All Episodes

May 22, 2024 • 31 mins
Calum Scott's latest single, "Then There Was You" is featured in The Garfield Movie and is out now!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Fly from the Mercedes Benz interview lounge. All right, so my friend Callum
Scott, our friend Callum Scott ishere, but I didn't bring him in
now because I want him to walkinto the studio. So Danielle will do
that offensive thing she always does,she sniffs our guests. The reason why
I want you to sniff him ishe smells really good today, so excited.
Okay, I sniffed him earlier.Nobody smells back. This is a

totally different said, please welcome thesentence, Callum Scott. We got stuff
to talk about here. Danielle hasto sniff cal Yeah. I pre sniffed
him for you. She sniffs theguests. You don't have to like there
you go. I know, isn'tthat nice? I know? What is
it? Lovely? What is thatto shave? Serious? Serious? He

smells good. It's almost kind ofa floral thing. I smell like him.
Now, now you got straight,Natoor, He's not so straight anymore.
Look at that because here in sex, so you change everyone's pronouns and
things. You're awesome, I have. I haven't seen you in so long.
It's been too long, mine toolong, And I said, I

and I'm going to do it.I'm going to admit something to count on
the air. The last time wehung out, we had dinner years ago
whatever. That was such a greatdinner. It was it was beautiful,
it was awesome. We talked aboutyour mom. Yeah, and this is
when you started. You're just reallygetting rolling across the pond over here in
the United States, and this wasall kind of it was back then new

to you, right, And Ialways said, hey, if you need
for me to talk to your mom, make sure she's she's feeling comfortable with
you over here without her and whatever. It was great. Look, the
one I wanted to admit to youis I actually got a tear in my
eye where you talked to me aboutit, maybe over text. The first
time you could really take your familyon a vacation. Yeah, you went

to I think Greece or something.Yeah, I remember that. Yeah,
and you you were just so proudthat you could do this for your family
and now your niece or nephew,and it's I was like, Wow,
his life has changed, and Iwas there to watch it change. It's
so sweet. And you know what, earlier this year I was able to
do that again. I helped mymum retire early and we bought our house

and and you know what, Isaid this to everybody. My mom has
had to sacrifice so much for megrowing up, and she's always been there
and she's always been present that itjust feels like that's the right thing to
do. I've got to look aftermom because she looked after me. You
know. I love that. Godjust bringing the sensitivity in this morning.
And you smell good. So youknow Daniel's husband is from Brighton. Yeah,

he's right, so she knows that. She knows the brickman telligence.
He's actually in Leeds right now becausemy son goes to college in Leeds and
plays football there, and they're bringinghim home for the summer. God,
Lee's is like a stone throw fromwhere I live, Is it really?
Yeah? Like a fifty minute drive. I love it there. It's so
pretty, it's great, it's great. Brighton's a great night out there.
Oh yeah, bright people are crazy. So it's funny thing how she met

him, Sheldon. I met himfirst. I'm like, this guy is
gay? You like because he likedhe liked Broadway shows and he cooks really
well, so he likes Shirley what'syour name? Then he found out he
didn't wasn't gay. He passed himover. You could have it's what's what's
wrong with me? Then? Idon't like Broadway and I can't cook.

Can you decorate a healthy I'm straight. I'm gonna walk out here like you
know what, I don't know.I don't know any show tunes. I'll
tell you a story about about countNow I remember our friend is it in
yet the song? I'll get tothat story in a minute. All right,

So you take care of your mom. You're doing really well. Now.
It all started with I know you. You get tired of playing this
story over and over and over.It was Britain's got talent, right,
Your sister, she was the onethat was this thing, and you came
in there and just kind of putyour hand on her face and show her
health. It's my time now,you know what. My sister, she's
a bless her because she had toput up with me coming home and being

like, oh I just got amessage from Neo and from Ashton Kutcher and
Little Mix and all these guys,and she you could tell she was just
like great. But but but Ibought her car, so at the end
of the day, she wins,I would like to be part of your
family. Yes, please hear me, welcome, thank you. I can't
cook for you. I can't seeshet tunes with you. So the song

came out in our friend Joe RaineyGod Rest his soul brought in. I
got a story about this song.Listen to his voice and then we'll get
into it. And so he pushedplay by friend the song that started at
all, this does she love?Then, so Joe walks in and says,

