Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooking Boys Slice Reactions.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
This podcast all depends on you. Baby.
Speaker 3 (00:24):
Speaker 2 (00:31):
I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it.
Speaker 4 (00:36):
I'm not gonna ask you what you're doing because it's
a client.
Speaker 2 (00:38):
I'm not doing it. Scary. By the way, Welcome to
the Brooklyn Boys.
Speaker 4 (00:43):
Slice Time for episode three twenty. I'm David Brody. That's
Scary Jones with his mouthful. Is that Zeeman in your mouth?
Speaker 2 (00:51):
Speaker 4 (00:52):
Yeah, Scary is taking some kind of liquid drops because
you know what, he's doing his fat program again. So
he's he's he's swallowing, can't swallow. He's gotta let it
sit in his mouth for two minutes, two seconds, two
and two.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
We'll be back in two and two. Chuck Willer, he's dead.
What are you doing? Oh, he can't. He doesn't swallow.
It's not love. What are you doing? You gotta stick
under your tongue the firs.
Speaker 4 (01:13):
At certain amount of time, and you chose right now
but the beginning of Slice time to take your drops
because you forgot to do it earlier. Scary's gonna lose
almost forty pounds in the next forty days or whatever
or something like that. Like he does every year because
right now he's fifth quarter scary mm hmm, okay, so
should I host?
Speaker 2 (01:35):
We have a lot of talkbacks.
Speaker 4 (01:36):
Last time we did two episodes of Slice Time because
we had so many talkbacks. He's waving his finger like
I should keep talking, like I'm not gonna keep talking anyway.
We hope you had a good a good New Year.
It's not New Year's, it's Happy New Year. Although I
did see somebody write Happy New Year's apostrophe s, which
is an old time what the fuck moment for me.
But it's happy New Year, So happy new you know,
to all the slices. I hope you had a good
holiday season. We're back, Scaries, back from another boogie vacation,
and I'm back from another vacation at home. Scarious swallowing
look in his eyes.
Speaker 2 (02:07):
There's two minutes. That's doctor fat Loss, that's my two minutes.
Speaker 4 (02:11):
Hit the jingle, hit the fuck I was hit the
jingle Happy New Year, hit the jingle twenty twenty five.
Speaker 2 (02:17):
I had this. I had to take my drops. You
didn't have to plug your client hit the it, but
I had to give it an excuse of why I
wasn't talking though I told everybody what you were doing.
You still did it. Hit the your fat loss dot com.
That's the place I'm telling you, come on, let's do it.
Do it with me. Have a question. I have a question. Yeah,
do it with me.
Speaker 4 (02:41):
Hit the other jingle what why? Because you did it again,
I'm gonna have to use AI and write commercial slipping songs.
That's what I'm gonna do with write a bunch of them.
Speaker 2 (02:55):
I'm just saying that.
Speaker 4 (02:56):
Everybody knows. Scary January. First, you go on your fat
loss program.
Speaker 2 (03:00):
Moready down four pounds in like two days. It's crazy.
It's crazy. That's what happens when you stop eating. I'm
not even hungry. It's craziness anyway. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
And it's fat not water right, we're losing fat. Yeah.
We know the slogans you we'll get.
Speaker 4 (03:15):
I'm sure the slices will be treated into the next
forty days of sponsorship slippings. You love this and the
engagulation slices. It's your gifts you, it's your gift for
twenty twenty five Annual Gift a gift the gift noo.
I asked Scary why it doesn't do this program again?
Speaker 2 (03:31):
In July when he's second quarter's third quarter scary, He's like,
I'm I giving up for in July. No way, that
would be crazy barbecues. Yeah, you're crazy. That's that's eating time.
That is eating time, Eating time.
Speaker 4 (03:44):
I wrote that parody for The Morning Show in nineteen
ninety nine, remember time, Yeah, eating Time did that?
Speaker 2 (03:49):
All right, So because it is the first show of
the year, we probably have a glut of talkbacks here. Oh,
yes we do, folks. Are we fourth quarter talkbacks right now?
We're fourth quarter talk but the okay, now, we might
have lost a few along the way, but as you know,
they disappear after a while. If you left this before
Christmas or during Christmas, you probably it's gone. So that's
all right.
Speaker 4 (04:14):
We have pickedologies, but Scary one on vacation again. But
the good news is Scary has no more vacations in
twenty twenty four.
Speaker 2 (04:22):
That is correct, Brody, he had to think.
Speaker 4 (04:24):
About that is going on vacation in February.
Speaker 2 (04:26):
I'm sure, of course you kidding me. All right, this
is the talkback episode. This is not about us doing
a shtick or anything. This is about you, guys, the slices.
Thanks for feeding back.
Speaker 4 (04:38):
You guys can guess your thoughts on episode three twenty
and before, right, perfect before before, all, Right, let's see
what they.
Speaker 2 (04:44):
Left for us. From Semury December twenty seventh.
Speaker 5 (04:48):
Caitlin again, one more final talkback.
Speaker 2 (04:51):
Oops, damn it, let's.
Speaker 6 (04:52):
Go back to February twenty nineteen. That was right before
I got married. I hadn't need you guys.
Speaker 7 (04:59):
Sure they were like a heather blue and they said
even isn't.
Speaker 8 (05:04):
Even free dessert? And yep, Rudy gave me a little.
Speaker 7 (05:08):
Shit because even if not even, I have yet to
ever see you take.
Speaker 6 (05:12):
A picture wearing those shirts.
Speaker 2 (05:14):
I do have them, I do wear them.
Speaker 9 (05:17):
Speaker 10 (05:19):
Yeah, So just saying it would be nice to see
you guys in those shirts.
Speaker 6 (05:23):
And I don't know if you even have them. Maybe
they've used this cleaning rags. I don't know. Maybe if
you still have them, I don't know.
Speaker 8 (05:31):
Almost six years ago, so possibly they're gone.
Speaker 2 (05:34):
But I never saw a pick in them.
Speaker 11 (05:35):
And I would love that because let me hu cham
I love you guys.
Speaker 4 (05:38):
Oh well, here's what I would say. First of all,
thank you again for the shirt.
