Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Of course.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
Book The Boys Podcast reactions. This podcast depends on You.
Speaker 3 (00:20):
Baby, Part two of episode three nineteen nicely done.
Speaker 2 (00:33):
Slice time for episode three nineteen part because so the
one We didn't finish the first one because it was
too much to fit in. It's a big problem that
I have on my life system. We clogged up the system.
You clogged up the toilet.
Speaker 4 (00:51):
Yeah, but sometimes we get so many talkbacks that had
bumps some of them. Yeah, there's five pages of talkbacks.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
Oh by the way, Yeah, happy Chanukah and uh, merry
belated Christmas to me.
Speaker 4 (01:04):
No, No, if it's chanuokah, then it's Christmas.
Speaker 2 (01:06):
Christmas, yes, okay, because it's Conicah and Christmas.
Speaker 4 (01:10):
Okay, it's Christmaker Christmas come in, which originally was from
the O c Is. Where's where that term came from?
Speaker 2 (01:16):
I love it. I'm eatingels for the holiday.
Speaker 5 (01:20):
Speaker 2 (01:22):
There you go. Incorporate that into your Uh. Can I
have anything you want? But you can't have a Christmas
ham if you're you know, if you're religious. Yeah, well,
can't wait for the next Brooklyn Boys. We've got to
talk about our Christmas and Hanukah holidays respectively.
Speaker 4 (01:36):
Well, you have something holiday related earlier. I got to
bring up on the podcast ship went down at the.
Speaker 2 (01:40):
Table and the fish fry, the seven fishes, the fees
and seven fishes of Christmas Eve, just saying lot went
a lot went down and then oh and oh and
the Christmas all the gifts. Oh yes, Brodie, Brodie, Brodie
wants to nail me to the cross on something. Hey,
what did I just do it? Chris? This an East joke.
I made an East joke.
Speaker 4 (02:02):
He made an Easter joke. Anyway, all right, yeah, you're
you're not Jewish. I'm not Jesus was I know? All right,
We're gonna get me that.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
Who knows? This is this is still Yesterday's leftovers. This
is this is the other batch of.
Speaker 4 (02:18):
This is this This is the feast of the of
the two episodes.
Speaker 6 (02:21):
Okay, this is Jenny checking in from Ohio, jumping in
on the conversation about knowing words to songs at concerts.
Speaker 7 (02:29):
The examples that.
Speaker 5 (02:30):
Brody is getting are bands that are forty years old,
So anybody.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
That is going to our concerts now have had a
lot of time to learn all the words to every song.
Speaker 2 (02:41):
So I'm on scarry side with this one. I think
it's probably not as common with an up and coming star.
Speaker 4 (02:47):
It's not hi guys, it's guys from CT.
Speaker 6 (02:50):
I'm thinking if we had this conversation about getting fired
in the middle of your shift, like ten or fifteen
years ago, my answer would totally be different. I would
sabotage everyone, but bo I wouldn't even care. I would
just drop my stuff and walk out. You know, I
wouldn't cash, I'll just leave. But now that I'm a
little older, a little bit more mature, I definitely wouldn't
want to burn the bridge. So I'm scary on that one.
You know, I feel bad for the poor guy. He
lost his job, and you know, it's like the higher
ups didn't even know that he was even working.
Speaker 2 (03:18):
Yeah, it's like the movie office Space where the guy
was with his swing line stapler in the basement in
the corner. They didn't even realize he was still on payroll.
Speaker 4 (03:26):
Milton, Milton, you know, Conan O'Brien got fired, but nobody
told him, so he kept doing shows and then the
ratings got better and they decided to keep him. No
true story. Yeah, Brandon Tartakoff I think was the head
of NBC. I think it was him, and he told
his minions, yeah, it's not working out. Nineteen ninety three,
when Conan first became the host of Late Night with
Conan O'Brien, they were like, you know what, we gotta
cut bait with him. It's not working out. They're like, yeah,
all right, yep, definitely. But nobody told him or his
production team. So they kept doing shows and then they
got better and they were like, oh, I guess we
got to keep them. But yeah, he got fired and
nobody told him.
Speaker 8 (04:00):
Pretty wild Andrew, New York, it's been a while. I'm
gonna agree with Kiri on the offensive word bullshit. I
think it's just a snowflake, soft ass society. That's the problem.
I'm blond, I'm Polish. You call me a dumb blonde pollock.
Whatever doesn't bother me doesn't offend me. I can tell
you right now there's some long haired, dreadlock hippie tight
eyewear fuck that'd be offended for me if somebody call
me that. That's half the problem.