hey, what's unique about the songis he Big Black Sky is singing
about a guy he's into who's dancingwith a girl on the dance floor and
he's standing in the shadows and watching. He says, well, that's really
the original song. Well, it'sa twist. It's a guy right lusting

for a guy in that lustful wayyou do in the carman the dock.
And so Joe's playing this song forme watch you kiss her? And I'm
feeling Joe with us. I lovehim, he was a good friend of
ours. And then he hits this, I'm right over here, why ain't
you seeing me? And then herehe goes, he flies and I'm giving

him. I'm not the guy sayhe get home. I keep dancing a
mile. I don't know if youremember. It was a late night I
was texting. I texted you.I said, God, I heard this
song again on the radio today forthe fifty thousandth time. I mean,
does it still hit you yeah theway it hits me? Yeah? Every

time, every time, because it'sa song that has changed my life.
And I was was obviously a massiveRobin fan as well, but then just
my interpretation of it, and likeyou said, me being I've experienced and
requited love who hasn't And I thinkme relating to that and putting my own
twist on the song, it's justit's changed my life, you know.
And I've had the opportunity to speakwith Robin and I've said the same to

him, like, I cannot tellyou how much your music has helped everyone.
But then it's also transformed my life. Who wrote it, Robin and
a guy called Patrick Berger. SoRobin's mom has a new CARTERO. I'm
just looking after her mom. Soyou know what you're talking about, buying
your mom a house and taking himon trips. There is something that callum

does. After he finishes an album, he buys himself a gift. He's
got a nice watch. How manywatches do you me? Out? Well,
I got, I got like Igot two or three nice watches.
But you're taking care of yourself.Yes, every now and again. I
treat myself friends and family first,and then me, daniel what do we
get bringing the Rolex guys bring inI just snotted alone. Please, oh

my god. But pollen, Ohmy god. We have so many allergies
going. The body is a godIt's a god awful instrument, most of
it is. Anyway. I don'tknow if you knew this. Danielle is
your buddy Ed Sharon, of courseat Barkley Center tonight. Weren't you?
Were you? I saw this yearand I think you opened for him there.

I did. I've been opening forhim across Asia since January, and
then we finished up in March inIndia, which was crazy, and then
we got back out on the roadfrom June to September. Isn't he a
lovely guy? He is the best. He is so funny. It's like
there's a couple of people I've metin the industry which I just exactly the
same as I'd imagine them Wanes leonorthe Wist absolute Diamond, and there's that

sharing. They're just they're exactly howyou expect them to be, just very
family oriented. He's never changed.He's always been nice from day one to
now. He's never changed. Andhe's so still hungry. He's still so
hungry for for like, not evensuccess, but just to do what he
does. You know, he writesthe song every day. Look if I
write one every month, So edGod, I don't even remember. He

was on trial downtown in Manhattan wherehe was accused of plagiarism on music.
Do you remember that? And hesaid, of course that that verdict came
out the day before. He wasgoing to sit in that chair with us.
We're like, oh god, Ihope there's a good verdict here,
because he he ain't coming downtown anyway. He said, if they find me

guilty, I am quitting this business. I'm not going to write a song
ever again. Well but you knowwhat they they bought. They bought everything
he said, and they totally agreedwith him. So the next morning he
was he was as happy I gota great interview. Yeah, I bet,
I bet next time you win acivil trial. Come on it.
It would be a lot better thanthis is an interview today. I'm just

gonna pretend I didn't have you know, well though, I think just in
his defense, I'll say is that, you know, there's only so many
cards, there's only so many melodies, and I mean, you know,
yeah, he would have never havedone anything, never, never, But
you know people who want money.If you're just turning us on, it's
Callum Scott his new single, wegot to talk about this. It's called

Then There Was You. Now,this is pretty cool. It's are you?
Is that a cocktail? What areyou drinking? Do you know what?
It's the most like boogie. I'mdrinking a protein shake. It's good
protein. It's good for you.I'm just just going straight from here to
the gym. So wait, it'spurple thought radioactive. It's a it's a

berry. It's a very protein shake. Okay, goodbyes. So okay,
So this song we're about to play, Then There Was You, is on
the soundtrack for Garfield. A lotof stars involved in this, yeah,
the voices of the stars, right, yeah, And so they always usually

put the great songs from the soundtrackon at the tail end and the credits
of the of the film, andyou were telling Nate like, God,
it's just no one's going to knowit's even there. It's like, it's
at the end of the film.Yeah, that's like the biggest song of
the film. And you didn't knowthat. I mean, you're actually in
it. You didn't know that.I did, right, Okay, I
did know this, But my motherjust like, oh, You've got a

song in the film. And I'mlike, oh my god, it's in
the film. And then I'm like, where is it. He's like,
it's at the end. Yeah,And I was like, oh, okay,
But you have to know that nowadays, most people don't leave during the
credits because a lot of movies nowdo like bonus scene, right, So
you may have everybody's full attention,right, maybe, yeah, especially the

