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December 9, 2024 56 mins

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #318 and earlier.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:11):

Speaker 3 (00:14):
This podcast all depends on you. Babycis free test.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
Welcome to Brooklyn Boys Slice time for episode three eighteen
and beyond, uh previous, the previous, anything before three eighteen
and before.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
If you're commenting on three nineteen, let us know so
we don't have to do the show. What we what
were we going to talk about.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
For episode three eighteen and before the Mets signed Juan Soto.
That's right because at the time of this taping, Juan
Soto is now in New York Man.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Yes, he is seven hundred and sixty five million dollars
for fifteen years. That's a little more than us.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Yeah, we'll get into that more on the Brooklyn Boys.
Because I asked the things to say. I went on
a rant on the Elvis Durram Big Show today, like
I was on the sports Talks station, and I just
I just.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
Drilled into the Yankee fans.

Speaker 4 (01:18):
I went on a thirty second rant about sour grapes
Yankee fans, and they're they're all saying, oh, yeah, he
wasn't worth the money, please, generational talent franchise player, not
worth not worth the money?

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Right, Okay. She was on the other foot there, Yankee fans.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
All right, it's nice to be the big brother for
a change.

Speaker 4 (01:41):
Oh yeah, we own this town now. The shift of
power in New York baseball has shifted.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
All right, sorry, Yankee fans, let's move on. Okay, anyway,
I want to rub it in. This is not I'm happy.
I'm happy, We're happy.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
It's all not the podcast. This is the Slice Time,
the companion podcast.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
This is your podcast about the podcasts.

Speaker 4 (02:02):
Yeah, exactly, all right, And someone actually emailed me and said,
how do I make a comment on Slice Time.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
I can't seem to find the record.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
Button, So we say how to do it all the time?
Exactly a fake radio story.

Speaker 3 (02:16):
No, this is real, like when comedians are like I
was on a plane last week and it's like, no, no,
that's why, And that is why I say at the
top of every Size Time how to get in touch?
And the truth is you have to be listening to
the iHeart radio app and.

Speaker 4 (02:32):
Click on the microphone. There's a microphone feedback button there. Boom,
hit the button, leave us a talk back, hold the
button down. I don't know how it works.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
I think they pretty sure they press it. We've never
left talkbacks for a show.

Speaker 4 (02:45):
We have no idea anyway. Oh and by the way,
Slick Vinnie, Slick Vinnie.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
From sales, Slick Vinnie from sales.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
He apologized because I caught him in the hallway. I said.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
He said that on the Brooklyn Boys.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
Yeah, yeah, the last lifetime. I said, you're plugging your clients.
So I see what you're doing here and do it.
I did not tell him to.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
Do it, you taught him. Yeah. Anyways, apologizing, but how
go on, he's going to do it again.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
He said, he said he's done. That was funny anyway.
All right, all right, here's your here's your feedback from
previous episodes.

Speaker 5 (03:22):
Hey, Brooklyn Boys, Miss Maria from Uni City.

Speaker 6 (03:25):
I just finished listening to the latest slice time and
two things.

Speaker 7 (03:30):
Chuck her guy, stop eating while you're talking. That's disgusting.
It's disgusting.

Speaker 5 (03:35):
Thank you Scary for looking out for us who hate
hearing the chewing.

Speaker 7 (03:39):
It's gross. Also, Reggie, now we know why Reggie so happy.

Speaker 8 (03:43):
She's getting.

Speaker 9 (03:46):
Getting taken care of.

Speaker 6 (03:48):
The way aster Meyer gets taken care of with his baloney.

Speaker 1 (03:53):
By the way, speaking of Reggie, Reggie started the song
and didn't finish it, and I finished it. During the
the slice time last week, and then Scary was like,
don't do it, save it for the episode. Then I
didn't do it on the episode, and do it of
the episode. So I'm going to do it after the
first commercial break on this episode. Sounds great. Two lines
I told you I wrote for her oskar Meyer jingle.

Speaker 10 (04:18):

Speaker 1 (04:18):
This is Nick from Washington.

Speaker 10 (04:21):
It was just a comment to David Brodie. David Brodie,
you said to Scary Jones that Sara Jones is paying
a price for not having kids, so he has to
buy a stupid popcorn or whatnot.

Speaker 11 (04:35):
That's absolutely false.

Speaker 10 (04:38):
Nobody put a gun to your heads so you can
have three kids and that's your est choice.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
That's right, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
No, no, no, I wasn't saying Scary should have had kids.
What I'm saying is the same way I pay the
penalty for not drinking, and he wants me to pay
for his friend's drinks. I said, well, you're paying the
same penalty by not having kids. I wasn't saying that
he's deserves to pay the penalty. I don't think he
should be buying anybody's popcorn, but then again, as a parent,
I shouldn't be buying popcorn. I don't ask I've never

asked anyone to buy anything from my kids. Once I
posted on Instagram, if you want to help out a
cheerleading team, that's the only time in my kids' lives.
So no, that's not what I said to Scary.

Speaker 12 (05:17):
Hey Brooklyn boys, this is a nig from Washington, David Brody.
I need you to go to Kosherpalooza dot com and
you're going to put your email so this way. When
they can announce for the next Kosher Palooza twenty twenty five,
you're going to get that message, my man, because you
missed on the Kosher POLUSA twenty twenty four in Meadowlands Expo.

Speaker 10 (05:40):
And I'm sure it was great, And don't invite Scary to.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
It, of course, because he didn't invite me to. Was
it Guinea Balooza? Is it?

Speaker 3 (05:49):

Speaker 1 (05:49):
Paison Paloosa, Oh, Paithon, Sorry my mistake. I apologies. I
know it was one of those names.

Speaker 13 (05:54):

Speaker 14 (05:54):
This is Michelle from Upstate. I'm a first time Talkbacker
nice og listener. Though someone had called in and commented
about the off air show and how many listeners there were,
Brody joke that it was like twelve or thirteen. And
you guys have always been super elusive as to how
many listeners you guys have for the Brooklyn Boys, And

I was just wondering why and if you could share
the number with us to kind of brag about it.

Speaker 3 (06:20):
Twenty seven, twenty eight. No, No, we have thousands of listeners.
But it also fluctuates, and it also.

Speaker 4 (06:29):
Takes time, depending on you know, we run when we
released the episode, it takes a while for that episode
to reach attrition.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
Is that that word to reach its full potential?

Speaker 4 (06:39):
Because fruition, fruition, because people are still catching up. We
find we find numbers going up every day on episode
like sixty three. So because people are listening, they're poking
around or they're just listening in order, so you know.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
But yeah, I mean that's like asking how much money
we have in the bank, which I can tell you
is not for me, not very much.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
No, do we have millions of listeners?

Speaker 15 (07:02):

Speaker 4 (07:03):
Okay, we'd beat Joe Rogan or call her daddy if
that was the case.

Speaker 16 (07:09):
Brody is scary. I love you guys.

