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September 29, 2022 21 mins

Poor Bad Larry, Dan starts off the podcast by talking about Larry's rough weekend which has become somewhat of a tradition this season. The guys delve into their picks which includes a back and forth between Dylan and Shea and has Dan finally had enough of Bad Larry's complaining? Enjoy!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Dan Patrick takes a game gambling. There's something
that I did a clever way to circum bet Dad
actually making bets himself by using a proxy, and I
became consumed by it and now joined by Bad Larry
and Dylan the graphics guy. Here's Dan Patrick. Oh surprised

answer the phone and Larry, dam I know that on
the show was bad, but I won from the bookie again,
I mean just getting eave here. Wait, you didn't win anything?
I want? Six for six and three teen teams was
Bill St Seahawks, St. Seahawks, Giants, Seahawks, Giants, Raiders. Wait, wait, Niners, Raiders,

forty Niners, Bills, Forts, Bill Saints. You have none of
that documented with us? Where you were? I went over
seven on you guys, Larry, but but I Chris everyone
up in three teens and every one of them one. Damn?
Did you let did you let Ray know that you
did these teasers? And the now? Now? Now, why not

my bookie know? Well, I'm not gonna call Sunday morning
after I put my picks in. And why because said
on Wednesday, Bad Larry, you're down thirty two units. I
understand that last week, thank god, for j m you
you you lost seventeen units. Correct, I'm down. I'm down

thirty two units for the year. I mean shake. She goes, wait,
why do they call him Bad Larry? And he thinks
it's because you don't know how to gamble? Your bookie
loves you like a brother. Y. Okay, So this is
how it stands going into week four. Dylan plus thirteen units.

You lost three units last week. Bad Larry is down
thirty two units. He lost looks great those two laughing,
Yes they are, We're all laughing. Um shay. Uh minus
two units. He lost two units last week, NFL baby,

And I know that's your problem, that's your kryptonite. Uh.
Do we even recap what happened here? I mean, do
you guys want to recount? I mean Bad Larry. Larry
wants to. I'm good with whatever you guys want to do.
Bad Bad Larry. Uh. He won j m U plus
seven versus app states from Larry, You're welcome, and that

was a gift. Shade gave that to un I went first.
I went first from me. But that's okay. I steal
anything from Bad Larry. Accountability like the first Like you
know you have a problem when you realize you have

a problem. Okay, and your problem is you always defer,
You're always blaming. Stop take ownership idea. I've lost seven
seven everyone who by under a field goal, I think
because obviously the teams has covered. Man, this is some
d gens. This is this is sad you. One of

my boys in town, Pump says he doesn't care about
what I do. He feels bad for the little kid
in Iowa betting his you know, allowance. Funny on my pick.
I don't feel bad for him. He's living in the
house he bought his mom with from last year's That
must be a relatively small house. Yeah, that might be

an apartment. I have to say, Larry, this your sheet
from last week is just a lot of red right
in front of me right now. It's bloodshed. Yeah, it's
absolute bloodshed. I see you at four. Okay, alright, we
have faith, buddy. All right? Are we ready to turn

her attention to this week? Yes? All right, Dylan, since
you're eating right now, you're the model citizen, got honors,
all right, started with college? Sure? Sure? Um, alright, So
I'm going Georgia and missoo under fifty four Georgia. Also
Georgia last week against Kent State that was they actually

could have lost that game to I believe I had
them by forty five points so year. Yeah, good call. Yeah,
that's actually my my big dog parlay two at three
legs hit. Georgia screwed me, same old story. Alright, I'm
gonna pit minus twenty one against Georgia Tech because Georgia
techs fucking mess right now? So why not capitalize? Right? Uh?

Per Due plus twelve and a half first, Minnesota a
little half point. There was plus twelve before um and
then I was State minus three against Kansas. I think
it's over for Kansas. This cannot continue. They do run
the football they yeah. Okay, So Shay, I'll go to
you since you're in second place. We'll start with college football,

which seems to be your wheelhouse. It is, but I
got a bigger card than normal here, which scares the
piss out of me. Right, the more bets that make
the worst it gets sometimes Iowa State minus three. I'm
with Dylan Area. The U T s A m T
s U over sixty two. Both these teams can score Baylor.
I had Baylor laying one and a half. It's now

two and a half. Yeah, well that's a line movement
in my favorite. But I'm gonna get cornhole here. I
still like Baylor minus two and a half. I'll take
it per due. I had him at plus twelve and
a half versus Minnesota like Dylan, but now it's what
twelve and a half, So it's moved up. I had
an eleven and a half the other day. That's not
a good sign. Great great, Wait, so you look at

it differently. When the line doesn't go what I would
think be your way, you look at it is it's
going your way because more people believe what you're believing. Yeah,
but now more money is coming on Minnesota if they're
going from eleven and a half to Okay, so that
one's different than the Baylor minus two and a half.
That's the same thing Baylor I had minus one and
a half, and now more moneys come on them, Okay, don't.