Speaker 2 (04:30):
It's a generational thing, man. These are either gen x
is talking and millennials. I feel like I don't.
Speaker 4 (04:36):
Think a blonde guy has faced years of oppression I don't.
I don't think that's that. He's like, I know what
it's like to be oppressed. I'm a blonde guy. No,
it's blonde girls that get the abuse from being dumb blonde.
Speaker 2 (04:48):
Yeah, but he's saying that it's gonna be somebody. Somebody's
gonna be no, no, blonde. He's gonna say that some
What he tries to say is somebody's uh, somebody that
doesn't look or act like him or is not like him,
is going to be offended for him. That's what he's trying.
Speaker 4 (05:04):
No, I totally understand that. What I'm saying is if
you're gonna say people shouldn't be offended if they're in
a minority group by terminology, you can't say I know
what it's like to get picked on. I'm a blonde guy.
Speaker 2 (05:17):
Are you sure he didn't say he's blind. He's not
the beginning again, Okay, I think he said he.
Speaker 8 (05:22):
Was blondrew New York.
Speaker 7 (05:24):
It's been a while.
Speaker 8 (05:26):
I'm gonna agree with kiriy on the offensive word bullshit.
I think it's just a snowflake, soft ass society that's
the problem. I'm blond, I'm Polish.
Speaker 2 (05:36):
I'm blond. Always Polish. He's blonde, and blonde again. People
don't even pick on Polish people anymore.
Speaker 6 (05:42):
Who was working out, Daniel, he was working at that moment.
They fire him in the middle of this year. They
had no clue. It really goes to show you, guys,
how many of these corporations and other employers that we
all work for have zero idea. At the top of
the food chain, they have no clue. They pass every
single policy and every single procedure that we're all supposed
to follow, and then they have this zero idea. This guy,
this poor guy's just in the middle of the shift
and they don't even care. That's the best part about it.
That is just so wrong.
Speaker 4 (06:11):
It's so wrong. What sucks is that the higher ups
don't do the firing. They tell hr to get it
done right, so they washed the hands of it.
Speaker 6 (06:19):
Yeah, yes, last one. So a few weeks ago at work,
one of the head honchos, the highest guy of what
we do in our division here in Connecticut, decides to
try to come into our office and he's using an
ID badge to scan in. So all of our badges
are you know, depending on where you work, or let
you in or you have access or you don't, and
it wouldn't work. He kept trying to go, how'd you go?
Didn't work, and I was like, how humbling. Just because
you're the head honcho doesn't mean you just get access
to every single facility that you think you do. Sit
down boy, sit down boy.
Speaker 8 (06:52):
All right, this is it. I don't want to be
like area anyways. So it's that lady that's offended for
everybody else. It is the cause of the issues of
why everything's offensive. Right, There's probably not many Native Americans
that are offended by the Washington Redskins, but because there
are a couple of white people that were. Now it's
the washing Pick commanders in the Cleveland Guardians.
Speaker 2 (07:15):
There's just fucking bullshit.
Speaker 8 (07:16):
You guys are all a bunch of pussy soft ass
fucking pussy.
Speaker 2 (07:19):
Ex Wow, let it all out, Let it all hang out.
Everybody where's rock and Steve? Oh my gosh, all right,
we're moving.
Speaker 7 (07:35):
On Arkanadle souffload jew here uh. Happy Hanukah to all
the Jews here till the trend members. Merry Christmas. But
also the my theory about brand name stuff like Louis
Vatana is the it's what kills the middle class. I
think it's the worst investment any middle class person can buy.
There's no reason someone needs to buy a eleven hundred
dollar ut shoes you get them for fifty four fifty. Still,
I agree with Brody, absolutely ridiculous. Okay, No, that's not
to say like people can't enjoy it, like scary. But
what I hate is when like scares of a plan
about money.
Speaker 9 (08:13):
What I hate is I have I know people who.
Speaker 7 (08:18):
Will complain about money, complay aout money, and then they
go and buy Allo. They Alo their entire closet, and
I'm like, dude, you don't need to buy Alo. You
can go to Target and buy all Emotions.
Speaker 10 (08:29):
Stuff because it's just honestly to me.
Speaker 11 (08:30):
It's just as good.
Speaker 7 (08:31):
So like, I don't get it, man, I don't get
why people have to do it.
Speaker 2 (08:34):
They want that logo I want. I don't know. I
want it's workout gear a.
Speaker 4 (08:41):
Like allow the stuff for your skin.