Speaker 7 (07:13):
Just introduce my boyfriend. Who's Brooklyn's Boys podcast?

Speaker 1 (07:17):
Where you're from me?

Speaker 7 (07:18):
I love Brody. Oh, thank you, love you.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
Guys, all right, thank you, well, thank you person who
didn't say who you are, but thank you and thank
you for spreading the word and getting your boyfriend to listen,
and for the kind words.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
She left that at one o'clock in the morning. I
wonder she was driving back from my boyfriend's.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
House, or maybe she lives in California.

Speaker 3 (07:40):
Or that my guest, she was on her way back
to Minnesota, well, Colorado.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
My guess was she just had sex and she was
on her way back home.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
Or maybe she works late. She could be in retail
or work in a restaurant. Nothing good time but after
one am.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
You know that?

Speaker 17 (07:55):
All right, Brooklyn boys, it's Maddie from Brookly in the Bronx. Scary.
It's not a comparison between the popcorn.

Speaker 3 (08:04):
And the alcohol.

Speaker 17 (08:05):
It's a fucking analogy. It's the same fucking thing. You're
paying for something you're never gonna get, never gonna benefit from,
never gonna enjoy. I eat children, and he's paying for
something he's never gonna get and enjoy. I eat alcohol.
I drink, my friends drink. We all know you don't
charge the non drinker. Thank you Maddie. Again, you have

to be mentally substandard or just plain rude to not
understand the concept. If you're drinking one thousand dollars worth
of alcohol and I got a five dollar soup, well
not me. I'm drinking the alcohol. But if Brody gets
a five dollar soup, he's not paying five hundred dollars
for my alcohol?

Speaker 1 (08:44):
What the fuck?

Speaker 3 (08:45):
Bro come on exactly and more probably you at least
get popcorn out of it. Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 18 (08:54):
Hey again, this is Vicky from Cleveland by way of
New Jersey. And as soon as I said that talk
back that I realized I messed up and didn't say
how old I was now or how long it had
been since I was twenty one. Scary, what's pretty close.
I'm thirty three now, so it's been twelve years since
I've been out of state. And like I said, still, hey,
pumping my gas life for life?

Speaker 15 (09:15):

Speaker 1 (09:16):
Really nice? Oh yeah. We called her out on that.
She's like, I haven't done it since I was whatever,
And I was like, oh, well, I said she was
in her thirties, right.

Speaker 19 (09:24):
Hi, my name's Melissa. I'm calling from Columbia, South Carolina.
I'm responding to Reggie's last life call. The quote she
was quoting was from the TV show The Office, and
it was done by Cree Bratton. Yes, and I just
want to say that I love you guys, and thank
you for everything. You guys helped me get through the

loss of my mom that just recently happened. Thank you
for making me laugh and just having so much fun.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Oh that is so sweet. Yeah, so we're sorry for
your loss. Yeah, we certainly can relate.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
Uh huh, our condolences to you and thank you. It
sounds like another first time talkbacker there.

Speaker 20 (10:06):
Longtime listener Emily from Maryland here. I love that there
were two Office references in this last It's Lifetime episode,
the first one being Bonnie from CT with the Michael
Scott griefbone one excellent reference, and then Reggie with the
one from Creed keep up the good works, plices.

Speaker 11 (10:26):
I love all the Office.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
Well, it's gonna go over.

Speaker 1 (10:30):
How many episodes of the Office have you watched?

Speaker 3 (10:32):
Maybe about eight? The one with the chili, Okay, a
few other ones.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
No, did you watch that because you had Kevin in studio?
I watched.

Speaker 4 (10:44):
No, I watch them on a if I'm on a
flight somewhere and they have The Office. I'll watch it,
you see, I'd never I never watched The Office when
it was new, so I catch them here and there
in syndication. I like it, but it's not something that
I'm gonna binge and watch episode and be an office
head or whatever.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
You guy, You're too busy binge watching.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
The back of my eyeballs right the back of my eyelids.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Rather, I am watching a bunch of streaming shows right now.
I'm gonna just I'll talk about it again. On the
Brooklyn on the Booklyn Boys was the regular episode, but
Day of the Jackal on Peacock is fantastic, Yes and
Shrinking season two, Apple TV Fantastic Silo season two awesome. Great.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
And if you like animation scary, I know you do,
especially Superhero You know me. I'm big on the especially
on the anime.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
That James Gunn. You know James Gunn. Of course, director
James Gunner did The Guardians of the Galaxy and Peacemaker
and Suicide Squad. He has a new animated cartoon show
out on Max called Creature Commandos, which is, as you know, scary.
To kick off the DCU.

Speaker 4 (11:48):
Can't Wait, The dc YES is that opposed to Marvel Universe.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
Well, it used to be called the DCEU, the Detective
Comics Entertainment Universe, but that's dead and gone, and now
the DCU is the new thing, and this is the
first DCU.

Speaker 4 (12:05):
Thanks, thank you, justin Timberlake and t I what it's
dead and gone. Oh see see, I'll do all the
music references. You leave those to me. You'll do all
of them, and then, uh, and then everyone else can
leave us office references that I will go right.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
Over my head, which is fine, and I'm okay with that,
you know.

Speaker 4 (12:21):
But yeah, no, I've only watched about a dozen or
so Office episodes. If it's here and there, I will
watch it. I find it very funny. I just don't
have the time to sit down and watch it.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
All right, bench, we need to get back to what
we're doing, rock and roll. Let's go mister here.

Speaker 13 (12:37):
Yes, bro, it was creed from the Office, but oh
my gosh, I would have loved for it to be
from the Brady Bunch.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
Okay, Reggie, since you called I'm gonna finish your song
now right now, I have two versions, as I said,
I did so, uh, so forgive me for using the
p word. But here we go because the last line
she wrote was because Reggie's pussy has away David Brody
lines of tasting like a chocolate shake. The other line
was of making straight guys become gay. So whichever one

you want to go with, that's why I finished your song.
One's a compliment, I guess, and one's not.

Speaker 3 (13:15):
I guess. Thank you, David Brody, Ladies and gentlemen, David Brody.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Thank you. Yeah, it's our jingle. Love you, love you, David,
I know you do.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Did you want did you want some kind of a
like a rim shot.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
Or something for that? Or well no, that's about an
inch away, Hio. All right, we'll continue.

Speaker 7 (13:40):
Scary and Brody.

Speaker 21 (13:41):
Carrie in from Telford Pack Scary for your Costco gas.

Speaker 22 (13:49):
Comment, I'm gonna tell you because I've hauled to Costco.

Speaker 7 (13:53):
It's all the same stuff.

Speaker 21 (13:54):
I pulled out of Sonoko Terminals for a Costco over
a Warminster, PA.

Speaker 7 (13:59):
And it's all the same stuff. I get Shell gas
there ex on all the same stuff. Man.

Speaker 3 (14:05):
Okay, thanks buddy.

