 (35:09):
What the hell?
Speaker 27 (35:11):
That's that bullshit?
Speaker 1 (35:13):
Here's my favorite about James from Minami Okay, so he's
listening to episode Chill, episode two ninety five back in April.
Speaker 3 (35:20):
By the way, thank you.
Speaker 1 (35:21):
For listening to two ninety four and two ninety five.
We need those the numbers on those older episodes. But
like he's just it's like he's listening to it, and
he's pressing the talk back button and just like saying, yeah,
all right, I'm hearing this audio in my head and
I'm just gonna say words and not really. You have
to really, you have to be descriptive a little more
than that, because I don't remember what he was talking
about there. Do you use the thing?
Speaker 3 (35:45):
It was twenty four because we took weeks off, so
you're like, I'm around twenty four weeks ago. We did
that episode, right, I don't remember it. So I love
that you agree with me, and I love that you
say my name for us. That's awesome. But you kind
of have to say, were talking about your friend. He
wanted this, and then you said this, and I don't.
So I'm glad. I'm glad you said, Hey, I'm brody,
Hey I jumped the gun.
Speaker 1 (36:11):
Hey this guy FuG this guy. It's like he's listening
to the he's like he's talking back, talking back to
the radio.
Speaker 3 (36:20):
You know what's great is that he left the first
message in the first part of my story, and then
when I finished my story, that's where he's like, oh,
I jumped the gun. I jumped the gun. I just
realized where you were going for him. By the way,
you have to worry about like jumping the gun. With
my stories, it's always fucked that guy.
Speaker 1 (36:38):
Even if you think it's not fucked that guy. By
the end of the story, it's gonna be fucked that guys.
Speaker 3 (36:41):
It's fine that guy.
Speaker 2 (36:44):
Boys podcast.
Speaker 27 (36:46):
We will be right back.
Speaker 3 (36:49):
We are motoring through these talkbacks.
Speaker 27 (36:52):
The Motor and Magative Brody episode.
Speaker 3 (36:56):
Ja again, he's back.
Speaker 1 (36:58):
It's a year zero.
Speaker 27 (36:59):
There's a but so zero, there's a year zero.
Speaker 1 (37:02):
You got a there is a go in order.
Speaker 3 (37:07):
He's smoking the good stuff. There is no year zero.
The first year was year one.
Speaker 1 (37:14):
That's correct, right, But wait a second, when they first
started that that count is a year. It was January
first one, Yes, okay, yeah, I agree with that, right, Okay,
that makes sense.
Speaker 3 (37:32):
I mean that's from when Jesus died, right. James still
on that wacky tobacco though, sounded like I love it.
Let's see, here's two hours later, and that's where the
calendar comes from. That's why it's BC before christ ad
after death.
Speaker 1 (37:46):
All right, ten o'clock at.
Speaker 17 (37:47):
Night, Broken boys, it's Caitlin from B Sure, so I figured,
let me give the Affairs Show I try.
Speaker 3 (37:55):
Oh my god, oh my god, like who James.
Speaker 17 (37:59):
The Afair Show. I was listening to episode one thirty
where Ronnie didn't have eat in his apartment. So much
going on, I mean, I thought, you guys go off
on tangents left and right? But this, Oh my god,
how many episodes? I mean, how many viewers listeners? Finishing
my thought here? So like, how many listeners did the
Affair Show have?
Speaker 5 (38:21):
Twelve thirteen Brooklyn Boys?
Speaker 17 (38:23):
Because I don't know. I only listened to one episode.
I don't know if I could take enough of one.
Oh yeah, yeah, I'd be curious here, but the Brooklyn Boys.
Speaker 3 (38:32):
Smokes, thank you, thank you, watch themon call it.
Speaker 17 (38:36):
The Offare Show, love you.
Speaker 1 (38:38):
Guys, of course.
Speaker 3 (38:39):
Well that's one great voice. By the way, I was
on a couple episodes of The Offair Show. I couldn't
tell you which ones. If you're wondering what the Offare
Show was it was.
Speaker 1 (38:48):
If you go before episode zero of Brooklyn Boys, you'll
see a bunch of episodes of what's titled The off
Air Show. But we left them on the ste We
left him there because this show evolved. Well, this is
a new separate podcas cast, But I was. I was
on that podcast with the Jersey Boy Greg T, Baldfreak
Ronnie and my friend Share Cassenza, who occasionally do speaking
volumes podcast with.
Speaker 3 (39:09):
And then the show ate itself. Well, it's just it
was chaos. It was not this.
Speaker 1 (39:14):
I like this a lot better because we're having real conversations,
we're laughing with Brodi's hysterical, you know, you know, but
it's that was a different kind of show. And if
you've never listened to an episode of the of the
of the Off Air Show, I slices, go back and
listen to just pick a random episode.
Speaker 3 (39:33):
Ronnie would bring.
Speaker 1 (39:34):
His keyboard into the studio and he would like riff
on what me and Greg T were talking about, and.
Speaker 3 (39:39):
Greg, yeah, all right, great, And can I say something about,
as someone who wasn't on that podcast, why I used
to watch them go into the studio. They would fight
for forty five minutes before they started and then fight
for forty five minutes afterwards, They fight about what they
were going to do, and then fight about what they
They can't believe what they did. It was the most.
Speaker 1 (39:59):
It was this disorganized fucking thing, and Greg T was
I I love it.
Speaker 3 (40:05):
I love Greg T.
Speaker 1 (40:06):
But we we would do that in the studio every
day after the after the mange, the big show was over,
and we would just take over the studio for a
couple of hours and act like idiots. And you know,
it was it was almost like we were on drugs,
but we weren't. We were on work time and we
weren't drinking. And I have no excuse for it other
than it was just wild. I grew up with Ronnie.