Speaker 2 (08:43):
No, I want I want some of that shit. I
need that. In twenty twenty five, Illo Ali Illo goodbye.
Speaker 7 (08:50):
Goodbye, sorry last one. I just want to say, don't
go play about inflation. Don't want to complain about the economy.
And ship, because if you're by a brand name stuff,
you obviously have the money. Scary doesn't complain he buys
twenty five dollars peanut butter. But for people who google
my men, inflation and the economy and all this bullshit,
if you own a four hundred and fifty dollars shoes,
you own Louis Vuitton shoes, you own these stuff, get
the fuck out of here, all.
Speaker 2 (09:16):
Right, thank you? So flowed jew has spoken.
Speaker 5 (09:21):
Emily from Maryland here, Scary and let them. Going to
a concert where I don't know the artist at all,
I am singing along to every single song that I know,
and says everybody around me, I'm really surprised, as somebody
in radio that goes to tons of shoes that that
is not your experience, because every show I've been to,
everyone is singing that knows the song that is being played.
Speaker 2 (09:47):
No, those they're not singing every song. They're not They're
not singing. Everyone is not singing every song. And but
when you go to like, let's say, a Billy Joel concert,
everyone's gonna sing piano.
Speaker 4 (09:59):
Man because they had forty years to learn the song
and right, and that's.
Speaker 2 (10:02):
The other thing. But I'm talking about a new up
and coming art David Kushner.
Speaker 4 (10:07):
She knows every word to every song.
Speaker 2 (10:09):
What do you think you're not going to scream every
word to every song back at the stage? Does she does?
It's just not you know.
Speaker 4 (10:20):
You know the word fan comes from the word fanatic, right.
Speaker 2 (10:22):
Yes, I just think we have something special on our hands. Listen,
her name is Gracy Abrams. That's all.
Speaker 4 (10:29):
Gracie Abrams, fantastic.
Speaker 2 (10:31):
Remember it? Five hits tops bullshit. I'll place a wager.
How about a steak dinner?
Speaker 4 (10:38):
No, because you won't pay for that one either.
Speaker 2 (10:41):
I give it. I give it a couple of years
to look. In three years, she's going to be doing
Taylor Swift numbers.
Speaker 4 (10:47):
You're insane. You're insane again, I'll ask you Ed Sheer
and how many hits does you have?
Speaker 2 (10:52):
Speaker 4 (10:53):
Was he ever as big as Taylor Swift?
Speaker 1 (10:55):
Speaker 5 (10:56):
Uh no.
Speaker 4 (10:57):
But she's a phenomenon and she always keeps so great.
She's not, she is not. She is bless her.
Speaker 2 (11:05):
Brody's scary, scarier of Brody. This is Richmond Reggie. Shout
out to the original Reggie. As far as we're to
offend people, g Reggie my team. My team has been
known as the Redskins, not anymore. Just do with that
what you will beg you. I'm I don't. I don't
understand what he was trying to say.
Speaker 4 (11:26):
I understand people were I don't understand. I know why
they changed the name of the right the team.
Speaker 2 (11:35):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (11:36):
People were offended, right, and there were actual in Native
American groups outside the arena for years that were bothered
by it.
Speaker 2 (11:46):
Bothered by it.
Speaker 4 (11:46):
Okay, Now I don't know what the percentage of Native
Americans was that was offended by it. But people have
been getting Atlanta Braves to try to They got Chief
Wahoo to stop being cheap Wahoo. They used to have
a Native American that would dance in a tp in
the outfield with a big red face, and it was
a caricature of Native Americans.
Speaker 2 (12:03):
Do they that they still do the Atlanta Braves, the
Florida Seminoles. I think yeah, they still do that. They
still do that.
Speaker 4 (12:14):
They're trying to get them, They're trying to get to
build the chiefs.
Speaker 2 (12:16):
Oh, that's right, the Chiefs, the Braves.
Speaker 4 (12:19):
Yeah, there's still there's still a lot of that stuff, right,
just not the commanders or the Gardener Guardians.
Speaker 9 (12:25):
Right, Scary and Brody Birdy and Scary Scarodi they knee
from ct the Mets. I just want to say Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year to the Bee Boys. You
know the Three Kings once brought gifts of gold. Jesus,
I wanted to thank the Brooklyn Boys for giving me
and all the slices of the gift of laughter every
single week. Your guys' is cadence poison. Hilarity is what
brings people back every single time. God bless the dynamic
duo known as Scrody.
