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July 16, 2024 9 mins
Today we read a thread of celebrities that people find suspicious. What celebrities do you find suspicious?
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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning Show. Oh was it Reddit?
Is that where I saw this articlethat you saw Danielle the celebrities you
find suspicious? I know it wasa thread? Was it Reddit? Might
have been? Yeah, I don'tknow. There was a thread online talking
about Yeah, these different celebrities,some of them I agree with. Right,

Well, you know, and itjust stems from the fact that,
you know, Ellen DeGeneres was outthis weekend saying that she's quitting showbiz once
her comedy special drops. She says, that's it, yeah, and someone
asked her, well, are yougoing to do any more comedy? She
said no, I was very clear, I'm not doing show biz ever.
Again. That's what she's saying.Wow. They think it stems from everything

that went down with her where everyonesaid she was mean and all that stuff
probably had to do yeah, withher being canceled a few years ago for
supposedly being a not so nice boss, and of course everything going on at
the show. People were she actuallylet producers go and giving them the blame
for people being or feeling mistreated atthe show. What's that, Gandhi?
Isn't she headlining at Radio City sometimesoon. I just saw her on the

on the Marquee. Yeah, butshe says she's done. I mean,
she's just finishing her She's finishing everythingshe has agreed to and then she's done,
right, Okay, Yeah, shehas a couple more things going on
and then that'll be it. Anduh but they say, and I think
in this special that's dropping as well. She actually talks about a lot of
this stuff, which is not funnystuff. I mean, it's very serious.
She talks about how she was consideredthat she felt the most hated person

in America, which I don't knowif that's true, but she felt that
way anyway. So there's this threadonline that Danielle and I are talking about
where people are talking about other quoteunquote good celebrities, but they're suspicious of
them. Most of these they're justvibes on actual proof. It's just kind
of a silly list of who somestars may or may not be who they
seem to be. So the onethat we know is not well, first

of all, the one that weknow is not true is Michael Bubley because
it's some say he isn't as cooland calm as he lets on dude,
Michael Boublay is what you see iswhat you get, if at least in
our world, maybe behind the scenes. But he's always so nice and he's
just he's never takes himself too seriously. He's out to have a good time.
He just that's how he is.You know what it could be with

Michael bouoble yea his performance is blacktie and tuxedo with an orchestra behind him,
you know, singing songs that arelike classics from the nineteen forties fifties,
and then when he's got his tuxedooff, he's wild. I mean
he's crazy. Yeah, he's awesome. So maybe they're seeing two sides to
him, but neither side is suspicious. I don't think Gandhi. I mean

he's great. I think he's waycooler than people probably think he is.
But I wouldn't call him cool andcalm. I don't call him calm.
He very frantic. Yeah, yeah, in a fantastic way. Ok So,
but on this list, who elseis there? Rachel Ray is on
there. Some people say she seemsfake. One person said she might be

a rible person, but at leastshe can't cook. Is that a joke?
That joke. She can cook.And I see, we've had different
experiences with Rachel Ray. I everytime I've been around Rachel, she's been
extremely cool. Yeah, but youdidn't agree with that. Well, it
was just back in the day whenwe first met her. A lot of

the women who were on the showthought that she was more responsive to the
men than the women, that shewasn't really paying attention to the ladies as
much as the guys. And that'sit the wrong way with a couple of
people. Okay, but I thinkshe's great. She could have changed,
she could be different now. Imean, we haven't seen her in so
long, so who even knows?All Right, So some people think Rachel
Ray is a nice, good celebrity, but at the same time they're a

little sus Okay, who else ison the list? I like the next
one. Ryan Seacrest is on thislist. Guy, let's talk about it.
Well, do you see what theysay about him? We'll go ahead
and read that. One person saidhe he has a well in his basement
and a yard full of buried bones. I can feel it, Okay,
So I don't know. We've heardgreat things about Ryan. We work with

him. Yeah, I mean,anytime I've ever met Ryan, he's been
very nice. He's always in God. He has his Ryan Seacrest studios and
children's hospitals across the country, andhe does good things. But for some
reason, and maybe he likes it, people are suspicious. Yeah, all
right, go ahead, all right. Gwyneth Paltrow on the list because people

