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May 31, 2024 10 mins
Someone wants to speak to ourmanager... some of our content has been deemed NSFW! Do you let your kids listen? Do you think we can be too raunchy?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe morning show, we should bring back
the let me speak to the managersegment name anytime you want. I mean,
well, really, well, haveyou watched people? I heard from
our text message department in the backthat people were complaining about our show today?
What let me see what they say? Yeah, but the people in

the back as reporting back to me, why do you guys always talking about
Pooh on your show because that's whatpeople do? Okay? Well, whoever
answered said, well, we allpooh? Are you triggered? Are you
triggered over pooh conversation? Well,that's not nice. And then we got

to complain from a parent who isThey were very nice. By the way,
we were talking earlier about that clubthat used to be in New York
City. Danielle of the Vaults,guys, I love you. Iall listen
every day. The conversation about theVaults this morning went too far. Please
imagine you're in your car with youreleven year old trying to explain why Elvis
is talking about men putting their dI can't say ds through a chain link

fence. You guys are better thanthis. Well, no offense, mom
or dad, We're not better thanthat. Oh my god, do you
know the visual I am right now? This poor dad getting a phone call
from school today at recess today.We just wanted to tell you what your
son was doing at the fence.Okay, I don't want to I don't

want to offend anyone. And welove listening people who listen to us,
But this show has never been meantfor eleven year old. We talk about
suggestive things all the time. Wedo it in a way that we can
legally get away with it. AndI'm sorry, I mean, I don't
mean to offend. Should at leastbe twelve. Sorry, Look, you

know, I don't know. Idon't know what it's like being a parent,
and so I get it. IfI was a parent with a eleven
year old in the in the car, I would not turn this show on.
You turn it down. You justhave to turn it. If you
hear like us all of a suddensay certain words, you turn it down.
Well you sometimes you can't be fastenough. And now here's someone else,

you know, Gandhi. You're talkingabout how your Instagram was flagged and
now your name on Instagram baby hotsauce. Yeah it is like flagged because
it has the word baby in theword of hot in it. Yeah.
So this person keeps saying, Ithink I'm the reason Gandhi's Instagram got flagged
for sexual content. I can explain, I know, but they've texted it
like ten times. I gotta blockyou. You better get that. If

you want to get in touch withthe call them now. If you send
us messages over and over and over, we block you. Just let you
know. You think it could bea glitch though in the system, or
that they actually hit ten times.No, it's someone who wants to get
our attention, and obviously they did. I'm talking about it, but I'm
gonna block them. Good Bye,better you, better go, better go,
better go get it. Get thatnumber. I wonder how many people

we've blocked over the years. Peoplethis day say things that just piss us
off, right, you know whatI'm saying? Oh yeah, yeah,
we're easily offended. What are yougonna do? So we talk about poop,
we talk about men putting their junkthrough chain link fences. I'm sure
when I go home today, I'llget questioned by my kids. So Ma,
tell us about that time you anddad went to the vault. I'm

like, oh jeez, and thenaked man was licking Mommy's toe. You
know. Wait, no, seriously, we are not a show for eleven
year old I get it, butwe never have been. When we first
remember Scary You were here. Thenwe started doing the show, and they
always Tom Polman was the program director. He said, you need to have
a mommy and me show. Alwayskeep in mind it's mommy and me in

the car on the way to school. No, I'm not going to do
a mommy and me show safe forboth did When did that change? I
thought we had a certain time ofthe morning at one point where we were
like, okay, so this iswe can do it now because most kids
are in after eight thirty. Wewere. Then you want to do the
questionable content after eight thirty nine o'clock, get into that stuff. Our show

is what it is. Look,you don't go to Long John Silvers and
ask for hamburgers. You know whatI'm saying. You know that's I don't
know what that came Long John silverAnyways, I don't even know if here
in Santa Fe we've got them.We still you know, we still have

an olive garden and those are closingdown left right. You don't go to
Olive Garden and order Hamburgers. Youknow, you don't come to our show
and expect us not to talk aboutpenises in chain link fences. Sorry,
I mean, am I coming acrossas an ahole? I don't mean b
But that's our show. Yeah,we can't. And you have to be

able to talk to your kids aboutwhat they hear anyway and say for sure
you know this is this, thisis that you know as a mommy,
you can say that. But I'mnot a parent, so I cannot tell
anyone how to be a parent.I'm not Look, it's got to be
rough in this world. And Iknow that you want to listen to our
show in the mornings and you wantto protect your kids from the filth that
survives in this world. Not myproblem, no offense is I can't.