Speaker 4 (14:07):
All right, that's good to know that I could pull
up to pretty much any gas station and I'm getting
equal quality gas no matter where I go.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
That's not true. You can't go to the the ones
where they like make you sign your your credit card
slip on a clipboard, you know, like some some of
those jangity ones easy gas that have like the old
flip numbers in the in the pumps, like your digital
clocks and flip flip flocks. Don't go to those because
then your engine knocks. I've had that problem.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
Well, are you going to answer it?

Speaker 1 (14:41):
Hello? Who's there?

Speaker 13 (14:43):
Reggie here? No, I'm not saying what if they wanted
to trade food for the seed. I'm saying, what if
they wanted to use your seed for food instead of
to make a baby?

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Okay, okay, so stop it still characteristic of Reggie Reggie
Reggie Reggie Family program at a couple of Puss White
song lines derail the show that you could think you
can just make a commentary like that.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
Here's one.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
They came in at one one eight in the morning.

Speaker 1 (15:21):
Why are you so sess the time? Because the time
for me, it is important.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
It could be someone is high or drunk or both
if they live in Washington State.

Speaker 23 (15:32):
Yeah, Rody Scary Jane's Miami.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
By the way, there you go. Not not Washington State.
Fair enough, that's one in the morning, East coast time. Well,
he left all his calls at two in the morning.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Last time.

Speaker 23 (15:45):
That Rody Scary Jane's Miami episode three or four last
time a reference to your post office, I think, well,
scary man, why didn't pour her on the spot right there?
And then you still have to do the survey? But

why not let her supervisor?

Speaker 1 (16:07):
No, she was the supervisor.

Speaker 24 (16:11):
That was.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
She was, by the way. I'm glad I remember because
that's four months ago. But he's talking about the really
nasty woman at the post office. Yeah, who couldn't find
my package. She was the supervisor, which is what the
problem was. All right, there you go for those of
you three or four men. He's catching up.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
Though, boys podcast.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
See. I said I would do the song lines after
the commercial break, but then Reggie left a voicemail a
talk back, and I had had no choice my hands
with that. That's fine, we just kind of That's why
you don't tease it.

Speaker 3 (16:45):
You just do it when it's appropriate.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
Well, I didn't realize Reggie would be in the first pack.
She's usually in the third break. It doesn't matter wherever
she is. Tol Medutia who gives a ship. That's true.

Speaker 16 (16:56):
Rody Scary Scary Rody of Dallas, sim Philly. Just calling
because I wanted to say thanks for thinking my accent
is cute. Say Philly born and raised, the accent is
strong in this one. I get commental it sometimes. My
husband from Delaware makes fun of it sometimes, but I
appreciate the compliment. Also, Andy the bus driver, screw that

scietti dinner. Ain't nothing good for ten dollars. That shit
is rive you from Walmart. Peace, Just make the donation.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Make the donation. She's the girl who said toilet the
cute way. Yes, I think she should say toilet that
way every time she calls me.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
I want her to say worder, some worder and some reces.
By the way, is she Alice in Philly like Philly's
her last name? Or Alice in Philly?

Speaker 3 (17:40):
Alice in Philly?

Speaker 1 (17:42):
Okay, I said, thought her name was Alice in Philly,
but then the accent reminded me in Philly.

Speaker 25 (17:48):
Hey, guys, Laura originally from Queens living in CT. Now
then listen to you guys for a few months enjoying
the show. Thank you the slices, and I try to
listen to the off air show.

Speaker 7 (18:01):
But it was just too much Drake Tea.

Speaker 25 (18:03):
It was just a little loud, and I can't understand
half the things that are being said. But you two
together are really good. So I'm really enjoying the show
and loving the slices comments.

Speaker 15 (18:14):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
All right, So here's my question. What episode is she
up to? Where did she start? Hopefully episode zero? I hope.
So then she's listening in a slice time. Then that's
a dump.

Speaker 3 (18:25):
Okay, at breaker not listening in order?

Speaker 22 (18:29):
Laura from.

Speaker 25 (18:32):
Laura from CT about the fundraiser thing. I decided to
be a good knowna and support my granddaughter who was
in second grade. And I thought I was getting forty
frozen cookies to put into the freezer. No, I got
box cookie mix two box cookie mixes that I could
have bought in.

Speaker 24 (18:51):
The store for five dollars and spent forty dollars.

Speaker 7 (18:56):
What a ripoff?

Speaker 25 (18:57):
Yeah, but I had to support my granddaughter.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
You have to do it.

Speaker 4 (19:01):
There's that, there's the popcorn and the candy bars, and
the latest one that I'm seeing is cinnamon rolls.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
See the frozen cinnamon rolls.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
Dude, get those cinnamon rolls in you before January.

Speaker 4 (19:11):
First, Nah, you know what, I'm gonna do a hard
pass on those. I think I could wait till March
for those.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
I think you'd do more like a soft pass after
you hate him.

Speaker 5 (19:20):
Hios, this is Maria from Union City again. Hope you
are well and happy Friday.

Speaker 7 (19:26):
Anyway, just so.

Speaker 5 (19:29):
You'll know, Bandhie and Diamond and Andrew from Sauce on
the Side are now doing you know, talkbacks and is
like the Slice Time and somebody when list a talk
back and set Splice for life and hung up Hello.

Speaker 3 (19:48):
I gave them that idea.

Speaker 4 (19:49):
I said, if you guys want to do you guys
should do a companion podcast the same way that the
Brooklyn Boys do where you just review your your and
and by the way, Brody as I as.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
We are doing our Slice time here.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
I get to see all the talkbacks left for Elvis
Durant Show, fifteen Minute Morning Show, Serial Killers, Sauce on
the Side. I have noticed in the last couple of
weeks there's been quite a few talkbacks left for Sauce
on the Side.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Quiet. Oh good. I can't wait till the company gives
them an award for innovation. Here I could play one. No, okay,
let's have nothing but respect for them. I'm very happy
that they did that.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
Yeah, that's cool that they did. They took my advice.
I said, you guys really should do this anyway.

Speaker 15 (20:40):
All right, Brody and Scary. This is Lisa from Rhode Island.
First time Talkbacker, longtime slice, been since episode zero and
I also listened to several episodes of the off air show.
I'd also downloaded iHeartRadio app to leave this talk back Because, Brody,

when you guys were talking about your Spotify rapped, you
mentioned that Amoranth was one of your top top songs
you listened to.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
I got so excited, so exciting.