I know Ronnie since the seventh grade, so we have
our own chemistry from way back. And Greg T, well
he's just Greg T.
Speaker 3 (40:35):
So I would just walk into the studio sometimes pretend
I left papers over where I stand in the stand
in the studio and I walk and I go, no,
that stupid, just yelling.
Speaker 1 (40:45):
Yelling at each other at high volumes. I had a lover.
It was a lot more people were saying we were
too too loud. We could they couldn't take our voices,
our tone because I was screaming at Greg Tea. My
tempers were flaring. I had high blood press sure because
of Greg T, because you couldn't control him. Props to
Greg T.
Speaker 3 (41:05):
Though he had an unknown, relatively unknown band on the
off air show A j mus have A j R.
In the studio, but nobody cared it was booking them.
He was like, no, you guys, your Jersey guys, you
come on the show. He was ahead of the a
Jar curve. He was, he was.
Speaker 1 (41:21):
It was just fun.
Speaker 3 (41:23):
Left wait a minute. Greg T is on was on
the ahead of the curve with two bands in his life,
LFO and A j R. Bands with three letters. Yeah yeah.
Speaker 1 (41:32):
And we had some other guests that popped in andie,
oh yeah, that's right. Anytime any guest was visiting Z
one hundred in the afternoon, we Greg T was like, look,
we would look in the middle of our own show.
We would like look out into the living room, like
there's so and so, let's grab her, let's bring her in,
Let's bring in bb Rexa. We had like all kinds
of weirdness.
Speaker 3 (41:50):
We had bb rex on. Yeah, but you tried to
get Jlo to come in. That wasn't gonna that was
not gonna happen. But but it was so off the
cuff and bizarre.
Speaker 1 (41:57):
You know what. I've been afraid to go back and
listen to those episodes because I think I don't know
if they're bad or what people think of them. I
don't know if they're offensive. I don't know. Slices, No,
they're just they look and brodys on a few of them.
Speaker 3 (42:12):
He's on there few We had me coming. You're like
bro had had Yeah, he used to have me coming
to rant and complain. How did that turn out?
Speaker 1 (42:17):
Brodie would do rants on that podcast. That's how the
part of that this was born. So anyway, we left
them up there for your entertainment. Thank you for listening
to the off air show, oh man, and we get
the credit for the listen so feel free exactly. The
Brooklyn boys get that now. But you know, we and
we did have. We did have quite a few listeners,
just not nearly as many as we have now. All right, Okay,
it looks like the mysterious uh audio list person is
back at one thirty two in the morning. This is
well James again, because all this between James one two three.
It's now one thirty nine in the morning, and you're
leaving us talkbacks with audio.
Speaker 3 (43:00):
This is sad. I mean, now we missed out on
good story. I mean they can't be pranking us, are
they here? To twenty four to twenty four in the
morning on the twenty six? Isn't that Thanksgiving?
Speaker 1 (43:13):
Speaker 3 (43:13):
All dead air? This is terrible three o'clock in the morning.
Speaker 1 (43:17):
Nothing. It's at twenty eight seconds of dead air three
twenty three am.
Speaker 27 (43:24):
James from Miami episode two ninety six.
Speaker 1 (43:28):
Hold on, Wait, he went from two ninety four to
two ninety five, and now he's back for two ninety six.
Speaker 3 (43:33):
He's listening in order.
Speaker 27 (43:34):
Hold on James from Miami episode two ninety six. Last time, Victoria,
I have heard of a woman named who's white. Ivory.
It was it was in wrestling, but she was white
and her name was Ivory. Okay, and uh, keep up
everything brought it in scary scared of Brody?
Speaker 3 (43:56):
All right, So probably a stage name. But Victoria, if
you were remember the talkback you left twenty eight weeks ago,
James is telling you he knows a white woman named Ivory.
Speaker 22 (44:06):
Speaker 1 (44:07):
James continues here at three twenty six am.
Speaker 27 (44:10):
James, I'm loving Miami after six Slice Time. I have also,
like Brodie, not heard of anybody being offendive for no
Way Jose. What the fuck? No no way, Jose, You're
not getting offriendly with that. Yeah, that's snowflake ship play
the jingle.
Speaker 5 (44:29):
Speaker 1 (44:32):
What was I missed that one?
Speaker 3 (44:35):
Something I said a story or something or somebody said
it's offensive to say, oh to say or you said
it told the story where it's offensive to say no way, Jose,
no way, Jose, right, yeah, yeah about it. People were
offended by that.
Speaker 1 (44:46):
Speaker 7 (44:47):
Speaker 1 (44:47):
James was up late this day on the twenty sixth
at three fifty two am. But here comes another one.
Speaker 27 (44:52):
James, Miami of six Slice Time. We're going to be
all the talkbacks you want. I found Ammadian. It don't matter.
We're here for Maddie.
Speaker 3 (45:04):
Speaker 27 (45:05):
Maddie, Maddie.
Speaker 1 (45:07):
Oh my god, this is going off to this is sound.
It's starting to sound like the off air show.
Speaker 3 (45:12):
Maddie if you left to talk back in August. That's
what he's referencing.
Speaker 1 (45:16):
Oh good, six forty eight am, Brody and scary scary Jason.
Speaker 3 (45:22):
Well, by the way, it looks like that's where James
fell asleep. That's where that's where to start episode two
ninety seven.
Speaker 1 (45:28):
Now that's where the gummies kicked in, where the gummies
kicked him when he started leaving the.
Speaker 29 (45:32):
Messages Brodian Scary Scary and Brody Curly Jason Jason Curly.