Speaker 2 (12:55):
Thank you so much. It's very nice.
Speaker 4 (12:57):
By the way, plural of guys as guys, guys, guyss guys.
Speaker 2 (13:02):
This is not a word.
Speaker 4 (13:04):
Yeah, it's guy's apostrophe, an old brooking boys.
Speaker 12 (13:08):
What's your boys?
Speaker 4 (13:09):
You might spend a while so scary.
Speaker 12 (13:12):
What do you think that Robin would appreciate it if
you thought about her and got her something back from
from Costa Rica? So like, I mean, like it's your
it's adults that counts, is it? So like if if
Maddie the Bronx and I was a thing, and I
went on a trip and I saw something I like
that reminded me of her.
Speaker 4 (13:30):
I'll probably get it for her and just told it.
Speaker 2 (13:33):
I'll say, hey, this.
Speaker 4 (13:34):
Reminded me of you.
Speaker 2 (13:36):
Next week. This guy's slick like grease.
Speaker 12 (13:38):
It's a dolphin considerate habits. Of course you could do,
like when you go out and uh on trip and
get someone you know, so I mean, mad, it's just
basic human behavior. I mean, but then Robin is probably
uh well, well, she's an alien from another world, so
she's probably not familiar with Lisa human customs, so scary,
probably off the hook.
Speaker 4 (14:01):
There you are talking about a guy who brought himself
lubatons before he brought his girlfriend lubatans.
Speaker 2 (14:07):
No, no, no, no, I've got her. I've got her
two pairs over the course of our relationship. On sale,
no full price. Oh all right, all right, all right,
I those are some Christmas gifts of the past.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
All right, all right, am I born out of Dason.
I'll stand over here, hey.
Speaker 10 (14:25):
Guys, cowboy trucker here one more time. You know, I'm
just in here realized, and we're not gonna see you
for a while, because you're gonna go on here Christmas
break and uh, he's.
Speaker 2 (14:42):
Probably gonna be all for We're enough.
Speaker 10 (14:46):
Engineer, or if I'm where and we will be here waiting.
Speaker 12 (14:52):
You don't know.
Speaker 10 (14:53):
May Hey, guys, it's me again. You know I had
to come back on here, say you scooty? You know,
I don't know how come every time there's a holiday
you have to go element and all over the globe
begin years eman shots to your face and eating your front.
You're hanging around with you all your buddies, not even
bringing anything back for Robin, and.
Speaker 2 (15:17):
All the while we're here waiting.
Speaker 10 (15:18):
You know, was hanging here if we want to hear
another episode.
Speaker 2 (15:21):
No, but you don't care about us. That is not true, Trucker,
that is not true.
Speaker 4 (15:27):
No, Scary was doing the jingle Ball tour that he
has to do, which is another reason why we're a
little delayed in this episode.
Speaker 2 (15:34):
Yeah, yeah, I was in Miami for jingle Ball. That
was a work trip. That's where I was.
Speaker 4 (15:39):
I mean New York footage him working because he was
partying and drinking and eating.
Speaker 2 (15:43):
And now there was Philly Jingle Bowl before that, and
even all of a sudden, you know what, I'm just
gonna handle this of my own. You guys, we're doing overload.
I had two holiday parties that I had to go to.
One was the company party. The other was Elvis Durant
Show's party. I'm not gonna miss the Elves Durant Show party.
I was scheduling beat stubs because the show went off
the air for two weeks. So I'm in charge of
the computer and I got to make sure that that
that computer runs on its own for weeks and Saturday
shows too. That's hours and hours of labor.
Speaker 4 (16:13):
Gary works a good I would say three to three
and a half weeks a year. Shut up, it's now.
Speaker 2 (16:21):
Dick, but no, it's a lot. It's all hours on hours,
and it's back to back with New York's Gingle Bowl.
Before that, you want me to go, I had to
do my Christmas shopping. I'm still not done. Well yeah, anyway,
all right, continuing.
Speaker 4 (16:36):
I'm not enough about Skins, enough about he almost wore
the lubaitons out running around town.
Speaker 2 (16:40):
All right, can we have a reset moment? Okay, reset reset,
it's the Boys podcast. Okay, got it all out. Next
here we go, all right, right, yeah, but when we
come back from the brain, I hit them button and
the trucker's back and he's still bitching.
Speaker 10 (17:04):
As long as you're happy. That's what counts, right, Yeah,
But how come you can't be more like Brody. Brody
is a man of the people. He's a man of
the Slashes. He cares about us. He's always thinking about us.