Speaker 15 (21:15):
Part three, Lisa from Rhode Island. Part two, Part two
Lisa from Rhode Island, Brody, I got so excited to
know that you listen to Amoranth because I listened to
them so much and they've become a favorite band of
mine in recent years, and not many people in my
circle know who they are, so so whenever I hear

anyone who likes them, then I just get super excited
and I have to talk to them about it. I'm curious,
what was the one song that you listened to a
lot from them. My favorite song of theirs is Dream
Part three from Rhode Island Brody. I don't I don't
think you mentioned the amorant song. If you did, I
apologize anyways. Slice for Life. You guys are awesome in

my Spotify I rap you guys were in my top
five for podcasts. I definitely listen whenever a new video
or I'm sorry, when a new episode comes out, I
get so excited. I wait very very patiently, even when
Scary goes on his ten ten week vacations every year.
So thank you, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
Part four. Oh no, no, it's not hold on. Let me
let me answer her question. So my favorite songs by
amarant after Life, Invincible, the Nexus, and Fearless and Adrenaline
and you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna I'm
gonna give you like scaring me ten seconds of hold on.
We're gonna play a little bit on this.

Speaker 7 (22:38):
Let me give you.

Speaker 1 (22:40):
Hold on, hold on, get to the course.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
O god, wait, it sounds like my kind of noise. Okay, okay,
there's three singers.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
Scary, the male and female are terrific. The other guy screams.
You have to get used to it, like Avaran not
really your cup of tapes. No, no Nordic metal.

Speaker 6 (23:16):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, this is Maria from Union City again.
I just remembered something, you know, during the break when
the Big Show was on vacation and they were playing
replaced from old episodes, Brody's twenty two pound turkeys hysterical.
I just want to say, Scar and Brody always have

had the best phone taps. My cat is going absolute
number one. Mister Michael Oppenheimer, awesome, Love you.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
Guys, Thank you, love, thank you.

Speaker 10 (23:47):

Speaker 1 (23:47):
Scary schedules. Those he decides which ones are going to
play when they're on vacation. That's correct, since I had
a classic Thanksgiving one, did you run my scabies one?
The turkeys with scabies that also ran? Yes, So yeah,
here's the key. When you when you work on the
Elvis Tran Show, you did phone taps to theme ones
and holiday ones. This way they're always gonna run. That's
very run. My honka wondering honkakah uh people won show.

I think, by the way, Honkah is on Christmas Night.
This is the first night Hankah is Christmas this year
Christmas Day, really twenty fifth. Yeah, that's Chris Wow, say
you gotta Yeah, I don't have to play my my
Honica phone tap.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
Is that the latest it's ever been?

Speaker 1 (24:26):
I don't know. I don't keep track of the five
thousand years of Honkah.

Speaker 6 (24:30):
So scary is getting it onto jazz music every Sunday morning?

Speaker 26 (24:36):
Is that what I'm hearing?

Speaker 7 (24:38):

Speaker 1 (24:38):
I wake up, No, we up, we wake up.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
We have j I z z to the j a
z z hioh the jazz h to the Jizo.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Yeah, oh, he's in trouble this week, by the way. No,
I'm not not you, jay Z.

Speaker 3 (24:53):
Oh, jay Z is. Yeah, it could be.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
I don't know that.

Speaker 4 (24:56):
He was from an hour and uh he's he's thank you.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
He's thinking Daniel Penny and Luigi.

Speaker 7 (25:05):

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Luigi's in big trouble.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
No, no, jay Z is thanking them for wiping his
name off. He's the friend.

Speaker 4 (25:11):
Jay Z was the front of the headline for a minute,
and then these two giant ass headlines broke where they
caught the killer.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
Well, yeah, Luigi, his name is whatever his name is.
That guy shot the CEO MANJ Mangione. I don't need
to say his name. Let's move on the killer. The
guy I killed his name is it's some Italian some Italian. No,
it's something Italian I said, I didn't say some Italian.

Speaker 27 (25:42):
He yes, scary. I agree with Scary. I don't buy
stuff for people when I go on vacation. People buy
stuff for me sometimes and I'm just like, you know,
you didn't have to do that. One exception, if like
someone's watching her dogs, I'll try to look for something
for them, but we'll just like taking out the dinner
when we get back, like instead of getting them something.

I don't believe in that. Buy something for someone when
you go away.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
Think thank you.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
I'm not alone.

Speaker 27 (26:12):
Hey, I got a good idea how to spend Thanksgiving alone.
Take some of those magic mushroom gummies. What the fuck
you can get mushrooms? You can order them online and
get them delivered.

Speaker 28 (26:24):
I need more.

Speaker 26 (26:25):
I need to hear more.

Speaker 27 (26:26):
About this, Scary. I know you said you're not a
drug guy, but you did this, so would you trust?
Would you order this online and do this?

Speaker 29 (26:34):

Speaker 1 (26:35):
I can't believe Scar?

Speaker 26 (26:39):
Please more details, please?

Speaker 10 (26:42):

Speaker 4 (26:42):
No, I got a bet and I didn't do it
on my own. I got I got them from Jets Bryant.

Speaker 30 (26:49):
Hey, Brooclen boys, Jamie, who's mostly back to normal here scary.
We're talking about the monkeys in Costa Rica on the
tour with the turf forward. One family going getst another
and stuff like that. What the fuck is happening down there?
It's like an entire seasons plotline of the Sopranos.

Speaker 7 (27:07):
Yeah, or it's like the Newest.

Speaker 30 (27:09):
Godfather movie but with monkeys.

Speaker 22 (27:11):
What is it?

Speaker 30 (27:11):
God Monkey? Is that the New Godfather? Like you know,
spin off series or something.

Speaker 4 (27:18):
Yeah, Jamie, I I just listen. Does nature they say
art imitates life, life imitates art? Does nature imitate life?
Does life imitate nature? I mean, well, the same way
that we have our thing going here, they have their world,
they have their ecosystem, and yeah, they're territorial.

Speaker 3 (27:37):
So yeah, I would imagine in their world. I mean
they don't you know, they don't.

Speaker 4 (27:42):
Have guns and knives, but they'll claw the hell out
of each other.

Speaker 3 (27:48):
They got big teeth. Mean, you know, there's turf wars.
I'm sure every.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
Species has it.

Speaker 3 (27:55):
Right, Listen, we are. There was a tree of cans
and I guess a little mini hawk showed up in
the tree. They did not like it. All the two
cans they were they were.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
It was a hawk. It was a hawk or you know,
an there's a second hawk. No, the first hawk is
hawk won and the second hawk is hawked.

Speaker 4 (28:19):
I do it, Hi, No, But when the hawk entered
the tree, the two kids made a lot of noise.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
They got him, They got him the fuck out of there.
That was their tree. So yeah, this goes on every day,
but we're just not there to capture it.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
I want to just backtrack. I don't know what I
said to what I didn't say. Uh, some types of mushrooms,
psychedelic mushrooms are illegal. Depends on the ingredients. So if
Joe Rogan leaves out those illegal psychedelic part of the recipe,
then you're fine. But I tell you know which ones
you're having. I would just not talk about.

Speaker 7 (28:54):

Speaker 29 (28:54):
Sorry, doctor Robin. He's the cheapest motherfucker in the world.

Speaker 7 (29:02):
He probably just bring back ship or anybody not cheap.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
I don't know what fact, guys, you know.

Speaker 7 (29:07):
He's a cheap bastard because they scrouger.