Speaker 2 (05:41):
That was very nice of you six years ago.
Speaker 4 (05:43):
Second of all, I'm sorry I gave you shit, I
was really just poking fun. But I'm glad you remembered
that part as well. I do have the shirts. They're
still in my drawer with my other graphic t's and whatnot.
I do wear the shirt occasionally, but I think if
you look on social media, you will see not many
pictures of me to begin with, let alone showing off
T shirt. Yeah, so it's not like I'm in a
hundred other shirts like scary going. Oh well, look at
all those pictures of Brody on Instagram in other shirts.
You don't see me in that shirt because you don't
see me in any shirts. That's not when you see me.
We not wearing a shirt. That's not gonna happen.
Speaker 2 (06:13):
But we do appreciate it. That's so cool. You've been
You've been here since episode zero. We like that.
Speaker 4 (06:18):
Perhaps I will I will take a picture and post
the shirt on social media at some point soon.
Speaker 2 (06:23):
I will do that.
Speaker 12 (06:24):
Canal sofo did you hear I'm really behind? But about
the episode where you're talking about like the Chopper Report, guy, Yeah,
I would have pulled a you know, a Wolf Farrell
on Anchorman and just started blabbering like absolute nonsense. But
dead serious and and uh yeah I think i'd been hilarious.
Speaker 2 (06:48):
Yeah, it would have been. Okay.
Speaker 4 (06:50):
So just another another rule that's helpful slices when you're
referencing something from like multiple episodes ago, just reset it
up a little radio trick. Hey, remember when you were
talking about that that he did?
Speaker 2 (07:02):
He did? He's talking about got fired the traffic Yeah
that guy. Now, what do you say about it? Got
planned back?
Speaker 12 (07:08):
He said it are canal soflos you hear. Uh, I'm
really behind. But about the episode where you talking about
like the traffic report guy.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
Um, yeah, I was all right, the traffic report guy
who got fired in the middle of his shift. I
had to complete his job, right, yes, yes, yes, yes,
a little okay, that's what I'm saying. Just one little
one sentence. Uh yeah, it's called resetting reset. Yeah, that's
a little radio For people who didn't hear that episode.
Speaker 13 (07:36):
Oh snap, but that's the top fas thing back. Oh
my god, Jason j microform button. Oh my god. Now
it's somewhere else.
Speaker 2 (07:44):
Hi guys.
Speaker 3 (07:45):
I hope you guys had a happy Honka, happy kwansa,
thank you Christmas. The little biton shoes, Yeah, they're going
to be a thousand something dollars. You got a bog
in for five hundred or four fifty he did. I
definitely agree with scary, But I'll listen to part two
about other retail stores.
Speaker 2 (08:03):
What choice do we have?
Speaker 13 (08:05):
Speaker 3 (08:07):
Now, I know, like if I go to CBS or whatever,
Warbling is going to have candy, like Christmas candy on
sale fifty percent off.
Speaker 13 (08:14):
This is what they do. Okay. Now, let's say it
was on sale. It was three dollars and fifty cents,
so then you're thinking, oh, this is great fifty percent off.
Speaker 3 (08:21):
No, they used the retail They use the retail price
of like seven dollars, and then they do.
Speaker 13 (08:27):
The fifty percent off that.
Speaker 3 (08:30):
I don't know if that came out because I got
interrupted with always does No stores like other stores, oh
like five hundred dollars right, and that was on sale.
When they do that other clearance thing, they put it
what the retail price was.
Speaker 13 (08:48):
Let's say it was a thousand, then you think you're
getting fifty percent off. I don't like some stores do that.
Speaker 3 (08:52):
I don't think about those Rubaton things that I think
was a good price four hundred and fifty dollars.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
Okay, yes, I okay, that was the end of that. No,
she just started doing another call. No, this is somebody else.
Two hours later. Oh all right, well, thank you m J.
Very enlightening. As usual, we appreciate the stores that do
what other stores do.
Speaker 9 (09:17):
Yeah, yeah, all right, yeah, this is M Jacob and
getting Three hours later. Yeah, this is M Jacob and
I don't know if you're getting this always for some reason,
the stupid microphone button Disappearady, I'm trying to with this phone.
Speaker 2 (09:35):
It's old.
Speaker 13 (09:35):
It's an old iPhone.
Speaker 2 (09:37):
Speaker 3 (09:37):
Anyway, I listened to port one slice time of cracking
the hell up. The James guys sound is cracking me up.
The other guy from the South, uh, the GP voice one.
He has got a very good voice.
Speaker 2 (09:51):
Moving on.
Speaker 6 (09:52):
It was that was a.
Speaker 3 (09:53):
Hilarious part two of any guy from Brooklyn four. He
said he's forty and he's still likes coffee nips. I
remember that. It doesn't matter how old you were. But
that's that's funny. It's just you know, hey, people's taste.
But everybody correcked me out. Reggie's funny. Thank you, guys.
I swear to god, I was doing my walk and
I actually almost pete again. Oh my god, too funny,
too too funny. Thank you, Happy New Year, and hold
on a second week.
Speaker 2 (10:24):
I think I think MJ. MJ from NJ has come
up with a new idea that we haven't realized. What's
that scary?
Speaker 4 (10:32):
We could be We can be making more money off this,
what little money we make. So we do the Brooklyn
Boys podcast. Yeah, and then we do Slice Time where
people call in about the Brooklyn Boys.
Speaker 2 (10:44):
We'll teuch you a message that you leave. It's one
way communication. It's it's not you're interrupting. I'm on a roll. Okay, continue.
Speaker 4 (10:51):
What MJ from NJ is doing is she's calling in
about Slice Time.
Speaker 2 (10:56):
She's calling in with reviews of Slice Time.
Speaker 4 (10:58):
Right, Therefore, we need a third podcast, yeah, a Slice
of Slice Time for people to call in with their
opinions on Slice Time. And then we'll need a fourth
one because people will call in with an opinion on
Slice of Slice Time.
Speaker 14 (11:10):
Speaker 2 (11:10):
I see where this is going. I don't like where
a cookie do you give a mouse of cookie?