Here one jingle that I remember is oh oh oh
o zam big luc.
Speaker 3 (45:45):
Wait, Hey, thank you, thank you so much for that.
That's funny.
Speaker 9 (45:51):
That's funny, Brodian Scary. This is Elmi from Ammy. I
am listening to used toilet see conversation. There's actually a
market for used the top part of the toilet that
covers the water tank. That's once you break it. It's
kind of hard to find the same one for your toilet.
So you know, there's use for those old toilets.
Speaker 3 (46:19):
Okay, you could use it for parts see tak to
talk to toilet toilet parts, toilet farts. No, it's araley okay.
Speaker 1 (46:30):
Anyway, Oh, here's one from four o'clock in the morning
the next day, is it James's.
Speaker 3 (46:36):
Going to be? Who's leaving to talk back at four
three am?
Speaker 27 (46:41):
Brodie Mimi no wajose complete an absolute stretcho negative. Ain't
nobody getting offend in the Latin community with that? Thank you,
no way, Jose, all the way.
Speaker 1 (46:54):
We have permission to say it. Thank you James. That
was by the way it took. That was twenty four
hours later on that one. He was worth not gonna
call during the day.
Speaker 3 (47:03):
Is an overnight job.
Speaker 1 (47:04):
It probably does.
Speaker 22 (47:05):
Where is that Scary?
Speaker 1 (47:11):
All right? I don't know what that was.
Speaker 5 (47:14):
Or knel soflo juwe.
Speaker 12 (47:17):
About the whole TikTok the episode thirty seventeen, like how
you're not getting your followers up.
Speaker 5 (47:21):
I'll be honest, like, I don't know. Your listeners are
obviously a bit older.
Speaker 12 (47:25):
Like when I say older, I mean like probably upper
twenties and older, if not even older than that. And
partly like I never got TikTok. I never wanted to
be on TikTok. I think there's enough social media out
there for everyone to go for everything to go around.
Speaker 3 (47:40):
So yeah, TikTok is all ages now, it's not. I
mean back when I made fun of Scary, it was
a much younger crowd. I seized him for it. But
everybody when I follow on TikTok is like thirty fifty.
Speaker 1 (47:55):
And even if you're not on TikTok, TikTok enters your
world every single day when you click a link to
a video, because half of all videos you're watching these
days are TikTok based, so it brings you into the
app anyway, So you're watching, you're watching TikTok, whether you
are have an account or not.
Speaker 3 (48:12):
And wasn't it William Shakespeare who said TikTok on the
clock because the party don't stop.
Speaker 1 (48:16):
Till till I walk in. That would be cashing. Yeah, oh,
TikTok on the clock.
Speaker 12 (48:22):
So probably, like I think almost all your listeners do,
just do Instagram and Twitter. But yeah, so I just
want to let you know that I like, I know,
I'll I vowed never to get TikTok. I just see people.
Speaker 5 (48:40):
Down like no tomorrow and we're just you know, I
don't need that in my life. How many of my
kids to see me doing that?
Speaker 7 (48:47):
Speaker 5 (48:49):
It's just another addictive piece of technology.
Speaker 1 (48:51):
It really is that. It is, Brodie, dude, hold on
time out. I know a lot of this we should
say for brook and boys, and I'll try to bring
it up again. I saw a commercial on my TikTok
of a guy scrolling but he wasn't touching his phone,
and his girlfriend's.
Speaker 3 (49:03):
Like, oh my god, how do you do that? He's like,
look what I just bought. And it's a little button.
It's an app and a button, and you could use
the button in your hand to scroll TikTok. You don't
have to hold your phone enough to use your finger. Oh,
I mean, how lazy at that?
Speaker 1 (49:15):
Bad? But ultimately lazy.
Speaker 3 (49:17):
Isn't clicking the button the same as swiping?
Speaker 1 (49:19):
Pretty much?
Speaker 3 (49:20):
Now the phone could be like on the like away
from you. We could have like swipes wipe less bacteria.
Speaker 7 (49:26):
Brody Heary Scary Brody at Dallas from Philly talking about
the I honestly don't think it's a big deal toilet.
Speaker 3 (49:34):
I think stop stop what okay?
Speaker 1 (49:40):
Speaker 3 (49:40):
Love her accent. Go back and listen to the way
she said toilet. I love it. She's a Philly right, Yeah,
but it sounds like Queen's Scary.
Speaker 7 (49:49):
From Philly talking about the toilet thing. I honestly don't
think it's a big deal to buy toilet. You think
it's similar buying the mattress. You wouldn't buy a dirty, lumpy,
stained up actress. Don't buy a croddy, nasty, shitty toilet.
But if it's condition and it's cleaned and it's a
good deal, buy it. I would say, you use public
bathrooms and restaurants and hotels, same thing.
Speaker 3 (50:15):
Yeah, but you don't take them home with you and
they don't live with it. I put in your car. Oh,
I don't know as a favor to me as a favorite.
Started play one more time.
Speaker 7 (50:25):
Brody scary scary Brodie at DAAX from Philly talking about
the toilet thing.
Speaker 1 (50:33):
Thank you, Alex.
Speaker 3 (50:34):
I'm gonulna have to isolate that that's the best talking about.
Speaker 7 (50:37):
Toilet reggie here.
Speaker 6 (50:40):
So now that it's come up, scary, would you rather
your friends ask you for your sperm or for donations
for their kids' fundraiser? It depends, And would it change
if the sperm was going to be used for food
rather than a baby.
Speaker 1 (50:58):
No, no, you ain't getting my seed. I'll donate to
your kids every time.
