Episode Transcript
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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning Show. Here it is summertime,
of course, the longest summer dayof the year today. Did you
guys ever have any long games?You would play corn the cornhule, cornhole,
absolute, botchy ball, badanton.Absolutely, that's ultimate. Horseshoes.
You know, when I bought thisold place out in the in New Jersey,
it had a horse shoe landing.I mean it had the like the
what what would you call it?A field is on a field court,
but you have the court. It'sjust a piece of yard with a stick
coming up out of it. Horseshoes, croquet if you want to, you
know, you don't wear your whites. You have to wear all white if
you play croquet. It's just kindof the rule. Yeah, frog,
I can never get my mom anddad to buy me the real slip and
slide, like the name branded slipand slide where you would hook the hose
and had the little sprigs with watergoing off. So we would say garbage
bags and put dawn dishwashing detergent andwe would just run a water hose on
and go sliding across the thing,and you'd slide off into the grass and
eat muddy. Well, don't youremember we were We were in Florida.
We did the astroglide slip and slidewith Greg team. We did well.
They yeah, they sponsored our morningshow. They said you gotta do something
with astro glide. I said,well, what can we do? Oh?
How about the astro glide slip andslide. Somehow Enrique Iglacias and Pitbull
were involved in that as well,and something one of those long nights.
God, are you about to saysomething about the astroglide slipping slide? No,
just in general with slipping slides,Like how many ribs did you take
out with the garbage bags in thedawn, Because I feel like that's a
breaker. We would go sliding offinto a stick and get stabbed. It
was like whatever it was was justpart of the fun. Well, we
had the slip and slide, butwe also had the water wiggle. Did
you guys ever have the water wiggle? You hook it up to the end
of a garden hose and just it'sit's has propulsion, it's just flies around
the side the head. Yeah,it has like little and then it has
the little Did you have the onethat had all the little tears and all
the sprinkles come out of the hairs, and the guy, oh my god,
no, that sounds way more advancedthan my water. That sounds like
Medusa, the water Medusa. Yeah. Oh, by the way, they're
saying horseshoes. That's a horseshoe pitch, just like in soccer. I guess,
right, horseshoe pitch, all right? Or pit? These horseshoe pitch?
Is it a pit? Doesn't matter. It's it's summertime. I think
we should get out of the yardand play some games. Maybe not today
because it's gonna be like one hundredthousand frigging degrees. But those were the
best days to run through the sprinkler. Those the best. Go ask your
friend, Hey, want run sprinklerswith me? Yeah? And we used
to drink out of the garden hose. Now, if someone gets caught drinking
out of the garden hose, it'slike, you know, dog's pee on
that. Okay, it's disgusting,it's rusted. I just think of all
the bugs that go in there andpoop and die. Oh Scotty did it
yesterday. He posted the picture himselfdrinking out of the hose. He's like
up, still alive, no probertybe what'ning the what's wrong with it?
You drink out of the sink.It's the same thing as just a long
sink. But your sink isn't youknow in the yard where dogs are peeing,
nobody's peeing in my hose and bugsare getting in your hose. Definitely
going your hose. You gotta letit run for a little while because it's
hot at first too. It looklike a thirst trap. Though. You
were like with water coming out allover your face. I was like,
what is he doing? I don'tknow what you're talking about. The guy
who won'tout coffee machines because he thinkspeople are doing tawdy thing. Right,
I know this is my hose,and I didn't. No one's stuck anything
in there, right, not latelywith you around. I know you're sticking
in everything. I got stuffed animalseverything. Anyway, Where where are we
talking about yard games? Yes?Is beer pong considered your yard game?
Yeah it can't be. Zoom isopening the fire hydrant on the corners?
Well, if you live in NewYork City, absolutely, you gotta open
up the pump. Get going.Wow, summertime. It