Speaker 29 (29:11):
He's a cheap bastard, not for anybody.

Speaker 3 (29:20):
Oh wait, he continues, of course he does five else
like six.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
I'm laughing over here at the Uh.

Speaker 21 (29:28):
The guy fucking the napkin in his shirt makes me
think of like the old movies where you got the
big fat guy who's a mobster and he tucks the
napkin in his shirt sitting there like two hot girls
because he's the big mobster and you know they got
no choice basically. But yeah, I agree with your scarf.
It's kind of fucking stupid for a grown man to
be doing that in a restaurant.

Speaker 1 (29:50):

Speaker 4 (29:50):
Correction, that was not Rocket. Seeon that was Vinnie, So
that was not He didn't leave two in a row.
Uh but yeah, uh to answer Steve, Yeah, bro, he's
a cheap bastard.

Speaker 3 (29:59):
He would bring anybody not achieves.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
I'm very generous when it comes to bringing gifts home.

Speaker 3 (30:04):
All right, you bring something back from your next vacation,
and I'm going to share it with the slices.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
I don't know when that'll be okay.

Speaker 3 (30:10):
So, and as for you, Vinnie, right, there was an
observation that I saw.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
I think it's tacky.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
I don't think anybody tucks their napkin in their shirt anymore,
but apparently this guy at this upscale restaurant felt like
he needed to. And I looked it looked awkward to me.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
I have tucked the napkin, as I said. If I'm
wearing a white shirt or something expensive, or if I'm
in a suit, I might tuck. Depends if I'm eating spaghetti,
I gotta tuck. Even in a classy restaurant. What would
I be doing in a classy restaurant? All right? Enough?

Speaker 3 (30:44):

Speaker 21 (30:46):
It's definitely not a good etiquette thing, that's for damn sure.
But how many people in this country actually do good
etiquette anymore? It drives me up a I went to
Catholic school all my life, so it drives me up
a wall when you got people sitting at a in
a restaurant, at a table with a hat on, and
you know, stuff like that. But I guess I'm old
school with that anyhow, Thank you, thanks for a good one.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
No hats at a table, absolutely not. Yeah, I'm with
you on that. I take the hat off at the table,
although women will do it if they have a big,
fancy hat they might like at the Kentucky Derby a
Derby hat, a Derby hat. Yeah?

Speaker 3 (31:26):
What about snl to the parody of it? The dumb
black brunch hat, the big fat, big fat.

Speaker 4 (31:34):
Dumb brunch hat. You know, it's just a black hat
that everyone was wearing it. It was trendy about like
ten years ago. Everyone over the way, speaking of every
girl wore one.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
Yeah, speaking of trends and every girl. Did you see
the picture from Alabama of like the thirty girls all
in the street all wearing black shirts and jeans. No,
that's the big look now is black shirts, black t
shirts and jeans. So they caught a bunch of girls
on the corner all hanging out and they all were
wearing the exact well same black type short sleeve shirt

and jeans. That's the thing. Yeah, so I thought you'd
be up on that since your mister pop culture.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
No, I'll get that in two weeks.

Speaker 7 (32:14):
Yeah, scary and Brody. Brody is scary?

Speaker 1 (32:17):
Is rocking? Steve over here, Rock.

Speaker 29 (32:19):
And Steeve over there again. Body, you are so right
about that bitch of the bank. To work at a bank,
you should know. Thank you don't know, you need to go.
You should have known what the fuck she was talking
about at the bank.

Speaker 7 (32:38):
Rock and Steve.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
Over there, Thanks killing it's killing him that he said.
I was right. You're a good man, Rock and Steve.

Speaker 3 (32:48):
When you're right, you're right.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
That was right.

Speaker 21 (32:50):
Hey guys, ready for Brooklyn again.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
It's like dueling dueling guidos over here, rote Beney from
Brooklyn over here.

Speaker 21 (32:59):
Thank guys, many for Brooklyn again. The chestnuts thing my family,
we love chestnuts. We can't wait for chestnuts season. We
buy them weekly during this time of year. But it's
hard to get good ones. That's gotta be from Italy
number one. The Chinese ones are terrible, that's right, but
uh they have been a miss. Sometimes they don't get

very good batches. You got to sit there and select
through them. But I love chestnuts. Awesome, bro awesome.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
It straight likes chin nuts.

Speaker 3 (33:29):

Speaker 29 (33:33):
Gimmy Brody Brody's Heary Rocket see over there again.

Speaker 3 (33:37):
By the way, it's like they planned this to go
back and forth.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
They did for like two hours.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
They went back and forth.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
What if, like some other people, somebody's doing two voices.

Speaker 3 (33:47):
I love this. This is like this is like the fourth,
the third back and forth.

Speaker 29 (33:50):
Yes, Steve, Gimy Brody Brody's Heary Rocket see over there again,
episode three. He's talking about gas and BJ and the
other place Hotsco. Also, I get my gas at Sam's Club.
There's a spot cheaper than everyone else, like maybe twenty
thirty cent cheap.

Speaker 1 (34:08):
Roll over there. Yeah, he's right over.

Speaker 7 (34:10):
With the club. I also buy some grub. I can
see now.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
How is so so Sam's Club has a good gas?
I guess yeah, it's because it's a membership price. And
by the way, I've got a BJ story for next episode.

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Really does it involve your wife?

Speaker 20 (34:28):

Speaker 1 (34:29):
Shut up, Dick Bjay's wholesale? Oh retail store.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
Oh did you say wholesale.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
Not wholesale, wholesale.

Speaker 3 (34:38):
Whole that's even better on the whole thing the Brooklyn
Boys podcast.

Speaker 25 (34:43):
We will be right back.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
See Reggie is rubbing off on you.

Speaker 3 (34:48):
Excuse me, am, I rubbing off on Reggie.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
Okay, see, clearly you are someone. Get a towel. Are
you playing jazz music in the background? Now? Oh?

Speaker 29 (34:59):
Rock and Steve Brody is scary Rocket? Steve over there again,
lucky bastards.

Speaker 7 (35:05):
I just wanted to actually director's voice, Brody.

Speaker 29 (35:09):
I deserve you on the talk back on say fuck
you Rocket, Steve.

Speaker 7 (35:15):
I fucking love it, Brody.

Speaker 29 (35:18):
Now'm a company with age seventy seven and the rest
of the people you say fuck you too. I am
totally honored rocket see over there jopping out pleasure, my pleasure.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (35:31):
He's got the filthiest mouth on this podcast other than Reggie, Yeah,
other than Reggie. But Reggie's just downright gross. She's just
like he just winced and like, do a double take.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
Did she say what I thought she said? She said it? Yes,
she said it.

Speaker 8 (35:46):
Brody and scary. Never scary and brody. This is well
from ct Well on the theory of the bank Lady.
Since I don't have a podcast, am I able to
leave a talk back on the podcast?

Speaker 1 (35:59):
I'm not sure you can't know anything about podcasts. That's scary.
That whole napkin thing is very old school.