Speaker 3 (51:02):
Hold on a second, if they want what if they
gave you food for the seed? No, like her at
a steakhouse.
Speaker 1 (51:07):
This is the non non starter, stop stop scary.
Speaker 6 (51:14):
The drink example Brody just gave you is exactly like
the kid thing would you rather spend money on someone
else drinking alcohol when you're not doing it, or give
money to your friend's child. Either way, it's not benefiting you.
If anything, you might feel good about the fact you
donated to a youth sport, but the alcohol money.
Speaker 3 (51:39):
Yeah, given alcohol paying for jet ski Brian and a
sex on the way Dave's alcohol is not going to
make me feel better as a human being. I mean, okay,
what do you want to Let's get a rise.
Speaker 1 (51:50):
You're talking to a guy with no kids and goes
out parties with friends all the time.
Speaker 3 (51:55):
But the point was, but you understand the analogy. Now
I understand the analogy. I just it's a double edged sword.
I don't agree with the analogy.
Speaker 1 (52:04):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (52:05):
You don't want to go to weddings because you're not
getting married. You don't want to give to kids because
you don't have any kids. But I have to go
pay for drinks because I don't and I don't drink
the fuck out of here.
Speaker 1 (52:13):
You're talking about different things, different scenarios for different saying
you're getting fucked for nothing.
Speaker 3 (52:21):
She got a shirt that says Reggie here where else
would you?
Speaker 6 (52:26):
I made love to many many men, often outdoors, in
the mud and in the rain, and if a woman
slipped in, there would have been no way of knowing. Okay,
So I can't take credit for that one?
Speaker 24 (52:41):
Can anyone?
Speaker 7 (52:42):
Name would show?
Speaker 22 (52:42):
That's from.
Speaker 3 (52:46):
Brady Bunch Threes Company.
Speaker 1 (52:51):
By the way, that says episode off air show Awkward
Bachelor Parties with Strippers, episode one.
Speaker 3 (52:57):
Why did she comment on that?
Speaker 28 (52:58):
Was that?
Speaker 3 (52:59):
Was that a comment from the seen this again?
Speaker 6 (53:02):
Reggie here in the eighties, I made love to many
many men, often outdoors in the mud and in the rain,
and if a woman slipped in, there would have been
no way of knowing. Okay, So I can't take it.
Speaker 3 (53:20):
Okay, she can't take credit. Where's that from?
Speaker 1 (53:22):
Slices? I mean, we could just google it right here
and figure it out. But you know, Brody's already he
put on his glasses, he put on the bifocals. I
see him on camera. Brodie's googling it. All you gotta
do is type in like five words from that and
you'll you'll come right up.
Speaker 3 (53:38):
Yeah, it's Creed from the office there.
Speaker 11 (53:40):
You know.
Speaker 1 (53:41):
Oh my god, Brody first of all, scary and body Brody,
scary rock and Steve over this was inevitable, continuing with
the whining bullshit, you played the victim. It's not the
same in episode another episode is I'm driving but with
the kids, and.
Speaker 7 (53:56):
Then the.
Speaker 1 (53:58):
Seventeen. Because it's a ridiculous comparison, say that's the same thing.
Your ass is the same as a fucking hole in
the wall, Buddy, that's not the same thing.
Speaker 11 (54:08):
Over there, scary scary and body, body scary.
Speaker 7 (54:15):
There one more thing is still complaining about this.
Speaker 3 (54:18):
I just want you to know, body, that your mouth
is disgusting, Brody.
Speaker 2 (54:23):
Your mouth is a disgusting, fucking best one.
Speaker 3 (54:26):
You get mad and makes me stick playing like edy
ship But how you're saying that when you don't want
to drink when they go out, you got a bet
and don't go out and drink them.
Speaker 7 (54:36):
Don't got to do with his friends, bullshit.
Speaker 3 (54:40):
Rocking Steve the fuck is in his cereal.
Speaker 1 (54:46):
Continues to ship on Brody episode after episode. Oh my god,
because there because rock and Steve gets it. He's rocking.
Speaker 3 (54:58):
Steve is a drinker, of course, and so.
Speaker 1 (55:01):
Were all my friends, which is more of the reason
why I don't invite you out, Brody, because you don't
mess with these people. You don't. You know what, I'll
sooner have you hang out with my Brooklyn friends because
you're more like minded with them, But my Hoboken friends.
Speaker 21 (55:17):
Speaker 3 (55:17):
Oh but how about you invite me out and say,
I'm sorry, guys, I can't have you come out because
you won't mess with Brody.
Speaker 1 (55:22):
Why isn't my problem, it's their problem. Plus they're gonna
have to give you a name. They're gonna all my
The Hoboken guys are the ones with the double names.
You know that Brody. No, that's like Indian Mad and
Jetski Bryan and six on the Way Dave. Those are
all the Those are the guys with the double names.
Those are the drinkers. Those are the guys that party.
Those are those dudes. Those you know you're you know, God,
I don't even want to think about what they would
what they would name you.
Speaker 3 (55:48):
I've been out with them. I went out with them
for your birthday, didn't I.
Speaker 1 (55:52):
We went to that speakeasy whatever that was that yeah,
burlesque show, for the burlesque show. But yeah, everyone was quiet,
there was a show on stage. Everyone was all right,
all right, Okay.
Speaker 3 (56:04):
Someone's got to drive those people home.
Speaker 1 (56:08):
Who'll get you again. Min Valdez is kind of annoying.
I know he's a big fan favorite Bud Rambles and
Rambles Eye.
Speaker 7 (56:17):
I canrobably understand the guy, and we should limit his
talk back there.
Speaker 30 (56:21):
Like five in a roll on the last talk back.