He's always out there saying, oh, look, here's something for
the podcast. But no, you're over there getting your damns
emon shots to the faces and then getting your foot
massages and all that.
Speaker 2 (17:26):
Now, man, uhould Luke picking deep Looking's.
Speaker 10 (17:30):
Had Deepen's had yourself and decide that this year, instead
of doing your little yo yo dying and thing that
you always do, be a man of the people, be
a man of the slashes, do more for the slashes.
Get up and say what am I gonna do for
the Slashes today? You know, we are an loyalty. We
listen to you all the time, and then you leave
us hanging every every damn holiday. Well, you know, hopefully
this so sing sink in and you can change your ways,
because you know it's it's not right spot.
Speaker 2 (18:02):
It's the end of December and we're still here doing
new episodes. We did one right before we did we
did the right before Christmas Christmas Eve Eve, which Christmas
week right now here's another episode. We're gonna give another one.
We're gonna give you another Brooklyn Boys episode. Then I'm
gonna leave your asses high and dry, and I'm going
on a fucking cruise. Okay, because I'm going because I'm
going on vacation for a week, Yes I am, And
I'm spending New Year's away and that's we'll talk about
that on the Brooklyn Boys. But we got another episode.
I don't leave. This is the latest hold on a second,
hold on truck granting get the music. Oh, there have
been times where we've left your ass the December thirteenth,
and twelfth, and eleventh, Yet two new at three, three
new episodes during Christmas week? What the fuck, trucker, Give
me some credit. I'm gonna go on vacation for New
Year's New Year's because I get to do that as
a man of the people. I'll point out we didn't
do an episode last week, so my travel schedule, Yes,
I was, I was in Miami. I had ship.
Speaker 4 (19:10):
If I don't want you guys to I'm aware that
we didn't do an episode last week, but Scary was
traveling and I was.
Speaker 2 (19:16):
We're trying to we're trying to make good. We're trying
to make it up to you. We're here. It's just
you know what I'm saying. I was wrapping Christmas presents
the other night and we stopped. I stopped, and the
next day was Christmas was Christmas Eve? All right, And
I gotta and I gotta leave on this trip. I
gotta go.
Speaker 4 (19:36):
I gotta go on this cruise, slices. I hope you're
all playing your tiny violin for scary. The poor bastard
has to go and go on a New Year's Eve cruise.
Speaker 2 (19:46):
It's not just you know why.
Speaker 4 (19:47):
He's taking his girlfriend so you won't have to get
her a souvenir. He's bringing her. He figured it.
Speaker 2 (19:53):
I figured out a way not to have to get
her a souvenir. Let's just bring her, Okay, bring me
back a souvenir.
Speaker 4 (19:58):
What'd you play?
Speaker 2 (19:59):
I love everybody. I love you all.
Speaker 4 (20:03):
Wear large shirt now.
Speaker 13 (20:06):
I know.
Speaker 2 (20:07):
Yeah, you've you've you've lost quite a bit of weight there,
David Brody, Thank you.
Speaker 4 (20:13):
My pants are mediums pickle bull pants. Who was scary?
Saw me my pickle bullpants? How good that did?
Speaker 2 (20:21):
You looked?
Speaker 3 (20:21):
Speaker 4 (20:22):
Thank you did?
Speaker 2 (20:23):
This is not this was is this corrupt file.
Speaker 14 (20:27):
Corrupt file from CT Brody and Scary James, Miami, three seventeen,
Slice Time. I'm catching up.
Speaker 2 (20:37):
The year zero.
Speaker 14 (20:38):
It was a joke.
Speaker 2 (20:39):
I know there's no year zero. Scary.
Speaker 14 (20:42):
Yes, I am smoking that good stuff. It's catching up.
I'm almost there, making.
Speaker 4 (20:47):
Funny Brody scary Scary Brody James, I'm back.
Speaker 14 (20:51):
Also, in reference to two ninety five, it was the
guy your friend that wanted the favor and you thought
he was helping you while I should have been more
more informative.
Speaker 4 (21:05):
Oh okay, okay, can I explain what just happened?
Speaker 2 (21:08):
Speaker 4 (21:09):
So on Slice Time for two eighteen, James said something
and he didn't reference what it was about, so he
just left to talk back, only referencing what it was
about and not referencing what it was about. About that,
he was just referencing what it was about.
Speaker 14 (21:24):
Speaker 4 (21:26):
You see what I'm saying?
Speaker 2 (21:27):
Yes, I think I do.