Speaker 5 (11:14):
Speaker 4 (11:15):
So so as I think I think I think MJ
is onto something. Now we need a second Slice Time
to review the Slice Time.
Speaker 2 (11:21):
No, this is now where we're headed toward infinity and beyond.
We don't want that. We don't. We don't want to
keep reflecting back and forth because then it's like, you know,
it's like when you look in them like two mirrors
and it just keeps going back. Yeah. Yeah, you look
at it's like a thousand and it's like, uh huh,
thousand different images in the background. We don't, we don't
need that. We don't need that. We we'd like to
focus all our energies from Slice Time on the main
episodes of the show, not Slice Time itself. I think
this is a bad idea.
Speaker 4 (11:49):
Of an episode where people call in with their favorite
MJ call.
Speaker 2 (11:51):
This is this is how we jump to Shark Brody.
Speaker 4 (11:54):
Uh, this is uh or in canalson flow Jo, I'm
just calling to let's call three. Call three from NJJ
was my favorite. Let's not let's not friend Trucker.
Speaker 15 (12:06):
Speaker 4 (12:07):
Just let you know that my my favorite m J
from NJ call was call seven.
Speaker 2 (12:10):
That was my favorite. Yeah, we could avoid that. That
would be great. Let's keep on topic, folks, Go ahead, slices,
go ahead. Don't keep the phone momentum going. Be careful,
be careful, BRODDI and is skiddy and I'm calling to
say m J f call number or nineteen was my
favorite call, be careful what you wish for, Brody? Seriously, seriously,
it's very very I mean, this is Jmie from Queens
and I just want to see this podcast. My favorite
m J from NJ call was called twenty three. You laugh,
you laugh, but we're gonna we're literally going to put
here this here from CT. I'm just saying.
Speaker 4 (12:45):
My favorite call from m J from n J was
nine quality. That's out.
Speaker 2 (12:51):
We are going to pubble people into border Reggie here goodbye.
Speaker 13 (12:57):
We're a poem about MJ from Day again. So I
was losing.
Speaker 3 (13:01):
Somebody took backs.
Speaker 2 (13:04):
That too much.
Speaker 3 (13:06):
The Lifetime port one was funny. I didn't listen to
part two yet, which in everyone Great Holidays.
Speaker 13 (13:11):
Season here understood.
Speaker 2 (13:13):
And she's on a phone call.
Speaker 13 (13:16):
Somebody was saying a story and then what the hell happened?
Speaker 16 (13:19):
Right after that?
Speaker 2 (13:20):
We love her, like you said on a phone call,
like what are we doing here? We're supposed to be
leaving thirty supt.
Speaker 17 (13:29):
Brooklyn Blood's Maddie from Brooklyn and the Bronx. I think
it's really fucking funny that you have a bunch of
straight white dudes debating on whether or not terms shit
or should not be offensive two people who are minorities
or marginalized or on the other way, not straight white dudes.
Congratu fucking relations. You should be really proud about yourselves.
You might as well start calling women bitches again, because hey,
according to you, we're probably not offunded by it. You know,
fuck it, Let's go back to all the ship that
we used to say, because hey, once everything's offensive, nothing's offensive,
and I'm not here for all the fucking snowflake bullshit. However,
you are not the end all be all of what
is and is not offensive. If you're not part of
that group, you don't get to fucking have a say
in it. Brody, you're right. You don't fucking know, so
you're not going to use that term. I don't fucking
know about certain terms, so guess fucking what. I'm not
going to fucking use it. It's pretty clear, scary. Please
don't get canceled.
Speaker 3 (14:17):
I like you.
Speaker 17 (14:18):
Juan Bell does is right?
Speaker 2 (14:20):
Where are we going with this?
Speaker 4 (14:22):
Wan Val does is right? There we go moving on.
Brody was right?
Speaker 7 (14:26):
Hibee Boys. It's Rifka from Brooklyn. I had some extra
time over the holidays not working so much, and so
I've been listening to old episodes and scary. I just
wanted to tell you that you should go back and
listen to episode twenty three because your mom is so
sweet in that episode where you were wishing her a
happy birthday and she's like, all I care about is
that you're safe, and I was just like, oh my gosh, Mama, scary.
So I don't know if y'all go back to old episodes,
but I'm scary. You should definitely listen to that.
Speaker 2 (14:55):
Thank you. I'm going to check that one out.
Speaker 7 (14:56):
So the apartment building that I live in, the wa
are so fucking goddamn finn. I literally hear everything. I
hear my neighbors conversations. I hear just my neighbor. I
hear him snoring every single night. So I'm just laughing
to myself because I, you know, listen to the Brooklyn
Boys all the time, like constantly loudly in my apartment,
and I'm just wondering if my neighbors can hear, especially
because I'm always laughing hysterically.
Speaker 2 (15:23):
But I just sound that funny. All right, nice, all right.
I hope the neighbors are new listeners. Do you put
the cup to the wall now, what? Like listen like
really like listen in on it because if you don't
pay attention, then it's just like a minor distraction. But
you have to really hone in on it, like concentrate, yeah,
to hear what they're saying.
Speaker 18 (15:46):
M hm, Hey Brooklyn boys, Hey slices here. I want
to wish everyone a merry belated Christmas for all those
that celebrate, and a happy Conickher for those that celebrate connakhah.
Speaker 2 (16:03):
Yeah you go.
Speaker 18 (16:03):
Happy holidays for all those that celebrate everything else, and
a happy New Year. And yes, scary, I know it's
at two thir twelve am.
Speaker 13 (16:13):
Speaker 2 (16:15):
See I wasn't going to reference the time on that one.
That's only from my friend and it's Maria from Union City.
Speaker 11 (16:22):
Before anything else, I want to say thank you for
this past year and all the episodes and you guys
being awesome and happy almost New Year to you both,
and I hope you had great holidays. Scary, you get scammed.
I don't care how good a good person you think
you are, and you are a good person, but you
get scammed. Uh, it's probably a group of guys doing this,
all right, love y'all bye.