I don't like it. One. Then Liberty minus three. I'm
gonna keep riding you Freeze in August and September. He's
incredible against the spread. This is an in state rivalry.
I like Liberty here, and then Wisconsin is heavy minus
seven against Illinois. I don't know how you know. I
might be stupid, but I don't know how Illinois covers
the spread because the way their offense is set up

is exactly the way Wisconsin's defense is set up to stop.
It's not Scottie should cover this number. Easy. Wait what
you're breaking down? Film here the first intelligent rationale for that.
It's so far in this economy. I got free time,
so I'm paying attention, and I think public is fairly

heavy on Illinois plus seven. Now we're talking. That makes
me feel even better. Okay, and now that brings us Okay, boys,
we're gonna do it every team teasers. Okay, well wait,
well you're reaching. We're just doing college football right now.
I'll just college right now. Okay. I only had two

games one unities and um say, I totally agree with
you on Wisconsin. But I sent these picks in last night.
Give Illinois. He's not copying your but why would he
copy your picks? Larry? I don't know. I got Wisconsin
minus seven against Illinois either one unit bets and JM,
you over fifty against Texas States. J M. You can

I add something to the record. I Ry can you
had Illinois plus seven for me, son of a bitch.
Oh I love that. Oh so you're going just because
Larry took Wisconsin, You're going to Illinarry did. It's a game.
It's a numbers game too. If two or the three
of us are probably wrong, damn it. You want to
change your Okay, all right, let's go to the NFL.

And since Dylan is leading everybody, Dylan, you get to start, Yes, sir,
by the way, Bad Larry is two and fourteen on
the NFL to do hard. Yeah, yeah, but he want
all those teasers with his book. Can you even show

your face in your hometown, bad Larry? Um? Yeah, they
they they're busting my balls a little bit of raised,
but no big deal. Okay, because I'm hearing from some
of your friends saying, hey, it's great to hear Larry
squirm trying to come up with excuses. Now you know
what we've endured for the last forty years. Just letting
you know. Don't don't think Jack didn't call me and

tell me he sent you that. Okay, you're right, Jack,
You're okay. I'm just telling you. I'm hearing from your people.
Who are they turned on you? I got a call
from Portugal from Jim Kelly, buddy of ours from Providence, say,
I'm glad to hear your back on the on the show.
But holy mac on, what's going on? Wait, he's in
port Goal listening to this. Yeah, he probably paid thirty

bucks to call you to shoot on you. Okay, all right, Dylan,
you go with the NFL. Um all right, So tonight
this line is weird. But I'm taking the Dolphins plus
three and a half against the Bengals. Yeah, I'm trying
to anti trap it. I like the Bengals minus four.
And then I was like, this seems like a sucker bet,

so I reverted back to the Dolphins. Stick with the
better team for right now. Um knowing Raiders Broncos over
forty five and a half, simply because this looks like
it should be a three to two game. This is
this is this Russell World, Russell Wilson new subway commercial ship.
I didn't think about the subway. Let's right, let's actually now, Yeah,

I'm sticking with it over under forty five and a half.
Raiders Broncos. Okay, what else? Chiefs minus one against the Bucks.
I'm basically just gonna fade the Bucks until Tom Brady
gets his house in order. I think because he seems
to be distracted. Everybody loves Kansas City. That's the shim. Okay,
I don't get it. I don't get this line. What's
I don't either. I'm gonna roll with it though, all right,

what else? Um Titans plus three against the Colts. Colts
coming off to win against the Chiefs, I still think
they kind of suckum and the Titans are just do
for big Derrick Henry game. Okay, and then I haven't
got to have a parlor. I have to. So I
skipped college mainly because there's only one team that was
more than thirty point favorite this week, So obviously I
don't want to throw off the algorithm. Okay. Um Saints

money line, Commanders money line both slight underdogs who commanders? Sorry, Shay,
I have to It's not personal, it's all business. I
think the Cowboys are due for a loss to the
Cooper era might be ending this Weekend Life, that's what
you think. I think it peaked that met Life and