Speaker 13 (56:24):
Oh my god, so annoying.
Speaker 1 (56:27):
Rocking Steeve over there, keep on rocking and rolling chow
for now.
Speaker 3 (56:31):
I love that rock and Steve will complain that other
people leave too many talkbacks when he's on his third lay.
He needed that one to get his point across.
Speaker 1 (56:42):
Oh my god, Oh my god, we still got more
baby boys.
Speaker 31 (56:47):
Christy from my parents took us to Canada for vacation
back in the late sixties and we saw some local
magic show starring some guy named Doug Henning. Remember later
they took us to Broadway him in the Magic Joseph.
Speaker 3 (57:00):
It was great.
Speaker 31 (57:01):
I do love your famous pictures stories. They're great.
Speaker 9 (57:05):
Just keep telling them.
Speaker 5 (57:07):
I'm just like you.
Speaker 31 (57:08):
I'm a picture hound and an autograph hound. My favorite
story is when I met Robin Williams and Billy Crystal.
I have pictures.
Speaker 3 (57:15):
Oh wow, those are two on my list. One of
them I'll never meet and one of them who knows
Doug Henning was the guy used to go it's an.
Speaker 31 (57:22):
Illusion, Hey, Christy again. So I actually sat in front
of Billy Crystal during Robin's Broadway show and we had
backstage passes. But it was great to hear Billy cracking
up at Robin's routine. And also, I would never ever
purchase a used toilet. They are not expensive brand. Spank
and you, and it is okay for Brody to win
the tickets. He's no longer an iHeart employee.
Speaker 3 (57:54):
Thank you, all right, thank you, Christy spoke, thank you.
But I would never ever ever qualify him to begin
with in the first place. So security does this thing
where he gives out his cell phone number, except he
doesn't give out like a couple of digits, and then
people have to guess the number. I already know the number.
I'd be sure to win. That's what you can do
about it.
Speaker 1 (58:15):
I gotta be cad. I won't play that game.
Speaker 3 (58:16):
If you're standing in front of him, we're scary and Brodie, all.
Speaker 1 (58:22):
Right, who we're still we're still trying to get to
the end of this pile of talkbacks you've left us.
We appreciate it. Thank you.
Speaker 3 (58:32):
Yeah, we gave him an extra few days here with
the holiday week.
Speaker 7 (58:37):
Hey, brooken boys, first time responder here.
Speaker 2 (58:39):
Andy's a bus driver.
Speaker 22 (58:41):
So I'm talking is scary, but not a first damn popcorn.
Speaker 7 (58:45):
So we're at Thanksgiving dinner.
Speaker 21 (58:46):
My sister in law says, hey, my niece is selling
spaghetti dinner.
Speaker 5 (58:51):
Tickets for the Girl Scouts. She's like, we need to sell.
Speaker 28 (58:53):
Five or ten dollars a piece for I got to
give him fifty.
Speaker 2 (58:56):
Dollars or like, just give him a fifty dollars.
Speaker 7 (58:58):
Fuck that, we're not buying those.
Speaker 2 (59:00):
Wait a minute for ten dollars a piece.
Speaker 22 (59:02):
Anyways, we might look at the gad they have tickets
in case we want to eat spaghetti.
Speaker 3 (59:07):
Oh yeah I did. He's good spaghetti.
Speaker 1 (59:10):
Yeah why not?
Speaker 3 (59:11):
Yeah? So you're getting something pushing at Thanksgiving dinner though,
getting something for your money. Oh what are we all
thankful for? We all love each other, look at our
families together. Yeah, my kid needs some money for some
shit from school. So you're gonna pay fifty bucks, he continues.
Speaker 5 (59:25):
Here'm pushing Andy the bus driver again.
Speaker 2 (59:29):
There's no way that I'm.
Speaker 7 (59:30):
Not taking that ticket because you know what they're gonna do.
They're only gonna sell that ticket to somebody else, the
money fucking girl Scouts. I want the spaghetti. Probably not
that good anyways, but I'm gonna eat it if I go.
Speaker 3 (59:43):
Okay, so you get them a fuck the girl Scouts.
Speaker 1 (59:47):
But they don't sell that ticket to you. They you
know what they they sell to somebody else. You raise,
you're helping them raise more money. Though you're helping them
raise more money. Like if you gonna get the spaghetti,
fucked that other people they're getting this spige.
Speaker 3 (01:00:00):
I'm my spaghetti. I'm taking what's coming to me. That's
my thirty eight cents worth of spaghetti and forty cents
worth of sauce.
Speaker 5 (01:00:06):
Get over here, hey, Brodyan's scarce.
Speaker 21 (01:00:09):
William from Atlanta, Georgia about the famous people you didn't recognize.
Didn't really have that happen, But one time quite a
few years back, I was in DC interviewing for a
physician as a.
Speaker 5 (01:00:21):
Lost prevention manager for a major department store chain.
Speaker 21 (01:00:25):
Had on black suit sunglasses. When I came out of
the store after the interview, my wife was there along
with her little sister. They started walking like right behind me. Hey,
wait from Alana again. So they started walking right behind me.
I'm six foot two, about three hundred and twenty pounds,
so rather large guy take up a lot of real estate.
Speaker 28 (01:00:48):
They're walking behind me.
Speaker 21 (01:00:50):
People are, you know, pulling out phones snapping photos. I'm
assuming they must have thought these two were either dignitaries
or someone famous who had just had recognized I wanted
to get a photo off.
Speaker 1 (01:01:02):
But anyway, there's that. All right, thank you?
Speaker 3 (01:01:06):
Very cool. By the way, Uh is Wayne from Georgia.
Speaker 1 (01:01:11):
Uh didn't catch it?