Speaker 2 (16:47):
A network of people. She's referencing the fact that I
gave that guy twenty dollars to get back to Tom's
River because his car gott twice in different locations have
been had sucker, Hey.
Speaker 13 (16:58):
For good boys. Jamie from Queen's Here scary. You were
so gullible.
Speaker 19 (17:02):
Think about it, logically, what are the odds that two
different guys would have the exact same story?
Speaker 2 (17:09):
Well, what are they?
Speaker 13 (17:09):
Followers a word and need the exact same amount of money?
Come on, and of course the guy's wearing a suit.
It's midtown and an office building. That's part of the scam.
Speaker 19 (17:22):
You wouldn't believe he worked there if he was wearing
dirty clothes, would you.
Speaker 2 (17:26):
No, Well, that's what made me believe that the guy
was honest. You know what, he'll get His karma is
a bitch.
Speaker 20 (17:33):
Any of this is Manny from NJ commenting on episode
three twenty Brody is wrong. No, not just because you
have the question before your operation. You're still asking about
something to do after operation. So if a post op
question not a pre op, so Brody is wrong.
Speaker 4 (17:52):
Okay, So I was wrong in what I said, but
I'm not wrong, and I'll tell you why I fucked
up my own story. Oh, I was actually asking a
postop question and she kept saying it was a pre
op question, and I kept saying, but it's about a
question after my life after surgery, and she kept saying,
you haven't had surgery. So in my exuberance to tell
the story, I switched up the order. But the point
of the story was I was having a debate with her,
but I fucked up the order of debate. I was saying,
I need to know if I can go snowmobiling after
my surgery, and she said, well, that's a post op question.
You press the pre op question, phone number button whatever.
I'm like, I know, but it's my question before I
have surgery. Therefore it's anyway, it's very literal, literally brody literally.
Speaker 6 (18:42):
So she did.
Speaker 2 (18:43):
The woman took it little leaks. I hit the wrong button.
Speaker 4 (18:45):
I was asking a question post surgery and I got
the post surgery nurse and she's like, I can't help
you with that. I'm the pre surgical nurse. I do
the paperwork. I know, I said, but my question is
about anyway you heard it.
Speaker 2 (18:56):
It just reversed it. That's all.
Speaker 21 (19:00):
This is well from CT Brodie. You always get into
some ship with these people. Man, Always people have giving
you a hard time. It's like goes back to the
old school dollar six thing.
Speaker 2 (19:10):
But a classic momentary.
Speaker 21 (19:12):
Man, you are pretty gullible, my dude. I love you, man,
but at this point we need to come up with
a new jingle. It's like you got scammed by Tyrone.
At this point, we got to do a new jingle
for you.
Speaker 2 (19:27):
Scammed by Tyrone.
Speaker 22 (19:28):
Oh you know what I'll do, scammed Let the Brooklyn Boys. Yeah,
Brooklyn Boys. Yeah, it'll let you get that done for me.
Speaker 2 (19:41):
Thanks Paul from Jersey.
Speaker 18 (19:43):
I'm listening to the Last Lifetime for Part two episode
and realize my audience influent.
Speaker 6 (19:48):
Man, that was a really funny one too.
Speaker 2 (19:51):
I really try to give it my all.
Speaker 6 (19:52):
Uh but scary.
Speaker 11 (19:54):
Let's have something fuckety.
Speaker 6 (19:55):
Fun fun fuck puckety fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckingy fuck fuck.
I said a lot of folks, So let's see if
they says for this one.
Speaker 2 (20:02):
No, no, no, you don't get sensored. You just messed up.
Speaker 4 (20:05):
Yeah, it's something messed up. There is no sense or anything.
Speaker 2 (20:07):
Cursing is fine the sensor. Yeah, it doesn't block you
out or drop out your audio as you can hear
as you made it through loud and clear. All right,
perfect estabush me by the way, Oh okay, perfect, thank you.
We'll ride back the brook Glynn Boys podcast.
Speaker 23 (20:23):
We will be right back.
Speaker 2 (20:25):
Okay, moving right along, or we've still Wow, we have
a ton of these to get through. Hmm Brody, why
are you slowing me down? My fault?
Speaker 24 (20:36):
Hey, Breton boys, this is Renee from Lancaster. Hey, as
someone at Uber's part time and who was ubering when
I first heard this, I had to listen back again.
I appreciate scary ordering wrapping paper because scary tips.
Speaker 13 (20:50):
At the time I heard it.
Speaker 24 (20:51):
The first time I was delivering Apple products. Somebody got
a computer delivered, didn't tip. Another person got on my phone, delivered,
gave me twenty bucks. Yes, Apple delivers through Uber. If
you are in a close vicinity.
Speaker 2 (21:04):
Oh wow, all right, good to know.
Speaker 24 (21:07):
Hey, it's Renee again. Scary you were talking about your nephew.
I have nieces, well great nieces that are twelve and fifteen,
and I work in a school in the day. Yes,
kids do communicate different, but they do use speakers in
some and Bertie could probably even say even his kids
when they're in an activity like my niece's daughter is
in soccer, the other ones in theater, they talk and
they're doing their thing then, But if they're on a
bus with thirty of them, they're using their headphones, but
they do.
Speaker 2 (21:36):
Use Oh they did hear a Philly accent.
Speaker 24 (21:40):
So yes, scary, as Bertie could probably say, when your
kids are in a certain age, and you might remember back,
you click with a certain group just like you, and
they communicate different, just like we do now, and we
may not understand it, but they are still socializing, but
it's a little bit different.
Speaker 13 (21:58):
But there are a personal ones.
Speaker 24 (22:00):
And when they're in their groups of the ones that
do those things, they talk and they have speakers in
certain activities that where they all listen to their music
and stuff.
Speaker 2 (22:10):
Okay, hey see.
Speaker 4 (22:12):
Oh Jennifer Queens, Yeah, or you gonna say he's right though,
I'm just gonna say she's right.
Speaker 2 (22:16):
Yeah, I can't argue with her.
