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June 5, 2024 7 mins
We had an issue that took down several New York stations, we tell you everything that happened behind the scenes!
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Episode Transcript

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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe morning show. You know, we
started our show two hours ago explainingsomething that happened to us yesterday and last
night. At the very end ofour show, we had already sort of
signed off and we were doing ourpodcast. We were recording that, and
then everything just cut off, likethe board, all our microphones go through,

and our headphones and everything. Itwas so funny. I mean,
it was funny. Well if yousaw the video, and I'll explain that
in a second, because you haveto see the video. Danielle, you're
right. And Scotty b who's youknow, he's running Z one hundred,
our station here. It started withhim. He's like, I don't know
what's going on. And it waspanic time, right, I mean,
what was that? Like? Whatdid you experience when everything turned off?

It's a feeling of helplessness. There'sabsolutely nothing that you can do. Because
I was talking to you guys,and I realized that everything here just stopped.
So if people were listening at homeor wherever they're listening, they heard
nothing, and there was nothing Icould do about it. I was pressing
every button that there was here,and nothing happened. So this is the
worst nightmare in radio? Is thatthat was? Imagine you're driving your car

down the highway and you're going eightymiles an hour, and then all of
a sudden, nothing works. Youcannot break, you can't stop the car,
you can't make it go faster,you can't turn left, you can't
turn right. You can't even turnon the radio to enjoy your favorite music.
Yeah, no air conditioning, No, nothing works. I think nothing

works. I wouldn't have thought itwas that funny if I knew how serious
it was going to turn into.Like I thought, like I thought I
was a glitch. First I thoughtit was Scotty's fault, of course,
and then when we found that itwas really serious during the day and we
were like, oh damn, weall have no dares about that. All
that you do, oh yeah,yeah, yeah, if you're in radio,
you have the dead air nightmare.And then you see in this video

scary, yeah, scary bracing forimpact. Well, I was trying to
help Scotty with his problem, andright there Live and Cam has caught it.
I was trying to fix it.I'm like, oh my god,
we're not getting any volume. Themeters aren't moving. I'm like, we're
off the air. And for once, you know, we were having awful
technical issues and we can't blame Gandhi. No, I didn't start the fire.

For a second, I looked around. I was like, what did
I do? Oh? Yeah,Usually she spills things down the holes and
then fires erupted and then it didn'thappen. It didn't, But anyway,
it was a major thing. Notonly us, but all five five stations,
all five radio stations here at iHeartin New York City on fifty fifth
Street. They all went dead,every one of them. And I was
very thankful that Scary was behind theboard and not running down the hallway when

this happened, because you know whathe does. He's starts slamming people into
walls to get past you because ofthe margin shase exactly. He's running to
some room that doesn't exist. Wedon't know where he's going. But anyway,
anyway, so if you watch thevideo, if you're following at Elvis
Durand's show on Instagram, there's justa you got that footage, right,
Gandhi? Was that you that gotthat? No? Was it Deanna?

I asked Deanna if she could pullthe footage because everyone reacted so differently to
the emergency. You know, Scarywas about to take a flight. Scotty
was cursing, Danielle was laughing.Nate was just sitting there like everybody calm,
so calm. I couldn't believe it. Just started recording with Nate.
There's a thin line between calm andjust brain. Dawn doesn't know what's going

on. I don't think He's like, whatever's the corner of my eye,
Jeff racing around the corner and myengineer Jeff. If engineer Jeff is racing,
what else can I do? BecauseI would have called him that.
Okay, I'm gonna all right,all right, hold on, we have
the audio. Can we play it? Because I mean, there's some f
words. Okay, this is justa little synopsis. Looks The craziness here

is It's one thing if you pickyour own fight, but then for somebody
to be expected to come to yourdefense when you're in the wrong. Can
you turn off Scotti's mike? What'sgoing on? We got problem? We
got problems, Houston. This isbehind the scenes right here, This is
real. Well, no, it'snot behind the scenes. It's right here

in the front with us. Canyou turn off Scotti's Oh my dear god,
we're doing off the place. Turnoff your microphone, he said,
he can't turn it off, andwe were trying. We tried to hold

on, hold on, hold on. Unplugged the micro right now. Now,
I'm all here. We're still recording, though we still can't hear you
recording. Yes, we're still rolling. I say, maybe I'm live on
Z one hundred right now. Hello, Hello, Okay, you guys can
hear me right RaSE? Okay,Well I cannot hear you, so I'm

okayn't say anything. Let's just wrapit up, okay, you guys.
Oh what a great podcast. Everyone. Let's see you Gotta go Part two
tomorrow by so. And that's justa part of it. You can actually
watch. You could watch it ifyou go to watch the fifteen minute morning

show podcast. It's us doing apodcast and it morphs into sheer terror.
Anyway, So that's what happened yesterday. But it went on and on all
day, and so our engineering team, along with the people who are working
for the company that's responsible for whathappened, they all worked around the clock
into the night and into the morningto try to get our stations back up.
And this morning I sent a textto engineer Josh and he said,

yeah, you're gonna be okay,You're back on. But it was it
was an awful It's all computers,right, It's computers that had too much
to do and not enough space todo. It is basically the easiest way
to describe it. It's exactly right, Elvis. It's kind of like your
phone if you have all these applicationsrunning and then one of them starts running

slow, and then another one startsrunning slow. That's exactly what was happening,
right. It turned everything off.Is mass chaos, But of course
we're used to mass chaos here,so we just kind of Daniel you can
hear her laughing for the whole thing. Yeah, and uh, anyway,
but so we didn't know if we'regoing to come back on today, and
it's it was a major issue becausekeep in mind, you know, we

have five stations on and they're generatingrevenue for a corporation, and so when
that gets turned off, that's ayou know, that's like like poking a
hole in the gas tank and allthe fuel just flows out. So anyway,
So thanks to our heroes of course, Uh, the engineering team Josh
love you, Josh, Josh andJeff and Rachel and George and uh anyone

and everyone who had anything to dowith getting us back on and they had
to sleep in bad hotels. I'mlike, dude, they should put you
up at the Saint Regis for doingthis. But uh, anyway, it's
without them, and this is notthe first time they've hopped on a horse
and rode into battle for us,and we we appreciate them so much.
Norm will be the last without measure, I know, No, there'll be

more anyway, So there's that.So yeah, it was just a it
was a crazy day and we gotwe got to go home and sleep in
our beds. They stayed, theystayed, and they took care of everything.
And I think we got the leastchaotic of the chaos because I heard
that there were other studios where peoplewere speaking off the air, just talking
to each other and everything went outover the air. Yeah, that was

horrible live on the air. He'slike, fu duran ye I do I
do. Anyway, we're back.We're back. But you know, again,
to our heroes, we appreciate themso much. Wow,
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