now the big bad Carson Wentz is gonna restroll in
decent damage. Gingers going against each other, but it's a
recipe for that happened NFL history, hopefully never again. The
unicorn Shay and Irving. By the way, Ray, do you
know how to spells shay? Yeah, it's like the butter
right or screw it up? Every once in a while,
you spelled it s h a E. I even told

her I had to spell it at the top of
the sheet though I spelt it right. It's true your
maybe I'm not the best speller. Dyslexic. Did you spelt it?
Is that what you said? I spelt it, so you can't.
You can't spell spelt it right? Okay, okay, say here
we go. Yeah, it's time to come back. I'm do

damn it, I do. In the end, I got the
fighting Mariotta's plus one and a half against the Browns.
I got the Chiefs lane, the one against Tom Brady.
I don't understand. I don't get it this this game
should be MINEUS four or five. And I don't understand
how Tom Brady can do anything. I don't get it.
I don't get it. After the chicken plants, he just
looked awful. When did you get cheek in playing? You

didn't see that press conference? We said at five ship
going on his cheek his cheekbones have gone up two
inches on his face. Wait, you think that's what he's
got going on? Absolutely, That's why it takes ones. He's
off because he has to go do he has to
go do the follow up exactly, and he's still gonna
play football. It just looked like Joan Rivers. I thought

he had Maritle. You know he's got that. That's the
root of the plastic. That's why he wants to improve
himself because it's so bad at home. He wants to
look better and feel better because he's not. Probably you know,
he doesn't sleep in the same room with his wife, Danny.
He sleeps in the bio, or he sleeps in that
chamber the weird with like a glass of alkanin free
water or some ship like that, without his supermodel wife.

But if it could make you look like Tom looks whatever,
it would never want to look like Tom Brady. Now
he's just trying too hard. Not never. Yeah, he's a weirdo, Danny.
And that brings us to add Larry, Wait, are you
done yet? That's it? Two best in the NFL. That's it.
I'm scared to death. We're gonna be sweating that one

out of feeling all right. Okay, bad Larry, this is
when the comeback starts. Thank you, Dan. Um. I'm taking
the Bengals tonight minus three Bengals. I'm taking Cincinnati three
and a half. I'm not solding the Dolphins yet, okay,
Um they put up some points and then I'm taking

the Raiders minus or two against the Bronco it's two
and a half. They're straight bets for two units. Okay,
that's two and a half. Three three team teasers for
three unit teams. So you're giving us the teasers this
time around instead of on Sunday. Is anybody checking the
spreads on these teasers? How many point teasers are? They
were checking the odds because I don't three and ten three?
These are three unit, three team teasers that correct, Larry correct,

and then these won't be the only ones I bet.
But these are the ones I'm putting in now with
the show. Yeah. But but but you could give those
check of one by the Larry. Larry, you can give
the picks to look to Ray and I can attach
this to your your record here. No, no, I don't know.
We said it has to be on the show we did. No, no, no.

If you want to have something prior to the game,
you can send it to Ray. Hold On, hold on,
hold on, who's checking? But I don't like it? Yeah,
who's checking the evidence? I don't want to if Larry
text Ray. If Larry text Ray, who gets to see
it besides Ray? I trust Ray, a right, trust? I
do ye know? What if what if it comes attached
with like a hundred dollar venmo from Ry, don't tell

any Larry ain't. I certainly don't have venmo. Okay, Larry,
give me. I will never do that. Dan, Now, okay,
give me your three team teasers for three units apiece
right over Bangles thirty seven under the Giants fifty and

the Jags plus sixteen and a half a Packers minus
one minus. It's a half point. I got a half
point according to DraftKings. Okay, not that I can help.
That actually helps Ackers minus a half over the Bills
at forty one and a half and the Cowboys plus

seven and a half. What's seven Cowboys get seven? Yeah?
See that one hurts. Okay, that's fine. The third one
is the Vikings plus seven and a half. I have
the I have the Chiefs plus eight. Wait, wait, I'm
giving you. Listen, when I give you something, it's biking.
You're giving nine. I'm giving you seven. Chiefs are getting

nine for you. I heard that already when you the
game was won someone else. And then I had the
Rams plus twelve and a half. It's eleven and a half. Okay,
eleven half five. I just gave you something and then
I took one away. It's eleven and a half. It's

eleven and a half. It's it's the Rams plus eleven
and a half. Okay. Why is this a damn tappy pole?
Every fucking week with you? Why I send my picks?
And I knew you gave the chief change the chief line.
You changed it to one. They've already talked about a
saying dyllan, So I knew what I was getting that nine. Yeah,

but you didn't say, hey, that's great, I'm getting nine.
It's like I get eleven and a half of the ring.
Good with him? Damn plus eleven plus nine and a
half and plus nine your la your due. I thought
I would do last week. Minor setback happened to major comebacks.

