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June 21, 2024 4 mins
How do you cool your car down during this heat wave? We eat cannolis!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning Show. It is so hot.
You know, I was actually doinga search last night how to quickly
cool down a hot car. Becauseyou open that door and you feel that
rush of heat rolled out of yourcar, You're like, oh god,

you know, you know what I'mtalking about. Yeah, it's awful.
So Consumer Reports says the fastest wayto get your air conditioning to kick in
is to be driving, because that'swhen it revs up the cold faster.
Your car's air conditioning works better whenyou're actually driving versus just having it on
in the driveway. Right, they'resaying, open all your windows for like

ten to twenty seconds. It takesthat long for the AC to start cooling.
And then it says roll up yourfront windows while you're driving and leave
the back one's open for like twentymore seconds, and it pulls the cold
air from the front to the back. I didn't know this. Have you
heard about this? No? No, Set your AC in the car to
the lowest temperature, adjust the fanspeed and direction to make yourself comfortable.

If you have passengers in the backseat, you know what, you know,
that's what they get for being inthe back seat. It's not my
problem. Wow. And if youhave one of those cars, like I
know I do, that does thatauto stop when you're in a light,
It turns off the engine, theysay a lot of cars. Well that
means it's not gonna cool as well, so turn that thing off and just

leave your engine on. And uh, yeah, I didn't know you could
turn the auto stop off. Don'tbe a button in your car with an
a with like a circle around it, and that's the auto stop. Some
cars do have a button, somedon't. Yeah, that's but I just
that when you first get in thatcar, you're like, oh lord,

that's you know, you don't wantto put a pet in there, jeez,
or an old person, so meand pets, don't put us in
your car. You're also supposed touse that recirculate button, yes, console,
because it's cooling air that's already cooled, so it's not cooling hot air
cooler faster. It also means youcan't break wind in there because it's just

they're recirculat it's recirculating your charticles.Yeah, yeah, it's fresh air versus
recirculated air. This recirculated area isgonna get fat. It's gonna get colder
faster than the fresh air. That'swhat they say. I don't know.
If it's really hot out, it'llbe hot air. It's trying to cool
so well. So I have thatnew truck. I push the button where
you can start it, you know, from across the way or inside.

So I'm like, here's what I'mgonna do. I'm gonna start this baby
up and go out there. Andwhen when I get up there, all
unlock. It'll hop it it'll becold. Wasn't It wasn't cold the engine
was on. I guess it's moreof a winter thing maybe. So.
Oh. I also have those seatsthat blow cold air up you ass.
Yeah, it's like, oh,there's a breeze. It's always weird though,

when someone doesn't tell you that it'sgoing to be on and it heats,
I'm like, did I Yeah,the guy that turns somebody's seat heater
on in the middle of the summertime. I reach over that. People like
you need to go to jail.Seriously, it's great. Ada my seat
so hot. I love the taintcooler. I love turning on the tin.

Hey, thank you to the Canoliguy. This guy is pretty incredible.
He's rolling around our hallways piping canolis. Yeah, you have to see
this, dude. He he hasthat you know, like this the cigarette
box cigarettes cigars, but it's fullof canoli shells and toppings, and then

he pipes right in front. Hepipes full of his canoli cream weddings on
the dance floor and stuff. It'sso it's so cool. It's such a
great concept for parties. I lovethis. Yeah, the contraption is just
like extrapped to his chest. Hewalks around the building. But but my
favorite part is he's gonna he's gonnago to Times Square and start piping canoli's
for people. He said, I'mnot gonna care. I'm just gonna go
here. Want a canoli? Yeah, you gotta know that's not the sound

it makes. That's not the soundit makes. You gotta know what a
canoe is first though, we foundout some people in the building didn't know.
Really really our secret. Then anyway, Yeah, there's nothing better than
a guy with a canoli cream filledpiping bag. You're aiming towards you.
What's the sound that makes? Again, scary? It goes. I don't

know, it's disgusting. I don'twant to eat it now
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