Marvel finds out that they that there'sa there's like a little scene from the
sequel. There gonna be a Garfieldsequel. Who knows. You'll have to
watch the credits. I'm ready.So it's not technically in the film.
This is what I said, isthe end. It is in the film

until until the very last frame.It's still the film okay, all right,
is in the film in the Titanic, wasn't it The Celine's done pretty
well. Yet she got a newwatch, she got the hot after that,
she's okay, so you had togo dinner. I set you up

my friend's restaurant. God so good. The food was just delicious. Everything
they brought out. I was justabsolutely inhaling it down. It's delicious.
Well, I said to him,I said, look, Callum Scott,
big deal, bring it, bringout those you know it's it's Did you
tell him about the song at theendry movie? They tell us guy with
the song at the end of themovie. I say, it's end the
movie, which sounds like end.Yes, I did have the giant cheeses.

Delicious. It's like a big asscheese it. The restaurant is Gray
Wind. It's near Hudson City.Back to Lorraine Place next time anyway,
and then so tomorrow morning, okay, well we'll get back to Ed.
Shearon opening up for Ed Sharon.Okay, so you've got to travel the
world India. I mean, youtravel the world. You're opening for arguably

the biggest concerts of the season.There you are, did you ever stay
and watch him. I mean afteryou got off stage. I mean you
can actually go out and catch afilm or something that the end of the
Gofield movement, you could technically youcould say that Ed Shearon was at the

end of the Calum Scott performance.Would you ever just kind of stay backstages
to kind of watch the show?Yeah, you saw it a lot.
Yeah, we saw maybe like sevensix seven times meet and the bad and
then when you get family and friendsof you watch it again and you watch
it through a new paradise. Butit's he's just so good. You're not
at the Bark Plays tonight with him, are you? I'm not. He

has a reason to get up early. It is all mad about this.
Yeah, I'm going to the tothe Today Show. That's awesome. So
it's like a four am ghetto.And I'm an old man now, so
I can't get up. Shut shutup. I turned I turned sixty in
August. Can you you did know? I was not August yet? I
will? You are not. Hedoes don't want anything either for his big

birthday. What are we gonna dowhen you're I'm not kidding. When you're
my age, you forget how oldyou are. If someone asked you.
You're like, uh, and youhave to use a calculator and figure it
out. I do anyway, Soyeah, holda Holda and Jena the host,
they're very good friends of mine.Tell him, I said, Hi,
I will, They'll treat you nice. I hope too early. Okay,

I gotta play the song. Arewe done? Is he leaving?
I don't know what? Do youhave other things to do to? I
mean, I'll just stay here incar host all day. You could,
no, we'll host. I believeit. The giant cheese it okay at
gray Web. It's a cheese itbut it's giant, it's huge, It's
it's it's the largest cheese that I'veever eaten. Yeah, it's like the
cheese is drank my protein shake isIt's a counterbel It's very toasty, too

delicious. I want to play.We have texts. I absolutely love Callum
Scott, my husband, and myfinal dance song on our wedding day was
Dancing on My Own, which iskind of weird. It's kind of a
sad song. Would you dance withthis? I know when people say,
like most people will dance to youthe region, Yeah, if they're going
to use a comp Scott song forDuncing on my Own feels a little bit
counts productive. I want to bewith you for the rest of my life,

Dancing on my own. It's gonnabe a great marry. I'm very
I'm very grateful. Thank you forusing. Also, they're bringing up the
Phillies. Oh my god, Icannot tell you how much I am in
love with Philadelphia. Okay, well, okay, so tell us story.
Philadelphia loves him the Texas. Hissong became the song with the Phillies locker
room for the last two years.Oh my god, you're in a locker
room with the guys. I meanI wasn't, unfortunately, but no.