Speaker 3 (01:01:12):
Play the call again real quick?
Speaker 21 (01:01:14):
Uh Hey, Brody and Scarce William from Atlanta William for Atlanta.
Speaker 3 (01:01:20):
So William has caught like four times on this on
this Slice time episode. Uh. I love that. But his
voice is very unique. He's like, here is William from
uhn Jordan.
Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
Can you imagine if if that guy said, yeah, I'm
five to one, one hundred and fifteen pounds.
Speaker 3 (01:01:36):
No, that voice comes like he sounds like a big,
powerful guy. He sounds like, yeah, I'm six to two.
That's right, I'm William from I'm a football linebacker. He
just sounds like a dude, Like he sounds like like,
you know, like he's like, I'm six two and that's
not a surprise to me. He's like, yeah, you know,
I get a lot of shit because I'm only five
to one. No you're not, No, you're now you sound
like you're six too.
Speaker 32 (01:01:58):
Hey, Brody and Scary monacam here regards the Scary episode
three sixteen regards to Scary, you know, not taking you
to the Palosa Fest or whatever it was called.
Speaker 5 (01:02:10):
I think I'll have to take you.
Speaker 1 (01:02:13):
To the Juice jew Fest.
Speaker 32 (01:02:14):
Actually there is something called Juice Fest, which is a camping.
I don't think you'll enjoy it. But there's something called.
Speaker 3 (01:02:20):
The match Kosher Wine and Food Festival.
Speaker 32 (01:02:26):
Just sit around, but I think.
Speaker 5 (01:02:29):
I'll have to take you to that.
Speaker 32 (01:02:32):
Instead of Scary. Because Scary didn't take you to no
Italian festival, no offense or Italian food whatever it's called.
Speaker 3 (01:02:41):
Did you say the Jewish wine festival? They sit around
and complain, Yeah I went there, you know, joke, what's
a good Jewish wine?
Speaker 12 (01:02:48):
And take me to.
Speaker 22 (01:02:49):
Miami from three or five Just a quick comment feedback.
For some reason, the volume was kind of low on
episode three seventeen.
Speaker 3 (01:03:01):
Yes, included the audio.
Speaker 22 (01:03:04):
Setting that might have been off or whatever, but it
was kind of weird listening.
Speaker 3 (01:03:08):
Sorry, about that.
Speaker 22 (01:03:09):
Anyway, We'll be having a great day.
Speaker 3 (01:03:13):
Yeah, we may have to re release that episode while
we're on vacation.
Speaker 1 (01:03:16):
Yeah, something was really was screwed up with that file
completely because someone else told me that the levels were off.
Speaker 3 (01:03:22):
At one hundred and seventy three million your your sound system.
Of course more than one soda was going to make
on free Agency.
Speaker 30 (01:03:29):
Brooklyn Boy, is this tea way similar to Sary not?
Remember girl he met an hour ago when my wife
was pregnant with my first son. She was considered high risk.
But every week we had to get checked. We had
to have the baby check to make sure everything was
fine every week, or an ultrasound. So I met her
doctor at least, you know, thirty times, and every time
he met me, he introduced himself to me like, hey,
I'm doctor blah blah blah every single time. And I
know they have a lot of patience, they see a
lot of people every week whatever. But I am six
foot three, two hundred and fifty pounds black guys. Gary
would call me my man with a big beard. I'm
pretty noticeable. I'm pretty memorable, at least after the second
or third time when you meet me every week, you
should not be introducing yourself and saying, hey, nice to
meet you, I'm doctor or whatever. And then, to make
matters worse, when my son was being born, my wife
was nine centimeters dilated, which is almost go time. Ye sorry,
last one. So she's nine centimeters dilated, he says. And
then this motherfucker goes to lunch, so he's gone for
twenty minutes while she's ready to push a baby out,
and then he walks in, no apology, no nothing, and
the nurse was like, yeah, sorry, he was out to lunch,
but like she's nine centimeters, she's ready to go. This
motherfucker goes to lunch, so basically, long story short, fuck
you doctor, lunch, sorry, last one. So she's nine centimeters dilated,
he says. And then this motherfucker goes to lunch, so
he's gone for twenty minutes while she's ready to push
a baby out, and then he walks in, no apology,
no nothing, and the nurse was like, yeah, sorry, he
was out to lunch, but like she's nine centimeters, she's
ready to go. As motherfucker goes to lunch, So basically,
long story short, fuck you doctor.
Speaker 1 (01:05:10):
Long he left, oh he left the same. He didn't
think the other one went through, but it did, so
now he left it twice.
Speaker 3 (01:05:15):
Anyway, By the way, we have to introduce Tea White
to William from Georgia because they're both around six two
six three and they both uh, well, you know larger men.
Have you said, so larger men? They might get along.
Speaker 1 (01:05:26):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (01:05:26):
Ty doesn't live in we South, but still, yeah, I
love that. Fuck you doctor lunch.
Speaker 28 (01:05:35):
Yeah, we're going on his old cowboard trucker here one
more time, you Serie Barbario. You know, I want to
extend my most sincere apologies to mister Scootie before I
called in on the last last time for episode three
hundred and sixteen, while I was eating my lunch and
I had no idea that Scooty was suffering from misoponia.
Please accept my apologies. I don't want you to have
a mental breakdown or anything.
Speaker 1 (01:06:02):
I don't have me so Phonia trucker. I was just
doing that on behalf of the slices who do have
me so phonia.
Speaker 3 (01:06:08):
But it could have been.
Speaker 1 (01:06:09):
Worse because they could have been super team.
Speaker 2 (01:06:11):
Then you would have had to dealt with a whole.