Speaker 19 (22:18):
Hey for comeboys, Shamy from Queen's again scary getting wrapping
paper delivered to his house isn't really that unusual? A
friend of mine was at my house one day and
he forgot his charger at home, and we have different phones,
so he couldn't use mine. The local rite aid not
a sponsor, didn't have the charger he needed. There was
a CBS like twenty minutes away, also not a sponsor
that had the charger, so he just used rub Hub
to have it delivered.
Speaker 2 (22:48):
Yeah, that's totally coming if it listen, if it's on there,
why shouldn't I order it. I had the option to
buy wrapping paper, so if I'm doing it, someone else is,
they're offering it. It can't be unusual. It's not like
I mean and ask. It was just the way you
did it. You're like, oh, I'm gonna go down and
get my uh, wrapping paper.
Speaker 14 (23:08):
I know.
Speaker 2 (23:09):
Well, you know it was crunch time. It was the
end of the year. Oh did you have crunch bars
delivered as well? Yep, yeah, exactly by last years. Like,
I gotta go do some crunches in the gym. Nope,
no one wrapping them. Nestlie crunches not owned by Nestley anymore. Yep.
I had to get just crunch I had to you
do know that, right, No, Nestleie is no longer sold.
Speaker 4 (23:31):
The Crunch bar like five years ago. They're not Lessi's
crunch anymore.
Speaker 2 (23:33):
So who owns it? Just crunch another company? Wow, I
didn't know that. All right, here's the uh. This is
from uh oh New Year's Eve. We have some New
Year's e phone taps, phone taps, phone Wow.
Speaker 6 (23:45):
Call back at the New Year seasons of greetings, happy
holidays and all that jazz. This is Nick from Washington
State or Nate from Washington whatever episode. Uh, I'm astraight
scared gerales you guys, cam boney. Even if that guy
works in your building, he just does that on a
regular basis to the worst case scenario scare Geralds. His
name is not Tyrone, but mister quote unquote Tyron is
doing it to somebody right now as we speak, in
front of the different buildings, same building. Yeah, it was
the same fake ID in the same speak badge. Best
case scenario, it does work at your building. He does
ask for fourteen dollars because he knows people gonna feel
bad to him and give up twenty. But how can
you look like that in the face sixty.
Speaker 2 (24:42):
If he worked there to the bank, if he weren'd there.
He did that every day. Then I can't see how
he would like look look people directly in the eye
and be you know, and take their money.
Speaker 4 (24:52):
But he probably takes your picture, keeps a record of
everyone gave him money, and then goes up to people
he knows aren't taken.
Speaker 6 (24:56):
Their picture with this eighty bucks cash backs. Three Jesus Christ,
this ship is just turning into goddamn supplemental income because
of a bunch of Scary Joneses of the world. Feel
bad for quote unquote mister tyrone. Yeah, just think about it, man,
there's other people who actually need clothes because they don't
have enough clothes and they're cold right now in goddamn
December of January. Okay, so three twenty come in regarding
Scary Jones's nephew. Yeah, it's a different generation. He will
never have a friend with whom they're gonna sneak deer
bottles or Grandpa's flask and secretly drink alcohol and maybe
you know, smoke a cigar into because you know, they
don't do shit like that. They're king, they're anibus or
whatever the world is. You know, they're like very neutral
and shit like that.
Speaker 4 (25:53):
No, they're vaping and eating gummies pretty much.
Speaker 6 (25:58):
And I'm sorry this is another back about nephew, but
I had to do it. If somebody's fourteen years old
and not have or doesn't have a real friend in
real life to hang out, you know, watch movies, you know,
or whatever, just just do something together, like interact as
a real person, that's a fucking problem. You're right, my goodness,
Lean please don't hate me. Slices and brooklym boys. This
is a little half one. I swear to got well.
If I'm paying ten or fifteen dollars for you guys,
you know, your your special episode of you know, I'm
okay with that. You guys just have to, you know,
clean up very good. Like Daniel Manera said, would you
clean up very well? Yeah, just do one of those.
And David Brody, come on, man, just do a video.
Speaker 2 (26:49):
That's okay, Okay, thank you for coming fifteen dollars to
do the video.
Speaker 6 (26:54):
You know.
Speaker 2 (26:54):
Speaker 4 (26:56):
By the way, Nesley sold crunch Bars in twenty eighteen
to Ferrero.
Speaker 2 (27:01):
Oh Ferrera owns it. Yeah, and doesn't Cadbury own it
in Europe or Nora in America. They don't own it
in in Europe, it's own Crunch is owned by someone else.
Oh that I don't know. You can In America it's
owned by Ferrera double check. I don't care that much.
Speaker 13 (27:22):
Time to finish.
Speaker 25 (27:23):
Anyways, this is cue from all over the map. I
just want to say Happy New Years.
Speaker 2 (27:29):
No, no, it's happy great New Years.
Speaker 18 (27:33):
New Year.
Speaker 2 (27:35):
You can do a New Year's She doubled down, she
shriveled down.
Speaker 25 (27:40):
But anyways, guys, I just want to say again, Happy
New Years.
Speaker 2 (27:44):
No she did. She did it on purpose.
Speaker 18 (27:47):
You know what.
Speaker 2 (27:48):
She's wishing me Happy New Year for the next number
of years as well. She's doing that on purpose. She
knows she is very funny New Years.
Speaker 26 (27:54):
Happy New Year guys. From Brooklyn, Rene Brody, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that you know that fucking reference. I'm screaming
at my fucking radio right now. It's from National Lampoon's
Christmas Vacation.
Speaker 6 (28:07):
Speaker 26 (28:08):
First movie gets a fucking jelly in a month club subscription.
Speaker 20 (28:12):
For a year.
Speaker 2 (28:16):
As I admitted, I didn't see it. My girlfriend Robin's
favorite film and we watch it every year on her
couch with her parents because it's always on TV at
the same time. As I'm entering the house. It's very
do you snuggle up with Robin on the couch with
her parents? I struggle up with her mom and dad.
Speaker 23 (28:33):
Oh, it's ly outside of Philly. I was calling in
regards to the cun t Y. I had first heard
that when Adam Lambert. I think it was like the
last album that he put out. The lead single was
that word. Oh yeah, yeah, all right audio Happy New Year,
by the way.