The thing with the Phillies is theytook Dancing on my Own the Testa remix,
and so they started playing the songas a celebration, and then they
had the whole season where they playedit and all the fans loved it and
they loved it and that was great. And then the second season they usually
retired the song right the next seasonand they started playing something else and they
were having some rotten look and thenone of the guys was like, you

have to bring back Dance on Myown so they played it and they started
winning again. Wow. So likefor two seasons they started playing that song
and we were so desperate to goover. But we are so respectful,
but baseball is a little bit superstitious. So I'm just like, listen,
I would love to come over andperform the song, but it's when the
players want me there. Yeah,you know what I mean. So if

you're a Phillies found and you're listening, I was wanting to come. It's
just a guy. By the way. I don't know if you know this,
but Philadelphia fans in general, forall other sports are the roughest crowd
the hat I mean one year wewere we were at a game, Eagles
game, Santa Claus. I believeit was an Eagles game. Santa Claus
came out on the field and theywere throwing batteries at its Santa Claus and

I went there wearing a Giants jerseyduring the playoffs, and I was laughed
out of this. That was whydid you do that? Because it was
frigging mind But you're in Philadelphia alittle disrespectful anyway. Yeah, so when
you did, uh, you're thereason with with Leona Yeah, yeah,

she's incredible. Man. She SoI saw like a connection between you two
on the video. Yeah, maybeI am straight. I'm gonna come out
of this room straight, just onbumble. Just that's what we do people
straight. We're all about the conversion. You're come in one way. I'm

afraid to leave the road version.Spot this one, friend, sounds like
you're singing in a shower and getin the Phillies locker room. If you
were texting it and asking me ifI'm drunk, I'm not having fun.

Kid, a guy have fun.I'll be accused of being a drunk.
I'm a drunk, but not now. Oh my good. It kicks in
right, just yesterday. It justkicks in like a kick, just comes
in. Here we go, herewe are. You're a can you handle
it? So? Why do theychoose this? It seems like an odd
song to play for a baseball team. It's yeah, I mean people playing

at weddings, people playing at baseballgames. I don't know, I don't
know just where everybody's feeling the vibe. Just don't question it. Just let
all right. We got to playthe song from Garfield. Yes, then
there is You, Then there wasYou. It's a nice upbeat song.
It's very cute. It's it's cute. It's cute because we got the brief
and they were like, this firsttime I've ever written for a movie.

And they were like, here's thebrief. It's about Garfield. But I
would stop, stop everything. Thisis how that happened. To walk us
through the process of being asked towrite a song for a film. It's
more than just I mean, there'sthere's details here, go, yeah,
there's yeah. I mean I've alwaysbeen wanting my dream is to write for
a Bond song. Oh I thinkthat would be and I'm putting out there

into the universe. Don't you wishyou were like thirty years older you could
have written the theme for Octopussy,especially now my new sexual orientation. Hey,
there's nothing to do with that.I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Did you ever see that film?I didn't. It's all you're you're
a Bond fan. He haven't seenOctopussy? You've seen and haven't you?
Of course I've not seen. Whowould you like to be the next Bond?

Do you have any I I thoughtI felt would make an incredible Okay,
because he's a great. He's greatin Luther, and I think he
would. I think he would makeit perfect. But I don't know.
I've had little rumors that it's goingto be somebody else. I don't know
if I can say I don't knowwhy. It's malicious rumors. Again,

Yes, yeah, I don't thinkI can tell you. We cannot tell
Callum Scott anything ever. Again,he's on the Elvis dry boarding show giving
away. I don't know you wereYou're like a treasure trove of secrets.
Oh, I know you wait,Pandora's box. But you know the thing
with the Garfield thing, we werejust given the brief. We were given

like this because you know me,I like making people cry. That's my
calling in life. So I waslike, when is Garfield going to cry?
Like what a strange in the movie. But it's to do it.
They showed me like some slide showsof the there's a moment in the film
where Garfield's a little kitten and hemeets I think his name is John.

