Episode Transcript
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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning Show. Yo, look who's
joining us? Abby is here?Good morning, Abby, Good morning?
Hi now Abby, how long haveyou been with our show? Almost three
months of this one? Three months. Abby came in to run everything connectivity.
She's all about social and all aboutkeeping us out there. And you're
doing a fantastic job. By theway, Yeah, lovely, a lot
of compliments coming. I don't knowif we've told you that, but you
need to hear that. Well,thank you so much. Well can you
Well, we basically just gave youa rating A plus. Okay, so
what about you being here for threemonths merging into this craziness? What are
your thoughts about this show? AndI don't know what I mean. I
love it. I'm having a greattime. What is it that you like
about it? Well, all ofyou guys are really cool and fun.
It's I feel like sometimes with socialmedia it's not always like a fun and
welcoming environment, but this really hasbeen. So I'm grateful for that and
like people who are willing to teachme things and be patient with me,
be patient with you. We thinkyou're doing a bang up job. Thank
you and I got to say.I mean, look, I've been here
since the beginning, right, andsome other like Scary and Danielle and Scotty
B. They've been here since thebeginning as well. This really, truly
is an incredible place to work.It is if you let it be.
I mean, it has moments,but don't they all right? I mean,
I agree, I love it allright. Well, okay, we're
about to do our round the roomsegment. I want you to join it,
Okay, be a part of it. All right, we'll give you
a second. Let's start it now. I'll come to you last, okay,
okay, but we'll start with Gandhi, Gandhi, what's on your mind
today? What's up? Okay?I have a question for maybe a legal
expert or somebody who has knowledge ofhow cities work. Are drones allowed outside
apartment buildings because they should not be? Okay, that's what I thought.
I was looking out my window theother day, saw a drone circling outside
my window, then other buildings aroundus, and then that thing went so
high it looked like it could bein the same space as things that are
flying like airplanes are helicopters. Idon't know it's far away, but it
terrified me. It was the firsttime that I have shut my blind since
I moved into my apartment. Andnow all I can think of is are
there drones outside watching us? Whatis going on? What do we do
about this? I don't know.You know what, maybe some municipalities have
laws against droning. I don't know. I do know that when we're on
vacation, almost every resort we wentto there were signs posted on the beach
no drones allowed. Because this isa new thing, drones. I mean,
you know what I'm saying. Imean in the public sector, people
just flying them over looking at peoplenaked on the beach. So we get
out of here. You and yourpetrebly invasive. I want to throw a
rock at it next time. Nexttime, drone your mind. But I'm
gonna a right let us know someoneif you know what's going on, if
there's maybe some cities have laws.Maybe I don't know. That's a very
good point, okay, because dronesare here to say, hey, Froggy,
what's up with you? I don'tknow who does. Who's eating the
pins that I put in the studio, but every day I bring a pin
a highlighter and a sharpie into thisstudio that I work in, And every
single day when I come in here, they're gone again. Where are they
gone? Well, someone obviously knowswhere to go to get pens and writing
utensils. That's studio. Yeah,here are they eating them? I don't
have any idea. I thought eventuallysomebody will get their feel they'll have everything
they need and they'll just leave them. But not the case. So today
I brought in two highlighters and twosharpies, and I guarantee I wouldn't say
that people are coming down to getthem. Now, see what you did?
Jack gassed? How many days ina row has it happened? And
why do you keep doing it?It's been happening now for three consecutive weeks.
Oh my god, how many highlightersproung me? It's a lot.
So I went to the closet andI got a box of pins, a
box of highlighters, and a boxof sharpies, and I bring them one
in a day. But I keephoping that they'll be here the next day,
but they're not. Where are theygoing? The test is on?
I mean, how come they don'tgo to the close and just get them
maybe to come to their conditioned tocome into the studio. You have done
this, You've created a closet.Thank you. There you go. You're
a closet. Hey, scary,what's up with you today? We need
to outlaw mushy pillows. Hear meout here for a second. A lot
of people going on vacation whatever.You're in a hotel room, a motel
whatever. I don't mean to bethat first world problem guy, but I
cannot sleep if I don't have mypillow, the one that I need,
the one I have at home.And every time I go to a hotel,
I always wake up with net problemsand your spine is out of alignment.