Speaker 2 (28:56):
You got it?
Speaker 4 (28:57):
Wow, wait a second, by the way, I have a
follow up to that story, the c u n t
Y story.
Speaker 2 (29:05):
Okay, I have. I have a big follow up from
my weekend. Can't wait to hear that one.
Speaker 4 (29:09):
Well, it's it's quite interesting because I involved some young
cousins and some family members. And oh, here's the song
by Adam Lambert. He spells it with a V though
a he spells it. Hold on, see if we can
play like two seconds of it here, hold one think.
Speaker 6 (29:32):
To do it?
Speaker 2 (29:34):
Oh, whoa, whoa, he said it. Okay, all right, thank
you so much, Adam. All right, this was the Oh,
here's the first the.
Speaker 4 (29:43):
First tuite the interesting red leather outfit in the Spotify
picture of him.
Speaker 2 (29:47):
This is the first talkback of twenty twenty five left
on New Year's Day. Thank you you too, Reggie Here.
Speaker 8 (29:54):
Oh Garry, come on, after everything I have called in
and said, you're grossed out by Brodie's yellow skin.
Speaker 13 (30:02):
That seems like nothing.
Speaker 2 (30:04):
Okay, thank you Reggie here.
Speaker 6 (30:07):
Speaker 24 (30:08):
How would I feel if my boyfriend called me the
sea word?
Speaker 13 (30:12):
I'd be excited because it would mean I had a boyfriend.
Speaker 2 (30:15):
Hi, all, you make me laugh. You really are funny.
You are, Reggie Yeah, comedic timing, great punchlines, well thought out,
sharp as attack. Love you all from Jersey. Scary? Are
you a fusing lollipop?
Speaker 18 (30:39):
Because you sure she got fucking suckered again to give
him some food for twenty.
Speaker 7 (30:44):
Dollars with some idea that you made at his house
that would make it look like it's a building.
Speaker 27 (30:48):
Speaker 6 (30:49):
What the fuck you made a twenty bucks every fucking
week you got?
Speaker 2 (30:53):
Sounds like he's on a he's ranting fall from Jersey.
Speaker 24 (30:56):
This shit just annoying the fuck out of me.
Speaker 2 (30:59):
Speaker 6 (30:59):
You grew up in Brooklyn, You grew up with all
this games Midtown.
Speaker 18 (31:04):
You can't park anywhere?
Speaker 2 (31:05):
Why the fuck does it?
Speaker 6 (31:07):
He call somebody and have them fucking come and pick
them up.
Speaker 13 (31:10):
Oh my god, Scary, Why you so go?
Speaker 2 (31:13):
You're fucking par good? Has he tried to scream the
Brooklyn back into me?
Speaker 18 (31:20):
Is that it?
Speaker 2 (31:21):
Speaker 28 (31:23):
Hey, this is made from New York.
Speaker 5 (31:24):
I haven't left to talk back in a while.
Speaker 28 (31:27):
I'm listening to the current talkbacks now or of the
most recent ones, part one and part two, and I
find it funny how everybody's offended from everybody being off Yeah,
it's ironic.
Speaker 2 (31:41):
Because if everybody's offended, then nothing is offensive. Well, no,
it could mean everything's offensive. That's not what I said.
Speaker 4 (31:47):
I said, if you make everything offensive, nothing nothing's offensive.
But if anyone's offended, something could have been offensive. We
don't have to get back into this.
Speaker 18 (31:54):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, man here, scary, you definitely got scanned
again this. I think it actually might be one of
the slices or someone that leaves don't listen to the podcast,
which actually makes them a slice. But uh a lot,
someone that heard your story decided to try it for himself.
Speaker 2 (32:10):
Well, it's not gonna happen third time. Nope, not going
to get by me. Hey, old Brooklyn boys, what it's
your boys? Mike so scary?
Speaker 5 (32:19):
I was just wondering what elseit did you wear of
your La bougie red bottom shoes, because you know what,
of what would have went great with it? A suit
by Peter Malar.
Speaker 2 (32:36):
You're asked me about my New Year's Eve wear. I
just wore. I wore really dark jeans and a really
a button down shirt. We were out on a cruise
ship for New Year's Eve, so which I'll tell you
about on the Brooklyn Boys podcast. It was great and
we had a good time, but we it was not
a formal New Year's Eve party like they have been
in the past.
Speaker 29 (32:54):
So guys, what's going on?
Speaker 2 (32:56):
Happy New Year?
Speaker 29 (32:57):
Danny from Jersey, thank you Scary Slice for uh yeah,
regarding the county. Yeah, it is actually something that's been
used and it's very popular in the I guess gen
z and the LGBT and Drag Week community.
Speaker 2 (33:13):
It means you're.
Speaker 29 (33:14):
Serving fierce, you're slaying. Yeah, it doesn't. It doesn't mean
derogatory or offensive. It actually is a complement. If your counting, I.
Speaker 2 (33:23):
Mean you have that, you mean you ate, you left
the crowd.
Speaker 4 (33:27):
Look a look at the world we live in, scary.
We have a world where things that we thought weren't
offensive or offensive to people, and the most offensive word
is no longer offensive.
Speaker 2 (33:36):
It's a world. Let him cook, Brodie, let him cook. Scary.
Speaker 4 (33:39):
I just want to say you friends a long time.
You are a motherfucking asshole.
Speaker 2 (33:42):
You're welcome. Thank you, you just I'm fiercest, giving doctor
fair laws. That's right, scary, Jon, definitely scary. How is
that is that a paid talkback? I don't know who
that was it was. It wasn't Vity. It wasn't. It wasn't.
It wasn't Vinny slick Vity. It's not as it count
sound like it could have been. It could have been
uh uh uh des.
Speaker 13 (34:17):
Yeah, probably hating year B boys.
Speaker 8 (34:20):
Christy from Saddlebrook in regards to episode three nineteen, I
never purchased shoes footwear over fifty dollars. I used to
love payless the payloffs stores, and I still have standals
I wear from years ago. Now I go to DSW
and wait for sale days. I do agree with Brody.