Speaker 4 (21:30):
Okay, So last time he called and said, yeah, I
agree about the car, Yeah, completely right, And now he's
calling back to let you know, you know about the
thing being stolen. Yeah yeah, James, you got to you
gotta put them all together in one big call.
Speaker 2 (21:45):
Gotcha. Now it makes sense, all right?
Speaker 4 (21:46):
Speaker 2 (21:47):
Uh, I tried to. There was a corrupt file, but
it was twenty nine seconds of audio in it. Uh
that I tried to. But when you click on it,
it doesn't work. But we have a new feature here
where it has it has it has as it has
a transcript. Oh, so read it. I can read what
the message says. I mean, it's twenty nine seconds of
audio that will proximately that will not play, okay, because
I had to play button, it just stops. So it's
a Paul from Jersey, Uh, talking about the guy that
got fired on the radio. I would say, sure, no problem,
I'll finish the shift, get on the fucking radio and
be like, well this is my last report. Uh, fuck you,
fuck you, you're cool, You're cool. Fuck you, and this
is brought to you by Go fuck yourselves, because that's
bullshit and it's fucking a professional of HR to do that,
but you know what, fuck you very nice. I wonder
I wonder if iHeart has some kind of sensor thing
on it where if it has too much profanity it
won't play, because I would have loved I would have
loved to play that.
Speaker 4 (23:00):
No, it doesn't know about that what.
Speaker 15 (23:02):
You call in all from Jersey here it is talking
about the next Killow Swift and everything like that.
Speaker 2 (23:11):
I think, oh no, no, no, So that was Paul,
previously previous Paul. But this the other clip won't play,
but this one will, all.
Speaker 15 (23:20):
Right, all from Jersey talking about the next Killow Swift
and everything like that. I think Scary is the biggest
bendwagon jumper. I mean, he jumped on the whole uh
Lion's main mushrooms, the best thing ever. He jumped on
the kick Messenger, the best thing ever.
Speaker 4 (23:41):
He jumped onto all.
Speaker 15 (23:43):
These applications and all this other ship.
Speaker 7 (23:44):
That was the next thing ever.
Speaker 4 (23:46):
Scary, stop it. He's got your trendy he does.
Speaker 2 (23:57):
You watch all right from Ohio.
Speaker 16 (24:00):
Just we'll let you know, do some research about these
red bottoms, the Red carpet and the Red Shoe Club,
and what the government illuminati have in common and what
all the industry has. Do your research and you'll find
out real quick. You mean, it's no only with the lizards,
the lizards of the demonic forces. Take care right, they're
flying the drums. They're from Ohio again. So the Woovie witchcraft,
I have not seen it, don't care too. It's all
full of witchcraft and demonic forces. So basically, when you
step into a theater you're watching witchcraft.
Speaker 4 (24:45):
You are engulfed in it, and on top of that,
you accepted it.
Speaker 2 (24:50):
That means teams come to you.
Speaker 4 (24:53):
If you pick up your bobble and read it, you
would know better.
Speaker 2 (24:56):
And on top of that, don't watch it.
Speaker 4 (24:58):
Okay, so if I go to see Star Wars, I
will then be one with the force.
Speaker 16 (25:05):
Because that didn't work, he's back again. The last thing
is wicked. The both main characters they're witches. It's a
as for proclaimed that they are witches, so don't watch
the show. Lastly, why does Elis Duran sound like he
sounds like Mike Tyson for the battery company they sell themselves.
Speaker 4 (25:29):
It doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 2 (25:31):
I go with chargeables anyway, Elvis does a door cell
commercial for iHeart well because it sounds like Mike Tyson. No,
we were doing we were doing and talk like this.
We were doing a bit, oh we do. It was
it was a bit anyway, It was fine. We love
doll They're a big sponsor of our show. Okay, the
morning show, not this one.
Speaker 14 (25:55):
Yeah, Brodie scary, scary brody James, My I mean Slice
Time three eighteen.
Speaker 2 (26:03):
He's getting not brod yet.
Speaker 14 (26:05):
Excuse me, scary? Do I gotta get them a birthday pressent? Man?
Speaker 17 (26:11):
You're hilarious, dude, Come on now, where you're three trillion
dollar equipment, It's not that hard to get no gift
for no little kid.
Speaker 4 (26:25):
Yeah, yeah, your god son, you got to get him
a gift.
Speaker 2 (26:29):
Yeah, why don't you?
Speaker 4 (26:32):
You know what, give your god son your lubatons and
he'll grow up to have lubetons someday.