Yeah, so he meets John forthe first time and John sat there having
pizza feel and really kind of lonely, and then and then Garfield appears.
So then there was you, andso I just wanted to write this cute
thing about when they met. Whenthey met, Oh yeah, yeah,
little, but that sounds like abeginning of the film song. Yeah well
yeah, and it's right at thevery end. Even though we told you

the entire Garfield story, We're gonnatake you back and tell you how you
met John. He wait a minute, I want to play the song,
but I keep jumping around because Iguess I'm on it. You did a
concert for the King of England.Yeah, whoa, Yeah, that's mad,
isn't it. Every time I thinkabout it, I'm just like,
what, Yeah, in his backyard. Yeah, in Windsor Castle. Yeah,

in Windsor Castle. I went therewith Pop Royalty take that and we
stood on stage and we performed asong together, and I saw His Royal
Highness in the box there with thefamily, and it was incredible. I
mean I came off that stage andI just beloved. I was so I
think I was so proud to besinging from my king, singing for my
country. It just felt incredible.Your mother growing up with the royal family,

Yes, Queen Elizabeth god restrosult yeabless her to see her son performing
for the King of England. Hey, do you know what's so funny?
I said to my mom. I'mlike, look, I've been asked to
do this thing for the King.I've been asked sons ready know whatever?
He sent me a request on invitationon Facebook. No, I've got I've

been asked to do this thing forthe King. Would you like to come?
And I think she thought that itwas going to be the coronation event
where they're all sat in Westminster,Abby or where they wherever they do it,
so she was like, Oh,it's not really my thing. And
then and then she saw the concert. She's like, oh, that's what
I missed. She'll go to thenext door. Don't worry. I took

her car back off her. Well, so you're performing for the highest of
royalty, of course, in thecountry in the world. Well, I
mean, what do you think whatgoes through your mind while you're performing?
Just just get me through these lyrics. I don't want to screw this up.
Or you're like, holy crap,he's looking at me. I mean

he has the power to behead.Yeah. Absolutely, So I'm just sat
there like, please bring your agame, callum, because I want to
keep my head on my shoulders.It's very large, but but it's mine.
Yeah. No, it was insane. I think that's why I got
so upset when I left the stage, because there's so much nervous energy.

And anytime I'm performing for anybody,I get nervous, whether it's for the
ed cheering crowds, whether it's myown crowds, the King of the country.
I think I get nervous on everyevent that I do. But I
think with it being the King,with so many people tuning in all over
the world, it was just itwas a lot. Wow. Yeah,
yeah, I'm sure he had alike sleep for three days. Like I
remember one time we actually we actuallyflew to Paris just to see your perform.

Oh wow, you're in Paris andwe were in actually we were in
London and we we tubed over.Yes you did, we did? Yes
she did. That was twenty eighteen, is it. I don't have dates.
I don't know. I'm a groofie. All right, he's telling us,
we're really like, we got toplay the song, all right,
Nate's no fun, Nate, nofun name. I said, let's take

a break so we can come back. Oh okay, Well I know,
but are we gonna keep everyone?We'll be fine, We'll be fine.
Just take a break, we'll comeback with more. Oh wait, so
I don't know why? Why doI? I don't think of it a
point in my career. I don'thave to push buttons anymore. Hit the
I'm gonna hit the beat, allright, Callum Scott. You gotta hear

the song. You're gonna hear itnow before you see Garfield. Yes,
it's gonna be pretty PI the MercedesBen's Interview Lounge. Lenny Kravitz, you
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com. Slash eq Elvista ran inthe morning show. Hey, thanks for
sticking around, because we have moreto say and more to hear from Callum
Scott. We just had a greatconversation with him. Daniel, Yes,

during the song, Oh yeah,very serious. Deep. I'm yeah,
we got deep. We got deep. It's just interesting how you made a
statement. I thought it was veryinteresting. You said music has opened up
this entire world for me. You'retraveling around the world. You sang for

the King, You're sitting here nextto me, the exactly you know what
I'm saying, pretty deep stuff.I know he's saying that he's going to
be going to Singapore soon. Andyou mentioned that not only do you perform
in all these incredible venues, butalso you do you you'll do a wedding.
A lot of people love a lovesong and they want to dance to

it at their wedding. So youhave people around the world, especially in
Indonesia m hm, say get yourass over here singing our wedding. You
must have. It's just crazy,isn't it. Like I just get a
message from the manager like we've gotthis. You know, we request fee
to sing in this private wedding inBali, and I'm like okay, and
you go over there and sometimes likeit's a complete world of Like I was

just saying to you that there's thisone wedding. It's like floor to scene
in high screens everywhere. They youknow, they had carrots of gold in
the party favors. They were likethey really went to town. But it's
like and to be part of thatand to be part of that world is
just crazy, the crazy rich AsiansCaldam Scotch to perform. I'm taking a