Really, But if you go tomost hotel like front desks, you
can actually ask for pillow service.They actually have pillows that they will give
you. Say I want a firmpillow, so make the ask. Don't
settle for mushy pillows. If thatcame in. You know'm talking about you
the ones that crumble up into aball, and they know you know,
you know, I know what you'retalking about, and you know what a
lot of times they said some ofthe swanky hotels have the pillow concierge,
right, the let you test themat the desk or whatever. That's awesome.
Yeah, it was always didn't Weused to pay for dances from a
lady named Mushy Pillows and stilettos.Yes, yes, Mushy Pillows. She
was a great dancer. Then,I don't know that's funny. Hello,
Nate, what's up with you?Okay? So when was the last time
you turned on a movie and weretotally blown away by what you saw and
you saw something totally unexpected? Forme? That was Saturday. I was
telling Sam this earlier. I turnedon the movie Bone Tomahawk. Do you
have Have you guys ever seen thismovie Bone Tomawk? I turned it on
on Netflix and I thought, oh, it looks like a good Western.
Wasn't he a dancer and flast dancer? No, Bone Tomahawk. It starts
out as a Western, and thenit goes into this weird kind of X
Files vibe and at one point inthe movie, if you google Bone Tomahawk
that scene, you are going tobe horrified, because in my forty some
years on this planet, I havenever seen anything like what I saw in
that I was just flabbergasted. Bywhat I saw in that movie, and
so I can't get away because it'svery integral to the plot. You have
me all curious now, I'm tellingyou, Elvis, I was shocked,
horrified, and amazed all at thesame time by what I saw. Look,
I'm not one for judging it byits coover, but I have no
desire to see any movie called BoneTomahawk. I don't know why. Okay,
well, I don't bone Tomahawk todo something to a person. And
I was just floored by what Isaw. That's all a lot of Well
I think you said enough, Yeah, okay, moving on. Okay,
so our special get no. No, we could producer say, producer,
Sam, what's going on with you? So I don't have musaphonia, I
don't have OCD beyond you know littleways we all have OCD. But there
are two sounds in this world thatwill make my skin crawl, and that
is if someone is chewing gum ina confined space with their mouth open,
or picking at their nails and youjust hear that little click click in a
confined space. I was in mypottery studio over the weekend and it was
me and one other dude and hewas doing both, and I thought that
my entire body was going to explode. I started to move in furniture around
him, like just to get hisattention and hopefully shake him out of it.
Nothing did it. I maybe shouldhave said something, but I was
too embarrassed, and I felt likemy body temperature was rising. I was
gonna go nuts. Can't handle bothof those sounds. Gum chewing, picking
your nails. I will die.I'm in Oh, I'm out terrible.
Okay, all right, just thinkingabout it's irritating the hell out of me,
it really is. I'm getting workedup. There you go, and
now our special guest, Abby,the newest addition to the family. We
love having you here. All right, what's on your mind today, Abby,
I, my roommate and I havebeen searching for a new apartment.
And if you are also searching foran apartment in New York City, you
are definitely having a bad time.It's been really horrible. If you are
moving to New York City from somewherethat is not New York City, just
be aware because it's all people tryingto take advantage of you, trying to
get as much money out of youas possible. It's I feel like the
search has shaved at least five yearsoff of my life. I it's yeah,
it's really rough. But we areinterested in two different apartments, so
hopefully one of those work out.Yeah, New York City has this thing,
and I didn't know that this wasthe thing until I moved to New
York City. The fee, there'sa fee to pay, a huge a
broker fee, a huge percentage.We refuse to do that again because we
did it for our current apartment thatwe're living in, and all the broker
he didn't do anything except for liketurn the key to get us into the
apartment. He didn't help us findit or anything. I wouldn't even give
us measurements of the rooms. Sowe are refusing to do that again.
Or yeah, like we we wantto find a no fee apartment, which
we found a couple, but itis very difficult. And then like there
have been some where we are interestedin and then after there's a lot of
interest, the landlord's up the rentand it's yeah, it's not fun.
You know when you go buy anapartment building and there's a line down the
block up front, that's exactly whatthey're in line to do. They're looking.
It's it's forty five thousand people lookingat one little apartment. It's insane.
Yeah, all right, well,there you go. We welcome to
the show. I hope you getan apartment, because don't be homeless.
I'd love to find somewhere to livesoon, hopefully I do. All right,
Well, look abby, everyone sendus some good new apartment vibes.
We have to take a