I can't change the show to discussmore things on their phone on their own
at school, or they may,but that's not our thing. I mean,
I I cannot sit here and defendwhy you should let your kid listen
to our show. Just don't letthem listen. I'm not sorry. Kids
on the playground are talking about wayworse stuff than we I know. But

guys, that's not our problem.It's not you know, you're you're a
parent, Danielle right that we shouldnot sit here and have to worry about
what the kids are hearing on theplayground or whatever. Just because they're hearing
it on the playground doesn't mean we'reallowed to do whatever. No, as
a parent, you choose what yourkids listen to. Of course you have
that you know, and like yousaid, if it's something that you don't
want them to listen to, youhave to turn it off or not listen

to it when they're there. Youknow, what are you gonna And nowadays
we have the replay channel so youcan listen to us when the kids aren't
there if you need to. NowI feel like a jerk. Why,
I don't know. I think it'san interesting phenomenon because I think a lot
of people are so used to justhaving their feed curated to them and everything
that they like and what they want, that when they hear something they don't,

they're like, I'm gonna fix this, But you can't. You can't
fix other people's content. You justhave to What are you doing? What
do you do? You don't likesomething, you just don't you flick your
finger. Well, I know,but they can. They can control their
kids online. Scary think that throat. Come on, I mean, obviously
you want to protect your kids.We all want to protect our kids.
But you know this, but thisis not the show that you should.

You know, No, we've onlytalked like this. I'm not going to
apologize. Mother doesn't like what wesay. I gotta apologize to my mother
had the time and she's you know, I love your mother. You owe
her no apologies. Tell her turnon light FM. It's nice and safe
over there. They're playing a carpenter'ssong right now, like Rainy Days and
Mondays or whatever song they're playing.You know what I'm saying. She's like,

Danny, what did you mean byI'm like, uhuh, all right
now, I feel like like theevil, evil idiot on the radio talking
about mean things. I don't thinkanything was mean, talking about penis system,
chaining fences and Pooh. Listen,a dinger through the fence is a
fabulous morning visual getting awards and thisshould be highlighted. You're perfectly on brand.

By the way. Kids love Poohso like, especially boys if they
hear pooh on the radio. Theythink it's hysterical. Is it poo or
farts? I think they're in afart both. No poop and farts.
Everything one's just a preamble to thenext, isn't it? My three year
old nephew everybody, he tells everybody, I'm gonna poop on your head,
So it's all about poop. Whatan awful parent you are, right?

Hold on Live nineteen is Carrie?Oh god, she has a seven year
old. Oh lord, you musthate Carrie, you must hate us.
This is not a good show forseven year olds to listen to. Oh
no, it's perfectly fine. Ilove it. We go every morning on
our commune to either work or school, and she's just in the background,
vibing with all of us, vibing. I know. But if I'm talking

about a gentleman in a club stickinghis penis through a chainley fence, I
mean, do you want your sevenyear old to hear that? I mean,
I wouldn't want my seven year oldto listen to that, no offense.
I don't think she understands what thatis, so it just goes through
my hear not the other Yeah,has she ever asked you a question like
that, you have to explain whatwe were talking about. No, never,

not once. He just laughs whenI laugh. And then when we
do like the guessing games, whenit's like a song or something and I'm
getting mad at the person on theline, he doesn't know. She's like,
Mommy, it's okay, they're trying. Well, Carrie, look,
at the end of the day,we love that you listen. But if
it's offensive for your kid as aparent, that's your decision to turn it

off, right, You agree withthat exactly? Yes, oh yeah.
If I hear something like, ohwell, maybe she'll understand this, then
I'll turn it down. And thenI'm like, are they done? And
then I'll turn it right back up. Mommy, mommy, why did you
turn the radio down? Well,they're talking about petis and a king exactly.
You're standing right beside me now,and she's like, smile and she's
like, oh my God, isthat good? Oh no, no,

no, no, dirty listening tothis God? All right? Well,
look, thank you, Carrie,and we do appreciate you listening to us
every day. You have a greatweekend. Promise I promise, all right,
all right, take care By mykids grew up with Froggy. Like

to me, there's nothing for FroddyFroggy, what pelic frog on a friend
that you should ever put on speakerphonebecause when I call you, if you
don't tell me, there's other peoplethat can hear me. I'm going to
be me and I'm going to saywhatever I want to say, and that's

what you expect from me. Butif you don't want that, then tell
me. I'm on speakerphone, andI will temper it. I will understand
there's children around, I shouldn't saythis, this and that. But even
then sometimes my litmus is off andI'll just say whatever, even if your
kids are in the car. Igo on vacation with Froggy and let your
kids hang around him. They learnthings very quickly. But we had fun,
did we not. We had agreat time, yes, exactly,

And the kids are scarred for life.
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