Speaker 7 (01:06:15):
And then.
Speaker 1 (01:06:17):
So that could have been worse.
Speaker 32 (01:06:18):
You know.
Speaker 3 (01:06:18):
Uh, got your blessings there.
Speaker 1 (01:06:20):
Mister Scootie.
Speaker 28 (01:06:20):
You know, but I wanna playing on this whole thing
where you're gonna go see Wicked and you don't want
the kids singing along. And you said that it was
kind of a natural thing that happened. You called it
a phenomenon where everybody sings.
Speaker 3 (01:06:36):
You know, they can't help them.
Speaker 7 (01:06:37):
Speaker 3 (01:06:37):
But you know what I called what I find funny.
Speaker 28 (01:06:40):
I don't know if you call it funny, ironic or
a coincidence that when anybody says a word phenomenon, most
of the people all jumptone and on them phenomenon, dump thone, phenomenal, dumptone,
let on on. I don't know why that happened. Well,
I don't know if I'm to think about there, guys,
But anyways, have a great week and I'll see you
lead got.
Speaker 3 (01:07:07):
He killed the end of the song. By the way,
A lot of a lot of a lot of people
have been coming on social media saying, you know, celebrities
and movie theater owners like, don't don't come and sing
at Wicked. We'll do a Wicked show where everybody can sing,
but don't sing every show. People want to watch the movie.
I have not seen it yet.
Speaker 1 (01:07:25):
I love the Wicked sing along times though, the designated times,
that's cool. That's also a great way for a theater
to make more money. And we're gonna do the same Wicked.
This is the Wicked sing along show, everybody. We invite
all the singers.
Speaker 3 (01:07:37):
I saw a great TikTok yesterday. Speaking of TikTok, it's uh,
it's a it's a. It's ak. Yeah we were before, remember,
Oh yeah. It's three scenes, one on top of the
other vertically, and the first one is the original singers
Idina Menzel and Christian Chennaworth singing uh, I think popular popular.
Then it's the asked the glease singing popular, and then
it's the current actress is singing popular.
Speaker 1 (01:08:05):
Sidi your Ebo and Ariana Grande. Yes popular, I know
what that popular?
Speaker 7 (01:08:15):
You know what?
Speaker 28 (01:08:16):
I got to thinking about the whole pink toilet thing.
Speaker 1 (01:08:19):
You know, I cuted on.
Speaker 3 (01:08:21):
Lining did you slurping out of pink? Twilt?
Speaker 28 (01:08:27):
Bathrooms were coming back?
Speaker 1 (01:08:28):
And the style here?
Speaker 3 (01:08:30):
Have you long the lords or Home.
Speaker 28 (01:08:34):
Website, you'll find the only having one of those that's
pink and one of those fancy one was like.
Speaker 3 (01:08:41):
They have in France. He's testing people's mesphonia right now today.
Speaker 1 (01:08:46):
I started that off.
Speaker 3 (01:08:48):
Four hundred and fifty nine dollars.
Speaker 28 (01:08:50):
That's a lot of money for a crap, you asked me.
Speaker 3 (01:08:52):
But you know, I find it in my opinion.
Speaker 28 (01:08:56):
You know how, I think it would be worse to
buy a mattress because a mattress has got dead skin
all the rip and how are you gonna get rid
of that dead skin?
Speaker 7 (01:09:08):
Speaker 28 (01:09:08):
A toilet, on the other hand, you know, it's made
out of porcelain and you can clean it up pretty good.
Speaker 1 (01:09:13):
You know, it doesn't take much.
Speaker 3 (01:09:14):
He thinks he's bothering me with this.
Speaker 1 (01:09:16):
It's not. He's bothering some slices that have me some
phonia though, by the way, he again, Ye.
Speaker 3 (01:09:21):
The mesaphonia jingle that we played once and then we
got in trouble for it. Yeah we should, Yeah, well
we'll play.
Speaker 1 (01:09:25):
Yeah. I wonder if A seventy seven is still listening, baby,
he'll complain about this at.
Speaker 28 (01:09:30):
All you need is a month, some rocks for some month,
or some scrubbing bubbles, you know that stuff that it
works hard so you don't have to You know that
kind of stuff.
Speaker 3 (01:09:42):
It'll clean it up really good. And I guarantee.
Speaker 28 (01:09:48):
If we'll leave me you Rodrigo was filling her peak toilet.
Speaker 3 (01:09:52):
I guarantee.
Speaker 1 (01:09:55):
Seven would be the.
Speaker 3 (01:09:56):
First one in line the mine. You're not wrong, Trucker, mother, Trucker, Reggie.
Speaker 32 (01:10:04):
Speaker 6 (01:10:06):
My vagina has a first name. It's p uss Y.
My vagina has a second name.
Speaker 22 (01:10:14):
And I can tell you why.
Speaker 7 (01:10:16):
Oh people love to eat it every day.
Speaker 6 (01:10:18):
And if they ask you why, I'll say, to mister
David Brody, wit, that was it?
Speaker 3 (01:10:30):
That was different?
Speaker 1 (01:10:32):
Okay, thank you? All right?
Speaker 3 (01:10:35):
What is the rest of the song?
Speaker 5 (01:10:36):
No, I don't know to uh, mister David Brody, the
guru of.
Speaker 6 (01:10:44):
Songs soup too, I need you to help me by
finishing that song. I need something really grotesque as the
last line.
Speaker 3 (01:10:52):
Oh yeah, she wants you to finish the lyric. She
doesn't have an ending to it.
Speaker 24 (01:11:00):
Hey, brook boys, Jamie for here.
Speaker 33 (01:11:02):
I know Brody's speechless. He's like, by the way, the
last twenty minutes of this has been the weirdest.