The store probably has a huge mark up three dred
percent markup, so that you think you're getting a great
deal when they say fifty percent off. But I'm sure
Scary you look spectacular.
Speaker 2 (34:46):
Thank you.
Speaker 4 (34:47):
I did see see the difference between seeing scary so
and me and and uh and you is that I
I would go to pay Less just because the name
of the store is like the Holy Land, and for
me it's called pay Less pay Less. And you bought
sandals at Payless, We're as scary. He goes to sandals.
Hi all, you see the difference?
Speaker 8 (35:10):
Hey boys, Christy again in regards to episode three nineteen,
I have been to so many concerts, Billy Joel, Elton
John Chicago, Doobie Brothers, Lady God, Got Share, the Eagles,
Pink Bon Joby, everyone is singing along to every song.
Speaker 13 (35:25):
I'm sorry, Scary Brody wins this one.
Speaker 2 (35:29):
Thank you. I beg to differ. You could beg all
you want. All right, let's leave it. Let's leave it
right there podcast that right, Cable news. All right, we're
gonna have to leave it right there. What you said
before the yeah, right, we have to leave it right there, right,
we have to leave it right there. But we just
picked it back up again. So let's circle back and
going to.
Speaker 14 (35:53):
Tony Scary Scary Brody at Dallas from Philly. I was
on vacation, so I'm catching off one episode and I
just on it to say thanks again for the shout out.
I can absolutely say toilet on every talk.
Speaker 6 (36:06):
Back I leave.
Speaker 14 (36:07):
But I also wanted to do homework on episode three
nineteen about the concert. Every concert I've ever been to,
I always go because I'm a super fan of that person.
And so everybody in the room is singing the word
words to all the songs.
Speaker 2 (36:20):
That's everybody in the club getting tipsy.
Speaker 13 (36:23):
Hey d boys.
Speaker 8 (36:24):
Christy from Saddlebrook, regarding episode three twenty Skerry, I love you,
but you were scambony. You are so generous and have
a very big heart, but you, dude, were scammed.
Speaker 10 (36:36):
Brody, go to Staples. Get that button that you pressed
and it says that was easy. Only change it and
have it say you've been scammed. Well that when you
can press it every time. Scary gets scared.
Speaker 2 (36:49):
That was scary.
Speaker 8 (36:50):
Sorry, Scary, Love you guys, Love you, Thank you.
Speaker 2 (36:53):
Christy, Reggie.
Speaker 16 (36:56):
I'm run by this and I gave you permission to tokay,
you're a pussy.
Speaker 2 (37:00):
Oh come all right, hey.
Speaker 16 (37:04):
Broken bussy, Mohammad, this any sos Bronnie scary so scary.
Jones talked about chestnuts, American chestnuts and rusting chestnuts up
and over the open fire for roasting fucking weeks. Now,
Christmas vacations came and went. Now vacation came and went.
Now one fucking chestnut roasted. Now this was all fucking bullshit.
He broken bussy, Mohammad, this and so always Bernie Scary
and we're raw dogging again.
Speaker 2 (37:37):
I'm sorry told this license.
Speaker 16 (37:38):
I don't have a music I haven't getten back to
the office yet, but when I do, I'll play some
for you guys. So let's all have the saddest island
for Scary Jones. Poor man has fifty two weeks of
a jet vacation a year. Poor deco. He has to
go on Norwegian cruise. Oh my God has the crushing,
the crushing while in the cruise, the decision of either
staying on his ass all day or exploring the cruise. Yeah,
not everybody can can withstand that decision. God gives his
strongest soldiers, his hardest battles. So this will have the
saddest violin for Scary Jones. Please the hardest man working
on radio or thank you? Maybe not let me fifty
two weeks of education a year.
Speaker 2 (38:28):
Let me translate that to English. He wanted the world's
smallest violin to play for me. Basically, not really show
any sympathy, is what he's trying to say. Because I
posted a little poll on Instagram on New Year's Day.
Should I hang out here on this pool deck on
the ship and the picture it was me sunning myself
with the pool in the background with a view of
the island, or should I explore Barbados? And I chose
to stay on the ship and miss Barbados.
Speaker 4 (39:00):
Yes, and you apologize to Barbados. You're like, sorry, Barbados,
I'm staying on the show.
Speaker 18 (39:05):
Speaker 4 (39:06):
Well, I think it's a slap in the face to Rihanna,
who's from Barbados.
Speaker 2 (39:10):
Right well, anyway, so Wandldez is trying to say right
there that I you know that I'm not that it
was a choice between two, you know, really a hard life. Yeah,
it's yeah, it's it's a dilemma. It's it's a terrible
dilemma for me. Okay, that's all, all right, thanks for
clearing that up. You're scary, You're scary, and Brodie scary
or right now I'm fucked up.
Speaker 27 (39:38):
That guy from Miami that always calls late and fucked up.
But hey, guys, you guys want us to go to
a big cartel, not a sponsor, but to go and
buy your ship.
Speaker 2 (39:48):
But you guys need to give us free dessert.
Speaker 6 (39:50):
Speaker 27 (39:51):
I'm here working it off and ship and you guys
are here in fucking vacation. Give us something, pay something
in the background.
Speaker 2 (39:58):
Whatever I thought you're talking about a real cartel. No,
we're talking about Brooklyn Boys dot bigcartel dot com. That's
Brooklyn Boys dot big cartel dot com. That's out the way,
that's our merch store. Did you notice how.
Speaker 4 (40:10):
How that that gentleman's accent sounds like it could be
from San Diego and it could be from Omaha. It's not,
and it could be from Texas.
Speaker 2 (40:18):
I don't think that's him. Mm hmm, it's just a
very similar accents, one of those who gets him to
play again. No, well he left another one five minutes later. Well,
then listen carefully, Brodie. Where's your free deserved book?
Speaker 27 (40:32):
Man, I've been waiting for me. You left the overs
during the show to go play big Oball and complete
up out your fucking green and.