But you know bad Larry Of known him over twenty
years and and he usually ends up on the right side.
But minus thirty two units, you lost seventeen units last week. Yeah,
that's so that's a tough week there on the show.
Now that's two. That's a couple of bad weeks there. Uh,

not of heart. Okay, that under on the Cowboys attends
not looking all that good anymore. No, I don't think
so at all. I think how about the Dolphins over
eight though, that's a lock, that's that's locked in period.
I think they beat the Bengals too. They're all three
unit regular season wins. They'll get me out of the whole.
I'm not even concerned anymore. Damn, that's I got. By

the way, Scotty is heavy for me. Just so y'all know.
It's two unit bit okay, and I'm gonna do two
units on Illinois unbelievable respect. We're in agreement on a
lot of other stuff. So you know, I got a zag.
That's what scares me, because you're due for a loss.
You're up way too. I lost last week. I should
lose more. I will um. Also, I've totally forgot because

they didn't lose. They pushed on the under last week.
So giants and there's two oh and one. I'm going
to add that, so giants under thirty nine and after
this week. Jeez, wow, record, Yes, that's on the records
on the show. It's on the record. We record this,
Larry and and Ray is picture day. Ray is writing
these things down. It's giants bears too. If that doesn't

smell sucking awful game. By the way, what does we
called Ray? Maybe a cheaper water down version of Jared Golf?
And his dad heard about this and he said, yes,
one or no. I want to know if you look
like Jared Goff being Alliance fan first of all, Jared
Golf playing well. Second of all, my dad's really concerned

about the rumors swirling around the office, is like, whoa,
what are those rumors that they're talking about. I was like,
I don't know, dad, but he's a big fan of
Jared Goffs girlfriend as well, so it's happy for me. Yeah,
maybe you'll bring a girl home one day. That one
don't your breath? Yeah? Yeah, no need to hurry. I mean,
you're what twenty four years old? Ye? Get married? Is

there any young ladies listening to the ones that aren't enough?
If you want to bring home. Yeah, yeah, you don't
bring them home? All right, So we're ready to go
into battle. I can't wait for next week about them cowboy?
About okay? This week, Hey, Larry, I'm gonna be thinking

about you, and I hope you do. I hope you do, Okay,
because I know that this is the most important thing
in your life right now. Then we'll do this. I'm
going on once right now at Raise, and then we'll
start figuring out what we're gonna bet tonight. Okay, I
do I have one question, Larry. When is the last
time you ate at a different establishment? Oh? Wait? Is
Vix had dinner? Vix last night? Another restaurant Bradley for zero?

Maybe maybe McDonald's coming back from Atlantic City. All right,
i'll give you that if I'm if I'm in town,
I'm eating at Raise when damn a little little side bar.
I got John Heney with me right now, so he'll
be a raised with me? Is he as? No? No? No,
John Heine does not. If I new Larry Effort wouldn't

gamble either. It's poster mass. This is what it's like.
I guarantee you that. Tell Heiner I settle bad Larin
we'll we'll talk to you next week. Oh wait, wait, wait, wait,
one more item here. Nobody else has say anything. Shay.
The podcast coming up this week is when when do
you start the new podcast Shay and Irving? Like each episode,

I usually let it release on Thursdays after this one. Okay, okay?
Is anything that you know the kids can look forward to,
like a tease? More nominations for dgen of the Year.
We got a baseball player and we got a dictator
in Russia up, so I mean we got We've got
some big things going on right now once again the
Degenerate of the Year, and there will there be an

award show. Yeah, there's a big a work show. We
usually reach out to their context. I mean, Brett Farve is,
Brett Farber is up there right now. But you know,
we reach out to them and see if they're able
to pick up the trophy. But usually we don't hear back. Okay,
it's the Digion of the Year and it's only available
on shayon Irving's podcast, And that's the title of it.
Shaon her podcast wherever podcasts are sold, or Bob shaon

her that's it. Talk to you next week.
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