question, but look at your passportmust be I mean it's constantly I'm constantly
to apply for new ones. Soafter you leave here, you do tomorrow
morning, you do today, andthen you hop with a plane and go
to London and then you fly outto Singapore, Singapore and then and then
I come back and then I've gotsome stuff to do in the UK.
I'm going back to Britain's got talentto perform the Garfield song, which is

cool. We got to play thatfull circle exactly. So look at this
life you never dreamed in a millionyears, never dreamed in a million years,
Elvis. After I left school,I was so undecided about what I
wanted to do. I was like, right, I'm just going to get
a job. And I went intohuman resources. So I've gone from like
big up all the human resources outthere, but I've gone from dealing with

parking complaints to time with that cheering, and like everything in between has just
been totally crazy. Like I pinchedmyself all the time. I was saying,
I love the fact that you seemto appreciate every single moment and that
you don't take anything for granted.No, never, yeah, never.
It's like I think it's the kindof lessons that my mom and my grandma

and the strong women in my lifehave given me over the years, Like
just be grateful for every moment.Take out, you know, show your
gratitude like and I do every singletime. I always make sure that I
say thank you to everybody. Itake five minutes at the end of my
show to be like, I'm sograteful that you guys have taken money out
of your pockets, money that you'veenned, that you've worked hard for,

and you've spent on me, andthat means so much. And yeah,
I have this big spiel, I'mso grateful that I took money out of
your podcast. The March store isopen. I must make an assumption.
I bet you've got a lot ofthis from your mom. Yeah, yeah,
yeah, she's been I mean she'sbeen mom and dad for all my
life and she's been incredible. Yeah. So I hear you with all this

crazy flying here and flying there.You're coming back to New York in October,
I am. Yeah. We're announcingsome shows in a few days.
We've got an announcement to make andI'll be coming back in the fall.
Come on, exciting. It's veryexciting, and it will be my biggest
show in New York so far.Can we get Yankee Stadium? You can?
You can't get Yeah, you canget tickets. I'm announcing it on

I think June four, So youjust head to Calmscott dot com and so
you'll get them. We're gonna playthen there was You. So if someone's
just turning us on, Calum,tell the story, because it's a it's
a great it's a great visual,it's a great it's good optics, Okay
for what the song is all about. Okay, So everybody knows the tale
of Garfield, right, the selfindulgent, hungry, hungry We all know

him, and we've brought him tolife again with Chris Pratt. There's a
voice of Garfield and uh, youget the origin story of how he met
John and that's that's kind of wheremy brief was for the song. I
mean, the song is at theend of the movie. That might be
the best the best part. Hey, you love Adele. Wasn't her song

at the end of the movie forJames vond That's true? You know,
look what happened to her that gother quite well? Residency in Las Vegas
said it might have been at thebeginning. Sorry about that. Damn it,
my worst night hasn't been realized.Well, look, everyone's gonna flock
to see Garfield as it is.Just understand you need to stay and support

our Calum. Yeah. Please,he's a very great movie. He's grateful
that you took the money out ofyour pocket to pay for the movie.
To come see a saw and tosee him in October in New York and
you on your tour. And what'syour website? Is it is Callum Scott
dot com. The American stated,Kalem Scott do they do? They always
say, I have never called you, Kalum, You never have You know,
you're a sweetheart. I'm the best, all right, So I'm going

to play Then there was you loveit. It's another crazy journey in your
crazy life. It's just unreal becauseGarfield. Yeah, I know, I
know. It's the first time I'veever written music for a movie and that
just so happens to be Hollywood movies. It's crazy. Congratulations and it's good
to see you. And he smellsgreat, right, I still smell like
him. I'm taking it home withme, lovely. I'll just tell my
husband don't worry. He's gay.I think we don't know. I think

you as you know, we convertpeople. I'm going to play it for
you and then don't watch him onthe Today Show tomorrow. Listen to our
show. Maybe we should play himat the same time he's going to be
on, so this way people haveto come here. Yeah yeah, no,

enjoy, Enjoy the rest of yourtime. Beautiful weather in New York
City, Oh my god. Yeah, sweltering. I've just been in LA
for a week and it's been hotto here. Yeah. It usually is,
isn't it. It depends on whenwhatever it's weather. We're really having
that shallow weather conversation and the traffic, there's the bagels and the it's New

York. Callum Scott. Then therewas you, Yes, thank you from
the very end of the film,Garfield, Oh it sounds cute and bubbly
already. It's cute in bubble,it's extrofescent. Thank you, callum,
thank you. Never had those threewords in the mom
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