seem annoyed by her, And oneperson said, I mean, what do
you think the goop is made from? So yeah, I don't know.
I mean, I mean, Idon't feel I don't feel like I've ever
heard she's not a nice person,that she's not you know, I don't
know. I don't know. Maybeit's because we don't know. What do
you think? Gandhi, I'd agreewith that one. I don't know anything
about her. I've never had anyencounter with her. I'm just going solely

based on some of the interview clipsthat we've seen and some of the products
that she promotes. I don't knowwhat's going on over there, but it's
something weird. She might be highmaintenance, though, I think maybe because
I mean, on Goop everything isso expensive and stuff you really can't afford,
So maybe she's more of a highmaintenance type person. You just think
about her skiing into that guy onvacation and then she tried to sue him

for ruining her time. And Ijust find that fascinating. I forgot about
that, Yeah, I forgot aboutthat, all right, Okay, Okay,
Jack Nicholson. They say his imagehas softened over time, but there
are people who are still creeped outby his scandals in the seventy including his
association with Roman Polanski. So yeah, okay, yeah, so there's that

one. Adam believe the next one, Danielle has an opinion about the next
person who seems very suss. Yeah. So Adam Levine is on the less
Some people believe he may have soldhis soul to the devil for his fame,
or maybe the cost was just hisquestionable tattoos. So we have all,
well, I know I have.And yet Elvis has had some contact

with Adam Levine over the years,and Adam Levine loves Adam Levine, let's
just say that. And he toldme once, Can I say what he
told me? Once? We weredoing it. We were doing an interview
and it was he and I andI was telling him how much I loved
him. I was the biggest AdamLevine fan. Years ago. I had
seen him on SNL. I wentto the studio everything, and I was
said, oh my gosh, Ican't wait for your new stuff to come

out this and he said this,I could poop on the floor, but
he didn't say poop and you'd loveit something like that, And I was
like what because as basically saying thatI was so obsessed with everything that he
was doing. And that was theday I stopped loving Adam Levie. There
you go, and I remember Istopped. I remember the day I stopped

loving him as well. And keepin mind this list and admittedly, so
these are just suspicion, suspicious thoughts. I mean, there's no proof in
most of these people that they arebad people except for Adam Levine. Yeah,
I mean love. Yeah, wegot to move. We only have
two minutes, Okay, Chip andJoanna Gaines. One person said on their

show, once Chip found a deadold cockroach to put it in his mouth
to be funny, and that's allthe evidence they need. Trauma that I
don't know. I don't know.Jimmy Fallon. People think his persona comes
off as fake and forced see,I don't. I don't agree with that
either. I feel like anytime we'veseen Jimmy, he's always Jimmy. He's
always cool and nice. But justlisten, I guess compile from people who

definitely have never met him, andthey're making the assumption Ja's always been cool
with us. We're gandha, youagree with that? I don't know.
I love him so much. Ithink he's been again, beyond cool with
us. He remembers people's names,and he treats me. Yeah, I
always keep on my pocket. Thoughpeople are very kind to us. I
wonder how they are with everybody else. No, Jimmy, I think Jimmy's

kind to everybody. But I yeah, wonder. Yeah. I find Jimmy
to be an everyday guy. Okay, moving on this next one. We've
also had an interaction with Jonah Hill. Some people said that the way he
interacts with other people makes them uncomfortable. Whatever that means. Jonah Hill,
when we interviewed him at one point, he was not the easiest person to
interview. Same. Yeah, we'veheard that from a lot of people.

Okay, the next one will Smithand then they just wrote this one seems
obvious. Okay. The next one, mister Bees, it says, no
one seems to have anything specific tohang these suspicions on, other than it's
unsettling that he's done too many goodthings. So I don't know. It's
a weird reason to be suspicious andreally has done so many good things for

so many people, So I don'tknow. And the last one is weird
Al Yankovic, which is weird.But no, no, no, he's
just I've been facing several times.He's he's the nicest guy ever. Come
back around again. I want tosee if you guys want to have him
on the show. No, no, he's suspicious. We can't have him

on. No. I just okay, that's allowed. I don't think any
of us can vounce for anybody.No, we only know our short limited
experience with people, and that's great. But we say all the time,
you know, somebody tells you I'ma bitch, believe them. If somebody
tells you I'm the nicest person,believe them. So I don't know.
Out of every one of this list, though, going
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