Speaker 2 (26:36):
You can't get one of these hand me downs? What
are these regifting gifts? What about that?
Speaker 3 (26:40):
Speaker 4 (26:41):
You got a food basket from work?
Speaker 10 (26:43):
No more?
Speaker 2 (26:44):
And I'm no summer sausage. I have somemores making, kid.
Speaker 4 (26:49):
No, the kid's not gonna make smores. Do what else
you got? You got popcorn tins? Kids love popcorn tins.
It's scary. The kid's six months old. They can't eat
your solid food anyway, however that.
Speaker 2 (27:01):
It is, I don't know. I got to think of something.
Speaker 11 (27:03):
Though, Reggie, here slices, can we please all agree on
like for one of the weeks to everybody.
Speaker 14 (27:12):
Call in and we'll do like a whole segment of.
Speaker 11 (27:16):
Like ask Brody and Scary and we'll all ask like
questions that they can give us advice on. But they
all the questions have to be so over the top
and inappropriate, please everyone.
Speaker 2 (27:30):
I kind of like that idea.
Speaker 4 (27:32):
Oh, there's gonna be a lot of lube questions, I
know it, especially from Reggie.
Speaker 2 (27:36):
Like filthy embarrassing questions.
Speaker 4 (27:39):
No advice. They want filthy embarrassing advice.
Speaker 2 (27:41):
Oh they're going to ask us to Yeah, but we're
gonna have to actually give them advice.
Speaker 4 (27:45):
But they're not asking us personal questions. They're going to say,
I'm in this situation, what should I do?
Speaker 2 (27:50):
All right? Them?
Speaker 4 (27:52):
I think Reggie just wants to do that. I think
Reggie doesn't want to drink alone. That's what she's doing.
She wants to ask inappropriate questions and wants that other
people do with us, so she's not drinking along.
Speaker 11 (28:01):
So to speaking, my gosh, scary Reggie here, I don't
even have a disturbing comment for what you just said
to Brody asking if his daughter is hot.
Speaker 4 (28:16):
Thank you you drew the line. You crossed Reggie's line.
Speaker 11 (28:19):
Oh my god.
Speaker 2 (28:20):
Either I'm like that across the line, Darsie, Guys, I
did it for shock value. It's you know, I mean,
sometimes you just gotta you gotta slam them in the
face with a joke with a singer.
Speaker 4 (28:37):
Scary has known my kids since they were all born,
even though the first one was born my first daughter.
He went on the radio in hilarious that I had
a son.
Speaker 2 (28:46):
You guys know our humor by now, right. We're three
hundred and nineteen episodes in.
Speaker 4 (28:50):
Yeah, this is where Scary says, I don't need desk Brodie,
his daughter's.
Speaker 2 (28:52):
A hot Im glad, I'm glad. Reggie was like, what
guess what mission accomplished? Reggie, you exactly reacted exactly how
I wanted you to when I made the joke. All right, sure.
Speaker 1 (29:09):
Aprookle boys is Caitlin and Bark Luke don't sound too
excited anyways. We were just listening to episode whatever, the
last episode, I don't remember what it was, talking about
the jingle Bowl artists like being big deals like now
and I'm re listening again and I think I was
in twenty eighteen and you guys were talking about Sabrina Carpenter,
Caitlin and Bark again not very exciting anyway. We're talking
about Serena Carpenter and Skary was going no, no, no
about how I says she's going to be the next
week thing. And Skary, you were right, You're right. It's
twenty twenty four five, yep, And Sabena Carpenter's kicking ass.
Speaker 2 (29:54):
That's right.
Speaker 1 (29:55):
So I think you're right. So love you guys.
Speaker 7 (29:58):
She is happy, America said.
Speaker 2 (30:00):
Haika, Okay, cool, see, I know I'm right and you
did not.
Speaker 4 (30:04):
You did not predict six years ago, Sabriena Capper, who
would be as big as she is now? You and
I both thought she would. She should be better than
she was as far as success. Yes, and because she
was very tough.
Speaker 2 (30:16):
Far surpassed everyone's expectations. She did a fallon appearance. I
want to say twenty nineteen, maybe somewhere around there. She
did fallon in a silver dress or something. I remember thinking,
my god, she should be a bigger star than she
is and she is good for her I like her.
Speaker 11 (30:33):
Here's another line I cannot take credit for.
Speaker 4 (30:36):
Name that show boys.
Speaker 11 (30:39):
Used to dip his bald head and oil and rub
it all over my bond teeth.
Speaker 2 (30:47):
Okay, Brodie come on, man, you're gonna google that. What
are you doing here?