Speaker 8 (36:04):
It's uh, that's probably how the guy was raised, a
very old school Italian. But it just reminds me of
five horn Leghorn is like I says, I says, I say,
is I said?

Speaker 1 (36:14):
I say that?

Speaker 22 (36:14):
Boy, say James Miami brody and scary.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
This is brod This is for brody.

Speaker 22 (36:20):
And you say you don't like projects, sir, that's false.
Those two special episodes that you gave was that was
a project in itself.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
I know that, and I know you like free desserts.

Speaker 22 (36:34):
That's another whole project that you got to connect to
get to get that free desert.

Speaker 1 (36:38):
You're right, so I believe, and you're gonna get this
book done. We wait and we want our free to sert.
All right, all right, all right, be my problem with
I don't like writing projects. Let me just rephrase that.
By the way, I've now officially started the second book.
We'll see if I get either one finished.

Speaker 4 (36:54):
Okay, but you didn't get your first one published. I
just said that you're gonna get maybe you have both
published at the same time.

Speaker 1 (37:02):
There's a nine step process to get the book approved
by the by the literary agent that I'm working with.
I completed four of the nine steps on the first one,
and I've decided to now start on the second one
and see if I can complete the nine steps. Okay,
it's a lot of like it's just I'm a procrastinator.
I tell you what's up, Scury.

Speaker 7 (37:23):
Jes All is even homeowners listen up.

Speaker 3 (37:25):
Affordable home heating oil.

Speaker 1 (37:26):
Is now just a home hall away commercial.

Speaker 4 (37:36):
Stay heating oil tool just for as.

Speaker 7 (37:39):
You went on your listeners. Amos Home Heating Oil available
twenty four to seven.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
Ensuring your family stays warm.

Speaker 7 (37:44):
Off which long long in your heating oil price?

Speaker 16 (37:47):
A year?

Speaker 3 (37:47):
Now, there's no reason I think, No, what do you
play amaranths again?

Speaker 1 (37:57):
I'm playing Amaranths? Yeah, I am. I gonna be playing
you a commercial for Vinnie?

Speaker 3 (38:01):
Is that Vinnie?

Speaker 11 (38:02):
How do you?

Speaker 3 (38:03):
How do we know that's Vinnie?

Speaker 1 (38:05):
Because you know he handles that account.

Speaker 3 (38:07):
Oh that's right, that was Vinnie trying to.

Speaker 1 (38:09):
I know he handles that bet say ca, bet is
that all right? Trying to slip in Slomans. I'm gonna
keep a song cued up from now on oky me.
You remember Opening Anthony. Yeah, Open Anthony were a very
big show in New York for a long time, very dirty,
but very funny. They were like, how it's termed, but
afternoons anyway, they would they have a dump button. No

dump button is like if somebody curses, your show is delayed,
and you jump ahead like seven seconds or eight seconds,
what have you said it to? But eventually, if you
keep hitting the dump button because somebody keeps cursing, it
runs out the DVR, It runs out there, it comes
up to live. You're live live, right, So they would
have to like they would play a van Halen song
because once the dump button delay was gone. They knew

someone would curse.

Speaker 3 (38:55):
It would go out on the air, so they would
put Van Halen on the radio until the dump button
delayed enough to curse again.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
So they had a song. I'm gonna have to get
an amorant song every time somebody tries to slip in
a commercial. I'll just play the music over it. Okay,
you do that, Brodie?

Speaker 9 (39:08):
All right, James Miami, Brody is scary. You keep mentioning
his nieces and nephews, and you're forgetting up about your.

Speaker 3 (39:19):
Godson, and so he also keep up the good word.

Speaker 31 (39:26):
Guys, I love it Slice for Life.

Speaker 1 (39:31):
That's right.

Speaker 4 (39:31):
You gotta buy gifts to your god son now. Oh
my god, his first birthday is coming up. Oh yeah,
it's this week. Shit, good thing. James from Miami reminded,
you do I have to buy him a gift for
his first birthday? Of course, what are you gona buy
him a spoon from?

Speaker 1 (39:51):
I just bought him something first Christening? Yeah, well Christening
comes from Christ. Then, what's more christ than Christmas? Okay?
The gift back in Christmas?

Speaker 32 (40:01):

Speaker 4 (40:02):
Now I got to get him a present, yep. Okay,
all right, thank you. Thanks for the reminder.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
Now it's on tape.

Speaker 3 (40:10):
This is Paul from CT.

Speaker 1 (40:12):
Everyone's from CT.

Speaker 3 (40:13):
David, you always free desert. You didn't finish the song
I did. You didn't tell us about it, then you
didn't do it?

Speaker 1 (40:22):
All right? He did it just there. He's right, But
I did it already, all right. Had that been first,
and had he said that first before I did it,
then he'd have a point, right. But I admitted I
forgot during the but I still did it.

Speaker 24 (40:33):
Laura from here, everyone but from CT here talking about
the banks, whether it's a business account or a personal account,
they should be able to tell you the benefits of
the account.

Speaker 25 (40:49):
Yes, they looked it up. They'd be able to see
everything there. So I'm with you, Brody.

Speaker 7 (40:54):
They should know.

Speaker 25 (40:55):
They should be able to tell you these are the benefits. ABCD.
It's crazy that she couldn't tell you.

Speaker 1 (41:01):
Yeah, I'm sorry, man. I know I'm supposed to deliver
you a child, but I don't have a child, so
I can't deliver your child.

Speaker 3 (41:06):
She's underqualified for her job, clearly.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
Yeah, I don't know I account business.

Speaker 21 (41:12):
Hey, guys, Vienny from Brooklyn again, Then I know I'm
calling again about the chestnuts because I am just finishing
listening to the episode. But what I forgot to mention before,
it's a very Italian thing to do to chestnuts. Yes,
throughout the month the season when they're available, Yes, we
have them regularly, like a Sunday dinner after dinner and

stuff like that. It's still very big amongst Italians. I
don't know about anybody else. But one last thing, guys
about these chestnuts. You can go to any shop right
in Jersey. They sell chestnuts in the produce aisle by
a pound. They usually about six ninety nine pound, and
if you go to like a place like Livoti's or
Pastoza or something like that, they usually like between eight

ninety nine and ten ninety nine pounds. They're not that rare.
You can find them anywhere in the Dri State area
for the most part.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
Yeah, okay, so just work with me here. If Anny
officially a chestnut expert, Yeah, No.

Speaker 4 (42:10):
What I was talking about was, you know, you can't
get like the good of the American chestnut. They come
from other countries. The American chestnut is pretty much gone
because of the trees are all been wiped out whatever,
So they do come from other countries, and I hear
they're not as good, and also.

Speaker 3 (42:30):
Maybe people not everyone's buying them, because I feel like
more more people were eating them, a lot more than
are now. You say, you know, now it's like a
niche Yes, Italians, Christmas, the Holidays, Sunday dinner, you roast them.
Whatever I'm saying. Back in the night I.