Speaker 2 (40:40):
Ship on your list. Hear that ship? Come on, man,
give us something he's got a new character. I don't
know what you're talking about. It just saying it's a
similar accent, like it could be from Texas, Omaha, could be.
Speaker 30 (40:55):
Scary doing my homework, Do my homework, Scary Jones. I'm sorry,
there's no they told you this, but you.
Speaker 2 (41:01):
Have that face. Now, no, no, let's crabe the face.
Speaker 30 (41:04):
You have sucker face, But you have the face of
a person who can be a scam and you can
believed that. Yes, I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere
and any twenty dollars to get back.
Speaker 2 (41:15):
It is one hundred percent of scam. You just scammed again.
It's not gonna happen at third stay.
Speaker 13 (41:23):
Speaker 4 (41:23):
Who was it who said there's a sucker born every minute? P? T.
Speaker 2 (41:26):
Speaker 5 (41:27):
Speaker 4 (41:27):
And did I did I tell you about what I
realized about the name? P. T. Barnum a famous huckster. Uh, well,
he's a circus guy, right, Yeah, but he said that
there's a sucker born every minute. He's like the circus acts.
A lot of them were just bringing suckers in to
watch the circus. This is not a political commentary.
Speaker 2 (41:43):
This is just fact.
Speaker 4 (41:45):
If you rearrange the letters in p T. Barnum it
spells ban Trump.
Speaker 2 (41:52):
It does one of those things. I noticed, that's all.
You just noticed it.
Speaker 4 (41:55):
Hey, by the way, that's not something I read on
Twitter or saw on Facebook. I figured that out.
Speaker 2 (42:01):
Hey, guys, what's going on the old cowboy Tucker here
one more time?
Speaker 15 (42:05):
Yes, sire Bubber, you know, you know, Scooty, and my
hats off to you, my friend, for working hard throughout
the holidays to keep the podcast going and not leaving.
I was hanging for once, sing your boote your life.
I just want to shout out a great big thank
you on behalf of me and all the slashes.
Speaker 2 (42:25):
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You got a well
deserved vacation, and hopefully you got your.
Speaker 15 (42:30):
Buns brunze, you know, yeah, hopefully you got a good brunze,
you know, going on your buns there, you know, going
back to episode three nineteen and old Scooty, you're overpriced,
uncomfortable squeaking shoes squeak you know that less pass or
the manufacturer suggested retail price. That is a bunch of
baloney that's been going on since the beginning of time.
It's the biggest scamboni that there ever.
Speaker 17 (42:58):
Was you know what they do.
Speaker 15 (43:00):
They Yeah, they come up with this ridiculous overinflated priss
and then they say they mark it down.
Speaker 2 (43:07):
And then some sucker like.
Speaker 15 (43:08):
Scooty comes along and thinks they're getting a hell of
a deal. But what they're actually getting is a big
old cheft and bam red through the keyster without any vasselin.
And sometimes they even stick it in there and then
they unbended when it's in there.
Speaker 2 (43:24):
That's toll telam cover on. God darn it, you're such
a sucker, Scooty.
Speaker 15 (43:34):
Yeah, unfortunately, that's what they do to glible guys like.
Speaker 12 (43:37):
You, Scooty.
Speaker 2 (43:38):
They fold it up before they stick it in you.
Speaker 15 (43:40):
And once they stick it in your unfolded and man
right in the no vesseling, no haka on nothing.
Speaker 2 (43:48):
And then you go out there and you let tyrone
double cheft your boy. God darned, buddy, are you.
Speaker 1 (43:54):
Lacking this or what?
Speaker 15 (43:55):
You gotta be careful, man, Come on, buddy, go scut it.
Speaker 2 (44:02):
Hey has more mean. I want to wish y'all happy
New Years. Yes you heard me, rest New Years.
Speaker 30 (44:10):
I know what you say.
Speaker 15 (44:10):
Any correct banana get with shit because we are slashes
and we don't give it ship.
Speaker 2 (44:17):
We are slashes, Thank you, Thank you there, Mother Trucker.
Speaker 31 (44:29):
Brodi and Scary Brian from Mickeymaus Florida. So I asked
my wife about the sea word that we were talking
about on the last podcast there, and my wife knew
what it was because of her reality TV show, The
Real Housewives. I guess Erica Jane has been using that
word for years. So I had to look it up
and she has a necklace made from back in twenty
fifteen with that word and she's been using it.
Speaker 5 (44:55):
Slice for Life.
Speaker 2 (44:56):
Okay, all right, Real Housewives. The trend said, you're sensitizing
that word. If anybody knows what the.
Speaker 25 (45:02):
Sea word is, it's the Real Housewives, Scary and Brody
and Brody and Scary Scarrodyva Ni from CT First and Foremost,
Happy New Year to the bee Boys and on the slices.
Speaker 2 (45:12):
Thank you.
Speaker 25 (45:12):
And I'm leaving this talkback because I got a new
idea for the BBP. Since the likes of Jet Ski,
Brian six on the Way, Dave Spruce on the Luce, Indian,
Matt Tall, Darren British, Warren, et cetera. Have all made
guests appearances.
Speaker 2 (45:25):
On the BBP.
Speaker 25 (45:26):
How about adding one new episode a month where you
interview a slice. I would suggest weekly, but I know
Scary's five day, three and a half hour workday schedule
and especially Brody's long, long hours would be too strenuous.
If you like this idea, I nominate MJ from NJ.
It's to be the first guest. She alone will get
you all the ratings you need. She's a treasure trove
of a specimen and I hope she's doing well. And
to save you guys the trouble, I would book the
Cowboy Trucker Chat from Omaha and Angel from California, Angel's lawyer,
et cetera, all on one show. Hopefully all those guys
will be available at the same time.
Speaker 2 (46:04):
Thank you, Donny uh, Donny had the last word. That
was the last one. All right, well, thank you for
your submissions and some of you, thank you for being submissive.
Thank you for your emissions.
Speaker 18 (46:17):
Some of you.
Speaker 2 (46:18):
We'll see you on the Brooking Boys very soon. Boys,
Happy New Years, pastrophe reactions. This podcast all depends on you, baby,