Speaker 9 (30:55):
What do you do?
Speaker 2 (30:55):
No, I'm not googling it. I'm I'm I didn't want,
I don't, I don't. I have no idea, Okay, I
have no answer.
Speaker 11 (31:03):
Reggie again, Brooklyn boys. I just want to say my favorite.
Speaker 2 (31:08):
You're not going to answer that question, Seinfeldt. I think
it's Seinfeldt. She was gonna give us the answer there.
Speaker 4 (31:13):
I think it's a seinfeld.
Speaker 11 (31:14):
Reggie again, Brooklyn boys. I just want to say my
favorite podcast by far.
Speaker 4 (31:19):
I love you guys, love you too.
Speaker 11 (31:21):
And going into the new year, Here's to the love,
Here's to the honor. You can't come in or just
come on her.
Speaker 4 (31:28):
Thank you boys.
Speaker 2 (31:31):
Hey, that's also a Sabrina Carpentere line from from bed Keem. So,
I'm we're playing on the radio right now. She just comaraderie.
Come she goes, come right on me, comaraderie, something like that. Camaraderie,
come right on me, come right on me. We we
block out.
Speaker 13 (31:52):
Come right on me though, Hey, Brody a scary manny
here or Monoch him to call out yes. In regards
to an episode three nineteen regards to getting fired, the
middle of the shift. I think I would probably finish
it like half ass, like make sure that there's that
it gets caught off a middle and sponsored by myself
since no one's paying me anymore. I'm technically getting paid,
but sponsored by myself. Okay, But I would definitely add
some like traffic James.
Speaker 9 (32:27):
That they weren't or.
Speaker 13 (32:30):
Uh say, like there's no traffic at all at the
George Washington Bridge, which is almost never true.
Speaker 4 (32:36):
No one's gonna believe it.
Speaker 13 (32:37):
Yeah, I'll definitely mess it up professionally.
Speaker 2 (32:42):
Thank you. Yeah, don't fuck him, knock him. He'll tell
you is traffic when there isn't. Some somehow, I think
that's that would be the least of their problems. I mean, yeah,
I think the one you read from was it John
Joe No, no, I forgot his name, but it was.
Speaker 4 (33:04):
From New Jersey. I think he would be a little
more violent. Yeah, and and formost Hey.
Speaker 1 (33:10):
Brooklyn Boys is Kailan from be Sure? Just re listening
to episode sixty seven over here Snakes on our Train,
I believe I Am dying.
Speaker 11 (33:22):
Scary and Brody are.
Speaker 1 (33:24):
Discussing when Scary got rammed in the calf by a.
Speaker 4 (33:30):
Goat a white coat.
Speaker 1 (33:35):
Yeah, finishing, finishing off Kailan. Then Brody goes, oh, which goat,
and Scary goes the one in white? When the hell
would you ever just scribe an animal as the one
in wife? But anyway, it made me lmost laughing.
Speaker 4 (33:53):
I remember that hilarious.
Speaker 3 (33:54):
We would.
Speaker 1 (33:56):
Like you're saying that it would be like if the coat,
if a oat was wearing a coat. Oh, the goat
with the red.
Speaker 2 (34:03):
Coat, well, the red goat coat. Hold on?
Speaker 4 (34:07):
The goat was at a didty party.
Speaker 2 (34:08):
It was an all white three and the final one
for tonight.
Speaker 1 (34:13):
So let's ask the slices. How would you describe an animal?
You say, Oh, it's the dog with the red fur
or the black fur, not the one wearing red.
Speaker 14 (34:24):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (34:24):
It was just silly. I was dying, but thank you.
Speaker 5 (34:27):
What do you think?
Speaker 1 (34:27):
How would you describe it?
Speaker 2 (34:29):
The white the white goat, the white the white coat,
the gray dog, the white dog, the dog in gray.
It came out wrong. I don't know. Virgin goat, the
one getting married, all right, all right, we got another
boat right and woman rammed you know what?
Speaker 4 (34:48):
It was revenge from the dolphin you fell on. They talk,
you know, they got communicate with each.
Speaker 2 (34:53):
Other, all right? Episode three coming right up?
Speaker 4 (34:57):
Yeah, next thing you hear and almost lifetimes until then.
Speaker 2 (35:00):
Time getting reactions. This podcast all depends on you talk
about baby.
Speaker 14 (35:09):
A lot of things are good.
Speaker 2 (35:11):
Decise T
Speaker 4 (35:14):
Free tser