Speaker 3 (01:11:12):
Can you can you go back and play the beginning
of her call again?
Speaker 1 (01:11:16):
Is the beginning by Vagina has a first name? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (01:11:18):
Play guy, yep, come on, do we have to.
Speaker 1 (01:11:24):
Where is it? Where am I.
Speaker 7 (01:11:28):
To? Uh?
Speaker 3 (01:11:31):
This podcast is long enough, Brody, do what we do?
Speaker 32 (01:11:34):
Speaker 7 (01:11:35):
Speaker 6 (01:11:35):
It is Reggie here mine Vagina has a first name.
Speaker 7 (01:11:41):
It's p uss Y.
Speaker 3 (01:11:44):
Okay, Now you don't listen to it in your own time.
I want to finish it. I gotta finish it. No, no,
you're not gonna have to listen. I gotta finish.
Speaker 1 (01:11:50):
I got an ending cliffhanger. Why don't you do it
on the Brooklyn Boys podcast? Well I get save that
call then I will.
Speaker 24 (01:11:57):
Yeah, book boys Jamie here. I know I sound like,
but I wanted to do this anyway. You guys were
talking about social media and how there's so many that
people can't keep up. A random woman on Instagram in
a comment section was accusing me of lying about my
age and all this because I didn't know what the
app yuk yak was. Well I found out later yak
yak was popular with college students a college kip. This
is when I was pushing thirty, So no wonder I
didn't write.
Speaker 3 (01:12:24):
It was like ten years ago and I used to
be on there, but it was stupid.
Speaker 1 (01:12:29):
It was just there was it was weird pictures of
nature and things like that, with just with with with
people's sayings and things on it, and people would leave
messages for other people. Hey, to the to the to
the hot guy in the dorm at nyu hayden hall
uh you know you were looking it was. It was
a lot of like love notes and like random thoughts
and people who were too too afraid to actually put
their face and their name to their post. So pretty
much anything went yik yak. Does that even still have?
That's gone? That's long gone right, yeahs not a thing
anymore anyway. Yeah, Jamie from Queens, get yourself.
Speaker 24 (01:13:10):
Some soup, Jamie, who sounds like shit again. I should
talk about celebrities not knowing who they were. My grandmother
had told me a funny story about this. My grandmother
was featured in an independent documentary once they filmed her
going to the ballet, and she said she could tell
that other people in the audience before the show were
looking at her. She came down the aisle and looking
at her with the film crew and trying to figure
out if she was someone famous or not.
Speaker 1 (01:13:42):
Okay, thank you Jamie from Queens.
Speaker 3 (01:13:46):
Okay, I've written for her song now we're going back. No,
he's someone to wait till till the next episode.
Speaker 1 (01:13:55):
The next episode.
Speaker 3 (01:13:56):
All right, yeagative Snoop and Dre. I got a positive
ending and a negative ending. Okay, last text, Oh there's
a text talkback. I'm delivery like just so just slices,
just so you.
Speaker 1 (01:14:10):
Know, I'm hilarious right now.
Speaker 3 (01:14:11):
I can't hear any more these Cleona Murphy. I'm not
gonna say it is just you know that I wrote
them already, so you're like, oh, we probably didn't write
So the positive one, uh starts off with of tasting. Okay,
That's all I'm gonna say. And the negative one starts
off with of making That's it.
Speaker 1 (01:14:29):
Just all I have to know.
Speaker 3 (01:14:30):
Just know that I already wrote.
Speaker 11 (01:14:31):
Carrying Birdie Birdie and Scary Scarodi the knee from CT.
You know, it's a shame that Scary had to go
on his forty ninth vacation last week. I really wanted
to wish the Brooklyn Boys as well as all the slices,
a very happy Thanksgiving and thank you Brooklyn Boys for
creating the greatest and I do mean greatest podcast in
the history of the everdom. Slice for Mother ep in life.
Speaker 3 (01:14:57):
Thank you. That is a high honor appreciate. I would
liked a little more pros, a little more poetry to
how great we are. But okay, I take you, Donnie, Donnie, Donnie.
All right, Wow that was a lot.
Speaker 1 (01:15:10):
Oh my god?
Speaker 3 (01:15:11):
All right, you say that was the last one? Was
that the last one?
Speaker 4 (01:15:13):
That was it?
Speaker 28 (01:15:14):
Speaker 3 (01:15:14):
Do we have to say? And now the last one?
Speaker 1 (01:15:17):
The last one?
Speaker 3 (01:15:17):
You weren't paying attention? Now it wasn't. I was writing
a third line.
Speaker 1 (01:15:20):
Okay, Well I'm gonna go snorted third line because I
needed after this.
Speaker 3 (01:15:27):
Oh, let's not promote legal drug use. Who said it
was anything? It was drugs?
Speaker 1 (01:15:35):
Could be something else.
Speaker 3 (01:15:36):
What are you snorting? Lines of baking soda, bacon soda?
I got bacon soda.
Speaker 1 (01:15:42):
Let's get out of here.
Speaker 3 (01:15:43):
Speaking of how crazy? How crazy was it was? The uh,
the substance abuse while you were in Costa Rica. I
gotta tell you about the gummies they did? All right,
save it for the I haven't written down this specific
I didn't do. There's no no lines.
Speaker 1 (01:15:57):
The lines are in this song We're here White lines,
originally a wrap about cocaine. It's about cocaine.
Speaker 3 (01:16:04):
This song the original song, White Lines, Light reactions.
Speaker 2 (01:16:13):
This podcast all depends on you. Baby, Decise
Speaker 3 (01:16:23):
Free Taser