Speaker 4 (42:48):
Got a hundred years ago, like everybody was eating chestnuts.
It was like a thing for everyone. It was like
having turkey on Thanksgiving. So it's largely gone from.

Speaker 1 (43:00):
Well, do you know what state makes the largest producer
of chestnuts in America?

Speaker 21 (43:05):

Speaker 1 (43:06):
Which what? Michigan? Okay, however, US chestnut production, as Vinie
I'm sure knows, is less than one percent of total
world production.

Speaker 3 (43:14):

Speaker 1 (43:16):
The United States has fifteen hundred and eighty seven farms
producing chestnuts. The top five states Michigan, Florida, California. I
would have guessed, edfa, you have a chestnut tree now
at Parlaga.

Speaker 4 (43:27):
It needs to be certified or she's like a whole
thing because yeah, because of what happened back in the day. Anyway,
all right, we'll continue. Oh, here's okay, all right, I need.

Speaker 31 (43:37):
Any brody Scary Scary Brody James Miami episode Callery six, Lifetime.
We're doing uh time travel, Branzino, we're bringing it back.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
I'm just okay.

Speaker 22 (43:53):
I just wanted to say, you're tired of listening to it.

Speaker 3 (43:56):
I want to bring it up, Brazino three dollar Chase
Love Brenzi. No, we're not bringing back to We're not
bringing back.

Speaker 1 (44:03):
That argument though that rocking Steve will get upset.

Speaker 3 (44:06):
Yeah, that that that one has been put to bed.

Speaker 31 (44:09):
Thanks Brody, Scary Scary Brody James Miami Rocket Steve.

Speaker 3 (44:13):
Come on, Brody needs that steak dinner.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
We're gonna talk about it, Joe, he gets it. Thank you.
Hurt Scary's pockets like it's supposed to.

Speaker 3 (44:23):
He hooked them Moup. Come on, ruck as, Dave. Stay
stopping your instigator.

Speaker 1 (44:30):
That steak dinner, all right?

Speaker 3 (44:33):
Stopping an instigator, James, stop it.

Speaker 1 (44:36):
James, by the way, just got his ship into Joe
Rogan's mushrooms.

Speaker 3 (44:39):
You could. And by the way, he left that at
not a sponsor, twelve thirty in the morning. So there
he was.

Speaker 1 (44:44):
That's James Olwens where he sounded more awake.

Speaker 3 (44:46):
Well, that's exactly it. When he leaves him at five o'clock.
He sounds he sounds normal.

Speaker 1 (44:52):
He sounds sounds he leaves.

Speaker 3 (44:53):
No, it leaves him at one o'clock in the morning.
He sounds suited.

Speaker 1 (44:56):
He's no, he's chill, he's Heary Rocket Steve.

Speaker 3 (45:01):
That's going on here.

Speaker 7 (45:04):
Heery and Brody.

Speaker 29 (45:05):
Brody's herey Rocket Steve over that get the their things up.
I said before, I agree, if you go out, you
gotta pay. But I am not a drinker. I don't
drink at all. But if I go out with drinkers,
I'm assuming that responsibility to take a chunk of alcohol
money knowing it's going in as you do.

Speaker 7 (45:27):
Shouldn't go, and if you go, he shouldn't fucking complain. Brody.

Speaker 3 (45:32):
See, he agrees with me. If I'm going out drinking,
I'm bringing rocking Steves. He can pay for my drink.
You know he's got rock Steve should not pick.

Speaker 1 (45:43):
I'm gonna go out and pay one hundred extra dollars
so my friends can drink as.

Speaker 30 (45:46):
That he should me from Queens again, Scary. You were
talking about how people don't roast chestnuts anymore. I think
it died out because of basically what Brody said, people quick,
easy done. They don't want to roast the chestnuts and
peel it back and do.

Speaker 15 (46:03):
All the shit that's related to that.

Speaker 30 (46:05):
Plus, I think it became with the recent generations and
old people thing to do, and people are like, ah,
who does that anymore?

Speaker 7 (46:13):
That's for old people to do.

Speaker 1 (46:15):
Nobody does that. Yep, like coffee nips.

Speaker 30 (46:19):
Jamie from Queen's with another one scary. Do you listen
to yourself when you record the podcast. I'm curious because
you just went on a rant about how chestnuts aren't
as popular today as they were one hundred years ago.
But then told Brody he needs to get over the
fact that the people at the consignment shop were stupid
and his stuff probably got stolen from their shop, so

he needs to get over that. But you can't get
over the fact that a tradition isn't as popular as
it was one hundred years ago.

Speaker 1 (46:48):
What does one have to do with another? I don't
know if it mattered.

Speaker 4 (46:51):
That's a non secuitar. Those two conversations have nothing to
do one another. You have to actually wait each conversation
as its own thing. It's not like you're comparing this
conversation to that conversation. You're saying, well, because of what
you said there, you have to agree to something over here,
what not?

Speaker 1 (47:10):
Don't argue with her? Oh no, I'm arguing with her.

Speaker 32 (47:13):
Hey, Brooklyn Boys is leaning from Ohio. Your talkbacks last
week was really long. Anyways, I like this week's podcast.
I just let you know, I don't know how to
regulate my voice because I'm always like talking somewhere in
a bathroom somewhere at work, and I just kind of
sound like a perfect So I don't know how to

sound on the podcast.

Speaker 3 (47:37):
On the talkbacks.

Speaker 32 (47:39):
They're all going to keep practicing to do what I could.
Brooklyn Boys again, Ohio. So Gandhi has her now new
talk back station, yep, and guess who slipped in to
d ms wan Valadez he gets if I won to
valade That was the funniest thing you said. If the
Brooklyn Boys, if you don't know, go a head, go

go talk to Gandia and yeah, go talk to them.

Speaker 11 (48:05):
That cut.

Speaker 32 (48:07):
He was pretty funny in that one.

Speaker 7 (48:11):

Speaker 1 (48:11):
Valdez is cheating on us.

Speaker 3 (48:12):
He's he's going over to Sauce on the side, leaving
her talkbacks as one doubt.

Speaker 1 (48:17):
Hey, it's your boy one does he say it's always Brody, It's.

Speaker 4 (48:21):
Always it's always Gandhi, not Gandhi last live Mihaile.

Speaker 32 (48:28):
Brody is scary. Thank you very foring you guys. Done
made us laugh this year, Bring it up, connect this year,
enjoy the podcast this year.

Speaker 1 (48:39):
Thank you all your night and just.

Speaker 32 (48:45):
Want to wish you guys in Merry Christmas and happy
New Years.

Speaker 3 (48:50):
Very very sweet of you.

Speaker 1 (48:52):
Very sweet New Year is singular.

Speaker 23 (48:53):
By the way, Brodie, scary, scary Brodie, James, Miami, have a.

Speaker 22 (49:00):
Four in the morning, pasta, the tomato sauce. It doesn't matter.
It's all going to end up looking the same way.

Speaker 1 (49:10):
Oh pasta with the sauce. We're good to go. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (49:16):
Do you just put a glob of sauce or do
you mix it in?

Speaker 1 (49:21):
Yeah? James is like a memory test for us. Yeah,
see we remember what what episode and what the hell
he's talking about. It's not your fault, James, just we
forget like five minutes ago.

Speaker 12 (49:33):
Heybee boys.

Speaker 24 (49:34):
Christy from saddle Brook in regards to episode three eighteen
great episodes.

Speaker 7 (49:38):
By the way, Brodie, thank you bank representative absolutely should
have known. Come on, thank you for the thing.

Speaker 3 (49:44):
She was being a biggest dickens, in my opinion, the
biggest dikets.

Speaker 7 (49:51):
Yeah, she definitely should have known and scary. Whenever I
go away with the girls, I always bring the hust
back a little something from wherever we've been.

Speaker 1 (50:00):
Yep. So just saying okay, thank you, she knows a
little triggering, a little something, little something something that I
was thinking. Even though I was away having a good time,
you were on my mind.

Speaker 3 (50:13):
I went to the Jersey shore. Here's some saltwater taffy
that would be nice.

Speaker 13 (50:19):
I like Reggie here Brody assignment shop, scavenger on sounds
a good nightmare?

Speaker 7 (50:27):
Absolutely no, No.

Speaker 13 (50:31):
My vagina, the first I need you to finish my song.
I need to sing it to.

Speaker 3 (50:36):
Yep, you did it all right?

Speaker 1 (50:38):
What did you just cut her off with singing it?

Speaker 7 (50:40):

Speaker 1 (50:40):
That was the end of the talk back.

Speaker 13 (50:41):
Here, my vagina has a first time.

Speaker 7 (50:44):
I need you to finish my song.

Speaker 13 (50:46):
I need to get to.

Speaker 7 (50:47):
People like you have it?

Speaker 3 (50:50):
Okay, now you got it, whether or not take Brodie's
voice say sing it to other people?

Speaker 1 (50:57):
Okay, Well, how she can? There's two there? Anything else
I have to charge you? What's up?

Speaker 7 (51:05):

Speaker 28 (51:06):
It's firm down in Atlanta, Polinadian between So three eighteen.
The bib wearing, I'm scary. I will do it on occasion,
especially if I'm wearing like formal wear, if I'm in
a suit or something at a dinner, yes, or I'm
eating something really greasy. Last time I did it, I
ate some Chippino, which is very saucy, very splashy. So

just depends on the meal. But yeah, I do it.
No big deal, all.

Speaker 1 (51:33):
Right, he's mad enough to admit it. Okay, fair enough. Yeah,
very nice boys.

Speaker 7 (51:40):
Christy once again from saddle Brook.

Speaker 13 (51:42):
I just had to add this because I just listened
to the end of the podcast scary.

Speaker 25 (51:49):
My family serves chestnuts every Thanksgiving.

Speaker 26 (51:53):
It's a tradition.

Speaker 13 (51:55):
My mom and my sister in law love them.

Speaker 7 (51:59):
I like them.

Speaker 25 (52:00):
I find them a bit dry, but I eat them
every Thanksgiving without fail since I was a kid. And
I'm no longer a kid.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
All right, helloel I like the way she said we
eat them every Christmas.

Speaker 3 (52:12):
It's a traditional what I'm gonna buy something, That's what
we figured out when you said I'm gonna buy.

Speaker 1 (52:16):
Something for Christmas. We're going to roast them.

Speaker 4 (52:18):
I want to bring it I'm gonna bring it to
tradition back back to my house because we haven't had
that in years.

Speaker 11 (52:24):
So Scary and Brody and Brody and scarys Knee from
ct to displaying genuine, authentic affection and reaction that the
Bee Boys bring to the BBP is absolutely heartwarming to hear.
I love the constant answering between you two. Best of
look with the podcasts. I hope it reaches the heights
of the show Rowan experience one day because you two

are a dynamic duo.

Speaker 1 (52:49):
Oh, thank you so much. Appreciate you.

Speaker 26 (52:53):
Hannah from n C formerly of NJI. Chestnuts are definitely
a Christmas saying. Actually it's stars have Thanksgiving. My mom
used to roast the chestnuts, my father used to feel them,
and we would put it in the turkey stuffing. It
would be called chestnuts stuffing, and then we would have
them again around the holidays.

Speaker 1 (53:11):
Around persons not stuffing nice.

Speaker 26 (53:13):
It's definitely a thing, and I think maybe it's more
of an Italian thing.

Speaker 3 (53:18):
Yeah, all right, all right, here's the last one, and
thank you so much for all of my submissions this week. Yeah,
did they have chestnuts at the Paison Palooza there were
no chestnuts there.

Speaker 1 (53:28):
Oh did you bring it up? Did you say? What
kind of Italian festival is this without chestnuts?

Speaker 7 (53:32):

Speaker 1 (53:32):
You what you want to I don't want to be
your fault that.

Speaker 3 (53:36):
No, I don't want to be hit over the head
with a bat that's going to happen. That yet taken
out back.

Speaker 20 (53:41):
Beat down Emily from Maryland here, scary? What is wrong
with your algorithm that you're getting recommended come take a
shit with me at JC Pennies. That is something I've
never seen or didn't even know existence. So clearly you
must be into that content since the recommending it.

Speaker 7 (53:58):

Speaker 3 (53:59):
No, I just I'm a lot of bloggers, you know,
they they serve me cloggers. The algorithm is a lot
of top ten food places, top ten drinks, top ten bars,
top ten Christmas pop up bars. I'm getting a lot
of those now. So so there's this one blogger who

goes around rating public around public bathrooms. So every one
of her you'll you'll see her, you know what, do
you guys know who I'm talking about? And she was
come take a ship with me at FAOs Wars and
you see you see her little feet like you know,

going in fast motion, and then she goes into the
bathroom and she rates the quality of the toilet paper.

Speaker 4 (54:47):
You know, what else do they have there? Any amenities?
Are their fancy things? How clean the places? She's hilarious.
So if you need to poop, you know, and you're
in New York City or wherever.

Speaker 1 (55:00):
Her, yeah, she'll tell you where. She'll tell you where
to go. All the people at d MS and they say,
where to go for the best pizza? Where to go?
Where am I going for the best pizza? Manhatan, where
I going? I'm gonna no one ever DMS us and says,
where's the best toilet? Now you can go follow this
presdent's account.

Speaker 3 (55:15):
Oh yeah, I'll get it for you, all right, Yeah,
you do that. That's all I got for now. I
appreciate you from Are you scared from CT CT scary
from JC Jersey City?

Speaker 1 (55:28):
Baby? You say, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 3 (55:30):
The boys We'll see in a hook by the way,
Yeah reactions. This podcast depends on you, baby,
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